The Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 8THR WINGRAX ADV"Ot
1-11 10
Vol! "I" lo- (CorriwA up W1 W*lAas4y noei
1 w 1; A% op, A
Z 4-1 1%"__r
t; Whe4t No. 2 $Ming ...... i% to 2�
Wheat No. 2 P411 ...... 198 to 2()o
........... .. ", 6 8D to 7 60
Latd� ................... to
Buttw-_ .............. emilmAonual I
Wi is
46 hoe Sa e
LI. ................... 40 to '65
Cattle, mad,, buttliwiq. � 9 00 to 10 W
Cattle, �,gtchers choice,,,11 00 to 12 00
tiogs; liveweight 19 oo to 19 10
Hay .... ............. 23 00 to 26 00 OWN&,
Cream ............... to 57
For 7 Short JAIYS vniv
Tbo annual meeting of Biyo) Te1ephono i
subscribers met in Industry Hall, on
-t salty onext July I Oth
atartin Sawrd
Saturday afternooli with Mr. Fingland in 9
the chair, 2nd Miss Efla Metcalfe al See -
174141Y, Mintilesof last annual meetin7
TAV were read and adopted on motion of J,
N. Camp�lj and Wm. Laidlaw, The Endinff on, Saturda follom'ang
X a5 I y
Three S I Days to C1earSum___mer �uditor's rop�ort after considerable diQus-
pecia Goods, slon was adopted, It was, decided to
change the date of the annual meeting In
from June to January. Mr. L. Hill , re- the store In Gregory Block, between Chas. Bondi's
ported having had several interviews with
at 20 to 30 P4 cis Discount Mr, Richmond of the Bell Telephone
Co. Fruit store and W. G. Patterson's'alewelery ors )tore,
rebetterterms between Blyth and, Bell
Co., stating that the Bell would in Atture
giye $100 more' than -last year. Moved
A, I Win, Mb�n and Robert McGee that un� 'This is a general "CLEAN-UP" Sale and we' will
log'' SAT,99 MON,* j U. L Y.: 9, 10. an d 0 9.
9 12 w. less the Co. receivp 50 per cent froin the
0 but W*L
Bell Co. that an appial be made to the
V Railw�Y'Board- Cgrritd. Mr. Metcalfe give exceptional bargains, ish to lay emphasis on
Rove. Telford ano Hawkins were appOint.,
ed a committ" to dr;kft a resolution of the following, viz:
sympathy with the immediate relative'
of thelate Mr. Elder, conveying * to th�m,
the mapect of the subscribers and appr�c- Ist--:-We have not got all 'size
iation o( his services as Socretary-Treas-
urtr during his term of offi
V Moved and adopted that the following
?41 ice. Carried. 2nd—The goods - we- 6ffer' are not new.
t1i. I * 7 � , , � , , .� . I . .. I . . liours -be rOstryed exclusivel, v for bueffie - - 4. 1. 11
—from 6 to 8 a. m: from 12 to 2 p. M.
'BODUSE-SPECIAL--Our fine selection of and from 6 to 8 p. m. The following were But they will be offered CHEAP CHEAP
nominated as mernbers of Board of COM -
ladies" fancy blouses. In volles, silks, missioners for current Year,—Dr. W. J.
q-epes.- 'A new stock.. best maikes. S ee. Milne, JQhn Ellis, John Fingland, R. B. This 4/vIll be a "Sell -serve" s�le, In other words "you
P McGowan and John Brigham.� The last
'Ial--20 P. c. off. help yourself" one shoe of each pair will be laid on
two withdrew leaving the other three by
acclamation. tables, on which will be a tle�cel giving size and price.
X - Buy Yo"U""Outf it f r-. the 1 2th at 1hese" SCNOOL REPORT Do not forget the dates. -July 10th to 17th Inclusive. -and the place I
the store In the Gregor Block just'
Report of promotion examinations for accross the road Queens Hotel.
S. No. 14.13. and W. Wawanosh:—
o, ll3r. IV.—Madeleine, O'Callaghan, Loen.
A ra Falconer.
Sr, III.—Robina Martin, Mary: Mattln,
Garnet Farrier. W H
'H're the 12th. SOLE AGENT FOR LAD ES
q Jr. III.—Alex Inglis. Ty a WILL
Make Your -Headquarters e on Sr. 1,--Chrissir Inglis,
Sr. Pr.—011ve i?arrier.
A, Olive Clow, Teacher, fee_ "---
The fOlIO-ving is the report of the niid
ances around,here. spent Sunday at Joe Brandon's. 0
Grey Mu'ch Sickness Due'to summer enaminationx of the S, S. AND D13RBY SHOES FOR MEN,
Jas, Golley 4zalled on friends in this o- a pellt Law of Wingliam, spent"' unday with order of inerit,
ick and Alvin Wray all of Td�onto, s L��
Messrs R . rry Westlake, George Fral- ;Mr. and Mrd. Price, Mr. and Mrs. 8,Xorris. Natncs;tre arranged in the
S L4ck of Work
,,'cality this week,
a few days at their respective homes here Mr. and Mrs:Thos. Proctor. Promotion to Sr IV—Fraser Mustard
on,wb' Me healthy body produces more (honors.)
.?Ar. 14ami3t o laas made his home last week. QUO to report Mrs, Percy McLean is energy than it needs to keep the
witbhis daughter Mrs. Albert Whitfield, Promotion to Jr� IV—Lilliau Garniss
Messrs. Harvey McMichael and Oliver doing nicely after her serious illness Heart, Lungs and Bowels working.
14th�co'n. passed -away on Sunday, McCreery fconi South of WroNeler spent Mrs. C. Leekh of Detroit, spent a day This surplus energy must be spent (honours), Viola Matbers (hono'urs),
�Reeonimendedl Doris Allen,
Word has been received from W, F. last Sunday with friends around here, with Mrs, J,-A,.Brandon and Mrs, J.'A. in mental or physical woiik. On the
Sd4nock, whowent, to Flint, Mich., in the Mr. Edwin Palmer visited Sriends in Geddes. oth&r hand, people who work too Promotion to Sr 111 ---Lillie Garniss,
hard,use their reserve stren&th &V.Ld Donna Smith (equal) honours, Pearl
14e likes fine and has got a Grey township a couple of days recently. -Rev. Davidson, moved to his new wear out the systeap, Mathers, Lloyd Turvey, Gordon Hamil.
job at the Brick factory as Chief Police. What makes Willie King wear such a charge at' Tupperville on Wednesday, People who are inclined to Neil- ton.
Fr&4 Hackwell and family visited wi'b broad smile these days.—Its a girl. Con- and on Tuesday evening. the friends at vousness, Constipation, or have any Promotioai t
o Jr
Ill—Bert Garniss d , �k
his sister, Mrs. Bolton, Sunday. gratulations, Mother and daughter are Sun�nlne presented Mrs. Davidson with of the Troubles of the Heart, Liver, (honours), 'Harry Sarniss (honou
a handsome set of silVerwitre. Nerves, Kidneys, Stomach or goweW 173
and Mrs. Abram and so doing fine.
,Maxwell n, can greatly Improve the condition of
Rev. Peters. wife and daughter, arrived Melville Mathers, Charlie Allen, (Re -
Vern, also Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Stevens, The picnic in behalf of ihe Sunday tbeir health it they so desire,
COMMended) Irene Allen, Margaret
-ided suc(-ess.last Satur.
cbool ;was a det. hereon Thursday from Delaware Mr if you work too hard, take more
and Miss Kate motored to J. J. Struthers' Goo].
in Elma: last Sunday. day in Mr. Melvin Willits grove, Every- Peters preached his first sermon here on, vest, if you. work too uttle, take
Sunday and made -a very favorable im ' more exerciee, you will need med- Promotion to Sr. II—Margaret
A number from this locality intend cel- Sbody seemed to enjoy, themselve.R.
ptession. icine, to correct the troubles caused ard (botiours), Uuretta Stnith, Marion
ebrati!ag in Wingliam on ibe 12th. 'by your indt5cretions and to assist Gool.
Rev. Hawkins preached to the Orange-
nuture to restore heaUh-Then take
'Alm. Hollenbeck is busy sawipg wood Belgrave men ou. Sunday,. there were. about seven- PrOlhOtion on years 'WjDrk to Jr. II_
these days. H�cking's Bert Mathers,
ty-five of the brethern attended the ser- Dorothy Garnin, (Re -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jordan, Mr. L.
Sweet clover tooks N&ell and is coming I Heart and Nerve Re soatuended) Aditb W
vice. t me
[Jordan, Blot -ley andhilss Gladys, motor -
out in bloom. Most farmerx are keeping and it yall require a laxative take PrODA0,tiou to �St.—Udie Gkrniss.
ed to Fullerton on Sunday.
it for seed this year. M, AvuRv.
Chee'a sold at Ethel factory for 29c a Hacking's Teacher.
Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson is spending a
Kidney and LiVer Pills
few days in Toronto. Miss Ruby Duff of Toronto# spent a These two prepariatlquV will work
Cameron Geddes of Walktrville, spent few dhys at,her home wouders and we vill guarantee WHY MEN QUIT TNE, CITY
Ilienetclul results because we. know
Salogm a few days with his parents, Air. and Mrs, Mrs. Aitken, our popular tcaoher, is the
y will do so. Last Surnmer"a farmer living 'east Of
W. J. Qeddes,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent last Miss Gettle'Bone, who has been taking an Agricu Itural course at Guelph. Mr. Willsion. E. Eagleson, of Bay town had much -difficulty in. getting., a
field, writes as follows, Ill have
wek with ftiends on Manitoulin Island. teaching near Leamington, is home for Mrs. *ilson of Tor6nto, spent a few much pleasura'in addaessing you in man to stay on the job, Man after man
days with friends In the village would start, but after v�or�jng'just a few
the holidays, rogards to Hacking's wond(
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benriett motored ays would quit. 'Finafly fie got out a
Mr. Wm, Duffl. shipped a car load of Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have Cl
to Wiaftoti atid other points north for a Mr. and Mrs. 0. G Anderson and Mrs.
hogs last.we�k. used quito a -few 'boxes and I -must notice And tacked it up at his front gate,
few day -30 Anderson, Sr. motored to Centialia and say they have done me a world of with result Ile got a miah who stayed with
Mrs. Douglas Fraser of pilot Mound, London last week, Mr. and'M,rs. H, Scott of KingvIlle, good. Plea.%e send me 5 more boxes him until freeze-up. The totice road
Man., is at present renewing old acquaint- Mr. and Mr6, Cunningham of Brussels, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. of Hacildng`�5 Heart and, Nerve gem- as follows--Hirod man wanted—
Diamond. edy and 2 boxes of Hacking's Kid- Hired girl is a good looker, piano music Nifty outing goods for women and men
ney and Liver Pills." t10W have their "innings" in our store. Come
Mrs, Durnin of St, Helena, spent a If you too want to Tegain your lost OvetY evening, Pie three times a dgy, in cind see our summer goods; you will go out
three spoons of sugar with every cup of
few days'at- the hoine of Mr. Geo, Mow� 7health, then go to your rt%rest Drug
bray. Store said, ask for Hacking's. coffee, hAMMock, feather beds or leather with,'What you desire and need,
couchst at your option for sleepIng,-frod
Herbert Powell and Harvey Ytianey of use of the autom It Will be d "picnic" for you to find What
obile Rising hour at
Brantford, visited at their homes over
Millinery Specials Qn, rn.ithreg hours restat noon, quit Y011, Wcint in our store. Our stuff has the
Sunday. LACROSSE MATCH work at a. The boas tends to the horses,
"snap" to it; and
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvey of Wroxe. St. Marys Vs.: 'Xingham, on Milk$ the cows and feeds the hogs.—Ex-
ter. spent Sunday at Mt, William Thorn. Wed., July -1 4th. change,
i r Miss Laura Holmes of Woodstook, Is Liberals LesA In Maoltoba'
spending the holidays at her home here. DOMinjon Day In. Callforillig The following is giyen a 'n. unafficial
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Stewart, spent I a
The �110wing lettef, from Mr, I B, final 6taftding f Parties in the Manitoba
6 doZ. Panama Hats,, reg. $5.00 to 6.00 Sunday with their daughter at Sunshine F erguton, Long Beach, Cal., Ind formerly Legislature., 0
values, on sale at $2,98 Mr. John Usborne "of 13thel, visited town clerk of Winghatn, tells how Canad. Government, 21, SPEGI�AL VALUES FOR JULY 12thff
With friends in the village, Labor, 11.
lane living under the Stars and Stripes art Farmers tind Independents, 11, Money SaAng Values on all of Ready -t -Wear
HailstOnes As Big As WAwts not, forgetful Of Canada Oft Dominion Day. Conservatiyes, 10. 0 VV %W 6
The letter follows: Deferred, 2.
TWO StOrrIA met on Saturday afternoon Dear Sir, This make a total of Ak which eofi�
Clearance Sale of in the Niagara Vicinity and a cloud burst
resulted. Hailstones are reported to have r enclose, you herewith my cheque for ttitutft tilt MerfilierbhiP Of the Legisl, LADIESP W E A R .. Ore MIE NIS WEAR ... Clothing,
Ladles% M I s s e s" r0newal Subscription to tile Advance, 4tutd- 1 4 sses,
Covered the groLind and broke windows, I Three labor tandida:tt% Who. Werei Waist, Wash Skirts, Serge Raincoats, Odd Pants, Shirts..
The fruit crop in,that district wa badly receive your paper tegalarly and Van it elected to the Legisiature are at present Collars and Ties, Hats and
and Children's s Over eagerly- I boPt You will have 4 letvin& pen,
destrov!d to the extdnt of many thoul� Iteottkty 6kIrls, Gloves, Neckwear, Hos-
allds of dollars, pleasant and successful Dominion Day., term. for their par. Caps, Boys' Suits, Children9s,
Straw Hats, reg, I tiCipation in the strike of May IgI9. lery, Vaderwear. Dresses,, etc.
� A t1appy Pamily Reunion British People celebrated Empire Day 006 of tbeoe is Rev. W. M. Ivens.
$5.00 t o $6.009, t o in this city. Included In the SportS were
A Very happy reunion il. taking Place Scottish and IdSh Dances, Bagpipes Were Wedded At St. M*rys
clear at $2.49. at tile 110MC of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Car. aigo prominent. In the evening a
Waiut- A pretty St. Uiryt Wedding was that
rutners't Lower Wingliam, an event Which ittil Play was prOstnt4d in the parlors of of Edith Bell Boyes, d*ughttrof Mr. and
;is enjoyed by all, the Hotel Virginia, In thig play all the Mrs. R. P. Boye#, and Yfilbur Mather#, (Get Our Prices Before guying.)
Mr. and Mrs. Cgrttlthefs bave been Dominions and Colonies were repr*gant. son of Mr. and Mrs. GeOrg6 Mather,
continuous resideAts of Lower Wingham, ed, bladk, yellow and white. The two, of Blu*vale, which took PlAcd At the Make This Store Your Headq4arters on July 12tho
Milko t1lis store your Ivadquartoos otl JtIly 12th, for over b.1 Years und their fHMilY Of former in their nottive costurlats. All in bride's home Oft JU114 SO.- Rev. A.
Ithreesons and three daughtere are all turnpledged anew their fidelity to'the J. Langford Officiating. Following thil
homo-, after 27 Year$ Of beparation, Empirt of which each form* a part. This cetomdny, which WAS wittiftaed by
John, Frank, 9nd Thomas and his wife I ceremony, although only part of a plity, immediate rolativet only. Mr, and
all of Kitchener, Mr4. Coliensions (Lizzle) I
A� A Mrs. was enacted in a very iMprtsilivt rntmnor Mro. Mathorg laft for Toronto and thano
La and htr hu!bofid or, New York, and was really inspiring to tho" Who h#d by bogit through tht Th*Uaftd X*lg1%d$ to
WIN, GHAM BAZZAAR Xtonig (Cartie) and her husband of the Plts4urt Of witnt"ing it, You pro- Mostrofill, The brld# trays1led in a snwt
Xitchem" Alto Mary of Detroit, bably hAve this Play in like affairm in, C;vn* suit of sand j#my *lth )Wt Wid g.-OrC#tt#
rlw Taken am CaiRh, Agents for Pictorial Review Pattern%. They all appear to be in best of htmlth� sida, blW" to MAtCh. Upon their rttArn they I B R-0 S
&W #how their appredation of meeting Yours truly, will r$Wt io ft May* *her# the Imm
Old fr104& vwiu .1, 1 1 .
J. B. Fzrw7sox h 1% G, T, R.
� M