HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 5,1111111 r "�; , I N , ! " �­ I-A W N J J, 061 I r I . F_ I 1 -1 -11-1- M 01 � - -­ - __ 1 110,131 YOU OALL STONES SMOOL ROPOR961 .1 XXXXVXXXXXXXXX MCM4, KNOWINO IT?* The following lot ft rcPart of 4; C No. 4%0 ilot Ast A ftw, but a large part ot 20, Morris N#4194 In order of tnerit. Canada'$ poptil4lion. have. yours m Ttoso ra*rkold x ItblqAt thro, 10"s. ay just c4useyou stomach trouble ()t be4d. T6 sr. w.-Duriows, mcx) acbo, i'lloixestions or pains in -the side, Mrience pchmicr (h), Vera o4tions (b), -Others suffer from Vile, bowel troubl.e, or Campbell Robertson (b). f Y04 have 44 Or all of ToJr. IV-RraqvtX*r&40 (h), C14X nervousness. I , once these symptons, make up your mind now jobhqtQ12. Striking Values tn frat'a hi­lffla f 4AN 1 #-+P. .1 W9,pyrivat. Z219 4y Xbo western News. pap9r U7410111) 444 9 QVIM tic. Froin all over the Dominion letters gro To Sr 111-Uthcl Johnoton (b), Ocrt. rude Wheeler (h), Jean. Messer (h), :ellga. * Digesthie AMaTi*us and the fre. in'bummer Goods It was -tile longing hope of Frances Constantly arriv4ng expressing gratitude beth Robertson (b), Irene Wheeler (b), qualloy of Nlsr;votjsness as a muse ot Sr. I- Frank Hupper 80 p. Hon. .Mrs.John Campbell had the misfort- Hollings that sbo-ivoiiia be able* to vind joy unbounded for the return of Will, 0 Peacock x, When, them methods M 0 une to break her leg, while jumping from Change the . gat0h (.)f gfloom-as she considered the portills, to the fenced -'In .111fle red country'.4elio6lbouse tit Ap� health after using "Marlatt's Specific", These are at Your dispos3i a ny time, Marlatt's Specific" is 4 thorough system To Jr. 111-FietcIllor Foil, Georgo Pea- cock, Carl Johnston, (rcc), Hacking's Kidney. and Liver Pills WAISTSO -SMOCKS D WASH SKIRTS a buggy on'. Friday last.' viding a force of to check rt. , , stood the open A OOrwa7. as ille Odd -twenty children _are recomm-ehdO. The�'we purely AN Mr. and'Mre. Jphti Falconer, spent the PIQt011-Into the gate.% of gladness. She had just *artanged for board and cleanser and can be taken by young, or To Sr. II-Stanloy Moffitt, John Mc- vegetable slid, -do�udit Gripe or Ir- r1tate; hiany peW143.ha,:ve tound them %viek-end with. Teeswater, friends. lodging with a wlilow lady.at tbe.scAt- old, One dose will be sufficient for you to decide whether you should comple te 0ougallo Velma Bckmller4 Pearl Joh4aston. Viola M. Elliott, Tcacb.Vr excelleut for� Headabile,_13Izzinves, We are snowinga full range of Blousesin Crep� de Chene, Gkorgettes, Pongree and Nrolleg. The sets- Miss Jean,Eglestone, visited friends in tered settlement, "You'll have your crosses,, 41 ear, -Mr.,;. Potter deelftred, "and the priAci. the bottle. "Marlatt's Specific" is for sale at all "'I hope we are,ali going to be!'Iike helpful faTnily. this term," Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of on's latest styles at very attra(Alve prices. Lucknow, last week. Pal one will be the Royston boys," "Who are the Royston boys?" Druggists tbro4ghout Canada. If your dealer cannot supply you, Write for free Results of Promotion 13 maminations. in Bluevale School, A ppetite;' Indibesti.0h, Gas on the Stomach, and biany- other.evits thvA Wawanosh. ' Sr. III to Jr. IV -Pass 496. Honours Nurso An* 1jefiry of Opelph is at pmoent at her home here. ques- neArly the entire %*Ar, and being b4dly IV, are dula �D Constipation. ; '.Wberp there. . is� E*treme Nervous- just -received a shipment of Volle Smocks in Mrs. Stapleton of Detroit is visiting tioned Prances aftrellensively. "Four-irem,toUrteeti; booklet to J. W, Marlatt & Co. Toronto, Jr. to Sr. IV. To Pass, 450 -Harry Elliott, 584, '(bonours); Charlie Messer, ness anq you are "aX run't[Own,71 and (lainty styles. Made of fine quality volle, plain white, With her parent4-Mr- and Mrs: John Ned, big twin; Ont. Special Agent in Wingliam, Ont. greeting C erli, he T. "tire easil?, itrwould be Just IEM well and some have, colored trimmings tit S3,2j and 3.50. lbampbell. 1 .1 r. . Bob, t welve; Dick,' en. Did you no, 't J. W. McKibbon, 1) iAt, rugL1 509; Willie Mundell, 463; Janet Mowbray, to take Raw $ill; and Crppe 4e Cheno Sui 9*8 3t,$4.75 to $10, Mrs. Martin ailid Bruce were guests of tIce the large house just beyond the Pr'e;sbyterian uhurch,.St. Helens was.found 458. Hicking's Heari.,and' Nerve Remedy Sr. it to Jr. III-Pasi 405, H6noprs Mrs Chowenin Brussels, last week. depot surrouti4ed by,fir trebs�ll "Why,, bluevale Sr, Ill. to J�, IV. To Page 495 :Har - Wash SkIrts ' Miss Fanny Paterson 6f Tor onto, is Yes, I die," announc�d A T 4f .1 While etijoying a visit with b is - son- zin old Thomas, 544; Edith Breckenridge, goes sto�res 'the &Vod h6ilth� Of your cc) White Bedford Cor(I Was'h Skittq ov,41- a ending,'ber holidays at her brother's, p 4. Loor, a i;in' L The Bluevalt Women's Institute will 544. ets, wide belts, trimmed with Pearlbuttons, Very graye-faced, selloi ' arly looking young hold their July meeting.on Thursday of Jr. III.'to Sr, III. To Pass 480 -Beat - T. Cooper, mail neat and stylish, special valne 8,3 P. TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION Clinton; Secretary, W. H. tit the gate." this week at the home of Mrs, H, 'Ham- riceThornton,5.54; Gordon Mun�dell,542; That Is Mr. Noel � -Burton," recited Willis, Wingbam; Treasurer, A. M, 'Mond. Apaper will be given on "In- Mary Mowbray, 530; Everett McGee, ves, S. her talkative landlady, "and lie Is the stitutes, their aims and achievements?, (rco.); Cora a Holqse Dresses and Alpron§ (Crowded out last week Robertson, Goderich; Representati adopted father of tlid.Re four young tor- annett, (rec.), Irene Mc - The annual meeting, of the Huron Y3ennett, Wingbam, North Huron; James ments, I fancy they bitye about worn by Mrs. Tate. After wWch Dr. Calder Kinney, (rec.), Ladies' and Children's Dresses in plain and Cowan, Seaforth, Centre Huron; C. of Winghani, will address the meeting plaid, Ginghams at S2.5o to 5.5.o. Buagelvw Aprons, County Temperance Association was held him out wIth their'pranks. They lead Jr. 11, to Sr. 11. To Pass 340 -Olive in Seaforth on Wednesday afternoon and Harvey, Exeter, South Huron.' a rebellion at the scha4l about once on "The Value df a Sound Body", Garnles, 434, (bonours) ; Irving , Weghorn, in.light and"dark patterns, made of extra quality a month print, special. value $1.50 to 2,50., and *our predeceggor gave up Music,rollcall. A good attendance is 383; Hazel Mundell, 341; Nellie McKin- evening �f last week and was well attend- his task in despair. There are other' requested. noy, (rec.). ed, nearly all parts of the County being represented. - The principalL Lucknow scholars who are troublesome, but the The members of the L (). L. will let. to Jr. II, To Pass 117�john Wash Goods, Whitei�reav, speaker at Roystons are qiln))IY. utireaebable. both sessions was Rev, A. D. Grant, D: Many from here attended the celebration i attend Divine Service 0 in a body at the Mowbrlay, lSl, (honours); Noble Green- Undenvear, Silk Hosiery, "But does not Mr. turton, try D., chief executive pfricer.of the Proyin� it, Winghain on July Ist, and many more curb them?" Methodist Church on Sunday evening, away, IR5. cial Ref4endum, Committee. Dr. Grapt went to Goderich to celebrate Canad , il�' "He can't. Abou t all he thinks about July llth*L Rev-.Bro,'Wilson will preach. Alice Aitken, Teachrr.. explained the plan of campaign of the' 53rd' birthday. is�bls books, for, he'ls a great student. Central organization. Dr. Grant stated The Garden Party at Lankside 'wag­�a 'the I;loys overrun pim L find he Is too Constipation Cured that to, save the Government the, ex- decided -iucoess, $300,00 being recelyed at, �11 joccupled S. S. No. 7 Morris, P. passed, 60 L L with what. he dalls * a I` A. se e, of duty t6.r&lst them. You see, pense of making new voters' lists, which Lhe;.gate and booth. A splenaid ram . ' J�L� r over is pass. By 04risMia4 Ocieuce 0 ?54 prog -Edna Campbell 51 p, Is sister; a widow, died, he would cost about half a million was given consistibg of s?ngs, - readirig.4,. Seventy Ave peoplf) olit of we Jr IV X e to be a ftitheit, to the little MIX Xg XXXX XX rig xx xx xg xxxx moix ;4 dollars they had aueedtoacetpt the old spleeches aind bagp'ipe musi6* The partles h4ndful. be his I hundred -can 7*., eui;.Od by 0bristlan Jr.. III-Jes'sle Campbell 75. p Hon, a�d. a I Solehm, metbode, W lists on which, he� -said "we secured an at,11olyrood- and St, Helens -on Frida 'had' hich Proves tile Lizzle Coulter 63 p, Bell Campb-11 y the ,Mind over the * Bob, Hopper 6o p. overwhelming inajority last October, and nt�ht'all drew large crowds, All this rather discouraged F rances great power W. a ro a ceremony was f5.� V� om the to -day and ask for Hadkitig's, and do 'Kerr. ed last week. the old licensed system, where it takes perfOrmed by Rey,, Mr. Edwards, pastor hook the ragged,. di'scolored fool's Cap' not �take any other kind fbr It you FREDA M. COLLINr,, Teacher, - -- ------ theconsumptionof liquor right into the of North Woodward Methodist church. her Predecessor had used. She walked - do you will be fooled ritgbt at the to the stovle and'tbrust it out of view. startand you will not got the results home where it cannot fail -to have an evil The bridle is a. fo rmer resident of Lucknow, Then she Picked up - the ruler on tile that we guarantee. HbAftg's Limit - influence on the growing boys and girls", and will be.well'remembered by a large desk and beckoR , qdto the elder ROy-, ed, Listowel.. The following is the report of the pro - The t6tal �ost 'of the campaign as out- circle.of friends who will wish her a Jong ston lad.- motion Examinations lined by.#e speaker, will be about and happy �redded life, "You. are stout'and strong, Jem," Hacking's Remedies are sold In of U.'R S. No 12, :'Everything set for a good trip -the car running $100,000 instead of $500,000 as estimated Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hackett of Clinton, she spoke. - " ' Wingham by J. W. McKibbon. Culross. Names arranged In order of smooth as velvet' -plenty of lrn�erial Polarine in by some speakers. This. sum it i& pro- Won't you please break merit:- the crank -case �ind more available wherever we visit�d relatives in town for a fe days. the ruler In two and throw It out of sto p. With Imperial Premier Gasoline for fuel, posed to divide proportionately among "v the whidow? We won't need that IF Sr. 111. to Jr. IV -Olive Stokes, Wit' the counties where the local committees Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McMoran, of kind of thing any more, will we?" and *WRIGHT fred Lynett, Norman New.ans, Harold we it nave a most enjoyable vacation." GEO. 11 Ig will add the* necessary sums to carry on Souris, Man., visited Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Tem swelled tip with. importark& at ZA JV7)MA_T2-Z-R Boyd, Venetia Welshar,,tllen Willie. Melloran. last week. their work, thusmaking one co for funds this compliment to his strength and Jr. Ill Schicatefs -to dr. III -Alice —Experienced Piano Tuner Teacher of Rudimehts of Music, H&r. Ddrothy Sinclair, Harry Mulvey', H smartly showed off In reducing the Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Cameron of London, 6� from the people interested in temperance. f1da S The local bodies will then turnover their visited Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cameron a ruler to splinters. mony, Counterpoint and Composition Willie; 'Patricia Lynett, share to the Central orgarization. Ifew days, A strange� spell of calm brooded over Leave orders at THE ADVANCE Offise Sr. 11. to Jr, III -John Stakes, John The plans of - the Central Committee -Mi the little schoolroom 'that morning. All brass and reed instruments ss Belle Sommerville f Toronto, vis- jr in Sinclair, Mary McNeil, Lorette Willie., and all aitracti-Ke pamphlet that it is pro- 4sne"., .e Royston alone eXhIbited some rest. and violin. Jr.. 11. to Sr. II Dorothy Baircs, John include newspaper advertising, posters ited tier sister, Mrs. Harvey Anderson. le* At r4cesk Miss Voltings Mr. George Matheson �of Brantford, called him up t her,, 4eik. Abram, James McNeil, Fred Schieftel. posed to put in the hands of every 'voter. visited a few days with his friend, Mr. "You like to be outside, Som, Ist. to Pt. II -Eva Willie, Willie �you notr, she Intimated.1' Baird, Robert Sinclair, Stewart Mulvey, At 6 o'cloqk an excellent banquet was Archie B&rbour, DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN held in the school of the Presbyterian "Should say A did I Lloyd Welshman. Mrs, W1. L. Ainlay and two I Huh I If I ittle daugb. church a'twhich over 100 sat down. had my way Ird be.in the woods half E. 3 McKee. ters, doyneth and DaLlii, of Cleveland, the tli�e Ill Reports of the various committees have returned to their home after spend - showed the Association' to have bad a "That Is a good tiftl�. itshows that It W ingamonth with Mr. and Mrs. Robert You must 14ove nature, and the birds, R, very successful years and the balance of $100 remains in the treasury. Graham. and the flowers. 1, have an errand for JC, FT-111ROPRACTIC BE A SPORT Mr. and Mrs. H. D, Woods are leaving yqu to dQ, If 'Y614 V.11 bit so 1&d. it Following officerswere elected:-Hgn. "A Practice it confined exclusively to for Midland where Mr. Woods has a go6d Is to go down Ito the general store Chiropractic, tht only and odgmal Sys- You may call yourself dull in a fit of de -,;- President, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Wingbam; and get some ci-ay6ns for President, J. A. Irwin, Clinton;L Vice pgsition as manager of Preston's Gent's bI&Ckb6Rrd tem of 13pinal Adjustment, Effective in pair, Presidents, R; J. McGaw, Goderich; J. clothing store. service. You needn't com4e back here '95 pe'*. vent of all'case% Or drop all your pep, and say . you don't Imperial Polarine Avaitabie Everywhere till afternoon school 11 e "Chiropractic locates and Removes care, T. Wood, Brussels; Rev. A. M. Boyle, Mr. T. W, Smith had a gravel bee on It was TL strentions' w'eek'4Or th Poll- the Cause of Dis-eaae: Nature Heals." nrj� Belgrave; Mrs. A, McGuire, Brus�els* Monday when several man came with tic. though at WA4 feariwme,teacber� But I'll tell you, my friend, that's a habit HEREVER you tour, throughout the 16gth and breadth of Mrs. B. W. V. Beavlars, Exeter; Mrs. A.' their teams and drew a large pile of gravel diplomat, but at Its end she burst'in J, A. PDX, D. C., D. 0. to break, 4, for the new garage. W Canada, you can sedure the grade of IiPperial Polarine yoll now upon Mrs. Porter with 0, radiant f"e. Also fully qualified graduate 'it Osteo. In planning this world not a single mis- I I am� so,,h#ppy,l�r she CrIp use for lubrication -exactly the sanic uniforni gradles are sold by (L pathy, Phon ' e 191, Hours 2 to 5, and 7 take dealers, everywhere from Halifax to Vancouver. "Those 'Roystgn boys have become my to 8-p. m. Wat made in the building. So when you most loyal 6amplons.11 complain Imperial Polarine redUces your greatest expense -depreciation, yet "And Mr. Burton, was over heie an Take stock of yourself. You're the chap gasoline. It reduces fricelon, C. R. Copeland d., costs less than storage, tires, repairs or hour ago," said Mrs. Porter, "Wehiler- Ing what new hiftchitt tilt lads were 1.N_VU1tAJVCZ that's to blame, to a minitnum, maintains a phiton-tight seal under heaviest engine box boklb bre�dthZ f6k they had heat, helps the engine extmet the last ounce of power out of gasoline. W", Just right about face; it may hurt solue, a 'week he had got suspicion � I' changs' ft in Fire; Accident SiCknOSS it,& true, Automobile Insurance a Speeialty But tbaVs just 'the way any ilood sport ImWial Polarine holds its body, niailita, mi ­keeps the Air, Burton told the same story over Ili., c()mpressii rAllotor running sin.00thly and quietly. The linperial Chart of Recotn- Only the best companies represented at again to Prances In person a Week would do, later, and lie seemed to entertitin 66 ...... Lowest Itates ...... -ows the grade reconiniended for your car. Ask to see wendations sh "116 favorable and gmteful an elghlon of Whet! you wake in the morning don't thr, Charming, frilendly school jeather look for a cloud.' it when you Stop for oil. ICY 'W"! thta bts dellilltvm"s t6 stron over to. Say It With Floweps You know what"s behind it. Just Swing Irnperial P61arine is sold by good dealers everyMiere ill sealed one - the little red SchOolhOuse and *a& in the crowd. I . - =71. T�T —T. -f -M gallonand four -gallon. cans, lialf-barrels.and barrels,alsoin 121_,) -gallon home with btr. Be one of them, cheerfully, singing along. steel "The town truoteft are dreadfoy You may get a bump, but don't stop kegs, the handy size for the honie gara e. Buy the larger 5izes, anxious to have You sign for i"thot to save Inoney. your song, H R I LY, vanity must have hCr vear," lira. Porter mad to Prxulto at Perhaps one will heir It who needs just a powder box and if it be of silver Ibo. elid of the 96461 t", wit V 111-1 havo Chanted thy PlaasP etaxa�- 0 with her initals -engraved upon is niered 141 Of encouragement now. Your song May 'tS,. 10 all, �tlubgftakftd the back then she smiles, quite saucily be it. into the mirror it holds ond tells her 1110vi the better,.'dkif?" sliati the What matter if yesterday's failures were friends, she purchased it of us. Our wise old widoW. " "Abd y6u d it big? Y*ou managed those, unruly Usys, to To-diky is yout days so jet Ili And dig. assortniwit Of toilet requisities' is quite their 'toacher, "d as their adopted If you m6et thy trouble, why just 'change Complete. Why 1110teotne a-silver.shop- toothor� you WIll'cerialhIr make V�W6 its name, 0 arnt"16'e, ing here? reet 0119618 Of them I" P And Call it a ladder. They oft lead to fame. Yoursight is the guardian angel of y6ur other 'FMRALS1 "DIDINGS, ETC, But whatever yop do, be quick and be - IN MEMQRIAM p6tted p6his Alma Cut Flowers senses. our,impert will -'fit �Our eyea On it-, WMAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL POLARINg A with'the proper glassets. a splidiAlly : Cgtaldgliea shown oft request, You naver etm tell Juit bow much there (1111lit ftedhft bwy) (Mexlem heivy bolly) (Extra 6AVY hwy) Butz -4a loving wamory of David, be- N*X. WN. XNJOA 2*0 is in It. A GRADE SPECIALLY SVITRO TO V009 MOM lovtdbabilod of )Uma J. N11,who paWed peacefully avray one year agot Ph0n6 142, Winghaul R. M. MAAV JOweler atid Optician Win ham Gone bit ftaftofthl DR- G. H- R-055 This day brifigs back the memory, Gr4duate Royal College of Dental IMPIE4RIAL OIL Ll I Of a foW one gpht to rat, Surgko's Sm 1- 01 Amd thm w1yo thilk of hWn to -day. GmduAto Utilvarlity,of Toronto Vacuity Power,- Heat Light - Lubrication 0 Are Ott onts A6 I*Y6 him but. of DWtkW Brai-xdws In- all Oies .......... sair'W"W by his wtft offic's Over H. F. lewwo goa. should increase it tkis year%" The speak. ev.b. r. i�, McKerrol of Vrot*Y, - but -by the time " the School opened she * Digesthie AMaTi*us and the fre. Sr. II -Mary Hunter 65 p, er also pointed out the irnmerise saving , a �in town Saturday even' ing shaking, -bAd-gathered up complete information, qualloy of Nlsr;votjsness as a muse ot Sr. I- Frank Hupper 80 p. Hon. .Mrs.John Campbell had the misfort- to the Temperan ce forces, in this regard,* .44. -�sad, with old friends, He preached ad,- to the history a nd t)Mits of an of r When, them methods M Primer. -Norman Coul ter 78 p Hon. une to break her leg, while jumping from as it did away with tbb necesssity of pro� iecretaries hi4Aary services at Langiude n Sundv Q aucl h ad decided upon a definite pOlIC.T. She In Hacking's Kidney. and Liver Pills H. V. Armstro ng, a buggy on'. Friday last.' viding a force of to check rt. Rev. Mr. McKio of Scotl4nd, will stood the open A OOrwa7. as ille Odd -twenty children _are recomm-ehdO. The�'we purely Teacher, Mr. and'Mre. Jphti Falconer, spent the gistration: Central Referindum Committee ha�c a prg ch in the Presbyterian ,church here trooped in To each she extended a vegetable slid, -do�udit Gripe or Ir- r1tate; hiany peW143.ha,:ve tound them %viek-end with. Teeswater, friends. planneda. sh�rt, Intell'se" camPaign wh1qh h aRct Sunday, He is a former pastor. 'w�lcoming hand. excelleut for� Headabile,_13Izzinves, Thefollowing is the report of the Pro� Miss Jean,Eglestone, visited friends in will be laygely confi�ed to' 'a , period of 4. to Ram Kylla whd vVorked at Walter "'I hope we are,ali going to be!'Iike helpful faTnily. this term," Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of motion examinations of S S. No. 9 East P Lucknow, last week. 6 weeks before the actual voting. They felt it wits not necessary now to educate Kenzies whe� the war broke out, returned a sl�ort time ago after serving tbrowgb -bappyi, she said, ' Tom, R A ppetite;' Indibesti.0h, Gas on the Stomach, and biany- other.evits thvA Wawanosh. ' Sr. III to Jr. IV -Pass 496. Honours Nurso An* 1jefiry of Opelph is at pmoent at her home here. the people on the advantagew of Prohibi-!.1 neArly the entire %*Ar, and being b4dly OYSfon griluted ungraclOuslY and � slipped p(ttt the extended* haud, are dula �D Constipation. ; '.Wberp there. . is� E*treme Nervous- 625. Cecil Coultes, 701; Lorne Scott, 619. Mrs. Stapleton of Detroit is visiting tion, but will confine their efforts *to colu.' wd4nded. b7ut each of his brotb� ers returned the ness anq you are "aX run't[Own,71 and J r. Ill to Sr. ill -Pass 480, Honoqrs With her parent4-Mr- and Mrs: John bating the apa�h� 6 I f tempeea.ht;eWbrkers Word has been received in town that greeting C erli, he T. "tire easil?, itrwould be Just IEM well I 000. Irene Taylor, 608; Albert Coultes, lbampbell. 1 .1 r. . and the � feeling of reaction which, DT. Rev. Mr. Whaleyi at former pastor of the' Pm late a'gain Y I'm jilways to take I Mrs. Martin ailid Bruce were guests of Grant sald, had, set in the larger, cities Pr'e;sbyterian uhurch,.St. Helens was.found -late!" panted a girl of twelve," dash- Hicking's Heari.,and' Nerve Remedy Sr. it to Jr. III-Pasi 405, H6noprs Mrs Chowenin Brussels, last week. There is'A feeling prevalent in some cities, dea'd 'in bed on Saturilay morning. I . Ing Obreftthlessly Into 'jile tudy room aftet the last stro�-,. of tlie along with those P114L it com- binatfon well tklgeth_�r`lad fe- 506. Lawrence Taylor, 638; Alba CVter, ' Miss Fanny Paterson 6f Tor onto, is notablY in Toropto, that the Prohibition While etijoying a visit with b is - son- zin bell had sounded goes sto�res 'the &Vod h6ilth� Of your 528, Agatha Coultes, 489-L Harold Karr. a ending,'ber holidays at her brother's, p workers had gone far enough and should Detroit, Mr. Paul'Smeltzer kdeelvdd,word : forhis is Mercy Lisle, is it not?" quer- younger daye."Phe Aftft acition be - 487; Joe Kerr, 457; John Currie, 405. Mr. Ken% Paterson. not further restrict the consumption of of the death of his sister, Mr�.' Nesbitt 'in Ied 111rances klil4ly, - , .. comes hormid, the Xi6ivee take on Jr. 11 to Sr. H -Pass 357, Honours, 44&, Mr John Johnston, who underwent a liquor. "This is all �vro�g'," he said, "as Blyth. Tbo deceased lady was 17 years . "Yes!m- An& I have, to help with now We, Power "d Vigor and the Dan Arbuckle, 514; Margaret McDougall, serious operation in Wingham Hospital the importation of .,liquor - to g 40asider- g . . I of age and iuffereki a paraly tic stroke. the I dishes.", .,q'know "hu=n mla)chine' becomes full of 447; Agnes Coultas, 414; Viola James, I' ast week, is doing as well as 4n expect- able extent nullifies the -victory won last . Mr. Smeltzer attended the funeral., all.,abont, Itil' interrupted "Pep" and vtbaRtY. 403. ed. His many friends wish him a speedy year. There is no'doubt 6ftbe:verdict of the rural districts, but we do not want to . A very pretty wedding was sclemnized . Frances grgclotlsly,,� and we are go- Ing to excuse you always, if yoIr are It you we tired of sickness and harve lost the Power, Ability and, Fitst to Jr. II -Dorothy Kerr, Mary Scott, N0`rmaa Coultes. - recovery. have our,maigrity pVIIed down by. an ad- at the home of the bridles parents, Forest St. I- Detroit, Mich., when Gladys, young- a little behind tilne. - You ilinstn't . rub thfS Way, though, Neme Folte, to do your daily work 8,11d your Nerves are all Shattered Sr. Primer to First -Leonard Jamei, Rov. McCallum of Lucknow,' will take the services in the Presbyterian Church verse vote in some of the large cities. "In esL cMughter'of Mr. and Mrs, Thus. Web. and get gill Iyarm and ftstered. Now, Children! just give these tw10 Remedies a trial Elmer Arbuckle. Sr. Primer -Alberta Shiell. here next Sunday. some respects': Dr..G-rdlat said P "the preselitvstern is even worse than star, was united in marriage to Mr. I Guss M.11.++ _r *n + :,, IT111 All'hands fixed their eyes on the hew teacher lea T4�11­ 4 1� �-.. and we will poottive-17 guarlshtee beneficial results. Go (bo your de0or Jr. Primer -Bob Arbuckle, Gordon Rev. Mr. Scoble had his tonsils remov- I