HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-26, Page 7---- .1___ _,_.;-,_, -,
puls".t 214putMe gluse, is usel fol
h1xh-1 r
'I porcelain, but In entirely un.
au tod to ail) other worU. and imli
Wage, proze(, by the ,Vapor$ of Cain.
man valt. generally is used Ill thq
.1 manu'fucturo of stoneware, Thoa
ll. U
'l,__ . _ . ". ,. ,.,:,.*, !.,.., '__ , ._,_.;!"1;iV . .*-...'. - lai . v -11 Many VP0481 glazes devised I T 11 .117 1 1 1 "I 4:w
. ,.. .W ,
.". -^ - I
I - I I - " * - - - 11 to Use. but they are all relatedi to - .1
.. , I - I 'Vplwt ` - % .. , ., these four principal groups, .
, .. 17.1 _ " I
:,Ponzi Claims Big Nail is a P, ..., ', , , -__ 4, ., l
- ! /
". - *A
- ... *004 'i -
I ^:., i I I . The earliest linow.n mothod used lu
I Hypocrite. - * ", :011 ..
- _ , , ares by color wf i L4 III
i6f , ,decorating w.
.4 - 11 I - li:%
.10 0 , ,I jg , ;;, .V, I , I I ) , t, . q
11 various kinds at clay, wb1c.'a fired to
.11 I 2 IV
I AC Public Still $ends Wizard . 0A V ".., different shades. With the Invention of
)Fund$. " . _1 I t a g JR , glaze the natural clays wero changed in
, 11
', " _'. _ - tint, ani native earths other than clay
' ,
- -
t t- I i I .
W .,. I 11
. it . . cantalulug Iron, manganese and cobalt,
? Boston, Aug ..--Charlen lloiizj 11 " , . were gradually discovered and used.
I raeudo-wizard. 1=1 I i Some at the earliest glazes were colorm
of the geWoh-quicic 1. I .
-; -,- -; u. i' , !!,2 , 0 a it , ,
financial world, to -day promised to ' Z. __ -1., I . IV N glasses, containing copper and Iron.
/Mww/, V *21'r, 011 __ ---- .. = 11 , P i
M - :='n 11
7_0517-Y, 14 Marvelous work waa wrought with I
I e ps f of the most -r.i.,V , " r, __`%WFXMtr.t :GQ-%- , W W", % &J&
M , , - "I
. IF= --w
Prominent bankers of Doalou ,tbat " . ."t 'k ., 1 R/ M!#n 1,110, ,;,; i , 111 , , M 1:V7. .. thme few materials, but ilia era of fine i
0 ., ?%, N't,
I't iW4, -44 . , 'Tig 'i'T I Pottery dawned with the. Persian and
, `4- P,K - - `;-',1A'_1_W7A g z, Ua*A! 'le. _ ';`," I
?, , I 44sw , e., VAAAK
IVOU14 startle the , ,; , ,V '. ,; 1
world. This man, , mai '. , I I . , qqft, #
According to Po - '41 ... IV I I -- I byrian work that preceded the Cpu.
r. A . .,
,4A "*,"I ... ;A wvlil';__ , . - V- : # ,
, Uzi, Ia one of the big. , , A 4 " , l'i wutlip ":,p t'
. ... &W I _ .1p . I adeu Vases shaped in good plastic
11 135= a. -
Se3t flualicial hypocrite$ in W141110va - . . -, L)t
FEW I,- . - i Al a Z t
0""13-14 , 9 * =*? .
to-clax. . *IW40 - " JkA ""' %< clay wore covered with whita, IlIgIlly
. V ._ Ak.w p I wlv w ' siliclous coatin*g fit to receive glazes .
I y king Charged. MIMI. rp - '. of this type.
f, XA
. 'Mil
I tuat this banker, -while Doping As ,P . I 14. I , With the rudlipentary
" , I ., , , , 1% I t
, , -1 ,
Vurlat and philanthroplat, agreed , - , 1, " I,-. ' I ' - L. . ,; . , 4 ,linique ilia potters at the country
to ,, , .. . . tm
. . , . south all deast of the Mediterranean I
. , .
I 11011P him in ilia gomething-tor. i , . ; _,., "I . " I
1 . I 11 I k
nothing scandal, but broke faith and 11 1-11.4 .: " !.. .., '.
I I'll I '. .14 , ,:. .1 I I . PrOduced between the ninth and Rix. I
I ..
itoserted him I " .. r IMP. .. 4_1 " '
, , flatly vuea Ile found '17 U , , , I . : : -teellth centuries a type of Pottery that I
I _ I ', , . " " :: , - ..".11 I '11 _: roinallis Idea . .
i Ile could not 1109 the Ran's share of ' , I ..;Z, :, . .e , .1 - .1 -t 1 1 ; I , I from,the potht qf view . . , , I I pp
I I 11 .1 I -
c the last -multiplying profits, ... ! '. , L .: I of color, for, With notbinfr more than . . " . I , I I I .,
I q - 1, . I I I o
i "This man.14 said Ponzi 'to thq , - - - ., ; It the groolis given by oxide of copper I .I;, I . I . . I
1 ,.,7 ., . .. I I . . ;
I.. - - .
. _. ,
'guar4a accompanying him from tile . . I ,:.. , 1, and Iron, the turquoise of pure Copper, I I , '. , , . _1 Is., .; I
i . I . 4 , "' W.
I East Cambridge J'all to the Federal , I'll, .......,"", ..... "I'll 111V.1.1N I tho deep blue of cobalt, 11 j , 4'. . - G , .1! .. I -1 I''.. ...' . I
I .-;. - . I ... I ... : . . I . ". I., .
I . I 1 1. .
I . ..", " .. I'll ... r 11 . , ,
I Build -Ing for arraignment on fraud I - I . of Arlilkillan hole, they achieved color ..! :.-.-, --,-,'.,-, 1 . , : , I . I '. I I . , ,
"while posing as a purist . I --,-- - __ I ..-W _ ,. . I .. , ,. : , , . . . . 1.
chaiAes, 1 sclipmes that have never ben surpass. :., . I., . I , . I I . , . ,. I . , '. I ... ..." . r,, . -, : * 1, 1.
. 4nd public benefactor, Promised to: ad Ili their brilliant, yet harmonious . ,. I _. :: ,.' g, - I., I , . , . I
I ! : I ,; r .. 11 .... ..... " 6 :,*r , ., . : 1. - I
I . .1 : V 1. " I I L, . . .,:: - . " .
- . - I. .:
I . I . . 1. I 11 . . . . , . . .
I n, of ,2. I . ..::, I , . . , ,i .. , .i"` , I I
I I , , . I . . , t.
I stand behind me. but refused to keep , THE CAPITOL AT WA$Hl NQTON BEING CLEANED FOR TH K FIRST TIME IN TEN YEARS, richness. I , , ,. - 1 i..'..
his figreemeut when I failed to turn The most extensive applicatto .. ,. I , .., :,: , , ; , !" . "I ;.i; :, .."...,
For the first time in a decade t ,.* . .: I., .. . . .. i ...... .. . . . I
, ,4. 1 .. .:. .. I ,;. . . . , . . I
! over to him the lionla share of thq he Interior of the Howse of Reprosentativ es at Wash"Ington Is undergoing a real colored glaze was that m 4 ___* I . I . !.,., .. I.O. .. ..1.11 . I . I . 1.
I . profits, I am going to name this big cleaning. Tile photo. allows th a network of painters' ladders and so affolcis that resembles a mystic maze Chinese, Who developed this type of 1, . I . . .
, b4111cing man and show him up, and of some amusement park. I color decoration before they, used . ATTEND FUNERAL 9-F EX-EMPRgs$.
. there Will be a big blow-up in a ew ___ - - r - I :__ --- . --, 1 -1_ - ,_,_,, PtUnted patterns In under -glaze color, \, V
. . - 4ays." . . I - - I I .. I , , I . The earliest Chinese Vorpelains and Prince Victor Napoleon andr Princess clementint, two of the chlef"M
-*-* 0 0 0 # 0 0 4 0 ik4 0 s 0 $- +++-; 0 0 9 "+++++-#-*+ 0 1 0 0 0- I . nurr,
_ , . This statement was made just . the hard-fIred stonewares, from which .
I . Spindle Which carries the throwing ora at the funeral of `-e Jate exv Empress huaenle of France,
rovlous to Ponzi's appearance be- I (r wheel and mounting on it near the Porcelgine arose, Were decorated In this I
; .
t fore United States Commissioner base a much larger disIc which the way, and the beauty of many .of the I I- 1. I 11 . ,. - . __ - , , . I ::::::!:::::::!!::1:!!!::! = I".., ........ ...I.I.........."11.0
I I I %.
i IfaYes, Where fie waived examination. T -by potter,could rotate with Ilia feet, thus early Sing ool& ,d glazes have never menceau and Orlando, but Ll
) and In default of -the original ball at . THE STORY OF 130TTEA leaving the potter's hands free for the been surpas-, d, . I I
I . . $25-000, was turned over to United . manipulation of the clay, I - -4 George still rides it out, still rallies bin PPLIES
I States gars1fial Dua'ne. It promises (Edward Tarrisso In Phikdelphia Record). . No further acmance was nade in the 4_#4*44_*4_#_+ followers In the House, stands by his HUGE Su
k Mofe sensational develooments than . I - Wheel until the middle of the seven- . policy and passes the most drastic leg. I
, Any , that have resulted "since tha 11 . I teenth century, when the wheat was on in years against Ireland I" th __
, . - ' Islati `MY
grd4t Ponzi crash started the tumble A & & 6 0 4 *4*4-*-++ I ll 4 - - 1$0490 . teeth of an opposition which is hellf!
. __ __ 4 # 0 +++*++#+4, Span by moans of a cord worked over THE BRITISH less before his ability and Prestige, FOR, POLISH AK
a pulley, and, although a steam -driven . No other British Premier was ever
I of.130ston's financial house of cards. Of VAC WallY aebts tbllt Burope and Nearer East continued in a debased wheel was introduced with the advent worked so hard: few have ,Uen more -
. . After a lirlef session United States, America *owe to China "lot tile least is form the splendors of their glorious of Power machinery in the middle of PRIME T411LINIISTER - a -
Commissioner Hayes ordered him rFk-. that bt the manufacture of corainics past, and glazed and Painted ,pobtery the nineteenth century, this form of . ticallY eulogized, none ever held office
. . nis.#clod to jail to awatt the Sep.e The Chinese were the original Pro- ware was still made by Waditio I ., he remains the best for the -0-0-4-4,4-+-**-+-#-+ -+-*-*-+-+-+-*-* bitterly orlticised, or more outhusia
k . nA V .al still "k, Cars of Munitions Literally
teMber term of the coutt, ducers of the first vitrified, translUe- methods, I exist- I In more dangerous times, none aas
, ,3y -the specimens Ili 'production ofo fine pottery, All that been niors, successful In times of I
The 1'wlzardl Just qefore Ile went eat white ware which to that day once at the yarlous museums a (Winnipeg Free Press) Dot All E urope
.11 back W: the jail reasserted his ability among the Erglish-spqa M -ng races known that at that time' it J the potter does when the clay is soft owergency, The world has been filled
, . Inan), Inter- IeN
- to mi ak -good all claims against hinij b,ears the nanie of China. The Ital- esting kinds of decorated pottery were is to throw It on the wheel and set it Lloyd George still rides the tembiest. . with tempests for six years and Lloyd
and to come back It given sixtv days, lails first named thib ware porcelain, made at I Cairo. at Alexandria, at Da- aside to dry. When it'llas With a sws.^P ng majority behind him George is the one great figure who has And Labor E
T e*'Oy.- Ile cited' as ail Indica'tion of but the 'English, Owing to the frequent mcksells, and In Syria, at a time whell certain Consistency It Is carefully re- in the House ' e is able to allatter'tbe not only survived the tempests, bull . 1. . vorywher6 io
tli ,Pllblfo confidence 11.1 him the fact. use of the Persjan word "chini" by the all1over Europe crooks of centred on the Wheel and tutned down . ' won .strength from thIm. . Blocking It. , -
th4t the mails this morning brought Italians. called it China. The growth or drab'clay covered with simple red to the exact'shape and polished to A impotent criticistu of Asquith and Im- 41- - -
L .at East Cain, of the Industry is one at the ' green. and t - 1 I I
. 95-1001n him In his tell . . many yellow lead glazes were the sole evi- even, smooth surface. Many of the pose the wIllDf his Governmen onPar- M2 - arts cable: .
brrilge, f nersons who.asked hirS ,Marvels of this world. Its history is dercce of the potter's kill, early Greek vases oil close examina- liament. The Iri-th Crimes Bill was It was learned that
I FaT a . I r
to"Zilivest it tot them. I as ancient as that of the Pyramids and (ion allow that they -wQre "thrown" In LITTLE E11TENTE France, Germany, Deign'
-1 With the era of Mohammedan con- passed on Its third rcadlag by a vote ni, England
, , . too. I 10 evolution as intbrestlug as that of 411asts-the potter's art of the Occident separate sections, that is, different Switzerland and Australia are literal.
. 1. k I mankind. reached its highest level. and' the pieces forming the whole were first of 206 to, 78. the Labor Partv and tha '
. The Primitive races, whether of re. methods and Rnowledge of mauufac 11101dod. The finishing caused the our- Liberal remnant being helpless against 1111 IY dotted with cars of munitions hold
. 9 T -FOREST - ture which war face to appear even. 'The Chinese In the powerful machine In the hands of N U . up because they were oil route to thf
I 1110te ages or of to -day, took such clay F V'hitherto confined to .
. . ,g ; t And Syria, were spread from ,niany of their forms of pottery adopted the Prime, Minister, This is another -_ I Polish front.
. .. hey found on ilia s,,xr.laco al the Spat" to the Acruth .of France, and or wore originators of th6 same idea demonstration of the fAct that on car- . . . rho moment It bccafile known that
Sl ground or by some"riverbed and With even to India, and many of their forins saVe tw . Rome cable says; , An agree.-neilt Virance was t9 ship
. 5 FRE. IN B.C' " 0 Or dinal doctrine Lloyd George has still InihVIlso quantities
. I I . a the rudimentary preparation of In the alicantime, the Chinese. . the three portions. In all ages the work of the confidence.,of his party; there Is has been reached by the Prague, of munitions to W, rsaw the word was
` '; , spreading it on L P+,me, beating with, greatest race 09 potters thp world has tho thrower or Prosser has fieen large- 139.1grade and Bucharest Govern- passed out from- c4e
; I + , . - -ever seen. were quietly gathering 1Y Supplemented by the modeler, who 110 man In the House a match for this Central Labor
X", TrAin Dashes Ind Flamm their hands or bokxdo, treading upon strength, Vntil from their glazed hard, alters the shape and applies to! 11 paladin who h as ,undertaken the ta I sk ments, called the "Little Entente," Collimittee Ili London: ,
. I . . it to reduce it to a wcrkable conpist- fired pottery there omerged the mar, handles, spouts or other modclod,ab- for the self-protectlo - n of Czecho- .1 '
. 0 - Rescue. ency, proceeded to fash4m it into ,such velous translucent White vorcelain, of .governing, Englaurl. Ili t1leso,untaue Do not allow a single cartridge to
to the - hapes as need dictat.a. For contur. one of the wonder cl aaories at will. days; Lloyd L George nas come to be the 'Ef!,1.J,.'k11a, - Serbia and Rounianta go througli.11 .
. Ia a I of the mediaeval :KILNS REAlAix UNCHANGEI), against Russia or enemies in the Tha order was Inimealately put into
. ; a this sample hand -made' pottery world. I Divot of British life and i3ritish Influ- Balkans. according to the Glornalo affect by tile 'well-oiled labor machino
As In the case of tile ,w.hool, the tin- ence; at the present Mo.-,-
S616 Jump Into River to wasollardened by drying in the sun so With the dawn of the fifteenth cen- ciont form I .,Ont it coold, (IlItalla to-da y. To make this coall- ill Germany as well as Ili the Allied
. a Of !1, In$1 for firing tile be as truthfully said of. him. as long
11 . that it would serve ror storage of tury Ili - ail European countriewthere Ware are at' I In ,Tlstenct Ill tion, more effective, says the newspa- countries, V5PldIY cc stituting a most
Safety. I . I many is- n
Ili" . grain and rice. The increasing use of Was rudely fashioned dewrated ware, countries and shoo slight deviation ago it was said -of Pitt. "the full h per, the "Little Entente,, Is anxious to effective "labor blockade," whereby
-4" , fire brought out'lho amazing fact that in which can be traced ,the slow do- train those used , by tory of,his life would be tile history have the Adbriatic problem settled, so France was prevented from rendering
I I a nations In the -of Elngl4nd.
..,- I baked , vessel become as hard as I velopment Of a native craft train the cariy times, whose Pottery counts . thAt Serbia may be free from any aid to Poland. * "
.Kamloops, D.C.- Aug. ' A relief "Stone. Then followed the knowledge superposition of. Roman methods on all, Chatham and PltL wim are domin- threat on the part otItaly. No less than 240 Cars loaded withr
Ong the treasures of the collector atflig figures in the only period of * e O!, .1
. train, bringing injured and refugees that even in one district all the clays the Primitive ,work Of the Pcol)los. The and his antiquarian. The potters of British history offering any parallel to munitions were held up at Carlarulie,
. from a great for,et fire along the did not fire in the same color. and vessels manufactured were for use and northwest India use to thig day a kiln our times. are dwarfed and thrown into
North Thompson River. has arrived cool decoration arose I Germany, yesterday by trainman re-
a's a natural,, not for show, and if glazed at all, only 1damical with that depleted in severest shadow by tho onorwous ey fusing to rua the trains, At the same
I here. Tho fire Is supposed tol have consequence in a rude daubing or with rough, coarse lead -colored yell eats which
started oil Aug'. 1, from lightning, ail(] smearing of some clay 'or earth which or green, in no case above the evel"w out'llno on tile rock tomPs of Thebes, have been going forward for the Dast GERMANN WILL time, 4,000 dock workers at Antwerp
was fanned Into a great flame by a was - Of and the skelled Jainancoa remain call- six Yoars. and which are a . k loading two ves.
,/ wind early this week. found to impart a bright red or the workmanship of the trave ' till going sols *ben they learned -that the Cases
buff color on vessels shaped. in a duller brick Or tilemaker. The fine 'Ing tOl't With the hill, similar to those forward no man knows to what ter- . marked "Planos" and canned goods"
: Virst news of the seriousness of the colored clay. . ;It ex- use.d by the ancient Greeks. AVIth tll,, mination. The Huropcan complications L i
. . pression of this native style is to be ,
. , I fire. came When an. cast -bound freigat THE PRIMITIVE FOUNDATI found in the Gothic tile pa organization of Poftery as ;a factory over which Chatham trIumphoil were ware actually cases of munitions,
4 I train Oil the C. M Lt. ran Into a sea off. vements of industry improved kilns were,prodno- elementary issues coinvared with the Paris cable: The German Gov- I
. of flames about teft miles from Avola, Most precious of at' France. Germany Dock Nvorkers at Brost, Havre and
. They rescued several men" it 1. uowever, were all the colors are iici England, Where ad. , *Volved and vast international adjust- crament has decided to take immecti- Bordeaux have already taken slmllar
Station, ttle deposits of white due to clays, and
. clay which there is 110 approach.to painting. Tile type 1101v g2licrally In usci ,is, ment, which confronts the DrIUsh ate steps for the protection of the action. I
. . and a nun __r of horses and they beat kept their purity unsullied through , I practically a reverberatory furi-we Prime Minister, Chatham laid the YD'ast Prussian frontier, according to a .A. Danube gunboat yesterday seized
I A, hasty retreat dowiL Eno railway line, the fire, 1Jy these meafis the races of . THE FOUR PROCESSES. from 10 to 80 feet in diameter and ;) foundations of the Empire in India and noto received at the Frenoh Poreig-114 a biaZrge outside Vienna which Was Coll-
, The train remained on AlcMurphy Sid- tile dawn made their wares, On this. All primitive pottojy, whether of sini'llar height, capable of firing a Canada ,with one or two generhIs and Offiem liore to -day froul. Berlin. , VOYIng machine guils,and ammunition.
. Ing .until daylight, when the engine. sub -structure all. the pottery of tile ancient or modern times, has been quantity in orle day that would ha,ve a handful of troovs-Olive had less . Tile note states that as the Franco- The War materials wcre alleged to be
than a thousand. British soldiers at Fronch. alle were said to have come
. was sent, forvmr again; last four thousand years has been made by the simplost methods a d .)rmcd tile Output ofa mediaeval pot- plassev. British difficulties regarding Poland
., Dr:. Curry, of Kamloops. a)ld another built. for behind all Chinese, Egyptian 4comprises four processes, namely, ter In a year. 13xPerlinents have been and Wolfe lind some 6.000 men apparently prevent the Allies from via Bav rl,
man wake found badlY burned, I)r. or Greek pottery there Is the, same moulding; firing, glazing and colore nloi;t success ully when he stormed the heixlits of, Abra- f 11P (.,] !G',m. Baron Nyrangel,
I 0 a oil their way to Rollmanta
i : CilrrY ms,Y not recover. , f attending to the urgent matter of pro, or al in. it to
Ton otllor primitive foundation. . , .. conducted of recent ham.
I even the most recent cDaL. .'-Bolshevik 1pader in South
. - In the beginiTing of unrocorded his- its develoi)meat the rudest methods fired oven remains the new SDIrIt liborared In Eurol)e by ready seriously threatened sInco, ,the Russia. The cargo Was confiscated.
Persons saved their lives Only by wad Ing, although in tbe. early stages of Years, buC Pitt's genius withered before toction of .the German frontiers al- tile ant
. Ing ,into the T)IOmpson River up to tory, as the great nations of the past were a VOrY -wasteful the Pranch Revolution, and he ' .-49.--- -
. employed and scarcely anything typo of apparatus, tile amount of 'went to Kod Invasion at the plebiscite district,
their necks and, 'waiting until the his -&rave at 47 broken-hearted bv the '
flames and heat subsided. emerged from the abadows, they each Was known of glazing and coloring. val"U11310 beat with regard to fuel cou ir.. Germany lies decided to wait no long- 10T IN PRISON
I Dr. M. G. Archibald developed the potter's art in an indi- 'Phe Egyptians adopted means simf1hr sumPtion being relatively smal . 1. _111re of Ilia contID:ntal policy. or slid will recruit and arm a speclat It _
- .. and seven nurses vidual way, The Egyptian - evolved to those of to day to produce The heavier dlffi(,q ,
were sent out on a relief train from their The earliest objects that C; -ties and ore militia oornpotent to cope with any
4amloops, Wednesday rnorniuj -schemes of glowing color. Brilliant wares. The clay dug from the earth's ',)assesses in tile Way of ane lvilization urgent dangers through wDuh Imovd eventuality, But Fire Hose Curbed Bal -
lent pottery Georve has imseed. and with which be ---. l .
glazes were fired oil objects, shaped in surface was prepared by beating and. shows that tile J,:gyptlalis were prob- is still engaged. havo not broken him. . I timore' Captives. ,
At the same time a Special was sent Sand and hold together with clay or kneading with the hands or boards. ably Iffie first to use glazes, but the All MO problems of the two Pitfs-have
I . from' 131110 River, Station to rescue DETROIT'S SHAME. I i
the earth or actually carved front rook or and the mass well tempered wat-
People On tile north side of the stones. with Practleo may have originated Independ- neen revived. Ireland. -India, and a; w r -
I fife. The bad:- of one rancher, k1rank The Greeks produced , their or, From this mass vessels were a -
Ontly wherever a knowledge of early haunted l"urom aad to these have . Baltimore, Aid., Aug. . j. -More than
Stnith. Was diecovered. marvels of plastic forin and then. ex- Shaped by cutting out a,ball and by glazes -,tore at the alkaline t DO, which been added Egirpr, Mesopotamia. Syria. Eighty -F or Murders So Far fifty "food strikers" started a riot In
I - Several ranches 111 the path of the cited by the growing .skill in metal building piece by piece and smooth- had to be first fused into Y Persia. the industrial revolution of the . . a doriiiitory of the 'Maryland Poulton -
fire - ore completely wiDe work. turned the plastic Clay Into Iml- ing down 'one layer upon ,another. a glass be. This Year.' Mary here early this morning, Short-
, f out- - Feu t9tion at mold forms. These nation's The potter's wheel, although ancl- fore it could be ap,)IIsd to Pottery, eighteenth century was orly the be- Detroit, Aug. 18.-Detrolt,, which is ly before 3 o'clock the men, who had
nOl's saw Mill was burned at ,Mile were overthrown and the Itomana cut, was a comparatively modern in. AN ANTIQUE FINISH. ginnings of the great industrial move-
. 84. where the loss, including $100 ooa. vcl at Indepon,lently by Many Primitive faces social to proud to call itself the fourth city in'l been stpiregate,i, tore out the electric
A*' - A dozen horses olvnqd hir the Nort2lern spread some knoWledgu.over the lands have ment which is shaking society every- the United States. is making advauca,.j I lights, wid, with the building In dark-
they.,hAld in fee. from the Euphrates many races of mail. where in the twenticth, tile DOlitiCal
. . Construttioll COMPE01Y were killed. , to tile In its simplest bur4tslied their Pottery beforo It was revolution of the eighteenth century fo* another distinction, it is now wfth I lices, started a drinoustration that last-
' -Xtlafttic. From Egypt to the form it was. a heavy disk pivoted on a fired Ili order to got a glossy surface, has brought Into existence thle unlim
I 90 intense was the- heat along the Walls of , . in sight of standing first In tho num- ail for two hours. The warden then
rallr-ad that the ratio were wartied. Hadrian they sdt alight Pat- central point to be set going by hand anti in other cases the surface was ited extension of'the franchise. anl the bar of homicides. rc,.sorted to fire hose, several, streams
I " I - ----01.,*__ - ters' fires that have never bran extip. as tile Workman squatted On the rendered waxy with resinous sub- Bighty-four times the crime of Cain I of water being played upon th . o men
guished. With 'he fall of the Poinan ground, anA it may still Pe seen to -clay stance's which, Were workers of Britain have become the
Often colored. dominating political force Iii the na, hav, crimsoned the lo'cal chronicles In by fire companies called to the prison.
I Uiilplre pottery' .still persisted, al. in India, Ceylon, China or Japan, This There are only four kinds of glaze, 1920, Tlifti-Ancludes one this niorn- TIle3 prisoners then began to quiet
i tion. Pitt and his father addressed -
'U.S. 011111 -RAL., though modified by the Communities form of potter's Wheel was the onl.f Those used by tile Egyptians. Syrians Parliaments conlDosed of reDrosenta- Ing, clown.
I -lift . of monks who. in later centurieti. re. one known untiA about the beginning i and Persians worr of alkaline typ t,vu of sl)ocial 1privileges and inter- . The dogg that licked the blood of _._ ..q -_
al aced the Roman legions as the great I of .the Christian era, and then. in I and most uncertain In their working, ests: Lloyd (!cargo has to influence Naboth. where tile wretelics stosad Manitoba's wheat erco this v9arAs
Civilizing Influence in Europe. I Egypt apparently, the improvement I Lapel gluve is one of tile t t ape. nlost -1 Parli,i)ucnt whicLI is practically re.. him outside his vineyard. wouid be worth al).Droximately 91 17,500.000 to the
VWTO DAIN'ZIG "in tile incantimp EgYpt and tile Was introduced of lengthening the ' widonprrad in U90 f,)r c.allint.ir p -.1r_ pre4cifiative, of the entire adult popula- kept busy In the streets of bcaut!f I ill ,_,rod unars.
1. - 6" WIMM , I i I I I 11 - - - __________,-Vu" mwwwwx==Tt . I I I r. ._ Detroit. I
Washington, report says: Admiral 'k ' --:----: - ZZZZZZ:;- :! i don of tile countrv. Pitt could ez-
. ; ---_7_-_= ___= - I It is underst,orl that ail Juvrease aP-
I , H1160, commailding all U111tAd States . . . carm the social and industrial Problems ' The list 6f feudist crimes alone for proximateing WO Per annum Ia to bo,
. In h uropean I - 1 _0 i --w", I
waters, r6- ! . , ,: , I P. , I . _ . , . , .1 1 4 e-_===* "M-7"1110-1. .---,.IMW-- this Year totals twelve. i-inted to Provi, cial civil servants
. I , . .. I 1. I .:.":, - , - - , I ..I'" ...', ., 9 I - of ]its (lay behind Poor Law measures .
" " j. _ , I., , i , I I .. I I... .1
calved Inetructionq to -day to proeped t 6! , __,_,,..- ,.. ... 'a , , . . .., , ,,,: _ I.. I ,, ., ; 1 ._ . ,. ".
.- .. .. _ , , 'i :. . . , . ., 4
§ ;' . . ., . - !. _1 ..'' - , . . 1 ., I .: , I which were a farce and FL disaster, but =:t'= ... t__________ ____;_ ----.---.--
. .
. firbm Loftdon to Danzig. 1-10 W!II spill *n"' : '. , : , ... , . - . : '' . _,: .1. '': - - I I .. . . I ' I
'.J , - ::; I .. , I'' _ , ... ld. I 1:: . ., : - - I 1. Lloyd George has to wrestle with the . I I . 1.
1 -:!!' *..7 'ww'.. .: :.: .-..:.,._..-,;.!.,... , .Z:;-1- - . I
.. -.,;.: .%.:. _1 .. - . - .,. .. : . ; ..,:, . . .., .1 . ..''.1 11-1- __ - -.---.-
. '' . .
..., ,.. . _ . ...1. ,. . . . . 1. I . I , . .
Z . -4, ;:4.:_;.;..,..; ;;:.- - .. , . ,; ... I . 11 !. ... - : .. -..., - ,:. . . , .. :_ . , ... . I .
. 4,4EM. . . , - , . .
, . . I -
on the armored cruiser Pittsburg. aild ". 4 ."i -;:ioN.. .. :, . ,vast $Geist Problem In Britain and his : ,.' _ - I
-,.-.p . .,. . : . ,: :.: I I p. . _ , . ... :;
11-.1 7 _ ,, ..: : . -, , ._ _ ..: - . . I . I
, 11 _1 I , , , .... I . . . 1, ,. ,. . . .
.. , 1. _- . I . ., _ . .. . I .. . .
. - . ;;:'. ., .........- .. , ". I . - - , .1 ., .. : , - I I
.. __4K ' "'; ' ';:' ,. I
. Will report at'OIIC0 Upon the,necessity .. .1 , . ... . : '... .. - : " - ... . : Uoverniftent*inuat brInr in workable . :1 ,! .- .. ,
I ..l V_f= , ;'':, ...!.. : .. -_ ,: .. , % ". s . . ,,,
I . -.1.111 -X .. . .... 1.1 I .. ... ::,- . ,, ': , . ; .., .. , , _ . ,: :- _.: . . ', ..',: . :M:;::-.;",:..'..,..'L.' 4. I
I for hirther United States vaval forn.es . .7- ., 'Alp. " ;* :. I...-,, ..:...- I.. . 1: . " . '; ., ", ... . , '' which afford real rok . .. '.. . .1 I
1. S. J. - - ... ;. - 6 . , ., .... "-- ....! . .: . measures of to I i 1 . , . I
- , , . . . : 4 ' !,., .
at that Dort. "The admiral . 1. i,; - -, .31..... . , . , - :__!M . 'A. I...... - ,, ', L' the conditions cnlslftted,jor. . :. '.
_'." . ; ., . , .. .1 .. ., ;.... : ; ':: ... I .:: .
, ... . I .;.! - ;': , e , I
- ., . % , .. ,. L , I , ....., I
. I
given authority to divert the cruiser , ,,W- . , , , ":: _--: .1.. The "B mnire" of Chattain and Pitt ... . I . . . : ''..
. , ";1;., , , , . , . 1. I., ", . I .1
IV_. ; , f - ., .' , - t. - . ..'' ;, ..., '. . I ,._L .. . I I . ;:;I I
St. Louis-aad l;Ix destroyar,9 are about . - , I rll,n . 1, I , - -, I., - I . I
I 4, Z., . ., ., 1. ; , ..
I I T. . I . ::, .. , . , - . . .. .
.1"W..;.1; ... ... " f '1 , , , _ A ,, , - . ..._._r,..-1:_.-...'..1 . ". ,;.'' has grown from the sparsely Populated I , I I "I ; 1. .
t9- start from the Black .Sea to ID, I I i..fi 1 - - . ., . ,
i ,In , . I I I I : . ... . i,P.0; . . . !:;
1* . I - . `.....` .
. - . , I .
" . . 'acifte and At- "',,
..."..,: : , I . I .
, "; . ,- .1 ,L. 'T, .:'':: .1 . '4 , crown qolonlos hi the P
. . . . ... . , , _._ .
t1k., -no !0 also authorized to summon 11 :. ! " .. . ,:,!, A% ,, ., . . . : . . . . . I , . I I
- . ., 4 ' ' . , : I I . : I. I , , .:, I 1. . . . 1
'4 11 i - , % . ... , ftiltic Oceans to a great toderation, of . . . ., .., I ., . I .,
. I I 1111. - . . -1, ' . ,. . - . I 4 .. :,! . .. -i.. :::::
ittly additional Gbl or " , .. .. ''. , .1. 1".... 6.ft..., ,
_N now in E urope Fl AVI,73'. " :, L " . r _U1. . .1111, A ,.. . - . e . :. ` I , %... ... - I I ". . . . I
.."Mo . .. , , .. . ., a : I
the crisis at Danzlg may require. , . * .1 I 11, -A*g.;,-;.& I " . .: 't 11 I sillf-governing Itud Indelleft lent do- - ,
R. E R - 70 *0 -. -: - - -, ,, - :;:. , - - nilillons: the "revolted colonica" ofthe . .1
. . :. I
" "' .
, I .I I . I ...
. * 1 , 0 . . . z
. -.6--otolp -_ V 15'P.4 , . ..
1 IN _ ' Jutted States . : .
I "I Nan '-.';.',N0P . 1. imuth have become tho T .\ . I ...
I fi_ftfs , 'N,91 1, ` . - ; . U 4 .. I ... . I I
, 4 -1. k - of America with a Dopu:a:tIon of over ..;: .,. * , .. I I.
. ,. J". - . - :., I I - ., I...
, . I , . , I : I I V
. '41, ,/ I 7. * ,
., 141 , ,. -, - p
I , i a hundved million ptopl,% .till tin ___ : ,* : . , W..",
P-1ru INVITED , dustrial pre-emlilance and a Political ... 1. ,. :... . - ol. . '1,-.._- .: , ..1. .. : : . .: ::. , . I , _:. : I .,
I .S I., .. ; .:.: I I.. .:, ... 7: , ,. - . , 1. I f 1 .
. . . , I I Inwortanco oceblid to no oV%er nation. ! d ..:,; ':_', L . I . 1. . , .. , - .:. .
11, .... . . I :....., - :
I . . . ,.... . . ,
"in "" ,- T 4 - ; - L. . . . :1.4 I . I : 1-1.'..
To ternational rina,nci&k . 7_1 i A now 11,*rdnJxo has arlqvri In the Far - I . I . .. . .:.. . ... I - .1 .1,
... , I . .
; rg r I.. t L -8t. To Chathanx and to Pitt Janan 'O ... 11:. ..",
', . . .. . I .,
I . .1 . ... I .1
Conference. , . . , was merely a mysterious name, but ta 1L. . I . . -.1
'k /., , Lloyd George Japan is a. great world I . , . , . ".. : .:.. : , . .
London, I . I . . , .... .
Cable: 4ormany, navar. , *, _ .. : ' :,.;"..%: ..,,,7- , ::!il..!.
1, . ...... . I , ;;.11 I .
I., , . . I 11
Is, Au4tria ana 111111gaty liltvo been III- 9 __ . . ;., :, I power, supreme In the Vast and united I..''.. : I -_% *! ,.t .
I ...
Vited by the League of Nations to pptr 1 . _ V. ".l by treaty alliances to Great Brit -lift. . . I— . . I ,
.?,, ". !, ,'.,;- ,%: ..: . . . .
tlOftfitt In the financial Congross, to I 11,4 t, I., "' I The whole scene has widencd': and I .1 ..: .. .. f ffil . . 1 It
I , .... .
, .
be hold In 13tUssels Oft Sept. 24, . .1 V Ill vome, of Its Dhases life has exvaud4 I . ,::
- .. I 4 I .- . :.,:: I , , , I
The International financial confor. i . .. . ed ilmost to the imint of monatroslty . . ... . I . , ..;,: i
. I : , ... . . .. .. : , .. 1k.
. I., ---1 I . . I .
I itude; t .. 11 I I . a .
Once,at Brussels will be the first con. . ! War has roached Olympian magn I . . I . .. ,. I , -' ' - I
I . Pitt's modest financial commitments .. . .1 .. :_%.. . ... . :'. . I -..1._-...t1_1 -
. .. I .
. I . . . .
, ferje!106 8111CO 1014 to include the Conn. I I . 11 I . . .
. . ; ., W,,.: ,r%-. ". :.", .
tries which recently ,were at W,,Ir, It ,III I i have swelled to tile Incompreliensib'o . . .. . . q I ;, .: .. -, . I .
. . . ..., . I I. ...
Is P0140ble Turkey will alsO, DO invited. p debts and cradit,; whIch are perplexing . I I .1 : . ......, - . ... .: .,. ... 1. .
, ,
I I .1, . , - ,, ;:,W . "
, . : .
.. ;
.. . ;, - . ......
. ;, . ;
. ;
. ; .
, .
Tbe 'UnIted States hag accepted tht In. - . .... the PrItIqli Chancellor: It the workeri .... I.. i - I . 1.
-,.-i: I : I I., h
I Vit1tion to sena delegates. I ,!Voi , , I Clamored for votes during Pittl,.q term . . I . . . .1 I I I
Ita i, " I ...
4 11 ,. .1 , 4 , "', I Of 011fien they tire now olamoring for . I . . , . I . :
te subjects i , , , . I . .
- ,
7 , ...: , , LLL - If . I I . ,
" r.ow Ibe control of government itself, 1 "4 - - .. . : I . I
I ,:*.,I' ..
051, 't I I
I," W is
will be excluded from the discussion, ..".1 I I . . . I .
"I I - . I
A' Wbfeh Is to be devoto , I .1 I they demanded 010 fight to forlit '60111 I &
,d to oltchange I . 1, . , . . . . . , 1"..
woblomi; and othow Inttrnational fin. .11 ". . . . . . . . .., . bluations in Pitt's day, Lloyd Goorge I .. . .1 I . I i .... . . .1
.1 , "I., I .1 .1 . . .. I, I I . 1 .,4j;, .
. . I . has to Confront 1)oworflil domandst that . . . I . .. . .
900141 add eomm,rogi mattera, I - L'. 1. '1 I . . 1. .1 . I . . 11_',:,;
. - Ili, .
" *"- 1,04 1 Z, 7v i I I , I 1 4 o .,_ ... !1111 'hasle industrim, Guch aq coal 1111ning I I . ; . I., I .. 1, I . I .. I .
F n ! , 1'yl ', , I "
. , ; I t . I shl-111 be taken over oy the State, in r I . .
, i,;, , I I ' . - 11 .1 . I . . . . .. . .1
. I
i al I ; . I I!' I , place of a population of twenty mll. La_-_ . I .
, ': - "A *Wl m %*
III r isix w6eks every real extato 1 .., , Ile "!. , , " 1
,tellt in Parts han been trying to find , __', I I "I A..., I I ,
". A A . _MR - , 4,&*.W 1 1
_ .- -
At AvAirtment for maralial ._ ZV_" _-.,_*.0A%W4_A.t, ..,* -, . - A .- 1, I 110im and all electorate of a few thou. MUTE CV I D 9N C 11- OF A TRAG,ZDY LONG AGO,
Ot Spe Wit If6t succeeded. I I . vmnel.;, the 13ritish PrInle MiliNter n iil! t I
. .1 .. . _. I I ll
LUILLXV U 1110C1111311K POILLACRI ANO - rlwut, Indtaff arrownetial, 1%nd- an Ind lan sklam.iq knift found y4th thret
bons of ,% population more that IV Indian skeletons uri#arthad In th 0 tonstructiort of x new rijad Ill Weat I
. t at larite The surso of ,,wor] I , Vid the skipinina knito wAA amb d bstwoort th& Oba of *n# tkolotont I
_ _. I tiale, II4 Carried awity Wilson, C14. , . Toronto, Ths orrowl wore foun edild Ill * blino,
) I I -W Fa " K"ill4rWrNfWL, 4 1 3 L. At V g IT
'K E, " .OK PRONT.
i A tfalrilo*d of troops ,d_-l:xrtin3 from Wolp" .t1W to h&lp gt4r,l jila So)#h4Vlk drIV6.
I I I .
I I I & *
4 , 1, I . I
I , I 4". , 'L , .. . I . I I I . . I . 11 ,,.,, 1, "'. I .
Llih, i L I , 11 11 I . , I
..... , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." ...... ,
v, , L I , , , , , I JiA t,'I'll . "I'll, I f ...... I ....... - I I
_.* , &. ,Iiz, 1 ,I . iaai I ..... I'll, - ,A .1 . . I" I - *11, ..L. 11 AN i ",""I'll, , I -.-- , - 'A, I
, "'6W9061" __ - - _ _. , - . L' . t , ".k l.___ - , _ .
II I 11
Poloo, Will Toler4a No In-
Delegates at Minsk Tell the
London, Aug. ',-At the, Second sit*
tins of the Russo-Poligh Vege" ecater.
once Thursday at Minsk, Ills h9a4 at
the r
., 011sh. delegatioll atinounced PO .
, . 1.
and's peace conditions to be complete
and Inviolable' Ilide!)MdSACS of the
Polish Republic, with no laterforoxice
in Its internAl 41fAlro, AVeording to a it
wireless VospAtol.1 received here from
Moscow to -day. -
The Polish delegate said Vol;nd dtA
not declare war. He asserted the I
Polish troops bad occupied territory
Once belOT151119 to It, merely to attain
. the free decision at the pooDles them.
-selves regarding their faita, and die
clared RusPI4 was trying, by force to
, .
establish A ISOVIOt regime In Poland. I
M. Dailislievsky, chairman of the .
Russian Soviet delogattoli, made a . -,_
statement asserting the, Ukraine was
an Independent republic allied to Rus.
4a. He, therefore, proposed that the ,
Polish ddlegates obtain a supplement. ` .1%
ary mandate train the Polish Govern- -
ment autligrizing the delegation to ,
con.4tict ,peace negotiations with the
Ukraine. Then M.; Danishevsky read I
the ter"s proposed *by Soviet Russia. I
I At tile end at tile session, Al. I)an-
ishevsky protested ',against whaV he
termed the ,Polish policy at dragging
out the Proceedings, and asserted that i
all responsibility for the bloody con.
, sequences Of such a Policy would re"
Main oa the ,Polish idelogates, . I
- ' `
PLOT REV,!,`OLUT10K.,.'' ,.
. ...".
IN M"104PROPE, .... :1
. .:i ... . .
44,.", - , "
Bolshevik! PT 44 1 1
1 1,1 ri
I , 1"",'"L ,ig to I
, ,
., I a M i 'Trouble, '
e ., I I
.__ `.',' -, .
. ,Chief Agenk,,",; -,i Vienuat.,
. '.. V. . *6
. With ro#'Aideo, . . I
- ; .,:J .- - - I I .
".... i . . ,
Pr Paris. Aug, -.. ,.-Soylot Russia to
Tpar"19. to fOW0At* 4 revolution In.
tie tral 8'arope, ,-,s' hiduled to take - 11
Place In October. , ' ', I .
. L!neola Steffeaq,,,ohlef propaganda ,
agent of the ,Soviet Uoverament, has ,
arrived In VIerinfi,-.-pi'veompanied by - -
four Other SoViet"c:64nmissarlaos, I I I .
They have been --ommissiOned to I
create licaft-,arters .Ili, the Austrian . .
capital, from blch -all the propa-
.ganda at tile revolutionists w!I1 be .
sent, and which vitimately will. be- I
come the headquarters of the reVoltl- .
. tion Itaelf. . I
These reports are brought back tor ,
Parts from Vienna by Americans, who,
say that ,Steffens,as making''no secret
of, the fact that Austria Is expected .
. quIeV1* o 1.1!- i' Comniunist. Wherk .
thfo 1 it, r P 'shed, ha`I& quoted. As
W:ng- the revolution jvlI,I I I
to Czectio-Slovalcia, Rouniania, Bun- I
gary, and from the latter country Into
'Germany., and even . urthar West. ' .
.. -
. . -
68y857 OR . I a 5'. -
-1 R,;
tie .
- .
I .
I . .. 1.
I And of These Settlers Over
, Half British.
I - , I , ,
1 Ottawa report: -Nore than one-half I
of the Immizrints who egtered Can-
ada during the six inontlis ended June . .
30th. came Jrom, the ArItish Isles. Dur- I
I ing tile period 68,867 PeTSORS arrived
. In. the I'--. :nioa to make their homes .1 .
. here. The total Ia 17.667 more than
that reached durinx tht, first haJf of .
10,10. lilrom the British isles P,t tile
. :10
. six months at 1920 came 37.241 (,. -
pared with 16;801 in Itne Fame i)W,)d
of 1919; from tile United Statea. 25 - .
183 as conivared with 28.623 betwepn
January lat and June 30th, from attier .
countries, 6.41D as conivared with 3.766
in the 1919 period. The new comers, all
had at least the'n.m6tint of rwi,i&v r -
called under thd Orovisiona. of the Im-
ijgratjon Act ,and ali.imssecl the naos#-,;- i
qary strick L.edlcal, axaMifiation. in
June. 191,10 9.84.4 immigrAnts came train
tile British IsIvs, of ,wbola 6.0.58 were
Ungifsh, .389 Snotoll. 70,-: irlsb. inam- .
ty . front the North at Ireland, 1.4-511
from the Continent of Etitropo. 27 from
China, and 48 froin jaDan. .
During the six months' period, .ad-
nih,,,sloa wfis refUsed at acean oort,i'to '.
M pros'oective, settlers and at boluts
on the boundarY between Canada, aitil
the United Stp.tos to 1.?Rq" '.Vwolitv__
fear firmer residents of the RtIV.-It
isles and 60 persons halling frouk t #J
United Statea Vvern deloorted bec,auge
they had boconI6 charg" 46a the oub,
Ile, The Dersons refused admission
were rei-ated because MOV looked
bioney to tide thent over until their
qccurad einoloymaut. %mre -unAblo to
pa,an the medical ;examination or hact
bad records in tho lands wheneo their
came. It Is believed that arrangement,,
tat be made for medical examination
a pro, pcctivo - eminigtgn
, , tq jrpm the .
British Isles Ware they leave U- lauland,
Such an arrangement -,-all hardf,# be
mado for persons fit continental B urooe
breAmm the'Oo"rnionta,.of taose juOuti- .
tries (10 )lot 04ro to encourage or even
countonanco eml!rratlon #0 other lands.
I - -*,*. -
. * ,.rtl
1*110 WAR CHU
Moscow, Ali- f .-Mon Toukaeltev.
t4d. tommander-in-chlof of til,g lied
atinles oil tile Polish front, In sin In. #
ILVview, L;hld: "Out entlutea baeked
Poland, They backed Denukinl . They I
backed ItoleliaR. They ,kro now batit.
Ing Wr.jugol, who hopes with 40,000
men to whip MOM". A$ 80on Itt
I havar tinisbcd with the Poles I Ahalt
shake Writuel frow RusmlRn wil &#
a ,dog ahttk,es a flek from its bjek,
i" 0, 4 - ..
Th& Mminfoix Coxt comottly"A miilt*
a* Surtnit Hill, VA. itre "a idle, dut .
to it strlk*,