The Wingham Advance, 1920-08-26, Page 6E..
- .1-1 ______ , , _ -.--
� � 177, !_ - ! � I': ! � , ! -_�. , . I I -11 I
I—- . , . - - --- � - -- ---
so silent, ,so oyerawing, and so death- * I - ,- .1. . 11-1 r
*++++-+ **4 ++++ **+++ 4'*'C� + §'*+ like. that she quivered " silo look- I .
* + 00od, Qual!�Z TeN groperlY, brewed, Od up And klown from *o4o flat plateau 11 0 "No : ,
"" - . , I
Vacant Lot 1, tkkes and IS absolutely where sbe stood, and hurrIedou the I I ."46- � I I . Poultry
, away fatigue'.'a - few necessary yards to 14100t'a c4u-
"I'll", I.. I 1. I � $1 I � I
-� I 11 I . In. J%J I
Gardening * %ether they, I I
# When they came back tc 11 III,, I it , . I .
1 ++*-*++*+++*++-*_4_40* Olt* harmless, as a daily .beverage P TRY found Stephen bad all In readiness. 3111"I h, 11 I . World,
I WAW� .1 .. , __ a blazing on the hearth and 11,�l I -1 a
. the tire , I m ,111,
, J, I ,
(isy Frederick Abil4liam, Chairman of the breakfast waiting on the table.- 111, I 11 .1 I ,
- -
- sommo ' Katrlue Ut at We head anti I 11 it 1_1 . I
t1w Vacant 1.0� uud Home Garden am 1.11111111k,1111 He made , I GUIDING TRIO AgATBIUR IN
seetion, Canada ropol Board�) - ur out the coffee for them, which I I POULTAY RMOING I
� I I too did with pleased. smiling eyes, I I. ill 1.1-1111 11 '
� sit , � � I
A low suggeatiolla in. corineedoll N% 4h � . .1, good-bye. to her and . � I ,. .I. I (T. F. McGrew tU
. I albot, 4ald i I 11 if , � , N. Y. Sun,)
amateur vacant lot and howa r,arJo,ii I .1 ' - � 1.1 went out to his cialm immediately it 1. Article Ill.
, ,
I ' � , I " :1 . .
I *++ I .
#4 11
L was over, and Katrine and $.teplxon I I �. 11 I'm EGG PUODUCTION
.1 Nvvrk 1443' '40 U"fdl. Condition,$ will I left alone. He said he would . it.. I -
Nar�* in different localities, but In tb,�, , , 90 and got her pony for her, and , I . I All who keep bons Are quite de
I I I ' Ill, 4111 (' " hirous of having qgsi trom them dur-
ll?Ltu Lhey aro zimilar. Irae Inip,oxltai�4. J I .." � L I Katrine rose; but then Stephen hesIt- � I i IR! I
SA �. ADA I Ing the winter m
k I - I I go after all. He, I . � onths, when eggs
-aile, B675 ated and did not W ,
, v I I back I I Ill]
tlulng to keep in mind is the urp s ! are scarce and high in prbm., The
turned to her instead, and came back I
U production and.the licceselty of goc- I % 11. t. I , I ,
'4� 31! organizations Nvoll undc"ll IN ay ,!)nee, and you'll never forsake its use. from the door to where she was I%, I I . I 01
I I Ali I U I I facts are that about the beat egg
% ONWA" ....................... � - ---- _ standing. * PAO ,
in giiou tl�nq, lor the spring. .,..' ., I I .11 . __ ...... � �: :1�"..,...........,.!........LI ... �m "Will you listen to, something I I Al Z a H Rem I yield that ;any one has bee% able to
"� 11 I I - , : I . . . . . . get from hens In November or Do-l
4'i,a qro8uou of stc-44111a is one cou- % �.. � I I want to say to you?,, he iiaid, his I ywil 1. comber has been 4 20 per cent. yield,
iituatiy I,raoellted I)y pruspeatt�0 Out- . � heart beating wildly. 1,,, the girl I . - that Is, a average of twenty eggs per
4.414tWo. Ae a ulat,Wr 01 Iuct Ill(, 0.�- - I "Why, certainly I wil . I
p,wittlipa 11,111111 answered, ,simply; and $he sat down , . day from 100 hens, or six eggs per
, oi: tile Nast majority of local I � - in the ch-. I ' . r behind her and folded I . I . I y I ,,mouth from each hen. Few get. so
culilwalon liko'Vemylth butil Ill 10alla".1. W11 __ ------- = r . zuAny; the majority will scarcely avo , r�
and tho united, ,St;,Le:� Nvas 11tat Illelle ;W_ ON lie hands. Then she looked up. In-
= , .., *0 quiringly, waiting for Lim to bftglu. age half as many, About January I
N�a$ little trouble lit t1i", connection, � but StQption,s voice was dried 0 in PREPARING GRAINS' the'egg yield Is likely to Increase, and
Tliete Is gellorally sonle one oil ci�'Ill #40 � .
ffim 9 h4s throl�.t. lie stood in front of her, the he", will naturally lay more eggs
tile vicinity of the lot.s, while, tile = �, . I
� nervomly clasping Xrom then on to April, during which
iierviepq of police can be enllp;Led lor � artic- month`inore e0gs are'us
a" = the back of a Uir unable to I . ually laid
ploteetive purpooes. .04 . � = ulate a word. Conf6jon and ,excite- I 1, than �i any other time, If the wea-
ki-illy lrit,,i are i,n311Itu',rIo foil cul- I � No l + ' vt and he stood ther continues to be cold and unsea-,
I , I
I i
. I I
ISSUT 'NO. 35, 11990
I Is-----------'- 1011.11 I ,*l � 11,1 li��"milli'llsillimi�m
.1 .11 11
� I I I
tiv.ation, because the cli4racter of Ina = PW
� I- turning paler and paler staring at (Experimental Farms Note.) I Wnable during the early part of
soil, proximity to buildings alid iree.i � = the proud, handsome face framed in It pays to advertise. There is no April -the larger yield ma -k extend Into
� 1= = the liviu*g yellow junsbine before him- better adviertisoment than to be a May- I �
(thus excluding all- and sunlight), aud W" THE ROUGH `-1 " ' PREPARING BEES FOR
. ,� �
accumulation -of rabbish such as tin aw At. last he felt he Pould not even The very beat of all eggs are those
= AWN ,prize winner at the Fall r airs and no .4
calls, land that Ir; too hard from havIn- ti y I 1, Id during April, May and June.
, n .- ---.,It,..- --- - 11 stand, and he tur wn on tl-e -nearest jerop on the farm can be exhibited Hens lay best when they can have WINTER
been played or walked on forl many I - - t groan and sunk do - I . .
I 0 11511 1,l I 4+1. *hi. face in his hands. 1+ 1".*+ v, A +. * +3, +,K. -real - ivarin rn-f A +t, ill h
years, In tbip connection, 14 vMI W,l . .1 - - � *. , b- -.1 I q -0 -I.. -A$ � V 1,,V1 . . . ........ r�_ .
. Ai s Hatri-3, who had been 'watching . tion arranged, Full Particulars furnhiked
Important to have such passed upolt. I if 0 --- C_.-� I few 8 ,crop. To attain the ,beat resulti, a ouces the growlnr,fAreen shoots, bugs, (Experimental Farms Note,) upon request, Write us. The Oling
, _kby
by a commitLee, Presided over by a him anxiously for the last ee- worms and beetles for them to eat. Manufaetu�lng Co%; Ltd_:E1Fankf0rd_0pt.
gaMenew, ,or a farmer. l "Well, I'm going to dis'patch Will "Certainly," said Stephen. "You onds, sprung up and went over to ispecial. plot should be maintained and F O`Qd Of this � kind helps the hen. to The successful wintering of bees is I . L -1 I . I , -
Tile question of spring fortilizitig for you," replied Talbot, turning have this room to yourself. The stove 'him. , 91, ' ikept thoroughly clean, free from fill the shell full of albumen that is Often ascribed to luck, But Investi- RA -M-0 FOR AALE.
frequently presents Itself. This is 11M away. I leave it to you, Stephen, to will burn ttli daylight, .an' Toli have "What Is the matter. she saidy #,weeds and all Impurities. Harvesting dense and full of solid substance, � call., gations carried on at the Central . I
,should be done by hand, keeping the fe of the Experlmentm F in, tta � %-^W"^ ff
vitally Imp , ortaut it It has act be,eii persuade her to stay," and he walked the whiskey if you feel cold In the laying her hand on his shoulder. "Are , Od the whft ,egg. Such eggs tir ,c wa, during I -Ea.AjEt 'y PC-SSUSSION-id
p(g4ii)lc to treat the soil and shoui(t out. I night, Good -night." you ill?" P aheaves as neat and straight as pos- are Vest for hatching, best for cold the past eight years, show that there $6.000'acres 1. the County of Norfolk.
. .
not of itself discourage Fprlug cu'. I A second later they heard the pony Is His tone wa,3 very formal, for he "No, ob, no,' said Stephen, catch- isible. I I storage and best for preserving ln Is very little ground for t,bis view. Of frame h6use, frame barn So by 3.01 sa'nd
would so much have liked it to bo Ing the little hand in both of his. i l,.r-irzt and foremost the grain In the, loam, rolling, 10 acres bush, 91. -acres in
Ovation, . hoofs going up the narrow trail past otherwise, and without looking at her '�No; I want to tell you I love YOU. isheaf must not be weathered, it must - water glass. They contain less wat- 348 colonies wintered during this palsture la,unce under cultivation, 10
Land that has remained uncultivated the cabin. . I er then eggs laid during the winter period, both In the cellar and out -or- miles from Simme, I mille from School
"You can have my room; i'll pleep he -took a match from his pocket and Do you care for me? Will you marry -be perfectly dry and of good color.
for many� years Is usually '111911 Ill ' and come up and live iThe best results are obtained by the and are larger and better shelled., doors, pnly seven per cent. were lost, and Church. with quantity of bearing
potaBli, etc. Th`6 virtue of maiittfe is here in the floor," remarked, Stephen. went Into the other room, shutting the me right away I The use of electric lights in the lay- and this1cias -was ascertained In near- chestnut trees. J. D. Biggar,,205 ,Clyde ..
door after him. The girl waited a here with me?" kuoe of slightV immature straw, as It Ing houses is becomUng more general. ly every case to be due to definite Block, Hamilton, Ont. . I
in Us assimilation with tile soil, whi,li The girl got up;l A T .
-, Of' I -lie voice had come back to him all iwIll be found to be less brittle nd �he object Is to enable the hens to causes, the principal causes being un-.
- oment, then she shut the door 320 AQRP,$ CHOIQ9 WIJ
takca thile. TvIanure will affect land "No," she said, in her most deelded m Ight now, and he tidned and gazed ieastor to handle. The straw should , ,A.,�`r, LAND
eep the stove and threw herself down on r see to eat as many ,hours tu winter wholesome and granulated stores'aild northern Saskatchowun'; partially
foil many years. I tone. "I'll stay it you let me sl eagerly up at her. I med- the spre4d in thin layers in the sun to or during short day& as they call When starvation, Most of this colonies lost cultivated; sn per acre., teiqns'arranged;
Manure can usually be secured frolil here on the floor, or I'll go home. the soft pile of blanl:ets, and drawing Im idry! the sun will bleach the straw as . . I a snap Linn Bros., Canipboliville, Ont,
Turn yon out of your own comfortable one of them over her to her ears, Katrine did not answer .the days are longe)r, The hen must from unwholesome stores did not 4to � "*6� -
thoetrkiets (which, althovugh weak 1.4 drew a deep, cc -.tented sigh, and was lately, but -she did not 'vAthdraw her well as dry It. Use oul,y straight, uni- fill her crop before.sho goes to_roost. outright but 'became so weak that �
not v,jilioUt. virtue)', bakeries, fire �'ta- bed I will notr." hand that he was pressing hotly be- form straw, to make the sheaf; two If this must be done, they had to be united to others. IF ('R SALE-CH01CD 10 ACRIDS-VR=
u There is o ," said Stebhen, peacefully asleep In a few secon(W. tween his own, and a faint gmile that or three sheaves should be collected , ,prior to four ta Grimsby Districi; full beArlila,
tiolls, mapufact 'rers, etc, - in an, equally decided tone, "so I'll The next morning Stephen rose stiff had come over her face showed she In the field to allow for waste. 0 clock in the afternoon she will be 'The 'Gocret success in wintering good rhXtuse and building all modern-,
Often an ordinance against spreadin make up a bed here just in front of and cramped from his denuded bed, was u -t displeased; and here Step�en deprived 'by darkness from- replenish- bees lies in their proper preparation. ideal location, price $11.000 including crop.,
tanure, but in ,view ot war conditiows , The majority of persona have the Ing. her food suPlY tmtll� about eight This preparation needs. to be begun In bargain. Box 26, GAmeby, Ont.
it ,lied, the stove." When he was cQmpletely- dressed he missed his cue -he should have taken Idea that all the straws should be _ I
a , en rastically alir . and silently opened his door nd crept the hesitating figure into his arms , 'In the morning. This causes sixteen July when it Is important toasee that -160 ACRES CLAY LOAM,
He went into the next room, a he same level. This -would give us hours of fasting, 16a . rolling, near the. town of
and the privilege has been allowed in . noiselessly lifto the adjoining room. . In the ' ving only eight the colony contains a good, fertile RA00
all cases where ,the coneent of tile Ratrine, left alone, drank up her The girl was not yet awake, and he and kissed the undecided lips hich, when tied hours for ,,replenishing of her food queen, preferably one raised the same Wluffham, Huron Courfty, 20 acroo
ad wa�s , whiskey and gazed round the cabin. . I
residents who would bQ affecte stole softly over to the bed on the the majority of the straws would SUPOIles. In fact, her crop, her eso. year,.which will raise a large num- big timber, mostly beech and
. I It was nqt at all an interesting inter- break off liclow the head. - The ideal maple 120 acres under culti*^-
iiecurqd, �- � I , Jor, and had not the faint suggestions hearth and iooked down at her. She , - WOU Root COMPM1 sheaf has a rounded head with a grad- d areall to be ber of young bees in the late summer . tion, '2 storey red brick house with I
. �Vllile the fencing of vacant lots is lay warm and sleeping comfortably Mk's I �empty and It will take an hour to get months ceinent cellar, barn 46x 68 on walls with
of,artistic taste that redeemed Tal- re,julqtj ded head is p I
.A so e, rdfab7a r gg u61 curve, This roun to- unds
not absolutely essential, it has been among the blankets. She was fully ,. � , 4 them into full action ag,41n, which , Each colony needs about 40 po cement floor, -c�znent silo 12 x 35 , d4va
so as . bot's.. A . few prints were on the dressed, just as she had been the pre- , ftedi%a Sold in t ree e- cured by allowing the central straws '. � and two wells, 1% miles from
e � -No '11 L $1, cuts the process of feeding down to . school
louad dw.lrablo where POssible I walls, ,seemingly eat from illustrated N of strangth to stand a little higher than the sur- I . and �ya , miles to churches vIn
, � ;er lbox.' . Wingham. A rare barr,aln offer for low
to guard aga.Inst stray animals. The vious evening, except that two or three 1. . $3; No. 8. 35 1 botit. �sOVen hours.
- all'IA its pOwL_,_ 1 papers, and principally consisting of buttons were unfasteued at the collar � . nil druggists, or is , eat rounding straws and each layer of , a . 01)'S PHOSPH00114E.- than the value of tile 0111ber ktild bull(i-
.municipality should do - . on rece pt of "" heads that are added, to gradually , Vith el6atric lights In use it is es. .. . . . The Grent English Preparation. Ings -
hool build ' 0 , A d Jrs a a : . It �, J,,D. Biggar, 295 Clyde Block, Ha=
to protect, tile cultivators against th- � views of cathedrals and se of her dress, and allowed the solid, , I . . 0 4MPILICL tial either from the point of I Tones and invigorates the whole I 0 nt.
lch Katr,ine's eyes wandered r� Slope away from the centre. The sen n- I I �
depredations of $tray horses, cattie, lng,9# Wh white neck to show beneath the I I iTHE COOK MtD CINECO.i - or fast ' , , ": nervous sys�em. makes new Blood t- - _MnMT==
At the fur - th . 11011 W440r.) ,eyeased egg yield growth of i � I in old Veins, Used for Ner
etc., 'and generally slicaking this is over without Interest. rounded chin. The little hea:d, wl �1-lT0RQNT0. ONT. (Ea. My nveniently for oung stock,that the hens shall have vous
. thest end from her there were some med by first making a" number Of Ily . -�� PROPERTIES FOR SAIM., !
done, All that 16'r�qtlircd in the way Its mass of rk, silky curls, la,y In- Pebility, Mental and Brain Worry I
, utritt- jeli .
stout shelves- nailed against the wall, .1 t I - small sheaves and then placing them �all they will eat of the most ft lk %josoof Ea�r
clined toward the stove, and the curv- ,o. Palpitatioa a
of a fence is a), improvised one of a and on these rested a row of flat tin , grain and dry Inaah mixture. the H ' -, ailing Afem*ry. rice $2,per box 3 -
strand or two Of ed rosy lips had a softer smile than sudden awakening of womanly feel- together as thqugh they were individ- �Otlr, dart I $19,000,1VALUABLE BU�Si"-Tmss -PRO-
I wire running be- 8 P113hed el Ment, I ual heads, gradually sloping them off m Scarcely any one who keeps fowls for $5. Sold by itildruggists, orblailed IQ plafin � porty for sale; probably the
ed a .call resist the tem 9 district; exceptionally large solid
I they generally %vote in the daytime. pfation of havin pkg.onrecei�tofprive, NOWPaMPHR)n4iled nest location in East Hamilton; fast grow-
tween simple Posts which can tisually , pans; between the pans wer entranced h1k, in the momentary ex te � JrVe-THt*004 1WEMCME CQ.,T01tdNTQr.ANT. I
one or two books, and she recogniz Stephen leaned over ber', the glimpse into passion, Katrine in the same manner. .To finish th 'some little chicks. This comes with 1%
be set we,11. apart, among them his Greek testament. $4e . a layer of individual heads . I . . . brick apartments. includes grocery store,
I small Isolated lots it I ,xid breaffiless. As his eyes followed would have consented, welcoming as sheaf e placed around the whole 'the warm days of spring and spreads - I 11:1 111111111= Well established and profitable; alco suit-
, -the dark arch of the eyebrows, the lier'nature did any new emotion; but should b . I - l able for other business; modern i.nprova-
.will, be found do 'like the measles. 77. wholesome, stores tor tbe winter
,sirable and better rL the cheek, i tephen was embarrassed and afraid. producing a finished exhibition sheaf, -_ ments jAnd conveniences; nice lawn, troes
Salta will follow,19 they are spade -du I 9. ik Molegame, Cleauslago s)yeet, delicate contour of S rtainty held him bhek, All the loose leaves should be pluck� - I knew a man who kept twelve or arid ear�y spring, and this should be and oramentaig; property fronts 44 fqo�t
Jtk plow cann6t inanoeuvre suacessfully . Relgeshing and Beal he forgot the horror he felt of her Fear and unce his own ed ;ff the outside of the sheaf with Jifteen hens. Ile , purchased a 250 In the hive before the end o! Septern- ort King St. - 110 feet on Hilda Ave; In-
ve thousand,,squ are pilmINF. ". sometimes in her \-aking moments, Ahe kiss burned ungivem on legg Incubator and a coal stove brood- ber In most places. Clovet, honey and cludes brick building 2Ox3O, with double
I 1112 ga,mgv and extra storage on two fl -
in a space under f! Lotloo-PAurine for W - forgot the hideous background of the 'lips, and Katrine uninfluenced by pas- a Jack-lenife leaving only the white
, . ' not brown)
- t do �er. He was a novice at the work land syrup, made from refined ( 4t&,
feAet. __ , I iness. Sorenm% Granula saloons, forgot all the evil there might sion could think clearly. hining straws, and all heads tha q4ph required $9,000 'oajance arrangea.
in some localities a hqa1thy locality xp� h C I � got sixteen living chicks from, over sugar are wholes P. W. VanLuven, 2 1 -111 -
'VQ, ' tlon,,Uchlig and Burning be in her, and bowed before that su- I W at! ome up here and not conform to the ,symmetry of th( I onie. This year, ow. .kpply to owner,
l has, been stimulated 6nd outhtialasm � . : ,: 4f Lthle Eyea CC Eyelids; preme power that human beauty' 'fias ithis deathly quiet, away from even head may be cut off. leaving a perfect � two hundred eggs. His whole family Ing to the high oust ot r0ined sugar, dta avenue, Haifiiitop. 1�
I . I . . d the chicken business and those It' may be hard to Provide %V."LLIULUILL -- - � t
. created by giving prizes, such ag , 1"2 DmWll After " h umotarins of Golf s the camp offered? ,,sheaf, Colored ribbon about 1-2 to ' cur4e . FOR SAL�-2�,,2,0 H
� I .!!� over us; he worshipped her as he had 7such amusement a rts
I I � -1 Your W a be used with who make appliances. good stores. especially in some pa E rle4..P.. GEO. WIUTE,
_ I 1,
a win r
medals. La ?!-A W ur,Ej, eed never worshippod his God. For a few ,Submit to all tiresome religious con- 3-4 inches Ide m Y : Tractlo S6 x 60 Challenge
�' ot Ontario and Queboo where the clo-
I �� C'er. iem , Cam 0 1 to r the binding * I led tb�.q, way to the -chicken house, blower abd feeder. i.
Inrltead ot beJug laborious, It hao � I I 9 Go.* chic"CP seconds it was enough for him to gaze versations, and, above all, give up good effect cow .
beau found that.most, vacant lot work- U=rsao those fevezish nights of excitement? 8 and there nestled down �fltlietly and ver was killed last . winter. abd 36x52 Ernst Bros.. Separator, witli blow-
ors fine. It pleasant and recreative. on her, then came an overwhelming ' imulus of the trings. er of the plot should be toady was a broody hen, so tame she chances may havQto. be tak6n with. er and feeder. 2 water tanks. r,v,ry.
i impulse to st,00p and kf-.� the soft, The remaind r from other I thing complete and in --ood -working or-
' ' ..bee s of- threshed by hand . - honey that the bees gathe I � d , or fu 'a apply_tq
TLere Jq somethifig faponating in the long ta.bles and the little h or, This will form the could be. bandied. We found a ioap . Jer. r xther particulai
, , a 11 rose And strolled over to the shelf, and youthful lips, to touch them even it , gold dust? aw* her free life, in- Buckwheat honey is whole- ohn A. Drown, Mount roreat. (
Cditi�`"tlolj ,of t�6 soil, To such ' if he could without bulk sample for the Fair. If the Plot box and made a nest of soft straw Plants. -.- - Ont.
xter,tis that.trul�',(Iiat nearly all thoscl standing on tiptoe, looked into the ever so lightly. 'comings and outgoings, with no one was kept pure in the field there will 'and put this. on the floor of the little �iome, but some of the honeys, for -_ . I ==
L its �Iast cummer r4p- pans. As she thought, they contain- awakening her! But, no;, she was his to question her? No, it was an im- be very little that will need to be !house that had been arranged for the - OxaMPIt. that come from Wild plants BUSIMESS ORANOW. . '
. 1, - 1� -
who took up, Iq guest, under his roof and protection. A good 'now brooder. Three ____ - �'___
_ . - - - -A '_�- 7; - "
newed t4ew allplicatl6a for land this ed thin -layers of gold dust. She was All that was best in his nature rose I . possibility.,or done to the threshed sample. of the eggs that ,in the tall are inclined to 0,ause dy ,,_.^-64 .6�J;J_.0W,._;A __.� - ,F;
. itself standing there looking into them . "he n6it thing Stephen know was fanning mill will remove ,all shrunk- had not hatched in the Incubatqr vyerq. sentery and death. HOTEL FOR SALB-IN 13CVY-rAX.
- . I , �
yc,ar. In most cat�s it reduced . and held him motionless 'ike a ITand th t she was smiling and looking Ph . e and tw '� Winter Protection Is very Impor- � ville-Rotel Bowman; brick building.,
when Stephen, returned and came up en and small kernels, all chaff and �plhced under hef, o othe. . thirty bedrooms-, full furnished, � eQmmoA-
to'a h0by. ithO,AVeotlon Of; tools is I of iron. - After a few seconds Katrine. ' " to his eyes, shaking lier head. * -eight -tant.
conlValatly tey simplia'. �- All, thdt are behind her, . down In dirt. The fanning mill must be clean, ; beris hatoli,ed,and reared twenty If the bees tire to remain out-, lous sample rooms. good repair; brick
I t, They look fine, don't they?" he stirred, and, Stephen, feeling she was "No Stephen, I can't do. that, I - side, no better protection can be given ga,ilag6 -and stable. sixf-y- Vy al ty; 1
dquired arp lAry garden spade, . many an excellent sample has.. been chicki. This was' 411 they had room, X at,**
xpense case made large ,ds
I r than the 4noololiv ff �olts.l and always has 4been., the
I " -
, ail'drd . it I said. "That's a thirty -dollar pan. )I about. to awake, would have moved like you awfully, and should like you - 'fg 'and It was done at no e grou' , wil sell at sacrifice price.
a rake and a. 1160. � "ro tlle� latter I away, but his eyes seemed.fixed and ,to come and see me ruined by a dirty fanning mill. Thor ,],,,,-,I I,n I
I rine turied, and looking up, was . ; b,Lt I wouldn't ness is the secret of a 'good sam- and, with - little trouble. enough to hold about four inches ot a ., Iil'..'lgatlon as to daily, rec%,,e .
rn'en'd'ed' that a Dutch hoe be 1 Kat .
Is recom do for your wife at all, and 'if you Ough � p.ktoking consisting og shavings, or etc,: fast moneylln ftiory j�
added. It will pay �for itself over and startled by ,the eager light in his face , . .11 I -"� knew all about me you woaldn t want pie, the fanning mill should not be Many drive themselves out of the I � aking prov)osi �fa
verL Iveq. and the greed, written in every line of , spared even if It means fanning, away efilcken, business through the '111osi, dried leaves a year or more old, or addresa John McMurtry, !PrepA*kt,
and, labor c: " I . ---- It either." -pie. ,Ilful extravagance. If those who, around the sides and beneath. the gpwrnain. Ltd. 11, . 1� .
, o . agsin III time -- - I I
, �
it is frequent,ly-bbssible to make a s4et it. For herself, reckless, happy -goat t to her baud. 5,0 per cent of the original sarn � W I �
5y nature, = MARTEL'$ PILLS . Stephen clung fas hives, an4 Oil
lucky -gambler that she was 1 "What Is it that I don't know?" he The bulk of sample may be double keep' a few hens*want tp try ail � in- . ,- doiAble this thicknesS F
, do for,more -than one worker. � . I _ 'LOTTR AND PEED MILL. D-%-ZLL_
of toi,',,, i ENS AILMENTS it. The all on " ING, stable. chattels and akock� itt:
ed tool,s gold had little value for her except I FORWOM said, desperately. tputting,.'as people bagged for shipPing to the Pa cobotor.-let them get a sm e, for top., The apiary must be well pro, the groul? p1ran Is follow 5i the handful on the tables ThousiIndqof women bave testi6ed in tba last 26 � tIO4 he sheaf should be shipped In a box, 3-4 no ihore than five or.six dozen eggs", tected from wind. ' Shelburne, Dufferin County. Ont.. b*l*-
can be kept in a� common receptacle. . ardine the fiestinx qu em of Bit. always � do, the worst cono�* ae c - � he city 60 , � Alrells: &iu1pftf6ht,oQrnpIei6,' ;in -
y halt an hour's excitement hes longer and 1-2 Inch broader and be, ontprit witli ,'n6t more tha:ft T.f 061lar whitering is followed, t
'dure .tile co- to bu . - 3M'-A,�'TE"eS F,EMALU PILLS. A."Y'Nentiflealiv. could upon her -words, and at the iame ine deeper than the sheaf. The sheaf three dozen eggs in lit for� the first bee 'cellar s6uld be comparatively ,kl-i,p,, motors. �Alfter,` �rafddlifi,k& )-diiiii,
it, I. often-possibie, to so cultIva- With a sudden movpment she seized prepared remedy for dqayed and P , ,time feeling he would forgive her and proc&q � wettffiv aiiffit. - kii,'r *4n.:
a Patented In a soj�t of back- shoul corn; annual ,sales tlp,o�o� 1610PTInx rev--
, Operal"ou of 601.,011-i in the one truaition. Sr.14 d be wrapped in paper and tied hittch. Gain ex erlezice in this way, dry and It sh6uld be well Insulated'. toL attrition trilli and bAt Nil.- going ,con -
I the rim in - only ,a , I . .
the f I nox.,., At your Druggist. or everything, � and P The hilst Prevent -much variation in Pera- �
tion, 'of PL, Sdftw of lots. , ullest pan by M1112 Cover Osi- theii try h ftlil tray bf.eggs. teth enue, $3,000; awii . kaftvqo�r. ,
,.a -,. hand find the Greek testament beside by ,IB, pdd6 Moo, K.1a.,bocker Rq-dr 0* ground in his brain cottemplating the fitted Into the box and kept in P . i
.1 me , ator is lfl�ely to tore. For a1ew colonies in a cold lo- mlifik
A good plan L% to liq� al.. 7 suppGrts. hitch with an incub � quick sale, J, X%'A. Ifa , gheiburnft
. .
_U �-: -b 'A I 'ye IQ( ,of Vege- It In the other, and danced away from eirk SU.Balk Toronto. C 0 1 figure of the forgiven Mag�dalen at tion bl + A. go slowly; caltty a boarded -off portion of tho Ont m A � � - I I ... � � -1. 4 �
-,-, -. � 'displays standards al- be - failure Be wise and
RII 1� I . him to thoother side of tile room. � 11-1. -- �, �, � the feet of Christ. , witil our presm J 11 . keeper's residence
tj,tble-j� pril,ted itlaft4:r' and 'So forth. ' I when trained, go as fast as you please. basement of the bee
Public ,Interest cari'W nroused through Stephen turfied with an involuntary Itutrine dragged her . hand, ways improving, great care must be I '
" cry, and followed her with anxious as impossible to remove from her late &way. She was not going to tell him taken In preparing the exhibits for 0A11E AND FEEDING makes a good bee collar' and a fuv-
the pr�,ss. pultAt an$ -varicills mediumn one's hands are from an electric she was a gambler and devoted to the our Fall JP,filrs. No prize will be won � nace In the basement1s an advantage
of T)"lilleity. I I eyes. as he tables. She knew by the farqier whb puts 'u Don't coddle the little chicks, keeo It the stores are wholesome and the
,;Mmiftees are antborl- "Now, which would you rather battery, The next minute her lids excitement of t them a.Way from the wet and cold. Do bees have�been brought in betore.soll
Cultivatlott 4r. lose9" were lifted, and her eyes, two wells that If she did their pleasant talks Ila sheaf or 2 poor sample. The secret of not Xeep'them longer than two weeks vere weather, the best temperature for
Ized to me alid,-may.worh tinder t1w., succoss is thoroughness. -P. R. COW .
I ��ada,'$I000l Board, His eyes were fixed upon the pan, of living light, flasjied up ait him . the evenings would be at an end. Ele , entirely on 4 board floor. A board the bee cellar is between 45 degrees
�ame At tile . Q, , which was heavy and as mach as she "Good morning," she said,' citting coul4 nev��r -come to see her without an, Cereal Division I floor Is too dry and it saps the mols- and 60 degrees P. ft. however, dy-
�4061 1, co Id support with one hand, He up, "Mow dreadful pc2e you look, thir 'In � It big <Tuty to try to reform .=:�� ture f rom the I shanks and fek of the developed, the bigher
CANADA WINS. -matter?" I bo� k g .Liniment For Dandruff, I senter$r has
, and tie ahe knew she was not M I nard's
� - dreuaded each minute to see it tip up Stephen! What is the litle chickii. This causes what Is call- I toillperatbre will cause restless'ness
- 77Z-,,- , -, ' � �� 4 i I on "Do I?vl he answered, with 4 forced , go,njofo, T81OrM. ,what would be the __1____+___0_ ed .leg wealMess. It the thlelts can- and it- teAv degrees lower will be ad-
, * and its golden treasure pour out laugh, feeling the blood, which h goo t? BUT A SWEET REMARIC. not-bg a Apiarist.
SLL the floor' - ad li'vaii't . Ilowed to run. at least a little visable,F. W. L. Sladen,
- . Tho)� a lest at 410 Nora�l'd just like to know how %, n v
t , �. Gladioli 13 �. h, I *don�t know. Don't be tool- seemedforest suspended in his veins oioes It matter to YOU9 I I g � uhd,,
:,, I— ,.j� I �., wife, and am young men will be unhappy whe while',each day out on the 6:� a -
94 am not your not'going t to
. , ish," he said In a vexed tone. If you wrry? , have sogio earth for -them I wiisz,RE SILENC� HURT,
,�., for those few seconds, ruth to his
. , .. Shb*. 'I . heart again in great waves. to be --I am. an %acquaintance. n Dorm -Well, my voodness! You can In 6r aVAeast to fun over. This eartl� i I
. , - . Katrine sidled up to the window. like Me as I am, very good; if you marry only one mail, � I '� lAusband
. -
41you do, indeed," she said, getfing don't, no one carN." must not be dry and dusty, nor cpm "She didn't speak to hey
� 1,3t. Thomag_,kur. '.-St. Thomas "Answer, or I'll-" up. 111 expect you want your break- - I I . fpp iai.-� . I nl.opths."
010cfety carried off thel Stephen turned white. He felt she � Stephen got up and faced her. He it be wk. ' I .
Hortioultutal f - was caPable of doing any mad thing fast. Tell me what I can do to make W" as white as the snow olatolde. Tviorg 'chicks ar.p destroyed by lice, 411t must have been very uncom-
first priz� and i�dn the Micheel Sil When he met those mocking, spark.: myself useful." "You make ,me think the ,worst by l I initer. and filth than from all Oth6r fortable " �
ver Medal forthe best and largest ex- She shook her hair straight, fasten- Worn. . causes. ' 'This Indicates that the best "Preadfully-for her."
h1bit of gladioli at the annual exhl- ling dyes. ( refusing -to colifide in me." , �
jqtlou of Ithd Ametican Gladiolus So- I "Oh -1 -1 -would rather lose the3 ed the collar or her bodice, and was Katrine laughed contemptuously. 11 - . OUtv - and surest way to rear the chickens tnn�=_ -_ - I - �M_�,
, book," he stammered, In an agony to dressed. She nVded no toilet -appar- ,,I don,t care a curse what You . : is to keep them and their surround- 1 $, 1 . I - _.
ciety, hold in Boston. Mase. Dr. F. E. � .,, ently, but looked as clean and fresh thin,kl lHaven't I Just told you so? "
- bloo see. the .gold safely put back. Weak Ings c1dan and free from Insect ver-
-and the AXAerieftil Society Passed an " 'Nothing," keturned Stephen, best- Great beave,fts!" ehe aded, 'with a t I . Me' ; min. The first pest that besets them -A , Mo ..
Bentldtt took 1,000 ,ms to, Boston could replace that, you know as.a roso waking up in It8 garden. P 0, 0
he city, Katrine advanced to him, �alaneing , buret of conviction, "it would never I a i% Is the head louse. then the body louse " 11
!� I
ITnailimoug Yobe of' tbi fly, "Go over and tell Talbot to come do, for us to marry! Neverl 'Your one . and tfidn ,tbQ red inites, The begin- ;)
rt, ,71% Thdliuq!.for mendlIA9 sue 0 14 n4ng of tb.6,0 miles 14 11
fi� a lung- the pan. as It weighing it, lit ready when you come back." 411 loddsucking int: , """YED IN I -ED
- "Step I hen, this Is very heavy," she In ta breakf&st� if y u like. "I'll have idea is t6 curtail a pereon'$ I-leertY.", Ice gray dust, . I
ni&ent di-Villay'. - Dr. 'Bennett, presi said, looking him straight In the eyes. Xatrine lo "No," aeld Stephen, quietly, "not M Men then they giow into b SI'A
dont ,of tho, ,0.3t. T�omaa 1-torticultural oked around regretfully, liberty In a general' way; only the F,!R secls� tba� aie red when full of blop,4, �,
"Let me tal;e it from you," he -said, as If sl�o would have liked to stay liberty to sin and do evil., the liberty Testify The first',meal Of tile littl@ P114W .
i;1)oJPty, was elodtod to the executive I ly atretching out Ilia hands. then concluding she P which 1'�M�-� V 'broaderqinbs. oatme p,nd ung
of tilt, Athoffean Stidlay for a three . to 'be ignorant and do thinge ,� .0 Had
- I eager and help him; can be .1 al y- I Mrs. Bcoc.raft �
61 .1
veer terill.' It 'wItA EL160 (1001ded that! 0 Do you know what makes It SO?" had better do as she was told, she have terrible consequences that YOU Chatham; ,Oht,�-"For many yoga crAc#@4 wheat, o,r corn ,grits Or fine I , undl 8, -
i'le �ftnnuiil ottilbition of t1jo Amerl- he said, still balancing it and still took up her fur cal) and went out. / don't know." suffered with stornach trouble and I triel soIne or each mixed togeth� Miserablo. Time, IRC
.- ,
0A.. society will be hold II,r St. Thomail looking at him, "Your soul is in it!" Thi west gulch looks magnificent (He looked very well at this 'moment, many remedies but they seemed to be a samp, or ) weeks % - ..,
stk jl,in year of 1921. The St. Thomas find she gave It back to him. in the first early h3ht, with ail do- his,pale, "cetle ,fruee and sympathetic failuro-my awmach seemed to be tt . er, After the phicks are two To-'- Lydia E, Pinkhatn's
I ngrily, und took grees 0! shadows, ,som,,A black, somo worse instead of bettm One day r1caln ym �
,Inf 'Old they coA be fed almost ,
T)i600v wore the only exhibit Solit eyeo lighted up vith ellthU61116111- of tt. Vqget;Abla Compound.
both the, book and the gold from her dusky, and some tie clearest gray, Ke,trine looked at him, and io , of a b6ttlii of D?_Plercolp (361d; commercial efilck Mods that tire
irm Canada and created a splendid kud replaced them sulkily on the shelf. lingeiing In Its stiowy recesses, and smiled with her quick, Impulsive f = and toot it;. W composed of sniall Particles Of 9TAIII� '�._ -
imprftoiosa- storrivil 0"na com 4 , old enough they
I 4L Ratrine had turned her back and Walk- the first glimpse of gold falling down smile. ett �qtely oure , I bavts So soon go they are Hamilton, Ont.-� "I have suffered for
_____.4.*,0.__ ed ,over to the � fire, humming. ,, Stephen, You are a good m and eat al $medieinp ov,d hope any will do best It fed whole whem, cmokt a 1!emalo trotibI6 and
I it from the cast. Katrine stopped an, Eff.rdir 4 r6admi this *ill alVoi the'Pier out One. three years from
CIANADA'S, MiLTH . What a royal couch you've made and gazed at the impressive beauty perf"tly charming at times; but I coveryl 4 trial, Once tried, ou'Will Jaevet ed corn and hulled ciats, ab I - consequent wcdknoss� pain and irrtokAI
.1 I n't I ot me in bed 1P Ot. live
I ....... I - 3nel 11 she remarked, t_-eitking the awk- above and around her -trees In the am not a good woman, and do be tliout It,." . TITTTS, r., 28 Dukefft. half of the mixture wheat, the bat larity which lte� - igil
I now covered with a thick ,Nasit to be. and 'we should never get ance eqUal parts of ceirn, and cats. A
1;87er Settor,i IMmi- intil, silence that follo*od, and look- gulch, Now Wiltsbino, P. R. I.:-Ol suffored good quAlIty *Df growing Cash should days each month. 1 ttow-,�� went crazy
r I abouta
I vith.painsinnifb4ok,an for,
bo down on tt.e plWof red blankets Snowy mantle, stood, assurning. all on. -bo, don't let,s bother any more three yars with b prichittl agthinik, I 10A 50 a could not do my'*6rkv
&Ajo'n 0ditrol. I he had spread in front of the stove. sorts of grotesque forms, and extend- about thI6 question at all," weo,k could hardly walk throe steps ot be keDt betore thom n o time ir� 4 1 � k g ;k time'
I ygn "' t
I I I �_ I , Ile had, in fact , %tripped his own Ing thel- arms as if calling the speo- An exceodingly ,pained expression time, I could not ideo so would ot 0 an hopp�r 106111 which 00y 1 �411 11PIP I saiv, ,ydia E. NAlchtitn's Vegeti,11111
4U.4 1
� tator to,their cold embrace. It epbon,s face, and Xat- ptayuptlaotw9fthog, 4 I advertised in the HoWltox
WAS ca,me over St . �bt. Ong gLy themselves at will. Compound
rem every . Itens fir Spec
ottawd. t,ug. ..�---6ansida's bill of I bed and collected blaukets f Ing. beautlful',� ;)ut to Xatri-e it seemed rine was quick enough to feel that 0414*0 mO to 1100 r. plerWs old e tile natural feeds. for chic .0 ,;tator and . � tool; it N<XW I hgyo nQ
' I ,tomer to MlIlpo a comfortable rest rug -1 .1 I :
d grain and some AXIIM41 ,
ver Ilt better shape than from -her words he judged'her errors MedicAl Discovery to I sent to my d Pal , 4m qRII.Q XW60 klikiesa I over,
health was ne I plate for her, Before Stephen C-1.11- -'�--� , or &bottle And,whon I had taken I greens, goo V. �d I
than they were. In a to,w ' al, such as Nyov.nls, to
at Ill* preo Ile. artording to Dr. answer he was summonell to the door, tobe other I fo t d I libetter. When I used t t feed, elther'natur _.' �]R io toot from Gar19
Nyor. or a .y .
gent tir I worm she might have tleAred his b 6n I Lwl bqgs, igi-assIOPPeTs, beetles, MeAt Or motnink uratu PAQ ht'llight, I kee �
rea "' and wb �
D, A. Clark, I)Irector 0 � . Inind from the idea of her actual 110- is .."t,rt"b,it.fdobt'.�ttw,l',Im.o.t.0'.i. 6telyou , fiiij A&jps. Where . .
t Public Talbot looked In upon them, but would I ,%ttlal the chicks run hougq'in'd ag 4xll. My oft work Vith
]Ui,altil for tllf5 Dominion, Thla Is. not tome Inside, #% I pick up any tioublo I h &d rh,
- to ovet two Oft 6 4inq I trat It Dr� I ay1w ve minell . nE
"I've sent Will off," he said. lyle morality, but she Was -too Proud 0� I about on frOe range they W" wv_�Ws.
re to the I � r tl pie, A e scovery I . d. Whoti compoulld �4 � onds.
hom thin& 1� 5ria Avd. N.,
- _ !t
illd- ' I , heit faults We're I
Atto In It very large meRAII stand he own defence Oro - J
gone. t of n troub day with sa the greens 'And Insoets noede
swore lilto anything, but he Is 6 Rot been troub TJ
him;.��tsl It t in olpo quarterA these I -Aug be HN I
re is PMO,ticallY It ' . 4� IRPrWhol. ji�
r.w.t that thp ope, ' No, thk4ks, $teVe, I WOnwt come In, efnco,!-ALEX Me . . �OT t6*them, Tile greattr the variW arri ton, Qatar )
mIgmtIon from Central Aluor I . I that clead, he would want to know I h
11till s I'm tired, and'going to 11) .y own cabin , :UWtqn,1 Ont,,,��Ilt bave 6"fr6m. I with i ar; women havo.bor
. .
whemob. ]At,,,tlth conditions are . � : I what they wore, and In his eyes 4 of feed given tb4ml the, better, VdIl t V& forty ye 1b V
The, 11011th D61yartmont hits I AOw, See yon at breakfast. Good- I I I i . I . - girl that gstmbleA and dr4uk 49d rhoutillittalt for the Iiist, five yew* Aild I hAV4 � mt, provided what theY Ot itellink how Lydik X ftkbalft
111%ble. to vmtch night'," h1nd beforo Xatrine could awore, and preferred the dance balls Only tAkea Ilifte bottleA M Dr. ple"61B they ,pro% table Compound bas restored -
fg'.,en special precautious ,ffl,lmloa Anurto (anfl-urio-itolid) Tableft find th1*8 is digestible and nourishing,
imuilvation from Centr&I Europe And thank hilt ho ,t!as gone, and variety ahows to the, covar3,' &hd , water Most fiaulth 0en aniveritlK with to ale
I The tso thus left entirely clone In : 'Golden Moidiftl D4 A, full Ammly of fresh
I church any day, vaa quite bad enough I b�ottl'" of A1416 h#4 that d"d No niatto.r UP okwouhtsf6r th� onoMouffdomiltle
SIM9 getting reports eonAt4ntIY On the - .am na oured. I . be suPPlied continually- for it from e0got to cosAt. If you Ar(
11(batib conilillmis there, Polind and 1 the deal) quiet of the gulch to WX the 11 P so she eonelud6d In her thtitlgh% "Ti d1sa=,TP0=h IaI*11XA%1=*V" me In a ' 0 (
*algbt together looked at oach Other for 00 - have how much, milk they 11tNIS, f W19 Of trooblod
I - olloesn't matterit,ho 14 antved." tarible oot4ition. , ,�Jth an skilment culisir t
other entrtig of ,disorder or# Still � a moment with a shade of silent em- 1XI MIMI*, it 411 kin -do sipti of %11 ages, MW4 IAAVP I , you In B
om thg tUree greut Stephen At -the thoment w#A afraid W it `lMow WhAt an a , of wlitor to ,drin* /� I Naman W � a 16 U ?
suffaills tr to Xem her ifurther, and did tot in. I M 1911" U IV MCI not bfto plopty _�,_.�, 0 I 2= a , It 11
' bA 1"18 blemoln" V= OATW I d 0(
and bubonle i rraxismant. But the girl, leduXtOm- I le4vto 0
plapa,4%, eholerst. tYlObUS to tiLk ftr* ofherd,lf 4 r"db n
Ittleatf -1r,1, ed as sho Wits � know quta how to treAt her; but h oetuinly *wM have dieA. IMI"Ar,016 Ll"W601 for vurhiy, 106.
plaKup. but em ,# of health d islarround- w&b not wholly discour h ties or h dra
"y person ean in sat sortg ot situationei An . Ased, and he wr Wait t* r600nititaid Dr. pie"11 __--*4-0----" atintains zio
W. ,O�trary Wafors ,, . lup, and tndu,*d with a, certain florft thou*� it best to rasKill, the Smud MJ41,;"'7 to &ny slaftm-er *M kidney Sillic " lu
%an rxwt for thift MA VA-Wh'%t " yOtAr boTe?"On I *Irov 8=8,�Iil s`d1VIl1VCVV�441e Vronk ft X iclo
IA*4y# &my ftropt * d herstilf he &Ira Of th'a willeftahm? cyaleus ro. I wite d1i
, -re, reetivere 1 141." r . 94Y hg4, troubA or to anyono ruadown *fW hilvia % Lca. Th4
'01b"tity of nat , I of I
ipt Ole Atlantic, �R&,Ia, this i just"tly *ad spoke quite n1tursillY. , (To be tiontIA11104.) tho , al. AW* try Dr. Pkill66's PIWA" ths XdllOftlum Ill thO llxht Of : C�O., Lynn, 011, Th*
4maWarilats claiMag to 0 ,*I fea tiral, too, and' VrOVW Ilk* to - 'law � . m,,;-XPJl am. ord 104 "I 1Qt UIUI44 hap". , "An i"IF-00-ft k wt Im -
1"noor AX% =,*Xtly lkitleb. with me"t ,ftoltsy** NOW*1010. UIh%W= Nwak. a MWT"
. jk^rh X 3ttU fa the pr#dmigance. 0 'to �Wop 1mr, if I siar.* . ,,,. , 141"I"Is wri . - .
I Nile* ok oteady mairkst for "Yo
WOOP, $LAS$, F,041 -NOS oind Q04"
i e ont 2241. ;,'
cho. W...'Brown ;
Room 108 Qly4o Rldg.# Howilitoffl, O"
___ ow"..'"
c 'I t-' tnheria and Spoolera. Apply
to 7t, RE%
O.t� byp Mfg. Co. Ltd. PrAnvord.`
. I
� NET WJL%j= I
____1 I ---------------- .0 0_04 .!
We have several good openinet for,
nxmperIerioed and In -experienced 1"10L and
ale help, We require 1-Irls for w4v-
Inir and winding, Every aasistaube IV-
. to learners, and good wages paid flur-
Ing ap-renticeship, Workers In this line
earn ver
aernag. high wages, and are Qiviys
In Onlya, couple of weeks' time
necessary to learn. Several vood . )on-
inas far stea4y men. etal Consid
ti.. SbDimn to family ofteorkeps. I=
,and cost of living rea,ionable In Brant.
ford . Moving expenses advanced to r&-
Iliklile families and housing accoplmodii,-
� I I 11 I I
. � I , I I
,. 1�, - " I . Al2� , - , - 11 " ,, I ... � � - - I , - . I � . \
iL, -, il Alaib"'.11 , _ �� "iAAAk ik� - ,,, 'd-I'l g,L,W1L.L,,.� - . ,.-, _k"",�_�,:_ - 7L - - , I - - � _ - - ___ 'r � -1 - I �_�L'. _,_ __ __ I - _jl_ __ - . . �
. � : �� . � . , � " I
fore. Sampia Skelft � *ta pricas
twenty five cents. Gebrgetowu WISbIleri,
Mills, Georgetown, Ontarit). 11 i
. -1
counts by Dominion i,ess Woney
st '� ,
orders. Five dollars co, . hP. ,6efits.
"V�. I
-�, � . �.
K*r�Nro 4�'ARDS - r3ETTER. TITAN
Oulja, the original miracle cards.
roast, present, future, ' PoMessitig weird
mysterious powers. Is YoUt, wife, hus-
band, sweetheart true? Ask.MyTA6. :.ov6.
business, marriage, Investhicint, future.
Price %ne dollar. Canadian address.
Kyrno. Company, General' -Post Office.
Box 12, Toronto, Canada,
.0 , - � . .
. I I
.Wher S * ' wt
5acril. 09130, =-�S,,
" K" fil "0"4 6K tohft 10 .
r, wmxa Hog h �w -4 i N" .4 wkwuoi.. 0
, ut m/sr wn t'qr� "
W, - P!�-, � -, -
.t&-..,,._ n�h*l.6.444..*�l
lmt=, , = WN. 110M 16 0- 1.6 �" 0. _* A6�4"
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Pulquo Trains, in X0406.
Pulque, the national df6k'of NAel.
leo, is madc from tho Jidde, bt thr$
maguey plant, large tratts'. of whicA,
art cultivated outside the City ori,dAv�
ko. As a rule there are ubout.qjght
hundred plants to the aere. VIA4- Nice,
Is extracted bY the Decits, It,i* shIp-
ped into town In long ttMtA 100,0111
like otir milk trains hl�re, ' Irlie whitc-
liquid tastes like ye&%t ,utid the, poh-
sumption to no greo,t thitt i't Im acjbivj;lr�
ont to two quarts a day tot, esocli psi -
I flon. L
Mthard's Liniment !or "1% ova,tywbar-0
�6 6 4- .k-ilw ,� I 1,
N-6thing 14 VAOrS CrItftitit to th-4
mind of =44� tbAA powlir or dodukall
-Addi*46 l ,
- 1. I .