HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-09, Page 61. r— \ 1�0 � ­­ I. .o41#*A+++++*+#.*1**4* UVM6 It okoh night on, the 4s4srte4 I I 0 0% AUL boarth. Litt , Is Tlm had b"�A taken " %, + 11c, 4 round seeming anxious for the Itonor mant Gazi lexcelw All In by a, neighbor -all the motbers . * I L I After It W44 known thAt Will had With Autoo,", I 1FQr PU * V.jA,V0U9' a,Ad &OMA "made his strike." - L I 0440446, *-++++-+*4 t4- � ! rityll .. I They walked in Absolute silence for I I ; some time up the inalluo. Talbot . The Morocco torrespon4ent-1 of the I � L I was going bacli to the West g4lqh. and London Times sends a thrilling deu- It I J , I I Katrine 04.14 she Would Walk a little I . I criptIon of hunting gazelles by auto- . I All� 14 I of the way In that direction, too. The . L Afternoon waB bright and clear, and ,pigbilo, He writes,, I I "�, I the air singularly still -so still that � �, , There gre'four of us, Halijl ThAmi " Lamnow, A tile Intense cold was hardly realized. Qlawl, the, BARU of marrakeshl: Raid SA 111111 L I Who rays of sunshine struck warmly . , � I I I Ifammou, of the Atlas, Sid Ayadl, I OF I am 071� across the snow�baukB piled Qa each Mild of Rahamna, and your corres� OZZM AL treading. The sky was Palo blue, and pondeut. I fo side of the narrow path they were 11 It you have not tried itf send us a post card , r %- fred ,the points of the straight larches on It Is time to start. There Is a car 4ample stating the, price you ftoW pay andif the summit of the ridges out darkly Ala,C 6 L YOU use I for each of us four sportsmen and ks reenorMixd4Tea. Address Salada.Toronto. Into it like the points of lances, There .1 Was something In the atmosphere that at the Invitation of My laosts I 0-ke . "'I �" � ....... . Is called a day In late auttlmn I . in LL I my seat be'01do the Aellauttour, with ­., England. They were nearing the top L . 0 two beautifully 01res4ed black slaves L . -*-*0----"-_.­qA_ - . � of the ridge, and both had their gaze I Ir. the back seat in attendance. The I bout on the narrow ascending path 10'alde enter their cars a4d we set out. . . wo, I ..A -- , F - I " 9 before them, when suddenly a tiny ob" = I � I = ject darted Into the middle of it and . The cultivated )(�uds are quickly "" � ran up the opposite bank. On the I Il ­ E instant Ilatrine drew one, of tliepistols L . left behind aiid,the ,,reat plain of Ra, � from her belt and fired, ,The little hainna lies stretching away before = ! N = S� k m own the bank, Us with the 6now pbalts of the Atlas = A JEWEL IN 0, , � bounding Its southern horlzon.' � . � � = dropped back into their path and lay L . = there motionless, It was a ilne shot, Kaid AY4d1 gives the stgral and the = = for the tiny moving thing was fully L I four cars spread. out 4 row hundred = = L thirty yards from them and looked yards 4part--�and proceed at a slower � I �"- � I . , � T h L pace, About fifteen miles,an hour. The = `H"" ROUGH � hardly the size of a dollar. Talbot 1, . No glanced at,her With silent admiration. ground is stone -strewn and rough, = . = ' 0 � No He himself never shot except for food k I I and careful . steering is nece�sary. &M - r0a'a I . - - am .. I or other necesityj And wanton killing I , , There are boulders, of overy shape and rather annoyed him than otherwise, . size loosely sttewh-over the plain, and . f f but here the skill and the correctness . f, � , little channels worn by Witter, Insig- a, � I- I . . R-..�.l ,,,,*" I ulficant eaGiigh In tbemielves, but ' ofwristand qye wereso obvious that � I highly damaging to motor cars It not As the afternoon closed in, her to disturb him from the waah-house, they compelled him, to an invollintarY I - skilfully maitoap4red. Our chauffeurs cough seemed to grow more and more and he went on playing. admiration. ,,� " . . � , three Prenchnidn, and*lm Algerian troublespine; the pain in her chest, An hour passed perhaps before Will "You are a good shot! " he exclaim- \ . are , set toot In Good Luck Row, and he 'e -out skilful.Arivers a -ad ai,eustonie� too, had never been so bad; she had ed, looking at th bright, clear I to thle sport of the "GreAt Kaids." .to keep, her hand there all the time as tramped up it With a *sounding pace. face beside him, warmed into Its L . SIGHTING THE GAME - she labored round the room, putting There was fire in his 'eyes, the blood -warmest tints by the keen air and the ' everything to rights, making sure that- rano hard In all his veins, his rubber contfnuous mounting of their'steps, I o j . Suddenly one 6f the SIMVCSL In ray the cabin was neat and,,tidy against boots had elastic springs in their goles. "But not a good'woman," she on- � .1, car cries out and away head of ine I- Will's return. At last she sat down Yet he carried an extra weight with swered, shortly, quickly reading the see d herd 'of gazelle bounding over in the circle of hot light round the him. There was something In his poc- thoughts that accompanied his words. � the plain. My car Is on the extrenie fire, and. little Tim crawled Into her ket ;n a buckskin bag ,that burned his � , left of the line and our object is to lap. She put her arms around him ,band as It it had been red-hot iron . I I head off the herd from the more and held him' absently. She was , wheqx he touched iL As he came to I 11 I stony gkound and turn them to tho thinking over, Katrine's mords. The No. 14 and saw ,the windows dark, he W ODIS MOSPH00114ma- . merely hurried his pace, and hardly , The reat English Pre diration. I � right, wherd the.pla.4i In more level, spring! Were they really near it? "So stayed to lift the door'latch, but just pF �p Tones and invigorates i'�e whole I ." � Edging away q�ways te the left our near," she had said , L,,it was af- ), , ., 411, 1k I f- - door A . nervous systom. makes new Blood I . 0 , � - 1. . I'll I ____ ,,,, ","", 11 Bring to a boil one cupful of granu- side to side aii4 bumping. Seizing 1 , , I'll I 11 every opport unity of a few yards of -old and ,smoke -hued almanac pinne4 "Well, Annie, my girl, ,we've struck . , , up to the wall beside it. She Get the it ai last," he shouted, at the top of � . to have to siQvV down again to nian- child down, and getting .up, walked his voice, "and you ahall ' CoPie home I I . � . � � � 1, �. ,,Ipulnte pome'-awkward spot. The gaz- slowly over to it and ran one tremb-, right away. Where 06 you, Annie? the4stiffly-beaten, wfiites of six eggs and five tablespoonfuls of powdered elle are- out* of range, for It Is only ling finger down the dates. Each one Didn't I say wait a bit for me?" 1, . with a shotigii1floaded with solid bul. I - - for December, when they had first He had entered by the'waeli-houee, made of one heaping tablespoonful let or V-d&iff6t' th 4 t the� -can be got. , To shobt with 9,'Olfle, out of 0. car -; ,- ��: ,­� ,,-,,-.,,..,��-�-�.W,-.—*.W,f-=:��f I ; � -1. I - - ,-__-o"�) . ,�__­­­�­�­ -�,_A,W-� r— I I - '-W - M__ ­ ___________ __ I ___ _____ .11, - I 1. r— \ 1�0 � ­­ I. .o41#*A+++++*+#.*1**4* UVM6 It okoh night on, the 4s4srte4 I I 0 0% AUL boarth. Litt , Is Tlm had b"�A taken " %, + 11c, 4 round seeming anxious for the Itonor mant Gazi lexcelw All In by a, neighbor -all the motbers . * I L I After It W44 known thAt Will had With Autoo,", I 1FQr PU * V.jA,V0U9' a,Ad &OMA "made his strike." - L I 0440446, *-++++-+*4 t4- � ! rityll .. I They walked in Absolute silence for I I ; some time up the inalluo. Talbot . The Morocco torrespon4ent-1 of the I � L I was going bacli to the West g4lqh. and London Times sends a thrilling deu- It I J , I I Katrine 04.14 she Would Walk a little I . I criptIon of hunting gazelles by auto- . I All� 14 I of the way In that direction, too. The . L Afternoon waB bright and clear, and ,pigbilo, He writes,, I I "�, I the air singularly still -so still that � �, , There gre'four of us, Halijl ThAmi " Lamnow, A tile Intense cold was hardly realized. Qlawl, the, BARU of marrakeshl: Raid SA 111111 L I Who rays of sunshine struck warmly . , � I I I Ifammou, of the Atlas, Sid Ayadl, I OF I am 071� across the snow�baukB piled Qa each Mild of Rahamna, and your corres� OZZM AL treading. The sky was Palo blue, and pondeut. I fo side of the narrow path they were 11 It you have not tried itf send us a post card , r %- fred ,the points of the straight larches on It Is time to start. There Is a car 4ample stating the, price you ftoW pay andif the summit of the ridges out darkly Ala,C 6 L YOU use I for each of us four sportsmen and ks reenorMixd4Tea. Address Salada.Toronto. Into it like the points of lances, There .1 Was something In the atmosphere that at the Invitation of My laosts I 0-ke . "'I �" � ....... . Is called a day In late auttlmn I . in LL I my seat be'01do the Aellauttour, with ­., England. They were nearing the top L . 0 two beautifully 01res4ed black slaves L . -*-*0----"-_.­qA_ - . � of the ridge, and both had their gaze I Ir. the back seat in attendance. The I bout on the narrow ascending path 10'alde enter their cars a4d we set out. . . wo, I ..A -- , F - I " 9 before them, when suddenly a tiny ob" = I � I = ject darted Into the middle of it and . The cultivated )(�uds are quickly "" � ran up the opposite bank. On the I Il ­ E instant Ilatrine drew one, of tliepistols L . left behind aiid,the ,,reat plain of Ra, � from her belt and fired, ,The little hainna lies stretching away before = ! N = S� k m own the bank, Us with the 6now pbalts of the Atlas = A JEWEL IN 0, , � bounding Its southern horlzon.' � . � � = dropped back into their path and lay L . = there motionless, It was a ilne shot, Kaid AY4d1 gives the stgral and the = = for the tiny moving thing was fully L I four cars spread. out 4 row hundred = = L thirty yards from them and looked yards 4part--�and proceed at a slower � I �"- � I . , � T h L pace, About fifteen miles,an hour. The = `H"" ROUGH � hardly the size of a dollar. Talbot 1, . No glanced at,her With silent admiration. ground is stone -strewn and rough, = . = ' 0 � No He himself never shot except for food k I I and careful . steering is nece�sary. &M - r0a'a I . - - am .. I or other necesityj And wanton killing I , , There are boulders, of overy shape and rather annoyed him than otherwise, . size loosely sttewh-over the plain, and . f f but here the skill and the correctness . f, � , little channels worn by Witter, Insig- a, � I- I . . R-..�.l ,,,,*" I ulficant eaGiigh In tbemielves, but ' ofwristand qye wereso obvious that � I highly damaging to motor cars It not As the afternoon closed in, her to disturb him from the waah-house, they compelled him, to an invollintarY I - skilfully maitoap4red. Our chauffeurs cough seemed to grow more and more and he went on playing. admiration. ,,� " . . � , three Prenchnidn, and*lm Algerian troublespine; the pain in her chest, An hour passed perhaps before Will "You are a good shot! " he exclaim- \ . are , set toot In Good Luck Row, and he 'e -out skilful.Arivers a -ad ai,eustonie� too, had never been so bad; she had ed, looking at th bright, clear I to thle sport of the "GreAt Kaids." .to keep, her hand there all the time as tramped up it With a *sounding pace. face beside him, warmed into Its L . SIGHTING THE GAME - she labored round the room, putting There was fire in his 'eyes, the blood -warmest tints by the keen air and the ' everything to rights, making sure that- rano hard In all his veins, his rubber contfnuous mounting of their'steps, I o j . Suddenly one 6f the SIMVCSL In ray the cabin was neat and,,tidy against boots had elastic springs in their goles. "But not a good'woman," she on- � .1, car cries out and away head of ine I- Will's return. At last she sat down Yet he carried an extra weight with swered, shortly, quickly reading the see d herd 'of gazelle bounding over in the circle of hot light round the him. There was something In his poc- thoughts that accompanied his words. � the plain. My car Is on the extrenie fire, and. little Tim crawled Into her ket ;n a buckskin bag ,that burned his � , left of the line and our object is to lap. She put her arms around him ,band as It it had been red-hot iron . I I head off the herd from the more and held him' absently. She was , wheqx he touched iL As he came to I 11 I stony gkound and turn them to tho thinking over, Katrine's mords. The No. 14 and saw ,the windows dark, he W ODIS MOSPH00114ma- . merely hurried his pace, and hardly , The reat English Pre diration. I � right, wherd the.pla.4i In more level, spring! Were they really near it? "So stayed to lift the door'latch, but just pF �p Tones and invigorates i'�e whole I ." � Edging away q�ways te the left our near," she had said , L,,it was af- ), , ., 411, 1k I f- - door A . nervous systom. makes new Blood I . 0 , cai qlilokOls Its Pace, rolling froin most her," Her, eyes lobking upward uv' I ous� . - -ij." and brought his huge,, burly frame Bring to a boil one cupful of granu- side to side aii4 bumping. Seizing 1 , , to the darkening windows �caught the ovgr the thres,hold. . " every opport unity of a few yards of -old and ,smoke -hued almanac pinne4 "Well, Annie, my girl, ,we've struck . good grOhtid, We spurt f9tward, only up to the wall beside it. She Get the it ai last," he shouted, at the top of � . to have to siQvV down again to nian- child down, and getting .up, walked his voice, "and you ahall ' CoPie home gret. 4�p ,,Ipulnte pome'-awkward spot. The gaz- slowly over to it and ran one tremb-, right away. Where 06 you, Annie? the4stiffly-beaten, wfiites of six eggs and five tablespoonfuls of powdered elle are- out* of range, for It Is only ling finger down the dates. Each one Didn't I say wait a bit for me?" 1, . with a shotigii1floaded with solid bul. I - - for December, when they had first He had entered by the'waeli-houee, made of one heaping tablespoonful let or V-d&iff6t' th 4 t the� -can be got. , To shobt with 9,'Olfle, out of 0. car hung It lip, had a heavy black Une against It, where she had ecratched It but . the darkneeig was thick, almost I go- Ing at from� fotty'to fifty pilles an out with eager fingers; only the last . Dalpab�e, before his f acp and revealed nothing. Ile wbut forward to the I , lioui over rough 4' , Tound Is too much 'days had no mark against them any longer. What did It matter to her open front door, beyqnd Which the I a - to ask of, td e:�piei. Tlfere_are lesa , stones nDvf and 'We are making head- burned -down fire gavp- only a faint . when the spring came? the almanac red ,light, and his 'fo6i kicked some - . W471 � .11 � I � for her would have come to an end before,that. Bu tnow a fresh gle4m thing heavy on the floor. With a and "picked up the scrap of 'bIO04- . -The threik_cars on my right keep it h sm entered her ,�urlous feeling gripping his heart, he, I I � I I little In th& tear, ilti order to f� ar�llj. tat15 hl�'�tuinlnj�.'rjj6voment, but t �.- heartj and with a fevierish movement stopoed dead short Where he stood and fumbled for a match. Then he 1. I . , I _h,y too are Mitkilla good pace. At-tlule.",T 'minutes, she drew the old stump of pencil from 'her pocket and seratche . d off the un- struck it, and In Its sickly glare look- "Annie, ;� , fora few we,are travellln- at over forty miles an hour,'and marks , d date of that daj; they were ed dowla. my dear!" be call- ea In a shaking voice, and bent down. , � onc-e ok twt�d tu'!�*azcjlo are Almost within I still far, far from the epr:ng-too far., I holding dhe match close,to the up- . � MAO;. tholi- OOtdO little watercourse i . : — — ii turned� face. The light; played for an . instant tpon it and went out. "An- � . or some extft-Btdjiy Patch gives them . their ohan6s and - they , Increase Elie ,. . OIL MARTEVS PILLS' ­_ ' n ie! " he called again, - and the word " � fllst.anc� again, At. length, opr cour80 seems clear and the car bounds for- , broke in his throat. . � I FOR, WOMEN$ AILMENTS A thin wail went up from little Tim �. , . I wara.-:-The pace Is splendid bitt, rath. #A66meMil of'Women have testifieS.I.n. the last 25 in the dusk of the inner room. Where ea Qu of Dir. , the man stood was silence and dark - . 11 I er terrifying. Half i standing, half knoeiing o4_ihe seat, I Wait to get 1, reg 0: FIR L L . selent! Cal , ness. Hie strike had come too late. I ' y I r delayed a P His wife was dead. , , , ­­, I my chance �of -a shot, then suddenly : the car swerves in a waY that nearly �o n - ' " tnly i a Pate , * 1� I r yo 2i"'t. or I t * le r or me Half hour later burat into . throws me. out-aftd stops. A yard an a man 5 $I 9Z Ato. Can a. . the Pistol Shot. It wars between hours,. I I or two aherid Is a dry watercourso, a � . — and the bar -tender was Just going I I 6 Meter widei.p'erhaps, An , � dhalf a meter deep and full of boulders 4 An Impas. , round lighting the lampG; the place 0h, to go back m 'he epring� to escape was nearly empty, only a few miners ' � I . . Bible barriet-or 'rather aj, barrier the - from this prison' of .darkness, this were standing at the end of - thb I I Pa011ig of Which lipeeSsItates a search country of borror and starvation and counter, talking together, The new . �, � foV a OraOtleal 0ss�ge, and allows misery, to be oack once more in her customer Gtaggared across �t,he floor Talbot looked at the contomptuouso the escape of �tlj� gazelle, whose home In the spring! Her mind fled as if already under tbe jinfluence Of . � � course toward,%j.114 stony ground -'Is . . away from the dreary Interior of the drink kicking up the. fresh Pa-wdust I I I . now easy, A -40V minutes later we -darkening cabin. She stood once on the ground; then he reached the . I I # '' Bee' them alWeAi- On - tao Outline of a more th the rich, grassy meadow with counter and demanded drink after . I I low hill, bou , ftdI4'g over th& rocks, the golden,sunlight of an evening sum- drink. He tossed the whiekies handed I ' lh was n4f 16fig . before herds mer sky warm around her, the song of 'to him down his throat, and theurp- . - I .fresh Were Put nil' P_ but always breukh)q - the birds in her ears, the hot szent treated to. a bench that stood against. : . .. . � I I . � I I "WAY to the,left thev succeeded In reacli-ing t,A', I � xv of the ineatTow-sweet in her nostrils, the wall and oat down staring BtlApid- before heir the little narrow path lead. .1y In front of -him: The little group . . I I - 0 "tolly s! -)u3,3 th"r, form thP ei)rthdirn 'it Undary Of '1110 Ing to the cottage that seemed to 'of men looked at him once or.twice bask sle6pily in the yellow glow, She curiously, and thOn one said: , 11 � Rabamna pla(a. ,kt .t -141,nal 'rom 7<6M Av%ijt-vv)� -v � , ,r.ulhwar, � made a �step forward with dilated,eyes, :' "Why, It's Bill Johnson, Who's just ',made L . I . 11 -seek more 'd I . . IN Ullthgeous ground, alld g seized her, the vision a strike. Come .up, boys; leit's disBolvid and fled. Again the cabin congratulate him " I . I , . 1. � ("A. L,rglng trblh ine stones nur ea rs I ' I tho,.Ievel plalft at 4 pace * I with its blackened rafters enclosed The Men, mov�*d up to' the motion- her. She turned from the calendar. jeGg staring figure, Ana one of the3# I . I of thirty iV�Qt."Aii hour. Game, how- What *.as the spring's coming? it j3la�ved him on the shbuld-er, 4 I . . I ever, is scft�co. #ere�though a great might come, but they would not 90 '. "Say, Bill, old man, You're In lucli,j 4 I I buttard fs,46t ,Ao my gun, brought back. 'What right had she to think of And we'll all drink your health. Got I . . down by 4�1 d I � *090 of .buckshot, At it? They had made no strike, and had any.gold to show us?" . � .1 length, howVer�, W- herd of a dozon I not Wilt. sworn he would never 90 The sitting figure seemed galvan- � gazelle is spi bil,'An the open, and at ; back without the gold? This accursed Ized suddenly out of Ito stupor. Will ' I I � an iner60e* spied the cars rush for� , goldl If they could but have found valsed his head with a jerk, alid dio I I I I ward, The� speedometer of my car , , It,as others hadl She put her hands men Involuntarily drew back from the � . 'marks forty�,. .rafl6s an hour, but we to her head to drive away the 'glare of hie bloodshot eyes. He put � � � I are not gaWng -On the gazelle who � though6, they were familiar and so his hand to his packet and drew out ; . . appear easily to keep their distance useless. .She had thought them over a small dirty buckehin bag. He doh- . . � of four Or live, hundred yards ahead and Over again so often. As .she Id it suddenly on the ground with all . - . ; . of us. At another signal we Inercase went back to the fire,she noticed One his force, so that the sawdust 116W � the ppice to fifty miles an hour. Tile of Will's woolen shirts lying on A uj�, In a little cloud. � I � I .plain Is level,..but there are stones chair. Why, that was the one she Curse the gold!" he.said; and he I I . . stud little walulaflons and many.small , had meant to wash that morning! got up and tramped heavily out of � merely little declivitles : How could she have forgot -ton It? And the saloon. I . � . ,wtttercoura", In the surface, but none the less e.-,. It done I 11 � now perhaps she would not get I ; CHAPTER IV. ! � . elting14 pAa* over, and the oxhilara- . before he returned. Her heart began to beat, heritinbs trembled. How v�eak They buried �Ivfrs. Johnson ;v.sry � . � . tion Is Intenstr.' and queer alie felt this afternoonl soon. As one of the neighbors sen. I i I riouR XrMan, &E WAXEN ALIV I Still, she would do It somehow., There r4lbly, it rather crudely, remarked, , ; I 1) It is *ouderful driving cii the part was hot water on the fire that Xatrine "Them cabins were too small for them I of,the ehauffouba, and the, cars sway bad put them. Sh� lifted with an of- to keep corpses hanging around, In fort the great iron khtle fr<�m the them." And 'so, the second day after I � I fr6m sido, to,, side, and rise ,and fall like boiits In it rough sea. We are tire, slid with that In one hand and her death, Ih a flood of thin, sweet . : closing upon the herd now, and it the shirt in -the other, she went Into sunshine,, they buried her Who had so - the adJoining sloping roofed compart. loved the light and the sun, and had , ! I ,looks,,U thoushit will be my car that ,lvill 6j the �Arat to come, up with Inefit that served as scullery, wood- longed to wearily for wein through so , .1 ! � � 4� them, Wot suddenly they turn aside to shelf, pantry, and wash -house. It was many ddys. . ' many degrees colder here, and the hrag Katrine and Talbot stood side by ; � the A.0t, and POAS down the line of . Iron nqils that kept the boards toge- side at the open grave. He had been i Advancing cars. - The Basha, of Marfairesh's lithe fig- , thet overhead had sparkling iqlcles on in. the town 'that day and met Kat- them that glittered as the fire -light % - I urd in clearly v1sible as he stands in rifte on the street, learned front her from the liallor row" touched them, where she was goingt and accompan� t. I his swaying ar. The gaselle pass Ill= and With right and left he brings slid she could hnrdly draw her breath. led her. He know something of all Nevertheless, she walked over to the I I . flown two ­1x0AivflfU1 sho6ting. Xal& waah-tub and D6ureji in the water and Ad had clone for the dead woman, And "Had he watched her now with Interest and ., Hamm"Is eixr Is the next, and he too � s1loots 411 two gazelle. Once more the set to work with shaking hands.' over shirt seemed so large?" She wan. Burprise at her composure� Hatrine'A each year, Last - winterf. .wh'en. beat bdrd swerves. and pasting between dered vaguelyo and her thin arms face was unmoved ,and her eyes were I the, oass,. brotkg back to the Year aud moved slowly, lifting lt'up and down dry through It all. "An6ther that 'gold lilts killed," she � is allowed to e0cape. -with,turther moir with d4f:culty. It seemed getting so i estjtI4yji,_alI btit coe, A 'young doe, dark, tab. She should have lighted said to him as they turned Away, and i wko, Walyzed With fear * � stands nio, the candles', It Wouldn't look Ile her face looked grave and gray in the I tiotilose, and In easily 0�pjured Alive cheery for Will it Up came back to ,flood of the cold sunlight. I And utthurt. to' be carefully conveyed find the cabin dark. But was this Will Was not ptesdnt. 116 Was I bg4k (d Marmkosh to becolvio A pet In 1 only, the twilight falling? No, it was down at the Pistol Shot. He had I I tho"gaalisvo house. 'IY On been'on a big drunk for the past two I In her eyes. She loaned heay. � I It way ae Argued that this 0108n of 'the the edge,of the wooden tub, trembling, days, not evell returning to his cabin the floor unsteady beneath ker, fl at night, and the body of his wife � . huntifit As not sport, that gazello hAve )to chance to egcup&, blit It 11 I strangling suffoeation In her throat, would have lain unguarded had nut , A swimming darkness Pressed Upon Xatrino broifght her fur bag and slept i i 00t; go, The f* I*$ great, an accident inay o&ur id Any 1410M,al, and the her, And theft suddenly she know that o I t�!t!n:nt�w_- -- I 11 I In tile otill'of that dark twilight she , , stony surffte OfAhe ground gIV6,11 the I Was alone w.1th Death, He had come � I .1 . 1 guelle, A good chance. , Of the many for her at last, # a I � � i herds we sww the f0tr gazelle shot And the ota tften Alive wer6 our, I I - � � Oht to have had Will's strong arr;4 �� I try accounting, copies f which will ,be whole bA , V, though we covered over; dist,lince on the round her, a human breast to lay her - hw4 down upon, and so die! A name- sent to any pekson making application . reaA's of 0�6 hoa'a . ut countIng our ride vitin alone, I less terror possessed her, overWhelm- I I 1 od, hot,, she started from the Wash , 0 to, "d from U14rrak011b, The han4ling roqaares the greatest skill, I I , trestle. Thor$ was a sudden cry, � of the cars and the shotitift Is by Iftormeans easy' "Willf W1111" 'and she fell forward 4i � I (,it the damp flooring, A little eager . I . . I motor, To llim a rouloug's"All's om traVlottlbg Att tilt rate 'of fifty tUrlot 4tre4m of blood pouring out I - 11PA to stain the � ear rough &round I front the nor4l"t I .1 counta.have been supplied to porsons miles an hoW wer wt .4�ulds under the trestla. � asking for theig arid a compilation Of needs Tka littlo ski'll. 1. C child sitting playing In the . � I the reports *shows some very -Interm esting data. Vor instance, of alt the - - _4k*+---" rj,jtg of the w&m fire -light in the ad- . . . I . I oft YOU joining r000 board that last ery,and, I . I _D004 vent b falu'd *h, � startled, dropped his toys, lookLaN . , " I . 4W Par'"" I I . W001ak to biar M,.,l'*1d bell itat Ill With r"A-d *yet to the blackness b4 - I MrIANS"i. *ft%Kft9y- at . m6waied WRI Vis Imp,erlar open door. He Ustated with �� - I I WtAt"NA&W in kit giouth for W*ny I T% -, . �, tA ,so - movwdp that we 401 safe venture StAr, NUNN* ftt 00 ftr*#V WM4 0"0 I - , I . , $0 ,Vpook to bk*' WA#UWAFM - � I . I I ,;, . . - I I * . .. I " .. I I Ae"i ' , _jii�L ,� ,�& �. . .1� '.. I �,,','a , � ' I `� I , ,t,� . , , ,_ , ,4�, ! . , . , , , , , , � - - ,��- _ _kL _,_.,i,;� dim 'J� . . , . . . \ I , � I I ,,, - L .A�:�- 11 � r'li� , , I I I ­ �k� �,'�,._i,� _�._ 4 � � -----"-. ______ __ .----,--. , 0 I I If . It I , PF. "ll "MGICS confe6ins no 06lum We unhesitatingly re- commend Majic, 11aking Powder wo being the , best and purest baking powder Possible to produceo It possesses elements of food thal have to do the building up of brain, and nerve matter and is absolutely free from alum or I ,other injurioui; substitute% *&h.:._ an .A --- —_ _Zft PEACH RECIPES �� - There is promise of a big peach crop this year.� Now Is the time for immediate consumption and for )lay- ing in ribeded stock for later -on supply., Here follow some good recipes: I PEACH SHORTC4KE. i Make a rich biscuit cruBt and baker It In two shallow cakes. When it Is done, and while it Is hot, split it with a hot knife. Lay one-half on a broad plate, the cut side upward, And cover It wi � t1i peaches that have been cut rather fine, sweetened and allowed to 'stand for an hour or two before U Ing. Put In another crust, also wlr� the out side up, and place upon it 'another generous !Iayor of peaches. Continue In the same way until all the biscuit Is used and the peaches cover the, top. Serve with cream, Soxpo persons add a little gream to the sweetened �rult. the"Heart, Aiiiing Wrqg Frice $Zor box, 3. PEACH MERINGUE PUDDING. for $5. Sold by all drug ists, or mailed in plain Bring to a boil one cupful of granu- ,pkg.onrcceiptofpTice. Nesp pamphlet mailed WOOD MEDICINE C0.,T0R0NT0,0N'r. labid sugar and two cupfuls of water. ,free.TNE Peel and quarter 36 peaches and cook them, a third at a time, lit the syrup. 177--_ - =====�= I She did not look at him, but straight When all are done boil the syrup down until It is thick, pour it over the ahead. "You might be both," he said, with peaches and set them away to cocd. About half an hour before serving a sudden Impulse of interest and re- hemp the fruit in a shallow dish, and gret. 4�p cover it with a meringue made with � Katrine laughed. , . "I don't know," 'she said, lightly- the4stiffly-beaten, wfiites of six eggs and five tablespoonfuls of powdered "Giod women are,nq usually good *sugar and brown It quickly In the shots. ', You don t generally find I oven.' Serve the puddipg With a sauce them combined. But, an'YWaYt what made of one heaping tablespoonful have I to do with goodno�ss? I don't - — ___ � need it in myybusiness.'s He did not answer, .and they walked LICT awoman ease koursuffertog. Twent on in silence till they caifie up to the � you to wrlt% and let me tell you & . little dark lump In the road. It was Iny simple method of home treutment. I oediT you ten days' free trial, post- 1*4 a small marmot. liatrine glanced at naid, aud put you In touch "ath . , sNo it Ana passed on. Talbot Stopped, vromen in Canida who will 10 gladly tellwhat my method' 6V and "picked up the scrap of 'bIO04- W donit f a r t M. 4 stained fur. ' If you are troubti senlev "What did you do it for9l' he asked, %ith weak, tired tiom bW- feellno, lic a d- 1% dir vi-eaknew, 4� -Coustipatiou, curiously. ikehe. b a c k- It Cq� " 1 "Practice. that's 41,11 she answered. Rche bear. 4 �t�& tarrhal, conditlorw.. -Don't you feel s6rry to kill merely for the sake of practice?" iusa6wa � jr.)Anin the sides, rega. SWIqrly orirregularly, S74 "No. I have beett Burry it bloatlac, vesse of falitnaor should I had wounded It; but it's ti. 900� , %% misplacement of Internal or- - gam. nervousnem, desire to cry. thing to be dead, I think, I wouldn t palpitation, hot flashes. dark iinse entirely sure 1 should kill it." I under the eyes. or a, Im of interat In life, write to me today for (no trial There was another silence, and then treatment. she, said, suddenly, "One mugt keep Mrs. M. Summers, Box 8, Windsor. 06t. up Ono% pract�oe here, going about. as to their breeding_ places in the strue- I do in all sorts of places and -mak- , —== cornstarch, a quart of milk, the yolks ing my living as i do. , These," and she tapped her ,pistols, "are my great of six eggs, one-third of a cupful of protection. Only last night A great sugar and a teaspo,;nful of salt. Serve bruto leaned over me and wanted to pudding and sauce cold. To brown the kiss me -would have done, only.,he pudding meringue without heating the savp,j would shoot him if he did." j�eaches stand the dish in a pan of cold "Would you shoot a man. for kl6s- water in the oven. Ing,,you?" replied Talbot In an As- PEAOR PUDDING. � tonighed tone, elevating his eyebrows. "Yes. Why, I'd rather be shot than " Soak a cupful ot fine bread crumbs kissed!" exclaimed the 0�rl, fiercely, in a cupful of hot water and a table;with an angry flush an her smooth spoonful of inelted butter. Cream to, cheek. � gether an egg and three tablespoon - Talbot looked at the contomptuouso fuIs,of granulated sugar, and add them to the crumbs. Butter a pudding dish curling lips, at the whole ,beautiful, hard face beside him, and Walked on sprinIE16 it wi�h fine bread crumbs and in silence, wondering. 'Hor momen- put a layer of thinly -sliced peaches. Sprinkle them With sugar, cover with tary anger was gone directly� and they were good comrades all the rest the batter and put in more peaches. of the wa,,. , . Continue in this way tjntli the dish is At the ,�olnt -where she stopped to I full. ' Sprinkle the V, which 9 say good-bye to him, she held,out her - be batter, ,with bread crumbs, and UaKu hand: "ThiMk you for coming to the until ther peaches are soft and the top ,burial with MO; it was good of you;" brown. Serve with sweetened cream and )she pressed his ,hand with a or hard sauce. . grateful smile* - it was About a fortnight later on, one bf tb000 dreary gray afternoons of late Winter, nearly qark' already, though still early by the clock, and the mercury in, the thermometers had gone out of eight and stayed there. Katrina came tripping along a side 'street on �her way back to the row. warm In her skin coat, and her face all aglow and abloom under her, fur cap. She had turnad into the"Swan and Goose saloon on her way np, had put in halt an hour over a game, and won a fat little canvat; bag stuffed with gold dust� had thinned it -out somewhat In hot drinks across the bar, and now, warmed through with rum, and light-hearted, she AraB re- turning with the bag a�lll well lided in her waist -belt. She had recovered from the great 4ock of Annie's death, Her nature. though essentially kind, was not of that soft, tender stamp that receives deep and painful . Impressions from other's sufferings. She Avo�tld exert herself streAuouslY for another, as the had done for Annie, but It was not in her nature to Gorrow long or deeply for the Irrevocable. There was a certain hardness and philosophy in hcr�temperamont tkat her life and � ourfoundingo and all her experience had tended to i.jovelop. And In An - s was nothing striking or unusually dhd In this cbrnor of the world, so crowded with sce,tee of suffering, so filled with pathos of every form, There were wonion hop. Ing and waiting and ;onging and otariting, In ever� street of the townb she know; elcknegs and Borrow and death looked her In the eyes for son16 � ­ .. , I ­­.. _­___ A -_N� U -A ....... - ­ -.1 I -.1111.1,11 _..._1 ..... 1-11- - - I ­ � .__­­_­__.­ -1_1-1 - _­­ ­ � .1 11 .-I - _­­ - 1.1-.. - - - . - : , . "I -, I I . `W , , , I 11 I I jl� It I ZU 1A,6disf2 - , '' J.. , - `­,,',,, � " �, 4.� � , , . , i�o . . : I � I I ­ I ­­­ I., I—, I I 111-- .. ,: , � ,,j-! :'� . , �� � _7 - - - __ ­___­____ - ___ __ - , , � . -1 -.._._1_1__.__---_.__ ­ - ­ ­.- ��� �� - ��� ..... ..... . - 0111010111111101111111111111111-- - - __ -,-- - - - 0 00 Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. 666 I NLNR MOST USEF UL WORDS, Nine Vords, declares a -philologist, do one-fouith of the work of our writ- ten and spoken E nglloh language, and thirty-four words one-half. The nino most useful words are stated to be: And, be. have, it, of, the, to, will, you, � — 1 1 3 , Women,of Canada - � . . Testify, DacKOnt.-.,,r am more than Pleased with Lit, PiOrCe'3 FAVOtite Prescription, I _. . was rtm-down and so nervous that I could bat even stay . in the 'house alone in the day-timb and I tried every kind of (40 ra6dicine I hourd of &=K I but got no result. I I Ono. of bw Won& advised ras to take �.. 'FhV0rit4 , PrOgbriD- I . I tion I said that It wQd cure tne. and . it did. After tallox .... four bottled I itat like a now wothitb A d It , the V t. ined dne for a wom n U a a , , I will room - mend , ori se' tion' tO ishy one . su "' . likb did,- . JOSEPH , . B 4 AY, 2. "WEAK AND NERVOUS Tillsonburg. Olite-PI found Dr. Verao VAvorko Ptwrlpdou &n. exeelleqt hwildne for *b ailments of women. I haA baonib very weak and nervous. I was just.min6ik, 101ff2ffi1111111§1ffi1§N01111K1ffr"A� _F1 - I ` -1111 1. 1. �� I'll Fv . I ­ -1 A. Poulvry , 0 Rheumatism World itr begin to rebel? Try somiD Of . Now Is the time ,j , . those recipes one day fol a; change and I , see how popular they w Il'ba. '. C*UAJRD AGAINST VERMIX (H. Armstrono Roberts In London , Free Press.) The Beason when lice and mitesure at their worst Is at hand, because of warm weather which favors their multiplicAtIon, and because fowls are � more susceptible � to such'irritatiou , at' this, time, Indeed, vermin to one of the greatest juipe4imentfs to success with poultry. I Lice, perhaps, are the least Injur. tolls to hens In that they do not ac- tually suck the blzdal vitality, As do mites, but lice do wake the birds most uncomfortable, In which state they rapidly become less productive. Hens � simply can't fight vertnin and sustain a heavy egg yield, At the same time. The wise poultrykeepor does the fighting ' Tke ;se of mercurial olatindut Is An 'effective treatment against lice. Mix equal parts of 50 per cent. mer- curial ointment'and vasellnel, apply this compound. lit $mail quantities, , '(about the size of a pea) to the flesh surrounding the fowl's vent and utl-' der eath wing, where lice are seen to congre,Vate; -'smear the grease Well. over the surface of the skin, because It is y6isonolia, and must not be so left that the hens ean eat It, Two - or threa applicatidiis of this oint- ment a year are 4iiffictent.to AeOP the'liens entirely free from lice, TREATMENT OP MITES mites must be treated differently from lice. The ., latter live' on the' bodies of the fowls; mites live in the crevievs of boards, roosts, nests, walls and other -fttu�es In the POul-1, try houses, Whence they Bwarm by thousands, and seldom go on the fowls until nightfall. AZain, 'unlike I . .1-1... 11 1�1 11 I W — . .11 . , Ile!1%.- I - - .� I �. - , . . 0CF. is ...... . . - 1; �� , I - I - . I ; i . I I I . I .. I DROPS 104 I COU . I . � ____ I lice, the young of mites are not hat�.hed an the fowls, but In the bid - Ing places of the parent mites. Con- sequently, to destroy these Pests the poultry ma4 must confine his attack to their breeding_ places in the strue- ture of the building, and not on the fowls. . . sp;aylng or painting the Walls and fixtures, especially the roosting eom- : partments. with a solution of exude carbolic acid, crude oil, fer-sul, or one I of the coal tar or petroleum Ilistecti- oldei, Is the sur&lt way to rid a house, of mites. Enough of Cho llqui� should .be used to thoroughly saturate khe surface :of the woodwork `a,ud to run Sxeely Into all cracks and' crevices. Be surd the liquid reach the .to'have . under side of the perches; this Is a favorilts abode of mites. - Because of its .flowing and pene- trating qualitlels and bechuse of its "latile nature, which remains Po- tent for a long time� ,crude ,oil Is a valuable mite destroyer. I -.-. E-0 berches every three or four months and they will not harbor mites; these 1 abominate the fumes of the oil. ,Pests The'one objection to the use of oil Is that it may stain the plumage Of . white bIr4s, though this is not so de. trimental, really, except in the cease of �xbibitlon stock. � I The surest way to keep up the sum- mer egg yield as far as feeding 1 -is conceined is to. encourage the con- : sumption of mash feel and reduce the grain ration. Because It 'is the dry mash mixture which enables 'You to s I upply the necessary protUit, both Animal and vegetable, whibli'stim lates egg production. When heiis . are able to gorge 'themselves on Vh0le grain, especially corn. they are Prolie � � � � , . I Z, �, I v�, .1 . I I 11 A-Wholeso:960 'Clionsinici � Refreshing and 11*81121 � ... . Lollon--M-aide , r, -1 1. � ness, Sorenes4 . � I . , . �, . tioMItchingnj6d13urnldjt� ul of the B to of 47cljAg . 70 - 11 of 4*4 tot t�a molm of j - rc . 1� 11 yet L 31r, eted =aur': , tu vrhTtCn03DZ=F,y4� DI a Eye 3aamody Coosa 614c,"? I � - -..111 0 00 Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. 666 I NLNR MOST USEF UL WORDS, Nine Vords, declares a -philologist, do one-fouith of the work of our writ- ten and spoken E nglloh language, and thirty-four words one-half. The nino most useful words are stated to be: And, be. have, it, of, the, to, will, you, � — 1 1 3 , Women,of Canada - � . . Testify, DacKOnt.-.,,r am more than Pleased with Lit, PiOrCe'3 FAVOtite Prescription, I _. . was rtm-down and so nervous that I could bat even stay . in the 'house alone in the day-timb and I tried every kind of (40 ra6dicine I hourd of &=K I but got no result. I I Ono. of bw Won& advised ras to take �.. 'FhV0rit4 , PrOgbriD- I . I tion I said that It wQd cure tne. and . it did. After tallox .... four bottled I itat like a now wothitb A d It , the V t. ined dne for a wom n U a a , , I will room - mend , ori se' tion' tO ishy one . su "' . likb did,- . JOSEPH , . B 4 AY, 2. "WEAK AND NERVOUS Tillsonburg. Olite-PI found Dr. Verao VAvorko Ptwrlpdou &n. exeelleqt hwildne for *b ailments of women. I haA baonib very weak and nervous. I was just.min6ik, 101ff2ffi1111111§1ffi1§N01111K1ffr"A� _F1 - I ` -1111 U.—Y, —,. "11.11 - . 0 Rheumatism 1 00*10=0991M , Imm, I I itr begin to rebel? Try somiD Of . Now Is the time ,j , I aArw[,& mf#4:6�, #10A -h 85 those recipes one day fol a; change and I , see how popular they w Il'ba. '. to get r1dof It I � expected, a number a,distlact loss each year andAhat is I I Beat one egg well ima­ad4,tq,jt a cup of milk healed' to the -boiling Will,ture is pulling foryou— , , point, a tablespoonful of,`Bugar, one of * The warm weather's here— I have a stesdy fnarktt f,;r HAYs , _46 7k,o, This is . your ChanC" , STRAW, OATS, POTATC96, CORD" � . ,toes aB 'Will tokin a stjft,'j�pooth bat, " grasp it—take � W00% UA84, ZDQIN44 aaJ Q404- ' I ter. Pour Into a woll-bqttcred'�&ould Templeton's CRAL FARM PAODUCIZ. . Rhoumatlo I . Acq4nt .02�1.. ly browned. Turn out orito a,D�4tter C;kp*UIOS ' L , Chas. VY, Vroil�a A Gret It out of your system tho. dvetage number of hens on the forms Or a,60W. � . easiest wayl Sold by reliable druggists for, 0 Room 108 Clyde Mdu., lrl�an'114QA, ont. I Creamed potatoes with cheese are dollar, Ask our agent or write I —_ �� delicious. Melt one and a halt table. us for a free sample, Temple!. ton% 142 King Ot�W., Toronto. at FZXALZ 11.14WC, W.%."444.'J�) spoonfuls -of butter, add a'tablespoon. I le­­S­� 4-- � ".'f. TQN KILL XW, UP NV.'�=14D, C 0'r I , tul of flour, and when smooth Dour on I - I I l0nis spinnel-A dICA-4 ;VQO-04, . APP'y to $1411poy, .Nleg, I.,V., 4W, *44"10.4-J4,do '�L . Among farm flocks especially It Is main firm. As It is vast quantities Oat, 1, All too common �to market the best cease to develop; they put on Welug� --- 4 ­:== poultry because of prevailing high to the best advantage; they can be � IMLP WAUNUD I ,, ,prices until there is little left but kept in confinement In large num- ­_* serlibe or Immature stock to carry on next year's breeding. Needless to. hers without fighting; they can be In prime condition as table Vultry, N�.00LLVXN UN,,L j0-�Le %v,t.N,rLu)_ We Itave ijovttsu. l4oud, op�u.,,so for say this reduces the flOck to an un- which means that they Will fdnh tell experienCo(I unq ,it eX1Aq*4,XL;Aj,,;Vq 01;�4d .441A , profitable, state. Keep the best at prices at a ,time When broilers aro, I fornalo help. we lletluiA,q aw gvt,. �fedy: Ing 4nd vriuding. h;v(;rjy a4s;.i.t.tio ifiv home, At the close of the hatching sea -1 I Pretty Well of the inarli.et. . . - . O;j to learners. 4,nd �Ljvd INA,4V4 P-od 'Aur. I . . I ' . It hardly pays to caponlze,13urplua, Ing E,P-­QrstiUeiAj11i), I'tor461,41 Ill WIA0 One earn very bigh tyaxes, 411a U46 44�voya oil atid stored Away from duivt.aftapi " males of the smaller breeds such as, In 40mana. 6141y_x wupie oig s.kugir kiass it in paper. If the lamp is left In the heater of the machine ,the heater Leghorns, because of their sivD, Ply.' lbouth Rocks, WyAndott.;i,s, Rhode Is.. ""Bsul'y 10 10401. 6evoi-u! ,,o�d aw ings f.)r steady trivii. 6ptsulaki uipaVidtiro* . i , land Reds and Orpingtons are eapon-. tioli shown to. taffilly 09 %vuraoro. lolkt4 , 47, cost 4f llving redap"..ko's'. J,, t�t-&ijjjw , tus -will absorb which will, cause tho horder to smoke Ized advantageously, the best breeds, fli% , Uoving 0XPA.'Fisez Aoqall�u�.,%u 44- and tmall bhdly the nort time the� Incubator Is startod, The same Idea � of course, are the Aslatles, such 48 liable famiLies ttliti jjuu3j,jX &cQujjj;j4k),j tiOn arranged. Vujl.jiardeW14r4 Wq.1.0i('&d" applies to lamp -heated brooders. Brahmas and Langshans, or grosses Upon request, lyrite Us. ,rtw tj,1rr,,Wjy * betwen these breeds and Cornish Manufacturing Co,., I.Ad.. 13ratottged. ivfit- L , fowls, which latter are celebrated a4. * — ­#==,­ -or-, - , . , table meat. It Is not uncommon for. � ' PDX 9AU', ; such capons to attain a weight of 16 .FARMS , tim e to market such stock. 1 .­,.�­­­—, . . �4�, '� 13AXX 98 ACRES --000P sol'—J3-'L�Ir' I The combs' and wattles of capons und buildlisgi; tLe 6.4.;,41j- ,*I(,4 WL&�W', all over the country g re dumped on, natural gas alla ,6r,(jjj 4jL4.11L,4; 11t.ue "i the market at virtually tvq same time, $01,001, church &;,d elktuA;e -v ' �qi,y; %r4kij LeMS. Apply 3.13 Aitut.itliti L�, wV4,ktoll. which depresses price4o �,___ �. . . I CAPONIZING 1 320 ACRES C1101C4 N'?-.­%-'� l.AAX0 Caponizing serves to stabilize the L itliern basica�ww,vuj;; )44-kiavy Cultiva'teuti; 13o pw, acre; tqpn4 a,,,-an,,t.,(j,, �, broiler market, Inasmuch as It holds a A,..ip. Utin Broa., (-n6;,.. ,vt:lf, ont, the younger stock for another six I - 4A. . . months or longer without their de- torloration as table poultry. *BUOIKEShi ORA I N 049, . . Ordinarily It does not pay to k9ep males until they are fully matured - ­�­ '-,- - o­�—o­­ Dn�yjeu 0-00"' ]3v�',I-Nl'�Ss- 4"I,y . with large combs, wattles and other ghan & Co., j,oll 1)u,Td,xs st., London., , .. Indications of ,age, and then market . - - MI -n --m - - 11 ".. Ahem, because the chances ,are they XISCRoLLA3.030US ' will be judged as old roosters and a) , . low price offered. . Caponizing prevents the young ­_ ��­� ,,, ., ", END A DOMINION r_%., F1 R Mg IS Money Order, They" wk *.yub:e .., . � males from becoming 11staggy.". Birds everywhere. , I . 11 so treated are made' docile, Inactive, __­ - - . I __� - �� eas I Ily fattened and incTease In size, KNITTING TAXIN"L L0V:i;!1'r,y oot,olts. � jus� as horses, beef cattle, hogs and veiw nimera,to ps-14e.g, Sample 8hades Irpe, 0k,6rg(-tq,%vn, Nvol, I other animals are improved for do-� le� ��1118, Qeorg6town, Ontgirlo. - mestte purposes by a similar ppera- — __: �__­*' tion. � . ; �.. - 4 0 V - . �__..­_1161.1_1�___­ - ­ � I 0, I . I- � Poultry Accouds , 2 ic , I !! i I - - , ; I ��i �� �. . - . .. I : ft, :!� ) I 11, I I I . I I I W -1 ,$. - '"A I . . I I .�� i, Three dollars proEt over cost of� , . feed each year for every hen on the' 11 , ; kl . ­� � . , . ... � �'ff­ . I farm is a very good return, and, ac- ___ - _—, I IC . . I cording to monthly accounts received,' from farmers, by the Poultry DIVISIOII� . �V"" 1 ,%,h- - Hqlf-W -"I' . iW -P, 'IA. i 14=,J, - 0 ky,�.W, .k4, "k f., " ,,,,;;, - � k- -TV. tb.k .L. )*.J...�� .., "'. I ... . I., TM ..&-,., I of the Experimental Farm Ottawa, =4"y ..,, U. � � ., F". 4k. . there are a good many IaTm�r�- poll'- try flocks which are actuallY.giying 1 %.4"..�_ 1.1-p . .. =.=h . Rh thr.i.".. "'.. ,4 .4 _C _.&h,.M.. �,". L1­A--,.4.f1h. 6,g. .-J.. W &..e I Ih.._-&,4r.h",h_,.- � this profit every year, and some even better. ,a *n..&.r­P.k,*_.p_.v rwWAt*Rjtr ,ousp. nu H- .Ijic "�-% . , 0 --- 4_.",W",� W.j+d # I Poultry keeping on the farm is not . (,k. .."-�" . hftait.0.._�0�4,_,, r_"_.�,,.,,.4 - b ­g -4 merely a side Ifne now. but Is -a sane . business proiiw,10,6n, and the hit -and- . I S � -.04 "o 0..=--.F_0. UW. D.00 .d, ki-w-W 4, I. ; . � �. I. 'THE W �.. ALKER"', H-IOUSL " ­_ I - - ' QffoVs OWN Rwt COMPOM4 I , .-M - � " . .., #­_1ANA134 . :11, �# . TORONTO I . A ji6/C..'reZfW)Ze reaulat4to , =edici". Sold in. breo de.' I I . ifees of stronath-41o. I $1, � , o. 2, S3; No,� 8. $5, per �ox s eing -,appreciated more I � .Pqlcl, �y all drurnias, or w�j , I each year, Last - winterf. .wh'en. beat I � %avaid.on recullit Of Xrice. I Ad team... On a Canadian market was selligg at roe amphlet. from 10 to 12 cents foi one 1�91144 , I., THE COOK MEDICINEVO- live weight, guaranteed 1�4w lald,eggs , , I ToitaNto. ONT. (Faimay %Utwa . . Were selling at 10 cents f6i -t*o,4n603 I . I I I or 81) cents a pound, It Is abou�.`i!me that the Canadlan hen v%lqs coiis��ered - . - ,,�- - � — — . � ---=,, that formerly obtained! miss methods ' in poultry work should no longer be. aa�a valuable astet. , I I �,, It you want to make money*,'�*',Oj1t Of tolerated. A national industry well-ouL Your poultry, write 'to .,thd. .ftultry to the one hundred million :d ' ollara Division of the Experinient&�viiipi, a year demanas businees methods-aiid� 'for free account forms.. They,Alji ask , in order to help the Industry and to., You to return each month.a, obb�, but make It possible for the average,poul- they will help you itake y'6ur.--0pl(ry tryman to keep track of his ,Doulti$� pay. -W. T. Scott. I operations. the Poultry Diviel;n-ha.4 ,�.ii 4- 6 I . put out a very simple form for: poul-; . - Minardle Urliment for sal,�*eveFy*hera try accounting, copies f which will ,be ­ 'i .i sent to any pekson making application . � THE 06LD MiATO.ul I and who will return to the �6u ltry . � . I I I I Div.'sion eich month a duplicate copy. . �� � � � I , I -A PEW �jNGTjRFjS, '_ Tasty �Ways to Ser%ro * tho Loft. � Vor several years these poultry -ac- . Lt - ' Overs. .1 counta.have been supplied to porsons . 4� , asking for theig arid a compilation Of I . , I 1 1 I I . the reports *shows some very -Interm esting data. Vor instance, of alt the Are you one of 'those,,! .� t6oks. who never Use Any Im-Inamp In . L4 I � -_ to put on fat and become lazy, And farms reporting 4DIr poultry, opera, tions 84.6 per cent. of them show a m...*1 Ing over year cold potato"Qs? 06 you serve them plain —JU'&�� until t1w,faiii. the lazy, overfat'hen is a nonproduc- , . profit, and of this number the Aver.- age receipt over expenditure for each itr begin to rebel? Try somiD Of . 'Grif ;mIlk of any sort Is available at hen per year is $2.04, As might b4 of ropor-6 show those recipes one day fol a; change and I , see how popular they w Il'ba. '. ,a reasonable price, feed It liberally. There Is no better feed to help( fill expected, a number a,distlact loss each year andAhat is I I Beat one egg well ima­ad4,tq,jt a cup of milk healed' to the -boiling t o egg basket. I where one of the benefits of the, aci count fornj�coinos in, Either tile tar! point, a tablespoonful of,`Bugar, one of * It is a temptation to sell as broilers ' all the cockerels from the early, mor himself or the Poultry DIvjgjo4 th6 weak butter and a little gratea lemon.ylud. 6 Stir I*h'to, It &B Much cold mAsheti, �ota- hatches depending -Upon the males at Ottawa cin pick out PO Int, or points and have tbcem�rectj_ � . ,toes aB 'Will tokin a stjft,'j�pooth bat, " from the later,hatches to furnish the .1 fled. � I ter. Pour Into a woll-bqttcred'�&ould breeders for next season, but this is Some other Interesting figures tire and bake iii a hot oven ui�tfl It Is atee- . a mistake, because most of the breed- obtained from these reports4 Among ly browned. Turn out orito a,D�4tter ing males ,,are found In the early these are the figures that show the and surround with creamed vegitables- � hatches. The thing to do is to se- dvetage number of hens on the forms Or a,60W. � . lect the most promising birds and reporting W' 52.9 the Average expendl- Creamed potatoes with cheese are Awalt their development, culling them� hen, that % for feed, %ppli- delicious. Melt one and a halt table. as they fall to -measure up to the do- ances, etc., is $2.91, and the Average spoonfuls -of butter, add a'tablespoon. aired standards. 1. Profit over expenditure is $2.04. One tul of flour, and when smooth Dour on I KEEP BE9T STOCK- farmer claims that he can Attend to three-tOurths of a cup of.,milk. dook I , �, - . Among farm flocks especially It Is 100 hens while he Is attendUiP, to One till thickened, then add i��'cup and , A I All too common �to market the best cow and his average return from 100 halt of cold potatoes clit Into tiny poultry because of prevailing high hess Is $250-00. squares a third of A cup of -gr4to(I 10 . ,prices until there is little left but A MANIT013A VA -UM POULTIRY chee0 and seasoning to taste. CooU serlibe or Immature stock to carry on next year's breeding. Needless to. A100OUNT, ,slowly till the cheese is inelted. Potatoes taid pork Is a very bbpular say this reduces the flOck to an un- Mr. Pr6k Harman ,Bolmevain, supper dish In New 1ingland. Cut sev. profitable, state. Keep the best at Man., has been sending In these ac- counts tot some time and his Inven,- eral thin slims 'Of salt pork Into dido and try a delicate brown. "Pour oft a home, At the close of the hatching sea -1 I tory for the past Year shows it Very good profit on investment. Hekdeps part of the fat and alice qpld potatoes ., Into that YbAIMAing in the Pan,' When son'the Incubator Wihp should be re- chine, emptied of An a,.-,tago of 160 White Leghorn bons, light mix In the pork criapt and servq. oil atid stored Away from duivt.aftapi " and for the 12 months his expenses were: . Stock In hand, $270, Interest Cut three or four cold potato% into tiny squares. Boat two eggs f0ghtly, it in paper. If the lamp is left In the heater of the machine ,the heater on cApital Invested, $1610: dipendl- ture for feed and what appliances he -add threo tablespoonfuls of mlllt� soa. , jacket and other parts of the apDar a. a large amount of oil, purchased for the plant, $292.87m-vr a soning, and the Potatoes. Tur*,, Into a well -greased pan and try A Weldon 0 tus -will absorb which will, cause tho horder to smoke gross expenditure of, $678-61. His re* celpts were: Sales, egg.-*, merit And Vold over like an oftio%t And brown, I 6erve on a hot platter gar4ish6d with and tmall bhdly the nort time the� Incubator Is startod, The same Idea stock $846,81; value of stock on hand at Ne enj of the year, $968.2" "u. r � elites of crisp bacon, This ail 44, applies to lamp -heated brooders. I total receipt of $1, 12-06. ddeal Sunday morning breaktWA with .% ,or - _t___ ,%­ .ii -A *,^m ohlo.lt ­ ­__ - -1-_ -..__ -.4, bot muffins tolls, 4,.,