HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-16, Page 4P. � -1 I - � WT'' I 11 1, I r, , I Porkoul a .1 - .,. - I I I � I ­ - , , , , 0 F.1, 1, � & I *11 W­.�­,,A­�� - �._, Trig WINdRiM Al)*Atta'l --,--.-------,--,------�-----.----.,.--.. __ ­ 1 1. 1. "m" "I, I -w i o , F� - ___ — I - � MM _- — - - � .. . ,,, , 11%,� M . 1.11 M — ."*X""*7,121,ftft�� ,, ., ,k'j 10 1q, � .... g".1 1 tdo 11 � ­ ftoli I, I,$, M.".1k, ___.&*4�"!77� . _. ___ � �_ ,,, go . � r.=�h omrU�U11__ I 10 I I, I X � ) , ': M — �i� -, ­ I _".&.A�� 1, 11 I MU_k 7 1 1 X-'1 ,,t- , , . I - . I I I ; . QF1, '? IT R. , .. 11 I . , : � I ��i .1 I , ,R! �, 1�. # *.. 11 I Rp,,rw P I , 11 �. , " ,,!., . 171 �," ". , X, . , I : " , , I . , � " , . . � W N: � � �' I I ....""Ili. I I . � 1 4 . 4 � V - I . . Ir � , � . ;,-, 1� I , I I I I I If "I , ",. 4,v— , - , - �,Q,;� � '! I 1, 0 .. _- ,� . * I �N " 4� � � . �- -�­# , . I , -�4c,,� . .: . I I � . I .1 , -,�� . I I I I . I . .1 . �, . ".., �- . " 14 ' A t ? 1. ­ -1 '11000144609,00 ­�­­ - %6 _ ___ __ . - � - I the Money their. husbond'i Are ou; 1!oWl,ent mv; ­-t..*w@1Pww", , - ir'braling4am, Uvanrt b'rin'g 'bo 'me"' . I ; their signatures, 4 ,kntd" after that � I- C, - 'I R's ­.­ . - � ­ - - I � - - I : , h"ge someWhat, 0 'R - � now COULD. I , , � Oorr-le � ... � I I 1. . � I '' � '. I . OREEDY WHIE M —_ I., XX; " I XXXXXXXII 11 X,U) 0-M,mlem A,. ft. SM, ITH. l3ditor and.Prop. . 0 0 . #', '. . ' ' ' ' ' * * 0- � "Vear do You remember the roadi we , Urs*.�&. 1. CAtter of Brando'n, man., I I . I I � 1 �_1117 ___ _­­___­______ - *01% PU Town have traveled, , left on JFrlday lut for Toronto where ��e . � . i " I / lkautY Is only skin deep -and Most of -0"Utify,l. � I X.' - - . A Newspaper Problem 1, LArvae of the Big Niny J)eotle 'M O'n 'f'i I" , , - ` . � S , -7- .. I 1�� I'S A' R D 1,L I pretty girls haven't much depth. What tends to make a - I I or f6june "g." 1, r � . . - 4 . , - , the Often hungry and tbir.str a;)d weilry will vWt friends before returning bottle, , Wear, ., , -P'aen' town more at- (From the Border Citles, Star Windsor.) and wet, , � . . . I ­­­­ �_�,��7,-,, � Weav � . , I � . . I I 1. . � I . . I I . * * * tractive than its well- kept'lawnNind tidy Harilly a day ppates in a newppapef, , With rough rains beating where we baid Tvir, and 31ra. w. Wbitr,014 left oil - � I I � I . � .Some people rise by getting in on the streets? Yet that is. some Vrol" tho ("lieu , � Thursday morning to spent a few� days . . I I .1 . 0 . , thing that our I office without the requgstbeing proferrg?l IV'rOwOrl"s Colue no, rooftrees- , 71, ,* :Reotlo�notittion of Crops JWst . ground floor of everything that comes good town of Winshani is, not taking in some. form, "Please don't publish otteh IV Do �ou remember"? in Toronto seeing old friends and taking I 0 � along. I MU0 Pall,$ With at Present. Only last ,and stigh an iterull Sortietimgs it isn,t own Rowedies for .'These insect � Pests "How could I forget"? in the sigutg. I � � V * I week the water was ordered to, be closed I a request but a command, Sometimes it —Older Alnuing. "Now do You remember poverty and ill. I - of New, Fall G I * -�How (Contributed � , Aft I I A , PP vals loods I off grom the bowling, green, because the comes with on Insinuating smile, I Iss IT. X. ,LQwryof Brussels who has . I i I I I it makes a man feel like,. a sucker to see by Ontario Department ot nem, been the guest of her aun VIrs. J. 11, V, NIEW FALL GOODS are. C01011110 to hand � , honest old gentleman who 'takes cirg o Acrijulture, Torgnto.) t, I thekiss4behaswax4dior wasted .upon. .f much would it cost to keep. such and such Tears for defeat and many a joy fore- Pay, also her cousina Mr. and , , I I that green was using a few p4ilfuls to re- ,a story out of the paper?,, It May be . Mrs. cecil I � I a little black and white pup, HITB grubs are the larvae gone, Day, returned bottle ]a daily And our Range. of Goods � . I I vive. spots that were bolog scorched with well to, set forth some of the principles of the large dark brown Many a harsh, red noon# m , st week, X , , . You will i I I the drought and sun. We do not need to upon which 21 newspaper judges the merits May beetles, or "June any 4 sallow' Mr: W. 1), Williams who has spent X In all departments Large and Prices ., Low. , . , . evening, i -a the 'Country is be told of the scarcity of water, that is an of requests of this nature. Hard feelings Bugs," as they are coin- And the pallor of many a dawn? 601ale months i4 U. S. domains arrived , I I I The man who think , , W . beln& run just a . N:4;� We are at Your service with large stocks 1 I , a gowl as, he could run it ,old story to us and a matter that ,the are sometimes ctueed. quite unnecessarily mo,uly called, which are familiar to homean Tuesday night just for a two I . I himeeitcan be safely clasged as a conser- town council should waste no time in when such requests are refused, X In both St I 0 1 Vative. . everyone. The grubs breed for the "Of friends we have shared homes. where weeks vacation, Re looks as well a$ oresv,Ladles* Wear and,meals . having remedied There"is a scamity of There 'Ire we have feasted, I .. I . over. X I . . . . . 11 ' � . I , Water every summer, of c , ourse the dam many cases in which the most part In old pastures where the Wear.- I I � �- I When a girl plays a ragtime so that it bar, ' newspapers feels quite free to grant a. re,, sod has not been broken tip for some Small jOY9, sweet-scentid, greeting us Miss V. A. Ruestou has resumed 11 'X 11 4 , , a littlo, to do. with it this year, but quest of the kind. Really the test which Years. When fully f,!rown the like flowers er .N -� NEW FALL. COATS ' - I ' , sounds like a funeral march, it may be why should this be, the case in ai town 0 Y are Dreams deep and clean a Ja q $ 1, I d-4tieq on the. isank of Ijamilton. staff-, ,� . . . a responsible newiPaper applies to eve baving spent a well earned liolida, i , truthfully said that she is murdering the size of Wlngbaw, In case 6f the .ry thick, fat creatures, white In dolor, finished, .. nd b r air y y with We bandle the. garment of Merit. Brand of 4 the music. . I case of the kind brought before it is, is with'the 1)QdY Partially curled up and � friends in Toronto and otherplaces. Ladies'Coats ana Suits. It will be to your�interest I bowling green, the watorhas been saved it in the public interest to publish it or to the last segments of a darker hue And high, triumphant hours? . I I . . * 0 0 as though it wore gold, had it been wasted I . from the food showing through the "Dear d ' Mr. 0114 Mrs. 11. W. Dao�� and litile, X .to Inspect our large Stock of LudieW, Misses' and � � A Montreal crank was married in his and uged.in any large quantity, it �Vould svpress it? If it isa matter involving in _o you remember more that needs daughter of Chesley, were week -end vis- = Childre n's ready to weal, garments. - - 1, be different ,altogether, . any way Public Morality or the public's ,kin. They teed orx the roots of the no telling, itors at the home of Mrs, 0. W. Walker. . I � shirt sleeves and Without his collar and m . grass, and When this has been I- I , . . oney, it is certainly the duty of a re- Ploughed up they attack whatever Since the old beacons flaralo before us They also took in the celebration on ,%,,t TOP .'Sl.drts—Alt the 'r.ew styles Are bere, I . I I tie—possibly in his overalls. But he pro- Another matter'for the humane society sponsible newspaper to . yet, . I . . . ' I � . , give publicity to plant rally be grown, Three years are 114onday the 6th, I comprising best weaves in silks, Serge$ �Ind, poplins. I . bably even then �had more on than his to deal with is the horses drinking bowls the matter. It is for the protection of spent underground, thou the beetles Golden in the dusk near the old road's � X Waists—Big �ange �tnd big va4ue' in Ge4irg- I . . bride, on the streets. What must the poor tired the public, it . I I �. , I ,must be Pubished, It. it. is appear, often in great swarins, in the ending. � * ' Mr-, A114 Mrs. 11. V, a0lnies and miss . I I animal$ do to quench their thirst? I ette Crepe, Silk Crepe and plain itnd fancy Silks I . � . information which the publi early summer and devour the tender Do You remember"? .VV Perkins will spend the next two weeks . i , c ought to foliage of trees and shrubs, After I visiting at Toronto, Hamilton, Woodstock I . . I � . "Order your coal now" is the advice of I Ifthe 1020 waterworks committee are have, the, newspaper is not justified in "How could I forget"? � arAd Voiles See o6r'�peqial silk � I unable to deal with this scarcity of water -buzzing about in the early evening I . . Waist at $5.0.0 suppressing it. But if no Public interest they settle down to teed and when and other places, Theymotored to the SweaterS—Are in Stock in All colors .'a'nd those who know. We're -sorry we ordered , - . 1W I I ours last April—but we haven't received I why should they continue to charge for isinvolved, if it is merely information, daylight comes they ,hide away under- city on We$nesday and were accompan- styles "Made of tbei best of Wool," See them. � . 1. I ;lawn .and street watering. The people . ground where the soil is loose and ied by Miss X, ,Uarngey who i 14, 1 � . I I � it yet. which even if interesting, would be worth. GEO.J. WRIGHT" will spend o- Prices the lowest. . .1 are willing topay for it butin return are . . under grassor rubbish about fqnc(,s some time visiting relatives il the c I . I I 0 0 OR . less to the public, the.newspaper, is entit- a � 2)A)V2)MA_vrz,R and taking in the 9xhibition. i ity ..... X . I loathe to be treated as school children led to use its own judgment in suppressing and buildings. I lixperien�ed Piano Tuner— I New Dress Goods' ' � � Howmany mothersare teaching their being chastic The grubs, being ulldCrg ound I . .ed for doing something that it ., r TeacbOr of Rddiments of Musl X —Silks and Velvets,,. Hos- I � � . feeders, are very,difilcuit to control, , . c, Har. X iery, Gloves, Underwear and Corset' � girls to -day the value of money or the their O'teacher" says they must not do, monY, 0oumerpoint %nd Composition s of the best I , I There is a school of journallseze thought A great variety of experfillents have I L-een made with cheluicals of many Leave orders at THE� ADVANCr-, office ,M makes, values unsurpassed. . .. I . I I � . necessity of being economical? It is not Wingharn ratepayers and citizens would which holds that all news is good news, sorts, but none has proved successfill. . All brass and reed instruments - THEY ALL KNEW, 11 I . . I I thAr ability to dance well that will make gladly assist in saving water if asked ,to and that its chief function is to be. ,� the and viollii, . 1. I — X I them -valuable help -mates in the future, do so in a kindly manner. inter- The only method of control I Men's 'Store I - esting, no matter who may suffer, It is adoption of a systern of rotation of — . The business man assumed a frown, .41 . . I I but -their abiliti to spend . tothe best pos- At electlon'tim6 these same councillors this class of newspaper that specializes on crops, No field should be left. In grass And wildly throw his paper down. X What about your new Fall Suit. or I 1611.1.11111111 � . ..."I".. . . for more than three years, An old Overcoat, - . I I I - -, � "news" that is merely criminal:gossip and pasture, when broken up, is often HYSICIAN We asked the reason for the fuss, - X, ' Shipments of Men"s and Boys cloth I . - scandal. It boasts that theri is �Q censor- found to be full of these grul)s and 1 61 N-111 . I I And this is what he said to us: Ing are iloN-� in. I . I . ---------a � I I dMWAMWORM ,�s�d_f 1 1!11;iljs.p. I . I I will attack the roots of any . dl(v� � I � !: Z i "The Ultors, it seems to me Vi Take a look at our "Fite Rite" and Bachelor Suits. I I ship on any of its columns, that anything they (I I 'i �� I . I It X Our new styles ar i , � . it thinks the public might like to read is plants that are so*wn in i5face of teir , ftw1w 1�� Are like the acorps—up a tree. , e Winners. 1) . � . � I � . I . . news fit to be published. � I - I ordinary food which has beon remov- I I By thunder, they are stupid folk, X . .. . I I I There is another class of. ed. Corn ,and potatoes will qum-r fie r1l Look at this paper. I It's a jolm", Bargains For The Boys I . . I ne*sPaper verely, but clover is least ai,ct, c, by" - CHIR"*%"RACTIC which never, by kir -, I I " I any chance. prints any- them and way be seeded down'wi(h I . You may need a new scil-100-1 suit. . We, I W -iii Canada CaAA Practice is confined exclusiv He was a Business' I . I �: . I I IV,.I., thing that might hurt anyone's feelingo. rye. After the second year ally crop ely to . Man, YOU see, give 10 per cent discount 0 1 . � Serious scandals may develop will usually be safe. Doep plollgl) Chiropractic, the only and original Sys. And knew our bus' X I ff BOY'S Suits for two ., . . . in the pub- . 1 11 4, tem of .3pinal Adjustment. EXective in iness perfectly. V4 weeks'. I . � . . . " . , I lic affairs of its community, but they are in October before the weallivi, be- . V . I � � � I 95 P, - cent of all cases. The Lawyer heaved a heavy sigh � i . I I . I soft-pedalled for fear they - might hurt comes cold will expose the grubs an(. . , , . I . —Reduce Her Taxes . I destroy many. Pigs and poultry, "Chiropractic locates and Removes ,And fixed the Paper with his eye. ___________� I — 11 . I V", ------- --.--- � . � . � I I I . � . — � . . someone's clensitive soul. This kind of crows and other birds and W.Zunhr., the Cause of ,Dis-ease: Nature Heals." i -Dear me! " he said, "It's very. sad I I . I . � . - -I- � Z_11VA I . - . I Pay Her War,Debts . newspaper recognizes no responsibility to greedily devour them. Whore vii ol ' That Journalism is so bad S I ' . deld Is large It would be Nvell to coii�_' J, A. FOX� D. C. D. 0. . I . W W � I . —KeepWorkers . the' publia., It is Published to make wiM hurdles to a 9 . 11" I , tj 1:� � I moneyand.seeks to accomplishthis by fine them all pAgItsohy,fulljpyhoqnuealligfile.d-.gHroaudrusate in Osteo- This paper has attacked a Court, 1 i . I Sensationi of that vulgar sort, , 0 I I I —make Farmers Prosperous , L's -A--d,& Co " � portion at a time, and when t1iot is 0 - I 5 al ­ I � . . . . making friends and no eneinies, cleared mDvethem on to a fresh feed- to a p. m. I , , Should never be allowed in print." X, . I . . . I . , I I I . I . 'Between the two lies the happy medium Ing ground. . __ _ ___ And then he ate - - . X � . . i . . I 1. . . I . L I By Selling Her Sur'lus li­,, the paper which, while pyMpathefic, kil)d� Vand fair, recogniging the frailitiea Of Wireworms are tb,e larvae of Click beetles, so called from their curious I --- _____ � DR. U, H. ROSS v p1m An n L. - I 44SIXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX He was a Lawyer, don't . . I � � I I I . P % � . I , . of human nature, nevertheless also recog- habit of springing up In the air with a "click" when laid upon their backs, Graduate Royal College of Dental you see,' � - - - �`___ Aqd knew our business perfectly. . � . . ' . Grain, Fruits, hizes its responsibility to the public in all The beetles are long and narrow, S�irgeons , .." , a cot or sitting in a chair. At bedtime �� We wonder why som& things mu I , . st , The farmer . he took 'seldoai 4 �� , I � Matters of importance and refuses to com- rounded above, with very short le.-,, Graduate Uttiverifty of Toronto -Faculty said, with angry eye, �, . a sponge bath, and ,was rubbed i Care's purpose we can see, � I Dairy Produce, . Promise With its conscience in them, and y or black in . , of Dentistry . . . I "These Editors are� all too fly, down with course towels. ,During his, An' yet long afterwards we 'turn I . Manufactures . . - _______PfflW**�_ color. The grubs are long and round, with a very 'hard skin, froux whieh . Office , over H. E.. leard's store. They'd ought to send the papers free. fast his eyes became slightly dintned, his " To view the past, and then we learn . ; . I . . . I . I � Halbert Gets Answer 11 they get their name of Wire-wo 111.4, and yellow or wlittish in color. I' Tlicir Say It With FlowePs I It isn't worth a cent to me., thin, grey hair turned white, and he lost That what once filled our - mind with I . s Why don't they print some decent yarn, ten and a halt pounds in weight, InI888� doubt � . I 11 I 11 . I I To the Nations Editor McDonald of the Chesley Enter- life history 1P very'sinillar to that of the White Grub%, 1,11. � - - -1 77�7_ . .. . I = . , . Describe for instance, my new barn? folin Zacbar of Racine, Wis., went with -'Was good for us as it worked 'out. The I I I . of- prise, comes back strong at R, I H. Hal- as. they thrive in Z, I . :,: , modern paper, as I see, out food for fifty-three days, which is the � -0) , . . l I I I The British Empire bert, M. P., in his last issue. William . old pastures ,and lago two or th,r" years to inature. They feod upon the "I � I 11A 1_... , ,� I". 1 /1", I I � 14V ­�,Ii� . ��, .1. I ;�1�1 � Ain't nearly what it used to be". longest fast known. His weight was re-; I've never known an flour of (.are I . duced from one hundred But what I've later coine.to I ; I I has both fists clenched and is full of fight . roots of any plants that inay I)e � I �' " ;, . , � ,'�:%,_�)' � � , and sixty pounds: see I -le was a Farmer Am',- ­­ . -P ; I I . . . . . — ., .. . as the following paragraph shows:- grown where they are, and ,ire - � . ,., P .Y. .e,. I hat t had bmught sGme, Jby to me. espLA t !�, I to ninety, I . . I . . cially inJurlous to c - .11 �, i i. And knew our business perfectly. . : Even the sorrows I have borne, � . We understand Ex -President Halbert orn and potatoes, ; -,­ 1; I .� ­�-dw—­ . ill the latter of which they often bu 1. _... f - , � Ledvin, me lollely an, forlorn � . � I . I . . The Key to the market is jumped on the Enterprise man with I)OEII row great holes. As In the case of t1h) , I till ,; �! �17 Tile Preacher said: "I cannot say 1� � i I 1z"w":i * , An' hurt an! bruised an' sick at heart , . I feet at a picnic at Silver Lake in Kinloss White Grubs, no treatinent of the �v . . . . . . I ) I t � , � The press is of much use to -day. -Things Happen For'The Best. : I .. I � . ToWnship because we called poli- � . � 4 1 1 .1 .12 The Editors have no back bone, � . f In life's great plan have h�d a part, I I . hi soil with 'poisons of any Mud has a . I i'il 'An"though I could -not understand I I . . � 0c.71 tagir 4nd hypotrite for tamlkina been, found effective. Thereto a prev- �� � , ­ t �� .11 ". Their Papers lack a moral tone, . .. Things mostly happen for the best, . i Why I should boi� to Diatlitb command, , , I 1� g one alent, Idea that salt will kill them, , 'I � . .� I I I I ­ I � . Ships— way ar4 Voting pnother on .", , �1� , My sermons nev � , I . . . I I . 1. I . . . I the salary but this is an entire nilstake. The U er get a place ,, How,ever hard it seems to -day. As time went on I. came t4 know . I .. , I . . I , . , I I . grab. We - repea� the &bftrop. and chal- only remedy is a short rotation Now, isn't that a black disgrace? I � � . .. . � . . � 1*� lenge Xiglbert to rpeet t of . In spite of everything I do When some fond plan ha ' s gone astray, That it.was really better sm,, . .� I I � . '. � Canadian r ps on ,qLny public crops, as in the case of White Grubs. -.1. 1, *�. -.1 ;;­ -;,,,,, Or what you'd wished for most was ' . . � I � . . - 6rogs- � . . - �.:, . I only get a 'stick' or two." lost" 1 Things mostly happen for the best, i I : - , I � platform in Ontario and we will Proye our Ploughing in A-ugust ana ... - "..... - An' you sit countin' up the, cost I � . . I � . I I . clwge, Further, if our stateMel)t is not Ploughing in Septeulber will destroy FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC. So narrow is our vision here .1 I Ships . great numbers. Clean cultivation, He was a Preacher, don't you see, With eyes half -blind by tears of grief ,�hat we are blinded by a tear . � � corrmt, it Is libello4 Patted Plants and Cmt FloW.ers , While doubt is chokin'out belief � . . I . , a and we invite Hal- leaving no weeds or other shelter for SpAvialty I And knew our business perfectly. . . I . bert to sue the Enterprise for- libel and we the'beetlei, in fence corners and else- 4 r I I An' stunned by every litirt an' blow , . � . I.,. . will prove it out of the mouths of many where js,�aloo of Importance. . Catalogues shown on request, . The You'll find when all is underst ' cod .. I Which comes to -day to strike us low, . � I �.. : ; I � � witnesou thaj he was not orie of the .Prea� up the' old pastures is the great Professor wagged his head !That what seemed bad was really good 'J An I'� yet some day we turn 'An' fit d I I I -Ml�-V- WM. -ViVEA rH . .1 . . � " adylee all 'farmers should �ollow. _' � And combed his whiskers. as he said, Life can't be ' unted in a day, . I .- . . I . I . . I . . eleven wh6otood up when the House was Dr. 0. J. S. Bethune, 0. A, College Phone 142, Wingham In language polished and sublime: . . . That'what seemed ,cruel once was kind, . . .11 I . . I I . . � I . . I - =, _. - Most things I hold are wisely planned ) � I � I Gueipll, , - r "Our Journalism is a crime. Next autumn means a bukpper crop, 1 If We c . I ­ The Navy League of Canada - in Committee of the Whole to vote against f The presenctorain that will not stop I � . I � , I - :1 , . .'If. � � I I the indemnity being increased from $2500 1 . . I � I . . "I . . I - .­'. - - - - .. - ould only understand. . .. .. . I I . I I V�Vv unt, We have documents - " ­_ � .. The foul miasma 6f the Styx, I . I .. .1 7 . . I .1 I � I I I in our I es t at give the lie to -Halbert. eider Nalang, 0. " "NEXCELLED Arises from it I . -,-- ­ ___.,___'_­____­___.____ ­�_ I I I , I I --.-----.. . - _­_ . U s vulgar tricks, - I ,-..- -_ _ - , __________,_____.______. __ . I . � .. '., --- - - __­________ A - are o y that al ert hasn't repent- Sweet older is unfermented apple , . The Vitors are boys at play, ; - - __.. ­_-. �,­--- -.-.- I . I . . � . . I I . � I I;.' ,,, . . __ __111111111W ed and done oritt t for repentance. Juice- and hard, . cider is fermented I THE MUTTJAL LIF8 ASSUR- Andgrow in ore foolish every day", 1i - � . . . - __=� I I � . I . . . . He is still in the gall of bitterness, I apple Juice.. � To get the 'Juice the ap- . .ANCE CO. of CANAPA . . , . I I., . � , 0 . I . - - I ples are either crushed or ground In . i I .1 . I 0 1 � . 1—-. 7- -____-7___1Z7Z�_T!! —_ - - . He decked a University, .. � . 0:1 ,/- 'Q . " . . , I I � I , - a cider mill and the juice expressed Purely Mutual .. CS L,%(" -X" , � - , 1. . .. . " � * �:V . from the pulp.. � � And knew Our Business perfectly. I � U lversltv- I 1� I in" - � --- , . - - I . I � I I � __ The fermentation of apple juice, or Purely Canadian . I � I 1. . 01 I � I . . . . � . � . . I 63LY other fruit ,Juice, is brought Fifty Years Established —_ L.ondoi� : .Ontario* I � , � I I I � � . . " ", . fi!: ,.� about by the development In it of : I . RECORD FOR PASTINCI - " . .., �, I . I 11 . . I . . . � � . . yeast. Ye"t'colls are microscopic - The Policy Holders' Company - . .,. � .., � . � - I '" I I � ;� . . . I . 1, k" _. Platits invisible to the naked eye'and � . I I . . . _% ' '�' ' I I- V I I . . . I . .. ", � I , . - r . . . . . .41-. � . � are always present on the Rurfa,ce of . (Toronto Globe) ' I I 11111 . . ., . I" � . _� I I I fruit. When4lie fruit Is crushed to I Distric,t Agent e human body, according to medical , & - - ,A &4r, ts a;- d Sciences . � 11! . I , . 11111% . Th if & . . '. .. . 04� .., Into the juice, and if these are riot in, � . 0, - t . . . � 1. . I I � I get the Juice many of these cells get Winglia I OntarlQ authorities, when entirely deprived of' 14 Avg I . . 1 . I . ­__ � - � 11 . . -4 I . .. .. I . . . RateS for Telepkone� Servi.L.I.... 1_. , , destroyed they will induce ferment- . . is ordinarily capable'of s " � -, -1 _< . .. - , . ,�. .. . , 1. 1. . _hs . � I 1. I . . I .1 I .. �. I � I � . I ,. nutriment, . UP-. I I'. tk� ". t , 1. : ­� I , .. . . , I , , , 1. �. ....'. I . I I I ation. . porting life for little more than a ,week. . 0 1. . . . . . . 0. 1 - . i .. . ... . Consequently, in the manufacture Drs. ]Kenntdy, C a I d e r Mr. Terence MacSwineyr Lord Mayor of . A�k ). � A . , .. 4icine 11 I I .... . " .1 � �''. . ;,:, ,' I ' I . _.V ..., i . . - , Our t s for txchange service, fixed many years ago, develo d or Aw!o% cider we must ,destroy the & Kennedy 0 04 I I " . . 'I'. I .1 . I ra e Cork, has alre�dy passed twenty days . � . ' �. ' . I ' I . �, � . -, Pe . -sent and pre- , . . . I ,�, . 1. , I . . I .....,inarfy'.Anecitialitied .its bet*�erx cities at one time equal in . yeast cellfs'thgt are prc : .. I . - ­ I , without food, but he seems to have pro - Pall "re . . I , � ; . I . ". �, t , � , ; vent others from getting in. The Bur- . Offices -Patrick apd Centre Sts. . . � ,,,, rm Opens 0-etober4th , I .. . � . . . ".. I . � � � I , ( I . , . estway of doing this i's to pqit,�,grige Phones-Officea. 43;. Residence6 of Drs, . loriged his life by an occasional drinki of . . . , . I I - I . 1, I I I _ � Population;; .. � � . . ,; ; -.1. " I I � I .� .. . .. � . . . . I ­ �. . ,:... , . . - . I . � ; I I . . .. . . I , . J ..V, * . I . . I ately #fter it Iff ob, � Kennedy 148; Res. of Dr, ,Calder 151� FOR INFORMATION AND C.ALENDAR. W]�X-Tri, I ,.. I ;� .!., . � . N the juice linmedi. wate . The value of even a little water I I � .. . , ., . I ': I ' ' "I -th6 tew Schedule 'file4 -4itfi *the tained from the fruit d'hd sto 'r . I I- ; '.. . . . 115 t. . I .-,. , -, Ill ' . Bo�ird of, Rdilway Cow- . re away Dr. 1. P, Kenticoy specializes in Surgery. .was shown'in the disaster at the Tynewdd , . X. P. R. NEVILLE, Pegi4strizr ,. . . . I �. 0.� , 111r.ffil � I . . .�'.. . . . 1. , ` 44 �.-V. A issioners we have so � grpupL-deitits 9nd iOWnt of approximately - . . In well-sealed'Pontainers. in the case Dr. Irlma Kennedy gives -special attention mine. near Forth in South Wales, ipn 1877, , . I . . ,�,, . ., . 44 tele ' devel4�16nt " to wipe out these inequalities. of eider,th.6 pr*ourizatioll process _ ,. . I . . . 11 2 1 - . 1. . Pal ' Pfibnt , as ' 9 the juice to 170 � de�, to diseases of Women and Children and, when four men and a boy who hid'been : . --- --- - .. -_ ,, . ., ... I 1. ­ .. ,,�. . I , I I I L means ho4tln . _. I . . .. I . I . "'. . '114. . I 1 01,�' " I � I I - 1, I , green IN �Tor 4en lullintea and* then, Nervous Diseases. I entombed f6r ten days:without food -were -.1 , , . I _____ e I . . I , . I .. .. 1.----, . . 11 . . 1, I The rate#, for. exchange. service proposed for, WI�TGUAM Dr Calder devotes; speci 4 attention to ableto walk when released, . . . I I . . . . .1 . . ,� I I filling Infb� r,ontdiners tilat hg-vo been YXseases. of the Ryoj Par, Nose and . The tho ` I ' * . . .. I . '_-"-"-"wft%_-_ . 9& . I . I . I . � .�, under the- new schedule are showo in the tb'lloW69 table. ' I sealdetl - and can be - tightly corlted, Throat, Eyes thoroughly tested. Glass. ough saturation of their narrow soh r � I I I . � I .. I . .. . I . I % . : . # I I I I Care should,be taken not to lot the es properly fitted, with aqueous vapor and ce ' i - I " - # 11� 01,0;vdherAkkad� �­' . I temperature get above 170 degrees r, the presence of, �'. � � V , . . . I I I . . - ,., _�f * a . . �-, ,t', ',�--,�, � I , "I . . . ..., . I I I ".4 -;. v --. ,,,,�,,,. -� ,, , I . I I . The I . 1� Isorvatives. n Ltht cutting, were their -re e , i , . Proposed � during Pasteurixation or, the twitr . drain water 1 . � . . ter of the juice will ';. - �? d1illmor . M-)" 0 li_ . . . . Businea.q 8erVioe Monthly,Rate ' bo Injured, I' ihe wreck of the . : Wd� P -- . _;-t�i..),,%-.,,'k ­j,i-,'�,�O,� �.',,? 'S � , 19 A pro At t � ) I , I . . , � I - " � -�. , -.-4i,.- . _ . .1 I - . juice is then stored away at a low k I J , ?.- 1� I" � ... Medusa frigite in 1876 fifteep people L .�'41'Nl, , " I . , 20f " 'i e� ,�f;,, . , ,�4g.��, VA, � . Individual line . . I I � U. , C091 W de, �. -X).. , ,,�" W, "Qu I I . I - . " " , , , � $2.75 temperature to allow it to clear. � � - � ,��,Z,I(V -.Ig)�1%1% , " , , 4 , . ' I .,,� , 1 V , � �) . I I survived on a raft for fifteen days with. . 'n"'.. - , ,�. - 5., , �, - out food. Various people . have tried, f . �" , - .I 11�,;" � . � : I I I I I - '25 to . cy-ehe2,Me -, '� " ir­­�, � I I , 2 -Party Uric , - W 2. Hard cider Is proddeed by allowing I .. � I the fresh apple juice to fortiont In the _ & , - le " �� I The Dobble TPack. 00' ..: 1:�,,.� ,L,, . cask. The fermentation is naturally � I - � "I" ��: I.. 0 I -.14, . . � I I . � V V? ,-�­�:-.'. - I ­ . ! Resfdbnce Service I generally for exhibition purposes, how � W4 'ICY, - .. �, 1W -,k I . I . .. I I � . . . ...� . I.. Induced by the activities of the yeast Between - . - - � �Wz It. - z,h// �. - 1­�, . �,, 1! . I long they could fast from food with the Y�- * " �-- , , , �. Indrvidu 16 10 $2.00 cells that got Into the jutc� froin tile . 1. !.� �,�� �� 1, 11 -, - ..-,- 1,. �, aft. , 41. 11 , " L . . . al, line Montreal aid of water or some medicinal prepat. 1 ..,.. .. �� �', � I ., - .. r*o,J-! " ��; , - I , . . surface Of tll.q al?Dlcs. As, however, .. I I . �.), - , . ��,, 11 . I I -Party Iiiie : . It 1.75 there are vartom kln6 of yeast cells atioh. A man named Jaques fasted in � I ,V . ­­ . I . . . . ­ '. I , I',, 1, 1,?'0-T,*%1 I � . ,� I this way at 9dinburgh for thirty days in - I 1� ... I �, . .,:. �.. j, .' ­ --: � � . '' and also man� mold kipores liatle to I . . ::I - � ".. .-. .. ,�L,:, �, ,,,%., . � . ,I., I � -1 � - . ice 0 1,75 DetPOlt and — , -_ .. , � I . Rutal party ser�' 40 I 1-. be on the fruit whiell, may 111JUre the . . . , I . , I , ;; � � � . . I I . . .. 11 1888, aud it London for forty-two days �_ .. ;_, ,.__ , ... - �� til . . . _-, I , � �1) . '' I I quality �of file eldcr, evolling the flav- Chicago in 1890, and again for fifty days in 1891# ', . . . I � I , . . or, it Is a lyn,j-'t i)lun to control the I . . . . , . � , . . ,These new -.tatea, We Submit, ShOUld be considered In thti light , the ferm,niii,dua elther by first Das- Unexcelled Dining Car and an Italian named Sitccl tot forty days , . - I . I . of the present pilrehasing power of the dollar. They tompare teurizing the Juice and then adding Service, in 1890, . . HAT maid or matron's beart does ' . � I . I .. I favorably witli the iner6ased rates which telephone cordpanits a good yonot to the raiv Juice an soon 41W Dr. Tatiner'sexperinient in New York 1, I)Ot long fol, t1le proper Silver - I 110vt haa tO seCurd fr6fn ptibliO servied bodies all over the as obtained from the apples, Tile . . in 1980 arose out of the claint of Uallie , W citvice with which to comfort - Yood y( S addition of this & mst will has- Sleeping Cars � . I contift I efit. . ten the desirod fermentation and oil Niglit trains . Prancher of Brooklyn that she had lived � their own family ,and entertain their . , I � . chock the mold development, and Parlor cars on prin, fourteen Years without food. Dr. WW. guests.. And'what family ill town, doeg I .The covitnpditles we have to bu:�-IAbor dod- watwisit-hava Tile bost temperature for formen- ciple Day trains. A. Hammond offered her $1,000 if she . , � I � , �. . stdvanced in no lesser degree than have, those sitapl,es of every tatlon is 7G dogrees P.--f1rof, D. fl, � I would refrain from food and allow herself not know that this is the jeweltly Store 0 1 1 � � . day use, the cost of which hot ra9lde present livifig txptnto Joitem, 0, A. Collego, Guellill, I Where quality merchandise is sOld at ti � � 1. . Vull infortnation froul any Grand Trunk to be watched for one m6rith bV a relay of . . I sa high. . ) I'lliCe, edtisistent witll your illconle, I � � . . . V -----,---, ­ Ticket Agent or 0. V,1. 11orning, I)igtriet doetorsof the New York NeUtrological 11as,enger Agent, Toronto. Society. Tanner, at that time a practic- , . � , I ' , � . I I I .11, . I I ]DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN W. V. liurgman, Agrent, Phone SO, or ing physician in Minneapolis, offered to I We. will fit the bridge betive .6 � )� . ... �, , , 06,TLOPATHY ' U. 11. Ulliott, Tuwn Veket Agent, I'llone eyes with an adjustinent th en ybur � . � V � . I THZ BELL TZLSPROM Coup"y . 14, Wilighaln. take tip the challenge, and Dr. 11ammond at WoWt � � . �1' . , , "I � I DR. V. A. VARKEM .,,-- _­_ agteed, sayins- "It he Succeeds he would let your nose know your eyes � 4J� - OF CANAMA Vt $1,000, and if he dies I will, give him -- are 11"ing glasses. � . . . :11" �- - I 04teopathic, lllbyAclom, only qualified I I . . I ,. I losteopmah in North Huron. I SELL a decent burleL 11 Dr. Tatiqer, who wag i 1. � . 1# I .. Adjustmeni of the spine is more quiettly Town S, fifty yen of wo began his fast at noon I ,* � . k M. McKAY a I . 4k , I -;eeuredand with fewer treatments than nd Fatm Ptopertits- C411111d ! on June 28, 1W, and fitilshed on Aupst I . � I I I I I � I I by any other method - "a my list Sn4 get My Pdcft I Wd 7, a total of forty dam He drunk eighty � J eler and Optician I . Blood pres.-itire and other exAminations tome excellent,ralan. ounces of water during tht Arst two days I Witigham , � . . I I � IN i 0 k-0'WA0A*WA@q*0N-"i"4"� __i­,Wimio."*�io" _, � , W lie -01 11 ­­___ _ 11 _ made. In doon ranging from six to eight oun,cft I � I . I All Ji!tease-v treated, J Go S 'Ar Z_Aw"T ftcb, afta which in Un of d0oft he � I kl�tk � . V I I Phm .279. 1 It I WIN014AN, h* tmpiy pilled his footh &,bza ommw""" k(W 1-1 0 11 I - . , "I , , , , �14 � I I � � � � � I .. . . ­­ . I - _ __... .. _ .... . - OFFICE QVXR CHRISTIrS $TOR pkjoft ,;* , ­ � I 0*0 IV% T#w*WWt. ,SO WF, Ph Wilt *V 'ftv r"Voln, a, � -1 , . . . I - ­ I I � I I _tl I L . � .., . � , 141 , 1'� P.14 I .0 �. . I I . , * �. 1.114 " � I . , . I , ,/ � 1 14 . , . .� , I , . 11 I "., J . :, .�;�, 'i 46; : , �.�- , I 14 , "'' , I .0- ­ -1 I " � I 0,-�!­_A,A. ", � I " I., I I 1, 'V.- I . . . ­ .� ��',�, �� . �, — , . , ,, , ,� , '. , I ,,,, I 1� A. ­ I . ... S',t I I I ­ � . I '41, " ;�,,,,�In I. , I . I , . 1� . ". ; 1 I I I , . I I I � �101!.', , .: I � IS, " I . . . I I I .1 I , �, :_ : 11 &. iie�_ic �Lk I .1 1"��.. � , � _. - '�' � , It I "AJ6 � ; 1� 11 , .I V, , 1=�� � -A Ll-,..Ld, ­j6i � *ol � ,4-.ia.,�,�, , ;A_ ,,— - , 1, a 6 � .'. i&&1Jil& * : i_ I " ��4' � A I , , - , �