HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-22, Page 8t wib, .1. U AD V W& its Wolu '04 .1 wN ow thwmq My A 1A. tom "=XXXX%*=XX XXXXWXX. A WIN Ah Bof WINUHAA MY UKETS TRIP If& WROPC Hall. W1111AM SIOAU? 004404t la Ua Alroi, Will. 11"ll ha's p0rellaqed it 110mo at WrQXeter anti cxpvct,4 to m0ve there (CorUvt up tilt Wedrietda� ften) Uri, Li". K sucailottu left wiritham ort WheatNo. 2Spring..... � 1 96 to Affitirs Of Tho C o#t Provioes next month. Ij 00 Friday woming fof Lontlon, Where, she -1 ittion of be CABO. jilrs Stewart of Wingbaln, aud Whe t No. 2 Fall .... ;104, to 3 w joined the prizewirwere in tht #ree 1 prm Addressing the—co—av _`� a . anoe Ba M�ain 1 0 W I and 14iss R-Isic Barnes of Torontai Flour ... , ....... .. 7 30 to. 7 74 co0te6t On their tour to the, battitfieldil Of Ir V iisheries Aswiation, held recentlyi Europe. Eightoon. ladies will make the 5al e� dlian r Lad ...... I ....... 35 to 38 in Vancouver the Ron. William $loan;. visited at Jas. Masters this week. trip, toko.,ther,.4nd will tour England and for. Me Comm Butter .................. 54 to issioner of Fisheries in the Govern. The Farmer's Club received a car of E 9gs .......... 60 Scotland on the� way over. ment of B ritish Columbia declared that flour rAnd food this week and shipped a car 50 to , 64 Saturday, July 17—Leave Montreal by "Ways and means must be devised to. of hogsand cattle this wi�ok. Cattle, mod., bi�tc*b­er's­ 9 00 to 1000 Cattle, butchers choice., 1100. to la .0 Canadian Pacific steamship Corsican, Wotect the salmon and halibut fisheries Mrs, Geo. McDonald, Mrs. Hendon Hogs, livewelght 5 to 2000 —, 1, 19. nday, July 20j.—Pue to arrive in of thoPacific Coast. or there will be noth. anti Xr. John Spencearoon the sicic list. Ray .......... Liverpool. ing left to protect. " Waste he said over- Mr. Wm. 1)uff shil)ped .1, ects, of bor * —, - 23 OD to 20 00 Some wonths ago we were e, T ine $isn Cr Tuesday, July 27—By rallto Glasgow. offered a "real bargain" M s. 'Sh ts fishing and lack of proper regulations Sttiurday. ....... to 58 Wednesday, July 28—Ra 11, stoamer and in shoes for men gr.d they looked would prove, disastrous to the fishing in- — coaching trip through the Torssachs and so good to us that duqtry unless remedied. "The Dominioit Mv' and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers returned M M 04 H 1 00 tho "LAdy of the Lake" region a Government should step in and regulate home to St. MarIes aAer spending the nd on we bought a Much larger quantity than usual.- -i be Loch L�mond and Loch Katrine to Edin.l. on Sale '42* 19 paitt week with friend re. fisheries in the interest of the people fall. r's log that, it should return them. to the Mr. John Hall recelied word of the 14 kl;li tit frowvtl burgh. featusing %be New Thursday, July 29 -In Edlilburgb, This shoe has just arrived and been Province." death of Ili,, sister.in_iaw 4t cliathate. and i7'XP9iI, $3.00 and 3,50, The Hon. William $loan is. another of Mr, and Mrss. flat( atterided the funeral on f; U ist ru " toodes, Sightseeing: driveprovided. Placed in stock and they are we be. oarricil out In uri. Friday, July 30 -13Y train to. Warwick. lieve the best value we have had for the sons of Ontario who have gone Vat Wednesday Isiterciting y., 'July 31 -In Warwick,' Side along tim and "made good". He was born at Mrs, Win. Garniss spent a week with trip toStr4tforil-on-Avon, etc. Afternoon' VT VY W GA A RNS Arrow and Tooke `14 Wii�gbarnin Huron county on September relatives at, Biyth and Belgrave, U Vail Would bo In appearance very much like this 14 W014tefisied, con. train to LQndoo. 10, 1807, and is, therefore -almost as old mr, r,,umell and Mis. N I K n y vulo thq Saturday, JAy 31 to Wednesday, Aug. ss i illustration. The leather is box Uid 0 lie Mo. 11 C and the soles are both sewed and rlygt, —all best Shirb, as Confederation.' Many years bgve of TorQnto,rotprss�itl home Saturday after VaShloft Book 'ult 4-14 London. � Two,drives provided, ed, making a good strong boot, and passed, several of them ill diti- $Pending acouploof week,4 'here. Wednesdai, August 4 -Leave London takrit lands. For a time he was in the Mr. Eldoil Me yet of negt appearanc. A good boot 'Kinney of Owen Sound, for summer in the afternoon via Southampton and customs service at Shanghai, China, and was home o Hayre for Paris. either for best or every day wear, he did not return to British Columbia P,,,,,dt ver the week-etid. AUCUST Thur day,, August 5, to Sunday, Aug- Note the marvelously low pri , ce. 0 'gav Miss Grace Curtis pasi- I .. Q until 1888. Eight yoars later he was. in p1dor, I ReIriew -In Paris,, fthtseelnts, drive around d bvr musical exam, t the Yukon and. was one of those. who o -4 -hitans Paris and to, Versailles, Also side trip to 'struck it rich"' when gold mini Much sympathy is extended to the rala- Drm n r 9 ng was at 80 40ts wA Rheims A Now on Sgr le , nd return its height in the Klondike country M..75 tives and friends of the late Albert Thom- Monday, August 9 -By rail toLille. as who die� in Toronto hospital After a per pair Again in British Columbia he began to AT Tuesday, August 10 -Motor trip to tak4 a prominent part in public agairs lingering illness. I Inly Ridge and Arrasand return. X Mr. Nelson Thornton is not in and in 1904 and again in 1918 the con� well,.' ay Wingharn Bazaar W4driesday,,Auguat 11--�Motor excur- All Sizes for men 6 to I I stituency of Comox Atlin elected him �to he soon, be enjo�jrsg better health is our sion to Ypres and return, the'House. of Commons. Retiring, from wish. kip OF ThursdaX, August 12 -By rail -from theFederalfibld be entered the frovin�. Miss M. Mullwain, of Doissevain, .Mgtri., TOWN, OF WINqUAN Lille to Brussels. cial Legislature in 1916, and a little )ater is enjoying a pleasant visit With friends IF adq, August 13 -In Bru asels, Sight, Clerk's Notice posting of Voter was member oft�e Government. lie boa and neighbors around the village. 10 for the"MUIV11-lislality, of whigh=,, seeing drive Usb. 1W around the city. always advWated the conservation of ibe Mr. Jos. McKinney has a fitle new site county 01 I-Aurou. Saturday, August 14 -Rail to Amster- Not4ce Is hereby given thAD Illave trasismito W* He UTY' I L L I S fishorles,pf the Pacific Coast and his, QM- completed b.� one of the Ja 'Leaver e4 or delivered to the pqsions mentloned in darn. orth WV, indow 8ection 9 of -he ontorio Voters' List the SOLE AGENT FOR LAI)XIES' cial positign gives 6pecml weight to his gang. ooples required by said seQttoxi to Oo transmit- ., Sunda , Au.' a warningi--Family Herald and Weekly Miss Eva Breckenridge I Lod or deitym . y gust 15 -In Am terdam. ias returned led ot the list made _pursuasip tm Sightgeeing drive provided. aid Act of it I revised Assessment Holl ot the 2400- M-1 Star. home after a pleasant visit with fl�ufrysi 6ATunicipalt1y to be entitled, to vote In the said Monday, August 26 -To the Hague. PVAI friends, bluniotpallty at Bleetions for - members ot sihe Drive C Sal Balance of Ladies' Sum- Legislative Assessibly and at blualolpikl Provided. ontissueto, Antwerti. I'nctions 9,nd that the said list was firat post - %Lf The Late Robert Stapleton. ed up at ia�, office at Winghaip, on the ISM tuesdaYl August 17 Sail from Ant. day of Julv 19�0, and remainalhore Xor inspec: Werp by & S,'Qramplan. AND DERBY SHOES FOR MEN, 5iz, MY er-Silk, Tweed and Serge, Coats. Another of the pioneer residents of this Belmore won, ' Thursday, August 26 -Due to arrive in And1hereby call upon all voters to take X vicinity passed to the other side on Mrs. R. E. Richards of the States is ii-nodiate proceedings to tinve any errora or Montreal, Thursday, July 8th in the person of Rob- visiting her father, Mr. Joe Hall. osilmisidona correotoo. according to law. Dated the Uls. day of Ju 1920. ert Stapleton, in his 86t year. The de- 11. Your choice Miss Tackaberry of Lion's Head, is vis. ceased gentleman bad been residing with W sa Morris Iting tier sister. Mrs. Goo. Heid. Mr. Hatold gqntogh and Miss Annie, AV% Awlfk Old 0 his son, Mr. Robert Stapleton at Zetland, Miss Blanche Irwin spent the wock-enct �iftd the Misses Caldwell of Kincardine, Fall Term Aug. 31st --- Graduates placed in positions. and had been in poor health for some Oarden party time. Mr. Stapleton was born in Eng- with Brussels friends, visited at:Mr. Thomas Abraham's last 6 U ;4 Z02 45 Drive 'over to William J. CompbellIs, week .5 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Peterman of Fergus, land and came to Canada when a, young visited with the former's parents and other Lot 17, Con. 10, Turnberry, and get a Mr. George -Bai mail, and had for many Years been a rd.of Cobalt, visited his highly esteemed resident, of till section, friend!, here last week, good supper on Tuesday evening, July sister, Mr�. John Casemore, for a few 27th. The garden party will,be held days last week, it is thirteen years since w,R r, *7 - S, Ogula V500 to $45.00,. Deceased was a member of thles Baptist Mrs. Jake Willits and farnify of London, X Church, anclin Politics Ostaunch conserT arovisiting her mother, Mrs. John Ab- under the aospicles of the Eadies Church, Mr. Baird has been home. vative. Mrs. Stapleton passed away a raham here. Supper served from 6 to a o'clock. Luck. Miss Joan Campbell is under the WINGHAM. ONTARIO PHONE 166 now Pipe Band will furnish the music. doctor's care, we trilst she. will soon be Send a card requesiting the principal to call on you during the vacation. We number of years ago and the surviving Tb, Women's Institute intend holding a Refreshment booths oii the grounds, 0. X. again, have competent teachers, one for each department. Register now for the fall family are William of Turn. term. and James, Garden Party as the home of Mr. -Jobn Admission,adults 50 cents. Children.25 Mr, Russeil XizKinj berry; Arthur of Culross; Emahuel and neyand Miss Nellie Robert of East Wawanosh., Mrs.' JohnS. Millvey in the near future. WMeb for 44te, cents. of Toronto,an . dMrf14' Raymond I�Iliott of Pringle and Mrs. J. H. Reid f Turnberry The Teeswater Branch of the Wom�n's D. A. McLachlan, PreS. Murray McLeish, Prin. n ][41 a & Co 00 Bluevale, visited at Mr. Will Abraba&s and Mrs Robert B. Fergulo and Mrs' Institute has been invited by the � Belmore Women's Institute Meeting last week. Xi nepflai of Walkerton. The funeral iwi ladies to visit their branch on August 7tb. place on Saturday afternoon to Wingbam. The July meeting of the Wingbarn Mr. and Urs. James Golley motored to XXXXXXXXXXXX cemetery. Mr. Wesley Marshall of London, spent Women's Institute will be held at the Mr. Jack Rintotil's of Brussels last Sun - the week -end with friends here, home of the President, Mrs. Adair, on day. LACROSSE—Hanovep vs. Winghamf MON July 260111 The remains of the late Mrs. 'rhos. Thursday the 29th of July. The meeting ic ar son o t is p ace w to d in Tor- will be in the form -of a picnic to which all onto were laid to rest in Balaca come the members are cordially invited. ThT OWNINN terylastweek. Shewasahiglit respect- District President,' Miss Thompson of rte A PAGE MOM THE BOOK OF LIFE ed lady. ga Mrs. George Bremner has returned Dun nnon will be present. Conveyances home after spending the past months with will be provided. The first will leave the 411W qW Rook friends at the Soo. town hall at 2 o'clock p. in. Money a V I n g Values, Died On.Monday Morning Examii In Music . There passed away at the home of her On 0 W 0 Mr. Frank S. Weisman Of the Musical daughter, Mrs. W. Jos. Henderson, Blue - Directorate of Canadian Academy Of valeroad, on Monday morning of this music conducted the piano exam held in week, Penelopy Hanning, beloved wife of Miss Gordon's studio Teeswater, on Tues. John Stewart of Puslinch. Deceased was Iff"k Sum -m -el" day, July Oth.. visiting with her daughter for� the past VV earing Apparel An 0MC.RaCe'd Ha py Vcvdle The successful candidates are as follows. few weeks. The remains were taken to P y Progressive -Blanch Hall, (Hazei'Brili her home in Puslinch on Monday after - and Sadie Gallagher) eqqal, noon. Mr. Stewart and son Howard -7, Junior -Edith 1,Cew (Wingbam), Mary were at her deathbed. She was a sufferer Presented '"With the Original Music Score. Belle Armstrong, Annie Little. from anemia. Primary -Grace Phipps, LADIES' WEAR Died With Diphlberld For the first time iii five years Mr. Griffith has wrapped his Preparatory- Jessie McTavish. film around homespun bumanity, and he has found a classic in Elementary -Helen Arkell honors, A sad death occurred in Toronto on Wash Skirts Vesta Fox, honors, (Wingham), Thursday, July 15th, when Albert I . -2 it-, folds, vivid in action, laughable in details'and tense in effect. Prize Winners Alright Thomas of Bluevale, passed away. The Middles With his repeated triumphs in great productions marly persons late Mr. Thomas has been ailing ever have associated Mr. Griffith with tremendous speetacles, thun-' Mr. Gavin Wilson is ovidently,not only itice he was gassed when serving his Volles Blouses a judge of good looking men in an 6 derous dramas and the svveep and rage of battle. In "A Ro- Orange procession, but is also a,good country bversea$. A few weeks ago he Gingham Dresses mance of Happy Valley"' be has rev.ealed a powerful story of judge of new potatoes. He brought' into went to Toronto, where he contracted the homely life in Kentucky, g superb pbotoplay with situations of our sanctum a potatoe which he had just dreaded disease, diphtheria, which prov. Silk and Lisle Hosiery dug that weighed half a pound. ed fatal. -Deceased is survived by a peculiar heart appeal and treme�-ndous power, If widow and five children, whor have the Corsets, Underwear Gavin had a few of these potatoes and a sympathy of everyone in their, bereave - 7W kn? X X N little blarney jelly we believe that the ment. Sweater Coats A Great GRIFFITH CAST including LILLIAN GISH, prize winners which he named in last Pullovers week's Times would be away in the shade ROBERT HARRON, GEORGE FAWCE T for looks in comparison with himself, MARRIED whether he had a top bat on or just an UnderSkirts ordinary old straw Amma-GorriaArrvia-At the groom's Night Gowns and K A�`I"E BRUCE Ws 1. Ct. d tri ag 11111 U a acarjuluC UK hc P, 12 con., Howick, on Wednesday, The Baseball club journeyed to Kin- June 30,1920, by theRev. A, Laing, cardine,on Thursday last and defeated Miss Edith Mary Goldsmith, late of thgtteaMby5to0. Thegamewas fast England, to Mr. James Alvin Anger, Lvceum 'heatric 4;, and alean but in the third innings when 0 CHILDREN'S WEAR Wjngh4m had two men on bases, How- Girls' WbIte I ard Sherboody koo*ed a home rub, the RANN—HUNvnnnrtt4—At the manae, INT I tresses first homo run for the teqM this.,year. Fordwicb, by the Rev. A. Laing, 'on R- COATS Girls, Gingham Dressies THURSDA, V, FRIDAV, SATURDAV, JULY 22, 23, 24 mot. Telfer did the twirling 4nd lowed Wednesday, July 7,1920, Lucelle M., only two-hiU. The sc,*re by inn , ings is as youngest daughter of Mr. John Henne- Oris' Middles follows: berg, ninth -con., Howitk, to Mr. W. Usual Daily Performance at 8.20. 2 Shows Satur(lay 7.45-9.30. Wingham Edgar Rqrm, of Wroxeter. Children's Socks Prtees., AdultsUeo ChIldrenUe. Xincardine-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.0-0-0 BOYS" WaSh SURS Witigham line-up-Aitcheson, Geddes, Telfer, Johnston, Sherbondy, Howson, DIED Boys* Jerseys Morden, Brydges, Bell. This is the One Show You Must Not M' ISSO 10ricardine -Ditbel, Manly, Nephew, RAU-In 110wick, on Thursday, July 8th, floys" KnIckers Morcus, Anderson, Wilson, Robertson, 1926, Margaret Georgina Rutherford, BOY -S, 1110uses Thompson, seirtzes, 41 beloved wife of David M. Rat$ aged 60 Hanotir Mothory Of Minister years and 6 months. Impressive services were held in the Shades of Madge Presbyterian church, Durha in on Sunday BORN evening, for its late pastor, Rev. S. H. SPEICIAL VALUES IN MENS WEAR Whaley, who recently died suddenly. Barnum Rev, Mr. Scott of Holstein, the new C,&urnm t, -In Wingbam, on Friday, July Silk Shirts* 11ats and Capso Palm Readh Sults, K n e d y moderator of the Preabytery of Saugeen, 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell, I - declared the pulpit vaeant in the morning Patrick St., a -son. $Ilk Soeks,, Straw Usits, TWeed and Worsted Suits P. T. RUNUO BUNGOED and at the evening church wag taxed to itA utmost to hear Rev. Mr. Mille Of CurrnexAn Wingliam, ort Saturday, Underwear, Collars and Tiessi, Navy Serge Sufts., the world with -a white ele- Drayton, convey the gym pathy of Silu, July 17tb, phant but she went him one "The Blooming to Mr. and Mrs, Samuel geen Presbytery to the congregation in Chittick, a daughter. Raincoats better when shojazzed up the their recent loss, and Rev, Mr. Lemon of to%vn Nvith a pink clephant Angel" Clifford delivered the memorial sermon, GET OUR P R I C E 9 BEFORE 1310YING and a brass band. Rev. Mr. Mel -.'wen, of the 13aptist chutch, estat wawanosh The 1`0111elkillp romance of 4160 Anisted. SPeciAl music w." tender - SHE WAS ALIVEl' a virtuous vamp I ed by the choir. Rev. Mt. Scott announc- Wit are delighted to know that Mr. ed that the congregation would hear six Jas, Voung has purchased a Ford. woo vow candk1ates beforo calling it tueeting of the eavy raifi tm Sunday morning "O� vote for the minister of their choica. Ntopp(-.d the liftying. M ­_on, i luxleps, Wed., July 26) 27&*8. oftlon to decide upon a suitable time to I i' X' 0, b`� 0 Tivi b K N G The late Mr. Whaley Is well known to Mim Laura Bone i�-t vi-titing in Wait" mAny of our retdm. he having preitehed anti from there -the im motoring to rflag_ Ott St. H*m for it numberof rom. F,1111t. WON A, ;k 66 A,