HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-29, Page 5IRA 'A . A6. %&&Au?AAL_1A 4& . 1 thutWat July 24(k4t 10W A- , ow 11 - iti, 1, 11 Mae"" Hold and Buy' M Olt. 0 are appraised. Loan Market: -- e no* Increase,:, ever, been aw lone"add sub to the value. Of Canadian Victory Bonds. Every..' owner should make the strongest effort to retain his present holdings. Also, be should do his utmost to buy more at prest ent prioes. We recommend: A. To those witb micomes exceeding $5,000 a year; Price Yield 1933 maturity (tax 99Y 2. . ..5.54% 1937 maturity (tax free) ...... 101 .....5.41% To those with incomes less than $5,000 a year: 1934 maturity ................ 96 5191,70, Accrued interest to date of delivery must be added to these prices.., Our prompt attention and quick delivery is a convenience to our; cbeat;4, ood, Gundy &Com pany clanadiau Pacific Raflway Buildipl; Toronto low tA 14 "A' D I A an' rA, Cw ". I F 1'%41 -4 Ilia M is LAB 0 K"' E1R`S-:WANTEV Fare Going "—$15 to WINNIPEG. fare Returning"'—$20 hom WINNIPEG. Y2 cent per in a destiffati6n., %'cent per mile startil point to 000per ., He Wi flipag t. 119 GOINQ DATES TERRITORY isr 9, (F Lake Ontario 6TA40 AUQU and Havelock-Peterboro Line, F: Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on in Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. From Stations.on Torantc-Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Par*, SOUA44166hibive.- AVGU8T i e. From.Stations Rranoel to, Fort McBricoll and. gurketon, to Bobcayeeon, inclas%V . e. — . - I - AUGUST,11,r From Stations 1§outh and West of Toronto to and including Hamilton and WindsorZtAt. From Owen Sound, Walkerton, Tecawater, Wingliam, Elora. Listowel. Godericho q Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches. AUGU Vrom Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive, SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO Full pard,.ulars from Cantidlan Pacific Ticket Agents- W. B. HOWARD, DlitriatiPassenger Aglijit, Toronto. Q3, _7 7 TV THE WINGRA gl Piva pounda of foul, while now a year's sub - D1. RICT NEWS wription will only tuy us balf a bushel of P-4— XXXX 30 43 patotoo, tess than two dozen cooss 3 gr On TueWAY, R. traitt Mo. 753, 4 pounds of beef or pork, and not two. which art! h 'At one o'clock, met pounda, of bacqn. Flour pas in those with an short 'disto dayis only $2.00 to $2.26 per 100 pounds-, acclarit this to day it is over $7. Wo couldadO more side Of crossing a public to this list to make the comparison com. road the b49 49 jumped ea tr'4ck plete, but these should be sufficient t And ran on thO 00 r a considerable o show Any reader that he or she is still distance. The other cpaches, however, N at twelve min - getting the best of the deal in an excb4nge stayed on the rails and MID~SUMMER of commodities. A newspaper at the ute6 after the train stoOped the crew,. new price is still the cheapest article that under the direction or conquctor Carmnp - on y 20 minutes behind time, No one "'HIN ailed car , can be purchased to -day. bell, had dor bnck,'w ihe track nd proceeding on its way, atriving hore, C LO" I" Prospocts Nover.0otter was injured. Accorditig to reporti from every quart. A large &on& of hydro-olectic workers are, er, crops in Western Ontario, and in bu0Y erecting Poles between Teeswater We are offering wonderful values, In gen*$' Huron County, have never given better and, Walkerton. The Poles. are of excell- promise than this year, The hay, which ent quality, having been brought from Suits.- New istyles form littlay, and, double' early in the season, lmked like: a breasted In woksteds and tweeds. InioSt a BritisbQlumbla. They are distributed complete. failure, has turned out not a along the route by a big gasolinq trucic bad crop at 411 and in some cases is good. with a trailer. Where the poles at The sAving of it has been rather uncertalft ell on e erect- BOYS, clothing _4 mao*s farm, $4 is the sum paid but it Is being gathered and is a much for eac po to h Ae, The hydro is expected Here you will filid owe very exclusive styles for better yield than it promised in June. reach Wingbarg in October, *Q Fall wheat is excellent as pre. all sprittg young men and boys in perfect fitting garments, at crops. Roots, also, promise well. and , ATeeawater veterinary, charged with PViCeS that are exceptiolially low. Before buying. COW- fr4forthemost part is plentiful. The breach of the Ontario Tempoxance Act, pare,our pr I ices. It will pa you. apple crop will b.: large. Mr. 1). Cante- is being intoxicated at the Carrick E van- y Ion, the otheg day ordered $000 barrels gelical,Campmeeting, appeared for trial ou'ruesday afternoon before Magistrates or use in his work. Potatoes never Panama Hats .looked better and while the acreage is Taltonfiand Richardgon of W.Ilkerton, X, less than last year owing to the scarcity The charge was laid by Jos. M. White, Sailor and Fedora styles in Panaina fiats.. A large and price of seed in the spring the yield, the license Inspector, and four witnesses A stock to select from, Note the prices, $3.00 to $5.00. unless a late blight strikes them, ougbt to were called to substantiate the charge. R, V. Kalbfleisb testified that the be normal or over, In fact the prospects Mr10 for a good crop of almost e def nd'ant had entered the private verytbing for the vicinity at any rate is good and there boaiding house tent in which he is later, Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Summer Under-, ought to be plenty for the needs of a ested, and that lie made away with a 1 wear, Wash Ties, Neckwearo flosterY. Belts which he divided and a good surplus to tend out to places quantity of eatables, iOverallsi. less favoured by nature, among his friends. Witness accosted him and advised him to leave the grounds, and in the the conversation he was close to the defendant afid smelled the Qdour Constipation Generates of whiskey on his breath, John Juergerip, 'Ezra Reuber and Wilfred Gress said that Poison I A. M I L LS the actions Qf the accused at -the Camp, meeting were those of a man who was When Constipaton oolnes, wbat happens'.' The Oolone get clogged under the influence of li uor- Defendant X AX X 0% X X X X X X M 4 X; 4 X X X; I X; X X X; 4 X; X; X X X XXV X X AXIMN - wilth waste Material, whieh is ex. pleadedhisown caseandmadea rather trenielly potsonous, the Iblood ciroula- smooth job of it too, but the magistrates Jas. -cutt has a large gaug of In-' itilon comes In sufficiently olose cou- were impressed by the straightforward dians 'frdav Muncey Reserve pulling taet with the w asteto take up these evidence of the witnesses for the-prosecut- flax around to POkws by Wb1s0rP`t1'0n and t0didtrib ion and entered a convictio against th and I ssf; wil wa also all the young lads a ICS, o care to earn good wages, I ute Oam throughout the body. The 'Vet. In giving judgement n Magistrate dliringscfiool holidays% Ile has also,al result Is—the Liver bownies Slug Toltor. gave his opinion thai being intoxi-' glah, ykilu bwome. dull and heavy, I arge family of French Canadians whom I W11011SUeSS aaSeTtQ ItSIRC, then YOU cated and disorderly at a religious meet. Are Yug%u a MANOP WOMAN he will e* Ioy the year round. Re has bave Headache, Kidney and Bladder ing was a very grave offence, and should enough flax tu. keep his mill busy until Trouble, Indigestiont Appendloltis, not be allowed to continue. He there- next summ' 'Pr. . I I . 1 rave enough to Face the Future? and more ev* besides, fore imposed the maximum penalty, The brq4s. hand are supplying music Big enough so Assume a Responsibility? $100 and costs, amounting in all to for a gard;ii , Party in Kincardine to -night I Hackiug's $121.65. and the plVe lind for a garden party I on Far-seeing enough to Pre'pare for Misfortune? Kidney and Liver PMs The raspberry social at Mr. Thomas Tuesday nk4t at Eadie's church. Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate- bt- are highly, recom'mended for Inglis at Huntingfield on Tuesday event- Mr -and. A%r§.'U11Iott, of New York, are mediately? constipatim 0 Ing was a most successful and,, enjoyable lvisiting tiip latter's sister, Mrs. Robt. Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own?. and its Evil Results event. There was a fine birnout, the Mullin re,,haviug motored over. Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood? gate receipts amounting to nearly $160. Mr, ah4,wrs. Muir of Port L:Ngin, visit- Healthy enough to pass a Medical Examination? They are purely vegetable, do Aot The program opened with a basebill ed their uncle, Mr. D. C. McMorrau, Giipe, Purge or Irritate, and bring match between Lints' and Lakelpf the relief bY PtOdulelng a healthy owdt- litter winning by 5 -to 4, Jack Field ) and Miss Dorothv Douglas has been engag. Then clip this adver- 'T'ron ct the S—bommhl Liver, Rldneys Russel P9m , eroy were the battery for the ed as pri,Acip il at St. Helen's school, I tisement. Fill in coupon aa,4 Bowels. No maftex what medtolue you axe losers, and Oliver Galloway and 'low She recendY completed her course at the Faculty of Fducation in Toronto. I and send, to ta)ldmg for a laxative it Inight The just Nickel for the winners, After the game I ­ S. C. COOPER, 1,1 4" -1,,— -4V LJ LA +h. I A. A A Walter Wilson was successful at, 4 Inspector The North— U S. a asun supper, an rasyberrys The com1biuMdou Of Cascara, POP- and cream were much in evidence. With recent Grand 1,odge A. V. & A, M. ot Life Assurance Co. permint, Mayapple and, the other Rev. Mr. Siriclair acting as chairman, -a Ontario in being elected District Deputy Box . C, Advance Office. BLYTH'S NEVIIALL THnqp rinfin 'nun nAV9 Veigatable Drugs oonWaed In these f;_ __.- , Grand Master for North Huron Dik "ict ttcts and deeds of heroism of all sold- S prolgram was given, 1he I 1 1. . li " I pills, wAl groduee resulte to be im- men's chorus of the Mildmay Evangelical, Mrs. D, McGi ing A iers coining within the radius mentioned. eqi%Ued by any other.9, They work 11 of Saskatoon, is isit The new. Memorial Hall at Blyth - -- In announcinaarl'iricrease in subscrip- church gave half a dozen numbers, all of her mother, Mrs. Jas, Baird on the bound - gives prorrij Tfie hall will be a noble structure of beautgul In Digestive Disorders, for se pf being one of, the neatest, tiori to $2 per year,,.. TThe Kincardine Re- Gas on the Stomach, ibr Spasmodic which were heartily applauded. Mrs, P. ary.', halls to be found in any of the villages of stone, cement and brick, with the follow - view thus gpes into Iaiicient history", in Pains In the Stomach and Bowels, D. Liesemer gave a very amusing recita. Vred Cairuth of Wingliam, spLt Sun- liquors—Ross MacDonald, jean Durnin,. Lane, Wilfrid Murcock, jolin Western Ontario. ing dimensions, McIntyre, on. regard to relative 4.4ties: 4 for Dyspepsla and Indlgestl tion, Mrs. Herb. Dustow contributed two aay'the guest of his sister, Mrs, U. Aitch- Mona Mitchell, Clair, McDougall, Thos, Malcolm M61nnis, Marion The corner stones will be laid at one Buy a few -boxes from. yow dealer McDougall, Length 89 feet IdWhen. the pre erit pliblisher of The tod4y, but be absolutely sure you instrumentals and -the Hall twin girls sang"I. es6n. Alton, Hannah Blitzstein, Myra Mac- Gordon McGinn P. In. on July 28th. Mr. John Joynt, 60 two duets very nicely. Rev. Mr. Becket ' is, Dorothy- Picifering, Width 52. feet R vlew bought t4 busine , a year's. - Mr. Adaita.13owliAn of Toronto, is visit- I?onald, Jallande, Hassal; ]?ass—May Mdon Reid, Una switzf r;'Gordon Thomp., M.P. P., of 'Lucknow- and Mr. 13 H Ss Vet Hacking's. of Mildmay gave a good address. Tbti 116igth 45 feet from ground scription ` rould Ut a cord of wobd'-t*d ing'his sister, Miss Jane Bowman. Boyle, Nettie Colwell, 'John , Clubb, son and Jas. Wilson'. Taylor, of Ea p -'.Wawanqsb, being the . -I-.' "' " P;* Racking's Remedies are sold In ladies of McIntosh church, always famed gentleman selected- to perform the cere- Stage 40feet wide feet-lonW now we have to give the paper: 1 - ' Those- sn ecessful at the re&nt Un- ,Ahur Henderson, Carman Hamilton, B,rti—To Mr, and Mrs. A.' R;. Vlffla' I . : . Wingharn by J. W. MoKibbon. for their hospitality, left nothing undone f6f. three',years folt &,6rd'of wood sixje p trance 1#4unination here re as'folloivs: Isabel Johnston, Ellen Ketchabm,, Bessie son, twins, i son and dttqgh r. gba 'fe t deep. mony, assisted by local. lirgymen, 620 e togive their'gdests an enjoyable lime. te inqheslohg Sin6e.ilron all products. $11ib The proceeds ofthe evehing will be de . ..... The erectioxi 6f this ball is the outmme The lower Storey will be fitted up a di tly" from a a as we., -b4y directly or in rec, GEO. J. WRIGHT voted to purchasing supplies for the Mc, of the joint effori of residents of East' -Oquiicil chamber, fire hall and other com- -hundred of our -su iciibers have increased 20A X VMA X TZ IR Weiwanosh, Morris, Huileitt and, Blyth partments in accordance with the plains 'in the same ratio, he $1 we got Intosh Sunday school. now in thi hands of the builders. Experienced Plano! Tuner and is a meansto perpetuate the memory the faimer for the?)keview would buy 8 to' On Friday of last week a stock of ti m* -1. . I Teacher of Rudiments of Music, Har - of the soldiers of these 'municipalities The auditorium will have a seating. 12 dozen of 69is, febrn Q to 8 pounds of othy was left at the Hensall Observer mony, Counterpoint qnd Compo itlon who lost their lives in the great world capacity of 850 with gallery 150 maki.ilag butter, 15 to 20 po;i di 6f fresh -beef- or Leave oiders at THE'ADVANCE Office Office, which measured 4 feet 8 inches int war, as viell as fittingly 'commemorate a'total of 500. pory, 2 to a bui&ls' f potatoes, 18 to 20' length. This stock was taken frbm Mr. All brass and reed instruments eiger and violin, Owen G ' 's form at the Y. Mr. Geig- er has over 100 acres of hay, part of hichiscut,andifitisallllke the a m ple left at our office Mr. Geiger will hlv'e DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN w a good many tons of hay. A double drowning accident occurred THE LYCEUM IF 11 E AT R E at Mount Forest Tuesday afternoon, The victims were Dorothy Maxwell, dged Thursday, Friday and Saturday This Wo A CHIROPRACTIC four years, and Reta Cook, aged fifteen years. While crossing a foot -bridge over Practice is confined exclusively to the rver, Dorothy Maxwell fell in, and Chiropraitic, the only and original Sys- Reta Cook hastened to the rescue, but tem of f pinal Adjustment.. Effective in the current proved too strong, and 'over- MAK"GUERITE CLA--.,,R--K 95 pe -. cent of all cases. power d her. A third little girl went in "Chiropractic locates and Removes aftbrttem.butthe water beingso deep 0 -ease: Nature Heals, " .-%g Comfe-i the Cause'of Dis idin "rt and swift, she wag of no' assistance, and J ., A. PDX 0. C., D. 0. scrambled back to shore. in "Mrs. Vr IgIrgs 0 f the Cabbage.. :Patch" Also -fully qualified' graduate in Osteo- pathy, Phone 191. Hours 2 to 5, and 7 Made-fin-Caina'da From the famous novel by Alice Hegan Rice. to 8 p. M. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN OSTEOPATHY .0. There may have been a ntoie faluous novel than "Mrs". Wiggs In 0. R,, Copeland WHY let rough -roads inter- . This rare combination of rid - DR. F. A. PARKER ! .11 1 . fere with '-Your motoring, Ing luxury with driving economy ;..,4e Cabbage Patch"--bUt We d9not knoW of It. )VCZ I ... . . 41 Osteopathic Physician, only qualified comfort? accounts for the tremendous en- pire Accident Sickness osteopath in North Huron. Adjustment of the spine is wore quickly thusiasm which 'Is greeting the There also may be a more lovable screen character than Marguerite Clark as ;u1tomobile Insurance a Specialty In this OVerlanct you need not Cfv rland all Ove "Lovey May"— .% . .. securedandwith fewer treatments thad le r Ca & bilt We haven't heard of her yet. Only the beat companies represented at by any qtber method. let bad roads spoil good rides. "0 . 0 ...... Lowest Rates ...... Blood pressure and other examinations Its equipment is of the most RETTER 9-14MIP EARLY Trit x Sl3rings make every Usual Daily Performance 8,20. 2 Shows Sat, 7.4 and 9,30, Prices 2, 5c" and 15c. Special Announcenteutt- We are offering three shows oxt week. Two Days O*nly,.Mon. Two Days Only, "Red.. Tburs, Two Day -g, Only, Pri- and Tues. The Famous Feminine day an4-Saturday, PAULINE Impersonator Aug. dand 7. FREDERICK VIVI AN JULIAN ELT.11GE M )k- IN tsThe Womatl 1xk A TIAII Room 13,11 A thrilling tn stery -An Adventuress"' drama wb c r e i n the § souls of ivoinen a r c A pho'to play that's differ - tried by t h - t sins of ent with a star fliat.,stands. A Para lit' Picture.' men. alone. Two Days Only, D. ay VL I Two Only. Two 0 a Only. 10WOPS All diseases -treated. infle you ride a more enjoyable modern typc. Its-stamiii;i is a, Say It With F Phone 272. credit to the Can4dian institu- mile., OPP= OVER, CHIUSTIE'S $TORE tion Aich created this c ar, Light weight makes every mile, a more economical raile, Let us show' you the Overland.. Luckftowffl 1,ucknow, July *6th, x92o Mr. T. U. Smith received word last Week that his brother, William, who re. -Alta., sides with his sister at Sheppard, had suffered AL 6tr6k* of paralysis and UU1 wsd in 8L Serious condition. The death of Alexander NeXay oc- curredon Sunday at his hoine on the Lake Shore uear lCiatail, In. his 62ud year. FUM, RALS, WEDDINGS, ETC, The Presbyterian Sunday School pic- Potted Plants Alta Cut ploweth nit was beld last ThurAday to Point 4. a siseclalty cotdogues thowA on request, Clark Light 11outo and *AN IL gtaild lue. . . . . . . tess, The day was an ideal one and n ly 6very family in the congregation Phone 142, WinghfirA tar ,wAx represented by one or Iftore Mem. bors. There were races for vill,old &"(I DR. 0. H* ROSS 'Atid L. Kennedv Dealer, Wift'gham <;tsduate Rom couw ot Dental buldes boating and bathing, bastWll awvow and quoits etc. and to AvlAb all a fesat At GmId"att 441"r*y of Tomto ftt*ulty for a king, after which it delightful rid* Read Office and Victories- Willys-OverfiLndlimittd.,Tormtd,citnotdlt grmch"t Toronto, MontTeal, Winnlpq AM Rairink Of Dintlittry hawt c"cluded a day which was oujoyvd oft's ovor 110, Iwd'a *to". to tb* full by all, A: