HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 3. -1 I W - -,ir,T - .0, - - , - - , ­_ - - --- I I - - I 11.�_ - ;-, __ .---. --"Vlqm _ "0"P-"W-4W�_ - , . 7� � io ,-, , . q " -111p, I .1-1 I- I I - 9 007, , , .1 , R1'r, - .w . 1n2_..__.___._. � ,�,w T7F �T,9 T TFR � T - -7111 . 1!7 . , �,,.�, '"WWT , . � , _140 - ,�­e ­ I 1�1, . I 1 %4j�, i i;,- I �;r - I 11 I 111111 - ___,_______ , .. ...__ - ­.- - ­ ­ ­ - -Ir _­_____.___..­___ . . P I.' , _­ 6 , � , ,�, ! i � i�i&_­ ­� ____ -1 ­­._ __ __ I I 0 11, I "I . -_ . M-_;_,*; !*_� 4m- I � 0 ! '..; -, - ­ !, 12! 11: 4, I I , ____ - ­ . r- . - 112 !111 i - i ­ r - ,­ --- 4 , I � �' . � . . I 11 I 1. 4�, ' S, , � 41 . ��, �� " , I ,� - .--- �� .� , ;; =!;!!; 1 - ____ ,_ � " - "I . I ---I-- . I A� I 11 I � '�� ': �,��,, r �� ' IS' . .... - � � I I . �'. I . I !MIZZ111 �� ; : " 1. I I .� . lel - - � . , I turn to c A MW IWINS for some time Ott soft food, as ths, dit"tlya ar. . � . . ­ INSTI pxrktu#, will have becorao used to the . Soft food, And will cousequeatly pro- It - _______ - ,� ­ 1- ­ ­ -111 � ,% I 1 4 panly experleuto 00416 difficulty In Sr. 'uding UP 47ad 41490111119 of hard I "I'll "I 11 M . - grodA. , In 11111:1% an a ration for fAtteilint . . r = ... i �c 1. . I I&SAW Ulm I - fowla tu go of the bird should bw considered, r .. I , . 1. f� � � I rr U h&_ as Young and growing r stocle need from 10 to, ,20, Par cent. of 'I I it I M% 0111MAI MOAT, 'While adult birds, of 01 ., I I I 1 1-4 course.. neo4 *nl,v the foods which � 1.4 I _­ � will fatten them. mo0t q4:041y. Xcea- -1 I 1 __7��� _10. ! i, 004"41 less to sa.v, the best %nd mm profit. .r Able , � reoultis are atikined only whou � . � .. � I ­ .., I 1. " - . - -, - I ­ _e�­ the Boxes are Go n before the tat, iiarate. i trAiAg VaTiod begins. Everything , ' r . I . . .I which cOndlices the comfort of fatten- . I . I Q Vq%k r. I �� 11 -IFAUltry , Pol ,d,i - � ; � lux towle butens the putting on of flesh, For this reason the Coopr should , I � 1, AL V � I be neither tQQ hot nor too cold, And . 1. , . . L, qk 7 & must be Rapt perfectly sweet, whole- . ... � . -1 . L'�, I World I Some, ,and free from verm,'n, Where � ,447 birda evince sk 414position, I to . . , fight, alat bottoms Should be provided :,;� � . . - ___ 1. ­ . luthMr coops Go that the poultry CaA. I ". _ . I -, . , - not fight without losing their toot. . n I COMMON Sma NEEDED. . bold. of course, the slats must not , � . . , (Philadelphia Record,) ' ,147tho boom days before the w4r, .be -Suff' ,OieAtIY wide apart for tile ' fowls to fall through, and they Must . I , , . :the'Voultry .ndustry could have.har& be raised .well above the 4 out of reach of Boll damp. ground and ly, -�aeu called In the safe and sp,ue Cramming machines Are sometimes �1�4112. With rapid Intpr4v6me,ut in Ve7 useful topoultry raisers, but their 'come , ,breido, Incub4tors, brooders, poultry it;7- consideration 4oes not within the present scope. It Is useld4a to ' *Mi,�i ,Construction, great claims Were IresP the coops clean It the fowl$ Ak aid poultry keepers were lead themselves are *�nfested �4th verjuill, � to,*Xpect muek. Those were'the dairg . 00 that birds should be treated I 0,11ij 410,000 bell, the $6,41" ,r , � not prp, ,with Ilsoc I t, powder or sulphur before fat. 9W-pOr b6it from the commercial f16�kr- r telling begins, to rid them of, lie a, fleas, , AAd:,'*th6r Wild claims Cam , , . Then 0 etc. I � :7w -4nd;1the, -ndustry o .� , teed still, With ,ti thO_'Audiiiol �#, 4,h 1 I I *,+* , s �9�1 * _ - - _._� , -, - � "-.$ w;;:; �.;��qpi;­.­­_ M!NW!1 I !1 �: :; 1� . ­ - '. I I . 14 k I *;V��k . ! 11 11 11 . % . R- -.1 � . � � � . � L " U K , r I .t. # +**" +# - I PA. E AID W . 'a ,* , , - 11 I X , , 9 V W-11EAS., si Is - __ - I Str 10,11 # �� , I I WIVES AND NO In r � . 10;� . � ... 11 ' 10f 6 �� ' I I . � ' .7k"' r.. #__`"'""V"" 4 1 . 10-11 . I I I 1 40 . � I � I _-004040" + A . . . 4 %#- , , — .1 L�. I ,"And f said in underbreath, all o " fta"On, " _ i ; , - - "' -_ " - *4+*"AW I .ur ,0411 AS0#1a +J#aftfi Sndr ft#11#th ! .. I +444*414,#410,01.4 Ills IN MIX04 with death, , - . P 0q"" .-0-14 0000r4l Sir Ian / 11a"teals I - .., And who k1loWath %,hrlob is best? � ,,�.,, .Thrsuoh or, womAmil, ,�, . " � 0 k , . -k P " - 1004 " "' Person str�iigt 11 �;euo �t A73 , ,Pin .111a, j, .. 1.,1W 11fte, .( "' ' 044 . _4 � its 0 the,little.birds Bank East, a , r 'to $aVe Ibb 04tll�Oli, with Itd trium and , an e . � I " nty �' glortolia failure, is now JANUO'd un -A , I � � I -�), Many women who hA good Color . . ,A V,44 � �. , . � -M . 4441 groatnfo#4 - thOir , � 4 a =1 �4.'; *1 the name Of "(;alftoll I—)W,Y" (S'd- 14 g . . . � or ,Irii I ood grow Vale and color. ward Arnold, A,fd,uet.) I � , I Inoorapleto* 1041A. when � h buo S011 000,4�uitrtor Vou44 ot t,4,Lftrold . Sir Ian flanilltou stnrt3 right ,4w*y , ne$01* mothorg, Oy Me 1,vWATOV�' 444 . . Arqund -our reptlOslin"a His rest." tile cheek A" tht fading cOlOX $4 for half An hour 14 I�Diliux salte4 with his appolutmout. to the OM ,# and ilys 10 &cc9mVaAQ , ­ —slizAbOth BArtatt Browning, , p,v w4ber, drain vary dr:r,. cut up '' . I 1. A 1054 of brightu , in mand of the uall%wit, Xxpoatio4W � � e4a In tho�eya 04 alt ' 14crea-Sing 110AVInasa 9 , ill th,0 Stop' lellothO 01bout two Incho fORD, that 1,5 the lub J40t. (44A* Tut VICE OF THE VIRTUOUS, cause V114 bv,fQu -in the r , Ahe .0. make 4 (, 15;1� I was, work"Ing 4t the none Ind ,tat� of the thick tatter with two tAtlogpoonfuli ,Uar 14 1 � _ ,. WJlen about 10 .4L 'To, X. Seat 040 Of the first things ,to stArtleus blOiAl I 1. � of flour" tbe Yolk of one W I about Sins of tempo r , , 4 tok. OMd. -,Opening W � , . I Afa.11y 48,11060 cent ion chopped 'doorl bade good futImIng. a#4 r to their atrAge .ribute to t4o co,u. Cupful for me. I wolld compatibility with high Moral clispo, 4JU0111 Of the blood known ax unacniia, ginel - him � acter. We have jig criterion OVOr*orkr,J . n the home, y, a teaspoonful of- chopped vaj�. Walked UP to Ills dp3k, Where be Wont I . I for eatt,, � ao !PAU of Oat. $107, Pepper and Salt, add tho, nge. Qu irrItIng 0 1 m2tillf, at- theli, true worth man Wbo door OXer*1#Q, lnallrflelont Jr4g%t and 4rOA1 to the batter,.mix ,all I like a graven Image. 4- , r ,diet-theg4 are 8, tow. and gry as f . 'After a moment be 1po'Uso Up A44 figure As Models of all tile virtues, 411%juiprope . NverytI '"Otbar, 0 _ I nJ4X depplids on ulotive, 3;40 of t M , rittera for tive minute L aid In a matter-of-fOLot, tone, -we .X*,, , , - - The ImportAut thing is to L in boiling fat. ,Several we,y be Coole! sending a r . . Yirtues ii* be real or only'apparo' rostor) tile blood to normal, to linfla it ,ad . L4tllt ry force -to sup L nt, L I a , po,rt . at 11ONY at t4O DA,rdauslles, go 4 0 color will -retlAgru, to AWTTO-Four ounces of rice, one -you are to M . �4 . ,_ eye as 'thO vicee may be real th h UP go that'. til At this some time. I the tie Cl1eeXS A 1- , . yes � gr6uud to the stop_ Dr. Wil. WbeA the questipa, of the methods , 1110t apparent. We ox 004"V, 111 1411VO 004p 4UVO ter$ on the - . 48, brightness to the a Once of tat, one , L , cupful of toulato pulp, failure or -our charac And light 0 llama pluk.rl saltr Pepper, one and one,.half gnuc6i; to be employed W04. d r I!, their general success. Temper is I's are the great lolood ions Very flu i4ord r the vice' ,. 0 and ,drain it, lacolood'L Sir Ian ,, r , Of th, virtuous. in its ulti- builder and nerve stron I V , Chop asked Kitchener whether Ito . Sthenor. They the onions ory ,fine and try MAto nature 41%temper Is a Bin against begin ,With the very first dose, and browned. until 'Could got Persuade tile AllmlrAR7 to IQVe- A*Ain�'.'-"4xainst love is X.aj4 through AL falr� use Make new blood leyj r Ttau 'nix All, -the It9re4- work , -IL L tO together, with the eXcoptiol% Of L a, subM0,40 or two Up th . against God, for. ,,Qod Is Love," This til%t carrioik.,istrongtix and be,%Ith, to $traltis So 4% to tpreVent reinfordee- . traoing Of the r Sin to Its root .0�1* gery part ,6f the body. the &P0 Of .Xftted cheese, Wash thVi rice $4 Mont% reaching the Turka,L and Kit- I ou99qSt$'- this. further topic -It$ Cues. IlloreAeoi, dWeation becomes , otIts two Or three waters. ,put into 4 oheaerto But mon per- reply sholva the Contempt I , Is not t PsAuCeVali of boiling salted -water and , w1lich lie bold,at that e1nPor a jeonfititUtionaj fect and 1611MY =0 ambition Tatum. ,)Oil fo eight Minutes. Stra!n, _ L tlifiQ for the dDr- twng? To it 'not herd1tary, � f,amll,y Tho,case:40f.prS. Win. McNj6h, Abbott thaL " Atelt- fentlers, o; the Peninsula, .,.quppoalng�,,, failing, A matter of temperament -and: Street, Drocliville, proves th4 valua� ot fat In a, pan, add the rice and f be sald,10 Sir lau, "one subMar#4,0*,s4,, � is. MeNtsit sa�.s: ,,I wag it .it gets too 4ry a I mmor popa up opposite k4o town of Gall I ipoll **� - Yes it there 1p.,. I)r, WIlVaMs Pink Pills Inr Cuft. all very gently until'L,,the 'rice IS Soft 'can tllgt'be Cured? , Pour in the t0M4tO'PUIp and sl ry. , I %IlYthibg, in Chilatianity, Ali sins mar this X14d. Air � . of aU4 Waves a Unloft Jack three times, r I g�L Wll= I M._ -d a 11ttiO Of tho, ,the AN -hole Turkish gar t -n G94's lma$e, but sing of temper m4r ,Quit()' youn ,��'T .1 4 4 . M ;. I — � " � "... IF - � 1P . A - world 6 'war the y It I I God a I , � n water the rice was boiled In. Care Peninsula will tako�to, th4lr heols and L --- =::::::::::::::=..;1 '��. � ha 311490 and God'a wokk and MaWs rafQDg MY family I became 411 run must ,be taken not to 'let this burn, r " " r . I i x�oidltr7 14"re again took up their I I . , , - I -ppinces � I . tall*A' an4' for a time along Rate and 10.9 Them and ­ h skilled operator, following an ex, . __ down and a nervous wracg,' I beca�Ae 'It must be ,stirred COnSt&1lt)Y and tialce a bce lInc f0f,,Bulair." ',- . . . r I I ..so 'weak thit I � CQAfIC OPEnA STUFF, . . 440, lines. War And big San . . could hardly walk cooked over very 903146 beat. Add � h feed VrIces Chats with ; I ' er,tPdl,,,$,,,,oSIs. . The r . Its are good � 7'!E NEED OF TO -DAY, . aordsa the floor without rr r Sir Ian liamiltgn was to have a I , *ih at that P it a casserole, . ,,w lin the serious surgical Sane$ . I , ­ time 4 poor market bao I " ,Sitting down the cheese, put into �. . Now Is Satisfied -, not I n Sheffield, Eug., Jude- to got my breath. I force Of 0,000'men, consistino of Alla. . !�d � . slept poorly a;4d sprinkle a Attle ,Cheese over the to .r , , _kcod the Poultry crop nearly one, ­ .. I Involveil. A her school favors. the I pjandout,) . at,tlM0S MY nerves , 1) tralians and Now 9 `rs, the Jam- . " would - twitch 80 and brown under a griller or IR a hot .e,�Iaudq � . I I "bAlf,L-all-diAbe fowls retained were rta� destruction of the affected ikerves by The nations I still, stud I was 4 . .. , the Doctor that I COU14 not keep Oven. This ,Can be, Ous 29th Division 'was only to bo �4 L I 1�fajly the'liest Of the flock, The hf.,�DAM LANDRY TELLS . u4 Injection of alcohol, and this neth� fr, I d to and � made'. Into cakes I WH"AT , in - eon taut'� Misery, I tried many and fillets, , . eon and Nx.0 to li�.retumcd the me- � i.x4tilts were a better producing crop *W_ . *--------" r Vjj�j W has strong support from certain , lie that waxes stronger luedlein'5 8-, but they did Ot hellp Xho, T,VRB:AN Or, .V ­ , rr . . .1, aiUlUellt SllrgogUo. in this Country,,. d a t are still tosse . u Mont they could bo- opared, ­ �, . C all a r -,.Qt 'Poultry than ever before. DODD'S KID-NFEY PILLS 1>1 D _ *1 , W I � . . r di Y bet�lweecurthe forces that acka -(10ed MY * con4i . . LENT Sir Ian's story of the hurried got � I The I L.�A TIC� DotyLOTI I .r � 0 tI " . owl, tit I tiou was: grovdag MO A;4D RICE , r ,4wok-9,6t.rIch systems fell by ...the . , . FOR REM. - RTEUX ' `"� � I I I 0. 0, - - _ - r'e. need bf Christianity a tl%6� worse uutil.one day a friend told me A04 pepper. Wash the -�,Ikan$ well, ,lug together of .. - . r. 4itild . e. . �_ , � � - . .. ­ � I 1. t7ing Power Of the DO a . ,A L . . L" �. " " ' * 'r distreiising B, . mmunity, and that she had, 6cen in & Somewhat 81 and Jsut cover am with -topid water the P011W of . 116`bra�4: hats." "My' . I ' - The mushroom breeder found I - This is one of those are straining every nerve to secure Its hit. , M.J'0j,L6no hour. a 4taft 48 humorous at, ' . 3- Inaladieg which would u and simmer tire Boil staffo,'x' ho WrItCa, "Stol Ot, in the, or- ascondalicy, and tho-me that are striy!'- lar conditAou Sala had b6eu'eured�,. by the rice and min it,,_ �',Oh6ji the on. w � boar the bs� I L. ., - k�, Plarchtsers for -h,s clus of ,goods. New Brunswick Lady Who Had Tried �dlnary way, come 'within the seejj�ot 081PS I Mak, Throat r Dr. William. I ildered look of Men I�Vo have bur- � . . L '_ -iPMF ,the old U'ma breadars. Stuck jt� Other Medloinds ClairAs She Found 1119 demonstrate, in a Pink Pills, so� I decidid tablespoonful of ibreod�.-,ciiimbs, one riedly been snatched fr6i'desks to do, I . 16. i , this colu. some cues -W to try this 'medicine. After the -use pound of, rice, two on,46fiS,,L. ­ . mn, and I am dealing wilb.'It forelble me"g, that tile day of iiia- one ounce r 1. .j%1. � � 1Por,,,sj year -or more the InduetryL - thar-'ItMedy' she, Was lookfog-for in this Week ht res�onse to a r6q�Oht of boxes I felt .; some ,extraordinary- turn on, some Uri-, .. . 11 I � . ..". �v%d ahbad oil safe lines. The press Dodd's Kidney -Pills. . teriallsin has, �' I -*1% - . . Strong-thoos. the voice r tI10Y Were of fat, *6 out Information'that lead the be- . I . . �requently Put, 'Fortunately for thom­ - . . I t Come. Be the fjo. 0" a Couple one toOne teaspoonful Ot mixed I I I i " boSeL It may,77- Ding me, appetite was better aoUP,IUI ($Mail) .,,,,., r , , horbs, hcar&of theatre, ,;.:One or two of . I St. 14*11n, N,B,, June 28th,-(Spo- & great many people . . 1� ,and no Christian Cool- Stock, O r r ' I .-Anor t6,expeat it. ' 'I " on; r 1101 I slept MY no them put on UnifO014-for the first tim I r�� Condr .11ving'from poultry merely Imalk 4e . nlunity,6au -h' AbStly r and better, BY the time 1AW teaspoonful of chopp . t La 'r I clal.)-Auioug the mally,womou who they haVd this disgase. I Sayt fortu� �Dl 1-g'a4 4eclare itself froe. used hal ed,..parslay, Sal in their lives an lidtit'agq. Leggings . qt0- whou noted along proper 8, Ch "' , f a 'dozen boxes I felt 111M 4L 'Half- a Pound of red lbeaik�, on . . �. . Cla�lut they ower their health to Dodd's 'lately, because it.r is � Uri 8 Bronchitis. ii Urin "$O of spiritual negloot now woman awr3 - 111`00, Good 'stock and'equipment was, Kidney � one of the njost . -r.7 —i I � d , ,' my health had-'fullynre e -half ', sPura upstd,$- dowli; belts oiler I .? Otjoeat , e . 4.L NO gold' . mine I Pills, none IS more enthuslag;_, of all 'the so-called L itodr- - Ir ;, . lon'K perigd of years -the faot turned and� I could , . the crumbs. Grease a, clk�k r I _ . r . r ProPos'4tion, tid �than. 51adam Brung, D. Landry, a 4111tr=, ' * remains.'that L' .k do MY housework a tin and shoulder straps . ,no . . . 1 41810 Ono. . .. ­ . %,,,very large_element,ju with case. Jn view powder it witil fine or ' , 4 - h0en't au� _� I .. L ' I ,Ivp, held. before their -eyes, 4d� the high, I �, ..L; I By Breath(tjg the He' .ng Balsams of Otir 01%rn� -WO of what Dr, Wil- ­ u9bs (toast tign of who they 411 Aro,­ �, L I . 42041 I .. . . l . y esteemed resident, here , . Tic doulo I I all , as. 11 as in other natiol(q,, liams Pink . crusts ervished, are be,lt,f�r the pur- - . ureux. . ng expettg wore beginning to, see fqt'js WIth Vleullre is a definite dtiea�e CAtarrhozohe �bu' Are Cured Is trying.. ilj'�evr' ,Pills have done fpj.'MO*'I1 After touching -1 IWIO117., upon the- re- -of the nervous system, unlike so'f � Pose), fill It With tlis�.=J:iture and L , great that I ' . ArY Conceivable Way,JQr cafinot recommend them too.11 OVVIi rst -failure I , �-'r4-ateady_bealthy.growth In the bliii, dany ,r d1scOunt�,Oe','p4wer 6f religion in 4 1 I , I .. �16r'one hour. ft Of the�!'Scq.t;to force the I :* . . ll 'CoM,mend Dodd!a .Kidney. Pllls,�' 'Mad- �iisslzfg aches and pains whlch,are'bf� Without Uilniq Drugs p The best t ­ Y,;V bake In a moderate � , . a " - r. A little gr4ted Iemon:,.yoeI,,.,or a tiny I I am Lwk4ry i 'to Preach � goEpel of Williams Phik Pills is th.9 ... I Its, Whon he deol4i�d_,,that thb at�,, : . 1,.JUObW the -ye -were Interested, in: Whe�n' - . ., . tiobial Ili � time to beghi Stra say$, "I was Ill for'�h I I ,L,% QAA, � L - , 99,;,of a *udaen again due to Ong ten so classified. (Detective te,oth� I L .1 r' , apd.-kinktarial doctrineS NY feel the lout bit out of sor t. r u duty of nutmeg may,#� 44ded, nd Out the support of -an 4rM U � . . . I -, .. a great , I . ad me. . . secular STU in ... t I a tack should 'lot bOe, been madeL Willi- '40k­. p4i time, an?l nothing I took relley tor instance, may produce pains tha� Which t4e .. f4.,Wdly hope to or . . The It is worth noting that.16 .. , �.. * r 4 for all kind of stock, comtLs I-'Lread often of the good Dodd's Xld- fesemble in You breathe thio�gh the Catarrh- I _' eate. a. sooner you do 8 � .. - . shed and Y, a, d also . ; �; th i, .)n their severity the �tr'0 world , "" o the Sooner. you,will finely chopped ,pgrsl&yr.ata1kS Servo with the period O+tta,141bg in-ftyji,. ' L 1- I " that Is L . I .. I r p0hroom �breedar with cheap udY Pills did for others, but I bad not do douloureux, but the Ozone inhaler medicated air ObAfOrmfible to their limited ,regain your,old time energy, sy Sir Ian tells the 400W.0ild never,t6- r L t so are rem6dlill .ideas. dk�'e�if,%e 'we wbo 11pr for seasoning, which I"ii4Ahe green inoldblij 'of �Lt, . � . #11' great claims. The 350 egg mu; . -.011 of licallngi Soothing balsams, gall gurjk�'ka$�.' _ ou -pan I �. ,rr. LL . rMA ii*aln becoming over-worked., L Ch faith In them. . by dental treatment.) The digb9se f Chr, L Ofess and, got theft Pills through allY.mOdletne part for garnishing. *e?h parsley, be -forgotten L � ho lauding r . r , . I# the word -UtIlity,,',g,bIch -mean outik a box r . L � :'L , r . i 4 I �"At last ,after having tried a. lot Manifests Itself first as 0, sovere,'�aw. . stians" are dfan�dt�- 4ealer or bi mail at 010 C, on the Peninsula,!- � , , . r full of piney antiseptic essences that rically 64A6s,.W to such theories,, and . � ' however, should not Ibe used for gar- ., The 'Dr. nishing hot, dishes. This L '21 11OSSES a -of'other modicineB, I decided to give ,In the cheek Or Jaw, lasting for so XOsemble the air, ofithe Ifte woods flatt or, six boxes for ;2.60 from 1-1 EAV' � � ' ' ' ' thr&, dabks.. ,'This pt or O� 15011703,that they Can never William$ . r ey vapor be broug� .L �o �q Successful Conclusion." Out , may be r. - *JV*0�4ilf'to often IS tacked on fowls Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. The. re- 4ours or even days, The teeth mayfi,6' served With potatoes Itles, su;tained in , L '.' . t�Wl'_dt,ftIft_W1.e, t uti ift'the Adiron IN . dicine Co.j Brockville, The heavy casil-4 � .. . --1 0 -the de6ti I t n I L . ,�e . � ' -1 . L . _6 ul claims -are made for some .'If those who suffer from kidney may, or may not b .9 throats, It brings stipugth and health '!�%lst 'look at them atter 'not , necessary 'tile USU I , ". . . - 'Gulf has brought -me perfect health:' �Buspected and a visit t has a truly mafii�louR-aetton on weak Yet WO . . , vegetable. .Sauce is �ihd--, a green aU - an much per- i - . I , , , _ _0 , , �pnA .1 ; �. ,(' tilts action 0- ,e(I,Slr,,l ,W _. � ;8V -4 . sr 01 10�. L . � . ­ . I Ms. Indubstors that L are fe6l. ds6dase Will use Dodd's Kidney Pills, lief. . ring temporary re- squarely� .,%i.1d;.' .011 . the truth be 0 0 A — " The quantities given are sufficient to ' turbation, ospecia-thy.-a - . - rval the palit- nPalatable � "" I . I P *�; , But after an inte td the bronchitle, sf4ps that hacking u Must recognise the gray. ; A .Mev--. Bebooll. - , 11 six persons. I � I r Per cent addftion,ij�'strcngth to jo- . . r I ! L"'M' "Villa that whi MOO bens lay they 'Will find, them good and so4)n rjeturns and gradually, th lr�ltatiifg cough, pro4ats boars ­ 4i, , I - I I . _I egj@�,- et�.,.dnd In spite of tile,oft. be convinced, � as a Intorval'Ve- Ity Of th*!i1tu,dt1On, It we are to face I - ­�' . Place casualties 4 I have been, that OV and difficult breathint". You Can,teness - - _; ,Ad.nolt been brought �-*O,"ted'4016e of the leading potil6y they tween thE� attacks lesson, until sear' ' find the 011tl�rb4, a6 -we must do ..LAA gklmost incredible tufta�*O ,10f . ,L along, but Ills main Aifficulty. Seems ,,. . I L A, , . are -, the remedy for kidney dis- ly a day passes Without its Inflicii;id. abything1or weak -throated people on are pr,00176d kfi see Chill unless We ba, e_v- to bavo been to so4lipp . I kviefte *ho"il , .; thar humali-like irays of a . stlanity pro, fur an _bo6n is . � I a proper Sup- 1 L r". Ovt% 1. I flVe made good on their easO." I '. The patient is often unible to trade- eiith more-bereficl4i than Catarrho� e a u.deadl. letter, then it InustL be recorded L interesting volum Salads For.. , . Ply Of ammullit1011i,d0i ,,Wjr.j. 'Poddle Kidney Pills, ArB, no faith the beginning,of the t I p6ne. It ineais heiWn on earth to "' 4, I , : the big guniv . L r - . 'Pit � atruls and Plikuts, the L � beg' ,mi6 ' - rouble to any 4!Ith a gitcling. of our loins and gL "T'he NatuiUl History of .especially elghtoeW�pjqmjder . fiL-and at the end of tile Year, eqre. 'You don't have to believe in particular ca 4' . As the dise the man that has had I-rouchitis, igv.- calling tegotha rIca.11 Jack was a baboon '%,he '16r. I - 4- .'.up South At- I shells. - r 'L'tAfi8,-,,S4fe and Sane L -methods In them to find In them the relief ,you use ase pro- r of the, God-fearing . a..har The 8mmer Although lie doez,*.,�ot-il#�ctly blam6 . yor .grasses, however, subsequent attacks tarrh or throat Irrleatlon. You Will men and women of- every denomination '11`10 Year% previous to 1890, when I � . , JVL � .1. I . . shortage I � ltxy keeping are looking Mr. But if -you ask ur Very often seem to -be faVored'by,such rOa rolLthomis as under the banner' s, served `a$ unamer- .'�, I which # existed attor-'tho, 44nding, it Is , '� . :9 , ;IE'Alle, only thing to lize. thli the first,41me you use Ca- to an died of tulitkoulosi ' any one for the"'dviker6us obtained. L — easy to See that: . X46110w It 611c*6 1A to be neighbors they will tell you Cut of conditions as changes In the weather, tarrilozone which Is .a; scientific' pro- that stands as 'the orifla,mme of every study to a legless pointsman'. and Sig. These be salad daYi. . The house- Sir 1ko . , - :"06 Is no, Abort out to - riches In . their, own experiences of the work digestive clisturbatices, anxiet)r of paration specially designe , Is none too . . . . _ ." , : �.' - t rk§ltry keej! Dbdd'g Kidney Pills'have ally. d for diFl- Christiar�4i-thp Cross of Christ, nmlman oil the Graff Reinet Ifne called wife'ear, go into her.'gaTdM and got Pleased with the m4neg"la which his .. ,: I _4 done. I kind or sudden mental shocks. Wide, ,wheered him In a lorry ta and urgent demands . . . ,99- Pills at 50 #tcritq. a I __ - - - - I . I eases of the nore, throat:and bronchial L Disunion of forces ttt such a time ar, the wherewith to mii6*suit%J)1e salads 'woic �,treat6d. Ile I -b !:'Will not mak�r 200.egg la,yera;.4u. - � According to the severity of the tubos. Get the large gize, it lasts two this would be'disastrous to our great from his work, assisted him. tit hi's for every meal, Nothing, gives grea . ter cabled f- solrx6e �efftteert-poundor � . I or . ,I L Lt4ri -do not run themselves, and Oldest Tune in the World. case, the pain may. be confined - to one 111911thS, costs $y.00; iniodlum. -1ze 50c. cause, and tht',Ionger we hesitate in gard a , I Is house old pera- shells, and the answer which he ro- �, 0 For Ha's a Jolly Good Fellow" 'Is On n4l ft h ll O allY food tha o . 41*re Isimo ;6.41 net profit .per heii particular spot, in the face or,ja,w, or Sample size, 25c. All.Atorekoepers :.nd bur combined, attack and defence tiowi; and for years -worked -t�e 1'evors Salad adjunct. Here follo7, Some care. I I ,. ` , - I Calved told, l0ni �,Qlktt his supply of ­ � at 11 . . I .�,"On Commercially L Bald to be the oldest -tune in the -world. may be felt over a large mrea. "In 4 0 t t us every-, -withouty,errot,or ful salad recipes: cost Of, OUI *'�itnt��Igh grown With the The ,origin of the.e.Ir Is lost In: an- , lie druggists Or the C arrhozone Co. against the ene�)Y who has t6p signeLl station I ammullftion was,�jjetf&- calculated oit � p 411stauces it ma�'attaok beth -sides. of Kingston, an' d . " Where tile more devlorab e must be 4cctdi'llt, � I ' ... try, foods an'd ticiditY,- but A fsv�supposed 'to have . C Ala . ­ I ' I ' Ae w "A gentlema,il told 'me h6* SALAD Or PEAS the basis of a Ptolonged''oecupation of ' I I I .... - the fight, .Hen�'of all xaces rallied 'Un atchgd Jack adjusting a4r,51ley;.011 the Gallipoli Peninsula-4nd that the I . that,�,goes toward prorducifi'k Beis bui le d from 'the"anelent ]Jaby- confined to one. . The pain is of I The 4LIOUS L I der the banner$ of the Allies to ii I the rails 8 maker's Cot- Cook some peas until tender. Season matter would h .W1 the head, but more com,monly� it" is I . ., 4fid� P061try. Is it SILY wonder that I ­ arne �. I in front of lit � I A onlaus by the Egyptians, Wh,O'VOPU- distressing a nature -SI , I Head. - ghl' tage. them, With ,_)e,Dper ^ ,d salt, as usual ave to Wo.:teconsWered - . . idft �d*611ers 03tf about the p ten , 1. ,for the prinolples. of right Rgains This Job Completed; i.he. went . L If, after arrival ot'rollifdreements, the I As Burt M fA44 . I .0* It" It I - w4lk the It- Dardanelles wore not for I -Q-,poulfri and high cost larized�-It Ili AtrIca, and Asia Ainor can neither sleep n- ortharteatthe at t Taight; men of -all rell tnt,,the cottage for Wide's, When done and cool -drain off ILV4* , and 'S'O A Obild Xtot 1ead Thelm'. glon's under the g�d. eggs when they read Afabs .still Sing It. The Crursaders fearful does he becoing of proctp1taf_:. - . a6' common Cause against the: stick, which had be quid and turn into bowl. Grind an , ADVANCING ON TFIB (3114Ap. .;* *�'r�f " 'a ben, and with aracen . (By Beuja,m:n De Caseeres.) on forgotten, and , . L� I 1. � I ),A I to obtain 200 eggs fu'4 caught the tune from their S J Ing an attack that I eating, talking or Powerful combination that threatened on emerging he carefully looked the equal quantity of :helled and skinned tt concluded: :-"It la-Importaut ­K,'Ogg iill to rodace theni at 50 of Jortualom, The air was ultimately , , __ I I � - _-_1 . both key an1d'stick'to Peanuts, Add a little ihinced sour pie- push on.,, "NO4'v Votr'�"Dtgiop a . . I 'Some PR- '6110mles, and sang it under the *aIls : W , It � it , ' has got Itself to wrec!: 'the .1VIlization of the door and handed � , 2 I ,The human race whole � I ato the bad fix it Is In ,, degeriing world, they dlil not qter, who was , is I When the truth of the carrIa.' Into Europe, where It GurvIved, . I ;#J stop to Inquire his Mal sitting on the kle and _:ioug1,i salad. dressing* to kindly man, (103 I I PRO th-at' overbearing tm!t� I _� Iii various forms, among the folk songs PSL MARTEL'$ PILLS' __ ` the children, Into tbe� points' on which they dif- trolley." I � I . moisten the Ingredients thoroughly. !You,,. yet he GP-04ks ta us like this," , ' I L I .1 I 1. . ' L _i. i . L 11 .. . of the different nations. In 1709, after , -Its eyes are fixed on material pro. fered; theY Were filled with zeal for - __ ­ Chill and serve on cesp lettuce loaves. Says Sir Ian. '"00 survivors of our ,� ,j ­ , . 101010-00 -0-0.0mil" . V FOR WOMENS AILMEN,TS one, COM*On �Vhliss-and tile God of . A L � r I the defeat at Malplaquet, .the French, . g.ress, its heaf-6et on motion In the IteMove ThoseU934hily, V ' BAVARIAN SALAD balf-dead forcc3 are to :,Push on., . . * . lots . ands of women havier testified in ther I r empire of matter, It Ila Battles fat victory'into their hands. - . .11, I �- ;' 'TEJ Wff%ETb1$1S arts '� � . ,,, following 8, false rumor of the Duke of the healing qualities,L Sogs ,1"bs. forgottin " Yolk of one egg, on) I ' Whitehall seems to haVd time and to LLS.- A, Scientifl . evel table- I . �'L I IMMI OXTIC CAPSU Marlborough's death Ili battle, edm- of 6 the mag:c of its orig ,ldhood The - day.,'wag' won, but the. price -was ' By applying Putnam's corn, wairts spoonful finely-mince(k, onion, onb-;balf . . M � -L 1. , I d remedy for delayed and', 'V= ,: �Th, human being to -day knows all * Wart Extractor. it cu(res spare to 'consider my C ble' and to I .;; I or r" � a yaj= LES . a ..,rY one In life and treasure. What level teaspoonful salt reconsider my poriltion., Death tint, V _ths Standard . Posed a satiric lamaut, 1-1vialbrook Iti strurVon. ". only in'a Prttentiil Tin- price are.we preparen to pa -L and 1unionj permanently, Painlessly , one fourth level . ,. � ft or I Off tb the Wir." Like ift6st topleal nve-Cover x.,-AtyourD 'at, 0 Sports, he indulges 'j. JX a thouss"lid tain the Christian religion, Y to main- and surely., Eve teaspoonful each Paprika and. mustard, . . s " . , !"' , * ry druggist in Alneri- I diagnosis afterwards. ,.The War Or- 11 ��'.gk against MR- L �, ;� , � Phds-00". "*VFW 04404 songs, this one was of shdrt-lived Mail, price OD, Knicker cke tra p9atimes, I.= picnicking to liorse. �tdrlaliam? Th6e, is a g ca' recominends and sells Putnam, four tablespoonfuls Oily two table- I fica urge me to throw *brave troops � X I 5d"t". Lam"9% flouralsla Freal SL Raol Tor#aW Can a. ruggle a Ir �' 4. popularity,'but In 1781 it suddenly .1 r4bing; but he has forgotten how to Extractor; It's, the best, 2&c per bot- Yet once ingre against 'Machine guns . .t: I ,4bMd6cUW* owaderlbo them. echoed from one end of France to;` tho � pli�� going on'In the world Just now for the tle. spoonfuls vincgar, two CuPs-CoIC boll- in rodoillits, to do It ob the cheap, to , 1i 00't"Jft� 10 WI -9 ft W. T mastery Of the-ManY over the few In ad diced beet, one -head lettuce. Beat I ;=6 f0i Other.' The young Marie Antolfiette even - ,The play -spirit In ua Is lost . � I'moi �_ - - - I . I , 41 -vow. bY"ft%%Ud;2jgb6 ft : � smiling are only Performed with be- comparison who have owned and ex I - __ the egg Yolk, t!�en add the oigon, salt, do it withotlt a3king for, tIJOL shall that 11 I ftrw ­ W.- __ � 09',- ga*e birth to an heir, and the baby ,the greatest apprehension. cause we have�got too far away from - - Paprika, and mustard.. When well MIX- gives the attack 6'Sporting chance. I . I I 1. . - __ ____ . princes ifturse used to put her toyal , �qHARACITERISTic CVNDITIO�M. i7idren, Plofted I Land go*e . rnea them for their WNALES WANTED . don't say -they ar6'.wrong in so saying; , the heart empire of the ch . . . t ed add the oil . nd vinegar very slow- I , __ . , * , w . I - in . . 10 t, is that unless the are charge to Sloop, with the old song bf The pain usualIX follows ho have everything -to teach ui, and, . Thare,arez still drifting ines In the ly, alternating. Have th there may be other, *ay. out of it; but , fowl her village home, and- as the .course to whom we teach scarcely -anyth.*ng ' I North 'Sea � and a , lettuce At tI I it . - War. Office stand - , they am -being 7c- 'Washed and or!,-,,. Pile t . I . 41 I In the proper malumner a I . a he beet light- , L ' .ji . I I be on the wrong side I- if by' Magi of a, nerve or radiAies from a pgrticu- counted for. at the rate of about 10 ,t IY oil it, and Pout; ov�r the dressing, convicted of lieWhig gone liopelessly L . ; . wil rong side the song became the craze of -the day- jar spot where it is most except the ugly*art of gr6wing old . I . ;- . . I P__ . 1; 'Wrong ill their ostimal-es and prepara- � � , gar. - - . . Pressure with the intOnBO- eirly. This is to eerEify that fourteen years MOAthz Riflos have been stl0plied �to SPANISH SALAD I I I . finger on such. a . How. easy it is, w�en bile tHes to ago I got ,tile colrds of Inv lect lyflat fish0niM. itua others to dispo tiolls. For ,wejnmt have been hold , 11 lleariv 4evored 'it'd Was foi- about nlni� they maii detect. The -Ilsbir)beu are . � !. A-':ihalt should be made on all wild. H 1! "'Pot may start !Lit attack, thougli: glice ' pl�k up the falry-sto�y of our golden inollths that r,. a ,,$a of any Remove� the skin from six ripe to- UP somoNvIlere, surely; we must have ,. Oilms �or poultr�*, It is fuloldddlng`�o' Fi.F.ALTHY CHILDREN the pain, has passed such pressure May I 11Rd 110 11'6�,of I-Av 11;�nd. hoping that now the sea Is quiite matoes and- put in a ste'wpan -with one fought somewhere. . .days and Its trOulendous meaulngal 421d tried other Ljniment!?, also docio r the I . Otboriviso .a v " 46 1-6iilaner. The breeder of a% be without such effect. while'the at- 'Every child's Innocent eye and wa.�, reepivin.ir no beni-fit. By rs", . ,' whales onion and three sprigs,of Parsley, the child's J)ox of tin soldiers, , a ,t. by - part- schools 6f � bottle -nosed a 11 .9 !� 6."e nbrer gets caught on Itheso. *lid- . tacit Is On the Brightest thfilig may . Is ii that . .. -persuasl6n from r6 friend I got jjjll� . two latter chopped fine. Add a good Post, would bavo licen,junt the thing I DIU o enter dta ,X,Ingdom, t - , . ARE HAP"TL CHILDREN serve to increase its severity. The , " ARD'S MbUSTEN2'T and used one b6ttio. turn and help dispose of the rema' .ning 8 . � 14(64�fftlft- The beginner Still, seems r \ te Invitation t Used to haunt the North Sea -will r.e. !zed piece of butteri salt, P for the Dardanollex landing NO; it � to.. play hookey with the stupid sort. wbich cohl*016telv mlii.pved ine, ajid 11ay.e as I . epper to . . i'4J;lfkod# ul insd Awe, Oqj oaog�40, 01 1 -17. mere act of swallowing the saliva,, 8. . min taste and boll 20 Dissolve a -hes n * 0.0ness for our grown-up days and been usill,9 'XT,N'ART)1S . - �� 10, iva th* . -t119 slight touch of the hair or beix'rd, ta'k faniftp 6ver .,flnce and find it, the teaspoonful of cornstarch IW a little fact that peoplo" who have niadt , 06 ' . 1 40M - � There are mallY good broad- The well child is always a. happy XANT'MENT in � " minutes. Is not the advie that i joij., . In.L vni li&omo again as a child. Int. as Vhtm I first used It, and would DIDN1,T WANT DXTCKS *,�' milk 'la 0 44. I 110M. the beginner . �never be without q, - so-call6d ut"llty fowls-ftour Child -it Is a, babY'a nature to be h&p- In ga, breath of L cold air, each Will "A little child shall lead them," to and add thisi stirring eontinual!r. mistake, and should be sorr,v, slur I I I . * can ,purchase Vy and contented. Mothers, if -your serve, and in Consequence the,patlefft '. : Cook two minutes and remoi­t,-jrOul over JuNl api)Cal for tIldL stuff advance�s I -*'-- �-�Wksj %eggs or stock, The is reduced to a condition of lbot a theological truth, but a pay- ' I L I I ,; 'I - leading' little Ones are CrOss'and eevish and extrdme 011 A vJ11496 in Staffordshire a lady, , the fire, then add three -eggs,'beaten are mado of, and yet 6ontinub to urge, ' � , p I , ISAAC E, AtAIIN-N411 I � i� aZ.01Offf,-,hB,ve goods that are all thAt apprehension, When the pal 0Q6gical and physical fact. I L 1, I cry a great deal they are not wall- a Is felt Atetapod started a poultry farm withlolid hpn very lightly. Add a little more salt. 'as 01, ft, of we were hanging back." . 'Arth .iliimed for there. Many cood In- they are in need of modicinq-some. In the Mouth,'watar, either )lot or q!heso Uttle darlings, elves out of Aug, girt, 19og, . fag� P.O., and thitteon eggs. Not having had Serve on toast, . LilgS ON T11.04 -MAP, . . . cold, sometimes Booms, to aoffie HYperborean world, with the , '. the least 6 , ;tperlence In keeping poul'. FROZEN TOMATO, .9 . 101113i�tOrs and broods Can be purchased thing that will set their bowels And afford re- . Not long after- writift .-this, Sir lati , i s ents hot .. try, she fn4, -red of a friend.)i . SAUC19 . � #tr0k* tirma that do not claim they­villl stollach in order, for nine -tenths -v�Ator purly hair jknd the bell -like voloes- I - . . . This Is most refreshing. , reel and Hantilton received a ciblogram from . ,eh all Childhood ailments arise from a ,to ' I 6 - ­ I ., OW long I Lord Kitchener urgihi, him to pro4o � . ; ..)Wch every egg placed In them (will of IS Preferred, with .others cold, ' The our - children --:-can tak us by the " I I eggs ganerily 1-ook .0 batch. she L I 141--�40ft'thaft the hen Can do, or that diaoidered state of the bowels twid mperature of,tho'food agaim will'bo -hand ,And reahn. re thkworld, - I I .- received tqo reply. T 11 41, chop rather fine half a dozen ripe, - - t � 1�1 . Own ends; but there Is *no relig I Three, we solid tomatoes; season -with salt, white oil to Achl Baba, and here here Seoul . Att 8;0 foot proof. I stomach. 'Such a medicine is Baby's 'Varied 'by different patients acedrd- t All life Is P. make-lelleve, otud It 18 ji�i IOUs for chitkong and four for du;�s.,, � to have been the roots o� a Very wide � L� Own Tablets. They are a mild but Ing to their experience of the effects ly the 1114ke-bellovAB world si ndlilb behind It. ; , - he pepper, a tablespoonful. of tarragon I None Of the lftditig brands of tests ,on f tile - old,jady Mat her friend SOMe tifilp . difference upon ]policy botwooll him oil I ., . thorough laxative which regulate the Of heat or cold In the mouth. kiddles that Is the true Brothekhood,'hot war, is the need of later,, and, on being a8"ed ' how the vinegar and a tables'poonfttl of some 11 one side and :q*flh 200 egr. hens. by the use of teed one. They the day! a brotherbood whnse face is te Lord Kitchener and Gen - I have gone into these sympto are'the m0mlig of the world at Poultry f9im was going re cl: - hot meat salle, such as, Worce'- r- eMl Sir John J,J'aXJVoJ1'L Who 1. W14 at ur set against eVil,".and whose alm ig 111911 $ up solid In Wil !ei I inanding in EgYPt, on the other.08ir , I 111090,'Or'4o brooders with a reputation, boWelso-,Weeten the stomaelt,and thus ose Zilgdom come Is r 'Oh, rvq finished .0110 I was c al - ,00m. that every chick purchased will 1111"Ve -Out constipation, colic, indigis. length less for.,the benefit , of th door, Ki eaclied C)by and based on t t. th - At the 1�nd of tion; break up colds and simple afflicted by 'tic douloureux -they ltrA,vollitig backwird to them. 40 durIn0ID!Aq ot Chris rie weeks cream freezer. When -hscrd ,pat ,� -)ft� W *go.- Beginners are led to ex- fevertl know them lanity. It should be Lie taSk Of­tILe` there wora no chicken#, f 31, ked 111 Jall'H COMMOut Upon this is: "Old It. I I Peet too much and the reaction harms and make. the baby healthy and likpiry. Only too' Well-lifit for - We oDeak'of the children growing th so I took tile hen off, as.1 or molds let stand tw9 hours In `th* whole :ndustry. 'Truly, if some nto suppos- ducks." .; salt and ice; ',*-Xcn turn on crisp n ousands of members Of thd mail's didn't want 'S' I-, w3 r�gbt .rain. here, but a little bit Concerning them, Mrff, Albert Hamel, thOSO who iiiaY be misled I jup., They never do. They grow down soa4eties attached to our churdheb...to I 'at- , after the sholver. Had lit a d Alax. ., lug their particular form of pain � JSL Ito us. L,tha A— 4. 0 � tuce leaves. Serve with Irspoonful oil well tullibled to the real I � '�Ohe 011LIMS one sees now and thaw Plinreville, Quo,, writes:, "Baby's symptomatic 01'this distre - help on the work of spreading mayonnaise, 1. ., . , Situation , **,* ,rue the Own,To,blets are the best modicin:9 I Sling dis �tiller!8 Worm Powders act mildly NN -lion I first saw with lily own eyes .. ,re would b ! It is WO who need to -karn the Light of,the World among their follow I ,,,VUMkt, and the high 'Cot)aStg1naft inivitnhgo know of for little ones. They relieved case, Any doubt an th UbJect may I'Magi art of growing up to thd ch1l. men, helPing and encouraging by their and Without ]"Jury to the child, And POTATO SALAD the lie of tile land instead of the Iles , 0SA could come down. so in At4rktug , be settled by ,medical a 13 luation, dreme i example, and acting as valuable' as- tli,)re. _�fr d6adlr. Ordinary 'pitato sal e , my little girl' -from constipation ,when 6xami L , van,he no doubt of th ir maps, and had they let me . . .nothing else would and I can strongly There are few troubles concerning . L � � L -4--4w- slatants to the olergy. effect upon; worms. They have b6dft formed Into all a,ttrattive Rod appetiz- have the brigade Of (Wgrkas I aaked � , , , try 'operations one Should stop, recommend them to other mothers. 1, Which Paticftts -are so liable to dd- . . Blit It Must to borne Ili mind that in successful use for a long time and Ing' dish by making -Vrenkh dressing - for , . . these homille.j about the I and listen. Purchase 90od quality - The Tablets aro,Aold by medlef Delve themselves as those, which are � religion Is not helped by a more . : ate recognized as a leading .Vra`Pat8- And pouring It over two cups of potst. , 'Urgency of golzing Achl Blba Would bo , �,thf k, tOg for hatchingorsto ne, deal- Produced by bad tooth, Pass' tion for the purpose. -,They have ek from ore or by mail at 25 cents a box from Every farm Cares Constipation Iva aCCOPtallCO .of Its ImpOrtan too$ cut Into small tubes. HORP the We should be th(we 0 MaltO a rpgular business Of . . beside the mark, seeing, ,It, The price ma�� The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock. Of Septic troubl6 Produced by decaying I L world-fa&or, There, is it vast, ee aa a pfdred their power In numberless mixtUrs,,Ou B, platter wjt� a border Gitting on tile top of it. In the ma1- � o; higher tbaft ex. �flla ant. teeth Is Persistently retorted to by In a Sen'thle W differ- cases and 41ave given, relief to thous- - I -ter of giving, X. is but -it on the model ? ay - once betwoon active and paigive church of ,lettuce leaves. On the ta-13 of the 41acted, ;Out thO'raAftItA In thO long ran ­­ ­­ ' I them as "uellratgilt," A kind,of glaw- membership, and It Christianity Is. 'to ands of C411dron, Wha, but' for the 'Of Pharaoh; uOtlliftg less than the L . -vilt )VAtIfY the extra cash outla , I ___ I ,or seems to hall gabout the term, I I � Potatoes at each entl Sprmd small 7 Slang "Ong the Andentil. A touch the daily 11fe,or the People at* good offleft of this aup6ribr eon first born of the nation will MaLe 'JA*ft to exp"'t the real rosulta, Te. palpably Swollen h(ce, ,,,gum they Work While' You alaell.. p6u L' L ' 1. 011bgs Of locetg divided oil I 0116 side by i boi #," nd) U14 1 continued -Wtak the riced whites c? bird- uarter-,,And W I* nave m .-'-.w-* "tftthatht," e9ch and at( ate porsst- , themAlves In all p and utifee, I LA, . � ,bolled 6gga )A000ioring that no mattor how igood cost ohly a Q lirge, its OtgallIzItlohl' must bpstlt him Buffer his subjects to depart from L , ossible *ays t6 rid I 09yPt; alid A.axwell soc,,j eye to, Oyu - . - -An ancien li dern glaul Apolly Brit? _*,*�*_ . And on the other OA6�,by 11 ri d 1, 10 1W96 for 'hatching are that not g entir regarded 'as nouralghL., Allyt jig . a Lasting . � le to 0".rw ow) to Idiom wag mentioned r6cently by T. 0. that Serves to put 6ft that Visit to the , theMselveg of the' indications of im- , . L I , , . V , fertll#, or every fertile - Rtsults Potence to touch the hearts of the tie Works of POW* yolks, gamished Wlth'41#ttuce svfid With hilii-this- Is natdral. X6 Word I . . itt Egyptology at dentist Is taken advaXtag I , sprigs ot Parsley. �, I Of the W111W 4ftd trench Mortars I OW *111 hatch A 4b'-+ e of. Thia , ,. � ,k, tVerY elifek PeOt, the lecturer . " . , %rxtty, He salid thlat 19. ill its porvermt wily, re&dgbrl1Ag; for well, As predept that th# Xinkdool of I L An 0,11 fo; X11, Aen.-The sailor, the ! oucts, are COMIng ift 'llberalls, now. Agbab#4 will not r`�Vh Inaturity, and lf"cheater UnIvc People and to prove by example ts : aolied for wx wv�kg ,ago, but the ,biq,,, . 06it,tititt, dWWIll h6t all bO 200 egg. th" EgYPtfalig always used the i,erb 110 sufferer frOhl,trub tic ddalour6ux W It only thkes 0110 night to Prove the thibro rejymins to us "to "do" In referring to A vi. Ondtr�,workiftg POW(it Of Dr. 11slinil, GOA la it real one. I at dl1tY,-,Of soldier, the fisherman, t)iti,,, luinber- , . - '04- Atit PrOPOHY rAr#4 for the 00r. Bit to a would over neglect.4any 'form of treat. tOlVA Pills. They aNi"A116 Smodthe All ChOrdlift can and must preaDh detrice ,,and Vresbrvation; liiid therd Mail, the Out -400'r laborer and all who , - .- 0 0 1 faL I 4 A"-'OnAuIlItY OtOek -will prove a eoun(ry, Just as An Amorlesat to-ilty Mont that pr6niJsed relief or a Curt, easiest acting laxative yet devN6 St, the facts Of the Christian religion whith ii open to �ug also a noble pqrgult, io oft exposed to, Injury And thi Ole- TAXI.NG P1WC,i,VTT0N8. I . r - kind that a child or delicate WO1114tt the ,Ltu * wit - I I -MA11 6A6, There MOLY be short cuts speaka of "doing" Parls or London. Th britigs me ,td the subJect 6f t Oat it, the are heid In Common by itil branch#g dt whitli.the � pirit of ,the ti M?Jnts *111 find fit Dr. Tbomas' EcItc- . After this It ,w& not surprise us to , mett, . I , AD, ebts In Other Ifftm. but poultry, Iv6f1AAI -Clbureh. Thtm must (b# Strongly trI6 Oil a truO and faithful friend. To 1'IAJ)otontgftbeM, oJily.bylelloWing learn Chit use With comfort. . " - lie was luii4hln,� Ili a dowato�vjj that Hannibal 0oftsidereil his TRZATME.%;T, tht, SvIrit.ot brotherhood in ChrfAt) aul Invit0s us,' h till after�the isoondwy rusil Ava., 1i J16t us "'rAildd t 0 ArtS of ease plin, rollave, colds, dross wonudg, '"Le' ' lit . ovc.r.,i(i.nd boltil t1lb on v diner thoug)it . veditiong as nothing more than 110 me st4td at OILOO ftt drugs, fsfttc*IY afkd safely with Dr. Hamiltola th I Pelice4fid1the works of peace. 14t ug 1116 rliell tlltt , �voul� it ; A, 14fe and sarie policy can ,ont ,gue. ex, . YOU can cuto Costiveness quickl yJ0 the feell?) I "Stunts," or that the Roman populace though irequan , 9 at 41 Are Working to. aubdut lumbago and averco - ), tvo qufalc 3crj?lt:L,. . ,!teed, i W recommended, are Pills. a gather for the o6z'Aft good� d0volop ill$ resources of out land, call tiatia.m. It ha&, no tqual. Thereforor, A. att.,,Out 0';�Dsed nad Atli) no rl4v - .n9DIX4 VP POWT.R. "�RS rAtllar annoyed when Julius Cites- Of little permittient,11go. T I or ­ forth Its #0VvOrN, build up ita inAtitu. It should have a pl#46 in all bolKt ,of food, 14(i %M(d1l0d Ille cloak awl Damon a, Certain -r4llef may, be Obtained Or W48 "46ne In,"-Manohester Guard n rd tl Headaches 'You can banish for a ,bu*t """ i holl 1116 hand Adult foivis requ;re pr&4ctlettlly it . tions, promote aIt Ito great IfttereSts, .4 politted to .1 61010al'ti.1 lie im we - COUSON Atthma. VV61i. t lit- modicinto and those taktu on a jour- �N' -Ativid It no lotiger. '6wordist, during the latteolux period, .by large doseg ,of � quinine, And otlij� 1:16 &,00 aftd'Aea*whethOr *6, ajig6 In,gur da . � 1, Could . -a W r IMP41irAd ftestlOft You can prMpt- ck too aiiiall to Sea will load y ney. 1 . . "Waiter," ho citlied. "what tinio does, - $6 �;� .- , oplittes. In the earlier stages of the rostore. NO young and taPidly growing birdei Thoy Clea 40116 th6y Our soribe somethitig.*orthy to be Yfflhttubere4. . ,1.11 L I I no" it tolerablo amount Of 0 � C46, d.- difsegAd Such cautiter-Irrit4uts, ah'they ly Logo 6t ttlip6tite is to , to agoildeS *htch no words, can do. and �gofteAdloft, May;wot Perform .6 - tilts '01ttee close " 11 I xer Thn _plftcod by a ' Tllb Walla of the breathlAx ONM 33XrTMR. ' ' "We stro 011on until miallight." tho " "OL4putig Just wh, t0lbOs'e6ntratt and It seeing as it thi ­"aftid W68ter, S (ClUveland Pledil, �be&ldr.) . Ivaller w,plied. 10 thOy aro'b�lllg Y090016 rOffilmlluds 0.1 witich tire eall#d, u caustic paints m4y at. k0end6sirb to eat, , . "' In a voloo of Illuch tenceril 11116 diner 0 'a i 40 I - - '%rrs' ("daPur 14 d"P" chagrin6ct-'o tlivq mAvil: - ditlon *. .T. n * "Will you be coreful 'lot to look mo � fftf�sht*d -off. ,tile most ttudp P1%rm0'lV8'ff V�09041)16 Pills aro com- ford temporary relief. Wher the The blood is entialled and l'Oddibn vtry life Mutt Pilots, f1tdift thlA ten- "WhAt's the troublel- , " ,,* Ml�at Pollilded, Mainly dALlidellon and �uaii. L Whethee'tht corn b8i of 614 or ,At " % drgkj�, clear the Igiomag,+ nd 1 te,5 itr and ur bull , 1% Aftared ftom tOW18 that havb beki paroxygmil of p*In firo irregul ed, in bOu'S"UOucOL You , , lCellogg,x Asthnut "Sh6 thought *hon 1!Nlr, P,hda Ift.10. � Are given now grOWth, It fflftt yield td 14011 WA7.8 K 9 Aing lial! . . . . a n : toul arttively , Inf ltoffledV briAga th.q user to peffA§ct . itrage thpoLble of hou�f F 4 ( # , ,. �0461ked for rk tinlo, boeius6 their ti,Xeg ,of delot6rIoll$ mfLtter Alid 're tll D r04ftent, spraying Strangth and Vital energy. ' , rt'"t anti 11mIth: It relieves t CWn ,09re.A46 simplest'and boo Motor e&rm, I slotollil", Qua,11tets for .__-_-01��_­ A . L: f6m want Of #xOr. %t*ML the d '� he L witl , 44VO gr6,Wn aoft f 01 seat of the pitin With, Athyl-ohlor. Polks Who are halt �jcky $apt of run _018� at cure � OW.' Wh*fti r (ftnged Orgift to hftlth- , 000rod to,06 publid. 0-hituffours in thii ,.%6onlicl moroy. thjLt,1 : tal fttiou. ,tgy,. a8tabli al breathing Is firmly I . thb h0es of all th46 uolkhb&A IlAd boon I APId fattening is destrod fdo 19 oftoft b6hWel4l. This should doWn, lacking in spirits Ud Ono mages it -Ad norm If We look back UP01i the uslill 1.164' ration Obuld eono;st largely of remedy f d agitift. Hu,ftdrMs bf ,+,as- 4--­-4-� 1 voill u of our le-,Ihijm. wb vhAll fir.,1. . , HftceI th6Y are the best UVOr bG urkdeftken exotpt under di- thOMOW116 th1d A fty'N toll ahauas timoll 8" To L IU' A 'OtUT , W11111i that wo aro Moro Influencod by .the ,,-r Ials- received tinnually .prove It$ � , 06 Dat" ZMly. bit*, nwtt door# ­ " .. I ­� I I Lstbolt I , f -I; I * 'Tholise re E&",dk N's hi i - '.0 rA_RT r 9ALZ Pi ;,�, [,mv vrepare . I, �,, ,� 8 , IN nstrurVon. pw I Hif BO � . 'k , , q] V a . , , I , , ft , ., , T.. , , . , , t I � U46Y M641, fttt, buokwhGat, Or ItWittlitift O'KI1411116 46- 'red'. Medical, a4vice And dirsetiou. mind and body-thoa ho, TJ*OL AV6 bullab"16111we"1211htilyl slid day. A trial Of th6M Will 166t0lish 21"tricity . has *Igo been 40ployed who tall be res poople aftettiveTwS. oft 44 Cardboard Wraopf ­­ ­ -'­VYT.11 frequent rgeurrt,ftce of objects thka " . .S,04* 10091, but -t Ahould nOt be for tile truth of thio, ,"sr torod by Hamiltonvil ,&�1440��� At #Ad Many mothorit hAV15 r - a , As , on to bltbs .., � . 'Wtt" that "Haty fg 1119MY OldftblA %bre, t,6 eouvilWo don and do I*ith varying r#Sult# in minor es,%eg. pilljj to vigorous health that *ill but. , place tb6 i6atkaga, of ,datts in A warm I liv tbelt. welplit and Ittivortmoo, a44 tut ailing thaft 11by- ,'Th6�. Are r4ilrolding thid Man t6 ovAu'-for & few minutoll Tha, papar u6ther araval Worm -that habit ba8 Moro fored it* foL The Oply Tollime .Mrm of trfttment age. Got & few 26 t0t boxes 'Pri%oft," "That'x all right; lib li 19Xtermlilutor, tMigg It tb* &W,titt is td b46 vitintall,#d, It tht,fig that ft4 'b# *VltkA& of *#,S# L lot major eases in that of rafttotl op. of H% nomeW off Ilk# Mile haraet�ra than out oplu,,oUll li$Lyg. : '" *A It6*4ur, a O" plan, to " .. IttOn's -to aftd the dAtiamd Ars btfttlme It haig intlltved ths Ittell '0111* 11 'T_._. 1. - - ". -, � . a Pills 044, sold eyery- trtift robb4r.'1--,%" rtae;aea 03,tt I Soffafied 31alt ouguo f4 edYA6 itpart "d oftat of sworfu ud WsAt t%&m Vhl- ,in, I , 1 ' , ­ " ," , � . � . - Ofttift, TUA Milulr#& to be dotis by Whord! . ' n I tiaturally taht3 ill tolik 11 . , . . . - . I . . .�.. . � 11 1016. . � . � � . Stott owlz *Ithottt t4flar at tu U*athz ., _ . _ _ . . "'I "1001'�*10n fV0111 'R'hAt It hablt. . - I ­ 10911�' t ulitftllp tat t��,.---Jtv btrt 1.1111. I I . I � ­ . � % I . � . . . ... I . " I I .1 . I . . . � . I I 1�.", - .� A " 1-1-- � I . 1. ,4"1. .�11 � � . ,,, ­ ',.� 1111. � f ­ - � . L A I I 1;, . . ". I / , . �, C IL , - I . �, A I I I o. . I I I ...... L - I A.I..- I'll .t ­ !,�, � � 1. � - - M_ AAANA�� I _,.,��."Ig-,,.