The Wingham Advance, 1920-07-01, Page 81901. 1�)
iv q
that' mkelkaxns A V
h'clathm' world means
0 offier, name in t �e 9
-6 Y. 80 spontaneously as So�iet"y Brand..
t .1e
oi only are they, authorit2tive in, style but
p opordoned to fit all, types of men without
Iddious measurings and fittings.
Theyexpress alertness and are made to retain
their stylish lines -until the'very fabric weays
out. Always all-W'ool,
inn 00
Misses Cora Armstrong and.Maud Bell. Mr. and Mr.Q. Tom Stewart of Blyth,
Belgrave I
Mr. Davison spoke oil "The Influence 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Last Sunday evenitig Rev. T. Davison of Encouragement" and urgedthat in Stewart.
prei�eed his valedictory service in the
church work -particularly the ministry, ot Mr. and Mrs. W.'Bryant'and family of
Methodist chure'll prior to his going to
vagement was One Of I great value Hullett, spent Sunday with Mr.'and Mrs.
Tupperviiie where be will be pastor for
i and one in which all should engage. To Brandon.
ttie coming 6onference year.
I this end lie pleaded for unity of spitit, in t
Avery large and appreciative congre- Norman Sionebouse. of London, spen
jallon as-iembled and the sery the individual church and alo between the week -end with his parents, Mr. and
lce through- i the differciit deryonitinations foi- only there -
Our was of a high ordi, l Mrs. Robt: Stoo6house.
�r. Special singing by can the Kingdorn of God be fully and'
by tile Choir 'was it feature of the service. I Glad to see Mr, and Mrs. John Clegg
I permanently establisned upiin tile earth,
Mr. 1). McMi I sang a solo in splendid The service closed %ith the singling of )back to tileir home in tile village again.
voice. Mrs. W. J. Ilrocter alid Miis�;, Lulu that beautiful hymn "Blest be ae tie that pleased to see Mr, David Scott ho(ne
rendered an appropriate duet as did also binds Our hearts in Christian love." again after spending a cox�ple of wz!6ks
in Wingliarn Hospital.
Seport of the standing of the Bluevale
School pupils for the Spring terim; hoaqi
standing 75%; sati9factovy 60%, Numbel
Mu"NE"I"AVING SPECIALS ion roll 34.
Entrance Class—Roy Thomas. 82i
Good for Friday and Saturday Only i Chas Gannettt 77,
I Chas Messer,
Jr. IV-14arry Elliott, 73,
164; Janet Mowbray, 60; Willie Mundell,
Cut Mss Sugar and Cream Sets, wofth $2.00, 111 Class, A.—Harold Thomas# 89�
onsale at ................. ; ....................... ; .............. $1625 Beatrice Thornton, 81; Edith Precken-
ridge 79,; Gordon Mundell. 77, 'Everett
Cut Glas,,; Baskets, reg. 1.50, on Sale at ................ 75C
MeGe,�, 75, Mary Mowbray, 62, Irene
Class Tumblers, worth 10c., on sale at .................... fir, XclKiftney, 52; Cora Gannett, 5Z.
G �11.Clata IA— Thomas 75; Muriel
31ass NVater Pitchers, Peg. (30c on sale at ............ 490
Thorntop, 65i Fred Elliott 61; Glenn
F�,alm Leaf.F�an,, to licep you cool, only ................ 15e, Garniss, S4,
It Class—olive Garniffs. 10; Irving
Clilghmn, 64. Hazel Mundell. $6; Nellie
McKinney, 43
—John Slowbray, 77, Noble Green.
away, 65.
Extra Special for 'Jr. I—Herrin McCracken, 77;',Dorothy
Aitken, 77; Lavina Thomas, '16; Allan
'2 days orkli4 20 per i Garniss, 6%; 113161a Thorntofi, 60.'
Sr Primer—Plorence Hall 73; Lealle
cent. discount o n i omenaway, 66; May Nlowbray 60,
Jr."Primai—May NicholsoO, IN Shirley
all Wallpapers. McCracken, 73.
Alice Aitken, Tdachtr
The following is the rtportotpr6motion
*xaminatiors af 8.*S, No 11, 13Ast
Or. 111 --Gordon Nlegurnrit-PHozol
Irwin, Verna Irwin.
D A 7 A Jr. 111—P.4bina Young, Atax. Robtrt-
WINGHAM W1401-1AR I 60;;!fm Detect, Fred Dthcon.
I it Agnito Ytabortion, Willie
I 'r(rx Taken stik Cxf.4,h. Agents for Pictorlill Review P*%terric Irwin.
710 714
J= I
The Hurtlit tway C=41, hold d* a4y, of Amwt this
40A Ila doubt 0, ovsrytb1bg alse. of (Corroof 0 1W Wedri*v nWh)
irst 4111:1141
38 whtoh there is 0, a0arplly to tho war, * 114 Wh011t No,, 19 98 to a 00
yfield. OAL #4day aftemoon, and 4 rW, Conditions wblqb fQ110W thO WAt-- NVA4 W1104t NQ� 9 , 11,1r 2$4 Ain
th� big to,
,,*od time -was enjoyed by tho CoUrity L IX Up W.As. on over thore and Irl(ittr ............. �7 6Q to 7 76 A, Barg
?ArlipwritarlAns with the wives, familloA prices were, constantly goin I ir tip, . we were to,
ind friends. A feature of the picnic was 38
1e presentgtion of 4 coilole of large up, told it was an Account of the war, but as 40 to 63
iolstered chairs, to the popular county ligoo' Atli it was Oyer pricea Would lake Eggs 48 to 50 for M�xm
-lerU, Georp W. Holman, and his bride. such A drop that we would be left -in Cattle,. med., biltchers.. 9 00 to 10. 00,
breathless Astonishment, so, though it Cattle,, butcl to 2 00
k neatly worded address was, road by ma cholce..11 00.
hurt wf- Paid tl 0 pr!cQ,, but 41w4ys, with Hof #
p lkvewo*
Reeve U, Porte of Stanley, And the .1 # .... .. 19 00 to, 19 10
presentation was made by Roeve, TJ eyes fixed on that golden future, HAY 19 00 to 21 00
, pling our
:if Wingham, Mr. Holman replied brief- When tile boya would be" h6me, 404. we Cr0m to 57
ly, tbankint, ft county reprooelitatives, "old afford afew cents'. worth of brown Some monihs ago We, were offered a "retil bargairL"
mixed candiis without spending Q
And assu'ring them that, be would long, ,or last -11iOOL REPORT n shoes for. men an,4'they looked so good -t� ys�.'tbat.
member theW klo Pickle to do it, but Alas, the war: is over
-driess a 9 serve
md try t a.'arly two years, and prjcos Are �till We bought a much I.orger quantity than usual.
th-.m. better tbarvin thelpast. Abase -ball
match in which a s ides paying
L strike was geuerally rapidly advancing, and besi (Continued fro m page, 1)
called a ball and a ball a strike. by the the Price for A suit Or a pair of Pliges. we )0.�McGee .,, ..................... 884 This shoo has just arrlycd"aind
. l: pay a tax -for earning so much C
beloved. county treasurer, Wm. Lane, Dean$ . ........................ 383 been plqccd In stock And they are we
was greatly enjoyed by bot money and they now blame it on "after W. (;urney .................... believe the belit value we have bal for
. h ployers and, conditign.41, and the men who make our 382 A long time.
spectators, We expect th;AtW,1rdqn Petty laws And place the taxes, CA Kxing
willbe applying forthe position 0 a " lei, Ccoutts., , ...................... 380
of first minutes increase their, saialies to meet In appoarancevery much like th'
baseman on,some of the big leagae teamQ11 R,UCKay ....................... $78 lillistration. The leatlime 'to box kid
them'so thAt the "after conditiqns,"bave'�
Several other sports were playqd and pri7es � Aoss 370 and the soles are both sowed and
I " : :L.. � , no terrors for them., We think -it is, time .......
awarded for them. R Copelon(t .......... ............. 374 riveted, tasking 4 good strong boot,
After , a sumptuous lunch Was...:pertaken for a clean up god if the U, F. 0. is the. THenderson, and yet of neat appearance. - A good
14 only party that can '40 it, then in the
of at the longbeach) which'so. Inany of us me of Heaven IfR us have the U. F, 0 ............. $73. boot either for best or,every day wear
baveput our feet under on 4imiliar oc. M-Zurbrigg $67
ca8lons- �t this famous, picnic '� , tt once, Them. 49: 'Oil oJ4 saving that Note the marvelously low price
grounds, the what ever goe4 up . is sure to come down, E %ropshall.. 66.6
huge family began to thin, out, as auto, but there was no tim�e' set for the . descent, N Rintoul.... 864
aft"'auto started ontheirlong journeys N Hayles ...................... gol
' . so we are, still living in hopes.
to their different homei in almost all of M Campbell ........... 356
p'. er pair,
the municipalities of old Huron. The garden patty on Joseph Tavlor's MMasDn, RAQ.
We trust that the county fat ors will lawn last week was a splendid success, J Dinsley
h ............. 351 -
continue these picnics annually,,;Rnd 'more And the Young Ladies Bible Class will 11"Hartnell All siz& fo
346,, s r men 6 t6. 1.1.
particularly that t ey willremember have a nice sum to add ...
h to the treasury.' Temp�oma _ 3dK
again invite the, editor of the Advance. R Agnew .................
Harold Ackert held a sale of flowe 344
We would also make bold to drop the hint on main street on `Sgturday to aid VAnnour.,
that it would not be out of Place to invite Armenians. There was a good demand J LeVard. 342
our brother editors and their, families to for bpquets, and the Armenians will reap 339
the next ong; it would even, be charitable. the benefit V Miller, .................. 334
How much nicer to be'friends of the G Barka ....................... 329 SOLE AGENT'FOli LADIES'
The brass band seems -to be Popular D Miller_' ............... 325
pushers of the pen than to* 'be like the .1
members of Bruce County. CgiAncil and for gaMon parties this year having-ilp leiiis 'A, 'Stokes ...................... 324.
the Press Association of that county who than seven in two .8UttOn .................. : ....... 3 . 20
0 weeks, And going all
are not even neighborly at present. The far as. ; Ti , verton, L . Hayden ......... . I ......... 317
Bruce printers hact the nerve to ask a de, � G PhittlebQr'g
A large number of members' of the A. I ..... ......... all,
cent living wage for the c nty printing, F. and A. NJ. attended divine service in M Hingstors . AND DEIRPY SHOES FOR MEN.
�6u ................ ;35
and peculiar to that fair county in which Kincardine Sunday moraing. P Atkinson .....
.......... ...
the w . riter is proud to say he was born, G hoberson, ...................... 290
the printers ptuck by each other. The Mr. Chas. Stewart of Aslifield who has - 1220
printing was sent out of the county by a probably ill's largest steer in Canada re- Promoted from Senior Primer to First DISTRICT NEWS Methodist'Church, Clinton, on July. 6tb
heartless printing committee of council- fosed $2000 for him last week. This
steer is roan in color, and is mixed stgin Book. Namesin,order of merit.
lors and now the "awful" printers pay one and 7th, commencing at 1,30 p. in. on
of their number to attend each council five years old and weighs 8000 lbs.. -and, A! Class I A serious accident toolc place at Gode- Tuesday, July 6th. The Con�yentio n�
ng aft Pee , is that . it never g . . rich on Thursday last, when -Mr. Daniel 'speaker will be, Miss Morton of Toronto,
meeti d "write it up,2 uliar part. about ot� J Tiffin, I Smith, N Coutts, J Corn�n- McMurchy fell from a ladder some 20
milk after it was three weeks old. W Angus, M King, A Snell, B Fox, J Carr -one of the Provincial orginizers. On
Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Knechte.1 of S H Dickson, V Pilon, E Henderson. G feet receiving several injuries. He was Tuesday evening a -splendid conceri will
at;k-, Young, K Sinith, M McIntyre, P Camp- Painting on top of the ladder, and it i$r be given by gold and silver medalists of
Whitechurch 410on, who are on a, motor trip visited Dr.: bell,:j Moir, M thought that. he took a weah: spell and fell. the County.
Armatrofig, R Harrison, Do not fail to attend this
Mr. Fd%viu Jarvis, left on Wednesday and Mrs Newton over Sunday.
for Wilkie, Sas M Lockridge, L Wild, G Davidson. Medical ittention was soon on hand, and
k. to visit his dauglitert concert. Everyone is welcome to the
Mrs. Sherwood, who is seriously ill. Mr. Tom Webster of Detroit, is back to. . Class II he was removed to his, home in a seml- sessions of the Convention.
Mr. Wesley Sheriff of Owen Sound, town for the summer H Kargus, M Ludwig, M Bisbee, G conscious state. A number of ribs on the
spe,lt a few days, last week visiting his Wellwood, C Fry, 'S Mitchell, S Camp. right side are broken besides other injue- R. H. Archibald was re-engaged as
one e, W. R. Farrier. Miss Dorothy Douglas is home from ies but it is not known yet just. how ser- Principal of ihe ListQwel ]MIgh 'School at
Mr. and Mrs. Sanittel Reid and Toronto University. bell, B Wright, H Groves, A Scott , E Sim- ious, he may be injured. Despite h s age a salary of $2,700 per. . nnu Miss Hay
children of Tucknow, Mr. Henry Math- mons, J Cruikshank, W Lediett. a
ers and sister of Bluevale were Sunday Mr and Mrs. Archie McMillan at N. Promoted from of 74, every hope is held for his recov- was re-engaged at a salary of $1,700 per
visitors at W. R. Varrier's. Dakota, are visiting his brother, Philip Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer ery, annum, and Miss Tatham at a salary of,
McMillan here, A Atkinson, . G Beattie, K Lott, E The 23rd Annual Convention . of the $i,600'per annum, Miss Stanley, Miss
A large 'number are leaving for their Baker, M Ddble,, M Fitt, N Lediett, H, Huron County Women's Christian Tem- Ellis and Miss Howi� have'resigned' from
East Wawanosh Agnew, G Lediett the staff.
cottages at the take. perance Union 'will be held in-WesleY
Miss X. Gibbons has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Agai#, Mr. and,
from bar 96hool at Lucan. where she, Is Mrs. Win. Irwin are on a trip through the
re-engaged for the coming term. West.
Mr. John'Menzfes loit-a valuable horse Mis Money and her sister, who ha . a
her home from her school In Culross,
last week, been Isiting here left for �er vacation
Miss Agnes Devreaux bas returned to this week.
BORN t5lue-vale
Garden Parties and picnic gatherings
LimisHmAw—In Wingliam Ge are the order of ille day.
neral Hos-
pital on June 23rd. to Mr and Mrs. Many enjoyed the picnic in T. R'
genry�eislup Bennett's grove on Saturday last.
. � , qn of Ea6t Wawanosb a
son.. The Bluevale. Johnston's and Eben-
qx�pyns—�n Wingham, on June 24th to ezer Sunday Schools 'held their Annual
.41r. qnAlgrs. Thos. Groves, a daughter. Picn C In I-1. Boeman's grove this week.
1�=.—Jn Wingbap? on Stinday, June 27to Garden, Party on the Presbyterian
to Mr. and kis . - Wee �ee, (qb1ne lawn on,4T_uesday of tbis week,
-were rqarrleq. on Wednesday of this
4 da4khtpr. Mr. Wilbert Ma h ra and Miss Boyess
ANsT-uy—To 14r. gnd Ivfrs. 4, Ifarry �Iz 4",
Ansley, Suite 1, Lee bot;rt, Winnipei, week at St.. Marys, the 4onle of,tfle Oride.
on June 25th., a son, COngratulations.
HicKEY—In Owen Sound, on Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs, Joe, Brec)renrldge
June 27th to Mr. and Mrs Willian, returned home After a Pleasant tbt
Hickey, (nee Nurse King formerly of weeks visit with friends In Michigan.
Wi Among the many places they, ylalted at
ngham), a daughter.
- qA01
Cornwall, Lexington, Peck, Cass City, MAN.
Bay City, Emmett, Detroit, Ca0su: and
Belgrave Circuit Prospers
Mro and Mrs.
numerouir other places.
The annual statement issued by 06 Mckellar of Saginaw accompanied thern %XV.
Methodist church, Belgrave circuit, is to Blyth.
most creditable to both pastor and people.
Belgrave raised $1417 for 411 purposes, Mr. and Mrs. Mahood and children of
Brick church $1124 and Sunshine $592. Kineardint, also Mr. and Mrs. Donald If you haven't yeE bought your n'ew Sum -
Rite of Wirigham, visited at the home of
For General Missionary' Fund, Belgrave Joe. Ereckenridge on Sunday afternoon. Mer suit, overcoat, hat and furnishing goodsl
Ms. Brick church $116, and Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichol of Bruseclai come in and examine Qurs,
$31. National Campaign, Belgrave $977, spent Sunday at the latter"s home.
Pyick church $395 and Sunshine $237.
iton wag the pastor and Jno. LeaVe it tq us, and we Wktl tqr-n you' out a
Rpv. $. payi d 'an f 6- a r' q - ' '
:ty q I d, r e ss,q m r % !ggnable price.
Beecroft. 4t�- 5tevard. Ran Pirst Train Through Mildmay
14ildmay had a short call on Tuesday
And it wre doo.5 feel 9,00d to be well dress-
3Raneing froniMr. John QtOrk of Wih9bam, an e- dt Yom KNOW It.
aged and retired. railw4y man, who was
and connected with pioneer railroa4ing in this
X part of" the province. Mr.. Quirk was Our GOODS are GOOD; -our PRICES LOW.
music conductor on the first train that made its
way up this branch of the Wellington.
1ho emodoml el& of tho imaJor- Grey and Bruce in 1872, At that time
91:7 of pxvplo Cannot be aatioded by there waa a strong pull between the
Pm lhbraTlea, Gymnasiums, May- villages of Mildmay and Balaklava for
9110AUd% etc- TbO']OvO Of WO-0mg tht the station, and the quettlon not having
heufth7,body to th0l *7&m of Muslo beewdecided, the train made one contin- ecial 10 Day Sale
10 60me forft of damizig to an In- uous trip from Clifford to Walkerton, SP
lbom peculIPAY of the average, wan
ftd viozaim; w4th Xquor Md h1doe-. Mr. Quirk is vvpllo.ver the eighty mark.—
ant =119100 howova-t, 4ww" n%y do Mildmay Gazette.
*ore hatun diAn hwtetlt. It to Vath- A P61i61ar,Res0ft,, of M, C& n S� 'Su 'S
eltlo to oeP6 In our Mme, W"is alid
-eftw, yoM nwn "d Vou*n "wh The new OfivillOn sit Goderich is ptoving
to sotaa dewe hvffi to ftthsfy a a popular attraction for the young people
4*,IrO for RWA*0100111t, of thedistrict and large crowds have been
Peopllie vw 11a;#6 tod up tbL61r in attendance since it was opened two 6,
�Orftt& In D911kAfte. TAtO Itourg, weeks ago, Situated on the banks of All Sizes—Latest Styles In Navy Serges, All
ft4 rQ6& or 1114vo, WUTO looked Wool - -
Wo tQ�W 0,4# 00 'Wine Vh4an it Wo take Huron, the pavilion, with its beaut-
UM &Aid 1*V0 '014 1phn ftt%6y_ Iful dancing floor, 36 by 00 feet, Its tpleil-
obru too tl�* vfttt�t *4 W. .%. did piutic each night by the Lutz - Society I weeds. All Wodl Worsteds.
"oft In, tho use lot Orthatm of 1,011don, its Will appoi*4
HatikIno's Heart and Norve ftsrhodyt restaurant, iln4 other fagU1t1e;l-.f4r tbo
ave 10 to 25 per-ce- no 't., a
Comfort and Convenience of V10tork, Is a* S It
U1W Aw" Ut '"lag 6t d""s"Ou ideal place to spend anAvening fit tleljght.
"d Aft-roamm6l that comes from
fowei,td v+W* and brInp back th6 tul tutroutidings.
bmIthy ricli, red color to tba alb6oW;. The managamont atmounoft that picnic (Get Our Prices Before Buying.)
It Vill iniake yodir beQaty 61409 006TO -AM alit6blobild partiat visiting Goderich
SafstAX19'00 thst YOU WfA *"IkO In ate ifivit0d to uto the Pavilion groundit (or
tboo, motAbigs IWI of We amd lm* thg parking of th6ir automobiles and Im
bAd *6ta ablo t* tfitM 0A Vft" tbb have, the use of tables In tha r4stautAht
&Y'a WO& 1fi16 khofr *Ok 11w, V
oo.* nwoe owft bo ovfttom It of chwet.
*M on HsokfiWt RON$
Asmedly to *rebg"n the X*Y", to r0d MUSIC 00h %rA*Y aftottloo0l *W
s4d pover to dw6 94mrt az4 to rt- evening during the somon. -B-R 0 so
H*art t"tt Ift It it intobdad to have a conxot of me,
voye Por the holiday, (July let) thate wit T)A
"Ila *11MM*" thlb 011"100" of it ho
*6 M'00d- 1307 U*w trOw ywr mutic and dancing in the ftvibm b0a.1
afternow and eywAn1,—(Advt)
. 14
41P I
1901. 1�)
iv q
that' mkelkaxns A V
h'clathm' world means
0 offier, name in t �e 9
-6 Y. 80 spontaneously as So�iet"y Brand..
t .1e
oi only are they, authorit2tive in, style but
p opordoned to fit all, types of men without
Iddious measurings and fittings.
Theyexpress alertness and are made to retain
their stylish lines -until the'very fabric weays
out. Always all-W'ool,
inn 00
Misses Cora Armstrong and.Maud Bell. Mr. and Mr.Q. Tom Stewart of Blyth,
Belgrave I
Mr. Davison spoke oil "The Influence 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Last Sunday evenitig Rev. T. Davison of Encouragement" and urgedthat in Stewart.
prei�eed his valedictory service in the
church work -particularly the ministry, ot Mr. and Mrs. W.'Bryant'and family of
Methodist chure'll prior to his going to
vagement was One Of I great value Hullett, spent Sunday with Mr.'and Mrs.
Tupperviiie where be will be pastor for
i and one in which all should engage. To Brandon.
ttie coming 6onference year.
I this end lie pleaded for unity of spitit, in t
Avery large and appreciative congre- Norman Sionebouse. of London, spen
jallon as-iembled and the sery the individual church and alo between the week -end with his parents, Mr. and
lce through- i the differciit deryonitinations foi- only there -
Our was of a high ordi, l Mrs. Robt: Stoo6house.
�r. Special singing by can the Kingdorn of God be fully and'
by tile Choir 'was it feature of the service. I Glad to see Mr, and Mrs. John Clegg
I permanently establisned upiin tile earth,
Mr. 1). McMi I sang a solo in splendid The service closed %ith the singling of )back to tileir home in tile village again.
voice. Mrs. W. J. Ilrocter alid Miis�;, Lulu that beautiful hymn "Blest be ae tie that pleased to see Mr, David Scott ho(ne
rendered an appropriate duet as did also binds Our hearts in Christian love." again after spending a cox�ple of wz!6ks
in Wingliarn Hospital.
Seport of the standing of the Bluevale
School pupils for the Spring terim; hoaqi
standing 75%; sati9factovy 60%, Numbel
Mu"NE"I"AVING SPECIALS ion roll 34.
Entrance Class—Roy Thomas. 82i
Good for Friday and Saturday Only i Chas Gannettt 77,
I Chas Messer,
Jr. IV-14arry Elliott, 73,
164; Janet Mowbray, 60; Willie Mundell,
Cut Mss Sugar and Cream Sets, wofth $2.00, 111 Class, A.—Harold Thomas# 89�
onsale at ................. ; ....................... ; .............. $1625 Beatrice Thornton, 81; Edith Precken-
ridge 79,; Gordon Mundell. 77, 'Everett
Cut Glas,,; Baskets, reg. 1.50, on Sale at ................ 75C
MeGe,�, 75, Mary Mowbray, 62, Irene
Class Tumblers, worth 10c., on sale at .................... fir, XclKiftney, 52; Cora Gannett, 5Z.
G �11.Clata IA— Thomas 75; Muriel
31ass NVater Pitchers, Peg. (30c on sale at ............ 490
Thorntop, 65i Fred Elliott 61; Glenn
F�,alm Leaf.F�an,, to licep you cool, only ................ 15e, Garniss, S4,
It Class—olive Garniffs. 10; Irving
Clilghmn, 64. Hazel Mundell. $6; Nellie
McKinney, 43
—John Slowbray, 77, Noble Green.
away, 65.
Extra Special for 'Jr. I—Herrin McCracken, 77;',Dorothy
Aitken, 77; Lavina Thomas, '16; Allan
'2 days orkli4 20 per i Garniss, 6%; 113161a Thorntofi, 60.'
Sr Primer—Plorence Hall 73; Lealle
cent. discount o n i omenaway, 66; May Nlowbray 60,
Jr."Primai—May NicholsoO, IN Shirley
all Wallpapers. McCracken, 73.
Alice Aitken, Tdachtr
The following is the rtportotpr6motion
*xaminatiors af 8.*S, No 11, 13Ast
Or. 111 --Gordon Nlegurnrit-PHozol
Irwin, Verna Irwin.
D A 7 A Jr. 111—P.4bina Young, Atax. Robtrt-
WINGHAM W1401-1AR I 60;;!fm Detect, Fred Dthcon.
I it Agnito Ytabortion, Willie
I 'r(rx Taken stik Cxf.4,h. Agents for Pictorlill Review P*%terric Irwin.
710 714
J= I
The Hurtlit tway C=41, hold d* a4y, of Amwt this
40A Ila doubt 0, ovsrytb1bg alse. of (Corroof 0 1W Wedri*v nWh)
irst 4111:1141
38 whtoh there is 0, a0arplly to tho war, * 114 Wh011t No,, 19 98 to a 00
yfield. OAL #4day aftemoon, and 4 rW, Conditions wblqb fQ110W thO WAt-- NVA4 W1104t NQ� 9 , 11,1r 2$4 Ain
th� big to,
,,*od time -was enjoyed by tho CoUrity L IX Up W.As. on over thore and Irl(ittr ............. �7 6Q to 7 76 A, Barg
?ArlipwritarlAns with the wives, familloA prices were, constantly goin I ir tip, . we were to,
ind friends. A feature of the picnic was 38
1e presentgtion of 4 coilole of large up, told it was an Account of the war, but as 40 to 63
iolstered chairs, to the popular county ligoo' Atli it was Oyer pricea Would lake Eggs 48 to 50 for M�xm
-lerU, Georp W. Holman, and his bride. such A drop that we would be left -in Cattle,. med., biltchers.. 9 00 to 10. 00,
breathless Astonishment, so, though it Cattle,, butcl to 2 00
k neatly worded address was, road by ma cholce..11 00.
hurt wf- Paid tl 0 pr!cQ,, but 41w4ys, with Hof #
p lkvewo*
Reeve U, Porte of Stanley, And the .1 # .... .. 19 00 to, 19 10
presentation was made by Roeve, TJ eyes fixed on that golden future, HAY 19 00 to 21 00
, pling our
:if Wingham, Mr. Holman replied brief- When tile boya would be" h6me, 404. we Cr0m to 57
ly, tbankint, ft county reprooelitatives, "old afford afew cents'. worth of brown Some monihs ago We, were offered a "retil bargairL"
mixed candiis without spending Q
And assu'ring them that, be would long, ,or last -11iOOL REPORT n shoes for. men an,4'they looked so good -t� ys�.'tbat.
member theW klo Pickle to do it, but Alas, the war: is over
-driess a 9 serve
md try t a.'arly two years, and prjcos Are �till We bought a much I.orger quantity than usual.
th-.m. better tbarvin thelpast. Abase -ball
match in which a s ides paying
L strike was geuerally rapidly advancing, and besi (Continued fro m page, 1)
called a ball and a ball a strike. by the the Price for A suit Or a pair of Pliges. we )0.�McGee .,, ..................... 884 This shoo has just arrlycd"aind
. l: pay a tax -for earning so much C
beloved. county treasurer, Wm. Lane, Dean$ . ........................ 383 been plqccd In stock And they are we
was greatly enjoyed by bot money and they now blame it on "after W. (;urney .................... believe the belit value we have bal for
. h ployers and, conditign.41, and the men who make our 382 A long time.
spectators, We expect th;AtW,1rdqn Petty laws And place the taxes, CA Kxing
willbe applying forthe position 0 a " lei, Ccoutts., , ...................... 380
of first minutes increase their, saialies to meet In appoarancevery much like th'
baseman on,some of the big leagae teamQ11 R,UCKay ....................... $78 lillistration. The leatlime 'to box kid
them'so thAt the "after conditiqns,"bave'�
Several other sports were playqd and pri7es � Aoss 370 and the soles are both sowed and
I " : :L.. � , no terrors for them., We think -it is, time .......
awarded for them. R Copelon(t .......... ............. 374 riveted, tasking 4 good strong boot,
After , a sumptuous lunch Was...:pertaken for a clean up god if the U, F. 0. is the. THenderson, and yet of neat appearance. - A good
14 only party that can '40 it, then in the
of at the longbeach) which'so. Inany of us me of Heaven IfR us have the U. F, 0 ............. $73. boot either for best or,every day wear
baveput our feet under on 4imiliar oc. M-Zurbrigg $67
ca8lons- �t this famous, picnic '� , tt once, Them. 49: 'Oil oJ4 saving that Note the marvelously low price
grounds, the what ever goe4 up . is sure to come down, E %ropshall.. 66.6
huge family began to thin, out, as auto, but there was no tim�e' set for the . descent, N Rintoul.... 864
aft"'auto started ontheirlong journeys N Hayles ...................... gol
' . so we are, still living in hopes.
to their different homei in almost all of M Campbell ........... 356
p'. er pair,
the municipalities of old Huron. The garden patty on Joseph Tavlor's MMasDn, RAQ.
We trust that the county fat ors will lawn last week was a splendid success, J Dinsley
h ............. 351 -
continue these picnics annually,,;Rnd 'more And the Young Ladies Bible Class will 11"Hartnell All siz& fo
346,, s r men 6 t6. 1.1.
particularly that t ey willremember have a nice sum to add ...
h to the treasury.' Temp�oma _ 3dK
again invite the, editor of the Advance. R Agnew .................
Harold Ackert held a sale of flowe 344
We would also make bold to drop the hint on main street on `Sgturday to aid VAnnour.,
that it would not be out of Place to invite Armenians. There was a good demand J LeVard. 342
our brother editors and their, families to for bpquets, and the Armenians will reap 339
the next ong; it would even, be charitable. the benefit V Miller, .................. 334
How much nicer to be'friends of the G Barka ....................... 329 SOLE AGENT'FOli LADIES'
The brass band seems -to be Popular D Miller_' ............... 325
pushers of the pen than to* 'be like the .1
members of Bruce County. CgiAncil and for gaMon parties this year having-ilp leiiis 'A, 'Stokes ...................... 324.
the Press Association of that county who than seven in two .8UttOn .................. : ....... 3 . 20
0 weeks, And going all
are not even neighborly at present. The far as. ; Ti , verton, L . Hayden ......... . I ......... 317
Bruce printers hact the nerve to ask a de, � G PhittlebQr'g
A large number of members' of the A. I ..... ......... all,
cent living wage for the c nty printing, F. and A. NJ. attended divine service in M Hingstors . AND DEIRPY SHOES FOR MEN.
�6u ................ ;35
and peculiar to that fair county in which Kincardine Sunday moraing. P Atkinson .....
.......... ...
the w . riter is proud to say he was born, G hoberson, ...................... 290
the printers ptuck by each other. The Mr. Chas. Stewart of Aslifield who has - 1220
printing was sent out of the county by a probably ill's largest steer in Canada re- Promoted from Senior Primer to First DISTRICT NEWS Methodist'Church, Clinton, on July. 6tb
heartless printing committee of council- fosed $2000 for him last week. This
steer is roan in color, and is mixed stgin Book. Namesin,order of merit.
lors and now the "awful" printers pay one and 7th, commencing at 1,30 p. in. on
of their number to attend each council five years old and weighs 8000 lbs.. -and, A! Class I A serious accident toolc place at Gode- Tuesday, July 6th. The Con�yentio n�
ng aft Pee , is that . it never g . . rich on Thursday last, when -Mr. Daniel 'speaker will be, Miss Morton of Toronto,
meeti d "write it up,2 uliar part. about ot� J Tiffin, I Smith, N Coutts, J Corn�n- McMurchy fell from a ladder some 20
milk after it was three weeks old. W Angus, M King, A Snell, B Fox, J Carr -one of the Provincial orginizers. On
Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Knechte.1 of S H Dickson, V Pilon, E Henderson. G feet receiving several injuries. He was Tuesday evening a -splendid conceri will
at;k-, Young, K Sinith, M McIntyre, P Camp- Painting on top of the ladder, and it i$r be given by gold and silver medalists of
Whitechurch 410on, who are on a, motor trip visited Dr.: bell,:j Moir, M thought that. he took a weah: spell and fell. the County.
Armatrofig, R Harrison, Do not fail to attend this
Mr. Fd%viu Jarvis, left on Wednesday and Mrs Newton over Sunday.
for Wilkie, Sas M Lockridge, L Wild, G Davidson. Medical ittention was soon on hand, and
k. to visit his dauglitert concert. Everyone is welcome to the
Mrs. Sherwood, who is seriously ill. Mr. Tom Webster of Detroit, is back to. . Class II he was removed to his, home in a seml- sessions of the Convention.
Mr. Wesley Sheriff of Owen Sound, town for the summer H Kargus, M Ludwig, M Bisbee, G conscious state. A number of ribs on the
spe,lt a few days, last week visiting his Wellwood, C Fry, 'S Mitchell, S Camp. right side are broken besides other injue- R. H. Archibald was re-engaged as
one e, W. R. Farrier. Miss Dorothy Douglas is home from ies but it is not known yet just. how ser- Principal of ihe ListQwel ]MIgh 'School at
Mr. and Mrs. Sanittel Reid and Toronto University. bell, B Wright, H Groves, A Scott , E Sim- ious, he may be injured. Despite h s age a salary of $2,700 per. . nnu Miss Hay
children of Tucknow, Mr. Henry Math- mons, J Cruikshank, W Lediett. a
ers and sister of Bluevale were Sunday Mr and Mrs. Archie McMillan at N. Promoted from of 74, every hope is held for his recov- was re-engaged at a salary of $1,700 per
visitors at W. R. Varrier's. Dakota, are visiting his brother, Philip Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer ery, annum, and Miss Tatham at a salary of,
McMillan here, A Atkinson, . G Beattie, K Lott, E The 23rd Annual Convention . of the $i,600'per annum, Miss Stanley, Miss
A large 'number are leaving for their Baker, M Ddble,, M Fitt, N Lediett, H, Huron County Women's Christian Tem- Ellis and Miss Howi� have'resigned' from
East Wawanosh Agnew, G Lediett the staff.
cottages at the take. perance Union 'will be held in-WesleY
Miss X. Gibbons has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Agai#, Mr. and,
from bar 96hool at Lucan. where she, Is Mrs. Win. Irwin are on a trip through the
re-engaged for the coming term. West.
Mr. John'Menzfes loit-a valuable horse Mis Money and her sister, who ha . a
her home from her school In Culross,
last week, been Isiting here left for �er vacation
Miss Agnes Devreaux bas returned to this week.
BORN t5lue-vale
Garden Parties and picnic gatherings
LimisHmAw—In Wingliam Ge are the order of ille day.
neral Hos-
pital on June 23rd. to Mr and Mrs. Many enjoyed the picnic in T. R'
genry�eislup Bennett's grove on Saturday last.
. � , qn of Ea6t Wawanosb a
son.. The Bluevale. Johnston's and Eben-
qx�pyns—�n Wingham, on June 24th to ezer Sunday Schools 'held their Annual
.41r. qnAlgrs. Thos. Groves, a daughter. Picn C In I-1. Boeman's grove this week.
1�=.—Jn Wingbap? on Stinday, June 27to Garden, Party on the Presbyterian
to Mr. and kis . - Wee �ee, (qb1ne lawn on,4T_uesday of tbis week,
-were rqarrleq. on Wednesday of this
4 da4khtpr. Mr. Wilbert Ma h ra and Miss Boyess
ANsT-uy—To 14r. gnd Ivfrs. 4, Ifarry �Iz 4",
Ansley, Suite 1, Lee bot;rt, Winnipei, week at St.. Marys, the 4onle of,tfle Oride.
on June 25th., a son, COngratulations.
HicKEY—In Owen Sound, on Sunday, . Mr. and Mrs, Joe, Brec)renrldge
June 27th to Mr. and Mrs Willian, returned home After a Pleasant tbt
Hickey, (nee Nurse King formerly of weeks visit with friends In Michigan.
Wi Among the many places they, ylalted at
ngham), a daughter.
- qA01
Cornwall, Lexington, Peck, Cass City, MAN.
Bay City, Emmett, Detroit, Ca0su: and
Belgrave Circuit Prospers
Mro and Mrs.
numerouir other places.
The annual statement issued by 06 Mckellar of Saginaw accompanied thern %XV.
Methodist church, Belgrave circuit, is to Blyth.
most creditable to both pastor and people.
Belgrave raised $1417 for 411 purposes, Mr. and Mrs. Mahood and children of
Brick church $1124 and Sunshine $592. Kineardint, also Mr. and Mrs. Donald If you haven't yeE bought your n'ew Sum -
Rite of Wirigham, visited at the home of
For General Missionary' Fund, Belgrave Joe. Ereckenridge on Sunday afternoon. Mer suit, overcoat, hat and furnishing goodsl
Ms. Brick church $116, and Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichol of Bruseclai come in and examine Qurs,
$31. National Campaign, Belgrave $977, spent Sunday at the latter"s home.
Pyick church $395 and Sunshine $237.
iton wag the pastor and Jno. LeaVe it tq us, and we Wktl tqr-n you' out a
Rpv. $. payi d 'an f 6- a r' q - ' '
:ty q I d, r e ss,q m r % !ggnable price.
Beecroft. 4t�- 5tevard. Ran Pirst Train Through Mildmay
14ildmay had a short call on Tuesday
And it wre doo.5 feel 9,00d to be well dress-
3Raneing froniMr. John QtOrk of Wih9bam, an e- dt Yom KNOW It.
aged and retired. railw4y man, who was
and connected with pioneer railroa4ing in this
X part of" the province. Mr.. Quirk was Our GOODS are GOOD; -our PRICES LOW.
music conductor on the first train that made its
way up this branch of the Wellington.
1ho emodoml el& of tho imaJor- Grey and Bruce in 1872, At that time
91:7 of pxvplo Cannot be aatioded by there waa a strong pull between the
Pm lhbraTlea, Gymnasiums, May- villages of Mildmay and Balaklava for
9110AUd% etc- TbO']OvO Of WO-0mg tht the station, and the quettlon not having
heufth7,body to th0l *7&m of Muslo beewdecided, the train made one contin- ecial 10 Day Sale
10 60me forft of damizig to an In- uous trip from Clifford to Walkerton, SP
lbom peculIPAY of the average, wan
ftd viozaim; w4th Xquor Md h1doe-. Mr. Quirk is vvpllo.ver the eighty mark.—
ant =119100 howova-t, 4ww" n%y do Mildmay Gazette.
*ore hatun diAn hwtetlt. It to Vath- A P61i61ar,Res0ft,, of M, C& n S� 'Su 'S
eltlo to oeP6 In our Mme, W"is alid
-eftw, yoM nwn "d Vou*n "wh The new OfivillOn sit Goderich is ptoving
to sotaa dewe hvffi to ftthsfy a a popular attraction for the young people
4*,IrO for RWA*0100111t, of thedistrict and large crowds have been
Peopllie vw 11a;#6 tod up tbL61r in attendance since it was opened two 6,
�Orftt& In D911kAfte. TAtO Itourg, weeks ago, Situated on the banks of All Sizes—Latest Styles In Navy Serges, All
ft4 rQ6& or 1114vo, WUTO looked Wool - -
Wo tQ�W 0,4# 00 'Wine Vh4an it Wo take Huron, the pavilion, with its beaut-
UM &Aid 1*V0 '014 1phn ftt%6y_ Iful dancing floor, 36 by 00 feet, Its tpleil-
obru too tl�* vfttt�t *4 W. .%. did piutic each night by the Lutz - Society I weeds. All Wodl Worsteds.
"oft In, tho use lot Orthatm of 1,011don, its Will appoi*4
HatikIno's Heart and Norve ftsrhodyt restaurant, iln4 other fagU1t1e;l-.f4r tbo
ave 10 to 25 per-ce- no 't., a
Comfort and Convenience of V10tork, Is a* S It
U1W Aw" Ut '"lag 6t d""s"Ou ideal place to spend anAvening fit tleljght.
"d Aft-roamm6l that comes from
fowei,td v+W* and brInp back th6 tul tutroutidings.
bmIthy ricli, red color to tba alb6oW;. The managamont atmounoft that picnic (Get Our Prices Before Buying.)
It Vill iniake yodir beQaty 61409 006TO -AM alit6blobild partiat visiting Goderich
SafstAX19'00 thst YOU WfA *"IkO In ate ifivit0d to uto the Pavilion groundit (or
tboo, motAbigs IWI of We amd lm* thg parking of th6ir automobiles and Im
bAd *6ta ablo t* tfitM 0A Vft" tbb have, the use of tables In tha r4stautAht
&Y'a WO& 1fi16 khofr *Ok 11w, V
oo.* nwoe owft bo ovfttom It of chwet.
*M on HsokfiWt RON$
Asmedly to *rebg"n the X*Y", to r0d MUSIC 00h %rA*Y aftottloo0l *W
s4d pover to dw6 94mrt az4 to rt- evening during the somon. -B-R 0 so
H*art t"tt Ift It it intobdad to have a conxot of me,
voye Por the holiday, (July let) thate wit T)A
"Ila *11MM*" thlb 011"100" of it ho
*6 M'00d- 1307 U*w trOw ywr mutic and dancing in the ftvibm b0a.1
afternow and eywAn1,—(Advt)
. 14
41P I