HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-29, Page 4-77
1 it I., I I'll, ''' .: 4''N. "tulfty* J4171 2W too.
44 vds yl;a
A. 0. SMITH# Uditor and Prop. We were all Pleased to see Mrs. Cuy- Mr. and MrL oeorg* McRoberts jpeat
m baek it' theN401 parts I. st. week. Sunday At kr, U. J. KA11104.
And Nrs� F
OXT Goods
Mr. creighfill) anti lions -tild Ul's
ThebeaVy Man of the Melg1len. Cabin-
Mr- NX14tinaghon visited, C6TWt5* Rogs
'et 4MOM, to 1* Ilon. K K, Spinney, wba FraMi$, and Mr. Creighton, Sr, of Sarolul at Mr. hwe.,f Barbollf2s. on Suntlay last. G-roe-eries
k. andhInandMrs, AudrewKirk ol:Sea- unole'units,
till$ the scaled at 3W pounds. SOON and Shoes
fortill motorcd to J, 1). Reem-0104, Oil Sat- Mr. and Mrs, William"r4ylor also Mr. les
lsa'rd':s Or
er Taylor visited rolatives We4rino Apparel
urday las4 it
Mrs Window a$Cdes
YOU -never realize how many men' there c at Auburn Ott Sunday last,
Ml$4 Flora Rosj of Wingliam, spent
Miss LAvi6a, Milner also _Cj11XjV1j Short.
Are out of work until you start to do i*me X:o:t Sunday under parental roof,
'have been
land of Varnwicus,
outdoor job that is a little difficult of per who
formance. Roy. Me. Scobje is
taking bl,-* holidays jug rolatiV6s around Fordyco have, ro&m& &A�
this nionill. Rov, Mr, Malla of St. ed hom agaill.
M4tyN, will take tile �,9Lrvice tile first two
Mr, ROY Vobt)4 of ArtharPald 4 flying
i U'L
ften you bear a woman bas educated HAT maid or niatron's heart does Sund4ys in August.
tier husband, it way morely be aleant v sit to relatives around Ffordyl;e and re- Y SPECIALS'
W not long for the proper silver Miss Dina, Ilenry of (xitelph OuNia'184 turned hoine,again,
that she has been giving him -'pieces of
her mind" tit various Intervals, service with which to comfort collegq is home. now. Miss Aniolia Leaver is 4t present oil a
their own, family and entertain their Mis9es, Edna Musgrove'and Marion visit to Arthur, and*otll�r placo,;
10 10 IS 0 gut-sts. And what fanlily does not know Simpson of witigham, Am visiting at Mr9- OuSsY Snowdon is at pro'qent vlsit�
James Hamilton Lewis says men should that this 'is the' Jewelry store where Pratak flenrv's. . ing her niothor, Mrs. Robert Haloes. 00-M-0 dozen Ladles' Black Cot- :pAIN
not $have, J. 114m. should re MrandMrs. 13ert Martin. spent the toO H0614, fast black 35C or 3 pairs for
member CZ-V�V V,4 1 !P X- Ping -$JF_1*AVV-Wash top Ritirto made
a s, sold at a price i'lllott of Luclojow, visit- ......................... _,. $100 quo Ity Naln000k Princess qlipq, hn. of plain wb
that if it were not forAbis custom of the quality inercil'ndise i. week-ead with Mr. and Mrs. Mr.and MrN. 4 . . I , Ite, pique. bargain..., $2,0
ordinary r ers wouldn't have consistent with your ificome. W' M, ted at Mr. A. Hayeas oil Sunday last. Ishod with embroidery gale irlec.. I.sv
had 0 Miss Marguerite Riatoul iot Tor nto. is
_4drignce to have made hini famous.,. Mrs. A. L. Hamilton and d VO*XV4:r.V--Rpeci4IIfne: of Sum -
0, aughter, Utpresent visiting her Zy. anti a 0 W )V.V.-- Women'o.
We will tit the bridge between your eyes with an Elizabeth of Windsor, and Mr. a %kt gowns made of firic white mer Ccroots"all sizes ........... $200
nd Mrs. Mrs. A. Rintoul. Na'nsook' IKO-VP,- Wcurion's, plain and
4, adjustment that won't let your nose know Goo. Jacques of Prosion, bpent Sunday Lace triminced, osio_ .$1100 —_
The aiixtOmobile industry Jig doing Much your eves are using glasses. Mrs, Cli Jacques, f Iving'- fancy SIM hose lu BIRO or colorp, no
for labor. It gives direct employment to 'With h1r. and Mr.and Mrs. W, H. Rintoul 4
liam, visited his tuother, Alexi Ott Sunday 'Luxury tax' on sale at ........ $2.00 MVWXV-13argains in Aliddles,
About two million Migp'Maud Dell of Beigrave, was visit- CO*4VZr COVZ*A.S_SPieia1 to clear -out, made of striped Repp,
people, besides doing ing with Miss Joan Eggleston, lace �rimmed cor" sale, price
considerable in the way of lessening the 1R. M. McKAY la-dweek. t covers, bargain ......
......... I ....... .............. 40c,
numbei of people wanting jobs. Me, Robt. R.�s of Ca�ulng(on, is visit -
Jeweler and Optician Wingham THE OYDRO-RA.01ALS --------------
10 * or 'Ing with hi0brother, Mr,.Geo. Ross, 2nd
% A:F!ROJV_V__womer.,8 large,cover. VOX&S-Flne quality plaid votle.
of Kinloss., 0,; . " , 40ifuctee wide, In blue, g c*n pin
A young man in Wyoming drove two A big fuss has been at in Ont- -all aprong, light and dark paticrus, r , k
Mrs, W. M. BeZ�,roft find Miss Nettie Irred- up 1peclal price ...... and maize, reg price 1.00 a I*._ .85P
miles alone before he, discovered that his ano, overkthe action of t . he Drury Govern- ........ $1.25 1 � .4
— ---------
sweetheart had fallen out of -the buggy. COttlet left for Edmoradn and Calgarv, I
ment in halting the work on the HYdro- lop
'a. Grvat Lake -9- Radial scheme; of the provi V014Z-Firie quality' voile, -fancy SX -L X -Big St Ck here to choose
Love -making In that state must lack some onday travelling A nce.. The K
of the ardor that chgracteri;es it ground We Wisli�tbera a pleasant journey anti a municipalities in their meeting in tb patternst fast colors, price ........ 40c, from, All the leading shades plain or
------- safe return, prc. ...... ...... fancy patterns see our bargaino.42.50
viticial capital have declared in favor of
;Xxfj�Ows mv-121
0 1* 0 1
114f a small girl can, without.tiriqg , her-
selfmm $2.00 in a forenoon pickilig
strawb4rles what should a copyof each
of fifty-two issues of a good town weeklY
newspaper sell for?" is the pertinent
query of the Simcoe Reformer,
A new party which was trying to get
itself into shape in Chicago last week
,wants to put and end to Icings' and wars.
]�Qne of us want any more war and Can-
ada could get along without its (Macken-
zle) King, on a pinch, all right.
Eastern profg,,. are getting it figured out
so,that by following a well laid outplan a
person can live on 25 cents a day, Some
of them will figure it out pretty soon so a
man can read over A -bill of fare and satis-
fk �is itomaeb by swallowing -'his words.
the whole development of hydro -radials qua ity —
Wroxeter being'gone ahead with on the� present COttOn Pillow slips, hernstitched, bar- WA1@-VrV--Ladias' white Voile,
data and with t he present information . at gain... .................. . waists. round or square, necks, bar-
Xr� and Mrs. St�pheuson, Miss Step- hand. The Provincial Government has ........ .................. $2,00
heni6n and Miss Annie Harris, motored � -1-AWC.V V0Cxy_Silk finished
60w Toronto on Saturday, and are visit, issued� a memorandum, stating that they Lisle, In wMte with fancy tops, sale
are not unfriendly to the scheme but that ...... ... 35c 2)!RZX-VF-X-l3arga4os in house
Ing Mr, and Mrs. Dan MacTavish. they Are not satisfied as to ti;e financial ........... . . dresses, medium or dark print nicely
Miss Dorothy Stewart, who has been
position into which the scheme is leading VOXZ4-rancy Plaid voile, 40 inch- made, good,, strong cloth, bargain
visiting her uncle, Air, D. D. Sanderson, the province. �'To get at the bottom of it, es wide,.One dollar value for.... . ...... .......... ........ $2.50
retl;=�41 to her li6me in Toronto, accom-
Hon, Mr. Drury says he is going to ap- GO WJVX-Girls' night gowns made
panied by Miss Margaret Sanderson- oint a commission of five men all pro- �RAXOLx_ Fancy Summer of fine English Cambric, sata_.$1.00 �VHOZX-Seq our range of White
canvas and Fleet foot sboes all the
The Rowe Manuf4tcturiog Co. have Hydro, to go into the whole situation and Pirasols to clear out at ........... 98c
s6ld their Woollen Mill io Bainton. Bros. report. K I . best styles at cut prices,
of Blyth. The new firm.will take pos- But, the men who are leading the fight Cd*�� Z -V -Special w h 11 j,, 2)�RA WE1Zr_Women,s drawers
silkf lace trimmed camisoles-, bargain made of fine quality Nairlsook, trim- a d I e a'
session nome time next nionth, ana we for the municipalities art 4slng strong .... ....... -1+- ......... white Nainisook Underskirta with em- I
uliderstAnd, they will run the mill to its language, while some of the daily papers $1,50 med with embroidery solo price; .... 75c broidery flounce sale ............ $1.2s
fullest capacity. We wish them success. are adding fuel to the excitement in
to force their views upon the Govern"
Undoubtedly there are sections of the '44
UNEXCELLED province that badly need � the, servic I es 9W 4M
THE MUTUAL LIVE ASSUR- that is proposed, and many men feel thit
nM- I P� A W T Assib.
t&INCE CO. of CANADA Q. V evelopment Juas only begun
J� 10 JP and that we should prepare for future
7-," Purely Mutual 0 a CLI
Physicians, and surgeons are permitted business by a generous place. A :e Style, Quality and Value
at present to keep ten gallons of liquor in- ESTABLI ZD,i872 Ily
rely Canadian believe that the Government is
stock for purely medical purposes, but
ed aware o is nee an wit not e slow
Fift Yeats Eitablish
beginning onAugust 1, three gallons of
to proceed just as soon as ey are tis- AtTent4Q 'fnr 1-nolid-i-9, vir
The Policy Holders' Company - fled that conditions warrant it, Ournall. Iraller S.
liquor will be their 'legal limit. This is
In the
c;�-t ' he authority of an order -in -council meantime we aivalt the report of this
ated July 9,1920, �'acoording to an an- 00 commission.-Financiai Post.,
r�tuncemexit made to -day by Chairman. J. 0 5 Wingham, District Agent
AREFUL selection of breeding Ontario.
Flavqle of the, Optarior Board. of ti- mg 19 'It cattle and the right kind of fin -
gig C ancial backing -will put you in a
couse Commisslonqr
pdaition to make money Irom your
herd. The Bank of Hamilton is pre.
The- New J�jiwe,Minister pared to promote any l6gitmAte devel-
opment along this,line.
Several ancedbtes Are ;Appearing inthe
newspapers respbcting.:the� New Prime H A ryl.10
LT 0 N
Minister. Here itie two that way be add -
ed to the'list-
Attending an Asilgii, Court on'behalf of W.660 to WINNIPEG
e clients,! hit . was akked by another it a
14rhster'to conduct4.eise for him, Mr., % cent'per mile beyond.
Mpiihen did -hot have inlich time to go
Alillgust-kh and 16th .0,
Into the caise'�- 15u', observed. tha AM BRANCH -C. P. Smith, ganag From. all; stations An the Province of
_t t: the NGH er
defendent was', a, rustic
,Individual and, Ontario and Quebec? Pembroke, Golden
assliming that'he'inight be overawed by Lake, Toronto and' East.
thi poipp.And pr6eeditro of the Court,
August 11th and 18th
Mr, M6igheri instiuciid.bim that when
From all stations in Ontario, Parry
hewas pskedto 01�4d,guilty or not guilty
he should say "No and say it Sound, ScotiA JUnction and south to and
-t.Guilty including Toronto, and All,stations west
-de. Imagine 'the of To onto; Meaford, Penetang, Midland
with' si�me 'vilieden
-horror when the dif�n&nt;. on being asked el3pt Harbor branches included.
Guilty with some Ftill information from any GranA Trunk
to plead' Answered, �,,,Npt
Forti�natily he said it in Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto. Admlk�
suc�aweak, emb4rrassed: toneof voice
W. F. Burgman, Agent, Phone 5goor rv4lr
B. Alliott, Town Ticket Agent, ve
he-wondered'at t6.'ii�errliiient displayed
4, Wilighrim.
by severbi in' the. defohdant's neighbor-
ff IN u"'
that the. Judge did not bear. it, although _M0"M
MHE 'horse has been declared b Thomas Edison to bp t14
To one of.hit 6adbk political meetings A- MAC+
he brought his liftle.b
oy,� Teddy, named L L J- machine in the world.. In return for the amount of food and' are' eeded,
after Theodore Ro6seveit. When Teddy n
camehomehis motilerasked him what Town and Farm ptoperties. Calland the, horse returns less in work than anY- other machine.
see my list and get my prices.* I have -
part of Daddy's sPeech he liked best, and
Teddy replied-I'Thepart where, be, put some excellent values. The average team of farm horses costs $400, a' with horses. I
f you have a heAvy load and the
outthedog." At that time to Tiddy gocld set of double hurness $100, a wagoli without weather is hot it will take you two days,
ox $
tberewasmore human interestin adog J. G.'STEI? 115* Inaking a total of $615. If it took
you twelve hours, the Post at 17.4 cents an hoiir for
fight then there 'was In the sounding elo- WINGHAM. A Ford Tiuck costs $750 Ypur team would be$2.09. The average cost,of run -
at Ford, Ont. A Fordson
quened of a future Prime Minister. Phone 134. Office In TownHall, Tractor'costs $850 at r3earborn Mich. ning a Pord Track, for gas and oil, is 4Y2 Cents a mile
The initial cost of rnotorizing a farm is slfghtly or $180 for the forty mfle& But with the Ford
TrItick you can make the return trip in four hours.,
Ministers Salaries After a hearty. BEST, TREATMENT FOR great& thaii the cost of a1orse outfit, but the lower The truck enables You to make thrie timeq as rnan3r
You"11 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE coA of operation and upkeep of the tracitor and truck trips and at a lower cost per trip.
(Toronto SaturdAy Night) meal, and the greater amount of work done easily put
The Dominion Methodist Z- the horse out of the running.
Minisi�rial But this is not all. If you motorize your farin you
aVoid that Whext the Blwd does n&t eiroulats
can get up an hour later in the morning. You have
Support Committee has launched its canl_ freelY through the Wins you h;iye Government experinlent§ have proved that the no horses to feed, grooni o1r harness. You stwt work
ressure and this Is but of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents per w ' ing hour. after breakfast.
paign for better mlaries for its ministers, Atuffy . feeRng High Blood P' ork cost
tions are on, the some road; at least 'it is You Chew trouble. There li� ummliy Kidney ow raore than two acres
arid presumably. all the other denomina- a SYMPtorA of someothordiseage, or A team of horses cannot pl When dinner is ready you stop at the en4 of the fleld,
to be hoped so, According to Dominion Disease, Heart Di8ease, Nervous in a ten-hour day. At 8,7 cents per hour or 17.4 drive Your tractor direct to the house, eat your dinner,
Troubles, Hardening Of the Atterles
Government Authorities, the main items silck 'of eents per hour for A'team, the cost would be $1.74, and rest till it is time to go to work again.
or Brain Trouble. or �7 cenk " acre, A Fordson Traetot- plows on an
in thedomestie �,udget have, advanced in ways the danger of 0,
Price 100 per c6t, since the war begani There is as average bf seven adrei a day. The eost per acre In the afternoon your motor works just as well though
rapture of a,131ood Vessel and as tho
while the church authorities announce Maort, the Mood Vmmls bnd the wftrages not niore t , n 7�6 cents per acre for gras and thesun is hot aid the ffi are bad.
oil. The !�o& tbree and a lialf times les
that the salaries of ministers increased YA 91duoyis are -all assochted With HIgh much plowing in a d Ag And at night when work is over you are through for
only 30 per cent. in the same period, As Blood Prossure the best and Most a3r at a, smaller cost per acre. the dayl-no horses to rah down, feed or
Is wa*-
they wore scandalously underpaid pre-. §UPPOsa You, are haulinj pioduce to innAcet or bring- You are always fro "
vious to the war, in comparisoa with Hookinolo Heaft avid Narvo Remedy in out SuPplies. If the town is twenty railes awe e to leave your farm f6r pjonie or
Otherbeneffits: to tee
tho and 141 3,3r it Wteation-fto worry about horsw Idt behind to be
other Prolessions, their'present financial Vn take �rou a wholci dq tO 11141ce the retiirn trip cared for.
Imition, is better lmag6d than described. HAckinalb Kidney and Livee Pills.
broath., appetite,, ners)%.
I call to rdind 0 one tural pregeher, an This trealtment vin radaw tUo
educated man and a gentleman. who was� That*s 8 900d, deal to B100d P.PMOUM by reMOTIng tht Every WaY YOU 166k at if the motor has the advantage oVer the horse. It
oause aud driviric out the Poisons incians shorter hours on the farm, more work -done in less time and at IM cost.
paid wine years ago tiie magnificent sum from the system. We tire firmly too -
of 3600 per annum. and incidentally ile get f00 6 cents! Vinced that th-lo tmbneut will ro.
had a wife and six children, If the poor ftee the NOW pres'suro below the
lello* Is still in the land of the livin&- It diantise niark und thus free your
Pttsumedthat fie also obtained that go mind, fr4oM ao on.-tZnt VOOM of
per cent. increase, which would being his, death. H
Sweaftled"Tight-4ept Right Peovie -who h9Jv6 bet 601ag for
ycarly stipend up to S87o. Now would year,% shoutil Itot expect eowp%to
ym, kind, reader, like to undertake to cute In a few Aam one lould Lilco
keep yourself and seven others on. Ahat tit letst six I)OX05 odf 11acki g"s rteart
Sum? wad Xerve Remedy mid throo boxeo
of the Kidnoy and Liver pills so
The aim of Methodists is to strike a
sure to get Hackingfm It your �ftGr
minimun, in addition to free parsot)ago or 4oeA not have thoin, he will bo g1DA
houoe rtnt,'of in rural circuits, to 9a thom, for you.
$1,800 In towns of 2,000- poplation or Mm. WhIkor, formorlyof Port,
upwards,andtj,000in citke. Tke,onl R191% 110w lfvJng In Flint, Mielligan,
fault to find with this nfiMmw is that W 1AY4.1, "Tho nc-brhbors an- perfortly
4*0n*h(,d ft nee me ",tIng along
14 too low, particularly'In' pitift whm. oo vmlll. I oWribut# my *6M lift1th
living expeow are Mweliotily hisfitt than (,
'r 1,40 ot Ift,
theY art in the courAry and amt1ler 't 'k 'llp"s
rve rvernNIv Rnd P,1.14'y
A$ MeArt and N
centrec If a pr"aber is wwlk bvkl rft-onria( ti -I If 410 11' riy t1nill,-.11
he is worth payft, flavor Ha0kinoS ROM0166 skra sold in
W102174M by J. W. Molift",
'At hL. cRA, wFoRD,
DeAer, inghaw