HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-19, Page 4am T TAX WIMMAM Ai)Y'AS01 nlw4wwa wrig ot ill flames, and Olt WRAT A BEAST irPbt#�,1jU#'haM AbblInft the remnaritt of civilization burned up in Or"Osdo Dungannon Me s John broadfoot. who dic4 he�A �- ReOW led, Maliotigh, aeo. Irwia, A. Q. SMITH, Uditor and Prop. a conflagration killdlOd at the alt4ril Of The fbllowiai� poetry was hAnded t A few days ago, at tbe-age, of 80 years, bad atid.Mr. and Mrs; Zert Roachintend go - Woodrow W11$011's c0ncelt- Humanity the Kincardirte Reporter by a bunch, of " -'­­-­-­-­-, . .- ­ -- I young ladies. Apparently they have been atA vistpemed resident of this com- Ing Wept: next wook. must now, 1)ay the price of a fool a our. Igllt wunity for many years. She is tiurvived IIQU. wm 11,11gsloy may come back to rend to Woodrow Wilson and his infern, beetiout to Mr. Chas, Stewart's farm in wirld w's by her bosband and one son. Ad. Disher And H. Anderson iuotarad Ottawa. but will "fighting Bill" bring 41 fourteen points. Where is the League Aslifield. Its surprising how poets will OV40M to Clinton, on business last W, cdoesday. his sawdust wharves with him. of Nations that was to establish peace by bud Over conimon beef.. Nine out of twelve rupil'i of Brussels V Is * acontinuousdistributiox)oftractsi to the By ESTHER WALD.011Y school were, successful, in passing the We are glad to report that Miss Maize, crop: tigers of war?—Mitchell Advocate. Tux Commo Ca44imox STpuu MESSENGER school who has been very III, to Improving, D"pite prohibition the estimated When your joints are stiff and rusty -1 ---------------- middle school examivation4. The N1 enjoysa first class rocjArd, Mr William Smith has sold his 100'" of hops this year will be 20,000,000 And your feeling out otkmar, 9VMJrkt, 1111. by the We tra N 4- - farm to Mr, Arthur Culbert of the vopsr Uplop') The opening celebration at the new A= poundpi about the some as it, tile year Coldesit July [a 2$ Years Take a trip to Ashfield Township 1917. Home brewing must have become I And see the monster steer. It Victor Und., bad glanced twlee at Memorial Park in Moncrieff wits a great 4th concessibn of West WAwanoeb. Mr. general. rhw thin -blooded folk who are of the NIBS Arline Drigry, be, inight have ills. successand was largely attended. oasc� Smith may, go West in the tall, opinion that July of this year was the� It will soften up your calloiAiwd joints, ball, football, t1140thl9t to0trac"A 4anc. coldest on record , are not quite correct in The pain will dl�appgg covered Interest, and possibly solue. A 1944 from Dungannon attendeo the , r thing deeper in the fave of tll(,A only ing, and a concert comprised the pro- races at Whigham on Wednesday. X -�Tbe dear little Shamrock" 1,5 10slug their view although 1020 had the coolest When you feast your longing eyes daughter and lipiress of his oilip)oyvr, gram much or its poetic charm by the ruin and july since 1895, when the mean tempera- 0a this wonder of a steer. Robert Drary. The very filet that sbo . Dr. MeRav's speedy pacer is entered Mrs� J. R. McNabb, her dauglitcr, disader being wrought in the Emerald I ture was a fractioft lower than in the He is like a well -grown elephant, was such, however, seented to pluco for the Wingbam races. She won first Alargarot, and son, lack, are visiting hle. That 'Uttle bit of heaven" that month just past. The coolest July on re- Well-built from toil to ear; an Insurmountable' barrier between money in lice class in the Brussels . friends in Michigan this week.. we ined to sing about may need to 6ub- 1 cord, however, was that of 1891, and the He'd wake a dandy them. He wits therefore contenu)(1 races ding to be for the beef -ring, with. a mere cmual look at a f ace rath- The new Ament flax mill will sooli be Messrs. T. 0. Allen and 7. Stothers .era. He'd serve us for a year. tallation of the machinery, made a busine wit to very decided remoul warmest in 1916. The mean temp ready for ins so trip to Godericli on even within the proverbial mile of the I ture of that year was nearly ten degrees er Intellectual than loyely,. although I truth." higher than for 9the same month of th 110 carries no artificial flesh. the eyes were deep wolls of exul-0.9. which is expected immediately. Tuesday. 8104 likely to .4ttract tbe seeker after Barley and oat crops are reported to Rev. Thos, Hicko, Mrs, Hicks, Doris present year., The contrasts between ne's riot bloated up with beer, 1 1 '4 q real heart Worth antl fidelity. be yielding well, Woodrow The War Maker July of last year and that of this are Though he's been a moderate drink r Victor belA only a falrb, paid posi, Do otby and Jack, of Paisley, areviqiting rather marked, For instance, July, 1916, ' Since he was a little steer, tion In the testablishment of Drury 8, Nearly $400 was taken in gate seceipts at Mr, Thos. Wood's, Woodrow Wilson's efforts to make bad a temperature of 90, or over, on Hes as gentle as Mary's little lamb Co., but he.Astayed on, maldng up for at the big garden party under C. 0. F, Rev. R, Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, .4picles at. Garner Nlebolson's, near Mr. and Mrs. F. Ross, Me and Mrs. A. peace will be remembered as the sources eight days, -and there were twenty4hree She loved so very dear; the boredomtof routine days by spend. all days,when the mercury was 80 degrees you'd laugh, to see him skip about log leisurely! everlings as enjoynbly as BelgrAve, E. Treleavott And Miss H. Augustine of almost us much bloodshed, slaughter or higher. This year, there were no 90 and misery to humanity as ex -Emperor degree days in July, and only seven days When the bad fly stings his ear, possible. A large qhipmerg of eggs was made by spent Thursday at Bruce Beach Miss Arline.Drury had visited the ille Fast T�Juro `P c- Co William's efforts to make war. 'Europe wfien the. thermoifieter rose to 80 or more. I wish I could describe him, , n rodu L mpany to Mr. Win. Moreland, of New York, Is I'll do the best I can: Plant occasloivally, It happened tit- Great Britain thisweelk, Wit iornrndee Innir l0ra rhiplean ter Victor's fliy,4t sight of her that she 0 . — visiting his brother, Mr. Jae. Moreland, And he the mother hea. Although they look so very small, Strange as it may appear, He never seems to realize He'� such a monster steer. His mother is just a common cow, At two hundred she'd be dear. His little yearling.sister is a dandy, But she is nothing to the steer. Should those pains return again You have no cause to fear, just talte another treatment, There's virture in the steer. 'Keep your money in your pocket', No fees taken at the gate, Come and take another treatment, To -morrow may be too late. We tender Mr. Stewart our hearty tN And hope in'the coming%year He may become the proud owner Of the world's champion steer, [We are told that the steer has c died, we trust it was not because of above poetry. The animal, very nati yl, liked apples and ate to many.] "let Why We Need Mol V MonvJr, i Last year our rates for service were increased by ten per cent. That was the first general, increase in telephone rates in ovev twenty-five years. To -day the general level of commodity prices is three hundred and fift)r per cent over wh�t it was twent)r-five years ago. Our operating expenses, in, 1919 had increased 99 per cent over 1915, while gross revenue was only 49 per cent greater. WOges absorbed over 56 per cent of our revenue last year, and "oui wage bill this year will be at least 35 per cent higher than in 19191 it is apparent that if we are to continue to pay good wages, and 4o ensure good service.- and at the -same time pay such a return ..'to investors as will attraptnew capital to enable as to, extend .4, t "Que plant, we must earn more moneyl We must accomplish both of these thinis, else pervice to our present patrons will suffer and new applicants for service can- not be a6commodated I Xncreased rates are the only source fr6m which suchA further. revenue can come I THE BELL T9LEPHONE COMPA14Y OF CANADA -N came more equently, She had pass, at Nile. He called on friends in the td his desk sleyeral. tillies and bestow. Woman Acts As Mayor village this week. ed upon blmftlie slight nod slip ;lward. For the first time in the history of the ed all whora she sele(�tpd itt-, knowing city of Niagara Falls, Oat., a woman is Mrs. Norman -Treleaven and chil4ren by sight, Yle was passing down a occupying the position of chief agistrate. arrived home on Saturday After a month's narrow roe dway between nyty build. m visit in 'Eastern Ontario. as been ap- In" of, �.ie plant one day, when Aid. (Mrs.) A. P.Twidale h ,lashing into 11% o1hpi, pill va-al(, n pointed acting inayor by Mayor H 1 p There Will be no seridee. in the Prasl)y. I t , team of horpes atCdched to it wagork Stephens during his absence in Hamilton erian or Methodist church next Sunday, loaded With Inon, At it glanve Iletor —Niag2ira Falls Gazette. The re -opening services of the Anglican recognized it runaway aml flft�, fve�t church will take place on thatirday. ' I t allead hiSN1000 took Ill ft glril,,,Ix foria shrinking to the brick wall. Vietor realized'ber danger, Ile swiftly (bisli- ed toward her, snatclietl at hor sway - Ing form, backed Into a ril(iiv wbere there was a door, burst It in with a powerful lunge of his stout shoulders, and held her shivering and overcome. For Just.a moment the grateful, expres- sive eyes of the girl held his own In thra1J. Then he recognizvel lier its the daughter of his euiploNm% "We can pass through the Rtor(,,- room to the office, If you pleaso," lie said. Arline Drury, pale and troin- bling, bowed an assont and he left her as thev entered the office, bilildlix MISS MAN -1295 "AND Tin IMAWAUAT46. 11avPnIt you often wished that 1011 acMittion&I pktares, and sKuring a fall ewert in the afternoon, but ilt !ouldvisit, the Hawaftn Islands, and trotipo of nattro, �waUarA, sueb, *A tb* everilut, when Miss Cleal#W 0*0 ilee its limittles, and ltstf-%n to the ray. ling npytr -fjo tix� thfm contivinit be* her 'IT -rip Through Pgomdlse" td, the sbing i4traltis of ItA moxt sedming torp. Thf_�y w& AM rftj WAgws ji�kd *ccompatiment, of %twooptloitti Lod :uelodlim? % Well, you pan! instririnmtsatots--thme men "4 moving pictures, they will lnt6t*V*ft6 Mbw vipmerrs hax Just coras from their f*IvW,sA1 vAoftop apf the Todauds liar talk with iiattye mblodJos tb&t the H&�Zjalt I"ids, baring MVd% I n'*1'nWa(XA 171060020 It their ;;: lwftl add obarm to th1w moot obrMi. �%s trID at oar rtwaset, weST16SI tM bwa* I T'Aw *Attmt anav sAys a tarlat In, W Inah, WA, on Thvam;d' 9Wv. Septaftber Ud. A lecture will be delivered in the Agri - . Full itilormatti6h �iii any Grand Trunk TicketAgentoi-C.,U. Horniug, District .cultural Hall on Monday, August 16th. at Drs. Kennedy, Calder 8 p. in., the speaker of the evening being Walla�e Miller, W, 1. Miller, John 'Mc- Rev, Win. Lowe, of London; his subjecto 11. B. Zliott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone "Orangeism," Everybody welcome. A Kennedy collection will be taken In aid of the Club, motored to Long Branch to try Orange orphanage. A -musical program Offices—Patrick and Centre Sts. willberendeted in connection with the lecture, utation gone, his future blasted, Vi0 As Victor went back to his, desk yomig Phones—Offices, 43; Residence of Drs. Miss Josle Cameron returned to Toron- I SELL .St. He lens Kennedy 143; Res. of Dr. Calder 151. We congratulate Elmer Purdon on passing his entrance. Elmer's namehad Dr. J. P. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. been omitted ftom the published 'list. "Mr.' Llad," ile still, 'clitire are some. The n�ext day Victor wasspiA foe by Mr, Drury, The latter did not rela x . Full itilormatti6h �iii any Grand Trunk TicketAgentoi-C.,U. Horniug, District Rev. and'Mrs. MacIntoshand b�ys, Drs. Kennedy, Calder Passenger Agent, Toronto, W. F. Burginali,Agent, Phone 50, or Walla�e Miller, W, 1. Miller, John 'Mc- Douglas and Donald,cf Napier, are visit - 11. B. Zliott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone from his habitual cold digulty, hilt in Kennedy ing . with Mrs. -Macintosh's parents, Mr, Club, motored to Long Branch to try a business -like tone announeod to Vlc- tor his promotion to a lilgliev po.qltlor�. Offices—Patrick and Centre Sts. and Mrs. Clark. utation gone, his future blasted, Vi0 As Victor went back to his, desk yomig Phones—Offices, 43; Residence of Drs. Miss Josle Cameron returned to Toron- I SELL Ernest Drury followed him. lip w1l% Kennedy 143; Res. of Dr. Calder 151. to. on Tuesday, after spending about six a mere Ind, but there was deep sin- Dr. J. P. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. weeks at home. "Mr.' Llad," ile still, 'clitire are some. cerlty In b1s bearing as lie grttsried Dr. Irlma Kennedy, gives special attention Children Mrs Reid of Dungannon, was a visitor some excellent values, Victor's hand, to diseases of Women and and with �rs. Buchanan. To get my paper.' Three days out of' ' five "My sister told me to vonvey her Nervous Diseases. I Those dratted mail -clerks take the papers presses the hope tlaat you will never deep gratitude to you for savIng her life," he said, "and sheshe ti.,4ked Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Mr. Robert McGuire and Horace, of LonAOn. came up from London on Fri. Phone 134. Office In TownHall, me to tell you she will riot forget." There was a thrill In the boy's tones, Throat. Eyes thoroughly test6d. Glass- es properly fittkd. d,y. Horace will spend a few weeks with Ills.uncle, Air. Ned. Thorn. Then tend. them down upon the four but the momentary Impress of emotion TAU�ch Sicknes.0, Due to Mr. Robert Lochart, of Wingham, ,stood staring In stfirtled bewildornieht passed from Victor's mind. 11p and some boow companions ha(I arranged MEN% 11 Wmrl�lt� - ORTIMM­ I Rev. Harry Lockhart and son were Sun - d ay visitors here. for a meeting and late. hours that JAckson.' Then a eon0option of his , value ai 2.00 August price $1.69. evening and his thoughts were cen- tered on that. It was a NvIll. night, The Double TpaA Route Rev. Peter Ja mieson, minister of St. Helens Presbyterian church, has received him. He sank to lifs knees beside for some roystering inpulbers of the Indulged freely in Betwe'en a call from South Mountain, in the Pres�. Heart,,Lunga and Bowels working, This surplus eaergy ratiat ble spent coterie %trong drink, an adjouKarrient was inade to a Montreal bytery of Brockville. �Nobody dares say their votes place where gambIliV, wits going on Toronto Mr. and'Mrs. Herb Thompson, Mrs, Todd put himstIt out of the way to act and Vletor found himself In his roorn Detroit and and. Miss J. C McDonald, of People who are imlintil to Ndr- the next morning with 4% recollection Chicago Wingham, visited friends here last week. not? of how he had arrived there. of thio Troubles of tile, Heart, Liver, Nerves, I<Itinsys. Stomach or-Elowels Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, Mr, and Mrs. Drury home, and v.,ithin a balf-yetir He was mortified. then slinined and Unex.-celled Dining Car Earl Cranston, Percy �nd Harold Hyde their lipalth it they So dedre. repentant, and then, as his nietuory Service.' motored to Glamis and Port Elgin, and times think cleared. startled and appalled. With rest, It yon work too little, take spent the week -end with friends. s that revenled to blin tlint Ar- papeir. the vividness of a lightning flash there recurred to him the events of the, Ore- . ..... r— Sleeping dars, ri Night trains Mr. J. R. Webster sports a new Ford. wine th correct the troubles caused vlous evening, Ho bhd fallen Into tho o Mrs. C. Durnin visited her �aughter. Iswept the building out and build the hands of a group of card sharks and, and Pa�lp'lr' cars on prin- Mrs. McAllister, at W ngliarn last eek. 1 %,10 e e k. re,wrio froin titt, power of whouillig had been Induced. to rlsk the nionev ciple"PAy trains. Miss Mary McQuillit! is spending a he had, and then lie. had indorsett it week at Toronto, the guest of her uncle, draft given him for collection and me E. had signed the name of his employpr I . Full itilormatti6h �iii any Grand Trunk TicketAgentoi-C.,U. Horniug, District Messrs. J. Webstek, Will Webster, nlount' 110 to a check for a lamo it r recallpd..the�miin wbiJ had lure(I lilin Passenger Agent, Toronto, W. F. Burginali,Agent, Phone 50, or Walla�e Miller, W, 1. Miller, John 'Mc- Into this net of peril and guilt, 111.5 11. B. Zliott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone Donald and Elwell Webster. of the Rifle name was,.Tackson, and, realizln,g that Wingliani. Club, motored to Long Branch to try he was -in a terrible Position, his rep- beir luck at the competitive sh cot, utation gone, his future blasted, Vi0 Y 0 R INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE tor hurried' on his. Clothes to seek Jackson, ' there was a luioek at the I SELL 71S SIXTY- YEARS SINCE door of, his ro 'bm. Serious hiced, Hr- nest Pruiy onto -red, Town and Fafm properties. ,Call and The other day LrqetElinathan Cobb, "Mr.' Llad," ile still, 'clitire are some. see my list, and get my prices.' 1 have .,So.r ,o," the old man said. I've just papett.you had better destroy and for. some excellent values, been down get, I have no, explanation to trilike. I conio. as emissary of another. w1wra I G. STEWART To get my paper.' Three days out of' ' five I am not free to name, and who ex- Those dratted mail -clerks take the papers presses the hope tlaat you will never WINGHAM. on again,yield to the Influence of those Phone 134. Office In TownHall, To Canaan or to Sheffield or some place. who last night nearly led to your Then tend. them down upon the four ruin.1t . Then the visitor was gone, Victor TAU�ch Sicknes.0, Due to o'clock, And We don't get them until almost ,stood staring In stfirtled bewildornieht LaCk Of Work flight. at the draft and clieck lie had riven They're wearing watch7charms big as JAckson.' Then a eon0option of his value ai 2.00 August price $1.69. narrow escape from ruin ove.rctinle The h4�dlthy body produces more goose-eggit now him. He sank to lifs knees beside enbrgylthwa It needo to keeP tho And fancy socks. It's no use to com- his beditild arose a penitent and grate- Heart,,Lunga and Bowels working, This surplus eaergy ratiat ble spent plain. "Boo": fui man, resolved never agtt�4 to'skIrt in menW or p"Ical w0rk�� Oil thE) �Nobody dares say their votes the delusive path of guilty pleasure, After that, young, Drury seemed to other hand; Peopld VA10 work too hard uso their reserve strength god all count. They do just what they please. Why put himstIt out of the way to act wear out the system. should they care friendly and belpftil toward 'Y'Ictor, but People who are imlintil to Ndr- Whether we hay8eeds get the news or never would h,6 illsetios the matter of vousness, Constipatloa, or have any not? the forged documents. ,kq if litilte in- c1deutally It(,., invited Victor to the of thio Troubles of tile, Heart, Liver, Nerves, I<Itinsys. Stomach or-Elowels When I hear folks like them make con- Drury home, and v.,ithin a balf-yetir Ac�au greatly Improve th,0 condition of stant fust About their wrongs and 'rights, I some - Victor wits engaged to Arline Drary. their lipalth it they So dedre. It was Jnst ilfter thoir first elillrl it you w;,ork: too hard, takb iniore times think was born that Vletor vanio aeroqq the rest, It yon work too little, take How I was sexton of the First Church s that revenled to blin tlint Ar- papeir. more exercise, �ou will nted med- here, line had loved Iffin front the fir4t titne wine th correct the troubles caused In the 1atd fifties, right before the war. she met blin, that to tier waq (hie hN by your IndiscrOtloag. and to assist Iswept the building out and build the rapid 0vullepinent In bllsillpsg ,,nd Illil iiature to restoro health. Then take firm; re,wrio froin titt, power of whouillig Haeking!s Cleaned, filled, and lit the lamps and gamblers. lie replaveil the Imper.,4 ileut and Nerve Remedy 11 rang the bell. reverently. Tre, never told of thelf dispovery. but the inspiration of the 113,114 if r011111M & laxativ-0 take I never tabseda servire. I received sarrip gai?e to IlIq lipe a flow klovoteil. Viva dollars yearly. Abner Usttabrook, ness to )krlliio that bpeame the otio Kidney and LiVer Pilb The senior deacon, after meeting once ImDulse of his belneo �.-Ihese two, pim-parations will work Called me aside out in the entryWay, The chief alai of every tilligntoriol wonders and we will gurgnteo I wondered what was up. ."Bub," Abner said, life is to become a sat6el, bene-11tial resufts because Wd know they will do to. ,Does the committee pay you well t DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Mr. NVILkm 11, Ulaglwoti, Of 110 field, write,; as follows' "1 11616 enough?" "Yes, Sir," I said, (Oil, lie was pretty OSTEOPATHY m-kcii, plomuro In oAdresslfig yft Ift smooth, re.;ards to Flicking's wonderful Hcart and Nerva ftemedY- I have t, was Abtierl) Well, then, don% you DR. F. A. PARKER u.�,ql (lutto a It -W bolteg and I must think," sold be— Osteopathic Physician, only titialified A.,ty tlkf.y havt) ftne nio a "rld of He n6ally meant it, too-­Jlthat you ran osteopath in North Huron. goad. Plpli%o send me 6 mm*o boxes owe Adjulitment of the mpine is mdre quickly of ITA41fix's Tlmrt flixt Nervv Rsln* Something for foreign Missions?' Yft, he securtbd and with fewer treatments than edy and 2 1x)1,p% of XbAkillg% Xld* I did. by Any other method. Blood pressure aftd other examina(ion-k ney and Liv" mis." it you too wrmt tev rwift ymir 110d 1,And so, of course, you Zrft your bitle"' Made, tmlih, then KO to 7011r WArM DTU9 I toughed. All dimeruss% treAtod. I lWorn 14n& a* for Haickinift. I -WW" soW Slinathen Cobb, "do you, Phlorw M. OPPICR OVIR CHRISTIE'S STORIC Haakinals ftemedWs ars #*Id In Wiftgftffl by J, W, M#Kft"* "PPON Abpq wvmN lay If 1w,camlN4 to-dW? Tluftdayl Aug. lgt�, 10140 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXI Men' S ISARDS women',,, 'Sear Wear 4eadquartep fop Hot Weathep Bapgains --�­ ... * ... W� Cut Prices lor the month of August on just the class of goods you want for Summer,Weer. ity Wes GqCru. rl C;, Lolidofi, .%jntar'io ael,111i a ­ndS4 Fall Tcpq .0pens October 4th Y 0 R INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regri�trar Big stock of whifewear will -be �sold at a discount of 20 per cent off regular prides. We hand you back 20c for every dollar's worth of whitewear you bu' Y. Barg-Ains in white wash top skirts. 2 dozen on sale made of good Repp or Pique latest styles, your pick for $2.00., 3 dozen ladies white voile waists, -good value ai 2.00 August price $1.69. voiles, pretty patterns in fancy dress volles to clearAt bargain prices. Dresses, Children"s and Misses white Muslin and voile dresses to be sold at clearing prices. See centre window for cut pri-ces. Coats, lwomen'g Summer'coats Com- prising English velours, silk moire, fancy 94 tweeds all at money saving.prices. H* to ity Wes GqCru. rl C;, co 0 ehdt�le I I r . . -'z:", J, r. " A W HAT maid or matroti's heart cloes not �mig for the proper silver service with which to Comfort their own family atid entertain' their guests. Atid wbat family in town does ticit know that this is the Jewelry' store where quality merchandise is sold tit a price con.sisteft with your income... We will (it the bridge between tour iyes with an adjustment that won't' let your none Itnow your eyes are using glasces, R. A MICKAY wcle� atid Opticiati wingh�ln N J Lolidofi, .%jntar'io ael,111i a ­ndS4 Fall Tcpq .0pens October 4th Y 0 R INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regri�trar co 0 ehdt�le I I r . . -'z:", J, r. " A W HAT maid or matroti's heart cloes not �mig for the proper silver service with which to Comfort their own family atid entertain' their guests. Atid wbat family in town does ticit know that this is the Jewelry' store where quality merchandise is sold tit a price con.sisteft with your income... We will (it the bridge between tour iyes with an adjustment that won't' let your none Itnow your eyes are using glasces, R. A MICKAY wcle� atid Opticiati wingh�ln N J