HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-19, Page 8EL " �,
IN 14 16+ A'
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MtUlwXXXX alluilvlftlo t14#141J# bf4Wtfff,4 WINORA4 M , A RIK NTS' Myth
ihe iftea reformtra are hiatmed ov,er
Uri. Wni. 1w, W64 *itu fritadi at
Wroxeter On Suikuy. tht "Boy and, the Cigarette," but what Morreet up till Wednesd# noon) yegs, telict of the
John BeIII wrived
Je&nette and
, . V. from
HA' co. JObtl MOwbr&Y spent it alftt the old man and the cigarette? Wheat No. 28pring ..... �W 255 to .1 ()0 *6 0 Monday ZWh by C R.
few 4ayo yvith. Wingbitut friends,
I . The other day a feeble old man (trove Wheat No. 2 Fall ...... 2 25 to a W LlOydrdimt0r, S41k- X)0004904 was, well
Mrs. W=- Manley and daughter are intu town puffinga, cigarette. The boys Flour ......... . .. ... 7 ao. to. 7 75 ald tavourably known, having spent the
X 'visiting "itu friend$ here this week. who. have returned from the war, and Lard ........... I .... 1. �. 35 to 3S greater JPArt of her We at Londesboro and
11. A. McCall made a business I trip to 1MV0 gone back. to the land, havo brought Butter .................. 55 to 00 Auburn. Fifteen Year$ 449 with- herh . us.
Toronto tit is week. ttlie babit with them, and we regret to U Fgs .............. .... so to 00 band, they left Ontario for Lloydruinster.
Xr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney and sq, the farmer in.many instances smokes C441% mad., butchers., 9 00 to 1000, Mr. Bell Passed OWAY. last April, two
daughter, spent Sunday with relatives acigarette host to be sociable with the Cattle, butchers choice.. 11 00 to 1200 children were born, to them, N HIR
, rr,. rry
G ALL bvre,. bir0man. We have got to adinit the Hot, weight 19 26 to j4 50 Bell of Southampton and Herbert of
,s, live
Mrs. Geo. MacDonald is,'improviog cigarette is becoming a popular smoke H8Y ................. 23 00 to. 2� 00 Stisketchowan, The remains were taken
slowly,we are glad she is on the mend. amongst the farmers. Cream ................... to 57 from the depot to the Anglican church,
Nvin:U'lliott is widening out the ap. 11 11, ppilq 0 where a short service was Conducted by
We rector, Rev,' W. a. H;iwkins. The
proaches to tliebrifte getting it ready
forthe new cement wall. Mr. rMiCitil Pall bearers. were Old - friends 'of the de.
M, M E . . .. ceased, interment tooj� place in 1jillort
has 40tie some right good work on the
boundary and un4erstaud he intends to cemetery,
do lots more in the near future. iss Annie Taylor of the Post Office
Y Staff visited friends in Stratford this
14 The Sport o f Kings I
For the next two weeks we are R. Johnston and Win Duff eacli ship. Week.
?A ped a carload of hogs last week. Mr. Richard Vanstoile, lawyer of
going to give,you an exceptional � Miss F6a Duff Of Welland, is home for 'Ningliam and Mr,
a few weeks holidays. John Tasham of
opportunity to s e e u r e summer were in attendance at the fun.
We are pleased to seeJ, XcHar4y ont eral of the late Mrs. John Bell oil Mon.
goods at special disc. and prices. again, He Is looking Sue. day.
Mr. W, N. Watsc$n, Mrs. B, Mason
Botli our ministers are On vacation;
Rev. Perrie of Wi I
ighaut preached in the and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. )3rqndson motor�
$ 1.69 Presbyterian church and Mr. Harry Hop- ed to Mount Forest on Sunday and spent
Cooltex B. V. D. Underwear, reg $2.50,at.... the day With Mr. and Mrs. John B
per in the Methodist c1iiirch,
Pugh of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs.
JOB. MCQuarrio and
Meds silk summer caps reg $3.00 and3.50at 2.39 Mrs, Joseph
family of Winnipeg, are visiting the form.
Mr, and Mrs. F. Pugh of Toronto, were
visitors at Miss Paullsiast week.
Special line of soft sh'Irts, $2.00 and 2.50 for 1.69
ers' Mother, Mrs. Hugh McQuarrie.
Mrs, Sanderson played the part of the'
X Summer trousers, Tweed and Palm Beach Good Samaratia n on Monday when she
cloths, toclear at'.., .... .......................... 6.89 picked up a penniless boy starting to
P to� his home in Torou . .... Rev. and Mrs, Peter ha
to, sl�e Ve returned
bomeafter having a two weeks holiday
bought him a ticket and sent him oil the
Penman's, l3albriggan, Underwear $1.25 and 1 .50
friends in London and Guelph,
flier. He sure was delighted, with
value.,;, to clear at ................ .................. 98C
bits, Grace Snell bas goll to Winnipeg
Mr�- Proctor of Calgary, spent a few
days among' old friends in village,
where she expects to
spend the next
X Boy's print blou,,4es with collar re $1.50 clear 1.19
months with her son. ugene Geddes -is visiting friends
M Mits E,
-7ntire stock' of ., boy's suits, dark and light 9 Mrs. A. McGee visited with relatives. in Woodstock.
Ms ............. ............................... 20% off X at Wingliam oil Monday. Mrs. Munroe and daughter. Vi
X, twec ... viall
Xr,'Arthur Shaw is assistin have gone on a Visit to their
g Mr. A., old home
near Kingston.
Men's genuine Palm Beach suits ................. ... $1.75 lkle'Vwen with the harvest.
Mrs. Riddell 4,nd daughter, of Dele-
Mr.* R, ; GarnG is overhauling his .,." .........
0- ware, are spending a few days
Silk shi ....... ............ 20% off threshing outfit and getting
with Mrs
I a
rts, $8.50 to 15.00 clear ready for
Peter at the parsonage.
heavy season Is work.
and Mrs. C. Burney Of Exeter, spent
$3.75 Carhartt and Peabody Overalls ............ 3.25 Mr
Mrs. S, Thornton of Winglialn, visite4
I I Sunday with Mr, H., Hopper..
with Airs. Wro. Thornton.
X� Forsyth, ladies"., Nainsook combiration under- *;'R�-- M --ft Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and daughter of
Centralia, spent Sunday with
�vear ...... ...................... ...................... 20 % off Mr. and
W 21: R T rl P V� Mrs. F. Anderson.
=1 17M . R ZA "SPOR, 11,110
M�r. a9d M6. Peter McIntosh, and Mr 'A ywaZ�i' Mr. and Mrs, John M
3 ladies' black silk coats size, 40 and 42 regular cGuire spent
Alex. Cameron of Kincardine and Mrs. Sunday With their son in Holstein.
30.00 to clear at ................... ............ 16.75
Nichol of Bluevale, visited at Mr� Thomas I& Ar4 mr' and Mrs. W. J. Geddes and Mr.
Abraham's, last week. and Mrs, J. Miller attended the funeral
6 covert cloth and tweed coats'reg 30.00, sizes Maurice Towneurys
XIS, and 20 to, clear at ................................. 19.75 X Miss Frances,0grarn of Hanover, spent of a friend at Blyth on Monday.
% a few days with her friend, Miss �.aura The Belgrave Farmer's Club will meet.
Casemore, last week. Massive Drury Lane success in the Forrester's Hall on Tuesday even -
erg '.
Blue and black, s * e coats all sizes ............ 1 20% off Miss Flossie Raines has returned home ing; August 24th.
after taking a course at Quelph 0. A, C,
4 1
adies navy serge suits, best quality reg $45. Miss Eliza Messer of London, spent a
to clear ............................. r ............ 31*75 few days at -Will Abraham to, this week, S ting Life" ON TO WATERLOO
Mr. Ed. Bish of KincArdine, spent a
Sa . le pric6s on man I y other suit . so few days at Thomas Abrabam's, last week. A Paramount Arteraft Special When work piles up and I begin
To Pitying myself because
OR Ladies' flpc voile blouses, newest style ldss 20%, off Mrs. Will Edgar, and daughter, Joyce, The W'Orld's most famous race—th' I've got so much to do, and sigh,
X spent the week -end in Lucknow. a 1-Inglish And wish 1. had the cash to pause,
Summei, s I ilk blou'ses white and colours, regular Derby! A thrilling prizeflghtat an ex'clu'Sive Lon- And take it easy -like, and stall,
$6.00, sate, ... v .................................. a. 98 on Club! Excitement, in trig ue—everythin g in a And bid all.thought of strife begone;
"Is whitechlUrch young English Earl's "spotting life"! See this tre-
90 1 1 $Can a Picture on the wall
Miss Ed) the Peddle who has attended mendous picture.
Gingham and,voile.dresses 20% off. I The picture of Napol n
., - a— the Stfinmer �choolat Lake Couchiching, eon.
s',. X give asplendid report at the Guild meet- The Greatest Sensation Since "The Whip". And as I gaze 1 recollect
Plaid gingh,, '.;in new patterns, a yd: 49 nd 59C
V a X ing on Sunday evening last. Miss Bertha How Nap would gulp �is coffee,
X TylacKay of Wingham, also sang a splen- I No advance in prices. Adults 25c, Children 15c. And beat it out to disconnect
di4l �Qojo A couple of continents and stand
A king Or two upon their bean,
go- Mr. 4nd Mrs: lo,4n McGee? Miss Lilian
0a W, Fafgmon,' $cpft, dal Thurs., Fri., Sat.- Aug. 19, 20y 21 And push a military hunch,
"plep, #p# gan
And then get rapped �,v J
Btisebign, MQkQre# �o'prnce Reach last For being lat4p ziii ' III O§ephino
week, our for lgn�A,
Mis. Valtta Tiffi. pt kapgsigg, i,9 LYCEUM THEATRE I poudgr oy.eF Pqnapgte,
spending a enople pf weeks Witt; hp�.44 pt, Who 11y.e4 a 44nd�od 11yes aj yeaV,
— ---- -- Mrs, John FalcoaaC,. And �gger that ;ny r
.4odest CA#
QQffiin J A4 qy, 'Tuesday. alld, W * - Ill
pnd, ednesday; W Is rqnning 'on a AivVer's gear.
rs. Onto Jim Filednee and'Herbart L4iillavv arp-
leaving for the West this 'weelt, The Stro. Ige kt once could blithely to,7,
M D. Mdffatt has gone to Tor Old Nap, g
t isit her daughtef,Mrs, Vern H' ill Pparder".
O.V Iggins. Off forty things— qnd do 'eM first?—
Mr. and w -'eek -
Miss Viettia Curtis"has' returned to Th!�, stoty of ,,in optomis.. So I Oree;e in grid boll the boss
sah AndohAllenge NnI to do his, Worst,
S. t6lAUP - 'Ah Newton, here, Mr§. Robt. Haines and Mild d
Toronto after a'plea t visit at. her home FordyCe
re C�
spent Suiiday at, the ho me Of Joseph Mr. and Mrs; J. Curtis; Grice, - Vietta Quillan spent Sunday with friends in ItaPPear-sth4thechangeirl the date
McKinney. - * - - .1 71 � !
and Margaret, spent Sunday'�Vlth , relat- W169112M. of the tempprAnve referendum was
Mrs. T. McKinfidy and-Mis� Walters ives at Seaforth aad.',Mitcbell, Geo, Mr. and Mrs. W, H# . Rintoul of Wing� brought abot1t at the joint rquest of the
of Toronto,'are -visitink �Iuival� 'Iriends.' Thornton was the cilpffeur, - ' Dor
harn,,apent Sunday at Alex. RintouYs, 4kion Allianpe, the returped soldier's
Mlsff Eliza Messerof London, is a Bwe: -Mr, Thuell, Roy, Ella, and Margaret, Mrs. Q_ordon of St. 'Helen's, attended, OrgAnizatiOn and the Lib. rty �League'
'vale Visitor. : -"Ir .! �
of the 6th line of Morris, aleb Win. bf the baptismal at Souter, Taylo Now Who Would have thought that the
rs on tp6li time would ever cpme when the Dominion
Mrs. Wm. Thuell jr,, spent the week- Blytil, spent Sunday at Joseph 'Brecken- Thursday last. tal Authorized, 51000,000
end at the home of her father, Brecken. ridie. tal Pald-up, 13,OOQ,000 Allian�o and the Jiberty League would be
Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Haven and daugb- 60011w, T3,600,000
ridge. Mrs. J. Patterson is visiting "in Har- ter, Christena, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Cham- workipg together?
Mrs- Fridbain of Ha�riston, it, visiting I Aston. tor trip Calling Can
pion and Harry, made a mo . adiAn Wheat )3oard Par
oil the boundary at the bomeofJ Moffatt. I Berry picking the rr.4er of ttie day, on friends, in Arthur, Limehouse, Terra. ficipation Certificates BORN
cotta, and Hamilton, last week.
Commencing August 10th, 1020 the Canadian HOUSER—In Winghom bi Thursday,
Mr. J. Turner had his house shingled Wheat Board will makean advance 'payment again-
Igst, weeic and a rl.ewCphimney built, Bt their 1919-140 Participation Certificates. August 126, to Mr. ard Mrs, W.' H.
Any branchof this Bank will collect these cer- Houser, twins, a girl 4nd a boy.
- 1r_
Patally jnjurt# tificates and holders should consult ourel,ocal tMan. COuLT-US—In Morris. on Tuesday, Aug,
ager for information and advise as to th r disposal. �Oth, to Mr. and Mrs Chas, R. Coul-
John A. WsgrOVP 9f 40sqeyal-ap,
B"g S gg for Man,, was (041ly jnjyrp4 Whpp ;t� b.�pei
avin Bank of Hamilton tes, a son.
attached to f4r, bitidg-jr X.41A Away. fie j.� AusTIN—In Kitchener, on August 8th.,
'a former fesident of Ttirnberry 4A4 wing4am, 011t. to Mr. and Mrs, -W. C. Austin, a son.
cousin of Messrs. A. 14, Musgrove of IF .. _. . .
Frid.... 'and' L`431atur a Wingbarn and ilob�rt Musgrove of Blue.
- I
vale, He Jeft Turnberry for BosseVgttie Rib
in 1884,
10 qt. Tin Palls . . ... . . . . . to woo..'" AzwsT—fn Howick on, July 26th, Mrs,
.12 *41. Galvanized Palls 49C Uhich Angst, fourth ton., ag.ed 74
12 qt. Tin Palls 39c
Miss Mullet Succumbs
Glass Table TuinblerS.. only 6e
Little Ulm Murfet,
VerY Fine Table Tukableff% only She Sat in a "buffett,"
And ate her catda atd whey.
Cut Gla.sis Sugar and Crealn Setsi reg.
hen. the waiter he 6pied'er,
$1.00, for 16 0 0 69C ...
L *d the bill down betider,
7 Piece Cut Glass Water Sets,, req, They had to carry Miss Muffet away.
—Gate in Los Angeles Times.
$5.00.1 owy 0
CUtGlaSSIBaSkeft 75eto Anolher Horon Boy
An old Clinton boy, in the person. of
7'. Mr. R. H. Coats, chief of the46Statistical
FOR KNITTING SWEATERSo NAMS, Etc* N.. Department of the Canadian Govern.
ment, haabeen appointed to the Statiati.
ListowelL Monarch. and Beldinas Corti* Cal Commission of the League ot Nations
Celli Yarns in all - C-010" at IrOCkbottoM and will leave Canada fbrT�urope in &pt.
LONDON CONCHAVIr PARTY. eraber to take part iti the -sittings of that
pflees. The 1A don Col&eart Putv will art usnallv clear PeAd, so -ratio whipli dist"11-itea owin a vars- body. Mr. coattl is the only momhpv ,%f
Winghani Baz,aar
Highest Price -i Paid for H'Ags Cash or Trade
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 1 0 0
0644or it uh1que program. There vrill aceoutpanied by, a viva(,ious manner, each. This will be ofte of the most the Commission outside of Europe and
bo on"wbie singing, but the Indl- will grfttly please. Miss 1)(.wey la a enjoyable OvOntm Of Mantnuquit hisappointment is 0onsidered not only a
vid"I Work of the axtista will bo, violinist of mro ability, and will ren. Wepk. Mr. Willgoome wlll Preside at
"Pft*UY strofted. Xim Mitchener I der various solotionx. Mr. Brouvrer the plitno, and asoiat In other vays. high tribute to him but also to the splen.
will W tho gopr"o, Mism Deww will, is one of the bftt baritones, In Canada. Vor an npening number the work did effidency of Canaft's Statistielkl. I)e-
be tbt 0fttMIto, Mr. Willg000e thel 1U bits a Yery robumt votop. In addl- of tho London Concert Party Is an PlIttiMt, which Is consider6d by expert$
r*0W, amd Mr. Brouwer, tlie! Itan to hin solo work, at the "enlnx! oflering that will ploaAe groatly, and to be tin best i1a the world,
protram, ho� will lf.�ad Community: will mfitrt. tbo, prograw with a &pion- Mr. Cws spent his boyhood in cisn.
Mies NAWb*uor will nppw *A flingint, drilling tho w0fenfT In did swfng, 11hey will give, a full *on-
M10W 131 "'NMJ x*40tUnw, In b*tb roadeilng tagethk%r meyeral of the iverl In the ttf Nernaort and a prol vdik of ton ""i mliny old fd,40da hfra h4r"
b""'ft WA- & MtMor YsiA. 9166 'qaa familiar nonp. 4ong Sb"Ix will be;xome fifty minatm In the wr4ming. VMU104 bts carw with Intioll 1pta rest.
He iss brother of Rqjvtrar Wjrq. CQwffi1ftX
The' oPeWA-0 1W"q4WWeUt 1'0'r ChaSWUqUav, TUCS&Wo A9081 Ust, ia Goftfth,
Aug. I'M, tj
of all
For Women and Men
(Giirls and Boys
W41 be continued until all are
,Real Bargain's in these lines.
Wo H W I L 1. IS
Fall Term Aug. 31st --- Graduates placed in p—os—itions.
Send a card requesting the principal to call on you. during the vacation. Ale
have competbrit teachers, one for each department% Register now 16r the fall
D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Murray McLeish, Prin.
Fall "(j,yIds,
Nvrth mmy CUCLts
In Velours, Silve'rtones, Tweedi,
Plushes, Etc.
DRESSES --Serge, Silk, etc.
FUIRS — Hudson, Seal Coats,
Get Our Prices Before Huong
.S. a
olf� . I