HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-15, Page 8ONO V Clothes, or B0,9S FOR THE OUTDOOPI, 130Y X Ilk N't NONE better than Wearbefte! to with- stand the wear and tear of open- air games. Yet they lend you'r boy that gentlemanly griace which comes of upright carriage and manly poise, "None better than Wearbetter" We carry a large selection ou, suits and lutnishings for boys as well 'as men. C3 Reasonable,prices, N, -when' you see this label In a Palm Beach Suit you will know It is made of the genu- X,.'Ixte cloth R E %JR'r_G1SrF_Rr_0 U.111111S�TPAT NVOMOV, -TAHErGMNU1NErqCL0T,—,kH X M PD.- ON 12Y, BYX40DALLWORST E D: -C 0, Palm Beach, Suits for men are a real' omfort. for the hot weather. Dark shades as. well as light, moderate prices. a n1n.1 a co''s X. .Ida "W Money Saving Specials Friday F" Thuis, and Sat. NeoAxds- 12 quart Galvanized Pall reg 65c for 49C 101quait Tin Palls, reg 45c for . . . 35c 14. quart Tin Pails,, reg 65e for . 50c Window Screens, large size reg 60e torAft li,fdoz Brooms reg $1.25 for 89e CaStile Soa% Twin 'Bar, reg 10e for 5e Palm Uat FaLns io keep you cool only 15e WINGHAM 17 A A R v(,,tT,-, Tai.et) %,3 ca_.ii, Arenta for Pictorial Review Pattern& Wroxeter died Vrid,%yaftetllO()n, She bad recent. Thcfarmersl V;cnic liqfl in tile park ly passed through a critical operation, wedlierday arvrnoon One of, tile and had no streligtil to contbat with a mopt plpclr�allt cbdal events ever 11eld �;erious attaak of plieullionia, Deceasol, ile're. I)COpite the beavy rah) in the w . llose illaidell liftille was Margaret Geor. morning and ('011tinutd threatening gilla, Rutherford, was in her 67 year, and wtaffirl, All day, the farmers came out in Was st, daughter of the late NVillialn Ruth. iiotat taunilaws, The town peopit were erfor(l, one of tile pioneers of Ilowick, there Ago. Addves8es were given b Since lier marriage to I)avitl Rite lbe y'11MISIK-lat her lift oil their fArm in TV �w. Mfistm. Amos of Palinerstou, McDonald ick. 811(- im .4urvived by her limban(l aliti, of aad Xing of Hitievale. A a daughter, Alvir,-4. ll(-nning, Salkgtell- f'ottill "natuTI 110-weell *balem and Mkall, ftild two sonq. John of Fad ieA and in a swre of I to 0 in David #it 11(dile, nNo two brothe-ra, Win. A,f Wr(,%0-.trr f)f WrOxetL-t End Johrt of Calgary. In - ferment Unik place in Wroxeter Ceme.- te" _ell., tery SAW t(lay. artemoon, ,11 T, "N"W 1U11 1144 a lyth MOM D. COI;U) WhU IiAll, laftli te4thblif �u 4 busine4a CoUge in Brandon, iA opend. 4tr vocatipit at 110 boMe here. Dr, J. 3�. And T&S. B140khall, speilt a �eW 44Y5 this wtek with their son at Illenbelm, Dr. Calderof Wingliam, bag leased the DffiCe recently Vacated by Dr, (' Uest� and Will Visit Blyth prOfes4joually Friday of =01 week, Lorne, son, of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph $tonehouse of Wostfigla, woo take" to 010 wingliam ROS14tal, suffering from in absceoe forme(I on one of his lungs. An. operation Was pe rformed Ou Monday, by Dr. Redmond and Dr. Weir of I Amburn. The patient is ;getting along I aicely. , i A large number of our citizens attend - !(I the Olauge Celebration at Goderieb, )th(�rs going to Witigbani to spend thel! lay, The laying of tile eor tier stone for . the ,ommunity Memorial Hall will be held My 28tb. A monster celebration has t1ready been arranged including base - )all tournament trades procession, cali- humption parade, the day's proceeding �ill begin at 9 A. M., and finish with a 3arden Party and Band Concert in the weuiug. Meals will �be served in the Uethudist Church. Born—In gastWawanosb, FAday, July 'Oth to Nlr,'aud Mrs, XaAlancl Henry, a on. Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Chambers are tolidaying with Kincardine, friends, We are pleased to report the condition d ReeveCutt is.-mostgrqtirying to his riends. He was taken to his home in 'odevich last week. VrOxerter The Misses Fors.the of'Blyth, are visit. ng their sister, Mrs, John Henderson of own� Rev. Mr, Lajug took chai%e of the ervices in tbs Presbyterian church last 'unday morning and evqning. Quite a number from here attended the elebration in'Wingham on Monday the 'Glorious twelfth",which passed off with- 'F�all Term Aug. 31St --- Graduates placed in positions. out any accidents and all report a good ime f. Mr..and,Mrs. X. R, Wendt and Mrs. IWO �obiuson motored to Kitchener o1i Sun - lay. Miss Sadie White of Toronto, is spend- �er holidays at her home here. WINGHAM. ONTARIO PHONE 166 We are pleased to say Mr. Sandy Me- Send a card requesting the principal to call on you during the vacation. We )bugal who has been quite poorly is have competent teachers, one for each department. Register now for the fall ble to be around again.. term. Miss Sophia Robinson spent Sunday D. A. McLachlan, Pres. a Goderich, Murray'McLeish, Prin'. Mrs. F. Davey and danghter, Isabell re visiting friends at Fort Frances. Messrs. 6arance and Cliff'. White are LACROSSE—StPatford Vs. Wingh t present visiting thetr parents in town. am, Wed. July 21 St. jo 4 PIK. IMF, REAL VALUE in .MENYS CLOTHING You need not accept our word as the truth when we say that, in buying STYLE -CRAFT Tailored Clotheg, you are getting the best clothes value, consistent with the price you pay, that money can buy. In fact we want you to be sceptical— then you will come in and�judge for yourself. Your faith in 'us will not suffer—we are sure of that— for the quality of the materials, and the correctness of the designs are sidficient to convince even the most discriminating person of the merit of "TAIS We are always pleased to show you our assortment -- whether you buy or not. Thursday, Frid-axy Saturdstv J 9 3 Da 8 Sale Men's , C1 th � y 0 109, .75 Suits on Sale, U-0tv-st Skylea--All Sizes—Fancy Worsteds, Fan., Twie�eds, Navy Serges. Big Money Saving Va-dUlps, Save 10 to 25 per cent., Get Our Prices Before Buying 01 TZ T 61& Ar* 10*W&4 . do*#& IN U Nly I 'Y" I T HE WE MALCOI A 1561STER WINGHAM M-,A'R I Ken me. William libistor d6mod till Fri., Wil, Uackdtt And Stroll �*hilftbill milla day from $Ailkatoqn, wWq! bo Was at thk Pearl hockolt of Detroit, Who have been (CorAtt up till Wedri%day nooll) deathbed 9f his brother# IV141colm; visiting At Mr. And Mrs. Soutor NRylor'g *1ftt No' 2 Sprk%& ...... 1 9$, to 9 Ix The following tribqtd was pAld to 'the have returned to Detroit, Wheat No. 2 Fall A ..... 1 95 to a (K late Malcolm Istiloter by,. the Saskiltoon Miss L4vina Milnor also Gladys FlOur ......... ..... ... 7 30 to 7' 7t Laud star of July 2ad. Shortlan4 of Arthur, Are at present visit. .................... $6r'to , 3E "One of the most largcly attended f1mer- ing relatives Around Fordyze. Butter .................. 55 to R Eggs ........ ;.... I � ... 50 to fix ala in the history of the city was -witivosed Mr, and Mrs. Robert McPherson Also Mr. and Mrs. James Snowden of Grand I Cattle, med,, btiWiers. � 9 00 to 10 � 0C tillsafternoon when the remains cif one of Saskatoop's foremost 'pub lic seivvant.' 0 Valley, are at, present visiting at Mr, Cattle, butchers choice, 11. 00 to 10 K HORS, liveweight . 10 00 to IQ sc Malcolm, Scartb Balsetter lsbiste.v were Robert Haines. � We . . - ' flay ......... ........ 2300 to 20 Q( laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery. The Are glad to report that Mrs Cream . .................... to' 0 fu4erul took place from the retsidence , , &34 Spadina Crescent; Robert Haines who has not been well of late is at present recoverin.s as well as at 2 $0 W5, tb the Rev. Wylie C. Clark officiating. can bo expected, Brwsels Th� funeral arrangements were in the bluds of Saskatchewan Lodge, No, 1 Mr., and Mrs. Chester Naylor visited I re'lat'lves at Auburn on Sunday last. Brussels has changed the date of ht . le . Ancient Free and Accepted Masons f (Intendiod for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and family anlival Cel abration to July 2� on a . ccoupt 01 Blyth 'advertising' one for the 28th oi undertaken by Edwards, and members' )f every Masonic Lodge in the city, , in speut Sunday at Win Patterson of July, Galt Xiltie Barid and the Guelph iddition to representatives from the Whit4church. Jaz.-'Band,4ave I been engaged, The pro- Knights of Pythias and. kindred a=&Ia. Miss Beatrice McQuillan of St. Helena, gram will include baseball mat0les, Athletic sl3orts, concert, etc. ,Ions attended. Bpent a few weeks holidays with her A large number of beautiful floral tri- gratidmother,,Mro, Robt. Hahies. There has �e�n quite an. epidemic of mes accompanied the body to'the ceme- Mr. and Mrs, Will Rintoul and family measles among the children here, but =y, paying mute testimony 00 the love Of Whigham, spent Sunday at Alex, good recoveries are being made. ind affection in which one 9,f the oldest RintOul's. Mrs, John Cogtes bad the misfortune -itizens of Saskatoon wag held by the Mr. San4yYoung was cutting wood in to fall from a board on which she was )ublic, this locality last week. standing while doing some papering In His Worship Mayor A, MacG, Young, MISsEvaBoyleof Wingham spent a berb,ome, and injured one of bet linabs ind the city aldermen attended in a week of her holidays at her home here, quite, seriously, )ody. Flags on various public institu- Mr. Sandy Nixon of St. Augustine, Last Monday David Rose celebrated Jonsincluding the city hall were flown spent Sunday at Brantersons, his 94th birthday and receivfed the hearty it half mast all day, Mr, and Mrs, ChAS. RuSh�Of Wingham, congratulations of many friends. While The funeral cortege was headed by the spent the week -end at Peter Leavers. the oldest man in this locality and a . re- nernbers of Saskatchewan Lodge A. F. md A. A under the mastership of J. H. Mr. and Mrs. Milton . N'Vor and family sident. of town for nearly 50 years, he is quite active and able to get about, knderson. Immediately following the of Lueknow, spent Sunday at Chester Taylors Miss Robertso'n, teacher at lyloncrieff, iearse were the chief mourners, followed )y the civic officials. Over thirty of the Mrs, Jas. St. Marie spent a week with was presented with an ivory toilet set )ost office employes formed part of the her mother of Teeswater. by the pupils of the public school, and a olig corte ge. Mrs. Robt, McPherson and son, Earl, necklace from the Pre-slayierian chu�ch Cars numbering well above sixty made tof Laurel are visiting at Rolar, Haines. choir on removing from -the locality. ip the procession containing the major- Mr. Edward Haines delivered five fine R. J. McLaughlin and Miss Luella, ty of public officials of the city as well cattle to Whilechurch last week, eldest daughter of 1). C and - Mrs Ross, ts most of the business men and merch- 18unday Mr. J. Gaunt of Whitechurch, spent were united in marriage At the home of Ints. at Sam Phillip's. the bride, "Rose Villa," on Wednesday Although the total number of floral aftern000n, Rev. A� J. Mann performing )fferings could not be ascertained at the Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Barbour spent Sun- the ceremony. The couple left by au�o. ime of going to press, lovely wreaths day with their son, James of Wingharn. m*obile for London and dther points. rom,the city, the post Office employees They will make their home in Brussels, ind Boird of Trade were noticed as the RRON SCtIO0L FAIRS wocession left the house. The late Mt. Isbister, who was 69 rears and 10 months of age, was one of Dasbwood., .Thursday, 8ept, 9tfi ................ tslutvale ,he best known citizens of the City of Crediton Friday, Sept. loth Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathers attended 3askatoon. He held the office of mayor Gorrie ............. Thursday, Sept. 16th the we4ding of the former's brother at 'St- if the town in 1905 prior to its incorpora. Ethel ................. Friday, Sept. 17th Marys. �ion as a city in 1906. He� came to the Porter ' $ Hill ......... Saturday, Sept, 18th Colborne Mr. and Mrs.'J. 1-1. Sellers and Mr, and ity in 1903. He was born in the Orkney Islands, ............ Monday, Sept. 20th McKillop ............ Tuesdav, Sept. 21st Mrs. Milivert Sellers motored to Seaforth, ast Sunday. iorth of Scotland, and started a hardware Clinton ........... Wednesday, Sept. 22nd ;tore in Saskatoon oil Second Avenue on St Helens ......... Wednesday, Sept. 29th Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and he site of the preqent building. Walton ........ Thursday, Sept, 30th daughter, Jean and Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. Laterhe became coroner for the city Wroxeter.., .... ::::: ...Monday, Oct. 4tn Shillinger of Toronto spent a few days at ind for many years was president of the Belgrave . ............. Tuesday, Oct. 5th Bluevale the former s home. 3oard of Trade. He was a member of ................ Friday, Oct. Sth Mr. and Mrs. Spence of Brooklyn, Ont. he board of governors for the city hospit- and Mrs. Doiage and children, also Mrs. t.1 from 1906 until 1911 and was a one- E V I D E N C E Hazelwood of London, spent the week -end ime president of the curling club. at Mr. Thomas'. In politics' zhe was an ardent Liberal. Of SUMS Of Hacking' S 'ie attended the Presbyterian church, Heart and Nerve Remedy .ie became postmaster of Saskatoon in and gacking's Kidney BORN L906 which position he retained until his andLiver Pills ' leath on Wedne!41y. evening, due to 0 Lmxo—In Foedwich, on Saturday, June 3right's disease. 26th, 1020, to Rev. A. and Mrs. Laing, Wm. Fullarton, R. R. 1, Listowel: a son. Selgrave "I diodtored for eight years for Stomach Trouble and Pains all AmmiTAGE—In Wingharn General Hos- through m7body, goft no relief until pital, on Saturday, July 10th, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph and Rev. and I used Hacking's Heart 2,n4 Nerve and Mrs. C, B. Armitage, a daughter. VIrs, Christopher England of Caro, Mich. !alled on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brandon. Remedy �vhich fixed, me up oill right. I used Hacking's Kidney Ond Liver MCBUuNXy—In Wingham Hospital, on :h�y were old time residents. and enjoy Pills abong vtk- the Remedy." M rs. H. Hinc-heliffe, Wingham: Sunday, July 4th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs, James S. McBurn ey, a son. ,ery much renewing old acquaintances, ) .1 was on the point of a complete Mey motored frotu their home in Mich Nervrous Breakdown, could not sleleP o attend the- celebration in Wiligham or plan m!y homehold diutiez, suffer- IMED Lnd meet old friends. ed with my Heart aud my Nerves The mission I band of Knox church md d1octors could do little for me, Atter taking the first box . of Rmk- HIINT—At Loa Angeles, Cal., on June pent Friday afternoon at the home Of 'Ing's Heart gad Nerve Remedy I 17th, 1920, Jane McLaughlin, -wife of 6r. and Mrs. J. Anderson sth, line Morris, improved so much in health, that I John Hunt, formerly of Howick, and Md a very pleasant time was spent by I oon1dilued , with a. 6 (box trOatment sister of Messrs. Alex and Jos, Mc- ,oung people. and am able to retarn to my work Laughlin, ninth con, Friday July 9th was a galla day for the wllh rene"d Vigor," . . YOUNG—In Howick, on Tuesday, June nembers of the Little Builders Missign Mr. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont.: "I have had Pains under my Heart 29th, 1920, Catherine Smith, relict of the �and of Knox Church. A jolly moror 4 -or some time and tried all sorts of late Alexander Youngi aged 91 years. ide to the pleasant home of its president, Mmedie)s and have been to four dif- Irs. Janies Anderson,' 5th line Morris, ferent idoctors and could get no re - vas the first thing of interest, ..During I liet, I took one box of Hacking's, Fish StOdes Exaggerated lie long golden hours of aii afternoon Heart and Nerve Remedy =4 felt A farmer near Chesley is reported to hey played games, ran races, waded the iverand-finished up witha'fine garne� very much beitter. I took another box wad have been e1ble, to work again. haveshippeda sow weighing 1750 lbs., ball. Snap shots accompanied with Before I took your comedy I could and an exchange tells that a strawberry inch merriment, was the next on the not work for Weeks at a time, the pain was so great." measuring 8 inches in circumference was brought"to its office. If that sow had pogram and then came such a delicious These are only a few of the many been fed on that berry, she would have tipper, none to soon. In doors the ladies test'monl�ls that come to us vol"'t' weighed a ton. uilted, the quilt xnade by the members tarily and I am surethat you top f the band, approoriate texts were will get benellcial reaults It you will Calls Cornwall Man mbroidered in red, the white cotton with but give them a fairtrial. Bay them from your dealer. Insist on Hack- The congregation of Knox Church, Iternate blocks of red, It is the intent- Ing's. . , . Wroxeter, extended an unanimous call to )n of the band to send this quilt to the Hacking's Remedies are sold in Rev. Robert Harkness,'formerly of Corn. ospital at Kenora, % Wingham by J. W. McKlbbon. wall. The Presbytery of Maitland will I met in Belmore On Tuesday to deal with , i W the call. This charge only became vacant on the first Sunday of June, uw& Drunks Disturb Canipmeeting On Sunday afternoon. a number of young men from Teeswat.er or Vicinity, in an intoxicated cond Won, visiting the Evangelical camp 47 01 J grotinds, and soon got into troubleby stealing eata �les out of pri- vate boarding tents. They Were caught e4di Ada 40 i n the act, and compelled to return part of the provisions. Steps are being taken to 4�e prosecute the offenders.—Mildmay Gaz- are to floWers what frarnes are to b�auliful Those MuAlcal Co*s Almost every Country Father' or in .VAS8S PiCtutles—ttley dividual who figured ill "The jaunt to tile enchance their beatity alld tbeit, Tub" has been, registering a kick ggainst charm. A visit to t1lis jewelry stope the Prevailingeonditions at this -jumping will lielp you cclebrate peace fittingly. off Point of Bruce, But What Oppeats We will be glad to show you anythilig to be the chief grievance that Councillor youwatit to eXaMine and will pofitaly 0 Win- Brown Of Elgin, ex-ROeVe of Bruce Twp., ask you tO talte YOU11 tilm as you -Will be their Who accompanied the legislators oil pleasure trip, brought back ith under no obligatiom; to buy. him against the burg is, that 8lee I p was next- to impossible. Atcordirig to his �ay_ Our Optical dOPIttrn4rit Is equipptd with the proper 80, every ftilnilY at the tub owns a' COW. appliances,, We are properly equipped will, every Cow wears a bell, and every night the knowledge of optometry. when lie would get in and under, after having said 'am, this bunch of milk pro. ductra R. M. MeKAY ing would start to Promenade, mak. the welkin hi(leoUg With the jinglitig JeWeler ' lad OptiCian of Wingham keepup their neckwear. This they would oll night long, while he lay it, hig bed trying to woo the (;Oddt$$ of Sle4p, 0! but morning would find him still tryllig, According to Brown the clotiging of Poe's I loud alatm belie,, had nothing on tholK COV3 &4 a olftp killsr.—ftt AVu Thftv . . . . . . . . . . . i Al" A&_ 1. 6 11,11111''. T, "N"W 1U11 1144 a lyth MOM D. COI;U) WhU IiAll, laftli te4thblif �u 4 busine4a CoUge in Brandon, iA opend. 4tr vocatipit at 110 boMe here. Dr, J. 3�. And T&S. B140khall, speilt a �eW 44Y5 this wtek with their son at Illenbelm, Dr. Calderof Wingliam, bag leased the DffiCe recently Vacated by Dr, (' Uest� and Will Visit Blyth prOfes4joually Friday of =01 week, Lorne, son, of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph $tonehouse of Wostfigla, woo take" to 010 wingliam ROS14tal, suffering from in absceoe forme(I on one of his lungs. An. operation Was pe rformed Ou Monday, by Dr. Redmond and Dr. Weir of I Amburn. The patient is ;getting along I aicely. , i A large number of our citizens attend - !(I the Olauge Celebration at Goderieb, )th(�rs going to Witigbani to spend thel! lay, The laying of tile eor tier stone for . the ,ommunity Memorial Hall will be held My 28tb. A monster celebration has t1ready been arranged including base - )all tournament trades procession, cali- humption parade, the day's proceeding �ill begin at 9 A. M., and finish with a 3arden Party and Band Concert in the weuiug. Meals will �be served in the Uethudist Church. Born—In gastWawanosb, FAday, July 'Oth to Nlr,'aud Mrs, XaAlancl Henry, a on. Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Chambers are tolidaying with Kincardine, friends, We are pleased to report the condition d ReeveCutt is.-mostgrqtirying to his riends. He was taken to his home in 'odevich last week. VrOxerter The Misses Fors.the of'Blyth, are visit. ng their sister, Mrs, John Henderson of own� Rev. Mr, Lajug took chai%e of the ervices in tbs Presbyterian church last 'unday morning and evqning. Quite a number from here attended the elebration in'Wingham on Monday the 'Glorious twelfth",which passed off with- 'F�all Term Aug. 31St --- Graduates placed in positions. out any accidents and all report a good ime f. Mr..and,Mrs. X. R, Wendt and Mrs. IWO �obiuson motored to Kitchener o1i Sun - lay. Miss Sadie White of Toronto, is spend- �er holidays at her home here. WINGHAM. ONTARIO PHONE 166 We are pleased to say Mr. Sandy Me- Send a card requesting the principal to call on you during the vacation. We )bugal who has been quite poorly is have competent teachers, one for each department. Register now for the fall ble to be around again.. term. Miss Sophia Robinson spent Sunday D. A. McLachlan, Pres. a Goderich, Murray'McLeish, Prin'. Mrs. F. Davey and danghter, Isabell re visiting friends at Fort Frances. Messrs. 6arance and Cliff'. White are LACROSSE—StPatford Vs. Wingh t present visiting thetr parents in town. am, Wed. July 21 St. jo 4 PIK. IMF, REAL VALUE in .MENYS CLOTHING You need not accept our word as the truth when we say that, in buying STYLE -CRAFT Tailored Clotheg, you are getting the best clothes value, consistent with the price you pay, that money can buy. In fact we want you to be sceptical— then you will come in and�judge for yourself. Your faith in 'us will not suffer—we are sure of that— for the quality of the materials, and the correctness of the designs are sidficient to convince even the most discriminating person of the merit of "TAIS We are always pleased to show you our assortment -- whether you buy or not. Thursday, Frid-axy Saturdstv J 9 3 Da 8 Sale Men's , C1 th � y 0 109, .75 Suits on Sale, U-0tv-st Skylea--All Sizes—Fancy Worsteds, Fan., Twie�eds, Navy Serges. Big Money Saving Va-dUlps, Save 10 to 25 per cent., Get Our Prices Before Buying 01 TZ T 61& Ar* 10*W&4 . do*#& IN U Nly I 'Y" I