HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-01, Page 3. 0:,
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. I I Fruit Syrups ..".
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- , I 11 � '14, 1 1 ' THF, OUFrgar.q Rrf"'TORED T'P * , ".
_4* � I I OW 11 1 T � .. I -qv *,�-k,i;,U.4-94v� i-JI'v1,944 *#,* 0* I
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� I " � T - OUR ELEVENTH ANNUAL SHOW I TAii, t I I -sr, thp kir..,4,,, tit ,a
, � in New Ways'
. �, ... I I A ; ;- " Ring , Victor UnlivalluAl rarely OF Oft. WILLIAMi� PINK 3 OC 0&-'t ljPVx1,U-f., ligL�F,:,1ii,r1,1
. I .. k-;-"+4+,0-"-+*-4 0 $_ � ,
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I I _ . . " , . . . . � �� h -'i i . . -0 I I I'MoLes and when he qijos it Is usual- PI LL41 . 4M riv,�a for their prt�paratiilsl.
. I L' ;� , 0 ly a cigarette.
11 I .. I 11 \ When you eet tired of yegat4bler> ,
,� II
� . I The. favorite pastiMe of viee..4.4- st, Vitus flatica 10 a ii,geaqa or The, PUNT '11YRIM.", 01 JUICIER. .
- . d . . . cooked in tap aillue ow way, I " Miral Sir David *atty is writing let. aervle.j brvag4t on fly 4 la-urbid cuA- The -4) 1.*�ay I)o flut ij,"`,,
, i . I variation.,; 4)., ,,,,,,, k,,Ch,,,�,r",,,b,,e;-:; ultion, or tuo olupd, ji, 1)�* 4 �,,Camjiioii ��Qjjj,l jjj t�-03� .) ..4 tbf� I'mill.'i
A . �il , . , . I , I . , ters to big frieu4o. . .L .`.311 1--na may pither ba
I !11 I and set) how v,-ry, differep,t they will' During big active career as a Pro- 014ease wita Cullorall. AAd 3ttuv1w FtOW14 4 .,. ,,�iyrup�i ol, plala jillt,e, I will,.
� ,
jil, I . I I I � the g
I . taste to tile ff= 0 fessional. planisty !?Aderewskl, Pre, silrjo Jaurd frQ404113, than 1)44- It- Ullt F.11,1,,uri. in pithot, pvp;ll th jul,
.1 � , , Aly, , P ep
I - I . 11. . rmuda onions Into U a Ion Stock Yards, Tor!' seAt. PreWJ011 of Poland, could * pJay rit"illty IQ tfequef'VY 048, ,ot t4v 1!� cjbiaanet( in jjlkA U
1�Slice large Be . � ,_ Uto I fIX4 614 ,f!jl It, intinapr: A4144
! . I I ., froiliLlneinUry moro than M coulpi, i
i. . osl- ,as uqtod.- 'rue chila frets, j; to Zrarei, bk,rr;o.-;-ttrA4 all jilgall fruit.,
- ..., I I I IT- I thin Oices. UP11 , fir-9tviti Per,, then, I 0 tious. , , 4 quarrelsome, and does ,no; $jj0*,9 WO t0i, ill 1110 pr')pUrtlor, of t sya . cli rui,4
� . i Well, The. 4eruy 140yetnianle tIlpt''Lilaio, P
� � -�k I I y I . I I I . cracker-erumbs anA' �ry a C.oldQn . "tnelt Charles Drury, the new on. loocerlze � to F0,111 f414 quart." of fruit r.rld wwor
, - - . vrovajer, -5 , the diseg4a come a little later. jl) Tvf�jl ca_cr _i,,,hf jj:,Ijj "
I I , V. . W brown In bNcov fato Put a border tarlo Is r. ,rActical farmov, The patient b4comem pale, IaUgujiI I 11 a ApIlles 0I
Dec*' 9thq 10th, 1920 kils 21.4 -acro farm i
-% , g44r the town of -
Of tilem ur,)uud the Hamburg stealL � � , And .."'31) 41jPIP-,;. Ilo-44b.11 fruit 4n4 Ivattlo
I a same pit , (Tiphing Lhe fruit, and wbeti
� . b4jl� the next- time ;You Belli* them. I t that Was first
'. i . tilled by � bi�, zraild, Rther a can INOMelimes the. whole hod
I Saratoga unions are ..nother dellel- I .. . tury modiesily, Y Jerks spu- = 'ir;Ju, through a ;ii f
: ago. I .. .. 0 aild � In say '", `C4s&4 the may tl" 'lly bag. ,V11,10
ccomp,%. ,
""��, , -1 I " oils a %4 iwnt, to this rather a 4ell to r,e):ratpe and i"ttollf,
40..,) Barrie I� tA t, 01tell c0114113ate�(, Tile JjMb'3 and
- . � . Power of Gpeeclj is affected, Such u I .4, in
� plebeian dish. Get three lai-,e, white Alusiolaus are oftew singularly sup� heated, �,,.,,vlli�-e,4. jar.,t ijke cajjrl�d
, I ,� - I ergdtlotp, 11aderewg . child,L31tould not be allowed to ntudy, fruit, P,ealio ' ll*cl Nirs air-tiglit,
I Voth e -, t. ". .1 ,� , � oulorlB and wilee them. just as thluly an exp6p. ,W once engaged but should be kept quiet, Oven a a ,L * I
- - 0 TORONTOTAT STO"CK SHOW , �jva ap4r 11- if �
- �
Ic is, I , " � I ac, pou.,jible, Iteeping the rings ,r.bola, - I'. . . . . '. 11 . . ". . I (�, 11 .� but refusti tineut in London, tritiOna atet, tarl,Aln ,out Of doors as a S)701) N preferrod,, heat tlIe .
$09k iii'milk for 1) minutes, drain , I.:, : I I I d to enter When lie foltud-it much as pose ble, 4nda,bova all thinge Ill, to ,Iyugar, usilng A lig f
/11 Pr � . I Jill"(" add 11-atpd ,
I K ee $I WW_ - I" I I.---- _�� MR" was No. 33 of a "Aalu str given a courea of :Dr. '%Vllllam�$ .Pink p a plut O" Jillee, cook for twv or
P10% I - L� and (try on a .eloth. Put a, few ringas thouall.16 pald for it., , eat, al -
1 I at, a time In the fryluj "sket gad I � I 11118 to build up thte, bloocL and rej threP 11111111tes 11514 a, �s -
" � _=""%V~ I fu a -delicate -oldell brown, Drain I I Thom4s, .A.. Edisou.jg-bof opinion ths;t the fruit Ju1cps. , tvr-antj,,4� %.� ktt, $01
.. I ,- ML11 lie huthan body Is p�.ulaohiue wWch, . -
. . 0-10111 t e 0hattered nerves, )N,Ithout I 0_
. 11 - I I rs .. . � . 0 - .1 I 1,11're tMent the trpuble. In 1plag .1 ot�
I . � � .1. I on brown paper and fry More until , � , 11 properly treated, .�Oj capable of Bus- -4 "I tbeso, xy -he ��,
" I � I . I P , , " 4-"-+4 #_"46 @ +0 $ 0 4 0.0 " t w tre4 . may become _)lips (or , swe,it.
� � - . � I . ull are done. Dust with falt and �erve * i , . 10 I chronic and the 13atie-ilt- a lite.jOili ,tene,ij-
I -very hot, * I 1� + W111119 life in comfo'VP,� and enjoyment � Juice) 01161-Wdrter of n. g.14fictill, S%,.-40.
L I I IMPERIAL - 1�ar`ow.0 is Mother's best preserving time,fielper. Ill � At, liekl4s that he hir sufferer. The Value of A% Williams , IV! (1) flireo tabjesjf6OrfjrIlI,, of �rac Od
... If for 160 years. . . . n. pink I k
, I I PARSNIP FnICIASSIDE " 1P + I Q,,� .-I self h9pes to live tw,t4at age, Pill$ In cuees�, ,of this kind 4a )a ruffly T'-1.1pped wbitf.s Of dne
I It sav011 her 494�, and -labor and 6arantees the luscious . + * OFINTEREOrP- Ghown by the following statem , 'lvr, 11 '
. ,
riatupliflavor of her prer 'rves Parsnip fricassee Is u,nother new :- . The bachelors of Itlie; United States -,Nl I aRL by egg and the vlass'bll�j
, ,a ---a porfect air -tight, Rfe and I . lip with chillej
r, Frank .1. Scriven, .�Cton, Out., carbonate(j, wr.ten. ivOl. give b. deliclou
, , . and unusual dish. lioll parsuii)s in + Senate Include Bol�$'Penrose, one of Who says. ,,fix i il'110,417, M7, wbea sumnior tj,��yrrage ' , .i
I * I , . I ut 'influential EAMbers; David I ree!ded at 51
_1 sanitary aeal, � � . � I . ,*. I milk until tender. When done c 1 I TO IVOM'EN the that tastes as goo - (I
I � � A I . , I . I�All� A, I into Pieces, thicken ai.d sea%on the i 'Walsh,. of IN14ssao , . MOE, OAt,, my daugh- as it ' Elk
�a Y. W61ts, one of the In tritious,
� � . ,%I%a9l�Q-4,1. - .,. Most peoplo have'actme pet supersti.; .,4,.".#.i.*.o.*-+-,o�*++4,+-*-#-*,+4- ter ,Gertrude ill 'teM had 114ALTED ATj[,X WITH (1TJnjtAXlr
-4 ... I . . I milk in. which they were bolled with , d$oMest; Davis Elkins, of West a bad attack'of iell agad �OUI
. .;; It . I tIons, but of all protessious the stage $in le I�Ome% as a rule, live ion er �___ bedjn�tic revel., �,hjch .
.. li� butter, Fait anA siminer oil the back . 9 9 illffinla, one of the Wealthiest. and left us, I
I ;11 . . I $ of al � I.* - ,- thin Ongle mail. its after effects' a fievere at- l-ATMIP. _.
.. � I . I pll��) of the Ptove ,for three-quarters of is the most superstitiou Prank D. Brandegae, of Connecticut, tack or St. 'Vitits d" Ali% one lablespoonflil of malted .
��� - , �. . ' -ca, �, POr syeeka .
. ��� . 1. 11 . . an hour. . The success or failure of a play* is Womea-employed Ili the teXtile 1111- Among ,the Clerman people there are abe Ns,as confined to ,bar bed under the illilk vVith three tablespoonZill.9 of sqtgar
I I . . I '
. .. �� . ---* -pure refined white wax, free from'odors, �olors and all * Sweet potatoes and apple are �l 0.0111- often spelled �y, Incidents wIL ..dqtry of Italy receive equal pay'with many Nyho believe that the former doctor'e Care, she �
. :: b1nation one would would pass unnot, I leh . I A was entirely help. to 4 s1110001 Paste, then add three
- lilt 0 Juk of unless ced by anyone but men for equal woric. . I Kaiser Is, and alwAys has been, a con- )eve. being unable to even 'hold a tabiespoontul;, of F,urraut syrup, (r,jsp.
. I - impurities. No themicals or acida. Jhc oafe method to pre. someone suggested It, Butter u bal-,: the actors. Whb among the audl__ For the first time in Cie history of viliced I $91irltuallst, Spiritualistic Spoon to feed het,3elf, Foll'a berry Is also good).,
I serve fruit dainties, tendencies,., it is s. time ehe three tablespi5oift.
I ing dish and , ..-er the bottom with ence, for Instance, would think of in. Ahe Medical College of New'York'Uol &W, ,have always lost the� power of speech Alm fills of shaved tee. and one cupful, I
. � �. lollees of boileil sweet potatoes. Do,t 6pecting the Occup4; 1" been in the Iiobeuz o.vt entire- , -of
� . .1 In the lagpdry it saves time, labor'nud wear and tear of fine , ,gt�% of ihe front versity women have been enrol � led for ollern blood. In a I -Y, and Only with. great difficulty WaAa (,Old -water, Stir well and strain U%to
,. clothes. 17eloosena the dirt,,bleac.hos the Clothes, and adds with butter and sprinkle with sugar. row? - Yet that froill row is most im- fiyaduatfon. . 1. I . . book published In.',"40rinany some -herself undenstood.-lillit. t�Aqtchlno��Of a chilled gla�,S. ,' I I
. Neyt make a layer of sliced apples port,aut to Year$ Ago It was. debldred that the her muscleist was'so bad it WaH 'In. I
.� . I -tho r 0 a ,, - ,;I�. '-; .
I 11 lustre to ironing. I r I some of erf rmers, .A In. Ceylon, Instead of usIng the wed- Kaiser -mot Only wai inclined to Spir- fill to 13.ee her. Aftdr..a long tim P AN r-TdI?1N1V)0S0r,.Nrr DRI. �.
I . . I-
I .0 " I a . :k_ tall j.&J, tea glass the J111ce,
..'; .. �, E404 6 I
., I "' SoU &y.- lzolenv'everywhsrp.. A * - taking a lot of mecilleine, she opauied
. I 11 I . . that huvo been �ored aud pealed. Use erons-eyed jjjrson, or on.A' �ilth red dIng ring, ibe form ot inarriage is by Itualf6m, bu� accapt iil it as an objec (A and Put in
I ;�- the butter and,Aupr With them. M- hair, will hobdoo the play. binding together the th'ambs of bride of halt a Jenion �And add three table,
LL I.. . I . Deat till the, 41sh is full. V`Our over . tive truth, and even went so far as to to Improve. H-Ilt slie-cild not cee,
I I The first nl9lli,'.by the way, Is aad bridegroom, hrr n' to FOOOnfllls Of Pineapple syrup, one table.
4 t'.. .. ,,, --.., - -1;._1`4_l _ , - V.*M R]139�' IN' CAF4410XIA "....�..%;l.t 'in Y in' Ills Watchcase a tragment of get along'aa sh6'augilt to, In Novem- 11
, , � i -
11, .,. �, A ;.. the ,% cup of wilter and bake very fraught with good' -or bad omens,A , '� rmant of a,medjum, ' tiga'e, Duo cilpful of chIll'
, �, 11, ��,._�,,-,,.___, I . It In .Denmark It is the rule rather clie ga npoDnful.of v,
I * ltv_70p� 4_144 ?" A iher, 1117, We rotuov6d to Acton, and
I 114T, 11, . !1. , " * A tl� N ad
.. . 6 7.? mAtl, bw"-"%.A ,
� . .O.. 11 i ; �j t.:., �� r I - ___ - slowly until the apples art, soft And actor on the, *'ay to tile theatre for than the exeep�lpn for the married - At the age Of Sixt -five, Sir Arthur in January, 'Poonful
I L. . water, thl�pe tablbs s or a
. % 4 bj,s become � thick syrup, the first pjr,�orraa0b.e is ass ' 1919.�ehe wa3 again N.n'. . haved
� " � ured of woman to be economically indapend- Pluar - let, and -poonful of baking �
11 I 'tj o 'holds sway �. fined to bar be(f h0f a f0fis
. . . . . . f � I A SAUCI�, 170R. ABETS .. success it h4, me.e . a load of hay, a as the leading Eng- ...with at, Vitus dance, eoda; stiriwell - -.d dri It while Crier. �
. . the nt.through her own � . 0 .. 4 .E.
I . . . I The following iiour sp,tice f Managere ar6 -eqirb3ly atfect abora. I'sh blaywright. -F W dramatists S118 was again In W terrible etate and ves(-Ing , .
. . . or beets ' ' .ad by In order to be Ju,a botter position have hutt so many successes sille , e he quite belplags. .,GheL was under ,
hoodoo idea, So that some of them I a doe. I
, took tor's care, and while there was an I 1&LB*UNIRizr_D .Q
, ,
. 1. -, I Make them almost a, new yegetabl,e_ will go , to deal with the servant probleM lion4on by stor*-,viArith "The See- t- nApI3 jUICI.).
, so far as' v I in.
. -
. . : Melt two tableapoonfuls of but.tgr w,'th � ., .,j�� ha a their plays housewives of Ar,beVille; _N11. C., have uad IN,fr,q.- Tanqueray�i "i arter of a ]),'Ovement, '4140, -wae 'Still Very ner- Whip lightly �.j�� *wbite of one eg I 9. I
,j , qui
. I two Of Vour and. with it thickan,11V - __�2': taken steps to form a union. 1, century. ago. Sir 4rthur takes im, voue, did not I,00j- well and was al. add two -tatileipodiifuls of
V. , . I I .. I half cup of the V.,-tcr in I I .. - . stigar aid
t I ,- - ,� � I I - ! 'which C_e '. Among the -women of Aforocco ineuse p4,ins over all his plays, is ex- Ways tired, 14.18iay.11918. we decided divide Inta tiv.ip glasses. Pour litto I- .
I �
_., I'. beets were .boiled. Of course you must birthday celebrations are unknown. A ':iaedjug1?,, patient,' gild to try ,Dr. Willfauis -pluk Pille, and each, glarm. One cilpful of unteriiient'ed . � �
I . I . � will coach the
I . wholesome for sick people, pro- be sure the bee.'s ar well washed lie' dullestuetor f What they would do for her, She grape juice, 64d1wo. tablespoonfuls Of I �
, � ways e, � or hours at a time until see
I ;', ., A) . - Noorish woman 4011.410ro, it a point of took them regulgPlY according to dl�
, r
'..;. I .0___7�'.,Ct % - . an jUdi- fore plittilIg on. Add to this a fourth Mn&rdls Lintirent Co. Limited. ; , *, honor to be absolutely iguorant at his performance expresses the auth-
4 ... �A�o � Yided It is freah, zips and eat Maritselli�Wbo'ralht, a little cracked 14o
. I,-" 1, , �. — , CiOuAly, I � of a cup of vInegar the same ,amount . ur-S �unc�ptjon. . rectiojl�,,
.i .. __ R 11 "I'll . bar aga. I I and after taking .% a veral . and chilli4j, APOIlInarls water to fill � Illo �
I "
�,i; The dishes given here tire both of rich milk Or cream, a. teaspoonful. Genta.-I have used your v.rN,�A.RD*g Kinw.*Mbert Of the Belgians contin� bo-ves there was a decided Improve- the glass., Tojj *Ith a spoonful of
. . - 0 taste-: , whom. ues a custom jivaliguigted b the late Ment. After a fifrtheruseor the pill& sweetenea4hipcil'iEream. If
I I), wholesome and easily priepared, of sugar anild�p,eppir ind salt t 141-NIXENT '111 niv, -fanifly and also in To find three sisters all of
I Y .
I , � �_' � 01 , PAINNED URR&ST OF Of-110REN. Pour this over the olleed. beat ai ' my stabfe� for yegra,.',and consider it the are qualified druggists -is rather un- 1-�ing I.eopold she is now as h6althy a girl as , , 11 � � I
I - &( -, 7 " 7 A---,,-" A I I I B , Ild .best ine4leine obt%inable, Usua4 but such is the 'ease in the of bedoinitig .godfather would wl-sh to abe, IShe is fat, jyj you
k_� - Place the breast In small tug reheat. . . . . LO-eVel!'Y Seventh son ',b0n. in Brussels, a PI -VIN, C'RIPAU SODA. ,
� I � � � � bilk . , ill , faintly of Mrs. A. 13, bujitlapl 46f Al� In carr.Nlig out tho -�ld' th Place J� a'clillied glass
cook Instead of serving plain boll -ad spin. Youm tr -,-, L� bo�y, Ore., whose,three u4ugbt ,ire .usaga b.B once fine, healthy color uAd I's atrong and a OuArte ' . I
16v�n though those tayls wre 'llee� . - I k pan with a littli boiling water, xt time chop It . I AL I FRED ROCH.OL-V, . : 10 t prolitletars of a ' .. . - frill r,-lof I
. . .1 Ed) until brown, basting frequently, Sea- ach with,yinegar, ne., 1. it,ouers had some difficulty'becauae the sev. lively, The nalghbora to whom she !a a CUI)ful of an�.,*Vreferred t BYV,�!D.
1, a .4 . "'ah'ag ,-ntli and eighth soias were twins, He well known remArk on ,the wollderful and three , tables'poonf
MY'! ;onest. the, greateat care and nioFty ,�43on and serve on a hot plate with a when It L done, and reheat in two, Pro ri tor oxton-Pand Hotel ,and ., " I)harmacy. I I . .. ills of chilled
1) a_*L_ .1 could not stand ai'9'4,;' Change I'li hel, at,�eava Cream and filt'
d -father for both nee since taking .'lip the glass .-,ifili
#- ' -oughl .to be observed in the' "rep � 'Iborder of rice and olives. thirds of a cup of chicken stock tlii(,,k. � Livery Stable.i. I The real name OF Nance Oweil, the �Dr. William (-billed .toda, t,at
' I I ,.��. #I
I tlou of flood for -the cick. The c&.�k. , _4.jPPLr,Z' WITH ,NlrCTRTXaTT1pj. - ened with four tablespoonfuls of.but- , I I . .. buys, because tha)L,�*Ould give the 9 Pink Villa, Both her . er ' drawn froni.� a, �
V� ter and thr,e of fl6ur, Season with. I I vell-knuwa actva8b.-io Gertrude J,am- family two Mother and mYsklf are convinced that syphon. .
-does_,or , ,Cook a tart, Juicy pple till , I �Oli I n, who Aiberts,,;"� The remedy was 1; ,
ag i9meonet has tersely Bald,' a sort: a teaspoonful of sugar, salt, pepW, chose her stage s a com- found by Queen the pllls have '60.1ae her P, Wd'rld or cream sodas.".
o4ould ,do. half the patient'fs digest -11119, put thro'u.-h a colander, sweeten ,and . a Ellgabetb, who Bug- ..
a, a 4dash of nutmeg and Ft few tiny . gested 'that the crdwa pri good as she it$ n4w- far b$g1thlor than
,XOr .,aow the rei3p,DlisibilftY end,,wlta flavor; fold in ,the whito of an sg -_ - ____ binatiou of thooa.'6f ,Nance OI(Ifleld n ca should .. ------*I*— I
I ftp�r cooki g, Tae service must ,2140 obeaten. dry. ' ' . luckyJatter bl, will and Eliza O'Neil, � ItkiUou ' Ighteenth ; I --- 1._�.
. gratings of lemon peel, Thig Is the be the .gbiltather'OPthe We at One U1110 th6ught she ever woul(T
, - R n l I ' I eighth boy, be.', 1 *4��044-444 +4,$ -+*4+4 -+#-*,6.4_"4-0- I
- . , L
. w;.y the French hou. ewlve set -yes her land. I who consequently -received the name - . . -
. bi � faultless and tempting. for the OININ)LUITTE WITH PEA0. 4 spinsell. I be the first Jilitiul. .: century, actresses in 1jansl Leopold. . I Por all troubje jille to. Poor blood I t I I . � I .
I -'Allate must be first; tickled -via tM 4 A 4, ; One of the most -elrrlou� and luera. '. . . and weak nervis .there, 1,3 u 9 1
Beat the., ,yolks of two eggs liffbOY; I I _., , In the dreisluj� - ------ +**— other I
I . I ,,room you will sell
eYe/. the capriclouts appetite � quick , tive tradea for woMen tal.Franca Is I . medicine Can eqilal Dr. N71illai � ,:Alfred, +
. add two tablespoons of Cold',water; erally flud.'a` hoiBieshoe, &lid many that of . , III ts P!nk -
tL turn actors carry:ou�-, . + . ; I
e#i�d' and the desire to taste created , wine -taster, -The inos't ex- Hyl.,
1, .t , fold in the white,s, beaten dry,*- WITHOUT � .. � " 1, .
liiet*-�e a morsel has passed. the"hilis WOULO NOT. OF . .of their own, for pert, those capable of detecting .adul. P'114. You can,'t',�'t t � hese P11's from T � .
11 -luck. But .iv,hile, a, horse3hoe Is be- -, I._ ,.# n Med!Lin�, or b 4,4,4�44 -4- "-s-
. T , I Into a small omelette pan and stand . . C A T 8,-�R R H any dealer I y mat],' 4-4,44-i'44, ,
46'tray and Ito accessories should be l over fl,re -till set; dry In the oven, duat eyed to ,br;i teration, recogni%ing- blend.% and .;Ie- � .4 Post Paid, at 50. 1
,itIL,'Aallitines. . I -over .Dents a bux or sig I
I—- 9. tar, us all know, 'theo, ' . BABY'SAWN TABLETS ,l .us Soad luck, left el,ring the use ri wjne,,� with unfixil- . � , ; S . bOXes for suro 60m Tile Dr. William& ,f. logned Over' the fe-Anw. .
1. ".
Opetite of the robust perao4, of re -1 wttli. wat: fold and turn alit on a hot make-up maY�brjnj-bgA luck, and few . . C 01. ,0. Mm. Al
I I �11,; * � 'XedlUne Co,, Brockvifte Out, and cinfl(ited in me�
_ � .
k . ' tter, Garnish with otswed pka. Once a-moLher bm u3etl Baby's Own- Performers _Iwlll',�Arry it -1vith tbe.n Ing accuruey, somedme;a earn W5 :� , ,� " �� I . I .
fft4&s1Lt ts dulled. by the sight oftaul Pla much ao, $30,000- a S�ear. I _-0-0�_ I
., SURPRISE B.ALL, 1. Tablets for her little ones, she would from on 11 "I'm that exciffil!" slip 4teeltired., L
- - M HAIR, '
11*1431 cloth. a toolled napkin. or ca,re-4 a .e41gQjA'ut 01' company to The nativei of Calabar, A'Vegt 'ki- B R 0 NQ SHE '0Y .1W
I Whip the white of an eg'g, ad! attefk- not be without 'them, They are tile onother. � 4 -fie of., the best properties I ��".,;IHITI j . I peereii,ovp.r the fenee at Alf, who I I
of the dishee. Thinki ,a - bolas of a theatte. is al:bljack cat, and if the Tica, have a Curious inistom. of prapilr- * .. , . , VI: �� Via,; disednRolatt-ly -throwing peebl,es
� �61L I �
tU IV of the effect which Must be -'pro-, ..'spoonful of sim r and a few drop,$. Or Ideal home remedy fol, the baby, lug their Women for laurriage. . When cul . I I
If,' � rose extract. Cover 9, mold of .Ice .guaranteed to be absolutely free from cat can be�;.qpgx�d on the stage from : , JUD at� the dii.4bin, tuld saw thaVilter (' ,X-
, �060 .by shipshod service upon #e , a girl reaches the a e �
. , __ _ N�__ - cream with the Meringue and burden, opiates or other harmful drugs. They the back if.i.ie4eairsal the success ,of � 9 of fourteen to .. No type of beauty 0an be more ' vitemitnt.. vewq not. infectious.
*Ppolite, already MTHOUT'�' � red-haired "I've gat a f"Irl trien.l. COMIng to
, On the wane. .NXey,br el,)ieat-, are a gentle but thorough laxative, a new ph�yjq�bdyoud doubt, sixteen the paren.ts -begin, theIr pre- I I , D R U G3 Btrlklngly lovely'Vian the
, ]A014 the serious m1ptake o 11 but ,brown by holding n ahov OVL .. .� I.' t'. , ,
- ,parations, The natives' idea of. , I
j�nij . �_ I Woman, writes' a ,famous creator of stay with Ine,' Went*on Mrs. Ali.
, , ,d have been pr ad of the greatest But Lbe�t.tiiu6l; be no birds, To ,bpauty In their' bride,4 l* stouines,,, : It Is -,really Impos- fasliions. It the, pbssessor of red hair "Mrl lrlend!" �Oamta Alf'.9 yoiee, sar-
� *P,Ild what he want,s to ,e t. , , ed to a white beat within an In.eh. of an
�.`At�all times the matter 1�-' f the dl, h, . W! in cases of confAipation, Indigos- some Of thi Pl.'Ofession t4iesa mean Ihe stouter .1, girl hi the more bealid- I
� S '.I .Q . I I . V ,ble to treat ,Ca- understands Ife, ype she ..
,uarlaus moment, for most lel ats a I _, - tilp colic, colds and simple fevers. disaster. Fanvy Davenport, who,ba- till and Qhgrmiuj� alit- 16 In the bridp. I . st . N�' to ' dresstot , PaStleally. .
I - -
..;Rangeats so Is -he, alld in sic ass it, - � HE HAD ONIR I C,oucernitg them, .�jrs, EmeSt Gazwe, lieveil Implicitly Ili omens, had an ex- I tarrh, unless by In- may make Iierse)f1.as.jly'._Iyr decora- ,11jeastirayq, .,be, -wag a girl friend
(Boston Trmnserill0' Bea.useJour, Que., wnites: "I have used perience With-btrils, which was -to her groom's eye.i. Thertfore for at least 1. tive as, a mural paintiliv'. ! when we. was girls," ampndsd Alrs.
-1 10colues of paramount Im-001tance.4 be , four months Oia is made to live in hallai'g the soothing
34tclen and even fatal relap0W ,ha, ', 2, te n as , "That stunulliu ,Nfisg'i�;-and-So with Alf. '*Jw-.1- now %liels a widow witli.
Tudge, "Yon say Prisoner str"Pl' , Baby's Own .Tablets for coustip, tion. ,jnost ,o vin6i � I a
NXI l:r.' 'a 1, Itne - small room in a inud bouse, anti not I
, 3u, . -ave. you any w 9ses to ,prove and Colic and 11 -ave found them -so She w a I I garm-killing valior the wonderful. Yed'.halr," we hear so flyo children and I tbought, It V ,ld
.44110.Wed In the'wake of a ditsi6dvd,o, it?- as to�ylfty In "of On trall at allowed any exere ise of any kind. She I , of'Clatarrhoyoue. its often, but &'%s, we'.a.l'so hear 011
th'ar Jaws of diet. A list of fooddqjijto� Owlsit:W'. Pointing to bi.4 ,dl,qr.lqred sPacesstul.-that I would not be wlth'- the Vlfth Xv,eu�e Theatr1j"ifin New � , i "Thera's be a nive, hofld�� ifor her to comp. q�ud'
I . �,
ojittc)- 4I havp an eye -witness bore, yer oat WO .,I I' . ary, si ci� a a-tWeet girl, but that Any 'with its for a lult. Thta childrou's,
t4, that. patient's neede should I be ot , . *" is fed at any and every minute of the rlch� fragrant ea- poor M u
. - I -1 . I them. I uld I trorgly reedni- York, and �W.Untbe iphery wag day that she 0211, ljossiblY eat, The 11 I senc,us are breathed awful red hair! -if she only knew wbut being qpoi awdy ',for a mon-th -by stlit�
.WUdd- from the attending pliysleiailA. honor." I mend every Mother to heep a boy. In painted, she' f�und, to her dismay, thin, hungry -looking ,F,Jl,i who wa, vft� from the inhaler to
. w4d,W], others should be withlig1d. Vaj.,,A � *-41- the house." .The Tablets al�e sold by which was real ' d un to wear it inight,help, but what can London .11i6lidays. (for '*uAtry* cb:ll-
I I . 1#' I � , en Swear—Women Complaim -medicine dealers or by maii- at �6 , the wB,I an assumed, that ,closed four m6iivb7 t-arlier emerges every sore, diseased you do with a girl 11ke, that?" j dre ii'ii 1und. , NN,r, ,01a a at 8 � ,(,,hool togeth-
,Y- Is of Itaroeles' Palace were llb- ,With difficulty at rile end of the pei-- . spot In thi�breathiug 1.
,as imperative, and !t Is cu rprIaltir, 3t -
cents a box froni The Dr. Williuma erally decor,�,ted,lk'jth Paintings of the A red-lia.1red woman should realize re, though:vhaven't qteen her .for
many changes may beieffacted Just because *their -corns ache " e2sy Niedicine Co., Brockville, Out, RgYPtian�'Zls- She ordered them re- led, a huge ,woman, reminding one, orgpLus. 7lot a single first of all tha*t-theie is a different .� -
�4 ra Rx- . �� twenty year,� or niore," .
even a limited dietary list when 1o,cure thexa with Putnam's 30 - _A& *.a.- � I I very forcibly of .the fat 1voman in tnQ � , .
. 11`0%_� ete about the Matter Ili, earueta�, �� moved, 'but the a geein can escape the
owne 'a ,tractor; it acts painlessly in tw6litY- _rtist,lusisted that the cireu . .0 I color pigment In her. ,.kin than that. , Alt -caught the.dusilbin. a ral.oliild-
. - . 'D TRAPPEPS, . I . set would. be luittistie without them. S, . � I . �- liaa...ling fumes of Ca- -it. Z
:"" �, four hours. For corns, .warts and TPLA" .kN- .. of the bloud� or of,the blaqk-baired, Ing wh4c.lz, with hate a lhtlO
.�. D*12M :MGG ,]DISH.H.S. ' - a a ,b--- I tallfho2one which I
'All mloderil, cook books, aboiancUlin, ' ,callou8ea the only thing Is "Put- In. spite dt.ler protests and her pleas ' : 1, ; woman with faWskin. "All don't. wan,t her 4.o came," j,qjcj
I re. (PhIladelphla Eve -King Bulletin,) she was over -ruled, and the birds T. 11 i. on'the Infected The delicate' i.hades that tons with Mrs. Al;r, eyeing him re.provingly. Itfla, �
; 11
, AT. w vour 11vins b�, simply trapping - %1 Ill
Cip#6 for dainty- egg ., _ my$ Eani's"; try it, 26c, utall doulers. . Tourist -"My good friend, do y 0 TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW ,s; _q 0 -of
- :dtfjhe&,. ____*_4jA`_ - % 0,nl�l "LrT' malned. bn the opening night ldilngs of tile nose the pink and whit# loveliness of the a-iil*t got no idea -being ho.4pltalbla?�,
stffe white bread-aud,bulLer jisaild- . : sidn- theafre caA tile - This issue carries tbe , announce" 1! : 9�0- throat just as an ,blonde are not so good when feat- "Al,"ho ain't got no tile.% �, I
� hing animals?" . &ht fire and thousands of nient or the Annual Ste.tic Sh,)w at 1i . �
Vick with egg, which w1l1%3upplyithe .t - .'YJU,ST 13E A LAWYBR. � Trapper -"Yep! It rung in the famity, dollars Ili costunies and scenery went i olfitment would act vred on the yed-balred -woman, al- beang hosNpitat)IO ,cried �NIA31
I -X461xrtaJAn%,. yet .not rikill, smaps, . I thii'U'llon f3toe-k Yards,, This silow I On a cut finger. You
-which must not be confoamded I k� 0;lyes'll said the man who w%,s proud got a brother in Philadelphia in tile up In smoke. Fanny Davenport it has -been held for eleven succe�Qsjve : though her c61up1r;x4on May possess 1,1 t I 'Ve to retort. "Whols 91��Ojp- �
, Ith .his library, llwh'enever I find one same bw�inps_-," I see Catarrhozone that quality,. of eitreme whlteue%�3 ing oil a ,mVil, In the lba,elc pa-e-
� Tourlst-z,In, Phiiadelphlav, . was a Judgment, .and a lasting ex- Years, and has baen,4r soothes, e,leaases,
catbohydrates lacking in the'- ej:g, of torn lgod, I put Trapper -Yes! He owns one al th ..f.proved and en- I theory that It you � sea a red-lialred lor wbleh illasn't any ppringij, so's i8he
broths and meat teas, are h1gbjy b eue- it , thrau0 a legal j;irocess."' era ample Of the folly Of going against larged #ach yedr. '--Ws to number Of heals. It cannot fall
, aPurtment bouses." omens � The ijew scenery had not ept"Ies and P.�I(,,Ar, jjaJ4 in auction The auburn, bronze or chestnutbuir- I van llayo his bed? 1-.ai? ItNalo"s got
I ., A6141 to the coavalescent, tobjus: Up Wbat legal procesn"ll UN ylittor ask- . . * to reach and- cute .f
the gtomach. . ed." . 6 0 - one bird Ili eviden4e. sale cr winne � rs, the, ,Iaow t:jr ,ad type is another story. I am sDealtr- I to 91VLI 111), sMOR iffltbe,canse she didni. .
11 1);,l bave it bound over to katp and experienpad I .. 1019 s Catarrh,, It's simply
* . . t, SIMME STJ400ESTIONS , I the Wise mother8 Lawrefice Bariaft',.i mascot was per- surpassed all previous ones. Sper,lal I " I � a vionder On weak Ing of the WOMAU wItrVIVId Ted hair, I lLlcp ill(-* sinell of It? F% ? who's
. . ce", . knOwn. when their children are haPs the most 'appealing to ordinary elasses have ,Veen provided th b.ro wbo, it .she wo,a- a boy, would be got to give -up his beer so"a el.o sptkud
otts .- Is year tbroats, nelital ,called "carrot top" orred ' " iii- ,limuey -ou Micing- ,11(,,r io T.11(- .pl(.,.
The following recipes for a --,iesa- troubled with worms Arid lose no time folk. Before drosiaing for the Dart$ Of tor girl, boys and farm feeders. PrIZe deafness head
table eoup, witilout meat may: Prove It Is a Liver Pill.-41any of tile all- �jjj a-pplying �?vjjller% Wbrm'powders, ,he Cardinal or Yrstucesco da'Rimlill, list will be jissued shortly. eqiighs, , The woman -with red hair h1B been turps?" �
Uselul to oalue reader: Boll tw4 na- mouts that niun. ,has to "utend with the most effective vermifu,we that 4�aii I . . � tuzTtng ears, and all
to Ito . To their origin In a ;disordered ]IT- be used. It lsoubsolute in he always ate exactly halt of a pie, . senteliced to wear blue for so many I I "Well, you art,," arlmItled his ,vwltra.
%*as,- one onion, one tablespoozial: of , 0162riug . . 000 0 I., f Fn - . I other symptoms Of I
er, which Is a delicate, organ. "peoul- .. ,%eurs that this, cdlor'aud r�d h. -.Ir "And rple,ABed you -ought to bA to be,
rIce;In one quart Of Water 011ie 110riw; the system of Worms and restoring I (Bovs, Llfl.) .!, catarrhal <.,old. I U�.uwe,t 1-0 CIO it.. I
�wjth iarly, susceptible to tile disIurbluces without � Wiletch6d from _Asthrna. (.4trength . I : . Clet C-atitrrhozone 111a%e become as traditional as the old . I . .
, "I'm going dowo, to thp Oation, noly
ole44 with ault, strain and, serve those healthy conditions Drowjiv '.N1o.--.L-f4uiCjC, t1frow me a ,.N. I
that come from irregular. habits which there qiin be no comkort forthe Of body and vigor of -mind are J� . . theory that if you Be 9, red-halred
anfill rounds ot toast. . or lie- belt, ) to -day, Complete I �;-
� .ksm I 'piece O! roasted muttorkwell lacki,of oAra in eating and drinking. child, Or bope of rebus(, growth It vitably Impaired by the visitations of Rescuer (a tailor) -Yes, Sir! WIlat sixa, Woman IL white horse will soon ap- to m0et llteil* ontinuted Mrs. Alt. ad-
twoUnd the walst? I 0 outfit costs $I.QO , c
al aressing her conversation exclusively
� . clone, chicken, game or fish asin be , This accounts for the great many is the Most trustworthy of wor�l ex- t asthma. Whot� can live under the I L '. � I and Is sufficient for . �ear� . 1.1 don't expect I shall know 11
uOuittly eaten. A bit Of teudeim loin liver regulators now prissed on the terminators. . . clouds of fecuiring atta-eks. and keep I Blue is the.wrong color for the red- to lilt!-
� . nssr,.x,r1AT4D1-_ ARTESTP' Was months, use. haired woman. No tills Isn't heresy. ber again, ,hut I expect sile'll re"(1109-
St011it; out. from one-half to an inch atteAtion of sufferers. Of these —, 0 111 al body and mind at 4heir full effic- (Birmliigh�zn Ame-li.eraAdj' Smaller sizes 50a all dealers or the lace, I nize an01 haver0t, altered nitl0h."
� thloV,,and 'brolled. for a few-miLtes, therej Is none superior to Parmelee's I THI-IMS THAT COUNT. . 1 iency? Dr. S. D, Kellogg's Asthma "What Idrid of wornan is. Urs. 0 -ad- Catarrhozone CW., Kingston, Ont., Blue Makes her"utterly commouP 1 % �
� 'Veg("blB Pill$. 'Their oDeration I Remedy' dissipates the ,cloud by re- sjT�j - Canada. � There is one shade of green -blue tl.at A. she sahad from the gutdon, the
thou� seasoned and laid betwetna )lot (Christian Intellingencerj I ev,pre.4alon of a traped rabbit rainti
Plot0s for three mlnute.s, is not only thouo gentle is -effective, and the Contractors -A house on this plan can I Moving tile 02,045. It does relieve. .4sentiany aruistic.- Billie Burke, who Is one of the love.
� no --I*-**— res, wears Into Alf's face. I
a �ayory dish, bift .e highly natiltions. most delicate ,can. use them, . be built for $6,000. It does restore .the suffe�er to normal 11 AVIS t!,.:XL 11 . . f liest of red-halred :preatu
Gt6rt� with a roasted pota,to ,atressed, , M� V - I ,rho Other Man -T have no .doubt � The family fly. "Iwattor Is adorned "ITteaven halp nie!" he grasped.
jt� bodily trim and, mental happiness, with � a. bow of . . RAINIVLAXXR RING. with supreme effect. but this shade
I . �!, , " 09.11, 'What I 'Walit to know J.,4 ilow - I pink ribbon."
I _ , '
wItU cream, ; . . � I XOTFII'.N�4 OPEEN. ;V much I'll have to pay yoti, when it,s ---- -- -4�04p- _.- . _______..___ _... ,...--.- is gteen first and blue afterwards- ' '.Con.dn't you-ta-etlaily asit her to.
.. I I bitilt. Givell an Ingenious, mind and an eye gi-een blue -and even -be wears It X0 " I quggef,W. .
,AA)rolled lamb chop is alwa.Irsirel- (noston Transcript. - For W -Cookie" thr, , 1,4 to business a live .: If r,lhp's an�li.hlng lll*,q my wife, I
� 19hed and la easily digested. Frmieb a, T\Tother-Gloodness�" Bobby hw, eaten a Soft (X)rnS * I . 'nan Call malte -with great C. seration,
,*� - money out Of 11niq1t ,any old thing _A0-�� ,
J11b chop by- ecraping the bone ut914 all little caterpillar. �r a dt"Moult Zo eradicate, nlied gookle6-0,reani hzlf a Cupful . .. — ihat d tualcp her stop all the. anorl�tl$
9 removed. "I but'Hollovmy's� Corn Cure will draw Of "ortetilut with three-quarters in a a extraor- Ready;Amade Medicine-Tou need
P%tl�_Olr,LLyou should caution bini not LahaTTER. FROM Perhaps you remember th Kwl Al.f. lie ,bral(d off, and -a ft.A-
" " LAY On 1% CIO= to eat anything in the country that kn't t,hein out painlessly. dinary success seO�ed some years ago no physician for oidinary ills whPa 1*1*ve
"a 1. ning Inok eftiap, Into bi,4 eypn.
butterad'PaPer the shape bf the 0LOP r1pe. � I0 A 9: eilptui *,f atigor' ,and add ,one beaten
and, out double. Fold on a gridigon, . 1- � egg, ia quarter,of P. teaspoonful of salt. by 6olly Greencup,, the rainmaker, If you tiave at Maid a bottle of Dr. tOt It-' Ill ,
lbrWl aft minater,, transfer from ithe Unlesk, worms be expelled from -�'he A 'NEW APPLICATIMI�. balt a tehiapoonful. of baking sods, dio. MRS. WAKELIN not, yon can read his record in a port- Thomast b3clectric. 011. I'lor Coughs, :,Got whalt You watch We gp.t rid
t,Aa6 to a Platter, garill,sh with pgr,s� system. no child tau be healthy. Student (translating) -The-sr-er ,solved Ju b,alf a. cupful of t1jok sour folio of newspaper ClIPPIngs collected tolds, sore throat, bronchial troubles An Id,eu,
ley. Serve at oned. � Mother 0raves' Worm Exterminator gr-man-er-er-thell"er-er— milk -%E,� fLour to inake a soft dough, A I all the way from Nome to San. Diego, It Is luvaluallle, -for scalds, burns: 09 bef",
Frult, because of,itr, water con,3tj tu. is the best medicine. extant to destroy Profossor-Don't laugh, gentlemen C&Ill and sbW,, using a square cutter, I I form eastern Or(!!on to western Xall. , bruises, sprains, It is .0 unSUTPased, I vad, an op�ortunity the next day'*
tutr and, vegetable acid aalt�% lo f al. worms. ' I -to err is human, And on thetentres of half the sqAures Tells Reingtrkabk 'Story of sow. I . while for cuts, sores, ulcera and the btit to my (tc-litle Intalliplice ,It Seem- 11
. .. � I
I 11. I . . . ! _!!�", . � " _� " _� I .1. . . � � � I I I . . .. . � I— �"__.tt��Tlt�!t!!t7t.!"!�T" M. Put a gener fol. Solly Greencup, indeed, Occupied for like It Is at linquostiona,ble hea,ler. , tj a4 It. ME was ,doing O.Verything JUL I
- . -.1. I I— ______..._ ____
I I - I . ___ I . . - ,� lowi,ng- , 11ass through the n . m -t grind- . Slidalless attd,,Recovery. aWhIle-a Position UP14ue In the annals It needs no testimonial other than Ills power to Induce her to stop. .
- I..!! I., ,I
0 r .
a? "I,, ISIP, P. 1,01.1 '. ",% I- - - __ - � __ _____ . , � � I I
1. - - A= -_ - �E=44 , .1 or eiglit pitted prunes, -six atoned I of meteralogy. 801011tistg might doubt the use, and 4hut will satisfy alw- 11 -,Ija e1nio Into !he gardmi X19
I as to Its effectiveness. WoWil Eitam,or out wilb the bosi� wick -
� � 1W I . I I 1. 1. . dates and four washed firs fsouk the and CYAlbs Might'fi6ft, but whatever one -*.*-I1A—
'If . , , , I.. I ,prunes 'f6r sevira-1 Itlours w4th cold Tarouto, Ont. -111 SuVered greStlY ., Solly went after thO.Malil Clouds he al. Cr�c6l� from the Parlor, 4nd _run. in
� .r. , . I . . ,� ,water to cover). 44d the water In fro med to be tired ill I Monkeys Had to Traiu, lor ,cuthions and a hossock ,for her
� ., ways got 'em. Moreover he Aidn't � n eeta tan. ftom
� J -5r., '14a '41�p/u � . � 1whicli vbe prunes, ,were t000ked -and I A 4nd had 110 work oil, "the head[A-1-win, tailS.you. W
;� I L_ __ (f . ! I Performl�x monkeys aoldom. 11v4 tho, 'Wait(; -to keep the flies a ay, and
. - # I 2reb'i1t'1o'1i'i' to do aq, lose,, principle of,�t�jome other rain h aqv get`,her'a tug In Me It furded tobilly,
I . . . � 1� 42 .." O.Z,o ..-P � , simmer ,for 1.10 minute,3. ,Axld sugar , _ more than jX taw Mont a. ��Nj , r,f
If I - - � 4.44 I I to taste, the &rated YellO4 rind and A thingorgoanyplact. makers. 0011Y Greencup, wbori he them dle-of-fright while bejag! trained.
. -
'. 1, I ,� 4 - or �2'55W . I 'juice lot lialf a. lembil, a t6aspolonful � 4bl,3dr i'er`vell we"" 'U once decided he could product rain fix& and It % NsOQuefitbr lle�'e.;,Ipry f(,P and letch her a, glags (,,4,cledr* ,,tparg-
. 0 � Aape, I could linl Wal,er 4nd Mrs. Ali's liew copy of
'. . _Z 0 ,lof butter stud s; tempoonthl of flour given district, always backed his opin. trairers, 14, `*p a lar"o nuln"Z: of X ,
., � I &.A,�: , . . -Q � I vollian's Life. -
I r; .1 i X . Moleteutd 'With A I:ttle,,cold water, not sleep at night, ion with hard Cush. It heaskedthe aninix, v:6ftr-,tudj6R- .
.1 I I I ; I , and then earne It The first evening Mrs. ,kit roomej I
I . . 1. I Still Pons.tautly: until tba.Mixture bolls breakdown. I r4-sld farmers to put up 41)000 for art inch of 6�r,!!�_!M_ftft �_!tt�!� very pleised that hell lim,baild SOL -on
I : The BEST . i again ,and Is yery .,im-oath, Cooi ,be. of Lydia N'. Pink- rain, he put up another $1,000 himself : 0 - . i, A so vv,ell %,Vlth liar friend, but the t(ti;c-
� . " 161 I faris uolug. Make three small open- I hatills Vegetable �as a forfeit In case'be failed, And he 01 . _T_ - . � and night site had gro,wil tired of
, I dugs Ill 'the remaining oquares of . , � .
. Chewing � I ough and put . �J*gether In sandwich I 10111po nd n thia always won. 1 I . - lkl:�. I thlr4 night the)
4 � hewspa - rs and wy- ,
1 , N ,!, ureencup, nuver explained his Meth. , look�?d Mirk.
-A 9 ,Tobacco . 1. � i I'a"llan, Fl-a.is_ Tbo Qgv$8 'Of dough 11 �. cral MY fliendg I O&. All the farmaia wanted was the : *00 . The vWtor sald It W36 'hot. Alt
- 'A . I .t:r.mly togithet.tud bkke ln,m QUICL, ' turbed without a W0141, eildnaned int�y
�!,�. I 0
P so %) 0.1 �1. :. 1. , . . � advi ine to use itp, luln, All ClreeneuVwatited Was the 11KHAT . .b.. mu" gcd I guy whift wa P
I . 1. �. I I � 8 oven, so that .tile mAles will ntt 1090 Put new. 11 Ill %0-WT4.6nt,t, um"itaybo-61awlyalik6aw
� !, � I I 11 I I i LO Ine- WON* money,. NVIth the result both were *r *,$(* Ittlow thly vvb us #,.�h N$ho" all*;!, Into 111ci wifo, who *;vag statiding be.
� I 1 : their 811,1,pe. 11q6 a thiflible for wAk- I ain (lufte able to do all my own work, " *tn, pretpaillng Eot to th3 118to,tl.
I � tiatistled. Ills apparo,tus cousisted of O" $W 6ays it A jot hko bWt h#04 Wy A. blird Ill
. i illf; tile. apelliligs, and I would strongly advise every suf. a flag pole, all olectrie battery, a kite 6~ IdAula it'* 4 th"tc � Ing and d.,tAlield ludoor.q. filve mill.
If . I I . , ! 51olassee Splcf� ClookiesHcat balf fering wotnan to five Lydia It';. Pink- ,no lia"ll tt uter M -tor he wan back with iwops.la_
. Bat Se-letted led— � with a illetal tall anil an air bAlloon *$*I I 1*4 it 140"ftuol OVW
.. # � % ,cupful, of ftolfkaaes ,to the boiling hatills Vegetable Compound a trial."- filled with a Illysterlous*gas, It Men- - 6WftW"dMAMA"�'J141V4aW""Wjk,1tW4Ag ' uyw.-.rth of ehp.�btztt un(I an lti�p. ,rreg.111
, . . )" 2 T2 C I I
I / �Skfflfully manufacturt-A—Delidow flavor— A jp6lat' aud add thrm ta.bMapoonlujs of Wft, 011ARLE.4 WA .2114N, - irlitiO tistj demailded the rea,jon. for these . I ,**#6W**#AttAft0jtA#tt*k"r%ft v)rnet,
V ,hi , . t Gborten'Ing, a quartlAr of A ,L,upful of St., Toronto, Ont.1 A .
� - Ever fresh and lasting Ile 11 . Contrivances, he shook his Apad and' Tha UttkUrl it Ri4ht. *4 Thp um. woraing Mrs. AIF'n trift.1
0 1 I A � � bro,Wn eugar 16ild one t&b1tiptionrul The makormi of Ly(& X Pinkhavils . . # I had rviurnoti ja her horile in jhp. "Un -
I I , A � smiled, ,ht WALUR ROOM StAllap. I t I
t_ l I � !,or rdllk. Sit+ tiogrether two cupfuls Vip. etable Compound have. thouiando of C, atinies Greencup would have to lbom "a "WW WM ,* "hitte to ,I ity faid Alf�mk for whl(.I,k hig WIN hail
. hodni . \ 11
ANCHOR PLU (14 - I of Mutt, it gitartar of ,& teaspoonful sutil letters as that above -they tell the fitay a lung flule in i loettlity b0fore *VMf" "A diUms *h14 wooft , Paid f:,aPpvur,,, uad drinking savorr, �
''I 1� . I ;of wt and boll, a tes.spooliful oje,b truth, elso. they eould not have bon ob. It# could find the exact P.0mbitiation inthm t*W&M011 itiloft, I I wpilt alt".
iof .14king: zola, tround 01ovea, mans- tAlned for love or mol.ey. ThiomediefrA ft A 4 Uft A* WILWAVII, ONVAY 11 Vwl got till of Ili% illp'n'.", 1 nur-,
. t I . — he -wet forces Into Wk*A W the CAY ot Titt"w
__ I
. I
� � Ir I f inott and CrAta,d, tutul4g. Comb.n# it "O strIMPr--it hAS XUANI th(k t0t fW litc-6314rY tu ('02S t br'.1ml.
I I '40 - � I i the two mb�turtx, roll �rtu,, thin, RAd More than forty yeArs. I's ARCUOIL SUMetimes he had to tonfoss
� .. "& I . % 11MALM HOUSE I dit,11ti't," rabl Alt, I bul Ilip mix.4w,
I . �� 'Y i btko -iu * lno4tratei oveft. : If Wre aro any complIdtams you do that tho dryi. wore too stroult for blin. t il;d. I ,%AWA4 ho,r to,!tt,ip. ?f yo%
.77Z -
I ,,AA,m, - - � 1. - - . but A,% Ituon as be pamtet lix forfeit � �1' A- �.* f -I
,X � I Not under0and virN to lqdts X 100ko :0 ,##*l111ftl,1. A '1611,311t It' 1,111 IL "NA011SC!' 011-44,ibip for I
� 'Forturosto is tilo AISA V110 can jump hm vatdwmi 00. (--Axid""), 'a , 40
f . � aAad set up kis apw#Aux tike doolrod TORONT ihAtko I -
� - --- . __ 1 & -*a&%-Oft* wo, I 1#000 an"llPt V0001AD, 1hfbr#L'.j jothigig.. like .
I - - - - - ;ippo , __ I 1V,%P1"1W4___-11 I __ j0R__._.1 ,., #4 0ow".4st "4 1"d 91 Ill$ to6t, wa- 7 - I - . . ..,---., wo,sturt talifowet tit i low 44kys, , � --- - -- - . I k01FA - killi-4 It vith kiadlMs "--Tit-mu
- I k I I 't', - .
-1 'S.'A 4,urm -!,.-4��1'1. I �
.7�� 0�
11 'fm_ W, , : , V ,,i 1,
_ , ,
.1 !!!F�"- Wr - ""O' . -Wvnwv� �z _'N F, .Tpjr�
'11-1.�:.7-.1.- "... . � _ ... ... - - � I ------- I I ... -�,.�l.-.-..---,----.7.�..-.,.�..,-- L'1_� -_ ..�T . , , � -,. - - -_ —
...-.- - . . I . . . . _ . I 1. . — - - � Now,"