HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-09, Page 5- ----r , _711"77
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I P. . on Opco had f1b'p0 Of m mn but be I pot a ft I ft ok & , I
I 0 Being Gro4t cause the month bus come it is tot nee. #AZ qx!, Wrjust CA \
U w DAY 1, 6v4wh,r ( ,%DVVWA .",
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. I —_ Mary to admit that nutumn is at hand. 1, .1 '. .
. 't (13y John A, Watson in TorontoStiir.) It is still a few days distant and when I W :Vl I ,
. r , . .
. I I .1 L
;. No : One U I n.der . , I . I "E'TRE Pr1(
1-3'Years . LYCEUM TH A All Se
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i Ad-mitte.d ;. - - Wed and Thurs., Sept. 8 and 9 1
. I . I . I
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'. ------------I------.-- . - . - , , ........... Sept. 29-30 Harriston - ................... Sept
I Pull ,For,,. Pads ' , .. . . Listowel .................... Sept-
"., Foil wlngi.. -4 . fairs. in . ! ............... Sept. 20-21
is a list of the fall . Brussels w.....; ......... ... Sept. 14-15 London, (Western Fair) ....... Sept.
ricultuall - Palmerston ..................... :C)
I tbis, district issued by the Ag - Dungannon. .............. .... -Oct. 7 8 Seaforth. ....... ............. Sept
'Society 'Branch oi the Ontario Depart- 'Sept_20-21 .
I ment df vAgriculture.. . . . . Exeter ................. _.... )ct 2 Teeswater .............. I ....... 0
. . I , '' Fordwich ...... ...... I ...... .(- ' Toronto (Can. Nat.) .... Aug. 28 S
I .AtW96d, ...... !., a ..... !!S,apt,204i - * ............. 8eptt 8.101 Wingbam ................ Sept. 30-
.. .. .; .. I . ,, I k_XoUtg1ch .... ,. , ...'. . , . . I
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'. I "You're right I. In the ,busy season -when a trip to t6w,
And th
.- . . is necessary, you need a car that is r6ady to go.
I . 1. . , I . 1. . best car is no, good without proper lubrication and goo
.. i t. I I . - gasolipe. - Imperial-Polarine 6nd,lini:ierial Premier Gasolin
L. . I - . . I . . . I -have kept in, gar rurirOug 'Mick as a whi 'every minut
. - - .
I I ..;S: 1, . ;.: - WY , . . .- all season '. . . . I I M--, ... . .
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. ,. .. Steadk. 'Uppendable Service
.. ... .. . .
0 11 I "I . I . . I . I
_ . . . 4 .
. . . I . I . ,IMI?ERIAL Polarine assures a motorist steady,, dependable service
. . from W6 cai. It gives correct Lubrication to every type of motor
. ... I I . and every moving part, It Iceeps your rnotor,running smoothly ajid ,
. : I : , quietly. ., . . . .. '' . I
. . I . i,L I I .
. Imperial Polarinemaintains, tinder all oper ting conditions, exactly
. . I I the right body. to seal in compression and'reduce wear --it burns clean.
. . . I Imperial Polurine establishes and maintains a poWer tight seat between.
. '. piston and cylinder walls. Its body is proof agamist high heat I s and .
. - the gruelling friction of engaging barts.
. 11 I - - .
. . . . Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you
. . : I buy oil. It shows which of the three grades described below is best
' .
. I
I . . . suited to your car.
* I . .
I , '. I
. . ) I .. ,Six sizes—gallon afid four -gallon sealed cans, steel kegs, half-bariels -
: . and barrels. "u by th barp,2,1 or lidlf-barrel and save money. f
I ' , ., Sold by good 4ealers every Uere I anada. 9
. .
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Famed for her stalwart sons as soldiers, it comes it will probably bring ,some of ______ ", .,(,-.
. . ,Irv,
f4rillers,., business men. of affairs, whO the finest weather of the whole year. I I I I I I . .... -, I , .. . . .
e emselvea in OW Notwithstanding these facts, September '. I
walks of life throVshoat the"Dominion, is associated witli'the end of summer, I 0 3 .-I.
. . o ;
, -
often it has been remarked that every when the entries in the form ledger swell . ".
, I . ill.,
. third man you meet in Western Canada tile debit column. In September the r6, ew Arriv,a s a . I ),
hails lrom, tiruce Coun I . . . ..,
aty, Ontario. credit column beginq to come into its ".".
I I - I I I I .. #, ,
. ; #..
of the good old Scotch stock wilich owl) X I 101
. To one element of our population, a I . I I..,
pioneered Bruce i1i the days when the ."
fine gravel roads of now. wdre but blaged most important element, and one very 0 - * I .1-1 . 1 . I
I ' much In evide ce when any fun is going We have just passed into stock many new lines , ,
trails through the wilderness and the red, . '
man and his traps were surely being on, September is a sort of new year time of Fall Good's and invite you to call and, inspect thewo - I . :e.
. I . I ..,i,
forced further north, few old timers of not necessarily a happy new year but a -1 ---.111-1. 1 ,1'4:
6use early days remain. , To three high- real and very impQrtant one. The bell - . . - I . . - - - ..... --- - ' - _...".-, -..--,-- ..._'___ - '_ " _____ __ - 41
% ."k!
ly respected men of to -day in Bruce th 11 - sc ool , : ,
, at ushers in t Is new year is the h New Blouses in'a host of colors and styles that are exceptional values, ,, ,
County,'Mr. John MCKinoort a succesi- bell, w It 1 c h ,has just been sound- -1 Georgettes, Crepes and liabitaui, in Maize, Sand, Peach-, Mauve, - I , 1.1
fill farmer; living not far from the village ing from Sydney to Victoria. Now will. %If !
, . . Navy and White ..................................... -1- ................................ $6*00 'to $12*90 , ,
of Tiverton. a sturdy representative of the beseen in city and village streets and 10""st . 4
old days, Mr. Angus McKay, A ,EailOr- along country roads that young 'bit of V4 I ' .. L I I i . I I
farmer, who is now taking life easy on a hu manity whom Shakespeare, M. ore than X Sweaters and Pull -overs. New styles and color comt)iliations in X 1
tidy little place within the sounds of the three hundred. years ago, so truthfully X ' American beauty, Turquoise Blue, Rose,...Grey, Green, ranging in . X I
wave -lapped shores, of old take Huron, and sympathetically . pictured when he IN . price from .... I ........ I ................ ............ I ........ ....L., .................... I ....... $7*50. t0410*00 I
. .
and Mr. G. MCArtburr, Postmaster and wrote: I . . I
businessman Of Tiverton, the writer is "And then the whining school -boy .
indebted for the story or Itiverhuron -the: with his satchel. X Corsets and Brassieres. We are agents for the famous Goddess V. .,.. i
village that was, but is no more. And sbining morning face, creeping like X Front -laced Corsets and are showing a number'of new-modeh; for . X )
, - .
. 1. . . .
Inverhuron I$, perhaps, best known for snail I fall .......... ..... : ........ : ... I ................ ..'. 1. I.,.,, .............................. $3.50 to $5.06 N,
its aimililLions at one time to be a Great . Unwillitig!y to school., I * I - All styles of Vass`ieres in stock at ........................................ i ........ 75e to $2925 1,
Lake port, and county town of Bvuce, an ' Perhaps the boys an I d girls setting out .M, v, . A , I 1, I
ly went to. Walkerton this week from their comfortable farm 09 . a I .. . .1
after a bold bid for the title, Inverburon and village homes . do not adequately X Curtain Materials. Margaisettes, Scrims and Nets. A large assort- X .
is situated three miles from the village Of realize how sup'erior -are their school ad- X, ment to select frorn at very attractive prices. ' , -11 X
. I
. . t ', .
Tiverton, north-west, and nine miles from vantages to those enjoyed by their fathers V1 I . . 9 . .
Kincardini, due north, on the shores of, a ;nd mothers, They may not prize them —M Men's Wear. NeNy Hats, Caps, Sbirts, Ties, Sox, Raincoats and I I X . I I
horses.hoe.-shaped sandy beached bay, the now, and they may think tile old times X Clothing, ' ., , I ,. I . 9 . I
latter.being known as Sauble Bay ,. On of fathers and mothers schooldays better %& . I 11 I I I . I - X . ,
aRk 9
the shore of this. bay, protected from the than their own: but the time will come ;rf - I . .1
north winds by Douglas Point lies what when, going out.from the sheltering home . t, X ; ., .. . I
remains of tile original townsite of Inver- tothe big, hard school of life; they ,will 161 I A MJ L L S . .1 .1. , 1
I huron. Of the streets that.were original- I more fullyreall7e and correctly esti ate YJ - . . X
* . , rn . I ' . I
ly laid out in blocks and the foundations ail that, was done to cquip them for X Produce Wanted, Cash or Trade. .1 . Men's Wear a Specialty 'm .1 . "
Of three hotels several large grain ware- carters of usefulness and independence. X I I . Ix I . . I
houses. -stores and residences, nothing There was a time not long ago when . \1 A xxvil;Xxxxxx ; . , -
now remains but a part of a s one found 'A" . 0
- the years' schooling for country boys and MON ViXNM_ V il;; i " Vill X4kXX;riX;r4X X"ig;ril X . . 1. I
. ation or' a, heavy tirnber,, sticking in a girls was crowded into a few' months. '.. __,- ., - ---1. . . - - I . I I 1-1-11---l- ..;.------ _-__-_.;-_Z-1 . . I . .1
louelywayout of tile thousands of tile Thereweretwo terms. one beginning in I A WAY OUT OF If ! "Then how shalt I get you, my jewel; Tuffier, who asserts that a heart which, I I .
tx)na of"pure, yellow sand wbich !it 111811y early winter and ending before early . s . . has stopped, beating Can be reanimated,, * I 11 . I . I I . .
instances has completely smothered good spring's', work commenced attended by It I ,'If your father and m,)ther's so cruel I -Injections of andrenalin in the card- . ,
, I 0,'tis time Isbodid talk to your mother, I : , .
' . . I
I ly-si ed trees. So far has filis sand been the big gliolars and a summer term for , Sweet Mary," says 1; . Most surely I'll die." : I ical cavity," says Dr. Tuffier, "may . I I 1.
dritted, that a store building of a later the little ones, There was little continu- It I re :
I Oil don't talk to my mbther," says "O never say die, ,dear," says Mary store life to a - heart alreid d0ad,' The . . . I
day than when Inverhuron was tbiiving ity to tile work-, the schooillouse Nlas us- , Mary i 41Kway now -to save you I see,- . heart may also be kept, beatitf aitificially I j . .
, . . I
i . . , (I I
has been deserted ever sia6e the death of ually a bare dreary place and offen un- I I S, I . I .
its keeper ,some fifteen y ars ago and the comfortable; and the books were'dull and Beginningto cry; I Ince my parents are both so contrary for a certain length'of ti ae- by l4eans o I , . . I : .:,
I -For my mother says men are deceivers, I You'd better aik-me." . mass -age or certain chemical ercitatits." a I I .,, I.:
' ' , I
. . .
sand is now up to the second storey wind- uninteresting in comparison with those now . I I I ,
Ows. , The fate of Inverhuron was sealed so cheap and soattractive. And never I know will consent; I __ - ' - Dr. Tuffler's statements have created a - 6 ': . ,.., : . I : I , I .
. She says girls in'a burry to marry - I : I .
. great *sensabon in Paris, where',pi oical . , , . t. %
when fire destroyed the grain warehouses Ill fact their tasks have been made so At leisure repent." I What Do They Want - circles are , diciissing the ,Possibilities of I , I 1 I 1. , I
, ,
I .
. in 1882, and to further complete the j,)b, interesting'and their whole school life so We understand that the Wingham-Car- saving lives by artificial heart stimlilati6lil i , . ..%__ j,:
another attack by the fir ' e demon five bright that there should not be a whining "Then suppose I should talk to your ill tie is to be played off in Brussels. just as . is now practiced by artificial , I I I I.. I I
I ,
. years later completely wiped out what schoolboy orscbool girl either in all the , father, I Well Brussels isn't, a favorite with the breathing. - I I I . 1, " ,. , . I I . ..., "I
I had been at one time the home, it is said, Dominion when the bells ring out the Sweet Mary," says I,, ladies, it has the P -;A -Y -E accommodation. ".. , . . 11 . I
. I I
. . I
of nearly a thousand people. . opening of the -year on one of these fine "Ob, don't talk to inv father," says Dr. Tuffler also claims that, anian cati. . i
The piers. of the original Government September morning$. -Family Herald. Mary. . I -Teeswater News. . live for years viith a. bullet 44 his'. heart. I I .1, I
. ' . . I
dock, built,in 1885, are all that remains I . Beginning to cry; I I Can Restore Life - - . In fact, days the eminent surge6ri, the - :f I -
I -1
to -day, q.gravestone so to speak, of the I ___ __ 4 ',,For my fatberv,he loves me so dearl Paris, August 24.-P,estirrection from heart is far from beinj the, fragile organ I . I - I
. it is g id he 04
loaded at Inver 'Hell never consent I should enerally 'suppose .- to, ... 'bkl te I
e days when the schooners Another inallpox VictiM . go- Y' I the dead is no longer merely a biblical ; 1. I ,
atS huron. sixty cent wheat and five thousand ou talk to my father, " says Mary ated fact, accord- I operatiops.'he claims can* b '..perfbrmed , .
', the grain "He'll surely say -no," I in the heart tissues without mortal.,effedt. .
a bushels was a record Cargo Edward Joseph, the fifteen m6ntbs old If y I legend. but an authentic ,French surgeon - , * - -
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Peltier of I ing to the celebrated t . . .'", , . ,
. I
being teamed for miles by the farmers t6 the townline, passed away on Satu'rday of . I I ... - . . . I . ev
. I . . i I
- tbe'grain warehouses and handled in tiny last week after a sh-oTtTIness with a viru- ------- I . I . I I . . : I ... .1, K !. .1 . .. .
. i I I . . . .
rs along the docks to be dumped malipox. - Another child is !, A, " , -, . I . . I , . , . . . . ... I .
I. . .; .. . ....
I . . . .
. I . .
23-24 push ca lent form of s I . CLIMBING 'THE C AN-AUffN AILPS' '., `. , . . .
15-16 .vessels which would be -but yawl, boats Ill but will probably recover. The parents . I - , . , . I
. . . - . 11 I .
I . 1-18 compared to the giant carriers which ply have the sympathy of 'their many friends - . - - I - __ __ ... __ 11 I I . I. . '. _i__ . . . ,
- ,.,:. . . . . . . . '717I.N.N W111. ..%!..- . -
- - .
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, , `::::::::::: .; " "
::: ... .. .
ct. 5-6 Lake .Huron to -day. Those were the . . , .,. .'. - , ,. i ..,i;' i:7 ..,-,.. *.:i i;: , i!: : . ,,,,- :,7.,'.'.--,'.,,-,-".".f$ ,,-.' '. 7 4-- .- $7, ,':j., j":.k..,
:,, - "".%,. , ',,% i :I*
..' - "'M *:;.45.
- - : `i i , :!7: j!ii, :- .. -%*k i i. - - - - -.',% , , 40.
.."; ..., .-Tw':"`-", ,,, .4!i. .. .
!:;* ; i: i ] i i i . ....,R ., ." ....::i..' - i R .'.?--,, ;; ;: ; .""', '. ..
in their sorrow-Mildinay Gazette o x -:..:-.'.:1-;--: ... ; . i: .;-:7 ::-i.i !:.4'; . :CX,1X-:gN Q - .g
. .. ., -..i i, . M
. .' ..
, . . .W:i:n -,*-ii *;-i
::;:" .,;. ,:..: :.,. . -?A .... _-.0"'...... . ,. -,IIZZIVXWI ...
$ *;:N- .`,::. MS. .."., "". ". * .
, , `> '* '.' ` " .- .W.. . .....".1. . NIX,
23-24 dayi, when the skippers had tQ be real .i ,.,i ..-.-.,?,: ',,. -'.i,",.,; '.. , ; .,. ;,. .!;,*..,'.,'.! .! . "",.,.,.",;, 0'z ., . , ii
I, " NK ;., 11 .
.:-;.::.:-,:;.5.:: :. . .. , - `:, A . . k x. .1,
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..:.: .,;. ;".; l*! ," .: '.ii: .' '. . ::! .".- ,,.,,.,.,., .-','z,, , ..., , . : - ;, ,,:;:::I
:i:..", -1"..: :. *, ' ' l*.-' ":i::;:,:;: - . .VN Q ,T!k, .:.",%,. '..i, .'-: :. ,.":..,!
. 1: l,r:.,. .:..:. - , ., ;:: $
_: . '.,,, i',i k i. ?. :t T::io".:i:i:s;; ,::;.:.: ...... -
ct. 5-6 navigators, and seamanship and a stout ;,:+:-:::;:- ,','i ;:; :i:: .-.,. i" '.i.,., - ,..;A '.,., .,": ;.
,1 M.:::;;!.:::.-:,;-:, . . i !iii: : *i:::!;.i :_ :ii
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. ji ".
.. iii .,.1:, :j:j
. , :;v " , x .
'3 .' i: , , , , . 11 0 ... "I"', 1-1 _11- -
ePt- 11 heart counted for much when the Owind I : : i : i ::; ::;. ; !i,i ;i i:., . ; :i : i.'., . ii , :,. ! :: : ., . - - , . .. I
'i ... - `:!;! ] ; ,
. ... - . . .
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uct. It I - I :..:" .. :i: i: : : ' i. ::: ::Ii.., ..." l,;, ", :: k'.?. *! .Z., ,.' """., i li;; !i .il : i: : i : :i; ... . -
jammer" was caught outside in a swi(t .: '-% ,:'. :,::;:T: ::; 1. sr. ..;";.."...t,:;: ,.i : : :.:::!:i:i:::: i i: .
- .: I r ; ;;, :. ;.::i:: :il. . : .:::. ji i: i::,.,. --. . ... : -_:..1,:_-. . , I,,A , :4-11
. . i.
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. '"' ` - ...__.---:,-::;...:
— , . . ..".......'.'.,, i..'...'...'*...." ! . :
sou wester. Inverhuron bprbor proved ".. __ ."...'.'.,.", i..'...'..'*....., !..,.I ;::::,.., i :. .:% ; ..., _
.il..k ;:, -* .,,:::_' . 1: , ,';' -". , , ..: ....... -. ..; - .... .. 4 ..... , , :.;:;: :: :
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!::K.- ,:;:;:;f..:.;; , , -:!.-*: .i .:. .., . - . ".:
2, ::, , . , .. ` &*%
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,. ..., . . i,, ;,&;!i iiii, i: $i: ,.. .: '.
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.... .... ... ,.: I
1pany times a safe haven for vessels fort- 1. .. ,:.. , . ". __.... i : :i;!: ..,,
.,. !! ii!":`
_., !ij :i :
I . IV ; I -, - . :: .. ., . ..."], :. i.. . ., ' :.]:.:: ,:.i:i :i:: :: : . i ; j ; i :] 1% ...
I - ; . : ,:::.:,::::.,...:::::,:,il::.,....: "': *WH-,.- .!-., "I - `1'11'
.: , -Vi. 1,
. . - ,,., *:i -.'., ,., . l,f., ., .-,, ,..;!. ,i .. ...g...
unate in times of stress to gain. its shelter. . I . : ,::,.:. , , ". ': .; .;;;`:;:::::;.:%;;:;j:: -j. 14411 I;; . . . . . . . I. ........'..'..'..'.-I..,.,.,,.,. 1,
I I , :;!:,... :;::::;-:i:.,: ::i -: i l' :; : :i::: .: : ":, .,.:: -:; ; i: ;: i; o: j i ji:: i:: : : : ;::: ii jj; _ i 11 ii:111-_
. I . .. ,, I I
" . .i ;.;:,..,.....,..: ", ;:..::.,.;.;.:.":.;. .;,;:::;:.:
:; _ , .:. ...
Government reports Gf different surveys . . 11 : ij:: :jj;: !i ' ... :.::':... ", . 111 1'§ . ,' ',_ -.11". ". . ":, . i?".."E' -1".i .l.., * g& ;::
. ;5e " : '!] .". :: ii,* i: i:.:: ,. ;, :,:_.. ":::::*,:*r:!:1
11 , : !:: . .._; ,::::::::.:j::: I
.. .:7; i:,.l ,: .. `: .;i! :i: :`:::; ' -
n ,. I... :. .'''.::: ::. .
. of this harbor made as far back as 1855 1 :F:q::: i::i; !:: " :i ?..'-, .;,.,.;..._: . ....... : % .1 .q-:-. Mi ,;.! ', .
. Your Farm I . * :!:: ,; ;,.-.i iljlill HiR .
d" and later by that . well known, engineer, ,,. . : ,:... :....:,.,!.;.::. % : !: :i .', ,'. : . . i. :;.i ;;::i : :::;: i i: ',
I . :i,! i! ,.ij ; ii.!: :.,_ . ...... :--,-,g,, -,
, .. -- ., ,,m.,--.. ,.i i! :
We'14a;zi Sold Over 20.000 Farms to Date . . :: ! ;; i i ;,.: :. .,.::i :; :i:.k,.*, : ii ; ; i :.."....,,,. "...... - -, - i
::: . .. ,." U:;Vii-.--;!...-,i % i
;.::;,..i:li :ii: ,:. : ::!i:, :!I -11 -.-a _.. ,:- . '.!;!;1, '..._.! ",` X
... 2 1;..1;,.'1..
'1 . I .1. I - "....".
. Sanford Fleming, in 1858 still in .-.,,.-, I ' :.:.,;:; . .. .. : 4...,.:....-:'1 .. .... I - - 1 I
I . ; I No lisiing'f e-aod no withdrawal chatges. You P y :-:-:!::%:.. ,." , 'M , '"'
. Z;11.'-. .:,.,.;-:ij:-i: L\\R W, k .-'.-,,.,-- %:.,\-,- .:-, "
.. , . -
. \ ,,,,,
.;; ' :;, ., . "
io'-day, give fine arguments to show that gs out commissionomiy after saicto ourcustchnet;.Wnto ,.:",: j , I I
. . -1 .
, 11- ', , 1_16& ,
I I Inverhurofi has a great natural harbor Or telephone. . . . " ,;." !\ g
i I - " ,7i 3 ;. ;
- L.A.Strout Farm Agency I'. - f:1". - '. , -1
=d which could be madeata comparat I . . 1 -, W ::!,.-, I I
I -
. .
. . , . _," , -
I ivelysmall outlay the very beston the .. 2. . ,7;;' - M.I... - , I
'. . . Canadiai3 side'of Lake Auron. . . BOX 312., Wina.ham Ont. i '' I
I .- . ... I WIT,
I I . . .
I I Beside the record of the loss of lives 4 I gla". I
I . I
I . I I I -.13 4 .
.1 andfinesteet vessels in the big gal6 in I ! . I - ,
I ,
December, 1013, when the big American GEO..J.t, WRIGHT HIM .1---l.,
. , __ __ 01 11
. I - yliki:%fl , 11.11
Steamer "Hydrus" was lost with all STBIR . - :::,::, -;-: '.... ." ..::";.,.;.. '.. :",." ,."Z :i
. 21A,)VI)MA , ,k::,,, ,,, i,t
.. ::,...r N .
., :,!,:.,3 ,;!j
::::: ,:. i,i i *: *.,:... .; :..ff " , "" - :-? . . : x:: 6
. . .. .,, ,..,,ii :, ;,:i.,, :rt-"% ii,...;s ,%- .,
- . ... - - - My, i, ., M
.; . , .. :. : - .-,:: : ,.--.., ,
hands near the upper Canadian 'Coast of —Experienced Piano Tuner— m..- ','!v;, -;V,-- ....... .. P .1.11,
-i,.1.-* :,. ,:::::'1:;.-. 11 .*..,: ...*:.,.:.:k,,- - . . _. -1 .. ... ... 1141IM""'I'"N _..;. ' k'.Z,', M .,,%:::;::;W:,.-,`! tg ;i ;,..:,:
. f:i ,'
.!.:;:..;, 7- .:-: ;::',,;-:: !,! .. , % - .. - - 14-KKCA. " ' k§ . , .7,:,Z. .; 1#
i .... F - :V:-;t!!::k:.-;..",y:: -;11 ". " , . , V
i ., . -....;...,.. . , ,' I ', -, , .. :: ,,, . .-,Z ,.. - - '- k1"Z;::..:.. ... I '. ..,.;:",; .. I'l-' ::::%;;4",..,.,, ., , \, ,, -:.:- : ;&:0 1,3 0, , , I i I
Lake Huron, as well as the "Wexfordi" Teacber of Rudiments of ;Music, *Hir- - f, 5 ...".1,11'.. _.' I.tl&.,. :.'.- -,, ,:,,-,' , .:, ,:W:I,N;, , I :- .'.: ' ; """ N ,;: ..q ,. ,; tl. , r --- .
.. , " - g..-.,.,!;;,:,.-.% I., - I
I tion , ;.':, o. -V .4 , . lk--' 'I IN, .. .4 - I
" M . ,., .
a Canadian boat, near or below Goderich, mony,'Counterpoint'sind Composi __ ,. "' Al. `: % ""::.:.. :,:,:! :-., .... . - *'.',F ., "'..,."
. 11 " , - , % 'W'X'. ` :, " .: . 'I., . ,'- :_; . -* O.; .. X", - - 1:. .k'_ k' -%:.;.-, 1:,;;
. ;:- 4 :,,- ;,.., ;:,: ,i;' : .. : !4 ... ..
' . ...... _ -$.,; X, _ . ..." .,
;-A k:,5g \ V _,.-1_1....,....__ ""
'W , I -
and the American ship "Price" near Sar- LeAve orders at THE AI)VANCE Office . ? V - .RNRm! .,-- ,;, . .
. ,0 : ....__. ,, ',,, ,i :i §: ---,.* , '-- N ,v.,--,-r-,%,, - ' J . J ?4;X,%!,: ::;!;!! * . I I
I " . , M. Z "'. .AIN ,
"".", , ", z . __ , . . -,--, : i: : -,.-..:!
nia, Government reports show that from -Ali brass and reed instrument 3 a to , 111 _% ,Nh I`X,, 4 k"; , ,, ., *.,.: , .,.: l '-"., k ::',: *!
'S 1. "'..2,11IR . '.... . i1i 17 1' -;'1.,,1 1;'1g1
IR . o .' , - r
. - : " A IN mr,
, R. V ,
V., R
_ % .
1141 --N .:;;j%,, -:,., .. I.,
I 'XAN' 7 ' :: ,;., 1 kdlzl",: 11 iM.I. "I _
-11 I . 1. ,V -,
, it -F 1%N-,-;.;.1,___ , , _k, -N ...... -, :1,_.
1850 to the passing, of the sailing vessel and violin. , , .. i -''-- ,-,. !,:".
v , R ,.,: : -.*,:*,;,. :;.K.,k ", I, -
I _._.__; --- . .. "Pv. j ., . ..' .e, .,: .% :."...4.., "..."..1- - . . *M I , ... 111
, :%;;.::: _._,T-\, .; , : 'N' ... . ill l I
- . .. .,.*.,jp",. c- - .1,
not far short ofone hundred boats haVe . . , 1,44 - .... .-,.,-% I
, , - -
I .
... . . % ; ,,'-.=,-047 P',!;&W_, n 'IN " \ "'PU4, ."m . 11
11 . . .";, T ..'. !@s, 1:1;119 .,_E* IN V
I ", ;i ;,iN;,z,,,,nQ_,
-:a.:,".: .-K., , , -
:*.:j';i.` : ;',, ' ,.% 'p '0.0"., , `% , ',.X ,% ,,FWW I 11
I . - " - N"..;-, !, !%"-%%",;i"!.Al .,.;:;%k$,. 1. 6.1 4 ;s
, k
I 'n 'I , ,
been lost in Lake Huron, some 'of which .., ..,. :!:,. ft M I
doubtless would have been sived had the DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN """ il 11 ', , 1 ,, . 1.
, "I
.A. :,, .."'" -0 - % ."...i:: % . 1i - I
. ", i , .. . ,--W, , 11A `
,M§-' ..,. ., k. RQ
", ,% ,- ,, , \ 52. -MR -7, . i -, , , , k i I
. .00 . . , Oik ',
, - - ...N- I .\.
. 1! 1. . I .. ", : .1 I
- -..."'. " k .110 '.. " .., .. ,_ .. 1.11, .X.:.1;.,W,
crews been able to get to shelter on the . - "a.....q.. . s,R: I
rq` 2.; l*.,;"..;..;.".,:.,:.k ... ,;.k:. ';!',... .. !';-.. .-I.-.11%,."; .s.w'. ."r,.
11 . .. .... '. , -, - , ; I
. ,
ii I ", "' ". ,.-:;,:;.:,:... V GOYM1111
, .. . ;smU; tg. -im%; ,, -;A ,,, ..... ,:itf 'm "
Canadian sid of the Lake at a harbour , ,18, 'i .,.i, 0 1- ,,,, i; il::A. . . .. .;7 ;X . ,.
. , .. i . . " .. dN'.E,`, -:,A. t I
....K , , ,,"C ,
I ,§,, !*'?%: ::: .. i .. ..... '%
, - t ..4 - ..... '., ... - - . - t,y I ` , I
.. .. ,i ii ,N`:: ,!.ii, . ..10, . , . -- .'N' .., ..... . rl,;N- , .
, %
.. N,
I .1 .0 _-.'$.,. Ik" ...o.,. . . Y.,
. ": , , " , 7, ;.k?. w-...,:-,. '-, ,... ,;,;. , , , -
. ,.. :..!'-.'.':L" "
' ". 'F. ',i , -! ,
easy of access as Inverburon might be 49P 1 1 -,%'s'%*, K`,' _,`, *.- ` .'-', ,: ; '.-%i:i . .. ."P.. ,
" k.:N.:,- ,:.,
, ,:_o i 0 , , , * .. - K"ffil') -1.*'>.V .!
. I .., .%w ,::, .,',.'_M,W' . , ".,
v';-!&,.. -,, f...,x- ,.:!-.--i-e-.,; .. ., - :-7:A-i. -- - - , - , ..... - - - - .. ...
.,.k M., V L
. \
made. I . I S ,. . , %-
.._... . , . .,.: I
, : : ,;:!,' , - ". e . I . .::,
... ,..,.,. ", - .;:. - - , I
..."".1- _. :<-.'. ,..' -.j *J: ,,. ..-:4 . -!9
. .\ I
*41 &. -, ... . S , . ., ......, .,!7 .
. ., 4.-I).. ": ...:: ,? , ,. . .
. 1.0- "'.........
AW* . _. "; :i . ... . ........ % ,
Not has Inverhuron been free from , , - ., _ , .d..E;i ... ., i , . :;6 . , ''. ,$ ,
C"IROPRACTIC - '4 2%,k *.-v, -.:-.-, _a L .
I I , _ . - .. - -,;:-.-.:1.- .. -!.. :ft..".;.!,: ,,-.;%..,;, '. _0,2N -.1 ,, zl.:, ",**kr ' .:$. -I ". f,
,;,,, ,,,, . - I I
%.OKI _: .;; , . ,
. . 11-1?0_1, — :;: -,.i::.: , . i. i... ;i.".-.. ..,.,', :.;::,;:,.
0 1 . , 1 ,%..', .1,1t; i',,--.X.,n:i :,:_ _ 11
tragedy. In the old fishing days be NO- , -i:. - i: ,;;:. ..:.% :::.- - :-.- ` :? ,.-",-f, Z-,T* -x :: -.; ", I
.. , -
I t 1, & . . .: ., :" ., , ... .
::";.; L ) . t ,% 'Y:1X1' " '-'-' -;' `- :,:':' * " , -q.;-,k, -,:-.. - .. ...,
- .: . . N .
exact, the 4th of October. 1880, Captain Practice is confined exclusively to . .). . .: . ,;r,, ,:N ,,.,.
. I J. ,% :i. i:i, i§ : * . i _.
.;: 4: 11 4 .:: ;,; I
,-ay, Chiropractic, the only and. original Sys- jv -i,.` , `; ,,,, " 1,1.,,. , I
" ?. ";.,!N.F,t - .. _
I ".., '.11"N'. , ; . !:,k, .,i:,-,., ,_ I
Dan McLeod. his wife, Malcolm McB, tern of opinal Adjustment, Effective in - . `T"P " _-, .. I., . . I I
. _%. 'y'1-'1-.-'.' 1
..7.1 1 - A _.- '. ?
Malcolm McLeod and'John McLeod, set # " . ". - ._'_ ;- - - -,4 **I'. .., .. 14
05 pe . cent of all cases. , -. ..,, ... ... ,,..., :.,. " . . .1 11. t
11 . ., _ If If' - ,., '.
. st 01 I A." : , , r , . , -:,-,- ..-,.- . . ".
sail late one night in the very be '. ,1 ,' ;;' _;, '. . ,i.;, ...
"Chiropractic locates and 11emoves ` I - ,`Y `.." "';_--! ., ,:-" -_,"....: _* I cl '11,11 . . .. ,,,, -
. r, _ :; ., . ., ,.-, . ,, " , :. -
weather for the upper peninsula it, the the Cause of Dis-ease: Nature Heals." 111* 1101.' I I., ..,
II----- - . I
sail boats "Hailstonn" and "'SWeOP- . . . I I I
stakm" A#ow came up and all perish- J. A. FOX) D. C.) D. O. ' ' ' . I 'i
- The Yoho Glacier near Field, B.C., is a - B e ati tiful Sight for the Olhubm% - - I '
. ate in Osteo I I I
ed, the boits c6ming ashore neat X111- Also fully qualified gratin . , I
pathy. Phone 101. I -routs 2 to 5, and 7 ' Se tlons of the Alpine Club of ested in making mount, -in. cilinbs.11 th% end of fttowber, emept Adring I
cardine, three weeks later. .. , to 8 P. m. . I Canada in all parts of the Domin. With refe,renee to ludependoult the two weeks W,h,-J1 thoyvul be oa-
To-day the natural beauty and attract- - .-...-.--------- I I ion have recelved the anniversary moutitafneering,,during the past Y"r cupied by- mombers ot thb 14 ius I
iveness of Inverhuron . bay and its won- I ,,
, luessage of the director, Arthur 0. niontion is made of the first weents club, At any ffine dt&lng Itie itmu-ior
derfui cedar groves are not equalled on D R. 0. H. R 9 55 . ., Wheeler, Interprovincial boundary of Ut, King George, and seveml other wWKiAg tours. may be taken to"moulit I
the Canadian side of the lake. College of Dental survey columlossla-aer for B.0 There Dealts of the Royal Group, lying In a Assintboine and tbtao C*Aups, 'will bo .
. Graduate Royid . is much In this document of smetal hitherto unexplored dtstri;ct filtar oPqm to furnish -,,-,00d meal ti id,ii be& !
. I surgeons Interest to members of the club, but miles southwe%t of Banff. 'Mt. Sir tp the tramper ^.I,, the md of h!44Ay1* ':
VICTORY BONDS ARE REDUCED Graduate Uuiversity of Toronto Faculty tbe-re is also a great deal which at- Douglas amd Mt. Joffre vmre also journey. Timm fs,oidy' (Me *Wy t* .I
I of Dentistry . I E(cfis tile* general public, since it climbed for the first time last sum- reail r 'get, tlie f4ouxtaft and "i, 4 i
- Office over H. E. Igard's store, lo,)ks forward to a greatly increased mer. on foot, but .,io far tkin ple" '" 'has' . i
Official Actor To Bring Loan* Into . . . a3we i i
11 . thle of -minvaer travel into the fast- After some comment oil the, 73anff bt*.n coaftod to tlW ve* few, oh ae-1
_*__ !
. U66 With W*rld Cdadiflons ntrt:es of the great hills. winter, carnival, in which the Aliline, Count of the difflicnity 9f ears7jag-
SmLy It - W It h Floweps The director's niessage opens with club takeg an active Intorast, having food =4 boddilA Thwe tlffflftxios i
Ottawas Aug, SO. -It is officially an- vownient3 on the- DrooDerous istand. been donors of a 011MINVIe C111) for are now to. b,-, reinoved toid It ist,
I In:" of the elub and the succesp of the hockeY, the director takes. up the Dlanned in Coming pears to armx- 11
fiounced that the prices for Canada's ,;,= F,-27 - - =- .., I I
11 , . I -op t - "Welconio many sueb walking anti riding tours; .
.... , 1:; - .... 7:; ,- ca. ,it Yoho alco. last summer. lilatter of tho fortheoniln,
Victory Bonds have be n reduced to the I I ; _. - I
I I I _' - , .., Tianks are also tendered to many 11onle" canip to be held at ,Vt. Amini. for the.belicafit of the pubkos, -. 4. t
I 110. At In couelu-sion th, dir. r f (Is I I
, I / I I i,lo) h0ped to inake the Camp suc- boine froin July 20th to 31st, 142 (x otato
following levels: . I - -j I I,- . "O. .
-98 and interest, yielding .... :10.87 . " ,,, , I , eo. -Cal. Mention loinade of renewed thk; vanip im,ro than 3 .ob people will the v*,rs(,,s. of a giftad 00gary pooQ .i
1022 , . , j 'Nf, "
'_ . and the Sp($,- "S, 'Wg, J . nrJ-t'.q I" jf( .( Ji, * , r - 'I
, I" lfllt, wgraphic aetivitt"3 ., !
Ing. -A' . - . -1. , in the inoun- be 1)la(.Td uader canvas . '
Xg23_98 and interest, yieldi 0.25 , __ ..- . , .- 1, t. Jlv and of tke fact that the chal. clal fc-ature Nvill be the fact that all ,oh wind aiat wines out ot the'Nvest..; .
11 I- ..
1927-97 aud interest, Yielding ... *..6.00 - I 1: t . _ I . - ainateur r0turned * niembm will attend w4 the land of the, quriset iDldes, . It
L, :
1933 -DOJ and interett, Yielding ...... 5.88 - , i) , I . : . ltn 11 eup for cow.potition by, . " I t
i . I (mitain 1%otouraphers was 'wou gu(,.sts (if the club. The eanill, will lx Where far Wer ,yon inount-Itin't, ovfrt,
. .;..
. I -
I I J\ 4,., 1 4-_. . ,uniner by 1) . 11. R Bulyea of situated three (lays' journey frow the tboso glorious e4lors tW, - i
. , . 11 I . 11
1037-98 and interest, yielding ...... 5:68 . I . . .
[ 41 11 . . %11., i,atzm railroad and transtiortation of bag- you brilif I
I . 4 ille the 1`1-4_04*06 of JKM t .
1024-27 and interest, yielding ..... X.27 " . .
n. 4 1. f"', I , . U "It referen t;) tlic, t%re etlon nr ,I guge Nvill be.by a sii( clally orgalilz(4 I the eo6luo.k,; , of luotizbi& M*W, , I
. 1934-03 and intereat, yielding ...... 6.24 11 I 11 . . . . . . . . __ I r,1:7t;11,10 Ll,eme;l1al to the evri(livr Irack train huov n as tile "Alpine elub 'Elie moole of falli?1q,%l-r6,,i. by'tiwl
. 't I . ' I ''
ion I I _R tl.
The above prices bring all the Canad - 1. - ___ - 1_ iapiuber,4 of thv Abline (1,10y, Ike di- pach frain." Of special inUrest to ldlLi where the W06 grow. .,,
. Governnient issues well into line - with ro-ebirrays: "It is deel,14 to t10 flito 010 P,Vupral publIc Is the Viet t1lat thit I I t
. conditions, even considering the I oil two aelmiate lints, fin.t. to ph -,(-c iuleh trall, will bo in ol)(tration ()b wilitl ill'it eo,am Out of I L4 "Ws6t,
- world ! rileovd or all oilr niotilborm oil Illill- t111101191LOUlt tbP ninimim, wid anyone you IL11rii ot 7aur wiy to "&& .
shtomal fitiaheial demands of the crop- %_ 7 t _., --- 11_ ,nry ,s(,rv1r(,, and partictiltirly tllo ; wt.1ting- to wake, tt really Intpresting plain.
movement period. It is felt that at the I 1
bew prices the -demand vnll quickly ab- FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC. vho havet joined Ilie sit; ' ireme honor ti -11) Into th0 htlart tit the I-101111talU3 The Mountain 141d ti tbA bw. Will I
roil, on the club house grolind,j at van do so at a whilmniii, exi)(m,;P The -you not conle bark a0lb? . " i
wb any. Over one hundred. and thirty- Potted Pltnt* and Cut Plowars Papff, end f-, -tlnd, th# pre(0on of a eanip at N11t. M,ilntholni uii4* the Olow i**s vAth your Aoldel ught,
fivemillioas of Cmada's Victory Bonds a SO"* Campall , oil the 'Way . Rkw t,offl.-y wind from tus bill
t olinve tirribor line at wmir f,wr- -0vornight . I
have ,baes diattirbed awng hiMtors, C041010" 60-; on ",at. % t, "ablo plaec In tile ('almd;an lbwk- thither firtun Banff will bo ot*AV yor r4y liojeL hos a lon'tint toritrM, i
9 N I of, F I 1
r. ,
I .
[ In
0--f the lost im. , thin 6ord- N#X.V. WAIW. JVJVZA :rH ff-, ftr* the uat of our mernberx anti Vh it vii .Ik from thik 4" CA Jl* ua i I tkat only the VWuntafts fta IRL
aincotho dm , tl I " .
. J,
I MR an vatt for borda, which oubwabtra ,-_ jjb4 tb* pikkit wl* tra-isim- . . . I . '. A . ,
U" = to mllftm Mao to Vz* I Pkon* 14 WUOMM I - . I : I
" 11
1. . I : -
III .. . I , I .
. 'S, ,_." . .
.. . I . I - 4 I I . , "'K. - , . I . .L -
1, .1 1 I . . - 1 4 1: I I ,
I 11 I I I , 4`-,10 4 1
1 , I . , ". ,. " .. :-ip .. I I 1?16 I 1:. '.. . . 11 I . 1. ,',,- __ .. ,,
-LL':" I , t - I . A Wlll r I . . ! , A . " P 00 A _ 111.kI6 .' ' . - 1 - tALI.I., .1, .'s I " k l
. I . . It A6&J " 11 zial ma&_& 11 A - 1, ., iiii _1411 ,
&4Akl", 1 kla ,"I j A&A 11'1_
Wili I =