HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-29, Page 6I
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I7 I il 1 1 !, ,,. 11 , " P; ____.___________ ____ ___,____ I I I 11 I ! 11 11 I 1 I I .- ____ _ --1 . ___._ ___ I,---.---- --.--- . _____. ---d_ -11"01M.-1 __,_______ ______ __ _____.___M --- __ _ ____
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4 0 0. * 0 6+ 4 -*4-6.+ ++ 4, j j +++4, +!$.* - .1 - . I . - I . -11--- -M---.----,-. .- -----, ______ ..-. . - - . # I -1 -
I I . 46. 40aft"wo"O"RA"w" I . .1. i : . I . 4 9p 4P. IF Ir V I 4t 7 gr of , I
. ,,
1" litt'nottillllo""ItilloI I , . ,
* I SOUP Ill - I I - - , ,*?, i%, .111 ... "I E66 LAYIN6 -
.... + . A., I I I
7 9
it IS uOuiewhat diffieult to tr.1ce tile , I , 1 .. I I
IN , 2 I V - 0 0 0, 0, 0 O's k, $ 0 0 1 0 0-0 0 i 0 0 0 *.++++*
Ullitory of soup back through the 7 ! A JLWEL" IN W - , 5 '
'*dark agee' of coouery which pro- . I I W, sm The Wallulou Experimental Fs;r.% ;
, ,
, 4 1 will 40U,duet A second series of esg-
I cided the eighteenth century, and It I I I 190111; ontesto, help .
. ,.m
: I . T L = , uning. Nov. I# ,
is extremely doubtful It prior to the am I w" . . 19ZO, to continue for 0 cousetutive
= = m weeks The names and locationo of ,
I 1= the coiitest:4 will be As follows.-
1164algSaace tUe 3UICa Of R104t WA$ , "a lo `Hw" R 0 U Cia H' :
generally used for'such a purpose. It ,= 4
o" , Oft Canadian ,outoat
6 true that tha early, Italian noviolists aw . . . . . . lool I CAUR4194114g-lAylux Contest -14-
W%d--.A- . . I -1 . _ . . . 11 .1, ... 1. - ___ 11 . -
have spoken, or "capon broth with i 1, , I Perlmental Farm, Ottawa, Out.
flour pasto,"'anil. that tradition bab . Provinolal, Contests.
told us of tile black soup W41011 was M . . . - 1! ,. ,. m - ... .1. .A Prince Edward Islaud Vgg-LayiU9
I CANA. by the 41)Art.411 , Yet as t-110 - not vpeak of it, not Oven COut0st-14periment4i Station, Char -
students tell uqjUesoup of the herofl,.4 t He did It was his metlaod 'On the Z,ma. lottetown, P,E.I. .
In t . he "Illao"', Wa's nothing more than P 'his, f0remall, -Denbigh, the PuOA principle, when one -of his 4ebtoro'. I , , I Nova Scotia PeAeral Egg-L4ying.
I tb, and . Waa Accustomed W man4e his Own Af- having coo 0 , I COnt0$tNXpQrlMel%tAI Farm, NAppan, L
White PK n bro the lura and 4000*04104 AO. -1114=90 his Own at- blin pletely loot his lieali In 1, i NIB.
puicujpp descrl ed by Apicus were L a rage, against a. ,quiet order .tUt 1 1 .
m(Rfl,V Mixtures of Oil, Acids, , spleas fairs And rarely took wuneel with Ile sh ,ould,pay wbat1wao due-. ati9ok I 1 .
any one, He It -as pue of those, men . . .1 Now Brunswick Br,g,L%yIug C Putoat
'a vogetable Ititevs, one Is inclined Who are born with the. gift of govern- his flat In the ther olfAce and flirftt- -Rxperimental Station, . Frederloton,
kili , 0
( to believe that these b 4ted Soups Ot , I - i ,others. . He WAS A sued to wipe the tloori with Ulm;, Tel- . I "
.1 u
.a ancients coldid, notiore be cow. I hot did not XnoQ% tbosjmau dQwfit all I '14 ebeo Rgg Laying coutest-vipert-- ,
1_1;1 A . th A(buiniatrator, 1by Apture, .lie L1, mo.tAlS I
. a lie ileen
el I . , some might have done. Tre simply tation, Cap xtougo, Que.
i I .) pared,to tile delicious liquid food: Of on kingdom Would remarked In bill driest, tone: ' "Ybwd Ontario EggaIL4ying Coute4t-4xperl-
_ rl this, day than epuld t1ile liell-broth of have !been well ruled ifr m. end to end, t I I mental Farm, Ottww.a, 0
1 .. witches In Macbeth", with its and T-ar . o better try it;. ,Aud forlsome roaiOii or
the , oly if ever embroiled With '44 ' SbOrtly.aft9r ,
toads, Its tongues of dogs, Ito lips Of , other the m did ot tatest-Ei.
46thct illationa, an& the same spirit . ,. . wauttobA Egg-LAYIng I
I Tartar and Its Ouse of Turl.(. thitt would have ruled a 1kingd<An the money wan V#ld. 1. perimentalFarm, Brandon, M4n.
W41le Owe are many'literary retet Igliollo,ed Itself here In the ruling and 80, now he '01MDIV stood, his' 4VA 1 11 ... , .i 01 S N Saskatchewan Ugg7Laying Contest—
, ground, a .
rove that bisque Is of lunst Managgraeut of his seven hundred . p,.wf that Mai work was pro- -1 _ . fX130rimental Farm, Indian Head,
a U IA. i . I A- I - . I jw.A 11441 +h - . .., . . I agk.
. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 TIV, 04-r
ir V
I C00XrVnV
axork JL I
I AWAY down In utilslau'A real 014
Crsolo cookery MAY still be foun,44
. Cookery that to #overned, b)r, economy
find simplicity-oxqe0t; on spatial OC-
, casloZo..wlieri the Mean becomes, alab-
or&tO, but prohibition will put An ;ina
L ,
to oven t1lot, I.Phe Oroole homewire
pA4 'make an appetizing meal from
what most people would throw AWAY,
Amd elie Is YerrprQud of her Art, too.
. ,Oho Always saves bits of cold veal,
d kou, game or rsobit, roasts them
dry, beats them in (L. Mortar, rubs them
, through. A glove, adds A. quart Of Stock
. L
.or soland lets the mixture simmer for
halt a day. The resust to a very Inex,
pensive wh4to soup, over which the
'Whole family pronounces the ultinia,I
tum, 1'deliclous l I
Pumpkin And Salt i;ieat Is, a common
1, dish., Tile puMpIcla Is s1leed 'a44
4rhakled with brolva sugar Or good
MOlMsOop -slices- of smoked meat L are
,, 14id over It and It Is then baked until
t094OV. ,:&s an old Creole cook book
a 41T§-4 1,
ancient 41110%ge", One 0 1, - ' , at of ground. . V.. j L.V, 4%04 " L, I . . . ' I . I .. .1 -I? I Q etter Luau Any L-1194
recipes which provides 'for a t I I W1. - Alberta Egg-LayluK, Con,testExpe I ,
ounalte ,He never bullded, never swore" no courted his /own puntsbinfint.' . e- I I I I . M 0 M M _1 I .m L L I M r I.. I I with More re utatlon." I 0
tion of Me4t J1110S Is that in which or a had ever meantime, tille Mia a milstook ble 109,; Mental Station, Leth6ridge, Alto, . I I 11 .
I I . seen I ssion. . ., "LOST BREADII,
-3401LE Oi Now'40dy announced Ill m bearance, big quietness, hjs smrotU- lug the floor and floating, his blipparLs BrItioll, Coluwfa ftir-Layington- eased tl9oko, or In, unsa4ftar T
a dl$- 'Its gave -hl orders in a plegsaut. M .y coudi- m
covery of bare k,Dup Oalft in the Six- %ilolkft I%VY; hip Vianner was quiet$ ness.- of tones and nituner f6i wamaX4 IL44 Some Palro of socks he had left ! test-ftperimental Iftrin, Algaosiz, tions will be rejected, And thbEts that ' - -"Lost brand" is made by stirring Ono
. . L I
teentb century. M ._ ness, and i'Marley, a bully by uahmo, by,the hearth. The fire wasOcut, and B.C. I do not Vromloo Wbo,matu;
I OV011 to -gentletifss. ,1 tit he had 4 way m ,to or those - of milk, two . -dejl be4tan ,eggs,
M the lower part. of the stove filled with Note. -The "Canadian" Is open tO ,that may Mature tob.early,may be re- '
I "It 44Y Ot ye men slmtd eatcho and io! getting -.those ordeft Invariably car- and quite 4Jnca;pal)le of uadorstaAftg . ARding-U little salt And 4ugar it desired
. big employer, gre-welated and triulg, mud and wator, The bed was com- entries from auy-waere . I together, ,
I brings of at ,ell lie says, In iled oLt that was harcf to analyze. It . The "Pro- jected. , , , I . Cut OIX 911COSOf White broad
, a olde bar jfs", YOULWIII Ole fti#1 a thing Was to, be a6tle, it pkant. .% pletely ooddenod, the blanketa and vilicial" Is confined to entries within 0. Declgrat,jou;of Heajtn _Baclj ea. and so
the "Hyatorie of hys I . quilt dabbIlug In the water, Ile did the province In which it to situated. trV of A pon, d AQI , Alt them. a tow minutes In; the
have a priZe, -albeit he % very harne Was dic,.T.6, ind no one knew of %4 Stephealli,ad beerAback at, the gulch an , -1 ,ad4ittowtl' entry. enistard, then try in &. generous Amount
' I
I I M M eating. Atewo hy) t--Ag jO4 US Y sfn uce where I', was not. ,.-Ile UeVOr ,.a fortnigUt ot mom wheii Talbot a miuutjD'sm survey . he turned antl lan Egg -Laying 'doniest at Ottawa 113 paniedLby JL, e t
, 04 wjIl.L in not go, beyond the threshold. After Fees,- -T4e ezitry fee for the Can4d- of a male or m fem0e, Wil4tc be accom- of AnAlte4, bacon fat,
I - , I L I
-1 / an4 bys fieslie N0,11 'be naughte bu, countermanded an Order, and never L 4 clqii ton. Stating that the I MOL"SRS PIE. "
I M M . I found latetone afternoon, some of his w4lied down th6 tunnel leo4in-g to The entry fee for All Provincial bIrds & lArd come' from ,k flo6k that
I ,odea from a Ition. puce taken. 't Ole rokfm, and tbAs, combined With ilia shalt wherw he know the men Masts is $5, One-11fth of the -ontrY has, iot been ;affected ,with ehiek%X Molasses Die', ape quickly made -and
, L , t shoe leathere, rq will. with & sheen't 2!ee PO4
, I
I 1, heads, 'anda little stuffe from ye gar. even If in hit owil.heart be recognized I I —m ' .. t
. , Ner work'he baCto do in town, 4e- were -working. I , fog sintist accor4panT. the application, Ur ttibeiQuj,otla 'for, At.' least 'I quickly eaten -'way down South- TAke
L L I den wake very good supping and , later it Was an unwise One. But the , Cided him ,to go, down that M Afternoon m I 1,marjeyj ,,he - - -1 . M C I M
caiied, *own tile shaft, which - must be 1recolve we Aug.' rw.ntfijs previous I .. - molasses, Deat Into It thtee
, ,d bat . . Q.r a
I M , chewing, And bye these means you ;111 forethought ,and. chution, the dellbera- and return the ifollowin y L L pint of
'.I I I . M flon in dociollou that WeLre his by ra- ,g da before -, "What Is it?" come up from below 16. ,The balance must be paid 4poll 6. B4nd1n,gThe`,bIrd ka r beband- - and one large apdonfui of,butter,
I -
M save much monoy in ye et ea. He got reaft,16010 M M by the 4pwiler w'itb. his M own hands 191,
M bye you mighte better Maint I daylight: fail , Ili a surly tone. liotifleatioix Of 6co"tance of the wktry, gur the mixture into a plate lined
LL&A,v YUU4 , ture, madq the opeaslons, on which he " Q
, , M ad up his hoWe, and called upon You have allowed the Waste 0 y4lifell. will be by Sept. 30. Should the boe'
L I . wife's French hood. and milk gowlit." regretted, an order ver$ , selddin, and . fore Shipment. but-vill. .tr4 roband 4- with,rieli cruat and bake,
. L It such there wer6, no matter, the qr- no. SteII)ieli -on Into thd tunnel again, And my efitry not De acceptea, the flrstvtl,7 . m L M
M The itiost celebrated Cooks and eDl- Stephen ito Say het was gdI r , L with ieked colitOgt; bauOt upon , ar. . POIUC AND APPLE ,PIE,
i . . I der stood. He himself 1001fia upou ,.loolced quite surpwised-Talb6t'. verit, calbin to floo*.d.11 ment will be refunil,ed, but should the rival at the cout*$t. And.. tlie original -
I curea have been. - advocates of the , , to town so-seldomir-and thea`begam'.to 'Well, clean it out then! " balance of the entry too n6f be re- bands removed, T -he eputest numbers Fork and apple pies -good thick ones
claims of soup to be recognized. as I hts word as Irrevocable, whether given, " WIll -are Made in fill
kocative agent iii ,Promise or tommand, and Instinet,* 0haff,h1m.,upon Iola motives and 14- 'I think that Is your businees," an- oelved by Oct. 10,.tho Application, will corresponding -to - QWter'& -Aumber r a way Line a deep
, parome s4yp, as Ilia pro . I swered the dry, cutting tones from be cancelled and its first payment toy' be supplied in. ,
I I of .the go . od.diaAar. while GWrod do Ively all ,who -came In contact with tsntli)ns- M lit . . 11 P au 1411t,h .Crust, cut some nice fat pork
M Ia. Reyatere goea atill"', fui, ller.- 'Soup" him looked upon It In -the same IIAV, "As it Imppons, I'm 'going ,:about above. "Come up, At once and see to totted. , Failure to forward the .pen 7, Delivery-The birds Must be. de- very a and slice some apples, Place
'he says, "is What a portico Is to n The 'men, when they mado euga4a, some mending of ispades,"-Valbot re. It." when Instructed automatically forfeits I verea, at the contest when notified by a layer Of A@Ples IR tile )?laid, then a
I , L
. I
: jurned. I "I'Ta not go4ng to swab out your e:Kjjr,0
L I e4ltlee. it IS not Only t- I.M. __ I --V_ is ff . m M . the tab, and the,application is cancel the mlinigement, as prepaid., This layer. ot pork, Sprinkle each layer
M M . Are youlaure It's not t blasted, dirty old owbin!" shouted led. All cheques or money orders *111, be fiom the 15th with allspice, pepper and wagarib,,Have
! __ he breaking I to the end of la
M - L Sect of attraction, but It It. IS Well Coal- I oX hearts?" Stephen d L m Marley, hoarsely, from the, bottom of must be Made payable* mt par In Ot- October. - Address the ,a4i 'lug era" three, .or 'four layers, and let at
I M . bined it gives atruo foretaste of the , PIL MARTEVS PILLS . laughe back
I M temple itself, by which.he was'sitting. ant, for Egg-Lylug Contests." M
I M I an oper L I "Well, youll see Katrina anywayX A. stranke look came over Talbot's test As P giver .-L .pu with a t p
I fled in the Isat 25 4 I ell, qu each crAt , ouricement, k
I a Ahadoivi forth the subJect of 4 I d .11
. Just as the overture of .a fir the Alift. ,"Do it yourself." tawa, and'made out to the "Account- Plainly with . t1W.address, the Con- 090 be Apples. Sprinkle ougar and
sploo over the whole, cover
I FOR WOMENS AILMENTS' ftom th 1. k Ae'the An; an h -)4r.
M M the worR." Aliii ,whileL' the maqs4s' d*.oV*orqonhgvoteSti1 - . M her-$' I M M . lot face,' tt whitened and eat In Entries, -Entry forms Voia rules 0 Laud oil crust and bake .L
M Ir t o ea 0 . e be supplied upon ap.- . t Your own ad. . .
M ... Amy , the darlouegs. ,He .knew his -men were regulations will dress which Must. be th ftlk_, _ -1
I I May not have .,hel4 sueb,j An ex ited V LE IL . Gel.-tia I , , - dearAfellow," Interrupted Tal- I the Dominion Poultry . p aame.aa the - ., .. I
L I I .. L ;gathered about Marley, llst4WIng to' Plic4tiOn to ad lication
I . . they ID rem y I and ful bot, impaton:tly. - "I'm 3Xot going Husb 11 - L . Vj?ft 14101 and M0rnjf*,L
I . idea of the DurPose'ar t4qIr soup, 1 Ono ation. onl in a pate to, 'what 1)_wso d,, and tale open ;defiance auilman, central Vxpertme tat 'ViAs made, '!I, - _
I Were ,Act tardy"Iti recognizing, the q vr .. your ff at a@ see her, 11 shall have as much. aq,'I &.1his dlithority, this public insult be- I I . I L a I _ Have Clean Reahl
L -which had so much mail, . III Or eker , . I I , 8., heJe6tJonTU.e L Management ra- 0 _W
t re befqre iniddii - I __ - ----- , Eye#. UtbeyTjro,J'
; Merits OI j% food, 11 won 0. y fore thom Angered blot ekoossivelY . 7_0_1 to,
. L to recomr4end It -outside. of its advan- I 11, __ - __ - I to-morromr." and he went out before He, anada h1A answer very * .. I serve$_the right to'rstijg;6 any entries'. 59-N
1 ., Smart or Burn, if Sej*
I . t A— ....... - Ill-, the amaaedf4epheri could say Another , quietly, I I MR amed 6V
. . ages from An. ecouOultell ". . however, only his voice was pbeuli- L to relect-and return to the - owner, or Uun rqSrrritate Tull
. I . . . -
, . view, Oy' tan s9up ,for *4ample al- I 'word. . I .., . . DOM11. ION .- . destrok birds siift6
. . . I Arty hard, and the words seemed -to . . ring ,,from oontag- -1 S ,Granul ed,useMuriilo
though now regiiftp(I _4p a Ments with him and at1pulated ter- "(koingtdown-town and not g0fft 40, drop . . - -. disea b. ,or in L any J I Soothes, efreshes. S fe for nfa
-.1 . . , national tain tbrius for Certain work and . I like its on the men Standing MIDICAL INSTITUTE 10118 or tatectiolij, . . often a I fit
- .
see Katring! Why, lie must b . I _ - -- way unsuitable, ,for tho contest. to or Adult. At all Druggisteand Opticians.
I English dish. waV_uill hO*h fn Eng- other details, never asked for'paper, a Ma41-11' listening below, . Q.
, I au u L, Ll Malt,
" Pfi Of L the eJaculated4Stephon, mentally. "W0.4- "I allow no one to speak to me I V = I.... 1. . r t may I -
. . land ptlor, to ,the" gbrootl( . invented and oven rbfuse(L'tt when ,offered. der Vh 4 his own girVs I*% I a thathere," he eald. "This Is th __ i be tFb lase L .) 're set all -birds that,
I I Edict of Xantes, having be0a Whatever came trdra those allent,reso- VP at 1 4 - AAY- lk P - -_ . auix 1 . - __=_
I by the Fr6rich Huguenot emigrants be- lute lips they 'know unalterable, un- way , 'I, . . I U L a, Igg,'or .
, last day,that you work on the claim," I 0d Isqu it C tl 9, 4 - tO return to A CHWESE IDEA
cause of tUe cheapness at that time Of -. answerable, final .and absolute. they Thou hel tossed himself baelt on -the "111' Work -here as long as it Butts %k ; " . , 8 ! 11 . .
. "JI. -' * I all trdited his.-Vord Completely, qud uff 4ind llooked, at a little postage me,11 retorted 51arley, with an oath . . I I
. WR the o ne * r, ioh eggs, have
. -
b the little'used ox tA r . " 4 not a r ve . Y ecemb6r is. .
I So, too, In a great'degi6e, nearli all It passed among them as other men!& stamp photograph Katrina ba , uma Aie out." Klw I , LONG - t . . An.
I , I 1. I d ji4ou "'YOV can't t , 9, reedl fk.ownor 'Will be al- d It's Not Stich a Bad OAe,
. I teh soups which, have "We 'will sea about that," returned I
I I bond. ' him ot,helimlf, which -be had stuck on ... -A l9wed-to Solid After' - , At ThO.
L I L L I ndl," ,are Just such -. I l', - . pop US I * je tb := Februaty iryth, a
. . I I Everything on the claim was, well the fl.7-leat, of his Grbet testamen T411bot, In the same even, frigid tone; I 11 . at L With big. pen, .
. combinations of iniLierial Which repre- 7 he turned away from the pit and Suitable I I . I . . .
. organized, All was kept in smooth The to* Ing morning, begor ':4t And 0; and al I
I - 5 t. but I(ttle ,co§t -.The Scotch mutton I , w, - . , . -.,. walked. back to big flooded Cabin. L 4 . . I eggs fronx sk mat6&-pen from It Is, excep
I an I 'Working *order. The men had 6xact '.-, . _ . . pad t in China, as far from A
. and barle brotfi-,: the hothe pot. the OnTS OtL - .- FIe found Denbigh had arrived ;; I " -1 L March Ist to Mai lot will.$e ,ship ,
I . Cherry soup bf Nol,lth .Germay, the h work, exact time for Chang- . I ." I ., , , ( I , rsetT COX. QU66XST4 ; to the owner or to.L 0$, 'other Single to 13 as Lt Is from B to A. Many travel-
. Cf0k,j3fQff0jj R00gf(;0Mp6"t here. , It was close to the luncheon i lers have commented upon toe Appar-
tiehi,' or Ang off, eacli his Specified work and which tile, w - -
1. uss,ian I I 4our,by this time, and be was doing ONTO --- . 4d4reas I ownerL -%um desig-
I L cabbage soup, the ace on the ground, each his tools, I - -Jr ". , ant laoX 69 the knowledge of distaliq-ts
I ,... I edim of Spain .'or the caldo of Galatia. N . L ,d,, wf.e.-reliablawLi 1dif"g what he Could to get rld of the wateF. gate. The eggs will .be shipped ofice across the -country or between tovins
.1 L ... " A muny otbois. are foods for W'litch he was accountable as long . - I'll Inodicine. Sold in -t ' I .1 .1 11 ;,.,I .............. " It 'Week In bulk; iInd only to the OlIA- . L. 21 .
not to mentio, a of strength -No. '' - lie looked up, and saw at once from " ' add e . exhibited by the Culnese. it 'at one
'.. 4 L 'is he worked there. Elle I O?" go"' 'the other's face there had been some Farm, Qttawa, -or the Superintendent .r two months- town they
. .... 'L I Whose economical features have had , . . 1 2 No. 8, 95 ; r 01. . . . as Ahrouzhqut tike Inquired the distance to f e
.. . Much to do w1th their p6pularity. and I c Talbot's forethought even went for Sold I d" , or iIpfit unusual Incident. L of the Experimental Farm'upowwaicti, All'egga iollected fhat- are jiot cracked ,next they were perhaps told twenty
. An '
I I .: 0 I -yet it IS these soitlis rather than the h to provide for the happy -go'- 11 . I top on "Co t ... r4c -. . 0Wbat's up?" he Inquired, *auding the contest you Wlshto enta.r is Con-, or,brokou wilt 'be Includ64 in these, fl one-thlrd of a mile; but upon ar-
, I
: inoug creatures _ I I P IOU L d 8 I As the. mating I
More expOlisive Combination$ Of Many lucky and mostly ungrateful ,I. " I ree U still, with his'niop in -his hand. ducted (See names of conteats above.) shiPmelits 1,1, . of- tile riving al fhat town they were surprisOd
I 1. ,as which 1 -who had no idea of providing ' for .. V 1. - T*IE COOK I 4' dl "That follow Warley Is makidg ill tntrlZ must be made direct to the Pens is. -not optional, Lit
. kind- of ,flesh Attd,'Yeg6t4b , . % . llroiloitto. omi. - W.), .1 ' will be noted to learn that the distance back to the
.. have ;Oun4 a place, In' history and - . themselves. HOL establls- ed a sick . , I . the tro"le -he can " returned Talbot. contest you wish to bater, along with .that In CqpO of 'oroduction itwards. ja starting point was estimated -at -
i , .. I a, . d will be
. fund,and to tiach each of the Men who — .10 dediletibm of fee two0y.
literature, ' Who thero is 4 reader worked'for him was obliged to SUb4 4' . I 7'" "I. have Just told iil he has got to the first payment befor,e Aug. :-5, 1"924. made in 'tb I pens `bavink '% 'Mile bird, four li, slid that the coa 6f jouiney -
L or books, for I txar4loi who does ii t I I w4a fully* light, found, Talbot I get out that's all," RECORI Or PERb OFUMANCX AA. "p Ing -back was correspondingly greater
I . g 1, d, or the scribe a out of their We t011Ifig 10. PrlCe--Ej&js.' *
L . trifle el iy up tli,tholw6st gulch OtLvtoqt. He h64 DoWlgh'a face fell. - so sliI`pb,bd will 1 o thafi' the, .Cost of the Journey hitll4r.
. I . know, the brotlls'..Oj S(l0t all . , .. Wages. Theii Iii their not Infrequent a bad Job," he 'remark- - .(Domtulon Experimental irarms chargeo,"i.dr At ten cents An egg and Thi's ,peculiarity extends also to travel
. . eu cuff O,t tile ArhWs, WbIle Gautlerj% L mad Oallsearly'.stari,aud he wanted J. L "I think i;!e Announcement.) ,
. of tlji ollit'--podrida. and ' sickness tlfe4 was alleviation and L *111. be shipped. exDreai thrliect. A bill :by. river, the distance upstreath be-
, L .
L de:erjjj as be bAck,before th , ad aftar a moment. "You kupw What nules and RegulatiqjIb. will acco any, each shIP,mont. which ' ,
., gaspacho of Spatu, ,dlrf . scarcely JoSq" comfort waiting for them. If the and the 0,ir a men began work,' a desperate devil he I&. lie would 1. Number7lFach .atry*br.pen shall __ .11AP I I .. L . ,_ 1% lug greater than that downstreaniz,Tbe
I . famillar, T6' Gautier.- 61,12 possessed ,miners were Aot .)its friends they were ,hung round L One- I and , you. I (b lieve, it he had to giv 1. L I confusion which has thus arisea'has
, against lone's - cheek like a sodden kill a a I . %, - . . .'' 1. .. 1.
. I 1.
I merits that Were', lindoblable, even his dependents, and as such he cared blaziketf up )its work." - 11, consist ofAea birda_ot a'standard va- I L' fly4p ".. be Incomprehlensible to fore*nora. .- -
- . ! 1. oit
..", thougWit was m0a of'-a'stew than for them and,'Ie( ed after them. He 111M O ` in the dusky dawn. It took F'Well, he has been trying to boas rietyj and each bird must be typical .1 %_ PROSPH - . - Yet the Chinese method of
ake the dls- - :4 ph.9" I measuring
. 'OUtr .us c6uld -not WAS always triagaly in matiner to Wr three hourito m this 'business for sorae time now," re- Of the breed and , free ifrom Standard I The Great Engl4h e6aration. I " 6
1 soup, but of gaspr.4 I - taa",,4nd when he reached his IToner. 2od snvigoratOs the wholip - is Act altogether illogical. The un
j .
. Irvous syste A MeAgurement 1.3 not with
, U
I I " , I , - .,. PL now lllo6 d the ChIriess
L ,' PbOtigirl. ,,With them, always' Tiidy to help and 1s' .cAbitk turke4"Talbot, "and 1 ,am tired of it. disqualifications. .
I . speak dlsparaglngj t . he felt chilled L . I it Df
I Ast, them, to attond to their wants, to thivugh,' All hia 2. Substitution-Emiu. contesta4t; will I I si old VeInX.Mtseille Nervop a milt of length, but a uni o energy:
. us," lie says, "dogo but- tolerably Well , ! Muscle.% were stiff audkdunib from the To -day he finished with a gross In- wed to keep bas -Den of 10 birds a .t
I' atilt betore.a lot of the men.. and li's be alto ft ;IV?, Loss of grierg Polpitati6a N.
. I bred. Would refuse t_)-,CoiV romise their listen to their, c6inplaints, and settle long climb. He felt a longing twaft . , angth th,6U L' - h D&Vith y, Mental and-Brah! WA70 He, measures a distance, hof by the
I . L , . - up to Sir ghout the contest I De*oh 'toe passed over. but by
. . #ur4, but it is the . the frequent 1 disputes among them- down and rest and get a little warbith- .. . , -.-- . - fkeWeart aUingAtemory. 100per X,3., actual &P, tho
. noses in such w r 4 'a r ( .
I brought 4__. ' I'druggiists, or tajailed in plain 411101111
' LL . gavorito dish Of thle Ajldhlllslaos, and selves, which they Invariably Ilan Contest two reserves f9r%. ,)ld'by al' t of physleal,energy requiredto
. 11 feat to him for 4 d It he had not kindled -in. his half-froz9A &U U 01 . ., L I I . I - - 45 ipt Of price. New pamphlers rnailed :.1
jjon. .1 I intends# as s4batitutes must accoul. mkg;onr" - ,cover the space.
the prettiest ' V6'fii4*_'Vtth0ut . The 'L riqt , thing that encoli'At-Ood. A wholesome, C pany tlie original AZArds. and will be Xrie, TOE we
Poonfuls of instilled affectl8n Into them, they felt , , leanstapp . . , 600 MENCINA 004148OUTOANT. ,Hts wage Is based. ion a unit of an -
swallow at avei6n& &40 8 Ill 4-V, 4 .1 1.1 11 4 , PRINE Ralreshin" d ficallas I . . 11 I .. .r
, ,1:
, ., it j
I INVI XW 81, up, I
_____ __--_1___,_____
.1 - - -
_ I ,
____ gwrp: 11.,111111
,rAR=,r0A`A4=, -
wl I I
! 17 - ! t f
, , i I.,
on Xain 'Street, Georo,towail',Av .
, . -41
from Toronto qnd H,4rAljton
Guelph, *01th reservationj fat N'_'
esent owner and wife r Of P4 , ,.f
a = room with VAC
%-3 present ,
u e , j4ZO,
- of the l4rge Productive
Mau, em, remamaor one"Y, -but ''a' Zell
llvg and let. live Payments. I An UCA
home. R. I L. Bessey, Box 3, 040jjr -
town, Oat. ...
. BUSINESS OITAXO 14, ...! .
L' INTG, stable, chattels axl4l; took,,i (jLt
Shelburne, DufferIn County, O.qt.,, e.gLpk,. .
City 60 barrelo-, equipment complote , -
cluding 2 motors, sifter, middlino mRs'; , .
Als9p process wetting Outfit, bte.; W,m
att4tlon mill and Oat ,roll; .going - dpl -
oern; annual sales $70,00; choPpIng t9v_
enue, $3,000, owner --retiring; bw.kalll ;tor .
nuick FAI0. J. W. Hamilton, SbelbUV e,
at. . - ,.% , , I , .
I I . r.
. . .
I .
. . chairs and (obacco businem-, ,.P
91,IkLct0r _ Collinmood , , I
.". Ont. M==tim
. .
lnrs and Price -to R. X. Gleniok, Fl. 0.
Zo-X, I . 1. .1
. .
.. - , I .
.' ' . .-., . , ,
fore. AS .B:P,. L I
- sample Skeir,k and p'rl'
twenty five bents. Georgotowyt .. ,, . I
310 o. Georgetown. Ontarlef. . ; w - I
. 40k.k_ . - .,.: ;
A DOurMON ZxPn'Ess No"y Q* - .
der for five dollars eostz4 three aeAW I
___ ---. - . 1
1. I 1. 11
. . ,
. I E9.11y Irm Culture. 1, .
. . .. -. .;! -
he evidences of early And Ii. ,
culture in IrOland are a mulotude.6t, I
beautiful things, classics Of litelrai4ij,
but lMewlBe Wonders of ..creA#V-9.._ak_V;, I
Tilde at Cong abbey, where sleep m4or., I
of Ireland's anof@ut dead.. and-,.amo', j I
them Rory O'Connor. the last. k pg.' I
. I
there is. an exQuisite. cross WMI 6fd_ I
tracerles and deltcaie b ukvot;,,sIjj,'
. ' 04, . 11 -
and- copper and enamel arid ronx-6,,'v
tdof of the civiiiistion built 4. - - .
I In If,eland lonc before the N6rm . _ 4
crossed to her shores. Such Inita;k,je_s , .
I Might be muitiolled. ; , ..".'' .
. . I I.:.., '., I
. ___ 17 -!P -
; .
I .
.. ., I
: I . , 6 ... . .
11" I r, . I
,; ..... I I .
;; ,,;___ . 1%
.4 " _ . f.- , 1.
j .
11 ..
, ,
I this infernal s6 ))." ". . - i iin unlimited Ith and contideflee In - 0. _ " WI, IV C Ae4f * - -- housed with the in who pen. 1he 40 I I I- .-I !,. I .1 ,ergy, which is the amount it would ' I a ........ X ,
I - -
, - . . . . . . I., I
I 9 or salad, hil the block composed of'this own calbin- .,. - Lo1IohMtjda& for Red- birds for the orlgln-A. L)oa bhust bA to a given load -one pioul Wherg e is not - " '
it may!b ,,ballbd, i absolu e Jlistke. ` , nea, S be paid, and the empty package , 61 e to carry S W -",!, " : I
; I Soup , "He's hard real hard," they said anik th tunnel, was a a7heetot smooill f&2f -,- oredew. rauu)A- a the, contest begins. - (1 8 -pounds) one It -ops level ground. , Sacrifice , .
I pecified before " . .
llichdver. fancy wii :.Alctate, for to ! 0 ,-- p =to _1 I
W , ", Ir tion,itching anditurtling will If.; thd road Is down alll the dlstanc6 , , . kbo* 64Ws?'1fV-4W *,..&,W,Wb hib" ,)". I .
. P., Eyll . *a V" 6. .d '.A bW .d.ft W " I ;
toe oiily aii inch deep. peThilps, but:, 1. Purther substitution will be allowed turudd b4ore tho nelt sfiip I
. -Gautier again, - Among themselves, "but he'll never go . 'r 86 , in,eni , ,
make Lt, acco;.0jug fto 9lWzIng 6vdr the/ground from WhOO 'I , I . E56f the Eyes a 1d?0lIds*. deaths occur. In the. Provilicial Cou. be tdrWarded. I
0110 filD a iiii 4 jiliVture of back on you," and that wah the re- he sto4d t& hl' town. doorI to After th M A M M_fldx:ar Golf il.' PeedIng and' houslna- -The birds is, regarded. as less than the actual I . AN WALM HOUSE h )W 'A - 9" W W * i" 6ft 40 , ,
. "' which shreds colved opinion. among them, s - Ela gar *. , "or cm 6 'o' ot Drugal" -tests substitutes will be accepted when I linear distance. because It Is supposed 1.
watbr,.vihe: '. " 6 1 1: I n', ad..m. Wr . while fu.the cont9st will. I I I ME NO= W P1 W r Y 11 :,
. . I I., I at oncetwh.had-happened-the Vaste ! det "OiVO'thO to talie less energy to' 'travel In Mat 1,
i . . of garlic, onto ' * ' ,tefs, slices ' - Although he was Conscious -now Of i, " _ .. , Or- , a hian yoor Eyes Need Care. 1; beat ,of't 0e d and Caro .And- the system I
ta a, ,t' , __ I e tys, P_6.-N .q"- .". .
. Cd M 011 water the workings had`,be" bj =14W 00,60111"90 3, Acceptance of Entries -As the a or. as, the Chinese puts it. fter=&0=ZW___ I I ; .
. -ir and bits of the feeling growing up among' hIs diverted from Its proper ou I tlet; 4 1 gd , accommodation at each contest is lim- 9f f0edijilt will be mixed i(rain in lit- 'The It are short." I .1 .,
I of Cucumber apg Cbjp . dir c4on, ZA.-f- j- _ff, AT
. 4r,Pr,"60,d.".,.4. 4 , ,--
i bread are It s6al(Vutll they are men, he appeared- to ignore it entir .1 1. . -,-I-,_, - . . I
i - had simply run -freely at Its Own Will ill I 1111.d I 1-1 ,. p- , !M=-- N. h_,. =L,0-,Mft- .0._WA - , . t
I . thoroughly satu' atod `,vIth the liquid, ly. - As long as iii7instructiong aned ited. the acceptance of the pens will ler mornilig and'evening. and dry It naturally, follows that, travelling* IT *R. -W -#",-, - W A". *W. i* WWAW A* "
I Over the 1"01 grourill. Tal,put 5 V auu . vk IN.4 _. ,
r , ' ' commands Were carried :out. he time', ' , be Influenced by- mash in a hopper before them All - the, -in the opposite direction, the road be- . 11 1, .., . I . I.. ... , . .I..
.. when the mesa ip sdfv& cbld. ! Affect- darkened as 416 'eyes -rested on.it.jt I . , - (1) Wheilier IbA entrant broods the t1mg, Gres nfeed,'grit. shell and,beef- Ing An ascent, a greater expenditure . I I
I thinki to show him and them
;. T401 P,I(AY SAID , ,ed 6 be In lg orinca wh4ther It Was Wes j.NIkrleY'a business to too that the . wb o IS boss here." '. . :, 4. A4
I -
. I WHAT ". [ I Was a smiling or a scowling face. Ile egress for the -Water was Akept, Irto 110ouldn't you overlook It?" reDlied pen entered or not .. Ural) Ok.' green bona wilt RISO be sup- of energi Is necessary, "The 11 are . . . . : 1 , V
I They will be li6tt In houa2a I
While not 1600 "M&S%" Lue rich alid I felt certain that the disaffection owed Denbigh, tentatively, With a, scared (2) The number of birds of"the same plied. . long," and In order to got a fair com- .- E ... .. , .
. . savory stew silitah . 'I'llafterav "as ,' ffi,orlgin to the man Marley, and he and finblookpd with lee, and,only yeo- strain, kept by the ownel% having glass and oatton. fronts , vensatIon for their work the carriers - I ) 4, : I ; .
. done so ilitich to tnimoitalizo W1116aii-.-tZ torday he had given him orders to . look On his ,thin facq. or4 of, the 12. Eggs countOd-Tbe ddatest, shall .Must See that the distance and the : * SO 0, ,, .i I
. III, have no wish to," replied Talbot . I I
I 0 strp,491Y to the ordinary .. ,Vxgetted- every day that gums matter attend tp it. It was 66 secoad -or 1 flooll. - be'400lded by the total -.'riumbor of dorresponding charges are increased. ' - ,---- I 1. I ,
I . , , I . NVould hrlug,this man and himself In- third tinie he had returned t6 ft tile j ooldty, "There is bound to be trouble (4) The time of application. marketable eggs laid br 4 each ' pen. This way of estimating the 'distapea I %, . -
Ualate., Is- to a personal conflict, In which he entrance to his own house almost lin. foolue Ithr.e. Jt MAY Just as well COMI b 4. Inspectlon-Peas 'for which, 0- Exceidingly bad shaped, eggs, soft malcos the Chinese system of measure. - . 11 I
. ThIs bouillabaliza a AoUW'dish -Meant to conquer, and he 'Preferred to pasaable. Crossing over With diffi-' no* as later." I . I I
I ,
A Sort of brot i, or toup., or brew. 'Wait for this to happen thab, to, in any ou ; Denblgh opened. his mouth to -make PlIcatioas haye . been 'received will be shelled dL19S, or eggs welping less mont seem simple and oven ratfortal.,' I Sim ai;d. S kting. ', r., '
I _X * I Ityk the frozen. stream, he looked iuDected between -Aug. 15 and Sept. 30. thart 20 ounces to'the,4oii . wilt not .
I of fishesi -- I . .1
i Ot llotdhDotcb .O' Ull kinas, I way, take an Initiative stop in bring- Int6 big cabin. "There Was About A a further ,Protest, but Talbot stopped n, TOA61` E i
. . and those that ihay be among dis- be giv.0a official tire0t, - .. ' , , CHANG 33ETTIOR Of summer silks - the -Orlelatal 1111ka
t or OUNY11:11 never could ,out4o; , Jig the Covert hostfitty to light, toot of Muddy -water and too tover# I him ., __ - . 1. -t ,TvTrs, Nextdoor-Has prohibition mad# ' e pfilbfsSt. . ' 1
T h,q a - - , - - .1 - . — !
. I I .
Greag herbs, rei pepper, mussels. sat I _-- _ . ___. _ I 'rBon't let. ua dlacuse It any further, . = - -_ -_ nt!. 13. Disposal of',oggs Alt,jeggs laid Itch change In vj ar
I ' - I'll I I L . . . . during the contest becoMe'the projer. "m pur husband? ,
11 lern. . .... lj 1. . .1. Pleass," he Said, curtly; and Denbigh . Xrs. Snopps-Not much small thange The pongees fjora China are stor4yt,
Soles. olxlon,: arilo: rincit and dace. V 11 I .. I .................. I .......... ..... - I t, 11, the Debartment of Agriculture, b4t I found $6 in bills in the vest last' cooV and practlaal-their uses ..so f6to
-_ - - . ' closeds his mouth and dropped buk -
It, . . . I " ,.I W'* -
I. All thelae you Ott at -Terv ls tavern. ^ . on his. knees. to big floor -mopping. W ives and Rother's and thoss'not shipped '43 '- breeding I night., .. it underskifts to outerskirto, horii Men% "
. ar . . . I eggi will be sold At market, Prices. — . .- . , abirts to shirtwaists. and from motor
In that one ,f 0 0 a $90. - The', SpIsdiallst : . Ta"t drow out his a , 14.1 TWporti-A 'report of the ttap. ' , '
- - j Over It, and buckled it round 'is . I . . coats to riding breeches. f,
.But Thacicer o is not.' !' IV mail - , :OR,, WAR of,Canada ' neat 1wealtly record of each bird and - I .. The cool,. , pretty white hal-iitgIg
of letters who , ias vIsIte(t Marseilles A I I waist.
. I i4k, 79 NIAGARA SQUARE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. t_ - : of oath pen launder b64utlfa'IIY,. Wear,and +,r" -r
, 1. ,,
, I !;..' 11 sy 114oul be issued at , -each HE M-
and ever . Whin the room was reduceil to ,weeklir and total record T IS'ERT-OF
aftef-waril Ilan 91WIt the . bt I 1. Stratforct, Oat.—.' 'I am very onthus6dtio , WfjI the close of , and,wear .and are as practical as the
- . - 1, Memo's Favorite Presorip- week, Coolbo -',of this tet)drt along . t
oralses of its bo'l Illabalsse,,nor to Mar. . I .1. I I ,joy,no-UpIpearancept,dry comfort again, Vhdso of D. .
settle$ the O spot on earth whpro . Men, Are You in -_ - , 1. tht, two Men sat down- to their I tion as a tonic fog with a monthly summary will be Sent pong6ell. almost. I I
I ". I ., 00taut mothw. I And for evenint towns there Is
this doleetaUle .-,, List% ian lie Drepared. I . IZA40n; In allence. Talbot was too expe quite
. I As ,excited to swall6v a alouthful of the 1p ence both. 464h the tba -will publish them. I — , -
I Of eourse there 6 fish ,Itr the Modl- to yout troubre? Have y6a-,,gows skid , I I h6ve bad expert. to each contestant and to all papers r ', BACKA00E a. fashion Just now for thoole lovely
' ' '
Ah atilio't be found else- I . . eruption that ls stubborn, hAs. retlAt6d' 'ftit4 - ; food. Although so Calm outwardly, I - 'Pivgerlption' and 16. The *Return .ot the Illrda 0 L , Mace satina-with brilliant shean And
I terrilnean whit, I I I It n Remilived by Lydia E. Piuk. In exquisite coloringa. They 4re aoft
Whore. but tba"knot that other fishes . L , merit I is there a narvoljs cohdjitloft , which, ' 'Ind with such aboolutex ewman& over 1"Im , - I "how ' j 'I'd O)w In notification As to the return of 'the ough to drops beauttfull3r, coMa...'ttk.,
ulay lye subotit I ed t1in eatily be do. L . .. I his passion, anger Was wIth him, like . 4 I a Position to know fkain's V .
I birds has been received by October 1. -0getAle Compound. or' .
I doen not I rngrove In spite Sf rest, d1ot k' " I LL , Changeable colors th
. 110 I flamo at white heat, rushing through . illit there is a vast . 1. at are go varlablo
; monstrated, for IS Just A possible to I . I I I . . 1921. the birds on the completion of o to O%activ the shad*
I ineditinat Arb you goli1g. dowh hill sto dllyf his veins. . differeneet. I . Igsl to* Lyft 0. it IS difficult t 11
: Prepare good ... Illabalg9o,)VIthin the I , Vd, I
I . 'borders of the .. Ited States as It to to I I AkP. YOU NERVOUS afid daspqjaad v6ik As they sat they heard the miners .%L . , Ilever oatIm" the contest will be Seat by express PPIft I able ConipoUnd fot theYore. and are so lovely the govint.
I . I at all -with MY colleqt. to the owner's, Adams frolli .
, __
thAlke Lafftillo'. earn's ghuibn herbs I , anj debilltatod; t1rod thorAtags; no aniblOn tramping by the cabin door, and saw .' ft" backache, and I tilso - need little adorning, - L, .
- V. , L
easily fAtIdUaL their heads pass the window as they "". 4 - Mz4Vtic*' bab1011 whith-AUe shipment Was made. Should '
I dWL- , — ' -
i 11foloss; moMory tione; d; , loy'. %-...' jt-I" L 4f the 'had U. femAle Weak- t J V*s lw .
k., _', but I ,w" trArew &
OtItsIO bt the 40 y of New Orleans ol- - "I tiny .0,0216 not be laYing towards MilialId'a 01-1,it-)i s 'a
! _ got. their middwj meal. I ,*N Ift , -din I . I A .
' lack of en6r9y and con& Went 6nt to uiloomfoftAble wit al y 11'
I tItAble &nd 1priftlile, " a I My Nuffering was Mtft a aurnervous, and
the Vaunted C14)m Chowder of Rhode j th ose of the contest, And: notlike nes I felt
' dsno6t Is there faillog pbw6r, a dfttn 6h thil Denbigh lAlmself, as soon go he had the Ahera- -
Island tat froul'tho w4ter t Narrit- , r finished, made an .excuse and depart-, when I hod not fAken the Tovorde ly' to lay before the end,-theyLvIll be Obtaln Oii.yrom tggg, '. "
Kallsett nly, a , ateol 3 Oyttetnt Consult Aho Old tAll.obla, spoolallw** , L iptibal. I shall always %U was without et)ergy. , I
' p Ish such i I piosout'd Ili returned earlier. so as td malte room ,I
. . , L, . id. ' He vas eagei' to Join his Com- "r L ta L t I I had to force Myself Tho turfle living In the, Ortaoao la
culinary f I fecommetidina it to cKo" n mot 1 I I
eAtl5j, how0br, one must . . . Oft " or birds entering for tho.:,,noxt oon,I '
i a -In the selection , .. I ! I . . . . . I .. V I SYMPTOM6 OV VARIO.US AILMlINTIL - . patilons before they dide back to , _f41W. LUOTA M. MPBU, 114 1 toot. I to do rhy,work,und eggs 'Which alrov!itraordlukry rjeh.,
i OXOrclaO As M441i dar I Wo .V I work and heat .,)owe more delectable ft , ;as alwitg tired.
. 14. Stile of Transfet-NO t000lvittlon . oil, The Indlafis in 13ritish GuIpga
of tbo recipe afralt following the local ' aw I .
; W*&'k thd rek%64 lltatb of the b6dy, tervolUmbda, db*PoJ1d6tt0t, 0** details -of tho -row than he could get
; methodg of C061 'O.,rY t6 the letter, for ' ft4mory, liLok of .%viit vowbr. timl(i, iretAbte disigwitton, dkilliftlah6d P.0*0 : / COULD NOT SLEEP Of sale or transfer of birds durinz the ' . ,% .. S P16 hMn ad- Collect 26.000,000 yearly for Makijag
is Men had LL, _ vertisel
I otherwlso it, wit . be. impossible to at. - of IkPplifttioh. ftergy and coneentrd6tion. fear of tmoftAing d"gor or Iola- I Itallfar X S .._"I *A# in 4 .4 L * contest ,will be made, nor shall any I Merit Which Oil. 'The eggs of Many sea birds Are
f,1111 re'.4111tAL thtt will 111L any Sells$ 1 fortuna. drowelftoss and t6ndeA46yLt(.) tuxtstful sl6op. dt rk rtuge un , filed out from the tunifel ,Talbat went I ricrvous OQ,,t, - 'run.( owor , induced roe to tako excoll"t eating. The beat Of the lot,%
I 60 OYU, 16#8 *f weight, lwpomnls ^. kod giveo gqu tho bowfft of Into tho"passageand walked up to the on for over two ytAiri, ilad entry, be withdrawn duriAg, the tou" . I the VdgetAblo Com'. said to be that of the ,1zau
prove gadilfavto, *. - , , I? "'k
.t wrousi blO13 (6 ., - I
redt'Al Continuous prateti66 in 6 heavy wood zea trftted by, severol dudtdrs And only test, exoopt f6f.roasons. stitted above, ML rte.11 a blid
, -pound# and my back which Ig Vory
4ha trt0molit Of all a Otle. nq en door and shut It, b,kr, I ound tompopty telidf. I could,not slaeo 17, Record of PetfOriUsYlob,-All 1-1.9 - , Coot, L CoMmoli, pu the L4bft.
SOTJIX. , Ov omm and akki diobasm. The abo Vtoms hod bj"y 6tharim -06t INktutiftod ring it with a steady hand. This was ' -, oriLdually iotg!" dor .
lxw'6 birds In the contests not otherwise so ing.And I felt It hter Ifi spia , I i 9 4
I Sho* 1)1&tnly that *oFw,&iRIng*7;AnnWi;iW With Yaw VhYAW&I 60WItiOu kda' . At night my litart palpfUted w, and r *#A .
Ties% difficult! i to Ptepare Ar4D tile I ... main entrance to thi) shaft, and at althostafta"clo"mye". jS*1n9W` disqualified, and whose eggs avdrago .I4 Iibbjoo,
011lon solip-3,of v ihhle 4 --- t wrote oAd x tt4d ray ",motomt I am radommending A
_11ilgh both Matory ,,Ind %A ta* present timo the only one. The husA _ to te othble Cora*
Was &0 Was nobiver, Under ordinary o1r. HOWL ill Blifffilo N. YI I War. ftdVj"d fjo-
Itteraturo Makq such frequent men. door +AthfthWi0Al0Afik6 I.PlOr W4112ftfidY t4 ounces to the dozen that,lia S2 eon. poohd with Ileasur4o to a g I ine6t who dotbutious xev*-ft, uluf, , , 1 1 ;
"t tft&t. aboutive weeks lay 10 eggg, will re- COM I n as did.,"-MiLnjttn Snontr_ .. 1 The Vise Man in lar"I. kas truW
t1b", fOr MOUPS -,f WhIett ,the basis 13 #avw. tumstanees, Closed, but stood open all jut ,Dr. pjj; GoRen lvl6ffiopa Dit- eelvar Vottiffeate of rocord'of perform. Man , OhL 1: 11A fool's lipit onter into tol4ju.
tht Olil" hILY6 boon tile delight of the .. .. , 4 . day for the melt to paag In and out to cov,07 with tbo Tl%volito Prek-ripgoul, an,46 A,A- and lbago -that lay,22$ tggs I I V tion." And the tontentlous, tool to As
.. , I MIA0
hroVest and won olnee the ,Jay 0 't t tlieit work. When be had fastened . th6 I lam -at Pelletal. I did so witk 't will traeolve cortifiWo -of Advanced, ' The Precious Cift-** i I COMMOU A U14186106 0-447 " be
Vlt "I b6a 814vand bwmdo Ii,of Derforonvi a AA Iw" ,
W ell goup W I rat Invented, The ' '06 s -ft r"11 -4 emly o6a '106 t* 11*6-46 r
Ot% one whiel, sho, should r4oat Zell. no, doubt k tUA 01464 'C n,00. ,U2U4*,,
h t "&jIp6,tUt It he vrglkcd back, turned his Into his VbW btMultS. leoull I 'Y
1IM"le boroas dil,*j .,Wo)l Upon It, 9,6" Aft t ft thjtt yft Itht A I04 *Ott living Is,& aft cabin, and took up his Mato at, my 111tuml odf aptil. I t'etWilly ro dojn. t000rd atp ?
'Wat" morA or tmt IV*
t? ta Jig fnmd Dr. Plorte's me&dnea to all kterm4 18. Itespongibility-WUllor'aVory pro. a gusird Ig her health, but she often In pr000ttIou, to their lack of actV0,
*41140r, it , -irWoot 6f Awa h6kit how Mt VA"y & "$A It I Is *—ftV-*- the window. Prom here he Could 1k I ft
StA11111109, Kitis Ot Poland, loyod it gO U bftft t4ling Man thM# ththgs *W ft"Y 7000ft VAN 6*6 arg, I fop th6y hj%v6 done for wo vrbAt eloators taqtIDU will be taken, nolthor tht man. ft acts to do so In fie"Oh Unt" Sor" k1kowledfa do stioli parwais Dro,tuwi
T1113rly thAt he Irays It'hin own name, ""M 6f '04tirML *ho, for "XW",rft"W# "" A&t ithoe men AS they -come back.' ThdY I falted to da and thoy havp mved mil doeoW er sex has foAtened 1
Wh11* thf* ftckt DMIRS "kt day 1J, I Z tho good &#W" 'bi*an to return earlier than was theft bilh too.1.1_MRS,J0ljXXOUANS,0", wtuout tLor afkY -official, ,of the ten. wh4j, $6 10feetad, tO 86t't 6M"IV69 UO, as IdittAt0rg1to
. .a in I- M *M wait, , J wt -&w. . I test Will be held ftsPonalblo, thould olliers.-SxdhoAge. .
the IRYeation qf an onjon #080 which, I t of t1A 4o,e*M6ft%. tid"" *%"0VAyot wout, knowIlig that trouble Vss In the . Watnall MAY rely I I
t',=#A'04,I1$tt4M1"1*tgh5*, tt""*ftl PV=4014n AM4 1 "_ tMblk 44ft lost 60". -Von Lydli f Pink. - .. ..... I——
. 41*1114tl '. . 0in stir, iod cath Olio *as anxious to b6 ! Tormt6; Oilt..-I-Volp ~ t'hirty ywo bWn'd VeVt6blO CbmPO=d,,6 t*Tftdy Mt" vitimeA 0 0
t., %14 tatte, X40mod all Jill ppevibux ObWA, AM= rootAl W"bWo 0140, tj*tu =1 0001 19. 1"11 46*4MI-14 Am: cas", the , that bas Ifiou woN I oc"aftl Ih 1,416 V" bh*thVk
eftoru. , rv=. on ths- spot for the mials. All through' ' I hrme b" a uw of Dr. pwft's Pht"ni 6eld4a of the WtassaMeft thpal bo rr hoslth tfL stif% - f Woylken. I
_______14_41 _ 0"104 HOURS$ 0 *^ to 0 0.1mo 00-644 Vorda and I , 4, _ :2r VXV=2rVV.--n041N=01 I
I . *-jt jil,,M. to I I p.ft % the lurich 'hour Talbot's Page* I bAvt t,hk#n them kr Hror tmbts, VnAl, I I — ,,
It wX4 the f1rAt Mood in o Abe po""IbIlity of Dkk Marlow being .hftd., _ . , "u- h*" tW khAtft 6ubt iffiat (n,Wdo ,lQ' L .
br rure tho billautnew, Cousapation and sick L a X Pinkhm, V, I
k obligod to, "quit" was the stile toplo of I %"I---. C L-L'oon Com. sh,6 a
. 090%V110011. "Yoll daw,t 'n,'% k' I h gt h*IWS LIMMOMA414V*6601" Itft -__4 to , - Vhft "It ye"W" 1* *0
. )WO" uop ftnlnx frftb*"I;. You mtwt =40 oft *UK *4 tfty ofewo mo 40AVeratiou. a4hoa tild tt*y saw*ys xgya wo tlw r*U*f M4 I A__40.0,4 =4 will IWWJOVW lydit rL ,Uut
br*44 mothor %"d to *Ak,*,,, bn mrn. 0, 00f*m1a 100 ot ftAV Will bo 04CA ViA , I twl_
AMkAtlov A#Ah\"4 wanw. I A'm ware the 'PleAs%ut pattew hAm Us r* 00 104 ow I" *406 W*610y.
5 1 P14bied. "And yovi. dft,*t W (tu"tri samw 60WA (To ba 4rontinue'A.) Mrs. Benlisaft-whort kiv y(ft , -
0 .1. , m,%k#- the ffi471Aftt of *t to Val" I ,.. . - bArar rated me tuAy a W-ek op4l. 1 4an beent Detham-4 have been * w4 hima., for *A , - X*419 I *^ UA Vft **W Sa.
,t.ojwt ,, I, __ to 034 *W
61 ('"th father vi#A 14 iziak*," *11le "_ 70 N 1*W0 $4M am awftw rL 'Y' I i S Q$jrg#t ilk bWy x"owwotd thm.11-UPA LtAN- W bo opsted, r"4 MaWbo " Vo Woft sav4k*4 - jit
4T ' " tmted It WA,4 tb4ft that Love flfs __ 1. -1 1- - . P) I naild's tU of tko" aftornoon t**-he#*-4CArWoaS 009""d b-, *
----"' ' - . -..-- -'...--..-I..L --L. l-,-.--.-- I rftatA Voll4ve wom*4 i2A W4 14 V
k. , "__"________ . I NA41 DOWN=$, Go ft%*O " x4pjac I I I 0044000C. . %W* 4 "w. .., ." t ! ,,, .. . .
ool of Ili* Window, _____--1____-_ I -----.. 00" , , I- . I- . .. I ... . . - - 11 . I - - - _..... -
-1" 11
I k
. I I . . . I