HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-15, Page 7.'r /
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* I le, __ - __ __ __ _ � 44.*++4*4 0 0 0 04 0 00 10 + 0 #4444-O." � "Mrov#!" I rqllsil, roAlax mine Ila
r � 14 10ft h I ,� 8414tS. We 0=410d =4 Vas othi�r of-
, I HAVE YOV Rheumatism- Mors Vowlad, "Sity, -what is All this?"
, , 1% I The Stayer of . Defore Is- vlaX I reacted in my bor-
, . I ST -MA? � W A . and pulling out my last hulAdred
. . M. qmop* A 1H � IM 70 JL =
I 0, , DomendugthorAtlery Rasputin Left Hb AsIX 8 An cisarattes. made ior &* by
� . : - 4 X y halso , We 1 with on plecadilly, A;ave them w the
Do useful w1tore tttou Ilvest, that ty U r*mtv In . * 414.
13 a an I . . � ++++"4**#+#*0#t*4 0 By M 0 I Puke. "You will Me them." I o
May ever ya 0 so , to . . 'IT ey're almos', Mc, the old ones"'
roil 101W ro. t9 alfr[C '�oxt day I walked Into ftith's to
Voth want *Zd W11111 My pleaming pre. U44 of (By Lieut. Kegley Farson, R. A. F.. —0, . 0 X
. couce Aitill, TKNIPLETON's Uree,'citteo, figure In this story. . , place another ordpi% "I say!" he said
Mudiaess good �Arto, great pleces Are Petrograd, Cairo and London; and one angrily. "Don't send in any more
iio WAY , RAZ -MAH I : man, a royul Russian, the young Graud Had Suffered MCI) Russians to Oder these cigarettes,
Vo COMaParO this, Find, Out W(n'0 Wants 0APSULM " Duke m4o, with Prince Yousupog, rid . Over 00 Yearst low—_ko yon know I don't mate money On
And will, Thiggavarrition to the ro- Rusaim and tho world of one ot Its , �. # . them. Those tubes are too damned
Anif meet them there, All wordly joys - sulto aearapfoyeriment- I greatest blA0X9iX%rds1ta0p4tinI For Now 83 Yearst' hard to'get! "
, I galoose , . . Ing -on _ Btu s I that, act alone he deserves the good Yet A Big . "What did lie look'like?" I asked.
0 1
1 ve dorly ��Ithe roiite4o
TO the JOY of doing kindnesse, MOM throuall We use. will of every thinking man, Russian 01011, a tall
, 4 slim follow, 'With a
I . Write for free pample to I or otherwise, I $urprlse I .. bushel of 4ecora,t116."
I --George Herbert. Zavoton U14 ot. to Friends "Smith," I said, Ilwhe4 that =an
I ; MIX& 1*2 . When I first saw him it was In the I .
� � V, - I I � orders your cigarettes , * . you m4ce
. �
i , - TEE TAW OF' HARVEST. f5old by r*1141ble, drug ate winter of 1915, In Petrograd, -when he Regains � 14 V# ,
� I 0YOrywhero for $1.Qi NO%. 04 -am
;Ar6 law o? harvest Is, that whatso- '11"s., 1. I 1 1 �1 1; N � 1 4.11 . was A Darling of the Gods. Always . Strength ::Why?"' he asked peevishly.
Over a iman ooweth. that shall be also -_ - .. .. 1. I'll ... i --- - Immensely popular, bi% military pre- : Well," I replied, "YOU wouldn't tln�
reap. How very necessary It to then, — ! "I ...... """ sence And youth M440 him the Idol of I GOO$OUt S,
I derstad, but In the United States he
thatwe sow bad seed, it may be pos. the shattering of bellot, and the re- the Russians when the great war Fishingt
, . is what to known as a Ireplar guy,
Bible to root out ooms of the plants pudiation of the necessity of obeying , plunged the country into that 12YOOrI4 13*ok to . . . . a white maAl I
but'Mok of the time wasted, and the any spiritua I I lawo, No, faith, no creed, of- patriotism that caused the wearer Business, " ,; �!00 - .
d4ngft of 'uprooting the good while no G941 That to the logical out- of each 4nd.overy sword to be looked Laughs at 4 1, I'll,
extrvmt1no the evil. upon as a hero. Ono heard a shrill 0, 4 4 40. $ ++�++++4++ 0 0 0 1 **+**++++
come of such madness. whistle on tho Nevokle and turned to I OURIC i I .
It We ylold our lives, to God and Here to a task for ojr churches to 11
. dwell -in Ills presence, we uee4-,bav6 undoota,Ue whir see a huge green Renault car come ACID" I
. ,u. is even more nece,9- — Dess&ts That
lao, fear of our harvest, 'in 'fact we dashing past, a slim, pale faced officer
I sary and far more urgent In Ito need, at the Wheel, and the traffic bolting How the
imay,find many Joyful surprises, rich than Oe discussion of that unity which good naturedly in all dtrectlous� At 141nner *,, I
fruitage that we were not aware that we al'i desire to see but which'Is'l3till , Hold Flavor
I tea In the Astoria, or at the Ballet, Mystorjeal� 1. I +++++++++*-"-+* 4 # * 0
la,;Mbad planted. , a long way off. Combination to at, Always the same Impeccably dressed, Rive -ale Startling � ,
; en Thorwaldson, th,t Danish tack illateriallam And Its kindred fald'e .
43culptor, went to Italy to study art, t4eals'WIll. be needed, ana the army of smart officer; brown ggee, an Imperi- Facts Overlooked -Desserts of the )GInglish PIUM Pudding
And brou t back, with him the the Loird must be armed with all the oue nose, and an Air of being of,peace type are general favorites, Verhaps
911 ,ill 1, l3y I)Octors and .
wouderf ,Vl himself and tliq world in genera: one reason ZADT thOIr Popularity Is their
41 works of art whichbts weapons of the Spirit to combat this o oualItY, A Steamed PlurO
-kentus ha . oplesuld: "Theregoes thenextTz4r $cientists For Cent;lrios good keeping
wrd'ught, he' - never moral disea -1 .. . . . Udding Will ReeP for Woolm and can
d ..ae whicil threatens to do- � of Russia. The little Tzarlvlteh to too I ge -heated up* for serving whenever do.
. dre4raed that be .also'. brought back Stroy religion Itself It left. Unchecked. 010k to come to the throne --but Dint- .11, am Pired, with a detlotous pwaing two
seeds, Ila the straw With which bin '�be, laws of the Qountry are useless tri-alif what a Tzar he will be!" I eighty-threc, yea,rs old and I doc-
Images - 'were packed. ,against It, and politicians HAT) Fol tored'stor rheumatism ever since I came On the panttrx shelf Airs. �Kousswj% will
were unc These seed' ,tCE OF CHARAC�ER. out of the army over fifty years 490" find herself "ady for un"Iced and un -
next year Onsclously scattered an 0 do not pretend to raise and ennoble tes ,T, B. Asholman. -lake many "T oted guests or Strays who "happe.11
the beau , a wrl Inn.'Ro Here follow reelpes for two lul
I I tiful flowers of liuman natur4a,-that is the tasK of re- One day, when I was sitting In the others, a spent money freely for so- dings that are especially delicious,
Italy were blooming In the streets ligIOU, understood In Its broadest sense IiOtel Astoria with some flyin offl- called 'curew, and 1 have read about Puu
.1 IN 'Uric Acid' until I could almost taste CARROT AND_ SUET PUDDING.
I Of Denmark. SO we MAY go forth. as the faith of thlee who believe; in a core. he came In And I was perfmne- it, I 4ould not sleep nights or Walk
each morning, fresh from 10ommilln- supreme NOW, and that man has a' torfly, introduced to him. lie Inquired, without p I ; i n Upful"be'af stiet cliopped fine, on*
, , Q, h UY ba CIS were so sore One c
Iola with God, and as we pursue ou higher destiny than a mere material,$. politely, in excellent English, how I and stiff I could not hold & pen, But cuorut grated cexrotR. one -hair cupful
..r 'now ,W it by nlagic. I 4m. again in chouped Citron, one cupful chopped. dates,
daily 1aaks, our words, thoughts tic existence and and. The law cannot. .liked Petrograd, made a few common- aQU4 a business and can Walk 'with ease one cupful seedless raisins, two egg$
, L,
An([ NIOPOns Ma3r Provo to be seeds that cleanse mon,s hearts or put into Atem �plaee remarks to the other otlicerS or write sil day with comfort, F riende (well b.e_qon)- one-half cupful molesBes.
one�halr teaspoonful soda. on"tiarter
� shall spring up into beautiful flowers Godo but the Christian passed on, leaving me with the Im, are AttrPrised at the change." . cupful brown sugar, two cupfuls alfted
that shall cheer and bless many a religion can point the way to that pression of tliero:being rather a fore , e. How IT HAPPONmr). flour. one-half teasDoonful mace. one-
Veary pne amid the daily toil of life. higher life In WhIcli. God and our fol- ful Personelity behind that debonnalre Xr, Asheiman is only one pf thousands half teaspoonful allspice.
low -men are brought into the scopp, I of m be Impossible who suffered for years, owing to the Place in a well-groased ,pan or pud-
erat belief in the old, false theory ding mould and Steam f0t&, hours.
ITITE ',,TO-AS-YOTJ-PLRASE" CRAZH our daily round. "Am I'my brothet,s to explain how I acqulred'this decid, 'tl' ,at I-Url. Acid" .uses rheumatism- I
keeper?" IS a question that has a great. ed view of his character In the few This erroneous bollef Induced him and . �� SUET PODDING.
, (I'ayman, in Sheffi014, LMS -s Indepen- or significance thah ever to�day; but minutes conversation that I had with legions of unfortunate men and women One cupful molasses. one-quarter cup
I . deat.) . - It cannot be answered by the advo.. him, but Somehow I sensed it very to take wrong treatments, You might ful brown sugar, one cupfut raisins, qn;
. - , just as well attempt to put out a fire cupful turtants or one-half cupful oho
F Due of the most deplorable phases ,cates of the 10do-ad-you-pleasety policy. strongly; just as you Will take A with vil as to try and got rid of your itron and one-half cupful CIICPP9�
'at litef to -day is the widespread !in- The Idea that every man or woman strong liking or hatred for a person rheumatism, neuritis and like complaints, 0 Clio cupful beef suet (out very
'Pationco of any kind of authority or the very first time you lay eyes on Taking treatments supposed to drive P:�cs- one cupful ,milk )sour or sweet),
r6otr*aint, the expreastd determination, IS to 130 Pe'4mitted to 90 through life I ullyric Acid out of your -blood -and body. thr,� cupfuls sifted .tlour. two teaspon-
,. choosing only to do that which Is per- him, � %, Many physicians and scientists now fuks soda and two feasponfuts baiting
0ibable)ly among the younger folkE6 to sonally Pleasing,, or advantageous to, -That night, In, conversation with know that 'Uric A&TI never did, never powder It Sweet milk 1.9 us,�A one table -
Another foreigner, I voiced the opinion can and never will cause thournattam-, spoonful nutmeg. Ono tea,spoonful all -
do nothing Maloss they choose, or to self I!$ too Absurd', as well as too aafl- that It) is a natural and neces spice, one-half teasp.onful mace, one-half
Ir6coNil izo no .00rt,,ot righ ro that DmItrl had a lot In I -Lim, stitutent of the blood., that ,tolf"fou'.11i tea,spoonful, salt
of an t an tile Part ge Us, to* the community. Neglect
� . YQUe else 'to come, tketwooiiL them of the recognized duties of man to But th16 man replied: 'Why doesn't In ove", new-born babe: and that with- Mix Ingredient% and turn Into a ,well
. and. their'desires. WhOthel'* It Is a re- he go to the front then? Aren't there out it we could not live', . greased would. Pla,o the pan or mould In
moil spells ruln, moral and mate I : These Statements may Seem strange a gt(.amer -over be ldng water and Stearn
actfQn.after the disciplinary years of while as a certain sequel comes r a' enough boudoir officers are e four hours. Place %he pudding In a warm
the "d P trO' to some folks, Who have All along been
W4V -or the natural Q'ItcOms of the neglect of spiritual duties I grao without hl§ becoming one?" led to believe IT% the old "Uric Acid" oven for 10 m4nute i to dry.
growth, of a mental Process festered you I . Tr7 how ,
.nay, you can I Vound It lw�osslble to refate this humbug. It took Mr. Ashelin4n fifty SAUCE FOR THE PUDDING.
I - the reckoning; If you do you will have d how to got rid of the true cause of Serve either of these puddings 'Warm
. by lawlessness and license, as portray not leave'God oUc of argument and said no more" but in my years to find out this truth.- lie -learn-
r there IS heart of hearts I felt that I was right hels rheumatLim, other disorders, and re- With any sauce deal d. Foamy sauce is I
ed at the cinema shows, I am 1132010 to fate the, consequences, Godpa place in my surmise. never his strength Irrom. "The Inner good with st, pluna pudding.
0 say; but the. fact, patent to in our lives is no uncertain thing; It Then, In Sweden, two years later I Mysteries," a remarkable book now be- F OAXY SATICE, �
us 411, that the Predominant Idea with is a. fact to be recognized, since He 1 Ing distributed free by an authority who
8 read of the death of RasPixtin and how devoted over twexity years to the Scion- One-quarter cupful butter, one egg, one
a vory'.Iarge number of people is that the final judge of Appeal, whose de Dmitri and Yousupof had killed him. tific study of this' p-rticular trouble. cupful powdered nuirar.
they mist be free to do exactly what, cisions are Irrevocable, as well as th; I Was overjoyed and all the Russians - NOT -B: if a-ny reader of this paper Cream the butter, add sugar gradually
they like. That Is a Perverted Idea loving Father to whom we turn in I and well -beaten egg. Heat over hot
'Of ,in Stockholm were in, a wishes the book that reveals these facts
,freedom that, unless conteraated, distress for help and succour, and tha frenzy Of regarding the true cemse and cure of water, stirring constantly. Flavor With
Pleasure. "Therel't one of them said -rheurnatisin, facts that were overlooked vanilla or lemon Jules and a little gmt-
t end in disaster to all our civil- strong Arm and protector of all Who to Me enthusiastically, "word of God, by doctors and scientists for centuries ed rind of lemon.- -
= .Uotl6ns of moral responsibility. � trudt in Him. - "Da-_Ial-You-pleasel' there is a man!" . I
, . past, simplv sent a post card or letter .
It is AU iconoclastic Idea ,also, since -would rule God out of Its scheme. lie, to H. P, Clearwater. �Nlo. 5Z -j Street, .'�l,,-Ik',�-'..�":fq":�.,�,":';:�:::% . :,:.,;:I�,;*:::�:,.!.,.�,..::-,!-:,..-, __
. .:%,i,-,:
.,..,.,: "..-�'..'�'�,�;,"!.i�',
.�; -.� -&I..' . I
, �' .
b6b.14d,lt there appears, to be no sug- "Do-as-you-pleasell must have no place I came back to Petrograd, Dmitri Hallowell Maine. and it will be sent by ,"...' �. .. "' _..... I � 1. ,..�-; I .1; - �i,: ., � . '. _%-�- ..
, ,
. 900t1on of replacing the present social Ila our plan of life. and Wousupof had been banished to return mail without any charge whq,t- I ... 14-71H, , ".:,:,:.�;;;. -V .:: It
.. I -.;.�`::�,
'11, `�: "'..;';
otandatdt 'With anything better o _'0,1�,�%* 0 .:...
., . - N .", -,�! ; ::i��il
r even - 0 a ,�, — the Caucasus; and the revolution arose Ov" Cut out this notice lost vou for- :��...�,�, ,
As, good- It Is simply a,feather-bitain, __ - and swept everything before It.- Then pet! If not a sufferer vours6lf hand iltp.:�SAX* 1 .4; � I
:In:1A&1'$,11R�11 I ,,�'. .
this good,news to some Itfflicted friend, f;11'"j,;��Wx,:,.:-;
I g..,...,�- .-..'�. t:�,i::,:,t,��-'
ed Putting aside of everytiling Came the debaeW that ended In /. .'', .gi,f,�:��p !T I
. . .... ".0 ,!".."'! .,.
the %, - n� ,g.." X
,�. ... %�:, ': I b.:j''.
that - Pimply Face? IM,3,�-.: �-, :_
IsUggestS control. As for duty. to parw. Bolsheviks usurping the power and the 11 .� >�,,, I . ; ; :;,i,;;, :�,i,!,;,-,� :
IS111 i �� M1, , '"' ": '1� * �
onts, employers, or the Stitte, it is I consequent downpour of crowned going out there has done wore -Ii. Im- .nx� .-.. -,*-�-;� - - .... ;.:,I::; .; �-?-::.� ��.
,.�� � .,
. Drive 'Em, Away & W..,:, .�. I... ,_;111'��::; ... ... :..
I.N10- :.. 1,� 1.
14119hod at -as an exploded fiction. They .heads. 11, the shamble I was unable self t I help our cause along than you 1111i ..-..7..�..!.:,-,.,:,*, ..,
only b 'we a duty, say these foolish peo- This 'Very Ni -11- t to ascertain the fate of these two or 1, or any fifty of us about here!" R,,*�i� 1. :... �". I L ";..,:. :."
. . 90 P;-,-" 4;� L., � ',!,,� �
"I ,
. ple, to them-telves-to "haire a good I � Sportsmen; whether In the far "How?" he inquired, skeLptically. 0 ,.� .'.."
. off " �,�,� ff 1� �' I 1�,-:,:�,,,'; ,
timq," afid. that, It possible, At other. Simple "bnd inexpensive Way to Caucasus they t-jo had met their ace, he killed t", �1,.'4 if,.',�i`ili � "
fate R utin, and—" .,.",I ":��1:. "� " - ...,_- 1-:
i . __.,
'43 expense - Cr they had escaped the g,�110,1-ut was- - I , ��M'. , ,., -,,:�, "! . ;
Pe6P!b - It Is the modern ap Clear UP 6011OW COMPIOXIOn , . _. I
Plication of the old doctrine, "Let us '� .. . . Sacre, I "Good Lord!" he said,. excitedly. -.,: �i -:;�:
� — 4 . . % �,�,s�X
�eat. drink, and be merry, for to -mor- RUSSIAN DUKE D! nGyp,l� 'Why didn't You say that before?" He . ..
YO U GET RESULTS QU1,0K,Ly �: ; .-:,. ,.?
row we die"; with this worse feature _ , Z0101119 tl]4� Royal Flying U#:)rDs I gazed admlringly at the departing fig- r ��,:,-��:��:i
. .....
about It,, that death or a reckoning Is .-- __ .I I proceeded to Egypt, where one 8unny UM "He must be 'top hole.' You I.:;- .; . ': ,;�:�:!
the dull- e. k- .w that must have taken a bit of !.;. I ..-;:��j.51
day fit summer I became too d " � �.:.;-.:j
the last thing thought of. All easy way to freshen up ftant 11 - 11 �.,_�
-, 08t, sallowest skin is to pur Of graTRY and discovered th nerve, to go in and kill thar rascally ..",,I
. This, repudiation of any moral re .Ify the 'L at-Newtou L nk-with all his pull at court!" �i.,.,.,-�:-,
sponstbility appears to be vaguely bas- r"OOd - was right -T,had a bad crasil. Weeks � .- �.,-.,;��,'
,oil I, clear It of all humors, an& e . ,
in 1, �_:.:`.::.�:!:1.-,
ed: on the suppositioU that a mail is , by the regular re of Dr. Ha n- latet, in November, 1918, to be exact, REVIEWING AFP AIRS IN RUSSIA. 1 W,5,'�?�%,%�. �,i-;.::, ,;�.:,',�-,
a big . lkl.'O ii�-,
frd�-to do as he likes. Nothing could 41ton!4 PIIIY� I sat with my crutvhes under The next time I saw him was In .:1".."! '�i�.],,::T-,-,..?,.. �
be fur�hor from thetruth. One of tile 'Not only �wlll Dr. Hmmilton,s pille cottonwood -tree at tk% Gerrin Sport- kv �5:-���!:�:.�;.`:l
, ,put roses in your cheeks and bright Ing Club, o L-adon, In the spring of 1919, at the �:::. �.:,: .,;, i-�:��.`
Nfle Ritz Hotel. " 011,
n an Island in t)lo ,"',-�., :
great tasks of civilizition. from secular, - 0 ,iii�.
off Cairo, d , '.. �Lxe 11 I , ,�::
. ,�t, I
;j.'�.-;��,�.",L�� ..,
and' religious standpoints ness In your eyee, they will do won . I ,went over and said, �WL �,�','.�,�.�.i,,
I X.� ... 'L:;;%i_�,
- �..,
a XX : - �. , ".. .
- , _,;Xi. , � ,
alike, has rinking tea, At the table "HOW do YOU -do?" in Ru sia . He X,�0060-1'-�' , " � , .
. . _ - ` .:.:,::�`:1;
been to make it clearly understood by ders for Your general health, and next to mine .vvas an English noble jumped up and overwhelmed me With a %11 . 1'.,,;;e,..`Q,- "..., ... . .;;:�, -:,:�;',':�
. .:�
means Of laws, And libnalties for trans- quickly make � YOU feel And look like man and -his lady and a Very nine' flow �:
h of Russian that left me gasping. 'e- ,,mn;�Vw.;x�,�: .:. I :*.;:,�%:��,,,
11. �;,�,3,
, V;x
gressing' the same. that man Is born " new person, ! � ,beribboned captain Of a British caval- I laughed, and said in English- 11.11 ... �, I .., !;:�Mjl�k.
frbol-to dowhat is rig - has a a gg ,
. Impossible to have headache, indl- ry regiment. In a casu I m uner I "Thanks .xp .1-1,K3111
N _; . � -
. :` ,
;,�,,�� eit
.ht. There for the coinpliment,, but I .., 41.�P,;, ... i� ...'.- ".
:.7."_ ;�
*x;::,.A-.-� -�;
, � , I .-.,
ill If �.- , ::;:._,�'..::�':
. .
always- existed, and must exist st gestion, or billoue fits. if you toile the ran mY eY4 over big decorations and don't understand It halt that Well, And , 011. WIN' * " _ """ I - .:,��.�:1,1.�;il���i-.,*,-�4:"".- .
the- World Is not to return to a chaotic - . - -,:!$,.��:,
GYatem with Dr, HamiltOn's Pills. noticed to my surprise that they were - — — IS- � 11 . ...:�:,:. ,:,N�r��.,�., �
I Neither will you have torpla liver, ilearly all Ru s a � . I le, __ ,.. .��;��:-,-`�P�:;��.�..i.,.,.
condition, man's duty to% God, to his S I U orders; tile George, .. 1, 141, . . .. , � I , ;
conatipatlon, ,Or bad breath. Your the Vladimer, St , .111_1�MLM 11 1. i .:i��;.L.,�ii"�'.�i��,�;�:�:7�;-', ....
neighbor, and to himself, 'and since no Ruislas, St. Anne, I V ean I �.�, - %,
whole bodv will be cleaneed', purified, WINE ii VI -1107030111 , C .1, ".., 1
L, , " 9,
,3pan livoth to himself, looked up anil saw a pale, wan face ru I r 0-sh I a q V ILLN. I :,!::.; L',i�:�:;i.,i:::!:.�
although 50 strength6ned. . . and 110allug '4, '_,`,o�,' .1� �
: ,0
. tanned a light yellow, brown. , -M 't. , ".
Many are trying to do so in these top- To get back lost looks and' to re- I eyes - - P, Laflon urine for Red- .. .... I .. ,-g� �2_:,Z ..
.VK L 1
.18Y-turvy days, these diatles cann with heavy'rings under them, and an nesup u-soxenessp Granula- , "I"on; �,:::: --�'.1.111..;;�',,.:
.,,,;;,. "�.. ,
Wt be store,falling health no better medicine . I I AN ��3w�M'�,�g�'.;;���,.,.t��;�!.*.*,,�l"e�t ,:
shirked or ailed like the cast-off skin imperious nose_ tion,ItchinganlBurnhig � .. . ..�,;::�. -4 . 1-:-.--Z:1 ,:�:%:, . . . . . ���. $; . ; :,. ,
.. ii,
. i !.:
I "N'�":K"."":� ., ''; ��. ,
. . �.:V;
for man or woman than Dr. Hamil- I . -.,.,�",.".,��",i��.�%..�..;i:'.'V., , , .1
'Of it caterpillar. If we divest . Our. - I nudged the officer sitting With' R(wit wof the Eyes or Eyelids-, ,i,,;,.;�.�,-,��.:i�:..��..;,;.,....*,L".,::.,;"4��F'..,,.I :
ton's Pills could be recommended. For me �-.`.*- * -.,'��i'�.,.""�"."�,',"'�'-.,..��"k".���-.�,..'..*.�.�.*..�i�:": . . . . . :�:�� .... �� **. .:,
- " 1; 4 2 Drops,, After the Moviao MotarinUD9 Golf , i: ;
801VOO Of ,them what are lire going to forty yoart the Catarrhozolle. ,00.�h "Do You know who that officer 189 -roV -��,::$�,;:,:,- � �.,,p:.., -�A�:.:-:.: 1.�: z,� ;". .,:..:�Iq
v ug your confidence. X1.kYour wgM M .. .." -, I .,":_ �:.Ii.
PUt-in their place? We cannot leave avo I asked him. ;�;�-;:,;.; ...... �..�::;:�;7;.. '. .: � , . A.:,... �.. � I
sold, them under guarantee In 25c -,, for urine when your Eyes Need care. )-. - - � 41 �, , .
:,:L;,j,.:... �,,.,;;;"�N: ��:"....' .,.. ;". ." :. :.: ,
I i'�.i,:�:i?.:.;j�,:�:i.:,::,�,�.,,,:%�,.,i� .�
b1tJVJnQ n3re JR0MQd3r GO.$ CWC4040 -.....-..:.:..,.",.;�4..,..�".,- - I 1 . , .
. an empty Place; the chambers of the boxes. You mean the one with the Dicky 1;.r,:.:,1.,_I_,�, :_: q.,_ .1 . 4
I ��-.'::§-!.:�:t�,.', ,!�' :, I
:1'.;!:.:-:,�;:.1... :. -.-
heart and mind cannot remain void. ;i�li 0. , I Bird decorations?" -he inquired. e__ I . 1 ., !::x4;-'.;-:!.-�.; , .. ''... �� I
' li Tbatle the Russian Grand Dulto DI, 3;�:,:,: , ... ..
1rraspc)nsIble people are a danger to DO DAYS ' . .... ., . "'. '' .,
� , , ._: , I . .�
.",.�;;.._._. _:."'.. I
... I ;, , .
_._- ..: ''. -
_ _,j :: , ...., .
I mitri PavlovItch!" I said, With Ira. I musit apologize for coming over and : �. ..... �
the world as well as to themselves, . I :�,;�:,-;,_:11. �. .::,� - - .. ,. ,
. !:;-�:t:.;- ..
.;:I �. . . . . �i, .� L
-'-".:,: ...., I
... :
. "
. %....,,:. . ...- . ,. �
pretsivo manner. speaking to you, because I see You _,`.`�: .�;�_.t ... I.;,;,:.,.;,...`,
atd deliberate shirkers'of responsib . 'L' . , . � . . ;� ,
Ne "" And NOW They. Game to Get "Humphl" was this reply. "Sickly- dog't remember me. I have met you . -,_I., 11'�
% art guilty of an offence against .� . ...
looking devil!" .'' .� .: .- I ...,,, �;
th 1 laws of God &Lad man. 'Tifis Name. only once -back In Petrograd " ;. .11 � I
, ...
,.... 1. .� ,, 1;
I . I felt hurt over this apathetic atti., "Oh, yes I do," he said, politely. He � �..
- Destruction is far easter than crea- 1, .:::.;� : �:. : ......". I
... I .:1. ` '. :. � .1� , �
, . .: .1
. - ..��, - �
, � .
n ,of the Ildq-as- " tude toward MY pet hero 60 I With- was too sensitive of the other fell w's 1. ... 1:1.:.:. :.::.�� : � "�� ,� : "".
tlt)m And tbeextenslo The belief In a,period of the Year �o �.'. . i I : ..:::,., '' ::.:
L ,. -7, , : . ,..:
. .��.4 .:,., ., �. . � :. :,
Yod-pleasell doctrine must Inevitibly designated as "dog days" comes down drow Into my''sholl and �ave myself feelings to Admit forgetfulness. I .��:..: . :: I 1. �� .�. ..."..". ,;',
. I : � ;. , - - ... ::...., .� I
Me44i the denial of any religious faith, from the. Romans, 'and through them up to the thoughts of how the mighty could see him ransacking his memory . . . I.. ....... ..., ,�
. - - . ftom the Z gyptions. had fallen, I thought how, In Petro- -to oluo me, � LEADS ,GREEK FORCES.
. 4 ___ ,- i ! == There Is no Immovable date for the grads the entrance of Dimitri -would "Theft in Cairo, last fall, I saw you .�
, '
, , �i" . arrival of the "dog days." In Roman have brought. every officer present to there. You did not look very well."* Gen. Papaskovopoulos, wro Is loading
of C"ada days the period began July 3rd and his feet 'v�tth M Sharp salute, and now "No," he said, quietly. "I had just the Greek forces against the Turk*
V, he was Just Ono of lis; a cavalry cap- come,froin, Mesopotamia. -It was hot Ish Nationalists.
I , v v ornen ended August 11th, but these dates are tain whom others, regard
Ing forward, very ad humor- there I --.--------. -
'. . ousl�, bechute, of his varied decora- R , "'
. slowly, Itis true, but nevertheless Sure- Ot, So It was', hot as the gates of
' Who Tes ify constantly mov
I i ti ly, ,In the course of time "dog days" dons they c&Uldn't understand, .1 sat hell;; but I did Uott tell him that it
Tillsonburg, Ontl.-"Ever since I can will synchronize- wJ011 Christmas and there, trying to analyze his thoughts- was not he.,t that I saw in his face
"einber, Dr. Pierce's medicines were used Now -Ifear. , The "dog days" are gov- they must be bitter, I felt. at Cairo --it wa-. Memory! The face SUFFERING OF 0
ihouffaitailyuthorut .erned 133r the rising and setting of tfie . He looked up and caught me Star. Of A man whose eyes axe forever look-
! andthoy-mverfOlea Dog Star, or Sirius, and tis Is a vaty- Ing at him,- Instinctivcly I bowed and Ing backward.
i I Suits. Ing date, riot only moving forward hb smiled back engagingly. My friend about Russia. "Things*are In a terri.
- ACi`vCePofd!C6 mliedloal but differing slightly In differefil �klrltrd, "Pat of yours?" . blo state there now," I -said. * YOUNG WOMEN
Diftovery, WVA used . , 8 $ONO!" said 1. "But, coutound It all, "Yes." he said sadly; "my heart Is
4 '. 1W as a toniogod blood parts of the World.
. � \�r ptirifier-d for-br*4- The Egyptians, like other primitive, that man's been through the will Two dOAdlo' This Letter Tells How It May
; &Ial trouble, and it peoples watched the heavens closely, � years ago, In Russia, no was as power X was Surprised atVthis frank show .
. � ,;w proved 6Xcelloat. I I ful as any king, arid 'now tie has lost of onlotivii, In Parlsoor Now Y�;rk it be Overebm, e—All Mothors
, P---.* h psoftll and observed that the rising Lf one , verything. I'm glad to zoo him eat-
, 0 * -1 Xvljold',Au W' "Ak* n a 3 WOUI& hot have sounded so strange;
- . ,Aedical prominent star came With the an U I ' a all, ' Inteteated.
! Discovery' 4oir bron. overflow of the Nile, the Ono great rylng on wit" us�be's 9 in but hero In England, wherc, one ffj
L, I... . . obial troubl�, and event In the E gyptian Year. So the Ills Lordship's party rose to go and taught from childhood to stifle all out- S
. . �� � the 'Favoritt Piv. priests of the Pharaohs decided that as he PMeed Dimitri bowed good-bye word display of ones real feelings, It * nt,- "I have sulfored since
. i . "I goftt;i6n, to build this star either caused the overflow or to me. This seemed to Irritate my came as 0, dlstlftt shock. 1� girl with pain in my left .
tie uly wqxbn I *8A 'companion. "I don't like Russians," "My relations, ftlends . . . all ard side andwitheramps,
Jh16-dC**h and they both were very bene. Was sent a$ a warning, and In grati- hA �rialpped. "They're all right to most killed . . . fl, growing worse 66&
fl , Mttht§r 4ways used IX Pitrtelik tude they called the star by, a name .socially, 0easant and IntoreAting $$But to r *
i pound Exttmt of Sroart-Wped fot signifying "watchdog." enough, but thv lot us down in this # sald ecne.olingly, "you did year until I Was all
, it ftlso w" very good. I fool. Akfe iti, .But the some star camo to the warl J) no wonderful thling for, which the
I 0 run down. 'I am a
. � rooAft6bding all of Dr. Ploree's mtdiduct I whole world admtTes -you." �� children's zurse,and
. k - ' to be good."�-Ult& CLIP. Romans at the beginning of a� period "Nonsense!" basing My ansWetr on
R f Lr.� of gieat heat and much sickness and fhe:knowledge of how the radical 016. "Wh4vo that"', I/ I w,qs so bad at times
� . I th(jy were c6rivintM that the agata "Rasputin!" , 1� that I was unilt for
06AW Butte Suit. -III h4vo U60d Dr. � heat of tho summer was due tc; the ments flist, had ma4b the Brest Llthvsk ,,Ah," Ito smiled. 11tha,t saved my life. work. I triod gov-
s= had betrayed all tbe,TIV
R�Ir Rus.
I VOW$ UodIQ VSCOVOw fOV 0, number star, One of their writers records: t irotoPoPoff told Yousupot and oral doctors and pa. I
lon g I before -hand. I man that W0 Word to proceed t, I q, but
I of yt I , 1) t In
�ho oil
� _4ft and on phaeW to reo6 nd it "The day of the star's first rising I ,,, an! tent modicinc.
"Abloovw0er. IktiovIthaff:duqual —_ , -_ �,.� - ____ was only relieved for
4# I umd it for my boy for tuberculdsiS 01 in tho � morning the 130A bolls, vino I � . ftatifs In exilo and I 'was there when �: *t :.
- -
* *61Tw* Johit, My taolghboni &nd frien& turns sour. dogs begin to go Inad, tha .1 tho revolution broke out. From there ,_ZI:�"::r" a short time Sorao .
� I : .I!;,.. 1� " ofthedottor;wanted
I V .,
I were hut ristd with the irdaults; irk fact, I do bild Increases And Ititates and all Ant- .. I I came out and Joined the English And I .' ...., .,.;,
I-*at =*he would be alive today hSh it.oat mals grow languid. The diseases It � . well, hero I Am." '. , '11, ,"11 erform an o r-
bibeh too the 'medical Discovery.' I al8d, . , "Some, friends of wfile boug iono �vllt my father o joeted. Finally
uowdly occasions fit man are burning .ht that !at bed through my mother of ydia
; from od*V cough m6diojhm, instoAd of tip- fevers, hysterics and phronstes."
, Veep it 6ft bAfid for coughs " It ti'ffers so - I big nenault of yours", I told - him. I lear
I I H. Pinkbam's Vegetable
I oettif ft,tu To appease Sirius the Romans ,every, Instantly he was all animation, R."tPOV: it,"
� % t1w 40makh as mod cough � 04 I and bow,thgi -
'lot* ,goolforthoo4mich. lonlywish year sacrificeda, brown dog. I � PA "Dozho moll Wai�alt that car a, beau, I am relieved from pain and cramps,
I bsd knbwn ,%bout Dr. Pioros's roofficiaos The discovery later by astrohdmors t7t I deftigned i*io body myself; It was Andfo-olasifithas saved mylife- Y16
boow."-MAS. PRACY WOOD. tha't Sirus was soluothIng like 160.. I I all gluiullitum, one piece hammeri�d Ina ute my 16tter to help other voomen,
rou fAko Golden Medical Dis. 'W-600,00 n1fles frOAX the earth, row. ced Out Into A, sks am oil y too glad to recomrntmd the �
I V�� ,* ?
, ow"y;� you ,Lr6 g6ttidg tho boA64l, of t,h6 . ditred it rather imporbable that Any 14 dewrlDtloft of tiv� ea.- and its perfor- vlodieffie. "-JEAN INNT, 42 Blamford
. *4wtiftftoin4ott6r*hoi*reoittAtiozi goes of Its boat ,could make itself pempt- 4 i ma;flees: Itussid, the past and t;ftry. Avo., Toronto, 06t. I
iblig here, but the ,superstition ai to . thing else forgotten. Girls who are tr6ubled At Mind Xent
� *U m(wel Y*u tet L% "dog days" still porsists, and Vit it - . In 6
; *11 "na W &A*' St' I I . h I I I I . � A portly colone, with a bibulous Was should inmediWly. so Teatorktibil
1 �
+*4-+4-*+ 1
. I *0M0#Me6 DWISA4 thiki doiawns not % the notion that dogs are particularly i �� I nose, hove In vIeW And towi� other to health by tAing Lydia, R. PinUhatili'll
: 4" of goallot ot *W*6if" of 6" kind. prone to rutt mad at thig season, thus , 11 offleera e=6 and surrounded him, Ve;Cglilt Oompoond. I%
11"g W Dr. Motto commoed MtAih perpetuating a Roman bolief, Thore k I I . Thty all looked at the clock arit nod- lose who need � dvl(** They
. VVISMAd V600" 1ft"dk*W--*1thout are mirly personif who Suppose that . I I I i I d6d MySterlouffly towards tile Petite write to Tjfdi& 14), Pinrhaimf'l Mtdiel I . .
t% " I 0 1 11M ,ph,* I yv
, of &IceW_#6 "t I& rftclaW the AftignatioLn "dog day$" IS g ., bar. We r4opaired thitber, ,re We (coplldonta,l);L n, Maim. TheAelotters
Iran I . A will b,a �ope
)O I � . I I
WtWvs: b*v* 11oft tki*y *Vlgw*** beeavwa of tbig mupposed 4&nla* pm. � had ontil . . . and then another. _ned read and ani5wered by *
I � I I --11 " . 17Aaftyal" U m9d, rAlsing his clAm wMan and 04 In strict conildento.
1*44" 11 I rftww to rabl", . . _ % 11 I . . -
1, � I
�fi�, _t. .
7w- 0,110 .11 4 I 0 1 W I ,, 111111111� � ,.,.,~#W
- , , � , W�Fw 7'_�4 �L I - "R""M --- �- � --ml
- - _ , '0 ,7
. , .11 � ,
11,71 . I � 1 ,4 ,
11 IE' . .
I I . . . ), , . - .�
. .
4 : . I
..- ------ L-- - _ _ 40 . I ___ ____ _ III I ill I l�i 1121 I I 01
.1__4;A;;;Q"_1 �.11.14.__ - 0 ___
� - __ '. - i __ -1_._-_-- __ I— - %W 11 - __... - � �Nmi
- -_ - - r--_," ''__, - -
I � knife J ---
I .0 lot out sir jmd fill spin to t**+0,1_ .11,11, . s+#"t-# ,
wu watar ruttAing over Ju " ,
M-,wTlr TO OVERCON't - I Put ou storilixed rubb*r, zyw, — I �
"' �
I I , 'L E6 "d y $041 at ones. I :
. 1100oull JI jars I ;tl� ' ` :
N La 10 -o - xro ren4y, pl*m I
, _ _
: I I 04 rack In boiler xad tover with I I
I water of the same tomperAture as I 6RU �� I 1% S_ L,
� -A Umed M910or Tells How Uo jam. Useplag the Jare sep#rAted. . ... 4 4 64 0 *4 # 0 6 * 0 *:, I ++-t4,*4_"`
I 11. Cover boiler, ,bring to We boll- .. I . .
'40p,*4 Realth and , Ing point and boll until the fruit to An Xastern Print% c*116# Akb$obub�.
. 0tren0h, : cooked, let, much 41sturW. by oosatiat r6 -
I . to 10 to
Nervous troubles of a kinds, Par* 15 minutesw,bere augar to use Wh ports of 41spleAsuro On the part of his,
� _11. (a) Soft frulto require fro
tioularly nervous debility, work a re- no sugar Is used we add 16 tlnul%, people, oat Apart 6 day When atell
=rlt4ble transformation in the Va, more tor the VQqUIred length of timo I might come to air his grlevaqae. I
tlent. The 'Ohange Is botif Physical 'With ougar. �
qnd mental. The losog (b) Hard fruits with sugar r6quit— The first to arrilio vl' � An O!d Va..
"119"r , 44 ftge W*$ A,
weight and strength 4U4 treq1tentl from 80 minutes ,to, one hour pluvs . Who thoill;ht tb%kL"tb$ Pf
becomes Irritable A;d fault fitidin&l. twenty-,minute4 without sugar. I big place, very I=#401* sad Win-,
TrouoleB that were once'thrown, off 12. 'Uncover boiler at end Of t1wO fortable, and his ,aQxmw 3uOJT . 4 11111111
Withollit any difficulty Asiume oxog-, tQr sterilizing or boiling, Allow steam
ser4tea proportlow. Other oymp- to escape and sealJRra tightly Im- hut. why -couldn" ba'llvs in 00
11 ., I
tome of We nervous condition arek medl ,or. 'Palace? . I I
ately upon removing from bet , � ,,Very well., you - jli,�I�s%�d Abgebut?� 7
poor appetite, headaches,, exIi.kUition Invert untik cool, I
After little effort, And frequently die- 13, When, cool acre,w tight Rgsin, lot, "but you uAderst4rd It Is aacw
treas After weals. , . Wash outolde of Jars, lab sary to keep the ritt" Of courts satol"
el and put d
The cause of this d4bility is soner- away In. A cool, dry,'daric place, good breeding Lera." . � - ' I
I .
411Y starved nerves. The blood Note. -In ougarless canning. the . The zext was 4,womAn who XOP4
which gives the nervous ayoten utmost care mufst be observed and a fruit stall In thS *i0et, - And $�IIP !
�L Its W
food and power to work efficidntly, .every rule strictly followed.-Onnotto asked for the removal of thiOtAlt ad I
has tecome7thin and wea)�,. and until Babb, Instructor Household Science, Joining hers, Which .401d (Ad clOtbe0f, .
the blood repins Ito tone and strength Macdonald Collego. -_ , , I She said it WAU Very. 41rcyj. and A 4464 , 11
there can , b .- �� I .1 I grace to the city,, 'The )10""Ary r. � I
a no Improvement , —,___- -4 .... . Tft. .Wo� pe
e . , ,,_�
the condition of the nerves, In cas 11 / - . U ,w
, , � .. _ P/.:,�,ft, . lissiou WA[$ M ell, ,
�ls .:
of this %Ind Dr. Williams Pink Fill .11" .,�� An,thor -was a Acb. wan.vhO eat# �
� at44 ono.,
will be found the very best medicine. �; I � he loved AbgobublOt And- we , � ..
They make rich, red blood , which �, hulldre4 slaves fibrrIa ' onad �becausO �
tee4s, and strengthens the starved they 11-14 SPOI04 evil of tbi, Pxlilce� 1�1 I
. . , 04J., I
� :,!: Him Aligeb,ublet 41opqield ot at
nerves, and In thts.waY restores the I ��,�il I".. ,.;,,`:;, .,,.,:: .
. ;;..
� . .... .. ..".111-1 ... I ;��'.
sufferer to fulT health and strength. ;.,I�,.,,-.�p"",.",.,;�1-1"..', � .,� I , "That they orealt evil Of - woo" 0 a I
'' . ... ,
. :,�,.;.;,��. ....1; 3, hut am I evil. Noo
Proof of. this Is found In the case of, � ;..., ,,,��.-,!!�� ��: .; 1 ..... lie, 111 grant yo,
., ,�t
i.: ..... . . .
- , ..
.111-& �� I!,;
. M. --��:.,
"7 -,
Mr. Vri4 Sander, London, Out., who . I ., iF."..:1Z, ;,.�,,�,:, ,,,,Z:t,.:11, 1vill they in% .41T i �� NO� I ayO'�
'Ii!�i�,,� , , Ue mk�,.(
,.A, ,111:..';71
, tIto same wb tevclol#iqy. say; theretcrg,
, .. A
sayfm "While on service with the Im, I . . . . . . ii, -
perial forces in Africa I "Ci6impletely . I .�,��. What they say Is 01, ZM`IWPprtPncC," I �
Y p �,, The rich rian bqNkC4, alid-WA3 c0ur-
lost my health , through continual : ,;: .'�: .. ... : ,� .. i I
hardship and shock. I was sent back ' :�,....: -,;;;�; . , tented,
,'�.- . - salloriall.4
., ... .:� ';.�.111 . I I
��.�,_�,':,,.,! . At last came a .�J,jy,* ol(I
to the base hospital suffering, so the .. . . . . . i ...�,.:.N .
doctor said, from nervous debility., � . i1P...., 11 11 Who kept a somewhat 411a0ftted boat- .
. � .
After" spending some time In the lios- , ' ....... .11 on his river whieWs =11411SOU15h thf� ..
- I I—' -�.-; I., as ca"", 'Abe Moot, -
' �' .,.�- .
pital I Was lavalided back to Vag- : 1� i �� ..�.,�."�.�, city. This boat W ,
land as unfit 'for further Service. .11 � L ..�'A � Flower, and lie was extremely PrOua'
. : . . ba-mpster of tbC .
After spending a long time ln:Netley ... of her; neverth lesbt' t nouth rtfuseO�. I � .
Hospital, I was given niy discharge, harbor at the rIv0sa I ..
but was stili, a weak , �-�� to Allow him 0, peimit to put nor 011r, I .
� and nervous �� �.'.., :�:,; ��.;�-...��:L. ' to sea. _& careful, man, he had W4,,
wreck, absolutely unfit for work. I ,�i;�:::.:.::,..:.!t::;.:.:.:,.����':�. ,: . .1
.:ii�l i-�.:^ , - and lie did what. I
had neither the strengt'A nor ambi. ::-,��;�l ..i:;�:i::��-�� �. ,.1
:. .:::,..,:-, -:' �iZ�:,:.. reputation to SUStaW� ,
�V,.-,"� 'but the .,,old sat,04 . -
.�;.;--'.'- , ,
tion to do anything.- In London I :�, g�:�.`�i;"::;�.: was wise. Vow .
'r�:�'�,,,:,,10:i�:��: I
:: .�,, �� -his g4cletit.,craft,
doctored for three or four months *:�::, Wq--�',':" blinded by love for . .
.... ". .:" ,.,. I
.::::. ', ';;:�:'�'- - 4A, 1
� *,]I::!: . "".,i:!* �.ff.,��4. Kilt. of plittlaX so �
with 4 civilian doctor, who finally ad- lij,�::�i:,�.._. ,�;�43�. I
;�,.i �; I . Would have thoUl
; ... I 1. ,;,> i.�z��,�.. , . :
ate. 1 -was ,:, !:":ij�!�.,:��?,N. ,
vised a change of clint ,::�-- g a patched -up ruin out of Ixer mooft.;' .
_ I
I -
1�;- - , .1���7, . I
, *� ........ ,-.',, the river and hw.*- ,her Be
terribly nery .".:-�!*"A.�.X. ,j::;;; ings in ., . .
ous, suffered from Sleep- , .��.':,;i�.'��,-:*�, *,..."�.'-.�� I 1�,-,. *
- . . .f"
I .. .. - I
. ., ":, -;;:';:.:
lessness,' smothering and staltIng .... ��'. _. 'j�:� But to Its, owne,r eAdl, ' 'old - ,Plark I
spells, and pains In the heart; MY i _.,... 5 -V-as *
� :, 41;
.." -,�:i` :1j,::: n -i rlistlug -nail;
ha)xds and feet were always cold and � ;-'a, I—— ailed, on WIV ed �w
� .,:; friend. 110 b(�Ogjd, ,a. bO�A,1100 ,� .
clammy. At this time) I decided to �, . . I I . �
.. I
tome to Canada, 'and �hortly after !, I *,!-�*-, ". .. I salt her outside the harl)oz , Vi �, . 5
-reaching this country was advised to � . 1:�� .., : . � 'k , : .. I ,,Why," asted the PrIncO I!wllJ,th0)r.' I
�11* I in this,'.permlsai(lit?" � 1�'
-tiy Dr. Williams Pink, Pills kft r I � I .. not give y( . . � . , : .1 .
, s , . ' 0 1 "Because they 'lie -,,aalo�a of: toy 010, .
had, taken the pill for some we6ks I i boat, air . e. I say s' I I
found myself improving, I Contin- ' .Ue's tvjSOO(V�Mft';�- . .
I I Sli.oill%l know 0 '' L
- . I am her Skipper, .q, .�,, .
ued taking the pills for several me ths pd I I I
"YOU certainly .�hould'-knowo'! Pala.:
,with the result that they fully res- IRISH WORKERS, IN )OVAR-RIEL. t rp 1- I . 1,
tored my health. My nerves are now , Aligebublet. "I graht Your,'; equeg . t� -. .
as steady a& a rock; my appetite the Above Iq Eamonn de Valera, "Preal. Some time after',the L04 ChOmbef-%. I . �
best, and my eyes an'k..skln, whIbh dent of the Irfsh Republic,'! w.ho has lain made e., report o7i tile resultk" I
I ..
,had turned Yellowish. are clear and been accused by Ju�d3o Cohalan, of First, it appeare( that -the old MaI4, � . "
Itealthy looking. I feel like a new New York (the, . lower figure) of who came to live in the �,alado touah -
I L�
,man in every way, and 'fit,for any, having cp;nt for, his porsonal ex. `11e� could not have, hisi goat 10 live Wit4- . ..
penses money subscribed In the hifil, as he did in his fi�ilt- -Also 'ItW'
,thing. I have sinco, recommended United States for the Irish Republic meals at regu�. I � I I
the pills to several friends, aml,know -,0 � a - had to 1vash and have A all th� . �oinii. .
of several cases where they were lar hours, ire had foun I
beneficial in tile Influenza epidemic. Relative Value of Xfts. most objectionable, andhad left Aft4r � .. 1.
L '
I am of the opinion that shoUI4 any the first (lay for what lie called,freA.' .
I "t, . . ..
I I 11��
of iny ratruned soldie e dom. and Ills hut. �-.: I �
Dr.,,Wllllams Pink Pills, for SOW 6 The fat globules.of goats' mllk are The oh! lvoluall-Of t1ib'frult, 6 al`!�. - ' . � .
shock. they would be a great -help to o small that cream ri6es Very Slowly, found she Not no ic�untomcrn w i � I
them," This quality. however. gives to, the adJoining stall was remove�4. TlWe e.:..-,� - . .
You can get Dr. Will Y cgLmO for thd' r' nt . ,, � .11 I I 11
fams Pink milk a uniform richness ..act POS. pie real, sities, and SPPU e , . I I .
Pills , through any dealer In medicine sessed by co,vs' milk, There are now which were neces, .
or by mail, pnst paid, at 50 celits a several condensed milk factoriee few remain.'39 coppers on 9, P4 � �, r I I I
box or six boxes for $2.50 from The using goats' milk, which te con. do peich. . . e9r* '
asn't there another cttb I u1i, .
Dr. , Williams Medicine Co., Brock- densed -and sold Kor infant feeding. ,..W, !.. �
ville. Many thousands of Infants are com- ad the!PPIacc- ,-* � . .1 1k. � . �
i "
Polled to lIve durinc their first few 44 Sire,: lie has been no more seen . ..
--I 6� 6 4 0 a 4 --A A ------ 6 or heard of Oince lie left the river I#
. I . � months on condensed cows' milk, and . . 11. j,
, 9 V_ , It 19 not the best.food for their stow- Ills. b0at-"
ache, "All!" said the ]Prince. "To ' graA,t - .
ca, anin Jr rult 406. , - pqople's W'labes oftcn silcilcosAli.0), �..
. 4
. forever," 1�� "
'# — .4 V. � . .
I I -
I Without Suday Soothes Irritable Throat - I 0 .*+ I _'!` I I
� I ,clOWNUZ 10M-NGLO. .
4 * 6 .8 s 6 0-+-*-+*-*#-++-+4-+*+++-�+-+ I . .
I I �.h , I . . ..
I (Conservation.) Quickly Cures Bronchitis The yleldof wheat for.1919 Amoufitk, - . �.
Due to the scar,efty of �igh prioe of I — . , ' to .51.900,000 tons , 'In the n6ktberlV , . . .
sugar tile possibility 'ot much ot the hemisphere countries, Which produds I
coming crop of small fruits going to Xo Drugs to Take. No Sicken- .1 ab3ut half the normal Oop of LhO
waste 14 greatly Increased. There Is ing Stomach Medicine ' World, . 0 . . I I
. . �'
a method of canning Without sugar, ' ' .. I I_ I
and, to secure the best Information I to Use Government experts have 06moii--� . I
available on the subject, the Commis- I strated the fact that the.life of`i P%I`V
sion of ,Conservation Invited Miss N of shoes is greatly prolonged �by ab
Jeanette 'Babb. Instructor of House- JUst. Breathe "CalarrIlezoneol- occasional oiling. Vor dress,�.�shoek, I
cigtor oil is' recointneptled, ,which'
hold 'Sc!ence at Macdonald College, Count ten -s. bad cold is relieved should' be used sparingly and. rubbed, . .
to,grepare h short paper. Mies Ba.b1b by Catarrhozone-wait. one minute In thoroughly. Where. the niitter qf' .
eslie , clally emphasizes the caution that and you will feel its soothing lnflu� polishing tho shoes is of nO:"g,fe&S . 1. �
In sugarlosa canning the utmost care ence on a sore Irritated throat. No consideration, neats-foot ell, v4geffiko -
must be observed, and every rule failure with "CaAarrhozone"-it cures and fish oil may be used. All'shoe's .
Gtrictly followed, otherwise loss of -because ,you can breathe a healing should be carefully cleaned :befoi.18
fruit and wasted effort may result. � vaRi5i *to the very spot that needs ollln� - 1.
"Permentatton and decav are caused -h 0. . -
by the liacterla, yeasts and moulds,
which are ever present in the air,
I e . .
The big. thing to remember about
— '.
I P I"
Recently Japan has. graat'y. develov�
coming In contact with fruit. We
Catar,hazone io this --you just breathe
a healing piney vapor that Is full oe
od her starck Industry-, In IM 04
into (lie VnIted State6 niat- -
must, therefore, destroy these; forms
of life 'present in the trult� and In the
the pure --it balsams, that Is rich in
, the greatest healing agents kno�rn to
ly 22,0,,,0,000 pounds, Or 9-11,per cent, 6i
,_ . It".
containers and prevent their furthqr
science, I : ;
the total imports. ;. .
. ... .
�ontrance Into the containeis, by sekl�
Ing 'and sterilizing. or boiling. This
- This wonderful 'vapor dispel(3 All
i� 5
A ne-%v source Of alcOhOl for com-
Is what is termed canning.
soreness, kll1,3 all germs, gives nature
a chaned to completea real cure.
wercial purposes -has been U13 1, V
tile flowers of ihe mallua tre to
are mahy reasons why can-
ned goods spoil, Some of these are:
Colds and throat troubles can't last
flourl�4bes In India. Th tie 'C
, optaili"
Because of Imperfect Jars,, use of old
R the pure healing vapor ot Catarrh-
ozone Is brftthed. Catarrh will d1s-
pbout 60 per cpq,nt..ot ? le sll�,
I abeut n no as 0.
�r poor - rubbore; use of stale pro-
ducts; being too slow; flll!ng too
appear, bronchial attacks w!II tease,
coughs and winter Ills will becotne a
gar and yield It
alcohol,par ton, ..: �,
.1 i..
many jats at once,, Inaccuracy In time
- failure to test Jars after
of boiling,
thirig of the past. Complete Outfit
— . � , i", , �
The (our' ta treq'uentlnlr�,tho *111%
.6 . i
sterilizing, and careless storage.
"The equipment neeesr.ary for can-
last,3 two months, price $t.00,, sunaller
size. 500; sample size, 25e, all rlealbr%
d "
mounlains will fiftd a new rof ttP
. eralno the Natl%Ml -1Or6t$,..;WhI01t
ning Is as follows, Wash boiler, or
or The Catarrhozone Co., Kitkgston
Ont., Canada.
wol b? a trpat Odin tile, soen!,c A111g,
large kottld, with an air -tight cover;
. --- *), �. —
pDlnt, as iv011. as Of the W -00t
fitted rack for bottom of boiler; good
jara and covers properly aterilized;
A.rabian 11ide3 Grade Well,
,ightful roids in the country. TV;
hi.,Xhway Is 40 Miles 10fii�,,'&nd 11*5
good rubbers; long -handled �spoon or
bPen built by the',Vblrest S&VIC0, a44
silver ktkife. strainer or clean choose.
cloth for washing fruit, blanching and
Arabian gklns coming Into the world
along the route there wili be fou�4.
all kinds of accommodations for pamp.*
cold-dilipffig, boiling water, and -clean
markets through Egypt ail&the Sudan
ors and t0u."10til. Watqr has' beft
towels, all otwhich ahould 4e sterile.
originate emdllsivelY in "'iddda slid
1 piped to convenient looationo and
t"To Prepare the Jars, test thein first
for leakage, by filling with water, fit-
Places in the vielilltv of Mecca. They
Urpptacca erectod, at ddstrable, SOW
where camp tlres.Way be w0b W100
t4ng On Tubber; scaling tightly and
, embrace cattle hides. sheep Ocing, goat
liffle danger of - sprea'(1ing , 11ams#.
Inverting. on a d'ry table. If 110 Mois-
skins and edmel hides, and are gener.
I Travol�rs will be allowed to 11140 -
ture is ee6n on the table the Jars are'
' ally dry salted, Arabian hides are
frO us use of a.l or �those fog ,ros.'�- �',.
safe, Sterilize the jars and COVOrS.
by placing.ou rack In boiler, cover
-limited In quantiti, the quality, how-
tvar. is excellent.
. . �,
I I I I ..
The outlook for *orld,WId4,ol6c6(_
with, cold water, bring water to Wil-
I , , I I I , 4
f leatlou is bright ,at, the presgilt t$4%* .
I boil for fifteen .Min-
ing Tl�-
— "I
as in -.Any large prbjftto ate 11, �Ird_f�'
utes Uz,3 the rubbers In a zhil-
pact, European and South AllierlOOM
low dish of boiling water for fivo,
countries, Nvith the P�XftptlOti Ot Zllt-
minutes, - �
"In the cold pack method the Im-
"Y'nard�ll 'I"Int ,Co., Limited. 0
land alone, lack an adequaLe supply DI
1 fuel, but mxny of them, laclualti$ Nor*
portance of the two terms, blanching
Gents -1 relieved a v4luablo bunti do
Way, Slwoden, SWR%erland, . Itali.
and cold ftpllig. should empha�
of -mange with 1111NARTYS LINNI. "
spain and Brazil, bave, large AMOUMS W
sized, Blanching Is to dip In boiling
kc,v under the boiling
after Several veterluarles had treated
him 'Without doing h4m. any permanent
Of 1"terpower, which 14'ran0, 4434
water, and
water for, from a few 'Seconds to tive
Yours, etc,
nioderato amount, These r,egolircoot
colubined with (lie high 'cost 46t tutif
ffitillUteo. According as to whether the
fruit Is of the soft or hard variety.
W1i,p1tID qAqXlg..
make oxtensive railroad elettrifict, .
'a ,
tion ill thesq tottatr �les tnevit4b*
Cold dipping meaft6 tbb immediate
W015. of Grand Cmtral Uoto.l.
st)oncr or late". s*ltzerlaild �ts �ot
p1dag,'fig into cola boiled water, to
Drummondville, Aug. 8, 104.
,well establig,hed programfile rloVering
set the coloring Matter, to a!d Ili
a term of Years, While both $drw0y`
�kcoping the fruit Whole and to Make
and Sweden are giving activo consld4
it easy to bandit.
eration to definitt PrOJ008. � 11 Ht* -
land a considorablio ,tm0uUt of 010V
1. sdiect when It Is at Its boat 7
thoroughly sound, ripe but firin. an;4
Nending Xti:Vol and Po�jii..__
I triliefttlOn is in Contemplation AIO�g
freo from bruised. I
To mend a knlM or .steel fork whieb
a me e dle fill tbo,
; ,%vith jill -general plan for the ,01,8001*
" Million Of Iudustr3,. A Prenoll COW,
Z, GraAo as to (size and qu�;Jlty for
of Uniformity.
halo with finely Powdered resin and
1111-ASIOn, composed of government aud
8. i0an, Me day it Is picked. 411d fig
hold the vough end of the knife or
fork In the fire until it bevomes, hot,
, rallreatt en'll ineers, has already visited
.' tile Unittil Statos In orditr Vo
tboh as VWSM6 after pfelting, tepe-
cially ftore no sugar In lhatd.
Insert it in the Powdered resizi ani
hold it straight until firruly fixc4.'
thorou'lily la mlllatlzr� themselves
with jultricail practIC0. The Ital-
4, Clean fruit and prep4te ad for
Ian (love.-nmept will continno Its def -
table use.
S. 13lan& in 410 of bird fruits,
I D18ft
watt, 'Jure the Hands.
Julto programnle as sooh as financ1#1
. conditions. permit. An official W-
6. Cold dip,
,7. pack products quickly Into Arli,
But eith bi-, wdyil6ssly ro-moved Ili
t wenty-four hours by tht use of Put.
glan e0lilmi,%sion I's alreAdy plAnalfil .
to relialillitato Milth tlectrlc power at
vhleh havt just been removed oil6 lkt
the time ftbin the Uiler. using a oter-
I s W,Art aj�d (,Iorn Extractor.
'W= Imitty
le"Ist 5 portion of tho railroads 40 -
durlug the War. Ill J3041o,
J16 Ittlift or apoon handle tot, pack-
YtIts In uso anJ still the bt8t. lyj�
,11ag oputhlin,sir E*r40t(W,
elj Olt get,
. �11 ltytd South Afrlean, to wet),
8, 291 with bollint vrit6t. 10deft
2&c, at all dealeft, I �
railroad 161CCU'llicittlon is undor ict"f
cou�tlderatten, L i
4 . ,