HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-08, Page 1I 1 4 - RENEE "WINFIN-PRI" 7 T 111F,1111,10M RIM VIT .7 t ah AbIT6. ALAL. 4 hit Single Copies - Turee Cents WINQUAM, ONT, THURSDAYt JULY 8ths'10 subscOptions; $),.50 per yesw LYCEUM THEATR "The Higoest Little Show" 2"ROG"RAN TO -N IGHT­----(WR D.) Positively your last. chance to see ELSIE FERGUSON in - - "The Witness 10'r the Defense" ' A story of Englandland India, moonlit land of mystery—land of the poppy and the cobra, whose in- ciduous lure fascinates, ensnares and poisons, Don't,mW this last c bance. ---------- Thurs., 1-7ri. and Sat. DOROTHY GISH The inimitable in ,"Peppy Polly" And a two reel comedy. IS DD a0l I e p pp yod 11; Monday,and Wednesday BIG BILL HART in AI Wagon Traidks" A, plain and honest tale of Buck- skin Hamilton man, and of' the brotberbe. loved. Of another man too, upon, whose head was that brothWs blood, and of a woman Far into the vast open spaces, the.wagon tritcks lead, until—the great adventure! — startlingl — tremendous and the long trail turnsI You'll. never forget Wm. S. Hart in this big, human, soul-searching pic- ure. 2 days only Mo i.­Wed. Continuous performance from 10 a. m. on July 12th. Coming'— 'A big double feature shom - FATTY ARBUOKLE in his great new comedy tgtlack Stage!' The terrible tale of a stage . r- pentei who saw so much thatcahe sawed to little, and 66The SuperwomaWl- which is described as containing more thrift than the, -best serial pic- ture ever Shown.. All in an evening's performance, Watch for this big special pro- gram dates. Owl W kT ROSS' Hardware EVERYBODY'S COLUMN MOWER WANTLD- -For S, S. No. 7, Turn: berry'. Dutie-4 to conutience Cpt. Ist. Ap ply Rating holary zinc, I U4,11tieNtioliff to J., F. DAVIDSON, Route 3, Winghani FOR SALl,'—That, property know -z—,& Wingbanc Arma will bo field fit a saicrillee. Owners un(Lble to rebuild, Apply to. . WAMMUAV BIWA. FOXIND—Lady", gold Wristwatch, Waltham luovemenN, blitial.4 011'ea.qq. Owner way have tarne by proving proporty, and paying for adverdr-.onica . Tim, Axwmicv,. LST- Iletwoon G. T. It. d OPMMA Advatiet) OOffice or *ear I)r. Kionnedy'a Comor, an en. velope contliuing a $j.6(j IWI addre setl to FieddandCo. Fndorkln(11Y leave at %Vm. Wo'AT11's, ro4dellde. LOST-Atollof ION IV, In NVirghtuh, Jinl3r Ut. Fin(ler Will bo ltbosally re 4 avc.led Oil fluding and raturring. Tho wunbera oil a, tow or the bIlt, a,ov,tt and tank,, have been Ask&l t1i I'Vattal for Morn. Ulave at. 11imADVANCS. LOsb`,* `ug on -10,10 'It"- Lwebil 12th (it FA,t %yawaboAll Wid WhItIldlurcb. k1hi(Jer will pleaso leavf f ayno ht'.1111011 Il(11)AJC1,C c))A*8, wbito'hillull and re, colve reward. MAU. I WAN111-0 %nk t. oaf C*'r No 9. fttlil,lif-rry. 11"t* ox"-_ 10*lftoucber I-0, Itonift 1, wingbato , BYLAWS PASS Small Vote Recorded With H4t Few Axainst The vOting on the bylaws and questioi On Monday. July Oth, brought out one o, the smallest votes ever recorded in Wing ham. TO facilitate trouble and unneces satY expense wards one and two and foui and five were amalgamated, I The question, having to do, with th( Placing of the town waterworks depart. ment under the mangelnent of a commis. Sion. voted for by 100 majority. TN vote recorded is: Wards I and 2 ...... . For 40 AgAiAtt & Ward 3 ............ I For 29 Against 6 Wards 4 and a ...... For 40 Against 4 Total For 115 Against 15 The bylaw tb provide for the raising of $0,500 for to extend the water mains to the north side of the Maitland river had a few more opposed, 17 voting agaiinst and 107 for. - Wards I and 2 ..... For 37 Against 3 Ward 3 ........ For29 Against5 Wards 4 and S ...... For 41 Ag'ainst 9 The bylaw to provide for the raisin,g of $18,6000 for the construction of a new bridge to replace lo.te old one near, the Howson mills also carried by 101 aa' Nor ity. Wards I and 2 ... For 42 Against 4 Ward 3 ............. For 29' Against 5 Wards 4 and.5 ...... For 44, Against 5 Total For, 115 Agliinst It According to the vote as given to Re- Aurning Office Groves the greatbat interest Was takeii. in tli'e changing the water.' works 'system from th control Of the council to a commission, 130 peo ie 'bav- ing voted on it 'while 128 voted on the extension of the atermains and 129 on on the bylaw to raise the money to build the bridge. However, both bylaws and the ques- tion are carried by good majorities., W. C, T. U. Notes The regular meeting of tWW. C. T, U will be held at the home. of Mrs.' Din - man, Minnie street, on Thursday, July Sth, at 3 o'cloci.-As this Is the first meeting of our new year, a large attend- ance is desired. .Garden Party At Bluevale. A garden party will be held on the lawn of the Bluevale Methodist church on Wednesday evening, July 7th. The Wingham Brass Band will furnish music. Booth on the grounds, Tea will be serv- ed from 6 to 8.30. Admission 40 cents and 25 cents, -Intermediate Lacroise What promises to be one of the best lacrosse matebesever played in this dis- trict is billed for Wednesday, July 14th, when St. Alarys and Wingbarn teams will play in Winghain Park at 3.30 p. in. This will be the first intermbdiate 0. A. L. A. match to be played in Wingharn for- five years, Presented With Purse Rt, Wor. Bro. J. A. Morton, assistid by W. Bro. ; . A. Coutts and Wor. Bro. G, L. Bisbee installed the officers of Wing - ham Lodge, No. 286, -A. F. & A. M. on Tuesday evening. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation of a $200 Purse to Mr. Morton -who has faith- fully served as secrettry ' for the past th rty-five years. An address was read by W. Bro. G.,L. Bisbee amd, the preaen- tation was made by W. Bro. G. C. Olver, Mr, Morton feelingly replied thanking the brethren and assuring them that he was sorry to have to give up his office owing to failing eyesight. W, Bro. V. R. Van - Norman also testified to the esteem in which Bro. Morton was held during his long acquaintance with him. Refresh- ments brought, the evening to a close. Coming To Lyceum World's most Popular ballad coming -to Lyceuni as photoplay. "Silver Threads Among the Gold" a photoplay in six reels !tow corges to Carl- ada straight from a successful engagement at Madison Square G2rdens in New York. The Story Of the PIAY is written aro4nd the song which Wichard Jose has im- mortalized, a Song which has had the larg. est gale of any balr4d, ever written. Mr. Jose only recently -made another master recoyd for the phonograph, the original record being worn, out by the' tremendous production neces.,;ary to meet the demand. Music is one of the most important fac- tors in the presentation of the photoplay and John Morrison, a favorite Canadian tinger has been engagecL Mr. Morrison has just recently concladed a long en- gaoment with "Silver Threads" in the States. During the action of the play Mr. Morrison singt 'Silver T'breads AMong the Gold" in which he wag coached by the great Richard Jose himaelf. Miss Elsie liftan an actress of note, has also been sngaged for the Company. Miss Clifton, who is a Pianist arA a musician of high )rder.will together with Mr. Morrison Xceent their high class comedy sketch, in Nhich they have been seen. many times in 'anadian Vaudeville The atreA. ' "Silver Threads" and Company will ippear at tile Lyceum Tht tatre, one night )nly, Tuesd*y, July 13, TWILIGHT SP It' TS AT TEESWATIft ULY #I Baqebgll, Band Cmrcrt, Moving Pic- tures, Dancing, other q mts. Progrilin at 0 p, M, Admission 50c, A go6d t ,ft A"Illred, F x0all DOMINION DAY The town council have awarded the T E 12th AT , - WINUHAM Fittingly Celebrated By Large Crowds L ! oe"n-, T"! SpAr-Ations Are Being Made For A it will pay you to call at Patterson at win.0haw N -- e II Miss Nellie Nicholls is home from Monster Cr Jewellery Store on July 11th. Dominion Day was fittingly celebrated Stouffvllle for the holidays. The committee in charge of arrange Visit Billie Burke)s Cafe on the 12th. a L t Wingliarn by a large and, well behaved crowd. The decorations were few arid a Mr. Robt Finlay is visiting with his ments for the nionster celebratiQu to 1), Quick lunches served at all hours, great many of our citizens Spent the day motherin Lower Wingham. held in Winghant oil July i2th, hav, Big,13argain$ on Diamonds at Patter- son'p Jewellcry Store on July 12th. iii other Places, but rlevertbelc ss the com- in MrI DeWitt Holmes of Toronto was reasou to be pleasecl with the .4ilecess b A their efforts, A great many lodges ha vt interest. It is presented to the town by mitt" charge bad a moot successful Dominion Day visitor in town. signified their intention of celebratixg it Hanna's are offering special discount day, financially and otherwise, Mrs. C. M. Walker of" Grand Band, Witigharn this year, and everythin on summer goods from Friday until Mon- The morning calitbumplan procession spent a couple of days in town. points to a monster crowd. Winghatt day, the UK Was small as few people took the trouble in Hardisty. Alberta, where she was visit- Citizens. Band have been engagetl by tht Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead and Hel- to dress although the prizes bung up were excellent, A couple of members of the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hilliard were Dorn, iniork Day visitors at Harriston. QQu11t7 committeerto act as a receptior band. libore are always procurable at McKib. bQn's Drug Store, committee decorated their autos but ow. miss Franceii Lockridge of North Bay, The walk will start from the park at A chance of your life time to buy all ing to the fact that no others were decor- ated they refrained from bringing theirs is spending her holidays at homeL. L xo o'clock leaving at the west end an(] prooeeding along Minnie St. to Patrick kinds of fine jewellery at Patterson's Jewellery Store on July 12th, out to capture the money. However on the whole, the day goes down as one Mrs. Robt Groves is Yisiting with rela-P tiyes in kitchoner and Stratford. St, and east on Patrick St. to Shuter St. Shuter I Of for the past fifteen years, Her maiden and along St., to John St. up Decorate your homes and Places of the best and most successful ever held in Mr..Thos. Drummond moved his house, John to Frances St. and. along Frances business for the holiday. Give, our town Wingharn and the committee. are to be hold effects to Hensall on Monday, 0 to Diagonal Road, proeeeding west on the best appearance possible. congratulated because of their success, On Miss Janet McLean is visiting with Diagonal Road to Josephine by Victoria A word to the wise is, sufficient. —It arrival at the park judging was done by Mr S. Gidley of Blyth, and the fol Owl Ing her cousin, Miss Helen Telfer in Blyth. . St.. and thence returning, to the park. To help defray expenses the will pay You to renew your Subscription prizes were awarded: Mi kh Pho6e' Densmore has returned' usual silver collection will be taken at the to TxxH ADvANom before August Ist. Nuff said. Best Calithumplarl. Outfit—k Wards- from visiting with her sister in Clinton. park, Speeches will be delivered by GEO. MASON. & SON man, $10.00. Mr. Harry. Sutton, Waterloo, is visiting, prominent numbers of the order and Mr. I H. 'Hartnell's horse, Gentry De Best I-lardtialeLotirfit—Barney Brown, his grandmother. Mrs, Sutton, Albert St. highland dancin6g' will be on the, pro. Forest, won three first's in the 2.18 trot or 'on 88-00. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Webb. of kamill. "fint me between speeches. pace at Goderich Doininion'Day. Mo t Anciept' Outfit—Burdett Coutts, ton, are renewing'acquaintancet in tbwn. The Wingbam, lodge have secur'ed the Time 2,221, $8.00. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pringle and 490- services of the Henderson Kiltie Band Buy Diamond s now at Patterson's Dec orated Bipitle—Edna Tantlyn, ter, Kathlein, spent1he let in Teeswaterz, Qf London, and we expdot most of the Jewellery Store, the scarcity of diamonds fir$t and Eleanor McLean, second. Best make-up' of animal— Corson Boyce, Mrs, E. Bosnian left last week for the other lodges will havebands with them. It is understood that the Cargill brass -is making the price higher, so those that 4,Y now make money. Tom Cat, 10.00, West where she will v6it with her daujh ' band will decompany the Cargill Orange The Wingliant Citizens Band will give Mr. Robt. Saint brought out his goats and a very good Calithumpian outfit b -.it ter*, Miss Dean Geddes of Oil Springs, was a Lodge, ' I Wingliam people are preparing to their open air Band Concert in thp Wilg' ham park on Thursday evening of this did not arrive at the park until the prizes guest at the home of Mr. R. Stewart, Me- entertain a. great many people and to ac - week, instead of "on Fridayevening. were awarded. The Aitcheson brothers, Gee, , I comodate any who bring their lunch The Central Business College,of Wing- attired as the Gold Dust Twins were also worthy of special mention. Mrs, Hewer of Gait, is visiting -with Mro. Amos Tipling and other friead ' s "in with them in their autos hot water will be snpplied free on the park. The large ham has closed for the summer vacation The morning baseball match between town. grandstand has been left up to acco=odate until August 31st, when the college will 'again Wingharn and Listowel was good; some I Mrs. A. J. Walker and childre"a have the visitors and a fee of io vents will be open with the same staff of teachers. in charge. fast ball was played by both teams. The returnedfrom visiting with her" parents i I n charged to assist in paying the rent of score by iftnings, was: Seaforth. the plank,and uprights. -Wingharn Loyal Orange Lodge No. Listowel— 0-2-0-2-0-1-0 —6. 'Wingham-5-3-1-1-t3-0 Miss Ida Thon1pson of Auburn, spent 'Mayor Gurney, who is a member of the 794 will attend Divine Service in St. Paulg'Churchon Sunday evening, Juno —13. over the Ist with her friend, Miss Myrtle order, will give the address of weltome n andseveral promine t speakers are on 11th. Allbrethre'nare cordially invited Owing to one of the autos carrying Markdale lacrosse players ha L ving hard Bennett. . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raid the progrim, tobe present Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev.,H. W. Snell will occupy the pulpit. luck on the road, the lacrosse match was and childien' 'of Detroit spent the Is,t at his form r Wingham lodge Will Mc. L mt in tl1eir lodge room at 8 ol4lock on the 12th The G. W. V. A. are opening their delayed and a few of the sports had to be run off immediately after dinner. They home here' . niorning to initiate several candidates. ro.oms in the Mills' Memorial Hall for resulted as follows: Mrs.,011ie Stapleton of Detroit, is visit- All brethren welcome. dincing on the afternoon and evening Of Boy's Pace, 13 years and under—Fred ing with her sister, Mrs, W. ff. Rintoul, A grand concert will be held in the. J ly 12th. An admission fee of 5 cents a Bell, Chas. Pattison and Barney Brown. Leopold St. evening at which several members of the dance will be charged. Good music and comfortable rooms. Refreshments. Girls race, 13 years and under—Jessie Miss Bessie Kennedy of Toronto, sbent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. London Baud will take part and will be assisted by that famous lady comedian, Mr. Chas. Bondi, wholesale fruit dealer, Taylor, Ethel Boardman and Margaret Saint L. Kennedy. Alice Dunbar, has purchased a commerce truck from Mr. 100 yard race, open to all --:Alex Nichol- Mr. Hugh Hamilton of Aylmer, visited L. Kennedy. This is one of the latest son, Lu4now; Dr. Caulfield, Chesley; T. over the holida5r with his sister, Mrs I Frank Angus. Attend Divine Service styles of trucks manufactured. Mr. Kennedy has at the present time a four H. Baker, Toronto. Three-legged Mrs. Tkos. Leakie of Kincardine, sPelat Wingharn L. 0. L. No. 794 will attend wheel drive truck. 'This make of truck race, open—Chas. Pat. tison and Chas. Dbnaldson, Geo. Rober- a. few days with her mother, Mrs. Pat- Divine Service in St., Paul's church on Sunday evening, July Ilth at 7 o'r-lock. was famous du ' ring the European War, and many of the soldiers recognized their son and Barney Brown, Geo, Carter and Gordon Skea of Hamilton. tizon, John St. Mr, Harold Drummond is spending his As nearly as possible the usual parade dress be old friend in town last week. ' The lacrosse match proved to be a holidays with friends in Sault Ste Marie will worn'. Visiting brethren welcome. splendid game and well worth seeing. and Thessalon. Mrs, R. Button, Lucknow, is visitimg, FOUND DEAD IN BED Maydr Gurney was referee. Although Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller and obild- Wingharn looked sure winners the Mark- ren spent a few days visiting with friends Mrs. J. Button. Rev. Sidney Whaley, pastor of Dur- dale boys scored up in the last period and in Owen Sound. ham Presbyterian Church, and a former won by two goals. In the first quarter Winghant scored 4 goals and the visitors Mrs. R. Meredith Hunter of Kincar- dine, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Miss May Burke has accepted a posi- tion in Stratford. beloved pastor of St. Helen's Prdsbyterian Church, who has been visiting with rela- scored 3. In the second period Wingham W. G. Patterson. Mist Greta Robinson is visiting with tives in Markham pnd Scarboro', was put in 2 more goals and Markdale, failed Mrs, Fred Kent of Brantford, is isit_ friends in Toronto. found dead imbed. by his brother-in-law, to score. In the third period Winghain scored I arid the visitors scored 3 and in ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon. , ' Miss B. F. Reynolds is spending a part Peter Reesor, Friday morning, Mr. Whal- the last period they put 4 more goals of her vacation with friends in Ottawa. ey had apparently Peen in his usual health the night before and it is believed that through the Wingbarn net and th e e born Mrs. D. Dinsley and daughter, Mitt Mike, spent a few days visiting with Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hill and Miss B. F. death was due to a stroke. boys only succeeded in scoring I , which left the game 10 to 8 in favor of Mark - and Mrs. Nicholls in London. Reynolds, motored to Toronto last week. Mr. Whaley was born in Markham date, Mr. George Savage of Toronto, spent Miss Resie Williams of Wingham, is township 69 years ago., He was educated 'University The Wingharn line up was: goal, C. the week -and with his uncle and aunt, visiting her sister, Mrs.. W. Gibbs, West at Markham High School, the of Toronto and Knox College, and held Bell-, point, Howard -Gray; cover point, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett. Toronto. seVeralpastoiates. Inthe early part of Eddie Hawkins; first defence, Roy Cruik. Mr. Weaver and Mr. Roy Manuel Mr. Charles Gannett of Bluevale, has 1914 he was called to: Durham where he shanks; second defence, Alf. Lockeridge; motored up from Detroit and spent a Aw gone to Xingavillef where he will work has been since. centre. Leon Cantelon; first home, Elmo days with the latter's mother, Mrs, Man- for the summer. Mr. Whaley was , a powerful Preacher of Sanderson; second home Walter Van- uel, Miss Clara Isard of Toronto, is spending the old school, andwas always successful Wyck; inside home, J. Dickinson; outside Mr. and Mrs. Foster L. Fyfe and a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. In his ministry. He is survived by his homej R. M, McKay; Subs. Harry Towne children of -Toronto, are visiting at the and Mrs. James S, Isard. wife, and 9everal brothers and s, Isters- and Neal McLean. home of the tormer's brother, Mr. J. G. Miss Margaret Forbes of Cleveland, rhe funeral took place from his brother- Wingharn bastball team was qgaijk Pyfe. Ohio spent the week -end at the home of in-law's residence at Hillside, Scarboro', victorious in the afternoon baseball Mrs, vWill Hall and two children of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Forbes. on Sunday at 2 p, m. to Cedar Grove match with Chesley. The sedre by in- Bluevale , are visiting this week with rela- Miss Gertrude Cohoe of Toronto, is Cemetery. ninge was: tives and friends in Gorrie, Wroxeter and visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Chesley— 0-2-0-3.0-0.0-5. Belmore. H. Bosman, 91tievale Road. Wingham-2-0-4-0-0-2 —8. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nichol and son Miss Margaret Piper returned to Drowned In The West The Wingliam baseball team was com- Kenneth and daughter, Dorothy, motored Toronto after visiting at her home in Mrs. Win, Aitkon-and family received posed of: catch, McLean Johnston; pitch- up from London and spent the week -end Wingbarn for the past two weeks, the sadnews that her son, Stewart was er, Wyn. Morden; Ist. base, Geo. How- with friends. Mr. and i Mrs, Edgar Higgins and Irowned at Manitarioo Sask on July Ist. Particulars are not to hand but further son; second base, Russell Johnston; 3rd. base, M. W. Telfer, short stop, Norman Mr. and Mrs. Finley McCallum of Mil- Master Alvie, motored to Guelph on a iotice will appear in our next issue. Geddes; left field, Milt. Brydges; right ton, are speriding their honeymoon with Mrs. McCallum's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Saturday last returning Sunday., The Aitken family have the sincere field, H. Aitcheson; centre field, E, Johnsi John Xerr. Messrs. R. J. Bloomfield, James Blodm_ sympathy of a large circle of friends in In the evening Listowel and Wingharn Miss M. L. Brock of Chapleau, is field and Martin Fisher of Pittsburgh, came over to Wingharn to spend the 12th. ,heir time of bereavement.' football - teams played a splendid game which resulted in the score of I to 0 in spending her holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Dever of Detroit, 3urn lJown Edifice favor of Listowel. After the holidays Miss Brock will teach spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Owing to a dispute as to the proper Theconcert in the Opera House was school in Toronto. J. Button, the formeris a nephew of Mrs. ,oncession of Bigwood township# near 3udbury, on which to. erect the new not Very largely attended because of the hot weather. The Miss Nellie Walterit left for Victoria Hospital London, on Thursday last whare Button. Mrs. J. Higgins and Miss Maud, have loman Catholic church, t4e edifice was - comedian, Russell Lavery, was one of the beat that has the will commence training as a nurse, Her many friends wish her much returned home after spending the past )urned to the ground to end the dispute, been heard here for some years. Mr. success. month visiting friends in Guelph and rwo tuspects have been arrested and Hayman, baritone, Was also a favorite. Mrs, W. Robin on and little daughter Hamilton. ' iave elected to be tried by a jury. They Mr, Geo, Fryfogle, Wingham's rising have returned to their home in Saskatoon, Mrs. Meldium and daughter, Alma, of ire popular young men in the parish and young musician, presided at the piano. after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Guelph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Lctive workers. A trio by Misses Shirley Donaldson, Alba Mrs. J. J. Mitchell for. the past couple of Jos, Henderson, Bluevale Road over the Palbraith and Edith Xew was much tn. months. week -end. BO1?N joyed, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bradley and their daughter, Dr. Maude 8. Bryans of Brussels, and The Wingharn Citizens' Brass Hand and Miss Gladys accompanied by Miss Edythe Ames of Ethel, spent Thurs- w1u(mLIN—In East Wawanosh, on the Lucknow Pipe Band supplied afusic. Miss Doris Gledhill all of St. Thomas, are isititig with Mrs, Bradley'3 sister, Miss day and Vriday with Mr. and Mrs, W. July let to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ar- The day's total receipts amounted to V Pugsley. j, Gallaher. buc1de, a daughter. over $900, I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods of Corbet- M*Ydr I. J. Huntei and wife of Kincar. ton', and Mr. and Mrs, L. Brown of I JRXoony—In Wingbarn Gentral Hospit- dinof were in town on the Ist avid gayo the Hamilton, motored to Winghain and were al, on S'aturday, July 8rd. to Mr and Roglitered Letters 10 cents editor of THE, ADvANCE a pleaant fra guests of Dr. R. L. and J. G, Stewart. Mrs. Claude J. Gregory# a daughter, According to an amendment to the te'rull ca"- Jack is one of the speakers on Mr. R. H. Stephens of the firm of (stillborn) Mrs, Gregory was formerly Mist Edith Buchanan, Post Office Act passed during the recent the 12th.at Wingliam. "Stephens & Ashton", and SUs, Stephens session of Parliguilient. the Registration Mr. grid. Mrt. Jae Bryan of LaLurel, and family, and Mr. Edwin JamoA, all of wricti4—In Turnberry, on Friday, July Fte on letters and other matter mailed Ont, are visiting with the latter's parents, Gorrie, spent the holiday With Mr. and 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aitken, a in Canada is fixed at ten (10c.) cents per Mr, and Mrs. Win. Webb, Lucknow. They Mrs, W. J. Gallaher. son. leach letter or article. n6ver fail to call at Titic AnvAttew ollico Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton were in (ixo­In Turnberry, on Tutifty, The above fee shall apply to all tegist. t renew their subscription to this PAPer. Brampton this week attending the funeral Juae 20th, to Mr. und Mrs. Win. King, ered mall rhatter posted in CanadA on MillsMyttle Bennett has returned to of the late William NValwo rth Woods, a daughter, —Mary J an. and afttr the 15th. July, logo. h4r home from Tehkomnigh *beta shb brotherof Mrs, Mort n. Deeea_"d died I ' . A0.&X1,,Y_In Morris, on Tutiday, July The Public are ad6sed in ordet that thoy WAY $64 that all registemd matt6r is has b4an teaching for the ptst six months. Mrs. Bennett spent st week visiting on the suddenly at Toronto CIVeneral Hospital on. SundIty, July 4th. The -funeral wai held 6thl to Mr. and Mm Alex. Closkey, a I fully prvaid as regilrds both pottsiv and Manitoulin Island and ti"owpAnled her from his I I ate residence, Brampton on a". roettrAtion tot. daughter home. Tuesday sj(tmwnI A *4 EdIS0116011h Re=Cr'%; -fion "Re -Creation," as applieLf tQ the phono,graphic repi,oduction . of music. For your, piotection, I'llaY we suggest that you make mental not('*' of the following facts:— (1) The "New Rdison", is the only phon"69v4ph which is capable of sustaining the test of direct comparison with living artists. (2) The "New Edison,',' is the only in . stifui-nent" which is capable of "Re-Creaflng,, fn4s'ib or,to which the word "Re -Creation,, cstti bQ-,Jawful-,­ ly applied. The Phonograph With STORE. McKIBBON 6 DRUG Drugs and Station, ry Edison Phonographs Phone 53 Awarded Bridge Contract, The town council have awarded the C H-RISTI E contract for the construction of the munt- .4. cipal bridge and dam across the Maitland Hunter QNE to Bros. Bridge and Boiler Co. of Kincardine. The cost will be in the, neighborhood of $27,000. German Trench Mortar Groceries and 1 AGermantrench mortar captured by-( the Canadians at Vimp Ridge has 'arrived 0 0 Provision in town and is at present in front of the -s town hall where it is tha object of great interest. It is presented to the town by the Dominion Government. TeA and Coffee Died In Alberta A wire was received in Wingbarn on Tuesday, announcing the death of Mrs. John Robinson, which occurred that Hardisty, Alberta, and Miss Letitia at morning at the home of her son, Thomas, home. in Hardisty. Alberta, where she was visit- Arrangements for the fdrieral have not ing. Mrs. Robinson left Wingharn a few been made at time of going to press. weeks ago cc visit with those of her family who reside in Western Canada, and only recently her daughter, Miss Letitia, received a letter from her in which she said SPECIAL SALE.. she was in the best of health. The message Of stated that they were leaving with the remains on Thursday for Wingham. B. P. G. NOW Go'tton 1 Deceased was a hignly esteemed old .1 lady and has been a resident of Wingharn Regular 20c. for the past fifteen years, Her maiden name was Isabella Johnston and she and Sale Price 12JC. her late husband came from the township I of Cartwright in the county of Durham In all numbers in White and Ecru. I and settled on the 8th Concession of The quality 4 this Crochet Cbtton Turnberry. where they were held in the is excellent as you know. highest esteem of all who knew them. The late Mrs. Robinson is' survived by It will pay you to buy for future're- twelve children viz. Mrs, Thos. P. James, quirements. Mrs. John Metcalfe, Mrs, Thos. Haugh, Mrs. Robert Johnston, and John of Turn - GEO. MASON. & SON berry, Mrs. Win. Lamb of Toronto, Mrs. John Hawkins and Mrs. Win. Hawkins of Stationery, Patent Medicines Bossevaine, Alan., Mrs. Lewis Jewift of Morris, William of Saskatoon, Thomas of Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, Faney Goods, Toys, etc. Com-forta"ble Shoes foi the 1 2the, We have just the styles for Summer Shoe Comfort -.*Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps In Black or Brown Kid., Pat- ent Colt Skin or, White Canvas for 'Men, Wolnen and Childiten Moderate and reasonable price for everybody. I You'll enjoy the 12th of July It we dress your feet. W1W V 0 re e r