HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 241
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1,111, y 71at ile i-7, - .;c , ASLES - I
1"11W Janat4lui scat the buy AW0 7Zt I 7 .
- mIrt, be Along with David, ..., " W , 1:5, ! - li.. , . - I" . ARKS TO FIGHT I too ME A ,, ' , 1,
. fell on his face to the xrouud.,- li. . I '. V" I ra 61 V
I Jonathan .1 -,"' , I .11 ... 'A L 1"' S M W
I . " , 1, ,$ "$", L
Dayid showed Ili$ respect to . 6 .
I., ,. ,(791, 1
Z .as to A suporlor in oriental ,ityle by . t., 7, _.: .1. 1" I ON INCRUIR
W 1 f4lillis upon his Ruees And touching 1113 . 4 . .... , I., . 1: . H YONA ,I
I..: ..:.,.
. .._ i
3:0 . forehead to Lite groull. d. three times- : I .1 , .. I I I , ....1-1.-_
, , I . I. L STAYS 9EAR
M * A I v"Meful to Jonathan ,_ .... . 0 .4 4
X -10y Y 5a. 1#JV f I , .
SUNDAT 81.1110014 1XISSONT 1-1 for his Interest in him and thus ex- . . I . , Only by F orce of Arm Will
I pro ,vcd Ilia gratitude and Obligation. I ,
July 11th, 19.00 1),vid excoeded __Davld was more deal)- They -Yield to'Greece
. IV moved than Jolia.thk1l. Ills weeping
Jonatban Befrivitils, Da,;!J I ore Abundalit than thRt Of his 1 .1 : ... I
W n4- (__,.jdllAthan had I 1 ,, Rep
I 6aximet 20:1-40--.00:3.0-12. ir"lo' . 42. go la Peat' , sayo. . ly to Allies' Treaty
made it possible !or David to esCaPr- .1 ..
Cloutuientury-1. Covenant between ,With his life. we have sworn. both Of . ", 11 -W , Demands.- n
David and Jonathan (ve, 1 3,3). David 'to I : 1. "! . : I
, __
. us -David and Jonathan had sworn 4.. ,
became colivinced that It was unsafe ea ,ave 11 0
,ch other to be friends and to It I I.
0 1
for. him, to continue In Glbeab, t'le regard for eRch, otlier'o gAmIlies. the . . . rarls, July I. -The reply of the 0
- F
' LOrd --- !rho . , 11 a deleg,ation to the Alltee, con -
seat of Saul's govern be between XAG 411(t thee ..
, ment, and he fled ::. I Ttirk:sl
ter a4mlie,. A R41*aglil a few. -miles wc-t Lord was called upon to witness the .1;.:;::.F11-1` . .... —_ I ceru!ug the Turkish treaty min1wizen P
1 school ad , — - . . . . . . . . . . . 0
of Gibcall, where there was a vow that these fattliful friends b Turldsh reu pouslbi.lty for the wvr,
of the prophets. "Saul had learned Made. They had love for and confl- . THV 1ALLOCK BAR RAQKS. rccognizo.4 the Ilew Stat" of Polalld
where lie was And ,.Coritinueol to seek dence Ili each other, and. besides thl", , pEPENDERS OF K14V -
e big life-. David fully realized his dan- they each had love f9r God and faith The siege of the 'Kilmallook Barrack a, Limerick, hnQ been one of the rioist desperate peri6da of Hating In Iva" Jugo,Slavla and Czecho-;Slovakla, 9Z t
ser, anol returned all and - hows the five b rave defenders o.f Kilmalloqk Bar- Also tf
to Gibe In him. land, excepting that of London derry. The picture s . la, Indepolidenea of Armoula and I
rsought an lutorvleW witb , .his trusted QUBSTIONS.-To is,ho,t place did Da- raqks; who. were promoted after a desperate battle with odds ag alnut them. Lef t to right,. Con- liodjAz, It rccoaulzLw the pr;1t,"-tor-
. I .
( I friend, JotiAtban. "He asked lihit what, Viol. go from Naloth? Po what frioul stables Feehy, Holmes, Sullivan , B21,11le, And Barry. I ate of Franco over Tunlala ,and Mor.
ho7 bad done that Saul hduld seek to did David tell his grief?. In what way - -4 .. i_ I ,unces Turkish r1glita to
, , I . , 11 .-_;::,-;;;
,slay hial, jbiiatban at,srred David I did Jonathan show his friendship for . . " I. . I 'r: .. , , __- 7 .1 ."", *, , i 1 :%': -.!.:; ,. i -11- .. occo, and ran;.
, -1 , * r - . .... I . .:,..,., I 1. - lanolf" in tile Aegean .9ea; #_+
, , , ,' 1, ! , . - .. ,_.:_,',_%A;. ... . 1. 1. I.: : .,. . I . . tile llb)'U Is. I
that his fathed Would talltO David? What plan was made to find I . .. :. . I - I 1, r, : ' ..',.. ., 1: .r I I.. I ;, , .
no step : :;.*, . '' . 1.s !, ., I. .?, ., I' . .,:. ,,. . I .. 1.1r.
. I . . . . I . I.— '; ". . I i .1. I.
:: - w - . . .. . I _ . I .1 ...
WIthou ,bout it, out - Saullp attitude , toward David? ::. I : , , , T.: ,: . , . . , , . , 1. _t, 11, . _ .. _ 1 . ."" , r, ' . ," 1. ... .. lepeudeace of Syria,
-.t letting him know a '. . _ .. I- , I' q3 1 " ,..:, recognizes the into
I I .. .1 ; - , , .. , , , ,:. . I _-.1 .."i I .: . I - , I , '.
and be, vm-il(4 repor,t to him any da" How did Saul feel toward Jonathan? . . :.::. I , , .1 .. I . * , ... I 11 . . .: *, , 1. , . ",.. ::..:_. . e. . . . . I - * , .1 ,.
. . . , . .1 .. . I;_ V. , . . ' ..", I . , , I - -, X a -aicetine, and
. .: ',*,:. :,. , ', , V . d, , , I'', I . ;; : .,: - I .1 ""Opotamia and i
, : ... . . . . . , o - i,.,r , ,,, , " , _11
. - -1
"Ight have ag let David know , . : , I 1, . , . , . I : . . '' :,." ".. , I :.,. , .I. , il, , - .. 1:'_ r . . . , _ , : . . , . 11 I "i
signs his father alust now did Jonatl , .. . ... : ,.., ., :4 !: . ' . I , !, i:li,. . . : .,_ !, '. ilaull%.d ; .111 vgat ut " pt. it rZ
. . - . I ,.
1 . I ;"" :, .'' : , .* '.:, ' , . ,
I that Saul how I= I 1. I . ' I : ; I .. . .";,. pr, 7 -. ' ' 1, . , tile rignt S
, .
I 11m. David was . ;are Saul felt t -word himl.' What . - 1. - 1. .. , : _; I ..... , , '. ,; . 1 .".,., .,.4. ",::....:,.....' ::.;., , ., .X , rocogu.zot. - a or, Ureat Bri-
- 1". , ; . .. - . .,.,& .", " ," , t4an art the Su z Q4g.al and tais in -
.1 . ", . m.5:4 .:. : ., . ..
I knewof Jonathan's friend *tip for him covenant did Jonathan and David .... 'L _____ , , ;;; M-. aA ',I ' ..',',: ;"., .:;. *, .,;::. ,: : -:.,-,%, : -.1.
-and saw. In that fact a reason why make? What. was the basis of their ii '1 Z I Gail, ,tad- Also liritiwi annexation ,,O i,, `
lie would not reveal to '10'nathau'lits, friendship? V`V-Nm,,- the Islan is or Imbroze, 'L enedow Le
plans to cauze DAYIC's ,death. David PRACTICAL SUnVEY. .1, lww, Samotarace, Xytiloue, Was, I
go . ,ve utterance to Ahe memorable Sanloa and Xikaria.
between Topic-FrIendalilp, what it Is. and . '..", was ropLy proteot,i agaJoirgt the al
. words, "There Is t4t,a 'qtep what It does. I ...
ine; and death" (v. 4. .Tduathan Y.'as . ", lotinent of Eastern rhrace to Greece, U,
. , ever he 1. Jonathan's friendship, . , .:1 ... I .. declar!ng that it, vlol,atos the priu-
, . _..,
ready to do for D,$vld What IJ. Unconscious service. .. , , ..": -.1.1 iii .*.',. . iI .'..'.",.-, , =="Y_711_17 ;.g I.- : . .....
, . . ,: .-
-1)AvId Plana i .", :. fo.:., ',!7z.)-,.,,.,V'-.--,--,.:, ...! ., !, !;;;:;:._ 1.:
4 - .... . . : .'j . ;T.,;%.: ,::1! :
ed a , .. 777T., ...,`..A .;,
destreil, andt. when , till I . . ..... - " ;, L,% ,,' ;.,; ;.;:;:, O, ..... ..... .1 1. , titles, and the secur-
David's departure. I .: ... :"::, ,,--;:.;. Ll' ,' '," .V, ; :: .;.. -:;';,;'-,.: cima or nationa
eat attl- .::,. I " `.`. . :::;-..`,,_ ' F'... -'s-,
.. . ", ,!:;-*,A,'.`- ,.'::!;4-' 1 ..-.
'' . . . .. ity of Turkey ,p.aclug the (Ireek tron-
, ,:j :, . ..
Xest to determine situllf) 'pres I. Jonathan's friendship, There is - : ; '-* L"." : ...il:,:: ..' .'. ..,:.*., -.,* ,.,.-.- .i::. : :;, ...:. ,. . .., .
- - _ .., . ..., t.f..j;.?
_ 1_ . " ,,. ..
._.l , . . N ,;. vp
I ..: ,, : ',. i :. . .. 11
. , ;' , i,. 'i' ,. ,.:i , ! ,:...":: '-.'i; .- :,--,.,-,- , .-; l- -.;i i,: ,,_ -;-, ',. f..%, -
. . .
him, Ito readily consent- on record no more striking example of . I . , -Mi !i:;:. . ..rl ... 6.,10;,_, ... . - ".":., '-".P-.,. ;,7.,...,.,I fier witala cannon raPgo of Coustan
i i ;:,.,.;i . 1 4 or , R',.P,,',4 ii""', tinoplg It Potato out tilat Ureece has
con, or on _...X ;;;. ...._L_g.. .-' ;_ ,.! - ;' I "',*y' . :0..'. 1 : .
: , . . _ .,.;. . ;. . '. 11 ,
I od.tQ do his part. The now in ., noblo-thinded, unselfish frlendshili ''. 1.
I , ,,,, `. i-.' 4 -,.., ,, :i '.: .",.;,:,; .,....:;* ,.., - I I , a atroijg aruly and navy. while the Ov
--;;!i.-.. i . , i * ,. '.'M..,Li -. :,"'...-11 ........ .. . .. :
. '.... 01' - , .... -
I the begli-al:::; of tbp nt4ftth, Was An 'than that of aonathan for David. It -.1 ... 11.1".11. ... .... , .. ..... ,. :: .1,
. occasion for offering, sa6rifices to. God, ......"..I.I...".....". ....... "..-I"', .. ._..,., : Turkish army hai been virtuttily. and
was heightened by the disparity of , , ; 'i '.i ,'i .%"Ii , F , f; ' '. ; ,,; , i ;ii .,..,..,...,;.tv ; i: ,:*..*" , ' , I
. . ,* i '.i _ -11,1 ?W - !:- :., .;';
a seasoxf of feasting In passed. into . ---Z g-- ig ".. .. 1-:1".;.".:".L;'.:Z.: :.; ':* .."::: ."- - 1::-: e l 1. .. !.,.: " .. . I. -I, . the navy totally, suppressed.
' " .W%q- -., .. Conoorring Sin rns, the Turks eaY kV
It hail become their positions, and has y I .
I . the king's court, and all tile cllief proverb. The former Was heir Appar- 4' ' - . ;%:&. they c5mliot adhere to the
;,... .; 1 ., ,
Officers of the king,Wers expected to ... I'll... '. , *,' : . solution of 3Q
ont to the throne. The latter was '%'5 "i: : = ,;.:1,.!L : , ' ., .
, ,
.:-_-..1.1-_, . ,..,.!o-_.:., ., Greek i-,overelgilty, and will cede thiA
: be ,Present, David Would net -exIlOse heir of peasant parentage and occupa- D - " - so
I I himselt to death by,-pefrig present, so, tion until received into the royal ret- =I'. . !, torritory only by force or arms. They
. , ., ..... .. I ..,. I
... ,
_ . ai
. he planned to abs6f:, himself, 01114 inue and household as a reward of his : I , L k foi- the recall of ilia Greek troops to'
A report bro*tjo 111m. as to - . . . I 0 from the Sipyr; a district. . - sit
1 heroism. 4 mutual affection appears .1 - :..:: , , ; i j :: .j! : ;: : :,.> -;: )
have . .
. 1 _ .. .. 1. ;. ;;::: ij;;: Prl tast a!Go s made against Tur
'; .. 1 ,, - .1. .i. ;
., ", . ; RI
t how tile king folt. towa.rd 111111- 30na' to have ])eon awakened at their first . r ', I'll I..,.. : . . ke,, Tio' belit.- allowed repre,sentation lo
, .
I I -q -1 . , .. ii . _!:
I ::1 .,. I .. 1. :,:; .
than and David weift luto a field aud . . .: . , . ; % ;I,; -j', , , ;lon of f
' meeting, which couthi4ed uninterrupt- .,. I ... I .... . .. 671-.0 - : f. I oil the commi,
Inform edly until Jonathan's . untimely death .. -K..;". , :,% %,:%:Ik I., I
consulted how . atton concerning I :.::-j:
.; .:, *`.': ,,, %, ig : i
.." "'
- I... 1 :. :.V*ant).3 .51-.-1!1*r ellarged with onforbing the rules of 3
D givej 1jy .*David laments I ,. Kvi.1%; ; .. , . .
"out lilight U , onathan to at the battle of Gilboa. :.: I I ;: ,.: :i.` 4:* * -:-;:-;-:,-% navigation in tlio Dardanelles, Bos-
. . - :
, .l."..*': * '.--. A of Marmara, aul in
. . I - his departure In one ,of Ills noblest ., ! 5 * .,
)David secretly 3onathart pledged to .*.,,.,
X:%"i'..! : ... pliorus and the So
., .i 1: 1, ,. . - ----,*:.. : ",; ;;: , 7."., ,- -. ,
I N - - ; z
, :. . . ..;. ,;;. -
L . ,; - 1. , "' , - two vot6g evch
. I ,had sounded his compositions (2 Sam. .1; 39-27). J011- , I . . .....'.... : . : " ftloo againat allowing
David that, when ,.e ' ,
. --
I rather, he would Infotin 11ilfi"WhOtherr athArl bestowed upon David the high- - mw_ _ I on tb,,).t commission to- Great Brltslz , g.
III . his, attitude was friendly. -Or hostile. est Oriental taken at esteem in cloth- I "., % France, Italy and Japan, O"ae bel,ng ,w
Jonathan seems to have Lnown that im him With his own 'Attire and. arm - --- , a ty
I N- -. .- , "I, -1 . contrary tb the IWITICIPIS f ,qu . "
David would succeed,SX111: A5 king, and or. Their covpfiant mide, them sworn , '" 1'1..__., ,, declared that the h
.. .6._,. I.W,
-, ::. ,.. ',.: ,'. 2; , j,7': , . ,. of Stat
heAlierefore asked 'a'pledge fro"' brothers for life. - It *as maintained , ....... .... .... t". powvr of uch# a coraill!,islon eA- a
, ...: -.'.*,.'.. -," .. . ,. ,:,.P.. ; ....i: . I
I David to show kind6ass to him and in the. presence of his father's extreme I ,-.'.,' : : `. Z, ,'. - - , .cr,-,ache:; 11pon the right of buzeraint'P
, .
lite house forever, 41t was' customary Aisapproval, which on one ocasion !in- 11 ,_ . ,.%- s'. ot cap ,sultan, A request I -q made for 0
. .
for a kIng Upon aseending the throne i6briled his own life. . In this friend- I I ` :::::`%: _-*.: ,
.1- I "MR, . ..... :....,. the inatitution for the Straits and h
'i I ;Q
to stay all rhonilq;ht .IlP ve any aP- ship JonatAan espoused the ciruse of 10 , Cho Sea of 'Marmcfa of a regime'aim- 0
. ..
. parent right to reigii. Da-,Vid gave his right against might, No just ar.cusa- pe 'i , ,, . Par to tbstt ct tile, ,Suez Canal, And it
tion v . 1, R "..Z., M, - -N,
word, as JohnathanfequeWd, and his . could be brought against Da ld Ail` ", . that provided for by tile treaty of Con
I dinple .
subsequent histor,r sho,w91,7that he re- ' 11. Unconscious service. The r 11 stant*Mcil'a of 18ES, ' I
ident ,of ihe gathered . A% "d,'R F"'All - t
biam&rid the covenant aild kept it. and beautiful Inc I .07.,X"A, I `--2-.. -'-.11 i%I,
- .
I . , . . .1- .1 g'R. ,g, - I myrna cable says; The Greek forces u
_,_" ...... . ... "
I . ,
I IL Jonathan's P109L for David (vs. arrows Illustrate a great and. permit- - Vobo* I , ,I, S
I We n ver kn6w the fdll , - ly 0 froin, tl
uent truth.* e go d in the offpnsive
" , ,fti 01191%0 a
F , 2.1.34.) 111-141. . accardq,.tice with a
I measure of what we Are doing. There lt Smyrno district ageinst tile National-
. plan agreed upon tPtvrbelff: David and are unconscious workers everywhere. 1111'A, ist troops of Mustapha Kemal Pasha 0
Jonathan, David a'1en0d himself The, lad, in gathering the scattered or- ; also cecupying a curving line. a.. - .r
from the feast that day',and bid In rows, was conveying a message or fife I .1 . .... radius of about 100 miles from Smyr-
. I
. the field, On the - first 4ay of tile and death. "The lad knew not any , . 1. ... not proper. according to to -day's of-
: feast Saul observeC'tbat Davi ls seat, thing"; but David.knew that evil was . - I ficial co,tontillique from Greek ArmY
waii vacant, but thudght be was ab- - him, And that. his . . . . . . . I . "I" 70 1*11171 11!1110 I - dquarters. while behind this front
sent because he wad-laot ceremonially , 1 'I'., '..M.- 5""g, - I R hoa
loyal friend was powerless to avert it. 1. ,,AM, 11
.., . I
1. - .-. " ""I'll' 1 010,yxg r artizs -.ire clearing the terri-
determined Against I/ , ,g s-..;-,.,g;,-,,g, , "I
.. . , g g 4
., I ,11 ,,I,,
. , . ...... '. . - 11 It) ,tror.r p,
clean. Ilis absence bn thij,5ccond day -1- 0 i, 7.4- ..511''.
- I ,
. '. . 9 S ... I_ ..". tory.
- - .1 4# , 101
'v", _', ,,,
called forth an Inquiry -and* he asked, There is an unintentional and uncon .,_ .:.., -F -M-11 S& _ ,;.,00? 11111 .
Jonathan for An explanation, 1ona-J scions lite of which we know nothiug. , . I
I We -are observed, and are but instru- . WHERE COM ARATIVE PEACE RFIGNS AGAIN I Snlyrila, June .--officlal com _
. ,than told him that'Davfd, .Asked per- ments, called with our oiin consent, to 1nu ,11cati,,)1l issued a', the Gre k, army
mission t:), attend a i I anilly feast at a certain point, Beyond that We are A 5encral view of Londonderry and, 'below, a drawing which prbvides a k ay to the photograph, Tile spire of 0
1 . and lio had -granted 1t* tt. Colomb's Cathedral in the b ackground of the photograph, Is just west of Loind n streat I'n tho, draw- ,boalol,aarlero, to,1aY says, with ro^
. flethlohc* .. helpless, not knowing Indirest results, I Longtow or street, Bishop's Cate and Bishop's gar -I to the fighting against tile
I This led'Saul to v.ake unkind charges nor measuring the moral Meaning of I InI.. All the fighting occurred outside the old city walls, Foyle, streets being the prin- , -
. ' street, Which emerges from th 0 Cate, and the distrfct*between Fountan and livas 11
. against his son. . Re, reproached him our action.- "No man fivoth for hill'- I "The very heavy enemy losses At
. . . . with being the son o! a "perverse re- Bolt.,, Tilts invests life,with a solemn i cipal ecenes pf strlfe.' - , . _Aln.-Shohr (ancient PhlladAphla) oil
@ bellious woman" (v, ?0). This was a iystery, and clothes it with an over- ___, - - __ — .— r%
.most gagrant,00 nt'tO Jonathan but " . June 25 I1aVA been confirmed. More
, , whelming magnitude. I , . than ,'1,0Q0 dead were couutea In the
was - n6t then 'consiCered a reproach. 111. David's departure. ., The now Gek!tftchal\ Valley at Hermos.
i§r-!1 cl.arged Jona- .- 1 large numl,cr of the prisoners takeAn
upon his mother. exposure to mutual dang4s naturally , JU, LY 27 GRAV t
" Z.5 -h n I R
cemented the friendship on both sid A-EvIomZ, With Garried
than with being In league with David' as. U , 1, I J.t had orber wounds. Our imvalrY
. Then he Appealed to Jonathan's am- It called forth a -new expression of I t . pursued tile enemy into the Gediftchai
. . I bition, declaring -that as long as David confidence on the Part of David,, and _7 , IiNo Nralle . -
I lived there would be no hope of Lis, of loving self . d ed by Albanians! UAY EL "
,. occupying the 01170110 Of Israe', and -denial on the part of Uaptur I . . A large. part of the lothabitanta
-Jonathan, whose .exceeding love left - - . -_ W , 10 fled into the interior are return-
commarkiled him to , have David no place for rivalry, though -both re-
bro ght to hin, that ,,,e might be put cognized that he was to be disl3accol Lo i
,,, on. Jim, -,--It is icarned that i Ig to Alchissar and' Philadelphia,
Bel rade, Juile ,, '.—A- r eport that the Albaulail. city (I are go- protection of the
to death.' "2,* Wherefore shall he be on the throne of Israel. Jealousy And 9 further heavy r0inforcenigilts .)nd asking the .
sl,ftAltho"ug . Jon -than saw that his every mean lo* feeling were strangers of Avlona, has becil capttire d frOm the Italians by Al- ing to Ireland this Week. nialtv of Greek army.
. I "In Cho mterior. Christians
him and at . ffiem to the north of ireland, in ordbr . and
. to his generous heart, Valiant and ac. I xgents has been received by the newspaper a prepare for July 12, tile --reat ,qupsoiniall, ;;thout distinction, lAave
defence of d appreci- baiiiati. hisu . .
- ]David, he undertook the . complished himself he con] th beell rohbed by bands of followers
his friend.'What liathcho done -Jona. ate the same qualities In -others.. Witli Prava iu a despatch froni,Usklib, S011theril Serbia, 0 Orange day, upOn which even the I .,
than Asked Saul a question that he the exceptloft of one brief interview * was anost hopeful fear a repetition of the I of N.Tustapha Kemal Pasha,"
q report adding that the entird 'Italib.ii garrisaii. a S ale.
I could not answer and be consistent. 1 Sam. 211,; 16-1S), the lesson records Londonderry riots, on .1 hit., ut hasl NO BRITIS-11 OBLIGATION.
I I . It Is reported that the Govoran a
I , hwith his determination to kill, Davidc the' last meeting of these devoted taken with the town. I I London, June ".-NO 0
_ . - means,. of preserv-. friends. With - I I - _Z requested Ulster ----- o hold bligations
David had been th many tealis they part- — --- I ,qd, jito by Great
'Ing the kingdom ot.1srael. ' kZre than ed, Jonathan returning to his duties in — —I----.- ____ I their usual parades and processloxIS have %been . entex . .
once he had defe4ted the Phillstil"36-' the suite of his royal father, whilc TAX STAMPS AUG. I. for denomin klons from one cent to 10 on that day, but it Is iinpossibie to Britain to give assiftance to the
- 11a had constantl:,, acted In I the high, Divid became, for years a fugl0ave, cents. for 13, 15, 20, 25. 310 cents and I confirm this, and -according to I's- Grool s Ju il)clr , operations agataPA
lie had., - . every inutiple, of 10 cOLIES 111) to $J I ports from Belfast, Ulster will inake the- Turkish Nationalist% Premier
. -est Interests of his aRti-ill- followed by Saul's relentless perseen and for $1, V.), $3, $4, $5 nad $10, .i,-e,i a , demonstration of her loyalty .
not been dis,eourteous to'the *king.' tioll. I I great s. j,oyd %porge stated in tile 11011se Tl
. I Both ,wore .certainly brave and New System Not to Start I already printed. but it is felt that ta to the British Empire 11 that occh coninlons to -day. .
. even unAer the greatest -provocation., noble, Both were sustained by a liv. . get them In vufficleit quantities fOc I Ion. . - /
I He had shown himself to be brave, Ing trust in Providence. Both are re.- Before Then. The Prcmler declared that the Na -
I distriLifttion ,, In cugholit the length attfl . . weF, recognized as R
. larierhearted and highlf .intelligent- markable examples at true frii,ndship, 'it'. so that thev wo'lld The bandit c5efiti'asuit, according ,ti')nal'st army
I it was now more than 9, mere its surrenders, its sacrifices And Its I' Ottawa, June . -- Final decision breadt'l %-f Cailed nz)mbatataut ariny, subject to the laws
be available for everY business man to a Tangier despatch to the London
I I At of madness with Sauf; there had services. W. A C, I has,been made bythe Inland Revenue and I--- I,.,s ji.l.lei, would'require un,11 I Irimes, Ilaq rejected the overtilres of of wrr. .
. i ome to be.a. settled purlvQse to slay clergy- I Department not to begin the collection Al:111,; I' the Spanish authorities, .,and has sent A doubl ired at St.
David, 33. Saul eas' a, javelin at him Practically every Anglican I of the now taxes by means of revenue ihe'sta'nips are of different colors, letters to all the mountain tribes as . 1, Quc., when Albert Daniels and
-The king could not answer his son's mail who attended the meeting In St. far south as Beni Alsara, Ito the Wazan John r
. question, and his only reply wasNto Luke's P I h house, Toronio, report- I Btamps until August 1. In the mean. .so that clerks can distinguish them loroceo, demanding that Phillinno, Martel, both ten years of age,
. I art which !in- there ,,ire many de- district of 1\ 1were standing on a raft and slipped
burl At him the !avollft that was -al- ed 4 numbeT of cases in time retailers will havos. to make rc- quickly, and
. . nominations that it is possible to af.*I,v the tribal contingents oppose the
I ways within cas-J -each. Jonathan provement was noticed After attending wittances to the "&rest Inland n--..,. tile c,g-, ,.t .,.t),oant of the taiz ii t1!e Spanish advance, - - into the Chainbly Canal.
know -Tho fact that Sw*l would kIll the,services in St. James' Cathedral . -_ — _7
. I I Pnue Office acording to the inutrac major!! -y ,i' ase:- vilth ,elther one or I I . .
. his own $On' or being a friend to last week, by James Moore Hickson, I tions already Issued. Revenue stamps - two staul,ps. , i ere are a few .3x(,vP- t' ftv". .. --r_ 11 . . 1!W-;-- *.-
David was enough to convince J011a- the healer by falth. .. I -.-- . ses where three stanips Would .. . ... .'........, , ''...'. '. I t ... ,_. - _ , .., - ..' .: I .:. - . , - . ,
, _ . ., ,,.. ... , :' ,:: .. . . : , ; .. .1'.
tional CA , . _11-1.: %.._.... ...... . , .... .... . :... R_. ,..": -:%1,::".; .*?
- —.-.-. ___ _____ __ A.. :_. . , .. . ;
1 ..
. David's lite wa I be nee,mol. 7 )a sooamp: . . "%.0 .. . . . ...; , . 0;
. . than that s in serious - . _ I _ 5 or IlIghol I- . . ; .
's u fitness to rule was . , _-
jeopardy- Saul : ... ... , ._.... .. .... , .. ,. vplue , ),otlid I. i . sefu. in the case of " I i '.. ,
, .... _ , .. .. , .. -, W . ,,, .;""" - <'.,'..,- ,, *f .".
._._,y,W ,.;:.' '.:,;, ''..''.b.,.... , I L - _ I
evident front his course toward David, i .: . , - . , ,. , * s salling of - - I , M 40A., .".- W -W A M 1, -
, ,
. -1 - I q "...:.."':,
I ., . I. ... . ,/ ., _Ml _.;M_._,.7, 4 , " :" ,
. , , .", ....-I _ . , ;4tock transAfers and I, I , .
nilsolseds. , . , '' I .... . ,.,.7";.;4.7,- .:;'.' ,;
.1, . ..; ; :-: :.
.:-.,::.;": :.i_' .:, . . :: -.,: ,..ii: : ., '-'.., :; ,.: 1. onsiva articles. 4uch as a sealskin I - - - , _11. . __
even overlooking his Past :,i , : .* , ..
_ RM ,?.111.111' , , - 'L -,, ,......-m."... jg;
- .; .4,; .. 1 ,: :.- .. -i :, 1, - , .,Fl _.'-.._-, I ... , .
.. ., 1) .,4 0".w
. lie *.s. W . 11 Of $1,1J0.J 'L.JO ..L.1 - . , . ...,,
, 5Z.gr, ..
J . . .,
n cirq ,concerned ...."..,."Ix , !I-, :.: .. ...: - l TM k"i"x4"N. P '.".'., ."i" .-",; 7 *.." ' .'.. . i ...... IIN5.
on one of wftoin he wa$ ;,. ;i , ,! , : , ,. 1' ., . would be $20. ;.nd two stam'Ds of $I) .i , . .%. 4 %.
". I , "f"`,W':Ev 5`0-4,42 :R.,P.
.. ", .. :. -.., .
I '. ':`:i%?` :: ::- : :,': .1, , gZln " ,,;4-,:- `.' ,!:...
, = up t, have r1ghteousness R"'. - - . 7::;i; ,. " I..
: -.. .!", . . . . . --- I .:,. : . ' z ''''..."."',
than . . - , *,` ;'..' : ','.*, 1 .'. . , I each Wjuld Lhve to bo afflx -. -,` il.',, , -F--_ .',, .,Q 7: " . h
- - 34. In fierce t.:: . ,. ,..:':..,. ,..!.''_. -, :. . .! . 11 I I - "' , -,- .
i I .. - . ... i., ,. ,;...; *,!$ . ; .,!,;:.,.:.. .-i";I i .:.,.
.., :.,! . `. ;i Ii- -*, ., ...... `;_ ,'_..
. prov,all to his Itingdon, ,; .:,j % .... .. . ! , 1, , . -:; :::j ., - ,:1 invoice. Tile ,s amps are un........ ... 4 '.'. . *". _.' - .; - , , . , I 'A Q=17- Og,-..,
. . n deeply In- _:. .__ ,. "I , ,.%, - 4 ,, . _
.. -.'.* ' ,: '! .q '.4
An g a I ,'.. , al : ol mlgn, 1.1oaring the bust of 1-111; Utx- .j.': -,': . ', .' ; "4, ' - ,.;.- ,'. i l-,, k',',* .- .,, t' , - . . " S
, r, -Jonathaft haC boo . i !,:. . - .', .. . ., . , , 1,
I . _ . ., m
:`.`::, :- %:.. ' , :, .::. - !:.:,: , ..."..;.-I..... ', ', .. #. .kj'rg
.,;,: $;
, ;%-S, , lk W I
1 ;,, .:. " -1,::...,: , ', I., 1. .:". I .. , 'n"'R "-.'--:- k . ,
! - I ... I , ,' ;% .
.suited by his father, but no was Over . ", , JesEy, with the word3 "Inlaild Rev- - , ,4.... .- '_ , -, -, li ; - - .,.
. looking that and giving 4ttOntiOu to ..4.'..., - , .::. ...' , -% ,
I , ., ..., I- I enuo" ftworted above the head. ..tni .. .-,,-. `- , - ,., I _r
- - $
d his friend .. - I ... _-, ., liqt' .... iil* i:Wl.
Saulls, disposition to,,var , , . .. . .. 7.,.;: i. ;-.,- .,.,. ,,, also twx" l5clow. -wnilo I '11.1".1"..- " -
I ; !
I , ; , - .. -, .: , .1 .. I.. the Words "ex lgwv .- " "
. e should probably under- .. '. , . , 11 , t-,- .Amr .. ", ,. . -yl ...'
David. 11W , . ,.: ,.'. .;.: , .. ,
: - 1. the dn.noinivador of tho stamp . is -,' ,17 ,n", -, .,.--, ...-',k . .,
, ,... ..:,. ... ,
. , . ... --_-q1:, ..,. gk -
- : ii , ._ ..
-1 .,. ", s - I 1 : ,._.,' I—— .". . ti '. ?
athan's grief - 7". "i, ..,:..: . " ,. :'., ; ._
stand this .r.ther of Jan I I ,; , ... .: ' , , I
....... . . . .., , ... . .
..., S. 1- , . .. Fol, 3.... ..."._ .. , ,
m 'p _
, ,.X_. -11, .% .
..1 ; i:.: ": :. " I-— .. . 6:". .. - I ...., .:-Ik, ", .
than. of his Auger, the latter clause eg- . .. I .; I....,,.. 1 . '! . shown on either slole. , , ,..,
. . .
I : ,%,.: . , .. .. ,0w
;. .-_O: ,. .. , ... ii; , . ; . % m
;:, 4: After considering all methods of P . I -il% I .."
lie *as griev- , . , . ..i includh= various kinds Ilyjl.,C*11141r ; - t . W , 1 - " A-W. 5:... k. 7
I ;, I I 0. I ...." .....--. '.. -.1
."'pialoing tile fornier; for , P.: ,..:: :...-...1. I cancellation, , 1,1 - I
-red for his :,, ....... ; -. "I I I 7
ie Was grio :: N. .,n:;!`.'. .,_,
I ;r
I ed for, David. I a FI 11 '. - . V
.. : :;:, - . L" L .", I (It indelible pencils, it has o "T - ': , : I .i:
, ,t )r los friend." .11 :, _ , . , " !-.- : ,,.-; ',!;.-,..,X
fathet,; he ,vas griml f( .." . '.. '"' , othod , t,.,_ i,:- '! ,,,:".-: ;v:
! ,.,.::::: _-,,,X' aed that the only satisfactory in !:. .i,: , '1.---'.-'-.T
I I -0grke. Because, his father had done ,:f,,., - I .11, ; will be by ineaus of A punch. This - ':It I ": %. . .., --
him shame. Saul *,had wronged -David I I , I "', i*".1R'- '..'.."P.11,6", -..'.-
. a . ... :4 4 , N..V? 111 I .. . I ; 01. -
. ,..:% -. i
. ,., .: ;
T .
a if he nilkht . . ... .! : , b_Vo to 1)o Fqippllod by the department M.,
... ,
t DubliqlY by .t4pet.king 0. I v I al, col;t to all merchants. and ()Very f." .111.,...,jN ', , ii%;.; A
be Plotting, to 911111 the Jdagdom. fox . M-1, -1 i 17: I I 0
I stamp will, i,ave to be ocancelled ')y
il . . a :t., ::7-1' X -?"
I i
himself. . ... mean,,, of it after ,, oinjq affix .. .
t 101, I - I , - ." I 11 , 1. .. -;;!.. '. -- . , . -.' _,'.-,
I . I . sales receipt. I I I 1 , *: .*01`e::1.1-11.,- -,,
v . I Invoice or A., . I ,-, --., -1 .
- "3- - . . _. IN *
III, An Affeqtlonato PDXtIT19 (VO .;- j.-:- --? . , i . If . " 7701 ..
---Iu tue morn- .., I I -4i ;.,.; ..; . I ___.*-*_0_ _ - " _ , ., 1.1, . , T___
42), go, in the morning , M.., ..... I , ,, i, . ',. ,: ,,_ .
. I ...-_ ,;_,,.-.. - I : I . I I - . 1 , , I
in-, iator the t,cooud day of thO feast .... . . GABY'S JE WE-TJq?-- 1 . ,." . 1. " . .1.; , ,. .:
from V%,bleil vavl(I had Miuntod him* 'I . 6'. . , ,..,t , I 1 , .I ".. .
i I . .
, .
at ;,ibo time aly with : -71 t . I .. -, —_ 11 M. . .1 .1, ... . I
self. .pointed ;, x I . _,; I.. =
Davld! -It was a time to which DAVRI " :'. : , . . -
had looked forward with Intense Into.,. .';,; . . I .1 Brougght $460,000 at, Aue. I _.,Z
Y a tiaul's mlud ,,,, 1 . . 4 *.. .... IT?", -
. . I . tion in Paris. ,% . ',
est. fcr he was to 14"11 , `Z, . I . I L "I
, , . ':
- I %.: . I I , s: The jewels . .''. .1.,
regarding him. A Jittle I&d'witll him 1. ,.. I Parts cable nay. of the I 1,"
To bring back the arrows he Was to t._! ;. _ . - I I , . I ,,, . : "
". . .. I
. I . I I I .
_ lq . .. late Gaby Denly,i3 were auctioned to.,; ,, ..; ,4-.`_.
I . L,hoot, ..e. lie shot,...boyond litui -it :: ; le".. . p , I . , , I 1. .w I . I
, .
. - - I ...
: 1,
wa3 understood between David And !I':,. .; I . 11, I I I . I I *, lay brought $460,000. 801110 :11, I 1; .. .. I 1.
I .
I I . . , 11
... n y,lleTlc ol I - I I—.
Jonathan that it Jonathan should ethoot i..: I . T ,I ect3, which excited I -
. tbe* 01toWs lievoilid where''loavid URAI . I lively bidding, were, With the priew ,W , I .'.' ;.''...
tbat Saul's Mind wal hostile toward . I ..". L I May fetched-. I 1-1-1- . V l ... --i". I
llim. The lad wo-.11d know A00,1114; Of I f I . Irile 2"Woul 1locklace of ollaniondri I . i
the Dliiroosd Of tbG 81100"'Ag. out DZVld . . I I . I I
. with "'hite and black pearl drops, set
. . ..
11 -
; would. understand. 37, JOhAth'I'l 010d . I., I In a platinum band, $84.000. It WM4 I 11
" I .
1. -
I .
. I
I stftex, the lad -Ir David did not see __ bought by one of the 'lead dalleer"i I IN I' . 1,
.:, I., . I lids, liar,ry Piker. I 1111 111! I - - , . ,.,.V,* . .
. -11 ., -
11 , i 1. _.. .. I . ". . 4 11 ...
I . , I . ,. - . "
the courgo lot .the arrow, his friond*2 . I best frie 1 '4. . ... . , 46
call jo the lad. "114 not the arrow to- . . (laby by ex- , Z, " . 't;, 1. : : ; "w- , , I'll, V7!
. 7 1 Thos witlace given to i .. . _4 ,
.to signal I '. ; t , " .. . ,, , ; k-Q,9 , .._ . _'. . , !_ -_ ,_, , 1,*: ;;s .,., _-- !t;-
- . -Z-1- ^ ,' , -
... I _ 209f t .,,'.: ,,,i.: ,. *.;..* * ff:.,., ,, , , ' ',
"..., 'I<ing Manuel, of rOrtugftl soll I . .. _ . . '40 - ,:l , , , , 11
,.". - I - .. -., !. - - -, - - , ,7. .
,ovkd thee?' Would give 111111 11 . $" , O., "', -e-. _ , ,. ,,'.. .
. . : .. . , , ,,,:.4_6'_ " . W, t .,,' I
- ... -.1. , , ., -4 . 1. I ". .._-: ? " 4.:, _* v/
. .,_z . :.:. . . 11 I.. V; . -
. . , . I I . . J' OU' " ..... .1. .
ad seen It. the , I, .:. . : 1: *1 921.400 1 ....''._ ...... ..
I ; 1191`04 110011 and If I he 11 I . f I _.. . A titring f peart., .. ..... I .Q, ..: - - . -ilk,_ qWlll , __,.__VK
knoWl#dge sought would be twice f1,Iv_ ...;. . . , . L , . ., , .1 -
. . . , , 4"N '. . 9. `,, ,,-'.-, I
, . .
. . .. ...' . .. ... I 41A1111 .1 , , -, _1,1, , -,
I . A string of 0 101arlS.- -, I , ..' ' '!, :',: .'.'. 'L,,. ,; , ,l , v a;",
, . ,1 , . ' , .
. . . . . .' , , .
. .1 . - 11 . . ,4, ., , . '. , ..
- .. :. 1. I I... , - , .. I I . : .. " ,-.- . , , '_,4, . ' W 6.. ,r $ .-..` '.;,. " -
, . . . I . , - , ,4
01. "S, Make spend. llast(6. stay not . . " . . 11 :::: 6.000 i . , " ., '.. I ,'.._ I., . -,',
" , - . . A strillp, of 150 pearls .. .. ,-., '. ;.f , ,
:, :_: I I . . . . .;Z I , I I . .i. -;Z:
. . .. , . . .. , I I , " -
", . , , :. . .:.; ,. . I 1, , . - I -,! - .. - ,, - ..
,. : 1, : - - 1. I I .;. ...., . 'k ! , . I. _ t , , ., - . I—.
1, , , .. . --.-. - I . , !-, , _ , : e'%, C____2
. ,
I . .. I I ,,, , .. I - I , - ' I _ ...,
Jorilahan sent this Cry After tb(J lad. . I - , - I k . ___
. ..., ". , .. , '' I . , I . , 1. a uin and dialnond - , ,. ,!.-,: ':, 1, L ... ;;
.R3 really directed to Ditvid. , : . I '..., :.. ::.; , - . , , " I I 1, . I , . . . Tbe plaUu I .. I .-.;,. 1
... 1. : . (" ...... .. 1. ...... 1. U1.000
I but A *% . .1 ., T. , 'I , I I . necl-lav _,,..
. , , I .
. The IsA sus0etild '110thing, but caught .1 , . .. .." .., . , I I . . , . 1. :: " 1
I imDort of tht W-Ot`48- W I ', I A huge diamond mudaut .... .. 11-301) otill HALTED,
. the full .Nn emeral(I cet in diallmotills ... 10,400 vVORK 0 N "BIG DIT I a5andoned by the
Jonmhat, lmd MvId knew -The slPal I I Viewt) of tile ("llippawa canal, work on which han. betil
R*reed u0n 1praylousl$% 40, LOST JEWdL8 W ORTH $400,00, A belt with NOVC11tecil $20 9016
ha -T beon PP .es vva,j ljrought, for $426 Uv Tiarry 1. Ontario Hydra CommistIOM, pjollovvin.j ,l ttri!<o of workm3n. Above Is
artillety-His bow. 1wroVii stad quiver. . Mro, Ztlrit,o Coruso's jewel colleotiont valued at $400-000, W-10 Attilbn f rorn I which -131oked top rook and earth
hap ournmar home at EON!- 11amPt oil, L. 1. Signor Carusot her husband, I pileer. Who Au)!Oullct,,o1:,,1*I shall breaR shown one Of tho large tteam cho Val*, th 10y,
I' Thit word WAS used Of W84"N thrown I lace the Jowals by others. P#Phxpo that is I it lip, so that it N -11! never grace an- from the bottoll of, the CAMAI. 001OW 10 thO MOU& Of thm fore't
o or hatted, oven WfOrl StInj W401 111111 pr6MI::dtht0* rOPI i 11411tr Queanston.
, I 1110A.Af
i ,cam# Into use, Carry thera to t 6 city whAt 0XVt j, Milo an Mrs. Colruilo's fat;a in %hid picAburt. 00her 'Wo
- f
, ,, i_ -,.,6. .- _ ,. . , . - ,,, __ _ ___ ___ -.,- , ,— - .1 - __A_ - - -.1 1, . - - - _. - — . . - _ -,--. .__ . __ - - - ___ , , , — __Ak____Aft__
_.____ _ over 3,6M asell in 0 41, %r
11a,vana, Cuba, Juno "-- I —
, smallpox still in. Xany PIS-
,ubau &rain growers, sugar I
lilt owners apol brokers, claim, tricts. I
ng to control tilo'BiOle Of 2,1800 a
00, $acko at unsold sugar, we're Toronto, July ,--Reports from the,
11 record to,day as definitely provincial ficalth Department rbow
lodged not to offer any more that the epidemic a Measles, which
ugar for sale Until the Price has been evident for the Past JAX
aad reached 24 coats a Pound, mQuthi is. still on the Increase, There
he leyel reached during the were 8,613 cases reported In June, this
ast halt of May. , being the second, lorg cst number
This oleotIA911 wits reached at recorded In any one mouth for the
a maw meeting held last night. past 20 years, with the exception Of
. March. 1910, when there were over
"+4 $ -*-,+ I'll.- - __ - ___ . +-+++ 5,000 ease , s, with 47 deaths. It 1%
- . , , grat1tvilig to know that while there
, a sreat number of cases in June,
ths deaths Were only 22, compa red
',ith May, when 46 deaths were re -
FES A SIUMP - , were cases. Smallpox
. corded. out of 2X4
1 1 also shows another Increase. as Indi-
cated.'by the reports from the secre-
.. IN SUGAR -NEAR tarles of the local Boards of Health.
In April there Were Bois cases, In
— May 290, And in June there Were 249,
mrstocked U, S. Dealers _Wlth,,no deaths. Diphtheria shows a
. a decrease of 32 cases, with one death
. Want to Unload. loss than for May, The reports for
ooarlot lever irive 12 fewer ca4es with
. +I--.— two more deaths, Following is the de -
T . "
sew York, June ',-'Offorts by tailed report for June: June, 1920. .
erstocked dealers to unload leir I Cases. Deaths.
gar hold a are tanding to. bring SWAI , . 349 0
a -prieeso according to IPOx - , ' , 371 12
5Luml, in i%g 'r of t I . I I ...
Win -.W, Riley, hedd ,he FI ylug .Scarlet fever
.1 , Diphtheria.. . :.. .. .. 342 45
uAdrpa. I
Uplications Irom candy makers, Measles .... .. .. .. .. 3,613 22 -
ft olkin . k manufacturers and bakers W1106DIng cough - -I - - -, 151 - 15
permission to sell some of their Typb old fever,, .. : , ZI '- 12
rpluEr stocks have been made to Mr. TubetcUlosis , - - - - - 220 ' 184
InfaritIle paralysis.... . " .V I
ey's office. Brokers who are over- __ . , 1 .
aded are seeking permission to make Cerebro-sDinal
tes'within the trade. These., Mr. moollovitis .. _ ., .- 0
iley said. Will be denied. . Influenza pneumonia .. .. 10
"They say that forbidding them to 4butoprlinary . ,y6t)
, pneumonia .. .... .. . . -
ke reasonable resales Inside the I , — —
ade Is spoilingtheir chances to make _ ..,.. .
,N .' 6,118 59,9
Od profits. but such trailaft6tions _ 7 ..'! i 0.6*
!It not be alidwed." MIP, Riley 041d. -.
,proying resales would enable the '
rokers ' to Pass the sug- - from one to -. fEINERS
Wither and keep up prieeg." S . S1flN-,_,#,. 1.
Dealers , in Kansas, Pennsylvania, . I : . . I
hio, Colorado and West Virginia . . ..
aye applied for licenses to sell their , ;
ukar ,And even the Chicago .packers n . .
Ave taken on more than th6y need, ' :7 1 I I
r, Rf1py declared. Incoming sugars, , ' .
ncluding 4,000 tons from the Argen- Coifimandeer Transp6rt If
ins. i5robably 'Will be distributed .
nder Government supervision, and Trains Me Stopp#,d.
uy su plus stacks on band here will I . I .
e diverted to open trade channels
eaehln consumers, Iriah ..,!$hip. 'Stops . When
— ------- *-&-*—_ - . -- ' '; -
*-#-"-#44-4- #&-+++*-" Poli6e Bbard'It-
'" It
- -
Dublin, Jun6 .-The Sinn Velaers
ND FEARS -' - .'
are preparing for a possible 'stoppage
of all railway traffic and arranging to
commandemr rn btor cars, 'organize a
. .
. THE BOLSHEVIKI food tyaasport sYttem and institute
11 _# __ - . regular control, Up t9 the present the
tr ing' are running regularlyl except
Prague, June -.-Poland is w I hen -police, soldiers or munitions are
preparing to withdraw its forces known to be aboaril. At A meeting of
from Di astern Galicia, because the Corporation ut -,; Irlin tF day the
. of tile fear of a Russia'! Bel-. Laboir members, who !iad the ganeral
. approval of the other members, dj lar-
shevik Invasion, According to ed that the ritlwayMGn would re-ft,tin
the.nowsoaper Norodnt Listy. steadfast in refusing to operati ;riins
I . carrying munitions or soldiers. The
,#4-#-#-#-#44 4 .4. . . corporation passed a resolution Uiat-
Ing committees in certain areas to
meet the famine threatened oy the
stoppage of the railways., Aid. Noe -
WANT EMPIRE donough said I?ublin was rapi'lly ED -
preaching a: state of siege, and that 1ha
. machinery must be created to meet the
Bantry,, Ireland, June ' ..-Ri4ilsal (4
. London. June ' ; '.---(By canaillan the te I hinmen to work trains carrying
Associated Press) --The Imperial Wire- soldiers and police has been followed
less Telegraph Committee recom- by the officers of the Bantry Bay
mends the establishment of a system steamer Lady- Elsie, When the vessel
of wireless throughout thk empire. was. tcaily to start "'for. Castletown-
Two wireless chains ire outlined In Behaven twelve Armed polleg came
the report, ofte to. Australia, wita in- aboard and refused to leave, whereupon
, the 6fticers declined to man her. She
termediate stations. and the other to .
South Africa, also with Intermediate is now at th-3 pier with police aboard.
stations . A giellar communication Hj,;,AVy DA-MAGIM AT FERMOY.
with Cahad& must be esCablished. but Dublin June,"-,-ljamage ainounting
this can only be done after the con- to hund 'eds at pounds was caused by
forence has estimated tha cost, which rioters And window smashers at Fer-
will be about one million and a quar, may last night. The inhabitants at -
ter pounds, Marconi proposals were trIbLt3 the demonstration to soldiers,
rejected chiefly on account of the pro- who left their barracks on hearing of
hibitive cost, -And as'ereating undosir- the :,'Jilapping OJLBrig.-Gen. Lucas oil
able monopoly. .. . I Saturday . night. Attempts to burn
-------- 4. houses were frustrated.
I .
I ;
I Honolulu. T. 11.. June -.--Troops
. London, June ".-Leonid Xras- of South China have captured Yuen
sin, Russian Soviet Minister of Trade Chow. a stronghold of the ]Rotth
and Commerce, had a conference with China forces, after several days of de-
Prtmier Lloyd George to -night at the vere fighting, accor4ing to a OW181
Premier's official residence In Down-, chble from Toklo, I I
Ing street. The meeting lasted all, . - I 1_ ,
hour. . ,rAX,ON OLOTHINO-
The object of M. Krassin's -visit . ___,- _ .
to the Premier was to submit to , ' '
him Moscow's reply 0cpcerning the Explanation of .HOW It is
Soviet Llovernment's attitude toward 1.
the toreign debt and ,private, prop- jkpplied. .
erty of foreigners expropriated by . 0 , "
the Russian Government. ._ .
It Is said that the reply Was un- The Domill-1011 00vel-nment lu"ry tax
on ckothhig has been altered to ,the 'fol.
satisfactory, but that the negotiations lowing: un i,eday-to-wear the' ta,X is
will be, continued. . now 16 net. cent. oil the expeas Oply over
I - I - s.15: on cuatom talloring. 15 Per ent. oil
the excess ov.,I- $60. That, Is. VlOre 18
STIM 110PEFUL 110 tax ot ready-to-Weat' garments ut)
I - to $45 nor an custoin work UP to $60. NVO
' I Illustrate the amoullb or tax payable on
Loadon Able says: *ith 6, yl(. j; tG suits from $50 to $110 1106with-
,I,tLc on I-eadv_to-wear, 15 per ccut. ex.
forcing the Government to disclose- ekss ovel. S4 rui. tax 75c. $55, tax $1.60'
,omplete financial r
ita c proposals In $60, tax $2,25; $65, tax $3, $70, tax $3.75,
Ireland the Oppositloft memlicira in sm). tax.$1.60: W, tax $5-25; $wi. tax 6:09.
, - 91 $7.50; $100. ta7-8-95; $M -
the I-1011.90 of Commons to-daY ni'),mu t'
tax $9, 416, tax $9,75.
. anlendmellft3 seeking ptistportement of Tax on custom talloring, 15 per cent.
the clause in the Rains Rule Bill re. oxeesg Over $%-465, in% 7501 $?U. taX *1410;
, .1 1.
pealing the 1914 act. The amend. $75, UM Mr): W, t" $3; Mllnx fsab; W,
tax &I,rloi; $.971. JaX 45.25: $100, tax $6, 1105,
nients, .however, Were VeJeOted- tax $6.75; $110, tax,97.50. I "
Premier Lloyd George, taking iiart
itt the debate. was again 06110IIIAtOrY CANAOIAN RgtLIEP WORK011 I
.oward Ireland, but insisted that iio- SAFE. ,
body now Would be dissatisfied with constanthlople, July 1-IRI s VAtherint
the 1014 Act stud that it was lmDoqi;ible Brodemu3. a Canadinu relter Worker, ham
arriviM at Samoun. oil tile Black Sta,
to grant the demandg of the TriAh ex. .west of Trobizoild together with Miss
tremists. lie was colivinced That 1,11(lith Vold, of Cleveland, Ohio, and 311.41*4
things would Improve In Ireland when maZ muDer, of N'Arboth, Pd.. ACCOrdikkN
the genius Au.1 eoninion sense of litt to vlc( s reeolved here to -day.
Ine reqxwt saw that ftlI 'thin, rellof
people roalizeal that the British Deo -,le woruers from thb North ArAtIrlean co'll-
would never Consent to the extreme tinent .are safely llut at 11adiih.
demands of thesifin Veiners and that __1F1 -*4._._
the United states would flat support "Whom Is Mr. Pluridub lunching to.
tho 4ouland for ayi IndoDondent 1,ri_, day?" "Well. he may be at the mt
land. corner or he may bo a couple of block#
.06.0.k,._ ;; down the Igtreet." 0.1 thought his
Lord VAberilon, Well-known as a babits were Very rogUlar, Can't yon
fing,rocier and chalrinSil of the (1,entral tell where be 'a lunehing?" CoNot
Control Doard of the Liquor Trittfid T"e,8161Y. 116 ludellts At a binatio,
hits 4cceptod tho IiiMbassadorship tol tart, but It Mova i1roUftd."-14UI6-
utrivan I y. villa Courier-Jourul,