HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-08-05, Page 2�- 7 �.. I . t'"I'" �;,�. � .1,11 , . . ;�� , *.�� 1X99 -111771"r -l", "I 1111w.p,PFF714�:, �,.,,�.,:, e,� ,,,.-, ,% � :, , 111WW --7 � , . ': , N 11 I " , I , qr I I I 1, . / , bm"41WOVAkilillill a 11 V, -1-W mwwqw,-� I I . - .. — � ;0 I . __ - ,---,-.- .W I , I I ,. 11, � �11;17 . I , . . _____ ___�,_ � - ------- ____ ­_ .�. 7, 1 "I — � , , Vill to *l gaul? what ImportAt In, 11 not tolerate the murder and statizig tk4�t the gmla Is nearly, 411 nV, � " 0 quiry d'd the Ulng make? Who VY'As Intlaildation which la now ron,bing hurt beyosil i6covery. . Zito, who was Moplill)*61leth? Ilow irtliand, iieiiaioil; toward ,economic fill) US APPLE : There has been ,no ral,a In the 414- 0 W COU, #T R T " & ... - GOWT. POKY I. we w` I " -COAL EM, RAIN--, 1� CANN i Ia -did �14ephlbtlzbeth h"ome IRWA? What ,jo and political chnog. . - : triet this month. In the Ausivibols . d , ,� I � 44- � I " . � kindnes#ee did David show,him? For 1he Government Is firm lit this po. 4tutriot a Y(eld of fifteen bushela of I ' , - I I - . I whose dake? what wero tho elements Filtiou, It Is taking und will continue U,'S. Discards Plan to liar �Iwheat Is ewtttaated� The drought to ttlT � P , Ryoeot tho Ill 01*4 or , ,� � .. I � 3 .... �� of strength In DI%yll character? AS, TO IRELAR , to take ,all steps necessary to pre. TEA . I . I10 '' , . CRO tAST � Y W -st4ted to have caused At least fifty 'K Mo. 1817 with w,b W&* 1.3 � . � 1, PRACTICAL , 817MV. ' n vimt murder caid arsou, and preserve Export, I . t per cent. loss, In the Strasobtirg, Gir- bound up 141gh 'Ifunt's "St f . . 1, 04. 1 0 . 8"A: -y 3CH0014 LESOON V1. life and property. �,.�.._ van, Bulyea, and Govan districts, with Rimini," with th . at , ToDlc-'Slemert� 6t strength to Day. � , s Doggett boot:7 0. � I ' 11sliter damage In Cup4t, Lipton, Vlvv� raitliz 409 � Aus. % 10.11Q. ; ld's, character. '�f: � � UNWEAKENEU titiThe r atest obstacle to a real set- Waollington, July go.--Mcalls of , ad 9146 at Sothokr% 140ii - 11 � " �nia XI* gmoutgof�l the dltflcultle�i 18 the wky�, , 3,834,600 Barrels, Valued at Qu'Appei&. In4i4a nead .444 Qie- A skeleton, IleYed, to AM# A( 10i 11 � 4411 Kiridneas of David 1. David's conquests. � __ , A , '' averting w1utir. coalabortages And Of ! ' � 4Q Appolle 41st;lcts. In tile ye-aida 418. from the Year 00. but Moro probAbly I . , . I 4y, 84muel 8:14. 9.1-13. it. David's Riadaeo�- of terrorlaln� which haa Included too defeating profiteering In t1to'coal, tr4da , $2418196)�I, ,� % ruthlo4sa murders of policemen, got- trict. tho Was saved about half the $W ' t -ho 1. Da=hquest8l, In consequence Lloyd "George Says Bill to rrl- in tlic'United Statoa will be discilwed — , !, M."!, i Prop, H.C., 2144t, 4064 9804P11104 4V4lX1 4 C01111110tary,- 1. ' David's Excel- q diors and sailors, whIgh is now Ito . Vaterboroush d1striet b� Mr, i, of the conq r�ts of David Israbl ,was tying 41n,qland agd a A 4 + --- Abbott, % local solicitor .444 1',1114t,i . . rousing the d0c)) at a conference, in Now York Mo 4 Y Noval8catial ontaxio and, B. I ' " ` --- iLpary. I I lanes as king. (8:15X, IS. David rallied trom, the condition of a pett5r Curb Disorder Will Be , _1� reigned over x1j. Israel. In Ills cam- sto . o whole world, 1 4ru. by rcpricsoutatives of four Gvyierament, ' ' I �� ] had subdued 411 the the aurrouddhig , nationai, to a placa # � � I julique of terrorwto coinvar4tivelY feif "Par . ' GE , On June U. tue anniversary of the I poigns D4yj(j ate. barel holding Its own among Very Drastic. 'Cuoda'vgtniiaete'doutI.ioafttthlais work is 4hat of A tments'and A committee from the . ',C, Led. 4M0121108 of Ismoel and extended h15 FRUIT BAR , A - 1territory As far north as Damascus. among the4great Oriental monarchies. - . I * I I I coal industry. Acting Attoruoy-Uoa- I 11,jr . 10. � � P'.',W' k " 1, , . , Battle 9f W ,terl*o. the Duke ot Wat I A numbor." lIngtoli visited W!udsor Cvwtlo And Indeed icenco un, ,woos that -mean ,declaration of oral Amou, ia'aunounclug the center- , Ith a tsleolOr As t4tt, south als. B demand far to the der Solomoji, sapped its strength anj , M martial law throughout Ireland It the ence to -night, said the Government ' Ottawa doopliti'li. ihat 3,0334,660. . presented the King w AT _N E . ANDITS flog In rocogultlon of "the telturo uxi. 184st. Hence lie reigned not only over , , its tqQ groat magnit' UIST STAw I APIRE , * I prepared fori, Ito 'speody dissolution. coutIpeall" I hoped to floyclop a program oil which barrels ',of Apples, 'Valued at $24:,- der P wbich tha Otr4thflelffaaYe 04WO -the territory"o-i by, the twelve, Too great I= I I I � orouent relgil u): Lurror tile coal interests could come "Italf- , , . .ry Is. enervating alike % 1jueationedo $96,210, were Vrodu0eil,!And Bold In . Is beM 1, I tribes, of jsrael� but Also over much to individuals a Ulldorl)al stop will be taken i. iy" tit uolving. thq coal ,problem. I � I I 11, - , nd peoples. 1114)yery necen,sary , s of the kingdom W�,l OX-' Chief Secretary Greenwood. . reserve life," lie replied, "Irelaiifi Althoug:, the question of An embargo 8 the year 191D Is stated Iterdtory, beyl The promise made td the bound, Canada durin Nis. - 011vla MAWAnd Davllson,, au- tO thR pattl was being fulfilled. to D I on export coal will oe dlacussed at the In a ,prollitiluary bulletin on lastsoa� volley of Melons RoAts N., thor of the "Letters ,of Eye." *hla,b Xxviouted judgment and justice, Ondod to embrace the promised land, States Idea of Lloyd �- ,.j t. art of tile L, inpiro, and must To- 11. formerly appeared la tliq Tatter, and �-Tl)115 His own throne bolpi; cat4 . itialn F coming conference, Mr. Amea said It son's Canadian appler crop issued to, V. Gunmen. more recently in Pan, U84 died in 01 1, 'Lord chose I)AvId as 114 raA , bliabed, lie 84" - Id to dlscu�s the appLared that the tombargo could be daY by the,Domitilan Bureau of.Ota.� ' % 1. . , 1 I n. After lite. proceeded to tile Subjugation of the George's Loote Word. Sir Hamar refusc discarded as aa effective means qf in- ~ �,� � I I London nursing home. She woo $6, own heart*, to. be kla� of Israel, and el of Israel, �.,,Tlie o4ended lim. . . . 14 lera, of the creasing the supply available for do- Us he bad Proved himtelt a- capable ruler it's of tho I om NvOepreserved oil- , peech by President Do Val 001j, 4nd based' upon Information qUi � I I — , a I 1140 IA N tert I million � and had only boon Ill two'days, Azk . of this people of God. He w _;AnKd , . Irlsh UOPUblic, 111, ow York, In me3t!c use, Less titan gathered by .the Tilruit 16j;_n4 --,I the . dki-Witted Boy Traps operation ,being neowearr. . : as great I Ly during ifie rqtgus ot, David and 80- London, July 29,-Theria has X -*vIllingaoss to I I a4er and,he was been .4i he Indicated 1, Xoms of coal have betTa exported during Att;r A hearing oxtending over ""' �" , , , 1� I I - I I I " ` '.',' !, -!� " ! I - , I - I -1 - - I I 'I �_ i , i I lis (t military le creat omou, a perifil of About sixty Years, ea. Sir Department. q? AP.-ilcull , Outlaw, / �' , no weal;oning of tile Govern3nont pol- �jegotlato along certain tin 02 first six months of this year, In- - eight days, the case coupludold at, . I A1130 as -an administrator of public af�- Palestine had --been given In covenant however, that, it any 011Q eluding shipincrits to Canada, lie as- Nova Scotia, Ontario and Squ�ham n, WbIch Alall icy Ili Ireland,, Premier Lloyd George HamAp� said, irl'1611 zi Yorif'report says; Three lip"eu . , pton I Braft- I I fairs- UO judPd'�Jlghtoottsly and to Abrah=46nd -his descendants, a(kd to7day told a tieputation of Unionists representative Of Irish Opinion wish- Berted, and this Amount had not there, Columbia W (lie dr,�er uellied are tile were arraigned to -day ,�Jiarged wltb bury, govel director; ChArIft Bd- I ineted out. justjCR�',,';wji;b - I , , exactness. Israel noNif, iaiv thil Promise fulfilled, of both, Houses who visited him. lie I . 14t. general manager, And, Tliqmaa "Though Inviplyed IA f6 ' t lissue be, , ed to ,approach the Government with foro materially reduced the stocks here great.apple-producing provinces of the allogod'assault and attempted UOIA-uO, . . . alatalned fin On . Mon wars, Do We may learn that the fin asked the men. to awalt the bill deal. suggestions, they -should come for, I :1.,, A production for the period �estt, Dominion. Nova Scotia produced 1,-� Brider, 'secretary, were charg94,w3h, to 4ent" system oil tween thp1rIng4om of God and Its elf- iag with disorders, whicli will,bo in. ward and would be received, mated at 255,000,000 tons. 600,000 barrels, 4raluea At *9p983t6,80* .which was teustrated by a heavy bar- conspiracy to defraud the Julaud � � government at hoixii� the most einta. emles Is. not doubtful. Jesus 8414 , j 0 - ---------- 0-0.0- Ontario, 878,80 ba�rala, valued at $'f.-; rage of fruit an4 vegetables laid down, lRel III respect to the undettaU;- I i � 14Rt men Of the age composing his co . rjo troduced next Tbursaay. . 4"' 1 a%ked what th - GOVO=11164t's PO � I by the fruit dealer victim and by t1to ,orifing His church, "tho'gates of I C; � . oMbluet of rafillsterol.f.-I,'; F. & B. Of IL pairid's kindnes& "Is there yet The measura Is reported to be -very sitlon was with reference to opinion 030,890; while British Columi pro- wit shown by -three bop. 11 I in& of John 13 _ .radbury & $o,4, coal 1)aVIlVq executing ftiogr4ent Ant drastic, High hopes are being ,0.4ter- abroad that it hqd weakened oil Its 17 ductlou. was 0,436,040 boiril 9xqa;Iel James Marro conducts a fruit., and I factol BrIder was Itischarkel 444 -, , ,I jus� any tWat is left in the.hause, or Saul'?" t . � to 745,00 barrels*, And valued at $6,- Bradbury and U441in were committed! I j allied I if 1) N filLY � h- e -I r -e -s t n --c- . liat It will prove suffAclent original PrOgra Ill (- vegetable stand at 311 Vast 148th tice WrkpatrIck saj, - I , .4� that, he Proved 1-4 t e of earlier history the . , ' ,"himself the true �e,�reienl or Iliqu chol� Indeed. Tr4n- to copo with the exa'tlng confiltigns. , ,,Our bill, before the I-101150 Is the 540,000, The Quebec Apple crop strel Ha was preparing to ilose on ball to the assizes, ,�ry 'is melatti . � 'hat it � ,�! ,,, mounted to 7q,500 barrels, valued I lehol whose' at 4butoa these are sitotittoos, Is written. � oil all things Ireland, the Premier said. could not answer. The SLRU V Oln says t a at, late lAst night wlien, three men ehter- At Broughton, near Rdinsel tur- - � (Psa ,. 4anpire. Re will ,got have it, The Irish 4uestiou P $627,000, while Npiv Brunswick pro.' W. Marro 'says one of them began key has been hatched with four 1098. - - 03,5; 81 0 � bo Permitted to leave the V Soldiers Invad" '�Bmssels , I Q 4 true type of earthly, There are agencies at work . the Messianic (I 9.7; 32:1, that crumble eVen tile PYrOLMtd% WO doul'Od that troops were being 'with. can lievor be settled from till$ noll- duced for' -sale 40,000, bafr9la, wortl� shooting, At him, � Two shots.. were .F,I&ht fillies and eignt ponies aTe bow , . ,� is,' "his - saul's disobedience and its Von- 111here are 70 Slan Assembly Over -Pal W7,400. , � � - -Ter. 23, � 11111 fired. -but when*the third Jammed the In% shipped $rom Bristol, 'ter tlie *6, 6.41 ur:k-�OA,101� � � drawn. UoplyIng to a definite quOs- Dossu sattitade. , - ; represent 48rages. I . dg- r *� - ' These ,fli . . 'I eXoelleiao 'I people It 13 ]DAvid's, 'a. executing jU Zty�'Ib t apart from all disloyalty to tion, he said that generous treatment weirt members or Parilainelit, ____ Nova reFolver. It was thro'wil aside find the .,Prince of Wales's rinch. In Cans.da.- ment'and Justice would not overlook heaven u It Is written. on All things would be"extended after pacification. their diltY to take their Vaces In. tile , value per ba-zrol of $6.26 16r 44e a concerted rush upon the , 40 . NV)iatever happened. said Mr,' Lloyd Common* and 'make practicable con- Brussels, July 29.-Thousan:4 of . Scott, 16P for New Brunswick, $7.60- three _ The freedom of Dovel bas been 11, for �i $7: ' wrong-dolng In due,' oil oubjpcts. eArthly that they must fade away. 'I dealer. Presented to ,�Ir Edwin Farlel who . Oboe, �8, for Ontario-,, $8.78 for .. s in tile constitutional Itial solalem assembled outside l in Ohl* 1 4114 Punish It In alloither., He was tin-' Kings and peasants"are in the sa George, Ireland could not be allowed tribution British Columbia, and slightly over $7 Waria took refuge b nd his toun- WM of the bbrough throlighout f ow to Ia itions would . ner, looking tcl a 0ttleUlellt, Of to�day to demon-' per barrel for ' ter', and for several minutes, pears and the . . . I � I Partial In his decl4jon� and treated eternal procession. -David tinds .mc .ave ti�e Empire. Mim. I bar of " Deputies all-Cinada, The values 44111r,77 ,, � � . tile .opportunity 'for the discharge of be sent, and railwaymen r*fuslug to 1: � watefraelons flow through the air, 11 I I . 411 1110 people falf,ly,,' - - c ,he Droblem%" . strato dissatisfaction with the Gov- represent wholest'le prices. In We caso ; A famous Bkth instltutioe, tb� Blue ., , - o comment on the lit- � 16fie;pUs Inqu �ng oblipatiolt of Als unparalleled handle them would be instarift fits e , wrecUing the shop ,and sriaAshiltg t1leTCO.Af 11. Pavld's j , . Mamill, rted to the Vnited King- 10,ehool, wtioll celebrAted,its bl- - ' 1 117 (VS,- 06 It I torances of Archbishop x, the orunielit's treatment pf former sol- oliapples expo 1-4). 1. And David paid - When friendship in the person of Jonathan's missed. � e United, fliers, who demand that a lump 6111'4� 4oln, the value Includes ocean frelgot plate giass window. After. two of the ,t cottenixt'y In 1011, �Ioses next mouth . � . h6rol ly est4bv spa, deformed of person and deprived In reply to as quer,11,11on: as to wh0th- A1,13trallaii Churchman, in thi a to $3 .1 I 1)4vld h4d become. t� , Itivaders had been badly out by flying I fi , . be paid every man who served In the ,r tea � -Which varied tronl.42,60 11 owing to lack.bf fuhils. : I lished in hJs kingdom I npd �was en.*,,, of,, his tatber by the same calamity (x goneraut treatment. would be ac- ,oltato,p, but declared that, in accord � I �� . Der barrel. ; ri or tile Prolillice (�r onm glass the three were put to rout,, ' . . . . 11� . . cat 1111cis with the ;Pronouncement of tile war� One man ran to 43tIt street and. � Sir Patrick no,%e-Innes. K.�C., has . I . JOYIng peace and red,. We mind turn- ,,which removed David's steadfast carded Ireland beyond thd pres , 4 body of soldiers broke the Po- tarlo'the total production of 879,$60 appointed judgo pt' County I ,. 'Slend. strong elements of charai�tcr Home Rule Bill after she had been Premier, AIajjljI,.,, would not be per- Second Aveme, where Doetotive Burns, beeit. . . � I th,0 regartf, lie had had for a Irish $(,)It. � lice cordfin and invaded the Chars- barrels conksted, of 24AU�bgrrels of of the pickpocket squad, .arrested him 100uri Crcuit in I . I ,ed Io= t ber, disregarding Burgomaster Max's early apples. 124,201 barrels � of fall, . � sau, lie promiski .1i made tol appear In both, The greater the paci the Premier F -aid that his 1111tted to land o . , 7)place of Judge (now X.r. Justice) Ac- ' , . : � — _^- - The others, with a crowd at their, � I � � hft friend, Ana,than (T'%m. 20,,14-17).,� * greatness, the wore readf the condet 4eftnitlon of what Ireland ouglit to almeals. Eventually they -ml - per- apples and 130j227 barrels of winter . I 11 have was in accordance with the pto- .1 I ., heels, ran to Madison avbtino. ton. , , , . . I ., � Left of the ouse of,Saill-David bad,- S060slon. B091and'a greatest Premier, OLE, AN SIDE SHOWS. I muided to leave ,peacefully. - Apple's , , , 11 . 1. I ! � regard for the house 6f. -S . 11 The"bulletin. gives detailed jurorme,- T boys-Bobby.Dean, 13;' The Governmegf are not:pr�pared . . aul *hnd de,-. who shaped for Years title PolieY ?f the visions of the I?Iome Rule Bill. ' ' .1 . ­ .OF While In the Chamoor the soldiers - I I - to set, up a Board bf'Aqk�uilt4re for 1* . � I aired to show kind 0 � 6 Ail REMAIN IN IWAPIRV _ ' . . broke doors and windows and 'hurled tion covering the fl�aantitles an I I Jamed McGinnis, 12, and Mattliew Ger . � : 1, I ,zeas - for Jona-, �.On)pire a which tile sun never ot*, I ' dl,tar.� ght up with Went, Wales . and . a Walsh land co,ptt� Mr. . . : tliAn's -sake to any t1i � .' . 'c9tild knot beside the,pallet, of a dy- - I ushers aside, The men then marched letles of nu'rsery stocs: sold In CamELda7 aghty, 12-cau � � �V.4bt remaln.�v fri rom Robert J. Prow.) ,, 1 Fall Pairs This Year to Be I I Bonar Law stated�ojn Parliament, - : Iftere was no spirit or i.4tenge. or vWAV Ing newsboy under the rafters of a London, July 29.-IlThe British Gov- , through the Chamber with banuers, dqring the year 1919. Total, ligures i3obby, wearing a Junior naval ro- 'I . .1 I '; : t him to the while the astonished deputies sat pl)W- show the value of -nursery.frult stock serve utifform, unbuckled his cartridge 1416a B. A.,, Clough has,,been ap. I ! . dictivelloss-in, the fieart of David. He' London garret and point ernment; Is prepared to give Ireland ' Protected. , belt while running and throw, It About pointed principal or. Newilh4T4. Col - 1 I was too large a man t6 harbor any' I I Saviour of both Megbilloshoth, too, self-government. but -will not permit , . �� . crIe!m to quell the tunitat. . . sold to be 1227,613. Qf,-apple trees,' , � y of his father. Set . 0 � 0 the Ankles of one 'of the fugitives; lege, Cambridgij in succession to Mis's Ill -feeling towi'rd. the family of him, was not unwotrh the island to become an IndeD46at' Toronto rep6rt-, Side sliows at thq 249,626 to the value of, $73,265 ivere . " man � who had.treated- UU4 m ti(jujtly,- aside from hereditary honors he quiet- , disposed of by the nurseries to #pple-. tripping him. The third was. ,KathArine Step4eu who resIgAis In - � , . Ontario this year are go� SLAIN 13Y -BANDITS , . I � � oat iv � epubliv,," fall faire Ili . I Octbbelr� I '. 2. Ziba-Ife had b6th one of. Satills" ly accepted the degradation. He did " . roughly respectable, on- � growers, " ' 4 cal later. I ,� , 011-iiii, . I . .11 � . servamts and proved himself to be 4; n6t foment his, grievance to have it - �Slr Hamar Grocilwood. Chief Socre- Ing to be tho , � !, 600 - The. revolver, the Police say, Was , 0 . . tary,-for Ireland, thu:, restated to me tertalaments without any of ,that 11 1, .t.�Paulls Cathedral choli men are , - found burled -In a piece of-watermolott to have sal%ries ille'foased 'to 91QO % . � . . . man of abjli�y ,Stgn if whom . xemedled, He ,sent no advocates to - As boosted Who 11ad Robbed Bank ' FtIYJN�G outside tile shop, . I I � I � � .0�tme c � - ' -1 Davtd madi Inquiri" of Q. 1) must tile king, but- quietly waited until a No � . Year for probationers, 9200 fOr "as I , Ila feet a Derinanent sottlemont had mod- the ticket ol receipts in yeare past. I ___--.0-11,-4- -- I stataut' vidal choral�ll :S210 r �61vt_ I I Since the side showe vaked ill theiiz ­ I � I 11 . rhough lame and obscure, TWichigan* Town. , I i . .", - bave known about him. 3. Tfiat I for. . � in' GAVE - U � I , ,ont the attitude of the Labor rarty t0i aptce,bf wickedness that ht � . I till Jonathan's son, Sonship r,-- Ifled the intentions of the Gcl.y.arn- - I I im4y shew the, kindlitfas of God unit was 5 I ... . last harvest ,a. now Attorney. General I � cirfrolloral." I I T ! - I htm-Thajat,gc�hoartedncss of David m4ined tile principal fact of his life. .. ... , Jacicsou, 111ch., July2lll.-Deputy Sheriff , U ly. 'Admiral Samuel Philip Towilshend . �� men' rRUS"' I 1-jo The accidents of life can not destroy "Doe", that m ed, "that' has amended to the tIlrone, in Queen's S CAVA -who Orved;lff the��CtI66dft Wari 40 i � 18 clearii shown In- thes words. All0ilo to- Park. and under his direction Sup H n wa.,; Instantly IdIled. I �i , . God- recognizes His the Government is -%Yl1lI1V uly Sheriff Kull was wounded and' WE .POIISOX� - . . was three;: tWpq, moritlonc4 ift � 40- I . I vaa not content to-ilivo for his own our lineage. ward Dominion Home Rule, as Bug- Inte,lident Joseph 2. Rogers, of the it"'P.P alleged bandits. will shot n a gun- - � � 1. Interests, but.he, ivish-ed to. dq.,some- children, though they may, be ,.obscure, r, al resiftipt, i friendless.: "He kn gested by , Sir Horace Plunkett and Provincial Police, is betting out to fight lain to -day between 41 she rfl,% �, ? ow- I 11 The C;mng'e'�-F.iLteh�ia,.,agetvas�, � . l thing for others.. -,Se was In A Post- afflicted and sul)pOrtOd by a largo body of moder-1 place the shows in a class with sew- posse and r hand of robbers who had I ,,-* I NTE R AMUR patches, li�g,,dlea- at'his' old tlwas- . tion to be helpful to other#. and -he oil,. the way thatj take," Job declared ate land and Ing circles, mother's clubs and other held uv�,and looted the 11larmors! Sta" Mr, ljuki� Hatchlobri, an darkest ol)tnlon in England. Prayed for End, Husband ' ,�. . jre uphol Bunk at Grass Lake, 12 milel east of , . I I had a heart to do �It. jonatAan hath In the 'deepest, hour of his her Darts. of the Binvire?" . I del bf moral standarde. Ilere- bere. Ibis forehoon, , Six men, fivol of I . ,. - � I —,. man of Alfreton, DerbYsbIr&j'bW�d,f0r � ormItto4 ' V ' � ma I i � . 11 I ! I yet a son .... lame-This.mras Mophlb-, misjudged affliction. True piety has Ot Jurt w4at It, after no Silo �ho,%X will be p whom qire %aid to have been rpombera . Obeyed Her , is -ho Are ' Overruni),ing . I I Black ny, years, was found: �Wng', dtad by _'j �� : . fair untif of the bandit gang, were captured fol- . relatives f6turninK, frorn the' funeral �:_ , I �. losbeth. When n6ws calue to 01,3 .. L .* . . Jonathan still says," Sir,Hamar replied, "We [Ire lowing a fight In 9, niarsh near Wolf — . I . : . I I nurse of the death of Saul and his Providence In events He is g5jj-�, prepared t nt,,Alves the Dropriewr has obtained a license Lnke, a few miles from the setne of &he '� L� Garden' I District. � of Mrs. Hutchison. �, 0, I . )oa, . .she lived in ' David's heart. "The statement means, from the �rovluclal Police and he ril Now He is Convicted as *1 - . The.Kirig bf-f,ha Bqlgihns�lias con- - . 'test in propoition, as it rboognizei to display Rig Wares at a fall I _' ''' I I sons In battle at Mount Gill shall sit at the of any body -of Irish opinion and�dls- ' . : .1 I ferred on Zir'Edward)]IgAr, O.Al,,'the ' I : took r4ephlbosheth, who was then but Mophlboshoth will not get a license until he has sat- The J*obbers were captum.d when sur- ' i � , . . to tie.-. king's tal)le and keep. his menlorY cuss N,%,ith them the ways and miMnS Isfied the superintendent that lilt; -roonded In a surnmer cottage. Murderer. Constantinople cable says, Consid- , Cross (Commandeur) ' of I'OrAre . die � I � . nnoculol , . -.--- . I i .. . five years old, and made haste 11 11 ell I is thoroughly I is The . 13olshovilt forces, Ia. Couronne in recognitionot his'ser- I I ... � . een in the king's hearL , David to- to restore welcome sugger-tio 5 IV I ,,, ct,, Thp loot, conis.lqting of oporoximately - I - orable Russian . In her haste th6. boy fall and became 9T $10.6GO in cdah and bonds, was recovered I - I j . . Janie, in both real'. , 4. In tbe holiao� 9f6red Meph;bosheth to his patrimon. will improve the bill now before h new control will also permit the auth- Officers bollove two of the bandits ar,y chiefly cavair , are ovogunning the vice$ to the'Belgiall cause. by the ! 11 P - of Maefilr-The' king readily learned ial Inlip-ritance an dexalted him to dis- Commons. 11owell we wIll*, ,lot Detroit report., The wife of Vrank Y I , . . critics to ban soill4l, of the freak shows still at large and that ono of them re- production of his "Carillon'l and and � . stand for coe�!Ion of any part,ol, Ire- which are revolting in character and celved severe wounds In the gun fight. 11 gan district of . Armenia, � I I . �achtr'LIS' thigillsh-bil honors. Christ restores our I ('11. Roberts lay helpless on,her death- I'Cllalll other compositions. . R I I - . � I I 1where MeRhlboshotl�,' -,l - N ' Search for -thom ,was bein.- continued tu- . known as the "Black ,' Garden," . convib0d. .: spol of �Y'joseoui, being "�O�la f6rfelted possessions and exalts .big land by any other part. Above'. -all, serve no imirpose. , . '( '. ultip George fteea, ,a laborer, � I . 'As " � 1, nIfi;ht. I,ed., a ,�. ,ftim. of P 11 sclerosis. . . . Principal man of Gilead," It seems Own to imperishable honors. They - . - �� — ____-ff-_ - PAR .1� apparently with the purpose Of at Kent Assizes ,of'.murderlqg',-h1s. I 11 . . �� In - I I e bevy gball sit at the'King's table.' . . I . - I her dgon,- she .*ecL and.Pegged, joining the Turkish Nationalists and three.-childiren anfl-attempting to mur-� .1 I .1 +1- 1-i I TrilrT,kmm 1&" A: . . I I I I MeAy that be rece v ' v . Into. Mo home after the death of hi -s I W. H. 0, �, . . � i for an end to bcz,misewy, Once before . `� I father. , It Is evident that be was a . I I man of wealth and of gen tin . . . � r*`oa,,,Z, pulses ' from his *eIc0= : , - 4, . . � " . . 1. . C - � , QUIP , it , . later An his flight from Absalom (2 � j:0NDS­',T0-'.:,E .1 Saill, 17-'2749). in Lol - This I . W.as'n town Is Gilead, near to Mahan- e Jordan. Its site is alm, cast of th I I I '_ � U34' C?*. 11-11. RAILROADS ' � � ' , " - � I now unknown. - I - , . . it I u1ndneas to Saul's ill. OVA � , I . . , , - . . jral (va'. ,5_I&)'.' 5: king Da,vid, I . . I . sent, and fetched';him-The king difl. to come tti -_ ;!� , A . . I 11 jBig Non-Pr6fitmaking Cor- � . not wait for .MePWbO$1het)1 Constantinople. It Is reported thait Pasha Is the . . him, but. be, ,-sent' fOrl,him', having -jAquIry­*bcro. poration Coming. her� :11 .lWon't you mix Elrao Paris groOn �, . learned bl he waa. .6. -, I . . I .,11iphibbsileth': . - -fell on his lar,O� I I I . And did reverence -This Was the Or He : I - Co anies to ar ' ' created for operations In MY . lental for%.,Of- eajuting a superior, * � � � ,MP I prince 0corge, 11-C,1 July 20.-A, posse . . toills fol to tho ground, ; Ile David its 'king And ililit 'Raise $30160000. " _� sat down on the railway line outside I � . �� reclOgdizOl . him homago', lie � jVR6 b.11t tive Years I I c of age ween joliathall, , his father, . . I - , ,_ , Now yol-ki, July , �Se-­An equip- I I did r,o,- I . I She' drafik it and di-od. I I died. yet he may.. hay e ha d Impre6sod I . 11 ibe regard his father. ment corporation, designdd to far- I � , .. upon his mind I had for David.' It has begn. suggested. t ilsh funds to railroads which now whom iire declared to be of Doi- . � . that he was afraid UPOp volng Sum- ate In need of new equipnient, Is be - murder of Thomas Dodds.- a pioneer ot . moned !nto Day fills, .presence,. think, �Itl lie was, Ing formed t)y S. Davies Warfleld. ' � I Ing the giva I pecied,that . . I I . plannin*,, - to become king"'Of jerg011, , and D011 Pight' do$10 td take bfa Vresident of the National Assdeia - -Owners of Rall oad Scourl- tion of r er, and must spend the-remalader of his lite In solitary confinenient. Tba . lite. It waa common- then� for a king� tios. and Is expected to be launched I upon asethd*4 tile, throni slay. "Y � Ni might ha�-O had a claim to the 'venture In the very near future. . in this Mr, Warfield ll= the back - ment, therefore, will beAtleffedtive. I throne,,. behold ,thy 6eryant-311plilbo- � olle-th W . I Iree . to i6kiobiviedge tnat he , Ing of -some ot-the largest insurance companies Irt the country, and it was poited to the police that they saw Ogle . . Was David's ol'utiJiBet, and servant, , 1. y that lie lids received ' I I . - r angley saw tue I � t 0 if as I'M Ule U111r, IS . .. any . learned to -da FIGURES JN-4�,F_Y COUNTY TFIAGPEDY. erfA.) ruined bevin by thr. no other.zentenda* thaft It'did. The - takis over the entire" control Ili the 0 .IlRd . Ad redemption .1 - Mr., Samuel "Aula), nigii shqrlff of I � - fear not -It INCI)hlboshoth assurance that securities of the pkow , . ish. decision holds." i Caucasus whenever they see fit, In- 'bnedl.shire, died at LeMift9toft Oil teitts. David ,would allay, them 01 bl,r'drought, particularly In the ne — - . . I ' k - he- would posed equipment trust co6oration Charles Honr,y I-ove** i3nd his family, from photograph taken several ybal�,% bcrhood of Saskatoon. . . cluding contror of the rallway and thOleve of the Linoonshlro assizOs. I I I once. 11"Or.Y$ rathero sa, e no to approximately $25,000,000 did ago, before the murder oil Mrs,,�ove, who Is neated on the right, The .will. -4— .. ' tr000 :dispositions. , 'Turner ta;id hMs �� . allow kitidi�ersil -to him. will restore . will be bought by small boy Is Arnell Lova,. tiow grown, who made the st oll ill 1.3 Ila, tbd Na- Colonel Clayton I ' . perhaps $0,000.000 artling confession 'ler, died at Guildford, aged 137 yearg" Fbr N. thee all the land of gaul-This was I A gn -it ninvement 0 &P '. . Mustapha Kemal Pas � 'I -, ,In , which he would .the Insurance companies. . at a revival n-moting last,',Waek.'�Tl ;kt he killed hip m6ther and allowod Vast Irdians resilliag unlawfully in , -A 11 tionallst leader, continues to ltssue 3- years ,he was in the Indt One pdrticalgr S SNATUHN: � a show him )�ivjheea�. This land was! Three insurance ,leointiantes which'* ' father to go to death foil 'be brizr.e. The girl Is hjz sister, Nvho was 01f) XTlittod States was launched by � I elmmunicationq declaring that the serviee, retiring in, 1896. He hq% = , ' . . . . i probably In Gibeall 'Which wa:' Saul's ,already have cominittled therasely`0 It witnosa at trial of thO f9ther , V , . I Immigration, Authorities. , . - � sser. are unimportant, office as mayor of Guildfolrd I � estate This dCMhtI6f$ jell to DavId to definite Amodut2l. said to be about I.. I . . - .1 - xr . ­_ ._ - --..- __ ____ . . Thego communications declara that Mr' all,d Mrs. gugen,' W60�­biivd I I I � I n 0T 0OK"a'a"ol� succe upoi, -hie f6coudini iho throne. What- $5,000,000 ctuh, are the Alotropoll- . _­ �� - I CRor 0 L this Dolgheviki are coluffig to, the celebrated their golden wcddlnjf�. lvlr� i . _ _ _ . .. . ..... ­­­ ­-­ � I ­­ - - � i & .., . ­ '. . ... ,3aul pay have had tan Life, Clio Now York Lite and tho . le , ­­ ­_,.'_,!_",-,��,�!, , ,.tt:�.;,:;�.�,�,.�.*,4,1,e,v�t4 ".. .."', ..'' ­ ., , ".. I ,�.,,;�.I/,,�...-.­ I � ,. �. . - =__,.,. '1_4��`_:.`�,­ , , - I . 1 Tationallsts the Turkil Wa,;on, who is a Pisivy Councilldr, top- ...� ..1. _'..:;;.'­,.; .... l. �.V­V,­ id . �^ I , , � � , I 1� �., �; -�,�..;v: �;::..;� �� . supp,,)rt of the 19 � I ,;,:, . .:� U'. . over other lat W. -M X, I I li _._ _ ­..­:� _% , i _.- w rotroo eastward- If Lind Kinf0a In to Nlephlbosheth pra . I ------ - p 1.11: ._., -, � . , - .''. - . , JX - I . , - derittal, Ins*anco Co,, 09 Xcw4rk. q -A n - � :1 . : : I , - .. . 11 resented Clackmanan i I would be� glanted ,g�� 1 . ,. lit continue to . �.. , 1. - -7 lleo�,ssary until theY Obt - goo 1,111til , last, -SRUI was �Nlopaibosboth's Tbo Northwest Mutual ol'Milwankee ��' . . ;..-. 11��isii ,,�..,:��. �",. -�., .. . W.' 4k;;' 'I alit satiAtac Parli,%ment from 1 - I , . I � - ..;-;'i-�;��4�- I 'i I '. g:,� ., " ­;�Z.,-. �%, - . .. , - Distrto6 - tY ..�r . ;. . & . I . " i ., I grandfather, Yet Ueoidlisig to the eus- altoAs said to havo nrallatteally coln- .... .1 4-_:., . ,­ . � ..a . thy father 111. � : ",::; gggN - 1�'- 1� . " - In Many � . ]?air, tory positions from which to give bat eleetinn. . I . ; �; Y, [In I g", I I . Ir i . A ""11�i � , ,..,�-�4 - --V�,­'��,%- ""' - Z:� " ' . .The body of A . 1 L. Mack I , f ��,, - I .; �4, . " 1. ­_ ­.. tIc, tom of the country 9nd Unit ne 'wag mitted Itself to a definite sum, and : ; ,3q 11: �. ... 4 -t x'4' ,Yields Uoped Vor. � _ �4.� - - . I � � I - . . '.' - I . ________*-1l Edinburgh euvocate, Was die Voted as ,lite father. oat bread at other companies, notablY some of the "::��;v 1. I I � -L - i 'I.XIRIIK�...'�'��"".!Ifl;.��!I " '. on the shore at Oraftton, on tIlq 144. -A I ., ' I I N I . I con .1artford, Conn., andL ��.­, .. ��'.. .- . � Y to 4& , I . .1 .: I �� I .1 � ". — 1,; " , R rf4orth. - Mr. INIA&M � 0 Dt tinti%lly-yor. Orientals big ones in I .� I I ql.�� : I 1�, 9xtrem , , Opok'N . iny ta 0 , 01-160 meant friendship, Boston, have agreed tentatiVol �� . .- — e Sou�'thwest Due f or F D" 81#9 .: .. I'll ... . I I 1, RE sight0d, and It -_ ---- - and for 'them -to oat together 1Or Su join hands In tile movement, ..�..,, I - , I .�� ;,:. .1 L - -walking. - I ,I , 'time meoint a family rela* ,The mono3r which Is to be ,advane- :. ,�: .1 I 1, . s * I ��." , I" -,'�.:::: a, riailui�.- into the sca.while out � �-.;... . :.. , .. . 5&mA*N SOut,,,",WAI,s Miners' FederatlOn 911- I .:., � I . I jal , . , 1`� 4� ". :! �� ..: ".... ; forelipe fitalded to recommend . � ,; �: - �- . 'I, I u IR son as a 'net] ,, ��., N lVnil ,�?., extehfiel .;-. :.. �. . ,�,:::, . � . � :. If? . ­­.. � ., 11 :;:,� ... I.: ­--;.� _�' , - t"s .1 f, �' �i EF , �!' ttion. David t%-cl rOCe-VO Als 14011d's od will be loan6d -at seven per cent. ., 1 i:;-", gg,'i. . b . I I ��` ab& of his Minify xpe . � , ... I... rtegina, Sas.":., despatc:i: The ralus and tile term of the loans 14 t ,,l , I., . I , ...:1.1i, . --�',.'_ . . � ,.___Brd1 Federation of Grea� Btit. , , 1. I I bowed hIM8011- . ,. k.,,� '3 911 ROIL -In its, . I ..! ,titudo. w6t I� od, to be In the neighborhood of I �" . . . 1 ... � ... �� I ;;:V:::: ': . i tny oerviint-SlepijilbOlaheth felt bim- fifteen years. The loaning corpora- . I :,:.,:, , I I -.1. .. of tile last week 1.05oct all optimistic . �f� to modify- tile national strike rule . .� ­­ � �,� . . � . so that a bare mr4ovity Insfed'd �of 6 I scif unworthy ok suca conalueration. tion, which will Supply tile MR_ ,� . I I �.*:i �� �"". � "'. L "' ', �: ; - . . ....., note in. the 'SaskatcherWan Ciovetunicht -Refugees . 1: � �.,. - ,. ­ Co'lotalitiftople, July 23. Majority of one-third slioul(I sulfice: , . , � V � ` ... ":. ... , crop report for the wooX ending Sat. froll, 3sleilibtra of the Assistant Aetkg# � L ded though ' thd 8031 Of A dhinory through which the funds - ,�:�, . :- ; � grandson of a king, *' , Salina and Xuetendjo, In ri-ast. r �uce viia tht - .11 ;,,--1:::t , , � ­:'. I . � Dr. will be 40110-0ted and distributed to - - ... �� � 41'' 1. . ; The process of scorching has Association have rejected the. Civil I yet his family 'being under Unlit and �� , : I L .; . I urday. cril Rournania, are urtivitig here In - , 'the railroads, will, In ,effect, be an I ,,. _. --�- :. . " ': 1. : � : i rhers, fleolug, from the 1301- Sel Relconstruttiol 'CommIttWo, 1, 1 " ncy of the -t . ,,-�-., � .. :.:�,!ll,.�,�l'11111 I.,, . � I boom Arrested, and while damago done large nui I '. � wrath, gnj himsell poor and lealle# 114 age. Intorstate Commerce "', .. -, , ,, �. I "Ll! I ...... "I 4 I, i nace, They report condl- 'recommendation, watel. provided forlL ­ I ,� ' t..�, . .1 I . I I 1. t, bzr hot sull and drought cannot be theivilc Ale . ,_�... : , calls b11110 -If a dead dog." 140 told* �­"_�,�.'. WATSM 11 - I Inial do� commission Mr. Warfleld Is vz- . . . . L'�?�'� ". �, '.!. 7--7- ."", 0 . tjoll.s to be highly unsettled fit Rol starting sa'ary ot jC60 a year for Male Y. *'.... ..� - � I . � � 11 ... 1. . ., , L.,_.. ­ , . . s pares Illinfielt to 4 6094 aa At" Pocted to make � definite Announfoo- . . . . .."'; ': : * ,. . ­ 1-1- . � ;:` �­:. +.-_-.___L,--_ I _-� repaired, Old Indications are triat in I � :;�..;;o::­:# . '.. .� �,:'­ 1.;� i�.:: - .. � 1. - ,060, ! )O, this animol dead. ..j. ., i "t �, . ­� `�" .� .11.,_, , , �. I . many districts fair yl�ldu- will be real- 11111111 - . I;- �, ­ . � . I ,*..- - .. - . -od, and V "the propooed com-. , � " - � .. - - � . . . , """ , . a, and deel3rin that a Ba 'ievlk eleeks, tiallag to R W411MUM OX , , , I . '. . � � 11-..%%:�� ,.;,, * �. , , ...." ", � ., . .X.�.l`.%�'4, The lifeboat Dom SPurn 11041 re$ _ i spLt aln� , . ..,:1. � ". 1� - ,u , , - 1110VOMent Ia fearal. - . 9. called to %ft -The rclAtIO111i , . 1�­" 1 �%.k, 1 �M,,�; `,.�.,�:�­� ,; ;�*f`.". fl. I � .---** *-__� I cued the crew of the Grimsby tug Rob 4 ...Ii� . I'..- I .. �, �l � I - ed, In most distriets the straw � - . ,�:�..:!. � pany within a XeW day.13. I . , * A L I will be short thls',ccason. I � between Ziba ,,and V-01111103"th wAt . �t -1 .. :1� . ... -A .211, - .. lig I I - t ". W, 01- . ::; �.,�,:�Il � ' The organizatilon Of this company, � I ".' AU "ETAL PLANIS "' ZXIT VILLA? crt V crest, V111011 sprang z lealt'ln the I such tbat Z -.Dg; would be GAttilAtOd I ��­11.w ,� * the rain, WOO so jai. The which Is pro,fldcd for Alliflor the I I .;, . K�;,M-'. - ;:" r �-�:�i�,L' At some points .. ::,-�.-i;.`.".1. , N.rth Sea oil her way from the. Hum, � witt, weighty 111terests for h 11 � I , R, I ,� '.. ,... to result fin the gralit 4olng - _­_­­�. loweastlo and in ttYllig tof f4- , I ... heavy as , � � . . . . . . : : � king made known to him What Ite recently enacted Transportation Tkill, . .�­, : ..- ,11�. To Carry, Mall Now York to lodged. This condition, Is ropiorted ber to N -land fot Is Intended by its DroJectors to 4orvt I I -Tautallou and, at Whitowood Said to Have Surrendered turn to the Humber before sinklag,, ba,j done, 10, 411411 till the Us have a Dublia need, and is not designed . I from , rart aground. him.-Ilephlboolieth would th i .1 I a reo%"nsiblit injinz to take care of his as a ptofilt-mak1bg corporation. Afr. . - `-1 . Prisco. the damage from i3borms of last. week it Unconditionally. Acton Council Is Adolit1bg SOIftetlfi$ � - I � is estimated to range front 'tell to �, - As tile naliftes of atreeta And,toAdA ,bb. I .'I I proper deliver to him the pro-, Warflold has long,been prominent in I New York, July 118.-A fleet of threer fifty percent. &A 111410611ft Of tile the Acton Wells,garden suburb, whien ceeds �Oyf A`h`e ,l ,$fnee Zlba blift' th'6 work of iftipboving. the railroad i, I Z.,. � all-nietal monopi'anes were ready aniount of rain which fell Itt soind' E agle Pass, Texas, July 28. -Ill Ia on the site of ati old golf iftouras. I .1 � fifteen *Ons and twenty ji, itAslWation, and his original plan for I c lila, all leader, surrendered un- Long 11 . R MWO11 ,the returil of tho road% to private . � early to -day at Central Park, Long Voints is efttalned in the report 0 ljoadt already named Ificluft th;t .� conditionally Aft? an U11-114glit coftfor- eiiue, the Green, road 11 would revire A V01111140011 0, JIV. L control . . a Imfilari Head Experimental DrIvol,'Brassey, avo � I � of the produco to Afford Ulum and operatlan Included a * �� ,R r ( , I Island, to take off for San 11ranclaco, from th ones with General ,Ougeno Martinez, d the fto str0t, 1� Inst ant do- 1 scheme for the Creation of equip. .. .-',N "I � � I ! carrying the first bag of inall ever to it"grin, where five Inches of precipita. jeorroon militafY 1101 . it. zo, shall thy gory I � �� I ,0'1 �, . . . Ion were measured on Tlluksday and 0011ralanding - the --6-64— 1. . I Ziba h6d beopn SAUVA &I'vAnt, yet I ment finance corporations. of the .: 11 , I � 4 , � ';' ­�-� I croso the continent by Airplaft t 20, .., � 11 0- � .1e. acc(Irding t�.) advfe(, %d by George gontgol 60; vaidlay .! I ... I'll I 4xlltil I � I l. Pridar, .1 rectivL recognim.4 fhe attitIlOrlity �ktiid ho now proposes to latifich. .. . Tito trip Is for tho purpose X nlap* t1le jilexican C,Ionsul litre to-daY. � @f payid. The IntlImItA I , while liall Btorills were McArthur, 40, And EdWANT aprtitig- now he fully 1 , a0vere at Viliff, will return tor Drivat . 1. . and 'kildnesal Incidentally ho has had the Niek- ,ping out a regular aerial mail route 4 tie points the flawage Was restrict- 0 tb,frcft6t,hj,! tube, 34. killed, W111801M lit 'thOtir � 1*1 - I 'of Mephlboalloilt Would- be mfeguard, tint In most *f his plans of Itlafty of �, I ,,, . . . ­­­ which In sclieduled to, Open the first 0 mcq.sago adda. Much rojolchlK homes at Detroit Wednesday. ,.Mont- I I t': I ed. 12. N`1#Pb1bc%h*I* b" 0, YOU14 -the loading institutional holdora of -11, . — . . wt* In Septibillber. ed in arom and the lose will not be out Mexico j.% relported, with colil gol shot himself, Vo,Artbiar toolit " I ­­ ­_ I.... �__ ,.—I 1114=11n. ,ept to individual faral. 1 __ ­­.­ S, age I 11 *on . . .4.5110, -3441 91"t 611 01WOOK of tallroad istcuritism, In. + , 1; being arranged gas, and Spflft ttLbo hittfpd 11IMself, Ore. A few Points ve, rispottit1f; arl jt&6gejjn, , ho , Albill It' , ,. , . Naru of twenty YeArA aloding some of the most Poll it 4 C TJ,nittd stat.m altifieftl voi raports stow, Aiuk sipub, 21, 1 11*14 been, AIV . Tills evimta Of Slight loases f0m *tashhopporg, proildmit ofa browery At Stibinas, *,bo ,�,�,, - I � of age lit th'A Me lite kmw#,4o* tom"AW, and It to 40% NZ:;; OP THCLOVA FAMILY TRAQ BOY, which ism no* flylus. all triad, tho Weida rou-to, biAt. Will �� i tarred About the Middle balleVed that in his now vntior# h6 . � bad been hold by Villft for tAUSOM � ,I the 160601 40er, A dvrelt hi jerv, Wit 'haVe tU4 hUport Ct tb*ft Colfi. � , # Tki ixtrems wuthw4st, whore haig bdiett rslelteWtwht ropbet Adds. '- � itwjoi from hot #ktt*VA1)t; 1140 tablit 'I ) of D*yld's MKS. . , 1. I ,. I , 4*lvm-Ag eAg t1f tht roYSLI familly. VIRX14s, 104kl#W J# the h04" Jkt j1j4$h$rt6N Wh $r4k MrS, L04 wos MUP000d Ifil 000 #1100, i412. At th# UPPOP Wt 10 th# crop* were holdInS thitir OVIVA until. I I - - polaou, I %�., Il Max VAA � 10 11 1114'' , - , , , I Corria fsmily, with whom Arttoll 1-ovio vOrkodr for five. ysttai Lott ta right, thil filat#% se% Mts. OuMt. the 1,911t w#0k or so, would apDakt Peter Weiffly LItjlndry,,1wpg glniov4t orata ton 141f Wis lkowltkla6d Plied- jq%sst Wbat 11114 Of 11006 irit UP0, e4adidolto W Skalith- 6!W pt'rid! Whitt Xhild of WAft dij nod 10**6 -iod IslysrON44k +Y.Is,W lost ths ton Themiks, mind Arphlo CUM#. At the fight Is IlhoWn this Sol mothodift chormill, t1*6 $gone of di for gliother +4rop failure pdstkntly killed at a b jalstaX j� I I il _ � I V43F he W0414 ahol for 14041, is kilus - 14 )ft$*t4 IP" We mvival mottling at whleh A Mil LtYl, 4011160411d t6 th* MUP00 0 noll MOth011, ., . � 410. yeal ths, fourth in sud4assion, Datkeraft, " I" ,co# tt Co . oksko**. I 'It i I . . I 11 , - I I " ,� , i� I . 1. Ir I , I . � - I � I . I �_, , ­ 1- I I I I .� � I � r I , . I . ,q ; , . .1 � 0 14 . - I � . I % I . , I .. . 11 . I 4 � , I . A . .,��. , i I , . .1 I , ,,, � . I do � - '. 1 I I . I ,�q `*� � , , .- ", .-% . , . . ,� I . . '. — 11 "i. � .� I , , � I � , : . " , ,� �� � I .., .iL,�,,, Li"", , , I , � , . I :: , , I , � I - . I � __ — __ - _W I —1.1ill I !", 41 MON, ik.1%. 11 I _*.�� '�,_;_'­, ,­. . ­ I ­_ - - - - ­­_ . I I ­ I " , � I ." ­ .4 * 11 . 1, , � . I .. XXX %X A% X JLXA . for an end to bcz,misewy, Once before . the . Russian BbIsheviki. approach' der a fouith, war, found to be %insane , , ght death -by drinking car- slib had son I Ing . Sbubba (tile capital of Kara- at the time, and the rillord:01slief - $as- 11 , . I 11 . . holic acld.�'but had been brought back bagh), This district Is southwest of I tire ordered him to be dettln4d'dur- . B. C. F irdman -Sley Pioneer, Into h,:r world of pahi bv medical skill, . Balat and more than. 600 miles from ll Xing's J)Ioasure. ., � 11 Fled to Hills. But now that zkIlreould do nothing for . I - Constantinople. It Is reported thait Pasha Is the TWO men named Thompson --and � I 1 homp, ' � her� :11 .lWon't you mix Elrao Paris groOn Buyer accompanying 'forpon., which collatituteff-a special 11fatten were f6turhing afhIght .. i from an orange Lodge meatift.,; at I �11 I I wilb watter and -put it bQslde-me?" she ar ' ' created for operations In MY . - , Killylon, County . Armagh, whei , they "I . � � I prince 0corge, 11-C,1 July 20.-A, posse pleaded with her hitsband, aaa Roberts Turkey, _� sat down on the railway line outside I � . �� . is buntinix lit thA hills beyond Alud itiver, twenty miles& from here. exiJect- I I did r,o,- I . I She' drafik it and di-od. I The Armenians probably aggre- gate only 25,000 troops, many of I Arma;gh to rest, Both fell hateely. �� Br,atten beVide the line knd Thomp- I Ing L-oon to arrost Wilholm Ogle. ill. firo- man, . who is credite," with the frienfitsh The $dpreme Court of Michigan yes- terday kuled whom iire declared to be of Doi- son du tile - line. Thompson, , was i ' I � 'a. - - murder of Thomas Dodds.- a pioneer ot that Itolierta Is a mvrd6r-�, Mloviit-tondencies, and Arin(-niall re� . cut to Places by goods train- - I the di.9tOct. . Ogle ami Dod(la -hAd been rival lldaanta er, and must spend the-remalader of his lite In solitary confinenient. Tba pWanco to a large Bolshevik mol It is believed, ,� A new road 3irough Avo�niouth . I � I . I � � (6 1.4 miles north-weet of BrIsf011', I and recently 0ale was bound over to, ireep the peace, WedneAday two bays re. court. has tprecedol for, this action' ment, therefore, will beAtleffedtive. . iop'ft. wide, with a tramway-roadAll I poited to the police that they saw Ogle and quoteo the law as I 'PlIulks: Tjnrcst to growIng in Gool the contra and a road on eack'81410, - . . 'BrI � i attack Dodds who ,Was. cAulto an age(i , "Ile who kills -another at jils,6.wn do- � Greeks and other foreigners � are for other traffic, Is proposed In'a S.lb : maat Whewi thri, pollep ,rim-1vod Dodds lipad. found beat6 to Icily" Ogle., siro or command Is a murdeter as much as If he had done It with a Own Ill , riving Baturn and Potl by hun- I (A. Itol Corpon.tion. Bill colialderd(I -by 4 1 ) Lords committee. . , was a, after the murder., had returned to Mill hand' and the p . ersoll killed Is not a 0 �. � drods,daily. Agitators are fermenting (ivarrels between the Georgians and I -louse of � funeral - workers�4coffin­ J Ll Ili . shack. and with food. ammuhition and two rti quickly takc,n to the hills. , --,O-#-- - quiclae. .I , I 1, ' .. � Tlie'dire& cause. of 'Mrs. 11obPrts . 'Tartorm and Turks at Baturn, where . � I makerai grave-difters,.coachmet, and I I are demanding a.-'26 per ' � HUGE WHEAT IOSS jj . d"t 4 was lienioed at an stutopsy, Re)')- teiltig , I lie situition. Is reported to be bri- iical, , The Armenians -have protested other4_who , eentAncrease in wages, have decided ­� -,Iew ,� " Ort3 was arrested and corifessed, ,how his wife, suffering and. desirous nt � . tin Mose,3w agaittst the alleged. vio- 'O take a strike ballbt in Of this � � to, them In p I Regina, Sask., July -Despite the bi5mitiful rains of last w"II: tke farm - diiith,. brokd him dqwn w . Ith . her poll- , latton of the treaty recently -con- the Soviet Government.. =ployersl refusal meet. 0 I .1 conference to discuss th� demand, I . era of the province have 0u beavy-losses In whicat, as a result of tions*. I . . , .., ' l He.waz tried and found guilty. I41s cludid with It Is stated, however, that all treat- 'the I The Machine Gun Corps -(Cavalry) 11 i . . Is proposing to erect a cenotaph at . �11 I I ,he scorching heat and drbught of the ;receding daYs lawyer Appealed on the grbund flant suicide was not a crime Ili 4XIolligwa. tea with Dolshoviki in the Can- (i apparently were wholly time-, volkestel as a war Memorial. London court It was stated that 1, ton. or COUble of weeks, avaording to t -'e Hon, Goo, Langley. . But the higher court rUlOd that Ili is *,,,,:I,e gaining devices, wbicli were disregard- In a a woman -%,ent to a pollee station and I who. estimatea the decrc,ase In yield W" not a suicide, and thiat be ii -as ,A as soon as the fIghting with Poland - � asked for-- whiskeyl 'and at ano;tllor I from this cauao-ht botween fifty And bushela� guilty of murder In the first fleg"ce &a an accessory before the fart, adding boram. r4 oveign 0sorvers here express' . station a mail called � � to ask for, 1. - . 1 "Did he ,Want a cigaiett,G, t- I alvelity-tive million "The'trial CoUet could have Impf,sc-d the be'lef that the Bolshevilff can matches. )r T - I 11" . . Was David's ol'utiJiBet, and servant, , 1. y that lie lids received ' I I . - r angley saw tue I � t 0 if as I'M Ule U111r, IS . .. any . learned to -da FIGURES JN-4�,F_Y COUNTY TFIAGPEDY. erfA.) ruined bevin by thr. no other.zentenda* thaft It'did. The - takis over the entire" control Ili the 0 .IlRd . Ad redemption .1 - Mr., Samuel "Aula), nigii shqrlff of I � - fear not -It INCI)hlboshoth assurance that securities of the pkow , . ish. decision holds." i Caucasus whenever they see fit, In- 'bnedl.shire, died at LeMift9toft Oil teitts. David ,would allay, them 01 bl,r'drought, particularly In the ne — - . . I ' k - he- would posed equipment trust co6oration Charles Honr,y I-ove** i3nd his family, from photograph taken several ybal�,% bcrhood of Saskatoon. . . cluding contror of the rallway and thOleve of the Linoonshlro assizOs. I I I once. 11"Or.Y$ rathero sa, e no to approximately $25,000,000 did ago, before the murder oil Mrs,,�ove, who Is neated on the right, The .will. -4— .. ' tr000 :dispositions. , 'Turner ta;id hMs �� . allow kitidi�ersil -to him. will restore . will be bought by small boy Is Arnell Lova,. tiow grown, who made the st oll ill 1.3 Ila, tbd Na- Colonel Clayton I ' . perhaps $0,000.000 artling confession 'ler, died at Guildford, aged 137 yearg" Fbr N. thee all the land of gaul-This was I A gn -it ninvement 0 &P '. . Mustapha Kemal Pas � 'I -, ,In , which he would .the Insurance companies. . at a revival n-moting last,',Waek.'�Tl ;kt he killed hip m6ther and allowod Vast Irdians resilliag unlawfully in , -A 11 tionallst leader, continues to ltssue 3- years ,he was in the Indt One pdrticalgr S SNATUHN: � a show him )�ivjheea�. This land was! Three insurance ,leointiantes which'* ' father to go to death foil 'be brizr.e. The girl Is hjz sister, Nvho was 01f) XTlittod States was launched by � I elmmunicationq declaring that the serviee, retiring in, 1896. He hq% = , ' . . . . i probably In Gibeall 'Which wa:' Saul's ,already have cominittled therasely`0 It witnosa at trial of thO f9ther , V , . I Immigration, Authorities. , . - � sser. are unimportant, office as mayor of Guildfolrd I � estate This dCMhtI6f$ jell to DavId to definite Amodut2l. said to be about I.. I . . - .1 - xr . ­_ ._ - --..- __ ____ . . Thego communications declara that Mr' all,d Mrs. gugen,' W60�­biivd I I I � I n 0T 0OK"a'a"ol� succe upoi, -hie f6coudini iho throne. What- $5,000,000 ctuh, are the Alotropoll- . _­ �� - I CRor 0 L this Dolgheviki are coluffig to, the celebrated their golden wcddlnjf�. lvlr� i . _ _ _ . .. . ..... ­­­ ­-­ � I ­­ - - � i & .., . ­ '. . ... ,3aul pay have had tan Life, Clio Now York Lite and tho . le , ­­ ­_,.'_,!_",-,��,�!, , ,.tt:�.;,:;�.�,�,.�.*,4,1,e,v�t4 ".. .."', ..'' ­ ., , ".. I ,�.,,;�.I/,,�...-.­ I � ,. �. . - =__,.,. '1_4��`_:.`�,­ , , - I . 1 Tationallsts the Turkil Wa,;on, who is a Pisivy Councilldr, top- ...� ..1. _'..:;;.'­,.; .... l. �.V­V,­ id . �^ I , , � � , I 1� �., �; -�,�..;v: �;::..;� �� . supp,,)rt of the 19 � I ,;,:, . .:� U'. . over other lat W. -M X, I I li _._ _ ­..­:� _% , i _.- w rotroo eastward- If Lind Kinf0a In to Nlephlbosheth pra . I ------ - p 1.11: ._., -, � . , - .''. - . , JX - I . , - derittal, Ins*anco Co,, 09 Xcw4rk. q -A n - � :1 . : : I , - .. . 11 resented Clackmanan i I would be� glanted ,g�� 1 . ,. lit continue to . �.. , 1. - -7 lleo�,ssary until theY Obt - goo 1,111til , last, -SRUI was �Nlopaibosboth's Tbo Northwest Mutual ol'Milwankee ��' . . ;..-. 11��isii ,,�..,:��. �",. -�., .. . W.' 4k;;' 'I alit satiAtac Parli,%ment from 1 - I , . I � - ..;-;'i-�;��4�- I 'i I '. g:,� ., " ­;�Z.,-. �%, - . .. , - Distrto6 - tY ..�r . ;. . & . I . " i ., I grandfather, Yet Ueoidlisig to the eus- altoAs said to havo nrallatteally coln- .... .1 4-_:., . ,­ . � ..a . thy father 111. � : ",::; gggN - 1�'- 1� . " - In Many � . ]?air, tory positions from which to give bat eleetinn. . I . ; �; Y, [In I g", I I . Ir i . A ""11�i � , ,..,�-�4 - --V�,­'��,%- ""' - Z:� " ' . .The body of A . 1 L. Mack I , f ��,, - I .; �4, . " 1. ­_ ­.. tIc, tom of the country 9nd Unit ne 'wag mitted Itself to a definite sum, and : ; ,3q 11: �. ... 4 -t x'4' ,Yields Uoped Vor. � _ �4.� - - . I � � I - . . '.' - I . ________*-1l Edinburgh euvocate, Was die Voted as ,lite father. oat bread at other companies, notablY some of the "::��;v 1. I I � -L - i 'I.XIRIIK�...'�'��"".!Ifl;.��!I " '. on the shore at Oraftton, on tIlq 144. -A I ., ' I I N I . I con .1artford, Conn., andL ��.­, .. ��'.. .- . � Y to 4& , I . .1 .: I �� I .1 � ". — 1,; " , R rf4orth. - Mr. INIA&M � 0 Dt tinti%lly-yor. Orientals big ones in I .� I I ql.�� : I 1�, 9xtrem , , Opok'N . iny ta 0 , 01-160 meant friendship, Boston, have agreed tentatiVol �� . .- — e Sou�'thwest Due f or F D" 81#9 .: .. I'll ... . I I 1, RE sight0d, and It -_ ---- - and for 'them -to oat together 1Or Su join hands In tile movement, ..�..,, I - , I .�� ;,:. .1 L - -walking. - I ,I , 'time meoint a family rela* ,The mono3r which Is to be ,advane- :. ,�: .1 I 1, . s * I ��." , I" -,'�.:::: a, riailui�.- into the sca.while out � �-.;... . :.. , .. . 5&mA*N SOut,,,",WAI,s Miners' FederatlOn 911- I .:., � I . I jal , . , 1`� 4� ". :! �� ..: ".... ; forelipe fitalded to recommend . � ,; �: - �- . 'I, I u IR son as a 'net] ,, ��., N lVnil ,�?., extehfiel .;-. :.. �. . ,�,:::, . � . � :. If? . ­­.. � ., 11 :;:,� ... I.: ­--;.� _�' , - t"s .1 f, �' �i EF , �!' ttion. David t%-cl rOCe-VO Als 14011d's od will be loan6d -at seven per cent. ., 1 i:;-", gg,'i. . b . I I ��` ab& of his Minify xpe . � , ... I... rtegina, Sas.":., despatc:i: The ralus and tile term of the loans 14 t ,,l , I., . I , ...:1.1i, . --�',.'_ . . � ,.___Brd1 Federation of Grea� Btit. , , 1. I I bowed hIM8011- . ,. k.,,� '3 911 ROIL -In its, . I ..! ,titudo. w6t I� od, to be In the neighborhood of I �" . . . 1 ... � ... �� I ;;:V:::: ': . i tny oerviint-SlepijilbOlaheth felt bim- fifteen years. The loaning corpora- . I :,:.,:, , I I -.1. .. of tile last week 1.05oct all optimistic . �f� to modify- tile national strike rule . .� ­­ � �,� . . � . so that a bare mr4ovity Insfed'd �of 6 I scif unworthy ok suca conalueration. tion, which will Supply tile MR_ ,� . I I �.*:i �� �"". � "'. L "' ', �: ; - . . ....., note in. the 'SaskatcherWan Ciovetunicht -Refugees . 1: � �.,. - ,. ­ Co'lotalitiftople, July 23. Majority of one-third slioul(I sulfice: , . , � V � ` ... ":. ... , crop report for the wooX ending Sat. froll, 3sleilibtra of the Assistant Aetkg# � L ded though ' thd 8031 Of A dhinory through which the funds - ,�:�, . :- ; � grandson of a king, *' , Salina and Xuetendjo, In ri-ast. r �uce viia tht - .11 ;,,--1:::t , , � ­:'. I . � Dr. will be 40110-0ted and distributed to - - ... �� � 41'' 1. . ; The process of scorching has Association have rejected the. Civil I yet his family 'being under Unlit and �� , : I L .; . I urday. cril Rournania, are urtivitig here In - , 'the railroads, will, In ,effect, be an I ,,. _. --�- :. . " ': 1. : � : i rhers, fleolug, from the 1301- Sel Relconstruttiol 'CommIttWo, 1, 1 " ncy of the -t . ,,-�-., � .. :.:�,!ll,.�,�l'11111 I.,, . � I boom Arrested, and while damago done large nui I '. � wrath, gnj himsell poor and lealle# 114 age. Intorstate Commerce "', .. -, , ,, �. I "Ll! I ...... "I 4 I, i nace, They report condl- 'recommendation, watel. provided forlL ­ I ,� ' t..�, . .1 I . I I 1. t, bzr hot sull and drought cannot be theivilc Ale . ,_�... : , calls b11110 -If a dead dog." 140 told* �­"_�,�.'. WATSM 11 - I Inial do� commission Mr. Warfleld Is vz- . . . . L'�?�'� ". �, '.!. 7--7- ."", 0 . tjoll.s to be highly unsettled fit Rol starting sa'ary ot jC60 a year for Male Y. *'.... ..� - � I . � � 11 ... 1. . ., , L.,_.. ­ , . . s pares Illinfielt to 4 6094 aa At" Pocted to make � definite Announfoo- . . . . .."'; ': : * ,. . ­ 1-1- . � ;:` �­:. +.-_-.___L,--_ I _-� repaired, Old Indications are triat in I � :;�..;;o::­:# . '.. .� �,:'­ 1.;� i�.:: - .. � 1. - ,060, ! )O, this animol dead. ..j. ., i "t �, . ­� `�" .� .11.,_, , , �. I . many districts fair yl�ldu- will be real- 11111111 - . I;- �, ­ . � . I ,*..- - .. - . -od, and V "the propooed com-. , � " - � .. - - � . . . , """ , . a, and deel3rin that a Ba 'ievlk eleeks, tiallag to R W411MUM OX , , , I . '. . � � 11-..%%:�� ,.;,, * �. , , ...." ", � ., . .X.�.l`.%�'4, The lifeboat Dom SPurn 11041 re$ _ i spLt aln� , . ..,:1. � ". 1� - ,u , , - 1110VOMent Ia fearal. - . 9. called to %ft -The rclAtIO111i , . 1�­" 1 �%.k, 1 �M,,�; `,.�.,�:�­� ,; ;�*f`.". fl. I � .---** *-__� I cued the crew of the Grimsby tug Rob 4 ...Ii� . I'..- I .. �, �l � I - ed, In most distriets the straw � - . ,�:�..:!. � pany within a XeW day.13. I . , * A L I will be short thls',ccason. I � between Ziba ,,and V-01111103"th wAt . �t -1 .. :1� . ... -A .211, - .. lig I I - t ". W, 01- . ::; �.,�,:�Il � ' The organizatilon Of this company, � I ".' AU "ETAL PLANIS "' ZXIT VILLA? crt V crest, V111011 sprang z lealt'ln the I such tbat Z -.Dg; would be GAttilAtOd I ��­11.w ,� * the rain, WOO so jai. The which Is pro,fldcd for Alliflor the I I .;, . K�;,M-'. - ;:" r �-�:�i�,L' At some points .. ::,-�.-i;.`.".1. , N.rth Sea oil her way from the. Hum, � witt, weighty 111terests for h 11 � I , R, I ,� '.. ,... to result fin the gralit 4olng - _­_­­�. loweastlo and in ttYllig tof f4- , I ... heavy as , � � . . . . . . : : � king made known to him What Ite recently enacted Transportation Tkill, . .�­, : ..- ,11�. To Carry, Mall Now York to lodged. This condition, Is ropiorted ber to N -land fot Is Intended by its DroJectors to 4orvt I I -Tautallou and, at Whitowood Said to Have Surrendered turn to the Humber before sinklag,, ba,j done, 10, 411411 till the Us have a Dublia need, and is not designed . I from , rart aground. him.-Ilephlboolieth would th i .1 I a reo%"nsiblit injinz to take care of his as a ptofilt-mak1bg corporation. Afr. . - `-1 . Prisco. the damage from i3borms of last. week it Unconditionally. Acton Council Is Adolit1bg SOIftetlfi$ � - I � is estimated to range front 'tell to �, - As tile naliftes of atreeta And,toAdA ,bb. I .'I I proper deliver to him the pro-, Warflold has long,been prominent in I New York, July 118.-A fleet of threer fifty percent. &A 111410611ft Of tile the Acton Wells,garden suburb, whien ceeds �Oyf A`h`e ,l ,$fnee Zlba blift' th'6 work of iftipboving. the railroad i, I Z.,. � all-nietal monopi'anes were ready aniount of rain which fell Itt soind' E agle Pass, Texas, July 28. -Ill Ia on the site of ati old golf iftouras. I .1 � fifteen *Ons and twenty ji, itAslWation, and his original plan for I c lila, all leader, surrendered un- Long 11 . R MWO11 ,the returil of tho road% to private . � early to -day at Central Park, Long Voints is efttalned in the report 0 ljoadt already named Ificluft th;t .� conditionally Aft? an U11-114glit coftfor- eiiue, the Green, road 11 would revire A V01111140011 0, JIV. L control . . a Imfilari Head Experimental DrIvol,'Brassey, avo � I � of the produco to Afford Ulum and operatlan Included a * �� ,R r ( , I Island, to take off for San 11ranclaco, from th ones with General ,Ougeno Martinez, d the fto str0t, 1� Inst ant do- 1 scheme for the Creation of equip. .. .-',N "I � � I ! carrying the first bag of inall ever to it"grin, where five Inches of precipita. jeorroon militafY 1101 . it. zo, shall thy gory I � �� I ,0'1 �, . . . Ion were measured on Tlluksday and 0011ralanding - the --6-64— 1. . I Ziba h6d beopn SAUVA &I'vAnt, yet I ment finance corporations. of the .: 11 , I � 4 , � ';' ­�-� I croso the continent by Airplaft t 20, .., � 11 0- � .1e. acc(Irding t�.) advfe(, %d by George gontgol 60; vaidlay .! I ... I'll I 4xlltil I � I l. Pridar, .1 rectivL recognim.4 fhe attitIlOrlity �ktiid ho now proposes to latifich. .. . Tito trip Is for tho purpose X nlap* t1le jilexican C,Ionsul litre to-daY. � @f payid. The IntlImItA I , while liall Btorills were McArthur, 40, And EdWANT aprtitig- now he fully 1 , a0vere at Viliff, will return tor Drivat . 1. . and 'kildnesal Incidentally ho has had the Niek- ,ping out a regular aerial mail route 4 tie points the flawage Was restrict- 0 tb,frcft6t,hj,! tube, 34. killed, W111801M lit 'thOtir � 1*1 - I 'of Mephlboalloilt Would- be mfeguard, tint In most *f his plans of Itlafty of �, I ,,, . . . ­­­ which In sclieduled to, Open the first 0 mcq.sago adda. Much rojolchlK homes at Detroit Wednesday. ,.Mont- I I t': I ed. 12. N`1#Pb1bc%h*I* b" 0, YOU14 -the loading institutional holdora of -11, . — . . wt* In Septibillber. ed in arom and the lose will not be out Mexico j.% relported, with colil gol shot himself, Vo,Artbiar toolit " I ­­ ­_ I.... �__ ,.—I 1114=11n. ,ept to individual faral. 1 __ ­­.­ S, age I 11 *on . . .4.5110, -3441 91"t 611 01WOOK of tallroad istcuritism, In. + , 1; being arranged gas, and Spflft ttLbo hittfpd 11IMself, Ore. A few Points ve, rispottit1f; arl jt&6gejjn, , ho , Albill It' , ,. , . Naru of twenty YeArA aloding some of the most Poll it 4 C TJ,nittd stat.m altifieftl voi raports stow, Aiuk sipub, 21, 1 11*14 been, AIV . Tills evimta Of Slight loases f0m *tashhopporg, proildmit ofa browery At Stibinas, *,bo ,�,�,, - I � of age lit th'A Me lite kmw#,4o* tom"AW, and It to 40% NZ:;; OP THCLOVA FAMILY TRAQ BOY, which ism no* flylus. all triad, tho Weida rou-to, biAt. Will �� i tarred About the Middle balleVed that in his now vntior# h6 . � bad been hold by Villft for tAUSOM � ,I the 160601 40er, A dvrelt hi jerv, Wit 'haVe tU4 hUport Ct tb*ft Colfi. � , # Tki ixtrems wuthw4st, whore haig bdiett rslelteWtwht ropbet Adds. '- � itwjoi from hot #ktt*VA1)t; 1140 tablit 'I ) of D*yld's MKS. . , 1. I ,. I , 4*lvm-Ag eAg t1f tht roYSLI familly. VIRX14s, 104kl#W J# the h04" Jkt j1j4$h$rt6N Wh $r4k MrS, L04 wos MUP000d Ifil 000 #1100, i412. At th# UPPOP Wt 10 th# crop* were holdInS thitir OVIVA until. I I - - polaou, I %�., Il Max VAA � 10 11 1114'' , - , , , I Corria fsmily, with whom Arttoll 1-ovio vOrkodr for five. ysttai Lott ta right, thil filat#% se% Mts. OuMt. the 1,911t w#0k or so, would apDakt Peter Weiffly LItjlndry,,1wpg glniov4t orata ton 141f Wis lkowltkla6d Plied- jq%sst Wbat 11114 Of 11006 irit UP0, e4adidolto W Skalith- 6!W pt'rid! Whitt Xhild of WAft dij nod 10**6 -iod IslysrON44k +Y.Is,W lost ths ton Themiks, mind Arphlo CUM#. At the fight Is IlhoWn this Sol mothodift chormill, t1*6 $gone of di for gliother +4rop failure pdstkntly killed at a b jalstaX j� I I il _ � I V43F he W0414 ahol for 14041, is kilus - 14 )ft$*t4 IP" We mvival mottling at whleh A Mil LtYl, 4011160411d t6 th* MUP00 0 noll MOth011, ., . � 410. yeal ths, fourth in sud4assion, Datkeraft, " I" ,co# tt Co . oksko**. I 'It i I . . I 11 , - I I " ,� , i� I . 1. Ir I , I . � - I � I . I �_, , ­ 1- I I I I .� � I � r I , . I . ,q ; , . .1 � 0 14 . - I � . I % I . , I .. . 11 . I 4 � , I . A . .,��. , i I , . .1 I , ,,, � . I do � - '. 1 I I . I ,�q `*� � , , .- ", .-% . , . . ,� I . . '. — 11 "i. � .� I , , � I � , : . " , ,� �� � I .., .iL,�,,, Li"", , , I , � , . I :: , , I , � I - . I � __ — __ - _W I —1.1ill I !", 41 MON, ik.1%. 11 I _*.�� '�,_;_'­, ,­. . ­ I ­_ - - - - ­­_ . I I ­ I " , � I ." ­ .4 * 11 . 1, , � . I ..