HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 7Q 1, I �­ _'41 � - -,"17 .1 ­­�-fv W__ , , V. , , _�, g W .71! I 11ifen �., T, . . I � � I "�' T ... k" . , , 5, 11 It ; f�vl, . � r " �. , ,, A— -1.19;" W. ' , I ,� 77, -, TW,'710 I I I f 'i . ,.11. , .0.. " - i=mgc,=Irz;,,m;,��-=Mlmpmw-3�--'! � -_�' . I — K. � �:. ,, 11 � - �., '.. . I I . . - — I -1 � R U" I � I lk_: j -". , . , * . I - � - _ I I I I W -i � .., � I I . W, - _r7q"",W��17" 'IT � , M, " �: - 4 . � 4 I . . ,V, � 1-,� * .1, - I , I #! - Igil or . I ­­ . . . . . - __`0`""*=M" -��� XQRPF� I I 101 i4111 11 IV Ill I 1110111'10oN �_M:: 1 �!T!1'=M 1. 1 I ! i I ! 4- =,== � — d - — . ___ — !" 0.00 -==!"tW!Ndo"po**Noilo"lolm�ottimttz:,t-= I I 110!0li y I 0 , ..''. I I . - � L"--- I I 0014 , "I ilk, 10 1 - lo 11 . W 041 '11 00 001" 1110 0 440,110000 . 0 0 4 10 M=== . _�. — 41 # , lhw _P r —_ — _1 ­ ­­�-­ ­­___._ � _ I � I � . I — ! !, t !!:,=!,� _ . =_1.."!tMt!':�!!'AW tomo —, -____.___, --- � ,­ ­ -­ ..---- — � I - I 11I.I.-.1.- ­ � I-— ------ - --.-.--.- - -- ­­­ ­­­- L-- � ­­ - . ,- - ­ I—- ­ Labor, noblu" GraUni, lAwr can - I I ­ � ip� I- If - .. , . ., 'r .. ''. I.".". ­ (3dato, bites olocto(L,by 14,104 vote$. , Ue So Public Debt Cut , :**., ., . k.. �:. ��­*�00-'�._ I 1.0k,�.:."L..�".,..."�,:..,.O...�..;...'�"..-�..'.."�i.�!.., . " . Chats with i I I V'-,% 0 Ir it IP I .�.­ .... .. ,�'* :� I I I �­'­�:�:..*­ �'*_­..4 0 1 .. . ­ - �. I ... 1. - Quobee farmers have organized an . . i _ .. . :__ � A � . � .: . s. I , , ,., . . 11 .. 1: .. 1. . � : . . _&,.'':.�:, � ,� .,� . i ,:.,: " lindepudeut political party. . F4, �. 1, . .. . , 0 nittion tit a Year � I � . - ..� ��­,. _....'"..�,.. I-, . It I ver I ... ...''. .. _. * he.Doctor : � union intnerv, in Min- , .. '�, : , , ..., .,.. '', ...... .� I.. �'... 1, , �� .1 L I t I Six tl%ouvaud � ..,: I .... �� . pt .. . .. ., '' .. :.;: .. ..P... 1: . ", ":. , 11 .i 1: I _,_-_--1- I �1'.'�;,: 71:.��,, . "'. !�. . County, West Virginia, and Pike � ,�_ � ......... �.: . L, . - .!i. , � , . .1 )"* go . . , . . .. , .� . ... ... . . . 1. I jj : : - .... , . - , ­ . " : . . : . .... , .... . . I - . lounty, xy., have been ordered out on , ....".__ :�.:. . - .i�, L'.. "..'..... . .. �. u - . � , . .1. .:;.i Wgohlngton, .July ,-The public debt of the United Mateo d*0480611 . ,.. . _.._ . I :. 1. ,.�. . __, ., __ ­... . �� I ...... - .. . , _..�� . N;.� ;,.:., _ , , �:� . ..., , I strike. d d ,. , �i L! � , - � ��;�. , �­. 4'. .. � , I 1)y more than a billion dollars during, the filool Year Of 1910 Just On 4 k I � .11 HQUINTIki. * .A. .�N . ... I . .. - - The ldngston'BrAneh of the Army , � .. A squilit is not on�y unbecoming; It �,l � , ; . '�0'1 and Navy Veterans, have, passed a re. and by more than two billion d0lors Onoo loot Aug. Slo when the war I , . � ,� �'. �, � I .�-, .1; I " .1. Is, in itg initial stages, a Ogin , ".. . . , , .,�.:.:�:;, 0 11 morterly �dobt statement 10suod 'i , .. - solution against the members of Par- debt was At its peak, scoordin , to t 0 4 1 . � .,;;��;, . - � "W �` , , I i .1-1_7�.�:N , . t::!.�� - 1. ,.., ' � . I r* .,..*, woakliess. Whit � or A . liament hEt � .�;,, - it is called bilioc-1w .. IN I t , , ,,:,� I Ae, !... . � 11 , %, I . . ving voted themselves All ,)got night by the Vnited.Statoo Tro Mau rY . . -:.-...;,, I . 1. . coxttrol� that It;, the power W tocuk �. , , , 'A . I : , ,:.,�:.::�,:.. ��; increase in their indemalty. . on. Juno 30 the public, debt was $24,69,$21,407,4, a drop of *1085e ' 4',�l rticular object and to ; ,� a .. . I , ���:�'_ �: ..-,� both eyes x)n a ,Ila .. I .. .. . � , 1 ,� , : , 'rhe 64th annual copterenee of the no �, I � t. g4t a single clear vlslo4. is not Present � � I . 4 134,69Z98 from the Juno ago' 19-10, total of $25,48.4,500,100-05, and a dooll � I.., . . I . . 1, , I . � i3piscop4l Church of � 1. at birth. it Jw developed 4boat the I . I � ­ British Methodist L .;; ... 1. I .k � I 1 ,701,040-01 on, Aug. alt � . _.. third or fourth Week Aerwads. vvry 11 .M"_ : Canada converted tit the historic of $2,29*,380,180.94 from the peak figure of $20,600 1. ! "' ' as a ,04 ,559.79. . , , � I - S 75 1 1 .. ,squint no, - �. ,� . � �A . I- Chestnut Street R. M. N. Church, At Tho decrease for the period from MAY 31 to June 39 w I I 19::1 : oung bables, turally be :­,�:�:,. � , . I I I .1 . 1: I = 1: � aniwo the control exercis,)d by trio _��::::�!...­,�, Toronto. =1=111 � 1 1 I'll :11 ��- -,- - , , i "'. � . M,:1q,J,:,1,�­:1g:J,:11 ... "t. -I: '. � : 11 I =1 1. � I . . - I t .1 brain is very Weak at birth. It has ,:� 1:1 R 1� ... The Rome newspapers announce ", . ,*, - - I 11 , .. .1 - , . � , - 1: . �'.. "; .. 11 � ..." to Itarn to focus with both eyes Just it 'According to official figures. 24 . � .. ­ ­�___ I., "'. thOk . - I, ..... ...: . . . . . . : ­�: — as it ha$ to learn to walk, And. the ... persons Were killed and 71 wounded ­ - 1:." _ -_ �'...,;. .. . ­ . � ­.....'' . * .* * - I I � I . .. ..� .i:­�_-,.--"�N�� ­-!�:;:;; .... ., w. . I I � ­��-,-..�ilii�.� '_ ....'-'.... - ;��,;!�!':�� first efforts are .Is uncertain in One idurill . . I - , . " ,!".... . It g the recent Mutiny of troops at CLAIM CHURCHILL INTRIGUED I . ­�'- .;:-,:",:�­� , ,. L I . I I � � I .. �. �:. ,�i,., �! ,.�;�:".! ��A , I . . .ii.�,,iil,,A..,;�� � ,. � .. �,�,.��,,�;:�,�-;.;-,,:;�l.�.-..;.�.!.t,.��:.;,,: : .1 . , .�...Z .: . , �, � .. ,, a I ..� ,...�,�, �:�*.:-�'-:;:11:;�,.14 ��. , , I . I , :��,,,�.-�-...-�....��?.."....,�.,-.- : i -other. And just all 11 , �'L � . . . Ancona. : . .. , I'. q4A a as in the .. . ... --- - '' �, . , I ,..�, ; 'AL IS1 s � - I ,�-��`."."`-,.� 1, .. 1. .. : ... 4"_� ..­.� .., . , ' I '**-..'L:;' . 1; , .,� ,,,vealily child is late in developing f :: . .i I * ."..! 11 . :... - . . - '. 1. I—. . I s . -, ... o I I . .�.�."��'�t.:,;. ....X:; a v:� .� 0 greatest Zeppelin ever con- ,� �­'i�_:�IWMMA* . 01 the power to walk. So It IS �wulx Wh V Strutted, the 14-71, built in 19111 by the I WIT H RUSSIAN IM wK - , , . - , �, .. . .. , . I 11. _­MW;,�­73-P - �1-4 develobalont of other funqUous, It to Germans for the purpose of Qmbilig W11''.'..., _- U ",-��; , - �,:.;�, �*�� ,.� during these trial stages, wheit tile 11: : . � - . - 1'� 7 , !::��.11, ��..;.,-­�­, e was, surrendered to ,the I t:�� - I: �_ . , :7X; ., New York, _ .... R�l , - I., . ru * "' , i��,, orain and the musetes concerned are - . . . -, � ;�.�`�11 ..., -��'11 .. Inain Air4rorde, Ungland. ',��i..`�*: �k,K ,,'.".�'....'..'. I fixing up their life-long partnersbip. organ of Labor, that tile document . , i, �� 1. ,�'41� . , �­ , , � -0 14 Cituadlan 13oard of Railway 6 " . . .: �,,�:.."�',.,.*,,.*,��,.,.'�"-�, �. GOVERF! -R.GeNZI A4 OF ,50UTH , The 0ociument, Mr. "tricked the : ��'k ....�.. � � ,. Alle;ed Secret .­ � . _!'. . Churcaill , . _ , _.", - so to speak, that most of, the'troubl, proves , . ., -�-,--.�..-."� I AFRICA, OommissloaW I Inc; Iva" ULOQJI Russia, �.. '��.:�;:M�F,;., .... ,ro have Issued oil order ,�::_. �� -1. is likely to occur. Once tile Compact country into milk . i., : , :.: " Shows War Secretary in 4": .�4 ­ 11 q. � - b ".. � I 1;;­1I':;.N:� - I making Jul� 15 the effective date for � . concep,ling from his colleagUes and : . :,;�.,: 4: .. � ly, , i. Is established, the chances are decid- � Prince Arthur of Q.onnaught, i,eiin of the now live stooli contra6t, which was ' I . � ,,,� �:�.:4:� - I ,��:.- `�� othar , : ;!��;_�; " . " ''... 1 ­: � - - �:1111"... 1 :, �; edly against it being broken. ,t that he was ma .. . ; . _�i.�:�,!�:�, 1.�,, �.I:��;. the DO'ke of Connaught, forIner Gov- the country the tat, ,k- , ­ ... . . .. , , July IBt. D I , . . . . . . ".. .- � .f"11' . �­�44 il�' factors than a. lack of co-ordinatioll to have come into effect on 6uble Dealing. � I Ing terms with Czarlot gcuoVals." It � I , �. ,'� _ eirricir-General of Canada, has been. I , � I - .. �� 7 .�.i:::.; .. �::, ­-. . appoint1d Governol�-Qoner;4.1 of the ' The railwaymon at Larne, B Ilycl r , charges that tho BrItis Secretary of , 1,:�,-Z:1:.-...; . . . . . �. i:iX-.,-,,:_ 1. . L ,.., � � between tho;brafn and the eyes may a a Q .� I- , - � I% .* Union of South Africa, succeeding �,Coleraiue and other North Irish cen- - friend- state for 'War used the decision ta , ,.. , ..: I.. k L, �.� --- �;�.. , :.; ... - �...:, determine the squint, but the one I London, July 3.�Newspapqft � 11 __,� a se esolution to, $up- isend volunteer soldiers to Archangel ", '11. have mentioned is by far the most 11n, Viscount Buxton. , ly to the Russian Dolsheviki 91YO much ::1w, ?-� .. ; . I .'. I :11. '.�i al ,. � . � ii!!��;111 I portant. The beginners of a squint I kk . -'port the Government by handling wrux" promt�ieuco to an gieged secret dean- to assist in the evacuation of British 11 ... I ... �.'.­� ��� ,t always taken gerloasly by , - . . .,,�iz are no . -- ____ ' ,' ftion and military traffic. ...... .�� ... - - . . '.. -. .:.��. �.. "It will come -right 'In I 0 troops from northern Russia. as a pre . ' .Ubllslled' 'a' the 110w4lialier text for an tt-Bolsheylk; military opera. .. :i �*X so: -.e mothers. .. ". - What appears to be a most brutal - m"t, 1) .. . � 1� , ... . & , ... time," the say, and very often It i tions, in concert with Admiral-Kolellak . �� ,:!��'!, er W esterday after- Pravda, of MOSCOW. -I Juno 18, which -, .� is SaI4 to ext,ose Winston Spencer and General Deniki e I . . . . . ": � ;;; ", Mmw.:-,.i�! . � !,oit."i SHORT ITEMS 11, , The 1jews- ....... . . . . . ��.:.�A..'A�i . � .`�ii--,3 , ,. �� I � . .,;,;�t:.,.!;:�.;:;;:;�%.:!;.i,.., But this to by no means a univ, . ." 1 - 1411 _ . .. ., noon by the discovery. of the headless _ _ _ _ . A-- '. . .. ­ .............. :,��,., t;�. - : . ­ � !�.,'­" .F:1 �.. .ri�.'i.' ._;�� '?` �i*.;',,.,i1-,.`-:,i.. ... - . I �..�.:. - � ... 41"W: . ": , '' 11 Once a squint. got an estalk-- . I - , ,. .. . ;-�`-K -%;;%;i; �.. "Intrigues" With the Res. Mr. Churchill agreed to . ... . :,.. - ,-�,�.�,.'..:.;t,;.,:.:� 5 - 1'. � 1 i�; - 77 �, � � . . .,:, _,. � ... .,. �� �.�'?"�"..",......��".,.."..�.'.'�.:::;�l��': . ;..: rule. . paper says * .. ,.. ,:,;;...'�, _ " *� ­.,,;_ = - ....:. - - .1. Churchill's ;� . , � - �..,: �. ..", ;.. I �� .. xf ,A;�x�,�;,,� ...., body.of a nowly-born. Infant In a N. .. .. -i-� .,..,.,, M .., ,; .­;. , lislied hold, It to often very difficult silin imperialists ,in bapport of Gon- General Goitivine's plan for raising an I ' to cure. It will be noticed how often , In a dump At the toot of Leslie Street, je; - army to aid General Denikine, '*un- . . oral Y nlUtne, tho,South Russian autt . . SCENES OF 8 LO 00SH E D 11N, DERRY. the squint I$ produced or made wQrse (OF THE NEWS Toronto. , " Bolshevik leader. ' This document, It der tile cover of the Red Cross." AbQVe are pictures of E$oahopls stree t (top) and 131shop's Gate, London. -.. by little unsets to the health. 'by 111 Dispatches reporting thq Occupation is ,;aid, was found at Omsk after the Is Generai Golovine's report, as print- . 4 derry, where sanguinary fightin g took place. strain, by school of Avlona, by Albanian ittsurgt retreat of Admiral Holchak, d, here to -day, represents Mr. Church. , . � 1. . , OTING - denied by the S$efani News Agency, a Beiring the date of MAY 6, 1919, it Ill as eitying to him: . . - � REASONS I FOR CORRP . A 'THE ,DAY - I . lessons. anif So on. � 1. I I ­ OF I " i ,,I an I - ., I I � 11 I - .; SQUINT. . . semi-official organization. t is stated pUiports. to be a confidential report . 1, myself. cirrying out Admiral � * I . . ludes by . 1. I 1. Apart from tho, "deformity," a Per-' that Baron Aliotti has been, sent to from General GO]OVIUO, th()`� Vzitrlst ,ic-olebah's ,orders," and cone .. ,^ ,- 4 ' Avlona as Italian plenipotentiary. commander, to form -or Foreixit MW -18- Assertin,&* ' . I . I . � sistent squint 'has other evil oonsii- ' Is c . anteed I . �4% 4r qUences. A, good many people havo Toroq,tu Board of Control named j Announcement was made In the ter s .7onott', and tells of, the former ,,Or -.at BritaIns! belp is guar I I 1, 1. r��i�_ � - r_1 I :� - wondered what kind ot, picture - a Goorgo'H. Ross to suQceed Bradshaw. F rench Chamber of Deputies by Min. I conversations with Mr. Churchill and I us� to tilo. fulicst pow.-Ible lext,ellt." � . .s.. It Was. brougl)t I . I JNA 11 nt produces. Does the pe who ister of Commerce Isaac. that the price other British ofacla). e documont will without doubt be 'O I Willeor Morrison, Toronto; -was fatai- v tho British Labor attack -4pQn. Air. q O? for 'broad. lit France Will. be raised to from MOSCOW bl / I, P :qUints got a double- pIdtuT �th e'y a s k. ,ly hurt at Hanlan's Point. . , ' r delegates, Who paid a visit; to 11sca"In a vigorous i -eire"mics In .4- , The answer is no. An eye whose one franc 90 centimes per kilo, and to! . I 11111 by his POIRIC-41 � focus is detective In the way that a .A Woodstock hotel has closed Its hundred-' this �prlug,, ", . � Chlirc ioso. �� P . I ' wheat to 100 francs . per I The claim is MaQu by the'Ha�ald. Parlianicat and the P., I. I .. , .1 I �, t squinting eye is detective gradually diningroom for lack of help. welghL .. I � ��, � %-, " ­- :;_—s--;-. - . I I., .1 I ). "' , I I A 11 � e I . --------�,�_,- � � �!! � � � - ��_- , . I atrophles. That Is to say; l0osts its � Thorold. Council has appointed X. C. � In an amendment to Its bill In the' ,-' —_ .,___�1,1­4 . .,: I ., -1 -0- I" .. I ZAA'� kil , power. The person who squints badly - � .., —_ - �� I I .2 11 I \ - Alartin, a Canadian, Town Auditor. traction tares case pending in Circuit, 11 ____� " I � . . . . , , 1. 11 '. 11 .. (MV A � I does get a single picture, but this is: . Court, the _Detroft United Railways ,, .1 � . �'V' . . , � , I I obtained Germany's total debt Is placed -dt . . .1 � . I . _,at the expense of the turn6d , gave notice that It will, establish eight. ' I - -�* ; " '_ $ � I : % , 01 . eye. Hence, all the work is thrown ,2u5,000,o00,000 marks. . cent cash fare, or seven tickets for 50 , , " , ", / . .1 _.. I I jr�,' 1. . ' . " d eye. Vor this reason atting, o� Acton, -'was killed 'cents on all non -franchise llaes,, � I f NeWs ..%.' f� . , .CO11 Win. C , . A BgIdgOt" Q I �;. .. I � . ,SERVING MOISTURE IN theseedbollo,as tbisiglikely loocour it is Important to take a squint In .. . * . I I I . '�,ORCHATR:j AND GARDEN If be flax bpeomes entaixgled. Each Iling treo oil his farm. August 1. * 1�� . - . I , R. � � , �v I hand In its eltrifest stages, The child by a fil' - - . . I - � . '., , *'#' I 4�.. 1?. , I handful as pulled should be ]at(! flat �: iuld be taken to w doctor, preferably -An unknown man jumped into the i in addition ,to doing great damage - - I I I .'.. - % . . . 0 1 , ... I : -`(Experline'-tal Farms Note.) the top, tuXI there is sufficient to I . I ` �*;;Ithle- Old �. "' ... �' I e parts of Canada on the grourd and mcre flax'placed on to one who has soine exqperlenc6 % Gatineau and was drowned. I to Crops, in the province �A,Sara OS;; ' !P "I . . I I .. .Thero ns 'g " t , , rAre som' t Sao Spain, the' torrential i hay - I FrOn- . I lwhOb the rainfall is so liglit tha optical work, and 6xamiaed by him. lie Over 10,000 marriage licenses wero . � .1. . ... '.. i,,.� I 1 � . I it form a bundle or sheaf. Short fl..� m4.,- preFeribc glasses to aid the eyes tali.en out in New Yorlt irLJuue. ciased floods; which have reached to' It I � I .1 ..I '. 1. I.,.-, . Is I p sib e to grow crops success- should, I; at all possible, be kept sep- In focussing and will say for how long . the second storeys of nuincroirs houscol � . . � I : � --- ,;.. - I . o I ,41#4 ,I vh� I - _�� � . , — ------ T__. T �qxrqmwml 1 T t� �A 0 4 1 :1 ­­.­ ,­.­­Q­­ cz=__'11)�� Ml �� 111111L�_ _... ,"Ad ,, I —, ILL. -.1. 73, N� V.- __ 1�ftl " ; . . . . . . nn,dwy , , � I $owl^ :001, . M *,",Vg v" 0*4 wwoft, Aift—Am"—f— . L lov, 1 04"W"" irm"404% .00004 410 It'". 11 vopou^ Arthur 1. Irwin 0-11:114114, .11"o-st , X)qctor of Dental ourOor , . - � r of the rouno vanle, Colle ,,Fo and L0004t* Of POW %X11 Surgery , Ontario. I I I Closetl aver�- We4n44AT 400MOM . offloe'ln Maodprold Ifook. W. X HambW 1 D.606, MA-., 0,1101.- I — &ii;r_W16e_'A 01". Uft I owl . . lit , , , Xeduft^ , OVA" in tho Kom/ Towom � . twoft am qu"210* , , , , F " , OW� , W X"00 qk A311 *Nft*ft 0"A q=k 10014000110, ,��..-, P Pbeft .&L �. - . 0�' oft ut V% Or. flilly, 1vi Ot . IrrIgmacon. whereas a'. arate frcm the long, otherwise it is these have to be worn. If it is an old 17he I, rench wounto . I Iri'villages throughout .the province. . I �4e0NNNE=q1"""" : , , - , I ... . - - � f, W A, 14-11,.�, .Park. un- i ,�� ' , . a War mem, rial. , i � Q1 I Ry the Rhir extreme there are distribts, inches in dialileter. About as much squint, that is, one that has Persisted Treaty of St. Germain with Austria. Three women prisoners sawed their '60lonel Francia Ricardo, , ,of '�The Abol Sm" ith. Of' W L f it, wher tha rainfall is so heavy that detrimental to it when undprgolng for S.me time, he may employ ,other The British House of Commous.has, way to%freedom. at the county jail in , . ry - - Old Windsor, Perkshire, 1&as veiled, iniinument in kGGS ANRife , ., it,14.4nipossible to grow many kinds the scutchIng process,�--R. J. Hutchin- means to co�rrect it. He ma.y advise Passed clause sOventY OkthO Irish Bill. Akron, Ohio. - The escape was Made 1. 'TIATT? I ? I 'i ­� Portland. stone which had,,been Set UP , . ! I ; I . , - � " . ., . 0 , of crops, becan.e it is too wet; but In I son, lelbrj�, Specialist, I I . the wearing of a shade over the "good" Stephen Lusted, City Clerk ot'Wind.. the more ,darift by reason of the � lo- oed. . at the junction of the W111'r. ..and Hert- . - I I I )l 11109t plac9s in r,lanada, while .there is I - — � . eye for a week or two, thereby mak- �L6r more than 40 years, bade farewell Cation of the coll directly over thet �,Mr. John Wilso"t. K,C., has. been aP- ford roall'l, . . . ., . I . , sige,66*41on . Eggs -The market: In ` ' .the eastem ustiskl.ly ijiough rainfall o w . 1 Jail office. . I pointed a Scottish Judge in . 1. , .. - .;:Ls' died ,ftt ,i and to so h - �.. I.. -Its � PUBLICATIONS FOR FARMEr,S Ing the squinting eye do all the work to his associates. J , - t ge late Lord Guthrie. . . Mr. Ben Phillos, wbo.11 .11 -known province. ­M#;.�'Xtonz in t e great vaftety of fr Z,d vegetables r .4 -C was a,,. 611 ii-iless the mol,ture is . and so strengthen.its control. F o= all Belleville Board of Education has . The Xi!ll�a Street police barracks W, ' pigeon captured by thet 0.*9rd LianellY, aged 43, , I . -a�s,;Jpyoloped con- mge chi4nplofishil) of prairie provinces h saCC&Sfully, �ioln the The -new * A of publications of the I have said. it will bo�understood how increased the salaries of khe* �igh I cork ,was partly shattered by a bomb: police and forwarded to Bir.a. miniature ri � � Prevented from evaporating n "I e op-li championship Of b,der,v,il strength ioimftic -Lau Dais1 I soil th� fruits and egetables suffer Department of Agriculture at Ottawa Important it 13 that the defect should school teachers. � The explosion,, however, did , mor.t. returned to Oxwoid rud flow ifetgolithe Wales and ill - L have t'lle earliest possible attention. - � . England. : wtuii, and tall g6mral' u.idertunia ,.-6 badly in some seasons. contains titles of early three hundred .' A. A. Macdonald, Judge of the Pro- damage to an adJoIning residence than police station, - . I I rder very firm. kilere -is. Mry ltoen CuAl-, and fifty bitIlotins, ckcula-s, and oth- HAY FEVER. . . - charge, from mu . I rl"orchar,"t, it there is Ft lack of bato Court for Prince Edward Island. to the barracks. The military, ,with British soldiers soundsd the�"Last Reducing the at Ontario � ot)Ua'trY POIM-4, I - I cr'pamphlets that deal with a&rleul- Hay fever is one of t?j.Qse conditions . I armor,A cars,. dispersed the crowd. Post" at P. memorIL' service at QudAR$- to MRnalaujhter, Romford, (Essex) PO�LCIOXI � moisture after b1coming, the set of tural practices. These coAicr'the whole whose p)apular title is misleading. The died, aged 56. . � . magistrates committod 'William C. and as hig-li. as 4V(�-.%fs �being. paid by � A bomb was.:cxploded in the offices ton for the victims Of the Lusit9ftit, . olpts, fruit. will be materially reduced as t A powerful bomb Was exploded on . . Eye, a groom, for tri4j, in connection track silippers for current ree range of agricultural ani! horticultural s:�mptom-, that go with it`cer ainly do thn Diarto, Valencia, Spain. Splin- � disaster. I ISLorelie6pere ario - Asking there will be heavy dropping, hence pursalts, i , iieluallig d4ilyir Meld exhibit themselves at a Dartioulax time Wednesday near the Japanese 119use of t Allan `Carter ,after %,lii,e wj-u - -. ­ ter,s from the missile exponded their Professor 3, T. Wilson, of Sydney With the death 0 from 50 to 52c. The best carlot sale I tho Importance of beginning cultiva crops, live -i-ir.., ,r,:hAre- and garden of the year when vaxio'us grasses are of Representatives . � n elected' a quarrel In a public-honse. -*s a car of first$ at 67c to.b. tlQn as early as possible, and at this , crops, poultry, insects and plant a,%- .seeding; but ,sufferers from hay fever ,Two policemenwere killed anil' 11fla'lly forco on rolls of newsprint paber University, Australia, has bee I At Newcastle It has been decided to reported .. � t. Taire ig a Very )ieavy. season of the year when there may easei-farin building construction, farm know that attacks �Lre by no 'means persons weV Wounded In food riots at which nrovented serious damage to Professor of Au-tOMY 11 at . Cambridge the ` creation in the ,V.Ll i p#ing poin be a,oevaro drought, cultivation should machinery nad many other topics. The so limited either In their season or to Lubeck, Germany, 1 � th6 building. No arrests were made. UnivervitY, � raise a fund for . fa ling off in receipts, and chippers . .I see soil be. A mixe(i passongler and 'freight train Lord Wallocourt, itto baron to the � cathedral of R tablet Commemorating are experiencing .41te,cultY In aseein- be ' very thorough, the surf subjec'.s are , arranged alphabetically the actual prrximity of hay. Medical 'The Labor Exchange has called off I L beerage of Ireland Iva ded, In the services to the diocese of the late Oling carlots, undergrad-cs being very . Ing -kept loose by frequent stirring, . under general titles. Not only are the opinion is not too certain on- the sub, the general strike in Italy. Conditions was ))town up by Villa forces between L o succee ishop of Ne,W- heavy. . . � a large extent i Armonrlarts and Las.Dnliulas, in the 1919,' has died Pt B�'i�,�,tnn, aged 45. He Dr. Jacob, formerly B and.thas preventing to lists themselves availabl� frow ,the Ject, either as to the lmmedia�te causes are again normal. * castle, and for the provision of mem- Reports from several sources point. theevaporati-it of moisture. If mo.s. Publications Branch of the Depart- of the condition or the measures es- ' I State of C,hihuahua,,Nexteo. according lolves, no heir. . - - of All the Dublin newspapers will tease V.D., head of *'the trial schQlarshiPE. to certain conditions that are not IM; � lure is conserved 1,1 the early part Mont, but any ct the publickion5, sential. -to Its cure, Thp highest publicarion Saturday, it is announced, to newspaper despatches. Several per- CololI*, W. Marsh, Town Iyaroving the general ,sitti,atidii, and" thq Season it Will be available fo� the therein contati.ed. I authoritics are of cginjon that hay owing to the wages dispute, sons were killed and others Injured, Ited CI-Oss 1-1 Somerset, -was.killed in At a meeting of Bouthemouth these conditions 'can be changed� , triorp when it Is near!ng maturity ns, .--V---*— fever is a form of asthma. and that it I it -was reported.. 4 bicycle accident -,while oil holiday coulfelt-< was announced -that Lord the part ,Vnless there is ab, nee of moisture Is produced by' a particular irritant - Owen Sound celebrated its incorpor- . rs it Moor Leven _' nd, Melville had' Agreed to the through a Ifttle more care on pnda . zandits have raided Port-au-Princp, with his W!fJ and' daughte. . a -country shippers, . -'� At that time, the fr 't will be small 16 Isuch as the pollen of certalli grasses, atieins"as a city, Col. Bishop, flying tile. Hayttan Capital, according to pas-, Hail, pelsteati, Devonshire. . . I council ticquiring about 40 acres of the Of producers and - liany egga are being Milrkete,o In ' '�and the ma- % .' valueOver-- much -, the smell of particular animals. Of from .Loronto, with the charter. I s-ngers arriving in Kingston. Jamaica, .' Liveipool Finance (,omir,ittee fiave Talbot Woods for inclusion in MeY cases that have stood out in the' rain, duced. Hen'ce, durlag Vie month of 0SH HU.Ufil." fruit or flowers) and sometimes to a -Ether . - rick Park. The land, Will enable the king I June much atte-t!"n sh-,uld be given Ca I U RT S diseased state of the nasal passages. Mrs. Leola. Dennis, of St. Thomas, from that city. �Sevcral buildings were recommended Mr. G. Hammond rporation lo improve the golf links. and us -a result fillers; and �pac I - In the month . committed suicide in Pinafore Laka, snt on fire by tile attacking party, but tOWA, town clerk of po:-tsmouth, for co 'ehoster, unveiling a grihite ,have got damp. Eggs packed in such . to vcultivation, as late ' Operations for the removal of pOlypi having only a 1vock. ago returned from United StateB� Marines restored order the -vacant i6wn elerkship of Liver- Lord 11 case. -4 and eubiectel to a warm ,tem- . ' I have resulted in -the entire,immunity Litter killing tho Jeadcws of the raid. � or at the beginnin of July It will b1p - NAM`NG her honeymoon,,. fl. � pool. The .salary. is 93,S00 4 year cross which has been erected at Per- perature wifl- must and �gpot Very neoessary to stop Cultivation Ill some I '­ I of the subject- from this particular . , � tasham, Dorset, to the memory of the - Agre6ment; between Premier Veni- without bonus. �' . quickly. Eggs from stolen nests are, places in order that seed for a cover . I � trouble. Subbers from hay fever would A feldspar boom Is reported at Hy zelos o G' . Men of the parish tvho fell In the war, also appearing, and these are nearlY crop ,be sown. In some narL it is , do well, therefore to have the nose and bla, near Marmora, Ont., with mines , f recce, and former Minister Messrs. Gtossmith and Laurillard's sald it was crected almost under the of Foreign Affairs Tittoul. of ItaIY1 -ire the'Galety and Adel- great Monument on all bad. - , . until near the Its Internal -economy examined Vy a opened up on the Watson, g4cCormick , Offer to acq, shwdow of the 101 -Columbia, market ro- necessary to cultivate 'Ijublin, July I. -It became wl'dely . . - looking to tile division of Albanian -phi Theatres, L,)ndou, iias been At- The Br't.-* midda of' July to tasure sufficient doctor. and'Plunket farms. Hill of Admiral Hardy, Lord . Tbti linown to -day that the "Ir!eh Par)14- . �, territory between Greece, and this cepted,�-, and the controlling influLkne;3 Blagion . mains firm and unchanged ,moisture for the full development of Mont" wae in secret' a8ls,slon herp 0 � 0 . The result of the Nelson Arad. Colne country are to be-repdaled as a result Will shortly pass from Sir Alfred Butt Nelsovis captain at Trafalgar. prairie province markets, range Ot ,the Apple orop. , 11 I . A TURK PANIG. ' clection Ill E ngland is a victory f or of. nogotiatf, , ons to be begun ,soon by Robert Holmes, aged 11, son of a price from '33C to Me to courtirk deat- , . .. There are dlstrl�:ts in Canada where Tucaday and Wedneeday'and1that,de. . . I I . . . - . .. . I jo the new'firm, . . Creditom baker, 3umped into the Viver ers and producers, and bdielY fillf- crees were passed auth-drIzing the es- I . Italy, according to The Popolo d'Italia.. a I . � I . � . The doxth is ann6unced of Colonel � the rfinfpJl ts -o light that if the or- tablishment of courts of iMice. aill' . ___ ''. . . ..� � _.__ � I I Stock in the Todd Shipbuilding Cor- Creedy tu qave his brother, aged eight, ficient rcco.pta are arriving at mar- ' , er. ,Will not be' . '.Ii-`�O. ..,.�-��: -�111: ,.�x,. .. .17....'.... A. StoWell, Jones, an Indian Idutiny who had rallen Into the water. 11 e ket egatres to -meet the consumptive - � ,�.....��,*�...........;.4�..'-,-I�,, ..� . : equity,and courts of Criminal Jurlsdic- Constantinople, July I.. -Runt 1�. , �,,�..,.,.. ;­... �� ..'�. i)oratlon, Now York"haying a -market V. succeeded Ii. pushing him within reach demand. chards are I n. sod th and . on _'�'.'."..'..�',.'.!L'�.';��L.�.'�:;', y - ' �: , - ,(I,, andAdmiral Sir Robert S. Lowry 1.1 ; �: -,,:., j -A,1:- ; - ... . .1 ��q I . . ::," value. of $1,000,060, vjilch oil option commander -in. I enottill moisture for ie treer, tion, . A "Nat'onal Land Commlsslun� several Cons,tantlnoplc baliks 1iave I . . . . . � . _ Who Was ihe navar I out, ..Niariti'me n3arkete TeMa'n firm ' TIIIIIII ;...'..".......- I . .:-,.,' 1 3 them -are soli's _n district ,witere there was appotirted. Another de,iree Vro- occurred, and tbqro has been general' .-.,. . . can, be i-pereaged, to $11,500,000 at the cfiief oil the r of anotlier b-ty. who pulled hii; The . is 2. 3noderale ,-.- �fall -here there 11., :::� :_*� I !�:.-- I...., , ' � ,Oast of Scotland during but then hlm�elf collapsed ,and was and practically. unchanged. video for the protection of persons �-_-�'.`�.�%j ' . , 1;�.... end Of four 'Years, was distributed . I is'.ure If t%te or. financial unrest ae a result of rumors . _;. , I I . - Irst Part of the war. -waea. , Statee markets are willAot be n:oagh me , ­� . . . ­­. . the fi tire The TTn1tcd . . occupying land aga!not vexatious _��_!�.%�., ,:. �'. , I I among 727 employee. of the shipbuild- n, the paist week's 1. I .. . I ,­�'. 1. ,. . .. 1. oil . . . that tho Allied. powers would ae'ze :", .:. ...­. : Mrs. XatbleeA Mary Barry 0 Brien, " �hxr4s are., in sod Claims. � . , I - , .;,�,.__,....�� Ing company, by its'President, William -,N-Ie.ow of ill-, late Mr. Richard Barry Counted a;.,.* g the most highly de- slightly higher 0 . The' thoroUg1l. cultivation .,A vage- at the Million, tile accounts and securities ot Otto- .%�!� �!;�. � - � � �;'!�, 0 corated N. C. O.a in the British Army traling, and the Undertone ia ,very It Was announced th, .� . F 1, ., . , H. Toddi . I )'Urleu, -the Irish historian and bi- 1. � .1 � Important than loan� had been "'an aubJ ace not be , �.,*�.. �.. ll ...., I ..1. s �� � ( , Lance -Corporal Coltman, V. C., D.C,M,, firm ... tAblop is even more dollar international I rm�. ��,, � .1 .. I Adam Becli, While using a pri- apher, of Parnell And Lord Russell PoIlitry-RecelPts of bro!lers fowl, � .. : .:. i�� . Sir .. Signed. -� ..:i. . �� � ,. � � 0 9'r and Bar, M Al. and 13ar, was present- 'prieps for fruits. he root system Of some over-,aubscribeil'by $250,000 whon Lite, -.. .15 ,�: vate'telophone instrument In one hand Of xtilowea#. haii died at her #oUse . c,.; are increasing aftil and the . The Entente High Commicoioncrk � ... : . 1., ., . .. I - . -.--..6.. . 15 ed with lit,", portrait in ofis at Burton- and coel .. . ,", � .:*�,. �. . . I a little eeie!ar. eneral torib vegetables Is very shallow, loan closed. . . :_ 1 London. . .:_��.' �: and a Beil telephone In the her at TI --------..O have printed, P statement. in the local ; � . 1 ,... .: -.W....,� t. � in Xenbtngtti�$ oti,Trent are fected liniess the � :., * . " � � i�l:. . ".,;; ­��, .- - plants will soon be at . "i'. � � 1:,� � I A: .0 (rtnor I ,0 * (�� - of .the luarket is verlo Arm_ stora;o , grdund. is kept cultivated. After each newspapers, denying any intention of . 1. 1. � ;.... �.. r London, suffered a shock of 50 volts ' n bull from the herd of y . e burface soil should be loosen- POLES CHECKED. seizing Uttoman property, but the ,:.� ;10 . .. 1.1� � through the private line being short- Mr. C. C. Llewellyn Williams, Llan- Atock-3 are reported to be low. and at rain ill . �� ; % � uited against a hbailly charged storing 1p visibip. . ed so as to conserve the moisture and ' � Conimitz'oncro, have not been wholly .. � . ..." C;re . Monmouth,. sold at -riurprluq for . - . I �11 I I � :� � vas al- runiney Hall, .yet 110 , .- let the air Into the ground. Some . . . succossful In their efforts to allay :; 11 . � I � I &nsmisslon line. Sir Adam N . Iloath (Car-tllp catt.1,a market, weig"t, WEST, IN NEED. "Ronv, Avcisterrl Ontario dealers are pre :1., -.: I I perations. and It . �::�..f:�,,, ve'getablet, sun_� as celery, raquire Evacuate Polesian 101ties to suspicion . ,�,.�.. X. ­ most lifted out of his chair. � � ton, I zwt., 3 orp., 21 lb, 'A:ills Is Ott- parin,,,, for leellng o ' ��_ . .. ; ­ . 0 1 I, . ' , '11 b! a i4ture than ,)thers, and these ' - Ma -ay rumors are in Circulation thatt, ­:.�._; . . . . . . . .. ..,.. An order in (13ouncil jpt ;er,ued Ili fleved to bo� ti. 1,reccrd" weight for tile cipAted that there Axt_ - * - ' Shorten. Front. - the TurkG' civil authorities, will be � ....': -- I'll � � .... I I _. . .- .�Z.l ,... Il�.,.' London, Eng., provides that naval of- . . � beavy movement of. live fMO to Buf n re me ... - , . P: . . � preed. ' w York When the season . �.:. . --.01,* � .. . .. I laroe llkOy to suffar badly In a dry � . ear OF ,501000 M N " ant' �.�'..,.�,-.%.�'�- 1�­.:-..-,,.��. . --- entirely superceded immeWately ,:,�"!�:",.,.-','�.4��,.����:. " ...,, ,�, -� tibers' commissions, Whether granted . . Sion n Work- falo and Ne ­,�'�,,,�,.-.,'.,.�:., . . . . . . .. .. ., ,1�1 i-:.. � by '-`�.4* Dearwooil. the mail! .., -:���', ....., � -... . � � . �:,.,.��-.* ::::-;�;4.;, 'i . , � - �. -- � -d John Walter,' . I., :...� �, - �..'��,�, � * time. " In . districts w�iere the TaInfitIl . ,"t...., .� : , . opens, the Inter-All,od military authorities, �:,�� _.�� p . ..`e�;;. � ... �1� . for service in the Royal Navy or In by the tho , ��.,.��!� ��,, 1;.,.� I.."...... -I ingliani,butit *.-Fifty .rketq cont4nim ;1 is Itibt and there are usually poor __ . �i,-. - �"-, � ..-�-'-. " - ...: . ..... .. ­�:.! -,��' :-',.'.` Warsaw, July . - Polisli forces on .. __.._,,. .. ......... ... �:. . . , n.:,.,.� . ;'. .�, The Statt�14 poultry ma ','.�, �%,,'�Ig� '.'�L�'�. ,�,.�.* -.1.`_1;.: ...... _!,,.. .. ....,.: !.:..---�.-X `* "I "" Ily used as a. (jail- W!nnipeg. Man., June I I, r,�.,L,..,.;.;, the Royal Canadian Navy, shall b,e ef, e vegetable gar- ... ­­­'­­­­­­. ­­." Of The Times, latil refulti;L In the averag " $110OOtOOO. BLAZE. ` : � '��.�,�,' �"t.i:""��'�'�,.'..'�l�'�'.�".'�".'.�..L:' � .,. thou6�ii(l 4arm lauorere will be re - the Bolshevik front have evacuated '.' ,`:'.',-��; �,`,-..-..-."L"L-,.'?,' " .. ', , a been qtp ,,,,�"".".,�..'."."�:',,,,.,.;: .. � ��-;:-.,,��'%-.'%%,:, .ily, with brolle­� rind thin fowl , , . ,�-. ..;%,; _­I�,_,,­ ­­­.� . ,.4 ­­......, 1, 1. . .".-__`-�.�! � crop 't . ,. �.'�­.'­' .1i.. ...'. '&.'.'_ J�. vers, fine crops 1 . i. 1, 1.. blercho,At S . .". �, fectIve fit both, and shall rank In one "a' of th. Under In - of vegetables are _ -,�!�,'V..`-' z.`�� .. . �) adiall OnValesceut ' camp, quired to harvest the 192Q tT,.n(1lncr tA lower levels �.' ."..­.' 1 ': � !1'-`-;`A' � 0!�,�,-_`:,., c defil Mozir and Kalenkowitz, in Po'esia, �-.':i.-.,-�,�-,.'�',*.,-.".-.'.'-!I �.% ..... . .. ., IL - by tile Roya, , ;... '�,.!.F, d .;.�,:�-.-.�;-��:'.'�'.'�..�',',�..'..*��,.,.��", �7,'.--..`--�'.- " Its . lkl�,R'_`:'.--.�,.� acquired obtelned by good gardeners Who keep ; q; �i - L* . � � '. .1 . ,:.,. lit the other. This arrangempnt Zll,ralrio Provinebs. It war. et.0.111111itel . according,to All official statement is- Chlcago,$June .".-Flre, belleve,11 to :­ .� I.,. a 1. .. is In rcoordanc3 with an agroemout "�.Jst-, �_' .. b prketically all sued at army staff headquarters, here. hay.o been etarted by eparks troift a ,.� . , �� � .. :� ��,..L... . It ' , � men's OrPllanage, Alteratioul, � to -day by 3, A. Bowman, Provincial crossed -receipts. ­ - "_ � -L -L -L -L ,tWe stirface so! loot , I , -L ...1; . � � between the Admiralty and the aoV- i be made. lbffer of ( 100TERS- ,... ,1. I�,.. lonim'.ss.i ,HT .1 . . . . . . . . . . . thi tlme,-NV. T. Macoun, Dominion W r , . "_� !�.­.. ­­ .. I Ing J;40,000 wil C 'Olonizatlon. 1:10 ,, U01 Thlb step Nvas taken, it is said, � it tbl- .1, ..: .. . ... �� " .., . I Lritillort of Canada. 1.)r. Addtson- tile Minister of 11tulthe estimated that Manitoba requires I v.- I? 0 ,pasesing locomotive, destroyed . '. I ,_, i R :�. . - .�i � 1 C.1 . � ..... � . ', 1. . ING" ter are regiouping undo�r cover of ar- . . "I was fatally injured whei-i knocked for tile -exte itv of N"- i 1500o. July 10th ra'lWaY offiCia I 1111INTS ON VIA&X _;ARVES'Ti tillery fire, the statement says, blit isoventy-flid freight oars.tin adjauut N, from his bicyLle� Staff $crgt. Them- tfngha�l, crlticlses 'the Sewage dIsPOsP,I I m�mbere of the Immigration and Col Titch . . tracks, last night, at Cicero a Suburb, . - *ES8AD PAS, V Ing conditions., onizatiOn DeVattmerit will meet to (t. xper-I'mentat Farms Note.) in the Kisvyn region the Poles have , . 'I as 4 aulknor. of *the R. 0. )),, Stanley and deicriblas the hOUS . in N. Y. Harbor - Horticulturist, the puipose of shortening the- front. eago, Buillington & Quincy fre!glit . ... .1 harles Poster, Aged 14-0, of -Toronto, In rc'!uOlui to approve the PrOPOS:115. 000. Saekat�bewan 20.000. and Alberta — _!�, I � Soviet troops In the Bobruisk see- house, three loading piat�orine. �.nd L �_ '�,, nsion of tile C is and ed Battle On Steamer 4 A, . W,th an or,tima.ted. los� of nearly $I,- d of the Albanian dalo,jat',c: -Darracks, was fatally Injured on the e y a n a U i discuss a. rate for laborers. . - defcated a strong dctachment of the . Hea - lei I as deplorahl . lie sit a sub ta tt I il - . I rl;m when grown for Its fibre is al nemy, capturing four can 000,000, rq Paris and 'formcr pro�lslonal Prem. I Lalto Short road at Lo -,x Branch. In peovenidlitel must Ile made before an ,, Bumper crons in all throe p1rovince'.4 ----------- �_, ways, �ulled 'and not .-ut as'Wheat, oats p The fre!ght house and frolt�ht ca ter of Albania, wno, 'Was aWi-asin: Inilcgtion .with Poator's death Jos. �Xtenjjtolj Is granted, ' warrant the lnerea.", whilith is nne- number of machine guns. Wero filled with merchandise ano County Court. 1 - than the number at men ew yorif, July II.-TwelVe Mon or llnSoed flax. The exact time to VP- - In the region West of Zwlabl,.t, Gon- ffo. ated 'recently in Paris bY An At P-toill, was Arrested oil a chargo Of � Judge Grabam, in LOW I third greater N foodstu I IncludIng thousands, of . Week as the ' engaited in farm -work lah)r. '.Nlr toot or pull the crop so As to secure vral Budenny's Bolshevik cavalry has pounl,4 of flour And stimir. banian stvltnt- 11 I of ettminal negligence, , - . London. fixed 41 10s. a could live 1: Bowmo,n 80A. ivere arr.sted, four charged with grand � . 1. -.- --- , -- - ­ -, W 0 . sum, on w1lidit a widow � icrecriv and tile Other 0101, with dIs' 'tho greatest financial return from the broken through the Polish front, and I — __ ____, --- I 4 0 6 — c�, anct one mail. Wno vi -A -ecd combined varies Accord- the Poiish infantry Is rctIrh,6'k.VWU.0 - - mr,2 � .�. -, . ::t±__� I .� I I alone. I I I . oracr.y conclu . 44k I � 01 n1.4 U.-,, At I Aninials Die On gubstitutes. 24 U i.tt""t"Ir fit- *V Ing to the conditions of labor and ell- , I o r Xorzoe, keeping Up a rear-guari. - Bolshe- Pd presidoot Of the In succession to the lato Si!4 Charlet. I i mil,to.' It Is not possible. however, to gagenient against it sulie�rlor Swinfen 1:1)47. bove All the seet' fully matured and a first grade fibre. When vik force. in the Szopictowlta, region ,low divisions of 0aucasul cavalry The first day 0chlifeal 80130bl, At yal� ptoduce, gr0*0,Ihg the crop for fibre the seed have been In action, While Polish ln-� a Soviet attack I 13uCkinghanishire Is to, bo establish6a I Wycombe.- the curriculum will I should be considered a beeondary pl!o- fantry ham repulsed . I Include furro.tare niakInZ I duai In tbat district. r , The beat . told of both fl:)re and sood may be o!)talned .'f the crop is Attompts�,� by nurslan Boldhevlk forces to cross the 13rrosina, Itiver be. caused by a fire at the oil cake M1110 pulled exactly in the 'middle of tile tween Bobru6k and Dorlsov litwe been repelled with heavy 10880.14. , , . .1 nd period betwoei the flowering a -444— i ftnal ripening. When the stem is A 4'kA teaved have faller. Off, 0ERMAX DEMANDS- l*nIO)1 of (Ionoral Workers will 11116r`L, ,Tr.AUW a" t'hoer49P may , ,i c6risirlered as ttady for bWesting. The easiest way foil Unskilled flax ,jroddeers to deterlulnO whoill the flax Is VIDe Or ready for :pulllng', is to Lelect, -A few seed bolls. track them betw6en tile fingers and it tlib Wd 107,114 out easily .witho A Adhering to the shelf, it Is thou ,.Pipe. pulling. -It Is of gloat ImpOptallee to ko6i) thb UPS Of the roots Well but' t04 when pulling, as this renders tile subse4uent handling of tho flax illu,,li olslef, 1%.fly soil timt May adhere to thov toots Should be shaken off. Tile bundlos Should be tied 10030Y� Should be 1101form in size and f about eight flax " enti: be r-onvententlY cought be- tiNaell th-A ha d 4t a tinio, grasping It, just below the seed bolia with he righf hand, thumb dowwwards, left hand 411 10%ve" And ilk the slime position. With *ngk'jilod lotbor jrtnott lcai4 oh*d bO t4k4in i sove-Id pulling bh f . Will Ask Return. of Occu- 13,',,sd Territory. Parts, �uiy .-n,onz�an.-..*n vvhren- bach, Uorman Cligne0lor, will Insist at the Spa Conference to be hold next Week upon the maintenance of a ,Utor- man army of 200,000 nioni, restitution of territorleG now occupied by allied troora and dodutflon of the cost of allied occupation from the amount �11 reparations due, accord:ng to a Ber- Ibi dispatch to the 11otIt Ilartulen. It Is said lie will oppose Freneh � and Polish claims to coal mines in Vpper Silesia And wfll. urge an Inter- national loan, The conference of ambarmadors ,It Is userted by the Matin. haq, asned I upon s4 formal refueal of Germany's demand that German troops be per- Mittea to remain longer In tho neu- tral zone caot of tile Rhino, 1,6 . I Itnown is the kiranu Welsh Nonconformity, the RWv-,Vwet: L!hanc died Ill London.,aged, 96., Captain A. Smith. LallorilloalbeIr for Nelson and Colne. jigs applied Wir tile cillitern. Rundr6ds. .Iloni�n coins have been 90ut1d In UP- I Isle of Shoppey, fluted A. D. J64. ant; one ok A.D. .148-250. Thd death hail otcurre(l In E',din- burgli or ,Mr. David Deuenars. late Still- orlat.endent of the line of tile Nortu, k i)rltlsh RsdlWft7 Conipany. ,pnoTasT IN LONDON AGAINST THE PLUMAGE BILL. evidently there 06 quite. it few 040 pit In London who want to 640 the of Aughtor of birdt Continue, In ardor to provide docok'Atich for w0milhoili 1101, The PrOce*410" OhOw" in 'ha platurt l* ,"$do up of plumage, wook- OM who marched to M motiol Hall, an Juno 9 to hold a meeting lh proteitt AdAinst the, Ptuftllioa, 1401, which they r63arded al: 'foulloy 04t, 44016101011.11 - E I I IAlltnia:s in the zoo in Berlin have died In large, numbers recently) prin- '�,:pallv because ilic substitutes wh!c1l they have been given instead of their I acellEtOmed footlAould not be digest- . ed sufficiently to sustain lite. Amon.9 t%o' species In which the Mortality ; has been greatest Are the giraffes, I mandrWs and chImpaftzoes. T114 . health of th3 survtvIng anima'A is 'lot 'good. Atcordlug to Ilamiya's Menagerie 1- published In London, 110 eluded Dursulng P- -0 Y * Ffltdsoll Itiver. Is believed to W . .0 t!rownod. as a, result of a Ditched bat- �-io early to -day. which took D18to 1011 j �110 (looks of the steamshir) Belgic. pollc,� kq1,1 detr.f,tives. who fired nl(WO I thnn thirty shots, daring theround,ulo. assert that file lardony front the ShIO'.4 eargo amounted to about $60.000 worth of tvmods. Irish linens. silk stoOld3110- bandkorchirts. and other mernhandise, sonio of which wr,s. roeoVernil by tho - ,)Olico e1nd some tbro,wrt ovorhotted Lord Juf3tico Younger has been olect-1 11,451" f . LAwIA4190clatibil BAKIn zoo!0*11 society doclaxed wh(n% tile hien lounu U16MCciven C01, nerad, Pd presidoot Of the In succession to the lato Si!4 Charlet. I i that while dates and ballanam And oihtr tropical fruits wera unprocur _­46,6_6� .. No Such Word as Fail. Swinfen 1:1)47. able. the Apes were fed oil it kind of The first day 0chlifeal 80130bl, At b1scult made of musty flour- I 13uCkinghanishire Is to, bo establish6a I Wycombe.- the curriculum will I fthe Carnivorm manage to live on f -Om the slaughter houseg, � Thern !3 a diffo-rence between not . I Include furro.tare niakInZ I serall but tiho animals requiring grain and ituccoeding and falling. The on's M I-Al,.[IIgb Daiva96 estimated at Z100.000 *a'% seed are not thriving WO'l OA 013 Wild filial; the other 1,4 only it temporilry caused by a fire at the oil cake M1110 vo,)t given them as substitutes. b1ndranep. It volt, 1%crsevere fit ,spite and seed st,ires of tho Altordilieu'COIU- _.-��____ - DIE, MEXICAN LEADER TO of not succced!ng. it it you start ngift and '$let oil, the k owledge, you have Increlaix,loveipany, Llmi6d- By AultagdMatlon the National "Itex,co 01y, 3111y 24. -Gell. Yrallcls,i000 foinier 0-ove"llor of tile �St#"& gained by your slip, It will upt work you lasting Injury. It Is only wh6n l*nIO)1 of (Ionoral Workers will 11116r`L, t, 1z.tle,., c`fo'T1Alnauii �ks, ealAured at SWIM 13*111- A%. Arntllft It. Clablez- lit , vou surrender thett You ly liave it Iriemberalito Of 1,260,000. Mr. Arthur Hgyday, M. P.. ore of gracta by bef-131 ordered ex6cutod by Gen. P. F-II&A Avow. beaten, 1rhare Is no Guth word al "fail" to one W�o 'Will not give UP. Said tile union officials. t&-Nottinght,ni, tAt.alfi, k1ttletery of dru. (Ionwa. -who v+ cyllof Of oterationq ' L The villnite Of MW611 I'" d0el(led &-1 Ill 'ra %11ftUlJ11&q, I-poorted. h) Gen. VIL11VO 1111,111el-I'm Orold that bell reatift , ft ,,Getrtlell of Itieftlembrarido' its a WOT ba aft OnOlOsuro in - vo.teldav that ho had defealvil uarlm il�lwft. Silluruent loadoLl" and hold elfowi- G011- QNISMON- another ca Her, pred (Im,010rinotly)- I Vou know taere Is Such a thim; a.4 Tplemorlal it will churelivard 6urrourided b ed the ftPtUrf of wklq Auolipottd 4it oilliffix V%Allia- ....- I ycur n4)t beft9 Itt homt, rthel (su-!. tbA �vLtll tind K ?o96M1kt7 And Y6Whv,"*.. (,bp.1,r.,e wai iltnicil by (len. 061l2#14001. 04una A -As Nvoulf404. but Illan"ail to r,n-,tiv(kly)­-V,r14 and tbti*6 la Auth % i enrjirod�­Tlt-Vits- ,&t Wotton. htgr tiort,foTd, C016114, I cz'ape. th'tliu- as lilY,btinig 0