HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-16, Page 519,1 f , 7-T h"P 00"111 11al ONO 6�1 tX BACK FROM eul)�n- (Poutblued from page 1.) Dear d x peace conference, and named. in his hou. our, Wilson avenue, which seer4s ver)# 4, CominQuplace and yet the avenue itself Is a thing of beauty, every inch of tho way; coaches and, Of Course We SAW thQ State 3�y OTILLIA FRANMO and Napoleon's iaddle and the thousand' 111MIXMIt I X - %%9 and one romantic things that gleam Out 1­_____1___W&#4W,# X , I "lothill.1 of the soleatin fibrie of history and that - L , - ~10~00000M , %0+ VT ( I QoPyrilrbt, 1019 by the western Newo, Naw Fal U will delight tourists tbrougli the'ages; 1,per -UPIQU.) and last to tile iiall of mirrors, where we "Dear Eleanor" everybody called stooil by the great t , able on which the her,, If not to her face, at least be. Nt We are showing tile latest in Men's and Boys Suits. peape of UuKope came into being. hind her back, and the latter was the The newest materials and styles are to be found in our -We bad an amusing experience going surest liroof of her popularity, she 14"Irgle stock of Clothing at very attractive prices. up from Paris to Vouess," the., racounteur was a bright faced, smiling girl-, but are and console An co4tinued, as. a rule, two carriages were Just it,% ready to sit, reserved for us, just sufficient to carry tbe trouble$ of others its to become a yQung MeWs Suits our party comfortably but on entering partner In theIr joys. Adaptability was Form, fitting and double breasted styles for young one of the carriages I found it already Othe seergt of her rare ruagnetic Influ� 111A I ence, and 'Yance Dimbar felt that he men in worsteds and tweeds. A large, range to select occupied by two gentlemen, one Uuglish bad acquired -a precious prize when from at $25 to $50. the other Vrench; they aeemed disinclin. she conseated to become bAs wife, ed to move so we divided our party diff- "You don't know what you are �go� exently and only four of us went intb this ing to," said it friend of Eleanor Tyr. Fall and Winter Overcoats couip4rtm".t, and were the subject of rell, a week before wedding. "I have some tin , favourable commeut froin our it relatIve living near the Dunbar Aselected range of Falland Winter'Ovgrcoats that borne of wit is the are wonderful values, New smart models iA Grey's,' travelling compaulons, who announced tch Gerald's mother mistress. They say it is a d1smal, for, Browns and Green mixed shades. Every that we were millionaires and evidently bidding place, And as to your pros - travelled in large parities in order to get pective mother-la4aw, I bear she Is anteed to give perfect satisfacti6n.See our specials $16. the beat that Was going, I know they a stern, antiquated, self willed woman thought we 'Were Americans,, and I could Boys' Suits and Overcoats of the old time school," not resi t sa e Eleanor kept the, same X11 s ying, "we are very poor in- But wInsoul' CN, deed and are only Capadians," sunny smile on her face she always Exceptional values in Boys' Clothing. A full ass(>rt- I 'They were instantly on their feet, hat wore. "Yes," she nodded, "that may All ed stock to select from, Suits at $10 to $18, Overcoats in baud, offering if we (f6sired, to leave be, but havbn't - I got Vance?" at $7 to $20, '. . So the girl who kept a town lively the carriage at once, but asking very with her wit and pleasantness -refused humbly if they might stay and talk to us; In Our MeWs Departatent spect out - to think of the barien pro they were still more amazed to learnthat lined. Eleanor It was who had Written We can supply you with Raincoats, Sweater Coats, we were quite without w.orldly wealth, a relative when be announced a visit: Hats, Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Hose, Gloves, etc. and were tlae guests of a Canadian news, 141t will be glorious to see you agalm, Z paper, in London, Ont., but there is. 110 dear uncle, and I will In, el, -t you at the doubt that the Canadians are popular in station on your arrival. But 1 mighl France, an(l it was most flattering to. be not recognize you after all these years, so I think thq for purposes at IN taken for a millionaire at least once' in and A* M4 L L S X one's life." Identification It would be best for you X to hold. A long string of pearls In one� Produce Wanted, Cash or. Trade. Men's Wear a Specialty, "To give anything like an adequate band and a bit of far -say an idea of the trip would take hours," Mrs. lined stole -in the other." Her Edwards continued, under such manage- IX I XXXXX . were not to be dashed, therefore, and XX XXXX XX XMix ZXXX Xg ZX Z=411 X K ZU XXX ment asCook's we Vere able to cover If in her new life she could list dra�v much. ground, and the w4ole thing was on be mutual fund of fun and vivac- r I Whyte Packing Co. arranges the matter in the most attractive PECIAL PRIZES pleasant including a delightful voyage Ity, she could find some Way to win S G&ASSES OF CANADIAN 1"RAIRIES across on the Corsican, from the deck we over a crabbed, selfisli old woman or SPECIAL No. 10 -For the 'best lady style, it is carefully proof read. And tten saw the first wonder4ght of the trip, the patiently learn her ways and follow Fall driver, driving and outfit taken into con- cuts are made from it for the papers -by ake of Vance. A Few Of The Additional MAKE W"UNTAINS OF, BUTTER icebergs, o and later going through the them -for the r 10 1 1 sideration, $5.00 donated by R. IVL Van- engraving companies through agencies, North Sea the sunset of a,Sundaj even- She confessed to. a sentiment of des-, Fair Prizes Norman. and the plate mattev -4ppqaVe �n the dailY :013 ..KX olatiou as Shp and Vance reached the 'weeklyeditons ata rate per,inch, Following -vye mention a few of the SPECIAL NO. 11 -For the Best Loaf and ing shining g 5rAC1<1--ld ,4L.A',44A4 olden" on the� splendid but home of his mother. It seemed to step Special prizes offered at the Wingharn of Bread and half dozen Buns or Biscuits, according to the newspaper's circulation., -r. C0440,44.6c tresses-6fthe GiantsCauseway, asightl ed picture. Ten -e willgetthis matter . d out of an old fashion I sball never forget From Liverpbol-to days dust bad settled on the keys of Fall Fair this year. Any others who made by any �rand of Wingbarn Flour, The.E nterpris ill publish it too. Probably the Liberal wo uld care to assist by offering a special one bag of Five Lillies Flour donated by W and thence by way of Loch the feb Glasgow parlor 'organ. The stereoscope I kindly c 'm� and U. F. 0.. su�porters, who'do not. prize wil o municate with the I Howson & Howson. Lomond, a magic lake just as Scott describ- lenses were sadly In need of polishing A. 4-—A �u + +u cc I *4LF r4l close the r 12x63 -_U 1X* contribution to ceAters -Such as Calgary, Edmonton, vluces fono on th; butter a AdT sized Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, large of grain. growlng and stock Xal lump vejzhins ten and one-half ceilirsitzed creamerles or dairies. Mixed farming has been. strougl, nadian fe=ers nut $5,53.2,600 These operate coliection, branches or vocated to Ca into 'tb� pockets. creitm buying �statlons along the rail- they have seen Its advantages. The quoUty ot this buttew was un- way lines. day it Is generally practised. 6eatlonable as attested by the fact Cheese making has, become a cort- crop fails, disaster Is not the ftat Alberta caxwied off the -,Ant sidel-able industry too, but does not suit, thexe to always plenty Of three prizes for block butter at the keep pace in. growth With the butter Ing and foddef to Insure thq w Keoent National Dairy Council Ex- Industry as farmem generally prefer arearn check for the man -wi lh�bttion held at Vilnntpeg. Alberta's to sell their cream. and feed the milk dalry'herd. The progress of jmtter outmt Increased du7ing the by-I)roduct to growing stook. Eleven 'dairying industry has been Wt q*w, 7aaw sampat 4061b in cheese. factories are In bperatl6n, In much helped by the increased �whimt�`hnd ower 12396 in value. the province. and turned out In 1921D vation. In Irrigated territories. There am'55 co-oDerative ore=- a. half million pounds volued at Wfa I� the greatest fodder yet ori'm iii ithe province --all coatimunitY 4340,006. ored for doiry cattle, 2&d Is wwmed OW op%-Aed, . and 13 p1*?,W-te­ Dairying 16 fwA becoming. one of wonderful ProapolAty ' to �v owned. . and I op I erated. In addi- I tlip.big indUaitriea Ot the DrAiMe PV- sii& as OOaU�LW and Brooks.. tipA -to U30se there are in the larver i kIAERE is yet time to preserve theaututnti ftuit fbr winter enjoyment, LANTIC opine retains all the bouquet of sun -ripened Pears and Peaches. HOW Your folks Will y- the clear, white dClicat0l0lavOured Pears' the rich hes whole, and lusCiousl LANTIC goodness is more melt - it dissolVeS at Once in the hot syrup without over -cooking. .ATW,.XT1(: StFdAlt LlUnJW. U*IqR%Al, secretary, A. G, =th at once. SPECIAL NO. 12 -For the Best "" " a e space a v . a, - ed it to the Trossachs, where we dined at and spider webs criss-crossed the WhpLL value paidfor outof Government part . yfundd the, quaintest little inn, then back to basket of.cathedral, interior views- '(Membership required for entry to any 'Gentlemen's Turnout, one Edinburg, that dream city, where we had The.,five cruets of the dining room Special. Entries must, be made %ith tile 1 $2,75, donated by John Johnson. may not approve of the editor. acce�tipr. rooms in a fine hotel just opposite Prince's table were',empty,, and the portraits secr6tary before 2 o'clock on the day of i At the A%ouries on the evening of political advertising but itig legitimate Garden, so that night and morning I on the wall looked as I . f they needed show.) business, the same as advertising fo� their faces washed. I Thursday, Sept. 30th, at 8.30 o'clock, Victory Loans, the BoU CQ, or any busi- communed with the magnificent statue of "I find mother hits been away at SPECIAL NO. I --Best pair Hereford; competent judge, Babies to be eigfiteen ness concern. It is space bought , 4na of Sir. Walter -Scott; Edinburg Castle and - Calves either sex, bred by exhibitor, Ist, I months - and under, Ist prize $5.00, her sister's for over a- week," re paid for and all parties are charged the, the -crown jewels, including the one worn marked 'Vance.. "It Is net her way to $15,00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00, Donat­ 2nd prize $2.50. same rate. We -will not make the same, in Scotland. by King GEorge, only three neglect the house, You see, our coming ed by the Canadian Hereford Breeder's aiiL , weeks before, and then by contrast, a week earlier than we arranged has Association. I The best special prize of all was Over' 'mistake in regard to the cb e for' this' tbr . ough the dignified Sobriety of John caught her unawares." . 11 SPECIAL NO. 2 -Best bushel of apples looked from our prize list viz. a silver cup, kind of advertising thai'we did in i9iV Next day.Mrs. Dunbar arrived and which is donated by the Canadian Bank when we charged 14 cents an itic.h.and Knox's house, a place of richly carved exhibited, $5.00 worth of nursery 9tock, of Commerce to the school making the another. publisher of a � paper, in, this enced just wood and inumerable'liist6rical treasures; Elearto winner's selection, Apples to be shipped best exhibit at the fair, This cup is a Vs martyrdom coinin as her school,-krlend had predicted. county with about the same circulation. just opposite here stands the tower from to donors. -Brown Bros. Brown's Nurser - The grim, set face of the elder wom- beauty and stands about one foot in as the Enterprise was paid,40 cents an wl�ich the mayors proclaim the Kings, of an, the sharp, mandatory accents of les, P. 01., Ontario. height. It will be suitablely engraved for inch. The price for all kind of pltite Scotland, and at its foot the wishing stone her voice chilled and depressed Bic- SPECIAL NO. 3 -For the best halter, the lucky school. matter advertising will be 50 cents an on which one spits to obtain the desire o anor, and the latter -,vondered it there broken colt, halter, donated by Thomas 1 inch, perhaps more if L tho cost of advert - one's heart, I wished for a happy trip and was any use of hoping that befietith Kew. ising advances before the next electi safe journey home, and you see my wish the rough surface lurked L soine Senti_ SPECIAL NO. 4 -For orit mile bicycle-: was granted." ments of human emotion, race, Watch donated by 'NV. G. Patterson WILL SELL S . PACE campaign. By selling advertis i ing spiocne the editor. does not sell his personal views# The story continues through Warwick- "I don't believe in new Jimpriteks, SPECIAL NO. 5 -Running race, Isi son," observed Mrs. Dunbar crisply as (Chesley Enterprise) which may be very much at variance'with shire, with its wonderful castle, and. its Vance infroduced- into the house, a prize, S2.00. 2nd prize, $1.00. We notice that the new National Ub- the opinions expressed by the advertise, precious aroma of Shakespearian romance, Morris chair. "I'm not encouraging SPECIAL NO. 6-F or the slowest auto eral and Conservative Party has appoint- ments. through Elizabeth s room in the old your Wife In the cooking line, -eitlier, mobile in race, drivers to change cars, ed a publicity committee for the next mansion and through Ann Hathaway I ear, a bard winter is half way around track, once around, $5.00 Federal election and that John Rain and s Things are d 'donated by Tnt ADVANOR, house and garden. "We sat in front ot gaining on and me closer we keep -to I Gadsby have been engaged to write the W, 11 SPECIAL No. -77 -Best exhibit of 6URN thefire-place where Shakespeare did his plain hoi and bominY the surer e, campaign advertisements. The former. courting, on the verX self -same settle, be in pulling through." But there 'was garden vegetables from any school gar- head of the Goverrudent publicity po.%x r1ts was IL _In good deal of fiction about all this, . den. Prize products to be donated to Guelph,, on Wednesday,, and saw the cbaperode's chair near at it - campaign in the 1911, elections, when the for Mrs, Dunbar had a surplus at bank band, for love-mpking wa *9 not easy i' Winghani General Hospital,, Ist prize dailies and weeklies were plastered with- September Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy n odern those days, and I have been promised and had acquired recently R In $4.00, 2nd prize, $3.00, 3rd prize, $2.00. ads against reciprocity and they brought, Powers, a daughter, (Mrs. Powers Was seeds from Ann's garden, where grew such residence In th6 village. Prizes by R. Z Isard. goods results to the promoters. The formerly Miss Bellv'Robertson of Wing - d Vance admired while he pitied 104le- SPECIAL No. S -For , heaviest dozen same kind of campaign was carried on'in ham. arlotof roses, asI havefieverseen. an anor. SlIenti , patiently she bent to all the sweet, old-fashioned nosies as well. 'I the iron rule of her liusband?s mother, of eggs, $2.00. Donated by Whyte Pack- 1917. As supplementary to public meet- HAmmToN-At-Bluevale on Augtist 30th, London included mat -in . s at St. Paul's She made not,complaint as the winter ing Co. ings the advertising campaign can't be I ring in ' 1920 to Mr. atld s Rob6tt .11qipl1­ And visits to Westminister, the Tower, citme on Mid ithere was shive ': 8�VICIAL No. 9 -For best 12, dozed beaten. To the unsophisticated let,us Part 'Of the., house. It nearly , ;45Y The advertiser ton a dat;qhter., Madame Tussand's, museum. pittures every ' qllktv.�.Wbite eggs, 4.00. Donitid' explainhow it is done: beele broke lblean'q'es' tender heart to be'de- sing. galleries and.. the Chamber of Science, fL putting to� practical e a4- where a life-size portrait of the aviato� prIved 6 %xpekl- dge acquired 'In. a And' Alcock pays tribute to the first Atlantic ment her, kn*Wlk To- I I . . course of i�lentffic cookery. Then late i e flight. 1%n el*n* immo If a; Intervened to -change things. Mrs. ]Dun- rtalized �xn Bri) re� Brussels andL Antwerp, their glories un� bar slipped On tile ice In the yard One gfaz.7 marred by years of German occupation, moruln- and for the first time in her eekly., were treasure -houses of experience. At life was fiat an her back In a Sick bed. th a the the latter place a Sunday was spent� and The ol�ctor annou i need a -full three onths, confinement with a broken vem the tourists wer� permitted to attehol the In limb and the draughtY, half heated '�eat celebration of the Virg cuitt. g Yin's day, in condItIoll and general discomforts of Al- the largest church in Europe, and alsoto se began to force them - tile old liou cov- visitSt. Andr'ewswhere standathe giaht selves upon Mrs. Dusbax's'conscious- oak pulpit, carved by a native of Antwerp hOss out of an English tree, and intended as Cook, nurse, housek,,eper, how Ele- a gift to Mary' Queen of Scots in her anor strove to become fill tbr�e in % .0, �g at Edinburg church, but, on her deathi model' perfection I Within a week she aW to allk(nds taken to Antwerp. had won hdri-mother-111-11 way of desserts, and of daintles, In the R , .1 ­�A` ­, "­ i ';� Then to The Hague, visiting galleries - I I, M7 the day she lifted the invalid to the 4, and churches, and the old Spanish vrisqn, MorrIA chair the old lady sank Into Its and thence to the I -louse of the Wood, deptlis with a resigned 819h of per - like a picture out of Grimm, where the feet peac6 -and comfort- Mrs, Dunbar of royal-familY spent certain 'months Of `thP, began to "appreciate the �comfort year. ,It is brily seven miles from the luxur�, and realize. that She Was grow le as- I(aiger's retreat, and I was eager to go Ing old, but with a young, capab ........ . . . . . . . there, but they tqld mej I would find it sistant who knew wore than she did T bout the joys of livifig. mo# uninteresting." Mrs. Edwards said ,It Isn't right for Eleanor," she rather regretfully. 11 oke to, her son one day. "The hsldSe -,Of it all, I do hot know what most im. is getting ton old to keep out the win pressed me", she concluded "the wonder- ' chill, �Ck a clever young !house - ter ful trueness of history, I think, and a keeper like slid is deserve$ a more greatolesirethat Canadashould domore coa-venlent home. it is easier to lease (1) At the unvoilffig of the staw andmoretohelp those gallant peasant- the farm than the tOwA house, and I tua of Evangeline by Lad3r folk, who have faced the honor of war think vWd better move. And say, Burnham, when the Iwpeiiil with such sublime courage and pat�ence, Vance, thei 'Old melodeon is rettInS Press Conference P'arty visited andof course, the splendid ease and com- eracked and holrtrsci, and NvtL MIkht sell Crand Pro, N.S, utnittire alad get hew. fort of travelling as guests of- the riree It and thebld f (2) Some inoinbers of the party - leatior pick out � the furnIM11- Press, which was quite mistaUcable for a Mid let n �)assenibled around 1�,,Vangelineld lug,4 for the, heW h6us6­70ur home, millionalte's t6ur". und hers." well. Mrs. W. E. HutdY also of London, a JPlve �otitinmits iveTe reprozentea second member of the tarty, declared you cannot re0ent too soont because 4t the unveiling of thA atatue of herself still too excited to talk rationally, -you do not know how s6ou It may be ToNangeline, Grand Pre, Nova ScOtta. .,I think we all feel untold gratitude to �(tt) %te.-"q%omas Vullor. ell thoso present belonged Itaivrial Press Cotiferoned our hosts, we escaped to 111any of the PLwty, and the unveiling cerentoftm difficulities which. beset other tourists, was perfornktA by 1,#.dy Burnham,' ard I would. not have fnissed the inspir- who said : gtion, of that visit to the battlefields 1%vaulAllne 19 the beltutIful con- "pvon of an Amerlean 'Do6t -Whos6 behind us fori6ver, and hom tho ft% Vdylleo, of ulwtfft thts, sitatute a though itbrought sadneea aswell asa ne"'L -eracs we leurit. to road on both of llyangibhue has sprung a grftt Rvangell .great feeling of pride inConads, andthe Sal oldes of the Atlantic Wh6n we were wave d awnDathr which has b"a The statue,*hkh 14 Ot bronar, 14 cheerfulness and willingneft Of the children. History has shed toother mrrW oA W healing b4nd of t1m6. the work of A(MIrl Tl#,-bert -tr*rn a light an the Aeddian Htorr. Wt,. s" It its a Nood onton, tb4t tho bftWW.� moml'ly a er tho late 'PhIlIDIA t Vvi I with such. , 0�r peasants as a revelation. y 'to Otte today that r..rltl!�b poliey w,,.,4 %tot u sun. God's bettling bAnd, should 1* Tteb6r e that ot the A(A- M an educational factor as continental travel We HAvo, Sold Ovet 20.00 Pot" blaek a* it -w&F, osiMM. 1Vh&Uv#,,r veating tiM, n its all todky. who are Mans I fix(hIlne W&M One. could be opeu to MM of our Canadian lq�* Niftt f" ATA he Nflownwail 66w". yaw rpxy bet the truth of this story, as a; here to d , 0 bAt4r to thrt swag Tt lot 01 r1l""I'lir itt wnrk & art. and * Und#,r thc*# rAy* ft )*Wr penot, e9pKielly gnwng the youn,g* ra falWom". wom*n, arid an laigilmh wonian, T womn. was rremo-ram v *4 Park M Graud. pW Pro b -v tho M km Atl%ntio R*Jl-, -ont% tb=zh I am *acm Um owmM fW L A- Stmut PU �,Agolkt** ft_,Q alw"A "gitrd it xx n7lo of At WoUd*rful INS41 so W1 Of bokov I -opt to tn-w ?a as "* *W waftd lifti k-pimodkhri ra cmr annals. pmrMto tb* 61A k0*00d ts do#A I Way, iU,* U VW% QC P. AW AVIONA a^ All gki V Mob M- T_ Need for' Cash Capitalow The Investor's Opport.unity In 1910 it was n'ecessary to finance a 193,000,000 bushel wheat crop, worth $333,000,000. This year, it is conserva- tively estimated that a crop of 300,000,000 bushAs, worth at least $600,000,000 will require to be financed. The Owing to this he . avy strain upon credlt�_ 1934 the fabric upon which modern business is The maturity, a� huilt,—a number of large concerns, which 1933 required capital to' provide for increased 93 and interest, costs and extensions, found it difficult to maturity (tax free) whiell we, - do so by means of borrowing, at 96Y2 and reeommend As a result, they are reluctantly com- interest, to'those not polled to convert their surpluses, some of which we materially wbich are naturally invested in Victory r . ecommend affected by Bonds, into cash. to those with the Income This condition,—supply temporarily ex. incomes Tax, will ceeding demand,—fayors the purchaser exceeding Y�eld you who buys Victory Bonds for investment, $6,000 a 61/4% This is the "investor's opportunity." It year -yields has made it possible for him to buy these a not return of for fourteen bonds to yield an interest return unpar. 5.87% years. alleled in the history of Canada, 'Write for our pamphlet showing the advantages to be derived from purchasing these securities at existing prices. TV 00d, Gund'y &. Co "mpany Canadian Pacific Railway Building Toronto 7-T h"P 00"111 11al ONO 6�1 tX BACK FROM eul)�n- (Poutblued from page 1.) Dear d x peace conference, and named. in his hou. our, Wilson avenue, which seer4s ver)# 4, CominQuplace and yet the avenue itself Is a thing of beauty, every inch of tho way; coaches and, Of Course We SAW thQ State 3�y OTILLIA FRANMO and Napoleon's iaddle and the thousand' 111MIXMIt I X - %%9 and one romantic things that gleam Out 1­_____1___W&#4W,# X , I "lothill.1 of the soleatin fibrie of history and that - L , - ~10~00000M , %0+ VT ( I QoPyrilrbt, 1019 by the western Newo, Naw Fal U will delight tourists tbrougli the'ages; 1,per -UPIQU.) and last to tile iiall of mirrors, where we "Dear Eleanor" everybody called stooil by the great t , able on which the her,, If not to her face, at least be. Nt We are showing tile latest in Men's and Boys Suits. peape of UuKope came into being. hind her back, and the latter was the The newest materials and styles are to be found in our -We bad an amusing experience going surest liroof of her popularity, she 14"Irgle stock of Clothing at very attractive prices. up from Paris to Vouess," the., racounteur was a bright faced, smiling girl-, but are and console An co4tinued, as. a rule, two carriages were Just it,% ready to sit, reserved for us, just sufficient to carry tbe trouble$ of others its to become a yQung MeWs Suits our party comfortably but on entering partner In theIr joys. Adaptability was Form, fitting and double breasted styles for young one of the carriages I found it already Othe seergt of her rare ruagnetic Influ� 111A I ence, and 'Yance Dimbar felt that he men in worsteds and tweeds. A large, range to select occupied by two gentlemen, one Uuglish bad acquired -a precious prize when from at $25 to $50. the other Vrench; they aeemed disinclin. she conseated to become bAs wife, ed to move so we divided our party diff- "You don't know what you are �go� exently and only four of us went intb this ing to," said it friend of Eleanor Tyr. Fall and Winter Overcoats couip4rtm".t, and were the subject of rell, a week before wedding. "I have some tin , favourable commeut froin our it relatIve living near the Dunbar Aselected range of Falland Winter'Ovgrcoats that borne of wit is the are wonderful values, New smart models iA Grey's,' travelling compaulons, who announced tch Gerald's mother mistress. They say it is a d1smal, for, Browns and Green mixed shades. Every that we were millionaires and evidently bidding place, And as to your pros - travelled in large parities in order to get pective mother-la4aw, I bear she Is anteed to give perfect satisfacti6n.See our specials $16. the beat that Was going, I know they a stern, antiquated, self willed woman thought we 'Were Americans,, and I could Boys' Suits and Overcoats of the old time school," not resi t sa e Eleanor kept the, same X11 s ying, "we are very poor in- But wInsoul' CN, deed and are only Capadians," sunny smile on her face she always Exceptional values in Boys' Clothing. A full ass(>rt- I 'They were instantly on their feet, hat wore. "Yes," she nodded, "that may All ed stock to select from, Suits at $10 to $18, Overcoats in baud, offering if we (f6sired, to leave be, but havbn't - I got Vance?" at $7 to $20, '. . So the girl who kept a town lively the carriage at once, but asking very with her wit and pleasantness -refused humbly if they might stay and talk to us; In Our MeWs Departatent spect out - to think of the barien pro they were still more amazed to learnthat lined. Eleanor It was who had Written We can supply you with Raincoats, Sweater Coats, we were quite without w.orldly wealth, a relative when be announced a visit: Hats, Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Hose, Gloves, etc. and were tlae guests of a Canadian news, 141t will be glorious to see you agalm, Z paper, in London, Ont., but there is. 110 dear uncle, and I will In, el, -t you at the doubt that the Canadians are popular in station on your arrival. But 1 mighl France, an(l it was most flattering to. be not recognize you after all these years, so I think thq for purposes at IN taken for a millionaire at least once' in and A* M4 L L S X one's life." Identification It would be best for you X to hold. A long string of pearls In one� Produce Wanted, Cash or. Trade. Men's Wear a Specialty, "To give anything like an adequate band and a bit of far -say an idea of the trip would take hours," Mrs. lined stole -in the other." Her Edwards continued, under such manage- IX I XXXXX . were not to be dashed, therefore, and XX XXXX XX XMix ZXXX Xg ZX Z=411 X K ZU XXX ment asCook's we Vere able to cover If in her new life she could list dra�v much. ground, and the w4ole thing was on be mutual fund of fun and vivac- r I Whyte Packing Co. arranges the matter in the most attractive PECIAL PRIZES pleasant including a delightful voyage Ity, she could find some Way to win S G&ASSES OF CANADIAN 1"RAIRIES across on the Corsican, from the deck we over a crabbed, selfisli old woman or SPECIAL No. 10 -For the 'best lady style, it is carefully proof read. And tten saw the first wonder4ght of the trip, the patiently learn her ways and follow Fall driver, driving and outfit taken into con- cuts are made from it for the papers -by ake of Vance. A Few Of The Additional MAKE W"UNTAINS OF, BUTTER icebergs, o and later going through the them -for the r 10 1 1 sideration, $5.00 donated by R. IVL Van- engraving companies through agencies, North Sea the sunset of a,Sundaj even- She confessed to. a sentiment of des-, Fair Prizes Norman. and the plate mattev -4ppqaVe �n the dailY :013 ..KX olatiou as Shp and Vance reached the 'weeklyeditons ata rate per,inch, Following -vye mention a few of the SPECIAL NO. 11 -For the Best Loaf and ing shining g 5rAC1<1--ld ,4L.A',44A4 olden" on the� splendid but home of his mother. It seemed to step Special prizes offered at the Wingharn of Bread and half dozen Buns or Biscuits, according to the newspaper's circulation., -r. C0440,44.6c tresses-6fthe GiantsCauseway, asightl ed picture. Ten -e willgetthis matter . d out of an old fashion I sball never forget From Liverpbol-to days dust bad settled on the keys of Fall Fair this year. Any others who made by any �rand of Wingbarn Flour, The.E nterpris ill publish it too. Probably the Liberal wo uld care to assist by offering a special one bag of Five Lillies Flour donated by W and thence by way of Loch the feb Glasgow parlor 'organ. The stereoscope I kindly c 'm� and U. F. 0.. su�porters, who'do not. prize wil o municate with the I Howson & Howson. Lomond, a magic lake just as Scott describ- lenses were sadly In need of polishing A. 4-—A �u + +u cc I *4LF r4l close the r 12x63 -_U 1X* contribution to ceAters -Such as Calgary, Edmonton, vluces fono on th; butter a AdT sized Lethbridge and Medicine Hat, large of grain. growlng and stock Xal lump vejzhins ten and one-half ceilirsitzed creamerles or dairies. Mixed farming has been. strougl, nadian fe=ers nut $5,53.2,600 These operate coliection, branches or vocated to Ca into 'tb� pockets. creitm buying �statlons along the rail- they have seen Its advantages. The quoUty ot this buttew was un- way lines. day it Is generally practised. 6eatlonable as attested by the fact Cheese making has, become a cort- crop fails, disaster Is not the ftat Alberta caxwied off the -,Ant sidel-able industry too, but does not suit, thexe to always plenty Of three prizes for block butter at the keep pace in. growth With the butter Ing and foddef to Insure thq w Keoent National Dairy Council Ex- Industry as farmem generally prefer arearn check for the man -wi lh�bttion held at Vilnntpeg. Alberta's to sell their cream. and feed the milk dalry'herd. The progress of jmtter outmt Increased du7ing the by-I)roduct to growing stook. Eleven 'dairying industry has been Wt q*w, 7aaw sampat 4061b in cheese. factories are In bperatl6n, In much helped by the increased �whimt�`hnd ower 12396 in value. the province. and turned out In 1921D vation. In Irrigated territories. There am'55 co-oDerative ore=- a. half million pounds volued at Wfa I� the greatest fodder yet ori'm iii ithe province --all coatimunitY 4340,006. ored for doiry cattle, 2&d Is wwmed OW op%-Aed, . and 13 p1*?,W-te­ Dairying 16 fwA becoming. one of wonderful ProapolAty ' to �v owned. . and I op I erated. In addi- I tlip.big indUaitriea Ot the DrAiMe PV- sii& as OOaU�LW and Brooks.. tipA -to U30se there are in the larver i kIAERE is yet time to preserve theaututnti ftuit fbr winter enjoyment, LANTIC opine retains all the bouquet of sun -ripened Pears and Peaches. HOW Your folks Will y- the clear, white dClicat0l0lavOured Pears' the rich hes whole, and lusCiousl LANTIC goodness is more melt - it dissolVeS at Once in the hot syrup without over -cooking. .ATW,.XT1(: StFdAlt LlUnJW. U*IqR%Al, secretary, A. G, =th at once. SPECIAL NO. 12 -For the Best "" " a e space a v . a, - ed it to the Trossachs, where we dined at and spider webs criss-crossed the WhpLL value paidfor outof Government part . yfundd the, quaintest little inn, then back to basket of.cathedral, interior views- '(Membership required for entry to any 'Gentlemen's Turnout, one Edinburg, that dream city, where we had The.,five cruets of the dining room Special. Entries must, be made %ith tile 1 $2,75, donated by John Johnson. may not approve of the editor. acce�tipr. rooms in a fine hotel just opposite Prince's table were',empty,, and the portraits secr6tary before 2 o'clock on the day of i At the A%ouries on the evening of political advertising but itig legitimate Garden, so that night and morning I on the wall looked as I . f they needed show.) business, the same as advertising fo� their faces washed. I Thursday, Sept. 30th, at 8.30 o'clock, Victory Loans, the BoU CQ, or any busi- communed with the magnificent statue of "I find mother hits been away at SPECIAL NO. I --Best pair Hereford; competent judge, Babies to be eigfiteen ness concern. It is space bought , 4na of Sir. Walter -Scott; Edinburg Castle and - Calves either sex, bred by exhibitor, Ist, I months - and under, Ist prize $5.00, her sister's for over a- week," re paid for and all parties are charged the, the -crown jewels, including the one worn marked 'Vance.. "It Is net her way to $15,00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00, Donat­ 2nd prize $2.50. same rate. We -will not make the same, in Scotland. by King GEorge, only three neglect the house, You see, our coming ed by the Canadian Hereford Breeder's aiiL , weeks before, and then by contrast, a week earlier than we arranged has Association. I The best special prize of all was Over' 'mistake in regard to the cb e for' this' tbr . ough the dignified Sobriety of John caught her unawares." . 11 SPECIAL NO. 2 -Best bushel of apples looked from our prize list viz. a silver cup, kind of advertising thai'we did in i9iV Next day.Mrs. Dunbar arrived and which is donated by the Canadian Bank when we charged 14 cents an itic.h.and Knox's house, a place of richly carved exhibited, $5.00 worth of nursery 9tock, of Commerce to the school making the another. publisher of a � paper, in, this enced just wood and inumerable'liist6rical treasures; Elearto winner's selection, Apples to be shipped best exhibit at the fair, This cup is a Vs martyrdom coinin as her school,-krlend had predicted. county with about the same circulation. just opposite here stands the tower from to donors. -Brown Bros. Brown's Nurser - The grim, set face of the elder wom- beauty and stands about one foot in as the Enterprise was paid,40 cents an wl�ich the mayors proclaim the Kings, of an, the sharp, mandatory accents of les, P. 01., Ontario. height. It will be suitablely engraved for inch. The price for all kind of pltite Scotland, and at its foot the wishing stone her voice chilled and depressed Bic- SPECIAL NO. 3 -For the best halter, the lucky school. matter advertising will be 50 cents an on which one spits to obtain the desire o anor, and the latter -,vondered it there broken colt, halter, donated by Thomas 1 inch, perhaps more if L tho cost of advert - one's heart, I wished for a happy trip and was any use of hoping that befietith Kew. ising advances before the next electi safe journey home, and you see my wish the rough surface lurked L soine Senti_ SPECIAL NO. 4 -For orit mile bicycle-: was granted." ments of human emotion, race, Watch donated by 'NV. G. Patterson WILL SELL S . PACE campaign. By selling advertis i ing spiocne the editor. does not sell his personal views# The story continues through Warwick- "I don't believe in new Jimpriteks, SPECIAL NO. 5 -Running race, Isi son," observed Mrs. Dunbar crisply as (Chesley Enterprise) which may be very much at variance'with shire, with its wonderful castle, and. its Vance infroduced- into the house, a prize, S2.00. 2nd prize, $1.00. We notice that the new National Ub- the opinions expressed by the advertise, precious aroma of Shakespearian romance, Morris chair. "I'm not encouraging SPECIAL NO. 6-F or the slowest auto eral and Conservative Party has appoint- ments. through Elizabeth s room in the old your Wife In the cooking line, -eitlier, mobile in race, drivers to change cars, ed a publicity committee for the next mansion and through Ann Hathaway I ear, a bard winter is half way around track, once around, $5.00 Federal election and that John Rain and s Things are d 'donated by Tnt ADVANOR, house and garden. "We sat in front ot gaining on and me closer we keep -to I Gadsby have been engaged to write the W, 11 SPECIAL No. -77 -Best exhibit of 6URN thefire-place where Shakespeare did his plain hoi and bominY the surer e, campaign advertisements. The former. courting, on the verX self -same settle, be in pulling through." But there 'was garden vegetables from any school gar- head of the Goverrudent publicity po.%x r1ts was IL _In good deal of fiction about all this, . den. Prize products to be donated to Guelph,, on Wednesday,, and saw the cbaperode's chair near at it - campaign in the 1911, elections, when the for Mrs, Dunbar had a surplus at bank band, for love-mpking wa *9 not easy i' Winghani General Hospital,, Ist prize dailies and weeklies were plastered with- September Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy n odern those days, and I have been promised and had acquired recently R In $4.00, 2nd prize, $3.00, 3rd prize, $2.00. ads against reciprocity and they brought, Powers, a daughter, (Mrs. Powers Was seeds from Ann's garden, where grew such residence In th6 village. Prizes by R. Z Isard. goods results to the promoters. The formerly Miss Bellv'Robertson of Wing - d Vance admired while he pitied 104le- SPECIAL No. S -For , heaviest dozen same kind of campaign was carried on'in ham. arlotof roses, asI havefieverseen. an anor. SlIenti , patiently she bent to all the sweet, old-fashioned nosies as well. 'I the iron rule of her liusband?s mother, of eggs, $2.00. Donated by Whyte Pack- 1917. As supplementary to public meet- HAmmToN-At-Bluevale on Augtist 30th, London included mat -in . s at St. Paul's She made not,complaint as the winter ing Co. ings the advertising campaign can't be I ring in ' 1920 to Mr. atld s Rob6tt .11qipl1­ And visits to Westminister, the Tower, citme on Mid ithere was shive ': 8�VICIAL No. 9 -For best 12, dozed beaten. To the unsophisticated let,us Part 'Of the., house. It nearly , ;45Y The advertiser ton a dat;qhter., Madame Tussand's, museum. pittures every ' qllktv.�.Wbite eggs, 4.00. Donitid' explainhow it is done: beele broke lblean'q'es' tender heart to be'de- sing. galleries and.. the Chamber of Science, fL putting to� practical e a4- where a life-size portrait of the aviato� prIved 6 %xpekl- dge acquired 'In. a And' Alcock pays tribute to the first Atlantic ment her, kn*Wlk To- I I . . course of i�lentffic cookery. Then late i e flight. 1%n el*n* immo If a; Intervened to -change things. Mrs. ]Dun- rtalized �xn Bri) re� Brussels andL Antwerp, their glories un� bar slipped On tile ice In the yard One gfaz.7 marred by years of German occupation, moruln- and for the first time in her eekly., were treasure -houses of experience. At life was fiat an her back In a Sick bed. th a the the latter place a Sunday was spent� and The ol�ctor annou i need a -full three onths, confinement with a broken vem the tourists wer� permitted to attehol the In limb and the draughtY, half heated '�eat celebration of the Virg cuitt. g Yin's day, in condItIoll and general discomforts of Al- the largest church in Europe, and alsoto se began to force them - tile old liou cov- visitSt. Andr'ewswhere standathe giaht selves upon Mrs. Dusbax's'conscious- oak pulpit, carved by a native of Antwerp hOss out of an English tree, and intended as Cook, nurse, housek,,eper, how Ele- a gift to Mary' Queen of Scots in her anor strove to become fill tbr�e in % .0, �g at Edinburg church, but, on her deathi model' perfection I Within a week she aW to allk(nds taken to Antwerp. had won hdri-mother-111-11 way of desserts, and of daintles, In the R , .1 ­�A` ­, "­ i ';� Then to The Hague, visiting galleries - I I, M7 the day she lifted the invalid to the 4, and churches, and the old Spanish vrisqn, MorrIA chair the old lady sank Into Its and thence to the I -louse of the Wood, deptlis with a resigned 819h of per - like a picture out of Grimm, where the feet peac6 -and comfort- Mrs, Dunbar of royal-familY spent certain 'months Of `thP, began to "appreciate the �comfort year. ,It is brily seven miles from the luxur�, and realize. that She Was grow le as- I(aiger's retreat, and I was eager to go Ing old, but with a young, capab ........ . . . . . . . there, but they tqld mej I would find it sistant who knew wore than she did T bout the joys of livifig. mo# uninteresting." Mrs. Edwards said ,It Isn't right for Eleanor," she rather regretfully. 11 oke to, her son one day. "The hsldSe -,Of it all, I do hot know what most im. is getting ton old to keep out the win pressed me", she concluded "the wonder- ' chill, �Ck a clever young !house - ter ful trueness of history, I think, and a keeper like slid is deserve$ a more greatolesirethat Canadashould domore coa-venlent home. it is easier to lease (1) At the unvoilffig of the staw andmoretohelp those gallant peasant- the farm than the tOwA house, and I tua of Evangeline by Lad3r folk, who have faced the honor of war think vWd better move. And say, Burnham, when the Iwpeiiil with such sublime courage and pat�ence, Vance, thei 'Old melodeon is rettInS Press Conference P'arty visited andof course, the splendid ease and com- eracked and holrtrsci, and NvtL MIkht sell Crand Pro, N.S, utnittire alad get hew. fort of travelling as guests of- the riree It and thebld f (2) Some inoinbers of the party - leatior pick out � the furnIM11- Press, which was quite mistaUcable for a Mid let n �)assenibled around 1�,,Vangelineld lug,4 for the, heW h6us6­70ur home, millionalte's t6ur". und hers." well. Mrs. W. E. HutdY also of London, a JPlve �otitinmits iveTe reprozentea second member of the tarty, declared you cannot re0ent too soont because 4t the unveiling of thA atatue of herself still too excited to talk rationally, -you do not know how s6ou It may be ToNangeline, Grand Pre, Nova ScOtta. .,I think we all feel untold gratitude to �(tt) %te.-"q%omas Vullor. ell thoso present belonged Itaivrial Press Cotiferoned our hosts, we escaped to 111any of the PLwty, and the unveiling cerentoftm difficulities which. beset other tourists, was perfornktA by 1,#.dy Burnham,' ard I would. not have fnissed the inspir- who said : gtion, of that visit to the battlefields 1%vaulAllne 19 the beltutIful con- "pvon of an Amerlean 'Do6t -Whos6 behind us fori6ver, and hom tho ft% Vdylleo, of ulwtfft thts, sitatute a though itbrought sadneea aswell asa ne"'L -eracs we leurit. to road on both of llyangibhue has sprung a grftt Rvangell .great feeling of pride inConads, andthe Sal oldes of the Atlantic Wh6n we were wave d awnDathr which has b"a The statue,*hkh 14 Ot bronar, 14 cheerfulness and willingneft Of the children. History has shed toother mrrW oA W healing b4nd of t1m6. the work of A(MIrl Tl#,-bert -tr*rn a light an the Aeddian Htorr. Wt,. s" It its a Nood onton, tb4t tho bftWW.� moml'ly a er tho late 'PhIlIDIA t Vvi I with such. , 0�r peasants as a revelation. y 'to Otte today that r..rltl!�b poliey w,,.,4 %tot u sun. God's bettling bAnd, should 1* Tteb6r e that ot the A(A- M an educational factor as continental travel We HAvo, Sold Ovet 20.00 Pot" blaek a* it -w&F, osiMM. 1Vh&Uv#,,r veating tiM, n its all todky. who are Mans I fix(hIlne W&M One. could be opeu to MM of our Canadian lq�* Niftt f" ATA he Nflownwail 66w". yaw rpxy bet the truth of this story, as a; here to d , 0 bAt4r to thrt swag Tt lot 01 r1l""I'lir itt wnrk & art. and * Und#,r thc*# rAy* ft )*Wr penot, e9pKielly gnwng the youn,g* ra falWom". wom*n, arid an laigilmh wonian, T womn. was rremo-ram v *4 Park M Graud. pW Pro b -v tho M km Atl%ntio R*Jl-, -ont% tb=zh I am *acm Um owmM fW L A- Stmut PU �,Agolkt** ft_,Q alw"A "gitrd it xx n7lo of At WoUd*rful INS41 so W1 Of bokov I -opt to tn-w ?a as "* *W waftd lifti k-pimodkhri ra cmr annals. pmrMto tb* 61A k0*00d ts do#A I Way, iU,* U VW% QC P. AW AVIONA a^ All gki V