HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-23, Page 1i% I _111 w ­W"W­ -. T: 1W . . V111 . % , Ifft i . I ,.! I'. .1 I - " r.1 , P.. !"711 , " " 1 Im 11. . 7 4r. . .. . , . 11 . I . . ­ I I I . lk , , _ , . . . . . , I I . . I - . I I , I . 4 , I.. . , . , :. I . . % I I - * . . I . t . , I . I . , - , 1. i. I I , . I MOM_ -1_11111.1— I I I. . ­_ I .,47., J' - ,e,-. , ­ '­ -, -FVJJJq2PjrW 1111!1 ,-, ; fflr, - I,T,F,F--, ,­ :'4 , . I_ 1 -M.71 , , I , , , , . -, I,: . , . , , " 11y, . 0 , , 1, '.. , , I 1 .. 1A I I I I . ­ I V I . . . I I , I . I . I I " V I . I I .. , , . . , , I ., .' ., ., , ." 2MANW. .,&A , ., - , a M, """06, ' it ., I . ". . I 11 I I I 11 I , I , I I I M h. , I . . , _. I -- _—_ I, .. ­ WINQUAM, ONT, TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Zard, ,19ZO I I '/ I -. I I 1 f I , I", 111_11' ,, , ,, . "" "f ­, - - . Z 1. '.. I i"', , 7, , 4I I V7 ;:, . I ., I , . I . ­". I I, I., .1 I _v I I N . - I I , . ­ . " .. I, . I I . . 4_._' . ,; , .. 1 7 ,.. I ; . I 1. , ", , ., . . ,.: e * ", '01 . , .. I 1 I . I I J L. . _10* 1.i4 -, ,,, .1 I . ".."s t . , * I , . W. , - . "', . . .A '. I . ,A, , , . I - , . , 11 I . . . , . I I I I . I . # . I, j"M I '. ) I I I I . I%t "­ a " .... I -1 . . . . . 1: I ", ', ". ,I. * 1, , 111 I I . . I . .1 . , 1;.. I . . I , . . . . . I , , . . 4. ,,I . - _.­. . . _ ... , '. . . . . . * " t" . I I . , - .1 ., 44 1 .. . I h, . , . - , I- . , " , : 1. - ., - , . -., _ , . I - 11 . . . . ,.i . . I . . " '. 10 ", . 1, . I I I ,. I , I . % . I . . . - -1 ­ 1 -A­­ft - . -.1 , I I I ,StlbS=iPt11Q00.' $I.$ - 1 4 , W; 04" I . . I =11;11, ''popla — - - - -----I— I 11 I . . T I ,g I ,ots . . "I ­ ____ ill! — geename--mm 1. . ­_, ­ ­ 0%1% ,,7 . - - - Sm le Coples - i aree Cor . ____ wqw= I - ,III . . _^I­r%e 'Adialk 1; 4 1, ! . .1 -.1 ! , ___ $ -1 - , 111. 11 - I . . .1. . .4",J_, ~­­­~ ­ (IFOUrip, MUD FORDWICH WILL HAVE PARK "i I I- , .4 I I I . . .. . . .!­', ... - — - -.--. I ., . , , . 1-1 -_1 I , ELLIOTT MU r 4F ,- k I *I- r I ­ . HOWICK SCHOOL FAIR . _ . % , Ifft i . I - , I TIM AVY 1*4W , I . 9 L 9AQW ot.,.#-- f f, 45r I I I 0 1.1 a Zam-11, . k . I I " " % jww= -,; . I — -, . versonato f I I I . ( Vo(iffftl Moo re, Tho WaYor, EsCOPOd 11 I , 4 no- Agricultural HaIl and Grounds - I _­11­.%~ ,---_0 %- . . - I - ; , LW- 7 . I I , , I a : - .... i % , . The Howick school fair held at orne 1 G oil Thursday, Sept. 10h And Was a 110tY S ­ .^W­7. ­o .--~. ­~.O.e, -^—~,^^, Aft* Sng With Revolver . . . ferrO to Citizens Mr. A - J. Roos has purchased Miss FegspMt1s. residence on.John St. . I . lj i , 01'..'.. ,,, - - , .. I ­ , I a I I I . . I .) I olecided success, - Tfils in5titution was or. . 1. ganized a year ago and the first fair was ORI MIR 4dle Robertson Was 10 LOOd' ` . I f9etfie, week-ead. , 1. I I - I I — , The following clippIng for the Sault F or a goodly number of years there has been an Agricultural society carrying on I Than , be Mon. .k glviug I)ayw.111 likely day, Qetober 18th. Last Year it fell On I , , I . I 0 - "' ) . .1 I . . I . . i lj ' .- - r; ;1 , . , Of ,,held last autumn in Fordwich, That WAR 'several MT, - Chas. logrol of Detroit, is. V,Wtft. ' Ste. Marie Express refers to, An Old Wing- work In Howick township and holding October I ath. , . I, I , 1 4 I ; I , 1. I 'N gr IN I I a beginning ,and school sections refrained. from entering until ,they would with his, parents in town. . McCool, spent Ilie week -end ham boy, a son of Mr. James Elliott, formerly of the, Wingham brick yard, exhibitions in Fordwich, WheriFordwich ' I was founded there was a civic part. sur- . We aropleased to ke Mr. G. T* Rub- 'after I , , I . J I . 11 ., I I . . . I 1. I ., .1 ... - ! 4 .. 11 see. This year three or four more have entered and the group4s MarlY Complete , Mrs,.John wit ' I h friends in Kitch ner. .- , I . r I Needlesa*o say, many old friends at Whigham are grieved to he or of his sudden veyed out And set apart for the inhabl. Some ago the agriCultur At an attack ertson in t4s, garage. again . I of Tonsilitis r I I I J . I ... . t . . . , now. Beginning with no e*' rierice ,the xpe , Mr, D, J, Boyd of London, - is visj tlng and tragic death. The sho otlog toolt tants. years interests sought a place to hold their ex- Read MOOUY'S'advt . on 6 . , , I , I I way had to be blazed and this year was, a fe days, - hismother U1 town for a W . I e . Monday night at th 0010 plac on . eir h . hibitions, and so petit(Qued the govern- paper and see his exhibit 6f Composite I I . . I- I I decided improvemenVon a year ago, The. . Mrs. Roberts of Toronto, is vidilX14 'mits, Sault Ste. just outside the city 11 ment for a'site. This little park was given stoves at the Wingham Fall Fair .. .1 11 list of exhibits were ne,irly all filled and her sister, Mrs, W. H. CtUllish;*, . , Marie, aA4 Mr,'Elljott died on Tuesday . over to this purpose, and to make it large If you want to save 60 cents per year I 4 , I k h ' I 11 the articles, wer6 of a very big , h quality. I I Mi$s,VqIma Johnston of is morning . I . enough the agricultural society purchased on Your -subscription, Now .19 the. time . . . 4 If improvemdnt goes on it will not be .. I long the school fair will for out- ,Toronto, , sperioll g her holidays at her home -in town; n "Dougal Moore, who 'Shot and killed farmer I two acres more. This ba been known as . . to get Y' ur Wim*11AN ADVANCE paid 0 I ,.A , - - . I 1 ;, . I 3 . - . Y, . . v ry until ? . d tance the regular agricultural exhib- I is I 11 I f Mrs. Robertson, Frances St. is visiting , I,ower,q Geo. Elliott, Last Korah and . brick yard owner,is- report ed to have . k ever since. the Agricultural Par I The young people of the town ar d for, ., ' - Local agents*for TempletorVs Rheum .! - I I ­­_- ,, , ­ I I , ,:_ . " . I - , _ , ___­ 11 _ .. I " . ,,, ­ I . : I I ­_ I ition, I One of the outstanding things, in the her dau0iter, Mrs. Percy , of I Guelph. been seen in a launch headed down the the gir Is com )unity.have always been at more or Atic and Asthma and Hay Fever Reme - in - )11 I , . ' , proceedings was the public',speaking. The - Mre 11 therington of Norwich, bag - - - - river, togethee with one of mentioned in the case. Orders. have been of a Jos% tQ.secure a place for athletic ,less, ally secured. the right -They usu . I dies, McKibbon's ])rug Store, Come I and talk it over. I uncertain, steps - the or nt - those, first Pretty jni ' tant eve . first thing think, of is, a I entries were few, but the addresses were I e I o , acc ted a position as operator at tIV received by the,'U. $. coast guard service .purposes, - use this park but the agreement had A- iierson havirify ac unts Against the you I .. .1 "I . . . I .L".,-- ---"-- - -%- 'i' , -,''-- ---.. t enter- f " I quperjo . The,boys refrained troni Wingham G. T, R. depot. I to stop every boat, " to be 'renewed every year. 'TWO Years Dominion Day Sports,, Committee are , . I I not it y . , . . "" ; t N,'3HEATRE ing, but'the girls I' ica ed very clearl . n 0 * " OAK 0 10 , '1- "" t, U - - . Ted Elliott motored, from George Elliott, a ptoininent farmer of agoa new element was introduced I tq re 0 M%J 1 0 , . . , that it will not be long before this section Mr. and Mrb , que4ted to hand same to the secretary, . I . 11 , , returned with Fast K -art owner of the large I . .. "Thd BigZe8tUttl.h',ShPW e real orators, Detroit, Mrs, J. C ,orah, and p this part of the community's life, The A. G. 'Smith, before Sept. 80tb. . . . I ,,arson . I , k 1. , . ofcountry will-baYe Win , " I NVhile it is all very simple 04e Xodak'way the experts id our p1loto, It el .11 rijOGIR-AM I . - two week's visit. brickyard operated by Jas. Elliott & Son, right to use the parIv:was secured 'as us- A representative of the London Tigers graphic department ate.more tbarixeady to give youilli euefit of., their,' t ,4-- I I . , I .. I.. . . The first prize in ptiblic address was won them for a J t ,.' - , J this week ' by Lenore Beswitherick of Fordwicb, bat Mr. ,And Mrs.': W. C., Austin and little on thePeople's Road, Jus outsiae,the ual, and a very, successful year 'was ex- 'wgsiii town on Saturday trying to make perience and to help make good picture taking all the'easier. ' 1 1 : . . "I I ,j ,THURS,, Fp,I. and.SAT. as the victim Of an perlenced. At ' & with this, success there . , . . I I I 1. - 1 . " . I . I 4 I I was very closely followed by Miss Querill, daughter, Mary, of Icitchener, are visit- City's western limits, w . on I citizens of 4rranFpcments for a baseball match, here . A . , . . .. of Gorrie. . I Ing with Mr.,and: Mrs. Wm. Austin. B. : assassin'$ bullet near his barn door short came a keen, interest by the I between that team and the Wingliani KODAKS—from . $1 1.2 1, up* . I 1 t ,: w l ce Reid . T 6, encourage the school, fair and.tO de- line, Turnberry., I . I ly after elght o'clock last night., and died the community. The result. of it All is nine I . I I 1. I . . I , , . I . I I . '1NVF1l)F,VRLO1iYOURr,II,Ms , , I . ,. in e rivalry amoogthe ar in the general hospital early *this morning. that last spring a committee waited upon . * , . I . / ., . , velop' a wholesom Dr. Tye, wiko, and cluldr I Tho'regular meeting of the Women's I . _ on, also h - ougal Moore,,,a recent at .. I - . , , TTTR]48 - . competing school sections the Township -ton sp,lnt His assailant D the agricultural society *and asked tb Wl PRXNT YOUR PTC c(The Man from anof Mrs. England of Milved . p 19. arrival on the farm, who has been visiting someunderstanding and agreenient might institute will be held in the council chain- WU GUARANTRA RUSULTS I . 9y council a year ago,.donated a silver cup Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, But on; Thursday afternoon, Sept, 30th at I I I . . . I " I J. Peters one of Elliott's hired men, -made be entered in'to whereby all might be served ber . I — !, t; . . , t., FUneral RaP119 on.wbicha shield is to be affixed each man, Frances St. I his escaped, together, it is believed, with [ttee was 3 p, m. Belgrave branch of the Inatitute . I ­ . r - 1- 1. /' , I with mutual benefits,, A comm' . I 1, . . year with the number of the school sec, I . . . . 11* . I ., 0" , . and a 2 reel Christie StieciAl '. . tion securing the greatest number of Mr. Sam Merrifield of Brantford, re- two young girls, alleged to be interested appbintedand the two grqpps one from will gii e the programme. , IRE ff., "E ",­- , ., Comedy newed acquaintances in Wingbam on I ragedy, anddip tolate hour this ol the other , . See the strongest woman in the world . points from exhibits and events. Another in the ii . I . the community interests an It Fair also Knolton, I WKIBBONN DRUG J""O,R " . Friday. Mr. Merrifield was a former - from the agricultural society, have been tit 4-1 , He Married HIS Wife condition of the contest is that if a school afternoon provincial constables, and, the . the Wingliam Fa I..,. . I . . in siic , bandmaster at Wingliam. . -armed whila good -descript- in conference from time to time ever since, . the man of mystery, and Danforth with I 1, . . . I should win the shield three, years _ . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gourlay, of !?cal police, I . I have i beerr scouring the tions they big wooden beaded dummies. At the Drugs and Stationery I I I I cession the cup becomes the property of . , ion of . the trio, After a good deal of negotia . I I I Phone 53 C. P. R Tielkets, I M, that school, Last year, the opening year, Brooklin, Ont.'p anhotinc6'the engage ent city, and the surrounding country In an approached the Village Council and laid Fair Grounds in the Afternoon of Friday, Edison Phonographs . . . I SPECIAL COM1111IG in . . 1. 17 I J- .1 .,." , , !1I the Fordwich school won. , the shield a d of their daughter, Lenora M., to Mr- A- eadeaver to appfebend the fugitives.' . Octo r 1st. _____ Ill ... I , n . their plans before that body. A by-law I . -_ -1 - 0 .. 11V I I . I . I .1 . : . -20. To -da " , f Bluevale, Ontario. The It is elievedythat Moore and the girls - the people Mr. David McGUI of Beigrave, has . 11 =Qwgi ­ .-, I '. I MON-.,'TUES- and WED, : !* held the cup for 1919 y . Ford- MacEwen. . o was drawn up and submitted to ing in - 01 .., , . . late in September. are' hiding in the bush not far from the ­ - -1 . I ' ill ho . to take. place a I for the purchase of this park to be fised p4rchised Mr. A. E. Angus' dwell I . , . . . . I . 6 9eels-G - - - ' , vvich came out ahead again and w I ld marriage duriai the I . _____ ,=t_., . : I ,:. I I I I , , ......­..)..".. " : , . . , 1. I .. . It for the incoming year It is to be -won Among those from this vicinity who are scene of the shooting, although as a village park 'and agricultural, grounds. Pleasant Valley. Mr. Angus bas __ ._____-____._r______-_ -I-,---- I I . I . . I I ­. .. . n" lit,- they way have walked into the . I sed Mrs, Sutherland's property on . &00--_._; . "00; . oww . I f. . on ig , I I . . .. : ly once .rhore to become permanent attending Stratford Normal are Misses rhe people agreed to the purchase,or at chu Prop'erly Changes ­ . . ­ 1 " . .. .. ­ .1 . . erty. It is to be noted;.howevert Rebecca Armstrong , I . I I . . 4. prop . E 6 . , , , . Julia'Arthur I , M. Myrtle'Bennett, city, The entire police force in the dis- . ney the sasne street, at present occupied I by ­ RISTI . . . . I trict has been. mustered in the hunt, and least to the raising of sufficient 'rnoi Ic Mr. J s. Robinson. Mrs. Copeland has purchased the ' H 1i I I I . . . as " ' i ik that some of the schools that entered for Maria Bennett, Myrtle Deans, Mary M s been spread over the city and the bylaw has been passed.* ' 'A Publi - Advertisers mu cernent house dn Maple St. at present C , . 1. . I ' 11 - ' I e members of the -a ricultur st bear in mind that occupied -by Mrs. Steele. Mr. Chas . I .1 11 : . 1. . - , , . .1 ...., Ed I meeting of tb 9 . .!. I '' it aVe ., the first time made a very fine record and Haugh, Grace G. Tucker, Dorothy Roth a dragnet. ha I . , - . I h C 9 and country, . chqnges of their ads. must reach Tuim i P110NE,'. A*'I' . ; , , recently in Brown's VanNorman has purchased 4 vacant lot _ . . As, ., . 71. ". : , ­ i I doubtless by another year will . make the and Gladys Webb. No finer lot of youn - . One madis b,eing held as material witness at society was held . L' I . . '. . . 9. . I " I., I I The British Red Cross Nurse competition very keen, ladies ever attended the Stratford peda . Mouer, father Hall to discuss the propoeiii6n, and if ADVANCE Office before ch fron Mr. T. R. Bennett on 'Catherine . -,1. , I . I _­ .. I I , I . . gogue - fect6i . in th 'case, H is James . who they thought it wise to ratify the sale of -week, We like to be obliging but -find f Bluevale, has .1 s , v _ I , , , I I I ,; in I . . . y ofonelof the girls. Pearl Mouer, ' I not St. Mr. James Gannett o id's fifty acre .., . I . . . . , I I I 4 99 I . 11 I . . ... ____ . ith this park. After a good deal of discussion we aro compelled to let ads. that are purchased Mr. Alex Re _ 6 , - , I . ... . I . ; I I - Saturday Night Closing I I 11 I . I is sixteen years old., He, is charged, w a motion was passed by a majority vote in out office on Monday remain over un- ends .1.1 . . I . . "The CaveH Case farm on the B. line. Mr. Reid int Groceries. anA ' . . . . . ),( I . is Shot .w itur- Will Not Release Him being an Accessory to the espape of Moore. tify the transfer of the park to the ill thi following week. . . I "I '. I . . The Woman the Germar Our warehouses ill be closed on S2 , " . , . - ' to ra , returning to Wingham - to live. The I- I ... 1-1.1 , I ovclock on after Sept. Application was xnade to Brussels The other girl Is',. known as Maggie Bock, Village of Fordwich trustees, while they ,.-The. baseball season was wound up - I I.. 6 . ; - I I 111.1 I : . .1 . . above sales were made through Mr. J. G. I I I . I The d,ramatic and appealing story I ., . I r ' ; e e Providons . . I . . I . .$11 1 . day evenings at 6 , coul , . . , , v' " ` had St wart. . . I . ncil foi'a',elease from any claim they and I$ fifteen years of age. - I of a great and noble woman, whom 11th , . s a result of a retain tbg rights as they ha e alwoys AnWingham played the return.gam , : . - T WooWs business in The tragedy occurred a. . I I . I the world will never forget. L. S. Beninger, - ' might, have- of J - t is §aId. Af ter of 61ding their fairs and ,exhibitions i4 Hamilton on Saturday and were de- I Church Services _x_ I , I 11 . 11 . ' . I . 4 . . I casehowishedto move big plaritto, an4 fatal mistinderstanding, I . . . . H,ere three days. only . . . Gunn's Limited ided they had no fi I nishing the day's work last night, Geo. there. The transfer price is to be used at feated by a score of 14 to 1. Owing to St. Pauls I . . I ., . I- . I , , I I . . . I Mon., Tues. and Wed. I 1 other town. They dec milk pait arid walk- the agricultural society's share in the new., the-factthat Morden and Telfers' arms Sunday Sept. 26 Rev- W. H. Dunbar Tea , an ­ Coff66, I . I I New Music Store I I poWer-to grant it without reference to the Elliott, picked up, his , ghted building that must be erect d. were not in shape for pitching, Irwin, a of LIstowel, will preach at botb servi ces . . 41 ,. , ' . I I.... , : : - ford, has electors. ed from, the house towards'the Ii itched T-uesday,Sept. 28 -The church work- I . .I., I ',No advance in prices Mr. G. B, "Flanigan of Strat I employee of W. J. Greer, pi I I - i , - , -9 purch- ,g of the late David . barn, where his younger brothe , Fran4, Theairnof the village and the other former I will 0@snWAW_-0WAWW*WMW, Iii. IN.O." __ ased the stoel me athletic and had, he received as good support as ers of the Rural Deanery of Huron . . I . __ up-to-date Ford Owner's Picnic had commenced to milk the cows, with interests is to develop there a f d the score would hold their annual convention at St. Pants --- .-- . I . .. . . 1 . --,. ____= _ Bell, and will conduct a most T a lson 'the intention -of. lending a hand in the grounds and park for the use of the com- his pitching warrante --7—. . : ;,!, 1. I I I . EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN . nusic store in Wingham. Mr. Flanigan A The ord Owner's Pic ic at Brussi ds to erect have been closer than 14 to 1. church, The public are cordially invited Seven Years And..,20 Ldahos ',., . ., _ I . * I — e in this Sept. I 10th - was very , successful. Mr. chores, - As be, cami within. a few . feet munity, and upon these groun I I I " , . I . I 1L. y -learn has had several years experienc: I ngbam, carried off of the barn, he saw, in tbe dusk, two a fine new building that will not only Edith Cavell was not a spy, eie was to attend gny of the sessions. Special Such is the sentence imposed-Qn . .Wm. , . I . IROJ . Boy3tb card. line of business and we wish him success Reg..S. Williams, Wi one. - But attention is drawn to Rev. W. G. Black- - ur store and to ' I ' 16 , en accused of being Marsh of Wroxefer, by -His' Ho6or!,J0d9e , I Our er . I . I XNA , jo in his new venture. first prize for the best decorated .ford. fleeting forms, headed towards him from serve the purpose of fairs and exhibitions, not ev address on "Church Work in the . . I , I -need of a when'Brand' Whitlock pleaded for her well's Dickson. Marih was. - sent V . , " &m . __ . . ng array. hill back of the barn,' Naturally, curi- but also fulfill the long felt I , , . F I .. E; T­jjM­DBAI El) Ro Cl<PUL , I . . His car represented a weddi ' 11 ' lackwell Wroxeter for trial on charge of ltloiest'.apR. . . EARLY Bnted, any quantity. unybrook W liversary - - Mr. olar'b'Crawfdrd, also of Wingh=' ous to see who could be wandering, about skating rink and curling rink , It is too life lie was answered in words that the FarNorth" at 4 p.,m. Mr. B let$ Wa go 11 ­ ' ' . I . . lun. JOHN KERR, . '_?y uch this autumn, r forget. "I am only sorry spent seven years as Missionary at White . . I I I I . . emoving tire, repla - at night in such a manner, and made late now to accomplish in criminal assults, his victiM.being his OWO , . . Box 277. Wingharat The Anniversary Services at Donny- won first money for r -will glish Horse in the Yukon, The subject for the 9 -year-old daughter.' The term .11h. I .... __ --- nolety and Ing and inflating. I-y,e did- the job in two particularly silspicious because of the, fact but it is expected a good beginning we bavpn't got Iour or five En . . Of . . . OR TIVATE SALE -Carpets. Curtain brook Methodist Church on Su . ) evening session (7.80) is "The Mission of . I I d rious be made. . worAi,entosho;1". See "The Cavell Case" onment iatobe pasiidiri-Kifikston. I ; : : , . Role all th & few pieces of furniture. . On Sun-. minutes and fourteen seconds. ROY that he had been troubled with nefa Red Healing" and the address will be given pris once H is . .1 rly during e afternoons to Monday were most, successful I pear the a . , ­.. . surpass4 Turvey of Morris, cime second taking marauders of oultry. recently, Elliott The old palace will likely d sap . tory of Edith Cavell, the British by Rev. R C. Blagrave D. D. of St. Penitentiary. In, passing ,se t ' : I . . .. . - Miss- V,OsSANT, John St, day the objective of $100 was , do the work. A base- made an attempt to halt the two Strang- after October 2nd when the fall fair will Cross Nurse, whose -shooting inflamed the Mark's church Toronto, in whose church, Honor commented oa the enormiiy 4elhe . . . OR SALE -Light delivery wago)l and the collection totalling $101.40, and on ten seconds longer to and w6rId;.'Ud in all its dramatic realism on Mr Thos. Moore Hickson held some of offence and the frequency in this country I I IF sleigh. Apply to dswereS35.80. bhI1 match between. a U. F. O. team ers. to ascertain who they Were. be held and the ,wor of leveling the * - I . . I TIANNA & CO' Monday evening the procee k . 0 fie is .the scron at the Lyceum Theatre next the sessions, of his famous mission Iasi of similar crimes. He wagr,detprmineol'to I I as played and the latter "Who are you?" he asked. "What are grounds be underta en. A g od Id brilliant, sane -' ­ '.11 . . I r in r ng. Dr. Blagrave is a - : ' ". I . ,00d repair Goods crowds greeted the speaker.at a Brussels,team, w nec9s"ry . X -000d properw - for the use of this commun- Mord4y, Tuesday and Wednesday. spri stainpit out. No trial was I I . all the servicei and on Monday evening was victorious. The score was 16 to 13 you doing here?". now in sight I and scholarly man and should bring us ! . . . . - I FOR BA'autifully situated. .apply DO. . - . . the prisoner pleading guilty. ' .., ..'.... - , and be: Very. materially to the --!, .___ . , .t . . Tun ADVANCE. 7_ !, . . - .1 the lecture was exceptionally fine. ' . One of the girls, Pearl, broke away and ity, and will add " much information in his address. I I . I . I .1 . .. . . — An -Excellent Preacher . success of all efforts. A very substantial "' , , 1, I . — : . I . GIRL WANTED -Young lady clerk or, . . opening a gate nearby, ran shrieking down - ___._ ---I ­ . I .. I lence, perferred UANNA W cof- The. Cate Isaac Conn on Thurs- Evangelist Dixon late of Belfast, Ire- ard I the Peter's home, a little frame sum is already on hand and -in'sight for *Afirft Atid Wiginoie Win - 11 30. `X " . Therepassed away in Kinloss ,land, "Who is conducting a Misdonjn tow the erection of the new skating rink and ,I-rbd-.R. W. Wigmore,the newly ap 1,4 , 1Y.". , "Y.t , l;,P.: 17,.PX X.%, "YIXK XXX :17,4XXXX , I , BALM -As I have no stable room will . shack, where Moore was staying. nd . X ,­ . . FOR 'Ply to. c Conn, son .Of the Wirigham Methodist church is a preacher ricultural palace. it is expected that p' customs and Inla . . . ­ 13eli three good oows ow"cat. lop"IZE, day, Sept.. 16, Isaa Elliott took the other girl near to the ag ointed Minister of Z . . I . late Robert Conn. Deceased was a quiet with next a look= Axx* . I — Dairyman. I , and of high. order. His; messages grip the lighted barn and peered in her face. it will be proceeded urnmer. Revenue, and I -Ion. F. B. McCurdy, X Ar I% AF I& . I I X an, 66 years of 996 the attention of the hiarers from the be- park and the one building will Minister of Public Works, were elected on . X , I FOR SALE -Second band organ (Oak caso in industrious = I "What ate you doing here?" be repeated. The one AWW I I Iltst class condition. APPIY W. never married. The, family lived for ginning to prid of theaddress. He has a a,. a mutual benefit to Monday, Sept, 20tb. The former ran X AMW : . J. 0'. STEWART, . Tlurnberr)r, near Bluevale, rip6 experience as #n Evangelist and his Suadenly, from down the hill, four serve many purpose i1i St, Johns and X i ki . . X . Albert, N. B. and tbe 1 I wingham. several years in shots from a revolver were heard, the all with the minimun expense. I X 0 . FOR BALE.-Housioli d articles including 6ut deceased moved from there to Kinloss addr rsonal solind of each denoting that the man in.; ­ ...1. == . . l4terin Colchester, Nova Scotia. Mr. X I Mlearic washing Mchine and Wringer,. wherehe has resided withhis brother, observation. llisre8ollaiit voice reaches ­_ = Wigniore won, by oVer 4,000 from Dr. qL9 X I 'I., . -S, Chairs, Table possession ol the revolver was quickly IT 1 %V*416 Bedroom 51ut, Bed, Spring S. I I I, Curtain ales, I I I I ;rj M in , oak, erar a ' aits, - -, 1W . , -, uch Love, and Mrs. John Mitchell, John'St., Wing are.coIrvictions forged orn the anvil of his operating a by 'Over 1,500 from Capt. Hugh Dickson, mild . ou"t"'110180, New erfootion 11 00 A dim forms with a revolver in its right T. J. McLean and Co. ar6. . X. . . I messages coming nearer, . cavator Emory, liberal,, and Mr. McCurdy X, E in w"""' I N G x , Cooking unse , iron 0 , I 0, ham are sisters of the deceased. own mind' and heart. They .ring true Excavator orf their U. F. -O. and Labor. . .. - In . I made its appearance at the large new Keystone won ;rj ix qrp"'L A I tt I X I I William. Mrsi John-Thoin Of Teeswateri easily the entire buildin 9. His ' A keystone Ex I * , Silverwear. Goo a er soon an a L . I . .. . .. . I I OSS. The funeral- was hel ' 4 to Wingham a d offer a strong challenge to the soul. hand,then sewer work 'on Minnie St. The large e John Burns 0 1, . Xuox House rear of Post OM400- cemetery oft Saturday afternoon Rev, He will, tell the story of his experiences gate between the Elliott property and the s The Litt ?. 4 _­_____ — __TT -----....--.-.....-. ...---...-. . ..... — . I I . ALE_Some liousehold furniture and Mr. Scobie of Whitechurch conducted home of Peters, the hired man. dredgelike scoop draw up a dozen or . d suddenly last Saturday I M, t Fofots MrLieles. .&ppiy at my rehideuce, . in , the army where he was converted With quick strides the figure, which more shovelfuls of earth at once and It ,Peao 6fully an . X I X ther - the services..' C nigbts of th ral the closing of 'life to a well sibio Frances tit., an Tnursd&Y, Friday and Salur . ome out the remaining d to be Moore, uttering horrible appears to be taking the place of 6eve = Ident of IM We do Shoe Repairing In the best pog :_ day & ., 24th and 25th. o MRS. AAROX,10 H. PARKER. Bruce hog -An Elopement I services. You will - be made welcom we understand that the Work I joernoong, Sept. 28rd .k prove highly respected re, : ,.--- ecially oft'Friday night and next Sab- profanity and evidently under the assutn- men and s time HowIck in the person of John burns. He V1 I . . manner. . . . FOR sALE--Five Passenger Overland car. Geo. briesinger, Hanover undertaker, e8P ti n that the girl was to be harmed, will be completed in a great deal lea , I I nnio For bath.. Tell your. friends and bring them P 10 is had been in failing health for some time. % V. Apply to y this time, of than with a staff of men at work_ It .4, - --- - - . MRS. GRivioix! John St. who eloped with 16 -year-old A with you. ., Hear Miss Dixon in her sweet came close to Elliott, B y irf engine and Heart trouble was the immediate cause of X ! 9 " , I OST--SOmewh?11,0 In Or no- Wingham a sythe, daughter of John Forsythe of Dun- vdic4'p1rea,cbin­g the gospel in song. course, Frank had emerged from the barn operated by a beav , stea his demise. The funeral which took place X, Our Repairing Department Is well . I L Presto Light .C,,k Offautomobile, Finder keld, appeared before Magristrate Toltbn ; , , where he had been milking and he was a the scooP,is at the end of a large crane on Monday afternoon was largely attend- -will be Towarded by leaving oame at. , .. . of the shooting. which followed in or arm, which is lowered into the sewer. and was conducted by deceased's Pas- X equipped with everything that 1s, , , I I . mxRxLv1r's GARAGA. at Walkerton, and was sent up for trial Base6all Siason Oyer', I witness -e ed , . I .., - - I be heard at the Fall assizes, n -played a - a twiftk)ihg- . Probably this is the best device yef in 'Rev, A. Laing, interment being made 4 X ST -On Tuosday,'Sept- 14th, a black Club Tile Cast wit The Plowites of Hamitic, - for, X I I Ls in his X I . LOBog, 20 inches, between Mr. ArmitagO's .which open on November 15. e of baseball in Wingliam on Wednes- Brandishing the.revolver, Moore walked vented to, solve the tabour problem in Gor le cemetery. Deceased we modern in the way of Shoe Repair- X - res ), blinule Bt. and the Cain H61180 at Driesingei is a married man, 23 years gain tt, whose back I -* dti last with the locol t6hIn And although directly up to George Ellici I 81st Year. His wife predeceased him a k idenc( _ t I . Luokno . Finder ploo.tio leave Same at J. A. sing the Business Cha"ge Ing Machinery. - 0 a 0 .* MILVIa Store. Mar& Howard, of,age# and father of two children. It much one' sided, was to the barn doori and pres ved share in ' . I I .- . the 'score, was very - m . . nerally, will be short time ago. The bereal - . . STEN-V c,.an recharge your Ford Wag- appears be first met the girlekt the Xitiloss . I ha ,at no reason a ' instrument of death directly against the Winghain citizens, ge - V4 . % , V note wL.,. you wait at to have I e, pulled pleased to learn that the Queen Hotel the sympathy of the community. X IN W.1611=1y's Garage. picnic on August 5, He is eleged .t o g'*,ori all in before, the gatne, hav- -farmer's lower rib on the left fid - as it was 9 . .. _____­_ --- taken her for a car rideto Kin.cardiae . Saturday in Palmerston, the trigger, And the last cartridge in the - dining room will not be closed all, Ppir Finances X Expert Workmen Do the Work. ,1vA!rk_z,LJ,,'­Vnrniture, several artiel- playe lora on. I I pp. Apply that day, and since then, according to - revolver entered Elliott% body. at first intended. Mr. Billie Burke hag The attendance at the Goderich Fall . as of gbv- llouuohold Furniture. Stratford city team inStratford or! Mon nd will have it X, I . any afternoon next week.to -Y, statements of the girl's Paten s, frequently day and again in Wingliam on. Tuesday In the ensuing confusion, Moore taking leased the dining room a Fair this year 6nd the gate receipts were vi I — -­- I MRS. V. Diaxis ober 15. ­ . Josephine bt. visited the Forsythe home. The parents prior to the ,Hamilton game. the girls With him. ran swiftly from the open to the public about Oct the largest on record, the gate and grand . , . . — not suspecting the nature of his visits could be noticed where he He purposes having a large window and ing 81 659.24 in round figures X, pHIVATV SALE-CoMmoboing Thursdsvf' ThePlowites ate .a fast lot Of Players spot,before it . stand totall I I 23Ld the followinR.,, Place linoleum 'thursday containing hit ice cream V, OU Sept. I gol- until the girl left home Oyi and -well they might be for if thd are not wag'beaded. taking the rev6lver with, him. entrance cut a thousand dollars better than last spear, . 12 ft.X7 ft., piece lin0leUM 12 ft.%9 ft., COD the R PRICES ARE I sum Tug 0 ID.113 ft., laxminstAr rug 61 ft.X9 ft,f morning and failed to, come bick. Mr. . v inen would secure their situations with George Elliott said: "Frank he has shot parlor business in connection with of this sum $271- 60 was the grand staltd, X I Bturiscis rug 0 ft.x7i ft., Wilton vu;c 9 ft.xg ft., warrant for ri" one for the doctor. 11 . cafe, which will be o en all the time. It ' I ; rita pipe, quarter out oak Forsythe'then swore out a revenue, as against $317.10 last year. kitchen A&V190 M 1) th :Tnternational VIOVOCO, who are very me. Ob — L I.. 11 I r . ,, r r _ r ­ bedroom Suit Burfac* oak bedroom suitea Driesinger's Arrest. pro d of. their ball players. Frank immediately ran for his own looked for A.: time as though Wingliam The Midway this year no doubt waa re- . . . . . 1 hall a 010th, combination desk .. I 10 yols. left to a place able to (eed all the travelling 11 r I boolc CaAo quarter out oax table, kitchen The girl walked 1J miles One,, of the pleasant thing& to remember home about 70 feet away.. There aft, would be un sponsible for the difference in tile grand 'Ir cabluetp k6bon table and chairs, plain Tooker, where the man met her with a car, and the season of 1020 by is the friendly sport- five brothers engaged in the business and men and visitors to town but we believe stand taking. drawing a large part of the Vi Bring your shoes here for repairs,,, 1 3 barner now Perfection oil stoVei 7 Window A e yone will receive splendid accorniftlo_ stand. By MON I Sho,des, 3 windoW scree"S. A d to Hgrdst0n, like manner in vh11ch 911 the teams which All live within a few -yards of e ch other. 6v r way from the grand t?pl y .0 001CA. together . they motote hiday at a a 6 8 Brunswick and Queens crowd a ceipts of X , and See ]how promptly.. how wells %, where they remained untiln r met defeat at the bands of Wingham When Frank returned to the barn big d d n a both the well, way of comparison the gate re I 11 11I WAS11ING MACHINE VOR 8A1R-A11PlY hotel, The pair probably suspected that team have Acted with one exception, viz-, brother was gone., From the house of Dining Room will doubtless befun . some 15 or 20 years ago were very inter- 1h& ably we will Mend , to I Tirm ADVANVE. . . - ' - and hoW reason I — __11--l..- .,.--.---. thepolice were on their trail, as Driestrig; Teeswater, the . North Wellington' group George came the: shout by one of the bled in Edniontot]. esting, Forinstance in 1002 the treasur 2 . WANTED -50 -people to buy inobumonts. er then returne(I to Hanover, where he held together and cheered . for the victor$- children, ,,I?apgi is here." ,, shing. 0 0 0 4 4 belp us to reduce Our atook before Win' . . James McManus of this town receiv- iers audited accounts show the astoni X theme ,, 6 ft 0 .1 . cAribuyel8gliere, was arrested A fkw hours later, and the The wounded nian had picked bims6if MI! onton ly low total gate of only 4202,40. The ter %t 20 1 dheaper Ulan Y01111. A. tgrgx j6r,.ror0f1to, where the was also A few of the losing teams sent telegrams alked a distance of 100 yards to ed a telegram Thursday from Edin years along about that X I I , - -.1. - . .I— I I RMtS,S SALE OF LAND .... .... of congratulations when thd cup was land- UP And At the residence, be announcing the death of his father, Mr. .11ste for several I TREASU ' ' arrested and brought back home. h, along his house, Arriving 8,39, $976.50, 1000, X - . FOR TAX&S ed by Winham, Stratford teaf words John McManus, at the age 85 years. No time w' agas follows: 1 1 * , I . . ,,,. At the triol the accused Driesinger of with several other, offered -ifty assistance sat clown on a chair, uttered a few further particulars were received. De- 68o 1,8.. l(W1 52-3.,10- 1002, 392-40; 1904, X ways in the frimt with - Virtue of a Wmranb i8sued uit,aer the committing an offerift Against hert oil possible to kppoit Wifigbam lit Ha=11ton and then collapsed. 4 in Mitchell a number of year& _488.1,vg 1105, 405.00. These were the ThIS Shoe Store Is al I I lla of the M&Yft and Clerk of the town Of ig and Dr. J. R. Me- ceased live , I.eglalative grant was n% as6l of the said (Jor , lit is also being hold. BO Dr. A. S. MeW d friends daya whe" ill(, I Wingbarit and having thl - which ebat& on Saturday,' Woods the Elora VitchOr, ftetwairds, and the Ago. He bad -visited the town an titan double what it is at 1, the best of Shoe, Service In everY flue- - . , tion t% t f M6 0 -he d theret.o. bedting datAl was refused on this Account- -1 Anderson and Thompson of Cargill, Rtle arrived shortly a double or More I "ho."' - 11 .. -,!! ! !!!!!!!j ral times since, and was here le Legis- , 9th d&y of August A.D. Ifft, dommaddt 9 _____­___ WasblburA of HAtrW10 ` ­ ! pro,sent. For instance in 1905 it 0 !­Vcww- t, levy upon 'T'he lands enumarht6d he - n and vrt maid victim of the shooting was removek to the here tieve . Ilia wife - I_WW""d" I I due at Hospital. At 2$ Minutes to 3 with his wife a few Yeats ago = for the &rre#A* Of %08 T6A,?,60tIv8Iy I'L lative grant was $405, 00 :centg less than I , I thereou, topth" with COOA. ndt 66 18 hereby . them Geftr I Act, I Y30PIN mention several others, among 'Clock this morning he breathed his last." has enift died. 1,16 leaves five song, . givilhiki a,ecotdaueo With. thd A@00"InOnt -_ .. Homing of PAIMOt9t0n, the secretary 0 ipts for the same year; and X Aowt I bile AxietIOU y b - The body was removed to SiftiPSOn'l William, in Vancouver, S. C.; George, the gate tect F I bat i Phail proemol to sell by PU ,dmonton; snd lv)o4aceounts abow Legislative grant of . Old lands or so miaoh thereof wi rnst, 'I " ington Base X .11 this P HxxNix,o_1a Turnbarm o.M Monday,' treasurer of the North WOW being bold Charles and David, suffident for the lent of the tax" ,d rgue,wherean Inquest is o"to thft,wh Unit r8. ball- Association All Are loud in their MO 'U T V , a "in& be F4oOw p VV J U r ,-% e r I W=A aid. 19A to Mr. itchell.-Mitchell Advocate, $380, and grant from the HOW ultuvOl 4 C 4 _ Sept.% latbo and M lo' ' _ . . The W# will Commence at the Town Hall In praift of Wingham atd 911 ware ready smd this afternoon, under the direction of Cor- James III. M rmer respeded Society of $238,15. the Horticultural I ;, 11 I - I Ihs ?Aid Tovvn of WInqb&m Cft'XOndAy the Lloyd klenning, a daughter. nw r. This inquest is of S Pre- Mr. McManus was, A fO I JIG A .! I)eaembw A. D, IM, at the boar Of - Siticlai 4 friand% Wety ()f c(.vme hai for years not been %r _At 21,6 HalifeZ Zt..r R#4ingq, sn* &us to aWst it the 0. A. B, A. guft 0 . it- rligident of Winghtin and nany' - tgulstr invi I *a&,Wted with.the fair.-Goderich Star. 0"1% NOUNIQW%110 m ' h *' X In t11*td.WU LiNDsAy be liminary, elimcia, the re ZXXXXXZXXXZX 0WIMIXXXW! IN ' I Z'" sox, cot, UM X gt I-10pail,ton if th* 0rVkM wuld J , .. - I L'E ! N -o. W"" 3481t., an Sept. 12, to,Nk. Aud 5) h4rt will ragret to bear of his d"'th. I . . 416, Tawvow, UN4 , (Costumed on " I . I . .... P*' n011%l I I , . . , , .,(.I . . T . ,.b. NL Li , A 4S%12hVW- . . I : " I 1. V ., 11 . I _ - . en tub VA "Of . 1Z., I 11 , . Y" I . I ,,, I 0 . I ­ 1: . _ .., '. I I I U, , - J.; . I ,.. . " 11 . . . . I I . I ­ It 11, I .1 .1 , I ., . ,. I I I I . ... . 7 i , . -1 % '. - 11 , -, I I I I . P , T ;w , ,, . I ?V.,- I , Fe. , .V _ - : . I .! i . I ,,, I 1, ., 1. I -Aid I ',.: . I . I 4 I , I I I , ; , 0 . V ,. I I.. ;. -1 I . I '. . I , "., I !., , rZ. - . . . ,, 4 . # 11 .. . . ' . . , J- , I 1, , I , I . I . ^ , - I -, I I , '. , .1, . . . , ., : - , , - ,; , & . . . Ill, , " , 't ', ,,'. :i 4 " - , ', I - .. I . . . t # , 11 I I ":, -i I . " ,. '16 L wi&i , _ - " , , \ , ,,, , ,'. , ,,,, , , I , L919611& ,U , 'I, 4 , 1, "A-- . , . . . I it' At . I I.., 1 -1 - " I ; ,." I M I" Ak I , 4 1 i lk , i : Akl a . . ". ... &U A_4_' Ijl _1 `, ` ii11a%ftAWA1 ___11___ I L, . " . " I , I' . " ______ --- ___ _ - I . I I I , 1 . , , ;. ,W I "I , , - ...a_ A