HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-26, Page 1if T-77 I
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14r- . Single Cooies - Three Coots . . I WINGRAM, ONT.; TRURSDAY, AUQUST 26th, 1920 1
. .
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Baseballci e Win$
Their District
X01cal Item
L I .
% .----%~%^---^- ~;,-J
Inside Exhibit To Be Hold
In Tho Arraounes
Subscription Prko After October I st.
In the final game for groap 3 hotiors of
Miss Verna .McLaughlin has been en-
Wingh4m Fall j 1-7 coining soon and
Will So $2.90
I the North, Wellington Baseball League
gaged on the L xeter high school staff at
a salary of $1,300, .
promises to be one of the best. The.
Tile W ekly newspapers of fittron.
Wingliant defeated Teeswater at Brussels
Wingliam Armourtes will be used for the
county and Pertb county have had to. Ill.
on Monday evening by the'wore of 8 to
The ladies of Listowel have organized
inside exhibit and will be neatly decorat-
crease their price to $2.00 per annuni,
3. 11 I
to pull flax, the proceeds of their labors to
a Several merchants have already.
This takes effect on 6
. Apart from the first innings the game
Pe donated to. the hospital.
spoken for space to exhibit, The govern-
October Ist., 1920.
was a close one. All the players on both
Ross, Hardware are offering extra spec.
ment flax exhibit will bie a 1X0Od One.
There, was no option in the matter.
teams played good ball. 'For Wingham
.ials for August 26, 21 and 28, Their
TheCanadian Postum CerQat Company
We have no fault to find with the mault'.
Judwa and Johns made spectacular catek.
advertisement arrived too late ior public.
will also bavel a space Ond will serve Post-
facturers, of news print. During th war
to but it would be unfair to mention any-
ation, '
. um. The one admission will'be used for
they were restricted as to the price they
one in particular as starting for no one fell
dowriat any time. : . .
The Salem Meth odist circuit .are to be
both armouries and show grounds by
means of A duplicate ticket, We have often
should receive for their product.' Now
the war is ovir and these restrictions are
Wingharn will now meet Cargill, in
6 congratulated on their - progress, They
heard ladies remark that they would like
I ifted, we cannot blame them for selling
home and home games. 'the Ar'st one to
have increased the salary of their pastor
to ek,iblt fancy work, but wouldriot care
6 ,
to the beat market, The United States
be played at Wingliam on Thursda y after-
to SISSOO I . . .
to r-Offikkin the old building, this excuse
publishers have come to Canada and offer-
noort of this weel at. 4 o'clock. We look
, .
At a meeting of the joint boards of the
will not hold good this year a-3 the, Arm'
ed $380 per 'ton for news print, If we
for a monster crowd and.taiderstand that
Wingnam Methodist Church Rev. E. F,
ouries is a most suitable building in every
were manufacturing news print we would
an effort will be made to. have business
Armstrong's salary was increased from
want to sell to the best customer, So
places close from 4 to 6, o'clock.
$1,800 to $2,000 per year.
The new 1920 prize li9ts are now ready
far the weeklies of this province and the
. 6 , . , . . .. .
. --= : .
The local branch of the G, W. V. A,
and the secretary will gladly send, them
Dominion have been well treated, a.nd we
I Pretty August Weilding I ..- I
are holdinga dan I ce in the Mills Memor-
to any per.con applying for one,
will no doubt get enough paper for our
I . I .
- " ! I . A, qiet, but prettY event took place at
ial Hall on Thursday evening, August
26tb, Admission 50 cents.
' Win ham Citizens' B
mu 9 .and will supply
sicat, the Armotirles on the evening
needs, but we have to pay the price,
That brings us to the point -where. we
I i. m
the hoNa,qf Mr. and Mrs., Robt. c-
Kagug of Wingliam. Ont., on Wednesday,
: I I
J. W. McKibbon local druggist, agent
of Sept. 30th and at the grounds on the
afternoon of the Ist of October,
have to appeal to the loyalty,of our read-
ers to meet the advance, '
August 'the Isth., *lien' their daughter,
Elizabeth May, was .ualted-in marriage to
for Templeton's Limited has samples of
Rheumatic Capsules, and RAZ -MAH for
The speeding events on the last . day
It amounts to about one cent a week on
. .
Hugh Whitten, Mager, Toronto, the Rev.
I .. I ,
Asthma and Bay Fever.
will be the best held at any fair out.
thehoine paper. That onecent if met
Dr. Perrie 6ificiating. Only the immed-
: . . .
, I .
'Beauty is only skin deep, " Old 'pro-
I I be given
side the larger cities, $150 wil
for a 2. 30 trot or pace atid alike amount
will mean the salvaiion of many a local
paper, If not met, then. many of them
iate friends were present and after a sho rt
trip to the U. S., the happy couple will
mrb. Some we'see isn't even pkin de4p,will
be paid f9r the Free-for-all, The
will have to 'go out of business, a local
residi in Toronto. I
Looks more as if it was applied 'with a
purse, for the Farmer's Race will be $50
piper, which, 911ves the home news is not
' . I I .
Decor4ttion 90vice , " ,
whitewash brush, . or a trowel in some
cases. ,
The prizes for horses and rattle are also
easily done withQut. It is a part of the
community life and fills a place in the
. , - I
. '% . I
much better than in the former years,
home ,which keeps you m touch with
L. 0. L* No. 794 will liold decorktion
. Owing to increasing costs .subscription
, . --------7- .
1 .
those around you.
service on Sunday afternoon,Atigust. 29th,
and Adveriising rates of the local news-
I .
Hurt While Harvesting . .
Remember that after the ist of Oq-
at 2,30 o'clock. Brethren will .kindly
. .
Papers will be slightly advanced on 0,3.
. '
While drawing ie grain at J, A. Me-
*R is: $2,00 in
ober, 1920, Tns ADVAxo
meet in the lodge room not later than 2
. o'clock. Ail vishiiig brethien welcome.
lst. The government also calls for a 2
, I .
per cent charge on all job pr nti ,
I 6K'
Loan's farm r on Tuesday, M irin.
. .r. Hugh S
Canada and $20 in the United States,
. ----6.-
. I ..
The cQuimfitee have alreadk the names
. ..
Mr. ,
.William Austin, B, line of Turn-',
aiIion met with q painful accident, which
willlay blin asidefora time, Thebay.
1 ---,..6-
0 '
Proposed Raise 16 ;40""e k
. ates
I of lovek *,shfty deceased brethren whose,
graves will be decorated, Anyone who
berry, biotight into our office a stalk ;f
foric rope broke and the pulley struck him,
' It th new proposed tariff of the Bell
. I
has relatives who' were members of the
corn from his field measures 12 feet 3 in-,
' - 6
severely spraining his leg.
Telephone'Company is sanctioned by
. the
I ' .
Orange Order buried in the cemetery will
, i
ches,in length. If you doret believe it -
call in the ADvA Tca and measure it. .
Free Meeting For Juniors . , -
I .
Dominion Board of Railway Commis -
I 'Wingham busin6ss men will pay
kindly leave -the names with J. P. Groves
We were mistaken in reporting . in t . li e
Thq Junior Lqader will be, . here on Mon-
fifty per cent nioro for, their Phones than. I
or A. G. Smith prior to Sunday, Donat-
ions of bouquets of flowers will be thank-'
birth notice last week, *,to Mr. and Mrs,,
day,'Aug. 30th, and wants to meet all the
. . .
they are'paying now, ,or in other words
fully received. The citizens band - will
W. C. Austin, Kitchener, a son," it should
children at the tent at 3 o'clock. Every-
they will be boosted -from $22 to $33 per
lead -the procession to the cemetery.
nave been a daughter. We trust the little
one be sure to attend this, as she has a
year. Residence fibpes, which now costs
lady will Qverlook being called nic, names
-lot to tell you about Chautauqua.
thesame as business phones, -will be raised
- ured
* Lorne MacDonald Badly I lid I .,
so soon, . I
. I . .
I n , .
We Want The News. , .
$ , making the yearly rate for a house I
in town $24,00. Rural I
wifes Ir a A4-D %1A who returned
. At a congregational meeting of the
. I
phone phones on
. . P it at Wing-
last week from a month's vls*
Presbyterian church, Southampton, 4
Tell us the news while it's f
. r: and
hot. It gaUB a publisher to get ot of
the Bell service will be raised from the
present rate of $16.00 to the new tarill
ham, bad sad news awaiting her, a letter
days ago, the Rev. A. M. Boyle, B.
having - come I ,from her daughter-in-law,
A. of Belgrave, was hosen pastor of the
real live stuff just when he is ldcking up
of $21.00 per year. ,In the larger cities
Mrs. Lorn e 'A. MacDonald. at Swift
flock there. It is exped'ed that he, will
the forms to-catch,the mails. Everybody
the raise is much more drastic. In Tor-
Currint, Sask.. telling of a serious acci-
accept the call. . I
can help to make the paper better, and
onto for instance a business phone will
dent to the latter's husband, when he was
Rev. Samuel Seilery, a former beloved
when anything of interest occurs rush1t
cost $60 per year and the subscriber is
. run into by a motor car, knocked down,
Pastor of Wingham, at present superan-
in at once. Phone us if you haven1 time
to get it in by mail. Our phone number
limited to 100 free me ' ssages a month.
After that be pays an additional 4c for
and then,,aB the intoxicated driver of the
uated and livingin Toronto, has promised
i . .
. ' ,
is 34. Maki use of it and give us the
each message. As many places in Tor -
car backed up was run over the second
time. He was taken to the Swift Current
to conduct the anniversary services in the
Wingham Methodist Church on Sunday,
news. , . I I .
onto have over 100 calls a day, the new
hospital, when he was found he had a
October 24th,
"Free" Ticket,liuk For Cnautauqua, ,*
rate will, it is estimated, run some of
them into hundreds of dollars more per
broken shoulder bone, a dislocated hip
Don't fail to see the best base -ball
Here'syour ebanpe, boys and girls of
Year for phone service. As a result a
and two fractured ribs. His wife is stay.
game of the season in Wingbam on
Wingbam,togeta real live chautauqua
strong protest will go up from the cities,
ing with him at the hospital, and reports
. .
Thursday afternoon at 4 o clock sharp.
ticket for nothing. Don't believe it, eh?
as well as a milder kick from the towns
I that he is doing ,as well as can be except-
Cargill and Winghara will play the first
you just listen to this.
and country, Already the daily press is
ed. The, authorities are taking Action
game in the serni-finals. Admission 25
The executive officers of the local
out hammering the proposed raise.
' against the driver of the, car.-Goderich
cents and 15 cents.
Chautauqua Committee, have -planned a
That the telephone system in Ontario
'Star. I
Miss Gertrude Hartnell' entertained a
"'Hunting" cont66t for the children.
Six Junior Season tickets, good for All
Should be a publicly owned institution in.
,. --- .--..--,—
number of her friends at her home on
Wednesday evening 'the 18th inst., the
sessions of the chautau(jua will be hidden
stead of controlled by a private corpora.
tion, seems the general concensus of opin.
'-- —
occasion being a birtbday party. The
in some prominent place about town such
ion, and the time would 'now appear ripe
FOR -RALE -Two littert; of young pigs, For
full particular
evening was spent in music and gapes,
as in some store window in plain sight
for the Provincial Government to take
Belgrave, r`(5. t eriti.
and brought to a close in the "wee sma
among other objects, or some similar
place. 'Just when the tickets will be
stepi towaids, taking over the- phone busi-
hours," .
hiddenandjust who willdo, the hiding
ness, as the Legislatures have already
. ,
FOR SALE -Two good Ford oars for sale at
a bargain. Apply to.
' Mr. and Mrs, Thomas J,- Baker foriner-
will remain a secret until after the con-
done in the Western Provinces of Mani-
, , J. S. D6aisno.
ly of Wingham, announce the engagement
test is-, over. At seven 0, clock on the
toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and
- .
of their -second daughter, Mary Elizabeth,
. .
morning of FridaY, August 27th the
which is being run with such success
FOlito SALE -Flue property. beautiful eltuat-
n in good repair. Bargalu for quick
to Mr. Win. John FInley, son of Mr. and
ticket hunt will begin.
efficiency by the public. The Bell Tele -
sale. Apply to. . .
. Turu ADVANcE.
Mrs. William Finley, of righarn. The
This will be lots of 'fun for everybody.
phone Co. claim the big advance in, I
. I
marriage to take place the first week in
There are no strings to this contest.
wagee, material, ete., compels them to I
ask the proposed increase, and they furth-
buggy r Aug
ust 18th, black on one side and 'day n oil
ly"O' '
Noel Wabbzee *and his wife,, Indiana
Every boy and girl in town has .a right to
,huht for one of these tickets. Get up
er maintain that they have never yet de -
the Other. Owner..
I a f y have Tmetb3,, pro,
property and payin or this ad,., ,s'm6ut!Dg
from Saugeen reserve, made $100 for rive
i '
to have start,
claredover8 per cent. dividend on the
-- .
uays work pi4lling flax by the acre for
Tiplingand Mills. What business man
)real early so as a good and
hunt. Look everywhere. You may I be
capital invested. Granting them . this
contention, such a public utility as the
. -- -- - - -
OST -8 her 0" on F-'ne
- w I ' ng'r
; -
A .tT W With I e.th.r
!tr.p` IV'1q01-.. d as Elop sak,' Reward .
it, ft
. ,
can make that amount of money clear in
the first to find One of them.
phone, should bel6ng to the, people as a
at. AD.vAXM, OFFiolo.
that length of time at Wingbarri without
East Huron Winners In Oat Competition
whole rather than to an.y private corpora-
. vesting one cent?
Judging of the standing Oat crop corn.
tion as at present. -
OULTRY WANTED-Ilighest Ice c
a ald
P for all kinds of poultry, getporur p es
The services in the Winghain Methodist
under the direction of East
. I .
-- — ---
before you sell. H. BROWN & S
Churcti will be as follows-, 10 a. in. Fell-
. Socieiy has been com-
. I ' ,
owship Meeting; 11 a. in. Public Worship,
Subject, "How to Promote a Revival!'
pleted by Robert Berry, of St. Marys
and the following awards were made, R.
H,Hoover,WaIton`,S4.,1 points; John G.
^ '---"-**-' I
- , .
POOMERS WANTED -1 am prepared to
R take roomersat myresidence, Frances
Street, Wingham.
MRS. M, J.1WAr!f2RS.
2.30 p. in. Sunday School,, 7 p. in. Public
Worship, -The Passing Opportunity".
Spier, Morris, 83; Hervian Whitfield.
I 11 I
You will be made welcodie- .
Grey 81j; R
" L. Taylor, Grey 81; W. R,
', .
QTRAYED-A yearling heifer stra ed to the
- of the undersigned, MX 25,
Moses, Morris. 80; 0. Turnbull & Son
: il'l . . . . . :..:`
I .
p-tonliscu con.
7, West Wawanosli on or about June Ist.
Sunday, Sept. 12th, the Irish Evange-
Grey; R. L, Nichol, Morris 771, There
...... i .. 1
Ownermay have sa=e by proving property
and paying expenses.
list Mr, Dixon and his, 4aughter, Will
were 16 entries in all, and the winners,
11 -.,.,.,.' . ..'. O..." , Nl ' ..',', -
, * ,
I '-.,: ? ,;, ' ,' .. I .". I
R` %',; ;;-O:, , ""
K '.... :',....' ; -,- -,.: . :'. -%Z` ; '
begin a series of Evangelistic meetings in
have the privilege of competing at the
. . .-R . '.."!. -'..,,.;, , - .., ..,
, .'. ,
- .:, ..,.. .; -` ..,..:, 1. I.X2
1-0.,-.. .. ....., , ,-. :"-. . .. .
?j -.1-il. .%t I
WANTED-Goneral Servant, 425. Apply.
Winghain Methodist ' Church. These
workers sane in their methods and
fall fair, Toronto R hibition and the Win,
.mr...' -KI.I...';., ".., ... ..X.
. -
.- . ... ,-..,. , , -;
m. ."': ." ..,: .%
A -, -
.. .
,.:*: ;.:k..T!",-,..;.7;.,:. ,,..!.: 5::
. ,
. Fordwieli, Oat.
mostefficientin their service 6f sermon
ter Fair. .
:,:, --
, .. ,.
,'. , ." !:1 *
--- . ---,. --,
WANTED .,An assistant matron for the
andsong. Come to hear them.
I L .
Will Leave Funds With Trdst Co.
0,3- ; ,
.,:, ..."I'- .,:Q. :
*Q` `- .. ... - - . ' , L ' - . -
: -, --g. ,,I;
. .1'..,.PR .
.; .11. : ..
Hurot, vaay Rouge of Refuge at Clin-
It is understood that Huron Township
1' ', " - .1.
, - -:-??...;, . -.:.
ton, duties to begin LA. 8 t. Ap plicattons,
personal preforre 2
recolveF Dy JOHN 'Nolt-
and the Town of Kincardine have decided
.,.' Z L'. :. ". ;::
: I ""'' -Iy.,!., ..":W-."R.,. o .1
. -, -. .1. .
.1, '.' . ..... ' ,..' ..
. -..;4-N.s. !:;: ".
, . . ` -1.
:: ... '. .! .'
", xm
A N'..
, i
RANCH, XfiSPet%Or,%1lInton.
. .
to allow the intdrest from the ,bonds in,
. - .. , ...
'. - %. " .
M: ':X ....
.:. , !".'...,
,xJ, ;::!,.'.::.,:.
.% 1 '....,
,..,.. , -,,t,.'.-,`, ,,.-,.. .- - .
. 0, .. . ,,, ,
` .4. !::
... ---------'----
Six Joyous Days of Chautauqua Enter- I
which their portion of the proceeds of the
'.. t!p : ;;
, -.1. ....1-W I.... ....... *.. .
11'.11-1 .
, .;:,.,: :i
tainmerits at Wingbam, August Blot to
West Shore Railway is invested to accum-
. , . ..: -.%-.-%:;,!
, :, 'W`- ',61'f K. *,.,.,. ...,
111.1.111z . L iL -
./ . -%.1
.:r, ...... ""
,, ,.,"',L e-;11. .
Clark's Notice of First Posting of Voter'a
List, 1920, for the Idunicipallty of Turnberry,
Sept. 6th. Following talent will appear.
, .
ulate against the. paying off of principal,
the money being left in the hands of the
.,.111:1,., , ,
-,. ", -,,,1-.-,g.-'-: ;.
.. L, ;..
, . , , ... -
. .
.. -...: ,&..'.f', . ,
county or MrQlh I
Notice Is Icereby.given thatXhave tranamit.
t0d or delivered to the person's mentioned in
on the dates mentioned below, I
Tuesday -London Concert Party and
Trust Company to invest until such time
..." . : , ,, .'.; ;.. -.,..
I ". ! 1 7..,.. .
.. -..:., '.' ." , L . ; ,
. .L : ,
, -11 . ,.
-1;-."..- .. -x:
. :,
I , I
I . ,
.Section 9, of "The Ontario Voter's List Act"
the 11 Its required by said section to be trans,
Father Watt on "Winning the Peace."
as it is required for paymehtof principal,
- -
The offer of the Trust Co. to the inunicip.
.,.. ' ' L. L
... . :,. I I ..
... .
Ifilt t2or delivered of the list made porsuant.
to said Act of the revised Assessment Roll of
tile munlef ailty toy lie entitled to vote in the
Wednesday -Tom 0. Micheltree, Can-
ada's Great Blind P'an'stl assisted by
alities was a straight 5J per cent. interest.
Paid Xublelpalitr at elections for. members
the Legislative Asgemb and at Municip'Mf
Miss Gwendolyn Anthistle, also Lecture
Goderich town council preferred to handle
the interest itself and gets 5J per cent.,
Elections and,that the sathst was firs. posted
up at my oftlee, Ttivriberry. on the lua, of
and Bird Imitations by Chas. Crawford
less 8 percent. off that charged by the
. f",
August. IWO, and rowains therefor inspection,
And I hereby e.AlI upon all voters to take
yi;4 to have 4117 errora or
I Gorst.
Thursday-Rawaiiatt singers and play-
Trust Company for handling the interest
and remitting to the toon.
Captain (Vatber) A. J. 1. Watt, of
ommisslona correete According to law,
Dated the 16th day of August, 191a.
I ers, also lecture -Rardbles in Paradise-
Hawaii" by Mildted Lea Klemens, cousin
8164004 Old' Oak"
London, England, was one of the most
figures at the front. He has
11. llownr,L. Olork.
-- - -- , -
of Mark Twairt.-Moving Pictures.
For the last few days WhIgharn and
a splendid war record being a veteran of 1
Prof. Win, Caldwell of McGill University
Vicinity have been going through all the
two wars, having served and been wound -
on "CanadalsPlace in the World To -day. "
sensa iong of the battlefield. Hunters,
ed in both the Boer war and the late
Notleo to ex members of the vatvtdfau
Friday-Lieurance's Little Symphotiy
contractors of Xififttdifto, are blowilft9up.
world war, He ranks as one of the most
IftPeditionary Peree.
Company and Lecture ,,The Mission of
the old dam with dynamite, which makes
eloquent speakers England has ever Pro. 1
NO"""; Is ller6by given to all coneftnod
the Anglo Saxon" by Dr. Daniel V. Pox,
the windows of the town thake. Mr.
duced in the last decade. Ile appears on
that ex-membera of tile Canadian NXI)edi.
Pasadena, Cal.
Hunter has a large number of inen on the
the opening night of our in a
t1ofiary Voice who are entitled to and,who re.
U 1A P - t, Isellar e dental treatment Tilust
Saturday -(Evening only) The great
job,ondas,quickly as the old bridge is
mightvaddreis, the subject being 11 Win -
tAli I thelrd licalloustathelliAttlot 1,161it.
play "Nothing but the Tfit6611,
out of the way he will proceed, with the
, ning the Peace. " I
Al I C16 at tile eadquartiBrs of tile I)iqrieL
In tvhlch t 6 rehille on or before 1111t, Septemb-
Monday ---Junior Clkautauqug Pagent.
new bridge and dam of concrete and steel,
Pather Watt and Prof. Caldwell have
t, r. I - . litAtl6laq for dental treatment
r tat H60teraber, UP210, Will not be
4' 1
algo concert by Jess't Isabel Christian of
A short way up from tile d am there is i
changed places, and Instead of the fot-
mer his address on Thursday, lie
1 a 40, .
the Chautauqu* Grand Opera Company,
large rock standing up the air, about
N, gd.) EtfaxNz Final-,
Major 06tiftal,
Geraldine Ed VioliWat, Robext Mae-
20 or 25 feet in diameter, which has been
will apNar on the evening of Tuesday, 1
POPWIF Miflimtf% Militia and nat"ce,
Donald, Pian.
IM -otismictlon for many yem. This
August - .,on "Winning tht Peace,"' I
NOTX NevL", ,rrA *1Rn0Lbtkp#Adt*r the
PA"r"w"er'" t
If you can't skv In IR11 0( tkeft *ys,
. will be bl,own t* pieces to get It out of
and Prof. Caldwell will speak od Thurs.
, v
( y '""t It without fluth-
Qflt:r ft'm tha Department.
toke in as ma y ox ym 4101.,
An *Ry.
. I
I 0
1 , , I
I 11
,- , I . t,l . I I" . ,
1 1-t; 71%14WIL I I "I ' I I - , I I " If 1-1 7-ff CA IYV F 11q r I 11V17 14 r 3r," T -1 .1 I % i k4 I W X., I
M&- I — . I 1, ,AL'
1. A. CrerAr W4' Sera Neew Shokes-
poorg ii4 Yowo Ago
-- - I
BY W. J. Edmunds W the Toronto
Saturday Night)
To read about the pioneer days of the
Province of Ontario is an interesting pas-
inte. But to sit face to face with a man
, . ,
Nho can from ectual experience recall
hose pioneer days is still more interesting.
.4ot only does the latter method give the
iuman touch
. , to the story, but it .enables.
me to vizualize more clearly and realize
tQre clearly the conditions obtaining in
he long ago. This is what I 'had tliA
Aeasure of doing the other day for the
ipace of about three hours,
The man who accorded me this pleasure
s Mr. John Crenair of Shakespeare, Ont.,
i village on the Grand Trunk about half
i dozen miles east. -of Stratford, in the
ricinityof which he was born 84 years
tgo, and when that par . t of the province
vas forest primeval in which the wild
immal such as bear, wolf,'fox, and bear
ibounded, and Indians roamed at will.
Mr. Crerar is a man of remarkable
nemory. Events and circumstances ,sur-
ounding his early days he recalls with
eadiness, while dates slip from his tong e
is if they were but yesterday. There is
eemingly only bout one thing in which
te was personally concerned that he can
iot recall, And that was when he 'was
tolea by a band of Indians. Seeing,
lowever, that be was but one year old
vhen that bappe . ned it can not be attri-
mted to lapse of memory. ,But he
:nows all about it just the same, having
. .
ime and again bad the circumstances re -
ailed to him by his parents. .. ,
-19 he day I was stolen", exclaimed Mr.
'rerar. "my mother had placed me in a
ap trough such as they_ in those days
,ewedoutoialog, whil.shewas assist-
, operations.
.ig my father in logging
Vben my parents missed me, my
ather, divining' that the band of Ind -
ins lie had seen prowling about had Idd-
,apped me, seizing a gun and gave chase.
Inually coming up' with them, he order -
d them to drop me or he would shoot.
.'hey immediately did as commanded and
leared off as fast as they could travel.
)nly a short time before this a band of
ndians had carried off a fourteen -year-old
,oy, who was never heard of afterwards".
Mr. Crerar's parents were among a
umber of SC.7,1 peopie from the coun-
y of Perthshire, who came to Canada in
832 and settled in the township of North
:asthope. Some in the group had to
mve their native place for what in that
ay made them amenable to the law.
)ne, for example, had ventured into the
roods of the neighbouring laird and cut
walkingstick. Another had been guilty
f the more serious offence of killing a
eer, the remains of which had been
3und stewing in a pot in his kitchen,
About the only qualification these early
ettlers had for the pioneer life upon
,hich they had been embarked in the,
3en wildi of Canada was an indomitable
611 -power. Of experience they had none,
Why",exclairried Mr.Crerar, referring
) the subject, "practically none of them
new how to cut down a tree You may
ather this from the fact tha; when they
nder(ook to clLar their land it was a
oninion thing to cut a tree all the NNay
ound trusting to their legs to carry them
ut 04danger, when the tree began to
ill. for they bad no idea in what direct-
3n it would go. Some of the early
ettlers lost their life on this account.
n fact it Was not until the Accond gener-
lion Lame along that the settlement
willy had sufflci6t woodsmen.". Mr.
'rerar's father took tip four hundred acres
f land, of which but two acres were
leaved when the subject, of this sketch ,
ias born, and that was four years after
ae settlement had .begun its existence.
"Cart you recall the time when Indians,
nd wild aninialb were common to your
art of the country?" I ventured during
le Conversation.
-Can I rec,ol h?" replied NIr. Crcrrws
,; he through his head back and gave
cut to a hearty laugh. "Well I should
iy so. Why there wette two tribes in
ut part of-t4w country, alLhough I do not
!rnernber what they ivere, One tribe
,as located north ot the river Nethl while
ic, other was to tht south of that ittleam.
'hey- were not -dwaysi on good terms
ith each other, and I can well remember
three -day's battle which they had on
ie banks of a river near my father's farm.
'his was about 1844, when I was eight
ear.9 of age. From the scene ol that
attle many's the flint arrow -hi -.ad I have
icked up. I
1, Wnlves and bear were quite eornmon.'
heep we dare not leave out at night for
mroftliewolves. Forthesariv, reagoft
vea two year-old.cottic could not be left -
ot. One.night a hungry wolf squeezed
s way between the logs in the neighbor's '
arnand killed seven sheep, but the brute
-orged itself tosuch an extent that it wa,y
nable, to squeeze its way out k9aill.
'hat wolf never did get out alive.
tears had no particular ponchant forpigs,
tid in spite Of our best efforts would
ceasionall? mount our pens and carry -off
4o .squealing aulinals, in their arms,
'here was one bear with a white ,,;pot on
4 forehead that waq the terror of ibe
eighborhood. Tho settlers, aft& trying
.) vain to get him, hired soine Indians to
0 So. They. finaliv landed film. On
ilother oevasiour theve W.Av a bear that
va-4 givnig "nsidemble trouble. The,
eighbors turno-1 out to hunt him down.
Viien they funally vaink- upon the ctnimm
iiere was one in the party, a big SCOU'll.
isut of enornioU4 htr011y4th, Who hFul Often
Contillued 04 PW 6)
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I * 11 " -
01`1 F
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F --UI*A ' ,
L-^ ! 0- -- —~- J
I Mr. C. P . Su ith spent a few days Ili
. Mrs. Hicks of Detroit, 13 visilting with
relative% In town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hirst spent 4 fey;
daye last week in London.
t .
Mr. Wilson Geddes of' Waterloo, is
visiting with.friends in town.
Mr, aAd,Mrs, Fred Jolinson are, visiting
with friends in Waterloo. I
Mr, and Mrs, W. D. Pringle, spent the
week:-efid at Bellfountain.
. Miss Vera Hueston, of Gorrie, visited
over Sunday with friends in town I
Mr. Jos, Best ' M. P. of Shelbourne,
spent over Sunday with Reeve Tipling,
Mr. Qordon. Young of Toronto, renew
ed acquaintances over thi week -end in
I .
. Mr. Emmer4on Mitchell, returned to
Detroit, after visiting his sister, Mrs Jos.
, Guest. .
Mr, W. B. McCool is spending his
bohdays.witb friends in Hamilton and
Mr. and Mrs, John Everett - and ch -II&
ren of Detroit, are visiting with relatives
i in town. I .
Miss Dorcithy Lavis of Clinton, is the
guest of her friend, Miss Dorothy Lloyd,
John St. .. .
Mr. and Mrs, R. M. VanNorman and
famity spent Stuiday with relatives at
Inverhuron, ' %
Miss Nelli&Wilson" of Fergus, spent a
couple of weeks with Mrs. Geo. Casemore,,
61 Turnberry. .
Mrs. Noble. Young and child^
Goderich, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Young. . I
Mr. and Mrs, .Harvey Nivins, spent
last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Nivins. Teeswater. '
Mrs. James Robinson and son, Bert,
are visiting her -ister, Mrs, A. A. Ander-
son of Sundridge.
Mrs. S. Tiffin and son, Wilberforce, of
town spent a few days w)th Teeswater
friends last week. I
Miss Burdetta McCracken has returned
I .
home. after spending her holidays with
friends in St. Thomas. .
Mr, Ed. Tomkins, spent the civic holi-
day at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Leppingtog at Clinton, .
Mrs. Win. Henderpon of Lucknow,
spent. a day last week with her daughter,
Mrs. , Harvey Nivins of town.
Mrs, Wallzcp, Frankum. and children of
Trowbridge, are visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Theop Finnen,
Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Tyreman of Sea -
forth, spent a few days with friends in
East Wawanosh and Wingliam.
Mrs. Arthur Hainee,has returned after
visiting four months in Saskatchewan,
Manitoba, Cobalt and Sundridge Ont,
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Howson and child-
ren motored to Toronto and Hamilton,
where -they spent a few days with friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bard and children
of Guelph, are- visiting with the latter's
parents, Mr., and Mrs. Samuel Young.
The Misses Harriett and Alice Williams *
are spending twb weeks at 4he home of
their sister, Mrs. W. Gibbs, West Toron-
to. :
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Toronto,
wire chief of th . G. N. W. , spent a week
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rintoul, Leo-
pold St.
Mrs. Thompson, and Nss Leila, have
returned to their home in Arkansas. after
spending a month with Mrs, Thompson's
sister.'Mrs. J. H. Hirst.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins, and
their cousin, Roy Agnew of town, spent
the recent holiday at the home of her
mo;ber, Mrs Win. Henderson, Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. B C. Brandon, and Mr.
and Mrs. B. C. X .euhner and two children
of Hanover, spent Sunday with the for-
iner's mother, Mrs. T. S. Brandon, Fran-
cis St. I .
Mr. and lylr& A. J. Cohoe of Australia
are visiting at the home of Mrs. Cohoe's
brother, Mr. L, 11. Bosman. ,It is over
thirty years since *they left Canada 'to
live in Australia. .
Reeve W. J. and Mrs, Currie of East
Wawanosh, and Mrs. George Taylor of
Wingbam, motored to Teeswater on
Thursday to attend 'he funeral of the
late Mrs. George Snyder, Deceased was
s rge Taylor. ' .
Mr. J. F. Gillespie renewed acquain-
tances in Wingliam over the week -end.
Frank has been with the'Bank of Com-
merce in Co . balt for some time, and his
many friends,will be pleased to learn that
he has been promoted to the management
of this bank at Iroquois, Ont.
' - ' -
Winghatu 3, liatioVer 7 I
'the Hatwver-Wingbam lacrosm match
oft Thursday evening was OL poor one.
The visitors came to* town with blood in
their eyes and the locals, retaliated. Had
the reforeee beeft any good he would have
made the boys. play a clean game. If he
was not paid by Hanover, they owe him
somethir 9, for no man ever worked harder
for a toom. Ile even clapped his hands
when they scored.
However that is no exeuse for tile
Wingbain lads who pelted him with rot-
ten eggi, Mr. C(mmbes was a 1mr sport,
even acknowledged so by members of the
Hanover team,, but the pitellitigof rotten
eggs is a thing that cannot be tolerated
by any town that ,expects to be via"ed
as a sporting centre. F. E'. ,Coombes of
Toronto, bRs ref rred his first and WO
pow, of locrow ia this district, I
L" .,. -. "!4 r!r
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fi the Labo'dess W... ay . , , % ,
I M 1- 1014-44 ,q
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. . 4
Iron in cool comfort with the , t
Hotpoint Zlectlic Iron
. .
. Connect to any lamp socket in the..eoolest spot in ,
the housef—or on the porch=no hot kitchen—no fuel, I
I I v
I soot or ashe's to fIotber with. . . . I I., I
; . I
.. I
I .: I .. It I
Ask u§ about this- Iron with its. H*ot point --cool. "! - - . - 1.
. I
handle—attache,d stand --"res ' ibe wri ' I ' th I umb . 1: 11
" t $t
. . . . .1 .
rell t hinged phig .cord protector. . . .
.3 . k I
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I I ., . 1. . . - . ..,
. I . .
. . ; 1, , . I '' '. :
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Irons, Toasters, etc. ... %. . m . ", I
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McKIBBON'S I NO tu - ., I
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. 1, "" I.. ...
I . I ''. :I, 1.
Drugs and Stationery . ..... , '! I.. . ., , : . I . . ...
. -.
Editsoh Phonographs Phone'53 , I . .0. P.R. Tip6t' - : e I
... I . . ., . I -. 1. .. ;, a I ": - , .
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, I, H01twith-In Lower Wingliam, on August. "' -
. .1 .
, ...... ....
.1.1. -, .. .
- I 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Albeit'Horne, ., . , . I .
. . I
mRs. rlytams. . ! a daughter. , .; 1%1 ..
, . . . ,
. . I 1. I . . I .,
. We ha-ve wanted to bring. MOB- , - -- ---- - , . . . ,
. . .
. . . . .
same to f1hautauntia thIS -ar I'llat Is . . I I I
especially addressed to the women of
the community, and which w91 zt the
same time be of interest to the men.
At this hour, when the women of
Canada are asking what, they can
accomplish by means of the ballot,
there is no one better Attod t6 bring
this message than is Mrs. P,axsons,
the Corresponding Seeretar7 of the
National' Vounall of Women, knowii
all over the Dominion as an, active
worker and recruitdr, througlimA the
war, . "
- - -1 1. . 1)
flusou License Inspector
Word has been received from an ap-
Parently reliable source that Constable
Pellow of Goderich, has been appointed
for Huron county, to re-
place Mr. Mitchell of Wingham, for North
Huron, and Mr, Torrance, inspector for
South Huron.
I - I . I I I d
---.—.----"---,., - ---,----- '..,.,-..-. . ,-" -, , --, I I I
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s "Y. Ix: X4. TIY.,.* ,v,,*.4-x2 !1710. .M"IXI-vp:i lm: 'T'VOXXO%.,",4x '.0 I
IN — . Iv- .
X W- . I X - .
X, Children's 7A .
Z I 9i ..
I 1
211 . . 114 . X, I
X I Feet I . . I
X I . . -
X Coreectly 1.
X X , .
X .&K.
X, hS - Fitted 9- .
" dM# 1%
X 4% .
X, Little growing f e e t are tender and easily . . f
X deformed. They,reqt*e morecare thanthe feet ;
1 1 of ,q grovvn persom., ..
X I .
M, Long experiew-, in seting Cliildren's Shoe,,; has I .
X taught us just what hind are best adapted for the X .
%im correct training and flttitig of young feet.
Our Children's Shoes have be( -,n planned upon the I .
X , .
0 ,
X Lines of Experfenee I 11
#NA Not only are thL, materials used chosen with the
X I - -
ry arg I'#
gretitest pos-sWe care, but we carry a Ve I W
I vnriety of sizes .,and'Nvidths- We can gttnrante( - R 11 11
X complete sauslaotion I
X - , - I
in overy particular --shape, style, fit and Nvelar.
. f,()ng price range, $1.00 w.iy up to $3.(X) accot,d-
?!% I I
ing to Size. . . I
I I -1 .1 - .,.I,, -
I vu J woft . I
I T 1W . ureer
'L' I ' ' . I'll,
I I I I I ;,. , .
j""11 , alAlklgd - - - - - I "I'll . I ay , ,:
, I'm