The Wingham Advance, 1920-08-12, Page 4N . tax wl ;QRLM AbyA,4011 01L ..7 . # I, i , : -1---_1-_- - ui, a -4"M_ — INS-WANOA= 11 TU Hotne'rown friends seerd truer" 1krouter WHEN KNIORTH 014000 1 T 111# ,ZDUAftX110 And kinderthrouih the day; 00VIVAS Miss lonette, Allen lo at prosent* Vislj VOk SALE --ANY BIDDERS 0"* #046,oxxx 4 A. G. SMITH, Editor and prop. And whether slum, or cheery ing frionds at 11-oronte, IN FLOWER The Golden Or struggle fit ar weary, 9r. and Mo. Archie Stutt of is4k COUrtlY days Of old, n um Ford car with putoti ring, two.. few Q h reAr wheelwnd one front sprigir., ID I like the Home Town beet. wh ave beeip visiting friends here Horseshoe ISARD Women!ia THE HOME TOWN for When knights and maidens fair h lies no forlders, the past fow v eks, started for 1110'W9st on $Wept over "fields of gold," "at Or Plank, burns lots Let him who will, go wander Ofg4s and ish Weal -ard to cr,1gk,, Monday, All gay and debonair. lot,-' Sunle foilig leive home for money To distant towns to live, . Caftrator basteci balfway through, And some leave home for Fame, Of some things I am fonder The in4oction service which wg% held And through the we%irils sound, TJV VIOTOR RED01irm Cagine, m-isoing but hits on two Than all they have to give. in the Prcobytarfan church July 27 th, I The clarion's silver'tone, Three years Q SO, qJ0,-1p.#4 ikks a I'd, four J)CAt spring, hag lwayssunny, Cho 4opaqjn shame. The gold of distant places was well attended ck aW-rbOrO And everything, the church b4lng As steed and paIrr4y bourt som Could not repay me quite comfortably-filltd.- A lunch was verv*4 tv4pvoirlit, isio, by the wonter Vi'l-Vare"not walpt the.reason Swift o'qr the tented zone, p4por lVatan.) a w9we Radiator bueted, it- sure does leak, differ. Moi.teav4l L by the ladles of the congregation At the entiAl dry For t1lose familiar faces. , you can hear it squeak, Headquartep, for ast and West, That keepr the Home Town bright. close of.the service. While martial music rolled, Th6re W(IS a memory of the =04t Ten front all be t, tires "Or *Wtthe tponth oreettson- ragie hour of young Ue.rtrara WynWs O'er hill and verdant vale, )Io'llomeTown is the best. Quite a number from hero attond0 the blOWV Off ain't worth a c And minstrels proudly told "fe 'that lie never forgot. Ile had left 'Got lots of speed, will run ent, lawn social hold at the home ot John Its home tell miles distant with a ftrk like the deuce, J.: .T e7,49me Town is tho glad town Towosblp Ubool Boardii Mulvey of Belmore, Monday evening, The troubadour's sweet tale. .4oud hovering QY01' Post and p burns either gas o r tobacco juice. ou 0 of at where'somethlog real abides, Brave knights in arm, and had sat (10 ya tit ,,, C',gre8ent' Nill barm no One night or day, for you, Hot W,# ther Bog 0 ­ uo not the motley, Mac! town 1. The PubW Schools. Act 1920, section A nlong those who left here for the r dressed, 31111f 11,11,19 a 'Taterway to tlllulc, . 4 can bear it coming when - miles away. '196, provides that the council of Pach West the beginning of the week Proud lords in bright Irray, to I`Thatallits spiritbides. I . towns ip of Huron county shall this year Z were Sweet dames their steeds caressed, mst up accounts Socially, financially ()ne tire Off, rut's On rim, its,a darn good T11ough trangeq scoff 4nd flout it, Vir, and Mrs. C. Moffatt and foxnIly, ind morally, The outlook ,Vas dosolate Ford for the shape it's in, Mc. In silk and satin gay. A44veo j 0 its name, levy and collect by assessment upon the. Mrs- Gavin Davidson, Mr. Robert In all evil deeam be sumnied up the Asustrous cuintix, to, ',advice he bad collect taxable property of the public Laughlin, and Mr. T. Hopgr4ft. From tent and turret's height Cut Prices for the mouth of August school supporters of the township the Mr,and Mrs, Prank Sandcroon of Tor- Floated in azure air. given 1118 fauker as to Investments, Lucknow oil Just the class of goods you want Nb' fhertowncan claim. that had brought Tolm Wynn to the sum of $000, -at least for every principal onto, who have been visiting the lattees Bright in the morning's light, - verge. of bulplkruptcy, He had sought Where 011 where was Lucknow; James, for Summer Weer. T*Nvn,r des seem bluer teacberand the. additional sum of $400 motber, Mrs. Riclile, returned to their Pennant arid banner fair. golitude to analyze the sbock, to, W town,, and Gorrie no J ,Ha _.tT I home on Mo ilday, S last led that, stretch away. for every assistant teacher. corresPond. ut Brave trials of skill and play gland Its crushing Welght If that week wailed the editor, W 5eemea jJossible. ell here Nye 111 P110110M. Pow 4 Beguiled each bjIth esome hour, are this wetk Darker and inore forbiddln We think the editor As passed each happy day a grew Ills scowling brow as lie f4 must have joiued-t e U,.r. o., lie wants "When Knighthood was in flower, Cod the facts, Qloomler and more repelling l4s to work all th 'Unie while others are Seemed the- future. His eyes4fixed on h e Past are those courtly day vacancy, his lips grimly C I'Ving holidays. However it is nice to Those quaint old times o ompressed, yore, he drew a revolver from bi.9 pocket, know that you are missed when 3,oL, do No more are warlike lays 'turned. it over speculativeiy in his 'lot put in an appearance. t Sung by Proud troubadour, hand and then hastily thrust It upon the ground behind him as the so -gad crowd that WitUout doubt the largest But men are still as brave, ever gathered in one place i Df approaching Voices reaChed him. a this neck 'dens quite as guy, Is U And mat of the woods was at E -I Z Whut WV Id You A picture 14 vivid contrast'to the lack I orse Lake 60 As in the days of old, last Thursday. - It dIsmR' vision$ wrought by his was supposed to be a When mihistrels thrilled their lay, f. was presentoed. U' V- 0, spouding mentality pica withMr, Drury and H. Dewlrtaud several other iramed In the golden sunshine was a Lroun speaker., as do,with, it, 9' ^f 1#++l Vh. " 10 It oii: 6wned this Company, -what would you aim to 49. with it? would want to. eve good'serHce to yoqr patrons— ;'T o pay good wages and,provide a reeable Working -er conditions for your, hployees—possibly make pro- vision also for their old age.— And . to pay a fair return to inv'stors who had put k, . e %R rell led by, or Cut g. lug to a lovely girl of about eighteen, She seemed to he their teacher and V -CAVaI.Part of the program, and people came from Clinton and Soutbamp. ton to hear them. The ree sisters survive, and have the sympathy of a large circle Of friends. A, lawn social was lield oil An - derson's lawn On Friday might. The erOwd Was not large, although a splendid Program consisting of solos, duets, read- ngs 1 . , instrumental music was carried out Miss Willnifred Woodland of Winnipeg, .AW SELL they Just let out of j bqol or retura- number o f cars was PlaPgdall the way from 850 t Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, of Toronto, Miss in mental or physical work. On"the other hand, people who work too Town and Farm properties. Call and 'Ing to It. As she passed the spot wher;e Bertram sat she seemed taomentarliV 2000, arid the number of people from 0 5000 to 11000) but believe bard use their reserve strength 40d ly wear out the system, see my list and get toy prices, I haVe "She 19 4 homeless orphan -Whom startled, and then as if -tuipressed witU, the sadness and desperlation d ePletO, we any person would be perfectly safe in saying there we're, over'x2od .41 Big stock of whifeWear will be sold ak" and Miss Gollan, Mrs. Smith, miss RoL -. In his face half wavered, and pas?od on. Somehow that glance to nortra]fi, I I cars and about 70oo people, and they were all sadly disappointed as %,,I ;ej a discount Of 20 per cent off regular pric We hand youback 20c 'for Nerves, Kidneys. Stornach ot Oowelo deserving seemed full of human sy1M pathy, and encouragement u ther lbewart nor Drury were pr e sent.' Mr, Halbert Allin of town supplying the different every dolla r slw, worth of whitewcal. WINGHAM. and as the group vah- Ished the circumstance left part president of the U. V, 0, spoke for, their health it they so desire. shoulders If you, Vork too hard, take mfore billty.she YOU buy. pvotege here." "If You Will give me the address of an I mpr"s of Joy.and innocence that recalled Wo, own bright youthful days. He was son 4 time, also A. P, Mc - Whitney, J, J 14unter, Senator Donnelly and X F'argains in white wash top skirts,-' .21 When going to the Picnic at Black Horse on Thursday last, MacLeau Joliu. Stons'ear skidded in passing a wagon glad 'Is, PeAchlag behind him, he J. Joynt, all received a respect able 'hearing but disappointment LaCk of Work doz(.,-n on sale madeO'f good Repp,or, Piqq ' lato,,, st e - Andttirned. Completely'OVM Although the revolyer had s4lpped over the 04ii - was gellu'lne" 4s neariv eve oneh A only distress Miss Valle and probakly styles, Your pick for '92 00 ­ . 11 Of bluff Into the Water beneath, and I a come to see and 4 ,- their money into the busineiss=such a return as would Is hear Mr. Drury. - A charge of ioc %va,s ly1h Aroft shuddering at the spasm of do,, attract other invest rs so that you would be certain to Drs. lKennedy, C, a 14 e r SPAU', Which had so nearl made and- we have heard from goo 3 doZen ladies white voile waists, o y led him to, authority that over $1000 Was taken 00 August price $1.69. good' Kennedy t4ke big owri life. tain necessary new money for. extending the system. in value at 2. and goes to $Well the trd'asury of 'B.ervie Offices -Patrick and Centre Ste. Bertram Wynn went'to a large city and Chanced to secure board with an Methodist church, Luckilowbrass blind Phones -Offices, 43; Residence of Drs, V01les, pretty patterns in fan Thii is just What we are aiming at—no more, no less I Kennedy 143; Res. of Dr. Calder 15 Italian family whose head had been a Supplied music and there was Als cyAkess", so base- 4 man of considerable means In his own bill and football matches, boating etc, k V011eS to clear at bargain prices. 71hese things cannot'be done orr our present revenues. Dr, J. P. Kennedy specializes in Surgery.. country. This man took VL fancy to Dr. Irlma ICentiedy gives special attention The death of One of the oldeA inhabi- to diseases of Women an Bertram and 11 ally asked him to JON Dresses, Children's and Misses, d Children and n tants occurred at her home neaithe 2nd whiti, A - That is why we are asking for 'a readjustment of our Nervous Diseases. him In an export business 1%6 had Con. sch Vi Mlaslin and VOIle dre )t Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Started. He had Influence abroad and 001 house, when Mrs. Donald sses to, be sold'aVllou rates for -service Murchison 4 XL Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and had secured some orders, of magal- nswered the last call, She M , clearing prices. See centre w1ndoW,Vsr. Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glass- tudi. Bertram worj ed bard. At the was 95 Years of age and had been ailing cut prices. es properly fitted. end of the Huropean war they secured for some time* and for a few months had ft COAtrACA for. A. large eonsIgnment of beet confined to her bed, For Inany Coats ftpllgated It later oil, made years she resided on the boundary west w0men's Summer ts com Ve "Y THE BEML TF-LEPHONF, COMPAJ\ X enormous. Profits, and, one year after of Lucknow, but after the dea N Prising English vel 0 VNNNA I t1i of her ours, silk oire, lane OF CANADA leaving Chesterton, Berliam returned husband which occ ea many'years ago X tweeds all at Money savi rices. urr a rich man. .1'. His experience hftd made him move LO we residence where she Al, M human died. She is survived by one daughter, and considerate, and his past dark EXCURSION S days actuated him towards making Miss Mary, one son having predeceased brighter those of the unfortunate and her some years ago. The funeral was $15.00 to WINNIPEG unlucky whom be met., M first re- held on Saturday to South Kinloss ce M -M Plus cent per mile beyond. c4ouped his father's lost fortune afid etery. lmd C enabled him to complete sorne plillan, A very sad death way that C4 August 9. lit 1% 18th, tbropic Plans his ill -fortune had hin-1 of Miss Lily ago,-- Stations Toronto to Scotiajpt. inclus. dered, Bertrglawalktildly and friend, McKaYvhich occurred at her howe on Ve; also a I st4tions on'pepot Har ly with au Ills 610 associate the Lake Range in Ashfield. bour; s and bad Only one 0 Zidlandi knetangijnd Meaford branch- ever ap open, helpful hand for the weekago her brother was buried from es, Verdern, Alan. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Poor and lowly. One roon time, paqs- the same house. She 'With her two ing his vacation at his home here. August 9th.0ind 16th Ing a group of workmen whom he brothers, Dullcaf, and Alexander resided Davison. Miss Sadie Davison and Mi s IrWtn of know near the Plant where they la- together and Duncan is Mr. and Mrs. Horace Aitcheson have 'Wingham, spent the wCek-en a From all stations in the Provinc -VOW left alone. d with.'uis''s e Of bored, he was. Invited to engage In a Alex and Lily were both take returned after spending a week in Crinton Mae Davisoe Ontario and Quebec? Pembroke, I A AN Golden 9=0 Rt quoits, In lieu of the usual, ill with THE 11`1) 1 N C E' S HORS S ARRIVE Lake, Toronto and *R,--+ and Goden' 1, I Inetal discs ordinarily employed in the k, -- -1 all death claimed em bo c I Rev. Peier Jamieson of St. I -lei in hga August 11th and 18th sport, horseshoes were used. Bertmilli 11 one week. They were laid to rest in - Berwick Sherrif of Lon on, is sper? d- received a call to Brockville Pree entered into the game with zest. He ab tery. Stations in ontaridi 'Toronto arid West RifitAil cemetery, Alex was 61, years of ageandlilv5l. TwobroVk— All. Full information from any Graud Trunk Ticket Agent or C. U. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, W. F. Burgman, Agent, Phone 50, or H. B. 31liott, Town Ticket Agent, Phone 4, Witighaln. V I b V e orseshoes when a child ran across between the stakes. The flYing missile struck Iker directly 6n the head and the little girl fell, bleeding and Insensible, Bertram at once pieked up the vie. tlin of her own venfuresomeness and 4Rstened with her to the nearest phy. sician. The latter was gravolly Cot- cerned and $;tated that he fogred bad ree sisters survive, and have the sympathy of a large circle Of friends. A, lawn social was lield oil An - derson's lawn On Friday might. The erOwd Was not large, although a splendid Program consisting of solos, duets, read- ngs 1 . , instrumental music was carried out Miss Willnifred Woodland of Winnipeg, SELL I results. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, of Toronto, Miss in mental or physical work. On"the other hand, people who work too Town and Farm properties. Call and Voor little Creature?" he said. Lila Taylor of Detroit, Misses Bertha and bard use their reserve strength 40d ly wear out the system, see my list and get toy prices, I haVe "She 19 4 homeless orphan -Whom Mabelle Allin, Mrs. j, W. joynt, Mrs. People who are Inclined to Ner, tll#' heard sorne excellent values. Mary Valle adopted. About two w6aths and Miss Gollan, Mrs. Smith, miss RoL -. v0Usne$s1 Collstipation,or havO&Oy of tho Ttloubles of the Heart, Wvar,' the G. STEWART sInce Miss Valle wept to the city to try a position there In a seminary ertsou Mr, J. C. Anderson and Harold Nerves, Kidneys. Stornach ot Oowelo deserving of an assura*ee and Allin of town supplying the different 4mu greatly Improve the condition of Ills WINGHAM. has since been paying the board other numbers, interspersed with selections by their health it they so desire. shoulders If you, Vork too hard, take mfore billty.she Phone 134, Office In TownHall. pvotege here." "If You Will give me the address of the brass band, oest, It you work too little, take u ed. ass m tht'PulPit The glory of life seemed, to open the young lady I will communicate, with her," suggested liertram, . "No, don't do that, until the Crisis When going to the Picnic at Black Horse on Thursday last, MacLeau Joliu. Stons'ear skidded in passing a wagon - Much Sickness Vae to LaCk of Work Im post," advised the doctor. "It *ould Andttirned. Completely'OVM Although Valle canto into the rooln where only distress Miss Valle and probakly thR carwas full at the time no done was wag awaiting her at the setalh4ry, In a 11ash he recognUtd htr as tbb "Pendinga Mrs. V. Aiteheaot% and childrtll are, few Weeks Vvith her mother 'A cause her to give up a lu' crative Pftl' hurt. The wind shield was broke- girl of the day When Clintob. energy. thun It needs to Re" the tion.11 "Meantime, then, let the lithe 6h6 the car and out axle bent. Heart, Lungs and Sowela working, "Is. surplus energy must be spent be removed to our home," Insisted Der. The Table Co. is taking stock and re. in mental or physical work. On"the other hand, people who work too trani, Little Corinne passed the crIsts safte. pairing rnachin ory. and the workmen are having two 'Weeks holidays. bard use their reserve strength 40d ly wear out the system, and Bertram told the doctor he would go to Miss Valle and tell her ot have The 1. 0, 0. P. plcllic which was to been held Aug. - People who are Inclined to Ner, tll#' heard accident and Its outcome. He WA has kIddly 911 12 ot Riftcardine, beeff postponed until Aug. 10th, v0Usne$s1 Collstipation,or havO&Oy of tho Ttloubles of the Heart, Wvar,' the so much of the deeds or YOUng lady that -be ceosklered her "its- Duncan MacXonzle And i9ister, ej Nerves, Kidneys. Stornach ot Oowelo deserving of an assura*ee Mi it MdLegn Of Wirinipeg,-are visiting 4mu greatly Improve the condition of Ills fvdhor would gladly tAke from her Dr. And Mrse Geddes. e I their health it they so desire. shoulders If you, Vork too hard, take mfore billty.she the expense and responiA hadso nobly Rev. Dr. Parrie of Wingham, occupied oest, It you work too little, take u ed. ass m tht'PulPit The glory of life seemed, to open Ift the PresbZferian church on 1`4 -more extrelse, you NVJII need med. tip Sunday for him with new ganttme'0 as and preached two powerful set- J01to toL Wrreot the tWilbjeS aaSo(l N_fary Valle canto into the rooln where by your Indl%cretions and to assist ItO­ ... nature to restore health. Thon take for wag awaiting her at the setalh4ry, In a 11ash he recognUtd htr as tbb "Pendinga Mrs. V. Aiteheaot% and childrtll are, few Weeks Vvith her mother 'A AN dtig deep into the earth to find s.VmPathetic girl of the day When Clintob. the coal to conifort him wilile delith Heart aud Nerve Remedy gra2ed him F16 closely. But not until their doublo Chad" Mr. Sam, Murchison Of Detroit, 16 in woman foutid a iiiirror iti the and tf 7ou requiro a laxativo tako acquatiltanceship towni had ended In witituott She also, foLlild the precious love. (lid Rettftm Wynx telt W Iter Hornef of Leamingtonj 16 viait St011e,;to n1atch hot, teniperanic.0 and XldneY 9,nd Liver Pilbs Valle of how MuCh lit owed to her, aW with his eon here. beauty in the by-product of her over. These two preparatious will work when wonden; 1101V thoY took little Corinne t6 tb*lr home over the doorway of It* Mriv. Alex. 8ayd, Mfg. N. Johnston lord's labor aAld since thell In= baw and we will guat% antee 4)eueftial roguitta because we know llvlll; ' and room theY afted 1% atoldeli vibiting daughter, Marjory of bulith, their psirents, NX., sind are Mrs. studied theart of ' adornnient. Ili tliis thay will do go., hotseshoe. Robt. CArrlok. shol) piffiady. will flild it a pleastirp to Mr. Wilton 1,11. Eagleson, tit Day field, write -ii aq follows* 111 have Mr. and Mrs. n. Renwick, Mlgl, Freda ekanune ottrjc vclry. ))in(.h plewiuro Ili, addrooning you In Duffy and Mr. Clit. Aftebason, are on a reg. to Hatkingilt w ontlerful Motor trip to Saginaw, Mich. yoursight iq the guardian angel of your otber Heart ond Nerve Remedy. I have J ufsld Tkylor and daughters, Mrs. nellsoo. Our expert will lit your eveg with the proper glasses. say they havo done M0 a world of 11101111"1,';- ltlltowlck,onSaturdity, W. July T. Holmes And 91fle motored good. Fleaso, gelld, nie t ritore boxes of ltaekinWat Itmrt and. 1jem tto-rd- up .0 19,) Charles 110ibela, in frotn DGtrolt and sre vIliltitt n I town. Mr, lKiltv McMullin of Monitoba to R. M. McKAY I* -A, My and 2 boves of ltftklnO Kid- 73rd Yes1r. Visiting Mr. *nd Alta. VV, 1. D"Isson. noy and Llvi4r Pfll.,0 (1,) 0, P. 0. a. Montcairn arriving at Montrogi,haVing on board horses and ponies for the It you too want to TMin your IrAt Midt Pawl Henderson of Chleggo, is JeW6 P r lid Opticiati V!ingliain W Plince of Walft' SWk Asneh near M7, Alta. 6 hftlth, then go to your Uftrest Drog TuoitaN-M C111yord, on Tuesday, July V10ftf-laS At Att kQm* h*rt, i 0 12) PrkXa of Walee' POW*$ for hIS 'Cta*d1an M& A Danmoor pony aad har f%w Abovs Store end, ask for HatkinaPs. 277th., 1920, Lloyd Geom. routogftt Min Witt * ,ehotr of M., 4M.,tr*AI, mp6n, t *4 Wft 04 h*W Of th* C% P. 0. 3, X*Atabk 00a lisr w"AyAl It XmiToW, H601nIrs Remsdle% spa sold In 'JI C11414 of Urvift and EdIth Tbalbos, gVW a *w*I# of Wftkt inwr btot Itare. Wl"0114M by J, W. MoMbon. I year, 0 mout4a sgd 6 dtjv# Mrs.4- *abote and daughtor of JF AWI T P V