HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-23, Page 3Ae ri 0 # I' I- - If 7 CA 13 . ',� I "77TF-_ -7-7-�'---7-'�----;--MW,V,�r",--- , . � __ I I I . I ­­ "111_1­"__� I . *VMMW" 11 11 ­_ -11 ­.­ I ­ - _11, � � A"++*+4,4-*++44,k,0.4 0 0 # 0. 6, # * * * * W+ I I -1 I . . I , . t i � i . � i I . k . 11 I ASTHMA-,- � ' V-09 i CURDS, IN . . I ". . 1. HAY KKR � V I I I . � . 0 1 1. - MEAT'S PLACE, . "100plees nightp, ,constant ; GRTTING Ott OXVINO 4 I I A�UVOZIAKO, streaming eyea� � ...... # + ,"���*+," A flying wage,—% place to 4 I oryf�, t6 flout And victor"too SAW? 111t,10"ohance , . WUMV breathinv— . , HIC14 AND CHVESj4 CROQUETTES, 'I of A m= great tisiago . ^ �-, 1, F=MAH . Cut slices of Cold boiled rice which to do— 11 To liv an labor through joy And .4 W43 T01104 Put Up fa, . i% �_ , po' 1148 belon, .pressed while hot into a . ad fr. 14 1, Mold a v the I' butter or dr1p. Tha a .jNdd, for the chance the world I gives YQUI vulei, easily OW41lowe4, Sold br . hilable druggists for a dollar. P11395*10 a rich brown. Melt some Plain American 011oeso--hard. . . . ABU our agents or send card for I pieces grated fine 04 a grater will do—aad what 40 1011'get Xroat the world, ray frIerid? Irce OAMPlo to Templeton% 144. season With, Salt pepQer and autmeg, , Pour at once over tile slices of tried What 1 40 You give to the world, my Xing St. W, Toranto., . . rice And serve, Irlelld? - , , I . And A c lsoory s' grouch N . _ - '___ _q 1. I - " , CHEESE TURBOT. �_ I The beesFtMitacarotor halve or shiftless I I The 04u4ido,tal,s Quslwoatlo�sl I Make a cream dressing from a plat Of milk, an Ounce of butter, halt an V TV I what" Xqu can give or what you go, w I � 1 ' "" I ounce of flour, sc000lsing with salt, I Pepper And a very little mace, : I Into i I , Wave get? . to quffer- asualned to sbirlr, '.FrAjae (Compiled after a perns4i at the "Lives" of the Presidents,) this dressing turn four oun4!qa Qf grat- I ad cheese, preferably the 011411) kind. Butter Ood for the service wIll,ch is your 4e, t, I I (Now York, Life.) I 4 pudding dials, and fill with alternate 14YOrs Of the mixture and ,I ; The world gives back as you give, ray 110'should be born In a log cabIn I In Me Inloot of luxury. / bread lCrumba, Bake to a golden Drown.-, I 1 .4 trtevill, 0, messurs ot 'life Is large or , d Ha ,lbould early in life Manifest a * w4un _vc loadisrallip in boyish. games CHEESE AND JELLY OMELET., f Title combination Is small, . According as you,capacity show; And be Of'U�Qulet,studlous nature. � resnarROly Igood, 'Use your regu , lation omelet re. W doth -but narrow the life YOU He should be self-taugh t, aO Vra da- Alto at tbo head Of Ills .college class . I 011ie, addtng at the last minute a of grated * cheese for live, A generous heart, will larger grow- W- hal U can receive Is God , . III his early manhood h 0 -Shoula not be letereated In. politics, ad should a .tablespoonful - every two eggs, When the Omelet is 'ready to turn spread over It quickly SIV706 . all can e,ars.3F his 0 .WA ward I by an Overwhelm" bAlf .,A 61404 of currant or any tart 'Jolly. I � I — Ing vote, � THV� C;ETTEns AND THE GIVS'0-11 11 AW He Should marry early and look around until early middle age before POTATOES STUFFEI) WITH CHEESE. Which are you, a getter or a giver? DO 119C let "What can I'getl what Can Selecting a bride. Ilk should be the uncouth. rugged . . I ` � Bako as many potatoes of uniform . 'Size as needed. When I get!'� ring In your ears too Inalsteat. IY-��WAWI. out lest It be. the funeral strength of the backwoods and the Acme of manly grace and Polish. , done cut A , small slice, from , pno and to make � tbmm stand upright. From I)e1l, of your life, tile death knell of , Your sets). He should be a gentle, lovable book- t end, $coop out the Inside. i put it Getting. Is good it it does not crowd out $lying, As long life is c travei!pr to the tar ends of the earth. .* through a Potato ricer, and then mix, the Potato with grated cheese, one as Well- 1- 01"''. __ - L - .­ . . I __ Be, should shrink from harming 6, ­ ounce, for eveV four medium-sized - . - 0 . I ­ ­ .---- I . I L . . I I I . � 1 �­7, 7'" ,� I I :� P , . I ..."IlllllljilllNm , ,, I � 0 . ,� 1� 11 - - . . 1 . ii A N 4 Al 01 0 9 0 0 -1 .1 .. Ir ! �! 01:co Poll, .--. -1 ­ , ., �, �,�, I � V, 4 —, 11 ,V,�� " ­ - 4 .-N, I .. � Al �. - �� Q17 , , � 114 96STINQ AIQ FOR WRA,KQXL,. �$ ;,I,r 1 4 1 - ; , I � ­ I.$. < '41, X I ... 1, ' houtsc,, formerly of t ( , Lhs $rjt,o - I � 111) y - �,(� "M"' . ,, 10 Ar F s who hao'strelv0d Im ,�­, , �;11) I . New Yos;Z.11190 onliat Arnarloo �,',,�,N. , n gfir. . .� .1-111,11 - / rn*" for tlirVloo With (Jed. Wrst)9*1 11 .... I I � � L ., Against the ftlshovlkl in Poland. .1 . I I �._?__ ,� -1, � . - Or . I ,�, � ' I 1:�"L - *th - .. ... 01 1 1117 - .... . Chats It I L � I - I I is I the Doctor',, I " __ ____ ", � -�� KQD ...... 4) __ ­­ ­ . I — The 1111101031&e of Mind and body so . I often felt in close stlialmor Weather IS ­___ i similar In 410,117 respects to that *hia L , I I - follows 4 prolonged stay in 44 111,T64. , . livery Fire Hazard about the place should be elimilualed. Fire Pre�ention simply nieans *the gaving of mil. tilated room. It IS ,due, to a lack. � of . . r . � ." lions in property, and more In life. t,,%j,-,�Z-��­.. , - - ... I Stimulus to the ,skill, such its to pro. I --... - - I . __ 11­--�� . -_ I I , vided by moving air or expoenro t6 1 :� I —..;..;_ .__ - . - - ; ­ - r - . . � ___11%ft0~^^.W_*.__________ ____ 0 ' -0 L - — , - i - Cold. The actual Costs . L, Spite thel­`gre food vaue. They are ' I i . I . ,tituents of the , . ," I I . 1. _ r I 4+- - � L . ., I I - �, grown In tho ark earth,'and never 11 -1_ ths caravans that moved between air ml�y be much tile same as In moroL 11 �� I . . .. i . � . .. .1 : L , ! 11 . . L I . I :, 0 I I SOME NOTES I ey are apt to make Persia and Egypt, alld India and the braci g conditiquS.A It 14 ibe absence , . 'I "' the "" " - L ,A . , 1, I "L,' L In M = cE . one, dull. Instead Of Potatoes rice to L 0 11017 land and Syria, It IS btillt In a, of. Movement Which I I i�: . �` �:i I _% .. . rRules F - r All Vthe 6 resMist . L I . . used freely, boiled, In croquettes or Ill. Y; - - I colossal bowl Of Pink, and its palaces, P I I �,:, ­ .� . L I - C . OF SCIEN factor. This Is abundantly proved'b)r ,., I . . I . I I puddings. Rice Is full of nourishment �, temples and tombs are carved out Of � I . ____ ---- ----------- �' . I the Immediately � ;� � 1%0%-1?%0k1.1-A-0%0%�_ -w tness the Japanese nation. Its - 11 Coal Hemers solid rock. Certainly some of Its carv" ,� -bracing e9fect. ot 'a * . . 14 , .great merit Is attributed to the fact I - Ing$ are 6,000 5tears old. Its walls pre- . ; . I � 7 WE � . AVE a limited quantity of the genu* " An "Angelus. clock" has just been a .11 11 .. breeze� or a swift motor ri4e. , I.' I . St. Kitts I . . - ine . presented to the Pope, This Inven- that It is i grown In' a sunny climate I _. P1+44_#_6_*+* serve the history of architecture, for I We hear a, good deal, and Juotly")SO" I , *" "O'* 1+0 structures date from the days of - I . Cane S 1% tion, recently patented by an English- I 14ae cnpC4;Arair aamper is an Im- -, � ,'.� . rown West, I and depends entirely upon tile kisses , , . I Ii.: �� 'L Brown _` I . '. . 0 . I ndiiiii ukar, which of the sun. Poitant lb controlling the rate cave men to the magnificent buildings about the benefits of fresh, air, * : " , . we'; , man, Strikes the A1.29elus a,t the ap- k at of Greece and Rome, , � . ' I 1. A dispose of 'ID the original sacks,of 200 )pointed hours, 6 a.. M., midday and , Beets, onions, Carrots, turnips and which the fire burns as is the throttle little about those of moving air, Yet - . To -day Petra has about thirty In. It would be difficult to say WhICU: Sugar 6 p. m. (not at 12 O'clock midnight), Paronips aro�entiroly ell�nlinated of an englAO in coatr6lling its speed abitantS. They keep a few goats, go from the byglottic Vol' F . g from 0 at of viewl, Wito � .-P, lbs. .each at 15 -cents per pound, all charges the disk as they are rown under- - h . I ., ; and makes the pauses for the re. - Pell It to'cheak the fire;; close it to beyond their city into the desert to the"filore beneficial. Let us consider I i paid to your, atation. .1 Spouses, It is an ordinary clock In ground. instead tomatoes-luolous make the fire burn more rapidly, trade with Passing caravans and, alto, for a moment why,this Should ba So 4 L " I t! . - 14 * all' other respects. The Angelus ad- red ones, --Peas, beans, egg plant, eaul. Work It. ,,Experiment with it in the gather, lead a miserable life. They What Is the stimulus provided, bY' . Iflower and cabbage are ree dally re�ulatlon 10 , ,� . ' 7his is tb rare opportunity forlh justment can be f1tted to all existing mmenaed, I your fire, it is have made trouble for Many travelers moving air And why A ,h� L L , ous�koepers, baikers; witho t a hey possess tho warmtho located atthe ba0k, or on top, of the who attempted to visit them, for a , ould it act A� , . � I I . � ; _lb .. I . clocks and Watches U interf er- a t and radi- . 200 I . lumber operators, etc. It is -the real 01"aabioned ant qualities of the sun. L furnace It does? . -L .. I . I _. I . I Ing with tho mechanism. L legend survives that a Pharaoh of The skin is furnished with an,elst- - . . urther from the ground a vege- Just , at � . . .'�, " - 81[ing . all&,that from hid his country's treasures In borate n work of. nerves whIch. PIN F 1.-i, I .. St. XittS Sllgar--4�etter t1 la -u refined for b The f ' E , � SaZ . 6-54h draft, gypt L .. 1.1 brovin brwA, minonleat, baked be,%ns, .dvxk Mineral oil has been discovered in table grows the greater the good ob- below (through the.lift or slide dam� t 0 Xazaell, the 'beautiful building an Important part .1n,'the C � , 1, Delivered to ., serves and ploklas �. pre, .Somaliland, and the British Govern- I outrol O., - I . . talued from eating it, 'per In the asbpit door), is one of thq 11 * which Is to -day known as Pharaoh's the circulation, the respiration an4, , ;N . ment Is - investigAting the extent of Fruits are'used for all ineals,'as best general rules. This checks the treasupo house, I through them the digestive procesises. , - , , Youe ISt'k,ti oil , " * , ", , Samples will be sent to aU 1nW n,ted. , ­ I the discovery. , , much as one Can get, Particularly or- draft by: letting more air Into For Many years they tried to keep These superficial nerves ,are stimulat� . . . . . the I I - - . Rnges', for all through they are of the smoke Pipe and furnishes OxygeX1 white travelers from eAtering the City, ad by the friction of the air against , �,- . L . w4m FOR ".DU%MJAT O'Nosp OR WIRE YOUR ORDER. . The Kookaburra, which is to 'figure, brilliance of a noonday sun, IROCOSsarY for the consu because when the treasure w I-, � L I . .0 mption of as found the skin. They fotm, so to Speak, the I . . ne of - kind laughing jackass of the king a open It and the them. But to- outer defences of the b64y, and In tho' I I . � . . I , 61a * Co., . Canada, Limited ' nor 'Nominally absence of that healthy pr9vocaUo I I y - L I k Any fruit that grows exclusively ly more you hey said It belonged'to n the new Australian stamps is a .t gaSaS_t11S I .Ca ' M � - sunny Climate Is preferable to a more You *keep it open the more the dtay they Welcome visitors. At . I "i, � 1 -fisher tribe, and about the size of a them grown fruit, as the south*ls fire will'bOrn. the city of Petra in a Personal Posses- become inert and lethargic, with tht� I � I , , I .i L . crow. He kills anakes, Is an optimist closer to the sun, and the blossoms, A boose-fitting key or turn damper Sion the sultan of Turkey, and It Is result that the interior . system$ - b - I , S. 706, Notre DaMe Street. East, Montreal.,: .� I ,' Telephone Lapalle, 2361 by nature, laughing at sunrise and theoretically against tut law to re- (!�'-' . I . � . I --- , , , I I - ____ I , I then the fruit, are kissed with more 10catid Ill t110 -smoke -Pipe, between the 0 come Indolent an&'Jotharglc too. . z, . I - I . - -- ---=1.111 Ill I I Ill %1N __ ­ sundown. strength and Warmth by the sun. furnace proper and the check -damper, Civilized ma . I L. i v � ­ ,-! i Ill , " . mOv anything without his permission. = # , , '11., ... I � �__ --.0-0-4.— need of stlmuu has, a�dded to ,thl;§� . , = I I ....... --*---" Will help hold the firs In Many cases, But there is nobody,to stand Watch Itts, , by the clothes'h�. . I I , — baf=ce4,, L" JfMg. as, I ' W ' The M081tva, one of Peter the Great's T particularly where Ahere is Ong and guard the historic treasures. Ev. I � _Wq J I squadron, w a str wears which shutoff the greater pait L . , .4k, Qf'Qther,.; living I g d be a Ot � hich foundered in, 1758, has I dfaft, Partly closing erY traveler helps himself, and the of the surface Of4he body from-th I ., ,W 1. All n an . dev ad fisher- HE TREASURE In mild weather. natives assist him In his search, he � � as well as ourselves, getting is a bless- man and big game hunter. � . Potatoes,! Add butter, a little milk to been found near Llbatk, - the coaling door outer air. Only at Such limited pollst,4 I make the . P- OnlM Fill the potato all d seas- � . check the fire, if you c to Ing to derive a few'cents fol. their Is- As the face and handi does . iu& N0,110,ve to got knowledge before ,HIs_ candidacy should be the result ,mixture creamy, an -We .Cih ,01 It. We have 6 take In of long planning, and he'should burl olls and set it Is reported that the Surface of, OF, 0000 HEALTH the f4re without annot check bor .-Argonaut. I lie , ex-; I before Wo lKn. pmr out, But we have himself into L the race as an !,Un- , In the oven to brown. the Caspian, which Is 27 inetres under I . opening the coaling ___"_.411� PoSe his Skin to lta'effeat$. L Tha�t to to'Ab b0ilt-the unused water in the knowa,', sprang upon pit Unsuspect, . AN INFALLIBLE RAREBIT, , the surface of the sea, has, since the I ---------- L_ door,yoU need propor dampers. Make why, in addition.to the Merle lausett- �_ vitoer &ion grows stagnant. I., e I onvention. I ug use of tile lift or sbdQ damper In the lar activity Involved, -a Walk in a %, . Vod�_ plans to ho I . . Is the way to make a, Wels summer of 1910, kbeen continually sluk- 1EASILY M A IN TA IINE D TH,FIO,UQ!H coaling or Only to let oxygen in to . strong broem Is so invigorating,', or I . 've no *Acuum $a His "keynote" acceptance speech &rTe'b"11 It lug, and that It Is gradually becomfbg 4p Breathe Deeply, . . the glv&g life; the helpful tides ro� shoWd be a model of rippling, logical that will never string: Put A lheonvenlent for! navigation. A com. THE USE OF DR. WILLIAMS, wasume gases, ..1- bathln­ It, 1) o open air or oven pa& I I 0,(Ise things stir. beat . - Molt It. Then pour in Your grated nervc,j into activity, bring a flow, of I I I turn to; Mheir sources, Let me tell oratory and brilliant verbal pyrOtbch large piece of butter In Your pan and missionAas bee4 appointed by the PINK PILLS. - DO not Poke or slice a hard coal . Then Listen For dlir.r. A I t I (anthracite) fire on the top. Dls- blood to the ibu a little Incident, A small manu- ales. or sliced cheese, allowing a quarter . ' Government to study the subject. There is not a nook or corner in turb fire as little as possible. That Bronchial Wheeze I liettlter had a little shop and soveraL Olt election night he should spend , . I Canada, in the cities, 'the towns, the. Wh . . making demands,,upon -all, the lntek-� workmeil., ,He -*WAS La. klAdly, helpftil the hours of ausp bound for each Person, Have readY . The output of coal In Great Britain Villages, on the farms and in the the f ell Putting on coal or shaking 1. I I puse quietly at home. a cup in which You� have beaten With during 1913 was 287,411,869 tons, an lvo see that the check damper In I lor processes w4lch are stimuldto*d , 31143L '� One day a traveller's buggy dirdatlag in, person a large, corps of a silver fork one egg and tablespooia mines and lumber camps, where Dr. th Into greater actim'ly therebY. , . broke down near his shop. This experts at campaign headquarters tab- ful of Worcestershire Sauce, - increase of 27,013,291 tons over the Williams' Pink Pills have not been 0 811161 -we Pipe is closed, 'Dangerous to Nelglect Troubloa V4161factutOr went *to the man's as. Matins the returns. salt) pep- Output of 1912� It is the highest on If the gre Is low, Put On the draft In the 0hest, Throat or HYGIENIC X-VASilREIS * . , . � used, and from one end of the cQun clos ag � . I sistanee, took two of his man from - , Per, mustard and paprika-thii record. I - by I ,'the check damper, Opening Nose At This seas This being tho case', It fomews that their work, and had his bug� y put Into . 0 .­ � . amount for one pound of cheese --and L — , try to the other they have brought the -&g,ftdoor at the bottom, and lot j . � on. . , tralrellifig . condition, To th; surprise the minute the, cheese begins to melt ^ The largest hoisting machines In the back to broad -winners, their wives the fire burn for a few minutes, then 1 , .'mything which;unduly deprives the I -nufac- I' . tilre, a very w6rld are installed In the ash coal. Rough, wheezy Ofkf�-3`-*traveller the ltindlyL mo Sicklt,.. Won start to add your egg Mix and famille the splendid treasure of add a little fr Skin of this netdod stimulation will ­ 'little at a time. When t mines Of new health sand strength. When . breathing mean's also contribute to the feeling of 1,006- .. . he rarebit is 'South Africa, but outside of theta, a burning, and not before, the grates t anger ahead. Every day -You defer itude which results. ' Thd elothln'V',, turer refused to take Pay for the work: 111an On slices of toast or notable Installation of this oharaot4r 0 . thl4 'a d ONO,, said lie, "this Is out of my , YOU ,have only to ask your nelkh' ;f _CCOMMO- - may be shaken. reatment makes it harder to curs. therefore, In summer weather, shbuld 111no, I"am only doing It to a I ' C-oll"U"" StreRgth - corrave,kmys.si'�7se much . depends on tho b ra, and they can tell you of so a Don't shake the grates too much, In I Don't delay. Bron . I chial and lung be light and porous. The cold SpongeIrL . ,dat;, YOO, � I I L cheese this may be a little thick, In late be found In the Granite Mountain rheumatic or nerve-ehattered M roubles are all tOG' frequent. Start . . ­ J shaft of the North Butte Mining Com. "ItLa, mOderate weather leave some ash ude re- which case You Can thin with, a table some suffering woman, ailing youth as on d6wn is an admirable tonle, provided . Now for the - sequel, Mr grattt - Pany, This Shaft Is about being com. top of grates; In s t,Vay With "Catarrhozone," breathe the body Is gradually educated' io members. The tr Vigor, Spirits spoonful or two of -milk, or it It seems or anaemic girl who owes present until you see a overe weatifer shake I ts Pure balsamic vapor. Let its alf- glow In, the ask -pit, withstand the m6re Immediate slio6k aveller was a Man' Z plated and will ultimately have a lift of health and strength to Dr. Williams' The more and'the oftener you shake ach medicine never can, stom- involved. In addition"to regulatl�,g let thin, dash a little flour from the 4.000 feet. The capacity t healing fumes do for you wh IlIfI1180ce. Contract afte.- Contract Ustly of the woes of �romaslhood, ter into the cheese Mixture. , rom this N% for Work he managed t* get for that are due to. kidney weakness. Ordin- Point will be 200 tons per hour, while Pink Pills. 7or Mort than a quarter the fire, the more It will burn, thing so I 1, little %etory until the kindly, bI 'L arilY the result will,b6 just right and from the 2,000 -foot level it will be 3()o of 0, century these pills have been R certain as a Catarrh'ozone Inhaler to t the temperature of the body,, the Wan � boarte4* manufacturer was aim 9- At first the back aches, will not string. ... � tuhs per hour. The hoisting drum Is known not only In Canada, but amove the Ohca dally, and do not strengthen a weak throat, .to. rid you assists the excretory processes by . . Ost Then pains gather around the hips I ___.. . __ - , th-roughout all the world, as a reliable allow them to accumulate In the Ash- of Bronchitis, to drive out catarrh, 111caus 01 Its pores. it belloves.us, 11-1 - 0; L �. " ��- .. Ve- You noticed how kindness flows I I'-,.,, ;�/.,-����,�/����$�"""""`�I Q, The wonderful Success of Dr. Wil- its healthy action. A slack and ill , L I L .awathpe4t with work. "Give, and It and lodge - right In the sidall of the .. - --g,�gO.VAv'w - - 12� feet in diameter and will be driven Pit; neglect of this interferences with I coughs aiid colds. Use Catarrliozone I I shall be given unto You." . bacW. . I ."! 11,41 , 001.� :R�111��p by a direct connected electric motor tonic.'blood-making medicine. the Proper distribittlon of air, and I to prevent, to cure Your winter Ills. therefore, to do dIl we can to promote . Ha 011111 supplied with power from a 9pnerator :� To, stodp or bond seems Impossible., .... �, 11,10K."M I 11.WW1X-1%P,K �14s� . '%!�00,��".Ie�,: . �,/.. back mx,! . WK61WYM1,1/011514,� I will A100 cause the grates to warp I Physicians endorse it, hospitals use ftj . tO'vOu when You gfve kindness? Headaches, are constant, .;:k.' -, �'j�;�.. I sot provided with a 60-tolt flywheel. liams' Pink Pills Is due to the fact or burn out. . skill Increases the tendency to 4POI14 . ..."...01p - *m : Have you noticed how kindness sin' X11happy existence, No pleasure in , ­ �11 .mg.,p ��', The hoisting motor tLas a maximum ' that they go right ,to tile root of the It. Thousands swear by lt. Two , gestion Vy failing to communlCate Its.. I 9-6 A:3&j ,111, �, ta your life when you put a song of joy f The most economical resu ts will be L :11 �s when the body Is overloaded with ... . ::::. .latermittent rating of 4,500 -horse- disease In the blood and - - months' treatment, large size, $1.00; " stimulus to the interior as wall, as Iii in this heart Of another.by a eympa- . I if. -�,�-i'�"PrI�,,�.",'."..�,.-. I , b7- malting had from running a deep fire. Al. smaller sizes, D5 cents And 50 oQnts. Its failure to co-operate In the ollifiln- '. I - ...., ,�� ��f�� the vital fluid rich a' d . �_,.:�k:-,:§.:::- Power. ad re , strengthen � - Poisons that the- sick kidneys cwt 1, .. $1-`--`:X1 114 . every Ways have the fireptit filled with coal all dealers or The Catarrhmon thetle or an appreciative word? Have filter out. . � .1 ­;.�"i 'Organ and eve.ry nerve, th ' ation of waste products',' This is 04- I you noticed that it you are tholpful, and 1,3rit Is �,,,. , 'f,-;�J.?t:,7 �, The Norwegian Government has ac-; drivin "" to.the bottom of the feeder door. ­,.� Xlngston, Canada. a Co" salrably illustrated in the old atory .�f . L bu ght disease JSL the next stage, ? ."m'.- .', 9 Out disease and pain, and I , th011, 90=0 01110 Of )real need I ,can 17-." V�2. - It Is not economy to allow the house �_­__ . . the Itoman. Pontiff, Led X. at,whW . You, there are LalWan hftfuosaea to be prevented by using Dr. ,:��:�,­, .�� quired ownership of many of the larger' making weak, despondent I �f.a A . L �ttrotehed out to you'? I hands Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But. g I ­ waterpowers in the country and to still people temPOrature to drop way down � V:::::"1...,; ,�g.,?",;,�, !" �:� I 'Orl0tt active and strong, Mt. W. T. at coronation a child was gilded from , ,4 , I.N.," �., ' .L 1. - ternut, They core sick kidneys' and 11 engagod In socuring poisesion of Johnson, One of the best kslowix -and night. It takes Just twice as much I�R*;�,t�ii head to feet to tepresidnt an atigol; . . I ��, most highly esteemed men In Luuen- . . 13UV f YOU Just reach out gelfloh arlas 1,�,M.'�.W, .%::::... �. . coal to lieat It itp again next morn- � Xure them permanently, '�;gXlxi�10, ,, others, with thd'idea. of operating. all. ... The story tells that this unfortunktis 1!&A6ffi-.---i t is old world and try to gather %--;'?.-".,--. Ing. , '. ,� . the S,tate railroads from power gen. berg County, N,S., sgys:-,,I,, am child died within a few. hours- froft % 14 11 I When the kidneys work. Properly :� " :..... � a , -ated tili all the Money, and atocka and bosids. ,�..'­­_­ "", .,� � ei a See that the grates work frooly and suffocation, or, More likely from to.*� , and bappluess And Comfort and luxury , re blood Is formed, "-flim.g.. I .at these points. There are a. Provincial Land Surveyor, and am ex - This means nourishment and � . great number of natural Power plants I)Osed for the greater part of the year arojeft to proper position (flat), aemia, which Is more tomMonlycitilisd- t I : of this character In that country, and to very hard work tra,velifng ugh L or oVen All the knowledge -just for strength for the whole body.- �:q thro To leave, fire for night, after burn- blood poisoning. This shows 4AI..' . 11 I . Back aches and dragging pains are ... . ift ': yoursplf. You will! travel a Cold and i there Is little excuse of making use oi the forests by day and canipla I 9 off gases, partly close pipe.dam- lo,aesdh�e road, and you will even Congo forgotten. "., g out by I— striking way how Important It Is . � , : ... any other course of power. The work night, and I find the only ithing,that per, close asupit damper, open check- I the sicin should not be thwarted4 In to be Protitablo. company for yourself, Irre ularittes disappear, �,L;�'I;,­L 1.1''... i�i�-�,I.�i.�:xj�:;Z of electrification has already coln� will keep me up to the Mark Is'Dr. d r, 4. I *;�.,, -0'.$;:,;1'i,:A' �'! 'L StIfIghliess 19 the Upas tree vital energy 16 lgestored,, and happy, , , .. 1�1. alape , I "17., activities aild why lassitude follows 61 � - �;' . - I ­ L.- .T, � ., � Willidbis' PInk-Pills. In the moining It the fire has re- ..-. * L" L ". I ....., f life be. .:.: I .. V, menced on the Dramme-n and Chrls- ... . which fall to p -- neath which none sit U) robust health to once more established. ,i;7-,,,;...-'i'�. �� " �,%i--..-��-,, 1: , V, ��:: ��,:. .", n,aAft ,�, i-.,� ��r,, .." I" I When I loAve conditions . rovide t4.6 rtiends are true riches, and ,,Ila th6d- Dr. Hitmilton's Pills for women -s ;,�;; �",; � .. tiana roadi The OutlaY of money for home for a trip in the woods'l am as calved fair attention the night before, ��` ";L.L,;."�..'..:�,�,;,;,.';":"",L";.�LL.:::.* I ncoesoary Stimulus and re -action. j,`. .. 4 ff,r:Z'.1 . �� , at .ilo " � ­ this work Is very large, that for the Interested In having my supply. ot 10 to !�O minutes should be plenty of l-_ . � , .5, I hath friends Must show hisassuIx IrLona. Ills Is the slogan of thousands to -day. 1111 ��'� .,.,�,-,.:,1,1;.--, - .11.11, 71�-Ml I... "TWILIGi-IT SM-nill" I � , :1 i , - " k"IL". e., ": . ., ,. ... . ly,#* Enormous benefit In many w0,Y1 ...41 1.1;:��.�:';'I'-;','.'.'�"-'Z,I-",L'I" &­­ stations alone amounting to $1g,. pills as provisions, and on such ocea. Lima for leaving the draft door open, ,1.:L-_ .�, . . .''. I M z �� , .I . , - � low their use, And no woman ot 111 �, - "L�'�i:i;:"���i,�.,��i�.,."",�,�,�l 00, but It is anticipated that the siolis, I take them regularly. Tin and the balasco of the day, until fix- '.4 " � ....... L � . I Was asked by a correspondent"s, � . �L�.L*..:.A 1`�:i, ­'�,W-�,_;;'�-� a . ".. t-IL�%!_::'��;';,`.,%,��,, , ..... 1-1'-- 1-1 partiew.- tgW; .1 .1�1......�, ... I.X", `,."'. ­;� .1 9 In thek operation of the lingo result is I Ing the fire for -the night, there sh � ., I little while ago to give some . . -, � ��.:":- " - : .-,�'�l.,T<�l.,-."...:,.--..�'a � I am alwayi- fit. 11611ever 11 11. known as 1%W11191it . . 1. ., :�_.. . ould ,,, . L' .....�;; ...... I,,. ,.,.: ` ., 'IL._� '�L:­, %.� .1 �!! .. . .. "� , '. " of friend general health move good. ..".1".." �!�,�.' , "I take cold a d hn digest all k � 4. ,, lars of the process "Count tot thyself an poor, when heart can 1180 Medicine that Will do I ZIT, n :, , ,l 'L ... !��` . "'.I... Soon justify the expenditure, , i ds of rarely be need for opening again. ,: � ,,.,.�". ,�.,.,.�". ,'.1.,.�5, ,,.N.": ,�.,.N.": . ,�.,.N.":. I�L � .... :.. , ... 4 . . . . . . .1 . I,— - I ... I ::!�%,. .. Mats Wlth� thine Own! For the sake of your kidneys, for �, , food much as we have to When %burning soft coal have slide, I ��::��!� .., Sleep.11 Before doing so, it Is As W0 I P . ­ - I....., .... ... ut up ,.LL.. ''.., L. 11 I.. L "".': 'L " L . And thine with- his; nor jo J%or_ L the sake of your liver, for the ad- The layman watching a tiny hack hastily Cooke with 01. lift . . . . . . I— ­ �111­ - that certain things should be borito .. , - i.,�L.�i�� ,P , ,� Y '10 Valleement Ot YO 01R, M-,Anf4oj�b. L ' saw blade working US way through a a In tile w,00ds. Having damper Ift firing door partly .� I I , 1.:1,"A1\1,P . . . ..;,, . f ur general well-boln Proved the value of Dr. Williams, pink OPem Soft coal requires air over � , , ,",��, . I in wind by anyone Who c0ntetnPlate�s 'row comes - I . :1 11, ­ �, . L_ . � .. . ��, : I � g' Frenoh Piece of steel or other metal I ,... I its experience. It is a process wbWh' To thee, alone!,, u on Dr. HamlltoWs PhY6101'sn Who 'has distmiarod to"' to Pills, as a tonic and health builder I the fire for proper constimption, of, L, I i 9 a method of curing f!llalt with wonder, for It 0 .. li , �, ". � �` -- i Pills, 260 per box. 90886d and tu. Seems like am, never wIthout. them, and I lose gwses,� I .. " � I Calls eSpecially for suitable Conditions ' � puttil � ,#�. " �": , ��'. L:: - I .1 L ... ., . ,�� L . L — . bercular soldlero by inhatation; 6f g a tiny boy to do Me task of no opportunity In recommending them a - a, - .1 ­,�, . '.I L ., k:'i-: - ,,�' L I ­ �', I.; such ag are provided by the Various .. � I . �.. ; , �. ...1. +. I I Thd sunshine, the Showers, the dew Inlagille W1104 No i3aid. the Otftftc of 010vas and etwalyp A, giant. On Account of thq s0verftY Of to weak people whom I Meet.,, When Asthma Carnes do not dea- I . I . I 1118%utions set asIde for the purpoKo. And the Coollot breezes, alike glag: l . L L 1L.'", , " . , - ,:.­ L' I 1". "' . ­ . � �`,%:� ''. "01YO! givel " OftlY the YOXM9 folk who I I been expanded in the Improvement Of kept In ,every, home, and itheir,opea- fe,0014-1)r. X D. Xellogg's Asthma ::.,.. -I- . . 1:" L ��. � �,4 ario experienced In its practice. The pair. Tutra ikt onco to the help el- 'Tg'..."?.'g-. " 11 " ",:_ - and also for a doctor and a nurse who � "L , . .s . ,,.,: ". ,. " ,. ,. "'. , , It had been a hard day for the rag- tus under attarn ptegaure. . - It$ service ConAlderable Ingenuity has Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be , ., L "" , �. . . . . . _ � � � � ', , , , , , 06,vveta will have a song In their VAn. Many and varied had been his "I .. -­ ... , �` L L 1: I �, ". . �:L.;; , h"tts. Let it be first Of all a song of Wanrins ed thesO little blades. The latest idft.,Is 0AY* 'Thils' wonderful �emedy " ;.:.1.�,,-.._ whole, thing IS too risky to be under - atonal Use will keep the blood Pure "'a", XL' I,..., �N gratitude to our !rather, for 'We are the to UVe 60Ything to dispose ot. The WHEN BABY IS ORO' that Of making a Saw Which has a soft, and ward off lllnes�q. you can' got OT" you the aw YO 0 , , " . ... taken except at the hands of TUILLy . g need B 'Un. $F.RG$ VERONO terribly hot and he Wits �. nedle ne (lahl- -�eatchtng FF. qnalifled experts and amid sulta*e uIttioners of His bounry, and go is - 83 flexible .back with hard tampered L these pills through any r I sorelY." Making *sea, b . Q,4 the iglvlag hand. ever de'y Wa's I teeth. As a test of the strength of becomes natural and without effort, triftmOus Franob s�rqe6n, who oilain. surroundings. 14 A . box or six " L tired , M thers, when Your baby to crosq- this blade It was found that I #r, or by, mail at So cents a Others�,. thousands of them, have suf- ated the theory 6f extended life Tho process Involves the US6 Of A I ---** I I I )ks he 'Was on his homeward Way t would boxes for $2. coalbistation of two drugs, scopolfti�_ -*� l through one of the tenement districts What he cries a great deal and, DO support two men, repre Dr. Wil- fored as you buffer but ha%. wisely through the trander of 111terlititial . 'An Old 014nder Caudlit amount Of attention or petting'Chaers weight of 2gS p Seating a total liamat Medicine Co., BrockvIllei Ont. turst ' he suddenly heard a cry from' aVoVe. hfin-golnothing is the 1 Matter. It is Ing Ouhd0- without break- _... - ­_ , ad -to this 'famous remedy and Oands from anot.hropid apes to in and morphine, which Are IAJeCt,04 It or I c6:,q0d to Suffer. Oct a package this Men. during labor. Itsaction Is twofold. I For Years hd has caused tsidless' Looking up he Saw it woman At not the nature of little, OnW to be orosg 1 004,; very day. . trouble, but when Putnam' . Mith-NO, I didn't have a very 1____tA­ The 111onjory is interrupted And Ott 8 1001*11 Ex- seventh -storey window violently bec- And Peevish -the welt child Is a .hae. OUX-MSM MODS, , . ___ ,. __ Sort$ Heal QuIokIy,­4H&vOkYOt1 a senflEEtions of talft Are thereby ObIIt,*_ trAttbr,was Applied, he cattle outi.,00ts konln,g t? him, The ragman�A Part py child. Give him a dose of Baby,S good time. I wanted to talk, but )or leat Sore that refusp ated. patients ttro alleged to have Ao I and All, Any Cora or ,wart cured in filled *I It hope as he stumbled up O*ft TAblete and he *ill Scott be well 0 Some I)OOPle Say that to be happy LOST CITY OP PETRA, �s to hoal? again. no should eat See Chore wasn't a man there, —0 L, 1 PIS Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil mt�nlory at all of pain or d1scomf6t. ' twenty-four bouts by "Putnallt's 1W � the broken stairs, The tablets only ,8=.ki a,,4 foods. Her Autst-But there were -Iots'of I I Tholl saing, It'wlll stop Mough. and spealt with gratitude of the f - ttACtOr," 260 At all dealers. are a I)II14 but By SUa.kissed they Mean in ti; tarrye fruits other girl& U43P Uwe soon the Posting Place 'jig, carry away th(j prond fle ._f , , -,- Whft h6 had finally reached the thorough laxativ# *1110h regulftt6 the 04d Vegetableb thstt grow above Vdith-Of coutse; but that wall i10 all, draw r.ults. Thero can be fin doubt Wit covmwi imItL)t top, breathless And wet with perspIra- bowels and stomach; banish cobsti. ground. .ph , of the ohiWen of x8rael. Out the Pus and pl-cPal"e a clean way this mothod of 4*'6tA,IbI1ftg.. oallslfta I "d 6 More' these things are Natlitaotion-they all wanted to talk, MrS. xfted. "J'amea, you 0011, he *4a Met by a woulaa holding Patton 111fteAtIOM break up; dopendeut upon the raYs Of the sun for too. for the now skin. It is the r(%,Co,gnlzpd childbirth I% of ItOldlulable bonefit.jil . bl. won't a dMall. child by tile hand. The child colds and simple 0vora and rellove * t 40 L iJetr&, lost city and Called by the healer among oil$ and myriads off Inafty the other Minor 11IS of litUe ollos. OP�00 Ion th better effect they *ill few white travelers ,Who have seea, it pl , Upo edlitAlftiftic Your Jokest" ra book WAS 06reftlaft with might And Main. Fla., , , tie .pdo- eASO lot mother See 4ho ot p , cAseas clapp,61ally as' the V13104 individual who C04. Th4 Pill That St'11199 96I10f--VMO1% One of the wonders of tho world, Ila# Ote Can certify ,that It 'llealed '%Vaero have now been reduced to a mirsinitith. "UeltIffto, W "SAY, Mister," Said the woman, giv- Concerning t1litat Mrs. 08car Bedard, Samoa them. Its after one lias partaken - of a In tile, Arabian wilderness, h L her oils failed utterly,. . nut, as I bave already said, 811114*6 Mr. Newed (the humorlsty'. Ifig,the, ranshan thti wink at the same ste. Sophie, Que., wrItes.-I'Daby's 10'Ver,v Man and WOMAn In dally Weal he Is OPDressed ,by feeling Of ful- of Its once princely self. conditiono are 110-d0d, Its Which MO ! I _.- Is 0 h' --- joke$ In it Are Jore t"Aft bAlf the thaeo 144on't you take bad littlo bys Own Tablets Are lilt eXoelletlt remedy Itte is Sure to need the brightness ,Df tiess and pains in the stomach bio aut- ,Almost forgotten, It Is balloveii,by OEAD TO RIGHTS, patient ran be watch6d contlUU611MV0 Other-lywtl# jokes." I . _� .6,4 - — I #,WA,Y its Your big bag?" -Now �birk for constipation- ThOY rollwod my th6 -sun In the Stomach as Well AS the f0s`5 frOM dysPODSIA, which will 1118torlaus and archaeologists to hata (ChIcago Trlbune,) It Millet's TIM68. little , mrl skilled "Itt(Intlon, troll, 11 aul*4 Worm POwderrj are notgar. I , .10 "6 m 4- One 'When nothing 0180 would. heart and home, declare the advocates persist If It be not dealt with. Par- been the place whoro the culldrta of . who is thoroughly 0".PetlenCW In tkAb Wsw by any other pmoamtIm and I Can strougl Austem Parout-Nmaretl ill Is- �,_ Wbfms In children, if they ,,be not "COMMOnd them Of the bun-klssOd taro, and there is no melee's Vegetable Pill.-% -are the, very larael 1199tred for twonty years when pow,red nuffible evidonve tilat NO whola Vroec'.1s, to till mothers." Tb Tablots are sold! better way of getting it than through beo� medicine that 'call, be r arltit- . as 4 V61'allfUge, or worW. ,destroyer. 4tt;0404 to cause Oonvulfslong, Land N I tAkOn to they Were an their way from Egypt to , while i)rnfe�wlng tji Inee. ____d_"_. 1. Tadt6d, there are few prepatatlebls often death, by Medicine dealet% or by mail At bring relief. Thef36 P11' " , S devo. ., . nourishifig food. ,8 ar6lapecial_ the Promised la4d. Although It Is be- 1)11* o you, has iieeu e Iletin IlAft. tbst hAve the 1116rit that it has to Ext6rju 1-11 ck correspondene wth b I C. IL X f O Th6 Dr 1111ams' In the sun -kissed Mot there is ,Very 17 COMPOunded to deal with dyapep- haved to have contained at one tinto stilb? maxilas Is that which proelalms "Or. Mother v6rayW Worm 26 cents bo r m . W _dt 01 I t. I it, Ono of the Inost, 131luglY relfish 'of r#0OMMu6n4 It. Mothers, swe,re of dreft I Ift4t0f will PrOtftt M6, thil- Xedlcla,j Co., prookV111% Ont. little Meat, tit to used Aft, And their storling qualities in 4, Dopulation of 600,000, it it Ao�v, Ono J.'J.'ree.vy Atalden-you bet I lift awl ty all a stfiffill-Int to 8eltills. t h4V* Its Oxceltence, $Ask Its. aid at thij rota theme distreasing Atfl4tlonli, I �-,*&,r*_�. Ough �POUUOLY tuls'respect can 'be vouched for by of the lnt(�rcglng places of Ill 11 ex_ L I . . M freautntly and 'dign irt f4vored-poul- I gloneof u8en. W d VA got tile bulgIN oil ]Ifm, all 11 all .-first Indleation*bf the prelisplee of, -MISIA Wilbuisr'llam, for your rjgbt. AOV(*r yet been able to dlaeoytr *Ut The im t try beeauge if is M Its bimt when tile e --�­--­­­ Arg knowecomliftrativoly littlo it advantage has go 44 4 higtory Is 110t 806 I Would walk to the ond of the fowls have been reared in the lsun. "t fty, old Man, doeaWt a -bonding to it may seem, it lay absolutely forgo countto-mg have bAon the eutft tellectUal leader.-Loulft Sherwin. - lality O" I PlorL , ,� ,. WOMS4 19 th011''Childrem, knowing tUt that . the rairtor, no modern history, And, strAn �-110*-b-#*� a flitt pur,.# was to I,n LIU j:Wly tr#Jst*0rthy M*dfl. L fIft WhIth 91001Y f1s' dArth If You demfr4§d It. all am t- W,)rked 'by Ilo,14)w Y's C rn C t - - c but ot the Mts who She-lf 1 sh1nd 'and 00ft tlf- 13etf d I Is Mut,h time, 0 the Club, 9 a 0 urg I The 1Io9t--­lt't4 boginniag ta ftih*� . . 'Uropo VVAS concerned hag 0, Power Of Its own not found in yctVd better 04Y for aupW. v )601A , et You fr' ten Ills far as I . 91*4 10*64140 424 , , dldffit knOw 116 world waq round. mr. , stre Considered rao ot JW d .' ti" Hust. - , 400144O.-Wmar- ftrriacton, X,would etrto,lftly fiIk you ; JUN. re, OPrftx- froublo #,t homelrl "On the eontrisry$ for fourtef,%ft etnturl". Th - . I -­ I.' . -t -1 I 11*- ,� I I ,. ­ dear boy; It keo,ps m6 out ,of lt�,,_ other prepAratione. (;Ilt�st_-011, thanks vpry muelt; bist I -1 -a% __ -..... .__�0_7�1�&, -,_.-.e-- t* OW T*kt *WAY.-SM00 Olob#.,' j�atttojo ltre oarowly shannod, 4111. In the� centurlex 10119 PwAPA Petri -1-4^ #,40--- It's not bad enough for that.-141ft " P Boston Trs%n#cr#,Vt. I I l %11 I 1, W*A an Imporwat tradjos StAtion for 99LOW16416 is VOW(Ari-latma, `- burn ScAolVall. I , - '� \ . I � 10. I I . ��, � 41 I \ I V __ - 'L,A41L __ k'_ 1 - I . . I , _;,�_ * . , U ... .-.MIL- . , I � _;1AkKA1ftA, 7b ­ ,. 4 �� , A . . . �- ­. . I I . I "' 4111 N L 1� . - I I " I , I _,',.L��A& , � _kl"�.,_. .�L I . �:_.w,,ffi1d11,1k."_ - ­ I . " I � _� _'CA-, _. - _� _- �. '.. 1�t_M&Mmd - .L_1iW,,.,�-,&-�:. 11-_ '1'i�_ �21.606&.A_. _ -....--,,- It.,