HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-22, Page 74 [ * It , . . W", 6 I "'R— 5 , , T 7 -- ­ , , ,-, __ ­ ` , I , , I 11 , ., — FR77 :Fi I , . , ..N —1WV^7qF7-1 75177. 7- . . 7-77 1 9, - , . " t-, " I " ' , f I of I / , ! , -1 . I . I N ft * -1.1-1 -...-1._.--_1_11- I- - ­ .­­­­­­__ _­­ I I III I III III III I Ill N III 010 01:101,14 . .1001M l LOA". tis i ­­ 111MINN111111=41121:1 111 I I -1-0 . __ _. ! - -1-11_7 - 0 1 . .. . 14 Jerusalsm ho, reIgued thirty and I .. , . 11111 11 - I ; - three re4re-Jerusitlein wall 4 strong. W so f% _ I I I., , at B i - . 11 , , 41, - hold, a P4rt -of which wm held by 1P A 11 , I - " POLISH FOR , , Two [VI b . 11 the Jabli0tes until David bad becolliq Duke of DLinonshire &eeps I REM . VING of I MA& of All Israel. Thq,6hill Zion Ig I . I , ! '"E 08NOU - On the north and ea,5t. David gained - a 'CUSE LESS""Ek I I . I the southwestern portion of Jeru- ", "... I . AGAIN, RETAn I I ,a. I I I-, I . lam. The deep valley of I-Iturtom Ile,- IL His, Dp, ate, . . T FEISAI i I Leown IV. iuly s.3, 1020. pOsseusion of Jer fsaloln and inatle it . ,.o,." !i.7 ,, .­--.­_.-"" . 1_--____ 1 14 .—_ I lits capital durtak the last thirty-three '1511;'111 e,,. !%..: ': ,i' ", .1 Retreating gedo B' o1i '. 110 ____ . . , , - `.?.!?i, - I . c! K . : !'e,:,; - __=___ - DAVID SiUCCIIEDS 4AUr4 AS IVNQ, years, of his, long reign. ­ I I _1\ 1 ___"' ', 1, - $out 24 -1 -lour Ultimatum to ombed Qomw Oftj pA View of - Questions-Y.Vitat events are rccora t 'EMPIZ s 4f , I - 4 -\ - , " ; ,____)11;,__,__ King of Syria, By Aeroplanes , i.k ". "' , . t .".1", 10 - .'' , 4' , i:;. 1% " Samuel 9: 1-11, 3: 1 G. !_\ 4 in David'A life from the time lie i sry .I ,-, Z.: .. . 40KC r', , ilt, : ,, I... 0 bMigxift'at sp& I I , Ix, ifil _%_ . I .. (,ommeutary,-I. 'David ItIa4e King spared Salll'S life 14 11116114111 to big 4 4 "'..'....." 11 I . - . 11 - ­ ­­­. .. " X. " . . , ...... ! . i ', ,_ - , . o_____.__ ­41w L .- I I I , f; .. - . ,. .. saki in I H = I ES I Ill I I I Ivflna rallo to the .Do, , , , , being wade-'Ulug at Hebron? Whitt 1. .­ If?" :;, i : 41,' i :; Ilk NOW Advinoe On Aleppo Ube. Q040 Of 111vaAft or 1408 Of. Judah 0. 1-4). 1. After this -After question dlq DA,vId ask the Lord? -Why , i r- .. . 11 *1- , '. -, -, I . . - Z, ,!i, ..,, t the death 01 S441 444 !)X'$tftlka 1*4 did lie oerid,,Ajue , M . 3,,ago to J4. besh9. Who / , - q . . : .111, e`-: -nd Damucuo. vild, . 'the battle At Gillica, to ,WU t ., :,',,. ,,.,, : 1 --- ,. a . lci4 the came to Daft(tafter be had been reign- I . ....... ....... . ..... J .... * - of MAL :! ._ V4 rl -1 #.A-"* . . . . . . . IR Ing seven Qara at Hebron, and for . ,491:..,5m;.::.:!"..!' , : f.s.;.-.:-:I:I- .m.s... , . PWW__, rsaw, July 0',-Thc Polo,$ bay ...­.. . I ... ­­.- , :. - Philistines defeated tits Isrv.4iE01, 0all trid . '/ ': . , :. T40ndOn. July 17,The French have ,a what purpose,,', How many times ,, . -:141-:1;­ .._.", I., . I 90 up-DAVid knew that he waa to on what occ4slons was David anoint. , .:..;:1._: , ? gm .--,.,,, J Be 4*1 '.-A 5%%­WZ,6JJtl ,­: "..'...,....'.,...' w .I....,.,..'..,..., .'.,....,.-,...*.., '.1 ., . . . . . .: . . " -begun operations Ili Syr-Ia. moving to, "'OccuPletl Public) In Vollryn .. " July .,:::** ,j;.:.j:; : - ., ._ :,? i: :,: . . . . . e7 . ...., Ia# after ,tat 0 as"'Un a, :::;;; . ...'.. , C, 1 ,rvlatjvo to th r become icing of Israel and Ito *ought -ad? 0ow long didDavid raltru In : :: .. ­ . I )lard flr hfll, .4 1 i divine. guidance As, to how lie ,would Jerusalem? , . i., .., 77. ... 1-!. - . wo&q 4&ePPD aud Damascus, according lis 414 ,,Ate treating ,Uol. the German rfqla 114 tO do - ;0g. -f ..: ....... I . _901011 At I$ ? 0.4tor upon this work. W9 eart. not . ,,... N' .­­ . . . . . :::r*,:". ­ ­- ;;;;;;;; to. a report printed in the shovikk Are being bombed b liver 21,000,000 tb,gn of coal W 111"04 PRACTICAL SURVEY - , . London ujrplarrea say, . . I 9 An Offlolal , Polish 110t0t any personal atub.1tiOn. ill I)a*1,1, . " N ... I Times this morning. communica. to the Allies W04 'mod hero 1,W .. tie illgttirOd of the Lord. by Abl%thor, ToPIQL-Truo success and I how to win I . I %1. Advices, have been received in U011 Issued to-fty. I night., I 1 I the high- priest. unto Hebron -t)A,Y,4 % I ' : J I# . London, says the London Times, that Otherwise there were no Important "No other decision possiblo ,at- " #od his tolitiwers were then living 411 I. -Connecting events, the Fr4nob onL,Wednesday $Cat a 24, modifications in the eltuatloo. In , I , I Pol. ter Marshal 14fock hAd b SUMMOO, . , . Zikl4x, which btLd been ge,tnted to IL-0avid inAde king. %our ultimatum to Iretual, King at esim And Vothynia. to -day. Polish odt" It declared. "On one J tho" . I . I I Itim by the 111hilistlue,& 140 was to 111 -The spOret of Dayid's success. I , . ; I p I . ..:...t I , :: Syria, demanding big 4equiesance In aruiles are 401ding thO 1140 at Zebr4ex was invaslon of Germany, Its I I I ill territory. , - I . I I . ..".1% 1, the French mandate for Syria, and and 8tkr to protect geco,52 to Lem,,)arg lagalculable politleal rssu a a . I . go Into Purely 14rueliti. 1. Connecting events. The battle of . I I . it In a condition of 4 ': .. w:" I i . UobrOlt was a, city- In the patri4ronal Glibom left, Israel ­ , -,.,.., -, I I I also In the adoption of French as the And Breut-Litovsk, tile parlo(I ((Ten. 1,mt:18; josh, 10:3). it , defeat ancr disorder equal to that of t.` . e '.- ,,, .,.,,. '. .. '. :o., i.- I COMMoulcation sequences, and on the other a re . . ..'.. ,.:!-: .... I " - t , ;,,"­ % '.­' "' __ 01 I., a , ,., . ..., ......, , . * -1. _N_..1 ­.N official language, and ,French tion by. 8 r " "I * ..- ;.,.. , . . . r., .,. .,­­ .AQ.m`q . %':* - -,..; 1 1 `::',"' ,.; our, , ddv, ..w. ,.: '. ". '..%*v- .", _ * . ,-, . ". " ­:.. 11 -L*,!., -;', .,.,.` ., , `:, ­'...'... . K".....;Z....... '. '. ". ... . Aphek (1,1.Sum. 4), The ark, how. I.,n]"'; . . , ,*,- .." 11.1% % .-.,_%v . ." ..:,4 ..,. or cent. of the coal oupp, * -, wai too Contra of tile trioe rA JuduA, I '.,;,1':: .,._ :: '.., 1`01107 as tile ou,"rency of Syria. Eftenly Qtt3chs 14 the regions of to Gorman 43opsuntor , the possi- , , 4.,... .:Z I . . .. . -1., _­ ': - i, , , . _ 11 .4 Ivlv , s, with ; . . .. % I ()n Thursday, at the exPeration or Kamfetz and kqat' RPOW a4atnat the ad billty, however, of rema$nlng waster .. .. . . . . and was a fittigs'place for btfu to cc- Over, wll0e'llot captured and David was 1§ -1 -'?511 . , .:. ,.,:, CUPY. The- region was mountatuoua recalled ito be their deliverer. Fol __.._..._.,...___ - .. .. - I the i!4 hours, says the Times, the v'Aluccd Position were repelled with In ona'a own house." I and ould lie P.Asily defended, David lowing TeIr ,success the Philistines .. FrOnell opened 140AVY losses. The Poles captured tin- The Sp.% correspondent of the Voo . , . 'It hostilities In two Nvas famIllar with this coulitry, as it overran country wast of Jordan I Columns, one directed against Alap. portant boo ' de . 6 P ,j . ' ,!ten,, , Ato flilltlng . n1sche Zelturs to.ensureld the Gorroatt Aga but 4 fqw,maej, from ljj p.,hk(3 and occuRtod the desertt-a cities (1 . I PO, and the other against Damascus. Alost . continues I I 0 big native place. ThL, V,1)riJIcr,i,port Sam. 31-M, On the field of battle, I According to the Ktest reports, the north an d a delegation for allowing flugo. Stinnes, , of the laud of Israel wits troubloti uy Saul perished, also A Ust of Vilna, where the the German .capitalist, to play the I I Jonathan, the I rabs were reported to have offered povulatiOrt is taking An attivp part in "role of dictatOr." ' . the Philistin .......:::::::::ii ,:::-, , 'K.-.-- . \/I - no resistance. , , . as uAII parts vieri loyal PrIgge royal, And heir apparent to . The Wrench wero the defouce of the City, say the com. to the,horise OT t=ul. Jezreellresd- the 'throne. David laments their fall : .. 0 said to* he using 80 battalions, Includ. munications. The Rreuge'Zeltu,ng, organ of the ..... . ­ Wire Jezr00I Re _ 0 . I ,Which was 0e country t f, In a'niagnifleent conipaeltjon at a, a :.:-:.x.x-;: 140 t Ing both French and Senegalese pav-0ormans, declares, I AhlzWaM WAB,Jn the land of J, -AsJr; i-oovs- The forces are equipped HAVE B NTU- Itlo,I) VILNA . - "GorlhanY baA again 4w,.pted terms - .. ' reverent and magnanimous, There Is , !i Cc, 'O a. I QJ! 'was also CarmbA, the home tif no UPTesion of triumph over his slain : !. l.' , w1th tanks and airplanes. London. July . '. Ishevild which she wiwtot carry out." .. j:, . , - The Be . I Abigail. God's plan Jn tii) begaming eftedly. There is a noble-intrided for- ., -­: , . , - ----- 1 -.*.*.4k-. — occupied Vilna Weduesday a I ,, ,% :,! : '. afteroo Approval of Ilia action of Gormany's ' was "that it man snottid JIAY3 but, ono .... I : !",i I . without opposl tton. I on representatives' Is voiced by the Fnst- ,. ' 90Yuluess of his own Injuries. Ile .*+;::;. _.::::*.'. ".j 1 "' " L ------ . L according to a I , -I:!:::* t, . living wife, and this is slill his j)lai', ptesents the brightest vlj v of Saul's ..... ,;--,.- ,:Mk' I despatch to the London Times from halt, organ of the Independent Social- ­ I In Patriarchal and later times robt j .. . , ..,., :;;:; :;!;:;A Kama. The despatch Adds that Isto . I -' character and servTce for the nation, - .!i '.i X­ ,',`.W_ EN"D FIRICTION .-W,,4 .OK,. .il,6.1% . Lith. I : i 1 94" 074 was 14 a sense Permitted. 3. kls owits his faults and a :: ql* -- tz i:F;,?i: i .: : '*i .? ii! 't.i;,- I ) itanlailt and Bolshevik troops jointly . PARTS V,rbV$8 VIZWS , alts his valor, I :: i:01.' .' ;,-::v :;-;-;-.;,.. 1. . i . 4 Landuarovo; ten miles West of spa, 'Belginmil, J41Y "-Results of I I . Vilna. and arA n'PgotI4tln I ' ' 'A ;'.ft cr_"== 9 for the ru- the Allted,Germart ,Conforcitoe here . S51, -.! 'i-'-..Ie ::,; : _,_,, ture disDo I ". ,.; J ::: % honored'evon In death. In both speech . '$ ::! ;: ; : . ": .. .. i 'VER SHANTUNG "' sition of the town, which I . men' that were with' A1Im­:r1I0sq w1V Saul Is "the anointed of the Lord," .. :j:. had been loyal to him durbik the 30"O and kIng over Isrstel,, and Is to be :!:: :::: :::.,.: 1 11 i i i * OV1113 exile. 'With his lidna'.-Aiold-14voy I , 1;1'-:-'1* U had come W -have a memiurably set, .. .r :: , . ? mo,, seemed to hava failed to satisfy the' - ; i .. -lw'* . i wit ;". the Bolshoviki probably will transfer newspapers of,'Parls, according t6. , - . . .% - .,. k%, ., ::: ,. . , ; 111C I -. -. ..­­-."'.'.,. .... ......... . .. ,.­ " '.. ppr__59 I . . I to the Lithuanians. comments printed here to-4ay . - connection with Saul sustains every .......... ,- - , -.-­ ...... :: ? ". I I " tled, abode at,Zftlag, .Lties ut Ueorou and actfon'David throughout all his .1...,1;;n,N,.0, :k':; :;0 ", . I .. , , . 1, g.p - , These were smaller towns situate ".. I I .41 . .Ilncaf 'eat tenderly V:,O ; E!i,S-.i i%,* 10 r, "The oonf areded,11 Tsmarks St, Drlc , I word-ot, the larnent. M , . NIC . 110brou and, pertiaps dep-rident ,upon and boautifull iii .. , .".",..Iii .".-, 'i 'i.li, *: 11 Brit Urge a an to . ­_ - -.*.'- I . I ......., '.",-.­,. lt.,' ',Dhvid provid y he celebrates the sur- . . ,! 4----. ain Will . 1". th Andered from tU6 .1 "I 11 . - - , ... ­­ I - . " - all for Ilia support­rs passing and stedfast affection botweeil ' _.._ .. ,. ..,_ . .quN ..., I . path to ,It r iciits, which Is not the and their turriffies in tile new ,or I.. I ,. BIG REWARD F33 'least of the re6eWw1flob, it leaves ,A- I ". - - I . Make Terms., . tion, Jonathan, and himself. I . . -11, ., 4. the men of Judah cume-­Th%..Y , ­ . . . - ___- I., I . I . e.. ivere friendly toward tum. 11, David mage king. God's great .1-1 I...- .. ........ . I I - behind It," ', - .. . 1 3.re ,,pig' il . . rs* r-----------,; A * .11,110%ZAR 77 Partinax, Political ;. editor I of tho I that hi gave presents to t, The fact. purposes can not be thwarted. They , (_W,1adV, Is crowing ovor Vic eX - 113 Ima to &-A-1 on the B* ro4s a: I !,lau aca vr=o uover s* popui r', .to, paoi$id a Xnows Nothing of Refer - move majestically to fulfillmon-t plolts of a nev, CanacbaLi. Pa'dfflc Frame. Vh1up loakc-d bad at tb4lStolto ,W*e horoes. A Epirit oi I Of Judah a ,stiort time bar .. LL G -ED . 6 Echo tie Farin,­6koa a more hopeful I gam.'39: 26-:31) snows that he regw d- through entangled circumstances. and Ocean ServleeLil liner. the Emi*caa ztar.t whea, tb4i boatll schedule rea4 radvaot4rp ,t ghteued the nervea cc . once to League. .. I N WA i . . 11 . . : V40w, 0aying, ,f" ot thstaudin% Ito. ed them as his .friends, and twis.'aft 6*er all opposing agencles. David had of France. "'Sailing fro n,Sit. John, N. R, March All 91i Upa o, The Dulto kept: hlj% , I __ , . -1 .1jo " evasion, the confOrbneO seems to Con- I , long, been assured of the throne at The Duke of Devortshdre proArrIteed 13th,11 The 13 wa.%; a hoodoo right tt; to. * I - I Lond)n July 1 ._ The ovlet Go% tain jnore ,pos0lillitlea favorable to . . pilght have mace quern , still more, Israel. The atioluttAg by Samuel had Sir Auckland Geddes, by cable, that enough liccause ft ttvrible gallo r,ot la. Just as an After -thought, . tb,d - ernment Franm than tlid.,T9041to we ha I ftleodtY to-V4rd Ulm, they .anointed London, July '.- .-he DrItIGh Gov. is offering - a raward of 2,- . ve re- David, Itin been such u promise and pledge. $41 he would presIde at a 'dinner g1voA with seelt fary. tt,at it' *%v.n deem., -d WooddID 'of t,he 13 tricid to break the! . a 00,000 rubles for the bead of a man corded seem toAudicate.11 I . I . I r, over .... 4udalt-David aLd and Jonathan, the turmer reluctantly, to the now British AmbP610ador at advisable to delay the Fmilin" Duke's P;.-oM,Isc by hanging a dsusej , ,,, r My, , already tiod l anointed pri,ntwly Orilulent lvlII not fail to Lake aultalil claiming to be Czar Nicholas 11., of . , . urark Gun's ellowe ot Illy the iatter with noble unselfishness. Washington by the Canadian Clut) at twenty-foltr 4ollre. Q are _____ ____ --- - The Figaro t4kWtha most gloo ' , Saviliel, to 'A' . liba dver the' Mersey, but by Can- ,pa ter settlement of Shantung Russia. according. tq infor VlOw, asserting, ­7 ', I (11ICstlort. Cecil B. Iarmsworth, Un- mation Ia- . 11 I I 'as the fAture-king, but it was naturaf bad Acknowledged and,proolatmed the the- PrInes's Rostaurant, Pleadilly, CaK CoojIt-,,the comman-clor,- Con- U010 'Mvlglk fou Capt. Cook brought der -,secretary .for Foreign , Affairs Calved by the Jewish Correspost- "The least tA4 can be a at, ",that' the Care divine purposo; In the history we can London, Eagland. The specific 111ir- milted by t1to Ditke, gmve a eo olr I aid is th , , I . many should flow bit,) ­1 trace the , growth and bracing of , .n htm dreat vessel to anchor apposita said la 3t night in tile liouse or Cool-' deace Bureau to -'day. The advices the situation mingIfis confusing, and 1)64t d publicly'.as the formal i poee of ­Ia' Duke's vlsit,'hoWever, pr*-nise, "Your Excollericy vArl ba Ift the Prifice's LandIng S,taga at Ltyrr- mons. * The statement. was made in .311es exhausted all Aaugitr- . say the claimant, Vito Is in S.-Iberla, disquieting. T)46,A 4#4n -,of big reign, and .ov' n a taizd David's character. The time at prc- ' was to itrend the wcddtn* -oX his Liverpool at the appaint-ed tkw on poal at .at% o'cloa onM moi nlnl * ivhether the ft I , . paration. is not lost, Jesus bade his daught0i, ,',ady Doro'4hy CavendIsh, Cie strolto of tb . c, och-V tii .% sli4D,,". I reply to a quest!on as to has raised a "Oonsiderable following, nicans, both Pt4"Aclllation a d coer- * ­ timo* whcrt he Vag,madb*lKing Q,T'er elfttliueggstic and e#f;cr disci t4 Captalm AAmld AlacAlIllan. . . I . cr X!troh - 22nd, tbo dau and houl Goverilment would Instruct .the Am- I naccountmg for, big escape from clon, to wlvch' Germans opposed wke .zchoduled 'for dts arrival. bassudor at Toklo po " f. . all liralBi.-Caln. -13ib, . Tile time wits ,, I ,orig:ne3. can =4naoa it." , a'a I I the hands of the Bolshevild be asserts the f Irca of ln,014111upll 'Ao,t yet ripe for all the trips$ Or,1$ga0i tarry," and never were days more . . . . _ Japan I ­ I .N. . I to Come under his leartersuip. He ,%.so effectually spent. David becarno morO 00 . the advantage c! Immediate' restora. it was a servant impersc:iating the I --o - -, i . loyalty, a , ceeptod. by* Judati, %Y,nfj wtd chastenecli more ennobled and trust- ,. %, ____ __ __1 __ __ _____ tion to China of portiono at Shantung Czar wh1l, was killed at Y'k'te't' :' ' I . zoet',- together Ana Olocced him thptr ore complete In eon- on flat cresea pans and bake in A ]tot . w1iich weie not controlled by Ger- berg, Where the Czar and his ra-rall; 0 . , d fixg.4 in purpose. The,. '. -4 1 . tire undorstood to ha: -re been axe- , Al *10 U.So . ful in spirit, in _. _ ....A 01%.­__ oven U R S 00 I. " . klngi Tie bad patience to u " secration, 4n _Z_:-_-. G% 2 8.q% .T% many before the war. I . . __ V.1 'Mr. Harmsworth declared the Go . - I I a om to vocome ILL- ment and. Completion of . his I I' I cru.'alent. was hilly alive to thp. advan- I .." '44, I .1 I .1ted. 1; fr-4604k_ It, 111 no ro (Z ni ah) Rr - to — f tit 1 P r C A, f. QiW'c'vn+.1+1gXCl t4lfalrllev I . lie had been learning patb4llcp angsh, S-5- . tim , for, the lcingd air (rod's anointings ht Hebron at the bommone ..... I RICE PtJDDWG. HU EVRE"AS Y_ cuted I I -t lie ingric the Pugging Of tno scepter from - I .. ,Llutiug the Past ten years,, an he Apr . . Vk'%w I . *a:s becoming fitted for an'illusi ioiig, ther% tribe of BeiiJamna to t .)olnt-_. ' ad tribe of Judah; which. has come I -9 i: i unn way to be =o that rice pud- dtng will be gobd Is to liahe it tit a moderate ovcn for an Ti HE BU V "'RNED ALI L. - - ge emout in , a sikual,lon. lie said it was not aware of any pro- P013111 that on Influential section Of It 2 al ku PAS' UEA H 11 0 11 , , I With R&tric l .'ons Off.,!-. . r *,M of An t , , I , ", . . . I the "Primes of Peace," whose reign I 1I., The men of-,,',Tabesh-Qilead hort- . 2: 6 shall be universal and of whose icing- Oi*d (2 -7). 5, linto the Merl of "there SWEETS F OR SUGAR SAVE, RS. - . F or Tropical Silow, four sweet h let t a fire go out. LA the pudding ' stay iP tile. oven for thipt, or four hours 1 I ____ . 1 Public oplulon In. J`npan favors ,silb- mftttn- the Shantung question to the 1'eag"tio of Nations, Replying to other A 5 TURKIS-11, ENVOY . _ ,' , -; Vtkwa, Jul Y"'." ^.-Removal of the ra.. I *the . dom shall be no end," We have . Jabosh-gilead-kVIien the ,take longer, and when t,ken out yoa Parts. he e,t(, rictlOn" on export of sugar le PCOPIG Of abundant scripture warrant for regard- JAbesh-gilead heard'L'that the Ing oranges, four ba nailai, three or four ' Will find not all the umitaril at the top AtIv &, -Tue Russian r,.m- qlm3tions. sta ttel the Government had received no communication from . Pausing great quantitleg of sugar to be . .Philis- David as a type of Christ, who did I 444s had mutilated tha .body of 'saul, 1 they, not disdalir to be called his Son.'David slices of pin caPPle, half a cocoanut . 'three and the rice at the 1,.otr.v1n. as it Us- ually the case, but each separatc grain PITSS and her children were burncd I alive after the the Chiame Government relating to I sent out of tke colintry, especially . I . . from Ontario to -United went and took, it and , . the, Lo -dies was anointed king , Jesus was'allointed Of hl Gong -to Jabash,and buried them. (grated), one lemon, ounces of .. sugar three of rice will be coated with a delicious - execution n! Emperor I Nicholas at Ekaterinburg, it is al' ad leg control of the Shantung Railway by JApaucoo troops. . Constantinop,e, July -15,-Damaiid, points the States;. .according ,to advioes recelved. I . Duvid,lieard'of their respect for Saul with th* Holy%-Gh st. III. The secret of David's success, - or tablespoonfuls of syr- 111). PO01 the Granges divide them ln l custard, I . I 1. . I in statements attributed to Alexis Dol- I . ___.O _ - I . Forid Pasha, the Grand Vizier, and harp. it is said that even Small gtorekeeRera Lare, Vuder axid-his obne. and their idindly act in . i irruo su6cess. always involves flght- .- bu ying their remains, Witt he ent a cousness of chaiacter,and aim. The to a sectlons; reitiove, all the whit - I I BANL-NA FUDDIXtG, One box at golatme, -bno pint of I rovitz. formerl- cwarlcr to th lGim- . %olro- *r.1 ABUSE the other peace corar-.1.9slonors of ' the Turkish Cabinet, were 'ound guisty exporting. I the Doar:d of Comme . re#' Togul4tions th ' . , . I message to them, commatiding their rtnderlylng membranes between thr p leca3 and cream, one two press, puOlisft c -d here to-d4y. kURKS . a mofit is restridted to #ve percent. I . principle is al ways the . . klndile6s. blessed be ye at he Lord, same. To at . taTn wrong ends is never -David's Inds' . the pipe 1Z ,possible. 'Feel and site ,a quart of mr1k, Lupo at sugar, five bananas. Dissolve gelatine vitz said he macto vabi attempts to his of treason and sentelie,od to death o- day by. i"Le Nationallel, 'High In the Etatea the demand is Abner- Mal. there is I . pl ty f . a expression on uccess, but defeat'and disaster. .The I.. . :, this -oPcaelon, , We large-Itearteduese David"s the bananas ' and Pineapple, remove In a cup of watrw, add sugar to the milk and let It scald, talte save mistr It her children. , s an The HInDressesand the children:'Dol-, THE W11-11TE FLA G V Court of- Jushice at Angora, ac%cording to & lie control at prices, A, I While Canadtax exporters also 1104 . secret of is dhoWn In lita thoughkfultiess. .With '"eca-99, was, first, I I I .1 faithfulness. Wiliethmaliepherd, cour- the eyes form the latter rr,d out .ir, some of the hot milk and tthin the gelatine, rovitz declarea. were taken to u - iVood I . despatch received he ,re. tho benefit at tile exchange. regArd to the remalnz,.bf -his'-, r,omy. . . I . 'O. ''.1 'also will requite you thts kniti- . . tier or captain, th,) same quality was 11.1 . into .dice. Arrangd tii fruit in '-Ay- ers in a glass dish; bprinklo strain and lot it simmer ten minutes, in bowl ficar Ekaterinburg,) Br(mbwood Was U path_d. a d a lingo fire mado,Anto . I I , ,Daman,d and the other. morribera of the peace dellegation'wero,trIed in The Government recently propo sed totake authority to regulate qxPort I I P _nianifest. It is the manner rather than ivp -Tho message he was then ,wito - 'the measum of service which is tb.a sugar or syrup and a little strained lemon juice 1..-r a to cool. Peel banallas and break in small pieces With a fork wh101I tile ,-al VICI.AMS Ware *eed. ' Constantinople, July , IS.-AlMor I ' that" absence on the charge v- of ha Of any commodity. but this legislation, 14-0 ,was a recusnWon of their regar It basis of reward. David's %eebftd nual- over each layqr. Pile the layers high and Ltir into tho mixture, when cool * Every time they sougnt to got Out 'Of the YeutzOoa, son of the Greek Premier. Ntravod Turkey in the negotiations' . after being refegred to a. special com- . . tot Saul and ble Gons, I V, I avid 'Manifested a real .a 1 7' lJe " ity was discretion, "He behaved him.: . in the Centre of the dish, then ver . CO k, but not stiff, Serve with whippe-I flaincs. Doirovim said, they were driven back at the point of the bay- 601irmalided the art'llery ,)I the at Paris. — inittee. was dropped.. ­ . __ I I . q, f very wisely" (1 Sam. IS: IS). "The , I I . . n .r6et in the rven of Jabesh-gileact. T.,9rd was,with him," and all his con- . They. were without a king and were "in All with the grater cocoanut, This Is greatly Impioved it it glass of sher- ry or rum Is,poured over It before cream 0A top flavored with vanilla, CREA'AIND OYSTERS AND CRABS. Melt two tablespoonfuls onet. . Tat:ara, the EmDress' second daiigh- Qreak forces whIch rocentiy entered . D Idsca- __+ n OUR 'HERRIES TO " , , - Ima it, , BY , " nA F' "' NCF:*RtA' duests the name of I liable to be attacked by the Phill WP e achieved - sprinkling of butter. hal-" teaspoonful ter fled frOM the DYre three times, -&s the Greeks approached the el ,, G ,. . the Lord" (I. 5am, 17:45), The real . t-tiag. .holfse.of Judah haVO anointe3d . I tost of success Js the end, The value . . Wo ,klng over thern-David's message of action and Is de- orf - the cocoanut. Any fruit in seasou may be used for this. .*,dd a, of onion. juice and three tablespoonfuls of flour. Cook five minutes. Add three-fourths cup and eventually tell, Pierced thrciug,h 1,y a InDrcss and Alexis, ,heir uyonet. Thali thea Nationalists ivaved a white flag, but tremelicrouely killed a Greek who I lk a ity gal 60 '""'NERIFS I r T I", M " IA 0 ` I pr000sscs, always to!-ilils people was not only u,com- I . I terWried here. . TrIon.latlon of air regard for 1 aul, I I I PRITIT TAPIOCA. I riout ounces of tapioca, one quart a! oyster liquor, one-fourth cup of , brown at-', 1 - 4 t4a throne. clamled In close embranad, walked almost automatically wit-, aent to confer with them.'Th ere - lipon Van] los ordered the artillery Y A 0 -C 11 " - It , LET - ff. S's I , W I U I i )v 9 . I I I -1 .azgoonutl of an- into the flames and disappeareki jil-a .to open fire, killing many Turks and St, Catharines. ,Ont.. July , . - I .1 btit It svae also, without'doubt, an Act/ Wwmwwa­ of milk, four ounces of nuga ' and a few 'gralits.of cay- whfrI Of Finiolle. according to Dolrovltz. 011110tilig all OPPositlon, so tliat tile I... . ...... , 'of d!plomacy, by which he thought lie , r " a Pinch of salt, one lentox ' ZI . r 0 . I * * ,, on e i'al'r' I 'o'I'l'ovy e";Sen" a lie. Cook until thickened and boil- L . , 44 . ­­­ -...,;. Gre2k flag wom hointed eppedliv over Cherries, literally by the ton, are be. Paris. July 4 .- -In the face of .. ifiTsht induce them to accept of,hrm .. , q : .:: -Pound of any fresh, ;!PC fruit. Crush 1 -Ing. Then add one pint of parboiled aAh x the Inimfuent danger of Poland -,Jolfig i king - Jabep,h becamer the 3eat of a 1, .,.. oca, Was hit., and soak over I and . ; I - N the town hall of the mo,st historic Ing shipped from this district to the I At I , the tapt drained oysters and crabs mixid. - D -L/ I oveTrun by file 8oviet armies. Francs, Mr northern .kingdom, I %:: - ' rve !I. crou.-:tades of broad. To rxialce '. . -xn- canning factories of New Yojk State. .. which wAQ !Z -, ", I .1, night tit half of the. water. Next day I 1"- I city of tbo Osmanlis. wbere 11oha . . 1 -SIG E'102111 only sur- I U rulea by Ish-bosheth, the 1. put the soaked ta5loca with the rest the croustades cut mch * atl ` r. and sever -11 otbAr Sultans art, so Ileavily according to Information from th `vIVIfis eon of Saul. Abner was- the . of thp water Into aaow .the bread in r ADE ' " buried, . On Monday. a truck was . higifest quarters, is at least witlideaw.- , we pan, or a shape as desired, rounds, diamonds or ,11h - - . laden with cherricaj that the authorl­ I military head of the northern tribes - _1W pan standing in anoths.- sauce pan Oblong$, cutting out the Centre to form Ing All her obJections to the reWg- It was through IiIA efforts that t. .­, . 4. . ,* I containing boiling water. , Boil gent- a, case. Brush over with melted but- ties at, tbo Queenton Bridge insisted nition of tke Soviet Government 'by . "I'll I ­-CANAPA's, TR fit,, )Kingdom continued for a few - :. _ _­_ - --,W, - ' ' ­,;."illim " I I :A", I k ly, stirring softly until the tapioca is for inside and out, and brown in a hot " . , -j.- . __., that the driver unload part of it and the Allies and is ready to join 14 mak-; yours. . . - . , 11 . I . ,'W,W : - - - 1. . . I Ing Peace With, Aloseow, provided the . . .. . soft. Add the Eiweeterting, a pi ie at oven. . I . make two trips across. Tho -fruit was .. - :; .1. It . ,,, :. * ... . - 1, , . 111. David king of all.l,srael (5:1-5). ..., . * 7 v salt, strained lemp Jule . I being forwarded from the local cold ' . . 11 . - -1, .. .11 .., 0 and the . Soviets Immediately call off their of- _ - - . % , '. , ". .; _ . ' phiet the Poles. The news '. L tlicn . came all the tr!bes of Israel . 7. 1W ; - fruit, which must be prepared as for LOG CABIN PUDDING. Ottawa, Ont., July .-(By Carlu. storage plant tn Viddleport, N.',kl. fensIve a, to ,David -There had been hostility I IV" - 44 , ` ,' w Allow a ipint. and -a-half of milk, than PrLSS.)-A betterment of ap- . --------*--* I or freL-4i. sweeping Aolshevlst success - I -W F. ; 14 - .:. cooking. MIX well together, put into hCat it and .0rumb In enough plecee os to -day crowded even the news from - 1. .1 . Can the kin Olorn of Judah and .., , 11 . 0. a glass dish. and leave Ili proximately $136,000,000 In the brade, I'll .1 I - k I .Gf tke Lcir.xiticn? for the first three . . Spa, off the firsb pagei; of the big ,: " of brand to make it quite thick. Mix SAVES SUFFER" N G ris dailles. t1i;N111of the north, and finally the iul-- ; ", . '!-*V , I -,A When quite cold serve elt a cold place. . 4 . ]ter with cus- into a homogqueous mas3, add a Plece I , ". mer obtainel a victory over the lat , '. 1.2 , 11111 , tard-mado from powder or with Imita- of butter half as large'm an egg, a. months of t tho fiscal year,. as compar- I , , I - I w 11 ti4 leliboehath had been ar-eaesIA- fiv, tion cream, . I I . ad with the same Period last year, Is I IN _ 1____ ,._ . . itto,cl and Dav!d had caused t.ht a8- ; ,X -­ . little salt and a targe Bpoontul or I I - ,,,7-,' .: . I . . XO WHEAT BOARD I . VjtblT CTJ,P.-. . sugar. a ayer at t1ris In a. Statq,ment authorized by Ron. 'A. W. I 'ases I o, " Spread I Oic"%\,n in the fir,,,t monthly trade 549,31n -to be put to death, Probably &,.*,A W,:" . . " ,4,5 , , . of 15h_ 4 -.3, ., 'N'A,; : & ' buttered pudding, dish, then a layer of -V,Vi Pahiless Cura'fur Ddo — It Was not long after -the death . , , .. .. .4 Four sweet oraugos,* ,11-rea banatlas, ; ginare, the newly Installed Mints- I , ,­' , ,C: I : I bOoTieth that representatives of all the ,, ­' , . - . slicod sour apple, sprinkled I ' ;.r,. . , one-half pound of grapes, one lonion, ., -:, .Z., I t - wIt" ter of Customs. , !- , -. To Control IS20 Crop, Gov- ., . .., ... .. . .. '_. ­ spicc3. . .. . _ trUa of Israel assembled itt 8ebro;i '. f,Alt.ernate until tile dish 1B ---,O-#-*,— " ,.%:., of G all bladder 1W , ,:.:. Pineapple esulnee, two'ounces. of syr- 11, I I 4 , . . . , . I . ad., deleeted him king, we' are thy ­ ...::. o ,...11 : , ricarly aving the top II,kyor apple; ? N:ii ,e I . ­.. .. I W."INAMS I 6, $'I up, one gill of cream. Cut the or" I i.' : ii: i; , --;- ernmela . V . . I Who and thV fleeh-all the tribes ­ 11'. ..... . .. T . Idot with bits of butter and sprinkle . t Decides. . . , % ­ ansc:i round iii"'balves, scoop but all ,.. I i,7,.,.X0;;1:,: ;,., - 7 : with sur,ar. Duke two hour-, or longer . .­Nlk., .1 — I W Or L- of One blood, Thev had e6mo . I . , .. ­_ . I I 1 4,.--4 the pulp and juice witit a spoon. Put , . ,',,'. .,, : i _. ". , , _--.1p ..:. Crileago, July ' --A -LIntea3 moth. . . a commoner ancestor. They !Y, "I_ In a Modem'* oven, covering with a , BATTUN ,04 It. A , F,;.Y:. * - 1. ., .4 1...;;. . - I * ,, :1. i - the syrup Into a paii,'boll until it I : .91,1;11 Od of treating d1seasea vf the gall Ottawa, July .',-Thq Coverrauent rom 11 . 1, "." . but the oame God and had to- '6',,T .-, q 011, . , ,_. P!Ate,the last half of.the time. Serve ,1.. . .. . -;!V1 -.,. , . I ., W. 1, , . 1 1 . thickens, add tbo strdinail lemon and . ,N 4 .. . ..... % - 'tt' b,adder -which it wai m,aimed. ,.,ould . . hey ­ , ' -.. : - ,..: W ... , M ...... q . .-. . , .:" , '.J.Z C­ : orap - k, ', X ., I d the same divine promises, Thl , 11 ,go juice with hard sauce. or ,put one ci .1 N has dacidcd that; the present whPat alive .9, I . . , &0 & And Just'bTing it to, the . -1 ...... Xi*.". 11 , U". 1::_:1.. 1. . . . was. one reason why all shoilld be ., R, boil, Pour over the fruit in the dish. ,sugr: in tho puddIrg and rwxvu w.ILIA I'll I. _ ­ ikN I : , . . eliminate surgical operations lit more 1; buttor or cream. CH IN E S I pt'A. "I I 1. , I I 6 MAL , Ward will not function insofar ag the UnOer one king, 2. thou. . Jed;. N7 I . ,; than filifty Poe cent. Of m:ch cases, has -w float crop of 1 20 I cono4mod. Tit , .1 W . I ,.: " Add a few drops of ptituapple flavor- g- , ;-'. .;,.,,.,:;j.il ;;. - ..,.,% . . i. . I . 4 qUdzt out and broughtaG"t in I;rael- ^. _ .. A * I Ing and when cold fill the orange Culls C111-'H,SE CROQUETTES ­ . I I 3 17NI'VISN'.1v , , ))can verf(h1ted by Dr Pratik SM. thleg, marketing of this crop U-31 revert to 11 , ' ,. . . . , ; ... ,ture INIolt three tablespoonfuls of butter, - .. .. A-Vaeond rea3on for allegiance to Da- 141 - . A%'. . . ... 1 4? ) , . ) Y.17T ." .A with the bi% Placo a, teaspoon- -A nial me Was. that he had been a auce"s. .'t s. , 5;1 .11'. . 7 ... peldil& , .. 'L University at Illinois', it was anuoun. the usual and nor, ,thod of ore- "X,1.: J' Xrl , I" : July !'(.-(Zy wireless to , i . 1, . I . :. I ful. of cream oil each, Any fruit in Add one-fourth -a clip (A flour, two. ,rien Tsiv.)-li'lgliting between troops . . !, . :,w 00. ;: r . , I - 1114 Israella enemies, .1 I ... 1 ., . 11 . I ced yesterday. tot leader againot ,V " I K !, I ivar times. _% . -:: :. season 'may ,be used for tLwe.' I- t1lirds it cull of mill: and the yolks of . 5 - ,- I 1. .";­ I,- . . ". 1. _... P . : . - .11, - %, . t,:. . . , . .: I -;'pp .. 14 1 . .11, . 4 , .1.) or grat- thott shalt teed my people Israel- .- ­5A a , . nt tho rival faCtiOnj occurred .to -day I Dr. Smithies' dcVlcs colizists Mainly The Governmont Will, however, . , , . - " , .two eggs. Then add lialf 'It Cu 11 : * 4- , Tbe;klDg Ia represtited unler the fig. . - , , - 'a Pxmn in, Lvt. I ed 1SWIS,-i eliense and one c tic Xw1inbuir. thirty miles south of I 0! a swall, egg-shaln.,tt perforated bah, carefully watch the conditions outside k, , ". . . - O..1-:11 _ . : , ­ . .1 7, ::;. ure -Of a, shepherd. David had been . :1:1 , . 1. UP 02 A111' Pelling. Numb -.r of wounded are I '­. I . I'll ...1.dd I , .. One pound of ,pranes, One pint of erican factory cheese, cut In fniiall ar- about orie-quaetce of ail Inch In dlum_ of Canada and wilPeXereNe the right . 1: - a -sb apb'erd and knew that a shepherd ..!: :- 4. ": . :1 I - .: r . water, one lallaoit, three-quarter ounce riving hero. The city Itself !n quiet. i etar, rind oac-half Inch long, and 54 - to proclaim the enabling -legislation of , . shbold ,provide .: pasture, water and :­'. . ;..., ,;;. ..p I 11 " I I . - -: ' cube,9. BOas011 With salt, popper and blIt wire and rail communicatiort. with PORMER FRFINCH EMPRESS ' last session if Circumstances inake it :;; . 1. inclim of Iuober tabijig at)ouE iab sl.,j .q. . .::. .1 . " . , I W."':'. ef golatine, two OuuOPs of sugar Or 'xayenno. Spread on a shallow pan to Tian Tslu has been Interrupted.'. Ptection for 'his ebeep The, king ,.: .. " . , I . necessary so to act In the public tutor- . . I I s Pr , . ­: 1, . ... 1. I ,syrup, Wash the prunes, then soak eool. %Iape; dip In Crumbs, in egg, , OZADr of a lead Pencil. The ball Is ea ily est, Should have a tender care for his sub- Tit* in diatoi-s sent out, in effort bwaflovvud i)y pationtE, and tile Con- From the Dresetit point of view, I Yernight in the Pint ol-water. and Again In crumbs, aiid fry in deep to reneonciia thn conteudingaripartics t,,(42moroaa E!ligama a- -.!'ranq , w4dow tours of the gaa duets are lynint, $sly It Ia hoped that no such Action will be jodg, a captain-Nvid, was to be ' HAD AAMOW ESCAPE. The noXlt day J)ut the trait And water, tat. Drain on soft paper. Serve on a e 4 found liceossary. I ft%Wf than a provldor far his people. igugar or syruli, and thinly poolatl lam- dish paper. . have returned to Pcklnr,. their MI,3- of Napoloon Ill., dlcO in Madrldf At drawn. through the tube by suction, kilo Vield Marshal Von Hindonborg, who sion b. -Ming fal','.ca, i , , to rule over thAm and to be had a narrow eseaps from death at , on rind Into a., pan, bring to the boil, . -1016-0— . ,*-,T. ---- I 1. the ago of ­ 9 . 4. -**4J.-- After the stiver ball ha3 been swal. Logislation passed a fekv Weeks ago tbolvwImsilitary leader. it eeamed as- the .h. and stew lintit, the fruit Is s6ft Strain — .49 .. . - I enabled the GoVernment to constitute . ifeatittl, In via* of the tildulArOUS 1hda rot a would-be assassin 1h , ., Sorlirt, - ""I E f nayb, a solution Ia po4redo by Ir'- I a witeat boatcl In contiftance. of 'the _41.4 Luoo, .ausing a relaxation Of the gall one- . and keep tho syrup, Cat tho'prunas 12. I-sa 6UT.R.Aams, Eh ,I A" IS W aw"" still 'O'"I't'y "'ate down the Mite that were ready to attack Israel, in half alid remove tho stones. A fay -1 " . , . M ' preaeat wheat board. The wheat I that there should be a strong military 'r- ,may be Cracked and 0jo kernels added WRAMTL Wit! . il N KOT '* boavd, under tho bill, Waa to have I PoWer In the government, but we re- 'SINN I'M AGENT to the fruit. Dissolve the goiatine In I Sinn reitiers 33nru ,tan. duct* ---' ' " well-defined powevs and could be calt , p.RO11LgX ed Into operation by proclaination in l3laynber that God mightily defended the syrup and add the lernou'Juh-0 and 6. " WEN ' OUR GOAL A the Canada Cavatte. should eircum. ' , his people when they olseyod and . strain on to the imit. ni a PAU WiTHOR AW cra.na. Court 11ongr'a": AGAINST WU _­ stances inake it nowssAVY. o8e "t ' __-, trutted him. Sont Down for Bringing border mould with cold water, unit & I ,_.**,q___ 2, VIders of Israel - The leading -whorl thn prand mixture Is cold and llo:fa3t. Irdal1d, July ' Authorities Take SerloUo - mem of the various. tribes. Made a Armi ,for Republic. , ..-Tho . Dr... 1 I I ___ lotge.-The people had declared that, _11., .1-1.1 1, noa ly satting pour It Into the mould. ,-:.n-idt)n. Ju!Y It,.- -Thl 1,0 0011 Times eraua Cour(11611ae, C,,unty j.y6negal. 'Mpoka, Kansas. July 16.-Womall NEW Tunic I MOVE. Da d should be ,the king of All Is- at ,r,encraj Vrttntrel, Ute njitlt- , nuffrage and Women's club leaderl Mr. set turn out oil to a 91wis dish 11carn tit, View of Situation. tondon, 1UIY'1""*--WIlI1am Darry, tin find fill the celit1% with w.,eam, It Bolshevik leader tni the southern Itus- J000ph O'Dolierty, gertcrailv to -day rallied to the support * rool, so he entered Into a solenift con- -Irish fireman on 'the st*.Alner New liked, this call be mAda, in ft Plain Mold . r11111 front, (leallned the 11ritts!) pro- Sinn Palo Member of Parliament, Oil of the position taken by Mrs, Mar- Ottawa, Out., July 15. -The sudden M%tlollallsts Ate Saiging ttaCt With.theM, thi; proinising to do York, pleaded guilty In the Dow street stud served witilout cream. !)osal that he withdraw to the Crimea, th." charge of sollel,ing subseriptlofis, gap t Ilill MoCarter, ynsterday, In re- de,iarturc lot ft3ftlngton this arter- certain things ft their part rind Ile Police tour, here this Morning to In- , - tit C,),11rPOtIOn With the 4woje,,ted armis- for the 1401 ropublican Parliament ittsing to give up bet age when she dooll of olliet Lommissioner Carvell Grook Shipping. P'*' that he would (10 "ttaill fringing the Defent.'s of tile Realm ard, was burnod this -wobfit to, register as a voter, Mrs. Me. Rod COM1111salonor MeLoan, of the gl"tefore the Lord -Tho eoven. Ad', bv bringing In Imm the United thh1gs. 911ASSONA31mr, =01P.Tu'S. tico. with thle 13olshovilS1. was to lit ne — - 1. A dc,4nateli to tho London Times. morning, 11 bb courthouse at Durfoot, earwr doclares she will contest the kaftway Doard, to confer with thb ('011r3tantilloPle. Jlil.v *.--Tli6 Turlc4 Ant was Made'tO A solotan tallgIbiN States a-rmsp Itnimunlile,ti and a num- MATO SCONV8. liftited Stateq InterstaLe Vommereo oretnotty, In tht presence of the gu- bet of fetters. The'juttor wore from trll:-a I -Spa, " .Pyz IV 1-3 rpoorto(t that tl1a which waa originally selected for the ruling, whith was based on a decision lah, Nationalist$ have beitun tin 9 DrtmO King of Israel, Whose vIce-re- I Irish rovblutiontsts and wore Intend- Ileol and bo;l as many 'potatoes as RUP81-in 1.3oviet (loverninout Ila% lie. lyroe"dings, also ,.yas burned In the of the AttorneYaGerteral that OL woman 0011111118sioll In regar(I to the fuel situ- -ttack , dbiivery to Arthur wIT make a quart whon maahed. 11a,ve rtp,pted Preinter 1,leyd Gporge,s artuln. morning hours, eaftnot. reglettir uttless she gives her ittd States, 11130 avrit David wag._(1,4m. Dily. They oid for 'ultlnillte Ation ilk'Canada and the Lo n Greek shipping tit the Black _qea, Aulkaintod David king. -This was the Griffith, Organizer of the Still, 14*0111, ready out qtZ,,trt of flour sifted ivith t!;,',! PrOPOsal, but wanta the ilence eon- Thj nuthorit:4o;4 ave vow ropor!.od al ago more definitely than "over ."I," is an Indication of tile scrioug view of ,i The Greox steamer Villa, on ontering third titne he Waq unotuted for the 4hd Othef Sintl Fthl ,mlOfs In Treiand, 4DI13 'IrgO toallpooliful of salt, one-half forence with 010 Poles held at Brest- in a quandary ag ti) where the tplal "It's a club the men )told over the "le coal problem, taken by the Domin. K(Irttsoll. wQet of Triabtzftd. frooi kifigAhip of Israel. 4., Thirty vars. nartr WAS senteneod to two months Of " towspoonfal of ,.ugar and t vo toa. Litovsk. rha,l lie beld. ag no Donegal L-CoUrt. wolne,n to prevent tIlem froin vothir,," 40A 411111 UnItOd btRted StUrAuritles. The Datum. on Julv 14, WA3 Seized%byiNa. ofd,, -Thfx wasi the agc- At which PrIeRfs, Imprisonment. spoonrul,j of baking ljo,wiaer, aritl Into __ _... ,#,O, 0 holloo seellis safe. . fleelyared Mrs, Lila Day Monroe, Wo- trIP to Wttshingtou, is being made on tionallsts. who took Min vt*hel1% otri. outelled upon their duties, .1o.q;eph WbAft MILITY Walt first arraigned In thit tub, three tablosponatulft of lard lUlXg,-I1113---110'3 all awful Loro, and A number of Dollee Vald njilltaryt mall laWyer and well-known svlfra- ait Invitation oi the'litt&.4.4to U6m. cors prisoner, wit Turks In eliargo and Y AlOrPe U011,11114310111 WhICh s,l,lpt%.0Utly 1,3 ACIZC(l 1100,000 1,01001 *6 made ruler of r1gypt at thirtY. tbi 11011ce Court ob July Gill, it wu, j (butter, It preferred). rut thq Pota- vct be alv-'1113 111[111'a,"09 to 4rt 11010 1111,11dr.3' arroatt; at Dallylanders, Lim. gist, dealing With the fuel thortage Across The Film wlreleA 404 potlAffinflnoille , .I*kuR entors-d urom bits pub1tv min- sts,tm tbttt Ite4des the lettora two topa throug'b n riepr or coinntley. lroi).. ,)f voian glrl willinN, fn latigIfit .,It,b,lI vrleh. to -day, were, fircil oil by apdrty- ___­*-&# --- the border. for holp, but thi, I -m -ton VOM0 with T VM the lkp in. ow directly Into Ilia bowl of hPI WIPM j0cn. I wowkr llow lie of lapil. sollit, fit Aviloin Were'voncealed Molly-N.V '70"...1 03LOWI got, 1110!1. Wry at this Age. 3041 W ,a PiM`01% With nvArlY .100 rountij A)( it' ffin", "I ,nio vanallian -COMU118141oners wIll its earg ) $p %1,111 helf). w2altion 4%ore totind on 'him. mram nour, nlix ligittiv togetlif r, then 110PH IZ PUAIA1110,- 011, thAt's eam-. ill AA Anatolia liottoco. T he fire wa,4 returned glon. jfminie­t, ,I. t, 1'.43 1111110, Altilly urrive In Washington on Frjday,tlght Meek Son Porm AtS 110minlited by the of wattirlty. S. tv Xebrot-141A eav- 'I. __ '--* 4k- . -.A- P.,11 milk Vi make a soft dough. Turn TV4 al%_qyc, 1)1(,]?.q 011 t a girl w1ta 1 gta;l tsim elvfflall wtt-,, wounded. Seven -Welt, I'll bet you zy littin si ter, 4 t tW- 401119 the Won Rod a half "krs PKt0A6x1c%IlY. strong lagAvUe it ,Do a '10 ­red board and roll out quiek- dgwnle and pretty 00.11,' 1 t(vrl AVA 11 V" , 3 an he eonferance will comments oil NWIonirliatm. Consprinent.,y, I" ,nt#n .%­ _ _.- -1-1 .1 I I 0. - IMAK0 Aluall- Xot more inenales that' yourt b6Y6-- IlAtUTdAY, T11GY Arb not ftl)"ted ' rhips' are rot *1111,6it to "Istkit "ill, I A"Ut *V* 41rma 010213- JAAAY a MkAs Weakiam, 13, cut Into cake, Ptaco slightly nart -Now Itaven Itegl3ter I tity of ara,.3 was stized. Wad*A Aiixwero. back In Oftwx until Tusaday text. unless e,)iivoyod by warships. 7 V I . . " Ir I - .! I . , I !... I , , . . . . . . I "I 0 , __ e" , . . il I . . 11 I I It ,"k;k; I A,,& P - Ll