HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-19, Page 2OUR APPLES
Fruit Trade 00' ssioner
. mmi
. Tells of Demaud For
. Ontario Fruit.
Gives Advice On the Pack.,
. ing of the F ruit ir .
.. Boxes.
,� — I ,
4, Toronto, Aug, '.-,The fruit Indus-
- � I t.rY Is the Only single Canadian Induq,
.11 try that Is honored by having a s!)c.
cial tra,d-a cOl11ml$ZIOnQ%- appointed to
� look after Its axport Ili ' terests, and J.
Forsyth SmitU, 1i'vilit Trade Coninjis.
sioner. who. has been established at
, Liverpool, F,agland, for tile past five
I Years for &!) purpOso of forwarding
the loteres1W of tile Canadian growers
and shippers 0! 1rult, esp'.-cially w)-
- - � 7, _1171
,_ -r __ —
part of A tonr of Brttl,Fh Columbia.
. /
- �__ -
now pies for a box of ioplos welsh-
4ng 40 pounds net will ba X3 shil.
linxii 6 pvnee. ra comparod with A
shillings to peric�, luat year, while
h')Xen weighing ""7 Poundfa net will
Roll for 21 shillings 0 police
The Fruit Trade Vommissionor Is
not uriqutalifledly In favor of box-
, 1)410king Ontario 015PIP3. 110 Points
� out that tile varloties ot American
I 4nd BrItsh Columbia upples itliat
� bring tile highest prices when lioxed
i are particularly attractive and high-
ly colored, such as the NVItiesap,
'Jonathan, Rome Beauty and Arkan-
. aas Bluok, uu,l some favorite varle-
ties Buell as 'Nowton and OOx*R
Orange. which specially command
themselves to the British consuirter.
"When tile West," said Mr. Sirlith,
llbox-pactm Don Davis, Greenilig,
Mark, ,Dto.. these varieties frequently
bring lower prices than t4o same
varieties In barrels." I -To also called
. attention, to the fact that when boxes
arid barrels are vacked out of tile
� same orchard, the election of the
, best apples for boxing would tend
I to depreciate the staudar4 of 'the
! barrel pack, and therefore. when
� highest prices were rcoel,�ed for the
i boxed fruit, the average for,the crop
I ci)uld not be much greater than It
�a first-class barrel pack of tile whole
I lot were put up, Purthermore, he
I said, the Eastern box-pacl;ed, apple
would be handlcapp64 on the ex-
! port market by the preference of
tlio trade for ,established brands of
weateitu boxed applell."* "Nevertlie-
less," lie declared, "there Is a future
for the box-Dcok trade In Ontario
apples. an the inere fact of the
x0s, Is now visitiliz Ontario points as
grower taking the trouble that lie
part of A tonr of Brttl,Fh Columbia.
Is showing rpgard for the demand
Ontario and Nova �sootia. In. which Ills
for evenness Ili size of trult and for
quallty,11 In order to obtain top
ObJW Is to It -form the fruit lutu of
c onditions of sup-
prices for boxed apples an the Brit-
emand, and the special re-
tsh market It Is advisable to use
medium-sized fruit rather than the
(11110.1neUtS Ili tile WnVOf,P1%VRft90 11,114
shimuent of apples to the 1ing1loll and
biggest," as. tile retailers, In selling
EuroDean markets.
the product weight, have to
Speaking yestordoy of the apple
weigh close so as to ensure a profit
In the Old Couri-
and at the raine time give satisfaction
try, Xr, Smith. ttatoit that the best
to their customers.
Box -packing in itself Js not a
1. Ontario packs. hol;l'a very high plq.ce
In the esteein,of the fruit tradc, and
guarantee of high price, however, said
that the Ontario apple is ,the most
the commiss!oner, In conclusion. Ab�-
Popular barrel aople on the British
Points mull-lonfln" of bigh,quality
9 market. desTAte the fact that some
must bd given first consideration It
)� ahort,sighted growers persist In no-
Canadian growers are to -hold first
� I glectIrig the grading of their crop, to
Place in the British apple market, he
loss and against the good
their own , �
pointed out, "Poor grading of the
fruit had been found anything but a
reputation of Me province.
With T09ard. to varieties. tile, Com-
paying business in the past and would
mlissioner pointed ,out that Ontp.�rjo
be increasingly profitless In tile fqv
� VJn9k,rXJDld0XV ftosets 4nd Splesare
ture.lf . -
apeefally o,ppreolatod In Great Brit-
oda, and .-Ile-deplored. an account of
. the export trade, that the local and
' - � I I
Western Canada demand for 'Spies
due to 4 change !a the GovernmenVo 9
interest Paying period, which vas
ba4 so reduced tho ,supply reaching
the 014, Counfry tbat consumers and
11, dettlers there are mudh
In the shortage of IsUpply of apples,
. of that, varlot3t. Baldwin&, Otark.
,fag and Ben Davis, he . said.
Oreep �
. a -.a otliar,popular varieties, the last-
Apha�ia !lad
Victim of .
� . jolmod boing favored on account of
. Wandered Far,
Ito attractive qualities. Ben Davis
pared with $40,084.840 durin July,
applea Ar,10111i late In the seac.on,
Wten 3 erred to varieties hav-
I _,__ 1%
I.-lCome.-Aunig." *
were pi6
Ing J�ette� flavor and texture merely
dlilcago, Aug.
Within forty minutes after he bail
11 pultuolaot of thelr,-superior -condition
received this laconic message from the
to %eature -thAt is of first Importalvee
.wife he had left , lit Cripple Creek, Col.,
in price -making. on the BrltIsJx mar-
tNy,e)lty years ago, Willillra :Zelsen-
. ket. i �
helige, pLlm6st a moaern Brioch Arden,
� . In I)jrppavaUan for his visit to
WQ,3 sDeQd!Tlg LYor the rails to Denver.
d" .0,_, Mw Omlifh at the order of
Ak&",� . I i .in ,,vvv zioi4eipwnpo w4s.rannia..;
I . litts D%Mrtment, vlafte4 Norway, butcher sliop witli hip brother in Chi, I
Siveden, 1�n)))Aud, B.elgiunl and Den-
. mark with 4 view to aseertallaing
their prefenericas ar. regards apple
gupply. Be foun4l that these coun-
tries proinfe*A 0DIV A -51110,11 market
. as eompwred ,,,y,1Q1,0)At 9f ,the Ijulted
lr-ing4om,��,ono W-PP-th consldoving.
The 11-4-p4fteto o'bo-wed, a stroi�g Pre-
fefence: foit the � pow poir, but would I
be glad to -ApeePt - I)Aflrel Packs of I
late yarledes'bf `Wghe-0010,,Peil ADPIOS,
sueh'as Baldwin ,Ana, ,Mg pavis. The �.
ineth6d. of doln% bgb�jiwss In these i
e*untrfecs It- th,0081.1 0, riesKent .4g.ent 1
sy%o actp ar. e .�
X01,1slye agent top the
shlaser quot 9 PrIC60 to 010 fm-
cago, perfectly )1,gpDy with his brM
. 9,*L g.yoqp 444 lit
. . their bAby, George.
the ii,ttle B)iop was not mA , 14119 mQ%'.V,i
As ftalt, Ag hp wp4ted It to be, a.nd '111"
M,�ty hp W, ..
.,, ent tp brJpplp Creek to work.
. ,
in a gold mij)e. III$ w1fP t.01MAd Wm
In A Vew yaeko-
41n.0 their i3ablu w -As TP.44Y milips
rporg t"4e naine, w4qr.e lie was working,
WIllia.m . sAW, his wife ofily 0A pay 44ya.
One AAv.A
. , .A Acgident oceprred In the
miiie'* L 'Will'4in W4S strpck PA the JIMA
4y* A PI.A06 �f t1Xu,bkr. ALA"'(t was rent to
V q hpapital with .&�,wourlq t4p6t left 4
... ..
- logg pcgr. I �
j�_e ragall
pg jqbg"�ousness In A f0W
k 't, potta_ P and Virill.0 &CCOP0,4098. The ftyg, I Dkit L . I A' . . FL wInploto i
, , 4�iffgrg# fr M I P. . '
. 11 . itranzatilon Is! thu's,-completed as tt Igbse pf Api aany YeftT.0 110
� . � . . .gory. 11gr n
. � PaSh adj&, � , , I , ' '
. . ,* , . ,C.91.()pq,4(L?. .A,rl
I � W.4LIAPr4 Apoll' Vs. I VA
- 3i 4
1* , . I gonsiderink this Year's world sup New Mexlp6l,'jqj� '-�jT�ii� �6' 4!Dt
Ply JDf apples, offecting the British
,nlark#L, Xl,� smitli. � rgild that the crop
in Eaglor,d is, oilmost a failure, XOnt,
the prisg4pal producing aoguty of
tkesoert j*,VIes,.. Ilaving only 19 per
rent. , of tte ar�p it )lad last yeap.
1Xhe ,W,A9h4ngtOh�.qUd Oregon, V.q.4 ' ' '
trop of ii)ez aplOis Is short. and
nrftIglj,,C6I=, bla ,will have only from
60 to 65 ��_ - gent. vt -,the arop har-
vest�a_ tilele, " jjlat year. American
I)aTtil %�ples will be a fair supply,
but ,jilil ',bo, -h,al1dJ,,aa0ped ,by it)ae ad-
verse exchange .t.pLte. Although -the l�
,Igoyu ,Scotia 1wJII lbe, of goc4 ,quality �
and,$jdj'amoijut, it Will 4)o J�WS.tllan
t%at,bf last aoason.',-$o takw, 4M In
,111. the demand for apples in 6?o4
011tatt tlils coming fall and wln�
t.er 0.11,ftla be quite satisfactory, so
Tar �,%,,,Oaadbll� proditoors are con-
cerneq. . .
41anadfait Mpotters of apples will
I)o �Illteidsto&to 100T11 that tile apple
Vw1co c9liti6t,'order lit Areat Britaln
)ha's bou sus-ponaed Until Nov. 15t,11,
remember.L, .
His memory' returned to hipli by del
& 2os, Dut it was only 'redently - that
there came to him a full realizAU)i
of the fact that htc had once b9en
married and that Jae had a motlier
)ivlr�-! In Chicago,
Ptyi#�y he returned to the home of
hl� -i�&lle�. lf�s first questions 'Were
regardig .
� g h6 w,jf�- Yea. sne Was
still, Ai1n; J# .Or�ppio 4,41c, Ag' d R,P--
other son had 6�eri 'Pqn 4or�tly 4 Ir
� , .
Uts unaqcotikable dinaippearana.d. OU
,As 19 �
_# waited Years for her husband _Q
j.�turp, qxid after lie became "fegally
46,,�41' 0o'4g remarried, But 810 11114
wiftteii 'bis ' bro�her oply laB.t mon,0
, .
t)gtt �er hust,4uil '4i�4 Ale# almos . t 4%
. 1. .. I , . k
ykqp ,4gg. WAI!an� took qli B49 , S"t
- �
Voigg fo pp pp'qr�st, telegr,�'Dll ofele.0
To -by Ate r-PPAYCA �44 opc:ww � or4 %aeq-
,,�ggr fro
. , . nr hjs fprr4py )yl&e. ,&4,� 49."y
tile only tJ�*g'q6fiPlirlg*lArA lj'whet4-
� i
, er he must go thrpui,h 4 second'*a'r-
riage ceremony Whi�40 �!&!##s " iO
i 11:0,0
....... .- __
I 0 9IV%X a free market for fruit oiles I' Manitoba farmers - iv*l pre�ent evi-
1 . � to t%4 date. Oil and after Nov. I 60i J before the tariff commission,
price omirol will be resum6d, when 11 = vjJJ hold sittings In Winnipeg,
the maximulopriee for a barrel of ap- * OaDt. 16f g4cor,dIAg to an announce.
ples will be 49 shillinigg. as compared ment Mad* -by W, V., Woo#
I . ,, secretary
With 07 shillings 8 ponce, last year. The of the Unitga 1Pgpmprj p - #q4.
, , f Mgt
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says 0 ;ift* Royal estodonlan tchool 1� Owthey, NAVIng Vvokln�hxmllsto
ll#x4lquorurs with the trench MOP tar hlnd&d over to thWM With otl*t
War tM)0W# joy th* London Scat floh, The troolts w*" #**w,*d
. #Amgh Lo4mo, by tbo WISHM wfth vioss ood drw#wm%
/ . I
I 1, I . � I , *1 , " ,�, 4
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I F I I I , I I -1 -_
r! � 0 m1ml- I �� * - 'A 0- . -
larg covering losas to #Vdtsr settlers
by tho Laud Settlement Board.
i I .
... 1. . 11 - _ - I .
, " ,
i 1.
I#**" \ i
wono I I'll I
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M .
-ductiou el' the forty irilll!f�*,% still
leavej ilia debt jimaller than it was at 1�
_ - ,
V18i 1. 4c�k -�
, . I -
I . ; �� . ,4" , 9 : -
� 11 I , . I � I .
1, ., t . � �
4� ,
LOSE $5)000
the end Of June by twelity-flVe million
dollars, but this again to In a measure
to I 101111111 0 I
X011114 I . i
: , ,
� � I � . . I I I �. . � I 1 9 � I
11 . , ,
I , , ,
due to 4 change !a the GovernmenVo 9
interest Paying period, which vas
01110- -l-�l--l",4 0 ,
IOWA. 110" WA 14, *000 _4 'S"�
- -, I
***a Ok -
. ,. 1. - 11
. . . � 1A.9. �, .
il . I I,* 4:� :1- " I I I V,
11 . I 1, 1-1 ,
I . 1. , ", � .! ,
T ?. , � I I 4
' �
lonxi's Liabilities $8,000,-
largely reaponsible Tor a drop in ex-
e ')
1, "" for July to $22,789,'101 as com-
a wwlw�
= =i __ � . , �
,.,�, Amw Mh0i.&.&.dW
i. I f . . � . 9 91
� I I ., ,
pared with $40,084.840 durin July,
_ , �� 7W , � -
. I 1, 1 49, . .
I : .
000$ Assets. $�10000000
Expenditure for the four
to July 31st
.1 .1 01 I I
, I .
months' period Y:AB $104,-
*#Taft 0 0040"4�w.
. .
V * .. I.. .
, I
( ,A
909,900 on consollilated fund as against
; - 1, 1;. L . "L.& I
*0004 -_
" .... ...
. . ...
Thousands of $r4all Inves-
$70,515,801, In 1919, VxPeadituros on
, . - Z 1�
. :
I . I I
tOr$ to Lose,
tile caNtal .n.ccoull.1; side of tb6 ledger
make a 3plondja ahowillQr, and this is
bw1o'' 7 KOWA, 0
: . .
__.-._11-_"_, �
almost entirely due to the practical
di.3apoearance of the !tent of "war ex- I
-0 J. � . 'I 1;1AA00TQ1k,.A%
.. � l
BostQu� An- -S0016 50,000 Ju-
pen(liture." which litis coritr.buted
I ..0 � I ,�-,
01010� "W 004 *"#A,^
I ..
9 .
vestors Intrustea a total varloustv
more than anything else to the growth
� - I ,
. , .
I .
estimated at from $15,000,000. to
.I.N0,00,000 In, Chorles Ponzi In � a
of the debt. The figures denionstrat
till, this, %tatement show a total wl�;
I., __ .;�Ii- _� �
R. ,
. . . . . . . .
11107)eyl_ma)"r:� schoulp Which United
. .
expenditure for the first four months
,of the fisca-1 year M." as $117,276-824
. � .
imovomm Am OKOW004 ,
I 1 I
A .
States Postal offifeluis to -day' de-
as ,against only *2,078,074 for th siame.
*009W 11"o A *4"ko"
clared to be alnolUtely Impossible :%g
period this Year. I F
9 1 9 ". .
I ��. I �
, I
I The revenues side of 9 the financial
I -
7, , . f I , � - �
� I
. I ,
Ponzi surrendered to� I the federal
statemoilt Judicater, Buell buoyancy
L that there is reason to hope Ilia . t the
' i � - 1 W � A. I I - I
� 1, . mmm; 10, I i 1, I 'It
Arthur 1. 1twin - -
authdrltles tills aftefrioon explain.
Ing ,thgt li(�) was Unable to meet 111%
time Is ubt far distant when Bolue of
the revenue may be available for pur-
0�9,8,, L.P,4., " ��,, .
. I
. .,obligations
., .
bzec*Vse of the closing
yesterday of tlid Hanover Tr4st
poses of debt reduction. For tile four
months. collections by the' customs,
� I .
Doctor of Dental Sunry of tft F.*ux%,o
4ylvanla collf,fo and lceotAto. of �Paxw -
n Ontario.
. !
where � the bulk of Ills
funds were dopositea. .,; lie was ar-
and other revenue-producing depart-
alout tot4lled $145,509,58S� as com-
�01 .Surgery k
31 *ObAi4ay &f*UQQ0.
0109eil ev,§V-
111,111,111,111, - �����
. ___
rested charged wJtVhavfng usea tile
pared with ;90,011,720 for the a m. Ilar
, , plack.
0111�co lit Macdor-Ald
D'S CHIMER DUKE OF CONN AUGHT , r. % r� � malls to uw lid, arr4l9nod and hold period Ili 1919. For July alow, the -----P— .- 1. 11 . 11
I in bonds -`of $26,000 f,or a hearing ,collections were $45,220,491, whereas 01. W. R. 1-4-namW * 1,
Photo shows the Grenadier Guards ch etring the Dv�e of Connauljht, former Qovernor-%neral of Canada, after on Auguit. 19 Moantime a warrant, Ij July, 1919, they amounted only to . , , I
be had Inspected them On WIMblodon Commons, Eng. charging Ponzi with larceny had $20,554,066. A jump in 6ustoms bollee- ILON Woof ,)#?A.- ..� � I
been obtained by -*-the State Pollce� tions, from $40,154,001 to $69,773,47T Oro;" 40"00a Varld''W e"JILS" I . I . �
___ - - I � �
I . . ___0M09V00WW1A� - 'in the MUnIcIP%l Court, omd -Upon contributed ,the largest percentage of 44 W"Isein - 04 OUldirolk NAY%$ I I
I - ��________. _ - --r__'_-_.'__.____ _�_'r leaving the federal 'bu.11ding Ponzi the increase, while the war tax revell- tato Rwr*44ato "Wow . OVA It .
- &A �, A'A
I psalmist Prays for the joy that he was re-arrosted '4iid held by- the nes were higher than those collected 4*q, � . 1010 144 , . . L144 i
4110 knew accompauted the salvation of the IM ' ,City Court In $10,000 bail for al)- In 1919 by several millions, = 4k, " . . I .
. � -_ . � � I
I soul, . pearallee on August 2a. The bonds I - . 00" Is 64, X6ri -r"M " �
r . � U11 two" *0 Quows I . �
. I I I
. tkva will I teach transgressors thy Ill I d, � r� " 1W ,I I I 11"U#t q,b%V*r � __,&_,��. i
. ' lO$- at the 11 11 A31 %uftoa &ft"
I . .... I . Ill.* VQws to God (vs. 13-17). 134 , , . were Put lip and, tbe latter was re- 'E"HER " - now=9
Anxious Inquir' GREEK N "re
ways -The, penitent and saved soul at I newspa- _%
LESSO . F"R . per offices and feverish c r r W�t
I orwe makes vows to God. :David ,saw � U HIGHWAYS l"'r onye."Sa- .4 � . - _. .
I his work before him and he vowe4 that � kions in downtown :restaurants - In I nu� -----"--- ' ` , � -.-. I
. I I dl- " i
I Leseon V411, Aug, �2, 1920. , lie would declare the ways of the Lord cated that the Pi'aprietors of Fmall MARK. FOR BULLET """""' .
to sinners. sinners shall be converted 'Ottawa Approves, Scheme busine0es, prafeisl6nal n D4 Robt. C. Re
A p,UAYIOR V, OR PARDON. unto thee -The psalmist's confidence Ili - . women. clerks and oteuographers by � X.R.0.8, J=9-1 � s
Psalm 61-A.,-17. Vxod wag unbounded. He believed that the thousands ac'copted the batt IJM?, CAP_ I
, - Under ri ederal -&ct. I . . ,
cOATMENTARY-1, Penitence , aid as a result of his faithful ministry sin of 50 per cent, Vr9fit In 45 days. Venizelos Escapes With 110"ICIAN -AM $141*4111DO
. -
� .4
ners would,be converted, not to him- I I Ueutp working Ill offices .nd fac- Mr. I .
confesoon (va. I -G), 1. have mercy self, but to God. 14. deliver me from q. ' to,les interested large numbers The ght Wounds. 0011LOW10 Od 0034). .
upon nia-The psalmist acknowledges bloodgliiltitkass�lt , Roads ri o. 4mtarlo And Que- ' I 01 - � �_ . - .
would, seem that mystery of Plonzils methods added 1. . ,
D, fid could not get-carough with his bec Named. �, I �
Ills need and makes a direct ilpPeal I I to tile attractiveTress of Ills prom, I "
-confessing Ills sin. There rises before Isps. Assassins Made the Attack
for divine forbearduce. His prayer him his sin In causing the death of -1 Among the amazing disoo-cures k in Paris. �. I
- for mercy, Ile ' Dk,--�#1441TE , �
is not for justice, oil ularly about Plans that provide was that� the bulk of Ponzl's mil- ,,, - - . , T
Ottawa report: 'k _8
I !, Uriali, and lie prays partle � � ,�.� ,� -1,
makea his plea strictly personal, ac- It, my tongue shall sing aloud of t — . Or-duale' - i - ruiveral 7 t Toron P� . I I ;
lly for th6 expenditure of $40,000,000 to lions ware,,gather�od In after the In- avulty, 0 0�6 61201ne" 80eutl4te Of $16 . .
cording to thy loving kindneso-As % righteousnoss-He would give thanks In disous-s- Parts, Aug. - -,-Prewler Venlzelos, of I tarlo 9-11ege of Fh"f*4n& � and ;
to God In his heart, rmt would, not stop Improve the highwa7a of Ontario vLnd vest'gatlon had started. R, I , . I
basis for his petition he Pleads dod's Ing ,the Ponzi case to -night, ,Chief Greece, was attacked and wounded to-. S�'rae*D4, I . . . .
intensity of love- Note the strength of there. He would,let others hear Ills Quebec are among tijoso, witich, have Post Office Inspector Mo0y said that night at 9.44 as h4Vva% leaving the �,Lyons - I
I railroad station tot, Nice. As the Prem- .. OrVICE IONTPANCS: I
the word loving kindueas as Indicated so4gs of praise. 15, OP011 thou MY Just been approve4 by the Govl.ern- so- far as their, investigation ,had lee stepped on to a tr?da two men fired SECOND DOOR NORTH OF- I w
by . lips -With David's full restoration to ment under tile operation.of the Pod- - ne PonzI, had ,never done any bsul- eight shots from revolvers at him. He , .
I*s composition. multitude of thy the dMile favor there would come the . .0 . ZURS1110018 PHOTO STUDIO,
tender morcies-DaTid'a heart raVelled I ness Ili International reply coupons. was wounded slightly, His assailants I
opening of his lips In praise to God oral Highways Act. were arrested. , -� - � � �
with emotion as lie real:,zed the great- "PonzVz liabilities are -probably Premier Venizelos was talcing leave , JOSEPHINE ST. , PHONE 29.,
-i f friends'wilen two swarthy individuals I I I . .
�4n- desirest not saoritice-A literAl saorl- Ontario is J22,200,0Q0, t,f which the oats are only about $3,000,000. This rusked from the crowd on -1 I I " 1 �= . .
nese of God'o mercy, 'Ho geemed $or Ws mercy .and power, M thou The outlay contemplated in a, little legs than $8,000,000. His as- 0
' . I 0 firing three ____ - � . - I
able to find lauguaae sufficiecitlY fice - ould not meet the case In quea- D fl before they r I
atrong to express his idea ,of the , Government will contribute means that the people who invested shots and the other ve . I
tio��'for, a mere form was not sutd- ""'O' ' 01 were overpowered. The Premier- we" ro; * ' ,
divine compassion, blot out -Remove ;5,800,000, the Province $12.000,00 their money through Ponzi will lose ported wounded In the right side 4�id th P0 : Z 1". I
- The clent.' There must be hearty repent- a;bout $5,000,000, -
�an His assailants, following �_Sl SHIP., Is
utterly. my transgre.ssione ance, confession and d the municipalities $4,400,000. It I$ tile Most 91 left arni. their arrest,
psalmlit; confesses his sins Arid , ., faith. The.peni- Quebec's projected outlay is $17,390,- gantle swindle ever put over on the
makos, -no 4ttempi; to hido them. 2 tent must come with all Ills heart to, 000, of which the Doiffinlon Govern- U.- S. people through .the ageliew of were rescudd by the police from the ' ' ' 11
wash. inp-The psalmist In true pen- the -Lord and Implore his mercy. 17, crowds with great difficultf, the xnob
ment will -put wp*Z5,000.000 and the thb Post Office department." -. shouting, "Lynch thernill Both of tile -
Itenc6 had asked that his trallogr6s- 4%cerIfIqeg ot God are p, broken spirit- Province and municipalities the bal- ,. This comment was .11lade by a - high wen were severly man -handled. , .
slons might, be blotted olit. He now ,rIl ellorifioe wbiall, God,is pleased'tQ ance. I 14 ofticlail Of the Post Office department 0�6 ON "THE R,O C KS ". _)(
uses gnothier form of expreasion in hwyo the offerer brin — . � - � , .
, .g j4 a penitent, .
. 0
Npirlt. He de- Ili Quebec three standard high.. t0110WIng announcement ol Ponzils
asl;ing for freedol4l frorii his gullt, sUbmt9si-VO, b0liev'lig . � I . 'TO PROXOTEIUADE 11 .
-:-wAn 'old form of the word lights lu t1los@ who have, broke4 and ways, Including the King Didware 4rre8t. . .
thoughly , - Int* "We do not believe there is an . . While Officials Tr .to Sal -
thoroughly. from 41ine iniquity -He polltrito .1learip. i highway, Montreal to House's Po , Y, . .
had committed acts of Injostice which OUESTIQNS,-Who Is the author of the Quebec and Mon1real North Shore iota of truth in PonzVs statement that '
he made vast profits In mantpulat- British House Votes'Funds ' � vAge the Oargo. ,
he confesses as Ills own. cleanse me this Pse-Im", What name IR given to it? rbad, and the road from Levis to 4. ruational reply coupons. I � .
Undlir .-Wha't o1roujustanees was it Jackman, Maine, are already finislied, Ing In,e For Empire Exhibit -ion, �
-in whaxeyer way and by whatever WrittOT19.1 For what ,1$0 was it corn- or practically so. The plans sub- ititlis oqtr belief that for the. 1,,ost . . — Wizard and Your ' I
means the g1lilty � nign could be freed . Rivals I
. to the standard part Porizi simpl�r took In the money , in
from Wa evil past D4vIr I would be PQ904? VQV W1114 4008 tbB P041mist mitted all conform d It out again , with the London, Aug se �1 I .
. pr 12 What confessions does lip prescribed by the act, s,nd 'when the And then pat ,
glad to receive pArdoll, - sili;--A mis- . 1utention of getting a great number.1 Cftmous votel, today 9ne hundred 'hil.
'Arrjq'? Wilgi; does Ile proinjoe tq 40i sygtcAl is Collipleted vehicular traffic . k . I .
(,Ang pf file mqrk; ag eyeing from the 1p� , - thousand pounde guaro(fitee for tho , Boston, Aug. 14,---�qhe financial shipp
. g . What is ,,g ..1.)rOk@4 41, will be revollit of Investors and then making a.. get '
rl lit way. . .4 4 poptpite t
ioniged, The roads that ,,awt
o6 3, 1 ackli,owleilge-lAter- xvW, So far as we have been able l3rItI;Zh Suipire exhibition which will, 1 has been.piloteZr'lly Charles pon�_
. ally "I know.." The p.r6nouh is an- 11�Rrf$f? � art) Planned are 411 tyuriX or malu to learn lie, 4ealk to only a �sllglkt ex- tow, the Empire. Right Hon. George as high. and (IrY oil the rooks to-
Phaile. His sins have all along beell, - V34AUT Ab STJAV19y 11 I highways, as d1st,111911181led from 00114- . day, and Federal ana State official&
hie -To . try or township road$, ,- tent In ordb;aq, stoQks and lieclirl- F. G. Kollaway sa-.d that In(Ileations
k0wn to God. They are before TopIc,Per)1tenftI prayer ill opep, .The Ontario plan provides for tbig Map, . � pointed to a lull In trade her,,, 4o that inade''deterriiined efforts to isjilvage.
eyes. (Paa. 90:01, but now he has sojigl eXporlepqe. , follolying main lilgbWays: (,The Hanover Trilot Company it was neceasary to open new markets, the cargo of -millions of d6liairs oil- - I �
come to know them himself; they are . . .0 . uleth7ods were utterly Illegal and un- 'rho greatest hope lay Ili the 14hripire, tillstectlto Ponzi by thousands of in- I .
unceas-.ngly present Jo his conscience. T: pf�yid's 4WAkeRing. - Wir;dspr to t1le. _Quebep botinddry . I vestQrs, in his "fifty I)er cent. in three I .
. . . CotoaV, 'VI4 . Ch'atllavg, :ll,ondon, Just w1lat IN condition is It he eald. 11
_E:IrkpatrIc4. . 11. Poplitegpe an4 paTdoll, at , "111; guarantee Is contlugpnl; owl fojjr 111011tils." - � � I
, 'O
"""' Th
I Brantford,' NaMilton; Toronto, 13elle- un I
. 1: P4vi4's awake!1149, Th@ irlitla . 0�d hat depositors stand to lose we ..had hill breakfast in the Mid- 1, . I I
4, against thee t1lee only, hq,v9 I I 'a 'y say as yet",
�Jlle 'and X,f�Xaton, lylth branohos ri�t, hundred thousand pounds being found Polizi
sInno6-�a.vld hild Maned against in Dayld's restoratign Is t4ke " privateTy, ,I, 1�. Clynes, the LaborL dlesex CQuuty Jail, In 11
lilmae Nn by fro4i 1-14milton tq ,NIaK4T& ftle, and "' --*� s. a ��,— � I East, cam- "I
if, �ghlnsf Eathilleba, igallist Vt6qlpll 111mielf: IiT4e Lord selft — , . - plic a)%_ bridje, a prisoner of the United,State
. .. . . . � ... "i, , . � 4tll- from Prescott to lotto;W4. I . .. I leaft, au rted the v6to, but was as
Urip# Agd ijgqi4s� hie " h 1. an 9' " . 0overnment, in do -fault of . ;26,000
. people, yet a: ,_ r� P it Is always! Qro4 cor4- Tilort-�,lrie,.throi4g�,f3.ipiqoe ?ill .... , other 1,aboxite ,declared that it
sin w, . . 4 at, BE -of N, OVER . a, priyato gilvqrtleemelit at th pu . . .
%a, �Ip,qt pf f0l a t'Ood, for ll�eftpes t�e w' . - . a blIc bond.%. Three officerB of the Old Col-
. . 11 , . galliA. , _ . prk of salvation, The A I .
Thoi I
all sin'le against him.' The Psa qiist Moral impotplico qf urtpegeq n T.1las to Wiliftor.. .1 ,� e,N se And that the Labor*Party bad -Quy Foreign ftoharige Qompany..,��a I'll
. , er,#Q i - de4
gii a,, 4p �
6roiiO tq $11T111 Y14 11ramp AAo
had an overwhelming eense of thi; oil-' tPre', Is complete.. T!1ere'9aq 4e ;lq jtr'�tfor'q. . . ,tpp. . ugh of fostering Imperial In. rival concern - of Pouzils Sectiritles! . I
ormity of Ills aln. against God. that, moral return except 4s Inspired aqq Guelph and f � terestEl. Anotbor Mem-nor retorted.: Vxcllange Company, had their morn-
. jk6r.611io ,t� ,,Nluiko� I
h ustified when thou S�st�ted br ffie, Holy' . I .4. , $2A0,00010.00 � timid lallghter az14 cheers, ftt tliQ de� � ..
I 0�liit. f,ijo Otta.Wa to PeT4�rqke. . '� . _- 1119 meal in the Charles street Jail, "
' " ' , .
ispe4k4gil-Tills 'pla'qse �,ogethei ' *' n I,', C�rt come to me, eicept fh6 I . 1. plorable s�eeohea of some LRborites Prisoners of the State. in;defa-ult of � . I
w .q . 11il ()ttzly's to 'tot 't 1hrtilrie, popr1p .
, hill �a, , , * , - . ,pt,- . . ... �
the one that foll6v4 i;0roes�s t'd Pkaor, NY, 'If., th s�r�t,' , q Ny proyed *that they were itnTit to gov " 45,0,QQQ hands each. Samuel Zota, sg,id � � I
. tpe . A 1.
.Tq j" rpiq 6 4�pntTe4l. I -, T,
, lylt4 th&, , .
- him." - The' ir , , Qns � Ben, I to be an employee ,of 'tile old colony I
thought that God was perfectly justl Laff'Niho 4as t4llen intp I _ I . -sf&p '� 109.rt �11, - v, - - - IN
T49Ugh -
. , Q4
ItI4, .. 44d,5 $1.1
' from qttay,14 tP k ' ,, v.J ' ' ' 11 I I reign Exchange Company, Nvu at I
fied and clear, righteous aad holy,' In tfi�"Ilhorrole'plt," ice - Ban Jill es. . ' ' , . I I -
_ _#s* li�l� 48 . '. I. .ot, � 0 'Appar ' F I headquarters, 0AValtin a hearing: on I
coudernn4i�g David for his' -sins. :5. 1 wAth'out, Into this pit Da4ild;'b�' I liebec. .1y1lich �aye. - _. @At 1D@qre.,sgq 4AA JAPAX,
*' ' "' ' f vigilance had fallen,'tr6m q P ans. , ' li - - � - . .. 'O troth par -
was shapen Jn iniquity -Was born in waylt� a , "�; 16" rst-qlas , igh- I -- . A ChUrge Of.10.1`011Y 0z $�.
Gill. David would not offet the"f0f; -greill, hielg4t; and the, gr'bat6r th� ele. �eP apj�ro*edire* br* fl a . . I I sQJRR 11111;n4Wn: he also had spent tbLek . I
of his having been born sinful as an vation, the dcoper t4e aes6ent, None Ways: - . 0hancli For Redget'iM tQ AuptrAllo I
. .. . Rull to Montreal. ' � ., ti) SeAd Envoy$ '09ilt in 3411- , L
excliae for his grievous Bills, but h'i cail fall , so far as an ang6i pf Goil� I . � . ' � � , � The three officers of the eampaup I
rather acknowlelges the slatuliesg *I i"Hls fiioralba , Montreal to Levis. . I Start Sqqj,al �
- 14 Levis to RIMMOSIC1. ; . .. t, . .
ckb6ne'wq9 �rqkdt" , ., . to Nationp- League, . . Who wore beld,are-z Charles M. BrIgl1t7_'
his natitire and bew.4ils hii deep f4IL could ho longer stand Vprf&t efo'ra' ..,__ ? � I , Well, president,and treasurer of the.,
G. deslr�si t�nth In the Inward partp--� God 'or'hia conscience., A'a" I .. 11 Riviere du Loup to Edraunston, con- I I Oneern., Raymond � Moye , rs, office, I
� In every necting with the St. John Valley high- Qftawa, Ont., de3patch: An appqreig �
God looks on the outward conduct and other case, the first fiecessit . - 4 � r f . London, Aug, I '. COMRAhm All- manager, and Fred Meyersi .sales.
sofil awalcenifig. Moral sene'll"I'lity, V% . soclatiad Press).. -The PA
als� upbn the fnwsrd state. He do- g� no less than $Q$,Q22,114 IiR . Ily Tole- ligent. The Meyer$ are brothers.
sires, that the he�ri sba$ be right,' ntreal to Sherbrooke, via Granoy
dulled bi1ndtilgence, mifst b,�'4ufq'.1ceft- and Msg.g. the debt -of the Dominion which, at graph's i9aldiley' XorT`ea,POrl0eut, .says .� ifle, men Were held on; technical �
for from It will flow .r'ght actions; ad. An overwhelming sense or,guilt Montreal to * IvIalone, -,%;.y., via the end of July, stood at $20,300,119,0130" �llat the rodp,yal Government la con- charges of larceny of $50W from per -
therefore be le able and willing to Must be forced upon the guilty king � 6id()rin,- tko aidVisabillty of sending a ,sons unknown., ,upon reDreselitation I
Make tho springs of ur actio" right. Chateauguay and Huntingdon. . Is shown Ili the financial statgpPlM special' delegation to the League Of 'of Albert NurWitZ Assistant Attdrney- t�_ J
0 ,It was tempered with a hopp of parm Montreal through the LaurentlanB for the month of '
shalt Make me to know wl dom-The' don, to avert a self4iardening despair ur e I July is-su-04 0-44Y by �;atlonq coxiierence at Oen6va. , Tile Goileral. that & 'company's transap,-' "ri
9 ' ,
soul t1rat repeu&#',1,3 receiving wisdom to Mont. Li I r. �h Department of It% " 39, position Is regarded as Important,
0 . .. . 4 4 pp. Tfie'fl 1104s. probAbly would be, shown to,
of deliverance from the penalty and , The present year,will see work.well ures; are, hqwevpf, move . _. . tL.ktve amounted. to. hundreds of thou&.
at tile hand of God, '� 742). 1. power of sin. Grace provides f9r 4dyanced on many of t1jese r, _ , � qpprkye;1t t4;Ar% considering the delay In Issuing the .
11. Prayer for cleansing (vs both, God hath sefit a greater than . . .... . .940, -
_..._:L__..+!1.111_ al, t4is oxo.sDtionally g9p.4 s1K()Vi1Aq mandate for the Pacific territqrioo, akkds of dolIars;'the bonds were set at
.re. '
. I , It is -believed that Japan !A Ailalthig' a high figure.
Purga me with hyssop -The 1178801) the prophet; and In Christ has recon- being due In. a large measlAj,ll tq trql.19- I
branch was used as a sprinkler for tiled himself and made possible the .farande from the tonsoll4q � strenuous efforts to sQc�lvo oin amend- Poilzi, whose bondsman surrender -
the cleansing of tile loper or for the world's reconcillati6h. Ile convinces Of I . te(I �qq4P piont to tl%o'Ve.roik0lQs 6onference on 04 him yesterday to the Federal auth-
purifying of the uncleax. Thi reldi- till tbat'lie lhay show himself reaqy to CANADA'S WHEAT � to "I yestVaeItts" qf, �qkrty million gol- tl;�s %4tt@V, . .
� . �. 1. M . -_ ____._ . I QVIties, was confronted with the alter-
ence Is to ceremonial purification, but forgive, There is no Old Testamen*t - .I--- =ZT=_,:!_- ��.-zr._! Inative at remaining in Federal ci_,s-
. simplicity, -I"— , ___ � - , - - - ---.-. I . . . t0dy. or, It he could find another
;4:11 ... . .1".-v�. I., � � '' - -
t shall be plean-Divine power a,valls beauty and force to'that of the ewe I - :,:, . �;,.. , F . : I I 01 : �11. � I.."..!":;.,. :,�-,, '..�;., bondsman, of being arrested agalit by I .
� . 1:�., 1 ., _ ... :, " � �, % . .. . .... ;�, ,
� � .1 , -41-1 0. _:j.��,.�,'_. �:-
. David's prayer is for Inward cleansing, parable to be compared. In " 01 00 —�1%!!:t... : —�. --- --� -, --- " -- � _` � .:.:"*
to cleanse the tiat:31rjo, Human effort lan1b, Skilfully concealing its real 25OyOu, 0 Buh. r I . " . :., I I .. , , � I]* 1� '*,, � , ,,ol,�, :, _,".., �, � ",� �', ,;-;: the State under a blanket watrallt,l&_
. ��%!..' *. i ,. . . , 1:t� t: 4, �,� I I . . �.
:I. � . , ., *,�, , , ... .,�,; , � . ", i - .� � , �. , " � -_!, .,.I.
., �, ". r, . . �.*, " _1 I ...
aloile call not accomplish It. I shall purv;se, it was intended to rouse the : ...'",.- 1. � .. " � _p - .,� j. " , ,. ;, � �,�, . � . :.. "'....* 1. . �. Sued In the Municipal Courts, chat9ing
, � . 4- ,_, I '. . I , I "I .� I I
be whiter than snow -Snow Is 4n,_Wll- king's slumbering sense of justice, an W -,��-It�,��,.�- , .. I "'.� � 1_�- - . I ", . , ;� 1 .;� :��,* , him' with larceny in 53 counts totalling
I d . innipej, Aug. '.-Canada's wheat � .* ". ;.�.,�. I � '.1 �". a. .. I I.. -1 I I
I;. 1, .; .�,. � ,.�,� , :: . . I - - I 11-
blern of whiteness, ypt OV,QU Iq it + � f. I ,-' . A,�." , :A:" 1, $24,000. ,
%�q awttken Ifis indignation against the from ,.226,000,000 to . q i I ��.;.' 1. k, ,+'t . , - I - , --,,*� � � A"
fields'will yield 11 �, t,'�� � . , .. - . I '
are Ilhpurltles� il If QUIP MO oppressof, The innocent artifice was , , , �.. '.. - � , ,_�:' ". �; _ *, � ..t, '. �i :.� , �:,�'-.. I It was said to -day that if Ponzi
, .
44 ,kly 94t . 4 This estimate .1 . , . 1'� _ I � ..
. . .; ._, : , - I _::��
. 1. .
aifsf , P�ftecp plirity th-891ts, ftqm, the �60,000,000 bushels. . I , . ., " ,.�." , , , .: -4-11, . - I.." t uld Brid another bondstaliti, 'and
.. . _ . . . ... 1
. � .
� . successful.. Little suspecting the ap- was made to -day by W. A. Black VIP I � t 'd � i, :. . � . " ,-� . .."?." � . , , '. , I .. � I
tjlvf4a W,4shf�g, 'k" Mike ini't6 b I .e- I * ., . i I . �:.
. � .
I '. - . , Ats
Jqy 4nd gladness- �,� . - *�,� � . 'it . , � ,; :
_qq plication, and moved with the deepest pi�sldeif and'inatiaging director of . ,+ I I elected to face re�arrest by the stste.
� joy aqd gladrioss Indignation, he Instantly pronounc-3d the OglIvIo Milling Company, an4 is .,+',, . � I I .Ir� . .... .. I. -i V ta bond of prohibitive figures-, woulo
� .. " . .
are far tr9w tqe 4e� .:,.�i,.,- , , , ,,, T I
. qFt ff �Iuf W the severest Punishment upo bq .rtfi receiv04 from . 0 1 be risked. The allthoritlee �wero said .
all 411 , .0 .,%pd uppn prpp repp .
weighed down J)y a q V,1111F�%, - I _. . % to be determined that the senestional ".
Ry: Dresser, and a four -told restitution tot its 4gents. comparoa with last ea , W. . 1, .
id'� Big Aad efteptlially Bhut put fr4M- the oppressed. "Be sure -your Mn ly ", , ;, financier ahould. remain in custody.
41s spiritual egra the .ojqip, , In - Y1014 thIP I$ 411 140r0tise of ADOP,000 �! .. . "I'M I . .
� V $he will linq yon o,tt,,, Iq gle ,%n1jVprs4l .tile principal reason for this being a
. righteous ljpq, Ils DrI 1P M, law. 11 . Thpa Art the ingri," Is tile pov- to 75,000,00 bushol's, � 1.11, T .1 de;41re to preeerve for ble 'crealtora,
turil ot lioly emotiong. That tile bqAp ,sonal applipatiqn. It t4p paitaille Wqs W -M. HPIRD ; 61 '. 1�?k- IV, . .. � whatever assets 'he way have, and f4itt
. �-"01
whicli thou hast brollen may rojole"'?, tenapr',' the 4pplic4tioll w,01 territi I . R9 - A . r,�. fear that Ponzi Might Beak to dlqs,t- . I
., I .. . "�,� 11 Date or transfer them, it out on bag..
The psalmist lla(I been crushed deeply, David for tile first time looked Ills I �, - :- I W_ --.lit Commlealonor Joseph 0. Alleft
withInby the divine displeasure Vb4t, transgressor In the face, and qualled ;,: � �,' , . 1;
came as a, result of his sin, It wilf, before tell terrible accusation, Officer Goes to Labrador to - � I . . �, to -day took charge of the affair$ ot 11,
not a flesh wound, but the crushing of JI. Penitence and Pardon. The les. Domesticate Thom. I 1 . . the Polish Industrial Aomelat*%. c(a- �
the very frame -work of his moral U4. son stands first among what are call. Ottawa, Aug. ..-Captain A. 14, I duct!ng a, private bank hate. - Hei&rs.
ture� There wftld be an exultAPt ed the penitential pealms, and Is some- Living, or the Dominion Parks . . 11 I 11 11. Chmielinaki, presld,o,ot of the 11sit-
sense of relief with the healing of titaos called the sinner's guide. The � ovor Trust Company, the chief depoal- I �
. Branch, has been appointed to go to tory of ,Cllarleq Ponz which was)
I those broken bones. 9 Hide thy XA0 ttuthorshij) is unquestionable, and tile Labrador with the ,object of taking 1, I I __,�:��'.,�;A
. from my sina--The prayer Is"that tile opeasion eminently appropriate. It Is charge of plans to Increase and . ' � ... �:".. ��, ��; i., I closed Just Wodneqd4y by the tom,�_ 11
he sins . I I.. I , luloAoner, Is AVeeldeat Of the Indna-
.- .
Lord will no longer look upon t directed to the chelf untsiclan, and ,(lome.qtIcato the reindeer hera there. '. 'i . ,.7 , , . 111;A...:�14'.:,:�.;1. tL �� i trial Azimelation.
,, _."�,,,-:,� I
of the penitent. The sins that God for- 'therefore was not written to" At the Present 1IM0, thOTO are about I -1, . _�111100�
� ,
,,, " 1�. 11 11 Mr. Allen sa!d that thA �lognA ,ot t1lo.,
giveg are remembered no - oinger It private meditation. luerelyi but 150 head of n h 1000,1- 1. ,, :: , . ! .
. ''I 1. � �. I.. �1.1 MeRWRI AM � - -op ,ld . Vr 0,
agalust him who committed them. fOr a, public eonCesslon, There, is no Ity. alld it Ij4 -.1 aq .fation were either 1).
tile ultimate intention .1 I.. - doubtful valuo, and there waa Vjvtual.
.r, .
,.,e ,
10, Create In me a elean heart -Ile hint of excuse or e,ttenuation. "I have of tile department to supply the Mis- . .1 .. )y I)* eft. 1�1 .
, has IL, sinned against the Lord," exclaimed , �.. "ash I I
In , . jud, , ;, I 11 .1 I
,,,kel Tor the J)lottlng out of his Sion,
lea, and now lie prays, for ' A the amitten king, a9hast tit his own ,trie., ag(l ill(%, people of the I .. .11 ., i. WIAL STANDS 'BY 111111.
I (;1v b son flay Merrlt6q' �wltli 11oth a food .1. � 1�11
,,a.... I W. . � I UVIngton, llass., Aug, 14,_,Uft,
, � heart. Renew a right spirit iniquity. The appeal is to the mercy I Charlea Porizi sat in the .dr*L*IIIW
I rli�-Make the whole trend of of God as the only ground of hope. and trdusportatitni system. 1 .11 I ,,,
"I to a=pIIqI1 tilts, Captain Living , , ", roorn of li�,-r DretQW1011% homo bere,
1"y inlotives, *Oids'pil '4ctioiis eight, The confcsslon is broad an(l. deop, The. . .
Lot any attitudO toward 1;1�60 4114 1�; transgression is sig4last Oofj"Antj foi� will I Ivnd. tho next -four 01, � last night, entertaining vh�ltors. ull.
Q , ,a Is linplorgo, I h ui - 'No To 8 . I � � I... aware that bA,r husband had been hur-
ward all my f PlIow miauj)o pplqsIq 'fi f, years travfAling fllron�h vat-
�g q 91voilep . To s th I (let 1( rendered by hi -3 bon4smen and talter,j
,ju,l'o ,T)qrts of thp tol,rit,lilly ItIld for ' I
theo. 11. Vast 410 not aw4y fr,OM struck .It the dIseO,0qy pt Ili.,; Inwhr4 I 4rg(w portinll I)f t1le t1nos will to jml, To her gliesta she apologlzedl ,
T4y prr.3Pi)eP.-4bn gp'Offil the 1404 depravity, And'pol4pletpi tfin p6tifog- � for hI4 a I
. . 1
Anililrts. 66m. Satifb&afisa �qf JOB gill*, slon by Its a�jwq;�i�ftuprjt, TIlo iipry be out of touch Nvith tho civilized 1 i 1),�,011ce, 20411119 thitt lie liadt . �# I
and O&V14 flid 'not ilesire 811111i: 4 P110- fountain of the ,lit a . world. Tbe proje,pt bag been under , , � . 0 telephoned tier that he wa4 St.+tyltkg IrA
, . e hi poll ted, Alen � �,,;�,, ,,, Poston for th,b nighti its be had to-goa
1,511111ant to be visited up6n hiiii4*611. 110 , Rer vonstittulonally deprltyell, and the eonsideration for several yoars, but ,'. 1��_, 1�� � "..... 1. . J I
. W , . j 110 I -
latited tor the assuraftee OtU4 fittlAnoth was lipld lip owing to- tile *ay. Cap- 11 __ � '_ . . . I I Over 111;3 books With all auditor,
tap-rootg of sin risach back to. the .,_. I .;A� .1 I . �
� . �
.. �," '. ; "Ile iq holwi,t," $110 mid, "and I will
a 11 YN forin the prosence of the earliest innuient of being. God's law tain T'Ivlllg w110 Il" had Inally ... !,.:��-,. .." V't I ,.
"' .. 1,;,i4VI . ,:41 r "I I I � stay by him, to tho end,"
1A)rd. Takis not Thy holy spirit from dernanda not only outward virtue, but yearW i,xvPrIence In Northern Ontar- . �, . L
, . ,
- I
I ..
me--Thp "nitent longs for tho, ,COM. Inward Purity. Coremonisd tigeriffee.4 Jo, Quebpe. Alberta and British Col- I . . .. I - ! Froul the 14%t Cambridge Jail, pjon.�
- ? . . * I � .
1;.. .-,�, I 1--.. I I I
Ing of the Holy Spirit in sityJing power ave Inetfoetual. A broken spirit nn�i unibla wilds. leavout here to-morraw � � , ,.,,,, ) wr 1, rl wag Permitted to telephone to the
:.- .�*A � , � I ! I guard,% etatjone,l About hig 11011,lik. Ilik
11 s,Lhnd the saved Aoul eherishm his pre- a contrite heart only tire aceeptablo. for (Inebee taking on Ailppt)os there , ,*- 3'
I ;R,onlle, but the Wicked fear hin Al'o. W. It. V. and leaving Immediately for the 1. . __ - __ - ,A VC L I inatru(011 thern to gllow no net#$.
ro Ry
Oath, 12, Restore unto me the rthern coa,.kt. Captain Living sorv. I papermpu to viclit tb# T&OInl,",
joy of 4 4 0 - no I ,, ,4, &ftit.�
' Thy salvatiot -Tho. tionAe tit restore.- TM fellow who fevIn that the world ed nearly five. yoarx with the Citna. ROYAL FAMILY VISIT11 _000TLAND. to k0t,V All fieWsVA"rinen %tway alroM
, tW% to the divine fa.yor V11% a grR0100 OW" him a living is the first to Melt dian foreps, and saw active service I The picture *h*ws ths Kino, the Queen, and Prim � the haust. -,
be" to tk.& SIS-bIrAs"i so.1ti,yet tUs sibOyAt the high Mt of skme. In Vran(,,e. � I Rothesay P%r. 042 ArY lAfid1nQ At ' "Mr. 1`6101 18 Mill bom gro,aglN
- . .11 hw,," 8104 M* tr tho turder, , *
- I -
", �
u-; " &i " " . 4 � .
. I I .
2�,.,���`, ,i&�&ily'_,