HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-26, Page 81"' 1 W T TIM Vuox AM AD U& LucknWw whitochurelh WIN(RIAN MARKETS 006641" meet xxwtxxxxxxxxxx X;XXXXXXXX I ­ ---V-_-- ­ -- '4 11 - AutUxt 231`41 i4is Wa And Mrs - 0hestee Longman Alld Helen, of Windsor, are visiting at Mr. �((�orrftt up till Wedneld;ly noon) bo"Wil fis 14444so Rous 041h# TO Tbt, village Was groatly shOA04 QU stiturday to leatis of the d0t h. Ofurs John CampbeIrs J Wo Beau i HANNA & CO* 4 0, Wheat No. 26pring. 2 25 to 300 t*ful 'Shoes for Holt of New York. Only about a year Mr. Davlil ScOlo, of-Montritalt to at Wheat No. 2 Fall ...... 2,211 to. R 00 Some twodoten newsoupet loan, pub - ago her husband passed away a victimof present, witliblo brothers Rev. Mr. Uob- plour ......... . .. ... t 30 to 7 76 lishors of weekly newepapeks Ilk Perth 404 injIliewa. and the bodywas, brought here MOP- Lard ........ ............ . 35 to 38 Hurion ountim met*16r conference in the Young Men FA and placed in the Holt vault in Green- MloaJoAn Eggleston left on Monday, Butter ............ ;. .... 55 to. 00 Chamber of - Commerce at Stratford Isill cettletery. The liate birs. HQIVS, to tritin In Xincsr4lac General liospital. Eggs ................... 57 to .6% On Vrl4ay morning, officers u . were elect. maiden name, was lean Murray and she Mrs. Win, Martin and Bruce are spend- Cattle, med., butchers.. .9 00 to 1000 od for the Perth and Horon. Cou ut.les, spenther Ag Qattle, butchers choice., 1100 to, 12 ()D Newspaper Association and consideration early life here, her %mily bell , ni; a couple, ol weeks In Mucardititc, among the first settlqrs., The funeral flogs, liveweight is 25 to 18 50 was given of the subscription rates for will bo belil on Tucxdixy from the Pres , Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson and, David, ol I -TOY .................. 23 00,, to 2000 weekly newspapers. Publisherit of week- We have ju5,t place(i in stock two $hoe,., for yo'un'g hyteriau church to Grvou4ill cemetery. Barrie. aro visiting at the old home here, Cream .... to 50 ly newspapers, in common with rbe pub - She leavais tvyo sons to lZoUrs, ber death Rov, and Mrs. Stuart ana children spent with Mr, Mac, Ross, Mr. lisheraofdailo% have boon sore pressed men that are Nxw, Nicri, and Rio T Up To DATE. besides several sisters, Stuart took the services In the Presbyter- Wroxeteir by the paper makers and have, been ob- The one is a I rl,ch dark brown mahopay bat with' One of the oldest Citizens of Lucknow i4a church, liged to moot other abnormal costs of pror passed away at the home Ot Mrs. (Dr-) Aliss Harcourt a government dettion- duction, They aronow paying, as 4 fact, neat narrow toe and an attractive. appearing sho6 at Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacTaviqh of strator, who ca raordon in the person Of Win, A. Harri- me here under the atis. $135 A too, for newsprint paper, and cos A and for Ripley, were In the village on Sat. pices of the Worneu,s Institute, has , iu$t ta a price that vCry rettsolial)le, naniely son. Ile was in his, 84th Year for wages, WX and other factors entering months past had been confilleil to -his bed, Master Rrneat $parillig is spending a concluded a series of toil lecture,% oil into the production of a weekly news -pap N. being totally blind, His wife predeceas - few days in Ripley. nursing. The tueetlugg have been large. er have advanced abnormally. be then. ly attended and bave proved very juter. '9.50 per pair X edhim several years ago and Miss Minnie Porter of Wingliant Hils- estiug and beneficial. After listening to art address bv Mayor X came to Lucknow, to spend the eventide pital, visited with Mrs. Kanderson Sr., -on Hunter of Kincardine, who is also the Members of the Anglican church �met publisher of tli of life with his daughter, Mrs. Gordon, Sunday, o, Kincardine Reporter, it who kindly 3uinistere4 to his needs uu- ichniston Conn, Jamieson Pettaillece, at the home of Robt, Uarls and presented was decided that the subscription price Thd other is the Niinv BROGUR SHOR 1)tit made on til he crossed the Great Divide. He was Willie Miller, Mac Inglis, James Pater- Mrs, W,. Al. Robinson with a pearl pill for weekly newspapers sboui $2 per great reader and kept himself well in- I and her daughter, miss Sop ic, wit ye - fr a niuch neater last and. inuch lighter in, weight. The - son, JAs. Falconer, Herbert Laidlaw arld It h a ar om and after October I next. Sub. IN1,1117 soaked formed on all important topics of the Ben Naylor,, went West last week. wrist watell, Aliss Aobinson lias been scribers in arrears, who have not paid up -stock is a rich dark broWti—best oah tan' s6les-:--Wing day. He was also . great gardener, and organist in the church for eigll h t years, by that time, will be charged t e increas, X tifi—a Shoe that is high grade in every particular— always had one of the best gardens in and her mother was organist for the pre. ed rate for arrears as well as for the period, Salem town until failing health and sight caus- vious twenty years, Mrs', and Alias Rob- due in advance. Look in otir sotith window. X ed him to cease. He was a faithful mem- The pupils of Un. S* S� No. x3, How- ins6n are leaving to go to Humbolt, The officers elected this morning were; Coats, Dresses and v= ber of the Methodist church. The fuu� ick and, Turnberry,h4d spleu4id success $ask. flonor, ary President, W. R, Davis -Mit. 11 1 t ­a. There Charles Kitchen'llas disposed of bis chell Advocate; president, Malcolm C. yl, eral will be held on' Wednesday to Gqde­ in their Hatrauce work this year, "'13.50 per pair X rich cemetery, were five wrote and all passed "With farm in Howick to Chadwick 1�enning beth, Milverton Sim; vice-president, J, Silverwoodi'llave inaugurated a truck konours," Fanny B, Weir's name 411'. and has purchased Frank Wriglit's farl' n' W. Variatter, Goderich Star; secretary - service fromXineardine to 14ondon iti an. peare4 in the pass list, but a few days in Turilberry Township, treasurer, Alex Abraham; executive coin - Suits 'M effort to lessen the cost of transportation, ago she received her certificate "With Mr. Ross Stutt of Bowmanville, spent mittee, the officers and Messrs. W, H. XThe truck comes up out day and back I'lonours'" Miss A. Grant of Brussels, last weel, attbe home of his father) Mr Kerr bf the Bzussel$Post, H, Davis, Mit. the next day, bringing ice cream and is the teacher of this school. In the past James Statt. cbell Advocate, C, V. f1latchford, t4st- Fashions for Ladies, Misses and taking back cream, eggs and poultry, If four years shelias bad twenty pupils pass owel Banner. W a 1i a W It 1 -4 -IS the Rutrauce, an iss Jennie Rutherford of Philadelphia, this service tan be made to pay we can- d has not hail one fail- Is visiting her brother, Mr, W. A. Rutber. The members of the conference were SOLE, AGENT FOR LADIES., C]4 not see why the railroads should ask for tire, The people of this section are pi entertained at luncheon in W. 0. Browals Ildren, best material and lowest ed that Miss A. Gratit will continue to be ford, rooms, adjoining the Cha mber of Com� higher rates. their teacher. Mrs. A. Richardson of GrAnd Valley, merte quarte An interesting event took ?1ace last rs, by the Stratford llew$_ itedherneice. Mrs. F. Davey, for a paper i4en andbe emplo Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley of Vauk- v is, i ying printers of Wednesday at the Methodist �arsouage when Miss 9-tta Johnston -and. Russell leek Hill, are visiting friends in and abort time last week, the city, Mr. Charles Dingman presid. i S FOR MEN around Wingham. during these two Mrs. G, S. Lackie a4 daughter,, ed and Mlayor. Stevenson, who was pre, AND DERBY SHOE %X. Robertson -were united in the bonds of W.eeks, Georgina, and Mrs. John Morrison spent sent, welcomed the Press men on be. X matrimony at 9.3o a. m, The ceretoony the week -end with friends in Arthur. half of the city, Informal speeches were The.. N -west in Furs for Autumn was performed by Rev. Fulton Irwin, in Mrs. 'Robert Wallace and ber sister, made afterwards by a number of the "HAVE A UEART the presence of,puly the immediate rela- 'i. I Miss Johnston, of Dafee, sask., spent a delegates. tives of the Toung couple, The bride Consideration of the Franklin price list Aw days with Mrs. Alunro last week, Our Men's and -Boy's New Store wore a suit of gabardine aud a hat of If YOU answer the smile of the baby Bil �. Thoyi. Wright has sold his'farm ..., for job printing was . up for discussion green - and blue dovetine. , After the a Fall Term Aug. 31St --- Graduates placed in po�itions. cross the aisle on the street car— tile 10th. concession of Howick, to �1, and accepted, f6r Ni9ty Cing, Suits and Coats. nuptial knot had been tied the bridal That's having a h -.art. Gco. Westlake will get possession next pair, Annuiber of relatives had luncheon If you stop, to stoop and stroke the kit. Spring. Blue:vale at the home of the brides' mother on ten that runs up to you on the street— A-verrenjoyable afternoon was spent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnaton of Bar - Ross street, after which the young couple Thai's having a heart. left by motor for Niagara Falls, where If you guide the blind man' across the -00 %1 rs, Munroe's lawn last Thursdky rie, are visiting atthe ho:me of'Mr. H, A. when all the relatives gathered for a. re- jrac' they will take the boat for a trip tip the crowded corner by the arm— Call.' $t. Lawrence as far as Saguenay which That's having a h6ar.t. Union Picnic, Mrs. Griffiths and two sons have re. WINbRAM, ONTARIO PHONE 166 P lu tile recent report of the Entrance turned to their home in Montreal, after - We J, EGIST will occupy'about two weeks, when they You will live—and pros er probably— filliga , n Send a card �requestlng the principal to call on you during the vacation aminations Russel Rae and Ina N iCLOT wl�ll return to Liaeknow and make their if 1 ou do none of these three things, or . I spending the summer in Blueva have competent teachers, one for each department. Register now for the fall THELGENUINEF , 3H secured botiou%r standing but through term. MFD:-ONLY 13'40.01),UCINORSTED.-CO� howeinthe heautiful residence which similarlittle kindnesses. Butyou won't. some mistal;:6'in dorying were only awar& Quite a number from here took in the Mr.' Robertson has just completed oil be living a free and natural life, a life that; ball gam . e atSrussele on Monday. --- Ross St. Hill, knows real love and real kindness, i ed witk pass. D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray McLeish, Prin. I Mrs. W. M. -Robinson and Miss Sophia Miss Hazel Armstrong is visiting with C A inrriage .1 interest to many here The world tlp.day'ks too crowded with I I left on Wednesday for the West followed relatives in Toronto. Xand surtowiding country took place in the other kind of men—those who return, Oaklahomal when Miss Mary McMillan, the smile of a child with a blank stare or! by the best w6lles,?f their many friends, Mrs, Gebrge McDonald is improving X eldestdaught,, of Milas McMillan was a scowl,,�those who would kick the kitten,i Miss Sophia bag se4red a situation in a, after her recent severe illness, H a' nnu 00 tinited to Mr. James A. Menefee of Fort those who look the other way when they � Post office there while Mrs. Robinson will Miss Ethel Wilburn of Toronto, and ed. on see a blind man in need of assistance, make her home with her son, Arthur, at Miss Vera Procter of Belgrave, are visit - X Cobb, The ceremony was perform Humbolt, Sask. Ing with Mrs J. W. Masters. Monday noon, August 9th, at the pro,- Let those who ire of th)t stripe change, only T welve ijays Now age of St. Joseph's Cathedral by the Rev. and a warm sunshine of genuine love will Mrs 1. Costello of Winnipeg, is visiting Frank AlcCreedv. The bride who is well flood the world, Ther� can be no wars WrOXe.ter. with her parents here, known here graduated from St. Joseph's then, no prejudices, no flg1 to Prepare the,Children's �ts.—Vancouv-1 I I Miss Mary Gibson is at present visit- Miss Evil. Duff ofWelland, Is visiting at Hospital, 1,ondon, slid about a year ago er Sun, her home here. AVWO& IV Ir went to Oklahama as Superintendaut of Mr Miss Beatrice Watson, Garrie, and Is a .", a. Bevington and daughter of Cleve- I St. Anthony's Hospital. Mr. Menefee is Miss Ella Stewart of, Bowling Green, are Clothes for School Belmore land, are at present. visiting friends in WHO S President of the� Caddo County National Bank at Fort Cobb. After a honeymoon Aliss Marion Simpson, Wingham, visit. 11town. visiting with their grandparents, Mr and ed her cousin, Miss Bunice Hackttey,, A number from this community attend- Mrs. Thog. Stewart, trip to Colorado, Mr. and Mrs, Menefee last week. Mr, and Mrs. Jeff. Musgrove of Wx�oxet- will take up residence in Fort Cobb. ed the funeral of little Blaine Bryans, eri spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Thornton's. HE" v R, L E The Lucknow School Board has com-' Miss Mildred Corrigan and Miss Mull -'daughter of Dr. E. E. Bryans and Grand- pleted the staff of teachers which was roe of Toronto, are spending their viLe-'daugliter of Mrs. Alex Bryans of Britts- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durnin of Wing - somewhat disorganized by resignations of ation with Mrs. Corrigan. sels, she had come from Toronto to spend ham, spent Sunday at Mr. George Mow ­ *days with her grandma in Brus three members at the close of last term. Mrs. Till and daughter of Toronto the holl - bray's, ';eels, when suddenly on Monday morn- Mr. Roy Patton and the Misses Fox of ®rm. Mr. A. B. Blliott of London, a returned are visitors at the home of Air. and M�rs soldier and a graduate of the Facutty of John Mulvey. ffig August 16th., about eight o'clock she Whitechurch, spent Sunday at Mr. W. Rducation of Queen's Universit� has Bliss 'Mary Harris, Wroxeter spent; was taken with a severe ppin ih her head, J. *astei0s. been engaged as'priticipal. Mr. VIliott Sunday with friends bere'. riled1c"ald was at once summoned and ,The late train on Monday n ght, killed is a son of Principal Elliott of Bowman- i In spite of all that loving ba%ds could 60 a valuable horse belonging to Mr. Rich ville and comes with a splendid record Bliss Zia Jeffray spent last week with she passed away betore ten o clock. She ard Johnston. Mrs. Rueben Stokes on the ioth. having won the proficiency medal in "his was in her eight year and was a general Rev. Tate occupied the pulpit of the year at University. Miss McLean has Mrs, McCrea from the States is yisiting favorite with all who knew her and the AlLeEnodist church on Sunday evening. her father, Mr. Joseph Hall. sad news came as a shock to all. Thd been engaged as assistant, and she needs I 4e,: -t_4 Mr. and Mrs J. Cleghorn of Port Col. 10 no introduction to Lucknow, having Air. Gen. Johnston is suffering with floraltributes were many and beautiful borne, spent tile week -end with relatives taught her�aeveral years, but lately had blood poison in one hand. and the funeral which was held Wednes- here. not been teaebing. The board is very Mrs. Xewans and Master Norman, day afternoon to the Brussel cemetery, fortunate indeed in getting, Miss Me- paid a flying visit to London last week. was conducted by Rev. Mr, Mess, Rector 4W Leati back. Miss Laura MOl7tUn Of of St. Johna church, and was largely at- Blyth The Christain Undeavour Society Sun-, tended. The service was very implvsa. . 00' . ffl"V46 Guelph will have charge of Room III. day night was ledby the Mission Band. I sive, the hymns being used Were favorites The result"of the field crop contest held She is ail experienced teacher and comes All taking their pArt in a splendid mail- i I ofElaine's, ,Jesus loves me this I know," by the Agri,cniturat Society waq detet, highly recommended by her Inspectors. ner. �Ipb i "He loved me to*'and "Suffer the little "nined recently when a judge from GuL The other classes will bove the same 'the Women's Foreign Missionary I Agricultural College inspected the crops teachers as last term, School Will re' Society will meet in' the home of Mrs, children to come unto me't. The parents andawarded the prrizes as follows: Ist, open oi . i September 7th. Jeffray on Friday afternoon to consider and frinds have the sympathy of the corn. Johq B;krr, '2nd, f. 0. V. Laidlaw, 3rd, munitY. joSEpti M.qC"LVCK A#jr=Vr$ Mrs. X A' Itelleson and children Win- WAvs and means of sending a bale of Fred Toll, 4th, James Cumm�mg, 5th, 1. 9M U It 1V nifred and Donald, have returned home - There was an angel band in heaven 0. W. Gray, Oth, David taidlaw, 7th, 0 IL after spending a few weeks in Clinton. Clothing to the West orence, Mrs. That was not complete, Russel Richmo nd, Sth, R. Whiteman. Pth, Mrs, Hord and Miss VI So God. took our darling Elaine. A 190 grnie."Millson and Ford Aitcheson are Halliday of Teeswater, spent Sunday at Duncan McCallum, 10th, Thomas Laid" V V 40 spending their holidays at their h0W a Dundalk, To fill the vacant seat. We have many extra values in here, ' e k � L - I I . r. . I . law, the first seven mentioned being witb- /NTHE MAYAft-omm"' Mrs. Millian atid son, Ralph, Carrich in the prize money. durable materials and clothes for wNtTEN AND PIRECUP OY FA -FTI ARSUCKLZ De. J. E. and Mrs, Blackball, attended Douglas, Roy Btittwi, Grant McDiarmi4 thefuneraloo Thtirsday.laqtof the late Beatty Gibson aud Gordon Thompson Mrs. Cuilmore at Clinton. the children. 0.111 Ole FatIt"s Big Spee–fal Comedy left last week for the West, Miss, Maud King, Deacolles,- of Jowa, Misses I�va.atld Glenna Murchison of ,?'O'HE Autumn mode I i is spending tier vacation at her home Bitter than OlThe Garagel Toronto are visithig their sister, Xrq, V. T. Armstrong. has a new whim', here, For Boys For Girls jBetter than ollaek Staue"' The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church are Mr. and Mrs, Wellingtbu Henderson the frock with cape holditig a gar4en party on Thursday and family of Alliston, are visiting here, 4 0 Odd Knickers Middies swinging J a I affbrd's, lawn, W Robert Lyons of Quebec, was at his unflly from evening on Mrs. C. St You Surely on't Miss This One One of tile old"t abd hjghiy respected Khaki Knickers Pleated Serge'Skirts ome here for a few days. the,back. As usual, residents, Me, Arthur Cantelon, wlis taken Jas. Mitchell visited his home here, Boy Scout Shirts Pleated Check Skirts.' to tile Flouse of Refuge, last week, Airs. 1. 14. Palls of Chitago, is visiting Boys'Wash Suits School Stockings LA �1 Graham. w%ICTORIAL 1VCEUM THEATRE 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. IN MEMORIAM Gordon Webster of Toronto is visiting in loving memoriot Pte. T. L Mc. Cotton Jerseys Oast Color Dress Thurs., Fri., Saat',, Aug. 26y 27, 28 'a town. R E V1 EW Xinney, who died Aug 23rd, i9m Wool J&seys Materials Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Smith of Tara, Thou art gone, but not forgotten, visited Air. and Sits, Ud. Hodgins. is the first to sho* It. As 1%dawns another year, Ali Wool Clothing Corset Waists 'Also ENID UENNETT in 4%AW OF MEN,," Mrs. W. J� Hackett of Clinton, visited In our lonily heUrts of thinkingt School Stockibes Belts her sister and other telatives liere for a, YOU will find it in Sep. - Thoughts of you are evdr dear, few (lays, tember Patterns. Three years have passed, -and still we miss Shirts Ginghain Dresses Messrs. R. D. Cameron itud Robert Waists White Dresses Thompson were delegates to:Righ Court you$ Coming—Mono) Tues., and Wed. 1. 0. V. held in Londou last week. They Never will your memory fade, 13elts Handkerchiefs were accouipahied by XTs, Cameron tn4 I lid? LoVing thoughts Will always lingor collars, Ribbons Mrs. ,rhollipSon. Pound the place vhiere you are laid. Ray in Harold Burns returned to Davisoll, FASHIOW E 0 0 KC Days of sadnea still come o'er us, Tie"t Gloves fliask., to reautue his duties as usAtttaut Teare in silence ofteri flow, TU&SHES" pritivipal of the sellool there, "THE 13 11; 1 1 For Fall For momory ke6ps you ever near us (Headquarters for ChlldreWs Wear) teeleMcKeutie has stcured iko posi. Though you died. three years ago. Get Our PrIces Before HuyIng I of Xita hener NOW ON SALE 'Fliends may think that wo forgot you, A rattling story of the earthly diamond 11C011110001f 8181staut prinelpta D116 Wh4n sit times they see us smile; IMAM Mi.lis Beckie Camptlell itud Num Nor- But they little know theitorrow, where men glory In lame one moment and risonvixitt(I f a Umdoli Imit week, That %Wit hides all the while. Mr. Robort Woods of .04, 11titax tbinkii Y10'1* not fwgotft* Leifliet, dear, skre entfulled by the bitter eondem. nallon of Tie h" M.ord bretking *Kts thtt yftr, Nor will you em be, friends the next. 71e bravKht in it tow, *traws loot wnk Wingham Bazaar As WS at 10 wW m*wy last K 1 0 N E LL GOODS! ft Piz PAT that Trift"roi 6 fett 6 12elft tod *a High*9 Prices Paid for Eggs CA*h or Trado 140voi 1001244 Bmth't" a." asters, OMNI Ut, a C W�A, 7"_