HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-26, Page 2"7 ' "" )! 7` ., � --,-- -- - ­ --,,.m7,-- - --I � # ", ­­ !, 1 . -- 1� '. ,�, .� . , i / R­11W,WA"FFFF"FF­ I -;i Rr --Nqr-T 7-mr. T -r . '7T ,7W- ---W 7 , - London, Aug. 1 .-Torrence Mc- tiwacney, Lord Aitlyor of Cork. Ira- �"­,-.:- ." X; � ­ - I : 1. I #- IF I - %---,-;w-----'- ,--,--,- -, ­ ---.".1 -- -F.F.F11 10 III 4 000*0011, V 01 I I ** I 0 , I ­ I , - . ., " . , !241kt!!;j -62-412 ��=�='!!!! � =-!-! =10 - � — -- --., --==t-t=====!!- 11 11 1.410, , , 1 - FF j; . -1 -­ . ­­ ­­ ­ ­ , - -=!�!=�--�!�!t!.! = - tl(MILI. No OW0141 41111DUMMOUt 11'. '%A i I ; I 0 MWIN -- .1 . -, - I I I � *111 be M440 until ths expiry of the . . . �. ... I . . . I . . . . � . . I WIZAD MA period set for Loove's examination. i � . . . . .. � " . - - . .. I � :11 . . :..... ( . . POVONY nothing furtuer will he heard . I .1 I � . I , I , �. � . ­ . - � . . � I . I :1. : I I . . I , I ; I * case until It comes before K I . � I . . , ........, . ,.. I ,�' " � � I . I., .1 � .� ': " 1 �. ,., ,; - , : . � ­, . ., . court. The disposition is now to, be- I I I I .: .., �. . . ­: - � I � . I I I I � . ��,;.!. 4 1-1 .� � . . . YET PROVE TO lo"ho I I 111, - I � I � -,: . ].., . ­ .... 1. .1. ....,....% I . �, 4-.. , ...''..'k .1 . � . . . 11V � lIcIre that Love committed t1to 'Crime . I ih., 1 . , �': ... I %, � �. M I ,,.,.gk . . a � . .. � . . . . 11 , , . S . ....% I � I . , 1, I . . . . I 1. 0 . . . I - I ''. .1. .,.,. . I I . 1: . . - , , , � .. , BrA SOLVE' for Which. b's rather was hauged. I . ; � I . ., .. � . .�. ... I il,,. 1- . ....., .. . i�­­ 11 � ''. �. " "......­­ r , ,' I ­%:�.­. .... , d.. I , . I .: .1. . ''.., f " 11. , 1; ", - I.. I , , , , . � '' � . , ... .� . , �: ­ I ­ . .1 . .I. ......: - -, : . � : I .: �., .. 1. . , ­ I I :­ . I .. ... -,T �­­��-- I :.,� �-­-L­ ,:. s .. ,;:!.,. . I I �': .... ­ .1 I . � I . ,' � .1 I.— . I ­ .. ., . . . .:4 . .N .., I -�­... - . . I.. I I �14 ...� � , , ...:,�..­­­ 1. . I , : , � " , , ,,:, . . I . : 1. ,:�.. 1:, �:"::;, .. - � .- I � . . i —, . I ��. .�:". .-..'�: �.. .. . '. I �. .. , �.,­ t NT . ­­. %,.*�t',�!­* � ".1 . 11:�.�pk�,,��t . .­', I—: q- . : .. ` , 1. . . ­ .. ­ . . I �-!�-.::,;,�­­ .� 1. \ �� �:­ . I I I., ­­,, : r.��11,t�, ;�' :, � :!1;.,4N- �, �.. �. �. , ­­.... . " — �: 41.1 'I": �. ...'.. ­ - , V .1 .;:, - F A R Ma, CONDITIONS , .11,11`-!. ., - :­...', - 1 .. . 0 ­:. ­ .. �. '' I . �­ .. �. : , .., I . . 11 � A , .:... . .- �. " ''' � %.- I . . . iA ,,,�,p " . ... . . I i �� � ,... - ,.! �.,:. , ". ", ,, ; , '. , '. ,�N--­­. . , , '. Z. 1 1 1 I. I . � �" , .,7, - , ... . 1. � ,. . . . "",1!,-,. . f, I .. , �'.. ! .0'.1 , * I I Rio Debts 5"m Not to Ex- 11 � ,'� ";7ji. " I ---11 . , �­'­ ." ", - .. i . � . :,..:, � i '. I �,,,. I I .. - I 4`%,:�; , "' . . Z,... coad Three Million Cereal Crops Are a General I � I 0b... � . . . . . . 04 . .... "I .f .., 1. 1 I.;, k I ,", -.0 . ". 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;11' � 1, ��., I , 1. -.,��:4 , ,1 , I .., . � - . r . �.. �.- � � I ,��:"� ,,�i ;! ..". , . P�* I ; 1� ; : �­' 'I . . Ow.cess. . ­­. " tl�i I , , i,. #:: , �.kl'x .'�­ , I .1. Dollars, . 1� , W, 11 I .. . �� .3 '.'h: �� ** �MO � 11 I I I F# - I A�,.,11� - if .. � 41 I . 1� I I. I. 1i �� - The f011OW149 IS A, 0,11111MUrY of tLO .! f, ;1 �� % :1 I I . AN . . . i : I weekly rep-37ts inade li$ tho Agrieul. � : �& - , I � , A VIOU"TIM, TOO . turAl Repres.4tati,rca to the Qj,jtRrJO , '� �. I ,; , � � , .�,L.,., . I , iiiiil����� , , , ;0�'.,^�� ` .". � ". : ,,, t I OP! ,. I'��!:. ". , j � �. �,��-�.'�, I , , � . :,%�:T.::*:�-..;::11z­ ,.!::;.;...z L`..`:,i.!:;�,. ,!::,,',!,i�.:.. , ; � �:� I I % �.`�,�].,:. �:. i�"*,���".'.'.'�'ll�-.'...**.'� "-- , I "', , I UPPartmor' of AsOculture. I ;; - .­.. � 6014or4i oucoe&� ot th real : ;; - I .1-:­.%,�,. -.-�,�,`,'.* ! a ar, - �� � " W- - &�* "111.1 `,"i�11� , He, Lost Thousands by the The .. , '' :.,.',,:'.,,;,�",(::�t r,���;�:::t..�i�.'.il:,...."..�-,� - � ;;;,, , .. !�%I,%;: . . "' ;,;1:i -�1:11t` % . , ,?il,:�:��'�,��!�;�:���.,.�,�,!..��..'�',,',,�.,.. ... --�;�.*,'.'�%'�4�IK . %XOPQ 13 040 of tile leaelos fe ,�'. ,'� 11 ..", , - -..-",.".��,,�....",:.""�,,��.;.,� - "'":!'', - �, . . , ��,,, 1;:�1'.'-..,!;-"�'.,.1".;- '. �,?:� ,.. ';-.. ­ -,l.. .." .., . , 1::.%,'*:`�"T: ; .-�, �,.,.,:�:.��.�.,'.,,�,�7..,..,...�......-.:��,.i"; ""'.7 � %..Arcs �-11�m�,�",�."""."".,�,:��lm;.: .-IT: , .1 ... ,,� .. ..., . ,,, .-. .'..- � -.:-.-:�.-'­;1..­1 ,�� I, ..*.-,:-:-11,;-"-:.: I 1 , Raising of Ills 1110 season, Barley anti Oat4 are �'!* . 0-' ..'I. .� , 4 .�.,. MK*Aw *r' ��* I , . 4t Notes, spoken of by moot representatives As �14. , �" . i - , being Worthy of being claomed as uzabp� 1 ..... I , .. " , I . . . I I ­ � I I. or crops, anti tile quality of both these I 11 . .. I ! : 80494, mus't despaula.. .Charles gralne Is, Well up to the Standard, Un- K 11.1 1, I � Ponzi loollvened lite (tay,a 40velcl)� like fall wheat, tho spring grains havc .. t:: � " I.. , � �:11.1 �` �,­­­ I I ,, � :­ I . -1 ::, . I I , plenty of straw. Waterloo speaks of .... 1 4",' ;1 I I I : ..��­�. ., �`.;�. '... .., ;."­ , ,: � menta in his case by charging that lie poroo oats stanoing between live g114 .". :�d ., �:, :­�.::e.: I , : � I . ­­... � I � �.. 1 7 1 14PA been robbeii or thougau4s of (lot. Six feet high and as thick as Mai call 11.�!,*Y`10`�; - Ws through means or forgery. He grow. Straw w14 be a most welvoirie 'declarea jitinareda of hie notes commodity after last year's scarolty, . I 01'.- oo-, , .,% ONV ! i ;!" !!! - I i . � -'; were Grain cutting started in the N v i � 1 � & 1 1 j . . I � I I i ; I �. I I , % , : on 4 1 1 I 11 : ,4M , . I ,raised by means of forgery from their Lialteard district on August 4th . 4FAM I - :1 . 4 lUe- IMIlle to ten times, that value, HQ the Demonstration Form, where 0, field 1. S. 1� I , 4 9*11AV943 that no.%" for *100 were of 0. A, 0, No. 3 oats was cut that had -111� 11.1 .....'.... 11 I I � ' ­ -, I-- I . . ;natured in oavonty4tva days, M`AY 11ECOMF. POLAND'S CAPITAL, changed . until tiloy called for $1,00o,, . I I And notes for ,$50 were r4l�ed to , $500.' Vall wheat Is thrashing out better '' The wisard asserts that. although qv- tlian,was, expected by some, The, palacc at Posen, to which city the Polish, Govornment was expected to M ova, In vIeW of the Bols�ievlk advance, . — ory precaution wa,.q. taken to ruily'a Sugar beets tire likely to make a . . —======= . , . �, " ,... � 11 , ,. — , . I I I I.. "", 4. .. � � I P'Numamoaftwommme" . .. .- I- ­-------- I—— ­­­­ ­ ­—­, --­ - 1as is often attactI44 to them. A ling A And Illuminating disunctiou. =sty ex. let, which wor history ss Ott 0 RIVE phasize. Never was any other person so wise, so rich, so great. The w1p. , dom. iwd riches of Solomon have -pave. I : SOVIET ARMY I ed Into proverb. . W. 11. 0. , 111 -�` 0 -- WILL -GROW ITI, fROM.WARSAW. . -- -' T e Cout OUT HOW MUtH?' roleo. Ar " inuing Thoir . Great,0owiter Against I "-0""1"-1-1-.^" I Lexington, U7., Aug. .. ,--Tobacco the. Reds, , . growers from Ohio, Indiana and Xon, S I tuckk, at a meeting here yesterday, I CAPTURIS , voted down it propobaJ to eliminate BUS the 1021 crop, but decided to organize tot, the purpose. of "protecting aul, �.­,— PrOM00119 tho Interest of he Indus- . - Defeat Will Bea Dba*r If . try." , �- �4 i! �, Not 0, heo'ked Very' soon, BRITISH' LABOR" . , ­ � I — I . I I . Loudon, Aug, %-PluagIng ahead on three front%. the Polish army to - IS STILL UGLY . 'day reported uninterrupted successes, agaloot thil Bolshevistjo army, and . . I .A sIgnificantly added that the Red I troops 'were on the verge of general!' London cable: The "Council of' demoralization and rout, Action" of the Britian Labor party to Geners,I-Y11sudshl to P11011109 the day, after a. long discussion, Issued a Polish army operatIng directly east new manifesto to the workero of Great t Warsaw toward Lorliza with the Britain, declaring that the danger of 0 . War was not over. , hope of cutting oft all tile Ritaolan$ 1 "Thia," the manifesto said, "Is not, who-penotrated the are -a to the north I the time to ,be deceived by seeming,' of the capital and into. the Danzig = fair words, , . .Why. does, not the,. corridor, He was reported to have - , .A .-A or m1I.11 h a nommun. I � Inst such triolE ry, such record for generoua yield, just now I I Premier announce t116 EerMS. - Oil Which '" I .r I I aga . 9 04 Inscribm all olasses of roots,are making rapid � I . sibility. ask what 1, eliall give thes- fBven. though it was a, dream, it Was Euglaril � will make peace wIth Rus� ique to -day, 109 thO 13,11101lutS Into the notes with gro,wth under most favorable condi- N P 3 (7�1 - . I Tbo'offor made by thp Lord to the a divine communication to polonion, sla,? .Why . to the position with- The rig I lit banX of 'the Lower I r1he6k pr6tootorsi, and special car& was I ,youthful Icing was comprehensive and Quostlon&-At about what age did re,-'* er Wrangel so a � tions. . a 46 1 . � Nar W was cleared and the forts at 1,morcised during the run to. prevent I I I .1ilill,mited. The Lord, in this state. Solomon begin to reign? Where did ambiguous?" the confluences of the Bug und Narew such notes being accepted, neVerthe. Potatoes will also give go d it . , . nient, 'laid lite resources at Solomon's he go to sacrifice? How great a sacrt- 0 � 0 , . W& area , - I 11 reall IS, , I ` , Alveis re -taken. In. the Mla Jess ,clever SwIndlero'suc6oded bl. the Prices have already gone as low a - . Ili" 11. All that the human heart Me did he makeT Wbo want With . the Polish army advanced beyond- rl om by. He, $1,25 At bag In Greenville. ' . glittully desire is Included. Jilin? What did the Lord tat ' Cleeballow With the Bolshevists in xsk Irk getting mally,ot th . L S IN . coulle61r, I him to : Is uu'416 Its Yet to r Apples axe Plentiful, QsPcC 9, - Cc hiO In ask? - What -choice did Solomon ex- . front of them retreating. . I 0170 WXY accurate fall varieties. .Wentworth reports that . lomon said -Ho Paid t , TLE -estimate Of the alUOunt of his loss by tally tho I his �dream, hast shewed. . , .great prpss? What retisons did lie give for FIERCE�. RAT .The Russtait wireless for the Jirst . Ulese mean% The "coupon king" de- the Hamilton market is being flooded ' Stllb.&Y SCHOOL LE SSON IX. I tnercy7--ibolomotl prefaced his choice making this i;equest? What illd the 6 Ird ji time in several days made direct clares Some Of his OVA agents wore In with early apples. August 29th, 1920, 1 with humble acknowledgelnelita to Lord say to Sdlomon? What promis- � W111-1: , - mention of fighting on the Poltqli , � `01X the game and profited to a largo Poaches are being marketed, and will Beginnings of Soloroon's Reign. I God'for mercies. bestowed, and a con- cS did tile Lord make to. SqIomon? NEAR,- 1XV 1111,k front. � It said that a fierce struggle I xtent thereby, ono'o I I 44 I ,f these agents b3 fairly plentiful. Live stock Coll- I Kings 1:1-3:16-0a:4-15, I fesilo0of his own Inability to fill the PRACTICAL SURVEY, . . � is now & fugitive from justice. tinues in good general condition ow- Commentary -I. So � Iomon becomes position Ili which lie had placed him. — I Was going on at Novo Georgavie.sk. , TOPIC.L.-True wIs49m 'and flow to A �nows agency correspondent in . Tht one-time Mo4ey king figures Ing to the favorable State of PastUMS, king (1,, 1-8:3), In David's docUrillig Thb- Lorl had shown great mercy to ,.got It. I I the field with the aymies reported that these forgeries to a larga The milk flow continues to be strong years his Oldest son, Adorlijah, Plot- I Dttyld"throughout his eventful career, Romv, Aug .-A wireless mes, 'account for tho 4 ' extent for the scas6h.. . hrone of Israel for ' lit - , uprightness of heart-Dav!d's L Solomon made king. \ sage from Scut�ri, Albania, to the that It the drive toward Loziria- Is I lhis estimate of iscrevancy between Hogs are being marktUd steadily, himstif, although David, by divine. dl- courao for the most ptu"'. -,Vfts, 7-19111- 11, Solomon's choice. - ­ Tempo, states that fierce fighting is successful all the Rusilans north of � $50%0.00 liabililes and �' I. Solomon made kl�nj. Solomon be,� 13rest,Litovsk will be either captured , the estimates of,rj�edpral Auditor Prido many being rather light, ret,tion, had pronilsed it to Solonion. and, for the sins Into which he fell, came king over Israel Ili the year joI5 proceeding north of that place be- or forced over the border Into East, : 'and State Attorney -General, Allen. Tho, In the counties where tho Hessian - When David came to know of this 1, Ile had doofil'y and fully repented. tween Serbs and Albanians, and that Pederal ,kudito I . I hazt given him a son to sit on his 'U' Jewish tradition makes hi'll ��`$erblan regiments, Ili their defence Prussia, ,%#here they would be -intern. � r's 091ires of $7,000,000. fly appeared this season there is a Me- attempt, he arranged for Solonion to abou-C.' eigb teen. Years of age at the od, The Polish centre pooitiousi lie are niore, than 100 -per eent. larger Position to r,ow less fall wheat -or. If be anointed and proclaim9d king, and thrdue-David had several sorto in all. time k of T araboso yesterday, lost, 22a dead . � ! of his accession to the throne, and 259 PrIsoners. it adds that � a , � *ban those,of the Stgte Attorney -Gen. not less, to sow later than usual. Rllsp- he was accepted by the.'People. Sol- 1 butjha, Lord definitely declared that declared, are Impregnable, In, vain : k:ng. 7. His reign continued forty years, H13 , revolution has broken out at Hosto efforts to break through'here, he said, - I his Son Solomon should be vo I � QMI, 'Who stated to-fty tbathe t,gures ,where a normal arcoagal- is likely to be omon's reign comilton'dled under fav klMnio means Peaectul'and was divine- ' and, tile Albanian Government has � lP0n:Z,I'3 liabilities #-�**9.000,0,60,, He put In. . orable conditions. Peace had 00111,- , I ain it little child,qolomon was prob- the Red ormy hat lost thousands ot i lb�ues these figures on notes that hm-e Wentworth. states ",that the local to prevail throughout the borders of I ably about twenty ypars of ,.tge at this ly bestowed prior to his birth�., indi- called.to- tho-colors four new classics, Werk. I ! - I it cative of the promised peace pros- nuralifting, 60,000. I I Warsaw Is Jammed with Bolshe-- � been turned in at. flis State HDIJ40� tarot labor shortoge Is-belrg further the nation, Adonijah, Who had I)Iot,l ti e� He humbly acknowledged this. , and ­ , � both In-person' �and­js,r letter, but'ad. influenced by the We - s1tcriz farm excur- ted to acquire the thione was A111 S. thou hast chosen -God had chosen Parity of Ills reign U Cbron. 22; 9). Viet prisoners, They are coming In I Mite that­there­ar.Q�nevovraj hundred stolig. 1. w Abiatliar, tbo Abrall0n, and the people Ho waq evidently closer to his father ----<-#-"T— I almost faster thart they can Ile die. . I . of Israel W pers0kn and spirit than any Other 12 � letters Yet to be tainkWed, The turn. - - 1. vorp his descendautS. that cannot be � I of .tS D096d qt Many of the prisoners are ; - - . priest, and Joab, the co, ii,zi,lad�lr Of nuniberad-Israel had come to be a the numerous Princes � - � . & - 1 4 and was bylihim, IVI fxbriz three Bolshevist divisions that 11191U Ot-40tes In,0b;i,*orl has practj� . I the vuniy, who had %akon Adonliah". According to David's designated as successor to the thr BITTER TER �L lemlly Ceas3d, althougfi; the Attorney. s�de. Ili his cousplr%c�. I �great ,nation. one, I I I . literally were out to pieces. ,�, Early Lit 8f, - 1,300,000 men Adonijall, his hall-brOther,' and Dav To, ' ', 20.000 PRISONERS. I . - I - GeRe'ral. believes thii­thOee are still A M.B. I W- " K A` -, T, R. 0 ! L9 wrion's reign Adontjq'-1 began n rourt;e i numbering there were id%5 oldest survivifig eon, was a man O' - . [,��,ff.�, - U j � S.,4 I 11 ,� I . .. : to ga!n the throne and was pron,iliAv it Of War (2 Sam, 24:9), and upon that f Dnf T 'More than 10,000 prisoners, 30 Iseveral. hundred out,'1ald by I . ' ,lbly 6,000,000 In- great Personal attractions, W om, Ill � � . . persons b s,s there were pov, h s ..I . . ,H , , ; . Who "wo'ald rather. POck0t their Jose �� dd, and Abiatba,r ,�v,as. d I tand- father treated with P, weak and most I - , A er)fse'l ha,bltantq of Israel, 9. an unders cannon. 300 machine guns .an(I tlinji. I � A I ,n cup- ! khan admit they b4d" been gullible �� ffl,,',� U, . and banished. Joab was slal�'foehis Ing:1zoart-This was a noble choice. It unwise indulgence (I I-C*,hg4 1; 6). Ac. . sa:4ds of supply carts have bee ' I moUgh to go into - K`t` C10m, Zadoc ,was , ! e�eljeves the m A scheme. lie , .. I part In Adon!Jali's plot. I was izutel(li3h. He m1,;it have chosen cordingly he aspired to the kingship ­ tuted from. the Bolsheylki. . I aJor ` of those will . . ., 1. made high priest in Abiathar's place; popularity, wealth, vast dominion or and assumed that he was to be th West Orange, N.J., 1�ug. : ,Six The Poles have 00cuDled rionsit, . . Yet come in. , I � I and Bonlah was placed at tile head of S a boys, ranging In age from ten to Pulttl8k and W`yskow, through which I I long -life, but he left imself Out of the successor to the throne, David' do. . *'y these consideration to the extent that he signation of Solomon gave the dea the- Rods drove In their sweep tu.-I � , Intiornat Revenue agonts rajiled ron- A Pitched. Battle' Near, Bal- Solo�lnonls military forces. L th thirteen years, found guilty of rob. . l I MIS palatial real4ence in, Lexington to- . measures the kingiloin was firmly as- i 'for the hlghcf§t welfare of hie blow to his hopes, Taking advantage bing neighbors' fruit trees;, to -day i I . ,, chose wAtds the capital. day, and seized someone hundred,gal- � lyyournqy,.j Ireland. tablished in Solomon's hands," Ito,. a Subjects. I of Ills father's increasing feebleness, faced a court sentence to go -to bad thO­wIu9 to�,the Polish Pressuro front 1 1 1 � little whilo after lie began 0 reign, IV. God's gifts to Solomon (ve. 10- he sought to secure by artifice what 0 norUieast it Is reported that the ,. lOnG Of Itullan 'Wines. - --It was hinted ; I that tht Irald,and ,QeW,ro­was but the made ail alliance witil the 14119 -Of' at 6.30 o1qlock each evening for thir- I I 1)retev.t for ssetag ir, the house con i6ii,ter, This .15). jo. the speech pleased theLord lie touLd not obtain legitimately, tot- Bolsheviki are withdrawing the[ _7 Arme(I Robbing. of Mail Egypt and married his dal , Ir �. . I -�-The Lord was pleased with the no- lOwing tile example of Absalom ill the ty ditys, The parents, -who were or- force which reached the Vistula. tatudd, any hiddell cash. securities or was the first relation of therisraelitas ,a, south of the Prussian border and - data that would be .valuable to the Trains Continue.-. WIRY,, sincerity, unselftelines and ructliod. adopted. - The. endeavor was dared to enforce the sentence, were the northwest of Warsaw. I I I I . , with the Egyptians after tho exodus. datotiou to Israel, expressed in Solo- render6d fruitless by the foresight of given discretionary powers in admin� . . Government in �the case ,, against the The children of the Israel were direct- I I t This openod the way Nathan the pr6pbot, David's steadfast k# 'wizard. 1130r)r Ilook'and corner was mou;p. requr-s . Istering the further purishment 'of . THE OFrqCIAL COMAiUN 'E I 'Mn of Thorn'. , M ly forbidden to intermarry With the for thoZLord to bestow the best gift friend, faithful reprover and wise castor oil to the culprits. In the reg about i05 I gone Into. Mrg. POnzi, the girl-wtfe Dublin, Ireland, Aug. '.-Lieut. Canannitish nations, but othtr for- and 6 iftplament It with other des- counselor, The aged Icing was. still 0 � 0 . I � miles, northwest of Warsaw. the " I of the "coupon 1�ing," assisting 00 Of-' Sharman, conimanding a military pa- sign nations were not speCifled' ift the . ommunique say � ficials In every way during tl1h search. � in. taking an Egyptian wite,'ilthough stra.ble gifts. 1I.- host not asked for Possessed of prudence and decision,( I S, the trol, Was killed, �nd four of his man thyself, etc. -Solomon, in his simpli- and at his command Solomon was pro- Polish Official a 'The State, through Attorney -General proUibitloia; hance Solomon did, not Poles have launched -a counter-actfort . . . were,badly wounded last evening near or' -of t'ho law Olty, had a. clear understanding of claimed Icing and anointed L L In the direction of Brodnica, which Allen, moved for a single receiver, act contrary to the latt sacred oil 1) A LIES WNRIED I . Ponzi, through . his Odlinsel, favored Ballyvourney-in a pitched battle with lie transgressed the spirit of it. values, 'Ind this understanding the y Zadok the pn­, ­ I still Is occupled by the BbIshevilt I i erting the possibil- Lohd quickly recognized. The Lord sis�ted by Nathan. A magnificent mo� forces. In the region . of Ltpn�o, I I armed civilians, who delivered a. sur- 11. A religious assOmbW at GiV0011 morial of the occasion is preserved in P, . Ity of his solvency being established, -Gibcon - was inade plain what things human ria,ttire t 'a seven(Y-second psalm; ,which also . about 25 miles southeast of Thorn, Azad doslOng that his own Jut prise attack. The attacking party (v. 4). 4. To Gibeoll- I ' I highly. to discern judgment- I OVER THIS, PACT. and .at Siedloe. the Boilsheviki, have Orests be . %, five or six jolies northwest of JeruEa- I pr' �74 d � lookbd�'MW-by one of the receivem. had dug trenches and failed a tree . Th ability to hear causes, to weigh forms a transparent veil for the trart- , started un. eastward movement� avi- I The eourt barred any suggestions as loin, and was a sacred place because evidence and to render just judgment. SCOndant glories of the coming king- — I ators report. � . . . across the road Where the patrolling the tabernacle and brazen altar V.rere 32: 1 ]lave done according to thy dom of "great David's greater son" � .1 to Me party to be selected as receiver, MINUry passed, No casualti%r are there -Q. Chroji. 1:13j 5). The groat and constitutes the final contribution. Constantin opI6�, Aug. . ,. - Soviet � North.of tile tortress .Novo Georg- � � 'aud took tho'case of appointment un- , 'flons choso rds-Solomon!s request was grant- Of the author to the Service of the Russia haSr were dis. . . der adVIsefflent . notwithstanding the reported among the civilians. high place -Idolatrous Us, ad.. I have given thee a wise., ..heart concluded an agreement - avieok, the Red forces . I State's urging i6t prompt action, be T]iie holding up and robbing of mail high hilltops as places for, flxTeir roll- God gave him abinty to know and sanctuary (Psa. 72, 20). The first les- wtth Armenia by which Vie provinces, lodged after stubborn resistance, a "*. glous cerainonie-", perhaps from thO so4 we derive from the account is that Karabagh and Zanzegour, lit Southe, Polish .cavalry charge smashing; & tAken that the interest.% of the 10.000 trains ani mail motors by armed and supposition that Stich clevailOns Were I to j;id,q-. This wisdom ,was both sup- ,'he that txalteth hlniso'f shall be Armenia, will tse neutralized. Thl rn brigade. The Dolsheviki I Cr4ditors, be Sateguarde& ', I ernatural and natural, We know that a Is saving Pill. . Inuing apace. A Israel had not Yet abased." Adonijah became a t"colb- alarming to Entente circles. tusk, 30 miles north of Warsaw, took i '11onzi's counsel served notice that muked gailas Is contl nearer their gods. golpmort studied and searched, and I � built the house or the Lord, and they ling fugitive, clinging to the horns of - . lVith t1fern the town Mayor and al� . Ike Would OV06M the partnershil) peti. Party '.boarded. a Dublin Southeastern I thtts stored up knOwledgo as others TO, 4 4 6. 'of the clergy as hostages, the- com- , . . I were worshipping Jehovah in 1119" . - the altar. HIS I;ze 'was conditionally , n. ,,.,..r tlOu filed against his client. as lie has train at Verns.last night, holding up laces ,(I Kings 3:2, 3), Gibeon ,was do."bift the Lord gave him a breadth granted him, and, shortly forfelted'by rounique states, adding that 1,600 r � the latter's assur' the officials and taking all thi� official P of c,imprehenston and an insight that I . ince that ,he had no I I . r for Various the most sacred place tit th,A.Vtim1Z In his unwisdoin or a new attempt at t) LkG!,V S#f F RAW Prisoners were gathered In this an. . . partners. Colmsel men imils. all Israel. A thousand burat offer- he did not possess before that cvq,it- C(,Ilspirqcy (I Xings,2; 13-25). A see- I gagement alont-, , . r Awned 0 Pongl's partners also ov. Twenty raiders hold up a mail car ings--That was a great religious gath- f u I , night. not asked ond lesson is that, God's word will not - I I , Geheral PlIsudski has been with I 1posed t)p,'any action on the partnership near Xllbilttain and seized six bag% of elites went .Q. -that vyllich thou 11ast 'on had been - `w and un. , r 7 Petition. aSSertI r rig that theW clients mill. Postal officials with mails ft-orn cring. Multit,gdes of Iska -R1 )1ad iibked for something that fail. The royal sudeezz. Tennessee. Antis Try to le troops east of Warsa � : J' to Qlbeon witri Solomon t0ellgagQ in divinely Indicated, and all attdmpted tr shell flre;rbut; escaped uninjured. . hail not.been, partners. nud"that nal Buncrana, an important na,val and A woul,1 be of tft greatest advantage to � the public worship of tbo Lord. usurpations utterly failed. Break- Quorum � On various parts of the front where � paitnefghtyl had' -boort, shown. military centre, were waylaid and the others, and 'Ile Lord gave him those . "I"Onzi)s hint at- solvency raised con- sittall. portion only of the slaughter- � 11. Solomon's choice. "David, the �he Poles are iidvancing�' Bolshevik . I . I � mails taxtd. while a number of official od animal was consumed as a burnt- tlitirgs that would bo desirable for him- I man raised lit) on high; the anointed of (rOOPS are reported tor 'have been cut . �sideiab%`,biiiio in the 'brdasts of th3 letters were removed from. another I Sol& Vim is a lesson in what not Nashville, Tenn., Aug. ,';--TvIore investors Who did not .&at out In time. offering to the Lord, and tile roulain- I the God of Jacob� and the sweet ' Off from their main forces in great . It is understood that it is based-- on train which had been held up near eaten by the,. priests to pray for, as well as in what- to psalmist of Israel, after a ,prosperous than thirty members of the Tonlics- numbers, thousands 13urie=4. , ; Ing portions were surrendering . the acknowledgment by the State that a 0 oral and distributed among We Worship- prny for. The Words of Jesus In reign of forty years, "died in a goo to suffrage were aally when they realize they have . A xesolution �ftdvocatlng g A vers. . . . Matt. 0. 3"," 3,are called to mind by Solo- old age, full of days, riches and horl- nils,!ng from. their hotels early to -day, been cut off, his liabilities. including the 60 per boycott of Belfast farmers, owing to mort's chot2o and what came of It. both terit. interest on notes. are but $g.000' 411og d pairsecution 111. Solomon's choice (ve. 5,-9), 5. or, and Solomcm, Ills son, reigned in and' were reported to have I it for ,� Along Lite Bug, south - of Brest I , of Catholics, has r1o'hea.,and honor --Solomon's was a his stead." Disobedience d dan- Alabama, In an effort to br'eeak a Litovsk, the communique reports, 000. whi(ob6 iiuv the 50 ver ranL lntoro� justoobeerr adopted by tho Leitrim the Lord appeared to Solomon In a ning,111ficant relgii. 14. if thou wilt ger appeared in the first act8nof the quoiurn of the House and delay final . . ea 'in I Abavy fighting has been under -way, 1014 Cut 'Off. reduces thestr liabilities to County Council. dream­-!,rhero are many inotalle wallt In illy ways -God gave promise foreign policy of the now ruler (1 action on the womau Suffrage anzend- ' I ' $2,000,000."�, Against these ficureq Thirteen fully armed soldiers re- the Scriptures of the Lord's ap-pear- �r ,,GAIN Go 11IL&S IN THREE DAYS, I � ot'long lite to the Ximr, but It ,was I Ing, 33; I). It was a violation both of Plant. - at Mara Is Poltzl's 00tificate of deDoait turning last night to Tralee in a mll- ance to individuals In ,dreams to coul- e') �. - P -.',% Aug. . %�Voipju ­ Ildittoral. The secrod historian had 4* forces -are with h closed Hanover Trust COm- itary loirry were ambuscaftd. At ter munleato to them a knowlelge of Ilia 0 yc6ord the painful fact 49ter, that a gencral command, and of a specific Leaders of the suffrage forces said 4dvanoing with undiminished speed - pany Tor" $1,600,000. reduced,to $100.- sharp fighting from both sides the will- Such dra'anis are to be carefully 4q1oninn wag drawn awry from the prohlbitoln concerning Egypt. It It was almost certain there -would not' t long the line running train north of 000 by a $$0%000 loan.. alleged gilt- soldiers were forced to surrender and distinguished from ordinary dreanzo, ,- passed unpunished for tile time Only be.tt quorum at 10 a.m., when the. Vftr80W to, VV104aka. about IM miles edged securities held by Ponzi. eatt- [,!nary � dream has no algalit- s-rvi" of the true God to a grant �x- to boar bitter fruit later on, At Gib- 61outa-east of Warsa%v. prindip'l in - were disarmed by civilians. Four of for the or4 House was to meet. At 10.15 o'clock," a � te;lt by the assoolatlons Ito forilmd. mated �Uy,,bla,touyjSaj1 at $2;500,000; lit" the soldiers 1T,were wounded. They 'cance. It can ramona1ly, be supposed �Vll, con was the occasion chosen for the a quarter of an hour after ,St. liowover. attaches to t1to man - 'It nj,F� ',It Soilom'on have been, had the House tort patatlat tezid6nee in Lexington. and 0, wererushed to a nearby hospital. that Solomon realized the weight of first personal revelation of Jehovah to Was due to meet, few rAe peuvre.& of Gencrat pjj�;ud6kj,s forces. fleet of fine jimousine#. The the responsibility that was. upon hinl lie fully followed the Lord all lite deys! the Icing. 11cre occurred Ihe�ofrer ?f Arbors other 4148s6d reserves waicfi he hact coneon- - . remainder were' taken to a farmer's than, tho suffrage supporters were in trated at Ivangorou, south-caet of tile INIrs. Ponzi. Wife of the wizard, to- 11 . as king of Israel, and hie J)rayc,. had 1-i9thpii thy de ays-Ite failed to meet a suprorne choice, The words in their seats, and lack of a quorum ap- . h j "" " 1 ated,,tot,toa by their cap- , day hat her permit to visit A, w hus- been that the Lord would ,grant him 1110 onnflItions and only llvAd about' which it is expressed (I Kings S; 9) .bapital have advanced 16U miles in I I .� , ator-, "' ��rti:'drlvon,'tl shoft �. -�,,spon peared certain. � ' e ,tall, re- Ole cc outsi ,-� tho1owit ,of D111gle tho noodo,l be!p to rnco� that r — 11 . - - e days and affected a juncti�n band At the East Cambridg, t, , - sixty years, 15. it was a droani- may not beat- on exalted a significance. thre . ­­ ­­­­­.­_.__­, ._ . . ­­ . .. -,-. I ­­ ­­. ­,­ ­­­ ­-­-­--­­­-­­ ­­----­-, % , Willi another army operating from � , Vised. so as to be good for A% week. 4n4 released. ' PRANCE A"' =XIC0. 't . these armies w6re wh�". M. . ... �It 4 . A #,, , 1*1 I r -1101M. bill ad . . X . . . j .. � I a day -at Ai. tinia. This action Is taicen ! , T 0 Y.SA S F011 CMW MAYOR. I I Im"99 - . - �, '- ­­ .. -...I-. I to mertil that Ponzi has aoj)arently n Aftudoop.d. his tight to get out en - London, Aug. 1 .-Torrence Mc- tiwacney, Lord Aitlyor of Cork. Ira- �"­,-.:- ." X; � ­ - I : 1. .. ball. fe6ling that he is unequo6j to land, W4a was arrested, tried and . 1. , 11 e�. OVOVC(Inlo th6 Government's dw*e to .1 found giij,lty ofniakin a tedlitious ut- .. .... I ... 1. .1 ­ - I . hold him as against the State's desire torance, was sentence two �cars In . J; :1, I .1, I to get him Jn its hands. 11 prison, Govern me-'rttonnounced to- tha L� .. ...'R , � ,� .. . Tutning In Of profits nist-le undtr day. 40 is hunger 8trIkIng. Rio ­ �, , . � , ,! , : the Porizi scheme continum. on -I 0( wife, in Cork, has been Warned of his - ,-,: � � .to-dav's contilbutiona being a elioque condition: site to holding herself. in 11 ..... 3. � - � I :.: : for $1,160 froma walter from the Ito- roadiliess to go t6 him should he grow - . I . . . tot Lennox, These returns of prafit.- weaker. I I ;�, � !" I ... ". , i . I : � � ! , 116W'toftl .--overal thousand dollar,% INIORID HUNGER SVRM�Ittg i,.1OVED. - ­ ..... I ..... .1111, 1. � ...... .: . I . % ,,',�,.�;�. , X, Z "". .1, �i�,., I �',�,��.` AIM Pon7i and Iter mothsr-In4mv Dillifin, Aug. A --Soveftteen Irish '4� X�:' �.: ­ , .: . - � ­ � - I- , ­ , I "'j. r4. .1 I . : . I., - � . � announce their wIllinguess to. turn over all they have to Volizi'a arrolitura. . hunger strikers. two ot whom Were � �.,, , '. ".:, 1; . " . � . I I � . I -44.: "�4 "" .. i 11, ­ ,�' �z. Z" �' :., ", 'x. .. � . 1111-1. -.N11 unconscious from lack of food and � . I.i �; .. ,� ,��. �­s;" ,:� 11.1 ,�­ . ­.­'.:­. ­­ 11 .. - - I I - I ZOOIDXO.-� .1 two others so 'wealt they could not walk, were removed from the Cork Jall to -day and started for England. i ... � � � ... 'Ili i .1.1 . I : I I , ! ?i I �r.l � X � 11 They were carried from the jail oil 1, � .1 11 - I WAR". ORPHANS stretchers. , -4"-P- *LIPTON . t:: . I 11 �� . 1i .. I . I I I ­ AT SING SINOw. 1. j . . " ­. I .....'. 15 � Parls, cable: Tw,.%Ive million chil- Ol,tilulnc, N.Y., Aug. ". -- Sir .Thmnag Lipton yolitorday vtslto,d 14 .I. . �. I , . I I I . I . , � � " . : � ',,, .k. I , N I I � , - dren in Europe lo,,t s)ne or both par. i6f.ng Sing Prison, and Avis given a � I . I ,�*, ,1 . I I �.:" I . I tnts during tile war, it .*a shown by 9,oug ovation by the Inmates, whom � :, , � �� I I . ... . � . ,: ,:;, �, ;;. I compilafjont. gathered by rePreianta- I i,o addressed In the prison v*,rd. . % , , �, ! . . . .11 -.� � I 11, I f tive3 of the American 11.04 crom. in t ,,I am very much gratfied, boys." I ,r,-#Ikt i8ir Thowas whta the . clicera .: .. �, ..., .. I 1, -,t I , : . . I .L ­ .. 1 t� 13 coutit.11M. Au' -sift IN06 W11111 four a 11 t ut s,', Al c d. "Tlicre never viaq ilia .1 . . � .. ., �� S. � �,,� L 11 . , ���, � Dill1loft. and Prance bas one million. bor.i *,vho did not make n, mistake. � t : ". . '. 1 Ajban�g is itif;t on the IIA With Seven- *rho thing Is, when we grow older, I., . . . � I 1! . , � I ... . !) teen- thouzand. Pot to make tl%6 san.,,b,i)iipt.tko,,4.1i,-,.Iiln. . V � I . .� I 'k �� � :,��, I "I I . ! . —­*� ! SAN9. � ,ARtICLL LOVI SIMMS I've made thent, and I guess most of : , Yoil have." . . i i . .1�1 I I ,�� I 11 1! I 1-1. : 4,:. '. -, , '', 1� ?e , , , � � � I 1 : �, .� I . . ­� , �,��K I I I : , 1Z, �� I .1, �. . .1 I f " 11 " I Toronto, Aug. .-From observa- � The Iritth tarouct WAs present,til . I � . I , ,,:: ^ ..',!, . . , . . I . , V . .. . . 11 � , . 11 � I , j : . .1 .. .. � �11 'A ­ I ". ..I. . . � . :. "'"', , tion milde up tq Me present it would With a band -painted souvenir, mads by the InniatcA. ,� . , , 11 I .1 1. 1. 1 * p . I . . I .1 y, mmm-—i - ­-,,,,�, . , I -.- , . '�%: " , .. � " .. 1 � 1 11� *Dpaitr that Arnoll Love. self-00ftlets- I SlervicA will be commenced In ftrnetr at the o0d of the ivresont prov,jileffal, ­ ­­­­ �� 0 40110-111 n1alwas"Nomm -- ,. - ed murdeter of his mothbr. is lans, 1 An offlotal wh i ­­­­­ 101re dftiroYed-ihi boot ud ithoo rut Ory of 0. TrottIler. Itt ftint Tit#. 4 CaMMAY PON 14ORS28. to seelift Pyld*146 of the r- = g1v*A *b2a to 14" $'tic* h" 4*t*u' 00 o And & 1111111b4r of storox ftd J TP 0 worldlit only contattry for hor4et Is mAintalftod In Loxi"Uton, K4ntu cky, by At ws,tlthy turfmoirt of thAt tion. 11tam *Itt lit Avows to b4 n. 11011SAII. Thi d4=04 doto I# sitlymi%ted alty. In It tho bodl#6 of thar6u4hbrad,horsss ars burlod, 1n tho b AckaPound, Ix so6a * monurns"t to at "Mok I ftso6v Hanks, o"os a w*lI,%kn4)Wn rso%horso, 4 I 11 * . Rtoi V m*Q"-;-, . I 0 4$401100fm 41161110c, � 4904001WIMA I 1 01AWNIPP1104W144, -jvw"&��01*w I , , . W -01011411140W, 1 - j 4 F I --1-10 I -*--,"--­ 11 .. � I Arthf1j( I Irw)(1 , qAS" 1,01D.O. Doctor of Deoral ftr tit �0*46ry �If Ontario, , ritlato oil T.Now CloRecl over.3o. Wednesday 4ftertloon. ' , � I . Office In MAcclorald Otook. ­Wlk Pu;, -brablv, X. H--. _ IA *k I $ &*#*,� M,Q*.f,-9-;*, ft*ftiL-&*"#9j ,or.14. i-0 4*§"-* , 4,'A - 0. �W,* , , T04, U'rive , , Qljjjj�pqow '.. . u4j ­ 04 t". r t. .'*jft, j4­$yjj5 .- - . I -=010"W ­%*U4 .104um " X"So" � otaft in a Kom Ir"K."." b*- I 11 tot 00 942#,#- NotiorM *0 I An, *Q0,01W1"0tbV9*^11*"M=,'4ti�0 , I I , - . ­ 111�1� 94.' � ­ ' 4o-4 ­11W 1;4% , *. , . '. . 1. I - . .1 � 1. . .� . I ­ � ­ ., ,.k;, , R., 11:1�1, 0 ' " ' �, ;,:R,*bJL,C- , ond, 9 4 i A.- 4-3440) - I EM -4 W PWf%101AN,*Nd 1111000M ij, I ,1469� OW I VIA � i�o).'. r . . I I , I It , I � . � K � " R. R. L STDU T.-' . . . . . , � oraduate of 'UnIverestr.-of �Tolv � .F,-,bulty of XedJo1m171ce;itIate1f11t1h01- , (W010to ,College of,ph"folauq­ aud . t '91�iioovjo- - � . - - .� OFMCID JONTRANCH:, I " . � � .1 . . 890PNO, DOOR NORTH. OF , ;�1JRj3RIGq!Q PHOTO� ST06ilb, . 40SORENE ST. NONE 2R. 1 .1 ­� Boldiiievik military leaders succeei In � I qi4loUly organizing a more successful restSiance. the defeat of the ,Soviet Xorc03 before Warsaw. will become a " ,very serious one," according to a � ,cablegram received by the Sta;te De- � partinent to-daY from the United States Legation at Warsaw. The message Nvp,.i under date of yesterday. . � -e 0 4,0 � I,* , I . 1110- olfillunFl IN': - . I I �.. . � SUHR:­ VRICES-��, " ' IU. S. Dealers-, Loaded Up, � I � Howl for Help. Have Lost, Thousands in I Past We6k. Washington, Aug. '. - Big sugar dealers are howling for help. Many of them who loaded up and' held sugar when prices were high, with a ' view to unloading when they"welit I still higher, find themselves facll�g serious losses, as sugar is falling downward -with big strides, with no . Immediate prospect of a check to*&e P decline. , . 1. � Within a week, sugar prices ]lave dropped from 23, 24 and 25 cents it 0ound to 16, 17 and 18, a ' ad many dealers have lost thousands of dot- I�rs of their former fat sugar profits, qnd the end Is not yet. Yesterday, .according to Information reaching Washington, one of the largest con- ; cerns in the country planned to put sugar on the ruarket. at 15 cents a I � Dound in order to me ' at competitors. J. Government officials who are � watching the situation said to -day It . Would not be surprising 'if prices dropped to even lower' levels before they stabilize. A miscalculation Vidle1c,aNgada 'the effect of prohibition, a a to have been the real in- 4tigation of the break Ili sugar. A tontributory cause is attributed to � the haste of sugar dealers all over the world to rush their supplies to title country to get the bonefit of the L , high prices. Many of these forelgn,Vi, supplies have already reached here . or are en rolite, conling from Brazil, 'Peru, Argentina, Clilue, and even train Africa. . L London, Aug, , .-Latest reports show little change In the Alosopo- IN , tamlan situation, says a War Offlon announcement to -day. The Balcubs . area is still in revolt, as far nortli as Th.,mikin, the announcement says. A British post at Saklya, 25 miles � south of Xltrl, has been Invested, The railway from 11111ago to Bag- dad, has now been: secured at both ends by lilies of blockhousts. Date'noca art � being constructed In the vicinity of ' , Ilngdad lt,�pjf. Heat ilod the lownema of the river have Impeded operations. . � 0 0 SOVIET IN PRUSSIA. Valbert Communists Haye - Proclaimed One. , .V­� � , Drussolso Aug. "I. -,et sooll-official tolegrain. front Desseldort sayr4. that nit Insuracrit 1110MIC11t, allegedly entanatigg Ili tile Gernian Mollounip,t � Party, bAs resulted in the proclailla. 6011 Of a Soviet Ropulille At Velbert, Ilh(',nls;ll Ptugsltl. The dmsj)jttr ,11 stat. ed that Conintuntsits s#Ized the Towil Until extorted 1110VAev front tile tie]). or inhAbitants, 4114 fOreed the loeal brglich at, the Relchlbank to han(I ovsr &million mark$, Notiev.% wet# posted InvitIvig wotktts Ott ZA"n and uOrAlchold to loin the m4yomout. I - � , I I 11 ­ � - - - ill ,, ''I ''I I 1 .... 11'' , I . I �� 1. I / I ., - I ­Q� —��AAA!­­ -L.. .JL- - . � - - - - - - - . - - - I J I 1-110, . �1 o — �Y,lthln 18 miles of tile strongly forti- Tenns On Which Recogni. T16d Brest Litovsk, 120 miles 4�ast of Warsaw. tion Will Be Granted. at noon Wednesday, and have now probably re-ocoupled that . - 'rupgrtalit MAN' of communications, 4 Which the Reds late WoJneizday night Paris, Aug. /*.-The Pronch Gov- *era renbrted to be hurriedly evacu- 'Ornment has inade 1twown to rialix latlng� V. Palavachil, the Mexican envoy ex- -', 'rho initial tacticat alm of this man. traord1nar3r to France, the conditions bouvre, say military experts. is at- whiell muist be fulfilled by the present mady more than. attalued, as the -left Mexlean Government if It wishes to wing of the Bo,shovik army, based on Ito ore(ognized by France after the Brest Litovsk, has become Separated oltetions to be held to September. The Red contre, Is being hold befor� .The torcIffloos Include ptoyineut of the forts of Warsaw..and oil the right 11ndem . initlea -for V renchmen killed lit they are reported In a critical altua- 'Vexleo, and also reimbursement fo,r� "on, 4aillaires &,ne to the businesses of According to the latest news, tile 'Frorch izationials. I Poles have, almoat reached their next - � . I j ri ATAL ITALIAN RIOT. obJective-the course of the middle Bug below Brest Litovsk. Once this I 16 attalnel, it Is believed the retreat -- T.ondoli. Au5, ',---4PtIO*s VtOiJb!Z Of tho,11016heviki, -concentrated Ift the Slolce reglOng, Will be cut off and � hoo occurred at Abbadia. near S!Ona. thoy Will be left with only one way to Ttal.V. towillffnq In the% death of sevon i-etilre tbeYond the Illig. This - to by I 1)(Irsona. ani tile serious Injury of r,Av- wa of Warsaly"Blalystoh I ; P otborA. according to a Central .V mad, � , g�-li . �,s d"p4tch from Rome- r�011ow' Ing a SP00ell at 4 mass mOetlllg by It , North of the Nafew River'. the Po- I Socialist Deputy. disturbances 'd"* I!sh left wing is continuing to ad. vance, and Is now Well UP lit he fork t i volopod among the crowds and Polls- botwoon the Narew and Bug Wyers, Ianto, broke into churchda in the towft. A inoxik. a cl ild. one, soldier and rour nAkIng,la converglifg attack on the 'PultUdic bridg6head. In the contre 'the , qoclat.sta wore killed. ­ 11 I �! F . L P61cis are rapidly driving tho Ro(id , �Rtjon of tile oni4tio Civil I Itt,sorg,1117 btwk on tht TJpper Bug between. Chle. Ohanow and Brohlezyn. I SlervicA will be commenced In ftrnetr at the o0d of the ivresont prov,jileffal, In the rogl6it of Thorn, in the DA11- Yoar. It to under4tood tbat thA Gov. la planning to wake the j -Ai- tig corridor ,north-east of Wart,aw. Fresy, have. awarol on the "111TONY Ii�rniwmt UM161it Or A 1094 number of aged scene. Ant'roanded the 116d do - 1 I civil Norv-41t* offoetiv-s xo ut nlp�& tROhnieftts. whiph reached the Vistula I Sautual Willouithby is deitd, V. 1). I Das;d6oft Is orobsibly fatally injured River Abd rOmMd All ,dtltnkor to com. MUnle4tor botWeft %troftw and Dantig ' , and Wilbur Watson Is 500ded so tu by tho Vistula. $LP41 qlsq 1#9- ed the' UZI` ; result of a blowlbllf urs ot a locomotive railroad ROM Dgftilg� to 8 , ot the COMOX Logging & A*11*14y Co. MCOMINa azallva, - usstr CAVAP No. III. 44 Aritilk, C0114tAbUL I WASUIskifton. Aug. ! - U21014 tho . Rtoi V m*Q"-;-, . I 0 4$401100fm 41161110c, � 4904001WIMA I 1 01AWNIPP1104W144, -jvw"&��01*w I , , . W -01011411140W, 1 - j 4 F I --1-10 I -*--,"--­ 11 .. � I Arthf1j( I Irw)(1 , qAS" 1,01D.O. Doctor of Deoral ftr tit �0*46ry �If Ontario, , ritlato oil T.Now CloRecl over.3o. Wednesday 4ftertloon. ' , � I . Office In MAcclorald Otook. ­Wlk Pu;, -brablv, X. H--. _ IA *k I $ &*#*,� M,Q*.f,-9-;*, ft*ftiL-&*"#9j ,or.14. i-0 4*§"-* , 4,'A - 0. �W,* , , T04, U'rive , , Qljjjj�pqow '.. . u4j ­ 04 t". r t. .'*jft, j4­$yjj5 .- - . I -=010"W ­%*U4 .104um " X"So" � otaft in a Kom Ir"K."." b*- I 11 tot 00 942#,#- NotiorM *0 I An, *Q0,01W1"0tbV9*^11*"M=,'4ti�0 , I I , - . ­ 111�1� 94.' � ­ ' 4o-4 ­11W 1;4% , *. , . '. . 1. I - . .1 � 1. . .� . I ­ � ­ ., ,.k;, , R., 11:1�1, 0 ' " ' �, ;,:R,*bJL,C- , ond, 9 4 i A.- 4-3440) - I EM -4 W PWf%101AN,*Nd 1111000M ij, I ,1469� OW I VIA � i�o).'. r . . I I , I It , I � . � K � " R. R. L STDU T.-' . . . . . , � oraduate of 'UnIverestr.-of �Tolv � .F,-,bulty of XedJo1m171ce;itIate1f11t1h01- , (W010to ,College of,ph"folauq­ aud . t '91�iioovjo- - � . - - .� OFMCID JONTRANCH:, I " . � � .1 . . 890PNO, DOOR NORTH. OF , ;�1JRj3RIGq!Q PHOTO� ST06ilb, . 40SORENE ST. NONE 2R. 1 .1 ­� Boldiiievik military leaders succeei In � I qi4loUly organizing a more successful restSiance. the defeat of the ,Soviet Xorc03 before Warsaw. will become a " ,very serious one," according to a � ,cablegram received by the Sta;te De- � partinent to-daY from the United States Legation at Warsaw. The message Nvp,.i under date of yesterday. . � -e 0 4,0 � I,* , I . 1110- olfillunFl IN': - . I I �.. . � SUHR:­ VRICES-��, " ' IU. S. Dealers-, Loaded Up, � I � Howl for Help. Have Lost, Thousands in I Past We6k. Washington, Aug. '. - Big sugar dealers are howling for help. Many of them who loaded up and' held sugar when prices were high, with a ' view to unloading when they"welit I still higher, find themselves facll�g serious losses, as sugar is falling downward -with big strides, with no . Immediate prospect of a check to*&e P decline. , . 1. � Within a week, sugar prices ]lave dropped from 23, 24 and 25 cents it 0ound to 16, 17 and 18, a ' ad many dealers have lost thousands of dot- I�rs of their former fat sugar profits, qnd the end Is not yet. Yesterday, .according to Information reaching Washington, one of the largest con- ; cerns in the country planned to put sugar on the ruarket. at 15 cents a I � Dound in order to me ' at competitors. J. Government officials who are � watching the situation said to -day It . Would not be surprising 'if prices dropped to even lower' levels before they stabilize. A miscalculation Vidle1c,aNgada 'the effect of prohibition, a a to have been the real in- 4tigation of the break Ili sugar. A tontributory cause is attributed to � the haste of sugar dealers all over the world to rush their supplies to title country to get the bonefit of the L , high prices. Many of these forelgn,Vi, supplies have already reached here . or are en rolite, conling from Brazil, 'Peru, Argentina, Clilue, and even train Africa. . L London, Aug, , .-Latest reports show little change In the Alosopo- IN , tamlan situation, says a War Offlon announcement to -day. The Balcubs . area is still in revolt, as far nortli as Th.,mikin, the announcement says. A British post at Saklya, 25 miles � south of Xltrl, has been Invested, The railway from 11111ago to Bag- dad, has now been: secured at both ends by lilies of blockhousts. Date'noca art � being constructed In the vicinity of ' , Ilngdad lt,�pjf. Heat ilod the lownema of the river have Impeded operations. . � 0 0 SOVIET IN PRUSSIA. Valbert Communists Haye - Proclaimed One. , .V­� � , Drussolso Aug. "I. -,et sooll-official tolegrain. front Desseldort sayr4. that nit Insuracrit 1110MIC11t, allegedly entanatigg Ili tile Gernian Mollounip,t � Party, bAs resulted in the proclailla. 6011 Of a Soviet Ropulille At Velbert, Ilh(',nls;ll Ptugsltl. The dmsj)jttr ,11 stat. ed that Conintuntsits s#Ized the Towil Until extorted 1110VAev front tile tie]). or inhAbitants, 4114 fOreed the loeal brglich at, the Relchlbank to han(I ovsr &million mark$, Notiev.% wet# posted InvitIvig wotktts Ott ZA"n and uOrAlchold to loin the m4yomout. I - � , I I 11 ­ � - - - ill ,, ''I ''I I 1 .... 11'' , I . I �� 1. I / I ., - I ­Q� —��AAA!­­ -L.. .JL- - . � - - - - - - - . - - - I J I 1-110, . �1