HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-01, Page 4pT� .-f , ,-,, 1, , - 4iR­,-­J " 1.� . .1 t I, + , . � I . � A 4 . 9 , , I /!/ I . I I - A ULAA, OR 111VAIM .. V426(oii �� I , - �..'.�11 tA I L9 AIV I - ... I - 1; ?n% I .�-. . . _... - - __. I , __ mef . ---. ___ ­­... - -WW- ­ .--- - ' I— --.--.- iftl-�ail low,40-- - ­ l,­,l�A 6 1. 1. ''I L 1- W . I_ - �,V % 11 - . I RVOPPM0 � ___ 7 ;1" � -,- ­___­ '' . , , , ". � ,� . / , cl,bt 1 Miag,�, am Abualirt W"IC" FOR You AN.. I N, A ,141R., ­W111-40bilrob. - .., WACT10K 'OF AM- , OPERATION OR . 0 NIM AM Mrs. 011upholl and kra, Brgeltontillgo I I � A. Q; SMITIL I'Aditor arid Prop. __ I . ,I Of Ripley, are visitint With ItIrs. Walter . - ' - ,. -.1 -1. __ ­ ­ I __ ­­ � I— - - _____,_______ I MARLATT'S * Information R'elating' to Cheg$e ',Ott. A Too, Common Divuse of the . . I ­_ T(lisa Lillian Longlhati of Windsor, is ' , Tile o+ber Huron meniber,,i are not in it Possibly you think neither necessary Factory and Town Sopf ly. * , r, ifs StotfiaCh Among Cattle, withthNouthllur011 V. F. O. wall ill to recover your health, but don't conceal I - visiting ather homeL 11 � the matter of keeping in the limelight. to yourself the fact that your health is ,rhc joer'entage colliposi (loll of Alint Miss L e illiarl Paddisof, Of Wilighain, Sudden Clinnges to Vgry Palatablie We didn't thinh John Joynt %vuld be SO not what it might be, You may be sub- ' _tI,,ll(IIIug Ajill; for tile Oty visited with her triend, Nlius jean Eggles. Vood MAY Invite It - Also the , w6ily eclipsed. ject to headache, stomach trouble, Trade -Hot Weatilel' Poultry lone, Rating of Over -ripe Hay or Too It is not always. well to have too much I nervousness or an occasional pain in the Counsel, � . Mr. Fred Clubb. and r4r. and Mrs. Much Grain - 8�lnptollls Anil, , ' I to say. We believe Mr. Hicks has side, These are the symptons of existing (Contri4ute(l by Ontario popurtment of Cal An Clubb, aiid children of St. Marps Treatniont, Described - 0h**cn leartied tlle,les�on to think twice before gall stones and they demand your quick Agriculture, Toronto.) are visitingat their home hero. Clint.' , . hes aks ill public. - Goderich Signhl action if you are to regain your health. ; . Pe Hp,, term percentage mean$ Mr- Sandy Kennedy of Gtielpb, is visit- WontributeO "y Ontario Depgrtmsait�ol . . .11 Like thousands of others all over Can- h6griAlture. Toronto.) � , . I .: , . W IV 41 11 ada have done, give Marlatt's SP�clfie a oo much 41n. 100 -that 1.9, in ing his grandmother here, I . 1,� . . hen trial. From those grateful pdople, test- T one. litindi-ea pounds, gal. Misses Alba and Lettio 'Fox visited UPACTION of the rumen. or � , ome, time ago J. J. Hill said: -11W wi I I The 00inPOsIt'On with Donnybrook friends over the we k- Pannell Is one of the most covn- ii-honials which are at your disposal. ' ill . !�)1113, etc� e people,learn that all tile wages in the . . uIlk is uslially st,iteed as, so. much end. I mon disease of the stomach of I world will not buy a pound of food unless convince you what Marlatt's Specific can Of." - - I I I accomplish for you, Just get a bottle to- of each part In one hundred Parts Mrs. MacDonald of Aberdeen, Scot- the ox, . It Is a pathological conr- v..oillebody bas'gline out and by hard la- day and try one doze. See bow much , Or pounds, Tills, varies colislderablY land, arrived last Thursday to $Pena dition somewhat similar to tyiiil*rk- bor raised that food, there will be inure � , ing to bi,ce(l of cattlo; lactation , ' Ills or bloating, but differing in the 'better you feel arid if more than satksfied aCcord sometime at her old home, hark Mr I I people raise food, and fewer people. tell period, or length Ot time milking; . RobZ Urgency of its symptoms and method others how to do it. Hunger is our only continue as directed. ' e milking, MacDonald is a sister of John and. of treatment. It depends upon the remedy; and you will see it before twenty For sale at all druggists throughout w,hother first or last of tit $impsola. Canada. Free booklet sent on request to and upon many ather conditions, Mr. and Mrs. $haw and children of Introduction Into the organ of solid ' years. , J. F. Marlatt &, Co. Toronto, Orit. Usually, bowever, in Ontario ' the Torantoare spendiliga coupleof weeks matters to such an amount as to par- , I - I t 6 milk will have about tile following tially or wholly paralyze the mu0clos '. "I .. 4. Special Agent in Wingliam Ont. Won: with relatives here. . by oyer-disterislon. ,, ' UnMdate In North1kruce , J. W. McKibbon, Druggist. compom Mrs. (Rev.) Henderson attended tke Som - " , I , :, , ,,,, .d . I I Water . - , - , ...... 11 8715 , M. $. Convention in Kineardime op . , e foods, as grain, chaff or po Richard E , Steach, age 34 years, of . . _­­ .. ,---,.,-. Pat ........ : : : ........ 3.5 W tatoes, appear more liable than oth- Ahia�hel township, h;4s acc�ptle(l the nom- SAD SH00'11\0 ACCIDFNT . Caseiii and all)ulllen, . , . 3.2 Monday last. ers to cause the disorder, but any- , ipation of the United Farmers ;hpd will - . ' Sugal ................. I - - 5,0 Mrs. Disney and daughtero Mida of thing particularly palatable to the � . _�,sh .. .................. 0,8 , contest thq North Riding of Bruce to� "RIP Tuesday afternoon of last week, shc�r`tly I . - Wi4gbam were the guests of Mr. and animal- may be consifted In such I I Ottawa house. . I , after I o'clock, John Louttit, Lot 35, 'Cbn. � TotM ................ 100 ,Mrs. Ben McClenaghau on Sunday, last. quantities if opportunity presercts It- � This riding is represented by Col. Hugh 12,'�Grey, and his neighbor across Con, ' The buttermaker takes one part Mr. George Ross lost a valuable keifer self. Sudden changes of food, espe- Clark, edilor and proprietor of the Kin- road, Jas, E, McDonald undertook to only from 'the uillk, the fat. The on Saturday. cially It the change be to a food par- carditle Review. Ile has been returned shoot a horse belonging to the f)rmer, in. cheeseinaker takea� out chiefly two The salesman for "The Silent Alamo" tioularly palatable to the animal; � � three times as standard bearer of tile con- tending to take the hide off and bury the parts or constituents, caselit arid fat. lighting systems are going their round# oyer feeding on grain without allow. servadves at Ottawa and previously animal. On arriving at the place the The condenserY ,�rid powder milk here. . ing the animal to take exercise; indi- won four elections to the provincial house. former holding the horse by the halter, manufacturers make use of all the Strawberry picking is the order of the gestible food, as over -ripe hay; fpod Ile has u6ver been defeated. assayed to deliver tile fatal missile from a solids in milk for liuman food, hence of poor quality, even If consumed In I I . I I large revolver, but at the report 6f are able to p;ty higher prices for day. only moderate quantities, ,may cause Shot A Wildcat the fire -arm the animal reared and'Lout: milk than call nianufacturero of but- Holiday time is coming. I the trouble. The animal .continuing , Couribillor John Juergens of the 10th. I tit says the halter shonk caught round the ter. and cheese, Because milk con- Remember the great community to eat, but not ruminating sufficient- � � to,i,ns oil the average only about . . ly, the amount of Ingesta, gradually ­ . I C: . MCesslon' had an exciting experience I pistol there -by mis-directing the aim and three-and-one-lialf pourids of fat, Picnic, at the zotk bridge on July 6til, increases In the rumen. We frequent- ' with I a wildcat" last Thursday evening. ! a second shot lodged in McDonald's thigh. which when inade into butter has Comel and bring your basket. ly notice a ease without appreciable Wliq'h'he� returned home that evening at The wound bled profusely and before the mixe,d with it from 16 to 20 per cent. Master'llruestSpqrling leaves on Wed. cause. � . _ � 7. 30, lie -noticed a great commotion in big man could be got to his home ll� had'pass- of water and Salt,',0111S making'anly Symptoms.-Thq animal becomes YL . d about four pounds or butter out of nesday for Liatowel to take an exam on dull and suffers pain, often expressed I poliltr -house, The hens usually went to ed away. John Long of Brussels, assiste i0o pounds of milk, we Zee why but- music. Suceessl Earnest, , I by stamping the feet, striking at the I roost at that time, but on this occasion in caring for the wounded man. Coroner ter must of lleCeSSIty be a high price Whitechurch Presbyterian ,choir sit abdomen \with the hind feet, switch - they. made their escaoe from the building Kennedy, Wingliam, was appris�d and per pound. Tile elleesemaker is able . . in& the�,tail, etc. Respirations usually . in W6 g , r , �atest exci . iemeiit, Judging that came to the scene but on ascertaining the - to make 81/�� to 10 poL%nds cheese supplying the music for both services at accelerated, appetite lost and rumin- . ­ .,. . per 100 pounds nill1c,'cgrisequently is Langside-, for the Anniversary Sunday. ution suspended. Bowels usually cos- 1 there was prilefiling.ariliss, Mr. Juergens facts did not think an inquest was necess- able to sell his product at about one- A gient number from here took in the t I ive, abdomen enlarged, especially on 1 . ._ entered the hen h9usp, and after a care- ary andgave an order for burial. Mr. half thne price ,per'pound which'but- strawberry festival at Lan gsid e an Tues. left side, but this does not occur an ful search, thought he detected an animal McDonald was 41, years of age, a ba6helor, ter -'Sells for, and yet pay as higil, or quickly as in tympanitis, neither is ina�lit& addition t6 the building into his mother keeping house for bin�,' It higher prices ver 100 pounds milk day, June 29th. it of the same nature. When tapped ' I which had been thf6wa some boxes and was an unfortunate affair but purely ac- �han"can the 1sulter manufacturer. It in a great thing to have a flower between the point of the left hip and I . The 'cbiiOnsed .,�nd powder rullk garden like Mr. Milne's in our little the last rib, a dull sound is produced; pdils. H6 'set .&�'&P, on the' intruder, cidental. The funeral was held on Friday manufacturef.'i Pre, �0)!e to sell ;tIleir and when pressed � it has a doughy . � , I , � but the dog� came bacl� in a hurry, and - afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Interment at , produfts' at a ­t'll- lower price per burg. We all appreciate the beauty spot. feel and the imprints of the fingers - ' I 11 1. ., I �. 1. - t .. "pOund;1 b0M.M.-t' th..!,, are able to re- , I a didn't seem disposed to tackle the strang- Ethel. - I ... 1. - - � Milt Laura Bone leaves for Listowel on do not disappear quickly -4t 1p t . , I "Ire to twel've-aud7011e� Wednesday to take an examination in on preasure?' There is often a grunt er. Mr..,-Juergens �.thcn secured big re- : ­ . --- .4 t .'r, ... ,�.over�Vbm L'we . . I -:peating rifle, and .closing all the stable, � hall poinids oi ,,.,.o',I6,. food material music,, . during expiration, especially when ' , ' THE NEWSPAPER �ARP HIT,,,* "from '109 Pouzld�l Milk. the animal Is lying, In the later dooi�� so dko* prevent the animal's escape, I � . " F-i(g-e -t'ae t(.�r(:,,Iling we see that dr.'Win. Wallace of Turnberiy, visit- stages tympanitis may appear as a , . ; " be aetqr,mlned to'put'a certain end to it. . tile co6rri6rej,,,�,� N,,..!!,c. -of milk.bas a ed at the home of Mrs. Jas. Bone on eomplibation. In thb diisk he fired one shot and the During the past few years but very yr=7 close rel:,tion to ,,.s emaposition, In mild -cases the patient appears and e� - v ha is* wv4f: of tile Yar- Sunday last. animal made a great bound out of its bid- few* newspapers have been started"in th us t ' t to have peri,Dda of ease and expresses " F3 pkrls of Lhe milk �ioiidr,.-H. H. Born -to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leish- L desire for food. If food be allowed . Ing place, right over the partition, into Ontario; on the contrary, very many � ex- joll , colh,", - he will eat a variable quantity with . ' - . Dean, ,0. 2 A. I ,-, i_;w-*h- man on Tuesday, June 22.-a son. the'p'1gp'en.­ 9Jr.,'JU`e,.rgens then had an cellent publications have *retired from the . _____.;_.____.. , . .. apparent relish, but the symptoms of opportunity of sizing up his unwelcome field. Possibly, no single 'profession -or , ' - 1�1"Jk Fo ' th6 C1 iX T rade. I . ft � % Illness soon. become more marked . . ), r than bet6xe . vislior, and when lie discovered that he industry has been so hard hit by the "Safety First" is*a good slogan in * �� . .1 � . I . safe JENVAYS TO KILL AN Treatment must be directed to the -was in company.witb a genuine, grown-up great World 'struggle, as 'the publishing the milk business. To make milk 1� remqval, of. some ot the Impacted � I wildcat, he began to realize his serious business.. Printers and editors 1'n' large it must. be. drawn from healthy cows ASSOCIATION mass of 6dd..and the restoration to position. He fl�ed'again, and kept on numbers were among the first to answer ­prefef,aply thoso which have pass- . . the over -distended wall of ed tlie�:,tubercuil.r test; the stable, . I activity to � thooting, taking � c1reful �im until the the call to arms and - so our ranks at pasture and all st:1-voundings must bu It you want to kill your Club, try them. the organ. When the distension Is . whic 21 into not xcessive, the I administration of . home were seriously depleted. Scores of c,, e an .", , a brejak 60mOve, as 2 lbs. Eppo 'in seyenchainbersof,the rifle were empty . , -,the:, utens , ils , h come I- If -you want to see it live, these po He therl'attacke'd the eat with a club and thosemenlie asleep in Flanders Fields, contact with the Milk must be clean; suggest what not to do:- salts,. % oz., gamboge and g o;, ;,Izv,, finally . succeeded ' in killing it. The hundreds more are unable phsically to the Pei-sSns handling the milk should I -Don't come to the meetings, 9 be a lj�lng advertisement of exem- I r . ,er in -about 1 % quarti f War�q -animalweighed between thirty-five and resume their former places, and many . - 2-B4t Wyou do come. come late. wat6i glvin'�a a drench will usually * .. - plified cleanliness; the delivery wag give go,6a _rj�iults. This is a fair doge fifty pounds, wa's sitrongly built, and .was others have lost their love for the profes ous, cji& ineasures, etc., should be 3�,If the weather doesn't suit you, ' - . I for an orain- ' .. � ' ' ' ary,sized cow, the dQ40 'looking, Mr. Juergens.and sion; then again the materia.Is i quired- .elea,A�-,_,14 order That assurance of don't think of coming. - . ,very savage ' .e . I I . for smallei: Qr larger ani.malp should li�is� neighbors lai6 very jl�d that it has machinery,-, paper, inks, etc., have all safety niay be doubly sui;e, it is ad- A -If you do attend a m"ting find fai.41t 'be more' 9-V., le§'s,-- accbrding to the been ut out of the way. -Mildmay made such tremenduous a visable. to pasteurize the, railk-that * 0ances in with the work of the oJEcers grid other si;e of �the.. gpligal. Follow this up p I is, heat'it to 140 degrqes to 150 de- ' , . Gazette. � 1. price that, A number of publications 'found - gr6es- F., hold at t1his" temperature members, with 9 Orp�rna. of I= voinica every � it unhealthy to continue 'arid ag -� result for tWenty to thirty minutes, then ' -.4-Never accepted an office, as it is six or seven hours, allow no solids . . * 1, Thelate, James S. Timmins they either' shut up their sliop' *or am- cool to 50 degrees 1'. or below awl easier to'criticize than to do things. ,to eat until free purgation Is estab- , I . lished. It .Purgation has not com- ' * I algamated-with their old time rivals or, .hold at this te,inperature uiltil de)!Y- O-Nevextkeltss,' got sore if you are menced in twenty-four to thirty-six , � I . I The death occurred early Saturday competitots.-OshaWa Tele ram.� ' ,�red to. the consumer. Pasteurized pointed on a committee. It you hoikrs, give I% pints raw linseed oil, mo�ning June.12th, at his late rezidence, I . I 9 . .1nilk is the safest kind of milk for not aP Fd alternated twelve `00 Cowan Avenue, Toronto, of James S. � -ink. are,do hot attend the comnlittec J! thj@ every h I ilahs, to' di � rs with" I lb. Epsom salts and I ' ' ­ , " - .__ --- I , '. . . 11.1 -' 7 -If asked by the chairman to�giye your it, , . Tfie'person buying milk has cer , .. Tinimins well and widely known in mer- .� ginger, .until free purgation is . ., er- Mr. Culbert,, one of the pioneer resid. 't`a�n duties In order to ensure a safe oppinion. regarding tome important establisho. If a desire for f6od be cantile life in,Ontario. The funeral a ents of Huron township was laid to rest pr9quief, espocially for children. . � . matter, tell him yoiA have nothing to ny. expressed a little bran mash may be . vices were conducted at his home by .the in Ripley cemetery on W�,dnesday last. Among these may be mentioned, plac- After the meeting tell everyone how allowed,-,. Allow all the water the pa7 , Rev. Dr. Young of Parkdale Methodist Deceased gentleman was an uncl� of Mr. �n tient, will drink. In th� meantilhe . g the milk at once.on del,ivery in cburch�'Rev. Dr. W.. H. Hincks and the John S. Morgan of Wingliam ' a, 1,efrigerator or coal cellar protected things ought to be done. I keep up 'the administration ,of nux Rev. K atter being a i.-, . . 'from dust and odors, aiid by keeping 8-1]4� nothing more tkum is absolutely, Yomica until pugation commences. , ' ____ It in a tightly closed -vessel ' prefler- neceuary. But when other . mambers It the disease Is not yielding to ,close personal friend of Mr. Timmins. %, I ! abl-k in the milk bottle covered with rolliip tkeir sleeves and willifigly and treatment after the secoild day, some - Interment took place on Tuesday in A ,Good Investment , an inverted glass tumbler, or ape- el thing mupt be given to . sustain Parklawn Cemetery, Toronto. The pal ' , . ial'c7over; the top of the milk --cap unselfishly use their ability, to h P strength.. Yor this purpose give boll - I The Huron County C�Ildren's Aid c. all at the association ed flax seed in, quart doses five or children of var, fore'taking it from the milk bott1q; is run by a clique. six times ,daily (as a drench). bearers'were his four sons and his two Soceity have a number of ould be wiped to remove dust be- matters along, howl tb nephewsi MacKenzie Fulton and Cedric ious ages for whom they desire good fost-' no more milk should be taken, from In cases where the early syjnptoms . Publ�w. I . I er homes.. A little girl' of six months is . the, supply bottle than Is required 9 -Hold back your da" as long as pot. are extreme, an operation by a Yet. . . , . ' milk, sible. or don't pay at all. - . . . I The late Mr. Timmins at one time con-. ready for immediate adoptibri. Two nice for a meal; any "left -over' erinarian is necessary. . should not be put Into the supply 10 -Don't bother about getting now ducted general stores in Bluevale and Bel- little boys just over a year old and about . What Is commonly called "grain -grave, Huron County, and was Post- Vessel after the meal, as this will members. Let William do it. I slek" is simPlY, impaction of the . - able to walk would bring happiness into iiiely s*poil the' whole of the milk rumen with grain. master at Bluevale for many years. He the homes that will receive them, and on hand; milk ttLken to a Sick room I When an. animal has had the op - I . moved to Toronto in 1894 and in 1805 he there are oth'rs, fr6in 'Should not be used fo*r any other � - k boy of seven 4 pur- IN Ill tunity of eating excessive quan. .entered idto business'which he conducted years. to a girl of 12, l wh . o 'Would repay pose, except;it be boiled, an then k successfully until succeeded by his son - only for cooking; milk bottle should - I a � 11,111 I I a of grain, the usual custom of . 3UULt1Jlg in the stable, allowing noth- careful training and kindly home treat- be' washed as soon as eniptyj and be ing to eat or drink, and awaiting R. D. B. Timmins, of Grandview, Man- ment. Surely there are many people in promptly returned to the milkinan. The Double Tpack Route developmerits, Is absurd. The owner . itoba. Mr. Timmins entered into bu- . o ,��, I a'- this county who could make such an in- In no case should' nillk b Wes be or attendant should anticipate trQu- . ness with his sons in the Town of Al- vestment and thus help Jn this much used for any other purpose in the Between ble by at once administering a brisk monte, Lanark County in 1808, where needed Christian work. Callupqr write house than foi, holding milk. I purgative, as for ordinary impaction. they conducted the largest l retail business to G. M. Milk is a perfect food for children, Montreal. Allow nothing to eat, but allow all , : Elliott, -Co� Secretary and arid also for "grqwn-ups.11 along with Toronto the water he will drink, in small I - Agent, Go-dericli. - , ' , other substantial' material. It Is cheap Ah'the Ottawa valley, and in 1907 he re tired, leaving his sons to manage the busi- I." � . Detroit and quantities and often, In hope that . I - food at ten to twelve cents a quart Purgation will -commence before dis- ness in Almonte. After leaving Almonte compared with the price of other Chlcad,m I he resided at Winchester, Dundas County If You Have High Blood foods. Insist on good, clean milk and eqw tress appears. ; , Of course, In eases of "grain sic%" be willing to pay a reasonable price Unexcelled Dining Car where the early symptoms'are meyero', for one year where he bad spent big boy- - Pressure You Must for such milk. Milk producers and hood days and in 1908 he returned to . milk consumers should co-operate.- Service. an operation called "rumenotomy," � ege, rumen and removing some of Its con. Toronto where he has lived continually Be Careful . Prof. 11. H. Dean, 0. A. Coll which consists in cutting Into the ever since. . . __X_ . Guelph. -�. f Sleeping cars on Night trains tents by hand, should be'performed In politics he was a statich conserva- When the Blood Pressure Is much I I and Parlor cars on prin. by a veterluarlan.-J. H. Reed, V.S,, tive and at one time actively connected above vorwal there is always, the ReA Weather Poultry Couns,61. 0. A. College, Guelph. . . I � ,with the re -organization, particularly at deriger ot rulAure of a blood yeasel, , The rooster, unless kept for next ciple Day trains-, the time the late Sir James Whitnei as- most frequently !a the Bralt) and . yepL,rl.v breeding, Is too expensive a I I Vlocueri" C -114m, . produaing a stroke,. or in the K14- luiury to keep -and he'll help relieve Jo ytew qf the high price of feed . sumed power. He was a well -'known ridys, Full information from any Grand Trunk Van. t.bo ftrmar afford to keep the Meth Producing Bright's Disease. thd meat shortage. I \6rangemanandby religioth a odist, One-sbould. gulard t6gainst, over-exer- The market for the cull stuff pro-! Ticket Agent or C. IR, HoTlAing, pistriet .poor laying hens In 1020? . attending Parkdale Methodist church, tion, or ex�eiteinellt 4nd take mises to be good this montli­Zand 0Y Passenger Agent, Toronto. Given excreted, sour skimmilk, inark6ting in June the distribution to W. P. Burgman, A ont,0 Phone So, or Plenty of green feed and barley or I and was for many years superintendent HACKING% mbre equalized. H. B. Xlliott, Town 11oket Agent, Phone oats (rolled) the farm flook of layerm . . of the Methodist Sunday School. His' HEART AND NERV11- REMEDY ' By eating the Poor layers the farm- 4, Wilighatil. will give a good aaeount, of them- ,greniality won him friends wherever he 0. digeolVe the Title Amold deposits er gains in two ways -he eliminates - - - , , I - � - 1welves, , , I .1 --went and among the nurrierom floral tri. thtut form. in the VeIrts,and Arteries, the profit -takers from his flock arid It stvea work to lot the hens feed I 'butes was a beautiful wreath from the maildtig them hard a6d brittle. VhIs lie lowers the ineat bill for his table, DRUGLESS V11YSICIAN themselvmi­a hopper way be built at Iluron-Old Boys. He leaves behind him remedy Is a -wollder; Itbruilds -up the , The small farm flock of good layers home without great expense. . entire System by Purifying the Its always more profitable and satis. OSTEOPATHY 0 Only the well-fed, well-bred hen$ a host of friends fiont all parts of Ont- Blood, Strengthening tho lVaft und factofy, than the large flock of poor DR. V. A. PARkEtt Will be found In the very heavy pro- ario. Amotig, those attending the funeral lid hea 1 -thy layers. - . . ducing olaso. . from out of . the city were Mrs. Andrew by Producling a, vornial 'a - The good layer of the YellOW-legged Osteopathic Physician, only qualifl,ed Whore the hopper plan of feeding ,covdition of tho Nerves, breeds at this se-1,son loses the color osteopath in North Huron. to 'adopted on the farm, the labor Timmitts from Winchester, Win. G. and Mra, Win. Morley, of Nlmorgton, : from the feet and bill and Mete lat- Adjustment of the spine is more quickly problem to ludeb, reduced. If the hop. , I I Byron Timmins of Ottawa, R. I Tim- used quite a numilyep ot bOY" 6t* ter becoming almost white. The sleek Secured arid With tewer treatments than perm ake kept 6upplied with grain � jilins of Calgary, Henry Thrunins of Win- kilokin§ls Heatt lifiiI, Nerve RerAedy pluniaged, fat ydIlow-legged hens are by any other method. there will be much leas danger of nipeg, his nieces Mrs. Harry Robb of atiA th6y1beitedtfoa her 945 rdup,h arid osually very poor layers. It will Pay Bloddpressureand other examinations underfeeding and producing stunte4 . Waskada, Manitoba, Miss Lida and LItta she was so Vleft"d .wItIl't&m 'that , to 6111 thein out now, made. . I owelts. I . she roi�omrnends them to all her ; � . Richardwri of Cobourg, Ontario, and . .--- I------- All diseases treatod. . I I , lually Others from diffitrent parts of the frientle w1ir) �Mvo,thit trodible or who � . Phobe 272. --------- ,aro all run, dorwa and Nervous. -ShO. Huron ON Boys' Rbunion OPFI'CE OVER CHRISTIE'S STORE . I lirvVince. ,qxyt "you must be aura to get Hiak- , Tile late Mr. Timmins leaves, surviving hig,s.0, � I I " The annual picnic of the old boyi, I r I 11 r I . 01130 him, his widow and four ,qons, It 1). B. 0ongtipatloo Is o116 of tl* aggrav' Awtdation of Toronto, will be htld sit - � luc,rtllant in Manitoba, J. 11. Fulton, atill-9 can" Of High brood Pressure Centre- Island Park,, on Thursday after. -Iti. Howick township, ol , arld it fg 0.4viia,ble to,noo Hookingya ,me of loot 11th, Isabella Hislop, wife o J;roker, Iforonto, Harold W., Toronto, Xldri4y, and Liver Pill* to arlya out noon, July R when a full program TO SELLCIIIAM �,tudent-at-IaW, and Wilbur Whitney, a tile r0iffong 10fifft gonem-ta fill the, syt. $Potts, races and etc., will be cantd out, gft my list alld j#t my 00ic 1b1kVg Robert SAIltntyne, aged 50 years. W ,;Ludent in the Faculty of Applied tm ,A lgrg:* numbtr of doriatlofts h - , . Th�p*e tvo ,propm*ori% .go, *" beta ,-x-lelle(,�, lro!outo, Ile was pre -deceased W&1-,,t"X6thfr aM you oho4d bti*f si. reoeived, suid liberal prWas will be award. *W6 ftC0114tit Valt", "momm"*" by his only daughter, Mabel,who died sud- few %oleg frw� your. &ftlwt tp'&W. ad. on jtm Oth, uthe denly at Medicine Hat on the train while I*aklaes UIOW, - 11 .. �, lotd, , ,r.t., J. G. STEWART Pirxt-Inuoutfoat 11 Evory Haromith in the city of M. PiI* YOW"t daUghttr of the 10 ' 1. I . ' oil a trip svith her patents to Wastarn Hookily,ft Roma,diettstm 4d1d Ird - ; Alviy"t'@ to b-d*"Wt" "d 'k. -bit t= WINGM61. David md Efiaboth Pit* formMy ai Vana-da In 11194. � 1, � " , '"t Is AvddpoulL , I ft*" V% 0040 Ils T*WMM*"-,1 M" towawp I% hot s4th ysv� . 1, I W.In'oh,*M py J* .W , , � 1 .4 . % . - I I W At � , " . .A.-, J I I I . I . . . I ! I �% - .. . 1 " .11 . . I 1. " � , I %W"71 3%h lk� I" 1.9 , I i, EXEMPTIONAILL .___1.._-1_- "-.-.,---.--.�..--,..--,-,.,.,", I � I-,.. a�.­___ . �' 1-1,1-1 ­ 11 I " _. -1 I—- --;, � I I - , _ .,�,__ " ", .4, : ,,,[' I ': ­,�'.,� , , � . ­­ . . , I—- � .� ...I 11 � . � 6 1. , As FlawIly,poisoa .. I I I "I � " I I I I . I . . . "V I I I ___il text of the 0 , D � .. . . . The following is the fu at�� i I . � . 'I . 11 I mo Act as p i I . I ,4saed at the recent .seoion of - . - I "I I the Legislature: I D I I . His Majesty, by and with the � 11 I I �. I . . 1 21%, i advice * *' " , 1. I . , .110, " . t andconsentof the Legislative Assembly � , I � A the Province of Ontario, enacts as fol- . I - I � � I . . low$: � . 0 10 . . 4% 1 ( 1. This Act may be cited as The I �) 0 � Municipal Tax B xemlition Act, 1020. 1 � . , . I � 2. In this Act, � , (a) "Improvements 0 shall mean build 1 9014%, . m . I I , 1. - i . 7 I ings, structures. machinery, and fixtures, 0 1 � . I erected or placed upon, in, over, under or I . . . affixed to land; I I I . . ; 1. Vk. . I :1 (b) "Income'shall mean income as de. - e . I � . . ;, . .FJ 1 I , , I . . . fined ti� clause (e) of section 2 of The As. : : . , . - - I . , . . . / I sessment Act; . 2 � � J � (c) -Businesi assessment" shall mean i 9 �- . business ,asseement as defined by- section I 1. � . . 10 of The Assessment Act. I " .., 0 � S. Notwithstanding anything contain- .. ,- .... M edinTheAssessmentActorin any gen- . = I - oral or special Act of this Legislature the ;:-A . � I council of a city, town. township or vil. I_ sg_; ) 1%e&KIW48NL*W"t lage with the assent of the qualified rate. Is I Iles ure First &en payers as required by The Municipal Act, 14" - I may pass a by-law exempting from taxa- . I in_bW1(1y4t91%1$S , tion for all purposes including school , I purposesforthe first year in which the I by-law takes effect not less than 10 and I not more than 25 per cent. of the assessed I . . 1% I f value of improvements, income and busi- . Tr_. I 1-1 "I -, � ness assessment and from year to year - " �V, thereafter a further additional percentage I � I J( of such assested value not less than 10! , Y�blafll and not more than 25 per cent. until. . � . - , , � I .t. � V :- .- - I (a) the whole or . . . . ­ Vo A?_0__*1P,W.%-0_-*�- __ ,- (b) such portion as i may befixed by the 11 I , . . �� by-law of such asseised value is so ex- . empted from taxation. I. I I ­ __ ���� I 1P ..,.*, lwlwpww . 1 4. Notwithstanding anything contained HE vogue for Knitted -Coats has been maintained by . in section 297 of The Act tile T oducing something different each ,season and by per- . � council of a municipality in which a by- �_� fectit"gly the making of these coats so that they retaits their I law has been passed under the provisions sinartness and give excellent wear. The nante "Ballantyne" ats a Kisitted Coat is a �uarantee of its high qjwlity, and any of this Act may levy a rate sufficient to 2voinan who examines i , he new models we are ,showing will ,,- I prodwce t�e same amount of money as And an irresistible charm iw th& daintiness, their fascittating , �, would be raised by tile full rate allowed colors and their chic desig�- We are showitsg a fine assort-, . . . . by the said sectioz) if the by-law bad not ment ot these coats tor this sirasotp-new designs, new co;ors,., I ' I . 0 1 .at the been passed. . , gim . r, 91d depend4bl I e Balfantyve qualitY, I � ,I - . � ' S. The council may also with the as. . . I Sold by . . ., sent of the qualified ratepayers as requir. I . � � � ed by The Municipal Act pass a by-law 064% . I decreasing for the first year in which the He E. ISARD W CIO 0 ' by-law takes effect and from year to year I 1111NI I I I I thereafter the percentage of exemption . . I . . granted by� the original by-law in the __ I .......... W ESTA'BLISHED 1872 AN 1. . I ..... . . - sarhe proportion in which they,w�re in- __ __ I . I'll ., ? .. . '. ?I creased from year to year under the I - - . . - . . .1. . I I I original by-law until all such exemptions', .. .1 I -1. . .. , I ,I U 11 A 1. 9, - , I' " (41� .1. _&.1- . I .; -- � . I I _* I 6. Every such proposed by -14w shall . . �ggjf 0 ,.I . . ­ I be submitted to the qualified ratepayers � I -, I % 3 �tl . . 0 g T to I � � I only on the day fixed for holding the poll the ' I N, T § EA,CH your children .save. . 19 95KE 9 , I 'Start for each one of them a- T I i� . . . at, annual municipal elections. I , 7. The board of school trustie$ of any TE1119E � I ."vingB account in The Bank 0 ' school section in an unorganized I town- ...... i M of Hamilton. sim is sufficient for , � ship may pass a resolution under its cor- � , . ­� 11.� 11 the first deposit. Teach them in this - :, i ) -, � to habits early. in ' .1, I porate seal exercising for school: purposl�� I . " - - _­ - - .-. - way. acquire g6od .. ... . . 11 - . .. the powers conferred by sectibn 3. provid- . . I I ..". - _..'. - � -:.:- life. , . � I , ad that such resolution has been submit- ,HEAD OFFICE � ,.. � '. .1 . HAMILTON , - . . . , � ted to and sanctioned at a special meet- � . - - , _ iFEM - � - . 1. ­ . � ing of the ratepayers called for the pur- l __ . - ! " , ID pose and may also pass a furth�r' resolu- . tion submitted and sanctioned as above . IN 11111011 . �, 4 BAN K/GFHAM I LT. N �,, . set out exercising the powers conferred by .0. I 1-11, . section 5. . .. . 8. Pro%�ided that in the case � oio`rgan- .. - t ith, 3fa 'a,ybr: ,, *1 � i . WINGHAM BRANCH -C. P. 9mi n , . � . I lzed or unorganized townships, as to pri- . �� - . . . . . oral exemptions of improvements from - . ..- W I taxation, and as to school section 9, the _____ - . - I . . . . � - . I ' Lieutenant -Governor in Council may by * - I �, . I Order in Council provide that the assent I a i of tke resident ratepayers shall be sub- .- -_ - - 'a % stituted for the assent of the qualified % .. ratepayers. . - � 9. Section 10 of 9 George V., . chaptpr .1 . 0 " t 102, is hereby repealed. .� . __ � : . v@!_W___A,.1_!W1WJ",%W . I I � . .!#..!. . . .. . .�. � � ; . . � . I . .. ­ "i i...... ­ . . I � I . . I , * , I � . . . . � � ,!,-.� - � " . . � ,I F .. ;, - .1 . . ,,,, .1 . . . . .. . - . . - I ., es .11 . � Pla-ion Facts about Mflk Rout. 0 0111 -.- "ll . . A team of horses costs.about $400, double harne,sa , , Makin a toW of $575. A Ford Trubk costs $750 at Ford, K Govemment e%eriments hive piroved that the cost of feeding a h e is 8.7 e ts mr working hour, or en 8ne team, if collecting 17.4 cents per team per hour. mflk ` could not cover more thwa 80 miles a day. The cost for twelve houm would be $2,09, or about seven cents a mile. The cost fox gas and oil for a Ford Truck is only 4X cents a milm. The Ford Truck soon pays for itsilf m the reduced cost of operation. A Ford Truck will cover at lew.t - 60 miles a day col- leeting milk or 250 miles on lon& hauls. It enables you to operate at a lower cost per ilifle and to cover f7vice as much territory as with horses. Ford One -Ton Truck (Chassis only) $750 f. a. b. Ford, Out, : I � Use only Genuinelm"ord Parts 2 �w I . -9i. 1 685 Canadiait D#akrs ond over I ,, ied Garages sUPPIV ..J1 I �, t2nusilclne Ford PaOts and I prompt repair service. / .1 " . � qt" ... 1. 'I- A* Me CRAWFORD, Dealer, I I � k 1� � ,. 4 4 . � , � , . I . . 1, 1.111%4_1 , , ,� . � � 1�1 ,,;lag -_ �i .1 . W " � , I I . I I � . ",", "I'll", � .1 . . . . . . . . . I'll � - . .1 ���ir, . , I - 1% � . I., , "I'll", m I&,,-'4,_:, _", . , .���­ k�,, �..-_&,. .�-., A",&" , ._IL_'A.� � , ��_ It' -1 11 i;e.", , - � , 4�&_ ,,,,� ..&a L�­ �A i&fiAI;;6W­ .it �aai.fi;! - ------.-- 1611 ,_____�_ � � 0 I � I I . 11 I , k 'I, ,t�' I � . ; I:: �,tli 11 , I ,I ,,� , � . , � - � I � � I - � 4 inghaw I., # , .. I "'Aft", . .i-6-1-11-7 . , , . � I , I ..,.,.:�.,'