HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-09-09, Page 3r"__1r_1 , WA k 5 . I') ­ I . # 7'� T,-- �- , , i , , � . . , 777114, . I . I . I � I . I I I -.1-1 ­ 'I -1. ­_­­ .... . .. 1. - ... ... . .. I . I., 11.1 ­­ "...'". - - .-1--11-._- ­­­ I - I—, ��W,Wt�--"_,�,Wm__ :4;4� ft-_- ,..---- - ­ �.,� ­0'.0ow - _.___-A_... I - ­_ ­­­_ ­_ - ­­ .�--.-.....�-�-�-.�.,�-.��-�.�--l- ----. FA - ,I I I - I ­ -1 ­­­ . . . . . . . - ...... .1 . . . . . . . �� . - I I - . ;i�` ___ � - I ­ . 1-1 __­___ _A"_.W~"_.­. -1 - - I I - - �_:_�-�, '. �_. .- , _ ---- ----- �._ _ _. I - �__. .. �� ­ - _­-­�-­:­- ­­ 11.11 11 .11, � � V L� ­_ �­_'_, _ __ - - �_,___ ­ � I I ­ ____ owvg W��,*__,� , I 0 0 0 0 09. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 +_+*# 0 04 0 # 0 4 ! ! �Otthfiveva$ Now . I 1; I � 1, tGnerman Rulec I I 101 q0104*4 "" 11 " . . Herr Huso Oftneo, the Oerman cost Ou and.billIgnualre, owiter of seven- � . ,,,f" ty newspapers and 4letAtor of a al- � pntio tbalp,of Industries, to the Man 1�, * the hour. In Europe And is well Worth wat4hIns In Amerles. a7h 00wer eclipses that of genemlo or lt&t4slnea, He to the Kateer's sue- cewr as the autocrat of Central Eur- o0o And, surpasses 04 former Draver- or, in the,magnitude of his schemes. � 'For WAlhqlm.ls dream of,cp4quer.'rig tbe plsuet with cannon was'l'ohild'a PlAy compared with ,Herr SIttrittem's Project of subjugating It',by big fi- ' 4wial gentus. fferr Wanes is an unproossaisaing figure to the eye, 11 &6.0ordlni ,to an Aimerlean observer Just, book t,rom, Germany. He has a' blose ,cropped head And pleroing 4ark eyes, dresses in alOyealy fashion And, always looks dowu at heel, Xore- . . � Dven, some of hts exploits- duringAhe : war ad(L emphasis 0 his sl4tster'per, sonAllty. It was to Stlnuoa that 4he . tuftmoua deportation of aelgians in 1016 was credited. And while these thn ­- �# ­ afriatea wnre:�h ded "." V : 11 I � � . . � . V" - %, � 14 concentration emps In the f:adus- � . Never by the $06, YOU eW!ne. It they fall to do this, you can have far as we can judge from WrItIngs of , - ' * PY 4AMAS WORN AT BELGIAN SEAS HQ,Ftg.. � � 3quiled. Fair enough, physicians ot the past, it has bee b. I . . . "I � � I Your money re U, 0 . Wal, centres of Germaqy, - " elpla* to APPLE AND PEAR , �_ 1.1� It � g and well create wealth for He i lnnetj�,� -lie I YOU, who Poisoned sprin ah? nerved and Commented upon in all I A sartorial revolution has taken place at Marlakerke, a Belgian sea resort near Ostend, and pyJamas have taken Robbed each belfry chi -me and bell;' Don't otqy niolt'or ailing! Use this ages, tliough frequently misinterpreted I was making more millions by thO ex- . . BLIGHT .- the place of the conventional warm weather attire. T:ie photogra ph shows a group of holjday�rna�kcrs Damn YOU, We rams ber well, grand family remedy at once, It will other L I 5 . or confounded with ,nervoua I part of 1)elFlum. � Blight of apple and pear is a specific � I . OW YOU Made fal�,%apcs a boll, give you onefty,­.' spirits, ambition, troubles. Zk . I pfoit4tiou of property in ithe occupied In the now attire. I � H 1, , --- - ______ . I - . I PUB 411,FATIOST WAR PRQPITRMR. ,and contagious disease. Some varieties - I ----------- i ----. - . . . . �: i appetite, good'blood, better nerves- Contrary to popular notid�s,,It 11 , of pears are more susceptible to thin . - . - � - - 1 _2 YOU, Whose crimes on every sea, In short good health, You can get all more common -in Men than in � Worneo, ,,, The m9st prodigious of war pro%7 disease than are � i 0_*_#_"++++_ tesy-v&en meeting or boln; Intro- Biackened ,36=44 chivalry I U*aliy makes Its appearance, be- * sets, admired and envle4, by the others, There are A MOTHER'S TRIALS, duced to anyone. , MAY the -sailor palsied be, 1; . this in a 25c "box ot Dr. Hamllton,s ani 11 Wser, Stinnes can Want that bib three Places on the trees where blight i lAils. Sold by, MY dealers in medl� tWe0 the age$ of -twenty and forty- , 0?u4 ; commonly occurs.,the blossoms, twigs .L I � Never ti) say "Hello" W 'an Older Who. will, head YoUr drowning plVa. , cineEp. '. ,� five, The Predisposing causes Ara an . I ,tTylg failure was his sAcce,m Vb,e and larger- limbs or trunk. . Person, but rather "How do you, do," - I ** I Inherited tendo.ncY, parental tubpreu. West estimate of ]its fortune Is gj- , n6mes blosso Th a C�re of ,Home ind Children Often GOOD TYPES I or "Good morning," Or "Good after- You, who Edith Cavell shot, Osts, syphilis,'alcoholisin and,h%lar- 09,000,000 marks, ,Which is%noraInallY, in -blight, twig -Plight and . I :1 ' " I body,blight and canker axe cbm Causes -a ,Breakdown. � noon," according to the �timb of day. Think You we remember not-, !a; mental strain in the individual , monly. I A VETERAN - equliraleut to $500,000�6o. But , - __#-0**Gi off 06*00#440444 � . Always to treat servahts with kind- Bach,and every fiendish plot, . .. I ti I I I himself; intense or excessive. , btaw . 6,finnes has only just begun to make uSed,'but It should be remembered . The woman at home, deep*ln house- --- 0 ness and consideration, � saying; Cohl�red by some, German Goti . tapney. He Is. not turned 60 yet. -that these are diflerent manlfesta THR LOVABLE HUSBAND. "Please" a I 1, work following a predisposition to I . ", cool and - h6ld duties and the cares of mother- ' -nd "Thank you" when any I , I C .� 'ER MAN nervous strain, depressing emotions, � Abd he aspires to be the tious Of the game disease. The bac-, hood, needs occasional help to keep Shaves regularly every day. service Is desired and rendered. )iiou, who boasted of "the day" RIV, � . � such as vexation, anxiety, .'�Orlef, (Oustrial � king, not only of Germany teria which cause blight grow as Par- her in good health. The demcgids Does nothave a grouch regularly at To put things in place after using When In battles fierCe away.. I'' thwarted affection, and so on, sugh as ­ l. And why asites in the Inner bark tissue and hill upon a m6ther's health are many and the breakfast table and another when them. You would Britig4 ealloro slay, I sp ' It, The Individual bacteria are too . own heovIth trials and he com�6s home at the dinner table. a t ' Tn 'the reexplor4ti6n of previously overtax the nervous energy. PILAYSIcal . p at Prance? - Stinnes and big as- To take a pride Ili personal cleaull- Then at Jutland. Uunlc away, � , - small to be' seen, by the unaided eye. severe. Her I .. traversed, almost *,.-forgotten country,,, overstrain, excessive Ilse of stimulants 4iiciates bought a great English col ber children's welfare exact heavy Kee,Ps his newspaper to read in the ne . " 1� .1 tl�e penetratio - of � , I and 'the open- and certain organic disease 'alt take - Never to whine. YO s, I(qr,y oil 22,000 acre bkorie- ttLe Nevertheless they are Present by mil iried meals;� broken Test 'train ,Or 'trollay, not at breakfast. Be III we know you, ,� . war and were reaching out ,to pAp.k ItOus. They live over the winter at tolls, while hu. Never contracts the "peck" habit, That there �are seasible reasons for Prince alld peasant, one and all, ing �0 settle On '. I that great region their place in the long list of coUtribu- , 1, ,at- the edge of the cankers on the limbs and much Indoor living tend to weak- - cot and ball; o4 Canada rt ' . the North Sas- tory agents. 4 , � U�p Collier$ in Virginia. They ha#. but gives, his wife a real kiss, now and all those rule3, and just what thpie YOU- who would the world inthrall, . , . 0 -1 toAdy acquired coal fields- In Tupkey and trunk. When warm weather en her constitution. No wonder that then! reasons are, that ,a child may udier- Hold us Oxen katchewan RIv4r tb" the boreal limit of SYMPTOMS. .. comes in the spring they -multiply to the woman at home Is often indls- . I 1p,your stall? k#d other.out of the way' -idi*ers. Pulls her chair out for her before stand with both heart and head, and I , . � wheat QUltiv4tIon,!'4and west to the I do not propose to recount in'detall I . A the extent that they ooze out in small sitting down to a meal, picks up ,bar refinement may really sink below the You with Emperor omniscient, I northern exteugZin Zf,the Rocky Moon. the long list of symptoms, real or ;hd since the war their activities , posed through weakness, headaches, I I ,lied enormously' � drops near the edge of the,canker. It bacliaches and 'nervousness. Too handkerchief wqon she drops It, ,jud surface. I tains separatlu4 Yjkon Territory from ituaginaxy, N�hlch are associated .With 4 -Ave multip 6 U3 at',this point that the new season's n have grown to acOePt -, I You that were supreme bfficient. the North�veateru Territories of Can- this c9ndition, 'It will be sufficient to . � Aloyd George may consid'r himself, .many wome Preserves at least a few others of 'the 7 Then In bungl!ng proved proficient, ada, there has �een for the last Mention' t�e More outstanding. ' 'Per - Mile leading figures at the 9pa cow: destruction begins, these �Asitations an a part of Thelot courtesies of -sweetheart days. 2 ­ , Iftszor Cla,lm Your store of foods deficient, - Wrence., but Stinues loomi up as th' a of motherhood. But niany and varied Remembers the wedding day anni- I .. I I . eighteen yearb,,follo*ft the Klondike Distant headache of a Peculiar 'kind, � 0 B as and other insects are attracted Thirty Deaths From � qirk orse,, The German delegates � by Zhe ooze, and after their bodies as her health troubles are, the,cause -cian in Chicago states thirty YOU, when Wer A �*l movement, a,pleadi "influx north and taking the form of a I hav versary. A rphysi I d nigh, - sensation ot id, *h,t1m he was one. were Stinues!% a become smeared with It they car- is simple 'and relief at hand. When Plans a trip or a frolic for her, now 1 deaths have resulted trom paring Plead Your childreala hungry cry; west of Peace River'and Lake Atha- pressure rather than acute pain (Some'- �1'1 , 401ega,des, and the Germ4u bluff of ry the babteria from place to place, In ,well, it iLn the woman's good blood and then, corns with a razor. Av6ld blood Think of those Whose bodies, lie, basca. Spite 'ofAe'modern motor, times confined to the, back of thene(tic I I I , � this way bees de' -well; when ill she a becoming poisoning by apr. .;Ing Putnam's Corn eath the oced4'and the chy. and rail extenslofis ever and persist- or the temples) and a feeling of,emp- bgink unable, to deliver 2,600,000 tons posit bacteria In t)ie that kqeps h�r Notices a new hat or . N I vf' coal a month was SlAnes's bluffo blossoms that they visit, and' a few must make 'her blood rich to renew ds out a anj Wart ExtracWr. PurOy affe- � �". ' � . dress., and occasionally haw ­ I ently northward, the primitive equip- tlnes3 in the head. Pains or sensations . days later the blossoms wilt and turn her health. 'The nursing mother ta,b 'v I ment of trader and" Muscular And the proposed compromise -by , superlative compliment! I ](37-Paluless and sure Is Putnam's You whose propa ed, .g.anda It , voyageur still holds of discomfort in the back, black. In a similar manner other in I Extractor, 25c at all dealers.'� You who Pea6anti fati.-uO', Making walking or I wbich the Allies would get'the coal - more than any other woman In the . ' : I crucified; its place. andAravdl routes attli follow .even , azU.Germany a loan of $100,000,000 t1acts ,in their roaming, inoculate a few world needs rich blood and plenty N THE LOVABLE .WIPE. ' ;__0- — '. Though You never broke their pride, the waterways, .-Iransportation of standing for any -length of time diffi. .. , . Is Stinnes's Idea. I . .� I bact6ria'Jhto the bark here and there of it. There is one way to get this 1 Thinkyou that in va!n they died? ' goods on the rivers,- of the noyth cult and exhausting, Sudden losses of Qermany needed a hero badly. ; it and twig blight.results. All this could good blood so necessary to Perfect Is never seea In hatr curlers. " 19MENCE NOTES. I . . " I though occasional steamboats thcre%e' Muscular control In �certatn limbs. In - has 9twallowed Stinnes. The shaSby be avoided by the'grower of apples and As through the use Never wears a kAmono downstairs. , �_ somnia. Nightmares, Disordets of . � health, and that ,13ecauso of the disturbed labor con. Now you come with specjoug lie, is still by bateau, barge and scow, pol little bearded person of Uebralo, ,;ex- pears if the cankers from 'which the of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Is not only neatly, but becomingly ditions In the United States orders for Urging, say your babies '6ry-, ad Or towed up, o� iun wi a digestion, Mental depression with . .4 trAetlon. for whose bank ;kccoun02ef-` Ooze comes were oradipated during the pills make ,new blood, and thrqugh, dressed, 'Within the home as well as . While, V V . poorness of memory and feebleness of . . our crooked mind ashe why, rent downstreat6, nder deft mana;e- . 1. �1` glum wis ble4 white, Is.1hp, id.cili" the, winter. The cankers are irregular their use thousands of weak, ailing abroad, at work as well as play., And tin and Eft''el plate lately poui6.d Into We wlth loathing thus reply: Ment of pole, ,sNVOOD will. '.L'hese are the more outstanding . X_ gaVior, the divinity of pc;k-wij'G,er- and illghtly sunken areas'ot bark us- -wives and mothers have been Wade becomingly need not mean expensive- South Wales from all over thil.-world, � stern line at the rapids. symptoms, and with them may be as - i I many. He had himself el�eie�,to the natty separated from'healthy bark by bright, cheerful and strong. It you ly, either! I buyers being willing to pay almost ally You we never shall forget . � Among the greaV.,o.arly explorers of sociated a host of minor troubles. such Reichstag last ,month, ajth�ujh he 6 definite crack. By cutting iU.eo tae, are .ailing, easily tired or, depressed, Does not tell tales on the children. price for early shipments, One order While the 'gun �lfall rise and set; the northwest, - th6'' names of Samuel as attacks of, giddiness, lloorneas oK . despises. politicians slmoA :ai- much canUer it will be found that the bark it I, a duty you 0-%Ve yoursel and Does mot make the dinner hour a re- for tin plate amounted to 1,000,000 How You Huns are. even yet Hearne andAiexaAder Mackenzie are circulation, p;�lpitations and transjtory , . I I 49, tie does the Hindenbur#.s and, Lud- is dry and brown. To rpnioVa the ,;ekee1ping and boxes. Some Workmen -were getting Hoping to make good Your threat. first connected *Ith Great Slave at actions ofAhe senses, of sight,,hear- . I - your family to give , Dr. Williams' servant troubles ot the day, but mth- $100 per week. I in- and touch. . I , . River, which :in i6 two -hundred -and- . '. I . 6ndorts OVOther'days, Bot a s"t in canker make a spindle -shaped cutwith Pink Pills'a fair trial.,: What this or a time for chatting of outside. inter- During the past four �cars the cost 11,7o, by'all the bepes and fears sixty -five -mile couise northwest. con- TRE ATMENT, . " Ilia �Relbhftag may be us6ful for the a sharp pointed knife, always keeping medicine has done for others it will ests. The woman who talks home, That were crowded In those years; "I, � furtheran4a of his business schemes the'-putline of the cut at least a half- surely do for you. which is really her "ghop," Is tire- of produflng copper has, More, than I nects Lake Athabasca with Great This should have a double aim,'first ,, AXLd the guarding Of his interests, -Inch out�lde the edge t,f the canker. ; doubled. Statistics show that the cost Bv our bla,3ted youths careers, . � � . You can get Dr. Williams' Pink some. I Slave Lake, out oUWhIch flows again at removing, It Possible, the predippos- wl�lch Include coal Mines,. steel mills. &fter this outline cut has been made per pound in 1915 Varied from 0 to Shall we beed your reptile tears. , ing causes, and secondly, at restoring I oloctrical and gas Plants, river 4eets, Just deep enough ta cut throu Pills through any dealer in medicine Never appears, In the ealke dress for 00 the Mackonzie River_ two thousand gh to the or I by mail at 50c d box, or six boxes the evening meal that she wore In the 10 cents, while in 1919 this cost varied � I live hundred and . t I virenty-five miles the general health of the patient. I � Bobo sea fleets. pap6i'tA%s, nev;g rint wood, the bark is peeled off. Adhering for $2.50 -from The Dr. Williams' morning. from 12 to 22 cefits. northwest to theAtetle Ocean. Samuel Children with an hereditary �endencj . _p factories. coal by�#ikodui6fA, eekloloid, shreds of bark should be removed and '� an'tomobiles, hotels .and '�t�er Indus- ths wood scraped. It is adylsa6l'e ! to Medicine Co., ,I),rockville, Ont. Always Tests awhile, Just before The. Pennsylvania Railroad' is now Cure That Cough To -day Hearne ascended , Great Slave River to nervous disability need�130KJ41 at - tries. Herr Stijnes is 00ted as Wash. the wound with corosije sublim- , . hubby's home�comlng, Be as ,not to be 'forced to employ 127 men to do the for forty miles In-Decamber, 1771, on tcntiOn. 119ine life should be so ar- " — I SOCIAL STXTUS. too tired and nervbus to be pleasant. work done -by 100 Ili 1017, � a return from 'e'xp�loration to ranged ton t4em that all the be � , sa*Ing: � I, I : ate solution (one tablet , to a pint of I mouth of the C of fr6sh air, good and wholesome food, " , (Baltimore American.) Alway,a sees that the children are Over 30 000 employees or E ,ngilsh cQ- -400ut ff .ermine River. Sev- 1 water), Which should be carried in . a I Wicine " I , Opp I .UOLD COAL AS TRUMP CARD. I enteen years'later Alexander Macken- rest Arkd healthy amumment may be � " � "Coal Is the true kind. " *�;& "coal glass bottle and applied -with a sponge. "How could you ask Mr. Bings to fresh-an(I clean to -great their father. op3rative 'Societies lately struck for Xto came down W from Athabasca on obtallipd. ; 'khey should be carefu!ly � . AlthougIr canker eradication is -very "take in Mrs. Dings to dinner"' Doesn't forget to !have 'at least one higher pay. These societies, 'with a Easily Done By tire "�' I'"' '-- - the school period and , I , u, go on to Iron and steel, atA then , ::Why not?" I bouquet of flowers In the home . I � . athing In his way. to the AroticOcean, on which wate", ,,, I �.,. � Two PhIps and fore.sts,'�w ,puti, ma- Importan ces 'of I could see she was perfectly Shows such pleasure When' hubby membership of 15,000,000, consist an- the Heallfig F es Of he was to discover. iho river that bears guai _.., . . � ,.Cessive mental strain. �:� .. . � Infection in the spring which need at- I ' tir.ely of workingmen, and were, sup- Qatar6ozonuem, The.' r;,; " 1i per�everywberel" - . . � tention. Badly infected trees sli6uld furious at having her prestige So brings her candy or any other little .1 I I his name. "-" , .- I Ux. d in particularwho in gr - posed to have abolished the evils'of 1� . -_ - d,prl � ,,a of the natural outdoor recre� � ' is very llkvl� I . - A— �­­---- " a "Sl�ve River are on ."Stinneg was born to -the coal mine be cut down and burned. )WiId1.6r&b slighted. Her %usband made his acting, that he r to re the wage system. I S. The rapid- bt 6 I � (bitsiness., , -116 Interited-. .9,046,000 apple trees and hawthorns'ara-' of ten ugar and :Bingo pe,a.t the action, and so form a zdod I r . '. . .. - the boundari,1Ao'biAween Alberta and ationi, that dtfer themselves so phtur. r , , francs from his father. ' His &Min- . hubby 'habit! Until 1939 cigar .tobacco brought 't No medicine )$.rll�gs such prompt re' the Northweii,- I s - ally 14- ' Itry, should be eA'cour- '. - Ma ,t,errit'6r a I and constl "he. co_U� JUM . ting tehiporament could-.- nOt''Anook blighted and they should be removed de�hls m6ney in crude oil." Does not ask ,suspicious questions higher price at the farm tha.9p any Hat, exerts subh 'tta, in aged,to join. a gymnas � it 0-00�, — , vi I gorating' In- tute a 2troteli.,_4 iliteen. miles -between Boxing, fe aU4 be r � - br'lo" from the vicinity qt the orchard. Care ork bavoc'. aobut the ,stenographer, or other wo- other type, but last year" cigarette, fluence, or go Iho�roughly and speed- Smith Landi4�and Fort Smith. From . taught. to,lgv�lm. neing and 0 - c9attol th' youth, and he .. ,o, ,0,.Away should'be taken d1so that imy twigs Worms in children w lien that hubb the More specialized forms 't -exer- from th6'pa,t4rnal Interests' '1611gunch y must -necessarily come chewing, snuff and export types of ily cures throat'2tioubles as "Catarrh- 0 . . � out lot himself. His &tIviJI66 IV, whiehr were blighted the past season These pests aittack the tender lining In contast with, but simply takes it tobacco went to '41 cents a pound ozone. � " bere r the riVef-'Is '*continuously navl- cises With'apparatus such as parallel ' I , , should be removed. They are evident of the Intestines, and, if -left to Pur- . Doct&,si hospitals, sanitor- 'gable to the.jlaliO, Itself traversable by . t#er coar-market threw him*,into'�4esoc-t . for granted that she, 4VItie, reigns SU- against 21 for elgar tobacco, bars, the trapeze, and so on, are on I` ii1id during the winter by the fact that the sue their raVages undisturbed, will lums-all say .that- for, those who sut- steamers of ifiiep-diAft. . the,w1ioI6,1 best avoided by'the delicate laution with the great stee "coal because preme, Fuel cost the railroads o far, from . �, I . . 1-. magnate August Thyssen. _4rers � dead leaves cling to them. AlF suck- ultimately perforate the wall, f the Unit. cha�figoable won, ,I , A,veteran�'..�'�rlver%..man, speaking of . I Ad* era or water �prouts should bb,] --K_ these worws are ot the Ihook variety . I ad States approximately $290,000,000 those who are'�.redlsposed to catarrh, running rapi'4W, s4id. "It's not so boy. . Later, rowing, walking, -� run- ot Stfunes Predicted that, - _,e�A�- be moved several times during the season. that eling to and feed upon interior THE WELL BRED CHILD.,, for the year ending, June 30, 1914,,' for lung trouble, dWafnesq. or bronchitis, much the rock,',dead ahead, though th'b, ning and cycling may be taken Up by . . *ould make as ' muth%`�itooney as I ­ - - no � 8 the fown"dwelling youth with a4van- Tjy�gen. To -day 'the Thhgen for- The operations outlined above must surfaces. MIller's WOrm Powders To rise It an older person comes intp the year Just ,closed the expenditure , treatment lEi o I;dispensabte as rush of watek"seems to be taking you tage. , . These exercise the body ,With- tdne look, ,b, - b carried out thoroughly if benefit in vill not only extermi6te these worms, ,� he room. � for. this item was -in excess of $600,. I'Cmtarrhozone,"� right on t('Jp'.`yoxr .have out insidug excessive demands oA the s i*e Sun- 0 " er variety, ibut will. serve ' . 'I, � against. Th�`sjde'Taqh of thecurrent 1) , llke,�O *cuts , , For certain, �cure, for relief In an . . Abs $9. .. ,. .14, to be gained from them, They 'all of whatev 000,000, I I . . Not to Interrupt when others are I , rainlnd'are therefore specialty suit- . to repair the injury they 1�avedone. — - hour, use Catarrhozone, tlLe only di- Where It splits, on'the roe . ,"'Stinnes was 94'whan b,�r'bbL�ght Up serve to reduce the chances of infec- — $ s ­Q__ talking. I --.*-#-*— . rest. breathable medicine. ' Two k is strong ed to"the"neuristhenic. - the coal and Iron biteresf6 .4h the tion the next spring it they are fiftish- THOSE PENCIL MARKS. When addressing anyone, or an- - (Boston Transcript.) elit guaranteed, price enough to a'N,�66 p`340� %craft to one side Change of occupation and environ- � I Diautsch-Luxembourg. reg,6�$, ...,jn the ad before any warm weathet d6burs, - . . swering a question, always use the "IrY wife -will never listen to anything months' treatin' before It can'Otrike. - �You watch logs nientlis' often a powerful restorative. . - Durlag the spring and early summer (Boston, Transcript.) nam�'of the person being spoken,to- i say.,, $1;. smaller sfz6­40% siamile size 25c, running thr'611gh'alr4dIty rapid, and . L, following seven years their val,de rose the grower should make c "Who W68 it saw the handwriting 1. at all dealers eve-tywhere_ 'notice. how s , 61doM they strike a rock In some eas0s of self-discipline WAY be from 20',000,000 to 100 006�QQQ kmarks, for Instance, "Yes, Mrs. Brown," or a, Then I guess you don't talk In your followed with advantage, begluning aid in a year molt it �cAV�b�d to spectiong ,two or, three tlmdn a Week on the wall, Bobby?" asked the "No, thank you, Mary." . ,ep.11 r . �__.14�� y.MOON end on. Tfio . teal.1y important thIng �, " I . ------ %_--f— ENIOUGH FOR A HONE , . . with the cold bath At A fixed hour ev- , tea . 0 Not to Whisper to anyone while oth- Warts are',unsightly blemigthes, and ery morning, followed'13Y a brlsk.tub- � 180,000i000 marks. Ile bujf(#VfI4& of walking down each row. All blight- . cher. lor us is thepbasible sideswipe of the ships to transport his coal,', und lr($,n ed blossoms she � uld be -removed by "The landlord," replied the boy ersarepresent In the room. Corns are paluitul *-growths. Hello- . (Boeton' Transcript.) hull aft. by pr�ssuO Of water on ttle bing with a rough towel and ten Min- ' IL_ Ott-, and soon be was oi Via way,�tb beraking 'off the� spur. Blighted twigs ,who lives In a flaf. I . It u boy, to bow -if a gIrL to cour- way's Corn ,0ure -,Oil remove'* them. 'He (prOPOSIng,)--�'I've saved up qn- stern after the bows' have cleared. utes' exercise, either in the open air All the control of the biggest gioups.-of should be broken or cut Off several . . I . -------::_—_ �oug4 to live at the rate Of $110,000 -The meanest thlii& is*- the half hiddeP or at.an open window; light but hour - I tho German merchant"martne, lRotud- Inches below the -evident blackening, �c I - , ,_.� ­ ­7�:_,Wft. , ;; r . I -� ­ ­ ; 1� a year, . or covered rock with.slow water. On ishing and regular nicals, abstention,, . ... . . � - .�. ---- - C sticcessive ttips ydu have to allow for I the. .-Ha-raburg- erican. Ine. It cut with a tool the end of the, twig .-No-* .. iff 0 -,-- � . . Sh&-27or how longVP from alcohol and tobacco, veiy�llttlo .1 street V in should be swabhed with corrosive ;1. . Otr ' SWA el :L Fle-"Oh, six months.'* � al sorts ,of variations. A bit more tea arid strict attention to the bQwels. 39leven 'co%pating ,� rallwa ' . sublimate. All these control mass- . Ko enay and ­, Itid", ' Mines . __ - —_ the citi of Mannheim were brou t ,� -_ I z=-- or a bit less wAier,', coming down The mental, side of life should also re - Into hi* told, not to mention 260' ml i A minimum. -W. H. Itankin, Platt. Path� � - _ � I _� .. - I I ­ I J��VBR. makes a differenoe� . tn the way you ceive Its due share , of attention.. The � of car lines In other cities: , � ologist. I ;:�;:; , .. ., i � have� to handle- a, "at, same as. In any * .. � --I- - %­­ f-�i: . . . . . :..:... ." 0 � - - (pears"I's Weekly.) . cultivation of an Interest In some bob- . .8 1 0 n i;.210i'li 'MN _ ... . ... �_...�.'�,. on . . IX -11. I . other navig4jog.' But given the earn , �1.i��A'14:�%,: " I . - 5 ,f ; . _ .. 4 �. � � - - s by, such as gardenitigi for the seden4 -rUXAVCTED PATRD4R1A_ANJV9 , '. U .1 '. A. I .,. 't . .. �.,W ­ I-V�iays his 4iot characteMstleT height of �iRt&-'4n!th� river, and each , . ,:. �$ g .A .. . DEFEAT. - `.-�540-',',�,�� %*:w tary work6r, and, reading, the otudy of � � . I .. . m,ggwgn. . . �- - � '_ � �.�'j'§.,&.�>:,�..'�� ?��i�*ro'ly�,If.., � . . an say . . .. . . . asked the policePall of the old lady. trip you c. . ..pretty certainly at r, , k- '9 ,; . 0 .: , : I � Such were his operatl*)ns fit. Bel CONSTIPATED CHILDREN 1_'.'._11 . � ...... I a foreign language, carpentry, mem- I I ;,,�,­�x­ 4A.; ., `1.1'�"'. �. aa trying -to describe the man each point of' the rapid just which bership of a club for those whose nor - r 1� .. I . j,;�.%,.,K, �n - �,g:���.:,,o 'N'. .. 1�'k, �,,. r. �J .. who W Stuni 4UrIng the odeupa(lon 7tliAt it � - r _ � g".P. , ft, - ". . . 11 . �'Y, - mal � . .1, � . way the barge to likely to head, and Mal routine is an out-ot-doors� one. � ` �. 9,7.:i�,.:::i"l,�%,�i.����,�.,�,�,� , "'N � I I . .. . r ... I .,.,;. e*.',331_ . 001W "A large Romhn nose," said the be ready for Its -noxt move." G6rmany bad won thb war hIs,DibfIts HBO., pwgg I who had robbed',1er. , 1. Children who suffer from congtipa., .1 _ 1, , . . would have been be�.ond -belief. J%*en :!: ", I ­;;ffi �, '.�'. 1. Whatever the hobby or recreation It . ..> . ­1,11�,.t.4s . M , .,g, with a German defeat they were �O- cloA, Indigestion or any of the,other !.M) _ , 4 .. , ,- gg;.-%T��gi:, '��­ - - � - ­. ;- � , I , " . , lady.. I - .... . I . - fioh I I should be taken up with interest, and . I .:.� .1 . '. n . 31� - .". L . � 'A' � .. OJULDREN. never from a sense of duty or with 168sal� In. fact, Stinnes �is said ,Ito alln�ents due to a clogged condition - replied the coirstable. "The FOOD O,i" J I I A . � , *' ,;� ;:1 ".. rrr rr . rl. I , the idea, that It Is "healthy" or Ilne� have expected a German defeat Odin of the bowels will find -prompt relief .;, -l".. - It,$ no use trying to look for h1m. I .1 W.... __, I �; I... �,.W . .111"._ " .­ ., I .... 1. .. . 1% nose ' The mind should turla to It the beginning, wherefore he,- d �hrough the use of Baby's Own Tab- 1� . , ...'. .. � like that never turns up." ; 1 - .­ - . I .'' " � cassary," Way �*t& , . 1% -_ Nearly all of ibe; habits that we were both ends -,agalnst the middle ad lets. , The Tablets are a mild but ,�, ..,�:�� N�l 1-11, naturally and easily, The person who . � " , , .� . ., .., . - wrong are looked , . ... �,�. F � I 14 1 I.." �� told In youth Were I made bay while the sun shone. , I thorough laxative which can always lul I ,.eel, upon with favor *,by Dr. Ganot, the consults his own tastes In this Mattbr, I be depended upon ,to regulate the . Stinnes has Immense Influence .*Ith � I! - I . ..:!. I ' I provided they do not lead hl malong abor, Strikes may paialyze other bowels and sweeten the stomach. .;..�".'r Mtn,ard s Liniment Co.. Llmited. Prench physician, who is a children's obviously unwise lines, is far more :,;,_ . . . ...:� I ; .. Dear Sirgq­): hAd a Bleeding TUMOr specialist- Children may eat between 'he I people's mines, but'not' %Is, ,bnee, They, are absolutely safe and are sold .: On My face I likely to gain benefit than who sfter the t6volUtion of 191'4, a�depu- under a guarantee to be entirely fSae . � � for a lone time and tribd a kneals it they ar6 lwngry. Candy 11 blindly and,in a, spirit Of martyrdom .�'. . � -nutabor of �ernedlea Without any good re- goda for children. Children should, not titio I .." , L a of intners Informod�' him that - from opiates or other Injurious drugs. � I to Weep before follows the most scientific proserlp- the mines Were . now for tiWininers. � - Concerning them . `�� ": .,. suits. I was advised to try MIXARVS 90 ,4ark, uniess thek are tions or rules of life, Let him do his ' Mrs, Thomas ,A. - .,:,. .:., k really Sleepy- Children should not be - "All right, tAke the rnkleg*'I sholitect, Bdutot, Lake Baker, N.B,, writes, 'It ­ . ... -1 LINIXENT, and afber using several 'InabWne, r utmost to take life easily. Let ]him , I Ot - puiiished for _ or "talking back." -tt himself occasionally, . Sftne4. "I throw, tb�in at Youi aih pleased to state that Baby% Owli b� t1ei It healed all UP and ,disappear The old adage, I'QW14ron should be seen try to laugh ,head$. But in � three Mouths youlit Tablets were of great help to me ed altogether. and not heard," is a, mistaken one, Theso, for of all the gifts Of the gods t. sense coma bogging me to return. And , when my baby was suffering from .. .1 I I . 1)AXID HENDIORSON, e s he things that Dr. of humor is, to my way of thinking, I'll c6me-on MY ,own terms.11 � constipation." The Tablets, are sold . .. . Ganot belloves. , ', one of the groatest. I . i 0 His �alaers debided to -let the little 'by mediefne, dealers or by matl at 25 I Relielsle Station, Kings Co., X. R,, Sept 0 1 r btavdod Man rumbla own mines. And � ^cents a box from The Dr. Williams . . V, UK . ' , "Treat a child as an individual, not as PAINFUL INSIXTIATION. ' Gertda" of all classes Agree that Wedielne 'Co., Brockville, Ont. . an Imbecild,11 he, says. "At a child is Little six-year-old, to young . all,nt Germany will be safe from Dolabe- ' r ........ I ...... 0.,0.4P__ ., ;. . I I hungry ar(1 says ao,,give him something showing him.4 family portrait: "What , yls14 ad long as stinnes ftmnjns.. it '� Yieldable itailroad Cows. , , I . . Ito eat, whothdi'it is mealt4me or not. a funny way that gran'p.t ho dressed, We saddlo, � . I QUT�E THID CONTRARY. A child ropitily and needs a great I �, � : --:-*-..-..-�� =I is auntle!" AUntle* "That Is the way . �� ... — C3W0==X3=CXW_ 1111111111111 11 1 �,li:!:,illllll I I . Woston 'Transor4pt.) deal of on. The child hitaself I gentlemen dressed )note than a hUn- ng A wbatera car manufacturer to build. I . I not he drod years ago." Six-year-old. "And The 611 to; ;�o�;,tllh,16;6_�-4n rtibbl' - �� .Tennie-118o you finally proDoobd to the b"t judge of Whether ot 46ft, the athl6to cab find nothigg Ing llyldhabI6 extension" railroad cars, � C. P. R. Train(at Xootenv Landing Connecting Wl'tg the Stearner Xgsoolan, Pro ) should havo somethibg to e4t. A eliild When gentlemen dressed that way what ni Nelgon. *'V I her. I suppose she said, 'This is go who Is given all he '0anta to eat, IV Aft. fln6r than Dr. ThomaW Eclectric oil. Which, It its 410fted, will t,reatly lessen , *rho trade travel and explor suddefil." �11 -1 did yoki weAVVI the danger to life and limb In railroad . 0 Wbia on the map. rt,was named # 1: io ratioft Gibson," twelve mlloa north of Nei.'C In over he wants 9, never overeats, ki -_---,-"A--- ­ , It renders thd muscles and wnews of the Kootenay are a roma'neo Of son, 96 silver lead M1116 was developed after the late Ajajoe-GenAraj Sit Jack­j'No; she said' It WAsu t and- 10 Out ,of liceldleAts. The earn are especially con- child who,, food supply it r"triew i� 1i 141016, takes the soreness progrtN�, The nay of the fur trAder On a large sealo and Is owned and Samuel Steelb, who commanded the ' den anough, She bad accepted Tom the oAb Who ov6roata at the first oppor. X6w Sorew VoAtenar. thoul stid stirougthous theta for *tWns structed, With a framework which 19 gave Way to that of the plater -miner. operated by a Trail enterprise. The North Weat Mounted Pblica in Westo the night befor4." tunity, when vWting 'at a neighbor's th-ut may be put upon -them. .� It designed to yield and to a Certain ex- In maing, the vlacer-mluer left be- "Aing*Orth," �On the main Kootenay ,ern CAn4 0 0 - , house or vrben hia mother's back Is turn - .1 sta#44# ote-em1ftent for this VoVobge, tent t8loscopo under a severe attack, in- ­ -0m, for Many Years, A 4e. . C09SL9TENT. I � Ail AtiatraEan Inventor Uao patent. and athletes wbo for yet r,oe&n stead of going -to pieces, while remain- side his trail of rocker, and sluice, Lake, 28 mil(!s r1orth of Nelson, is taehnitnt of mounted polict was ' (14ra Pun.) . ea." ­ � I ed a oorew fatitener for wood balt h shaft and drill, a still deeper mark one of tho first developed mining stAtioned thero In the early d&yo tncl "That movie star run$ trut to torth, Somb food i� too -rich Arid Is !fidl at liands Mat onablet the b4le,j to be noling it -can testify to its VaIng 04 & itak rigid Under ordinary bqMp9, sue on the country aud Its future. 116 extuDs, datbag back to 1886 and open- the barracks still remain. In . 2964, doe4ftlt sh0l" -, We tor wthild. It a child madt, tight Una permits the use of lubtfolklit, . & � I ft Would be received In overy-day use stayed long enough to make history. ed by Mr. Ainsworth, Thin 1A a free it was the 16 � 1: , 7 ., - acena do, one Of %4. moat "Yed.- Sho Usod too ride barabtok6d healthful, inuscle tind bons ptloduoing tarra hands. theroby saying aeol. � - by the eour,ling of cart or the sudden The Toad Minos, near' Nelson. dis- silver mining district and has Ilia- V11ftomenal gold runhea In history Oil b8t' ftther,4�tanoh out Watt and foodA. without too� much flavoring or w -_ - � t 1� OTHEA DAYS. if Application of, the emergency brakes. Covered In 1888. Saw a great mtarb- i;-jral hot sprIngs. A vNit, to the And, lift leaft t now she romps barobadked throuqb her 'i I (Tleago 116rald aftd�nw , &miner.) . - __­_ . �­ bark two years, rasmy vampirs seenos.", spleft,ho will uot.,arsvo rich food. Ito - - 'IT Aht to got ba* to,the good ola .-Like a GAP at the Throat. r"Or a Pede. !the discovery of the Silver Board of Trado rooms In Nelson is of M1111oris of gold wero taken oat of ____0_*#____� win be oitialld ,,with What is given to Milton's Diction. . , t. .1 i Wty'-fifty 4AYAIII � rdfrArked tho rowlit. 1940aso that is not Owed sm fatal King Mine, about 1987 by Val) Div. Interest. Tyb1cal of the d1atrict, at- Wild Rorse Crimit. Many big gan%6 'rho Poo of indtg*sglon._.,,1*&gOauoA If It, is frah and wholosoino. A .�o � L"ant "mon. I the". ftud Its Acyalopment. was the tr4ottva ore exhibit eases litfo the Is & COialnoft alkAout and few okra fr6 WW Whit do you tnftn by ,fifty-fifty, there to Wbably none Which �caused pArtles, outfit tbore before procem!W - a �� I beginning of,Nellon, and follo*lng vrgLI14# and tell of th& loegl rAfn. 10K on huntjnp� ox,>Wlitobj, ( , i , . r , d olklia.j, ptlato is,to be depended upon. ,A tow more 0-rrible s0fe,ring than "thma, th-6 arrival of tho wilaors, a toWASItO 6rad ticht,4� There ,,,, 6pto W I i on, ic It is A Mod 10trw com- GIV6 him 16od *Ua6ver he *Aks for it, 11c,w grandly 1111ton. r6lls and Winds � IF" ,4*y,o When therd Woe t*loo fifty gleq� Is Iftoastble, thA attfferpr be. 'r y % I 06 In the early days tra"i W"141101.6 , P141tit and often the sug6rltig attend- through tilA arches stnJ labyrinths of ­ fr6m Alocan , r. XArdGiau, i * worth In ovory dolhkr,of austrd anti finaptly, though vag laid out. - 'Itv cult Tho first malls *,,ent itita Net., Irw It Is ta4A sevfts. The vory ,snd give him whit . i h6 wabts. liIs magnificent siull ,Involvea asuolf, I � - "Orml, "passes, Is left in uncoasklyW #, doyc- IMundary, Sheep AN 1004t rom*dy Is Parm6l*o1a V*S6tAbl4 Mother GraviW - worm exterminator Waking 1111191Cal c,(1h66% at every turn - ..--W04'.*_.. tho at,e, I The Granite Poor Map Wit r 6 ark rt StWo, Sol% on th,6 back of it mule and jli� i � WORTH TAYINO. its return. 11r. 1. D. Kel- loped #A it 'gold mirft, wsts grat Eut Xootwaay, ang there Are 5112610r SIIDD1164 WOTO b*6ugbt In, by 0sail PW$ t4k6n 6oWriditC to direetfona, Will drive woMe from. ,tho, sytif-ew itnd variation 'of Its p,rcg1vm!_1j. .p, � ,� #14 Y" rwly uelfor# it Wtfo "h A R(Wedy in a woudor- wo kod by Lincoln DAvenvort to products from "I"t1allo 'PO%'t Stt616 Is tridn-a string of mul#s. QA these They rectify the lrtftulhr 44tiort of without lWorr to the &MT, bwAuse kVhl1)P1C- _. I qovd, sookitt "a run the wool ovar ��,_'Iu'ri ve amt. It immediately IN lie built the first stamp Mill of lawtoricAl IAttr"L to ono of the narrow tralk -Arolind the 0OUAt*lnS# the 2.1;6104.ch am r6otore h"Ith 0,011", its Actiou, while tally effective, 14 . ..'.....*,* . . , *# k4*Us"'s 47ft 11 I ralleyes he rsixtrleted air Vs**s0&9 "d tUo whole. wits in oporatlou oldost to*ns fA the proyincf, Old- tho Mu*-footod mt%* % or# a rArteJ4 rot %&.0y Y"r$ thj$y )AAVO bo" a Mod. ,,Ix thero afty menning Ill the %lk,o*&r wlwt to lvw* Afft 2"wet maku" *kK=t t& )'"t$ an [tn. ou" OVA4 oblatuat It put UrlUsh # 04 WA-944rd rM,Vdy for djtpotiA *Ad - *a th a calk tf*wy, it is frold UM" &M=� 0, d Droduw dX � ' - * ____--.._.k �1. � =Rt - - I bouquet which btUex earr)r?ll -,()f I � , -*X "Whao ckr"446L I tr dw *"TrftvM iold. , Tho "Mo -1111 ____,__________-,._.____.. t=Uft .Wd* 06 hie Ir rAt*oo*d No am is, ;; =4;i 4; to *AAt to ('(Mrse* It mesm'.1k thoy aro ir'slas to � . % W . QO&W44, - � k"o olu ka vorlimty 40 hia"If. reign."- -13altimort Ara#rk,%t1. t � , . . . � . " 11 , . . , � I . I . L� �� . I I I � I , I I . � 0 - . �.P- 1, I � �.. I I 11 , 1%. . . ,:,., I - 1- , � � . L ' .11 -,,�,�. .1 I I . �­ . I I � 2"', 'L I . I "I .. I I �, - L I 11 44 I . . I � �1�14 "I �­ I , , ,:,- . . I I 1, . I . t I L I . . I . ,,j,�� . �- � , I 11 ...... . . I ' I'll � I.. I . , ::� ........ L. I I,JL ,JL ' , " . .,,JL_ � 1�.Ilt � la� � a, t �� - MLL A " ., _ I I 1111B, 111411, ... 11 �, �. JL,� : ., _ 1AL, d�.Ilt ." - " . � it'L,�A , �� _..AAJ&kA" 1, ��? � , 1, 11 .., , c id .,2 � A­�­� ,�L .... I -. .-.A., I - _ - 11��:&­"A" )�-, i - --.-- - ______ - ._.�.,L_ � - I.... _­A"Ik 19� Id, , I ­_.... .-.____1__.____-- ------ __._.___..____1 ­­ � I 7, -1 i ­_­­­� -, _._.___ -, ­ - ­­- " - . . � � " , ;, � 1 4 - , I ,�: L . 1. , �', 1. _ , I i . ''. , " I : '; .:� . - L 40.1 ,�. .1�� I I I .: - P; It . . , ! -, � : . . 't"'. � - �, ,�', . �-: � I 1, . � - N'i " .. �'," � � .,� . , . . ".411 4, , . , . � k !I, * I ,:. , 1��., �. , . ,� . . .. . , .:,�,�, � : ", . $ ., � , 1 � I I � L". ,ip + , '' � ,... . �,, � � , ".� I -�-,.,11 lie,* �& " ++#10 0 6 4*4 0, 0 044 0 4 $ 444 *** - I I S110"IlL M 41GULA104 Chats Wth I I , �!.. - .-:: . ., , , ���,�' , ,. 0 �p , , : , , A. !1. *� ", . _-..,:,f , " '. i::!;. � �� ­­�r._ , ,�""�,:�,�t;, .�,_, �..! ­:� �:' .1 4 ­., '' , , , . .��.: i " L ; 11 ,,, *� I 0 0 YO U0.0 1� rol lot BOWELS I I ,� S ..'�­,.­ it. ,; .11, .4�­V­ i, 'V _�,i, " �A;,,�.�.',�,,-T� , - 1. �., :­L�y X , Z.. - ,,�1� . �,,��, ... . 0 . �.� . . , ��,.� �i., 4 ,:_ �_ , �:� ' � � .. , - '. �:',�s ,� . 1'. , '' 1. .. 't � t1:1. i�,7. !, �-�.��.!�,,�', , �L I !� ,� , �!��, -_,;,�. 1�1 ,, �,:,. � __. . j "' ' -_17"�'l ".1'., . 11., '1�; �.':�,I_'', - I , 1_%�:i: " � . , ..­'..�,;% " ...._­...":­*�', ,��,� ", ­_��. '��.!,:J �.iil­,�,� , , �. -'�' 'L 11 ISOAMILION'S PILLS the Doctor I , .. , , 1 1+ � � . ',.,�. �� . I I : �1'1 .1 .. I t , ''. I I-- ,`., . 4 .: �� ;.:�:.�:.;:��..'4:� � 1:__ 1 . �1,`­,­� �,...�'.11. ;.,..,. :.� �,:;.,;,�.�,, &e. . .1. .. - . : �`.-" .:: .., �:,,;::, ..." I �,i.i:._�.. . ., I.. �. l�� ­ ,: �. , ., : �,�*i��i­� ... �,�:Ii:loq�_ � ��t.7;, ­­ - I . . ­ '"' ­�; � I - : ,i..i.:_:._ , , . ;_­ : : .... . I �, ',��,,i��i�: ..�::�,-j7.:;�:...� �,T ... I ,� , .. " I ,��, + . .. I., . . L. . . :: �:::.. . � ­,.. ,:� _ i�; . � �,��, .. � �:.�.��,��:. I . .., � I ."� .1 I ­��, _: I .. I :, �, ��' .! A � .;­ _� ''. ,,,. .. . . .1 .1 .1 "". r . . I '"4-- --- � ---- 0 a 0 0 0 t I I (BY WJI11414 - ,- . I *1190 I WR I 10 No floadnhe, efillo"oness, Indloss- , � .. � N 'earasthienta Is one of thoss as- I �, � � I I � .. . f��'Ii 1. __��, , , .. I . � . 11 I :: .1 .. � ., 1 � - ; ;.�.: , , I : I ­­ :: :,:­ I '',", , % . Telford PUncan, Now tic" or ecar"eurneoh, wbors commo4ating wordi whic U A aou d well ; , :.�i:�...� I_ � � , . , � . - , .. ... : I *,*W - - ­ : " yN. , ..."', � , I... .­ . - I , � '11. �%­"`­L` ' � , , :,,Lj�: . , . ,;, . � �,)\:�. 1� ". �, ,� I � . ��.,:,i:� ,��,,� I 1. , - �� I York.) J - I They Aro,ti"I. I I and are Made to do more than thair . l4 1pb", i ; �.",.,.,� ,�`.rs I ." -,. . . , ..� ,, , " �:, . - , i ��­' I �.�'� i, !;�� I I ­­ ,� � �"is_v - ` - L. �-,- �;. , , 't I � 7.. I ;,i�.,.�:� . . . 111. � ;` "' , � YOU who wrote the 0Yma of Hate, .. ­- fair share of work by poopte -wb,u4,a .� -, � I I , , : .+_ _ - . � 1 �, ,.." " .1 b *.;L`; 1.� , : ^ .,�., ., � I * ill, 0,!:� �.i�,.` - �:�-.* 111, P L U4ed At Lusltanws late, . . A VINE CQ�OTIPAVON CVR01 imaginat.on runs ahead of thoir,know- . ,+ _�.:­ ­'. , � ;.",�,:_,, ,: :­­,:��Z � ! ;-. ,2�:;, "I ,�, � !:,; . :-`!�: i �"'�,.L',,__ ._,�_ T!,.;.. L�ert A world dJqcoA,46IAte, . Wake. .... I can ot deny that, oyen 44 n �: ... :-5:: 1 �, � . . , , - � I 1, ..-.�: .. ;� .1� ''. .:-. N '. , I f �..... '' . � ..� 4.1 ., . �!� . T . i. Now Come WhInIng at "our gate, . Owl) 0ad by the physleian, .a N a . ,i,,A , V., I , . - ­ fi,;.".: ,.: Z. :+:�: '.:." ! �, , ;,. �,�, ., !:: , " I They o0leanse 4�0� iLiver and ,Move thfp ooluev�Atac v4sue term, for It'lacludes ,�, �. .; k: � %, � :_ ]jt�-�'.�� ,.�;:��.�!� , ,�'� *. . � .­ . _ 1. . �,."�;.:..�. :� - '... ��, r.1 ...,,, .. I.. I. ..... �.: ,;:-.+ '0�.�,:'!, ::�"�.,:i: �.iill� 1. L .1 I i:� %-�`��"::.�� 11 ,1. 1-.1 I , ,' 4�k , �,;_%. 1:., - t " You, who stripped those bodleft nude, M41dou, mother With 'bar brood; Bowels WOO You Sleep, 11 . a number of physical and mental coal. Plaint$ that At first Might 40 not AP- , I ,1 � ,,, *. �", - r, �* � . � _.. .1 + .. 11 , '� I . : 11: . I ,�`f�11�..'�` X, 11 - �:: ,� . . , �� �, � � _��..,Ii:; I I'll - ..:%..­: . I ­�? �'. I ''. , I I . .� � ­ ... . �:,:­,+:,��,!:.,­ , , t,:_ ... I. S -,�% .;­;�. ,:,� 1�.. �'. ;:... � ..." " S ,eat Y 0 ,our p1glike. Pagaton lewd. Slay Your children cry for food, , I Like A phip,in the a Ur con- , Ight, YO atipated headache 4nd d1gostiVe troU. pear to be very closely rela , Broad- . IY speaking, neurasthenia is a disease , .4 � 11:1�;, � �; . : W, �: .; :�` ,...: ... ,F ,�.. 1. ;_­­,:�"�' , .1 � I—- ... ... :11 , ".... , � . I :!;I,T:� - �.' .:�:I: ":�� .",� " �� ": T ... ..�T; ;­.. ,,, ;!", ,�T:i, .­­-.:­,;;.- I ��,�f T .i,i.:,;%i ,.,;:,..�l�����;,-.��:�-'.',+�,��,'.,"I�'.,�,����,,�:.; , I . I YOU, Who on our gr',ef intr000, -4r� I .1 . dina,pp blow will Oar after using Dr, HamPtown P1110, or the Ast'vous system which m4uifootj itself in what we MAY call 0400ndary ,,��, .1 ... ,?X I—— Z , :, :�,� . ­,.�, ..:,�1.1. , VT,.n�­--, . �,� � A,.- K", "�.;L';��,;I' ­ - .�:�,:�I.t,.:%�,.:..++.;,., I I ". -;,. -�-.-,,A, �,!­ .: . -�"V�m.���-..�...�,.��-�..�,,�'�,;-.-, ...1".". � X "�� � ,, ,,, �.` , �1 4 .-�.:��­­'X� ... 1- �';o , . �,:� Frating Chrintirke agtitUgo; 11 I lie Who died on Caiv4ry road, . They cure 'thq worst o4ges, act quietly at nWt wb"Q YOU sleep, AU4' ways. That is to gay, the nervej themselves show no obvious organic 4'. � .11�4 . :,-�, .��-­­­­ . ­�:!,-.i . � �,;, � � :: �, ,��. '11. "". .�,L,;,5'.", _!�3V.�..', 111.1�'. , I - ­ " . 1��!!::,�:� .,, t Ne'er corkoe'-ve,il of beagt�s 40'cru(ro. I ' give you next �*Plralug the freshest, change. The chief symptom of the disease is a weakness of the nervous . , ! I .." , r g'%'p . �,.;�!4 LLLLLLLL . - ,;,M. , ,.;.,�,�, , , , ., '. ". X .._ ; �' �. , ....4, .1 . , � ��,_ ;, , � - ...�.,. , . , .:,,�:��:7 .��,,.:j���.: -:�.c. ,V�, ,��"i,.-..R. ,��::�,!�, YOU, whose bearts are Mack as aQotP YOU, Who sent Your women loot, brlskept, happlest' feeling, you have I known In many afiay. control, an On a fe blearant of the sys- tem, Whose ettects may range from - I I.. 1, !, I ­�*; ,� - .1� t'�:. ,�,..i- .��-.M_ I _ i ..�i,� . _ . ,;:�x:%�.��' ... I i.. , ,�, i% , .:, A . ,�� ��X�,.��'� ..i .� ­,,. � �MK ,�, ,i�i.:��!, . �,,;� `�.. ,'. . ,�%i��.,..',`-�,1- . I..". I.I�....., w�;, *, . +. . , *,-�,;`�:;.�; � 1� " I . �� 4 . . """ � " I .:;%�;,�. , ,; �,­.. ­ ,_ ��i` , , �, '.'4',.,:-.�f ,.�,-� �- � I �.%' ,*015�� :z.*K��+-M_... ­­ ... ­'-­­­"_­ t ,.: . , , 4 __,.� ,��'; , � t ... I.....e. I_.. `� .41i. �_.,_$��, g , �i_:'.. .. 1.1%......... �� �� - .. -+! .;:-;� �.-:;:" ..�­; ._,)�:,O. 1§�. ... ­ - ..." �­ 4� �%, i1Mx',,s..,:6.' -,,�Ia;,, !4 ,��+ - -s*'K,,.,..:�-#, Girdled orchard, vine and root, Think you we fo rge t You, bruteZ k1amiltohlo VIlls, will cheer up the most despondent -sufferer, , Mel 'e mental depression to gueb. d f n - at Its troubles as dyspepsia, persistent � h 11.11.1_��, 1. ­­ �... I ..... ... � �, , ... . '. ., � ,", I I 1. `6, . - 1. 1.11111A...- `�- 1, ^%�,,.�.r $�� ; ". , .. �0 . . . . . . . . . . . Z., . . . . . . . �.,�.,�� I ." t _ , . . �� 1, � �.. ., W. ,­��.- `�­.. �*.�',�--_,.+I'�, `�R�,-�; w.­-,;;..�,�'�,' � 11 They will Make tired out folks feet beaduche, Insomnilk,,aril a M . , ( so 0 , So 9 � , 1 . n�.%-�,z,-�,.� ��.--4�lgw �.' : I �1*N'-..%;%'-"_?" 'I" ­ '' ­' ­,� . .� ...'-m.'' -:1.. :.xm�z% ... ...­,­ ­'. : ,"., - .. . :..��';�:�"i',"'.�'�'.-.��l�.,.,,',, ..." ­;. . - , , . , , .,�,,�.­..'�.11111.t,.. . , .." !i�: "�'��.�.,..,��,�,�,:I.!!,.-..,�* .... - ,�,.. .+ ,"..", �� : ,:-`;.-,-,, :Z .��Ii__ I..." � i�:::��',l�:!'."t�',�l.".,;,.��::���'��,�..�!��l�:,,,.�.�,';;�:il�',,���.+-�;,���,.;�",. - 1.4" , - _1��,.­�!�ii��'.`�� . , ." ,,�. ". .,�.� .i�..� K,::!�: ",.. %.��h�:; �;�w, f ,.��'�� :, 1,.. YOU. who wracked each vans, and shrine, .like kids at play. They overcome ,backnehe, Bidepolte, 'aDd people believe ueura3thenla-to be a purely modern disease brought About - ... ,�'.'.,� , .. .� .. , .. ...... . "..;... - :,.;:..�'.::,.,;�-::��;:..'�.:;�;:,..;:�� ,'I �..�.;'��.,.��."',.I.,..,§,: ..,..., ,..., L;.::. ",.­­, � -K ,0";L; . 11* _'' - _ . ­: - ,�� ..., + � ... ; �:!.., a . . �-,` -, l ,.�,­ +. ;. ..;'I.. .�... �_ - ." i,�.,., .�-,'.. ... ., "' , " " "... ;, ,"....."""', ... ..". Plushed with frengy, drunk with wine, liverache �stomachaohe, and kid- by the,rush arid pressure of th 0 pro. \ . ..� 1, ,� .-,.-.�,� ,,.� .'.', . ! . �-.��11: ,� 11 . , . . ..... �� ..... _ wp�- ----'F AGIE us now to cherish th,­ may Ilia, ", , � I sent day. This is not tho -a . o "." V : 11 I � � . . � . V" - %, � 14 concentration emps In the f:adus- � . Never by the $06, YOU eW!ne. It they fall to do this, you can have far as we can judge from WrItIngs of , - ' * PY 4AMAS WORN AT BELGIAN SEAS HQ,Ftg.. � � 3quiled. Fair enough, physicians ot the past, it has bee b. I . . . "I � � I Your money re U, 0 . Wal, centres of Germaqy, - " elpla* to APPLE AND PEAR , �_ 1.1� It � g and well create wealth for He i lnnetj�,� -lie I YOU, who Poisoned sprin ah? nerved and Commented upon in all I A sartorial revolution has taken place at Marlakerke, a Belgian sea resort near Ostend, and pyJamas have taken Robbed each belfry chi -me and bell;' Don't otqy niolt'or ailing! Use this ages, tliough frequently misinterpreted I was making more millions by thO ex- . . BLIGHT .- the place of the conventional warm weather attire. T:ie photogra ph shows a group of holjday�rna�kcrs Damn YOU, We rams ber well, grand family remedy at once, It will other L I 5 . or confounded with ,nervoua I part of 1)elFlum. � Blight of apple and pear is a specific � I . OW YOU Made fal�,%apcs a boll, give you onefty,­.' spirits, ambition, troubles. Zk . I pfoit4tiou of property in ithe occupied In the now attire. I � H 1, , --- - ______ . I - . I PUB 411,FATIOST WAR PRQPITRMR. ,and contagious disease. Some varieties - I ----------- i ----. - . . . . �: i appetite, good'blood, better nerves- Contrary to popular notid�s,,It 11 , of pears are more susceptible to thin . - . - � - - 1 _2 YOU, Whose crimes on every sea, In short good health, You can get all more common -in Men than in � Worneo, ,,, The m9st prodigious of war pro%7 disease than are � i 0_*_#_"++++_ tesy-v&en meeting or boln; Intro- Biackened ,36=44 chivalry I U*aliy makes Its appearance, be- * sets, admired and envle4, by the others, There are A MOTHER'S TRIALS, duced to anyone. , MAY the -sailor palsied be, 1; . this in a 25c "box ot Dr. Hamllton,s ani 11 Wser, Stinnes can Want that bib three Places on the trees where blight i lAils. Sold by, MY dealers in medl� tWe0 the age$ of -twenty and forty- , 0?u4 ; commonly occurs.,the blossoms, twigs .L I � Never ti) say "Hello" W 'an Older Who. will, head YoUr drowning plVa. , cineEp. '. ,� five, The Predisposing causes Ara an . I ,tTylg failure was his sAcce,m Vb,e and larger- limbs or trunk. . Person, but rather "How do you, do," - I ** I Inherited tendo.ncY, parental tubpreu. West estimate of ]its fortune Is gj- , n6mes blosso Th a C�re of ,Home ind Children Often GOOD TYPES I or "Good morning," Or "Good after- You, who Edith Cavell shot, Osts, syphilis,'alcoholisin and,h%lar- 09,000,000 marks, ,Which is%noraInallY, in -blight, twig -Plight and . I :1 ' " I body,blight and canker axe cbm Causes -a ,Breakdown. � noon," according to the �timb of day. Think You we remember not-, !a; mental strain in the individual , monly. I A VETERAN - equliraleut to $500,000�6o. But , - __#-0**Gi off 06*00#440444 � . Always to treat servahts with kind- Bach,and every fiendish plot, . .. I ti I I I himself; intense or excessive. , btaw . 6,finnes has only just begun to make uSed,'but It should be remembered . The woman at home, deep*ln house- --- 0 ness and consideration, � saying; Cohl�red by some, German Goti . tapney. He Is. not turned 60 yet. -that these are diflerent manlfesta THR LOVABLE HUSBAND. "Please" a I 1, work following a predisposition to I . ", cool and - h6ld duties and the cares of mother- ' -nd "Thank you" when any I , I C .� 'ER MAN nervous strain, depressing emotions, � Abd he aspires to be the tious Of the game disease. The bac-, hood, needs occasional help to keep Shaves regularly every day. service Is desired and rendered. )iiou, who boasted of "the day" RIV, � . � such as vexation, anxiety, .'�Orlef, (Oustrial � king, not only of Germany teria which cause blight grow as Par- her in good health. The demcgids Does nothave a grouch regularly at To put things in place after using When In battles fierCe away.. I'' thwarted affection, and so on, sugh as ­ l. And why asites in the Inner bark tissue and hill upon a m6ther's health are many and the breakfast table and another when them. You would Britig4 ealloro slay, I sp ' It, The Individual bacteria are too . own heovIth trials and he com�6s home at the dinner table. a t ' Tn 'the reexplor4ti6n of previously overtax the nervous energy. PILAYSIcal . p at Prance? - Stinnes and big as- To take a pride Ili personal cleaull- Then at Jutland. Uunlc away, � , - small to be' seen, by the unaided eye. severe. Her I .. traversed, almost *,.-forgotten country,,, overstrain, excessive Ilse of stimulants 4iiciates bought a great English col ber children's welfare exact heavy Kee,Ps his newspaper to read in the ne . " 1� .1 tl�e penetratio - of � , I and 'the open- and certain organic disease 'alt take - Never to whine. YO s, I(qr,y oil 22,000 acre bkorie- ttLe Nevertheless they are Present by mil iried meals;� broken Test 'train ,Or 'trollay, not at breakfast. Be III we know you, ,� . war and were reaching out ,to pAp.k ItOus. They live over the winter at tolls, while hu. Never contracts the "peck" habit, That there �are seasible reasons for Prince alld peasant, one and all, ing �0 settle On '. I that great region their place in the long list of coUtribu- , 1, ,at- the edge of the cankers on the limbs and much Indoor living tend to weak- - cot and ball; o4 Canada rt ' . the North Sas- tory agents. 4 , � U�p Collier$ in Virginia. They ha#. but gives, his wife a real kiss, now and all those rule3, and just what thpie YOU- who would the world inthrall, . , . 0 -1 toAdy acquired coal fields- In Tupkey and trunk. When warm weather en her constitution. No wonder that then! reasons are, that ,a child may udier- Hold us Oxen katchewan RIv4r tb" the boreal limit of SYMPTOMS. .. comes in the spring they -multiply to the woman at home Is often indls- . I 1p,your stall? k#d other.out of the way' -idi*ers. Pulls her chair out for her before stand with both heart and head, and I , . � wheat QUltiv4tIon,!'4and west to the I do not propose to recount in'detall I . A the extent that they ooze out in small sitting down to a meal, picks up ,bar refinement may really sink below the You with Emperor omniscient, I northern exteugZin Zf,the Rocky Moon. the long list of symptoms, real or ;hd since the war their activities , posed through weakness, headaches, I I ,lied enormously' � drops near the edge of the,canker. It bacliaches and 'nervousness. Too handkerchief wqon she drops It, ,jud surface. I tains separatlu4 Yjkon Territory from ituaginaxy, N�hlch are associated .With 4 -Ave multip 6 U3 at',this point that the new season's n have grown to acOePt -, I You that were supreme bfficient. the North�veateru Territories of Can- this c9ndition, 'It will be sufficient to . � Aloyd George may consid'r himself, .many wome Preserves at least a few others of 'the 7 Then In bungl!ng proved proficient, ada, there has �een for the last Mention' t�e More outstanding. ' 'Per - Mile leading figures at the 9pa cow: destruction begins, these �Asitations an a part of Thelot courtesies of -sweetheart days. 2 ­ , Iftszor Cla,lm Your store of foods deficient, - Wrence., but Stinues loomi up as th' a of motherhood. But niany and varied Remembers the wedding day anni- I .. I I . eighteen yearb,,follo*ft the Klondike Distant headache of a Peculiar 'kind, � 0 B as and other insects are attracted Thirty Deaths From � qirk orse,, The German delegates � by Zhe ooze, and after their bodies as her health troubles are, the,cause -cian in Chicago states thirty YOU, when Wer A �*l movement, a,pleadi "influx north and taking the form of a I hav versary. A rphysi I d nigh, - sensation ot id, *h,t1m he was one. were Stinues!% a become smeared with It they car- is simple 'and relief at hand. When Plans a trip or a frolic for her, now 1 deaths have resulted trom paring Plead Your childreala hungry cry; west of Peace River'and Lake Atha- pressure rather than acute pain (Some'- �1'1 , 401ega,des, and the Germ4u bluff of ry the babteria from place to place, In ,well, it iLn the woman's good blood and then, corns with a razor. Av6ld blood Think of those Whose bodies, lie, basca. Spite 'ofAe'modern motor, times confined to the, back of thene(tic I I I , � this way bees de' -well; when ill she a becoming poisoning by apr. .;Ing Putnam's Corn eath the oced4'and the chy. and rail extenslofis ever and persist- or the temples) and a feeling of,emp- bgink unable, to deliver 2,600,000 tons posit bacteria In t)ie that kqeps h�r Notices a new hat or . N I vf' coal a month was SlAnes's bluffo blossoms that they visit, and' a few must make 'her blood rich to renew ds out a anj Wart ExtracWr. PurOy affe- � �". ' � . dress., and occasionally haw ­ I ently northward, the primitive equip- tlnes3 in the head. Pains or sensations . days later the blossoms wilt and turn her health. 'The nursing mother ta,b 'v I ment of trader and" Muscular And the proposed compromise -by , superlative compliment! I ](37-Paluless and sure Is Putnam's You whose propa ed, .g.anda It , voyageur still holds of discomfort in the back, black. In a similar manner other in I Extractor, 25c at all dealers.'� You who Pea6anti fati.-uO', Making walking or I wbich the Allies would get'the coal - more than any other woman In the . ' : I crucified; its place. andAravdl routes attli follow .even , azU.Germany a loan of $100,000,000 t1acts ,in their roaming, inoculate a few world needs rich blood and plenty N THE LOVABLE .WIPE. ' ;__0- — '. Though You never broke their pride, the waterways, .-Iransportation of standing for any -length of time diffi. .. , . Is Stinnes's Idea. I . .� I bact6ria'Jhto the bark here and there of it. There is one way to get this 1 Thinkyou that in va!n they died? ' goods on the rivers,- of the noyth cult and exhausting, Sudden losses of Qermany needed a hero badly. ; it and twig blight.results. All this could good blood so necessary to Perfect Is never seea In hatr curlers. " 19MENCE NOTES. I . . " I though occasional steamboats thcre%e' Muscular control In �certatn limbs. In - has 9twallowed Stinnes. The shaSby be avoided by the'grower of apples and As through the use Never wears a kAmono downstairs. , �_ somnia. Nightmares, Disordets of . � health, and that ,13ecauso of the disturbed labor con. Now you come with specjoug lie, is still by bateau, barge and scow, pol little bearded person of Uebralo, ,;ex- pears if the cankers from 'which the of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Is not only neatly, but becomingly ditions In the United States orders for Urging, say your babies '6ry-, ad Or towed up, o� iun wi a digestion, Mental depression with . .4 trAetlon. for whose bank ;kccoun02ef-` Ooze comes were oradipated during the pills make ,new blood, and thrqugh, dressed, 'Within the home as well as . While, V V . poorness of memory and feebleness of . . our crooked mind ashe why, rent downstreat6, nder deft mana;e- . 1. �1` glum wis ble4 white, Is.1hp, id.cili" the, winter. The cankers are irregular their use thousands of weak, ailing abroad, at work as well as play., And tin and Eft''el plate lately poui6.d Into We wlth loathing thus reply: Ment of pole, ,sNVOOD will. '.L'hese are the more outstanding . X_ gaVior, the divinity of pc;k-wij'G,er- and illghtly sunken areas'ot bark us- -wives and mothers have been Wade becomingly need not mean expensive- South Wales from all over thil.-world, � stern line at the rapids. symptoms, and with them may be as - i I many. He had himself el�eie�,to the natty separated from'healthy bark by bright, cheerful and strong. It you ly, either! I buyers being willing to pay almost ally You we never shall forget . � Among the greaV.,o.arly explorers of sociated a host of minor troubles. such Reichstag last ,month, ajth�ujh he 6 definite crack. By cutting iU.eo tae, are .ailing, easily tired or, depressed, Does not tell tales on the children. price for early shipments, One order While the 'gun �lfall rise and set; the northwest, - th6'' names of Samuel as attacks of, giddiness, lloorneas oK . despises. politicians slmoA :ai- much canUer it will be found that the bark it I, a duty you 0-%Ve yoursel and Does mot make the dinner hour a re- for tin plate amounted to 1,000,000 How You Huns are. even yet Hearne andAiexaAder Mackenzie are circulation, p;�lpitations and transjtory , . I I 49, tie does the Hindenbur#.s and, Lud- is dry and brown. To rpnioVa the ,;ekee1ping and boxes. Some Workmen -were getting Hoping to make good Your threat. first connected *Ith Great Slave at actions ofAhe senses, of sight,,hear- . I - your family to give , Dr. Williams' servant troubles ot the day, but mth- $100 per week. I in- and touch. . I , . River, which :in i6 two -hundred -and- . '. I . 6ndorts OVOther'days, Bot a s"t in canker make a spindle -shaped cutwith Pink Pills'a fair trial.,: What this or a time for chatting of outside. inter- During the past four �cars the cost 11,7o, by'all the bepes and fears sixty -five -mile couise northwest. con- TRE ATMENT, . " Ilia �Relbhftag may be us6ful for the a sharp pointed knife, always keeping medicine has done for others it will ests. The woman who talks home, That were crowded In those years; "I, � furtheran4a of his business schemes the'-putline of the cut at least a half- surely do for you. which is really her "ghop," Is tire- of produflng copper has, More, than I nects Lake Athabasca with Great This should have a double aim,'first ,, AXLd the guarding Of his interests, -Inch out�lde the edge t,f the canker. ; doubled. Statistics show that the cost Bv our bla,3ted youths careers, . � � . You can get Dr. Williams' Pink some. I Slave Lake, out oUWhIch flows again at removing, It Possible, the predippos- wl�lch Include coal Mines,. steel mills. &fter this outline cut has been made per pound in 1915 Varied from 0 to Shall we beed your reptile tears. , ing causes, and secondly, at restoring I oloctrical and gas Plants, river 4eets, Just deep enough ta cut throu Pills through any dealer in medicine Never appears, In the ealke dress for 00 the Mackonzie River_ two thousand gh to the or I by mail at 50c d box, or six boxes the evening meal that she wore In the 10 cents, while in 1919 this cost varied � I live hundred and . t I virenty-five miles the general health of the patient. I � Bobo sea fleets. pap6i'tA%s, nev;g rint wood, the bark is peeled off. Adhering for $2.50 -from The Dr. Williams' morning. from 12 to 22 cefits. northwest to theAtetle Ocean. Samuel Children with an hereditary �endencj . _p factories. coal by�#ikodui6fA, eekloloid, shreds of bark should be removed and '� an'tomobiles, hotels .and '�t�er Indus- ths wood scraped. It is adylsa6l'e ! to Medicine Co., ,I),rockville, Ont. Always Tests awhile, Just before The. Pennsylvania Railroad' is now Cure That Cough To -day Hearne ascended , Great Slave River to nervous disability need�130KJ41 at - tries. Herr Stijnes is 00ted as Wash. the wound with corosije sublim- , . hubby's home�comlng, Be as ,not to be 'forced to employ 127 men to do the for forty miles In-Decamber, 1771, on tcntiOn. 119ine life should be so ar- " — I SOCIAL STXTUS. too tired and nervbus to be pleasant. work done -by 100 Ili 1017, � a return from 'e'xp�loration to ranged ton t4em that all the be � , sa*Ing: � I, I : ate solution (one tablet , to a pint of I mouth of the C of fr6sh air, good and wholesome food, " , (Baltimore American.) Alway,a sees that the children are Over 30 000 employees or E ,ngilsh cQ- -400ut ff .ermine River. Sev- 1 water), Which should be carried in . a I Wicine " I , Opp I .UOLD COAL AS TRUMP CARD. I enteen years'later Alexander Macken- rest Arkd healthy amumment may be � " � "Coal Is the true kind. " *�;& "coal glass bottle and applied -with a sponge. "How could you ask Mr. Bings to fresh-an(I clean to -great their father. op3rative 'Societies lately struck for Xto came down W from Athabasca on obtallipd. ; 'khey should be carefu!ly � . AlthougIr canker eradication is -very "take in Mrs. Dings to dinner"' Doesn't forget to !have 'at least one higher pay. These societies, 'with a Easily Done By tire "�' I'"' '-- - the school period and , I , u, go on to Iron and steel, atA then , ::Why not?" I bouquet of flowers In the home . I � . athing In his way. to the AroticOcean, on which wate", ,,, I �.,. � Two PhIps and fore.sts,'�w ,puti, ma- Importan ces 'of I could see she was perfectly Shows such pleasure When' hubby membership of 15,000,000, consist an- the Heallfig F es Of he was to discover. iho river that bears guai _.., . . � ,.Cessive mental strain. �:� .. . � Infection in the spring which need at- I ' tir.ely of workingmen, and were, sup- Qatar6ozonuem, The.' r;,; " 1i per�everywberel" - . . � tention. Badly infected trees sli6uld furious at having her prestige So brings her candy or any other little .1 I I his name. "-" , .- I Ux. d in particularwho in gr - posed to have abolished the evils'of 1� . -_ - d,prl � ,,a of the natural outdoor recre� � ' is very llkvl� I . - A— �­­---- " a "Sl�ve River are on ."Stinneg was born to -the coal mine be cut down and burned. )WiId1.6r&b slighted. Her %usband made his acting, that he r to re the wage system. I S. The rapid- bt 6 I � (bitsiness., , -116 Interited-. .9,046,000 apple trees and hawthorns'ara-' of ten ugar and :Bingo pe,a.t the action, and so form a zdod I r . '. . .. - the boundari,1Ao'biAween Alberta and ationi, that dtfer themselves so phtur. r , , francs from his father. ' His &Min- . hubby 'habit! Until 1939 cigar .tobacco brought 't No medicine )$.rll�gs such prompt re' the Northweii,- I s - ally 14- ' Itry, should be eA'cour- '. - Ma ,t,errit'6r a I and constl "he. co_U� JUM . ting tehiporament could-.- nOt''Anook blighted and they should be removed de�hls m6ney in crude oil." Does not ask ,suspicious questions higher price at the farm tha.9p any Hat, exerts subh 'tta, in aged,to join. a gymnas � it 0-00�, — , vi I gorating' In- tute a 2troteli.,_4 iliteen. miles -between Boxing, fe aU4 be r � - br'lo" from the vicinity qt the orchard. Care ork bavoc'. aobut the ,stenographer, or other wo- other type, but last year" cigarette, fluence, or go Iho�roughly and speed- Smith Landi4�and Fort Smith. From . taught. to,lgv�lm. neing and 0 - c9attol th' youth, and he .. ,o, ,0,.Away should'be taken d1so that imy twigs Worms in children w lien that hubb the More specialized forms 't -exer- from th6'pa,t4rnal Interests' '1611gunch y must -necessarily come chewing, snuff and export types of ily cures throat'2tioubles as "Catarrh- 0 . . � out lot himself. His &tIviJI66 IV, whiehr were blighted the past season These pests aittack the tender lining In contast with, but simply takes it tobacco went to '41 cents a pound ozone. � " bere r the riVef-'Is '*continuously navl- cises With'apparatus such as parallel ' I , , should be removed. They are evident of the Intestines, and, if -left to Pur- . Doct&,si hospitals, sanitor- 'gable to the.jlaliO, Itself traversable by . t#er coar-market threw him*,into'�4esoc-t . for granted that she, 4VItie, reigns SU- against 21 for elgar tobacco, bars, the trapeze, and so on, are on I` ii1id during the winter by the fact that the sue their raVages undisturbed, will lums-all say .that- for, those who sut- steamers of ifiiep-diAft. . the,w1ioI6,1 best avoided by'the delicate laution with the great stee "coal because preme, Fuel cost the railroads o far, from . �, I . . 1-. magnate August Thyssen. _4rers � dead leaves cling to them. AlF suck- ultimately perforate the wall, f the Unit. cha�figoable won, ,I , A,veteran�'..�'�rlver%..man, speaking of . I Ad* era or water �prouts should bb,] --K_ these worws are ot the Ihook variety . I ad States approximately $290,000,000 those who are'�.redlsposed to catarrh, running rapi'4W, s4id. "It's not so boy. . Later, rowing, walking, -� run- ot Stfunes Predicted that, - _,e�A�- be moved several times during the season. that eling to and feed upon interior THE WELL BRED CHILD.,, for the year ending, June 30, 1914,,' for lung trouble, dWafnesq. or bronchitis, much the rock,',dead ahead, though th'b, ning and cycling may be taken Up by . . *ould make as ' muth%`�itooney as I ­ - - no � 8 the fown"dwelling youth with a4van- Tjy�gen. To -day 'the Thhgen for- The operations outlined above must surfaces. MIller's WOrm Powders To rise It an older person comes intp the year Just ,closed the expenditure , treatment lEi o I;dispensabte as rush of watek"seems to be taking you tage. , . These exercise the body ,With- tdne look, ,b, - b carried out thoroughly if benefit in vill not only extermi6te these worms, ,� he room. � for. this item was -in excess of $600,. I'Cmtarrhozone,"� right on t('Jp'.`yoxr .have out insidug excessive demands oA the s i*e Sun- 0 " er variety, ibut will. serve ' . 'I, � against. Th�`sjde'Taqh of thecurrent 1) , llke,�O *cuts , , For certain, �cure, for relief In an . . Abs $9. .. ,. .14, to be gained from them, They 'all of whatev 000,000, I I . . Not to Interrupt when others are I , rainlnd'are therefore specialty suit- . to repair the injury they 1�avedone. — - hour, use Catarrhozone, tlLe only di- Where It splits, on'the roe . ,"'Stinnes was 94'whan b,�r'bbL�ght Up serve to reduce the chances of infec- — $ s ­Q__ talking. I --.*-#-*— . rest. breathable medicine. ' Two k is strong ed to"the"neuristhenic. - the coal and Iron biteresf6 .4h the tion the next spring it they are fiftish- THOSE PENCIL MARKS. When addressing anyone, or an- - (Boston Transcript.) elit guaranteed, price enough to a'N,�66 p`340� %craft to one side Change of occupation and environ- � I Diautsch-Luxembourg. reg,6�$, ...,jn the ad before any warm weathet d6burs, - . . swering a question, always use the "IrY wife -will never listen to anything months' treatin' before It can'Otrike. - �You watch logs nientlis' often a powerful restorative. . - Durlag the spring and early summer (Boston, Transcript.) nam�'of the person being spoken,to- i say.,, $1;. smaller sfz6­40% siamile size 25c, running thr'611gh'alr4dIty rapid, and . L, following seven years their val,de rose the grower should make c "Who W68 it saw the handwriting 1. at all dealers eve-tywhere_ 'notice. how s , 61doM they strike a rock In some eas0s of self-discipline WAY be from 20',000,000 to 100 006�QQQ kmarks, for Instance, "Yes, Mrs. Brown," or a, Then I guess you don't talk In your followed with advantage, begluning aid in a year molt it �cAV�b�d to spectiong ,two or, three tlmdn a Week on the wall, Bobby?" asked the "No, thank you, Mary." . ,ep.11 r . �__.14�� y.MOON end on. Tfio . teal.1y important thIng �, " I . ------ %_--f— ENIOUGH FOR A HONE , . . with the cold bath At A fixed hour ev- , tea . 0 Not to Whisper to anyone while oth- Warts are',unsightly blemigthes, and ery morning, followed'13Y a brlsk.tub- � 180,000i000 marks. Ile bujf(#VfI4& of walking down each row. All blight- . cher. lor us is thepbasible sideswipe of the ships to transport his coal,', und lr($,n ed blossoms she � uld be -removed by "The landlord," replied the boy ersarepresent In the room. Corns are paluitul *-growths. Hello- . (Boeton' Transcript.) hull aft. by pr�ssuO Of water on ttle bing with a rough towel and ten Min- ' IL_ Ott-, and soon be was oi Via way,�tb beraking 'off the� spur. Blighted twigs ,who lives In a flaf. I . It u boy, to bow -if a gIrL to cour- way's Corn ,0ure -,Oil remove'* them. 'He (prOPOSIng,)--�'I've saved up qn- stern after the bows' have cleared. utes' exercise, either in the open air All the control of the biggest gioups.-of should be broken or cut Off several . . I . -------::_—_ �oug4 to live at the rate Of $110,000 -The meanest thlii& is*- the half hiddeP or at.an open window; light but hour - I tho German merchant"martne, lRotud- Inches below the -evident blackening, �c I - , ,_.� ­ ­7�:_,Wft. , ;; r . I -� ­ ­ ; 1� a year, . or covered rock with.slow water. On ishing and regular nicals, abstention,, . ... . . � - .�. ---- - C sticcessive ttips ydu have to allow for I the. .-Ha-raburg- erican. Ine. It cut with a tool the end of the, twig .-No-* .. iff 0 -,-- � . . Sh&-27or how longVP from alcohol and tobacco, veiy�llttlo .1 street V in should be swabhed with corrosive ;1. . Otr ' SWA el :L Fle-"Oh, six months.'* � al sorts ,of variations. A bit more tea arid strict attention to the bQwels. 39leven 'co%pating ,� rallwa ' . sublimate. All these control mass- . Ko enay and ­, Itid", ' Mines . __ - —_ the citi of Mannheim were brou t ,� -_ I z=-- or a bit less wAier,', coming down The mental, side of life should also re - Into hi* told, not to mention 260' ml i A minimum. -W. H. Itankin, Platt. Path� � - _ � I _� .. - I I ­ I J��VBR. makes a differenoe� . tn the way you ceive Its due share , of attention.. The � of car lines In other cities: , � ologist. I ;:�;:; , .. ., i � have� to handle- a, "at, same as. In any * .. � --I- - %­­ f-�i: . . . . . :..:... ." 0 � - - (pears"I's Weekly.) . cultivation of an Interest In some bob- . .8 1 0 n i;.210i'li 'MN _ ... . ... �_...�.'�,. on . . IX -11. I . other navig4jog.' But given the earn , �1.i��A'14:�%,: " I . - 5 ,f ; . _ .. 4 �. � � - - s by, such as gardenitigi for the seden4 -rUXAVCTED PATRD4R1A_ANJV9 , '. U .1 '. A. I .,. 't . .. �.,W ­ I-V�iays his 4iot characteMstleT height of �iRt&-'4n!th� river, and each , . ,:. �$ g .A .. . DEFEAT. - `.-�540-',',�,�� %*:w tary work6r, and, reading, the otudy of � � . I .. . m,ggwgn. . . �- - � '_ � �.�'j'§.,&.�>:,�..'�� ?��i�*ro'ly�,If.., � . . an say . . .. . . . asked the policePall of the old lady. trip you c. . ..pretty certainly at r, , k- '9 ,; . 0 .: , : I � Such were his operatl*)ns fit. Bel CONSTIPATED CHILDREN 1_'.'._11 . � ...... I a foreign language, carpentry, mem- I I ;,,�,­�x­ 4A.; ., `1.1'�"'. �. aa trying -to describe the man each point of' the rapid just which bership of a club for those whose nor - r 1� .. I . j,;�.%,.,K, �n - �,g:���.:,,o 'N'. .. 1�'k, �,,. r. �J .. who W Stuni 4UrIng the odeupa(lon 7tliAt it � - r _ � g".P. , ft, - ". . . 11 . �'Y, - mal � . .1, � . way the barge to likely to head, and Mal routine is an out-ot-doors� one. � ` �. 9,7.:i�,.:::i"l,�%,�i.����,�.,�,�,� , "'N � I I . .. . r ... I .,.,;. e*.',331_ . 001W "A large Romhn nose," said the be ready for Its -noxt move." G6rmany bad won thb war hIs,DibfIts HBO., pwgg I who had robbed',1er. , 1. Children who suffer from congtipa., .1 _ 1, , . . would have been be�.ond -belief. J%*en :!: ", I ­;;ffi �, '.�'. 1. Whatever the hobby or recreation It . ..> . ­1,11�,.t.4s . M , .,g, with a German defeat they were �O- cloA, Indigestion or any of the,other !.M) _ , 4 .. , ,- gg;.-%T��gi:, '��­ - - � - ­. ;- � , I , " . , lady.. I - .... . I . - fioh I I should be taken up with interest, and . I .:.� .1 . '. n . 31� - .". L . � 'A' � .. OJULDREN. never from a sense of duty or with 168sal� In. fact, Stinnes �is said ,Ito alln�ents due to a clogged condition - replied the coirstable. "The FOOD O,i" J I I A . � , *' ,;� ;:1 ".. rrr rr . rl. I , the idea, that It Is "healthy" or Ilne� have expected a German defeat Odin of the bowels will find -prompt relief .;, -l".. - It,$ no use trying to look for h1m. I .1 W.... __, I �; I... �,.W . .111"._ " .­ ., I .... 1. .. . 1% nose ' The mind should turla to It the beginning, wherefore he,- d �hrough the use of Baby's Own Tab- 1� . , ...'. .. � like that never turns up." ; 1 - .­ - . I .'' " � cassary," Way �*t& , . 1% -_ Nearly all of ibe; habits that we were both ends -,agalnst the middle ad lets. , The Tablets are a mild but ,�, ..,�:�� N�l 1-11, naturally and easily, The person who . � " , , .� . ., .., . - wrong are looked , . ... �,�. F � I 14 1 I.." �� told In youth Were I made bay while the sun shone. , I thorough laxative which can always lul I ,.eel, upon with favor *,by Dr. Ganot, the consults his own tastes In this Mattbr, I be depended upon ,to regulate the . Stinnes has Immense Influence .*Ith � I! - I . ..:!. I ' I provided they do not lead hl malong abor, Strikes may paialyze other bowels and sweeten the stomach. .;..�".'r Mtn,ard s Liniment Co.. Llmited. Prench physician, who is a children's obviously unwise lines, is far more :,;,_ . . . ...:� I ; .. Dear Sirgq­): hAd a Bleeding TUMOr specialist- Children may eat between 'he I people's mines, but'not' %Is, ,bnee, They, are absolutely safe and are sold .: On My face I likely to gain benefit than who sfter the t6volUtion of 191'4, a�depu- under a guarantee to be entirely fSae . � � for a lone time and tribd a kneals it they ar6 lwngry. Candy 11 blindly and,in a, spirit Of martyrdom .�'. . � -nutabor of �ernedlea Without any good re- goda for children. Children should, not titio I .." , L a of intners Informod�' him that - from opiates or other Injurious drugs. � I to Weep before follows the most scientific proserlp- the mines Were . now for tiWininers. � - Concerning them . `�� ": .,. suits. I was advised to try MIXARVS 90 ,4ark, uniess thek are tions or rules of life, Let him do his ' Mrs, Thomas ,A. - .,:,. .:., k really Sleepy- Children should not be - "All right, tAke the rnkleg*'I sholitect, Bdutot, Lake Baker, N.B,, writes, 'It ­ . ... -1 LINIXENT, and afber using several 'InabWne, r utmost to take life easily. Let ]him , I Ot - puiiished for _ or "talking back." -tt himself occasionally, . Sftne4. "I throw, tb�in at Youi aih pleased to state that Baby% Owli b� t1ei It healed all UP and ,disappear The old adage, I'QW14ron should be seen try to laugh ,head$. But in � three Mouths youlit Tablets were of great help to me ed altogether. and not heard," is a, mistaken one, Theso, for of all the gifts Of the gods t. sense coma bogging me to return. And , when my baby was suffering from .. .1 I I . 1)AXID HENDIORSON, e s he things that Dr. of humor is, to my way of thinking, I'll c6me-on MY ,own terms.11 � constipation." The Tablets, are sold . .. . Ganot belloves. , ', one of the groatest. I . i 0 His �alaers debided to -let the little 'by mediefne, dealers or by matl at 25 I Relielsle Station, Kings Co., X. R,, Sept 0 1 r btavdod Man rumbla own mines. And � ^cents a box from The Dr. Williams . . V, UK . ' , "Treat a child as an individual, not as PAINFUL INSIXTIATION. ' Gertda" of all classes Agree that Wedielne 'Co., Brockville, Ont. . an Imbecild,11 he, says. "At a child is Little six-year-old, to young . all,nt Germany will be safe from Dolabe- ' r ........ I ...... 0.,0.4P__ ., ;. . I I hungry ar(1 says ao,,give him something showing him.4 family portrait: "What , yls14 ad long as stinnes ftmnjns.. it '� Yieldable itailroad Cows. , , I . . Ito eat, whothdi'it is mealt4me or not. a funny way that gran'p.t ho dressed, We saddlo, � . I QUT�E THID CONTRARY. A child ropitily and needs a great I �, � : --:-*-..-..-�� =I is auntle!" AUntle* "That Is the way . �� ... — C3W0==X3=CXW_ 1111111111111 11 1 �,li:!:,illllll I I . Woston 'Transor4pt.) deal of on. The child hitaself I gentlemen dressed )note than a hUn- ng A wbatera car manufacturer to build. I . I not he drod years ago." Six-year-old. "And The 611 to; ;�o�;,tllh,16;6_�-4n rtibbl' - �� .Tennie-118o you finally proDoobd to the b"t judge of Whether ot 46ft, the athl6to cab find nothigg Ing llyldhabI6 extension" railroad cars, � C. P. R. Train(at Xootenv Landing Connecting Wl'tg the Stearner Xgsoolan, Pro ) should havo somethibg to e4t. A eliild When gentlemen dressed that way what ni Nelgon. *'V I her. I suppose she said, 'This is go who Is given all he '0anta to eat, IV Aft. fln6r than Dr. ThomaW Eclectric oil. Which, It its 410fted, will t,reatly lessen , *rho trade travel and explor suddefil." �11 -1 did yoki weAVVI the danger to life and limb In railroad . 0 Wbia on the map. rt,was named # 1: io ratioft Gibson," twelve mlloa north of Nei.'C In over he wants 9, never overeats, ki -_---,-"A--- ­ , It renders thd muscles and wnews of the Kootenay are a roma'neo Of son, 96 silver lead M1116 was developed after the late Ajajoe-GenAraj Sit Jack­j'No; she said' It WAsu t and- 10 Out ,of liceldleAts. The earn are especially con- child who,, food supply it r"triew i� 1i 141016, takes the soreness progrtN�, The nay of the fur trAder On a large sealo and Is owned and Samuel Steelb, who commanded the ' den anough, She bad accepted Tom the oAb Who ov6roata at the first oppor. X6w Sorew VoAtenar. thoul stid stirougthous theta for *tWns structed, With a framework which 19 gave Way to that of the plater -miner. operated by a Trail enterprise. The North Weat Mounted Pblica in Westo the night befor4." tunity, when vWting 'at a neighbor's th-ut may be put upon -them. .� It designed to yield and to a Certain ex- In maing, the vlacer-mluer left be- "Aing*Orth," �On the main Kootenay ,ern CAn4 0 0 - , house or vrben hia mother's back Is turn - .1 sta#44# ote-em1ftent for this VoVobge, tent t8loscopo under a severe attack, in- ­ -0m, for Many Years, A 4e. . C09SL9TENT. I � Ail AtiatraEan Inventor Uao patent. and athletes wbo for yet r,oe&n stead of going -to pieces, while remain- side his trail of rocker, and sluice, Lake, 28 mil(!s r1orth of Nelson, is taehnitnt of mounted polict was ' (14ra Pun.) . ea." ­ � I ed a oorew fatitener for wood balt h shaft and drill, a still deeper mark one of tho first developed mining stAtioned thero In the early d&yo tncl "That movie star run$ trut to torth, Somb food i� too -rich Arid Is !fidl at liands Mat onablet the b4le,j to be noling it -can testify to its VaIng 04 & itak rigid Under ordinary bqMp9, sue on the country aud Its future. 116 extuDs, datbag back to 1886 and open- the barracks still remain. In . 2964, doe4ftlt sh0l" -, We tor wthild. It a child madt, tight Una permits the use of lubtfolklit, . & � I ft Would be received In overy-day use stayed long enough to make history. ed by Mr. Ainsworth, Thin 1A a free it was the 16 � 1: , 7 ., - acena do, one Of %4. moat "Yed.- Sho Usod too ride barabtok6d healthful, inuscle tind bons ptloduoing tarra hands. theroby saying aeol. � - by the eour,ling of cart or the sudden The Toad Minos, near' Nelson. dis- silver mining district and has Ilia- V11ftomenal gold runhea In history Oil b8t' ftther,4�tanoh out Watt and foodA. without too� much flavoring or w -_ - � t 1� OTHEA DAYS. if Application of, the emergency brakes. Covered In 1888. Saw a great mtarb- i;-jral hot sprIngs. A vNit, to the And, lift leaft t now she romps barobadked throuqb her 'i I (Tleago 116rald aftd�nw , &miner.) . - __­_ . �­ bark two years, rasmy vampirs seenos.", spleft,ho will uot.,arsvo rich food. Ito - - 'IT Aht to got ba* to,the good ola .-Like a GAP at the Throat. r"Or a Pede. !the discovery of the Silver Board of Trado rooms In Nelson is of M1111oris of gold wero taken oat of ____0_*#____� win be oitialld ,,with What is given to Milton's Diction. . , t. .1 i Wty'-fifty 4AYAIII � rdfrArked tho rowlit. 1940aso that is not Owed sm fatal King Mine, about 1987 by Val) Div. Interest. Tyb1cal of the d1atrict, at- Wild Rorse Crimit. Many big gan%6 'rho Poo of indtg*sglon._.,,1*&gOauoA If It, is frah and wholosoino. A .�o � L"ant "mon. I the". ftud Its Acyalopment. was the tr4ottva ore exhibit eases litfo the Is & COialnoft alkAout and few okra fr6 WW Whit do you tnftn by ,fifty-fifty, there to Wbably none Which �caused pArtles, outfit tbore before procem!W - a �� I beginning of,Nellon, and follo*lng vrgLI14# and tell of th& loegl rAfn. 10K on huntjnp� ox,>Wlitobj, ( , i , . r , d olklia.j, ptlato is,to be depended upon. ,A tow more 0-rrible s0fe,ring than "thma, th-6 arrival of tho wilaors, a toWASItO 6rad ticht,4� There ,,,, 6pto W I i on, ic It is A Mod 10trw com- GIV6 him 16od *Ua6ver he *Aks for it, 11c,w grandly 1111ton. r6lls and Winds � IF" ,4*y,o When therd Woe t*loo fifty gleq� Is Iftoastble, thA attfferpr be. 'r y % I 06 In the early days tra"i W"141101.6 , P141tit and often the sug6rltig attend- through tilA arches stnJ labyrinths of ­ fr6m Alocan , r. XArdGiau, i * worth In ovory dolhkr,of austrd anti finaptly, though vag laid out. - 'Itv cult Tho first malls *,,ent itita Net., Irw It Is ta4A sevfts. The vory ,snd give him whit . i h6 wabts. liIs magnificent siull ,Involvea asuolf, I � - "Orml, "passes, Is left in uncoasklyW #, doyc- IMundary, Sheep AN 1004t rom*dy Is Parm6l*o1a V*S6tAbl4 Mother GraviW - worm exterminator Waking 1111191Cal c,(1h66% at every turn - ..--W04'.*_.. tho at,e, I The Granite Poor Map Wit r 6 ark rt StWo, Sol% on th,6 back of it mule and jli� i � WORTH TAYINO. its return. 11r. 1. D. Kel- loped #A it 'gold mirft, wsts grat Eut Xootwaay, ang there Are 5112610r SIIDD1164 WOTO b*6ugbt In, by 0sail PW$ t4k6n 6oWriditC to direetfona, Will drive woMe from. ,tho, sytif-ew itnd variation 'of Its p,rcg1vm!_1j. .p, � ,� #14 Y" rwly uelfor# it Wtfo "h A R(Wedy in a woudor- wo kod by Lincoln DAvenvort to products from "I"t1allo 'PO%'t Stt616 Is tridn-a string of mul#s. QA these They rectify the lrtftulhr 44tiort of without lWorr to the &MT, bwAuse kVhl1)P1C- _. I qovd, sookitt "a run the wool ovar ��,_'Iu'ri ve amt. It immediately IN lie built the first stamp Mill of lawtoricAl IAttr"L to ono of the narrow tralk -Arolind the 0OUAt*lnS# the 2.1;6104.ch am r6otore h"Ith 0,011", its Actiou, while tally effective, 14 . ..'.....*,* . . , *# k4*Us"'s 47ft 11 I ralleyes he rsixtrleted air Vs**s0&9 "d tUo whole. wits in oporatlou oldost to*ns fA the proyincf, Old- tho Mu*-footod mt%* % or# a rArteJ4 rot %&.0y Y"r$ thj$y )AAVO bo" a Mod. ,,Ix thero afty menning Ill the %lk,o*&r wlwt to lvw* Afft 2"wet maku" *kK=t t& )'"t$ an [tn. ou" OVA4 oblatuat It put UrlUsh # 04 WA-944rd rM,Vdy for djtpotiA *Ad - *a th a calk tf*wy, it is frold UM" &M=� 0, d Droduw dX � ' - * ____--.._.k �1. � =Rt - - I bouquet which btUex earr)r?ll -,()f I � , -*X "Whao ckr"446L I tr dw *"TrftvM iold. , Tho "Mo -1111 ____,__________-,._.____.. t=Uft .Wd* 06 hie Ir rAt*oo*d No am is, ;; =4;i 4; to *AAt to ('(Mrse* It mesm'.1k thoy aro ir'slas to � . % W . QO&W44, - � k"o olu ka vorlimty 40 hia"If. reign."- -13altimort Ara#rk,%t1. t � , . . . � . " 11 , . . , � I . I . L� �� . I I I � I , I I . � 0 - . �.P- 1, I � �.. I I 11 , 1%. . . ,:,., I - 1- , � � . L ' .11 -,,�,�. .1 I I . �­ . I I � 2"', 'L I . I "I .. I I �, - L I 11 44 I . . I � �1�14 "I �­ I , , ,:,- . . I I 1, . I . t I L I . . I . ,,j,�� . �- � , I 11 ...... . . I ' I'll � I.. I . , ::� ........ L. I I,JL ,JL ' , " . .,,JL_ � 1�.Ilt � la� � a, t �� - MLL A " ., _ I I 1111B, 111411, ... 11 �, �. JL,� : ., _ 1AL, d�.Ilt ." - " . � it'L,�A , �� _..AAJ&kA" 1, ��? � , 1, 11 .., , c id .,2 � A­�­� ,�L .... I -. .-.A., I - _ - 11��:&­"A" )�-, i - --.-- - ______ - ._.�.,L_ � - I.... _­A"Ik 19� Id, , I