HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-16, Page 6Ll
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WAV"40"M i vftft'�0101!04i . o wift!=t mN"ft �sarmwo-60'. ��i��,111:1! 11111 1111�11M�011011�111�k!Iwi A101 00'1?��WmAmpft& W---.- ___ III !111�1!1 016011111111!1�11�14
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AM& I$ 1 '414crW04 4U4uvIA44$ J0041UN A; Am
(;hat's with 1044&4 MU-4i"A vovv 044 0 t,", IkWv-
ow "X(JW9V 4 okovy 4VV0 W �V" 4vkui
16H W, low Del, 1*60U.11$ kwj b-44!0 as Iyu 1444 A�Q 400-44 U014 -
the Doctor' I � 1. ,,,,, 0 ,0 —_ 44�,41)44 V$, 014yfti' U404 b4O JU41004.
I � Pinion, t all who h4ve 0AM irled, bi;100404 l6row Aed, and 4U04104 cuu.
�. . - .. . � f . Lui,404# luaruioa, "4 44ary, 44 44 We I I I -1 -
Anions the innumerable questions =I Affl� , ;�"luu I"U0. F
that a doctor 10 asked Are many that a remullb&rmlpxl�r, 11.4ad leave gromAd, YEAST CAKIRRS �
, , I
I 444'a Mut. I A WO141a pa lusaulty. -,i�44
the layman Would dismiss With a 1.1 C$ .. . I I .1'4100t, ask 4n.v))Qdy Ii tuoy wouAa." .
Phru of the shoulders or an ludul- 1� I , I I "TaIDOM " rpemed 4atriue, scorn- .
Pat sMI10. Ask the average man or I fully; �10'8 We worst 9141:0 04 444; square packages.
, I � 1)u� then he never preached about xa�h packajo coa-
Woman It laziness Is a alsoaso, rA4 ', wo soul, aU4 wali"Ag to retorm pea -
W40 times out of ten tho anqwor�wlll I � I � pie,, taino five cakes,
, A - ,
S I'll
b8-thAt 18 It tho qUe$tlQn Is t4��On' I 0719 "No one can reform you If ffou Which 6Lre equ&l in
sorloa4ly-that laziness U a bad bab,�t, IN 30 A6. won't reivrm Yourselt," reviled �itevli que.atity to six
' eil, c()lu4Y; And tauie Ue. spokii tile I
T1101191l, hardly speaking, that aniWer It You have not tried its send us a post card for a Tree kruta. round cakes. All
would, nine times. out of �eli, be either sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use "Who was It who put in our pra)*-
wrout or begging tho questioll. Lull. black, Qxreen or Mixed Tea. Address Szklada.TorontO or.,#Load us not Into telliptation, but dealers are Author.,,
1104 t4kca many forms, It Atteotli, tat 1, - - � .11 1. 1 del Ver us from evil'? Here I 4ve In ized to gu&ramilea
I - toluPtati011; I am always thrown into
people au4 thin people as well, tile old _____ Ovil. If I Wore uoT-11 I that the quality of
and the young, and in Almost every - I Her voice was very quiet, and had the round u,nd
Case it Is due to A lack Of energy or a ,7 ltilinitilliallillillillitiltilitilillitillillillillillitillitiI a strange, pathetic note In it, It square cakes
, _, coased, and then there was silence
I 0 Z _X , ,,
lack of interest, which very oftep" ;"- I . = Stephen felt as it a hand were .'aid arc identical
comes to the same thinog, The pj'�, = = oil his lips And crushcd down. the : 0
� a" . am
son Whose body 1�0 overloaded :wAfil fat "a ." voice that kept struggling troca 1,18
, . I'm .""" " heart. A second more, and then the respect.
fludsall very active fOrms-Ot exercise = a"
distasteful and exhaust ,_ The very � = girl laughed suddenly, I i
thin, -wh la A JEOWEL IN O" "Ob, I was stupid! I did not know
0$0 Conditio'a-ifisndue to. anae- = . N." 0 --- �
I am what I was maying-did not mean it ,,, P
= a"
mis or dyspopai%:14'e4sily exhausted. � - k I
I both, theref% ab A0048 W anyway. It's quite right for you to 1111 I
, %;�t� at4in from What, Ili = r" , "_ M a stick to your clain! and the idea.,
'their easwx�40 � W"
frou uld be over-exertionaud � N a NO you started with, and so on. You —
I t&6 outsider'.s point of view, pre. I =
� "a
.' . � I Hz R ("o &f U L i H2, I will make a great success if you do,
oft ---
8,ftt all the characteristics of lazlnwf�, � I tj t, 10,
ININ 11 � . �
,�"Chlldreu, less frequently, fire lazy, and "a = and that Is all you wan I I 0
it the lethargy be at all pronounced, -4 I . I . I-0 Her tone was jesting and �-ynlcal ,
. I - tsm . 11, I 1-!7 _J as ever now -the usual- tardnegs had : i
It is almost certainly due to some come back to her face. ' The moment , : ,�*
cause quite outside their own power !*Itillltllllil,lllllilillitillilllll, X of submission, of - confidence, of , - LEARN TO
� to control. ITS CAUSES, ' Irepentance, had " passed - a mo- , , ]DO.WITHOUT
I Sho, came along humming behind quiet warmth. He watched the shad- ment when, she could have .
The things that will make a POr3On I her closed lips, and then suddenly ow sleepily, and droamy fancies float- been moved, and ,won to ally 0 - � . - I
lazy are extraordinarily varied and turning a corner, stopped dead short ed across his brain. The clean,cut, life he wished, and he had lost it. He 4 6 6 0 0 ---- 0 0 4 0 6 � 0 6 � 4
numerous. They range, indeed, from I with a horrified stare In her eyes. delicate profile Was magnified to opl- felt it. Yet how could he have done It'You find yourself unable to live
u decayed tooth to niortal disease; 4 Katrine had come round by one of ossal propoi.lons on the blank wall. otherwise? within your income, there are just two
-from defective: eyesight to So obvious ' the lowest dens in the city, Katrino So It seemed to Stephen that beautiful "Forget what I eald-quito," she remedies; either you must Increase
A thing as,starvation. Almost overy- 1 know it .both Inside and out, lor there .presence wr,,-'d dominate his life, fill added; "and go now. It's getting your income, or reduce your standard
late, and I want to get down to the of living, That proposition is
'One Of us Is lazy to some extent, It 1 was no place from lifit to but in Daw- In completely the blank of his colorless . so
is only When the Inability to make all son that she was afraid -to enter. The saloons." simple that a six-year-old child
effort becomes so pronounced As door was standing open. It opened existence, as the large shadow filled A thrill of horror went through should grasp lt4 but It seems too much
to � the wall. Then, as his gaze followed
excite comment.that the term lazy I,.,, Inward, And there was a gr P of Stephen, as she knew it would. He for a lot of us grown-ups, says Carl
Ou nlell ' its outlines, he saw what his eyes had ,... , � , . _.
-applied. The experience of tile mod!- some Inside and some outside, and not found before -a huge upright line I Marshall, In the Thrift Magazine, If
cat .authorities in schools has thrown among them they were to -Ing into ' -_ we could exikilline the budgets of most
, r' of shade, forr -d. by her chaii-back, .
much light on wbat has hitherto been the street. a dru4en woenan. The
,d this. th r lit eo, It se;eme I1Y about the high cost ot'llving and
rather an obscure subject; all , entry to the place was beneath the ran up beside, and mingling with the of the people who are howling so lust -
level of the ground, and reached by 9, o 0 1 ,a to curve over [JFI
together wtth the ,duquirieg of other "ILDLESS , the difficulty of making both ends
investigators. has shown how closely few uneven, miry steps, and lip these toward her shoulder, and then a few —` " ,
- the unfortunate was blindly stumbling seconds More, and to Stephen's drowzY I meet, you would find that� the tap -root
Allied are laziness and disease. Lazi- under a rain of blows, pushea and gaze, the h-�,rsh line expanded into a I of their troubles is that they are buy-
liess Is due to a lack of nervous strain, curses. She was old, and her hair hideous grotesque 11gVei Out of these , WOMEN Ing too many things that they could
Anything which makes undue demands streamed in ragged streake across her ,few shades upon the a I there leaped ' get along without, The plain truth Is
upon the sources of that energy Nvill. bloodshot eyes, her tawdry shirt was a picture to his eyes -the girl, and at that the standard of living that has
unless the supply be equal to long, and got under her unsteady feet. her side, bouding over her, a hideous Plaue Read This Letter And- been adopted by the vast maJQrIty of
the demand, throw the Whole ina- I Just as she had managed to totter to devil, a istrange vampire, hovering Americans is entirely too high for
chinery of th6,body out of gear, With i 'the upmost ,itep, a young man in the nearer or further, In blacker or lighter See What, Normal Health Found economics. The masses of our
people insist upon having a great deal
the result, t-liat lulness gradually be- I group behind her struck her a heavy shades, as the flames In the fire rose I Will Do For You. more In the way of expensive luxuries
comes ,a chronic wondition. For ex- - 'blow between theshoulders. She trip- and fell. Stephen watcheo In a fascin- , , I
ample, . the, c1lildo, or the grown up ! Ped In the long skirt and trod On It, ated stupor, anI then suddenly as'the 1. than can be supplied by any possible
whoso eyes, do n focus satisfactorily! tearing it with a ripping sound from lig4tdied down In the grate.and the Bb"Vielc, Ont. -III had orgAnic tron. adjustment of the forms of produc-
is constantly Using lip energy in the 1 the waist, and fell forward, striking shade leaped -out nearer and blacker. be wid after taking Lydia -E. Pink- tion. It is simply not physicallykPos-
, ' 1�
attempt to overcome this defect. The I her face on the uneven frozen ground. he started to his feet with a sudden ex- ha ' a Vegetable Compound And Blood sible for everybody to have fresh laid
dyap6&tle �giiln, that is one who. is � Hatrine sprung forward, but before clamation. Medicine all my troubles passed away'. eggs, the choicest cuts of steak and
badly nourished, fall� to repl�nlsh hi,j 11 she could reach her the woman had The girl started, too, and looked up. I,was made strong and well and have out-of�season fruits and vegetables.
stock of energy, and becomes fretful staggered to her feet and turned to "What is it?" she asked'. been ever since. -Now we have a fine Neither can there be a piano In ev-
and lethargic in'conseqUence. Some face her tormentors, the blood Stephen pointed to the wall . baby boy six months old, and I Ir,now ery home, or costly furs and laces
Persons arff pecuk�arly susceptible to streaming now from her Out lips. Katrine turned, the bl�zo had that I would not'have this baby and for every woman., There are not
'the poison with which a decayed todtll her tremblingliands vaguely grasping eprung up on the hearth, the shadows would still be suffering if it had not enough of these things to go around,
infocts, the system, and the constant at her torn skirt and trying to keep were%one, the Illusion vanished. been for your remedies. My husband and that is all there is to it. .
dralli on. their ' resources whibli sugh It to her walst. A roar of lauglater "What is it?" ,she said again, Won" and myself say that your remedies Nor is the remedy to be found by
.f , p
. Infee,tion, prod4ces may, 1, Allowed, to burst from the men at the Pitiful deringly. are worth their weight in gold, and I the easy Nocess of raising every-
koilt;uu6, rbdu(Se them to a condition sight, and then died suddenly as they "Oh, nothing -a hideous shape on recommend them to my friends. One body's wages. That would not make
of extreme Nvealtuess, it not of actual recognized Katrine, She' stepped In the wall," stammered Stephen. "I of my aunts is taking them now. 'I- makediamon4s more plentiful, add to
disease. .. front of the old weninn, and faced was watching your shadow, and an- Mrs. NAPOLEON WIGNE, Berwick, the number of minks and foxes, or in -
ITS CURE. her eyes beyond other seemed to come up and threat- Ontario, Canada� # -crease the percentage of porterhouse
IfAving stated so much regarding all words. fthen she turned In silence, ell It. Imagination, I suppose-- per Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink- steak In a fat steer. Raising wages
, put her a.rm around the helpless crea- a n 0 ham's Vegetable Compound is its abil-
the cause of laziness, the cure is im`_ haps I h d falls int a dream," be ' to correct sterility in many cases. merely adds to Production cost, and
p . licit, 'Where'the cause is not obvi- " --- addod, hurriedly, fearing she would it at the same time feeds the passion
ous, a thorough overhauling by a 11 I 1, laugh at him. Wis fact is well established is evi- for over -buying. , The real remedy.
doctor may be needed to reveal it. But Katrine did, not laugh, She deneed by the above letter and huhdreds 'both for individual and for the n4tion,
Ob's PHOSPHODINF-k- looked at him gravely a,nd in silence. of others we have published in these is diminshed consumption of needless
Anything which Interferes with the The Great En.gtish Preparation. columns.
!healthy functioning of the' ,o* Tones and invigorate% the wilote In her mind she wag pondering a I things. This will divert labor to the
. In many other homes, once childless, f necessities, with a con-
portaut systems of tlie body, the res- . , pervous systdin. makes new Blood que�tlon7hesltatlng, lialf fearing to there are now children because of the production o
piratory, the circulatory and the di- . I In old Veths. Used for Nervous speak to him, half impelled to, and fact that Lydia E. Pinkham?s Vegetable sequent reduction of cost, And at the
ffiJkbility, Medfal and Brain Worry, halt help back. and the equal opposite same time, provide a margin of Income
gostivei, and ollminatory. will sooner or Vespondeny, Loss of Ener Y. Palpitation of Co,mpound makes women fiorma),
iater pilodilm, AS one of its , . torces. acting on her mind kept her hetlthy and strong. . - :,
result,s a theHeart, ailin,gWinoq. frice$2perbox, I over expenditures.
_ -
state of flitigilej , The�,e three systems (or$5. Sold by all druggists, or malk � 21 in plal-n -gilent. f you have the Blikh'.test doubt that of course, these are all very funda-
are.controlled by g folirth, the nervous pkg-onrvceiptofpriqe. New pamphlel mailed Stephen, unused to her present Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Com- mental economies, but it will do us no
,system, which routs very quickly to free -THE WWD MEDICINE C0.,XQRDNT0.0Kr. mood, felt perhaps she was annoyed . pound will he� you, write to Lydia a good Merely to know it; we must ap-
uildue strain stie'li a3 Is brought about — or wearied, and drew out his watch. Pinkham. Me ileme Co. Zconfidential), ply it. Failure to apply this dGe-
Z It was past ten. Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter trinels the cAuse of most of the eco -
by failure on the part of any organ to I turWs waist, and suppoeted her frall, " I Will say good -night,"' he said .
Tunctdon satisfactorily, Thu.4 a,vic- ) vnil be opened, read and answered by;; nomic discorftent that hurts. People
fous I tottering steps over the slippery, un- rising. ,vman, and held in atrict, confidence.. , have' got into their heads that they
circle may be -,established. I" I even ground. For an instant the men Xatrine got up too. Her face paled .
which cause and eftect seem at times 1 are entitled to more Of the world's
to be -one slid the same thing. The stood Abashed and ashamed; then yet more, her bosom rose and fell — good things than they are able to
'normal child seldom lacks Interests. When tho spell of those great fearless, quickly. "Take me away from here," gazed a' her blankly wAh horrible earn, The man who Is living beyond
R nergy, both mental and physical. is scornful eyes vias removed, their na� she said abruptly and suddenly. feeling,.L if he were murdering some. UIB Income, 4 not "playing the game,"
one of the most pront)unced attributes tures, reasserted themselves, and a gen- She had been thinking all evening body, clutching at his heart. as our English friends -put it. No one
of the young, Fatigue, or lavillez.a, eral laugh went round. how she should approach the subject "What are you waiting for?" she has a right to more than he can pay
,may show itself mbre quickly in a "Birds of a feather!" shouted one, with him, and that at last his leav- said, impatiently. "Why -don't ,you for ,and the fellow who tries to get It,
child than In. a grown-ul) because of 'mockingly, as Qe two retre,ting-Ttig- taking had startled away all her air- hurry back to Your claim?" , is usually due for some hard bumps.
the double demands. made upon its ures disapp6ared in the gathering dark- ouitous phrases and loft her only the , "Katrina. -l-" he stammered, star. The sensible thing to do is, first, to
,store of energy. ,, T-1 � is child his not ness,, Katrine heard it. ..nd wince,l; crudest words at her command to ex- Ing at her, but even as he looke-4, a find out the -things you think you can
*only to repair waste mut; to grow as but she did not relax the hold of her press her meaning. great wall of gold seemed to rise be- get, then pick out from them the
.,well, Whereas the, adult has only to i supporting arm, and by gentle and re- ' 'Ctephen was startled and confused, tween them and shut her from h.m. things you want most, then set about
Tdake good-. Fdr this season signs ?r peated questloninC; managed to elicit !'-� "Forgive me," he muttered, brokenly; gettin gthese things first. When na-
, . "I can't give It up now." tions adopt this policy, It is called
laziness in,a,child-should, be closely from the helpless old being wl ere she cars M012 Root C "Good -night," said KatrIne; and he Ir— -
,watched. The child, who Is "4ull" at . lived, X.Atrine turned her steps in I . OMOWI I --- " ,
.� no
, � -
I the given direction, and drawing out .. _-4; - A scy��, reliahu re I turned and tumbled for the door han-
Medicine. Sold in t reet I dle an
lessons. for example, or who shows a . her handkerchief wiped the blood from I st. d went out. I
marked disinclination tot games, or godea of strengb NO I , I ) ftht and 1120rappilI,
ivho manlfiits�- laziness in some form the old waiiian's face, and smoothed 2. $3; . a, $5 per or. When he was gone, Katrine turned Have Clean, HitattAy
her straggling gray hair back behind - 11 I Bola b al . ruipbts, or to her small square of locacing-glass 10 I A
. ,lap on clxpt (4 llieil�11! 1g. utheyllre,
'or another should be examined by a her ears. When they reached her � !7 L T a hung beneath t aZ on the orB if So I
,competent me coer- - I roo poin 0 Ad ress: th t'
� -- � MIEDICINZ co, itated, Inflamed or
I cabin at las� Katrine saw that the 1� OR
Aon,�-jfe kpplied� A child stov'e was'black and empty. There � ITHeCOOK Well. lit! 11 she UR I Granulated,useMuline
laos appear to be lazy. when " 911 .
'will somet I TORONTO'CHT. (romedy Wl' "What a tool I was to -nig
all that is needed Is the 41reetion of I was no light of any sort 11 the place, said, looking at the sweet reflection , I :fra.h,- q�& for infant
--I � �
A- but his voice was very tender as he and smiling I;ps. cr Adult. At 1rug&tsand Opticianti.
channels- terfor chilled her through, She would , A- few minutes after Stephen had Write for Prea - WIG OR 14t Co, Gko
Its'6erij ifito' 'ecink'etilal and the freezing darkness of the I "' ,
'Too little attention is paid to discov- took her hand 'in his, and said- I da
f;ring what are the real or potential gone, a slight figure, muff" up to —
I , not leave 1'ie old woman until she "I don't understand,, dear; wha't do the eyes, slipped out of No. 1$ and --- 11
interests of some children. They ap- had lighted a fin and -candle forher you mean?,,
, hurried with quick steps down the political econ6m� ;whea Individuals
1pei�r dreamy and indifferent to the � and got her into bed; then, Without He f,'t her hand tremble In his, uneven fGotwaY o! Good Luck'Row. adopt It, It is called thrift. It is
n&mal activities of other children be- waiting to listea to the mumbled and She looked up at him appealingly, That night Stephen climb d to
14catse of some Inherent tendency to- Incoherent thanks showered upon her, Her ,,eyes seemed frightened d I his simply the principle of the square
wirds a special Interest tliqt Is not be- I she went -out gently and oil to her certain. She was 'note womanly .at cabin with Ills head On fit and a deal, or tryingto get the things we are
. own place. Sse felt In A. very serious this moment than she had ever been.
file met. The childhood or many men I singing in'bla ears, A terrific strug- entitled to, and no more.
iot�genlus has frequently been c'aarac- mood as she made her cup of coffee AccuF4tomed to her bright, fearless gle was going icii in his breast He in upper Now York one day last
itefiged by the symptoms of so-called I *nd cooked herself a plate of bacon, Independence, admire . that as felt the path of duty was, OlWar to summer, the writer Paused on his
and then sat In the red glow or ber mighi ho him now, and equally that he did not way to watch some workers who were
latiness. It needs both care and in- , in this. ,weakness, whatever
teftence to detect the causes of such I woll-teaded 1hearth to her 0olltary! I Its cause, she was Irresistible, want to follow It. He had trIed to building a big factory. Nearby was a
Tioraturez from the normal. and the meal. "Wbll, I mean," she said, sqeaj�l shut his eyes to it; tried to believe time -battered old gentleman seated In
PgL that It Was not clear, that he did not a big luxurious car who also seemed
Vgrent ox.guardign, Who makes it his I "Birds of a featherl" that 'hateful nervouply, but with An effort to c6lf-' know what was right or ne
,business to aXeluila gll'p6ssible causes sentence echoed round her, until the trol her excitement, "the other day mssary to to be watching the Job. He turncd
tor fatI04 In'tho ,child will be well silent walls themselves seemed taunt- You spoke of our'being married, and do, and therefore that he might be ex- out to be the contractor who was put-
adylavd to leave ildthing to chance. Ing her. We.% she not, after all, really t said I Oo-Adn')t 'stand a quiet life. cused if he did not do It; but he could ting up the building, and he gave us
- Tito gmwn-up� whose trouble Is Is%. .1 OkIft to that c I woman, and tnight Stephen, I will marry You how, and closo his eyes no longer. They had some information as to the details of
luesi;, sliould. do everything,to promote she not so: -3 eay end like her! What 9.0 anywhere with you. I will be con- been dragged,,open to -night, and he the steel construction that Was going
-his g,sneral health. Fresh air for the : Was all her own drinking -and car4.- teat 'with any life, nny 140notony- ,Could not WI ally close them again. on before us. Then he invited me to
luilgo, heart, good laying and knocking about in the only take me from here at oncel I As he strode up the narrow little snow ride down to the city with him. "It
"oroise for the loathe +%Is place, this life 11 She path loading to, h,s cabin, he felt that must be a great Pleasure to be able to
,.iood for the stomach, And attention to ! saloons to end In '? fhe shivered and
tfia boWals; these, together with throw A. frightenea glanco round her. stopped suddenly, and a wa.v� of Orlin- he knew his duty, and he groaned out irde About at will in a vehiclo' like
This girl, who would hove laughed son blood swept over the white face. Aloud In the silent ley night. this, but I got ready to enjoy It by
-bo<hy J*torests for the Mind, should ,, To leave no4v meant to endanger,
-lie sat that are necessary to mako all sermons, advice and admonitions I want -to be taken away," she re- serving my time behind a whoelbar-
p9ated. perhaps to sacrifice, the Million dol- barrow." 6
ultore work ot"that tired leelfrig." scornfully aside, was almost startled Stephen iookcd_.�t her a Moment in lars that he felt In a month br two ho b *,�-
- — 4ow Into a stidden reformation by the Siloam, with A, Bell e of apprehension could take out of his claim; and to Minardfa Liniment for sale everywhere
chance obJect-le3son. of this afternoon. sld not do As she
A-0AINST 1. 11. 0. and alarm. He eo' stay cant to endanger, perhaps to , 4"-40-
She could not forget it, alld In the c f
I I asked; he was not free --Lis claim e, a human soul. A million SHOULDN'T NE014ECT IT.
silence the whole scene rose UP Vividly hold him, dollars, a human soul! These two (Boston transcript.)
* before her. She began to look for "I don't know quite whht you Ideas posaeRsed' him. A million dol- "Sly daughter, professor, plays en -
Nu. 8. Trade COMMSSiOn Stephen to come and break the silence, mean," he said, a little stiffly, though lars, a human soul! The two thoughts tirely by car,"
Again OhargWt TrUst. I and glanced Impatiently at the ,Clock te feat he did know. "It would be rang alternately through big brain -tin. "And arn't you having; her tveated
several times. Her,was coming In town quite Impossible for me to go away til it seemed As it voices wore trying for the trouble?"
. s,,VXShlngtOn, Sept. . - DeOltLr,11g I that night, the knew. It was o, relief now; My whole heart's lit th them out upon the soundless -air. Ad. qpv� —
V ,
prjoeSof farm 'IrAplements Ili tho' such as she had,nover txporlefteed An,: I've sunk all I had in ,t1,,wOr11, cording to b.s religion, spirits eom. INTRUDERS.
United States tO have been Increased ! lwhft at last he arrived. and she had %:es, and your soul, too',,) ; bated (or the soul of man, -and it "Why don't you take children in
without warrant through "'concortod bot her own compia,ay only any longer. "_-__*n&1 I 1� ,,paid seemed to Stephen that night as he
action" of manufacturers and dealorg, fte, was unusually _,ilent, 411 the ev- mounted the solitary Dath under the this apartment house?"
tti4 Pederal Trade V,ommlsslony In .a oiling. Stephen (lid Lot. try to force 11 I � far-seeing eyes of the frosty . star$ ,, "Their crying," replied the Janitor,
report made Public past 111tht, rec4ni- her Into cowtek8ation, he was content I J above him, that spirits really fought Is liablo to Interfere with the phono-
to oft on the oppoonite side of the hearth Around him, good and evil, for the graphs and player pianos,"
nalided a roopening of anti-trimt pro- a rest upon bet in all- - . "A millioll dollars!" shouted ________dW4_*_
ecodings tgainot tho International and lot his eye., - victory STUNG IN IT= AMBITION.
once. She was paler, he thought, its the evil ones, 114o not throw them
110VOIter COMPAnY, Atid Institution Of he watched the orance light krom the awky." "A human soul!" walled the (Boston Transcript,)
�udfdal prW*rA1U90 &X241101t 1111"D10- flames play over Ci.e oval face and I I others; t1do not lot It fall Into evll," "So Margaret's boy Is, & mere ac-
.1ne"t ,M0A%fa**0*r* atid dealers. throw up Its resular lines. She was I His sensitive, exettablo mind trembled eountaut And she had such great hopes
I Tho Internattanal 112rVestOv COM- befam the criale. His own soul shtA- of him.0) I
puay, in a Xtatement, $1911N, by (;yrng sitting sideways to him, gazing Absent- a � dered and cckolied, for he seemed to "Yes, poor woman; she little ktiow
it. V&V,ormI;tk, &OTMAn of Its �0.-Nrj ly Into the heart of the glowing cogla, I I that she was nursing an adder sit her
and bar Bliadow, formed by the lamp see the host of greed of gold, and they
of 4**dors, gays: between her and Stephen, fell strongly I � were etronger than th6 hosts of light, , breast." . . _ �
.'It tMuld be touated thlit the re� d eltaxly outl!ntd upon the opposite I I I And Sttpheti himself now was bi%dly
part d*w ?.lot fllid ptp,Ax or profits Ili an , � Ippod for the cofiflict. 140 felt and
, wall. Stephen at.' In ,his corner and I equt NVIIAT lin ORDERED. I
t*4 farm Impitment)ffid"try exces- Ii*zea at it throu.0 half-closo,.d eyes, ,recognized with dlemay he htLd not (Peargon's Weekly.)
slya, exorbitant or osoble, Yet He h44 been working 11A) I . the 0ratitth aud the fervor now that Chatty Waiter tglArielng out of will. .
tke emm1wiles ftit oil Thanurae- and lit q�o keth, blting__ ,,,,I � , , , hsA brought him through former bAt- dow). "The rain'll be horo In a min.
v,d this ' �� tles. 116 was as 1L.Warrier that haii ute or two now, mir."
tat*rsl rwits "I ,e2p, � warmth and 04� rpst wem tritteful to i . I � I I
r"Maby1ft Im oar"id I 1. � I falltu ast"D suad makened t6 find h1A Customer: "Well, I didn't order It
. hi*i. The milence In the room had I . Ma I Arms grown rusty whflo he hits btell I'm waiting for a ebop. .
*no 11arvateer Co y has no,,ell lasted so long that he bftm to feW lot:
eotl*A*d voilk a Itor in lit- , I "Ptut. ' . -4++-
09 or WAft444 � ## 6*wq Under ths Isitimas ot " (To b# "ttlAtiod.) LlrAm*taA4ll#v*sN*0i*1,g1&
� %
91W919W op It 10 QW1 0 0 0 0 0 0
P 0 Us". 4 ". vt R Y
Herewith the Times presents Me Orst
,Article of A short series bya. United
States expert, T. F. McGrew, giving In
a somewhatiexteadod form -the advl&
necessary to aid the backyard beginner
in bin mtar� gi � it� ...; 4
—slooploss Alghtst constant
i�ne�zfag, streaming oyosp
wheezy breathing-,— - '.
� RAZoMAH * .,
Wngs irelid. rut up iu espo
aules, easily swallowed. Sold b7
tellable Oucgists for a dollar.
Ask our agents or send card for *
free oample to Tompletonlil, 142
Rin-, St. W., Toronto,
IV W 4 . .Upf
I �
� I I I
It to quite possible to keep a tew
table Poultry, When making a splqc-
hens about every home provided there
ti011 c4loose the oliez that will produce
Is ground sipace that may be devoted
'he 1 :nd of eggs preferred or the kind
to them. The advantages of so
;referred for meat.
doing are manv, The most Important,
No breed or variety is the best. All
:IQWeVer, Is that the keeRing of the
are best for the purpose intended, Some
bons may become both a pleasure and
will � rosper better In quarters that
Profit. To w(sure both of these re-
restraK them than will, other . T .e
. a 4
quires, first of all, a suitable house for
are ,poor layers and layers of medium
the hens to roost, to lay and to live In.
quality and splendid layers In nearly
This house should be so constructed as
every kind, Having all good layers
to protect from all kinds of weather
Is a result of selection, Vigorlis of
.conditions and to beotect the neigh,
the most importance; perfect health
W.- am well,
must be considered as a ipart of vigor.
Those who keep aillmals of Any kind
NO hen ever has or ever will he's. coil -
should remember that�those who live
tinous laver that does not have both
near them or who live anywhere with-
Of these. No kind of care or feeding
us of migration possible to
will make a kOOd layer of a fowl lack -
the animals should have fair consider-
Ing In constitutional fJgor. One that
atil)'11, Do not Inlaglue that a license
Is all right in every way will be, apt to
49 about the neek of a cat or a dog
lay well, though fed- and cared for in
prevents. depredations. Nor does a
an indifferent manner,
Wire fence about Ali enclosure restrain
The prime factors for success with
the hens that can fly oVor;- nor does
poultry, whether they are kept for thO
the title to the land, either as owner
fancy or for genera. purpose or jAst
or renter, Permit of having a chicken
a few in the backyard, are the salge.
Poll or yard that is not sanitary.
The fowls must be bred for the Pui
There are two honest objections to
pose Intended. They must me select:
PO111tkY keeping, One objection Is the
ed and, culled so as to retain only the
crowing of the cook early in the, morn-
best, Equal attention must be given
Ing under or near to where neighbors
to selecting for proper size, shape and
sleep, And the other Is t1io bad odor
color that is necessary, when selecting
that will arise from filth accumulations
for health, vi _e and po,%slble egg pro.
In 00 about the pOult.xy houses. Neither
duction. While all ok thi's seems com-
of these Is necessary, nor should either
plicated, one that Is apt at the work
I I -
call go over five or six hundred In a
day and do It well. As an example,
. A Witness Testifies
700 hens in one flock were culled by
two men in one day. , Two hundred of
them were removed. .
Th egg yield of those left kept to
within a few ot as many a8 the entire
B . rampton, Ont, �—"About five years . a
lot had been laying. '.rhose, removed
I bezisn suffering with Nvornan'o trouble.
turned out on a farm where no
. became all rum-dow
ot'-sr poultry was kept, Some of the,M
I weak and nervous. -1 �
died, some were dressed and sold to
,, was Ao 'completely
down And out that I
marl._t. Of the loo that were left
I could not do any-
none, of them laid all winter,, but they
did fairly well in April
. .
thing, could scarcely
and MV, The
dress myself. I had
'Aw 0,4
500 selected ones laid more eggs than
the doctor and took
they had ever laid before. This came
� ll,.TA other medioine but
as the result Of hav4ng used males for
_ . out getting t-
I , 4'=q r' nt* I ga
breeding that were line bred for lay:
Ing, by selecting the best according to
I . I a r. Pierce a
.. 0avori Pmeri
rule, in housing theill (Droperly houses
tion an his Golde
not being crowded, so many less in the
. Medioal Discov .
bliffiling And r.roper care and feeding,
11 It was necta.
sary for me about tLwwee bot es when
I *as P etely restored to health, and
The best houses for poultry are those
a h I have been in better health
that cost as little as possible, just go
than ever was before. I have h9A no use
(" medidnesinee, but should I need it I
they have a floor that Will be dry, a
Would take these same,rernedies, knowing
root to shelter and side walls built to
them to bo expellent.'.'—MR& HARUY
prevent ,wind, rain or draughts of, cold
KNIGUT, Jesde St.
air coming into the house from any
point exc(Lpt in front. Thor prime
features of importance are that the
. IVL Smk&t.hewan, Alta.:_,It is with
fowls shall have a dry, warm footing
great p1tasure that I write the following and
Inside where there is as little damp -
I fiope'it will help tho many sufferers who -
ness as It Is possible to have in a
building lot this kind,
do not know tho good Dr. Pierce', medi.
cines would do them if they would try them.
Th- number of hens to keep must
4.1n regard to MY condition, I will say
ftt I sagwed from cUdhood from's very
bo, governed entirely by the space that
can be allotted to them. it is not best
weak back; I had the misfortune of having
to have so many titat they will be
EPW menincitin when I was one 1,ar old
forced to live In so little, space as to
and until I was 13 I did not see a well day,
be deprived of room sufficient for
but a very kind lady told �uay. raother about
beal..iful exerci5e, which cannot be lw�
Dr. Pleras Favorite Prescription and Otis
sured unless each ben has AS much Ag
got a bottlb , to try it. It did me so much
tweuty_five square feet. Twenty hens
good that mother got me 6 bottles. Recent-
I call be kept on a plot that Is, 20 by
ly I happened with a car accident and hurt
25feet. Both the house and the run -
my back badly. My doctor gave ma up
WV must be kept clean and sanitary,
and said I would not live, but I still stick to
owls so kept must be confined with.
Dr. Pieroe'3 Favorito Prescription and to
In an enclosure to @revent their wati*
my iiiirpriso in three weeks I wu out of bad
dering about and becoming a nuisance
and 6iter. I owe my rife to it and noddris
in the neighborhood, The noed, for
also, and shall never be without it ,
this will be 0.ppareut to All who know
"If any suftror wig�had Jo write r will
the determineO Propensity of -hens to
samw with pleaguWI—MRS. KOF,L
get over luto thkq neighbor's loi 041d
dig up the 9lQwer beds. An onolosure
to prevent this is A necessity, and here.
In hos the greatest danger_of failure
- ,� - - - .
In the keeping of potAltry, A tielft,that
occur. Hens will lay quite as well
Is healthy and aotivo, and no other
without the presence of a male. Tile
kind are good layers. Healthy hens
male As useful -only to fertilize eggs for
are on the go qontinually, and tkey
hatching, and he need not be kept
keep things well sfirred up. This qo&
about at other times. Usually it is bet-
tinual digging and- stirring (if the
ter for those who keep only a few to
ground inside of the enclosure la,quite
purchase pullets each fail when About
bene�',)Ial, 6o long as the gre,Vna is dry
� ready to lay, or It the pleasure of car-
and clean. � .
4ni; for little chicks attracts, buy them
400-., -_
from someone who sells baby chicks or
Minard's Liniment Por Burns, 1-tto.
�uy eggs and hat,;h tue chteks under a
f -
brood r hen.
(London Opinion)
ho -se who keep standard -bred fowls
. �
t tho defacement of'
for the pleasure they derove, from bay.
Air. Skinner's tornbstone?" asked Mr.
Ing and caring for them are fanciers,
would scarcely be in0u,liLd In the
Brown a few days after the funeral of
that eminent captain of industry.
practical class, yet tile mui� practical
what was itV inquired his neigh.
bor curiously.
they may be the greater is their suo-
t ., d Itrieti'ds- to
he MitaDh,"
cess. These are usually morb directly
"What was the Pottn.Dh2li
Interested ,In form and feather for
" 'He did his besit-0 It
exhibition than in food production.
They are the pioneers In the malting of
breeds and varieties that are so valu�
(Notth China Standard,)
able to those who keep a few hens. No]
iDoctor: Do You Wk In your ale"?
other kind of hens can equal the well- I
Patient: No; I talk In othor people,$.
bred kinds for beth egg production and' I'm a clergyman.
� � I �
. .
I , V
* As 4 , .. I
I ,
Cordor �
. I
I I .
._1. Fabric
- � % /
', ! ,; 11� � � 1111-
, r I
11 W11
I�ISSUE No. as. 19:60.
okf= ........ - --1 --- -- , -1 -
I hAVO -a Oteatly markot for HAY'*
i oent 92410 1
1 .
Chas, W. Brown
Room 108 Clydo Bldg,, HAM.11ton, Ont.
.W I'll-.,., �'I',-I .� .= � -
I I �
- � - I - _W-1-11_4�1_,V1010-r-10��
IN, "�, no Washing, wages U5.00 a
month Mrs. G, aracallen, DO Arkla-
dur, Ave., Naml;`t%Mt. �
.=_� . ...&I
� ----------- �
Wo have severAl S*od oponin 4 tor
OxPerienced ond in-ey,perlenced mafe A164
fema,e jieip, )V# require I -Iris for Wo4y-
�ng und winding, Every as4lqtanco VIV-
On to learners, 9,nd, iood, wages paid due.
Ing 40--enticeship. Workers in this lin4o
earn ve.,y heh wages, and are always
In demand, nly a couple of weeks' time
necessarY to learn. $evoral'wood ,an -
Ings fat' steAdy Men, Specl4i considers-
tlon sholva to, famjly of wor era. .Heats
und cost of living reaionabto in llrar:4-
tord.. Moving expenaeo advanced to r8 -
NAW farailles �,and tiousitig aocoinuftoda-
flon arranged. Pull particulars ftiriAshod
'Uport re
AN, ,,.,,f. quest. Write us. The SlingsbY
QtAring Co'., Ltd., Brdntf6rd,,0nL
.1. 11 1, I I
I __
. _�
F Onown Manitouilit District, one of
moat be-autifully situated prorwrtles in
d1strIct; founeen acres gpound; large
frame resIdenee; boaithouse, barna.
shods; str�am wate- running thro gh to
Day; GC!i,tre flishing., hunting; 143,00.
DAvid :u,elcnell. 8e4, Gore Day. Cint.
� --------- -
. and buildlngs; tile silo. sprIn. water.
natural gas and woll draina npur
school. church and eagy
!10- I'Ma. Apply 343 M.Itl,.d 8,7a.do..
'. 320 4CRLS Q1101dE WH)F,kT LAND
northern Sasklifeliewun; pskrUa:140
eWtiv&t,od; W Per aere;,terrns arranged;
a sk'al). -Linn Bros., Carripbe)1ville, Ont.
- I
— BTJSi_k_E4�, PRANCES. ,
- -
B =" 'r " � US ' INBSS VOR SALE BPI -
cause V 411 -health, ,,onsisthil; 'of
bake shop futly - -ed and modern.
delivery outfit In flrst-�clata condition,
73usine.9a exceeds $3,QW.OD pet, month,, put.
chaser can spend 4 week In shot) bd-
fore closing deal to verlf� volume 6il
(business, .Will be sold to quick 16uyet,
at cost of equipment and stock an hand.
No bonus. aisked. Address. Bo�K 6W.
Midland. .' - .
I Heughan & Go., 1,014 Dund" St.,
, London.
___ ___ � � .
I ___ . I
_� XMID39MAftous 4
� �_
man with saw mtll to take off bu,41L
and rnanufacture earne Into lumber. For
further particulars, apply H. H. ,S,. P. 0�
BOX 65, Haralltan, Ont,
—I- ___ �
. Plies with Domintoo Express Xc,rio3r
Orders. Five D nts-
I .... ......
pure wool but very moddrate prices.
Samplo Bha& tree. C-eargetown Wol.
lvn Mills. Oeorgetown, Ontarlo,
I !! I I ..... - . __
, I� . , . , I..
- , ;I. -
I .. V .
I I - .. � .�p 1 1 . L
1% when K=& and t stAy wW �A go
... I FA-Tcwt� Mamm "yo stm #hAXA likei to i
4by VWR WCAU0 AAWY 9i" US VACh 80�$&d IMfOo_4
dM Sim Up it 1. just Uke t*ing hom6 0* lft'-.
bvft`ov� lea a chanX& .
(k Yal 14k4 h WN tau*4 everycno sum"w to
wft = rna uILM& 6 -yo It"A if PSA is ox A1=4
01 wd the 9tentiGnjuathomme I
Tbe Little Cskl is * %t,r .
mtat� tak4 ap" L. t*
.O.tA "d to . \
� I without g*408MI& saco" � .
It's a bom Re tw4am OntrA4
lemto In lbo cit?. anw.m I
lr_�Q . ,
10 — 'i
11 TORONTO '.. . , CANAb , ,,*
I ., 40.�^.,
11.1-1 ... . - I I ---------- ��
. L . �, . I
F.,I= IN'ALGEMAS... I'- �'
— _ ��. .
Spanioh City ill Brid9phfiect- to
African RaRwap. , .
Fritz Is waiting. Por a golden oppor-
tunity. There are more furtuz�t�g to bb
rnade In Madrid, the city with a*futupe.
then even during the rnoteor rls.e'or Ber�
lin. Therefore Fritz is in Madrid,
And there are others we4ing In Al.
geciras, the future bridge-hea,ti to the
I African ralfwa-:� SySteni. `� Thoraforo,�
11rits, several of him, has takeii Up his
abo& in an inn- opposite the. dugKy.har-
bor station, .
Fourteen years a0o the kalsorls'de-
legates to the Algeolras conference. 'h&v.
ing looked, -hungrily for weeks tbNvard
the African headlands opposit finally
informed # the spoiled child dt Euroj�e
that he could not have all lie w4nteo.
France and other people had friendis as
well as rights. Then the kalsqr deter.
wined finally -upon war. .
Now, until Ellie comos again Into the
political limelight, Alizereirds tak6 a
sle.qta In her wonderful sunshine, and
fashionable BrItain makes rendeavous in
tho ReIno Cristina hobol, Which to my
knowled;e has uo counteroaxt In Europe
and perhaps scarcely any on the habit.
able globe.
Here in the glorious gardens over tho
bay, one glow of myriad arums and
white Iris and roses and flowers I dan-
not even name, miraele-workerA the poa-
ple Who make tho spells. take 'a rest. it
is a country house and a country club,
together and It looks aeross its terk%ee(j
ibraltar and to the
African mainland,
Algerotras in ai§ L-ngllsh dMcov,er�p
served frbm Robadilla Junction by d6n
English railway company and a resting
place of ninny' who,so dally round for
wepka on end Is upon the rock oppimite,
11andia of balcony farne, UD in tho 11111s,
Wah perhaps nevor as good aA it uAod
to be. It is Tivoli Without Its-t's-treag.
temple and (alas!) tiow torrent,
nut Algeolvas was never so good a4
It It. At sundown great wlilta btrd4 'x6t,
tle In flocks upon one tn1l ftee Ih UM
garden awl turn it lnto�^ snow-pillor,
and tit AUnrlsa the faiM 11cebt caMejft
urt to My bedroom WitidOW frola sLA
orange tree In fruit and flower, th* Aarne,
that W43 brought here In frult 6vertilghtt
to ploase fin Bilglish lady who wo%ntetj
to 11vftke itivion Oranges,"
Along tho ellf-I edle ,VwArCIA 114'andy
Cove," whc%re 06aombe gn9lish childrell
'It* pAddllng In the .sun, thertj is a enr.
net Of blU6 crocue, 1!d9,*d with soariet
vOtth and fringed with asphodel, whit&
the flower1fig brooth thmws dashoi of &I.
m0At Violet gold Into the color geh6rild,
J)�*n� by th# 81"PY Mrt duatv Atri"#*
till, IONIC While bAbl#6 -O-f -5- t_6?ta^n"''
ma tan" WN11 in th6 Atreet to *#�
droho of a barrel orpri.
HOW Oft ,earth &4 th6y do it in
sun. And. *Alwt do thty vok 1-0 t11:1.
xlmCharlis T~. in t�* L44iiii
#*,W�4"1611. -.1 ,,- $1
minawil Unt"111% if" 0011010K *
,�,_ j,
,,, ,,,,�,.7,.*7
"'. ",
'. �_'
, 14�,�