HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-16, Page 8­ ..r-- I - - . 1 _­ _T-1_­ -- F - 1pw -- -,------- ,- - - 11___11111111_1 ___ ,-MF"- 1"AW_"1W1_ . _7 ITIT'.A . , I '' -, 1"117 , , Ir., 1 ,lor-711", 1: 1. I . . 'O I , , V , I , F , I 11 . I I I ;I, I , . ,;" I , I I - I .T ,4-7 1 1. . % :7 1 7? . I . . I ; 1: . . .: 'y -4.. " "r, , - ..,., . , , , - , IN W_, ,4,_,, . - , , , . a I , I I . % , . , I PW . . I : . , " I . ,* I . . . t, . , ­.. _i , ". , f I .A '. 0% " 1 .j , ; I ", . .... - I I T . I t. .A, . : I , ,, , . 11 I 11 I .. i ­ .4. . .. I . . , . . , . P I I Uig I . N I , V, I 1 4 . I 1 4 , JWTV11411y"I.I. . . ,4 - , ` .... I i __ ,-* T:, , 1, , ,A J­ . , I '1- f , ,,, ', I I . I'll I ,, , " ­ " e, 11.1 . , J I— - ....... ­­ - % . 54r. r IV I %T X . .. ,,, TRA WIN'Jah'" Ab V AA 09 - 1. I twoo , , ,I , -,A-,_:.,-----. I.tl "._­­­ ­ . . I ,. ----. . - -.--. -M.6 - -.1-60" -L-L = - 111-1.111 --1-11- - ­ - .a .q.___ A.-.A, --.-.---- .-------.,.--, ., ,, ,, i W -W. 1­11-1-i'A" ab ­­­ I li= . --------- __ I - __ - . ­­ -­ - _________.______,. I I 110INN I, ; , . . 1- ,; F, ""Im"W" T 1. . 111"Up" volus vivitor. 46 bV, luotof frolill DISTIZIC't NEWS WIN''atum. KARMS uohtw tAlte", ­--__­_­___­... ­.___­_..___­­­,____­_ ­­ , 7. XXXXN%XXXX XXXX=XXXX 1. I 111:1 11 _ _ ­­_ - I . __ Votetboro, in tbt 0046V of h and Ur#., __ _ -.A- . wiwlmil gept. 1. 120 i - 11 t.."" , Sprost gad 4 childOM to visit relittiViia its' Mr, And Mrs. James Lawson of Uxetor,4 I (Correct tip till Wednesday Aoa) Door Mr. siattyP I I I I . .1 I 9 lielgrave and MOM4. Mi -04 SProat ac- Uumpanied by Mr. and Uri. O'Neil of . It HANNA'& CO - - - i ad therd on the return trip to Cal . Wheat No. 2 Spring ...... 2 25 to 3 00 I desire to lipply* lor A podt4on as con. , " , , I .1 . 4 gary, while Motorla; in London on ductor on any run On your main line, I i 1&4111110111 . I . ! = y naw scape with Wheat No. 2 Fall: ...... a 25 to a 00 I I I 1. . _ for so,, WAl yem now in the - Of . J. Q, and Mrs. Sprpat andson Chesney, their lives, They were About to crop the FlOW ......... . ... ... 7 30 to 7 76 gen 13 , I ! LQVd .................... eral woiagomtlat of *Your western. S h .%,-; -3 ew, S aixle "" . #w4m 201 11 and Misses Ruby Sproat afid Grand Trunk tracIcs at a crossing where 35 to, 38 lines 004 think I Ain entitled to. prQmQ- . I ­ _. I .1 . . I Butter .................. 55 to 60 . 9tratrord . I I . ­ - - 111-111, - I I I - I 'Ikll W. I Brown Toronto, spent the week -end with 1114ir view was obstructed, and hearing no Egos ...... ...... :..... 50 to firity with increwd solvy, I I Miss Sproat of lielgravo and Jas. ai id whistle or bell ringing proceeded to cross 60 i Yo i I .1 U , R Cattle, wed., butchers.. 9 00 to I . urs, very truly, i . *'Weap an Mrs. Anderson Oth line. The former is'n. Just at that moment a train pulled in Cattle . ,000 "I)- C. COLPATAN" I ' Ready a* to . t1N. I brother of Mrs. Spro Ight, and Mr. Lawson applied his brakes ., butchers choice,..11.00 to 12,00, . , I 0 " - at and Mrs, Anderson. * j6 U. W. Beatty, ) sq., I p re reach- Hogs, liveWelght , - - - - 10 25 to 19, 4 .. I . I Mr.s. Joe Shaw, fled lin, , has gone to -just In time to stop the car befoi President C, P. It. Co., 1 Ing butriot before the engine Hay .................. 29, 00, to 2600 it A . X ancouver. B, C. to ,ic ompany her ' ho` tr"eks, Montreal. E"ds nemt I 1 ` str4ck one of the lamps and turned the Cr earn ! ........... ..... to 67 . 11 I . Z I ,. daughter, Miss J.ubel, who has been out ,car to one side, I *there for the past month. The lAtter's, I . _.1___.1.-__1--_. . - . . Montreal, Sept. $rd, 1920. . I I Have on Sale I ­_-­ ­ ­_­_ The union school fair of Trowbridgg Lucknow I Door D. C.: I ; . I and adjoining s I sections, comprising - I 411111"A I Whittechumh choo Lucknow, Sept. lath I hope you will not press your opplica- t 11 . I X S ' S. No. I 91ma, S, S. No. 2 Elma and e a conductor bf one of our , S " uv%daylhqe: I8th X Miss Irene Moore returned home last . tion to b I t I ' ' X .4 Wallace, Union S, S. No. 3 Elma. Grey Toronto Exhibition Is over, Lo JI'don will I I W 20 Ladies and Misse fine alla week after,speading a few weeks half ay . train$. I myself, '.should like to be an I . X Ing with friends in Toronto,' And Wallace, was held yesterday on the be Over this week, then Lucknow, Stq)t. . Pogineor but we must have mon to run I I . A school and church grounds, 'irowbridge, 23 arid 24, 1 . the system as well as the trains. I quite . X wool serge, Rogers Gargments, Mrs. Margaret Wilson of Wingbam., five miles from here, The. event was very Another of the. early set tiers answer-od LVippreci - MJ0#014ftft% . . X I In, visited with Miss Lilian Paterson, . .ate and share your desire to se -'l 'L OvPr likrgeAy attended and the ofters and the l4st call on Friday' last in. the pers,on cure one of our high I X Sunday. . . salarled jobs, but' X , . directorsare to, be congratulated- on the of Alexander MacDlarmid at his bome In money Is not everything,in t I t, . , .his world. . I ;14' Regular $30435 Dresses. Dr, and Mrs, Alex. Simpson, and great success of the fair, as Are also the Kinloss village. Tile late Mr. McDiarmid 0 Is N ade the exhibits, was in his 664, year and a few years ago Youm very truly, , , Splead'd h ' 11 I X children of Kintail, visited with his broth- children who m . ' , , , X " ev. Mr. Robert Simpson, one day laq%, h4r, and Mrs. Willh it,, married to Mrs. Bonnet who survives D. C- Oleman Esq., "E. W. BJ@.k,rX-X'1 4 1 argains in a , am Johnston of w, .X week. Blyth, announce the engagements of their him. Ile resided for years on the bounil, Winnipeg, Man, . ' . I ary between Lucknow and Wbitechurch, . ,o Mrs, Hector Mackay, and daughter, daughters, Laura of Vancouver, B. C., to ;--;;;:;, - *-;;;- ____ "I kinds of shoes .1 I ... I. * Bertha, arc at* present with friends' In Mr . , B., C., . but lately ha . I 1X On Sale $21.95 . Arthur Doble of Nanaimo, .d lived retired in,Xitiloss. He BeIgrave . it X Dunnville and Hamilton. - s tar e6any years asallor on, the great f . 1 * Z and rdaroaret of Toronto, to Mr. Oliver "I I H ' I . X 7`14 Me, W-11 O'Callaghan of Toronto, WRI3 M. Johnston, son of Mr. Oliver J6hnson lakes. He As a brother of Mrs. Win. . .ear%stfleld Brotherhood sing at the I - I " I I X home last week..,. Iletiderson of town and Angus MeDiarmlil Anniversary Services. in Knox ,Church, I X , . of Goderich, formerly of Clinton, the , - 2 I of near Dungannon. The frinerAl was Belgravo, Sept. 26tb and don't fail to at., i NO REr'ERVE. _'­' -1 . . I Mr. John Johnston Is visiting with hin weddings to take place this month. , a X . W . I daughter in Toronto, The many friends held on Sunday to South Kinloss cenie- tend the old fashioned. tea meeting on ! I 'i , I , * I X 1 r I I I The Orange Hill Congregation cele- ter , : Monday gvertitir-the 27th. Splendid pro. I . 11111.1, i of Mr. Johnston are very . glad that he I y gramme admission 50 and 35 Cents, I . I I I so well again. a 'brated their fifty yetair jubilee on Sunday While attending the Toro to Exhibition, , - 51 . \ I I Sept. 12th, and Monday lath. On Sun- Meti. Win, Little of town bad the misfor-: I I "t "_-.,_­i ­;7.__ -1 .- __9114MON-1 ,.? . I I t I I Mr. Andrew Perrie, Pete Kennedy and 'day Rev. David Rogers of St. Thomas, tune to break both bone% of her leg itist salem , I X I I I William Fisher, were Toronto Fair visit- one of the early pastorsi preached morn- I -_ . . . Z , . oro, last week. . . Ing and evening, at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 above the ankle, She was visiting herr Mr. Edwin Bennett, left I last Saturday I , I sister Mrs. Morrison and was going from fat, the West, where he will, spend a few X, X i Rev. Arthur Brelt of Victoria College, P. M. On Monday afternoon a union one room to another, attrd failed to notice weeks. 11 X I preached I . I 1 Z . n the Methodist Church here , picnic was held on the church lawn,"free astep down which occurs i6 the doorway We H e W I L L I S - I SEE I SEE X an Sunday in the interests of the Domin- and open to friends from any place who Mr. Thos. Mc'Micbael,. shipphd a car ' I N.=', . 1-% W X ion Alliance. came. and went down with sufficient force to load of cattle to Toronto, last %eek . SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' . cause the frai.ture. Iiie bones were set WDOW WIND A large number fro . WI I 11 T T & V V X, Mrs. William Barbour is visiting friends Newspaper rates of postage , are to gOr by Dr. 13'erinett and to make .sure that I .m this vicinity , , * I . attended the fair in Toronto this year, . I I aken . L I I Me$ Spenserof Kitchener, is visiting 1921 they will be subject to a rate of to the General Hospital and had the Mr, and Mrs; Ell Bolt and litti daught- - L : I 1i X near Sarnig. . I up after-tbe first of January next. For they were property adju,tted she was t 22 -W '17 0,61 . X e , I X. . . with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Garton . I three-quarters of a cent a pound, and Oil breaki photographed by Xray.4. She I, er, Mary Belle, -left last week for ; . I I X I X - - and after the Ist day of January, 1922, now at ber home and doing well. the West, w4pre they will visit with AND DERBY SHOE, S FOR MEN I Mr, and Mrs. Robert McClenagh;4p , . . . . . I . I one- friends for a couple of months, ; . , I X and, Clarence, fspent a couple Miss Dorothy Cook 'also went to the ' ­ I i . I half cents per pound. Lam.... , V, of daysin the rate will be doub ed, or one and ' X X Toronto last week. . 1, The publishers are Exhibition and aftLv spending a day there . , I ... Mi - I I not escaping the burdens caused by the Ghmannan I ,­," - _. I . I X I X Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and son. I _ was ta.yen seriously ill with actite appen- . I I I . . I I I '% r J Willof Langaide, visited with Me, and, . I - dicitis and had to be removed to her home Master Harold Kemp, left for his home, I .4 . X X Airs. Jas. Cor;ielius, Whitechurch. The Ripley public stillool opened on Wednesday 'Baxas on a stretcher, she is also malting pro- in Lon .don after spending a few days with . 9 , ... I—, . . . . last when Miss Annie gress toward recovery. his cousin, Clark Elliott, I X I I Is In X . I , . Blyth I I ' - , Principal. ,Miss Bax h -.s won the honour one School re-op nod last Tuesday with a : Mlss Edna Elliott, who has been spend. , X Balance -of Spring and bummer X Keep irr mind, the Fall Fair next Tues- ofbeing of the rpost successful public teachers in West Bruce.. One record attendance and with the staff of 'Ing two'mQ'nths with her parents, left for I . h . X , . I X Coats day,, and --'Wednesday, Sept, 21st and , , . , . . . school of . her pupils in the Entrance exams captured teachers which the board have ;secured this ear, record results are expected, y London, where sife will spend a, .couple of days seeihj the fair before I eturning to . ... . 0 0 - I X 22nd. I I c I ...- I I the gold medal for obtaining the highest Wivideor, I I I X I I X Mr, and Mrs. C,J 1. Beese of Kitchencr, number of marks in the county of Bruce. Hydra appears to be making progress toward Lucicnow,"and that the ,. - . ./I Mr. arid, Mrs. Win. Elli,- * I , I ; I I I X I . ,ft I _ , - 1hu? yo chnice $21 were calling on old friends during the , week. I , ) Rev. R. Miss Bax spent a delightful vacation, visiting ftiends in Toronto, Detroit and, . piospects engineers will 'fulfill their expectations that bydro will be here 'by November are I Ott, Sr., and Will. Elliott, Jr., motored to Hamilton and Niagara Falls, also Toronto and took U .95 X X j. Xc(!ormick, attended a,fowl I . . I .other cities -Ripley Express. Already the in I , ­ .­ I . 1. '. . . I X . . X supper at Ethel, Monday. . V' I . ,,night. - High Constable George Peters discover- good, poles, wires, trans-, formers here the exhibitloq before returning home. I . ­ -..-.- . ,... __­.- . . . '.. ". r ,*:, , - I , - I , , ,; ,., ! . . x I ! ,* .___ _ I I The Patriotic tca 4 held on Mr. Frank . liquor irk Harwich Townsbi;5'and and meters are and several , I I , . . I I . . I - _ - - . 1. 1 ,_''., X., ­ , . I : *_ i'k I.-., ;' . ...- .. . . ; W - ..,. .. I ., 1,44 . . .t . ` ;. . I - X . . Bainton's lawn, Friday, we was well pat- ! _,.. L A ed a still as a result arrested a Belgian named Achul I citizens have their places wired. I Mr. Bert.Ward rece I ived word on Wed- . Bellmore I . . . . I . z . ran zed. Fu amoun ed to 3-1 , an .in the a,Dsence or the pastor, Mr, ­.­ .. -__­____.._____.­_­ I ____ - - . . . .. .,: '. . .. . I . .. . " Doom; The still.was one of the most nesday last that his 'father had paosed I . . I .1 . ­­­ -_ I _ ­ . _L____ . . I . , , , wi.4 F, , " . . . I 14 will Be donated to Memorial Hall funds. I . ' ' Shaw, Bluevale, occu fed the pulpit'in Monday, for- a visit at Toronto and other " .1 - I , . 1. , , .. i, I 9 .. J ' Wats*on, returned on Sat- complete ever 'found , in Kent County, I . I ' ' I . . , . . fa:m,ly the Presbyterian Church, Sabbadx after- Points. north clf 'Belmore, . . . .1. I . . . '... I . and the product i6s; the beft brand of I,,, the fourth bereavement in the . . . .. was burned io the . . . .., .. I . urday Irom h spital, Vhere he underw.ent' . ., , . grOUnd,ithe.CaUseof fireis notyetknown. - . .." I , - - I .. 'O , .. r. W. N. away at the family home in England, This - . . . I'll ..;8:-`.f1._,n a - - .-- ,'! , . , 6 X 9 . I. . noon. , I I . . . . .. , . . . . I contraband whiskey that the authorities since Bert came to Calra'da ten years ago. I I . . .Miss Hazel Dickson, Toronto, is visit- 'We ' .1 . , ,,, 11, . I.." I an operation'for aPpendicitis. I . . sympathize with.Mr, and Mrs. Kieffer . , I , , I . 1, I P - Ing pnder the parental roof. . I . I , . , . " I .. . X . I have come across,, ,, ' ,, no young copie's meet in ihe I' I . . . - , 11. AXIIC XX I I . 1. A brother was accidenVAlly drowned while There will be . . Master, Gordon Mulvey Is attending '4 ... 11 . I I . I 3 , ' Ing, Sunday evening owing to Annivqr-' I I .. I . t I I I ". . - ... Mrs Joseph Strothers and daujhter,,' ' '' I .01518 -of their home. . . . . . . Oneday last week as Ronald M4 Sin. two others were killed :m the great war. . . . . Xxxx vix -f;'1XXX' Ki X111 ZXXX - , " . . . I % " , . . I . Mrs. Roy,,*cNeil.of Sarnia, will leave sary service At Salem. . . , jgr ,.4nd.Nlrs, H Johal)n'and family, , I .j .1, I , " , , , - - this week for Den1k I rp.Gol to visit Ml clair of Windsor, son of W. M. and Mrs. Mr. Ward died of paraly,sis having suffer. ,Ldh don' Exhibition. . I . AP 4" .. ,. . . I : : ' 58 Sinclair, Brussels Was ri6ing on his motor- ed thi-ee strokes within'the past two years. Mrs. GeOl Bremner, visited friends I I . Is'pent; t;eck endwithfri nda in Dray- . . . . I . 1 Alberta, who has - be '6y Is' . . - ;. ". , , . . . . I . . !, . , Morrl ' * k -, I : - ,ib home, of M ,C%4 A. an.., dtb fild-le. eii out tb&e several ,. .qirtiTber ;.the school. fair, Friday ton:-' .1 ,- I . . .. . . . . . .I ". . cycle jie was run into an -auto and ' Mrs. Jas. Ramage, sr., an old resident at week at Salem and Wingham. . " I - "': I .1 . " . . . .. . . hdr he . . afternoon, Sept. 17th an the' Publk_ ­' : : . ... . . J I . I .. I 5 _: . . It ,ilth badly bruised by the collision. The motor- of Vawanosb passed away, last week at Mr. Joseph Hall has been in Wingh Mrs, lkontg6n 'e'ry of Wroxeter, ,.s ent _ :,: - - ..: I , , months,for thi beia t Of : . . , *Isst R. .WalldrishaNV, antl Mls4 jean I Ru * el nd'Mrs% 9ddtbafta Miss Mariod - . .- ­,... . . ' ; . I . I . 11 . . this . . . . I " I ­ . ' '.-Mr. Leslie Hglbu=Vhas been appointed " Scliool. grounds, fair promises to be . . I . . .. ,1 : ja!rquar, Clinton were guests i# the home and Mrs, D. D. liy&cKellar, Cromarty, v ' is . 11 isE never stopped to enquire -as to damage the home of -her son, James, near St. Hel- for some time waiting on her mother, ' "good one. Pupils of Carrick, . the the Past week at the horne, of Mr.-jas. I ,. I t".. I . . . of Jos. and Mr,;. ' I ited at John McArtcr s,.,Ias t Tues ay I . V I '. L .. . . . . - ':" . . . . . : . . I , . Ciegg, 5tb line I . . 'd secretdry ,of the--Blyt-b -T Iephone Co, done. Barrister Sinclair went to Windsor ,ns. She was in bee 85th year and leaves Mrs. Mulvey. . ' Halt:. . - '.. I . . . .., . .. I . .,choal Howlc , No..l Hpyvick, 4- . I... . .* - " -_ : . .. 1 " ' On WednesAay. Se ,t..'IS. the home of as soon as the acc dent w Ed Pur'ids on the bound. Miss Blanch Irwin is home again, after '11'0',.' . ' I t , I 1 17.;,. , , . I ; . I , , , . . a fo m 1 as reported.. 'Mrs. lunidtl -S , I . i Miss Ida Cornish, Clinton and r er . .. ­ a daughter i . . . Pupils of the -different selt6ols interested 11"! '; ' ' - S.'rurnberry, and Belmore Public - Mr, Lrid -i! Mr. Wm. Irwin, spoW Oast I . , - I I . . . .. teacher of S. S. No. 6.' was renewing old Mr.,and Mrs, Arthur.,,St'einhaff was the . Times sure have changed. The ivagon ary east of Luckno'w and James. on the spending sometime, with her sister iti. 4 " - Grey. ' ' . J in Belgrave ScUadt F ai-FiVill'be, kept busy friet;dsbips in and around Belgeave. . 1. scenc of a.pretty Oddding, when, their marked "Listowel Brewery" has been homestead The luneral- 'was field on Winghd I hqpl are expected.to make entries. ­ Week ,kith friends in I . . .1 1. . preparing their . m, . I 1. , I I ? ' . .C_ .1 .. . a.: - " . 0 . I . . I exhib its. , .. second dauilater, 'Dfias- Janet was united sold to a farmer and comes to town every Friday to Bethel ' I - Eifly,Monday morning, the home of ' * . 11 . I , Mr. cemetery, Mr. Geor,'Doubledec a) d Fred,.a tberided I PINS 'Xifloill I At clerspp, T41 t1l6i'. is a Oran Russell, Miss Mildred and . Mr. and Mrs, George Johnson, left Mi**. !ae"o'. 'Xieffer, *a mile and, quarter the 6khkdoft at Tdronto last.. ;eek. I . . . * in marr1i 6 wiih Mr. George Leith ,morning loaded with cans of milk, while * 1_ . I I I .i .1 I . I . 11 - . . . fflisi 'or at the *hbme of 1441;. ku,46,406 5Lh and Mrs. John McAr.fer visited "Ro*edali Rev George Telford, pastor of the St, Mr. J. 11. Carruth of Guelph, Mrs Car- I . .. . . . . . ' I . --_­________­...____.___ - ­.. I . lin l , * ,­ , Farm", the home of,,D, b. Mck llar, . -the brewery itself, has been turned into a ruth and Aa ur of Clinton and, Fred'dar- . ... 1 .7-- ­ 1 . , . .1- . I-,--,,-,- " , .1 S. . . . M= I NVINAINNININaft vmg- . . I I I . I . . at id'with.Wiiigham friend I I I t . Andrew q Church officiated. I flax mill -Listowel Banner. ruth of Wingbam spent Labor Day with , I . I . ; : .1 . . - . . ' . . I I i . , ': , , Cromart . I . - _. - . I V ­ . 111111 , . 1. and -Lilliatf MdNett . ly * I Mirried-on epl, li, Mr. 0. Johnston ' " . I . I - I . . . I I . ! ' "_ u I , . . ,q and Miss I On Wednesday,, September 8tb, the C. Mrs. E . Aitcheson. . I . .. . I % . - ; Zc Mrs. R. A. Rtker .4`h.d twi; daughters; I " .. . I , ... - hq, r'a &"e;'ek-end ;it'- . ; . r10 . .11 * ' . . ". .. . .. at C I I " J . . oderich. to Maijiret.' seccind dAught- P. R. Toronto-Goderich train ran over Miss Gwendolyn McLeod of Chicago, is . I . I Cromartyand had an enjoyable time. g, were visit- . . . ­ I I 11 , , I er of Me ' and Mrs. -XiMaria Johnston of and killed a Milverton man named John - visiting with bee motiter here. . I I ED . _ I Reta and Marion of, Winnipe ' Ing Jos. and Mrs, Bewley, Mr. Ruer. is a I . . , L I I . Albert and Mrs. Balcer,0&14tle daug town. Rev. R. J. McCormlib, pastor of Kerr, aged about 25,yeirs. No one saw Jas. Pindlater of Toronto, spent a few ", DI,ES' W E A R'% , , , . ter, Janet Alberta;' s ,rq 2 I few days at cousin of Mr. Bewley's. . . Methodist Church tied, the Nupital knot. . . 1, :I . . I" I . A I I I . I .pp . _. . ­ _____ I - I .. ; . the accident but it appears the man tried days in town.. . . I I I . . . . I I I .- I ..-------- . . .. 1 .. -to board the train while it was pulling out I I . . 11, . . I . t . , , ' Mr. Rod Campbell, an old Lucknow boy, . - .I -..I . . : . I I I - . " . I from the station and fell beneath, the but how of Houghton, Mich'., was in town . . . . 1. Ladies' Coats * 11 1___ e -i " wheels. I I ._ ". '. I . . . I ik "A Ymars .. i "Canada's W stern ,E ' I I ", . I Forty.Eigl 1. I 11n 11 7:7. . M.P re .. i last week calling on relatives And fri6nds. I q , ,A-11 t.he latest styles in Worneu-'s . . . . , * . George Driesinger, an undertaker and He Was on his way to Philad6pbia on ,a - . . ­ ,I-; I . - - ,,; - -, I and' Misseq' Coats, we carry the " ; r, I ,I. '!' ' , I I . , I 1, *** ';i,' '. ..'r... - 8: .. * .." 'M 'i;-,". - n., .,., 41 . - . . ____ ­'. r -k.41, `.: ...... :.: - . ) , . .. .1 , ! :.:,:..Z:$.':!!.!:i:!:!::: .:.:ii ?. i;i.I I . .­­...' ., i..:. ii', *.?.q, .i '.,*- .'., V.',, T.-if."",iii; i?. , if,i: ;'.',,.., .--',i*,-:.', .-1'4 0. 0 .* -x.lr married man of Hanover, eloped with x'zj!, . : . -X-X.:-:,XX­:.. I I p. , , _:_! ,,, . :j i i iii i i :i `] ; ,,;,.;....:.! l..".........,........-.,-.-,-- "i:.:;: i,ii : I :, :;.:: .. "i . business ttip to the head office of the "I ..U' i:: : -i i:i i,.:::; : : .: :; !: .',:I .";i ,. .* ! ­­­.­.­-.­, ......... . ... ..... :ii; :i iii .... :. ..:.: , :.::.:,:.:.;,% :.: .:. ;,:.!:.:.:::: - I A,n"., 1-1l'-'-' ' -.'.''."'-,*.".'- , -::.%;.";;: . ,:., .,' ,,, ? ,: ,, : :.:,;.:.:.:.; i - -i i;i i ii i:ii::::: :;i :i '* . . V149. I t, "' famous No way garments, ' . - .X.:;::I. ::,. !; ..:*...,.,.,..;;/X,,..," ...",*.:": ...:::;;; .;.;...., .! ...;.;.:.:.:.:.:..,.,;.!".,."..... -,, ." I Miss Annie Forsythe, daughter of John ,if I 1. . . .;+." "i:j:. ­, -.,g -- ; .; i:!:i j: ...,, , . gij§ § , . , ; -. y­ _ '., :; *,,: -.,7i,...* , i ; ! *..: -11: ::i:i ..,.;:;... - "'­... _ ". , . .!. , , , il - , -";. . i?- i'l.11 ::.:::i:: :::"$ ii ""." i--",%, I `i ----*"i il i % 1.`1 . - . . .. . Iiin"'. company with which be is employed. . , . - ; .; , -.-,.-,.-.,.,,"..................... K:k '. NO - I , -Ix .... ... .... ...... .. ,. . ­'..... , N :i:i i!* . ..... .....,..........::::: ..:.: :.:.:.:.;.....,:::.:.:.;::: :. ': ::.:::. :,'. :: i ij: ;:i: iiiiii i i ."..,iiI. ii i li'.i 3,;,i% .,'-:,%. i. .:..,,* ,.i ,i . .,.,.1 --.* , *! ..".,,:: i.,*.:. '.* !:i:i: i:i ':i : Prices $22 50 tO 75.00. 0 ... :i?:i-*"::::;:: :,;,::, , . . .`::X *`. Forscythe, afarmer, living 1J miles east * . . ii i .'.*-, .,.`.:,-: - :i:!:* ::: .,.:.:: ::"!",.,i ! !:! :::i"..:i: ...' i i i : i i fi;: : : 2.' l*-,' :-', *.KKX :." . ..... i ., il.k;, *iii !,*"..%,* * 'i, . Mr. and Mrs. Letang of Toronto, are , , I A, 6 ! ;,11 111,:X .1 , , I I ..-... , ,!:!:: ... :, . . ""'Z" "' ­ ` Zi,", "'.."'i;., of Dunkeld. Driesinger and the girl . . I . ;...!..::::.1 1-:_:j :::,;.:: -11. --- , : . .::,i:;:i:i:i:;",.-,.,., "..,.;!;S ,i.; .' .. ..",....$ , , i--,-,-,.,.,. eft ymotoron aturday morning, going, - , '6­P_P I . I 1-10 4. . I - I M-.,:X'ii i Iffil I I ... . .. :iiii; i i- .,:!ii : .i :.::;:; ::!::;:::::;:;: .;:;: ;:;:;:3;:::4 : *. : : 1.,-.,:,-.",",-_;,:' ,.:i:, - ; : : Ing Mrs. Letang's parents, Mr. and I I 0;!,, . . . . I—. . ...... I., I vIbIt . I . - . 4b", '01, . ., ;, ". 141.,A1111111. - . - , , I :.:::* ::::::!:,::;::.:..:.::::::,: :::%::.,.; . : Ivirs. A . __ . I Y: ........... gist- ­ , i .* . I . :;;::::::;;;:: :,:,:,:,!",.," . :;!:!*' *i:,,! : :!: :j . " §.."..", ..,..'..*...'..,..'..,.*....*..".-,...* .."- it appears, as far as Harriston and re i rigus McKinnon. Vx,,A,. .,` . . 6 .', ­ .... . ­ " I I .. . I I , . ..; ,,I :-:-'%-;o;. . -. and Mrs. W. 11. Cook spent a few . - -4 5 1 ­;%i.N11­.,­J. Lateststyles in silk ah sirgd . ­. , - f I . I . . _...., I . . . . -;: Iii* I I . i . at a hotel there as man and wife, Mi . . . 01.! "T"'il-, '. 'N I "11.11.11,11.1111.,...! ` ',­ ". , I '.. dresses for Migses and Wanien, see I . . - ..., :: 'j.;..::i:g::;:: .:; ..:,:,;:.- , ,.N::,:.::;:: ..... I I . . , ...'. , -­ ::; ;:::.. . 11,' . . . . . . I , ­::::: ." days last week visiting W. D. Smith's I I . , .. ;.:.,. .... The pair were arrested in Harriston. .... .. . .." -1;"i:: .... . . . ... ... .. , .. I ­­ %*'­ -.1 ". I I ' I ... I ,11 I , 111 ....",.....::,%<::i:;:::.,:::i ': '.- I .. . ..;... I lAlinoria Nurseries for which Mr. Cook ip . our display hefore buying. I I . I i , " . . I 1 .. .:::e ., ,..Z.,;, ;; ",::::;:;.;*.,;: :,:; , ,/' C -V g, ;v I 0 Driesinget was brought to Walkerton jail . Prices $20,00 to 60,00. . " -ij;:,:,j::.: j;!::;6 1, ,. : ;j: .._... , .j:,!::;::5 .;eA . 1. , .!.:.:...X! ­X ::O..: , `-w n. 4 . I. * I I .. I , ; , . - " . - e. . local salesman. * I 11 R . . . . . .. .: :;::::.i--. : :i:..,." ! - :?] iE . : ::!:] ' ;:::;.:::::jl _"' and the girl returned to her horn I I I .. . q , ,i, -- ­:­ ..-;;: ; ;, *;::::;.:::.. . . . I I . . :,,; - ...'...... " - ::;%, 11 , ;, :i l.";,.."."*.*, l', `i?01%'.fK1.1-'k1%'1_.-1i M, ,nd Mrs. Chas. Metntyre of Lake .. . I . 'i : : : :::: i: ::::ii:li i : : : : .!: ::j, j: i!i ::,:.::.::i::..: -:.;. ; -' *..*., ,­X.'!.--.-',.!'..-, .'x11 .", . -.1 Snazel, the paintet, fell a distance of I Dress and Suit ,, . . " , .., . 7.1. I .If, ** '. . :!:::;. :-.:%:.:.j: . -*., - .........". ..... .. i:: i : i : ?.: : : ;: :: , i :: : i : :-: : ii.i: : : ,..,i ::i : , ., --i-x*i': .: . I— Linden, Mich., visited for a few days wit b .. I— -...:­;;,-::;i : ; "­ A, ..,. ....., ... I..........'...., ab,)ut to feet lighting on his hoad, while lor I . ... . ... . W _...... ...... , .. ..... . 1;;`1;;.;1-A . .... ... , 1 .::;5;X;;:;;;;:,::.;_::; ,--,.*:; :. : i : i.;: : j: i§` , ' , , " "N I ::;!;%'P. . I . painting Mayor Wigle's home in Goderich. I 11 . Materials I : ::;::: :,:.:": '-, :.:.:: :; !::::". .:* .' ..:.:;;:;.!:;;.,::: : ::",:::.;: -,,.:,.,. .. ,; ;::,::::,iX.... , -i.,.. Mri and Mrs. W. C. Johnstone. .0 - - I ;i iii ::: !'..' :.".Ii : . : :.: .:";::;:,.:.;:.:..."....:.::.:.:.:;; ;: .. ­':...; ;. ., :;X -::-N. ., I Ir., , - '! ..... :::i: :j i, :::i:..,.: - :::;:!::.i.i;: :::::i,:,::, , , " , ­_'. ...-I 11 Mr. Clarence MacDonald of Goderich, I .....­....., .... . 1, . ;.;`­,-­ ..;.... "-.,-,.,..... '.................I I I i..:-:: - , ':;._:;! % .1.11 ....".", He is in a serious condition. 4 , . . I . . : : : !:i:?.:`. i : I . I : . Ali wool materials, in,. 14 e r ge, : _q ;;F I . . "' , "' ::!. ,...!::,. ,:::". ,: .::,:;;,:.,:. :! : :. j:-' , -.1:,% .... ."..'':......,: .. 11 I I I spent Labor day with his mother in town, I . I . "."'..", "-,::::, ;*;::;;; Sl,,' * :.,:,..: . ..;._.:: .. I 1. I .];' .,, i'. - . I , affetta, I I, _` .k., ` `: ` I Gaberdine, Plaids, Silks, T, I , -_- .!:: :_". , . I . . f.-- . .:,:,; ;VPo;--:,; , . S'.. .:-:::!:::: . ' : ::.,.:il:i :.:. . :,:i; :'*. .:', *"!*§r -.i: . Blueviale .Mrs. Ernie White aud children of Seam I Messaline, Ctepes, etc. at poptilar ' "':.:. '.:.: - :::, `:7L:`::---- ., ., :111' I I : .... ; : i; :: ..- -;­;Z.:.,. __: . . . 11-1 . "-,.,::; :;:::: : il:::: ; .: : . .. .: '. 1'r . P_ : forth visited her sisters, the Misses blur- . . . X.".. .. ,i !-. , __ "...A...; .. - . prices. I . ... . ,r ,::.;-.:%;,;`., ,-:.: .. .:. I Miss Belle Burgess Is, at present visit- (Ile. . '. . , I .,. ., I ., I ii ;i i;.1,:.:.N,:, :' I ., , v-!: , i: ............. . . ---. I I . . 14X4X--:X,%..:.-' I zstein wito some tima Age L. '. I 1111.- .­, ­ I Ing relatives at Toronto, 7 Mrs. Blitzstein 1 . . . : .,: : ':j!: .,;-: ' , i , : '.,.*ii * i ! i i i : I ; !..,,. ,- - el " ;-*, .!:i . :.i:.:. .;, . . , Blouses and Smocks , _ .. . , . Rev. Mr. Wilson and wife returned went through an operation in I Ill, -,a, , %, I'f I , ': ,j _..,!;;1'""' .. Wingham I ? ii * - * : ,.,..,: : :;i'­ ;.. ,;.;T.;;1 ,-Xi", ... ` ., I . I.. . I..... *:;,'..:;,:,_ j .... , , . I ..".'.*...* -1"!,. ..::.:, '..I .­%. .91. . '!­:!: home after a few weeks holidays wilh .Hospital was, 'thken last week to St. I... 1. =4 - I 'corgette, Crepe-de-Chene and, _:,%`-, ... - ,:­:,.,!­:!: . . , 11. ­ !i i;: ..%$: !.,., .11 .,:,. . ,",x"... - , . ::;;:j ,. .,. !. %, , G I .I.... `*` . . , Voile Blouses in very stylish de, I .% ... I : . .. I I . : :i:i i;:;"." .."... ...*.":".. - . I .1. . . . _____ -4 friends at Midland and Montreal. Michael's llospita(in' Toronto. ' . ft $1 "' , .. - . : , . -1-1`* . - L'...:. ,.... . ...... , ' , DASCANQ ' 1: , . .. _."'.,_ 'f ` "' V , . a pening a t our store means the signs. I - - ......, -s - : ', ! ,0..':i: -", :!i ,, %:,. . . 1 . 1-1.....''._ %... ­. .V_ , I*X_ _11 nt a few days Mr. and Mrs. E. Aitcheson and childr n p I ....... /. - ..''. F0 if 0 . ..__; . -1 " lVir, Robt. Musgrove, ape . . . , :. ,:. . I . , ­ - . . .*Ii.; ... . ........ Z.;.;,-.;;...­!-;--.1. e,% 1"V?,"l, I . I I I showing of the best merchandise in the mar- Prices $3.5o to 18.00 1?1 :;X i l it Toronto this week. spent Sunday with how vaother in Clinton, . . I .1 11W_P::*X,'..2 6,,x 't"% .- 2. I . . . . - . , Al Mr. and Mrq. Russell Robertson have ket. Our QUALITY is high; our STYLES are .... Mr. Alex. McEwen motored to Lbbdoh, . . . . .. I :.;. . . I . . - ..."':j:,.,;. e. , . I I rect- our PRICES fair and square. Sweater Coaft ;ind-, ,L. lj'! .'; . 1: I f. e,N', . . . . , .%.;; ; ,;;;: : .,.: rw ;,. -w," Hamilton and Toronto. returned train their boneymoon trip and cor A# . . ­­ ­ I. " : ­ . . r.o . ..'11 , . will be at home to their many friends after - ., . .:; , .. ... I..1%... : I . I :X : Ciome to our store for the new fall things Pullovem I ­ i" 1, 11 Mr. Wm. Duff thade a busineeb trip to . I I . . L. -i ... - . . . 'I 1, ,r i:t:_ ... I I . . November Ist. you NEED; you will take PRIDE in wearing i * I'... f:- I M Toronto last week. Our assoituient )f knitteil goods L ;;.'.r::.;._:_%:. j:,.:, L-.:::;K., ..,: ) W 11, Molse of C tswortly, visited his ever . I .. . . ! . .11 I -'. i i:: i.-:,:i: lwi.,. "?" " anything that Comes from us. is'better than before, Wo also, I : . ; ..:,I . Xls When going to Winghoovit , Monday, parct s here, carry knitting wool in all shaija,, i : ' :iii : i*! i3l'..' . You Will find our goods to be what we say . . I i;;i,"i iii '. . "I alrd Inakes. , - . ; . ,_:X Miss Marjorie Morrison of Toronto, ! . morning Miss Margaret Oatniss was I ," ,-: .....` %.,i., %i. . . I . % . .. . I , i.,, I .:i overtaken by another auto, who ran Into visited her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Little, theyore. We tell you the TRUTH about what 0 - ; I I % , I '' -,---- j ., her car In passing and landed both cars we show you. When you buyfrom us once, GIOVes and'R ry-, I ..: . ". . ... I . %. ; , - . - .. ` ,: . . . '.;."-----f I . I- I I -J .. ... 1. *` - .. . . I ''. ..., . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swift at Toronto I oste . I !:,. !:.,.* .: 1. .. .. .into the dItrh and both cara were coosid- I . ... I 11: . ;i : :i: : .. I I ...::.,...:. j: :! !iii i::i ii.". . we want to see you again and have you send , , . ."'. . COL ` , I p" ­F....X I. I. ; : - i::i! iii ::*:::M-Wk - ,, ,-:", .i :;: :;: : i; !i.,: : i i:i ;i , 4_ . i:rably datbagitil fortunately no one was are visititig her parents. Mr, and Mrs. . Xid, chauloisette and Silk Glov- . . - . - '. I . I .'::." .;:.:;:: -j-j;.j,. I " . " -:L!:':'4.1'i:;,.'; l::i:t;:: ., .1 I :.:: . :.!:: . ". :, . "::;::: . . , , i 0-M N19 I-- I ;, I.:::; llo_. .. ... :. !.; I , ,ii, ..'.. ...,.i .:: :mi %: , - - . Allan McLeod, . I your friends to us. I es and Hosiery frow the best mak. I ; I k. . r I;" : !", - . I ­.:g..: V' ":: ! ili :;i!;l .. . :; i :::::i:Y -i : , I dwi'', .. . .. .` , Z .. . ` .hurt, ,stsh.desatidstyles.- ,, , . 11, ::.: .:,:, ---!:,;: - ..,.,. " . " y ers in late .. , . .0 .:: ..... .: ... ia.. .. .:.:"".,::."::;:. ..,'... ,..- ,.,.,.",..". .*';,," The railroads have received Permission - ...-_,...,..!.,;::1'!:: , I I , I 46.. _-r -1..,..=__ Mr. A. Holmes has bricked big house to ,a-,,, their rates which thav were not , Our GOODS are GOOD; Our PRICES LOW. . Prices 8X-25 to 4-00, - . I r*RTV VMWXTVVA3 t ; , ,a8 . J I., . I . . I Colonel 1ohn S. Dennis, C. M. 'G., Rockies and the IndfaM, are an tions which cmt only be met and stod put up st cement stable, which gives slow to do. This will probably keep . 11 11 I . .- - ­ -1. I - . I Who rode the plaing of Alberta, reservationim. Thera are nearly '20,- 'discharged lay Inereasinj her popu* good appearance strid will make them nice many at bothe "llo,otherwise would 'hit I I . I I ftskistchow m and Manitoba 48 years 000 mfleis ot r&f1#e,y In 'the four lation and . developing her 'vast avid comfortAble for the coming c6ld attended Lucknow Fall Fair. I , I i two, whon Inditma and Iniffalo, were pr6vineeo, or one mile for each 125 natural retourcea which, whilo weitther. Men's Wear Department . t I ZgenitAft,1, know.-; mnTo about "Cau- persons and of 225,000,000 aerei3 of ample security for man tl=" I W Avery severe electrical storm paligpd I . . I . . . . I *Ax* W"torn Empire" than any good saletiltural land, but 26,000,, War dt'lit, must be rnadsy odu 1. Threshing and earn cutting are the ever this section on Saturday night. W *W .iw . I I 1 4 othor man. 110 killod and Me the 000 aeres tre sit Dresent occupied ot wealth through dev6liiliment. I order of the day. learned on good authority that Malcolm Lategt styles irl. Clotliliig, Oveivoats and Fuenisbifigs.' Hats, Qtps, Qollars, * buffalo, z*rrmrly wil.Xd being and cultivated, Of tht,, balance, 190,w ., Betweet 1905 and 1014 About " Lane of Kinlough had seven cattle killed ' XMIPM by Indians on Itt, IWt one 000,0,00 Acri", gorne 30,000,00 atres 2,600,000 people settled ln,Cana4a, Mr.stridMirs.Jas, Masters visitedwith Ties, SwegLter Coat,s,, Pullovers, Shirts, Sock, , Undemvear, Suits and Oveivo)at,s. , 11 o,era*lon, suggmtW and bitilt Ill Ile within fifteen nifles of thex# rital- the largest proportion In the fout ft,lends at Wrox4ter an Tuesday. by lightning ,but were unAble to confirm. I A)b6rtA tho largest Irrigistlon .Syfj- way lines 0 walting for aktlorg. wtkorn Drovinoefs. They*l&*t (;rftt Chat 0arrilse jind H. HaMmond iftitide the report ttinight. I . I k ii id A * . , tem In North Amork* recruited "Think of It" sayi; Col. Detinfis, "end Britain, the 'United State# gad Other 'rhe mtork vishcd the home of Mr. and I (Get Our Prices Before Udying.) - - i #A 0 i I I U*nu**% of Britith and Cituadlims Me world erytnt out for food." His t!ountrlen fdr thOr now bow#, eAd X buCticks trip to Toronto fast wtek Mew. Sidlillowriglitand left n baby boy, .. . I , M the ITuRild sarvtm durtux tho te- Yl&w Is tbat while Canada hiss wft 'Col. Nurds 1 sllevas thitt S0,000 Rich Johnston took an auto' load of . . . "bt war met n(A only voluntetrod a irta,ndfug tmnx the nations by h", ,eeLvh y6ar inay follow them %mul Ifearly everyone Wee 1-4 rotlo%jax wttit .. L . d4loptast* Is. S. convention at PtLploy It*er, ' - 4 "IL * I , I I WMAx XXpMRlnr*ry Fvwm Ill filikerls. dSW the lame Tanadtau!l Is re. lation of 16,000,000. C*asA*, k* ftir. ropro*,a at- ; I I . . Now as Nwr wvwflorn l>rffrM,'e1t mcnired u d0titigul*hInt a (Atl"a 1ber belf"os, its dwinod to bo Oth* , .., . ifilk, . cK Caa*U hoLve & population of of a progre"Iya azd virile a-untry, I ksyttcma In the " vt the D -pin. .. the protTv" ....".. I N' U` B - V low *I work In tla,o - theme provirte6s bay* a t6t*l po#t .tt . Of, WhTk*,m,s SVtff&k ,Itor bnt saw F*rricA with ftie Can , ree(mt war so thM to on T,u*W*y. b4ll teAm and Lucknow i.q wial . IrlItub W*ddltig btlls at* rInting # Mors ed at every gavir.. I' , 4"', K I . . ­ Hr I - I mn 44VA , 1 -*"4'1'1% 1 1 i . 11 I lvil _,, . 1 1 I , I kcall, I . I" , I I %.MOM, tU# lnrMalo &r# ft bo ftmd OmU,alis ek%ra Ix the grat otrviggl's VMN thim, 0" W*44ftic lookod fbt, In the nftr . 13on't fb th's am Wt W!AW4 %0*1 , 1 .1 - M& ft ft** At I" ,00"*& b" Awwyw A* rh *40" I ... .- ... ­­­ . ,. : flumo, tivw 11*111 F*lr, ) . - - - . ------ .-, -.-."-.-,-..-.----.---." , l-l . -. -...I ­­.. I ­ ­­­..­___ _._ . ­., 111-1-1. 1.1.11, I -_ . I . - L 1' . I . I , "% - - - ­__­__­ ­ __,_______,___­_­___ - 611, 1i 0 MIN . 44 1 1.11 . r 111 - , V - I - - I 1. - _Fw l 000 0 " is N iT him -__--1_____ , , I I I . I " I -,q', I , . I . I I . 11 . P I 11 " 11 i . I . 11, I I I . . I " I . .A .. I 1 I . I I I 4 , 4* - , I . I .1 , 1, , ) I . I I I I 1 , 4 . , . . .I- I I' , 1. ), " 4. 11 . , I I I I I " , , , .. I . 0 11 , I . I . . t A . i .1 - W . i L 11 I 1 , '! 11 !, ;. , ;J "t , , r !1. * i " Ill, I I I L I I . .. 'i, L,yp ,I , -.4 1 , 1 I I 1 %, i , ; I .. .. ,. I t To R ), , . , :1 I q ,, ,. , '' I ,, , I " -,' . -,O '. , A , 1 . , I ..." " A 11 " n,l " , ., - ,' * . I . , k , . 5 % 11 . ., , I - .Ati .i'L` . 14 --- . . I& " - W". I . . . . . I- - - IA I A _h I , A , I IL' . - I , 1' , hk _ ry . ,% , i'l , "Z .. i ii I .- .11. ­ I 19"Al , e'l 11 'k I - , I I I I . , .19, i r !, %& i ,? . I Al I k , , , , - e t . Aic ,.d iml