HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-16, Page 37
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I I I The Uses of It Your Food, k Forty -Eight Y ears, *n 'Tanada!s "I' revy
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. Mxperimental Parms Note.) Just Read This I :-'. . .:. I . - .4 —
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11� It eYarybodyl# lliolsory was written In t, These plants (for there are many I Vy*^01*vv� Or. 10.0. N,0 � .; 'I�:.:��,:�:�l.'.:i�i�,.,'�,,��:.,:�'.:k4
, , . species of 0 um) grow best In a -'.,.j :�r: j:'.:11�'.'.'! I 1
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his 400, 1P I climate th nolot and only mod. Thousands of , ,:,� ',,
, broken-down doopon- %.r.l�
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I I. I 1 1 1 1 'I-
L'T-11�. .� .
I Th;lWd be but little ,pleasure here ' I orately warica In summer. They are. dent dyspeptics have recently been I �
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. one of the ghlot forms of vegetation given back their health. ;:" . .., . �,
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amou; the human roes, , i:�;;;;.:::..��i;�",�i�:�i:.�,�����i!���i���i!."..,.�!�,.��, ,�.� !l:�?i��l!.-:;�- �
lq\\ to Ye found growing in the swampy These happy reoplo don't proclaim . "...... . " , . -v '!N;::::::- :�%Z I , , rot
, , � ", . ,
. Tim gtqw ot cheerful happiness, would 1. � region known as "Muskegs." Sphag- It was a miracle that endowed them ��::!�;���.��i�i',�,,�.���.�'-:�!�.,".-*..*�i�l;�������i����i�:�:-.,i� , ;i��,�J��: ;.:'i,
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� f446 4way and die, , num bogs occur *_jrincipally In New with A now lease of llfe-lt� was ot - , - > -�i!.�;�Iiill�i�!�l ,�: , ,�. .11-1 .
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And all the springs of joy and mirth o I toundlend, the Maritime Proylue Ply their common sense in solecting ;;:iiii!'l, iii: . � -.lg:;:: ,� .�j�i):ll�i:jij .:;::;.-,.,
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' . Northeastern Quebec, Labradar and a tried and proven medicine, one .!;�..`�:;!.�,,�;� ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,���.,�r,����, -`�i�i::;�;'.-il- I I , �. I .::;. .
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would wict be running dry. . , , .. ;i,`.,�-;liiliiili?�,.`�, ""..�:� -,i�;:i�..`�::..P e "ll""" . . I ...
.�� . the western parts of .IlritIsh Colum- Specially adapted to their Particular �.",�i-.'���,,�.�,:�..,�.,,,�..*.i��,li�..�,,��i�:�i�",�,.:,?..":, . ,;.;.:,.., .!., f �;:i,.,:,�'-': 1!i?� .
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So 404't you grow dtacquVaged thou* an- iv- Ulm "k .. .
� y U11CUra bla. �.--.,.;.;.;-:-:.;.x-%:� -��----.-�l���!�i:�i�i]���"".!i;. " A ;.�5*::::::*:*i�,,i, -
-Koss wrong, . ��...-;!�..5�f�;::il,`;;.i:i
oung ailment. ,'.!lili$,'iiil��iig i....'..'....., ".:.�:,�.:.:.:.::.,.:.:";".,l:,::!�.;��i..Ii 1'14V�� , .�!f
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it everything .a.munute The SpUagnum plant cqualsts of a All these Splendid .cures were ct- ��i��','�l�'i�i'���:;?i:",��i'�,;�!�!"., !��,l .-:j��:.;l�. i;�i' ...
Por It you Wait, 4, streak of joy Will I !!:Ii*�$;!;,,�:*,*,�:;:i::�;::"- .j� , .1
. stem and branches Which are clothed fected bi Dr. Hamilton's Pills which - � ;i��,I�:.:::.! � iif).iiil, N'l,ii��l�.`:-:77: .
, : i%:�.,,,.',.`-,.t�i�:l . > .: , ii ". *e , I I . .
purely come along. I air with small, numerous, overlapping .. �� --- � - ��llii,�!�; -..'�,.,,% ,� .lij�!�.'� 1.
I)OWt keep a moping all the time AS To Save Your H 0 beyond all qu�stioia have a strange �: �:;.."!�iii�ii:�.,,.��i:,���:�I�'.� . - . ,".".., "
N utim leaves, They -differ from most other power r to. restore a weak or *ailing 1�:1-:.:-X-:,:-;�-:,-X-�-, :,�'. ; �,�:%%:X:::::::�:%Z :
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, mournful as a hoarse, htf, Iu shatalk". 11th4c if 90 mosses In being entirely aevold: of i�:::!:�.l�;i:!:.:,�:�'�!.'��;ii""i!'�:1
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8, Cur Stomach. . 1.:1X:1.:1. -,Z " , .,;$�:I*ii�li��11.?�i�.ii
cum'olcraft ,V-X.V:X:.X%i I i - i:,*��-.'�I.ii�11�,-... �.�
Ao= U71u, Mitch. I 'and over- , 1',:�:ji , ,.;-.,..,.-....- ,
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But X41p your trouble dowin and saYo roatiets. Another peculiarity of the If your stomach Is tired I , ?r, k,
I It might be worse. 1"11 and hair healthy, Sphagnum Is that the leaf never has iiiii:`;�"§,Ko-.�� 1;i; ;��-3 .;�;: -5;-�, '-%-:;:�;:1: �,'ll.
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I , . _C1408,90 HeraI4. TLAA Is! "A worked try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and il,,".." vi.:.... : —
.0 . r Se L ' ., - - . �!;:1,7
A" o wit# uticura I %Aor a central vein or mrdrlb. The outer ", $ , �; , , , I., ,
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t ,:: - � note the prompt Improvement. Pain .".. :
; I � bath%lff touc:91wts of Dart of the stem as well as a con- r . 11 ;, � I
Vint- ,�,�;.� iiii
I I , 307 IN SORROW. -r 4 . r I 2t] Vi 11% Scalp siderable part of the leaf IS componol before or after outing Will disappear. .%:T� � :�, :,!i: . ..
. Xon. the face, hands a. of a large nuinber of spV,tal "absorb. xOu"lr no longer have that nuuBeouss .."K "M ., . I I'll
I I 144 Its ap a14 hot water. ... ...."M10-1 , , *X. &A 0
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The Joy of Christ w4a not a thiag at celld" which are able to take Up gassy, bad testing sensation. 'You'll : PON. ,,","-`�
I , -11 .
1%.I)gld , "MI.I. --1 "13
Ate; 115- pad and hold water like a Sponge, The' q9t a real vigorous appetite and �,
from the rest of His experie tI!2fbMt91 =U!4wr. I , Z011
; . .1
llgtrl . h and painful, but We JOY LT no UmIted Ot F014L. Montreal. amount of Water absorbed varies ac. ftest what you eat. Lots of Well f�. I ,* - - ! �` 11 11
t t is hars ..
; 4"06 vitlROut ME- cording to th.e species, but �raages a ne 1; '. �1. I .
of ,self-determination -with Immunity we-Iticurs N* -digested food Is bound t I rea e . , �.-,- .`..,.�. �,
And Its bearing of all its I . ;, ,..-illi�i,�iil,li;i��,�� 1. -
sorrows. "He took not upon Him.the - . of the dry Sphagium. owing to the and more ambitious, In a ,week 11 X 111..�
pains and - I from. ton to twenty times the weight your strength, to make you brighter 1� * .
nature of angels," reizote from actual. ability of these cells to absorb the you'll feel like a different person, In �::::
experience of, life's reality, Still less , Water required by the plant for its a month you'll be permanently re- 1.11c:'
did He take upon Himself the SePar- , — , . ,, : ; : .1 .... ;��.'."!;.`,.`�,; N
development the presence of rootlets stored. . , .
d'But H Ow To Treat It When No Antisep. ..
, .,
ate4olis of Solt-labsodtion. --- IS U111lecessary. $phagaurn usually -.1.. ,
tpok upon Utica the Reed of AI)raham" I tics Are To Be Had. For folks who are out of sorts, not ...
torGod '. � grows In a situation Where the soil ,feeling just up to the scratch, per- ... .
Oleb.*1:16), He was so near E very one knows tlxu-. di figur uncierueath is per4iauently damp. haps bothered with headaches or . .. �
atiG4 "I'll ..
I ould not hold Hlin- and sometimes suppuration 08 Sphagaum or Dog Moss has been A .. . .", . : I
In spirit, that He c � I fttimes fol- constipation, to them: Dr..Hamlltou's I %X"'.. .4, : .
41� , - r I .&!��.;;. I ...
self upW from any man. All UM life lo%V-. the bruising of the fingers. Worse tised for a considerable period as a , prove a,boon. lii�.�I' '% ;"VE!�..',.!
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11fn, " ;i�ii.�.��. :-,%�liiiiiniiiix.:.
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Pills will .. il- �;�.
and action sprang directly from His king material for plants. Owing , ., Ill. !i .l�i�i
Still, at times the injury results In an Pao 6401 � COL � I"'. �:. :1. ,:;,,:;;.::; :!?�,*i .. , ..; ....
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abiding moral relation t0'the Father, to its power of retaining moisture,. �,:;?Z:j�:i�Z--,. - " M "' , . X'.X : "!'... :,
upsightly finger nail until the blackeoing SOME HOWTX Us. - C i V.DZUNIG . .gg.,!ii .... ... .
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and the character', and quality L Of His It helps to keep rooted plants In a k., C M'a � r ".�.: .01111, ONO" ..
disappears, k . I 11 IRS ..
loys wore, , determined by the same fresh condition until thoy arrive at " I 0. � Is x -010-i"......: . . . . .
, 11
fact. To Him even the sorrows lie , Now, the next time you Squeeze your their destination. It Is also extreme-, A Collection of Blunders Made by f 1� - .. - .
experienced ,being sacrificial Sorrows, In, I � M27Y Z1o7HTY1!A:R1 Aqo .,
fi gers in the door or hit them when you ly usisful when dried as bedding mat. British Pupils. . I ' �
never, Out for the head of a tack speAt,yourself , Colonel John S. 7),!Fnn1,s,- 0. V. G.,, Rockies av,d the, Ind ' '
were the sources of joy, the ' ' KIM for horses. , inns, are on tions which can only be met and
. falling fountains of ineXPressible on a chair in front of a stationary wash- But It Is owning to Its me since Whatever else may be said of teacjx. who rode the plains og Alberta, reservations. There are nearly 2O.- discharged by Iucrea�liac h,�r PODu-
iladue-se,. I I . stand and hold your hand tinder the cold the ibeginning of the war In ',!as form ,Ing as a profession, it is certainly not Saskatchowun and Manitoba 48 years 060 miles of roollway ln the fwir !,ttjon and developfag her vast
I i . in as pearly an upright of absorbent pads for dressing lacking In attractiODS for the man or ago, when Indians and buffalo -*yore provinces, or onp mile for each 125 natural resources ' y.rbich. ' while
. - I
. I . . position as is possible and let thra cold woman with a sense of humon. The plentiful, known more about "Can- persons and of 225,000.00Q acres of ample security for ni4ny times her
THE RAINBOW.' ' water run on +,h- A- r-`1 -1, - -F .- -A-'- '"T 6 T11 4 1. .I- -1
(Laymalcl� in Sheffield, . lgp - . 0.
I . ' _g,, '� Indepen- negrly an hour. If the Water gets too
I . denQ ;, 0ld turn it off or a few minutes, but
I I Thor little church was slowly' empty-, be sure end keep the hand In the up -
Ing utter Rvensong. Through the right position, so that the blood will not
open doors came the soothing bara run top freely into the bruised portions
mquy of the voluntary as the organtab ' of the finger iwd discolor it.
followed the benediction 04 Amen" with Cold Water is nature's own antiseptic,
sott strains that fell on the ear like 'WhilO Sw&7 camping Ivith, a physician .
. e Veritable "Nuno Dimittia," finding and his family where there were rnany
their way almost unconsciously Into ,bampers in a lovely spot miles away
I the very hearts of the departing con- from a drug store the doctor demon.
. grogation, and adding to the son4e, of stratea the bealing virtues of water
lapses ot SCUO01. CUILdren and & eir es c4" mp re an any good\agTlCUlt,Ur4l land, out 35,00v,- war deut,,niusl, us ads .. oductlya
droll errors have often been the means other maia. He killed and Ste the ..POD,, acres bre at- present occupied of wealth through deviolopment,
by which teachers have convinced buffalo, narrowly escaped being alcid' cultivated. Of the balance, 190,- Between: 111% and 1914 about
tbeir friends, that teaching islkt,the scalped by Indians on at'loast one 000,000 acres, some 30,000,000 acres 2,500,000 people settled in Canada,
wearisome profession it Is sometimes cyucmlon, suggested and built In lie within fifteen miles of these rail- the largest proportion, in the four'
supposed to be after all., Alberta the largest Irrigation SYS- ,way lines walting for seWers. western provinces, They left Great
A London publication, the University tem in North America, recruited "Think of It," says Col. Dennis, "Plid Britain, the United States and other
Correspondent, has made a collection thousands of P,ritish And Canadians, tM world crying out for food." Me countries fR their new home, and
. of lapses on the par&of English Pupils. in the United Scatea durin the re- vlew to that while..Canada has won Col.,,Denws believes that 500,000
. Some of these are reputed to hav6 , cent war an� not only YoTunteered, a standing among'the nations by her 'each year may follow. them until I
made a number of Englishmen.. laugh. tor but saw service with the Can --work in the recent vrar so that to- these provinces have a total popu.
A fdW selections follow: adian, Expeditionary Force In Siberia. day the -name , "Canadian" Is r6- lation of 10,000,000. Canada, he fur.
"Finally James 11, gave birth to a Now the four Western provinces oognized as distinguishing a citizen ther believes, is destined to be "the
spiritual peace already Induced -li�., the in many wi�y@. One day, a member of wounds that Sphagnum has reconily son and so tlie. people turned him off *26 Canada. have a population. of of a Vrogressive and virile c,untry, keys -tone in tZe arch� of the BrAlsu
� iservioe. outside in the little church- the camp bad the misfortune to get his gained an Importance hitherto un- the throne," 2,600,000, the buffalo are to be found Canada's share In,the great struggle Empire.,
I � . �
yard a group gathered around a lofty hand poisoned by hLiving it cut with the knowm ,Cotton is so largely in de- "After twice comniitting suicide (Mly in Purim in the Canadian baa Involved her In financial obliga- . . � ,
granite cross, whose base -showed a fine of a certain,fish. When he came to mand for the manufacture of, explos. Cowper lived till 18010, when he died ; � . - � � i
I list of names of "happy warriors" the doctor for aid his arm was greatly Ives that some substitute 4ad to be a natural death." ++-#-" - � , � -
I 'who had passed on after giving their swollen and darkly purpl;a, even above found and In any case, cotton wool "The Tropic of Cancer to a painful *-"-* 9 $ '� 0 0 9 9 -)-O��� '
. formal dinner Mr, Debbe attended in
, - .
young lives for the cause o( humanity- the elbow. The physiclau washed the has an absorptive power Of only four and incurable disease." the wilderness of Kuala Lipis, its eir- If Ereath Comes Hard /
The spirit of sadness lingered In the wound with Small sponges of absorbent to five times Its own weight, Of the "The courage of the Turks Is ex- 'cumstances typical of the manners and �
faces, of some of those who contem- cotton saturated with cold spring water. Species ,of Sphagnum found growing plained by the.fact that a man with Hades Seen clustoms of the world rangiug Briton! .
�. plated the memorial erectoid to their and he also made him keep compresses on this continent four are used for more than one wife Is more willing "I -shall inever forget that entertain. If Koso is Plugged. .
own glorious dead; while in others made of absorbent cottoii and coldwater this purpose, When collecting the to kice death than if he had only one." in Malaysial ment-because of its sinceer hospitaly I
)l( there seemed a glow of ;P'ride sur- ' - r- the 'wound, changing them as soon - I , + ity, its discomfort and the element of " You Have catarrh
. oNe I Moss great care should be taken to , "When Chaucer describes the Prior -
mounting the feeling of personal loss as they became warm for fresh ones It have It free from any admixture of ess as 'almable of port.' ne means that -.d. & - - � $ i 0 iVo 0 $-# + 0 0 *-0-4 s a s e -* tragedy which ever played and flick- �
. I % that told of an undying hope and faith was leaves, t"wigs or foots of other plants ,she was fond of .wine." . - I ered so neqr the surface. In breath- Perhaps you haven't heard of the
in -reunion beyond the grave. ,pne of the quickest and most �atis- atekloo "Kiiald Llpd is very near to. one B I new remedy -it's so pleasant to use
And so. we turned away, out Into the factory cures I ever witnessed. which may be growing In the Imme- "When the last attack at W less heat we donned full evening dress _fflls the no
�, - & diate vicinity. Each handful should be proved a falluie Napoleon turned very visualization of Hades," writes Wil- and * * * th6a had to walk through Be, throat and lungs
. still beauty of a Sabbath evening In squeezed gently to .remove excessive pale and rode at full gallop to St, liam Doebe in the AtIalitic Monthly house of the gov- With a hibAling balsamic vapor like
The setting sun alli.shone s(TI: 'ernment agent,
su,ramor. moisture, but care shbuld' be taken Helena.", of a jungle river ,station in Pahang the air ot the pine woods. It's really
from a blue sky flecked wlth� white CHILDREN OF ALL AGES not to break the main stem. The moss "Much butter Is Imported fropu Den� The air was still and saturated. a wonderful remedy -utilizes that
�, cumulus clouds, and over in the south- . should be spread In thin layers to mark, because Damsli cows have (Federated Malay states). The Crickets chirped, and once an elephant marvelous antisep,tic only found In
east a glorious arch spafted the fir- I I dry; before the drying pr6cess Is greater enterprise and' superior tech- American aOv)uturer - Aaturalist de- triumphed far ia the distance. The the Blue Gum tree..of Australia.
� Inament-the rainbow, with all Its i Children' 'of all ages -whether It be complete it should be gone over care. nical edu�ation to ours." I scribes the burning, fever stricken re- smoking lantern covered the narrow The name of this grand specific is
- prismatic beauties, it was it Nature ,the now -born babe or the growing fulLy andi Sorted, after which the "The Mediterranean and the Red moteness of one of the most Inacces- path with a tapestry of shooting lights Catarrllozone, and -you can't find its
had worked its wondrous charm in -child-have to be constantly guarded dried moss may be packed Into bags Sea are Joined by theL Sewage Canal." sible parts of 'the world, Near his and Shadows. equal on earth for�cougbs, colds, ca -
order to distract our mind$ from. me-' as to their health. Upon the good or light boxes for despatch to the de� "Cataract Is'the name of the moun- rose covered dark bungalow in Kuala . "We dined on a full course English tarrh or throat trouble. You see it -S
mories of past borrow, and to relAind health of the little one largely depends Pot where it Is required. The final tain on which the Ark rested." Lipts, "close under the lofty jungled dinner. with heating alcoholic drinks, no longer necessary to drug the
. us that while there is life there is , "
� hope. God's "bow In the heavens;o his strength and usefulness In after making up into pads of the sizes re. An appenilix is a portion of a book heights, deep within a blind, hanging waited on by a (juartette of turban3d stomach -that spoils digestion -just
� Years. Baby's Own Tablets are the quired should be left to be done by which nobody has as yet discovered valley,'six white men weltered In the Indians, With the Derspiration pouring simply Inhale the �alsamic essences
I with its age-old mossage,.must always the experts of the War Department. to be of any use." . stifling heat and planned the impos- down their shining faces, The lamps of Catarrhozone, will h are so rich In
� I appeal to men, it only, fro)n the ma- ideal home medicine for childr,pit of all C
terlat side, the admiration 'Of its in- Agis. They t I Lre a gentle but thorough At the present time Scotland Is "An elephant Is a Square animal sible-the com L
,Patting Of virulent -were gratefully dim, the servants healing that they ,'drive out every
I ,
� . eme and �its vast lakative which are absolutely suaran, ,turning out these pads at the rate of with a tail In front and behind." ehplera amoLg superstitious Malays," stood, silent as ghosts., The atmos- trace of Catarrh in. no time, I
Imitable color-sch 14ed to 'be free from opiates'or other four millions per month, while Can. "The flaunelette peril means petti- Mr. Beebe draws an Impressive phere was tense with an undercurrent For speakers and Singers and per -
curve of span. Then again we recall ada during the year 1918 was asked ment." . an and Niatur a s. N)(e had heard sons trnitbled with 4n
the fact that it is emblematic of life's -h�rmiul drugs and which may be given- ' contrast be4twoerx in irritable throat,
� to supply twenty millions of such "Woman's 'suffrage is the sta.6 of �tho Pahan- binterland-"Wild men rumors of four of the six white people bronchitis asthma, catarrh, or
journey, with its varied experiences of .t9 the Youngest child with Perfect pads. - . ]a
joys aqd sorrows, sunshine and cloud. sqfety and beneficial results. Through � suffering .in which they were born." of the mountains, Sakais, almost mon- to greet US. Something, and some- grippe, CatarrIlozone is of Inestim-
Were lite one perpetual joy we should their action on the bowels and stom. - ' A- - key -like In their life, and Wandering thing patty and unreasonable, had kept able value, .
have no greater happiness, ,,for we ach they banish constipation and in. BLIND BABI lepers,with d)ssolving surfaces which, the other man and woman away. The inhaler can be carried In your
on ks," Even digestion: break up colds anA ES- FREQUENT HEADACHES I EFFECTS OP NERVE -RACK. Pocket and rday be used at any time
sh 14 have no coicaparlsor . _$jmple once *ere faces, And In the same
the continuous sun In troplcO cOun� fevers and make teething easy, country with all these people whose i'All knew that 06 deadly epidemic of or in any place, �
trioS is far from an unmixed blessing, Mothers, you can make your I I AN, APAIDLIKUL I lives were so pitifully hopeless, Large, size, ,guaranteed, and suffl-
ittle ones . . cholera was surely working its way up
abi'many a traveller has fbudd 'Wh4-'n Well and keep them well by Just keep- . A Sure Sign That the Blood is threading the bamboos and the tres river, and preparation for this added clent for two months' use, costs $1:
� terns, -Were wonderful pheasants, in� to the ghastly climatic and isolated smaller size, 60e;,sample size, '25d,
lo�glng for the shadow 9t a rock'In Ing a box of the Tablets at,hand and An,OpenLetter to the Generously Watery and Impure. Sold by' -all I
a thirsty -land. It ts.well that lite ,by giving an occasional dose -to the , , describable ,argae, and green peacocks vonditions of'their daily life. The storekeeps and drug -
brings with It clouds,,It only that we �6abv to keep his little bowels regular , Disposed. " People with thm blood are much in flocks." - sight of evening dress brought the gists. .. .
, . learn our likwns,better. and his Stomach sweet. The Tablets . . more subject to headaches than full- He writes of floating In a govern- memory of the outside wqrld vividly , —.6-18-
-r love the ,rainbow; from my ear blooded persons and the form Of ment houseboat down the Pahang to mind and Intensified the terrible SUBSTITUTE FOR OPIUM.
host years it has always hiLd a fascin: are sold.by medicine dealers or 'by A few weeks ago I came across In anaemia that afflicts growing girls is whose "banks teemed with bird life trials of this breathless hell. First '
I it was, I think, One of .muil at, U cents a box from The Dr. the London Spectator an appeal -by almost always accompanied by head- bf glorious colors, monkeys who , I .1, , I A Deadly Indiran,Weed'That is dheap
ation ifor'me. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville,. Ont. Sir Arthur Pearson, in' behalf of a aches, together with disturbance of the - 'si
,the things that gave me a,gitramering . I laughed in the night. As one. wakes and Can Ea ti be Smim-mled.
of : something that was far beyond tPINNING ASBESTOS. specially helpless class of the com- digestive organii. from slumber, so came thb dawn, WfOrn the Hong Kong
I Telegraph.)
maia's power to compass,�,,,sonisthlng I I munity, In which he says: . Whenever you have constant or re- . ThekIndian lve'ed Ja being largely , Im.
e gradually, In these tropical lowlands. Pcrtea into InaQ-China at the present
that ranked with the thunder, and All a9bestos lands in Canada which "At Sunshine House, Chorley Wood, curring headaches and pallor of th The glare of the sudden leap of the , St. Isidore, P. Q,, Aug, IS, 1894. moment, says our informant %vile holds
lightning that avied us, vilthout hav- belong to the Crown �uan be acquired we hav,0 25 babies, who are being pace,"they show that the blood is thin a high Position In the rnilitar� w rid. He
Ing quite the samd mental or Dbyehi- either -by -purchase or concession or sun abova the horizon was dimmed, Minarol's Liniment Co.. Limited. 0
has given us prig 01' twO of the he
taught to be little human beings, so and your efforts should be directed to- delayed, diluted, by Vie thick morning Gentlemen. --I have frequently us,ed plant, which 0 VlOuSly lends it elt to
. cui effect. Above all, it Was, :and is may, be occupied and worked under fhr as that is possible, fr= their. vards building up your blood. A fair ANS s �hv.
- , . I mist -mist whose grayness I loved to XII�FARD'S LINIXENT and also pre- uses Of smugglerO. NVIth first hand know-
k� I., still to me, a never -failing reminder a mining license. Any,person. may earliest days until the ago of five, 1treAtment with 'Dr. Williams' Pinkt, think ,r)f as the ox -apt sliade of ele- scrIbe it for my patients always with the ledge of his SubJect, h6 declared that -this
I*r Of the promise given In the beglnptng prospoeb without license however. when they are transferred to the resi- Pills will reinove the headacho. phant'% brcath." Ih had himself mo8t gratifying results, and I consider weed. rnore POrniclous than opium or
It the best allround Liniment extant. alc0h0l, %vlll In, the near future take the
of the world's history, as told -in Gen- In 1877 a fdrmer named Fecteau dio. dential schools for t1le,blind. There More disturbances to the health are struggled through an attack of chol- - Place or opiurn in the tar nast.
egig. With the knowledge., that., they covered do tll,,,.Dl importance and babies In the caused by their blood than meet people era and adds, as a de,tall, that It was Yours truly, It Is Of small bulk., this deadly. weed,
alone were the survivors of the'veat the f irst In began operati ...... Kingdom to fill six, Sunshille Houses. have any idea bf. When year blood is necessary to )iave his Malay Servants DR Is cheap in comparison with Its elder
. flood, Noah and his family d�.uRleso shortly afterward. It Is said, that and I want money to enable me to Impoverished, the nerves SUOer from boll the knives and forks and spoons I JOS, AUG, SIROIS- brother. oplinW, andm can be SmUggled
.. ,�oicne a the enterprise was a paying�,oije from easilY, The OPiun, convention -does noti ,
sto.od in tear lest there might , start the other five," lack of nourishment, and you may be 0-8 far as we,know, taice acou
I hi�e the the start. Seven mines in all were Instead of simply washing them In the !4 of the
time when they might notl troubled with insomnia, neuritis, clanger which -tlit,eatens from the Impor-
So6d fortune to escape a Similar vist- -opened in the first few years. One From this it would appear that In river -"With dead cholera vietinis tation of this drt;g, ,
%tic#. With what rcllef� Wed did Of these is said to have paid -$24,- England there is room and need for neuralgia or sciatica. Muscles subject floating past, children and others, and I . I Tlie rr0n0h allthorities in Indo�Chlna'
I six Jiomes for blind bables and only .to strain are undernourished and you bbQlut*lV PrOhlblt the hemp Plant, but
they welcome the Volc6 that lold OW net in one year upon an invest- ' a hundred cases dying down -river out 'on% then another, Snapped Out angrily IiLievertheleaa,,;It� is being ta.4en Into the
, I One in existence. But here, in this may have muscular rheumatism or
thom. this: "T#W Is'the token,of the :.ment of. $6,ODO, of every two hundred, I dared take no from time to timq, then I COWItIT In eVoop-Inereaging quantities. it
Asbestos was first tdino,d in Ital favored Ganada, nothing has hereto- lumbago. It your blood is thin and I coked
cojehant which I make between Me � w symptoms of any chances." I ashamed, but never apologized; that ,pan be used as. a� drink. call be smoked
and you, and every living creature ,and prior to 18M it Was the onr; fore been done In this direction, ex- you begin to sho, hewed; the Amoleal and mental ef.
th4t to with You, for perpettial"goner- 'country that produced it at a oom- c0t, a move0ent commenced last Your,, of these disorders, try'building up the HORRIFIED BY LE PEAS. vould have been to recognize the ofectce: are de(tollY, . - -
ations: I do set My bow In the,cloud, MOT(Aal profit. The Italian asb,estoa by the late,'Mr. T. Hope Churchill, of blood with Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills, Oitce the writer went ashore atcer deadly overwrought nerves, which Wo have 40t b"n able to ascertain tvs
"d it shall be for a token of a cov. is very Silky in apearance, and ay Toronto, who, after collecting between and as. the blood Is restored to Its nor- peafOwl-Iland was balancing my am- must not be spoken 4f. Yet Whether this noxious drug bas made
IN appear4nqo.in flong lcongd)ut wo utice
etiont between Me and the earth, And to ftown in color. Often 3he fifires one and two thousand dollars, 9pant- Ynal condition every' sym4,tom of the munition, wben a fa0e suddenly ap- "The strain ,ol. ,t4o breaking point this opportwolty.,ot calling the attention
It phall. come to pass, whiri 1 are Aeveral feet In length. ally deposited in a local bank to the trouble wIll:dts�ppea;t. There are more peareoll, more horrible than any beast, Tosoi and fell, throbbing like the beat of the authoritwo rQ tile danger of it do.
will .re- go. It IV a dagger that should ex-
va,ves. Once a man smashed In and .11,1.111 (. .
momber My covenant which 1,16 be- Asbestos upon. leaving the cobbing credit of the fund, asked me to aid peQple who;owe their present state of more Inhuman than the lowest mon- 19, the thoUghto,�oif the legislat4ve
tweeo Me and You, and every-11VIng Shea-, is "at to the spinning 'Wills him in ralsing a Sufficient sum to good health to Dr. Williams' Pink key. It was but the . memory of a flatly disputed an Assertion. For five COL11,11 ,
creature of all flesh; 1And�,1he4a,te1* in bags holding GbOut 4 hA4Ar9d purchase Promises for the proposed Pills than to any other medicine, and face, and should have belonged to a minutq there was silence heavy with ti. he noxious weed lat,sn,,oked much by
1OWeSt Claojq of ntz ve 1, South Af-
$hall ,no More become a llocolAo de- ,Pounds. Upon its anival it ls�'first home. Having warm, sympathy with most of them do not hesitate to Buy SO. corpse long Since burled; but, instead, embarrMsment, and attempts at con- 11ce, where it 110 knoWn under the narne
stroy all filsh.11 There *Oe haVeAhe forecarded,by a machine similar to- Mr. Churchill,$ praiseworthy enter- You can got Dr. Williams' Pink PIM It surmounted a living, well made trol, The only sounds were this patter- " dah9a an causes -many crimes, the
arti]ig llf6 the saw tooth gin used in cotton mills. through any dealer in medicine or by body. Then I % saw three men, and Ing of the Malay's feet over the split Bushmen art Hottentots runnin k
)Patriarch and his family St . pries, I promised to give him the nee- . - satura of W1 it fAftntU.0
afresh with a new olem�nt Infused Thts separates the tabkled, fibres, "essury assistance, but circumstances mail at 50 cents a box or ,six boxes realized that I had engaged, 'eight tin. bamboo, iLud the squeaking of the' Wher satura
I , bred of the faith in God after which a final carding takes prevented me undertaking the work, for $2,A0 from the Dr. Williams' We& seen, three lepers," 'He continues, punkah rope, dint jungle sounds, and —
Into t -hops' c 11 the rustling of a geeko or snake In .
ivhIch had not tanea them� on a regular carding machine. until the present time, and moanwhild Iolne Co,, Bro kv Is, Ont. "This horrible shook, together with 4
So We turn from the memorials of the*,, the aabeStoa leaves the cardin death suddenly removed Mr. C4roh- . a brief but sharp return of fever, made the rot. Then I spoke of Some cas- � " I
our lopt hopes and look ahead, What "A 19, Ill. Now, In Order that the money M that forenoon a nerve fashioned mt- n the outside world, and all . �
whiiie it is combed amobthly 'an' EAR TWV'i� ual thing I' - Some.
. more fitting than the assoclatiolf of the fibres laid parallel In a Uniform Elderly Sultor-Don't you think rage. The heat and humidity pressed leaped hysterically to answer, 9NCE ISM .
? Com- MR0. This masa is treated' tn ,a collected may be Utilized for the pour- I I one swore at a servant, and again the � . .
�1, te ratpbow with fresh hope poae for which it was subscribed, A you could learn to lole me? upon me like mater.W substance. tVead of normal conversation was .-
posed of all the colors In creaiton's rotary opitnifq machine, ir sounds, �4
could better ItiolIcAto This first sp,ins it Into a coarse charter (without stock subscription) Elderly M I atron-No. I don't think listengLd, yet dreaded to hei mended. I
scheme, What nofotb it can yatn, and, then draws and spino, t,bis Is being secured so that the Incorpor- go- . � 1� '� '4w-. -1 tearing,tifeni only less than the end- "They begged us to talk, talk of the I
the qualities of hope? ated company can legally and properly Elderly Stlitor-Woll, perhaps You less silence which framed them,
eautiful panorama there Yarn. until it becomes, fine and quite Jay claim to the money In the bank, are, too old to learn. , coast, of Singapore, of England; but JDR4C #a ouc
evolve Its b When I squatted on a log, the rl�ythm ft STC Ps via$
must b,o the clouds of adversity, drip- 6trOng. Where a haid, strong thread "J�� ' the conversation always setticd back
pitig with tile rain of' eirtumstance:. IS requived. for certain fabrics, %e e y out the objects Asth.oia'u Torture. No Ono who Of the hosts of advancing leeches (a to cholera. A woman decided -and — — . I -
. that glor- obestos Yarn is put into a doubling for Which the charter Is sought, vft., hasn't gasped for breath In, the pow- pest with v-hieh the Malay jungle is changed her mind three tiraes In two .ft !� tt �=--
no cloudless sky can bring OfTo provide a refuge for baby ani Intopted), would sometim Se
I IOUs luftattge, If we bad no troubles atid twisting machine, wher4 two or , n er q asthma knows what such out- courses -to clear out to Kuala Lum. PLENTY OF noog
- yet hope -MOtO 40.f the ��n three& ere corn, I fant blind, to provide free scientific fering Is. Thousands do know, bow- merge Into A thotisand endless, unda. pi# ,then to stick by her busband,11 I
1Sope would be unnecessary 6are, training and maintenance, to lating lines of vermin, closing In on *464 .__.
, 1111v the rainbow In that It Is eotne bifiM. Of eourse If the asbestos is sa" the lives, of even a few of the I ever, Mm, experience how Imineasur- all Sides, and the f"I of their measar- toy -"Was the our very ,CrqNVdQd
pounded of the filmlost ,materials, the to U impreginsited with rubber a alft Is the rdief provided by that When YOU 41110 to-qS,)t,,,Uncle?11 "I
- many of such unfortunates. wholi for ed looplogs on neck or wrist or hat OIL MAMUS PILLS' llnejo--�Ilft I hgq A g
0 . most evanescent elements; but, spir. 8icao6th. hard -finished threiad is not lacit of such Service, perlsh ovary year, marvellous .preparation, Dr� J. P. Kel- rim was almost unendurable. Th6 I f , 'trfip to op
ItUal Ill Its essenc6, it lei InsurpaSsuble desirable, loges, AtAirtip4,fLeme4y. For years A IFOR WOMENS AILM91JTS "it -.4
It, Ifil value In our lives. It giVes us *�& �. - and to return these little ones to their has been 'relisvini and curing tho windless shush, shush of leaves un. ot woman hav4 tottllW In tha Isit U ,�*- ---
. poig6nind por,10, at SC11001 ago, With normal mott. severe cases. it you are it 54- der their combined movement Increa&, I t *a us en of -fin KNONW1
it fresh outlook, a sanguine Spur 6r Killed By Blood ed, until It became a veritable bellow- F PIL , 901dutififtu
� Itidontivo to our effort$ to attalli, to healthy bodies and sound minds." *eror do not delay S. day In Securing "YOU Womi0ft beg� p;kIn more bo,
r edy O& #Ad pal ,to.
the bright side Of things. Intangible, Used mr. Old r4Z01- for Paring his Such, in brief# to the task before this r6medy from Your druggist, ,Ing, -bo �4 " .1 . 4 nly a Patented � Ically than men,lt
4M moot Potent, It Is Ono Of the chief COMS. Poollsh, bftAuso a 26c bot- the promoters. Moniy ls� urgently re- b I "I longed to return, but I knew I it", 11 . ou rug-g-lat, or "I suppose a doctor told 7(JlA t1lut?"
han 140 of POtiMa's Corn Extractor will quired to carry It to SU009%ful. 7001n- Tn �Z" 119 -, W- A G n. taust not. I must not give In to this it pri #00 VA
fattort in making Our lives more t. IF at. st a "NO, a Shoemaker."
I - eur* all the c0th6 Ill a f4rally for a pletion. Canadians hAV6 never been ni, terror of jungle things which usually . 0 I..
,,Vh,2oaton Trknaorlptj '� ... I , I—, , . -I- 1.0 -o "I"-wokill"'I
41 Istonce; It in one of thofi'm Safe, because 1)urel�* Vese- kn6wn td turn theft backs on any de- ts the fourth umbrella I've aroll"d only Interest, Then camd - A Restdy Weapon AvInst Osln.-
;Tis "trUxty" that we axe bidden to keep Yedr, lost this v6&r. the climax. I had the chance of my There is nOthing eq1tal to ')r, ThomAe
con6tantlq, before lill-Valth, 11ope and, table. Use only Puticim's Extractor, gerving cause, claiming their Aid, and DIx-rotir overlitaol expense taust W life -tort Peacocks at clom 4WI�a% 'EM ALL. nieleetric Oil Whett NYell rubbed In,
" 25c, atal dealers. #"rely thits appe4l will roet, with a tonsid%*b16. ,, range --And "Want to hear the latest phono-
Malty, � ..-'� . , . — 0 �,6 1 .. . generous response. Help - nOwo vith' 406, for a While was putting myself togeth- graph records?" It DonetMV,8 the 04sues and pain die.
' ,
+ k lot usually safe to tay thkt When � WOULI) a() LIXig T11n REST. When the Undigosted kood jlsls� lil fll.e or When I fairly screamed and dropped "NO, thank you. I've heard ell of appears beforo lt, Thtro is no Itnowil
but Waitlu$ to be called UP011`by a StOM84b, It thxWa off gases ciluiftg my sun, leaping from the hiding ,oiccl, I livo, in an apartment house,,, preparation that Will TeACIA the toot
C 4bild Is pale, sickly, "evith And (90000 Transcript) coltector, so that 'the cloxO of the , WAto .
Pains and boreiWon Itt the otomsehio- Uftd climbing ten feet Into a tree ten- — -- quicker f4an thIA magic Qll, In toll-
ro60"g, the eaull'o 16 "Mt. These lg* tP "', out cook hAN bitootft6 yoai mity e 1,Th(i Mind Uab%5' , ro�glon, The belell1bg or 0,rUctill- anted by fireaftO, in a trembling 13weat wormm mV the strength plid und,or- se4aclisco Tt ranks tIrst alljong
,go ,the, stocag,ch oad In- z4 to ahin Ikman, 110-
pamMtft rar u ))Onp ,Rome, ,Nurse: and Xindergkrtoia" in tich of thoi&4 gases do Offerisive and of tear. A tiny Aquirrel-ono Of the m1no th.6 vitality Of children, ments now ofterett to thcv public and
tostines, eausing iserloug olloorolors of Monts are t %orry. my dear. Xtifng" 411ft"gfUl operation Ir. the (4,4pltAl
the Atostiou aud, preventing tho Ill- Briagig, *11altablo *nd you now an"a, Cheoluts tney bo mado 'the Way Way 10 PrOV4�1&t them I� to little dwerfs wareely as long tie tinslo PArength4hil them by using Mother Is aceorde4 fitot raaes among all Its
, tlty�,of 0 r0%tOr0 the StOW6011 10 VtOpor action. hand --had jumped on my blick, and I Ort,v6s' WOrM Ext"WinoAft to drive compistitorA,
tant $1,001 a Vill *ubwAnte from , - -*,* 4, . w� ,*,*4bI6 t Man Blind nabiml p&rfttdo6,6 Vegatible, pj,ya V42 do had reo.ted as from the charge of a out th-6 paralsit". .".4 --lb 1-40
$Md. Mil 4i %1Z Powd6rx, by Rud,ind soft -torus both 7104 to i will be thill, SiMole, dirmt,io" go with �Oljelj .-
tho wormt, 0%vact th*06 X4DI ZIP cornT.ure, wX<* is 6a- pftk#A allot At ,course of them taken butfsao." �& U * i The Wy- - will let no man tonquor
" I *,digootiou and sorm to ,, $, to "S X&A 4fttkftk &a , MION, IN EVSNING (11,10THES. In the m&rch of lifo don't h"d the my heart, but I wauldn't mind letting
'r = ty
=Vrotwth =1 o , 0 Y*40"O'Xy to 4*,Wu to odoct 6,rd*r of "right about" when you kuoW two or tbm'hay* a mudato ovor It. -
"ft" 0A "ra to b"Itiq oowe'A� � I
- � "*b� it ItA i6lii; . . d" otuwa. 6 ouro. , , . � � Thwe to it graphis d"cription of it ym sxo about right.-,UoJW$& - "614'a (X%Mldhl� I
-1 % .
�. 1)
,**, ��,,�i"�'. -
I .1 k �, li,-, I 1, 11 I It I 11 .
��, ,, � .1 , - I , "I I
�, � - I I ,, ,
o i- A -�,"&hmkk" 418t-t�. I -1-14- .,� I - -1 --I
- - - -
�, -- - � -- ...--
X= 11110011118111001 I ---------' , --
Earliest F freni a's
*I, 04,11,mimmoo
(90A040A 4i"414)
01millar to the test that Xontrw en.
dured with the poiico and tualnu on
strike, And was afterwards gont
through by 1304ton, with Its polica
force. Ue.,iphis, Tenn., Isnew havIAX,
1 but It Is their firemen alone who b4ve
90-e OuL They struck betls,920 t110
comml�sioner docidect that the milialel-
� pal finances did not permit the a4vatica
In pay which the firemen demanded.
They were unloji4ed, and otrueX. As a
bOdr. OfflCiais and the majority ot
the city are said to be United In L a do -
termination that. the places or 'The,
fariking firemen shall jj4- filled '
volunteers, Including ex.$014 L oy
L ter$, 4nq
tuat the wen wilo have lort their pofjt�
tions as guardians ot�L the public safety
0, -all never be taken back to tile poov,
tions they deserted, leaving the city
at the nieroy of any flames wliten
might come ill), The result has been
the recruiting of a new fire-figliting
force which to now at, work. Ir4a po,
SRI= tax�n Is that when men outer the
Service ot the public As guardians of
order or protectors of public welfare
they must make up their minds that
they surrender their absolute iudepon-
dence. . L
The first strike which ever occurred
In a fire company, In all probability,
was In what is now Canada. It was
over half a century age, nelther side
ever gave uP, and the striRerg an4
tl':)Be who took their places continued
to w01i at Ilres, till. 'wela Who qutored
as youths dicd or retired1from Old, age.
No question of pay was Involved,13ut
It was due to an old reiUloas anq
rac.'al !eud, This was in Halifax, PZova
. Scotia, Where an Incident In oolln6otion
with the Crimean War, led to very bit-
ter feeling�l A rash undertakin$ had
been made to sen I a fighting forbe to
I .
aid the British and her allies, from a
country too sparsely populat6d at thac .
time tu make this possible. The ex-
�pedlent was resorted to of advertising
in fife United States for men to come
to thL, country and work on what 18
now the Canudian, Government railway
ye W started It Nova
Scotia, When they came, efforts',were
made to enlist them, And eventually a
sufficient number to form a regimenc
were drilled and sent over., -and were
known as the Foreign Legion. Others.
finding themselves in a strange coun-
'iry, brought there under false ' pre�
tcnees, managed to get back home.
Among these were a a4mber of, Irish
Catholics. The local lrish Society were.
very Indignant, and raised money . to
send ,,,eir compatriots back to the
United States. Thatwas not the end
of the trouble. however. The bitter-
est racial and religious feeling grew
from it got into politics, and there was
even an eiection or so in whieh'Pro-
tc",tants slid Catbolles were. arrayed
against each other- L �
It was during this time tbatth'A vol-
unteer fire company, which had be-
. come entirely Protestant and,Wsrsk self-
supporting, although using apparatuSi
supplied by the city, refused admIssion
of Irish Catholics to their body. This
lCd to trouble with the City Council.
The,firemen resigned fit a body, A
I new company was formed twtake over
the apparatus.. The 'new ones,.were
entirely Irish Catholics, and were Call -
cd the Union Fire Company, occl-111YIng
the public engine houses. The - out-
going body continued their organiza-
tion, built and occupied their own halls,
purchased apparatus and called them-
selves ,,lie ('n.oa Protection Company.
beconi�nx a salvage eorps, For *ears
both bc,tl. ;,. %�. �ked side by side at
fires, e(.. ebrated the same day as'their
anniversary, each claiming to be tile
original, evp,qlhad their annual plonles
on the same1sland. , Strangely enough
they worked harmoniously And oner_
getically, but continued absolutely. to*
observe the line as to religion, I , ong
after all difterences of that kinfi-had
passed away and the Province had be.
come the Most tolerant in British
America. The two bodies were kept
Up until comparatively recont �eiirs.
when the fire department gradually be-
came oile-bf plaid professional firpmen. -
This was a strike that was never
settled, — . ---,*-o 11 I I
1 . ... ;
� L
Virst I' ,anned On the ,rraser
. River 1863. ,� ,
. I
—� .
. The first salmon canned on ths� pa-
effieL coast were Put up at New '%Vest�
Minster In 1863, by a Air. Annaftdale,.
His operations that year, however. .
Were on a very limited Seu,je, 'In 18GI,
he became a9sociated With Mr� Alex.
under Ewen, who, from that date till
his death 'in 1907, was the rocognized
leader in the salmon In4ustry In'.BrIt.
ish Columbia. � I
The first salmon cauning on. -what
may be tormed the commercial scale
Occurred, how6er, on the Sacramento
Rlvez-InAS64, The first pack of 2,000
cases mal In cans soldered' -by hand.
. � .
It sp�oi fo�t $16'per case but the high
costs und the deductions for defective
this ' : precluded any profits. An 18C4,
the operator, a Air. Ilume. transferred
I I its activities to the Columbia, itiver.
He lived to see the pack In that dis-
trict increase from his pack lla'1866.
4,000 cases to 650,000 cases In the
"bunner" year, 1884, .
In 1876 there were three nannories
on the F raser and the combined patlt
was 9,347 eases. In 1001, there werA
48 canneries on the Fraser and 25 in
Puget Sound waters eanning Prager
River Salmon, or 73 in till. In the
banner" ytar 1913, the total pack
of Fraser River socktye Was 2,392,000
or 115 million pounds (57,600 tons).
This represented 30 per cent. of the
entire world's Produetiou of canned
salmon In that Year, At present prices
It wotild be worth about $60,000,000�
owing to a djustrous rock bilde in
the Ptaser Rtvf,lr In 1913 a0d to the
ovtrfisliffig of the depleted "runs" ot
sookeya, the total pack of thla fish
in 1910 ww., only 74,000 onses of 3 1-2
L million pounds.
L Fishing On the Skoena giver o6m-
rw�srwed in 1877. To -day. owing to the
cellpto of the V reser fishery, It Is the
prInt4tval 01111101c) river Of 13,01311 Col-
unibla ' 4
CO,oiwe-ne,ltig In 1878, V-1th a voLolo,
of g1r)9 ptp�oq liy two raw)srles, thf�
. Al,takk fiqho�rY InellostR84 trfl. In 101A.
1.14 rcoonorks Put Up 4,078,000 M14CIS.
Ovorl'ohing bAWAV,A,1r- h%% 4�1%114d N
sltuntv�n -tvilleh doollakils AdrA*1t1*
,nhanio�,l I" illP r0911lAtfbn.t% (Ork0eOt-
, ,
M froi� 114"tory (it i ,hA poelfle PnIt"t
Sql,,,r�n Jnd1l,;try. bv Mr. Heary Doylo
-st f%o V-,%neiuvfr Flshol4oss (,,"yen.
t1oll), * t. *-*,,* � I -.,
lto,v-Yoor trionil the 4VMt(tr r,
rittho,r nv, lo'n't hp? .Vmx-yol, -h,
nover Jk4.1 Up Lin bin ra*oblno witloat
weIlring A wallow -tall otat,
f . - I . I I " "'
I . ,
- -1'.. - L- -& — ,� . --��, �, - . .��Jjjl�L"r,% ,"�.�