HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-07-01, Page 2it., . r \,, '1;-­Yt7_'J,,7_' ­ I I ­ " - �­- ----,-r-- ­11;01�1­1!�___. - 1117.1.1-1111I .7,�_ I - _W "­ - -V-"-j � ��, �4�1, . . IV . . vdw,� I �# . WWI - I - I ".. lr� I � ir . . .- ,� , iww t " , I . , -11_.___--._1_ - __ F 6 IN _ , . . 'i .— a .11 , , _ " ­ . ­, I;— ­_ - 1�,!�r;.7­ j` " - , 'I - . . n*"T1 71 � I - , - , 4.1 , . % __ I . 11 � 4 .� I I . I I -1-1-1- I., I I ­ ­ 11-111--.- ______ —.--,-�,-,—..--:-,�—,--,-,��."', - ­­ , � 1- , — I . , fter ,­ - -,; �,�.­.�,'-­ " ­ ­ I .� I i __I III ov _11M ­_ __._1ft_­I Ni'll." ,� --=7t="-- 0 -0 := 4 . , 11 . A I ­ III I� 'I; IIII � I', ! . '- 'LL " . . . - ­­ ­-­­­ ... � -1 � ­ . ____1 11 __ W - -- � 110 i 40 "A 11I � — — — r I I � I .. i L . . . %! : � � �- I , - , , ­ — L � I L- 10 � A I I IN 14 ­­­ i v4*64 up in the monlux foolloll tfw, - ­'­ . , I'll, . %%% 9 t I . , - ��'. �� � � -'r': ;� � ' I , �_ --' -I V : r .. _�7 ­ . A. --k!'W, . .-- . -9 ­ I I. I I I 100-1I I ., , �rr'-II!:!I' Ii ii 111 .L�r , : � ,�],r _ R.. 0 III . . t tu" W " t . or L . . L I !*':-� .q�:':�� . 4, r� " ­ . .1 . r I -1 .. # 1 17*1able #Ad sanerally ou of , . 11I . . I : . ''' '� :: . L'. .. "I . I r, � � - q . . � I I .. . : , . I � I % ,. � - . - I �, 9. �r L. " r. 9 . r I I I " � - . , .r. .. � I 9 r,, I - ! , : i,!, �� � - � �, -� :'. j.�': � �..:,. - :�r.�� . . 'L . 9.9. r #* witk tbingd. This, wo.W be his hab . . I . � . : . 4000 � L , L L 9 9 Pft 90011L . ,-, I i I ...!�:, ­ .....:. .� �.. . � . . ! r -.� . . "... ." 1, f I r�_ 'r. I 11 -le", ;., ..:,: ��.: ­ . 9 . �- !r .r , , ' r I I .. . 'r L, I A.- 110$ r' itv*1 utats, A Istter arrives In tile � r . j. 0 . .. . , . 9 I 6 a*~ sm -1 '' . 9 � 9 1 . . . .. r , I �_ , - news., 1,46toAtly ble whole ap- I am . - . 1. t _ _.-.1 �: !.:.. , :. . .. ., 1.1-1 . :-�: , I �' $eod r I . . :7.. . IL ., 'r ,. .; . , I taonUsl; post bringlitgr UgeXpeetedly i � L. I ..... I � % L. . . ­ . 'A L I I . . . 9: , . . . . L . . r. I I �:, . , . 4A, W 010111 0004 00W^ 1 9 . I I . I r. 9 1 . I I r r .11 r 1. , . ., :".. . 'r . . : 4 1 . :r ' .% - r , 7. 00, �: 1 -:L : . . r . %.. piftace 4hRugets lit becomes keen, , ;; L . . . L ,. - :.,III�111111111111110..&" . . ��::: r I L, -9 ... . 1 .9 I I . . . r I � : ft 11 I to rL .. . I . I . interoicted And Ylsorous. Tile "Im 00 L � !� !I I" � hom,lache and want at appetlto4wtr, . - '9. � I I . L , I 1. A, , � 1:� III F", I, , L .`.�.­r': `-77.L I I L together with all those depresslug an- I — _t. ___L..d. I . . L " - , I �r II :1�� I ." . L 9 ,,, NX 1w . 1 99 1 I � 4 Pr%. I . 1� . . . . ticloationa of difficulty to bA mot ." F . . .1 . " '411W..�:'�� L' . 00""w""I I . AWOMNAXI w1th, durlas-tbe dwn wrolsed vow- . . � I . � ­.` I � , IiL 9" L . . , , � I � Lr�.T 'L�7. �;... � I , I 'I - � , ­ . r � L '..L " ,:-ul : . . , . I ple0ly by thd aboolt (I use the word I 4% 4 �"111 � I' I . I � �� . 1, : I � . . L ,I I L " . W. . . -, I 11�''L , " r . I "i I , �"., � , ", ., I ,. !;�; L , � , r , Le's to its wider sense of tile good new$ 000% � � I : ' I 9, ,. � .J� , - �:-?; 9 . -11" ITT NOW MIX )VINTE11 CROP. 'he lorlit. Th e -suio-11 amomit required 91 I .... , � ., . , � theAetter contained. He ..-- - ____ . , I_ MAN : - z `:� 1�­:� ' , 1! �, '4' * Asa,A that , , 9 0 ­_ I—— 7 j . . I r L '04 J14Y " . for the home gsr0a Way ]CASIly be I . . �J " L . , _ "' I told7'himself over and over y I , � �, '� . , No vr4eaor A0414`.bo content irith I i'. -r ... ., 1; ... I .. 1 q9"I ; . . . ' 'Our rer five see . I "L' 9 . -� . ld so and sea a doctor and find- � _. _W P .14 Its to 9 . I , ,'.. .,.L � ... r, . , I .1 ­.:. . -r.., . � .. ,__­,*�'­ . r . , lie wall , . 9 :: XQ* �rult$ of II ,f arl� plan , I :T , , I r _ L Unit L .. . L . jklonb.% sown by hand, : �;;,.7�r %ii.inch. Thla ,tj thre., inches after the :".: ::.". " , . . , . � % "L . .1 I w r 'got oyO for certain what was wrong with . . , .�,..:..�:.... L r.. , 11lak him. No% $9 he gave that proinsue , 1 9 The x4r4an wWh ,o'javt kept so buUY ... :.,.,�. 14,0'. — __ ant thW'Wook to recaijiftulato ""ffiP", I I - I I I ... , . r 41 % 9 , L. . ' . .. 9 9 . 1�_ �. �. : I :1 I , , 110AA04 L Plants are well up. K , , Lr � i �,. . 41 . L . I I � ­ ,. - thAt It to At w0k thrib 0, out 'of squash - w1lon space is lialited I " �:' uome at tbo�slmolor rulos at health toi. any- thoutht At Ali, he would. iousb. at ' ' -004 - * ' l 0 Qj IM Liri � �. . , 1 .. I. 'S-9 L . r" 9 1 . ­ I . . . tl,o .040 � ow ... ... ­ I.. .-,-. - _ L ­ ... - I r' r . . .. everyday, use. �, : L I '1004, and so long OLD the effect of I.F. '4 - - - - ii . i0slaciwr. �s squash �.:;�.KL:;,J: . . 9 - ,W—r-, four to, mori � t may be -planted botween the - * .. 9 I' % �4 . I L . '� __1 -,"- .1� 11 , ,corn rows, or 4 few hills may be � ', r'... ­%.�r, ... , �.',,,�j�r, r:. � L 1. Never noaloct ta brush . the tooth that good, news opor4te4, be woulfluo -.'- . I 1. .. .%. . '. ��'.A . �. N-�� ......r. 1� --A Often, Maiiap4i:0Y ilio lisklanor, t7fo � r ­­ . I '. "' , UAMOA not b)AN, falls to, produce a placed at tile ed*o at the garden, so I . 9 rrr � , ­ P-.', ;� I last thing at nisht, before retiring, and only ffe'd well, but forget that lic Ud 'L . , : r ,. .r r I I . ,. , Vale vines Call JI out on the gra$s- Is.."..., I � 9 1 .. ­ 1, : having done"so', AbI train oaC'ag, ever. felt otherwise. There is much " .. Napply for lyl�ter but,bes not keep � a very small'.garden plant Delicata, 11. 9�, L . "I � : : � I � I.. . � L L L : Many , PeOlI lingfInd, .that if they . I �.r 'i . I k ' t L �, ' In , % �:.: 9: � � I ­ r , ' L . 9 1 9 truth in the proverb, "Hope deferred I . 9 ' ... " . Uli dorl v' ­,%L L ... . . ­ : r * 1" ' r 9 . ;�,.:-r , r e'."*L" !,�.�. ' 9' I . I ng if a suaimer AA4 fall. or For4400ic. eftbor of which is Ox' .. . .:q:: . ��­ brush their tootb. once a day, and tUrat, maketh the heart 610I �� . � . I . In the morning, all that Is uoceiis � . I . pliaty b1,:v,egeta,bitP from collent for summer use, and also keeps . I A r arY .- . It yeil,wAut 1. .1 .' �'r L CULTIVATE4 A AHNSO OF FROJI I ' p �4"(- , L . � . � I , winter. Vordhook v! I :1 � " bets been'do,44. �, It -is far moro import! . � I I � r r I., % 11' , Sootetaber untli',� 4eXt� lilirlas you must well through the - . �.,:,.� � TION, � r 1� .. ,. r. . . may also be had�lri bush form. 110- � ant that the�,tgojh�obciUlidrbe brushed 0, .. . L :,�: rr r *� L r Work for them, *JNI?, ,. 9 1�1 i , r: . I ,, L the last thing, at, nlohf. ,%I at the rreii Ar'tflur - J9 f W46 ".r.. , . Aino4, the Y,qsetilbloo grown� for !I and Bostan Marrow are two of 11 I �� 9 I r', I .. . This dissatisfaction which I role % 9 L . 'winter are Inoloded.1"betta, Mussels winter varieties, alld A I- I trouble due *W",doeily is caused by the to above, with Its consequent offoew, bm's., I."o4s. - . - tue standard � I 9 �L I . I � Delicious, a neW64�V i�l 11 I L . r ptoseaco In-,0f,o'mouth of particles 6t: Very otten-ttoni a more lack of.seriso 40routs, cabbap , er, , tie, Is at superflue - ..., I �� I :_;­ . I - ,�. c%r,retfi, c4ulitlav , , P-wor, of Deatiii 80i 7 of the pan% r 04 r Lilco the , pum % I . Ivanla CqJ170 Ong 4PAXWQWPOA#� pumpkwa, flavor. L pI early . fa I.. food, Durbik.:sIcap the ablutioI of Ineffectiveness, is, I am ID L 46I parsalpff"4 votWmiiI ' guarded ,... 1101T IS1111111c,c),U1011 81 I - I SI qUaaa,,r�fLnd qUrnIPS. ,,rheSe =1h ratir6t be carefully actiou'Of ther.'saliva eo;ises anA the tcj+.� at the root at a,good deal � t I lsortery P ontWo I � I . 11 1,4 �� t 21 I�� �I I � I .:: - , � '40 . '016sed, ,Ovq* Wift"day Aftornoolit , Are -*If for keeplik isow ulto the win- ew tOW10SH, bOXOS L : . . moatation s�t t '' In these tr4monts of � PhAt at disturbances, Also, I bollov,a 9 . , I . r . , w � � lx�:,.: I � i I . , M " . — t0r, m ., - - . covered, with. mosdhttd,�,. netting 111'40 ...9 ­.. : : toed Is the first process of decay. B�, I It to" be largely TOmedial, It art es 6�� Q0160,1ft mao'dorgid BrNAK, . I oAths. — ­ I , - . L 8 . . L i ,.,� . , I r : . nse , ..­ L 104 1111I � For the lilte six*msi-�iind fall gardol! tills. � . . t atirmeans bruo)vtho toeth In th%morI ,verT'Xoltqn from a moor lucic, at so I , Ra L - .41 � 00 III. I .. ; I � . . . . . . ..1.6, r of .!proportion. It is tile exception, r"' - IL .AiLdIft .r I �� . " I Ii 113 not too lilliFyet"to, Plant beans, Turalps—The)WAg varieties, of the ,L � I .. I 1 pi W! Ing as well. but*ou no account n 0 ;. I -------- r ^"Ak*A , p .ucura.berd Tatabaga type, ,a � 9.1. __ - .1 1.1111 . "'L 46" � , caUliflower. SWftt to,n, ( f, which there are I �� . I - the oVQ1Qdng,Vr,U�hl)1g- . -1 rI than the rule, to meet witil a �`q W %$4I p# 0.0", ' r A J � � I r . ,,,6,,r . w;. I .. ,.,+ �L '. , r . ifian-I point of view Is the result I .1 I . .. endlyt, ChIq ,t�tbbitg*; lettuce, pea -PA same new varietios.,exedlIcut for table ­- 11" . 4, � 2. $1001) witliII window opon, and 10 - I i ' ' " I ,. I . . L I 11110"jo" , ­ us I .. . To i0ted L. � during J.unc. , . "`� 8VRY, EN G� , 1.1; 6t)ID-011sollius thought, who, As t,p iiay, ' 11, III L,E SHOW AT 6AL.I$ t�l r4 try to keopAlie,air, circulating. in th � ky � - , and ci,"ft�LA6 atoes to gi , e, should be P . . . . . I It 110 0111114to , _ I - - I i � - I , p and -4�6tte sort, such' � . ch t 0 ;tV 11,108- for himself. Aluddlobeaded- , , 110 I 1" 99 rN.1,011"' tar-,-�l " ' I i! I . I do ran , -Is responsible for more disap- ' . ­­��_ , C40 U r1XIt4 �Wtliftg And for ripea- The votind yellow I bedroom. Thih 1vvIl r I 1 04 , -L�Kmber Globs, Scene shows the judging of 'Kint an d 6mney Marsh ILheop at the Elath and 'West pnd Sout�orri.,­ Counties' ,Acss 4 r 144 af�er frost. �,,,,,'. � I as White Egg ijid r . I - .. .. * I ustw , . . .� I. . ' . . ". ­ I 1. 1� move tile causos.,,of finsomnia, and reft�.' polhttfiont W it - . L, , L I ': I "", II $tock Show. . � � . I It% ,-;�V �.­` 'A r ... . 1� , . dor the sleepi-touAd and refroshing.n . all almost all oth.- ,�' I 6 . - Do Nor PWT700 EARLY. should not be �010I`tcd until July or -_ . - L 1. I r - ". 'I , ' to th ' . I L . 9 % I ' �: , 1: I :" III Z I 1 1 . "o, Take t SaS leisurely as pos.' ,�r c .,! . . , .., L , A,�jast�tf the Beason ---- . . . '. , lieunistaric " , , ,it* , I A _ iip.�, liiitq�e oven..the first at 9 . 11 :es put together. The 11 I I . . I Many begi Xv tile in . � I '. he'l4iii, " X 9 L - - "I . 9 1 Is IOU'.-, as they 0telop very quickly I '­ . ­ � ­­ L . �man',,`who. knows what it is he want$ .1 'fo tkSL, L I at ot0tIng r t,he,4,4qVs:10r winter too And are likely to..�ecomo overgrr 0 ,%8,A. 9 1 - " * *-+ 4--*+-++-*-++,#-+++* 4 4 4-"* sible. Avotd4lo#Y meAls eaten in a iout.-I life is it, a�fair way got It, " ­ .1110, .110 . ., 1% 9 1 . ' , r . . to . . 591*t, to that ttl;",-gvV-ovor large R#d r L , . I . : x1iinusting work. I %difficulty with so. many of . ,. L �� = A - . . I . I . . I . murry and ,bot4ra.'t. �'ho I I I I . ..u. 9 I I LJV,tL . TOTES ;1 . Drialt plenty -of­w4ter between meals tha , t"*Q dealt k us,is .1 "-'j�__ . . � 1. 1. %�­ I IN - , I 9 111. � , I t f , tough sind 6trino lidbre the Iseason � r R A 11 � say it glass ,oq,, waU,lng, one, or two in' now In any very broQ ' L. � r .1 I - . 11 . 9 1 : , I 9 ' . r I 4 9 . I � . " Ill L * -he midill �r definite sense, We patch our II , 'sL . P. -W, 11 . L * 9 9 ut "000tle ,;#-1004 .'aq,t" *Mal.v aI teed \, I- - AYS TRLEATY t 0 or titetubruing, A44 a4oth- slrei�'togcther from day to day, ao-� � .. � 6 . . . , . .. I 1 9 + . at growth Is dv*r.0­, nd, it 15 time to L �Whoa not to; v"' ble for , Oat - t " L L . 9 . S BRITISH LABOR " 11 I 1.� 1. r . setting t Ose of ijlie�"boit SI rquaj�- torial, *as It is A i�66d',�Absorbout for 1 ,. . . .. 'A or last thing ,#t:4ulght. I rdhig to the way .that c1rcumstan. . ! '. ­ ­_�I_­ . � . I straw make,j an exWjent bedding ma- GAINST - I 19 1 .Cc - � . . I t best'jo,pop'ing quality Is �10 9 190-RLD . 4" .4. It stimui*W are desired, tau4e . q& t� . . �r �� . I , t '9 11 I _4y And t etllt jfJ4t­b0%­TIf ,the III id m4ure aW#L jiveS a higher I �, r ' cc$ ixe make no attempt to control , , : , _ I � Y I . � key$ thom . . i P A Rt T ODDS - . 9, , 9 1 9 . I . . jig 9 L L 'lit stage t4)f ,P 'wheat . I I . i L Vk� Robt. . orceny _.Z.t ASeL . ­ ., Of nItr&jeU than . . % .. them in mod6t,,044n. turi ]%�.ftn is L so ' Versatile in � r .;� , I � 9� I . . I 1� . � � . . — . .. I -I , .� `,�.. I : 9 deyelopjAeAt whft�.t A, growing ista- straw -or almos t�n�q'other bedding . I I 1. 91, . IS ATHEISTIC i ______;_� 6. Don't tmovbl�','all day and then aniiiidt that It Is not always easy or �`I' " , . I I .11 IIII comes to a gl6ij,. The cr6ps whl* I . . :-.w�, 44 �,'. � _ ' . , . . harmful. An cc- Ple for him to folow a consistent. -V., . I ,material. it is rarol�6 good practice to* U. S. Has One of Seventoon.1 r, , I 11 . I wonder if sitieXing,10 I Sim � � YOU expect to lyii�'WfOtl for wintor � I L . "' I . .� I .. I Annual 6nference Break$ ca3lonal pipe je.%,btossing that should �eutao. Also, to a great many,�, o�_ .. .;,.. .. should I$er fia tI4Q,.!tiiat they ,A,,,, be tell straw from theVim. ` U Is worth ' '- I � p� r . , . r .�. " -.1" % I .r ' . I ` . .' !' ' more,whon. toil or ugid as bedding and Billion Dollars' ,. .-I .r, , I Up in'Disor.der not be abUScd,:-"� �� %. ­ . potI54nity to do $a Is list f orthearblilig. '. OF. a*&AI ! . r L - - of ldoa$�Istskpia al.vi--4t�.the end of tU . " '-L'. Buffalo, X. Y., June .. —Tile . I ' I make the best a . — . 4 L " r -s��-oi--canliot to '.,Z .. �, . I - r _ � , ­ , - WW -o t - -W m1i 1;`1 �� -- f4 1 *, I ,i I'. � I I a -1 4 - I � I Now Z "Ov I - ft� : tk I AFRL�� 1PvWFv"9" I . I 1� OWN "=` . , -a .11 0* _ , . I .r � . .t I . - I%0*Vr,a day. r W '?lIiAS to f things is 1, . " L. . . . .r. 1. .sI an absorbent' fc,F��tha Alqui# man- - __ �: , L 6. Walk brlaltl�",'�,la, the open air for ;�M- I . . .Aeaeofti of cour . r I I � - I � 1-10 I . 1. I adly lWh..en the fli `j� Riffing frost wQI ure, When 5tiaw"Is �not availablel , -sailles )t less than �ij. . Atkins theys'are. But malting the best of *I 1. - , r . I I I --. — I I I I% other materials xn� b-6 subsittute&for Rolled Up Since Op'elllng'of . ... r peace treaty of Vol wa's I On Question of Recognition Is' from ever��",�iI -at vibw% them finest thin does not necessarily mean giv- .1 . L " 11 I - lcl�m"- as tha e e for . � ko . . . rs�­ orbink the liquid �, .r 1. % : " characterbied, as the "most preservative bf,'Ai6ilth. It .oxerelubs Ingloneself up.to them. Resignation � . IL . Planting In ttto�g%rden, will vary Sawdusti -shavings, leaves Great War. ..._.L1 p . '�L . .. I of'Red Russia. , usc iateo' the Ilea t 'arld 19 nb4oubt anladmirAble quality, but, . Imanure. . I I � r or I - .1 � � 17" 1 1 (rpm Year to yea4:.,,The shorter :the .. . � :'­athel -tie and Infidel document 4006 . , Re'Rist STEW . I - s � VX,IOe6f1.t�,.-,tljo earlier tile or othe'r toarse,organic'iiiatorial'MaY : ­. I �i " 7�., . . lungs, and nolhb�,g but'good qll- Indul it I .01 � I � god as it so often Is to excess, it season In yo I .. r I , duate of niversitr of "t4I � % . I fall and 'Winier 16 L ,4 �, be used. Varrfiiirs�,,as a rule, use too Si . ever written," by Dr. Cortland i .. . 44 � I roTo 'MUst be, Ptit' *ashington report- nve -,the b*e'- .1 I Scarborough, EngJandi J�uuo ;'.—To- round. BecAI 109 .so, obvious afid is, jiAoili.tedly a vice. Life meaus' ty of uxloine; Q - . . . In _ . - . 1. r 1. Bedding not only ' Myers, of , Tromor.t Temple, r, day's sesslon-of thlb �9,0tb aridual con- costs nothingo! =0047'Tiople rate it is- 01II since It Is only by effort'thit a Colleg& ag Ril r ' ' #' "I III I . ­' � . . . . In to develop sufficiently -before fteez. -too little IiQdding� , ginning of the war kit 1914. tg�rVrijt�d . .- be� rs�rength is acquifed and mallitalti.IIed, . 13 , .. � ­ L ... I � animaf�, but � i -dingly, It .'�6'6 I . I In& Weather. Tba'­Aat4'Q 4or nlaoting 'affords comfort far the -1 . . : Boston In an address last ni ht ftrence. of the Labor party broke Ali In on,. cry petsork:eould X L 11 i . . . ; I . . . . � . a 4" , ties I -in "a the easiest and ,,most practical eotatps has rolTpd no a trado balance - !�o I � disoider shortly 'after a.resolution had . Ik.!Xjv-, iqtIewgvery day,' , 41AII .4 . I OF."C111 MN-TRAN, 8:,,,;, I., . Are, glyen In tvo J,, 6 s% on varlt � - '.,before the confernlice on funda- induced to wal � ,ING THU BEST'*.OF THII�(]S. .7. ,,, I . . .1 . . , . 11 .1i � . . , means of conserving Jiguid manure. of approximately sioventooli - billion , .. . I been s Oy would ItAs a common mistake to I . DOOR 1+11OF ." . � . I tile gollowljlg­-�PaIk . �. , . . �� .. . .. il - ubmltte(I by the executive c - hillf the doetiirg�jn'lho,collll I 249ard � SECOND NORT _ .. : 11 11. : I . - . I I ' All straw and dther' e6aise materials - , mentals Preliminary to the I is ttes demanding recogn�itlou 'of omb I the body merely as a machirib. Tt 1s . ' ' " , � . . . SELECT SUIT.kti'X�'�,ARIETILR�,_�'. I dollars arain.9t the world, ,..This ex� - �: .. e be outof W01I � . , . 4 - . I .. �, " ZuRnalmn PtioTd. a . � , . ­ which, cannot lie fed, should be work- . ., �- liorthern Baptist convention, , I Soviet Covernment in Russia, Lieut.- "t1iiB'b0wcI3- .�6nstipix and as such grows I TU . - .;. . I I At cood ­. 7� Attend, to . - iIl 11%ling 'organism, �� t . I I 1.1.01,0I - I ., , - .� . I tother factor. of-. t6 -.`srcatest'lj�- ed through the'barP5-andVreturncd to s by several billion of 41ollars the � Col. L'Nstrange Malone, Liberal mem- il,,dovololtis, and is acted upon r]ffCff41J . L ' ' � ,I . I � POrtknee, In bavlu4'�iouc Ith ,p manure� Subs c total balance Ili favor of the7' 11 � ,��whlch opened here o -day. tion -is more 4Vn.q. bad hab,Wthan'a All by all pSEPHINE ST. "I . .1 . , , ., cess w I#e tin es of . . United .. I - ,� � .� : thetyarying circumstances amid which - - . ... . . , . the soll . . .. J ber of Parliament for Leyton, attempt- dlseaso� :',�,�!, , I I � . I .. I.. �, : � .1 planflngs� �14 to 4`5400O 608:6011 tOr this iftirt do uot. decay as' rapidly as States from 1875 to 1914. ',., '', . " .. , I "Heathen and infidel oat in ed to spealc on the resolution, but his � ' Th ni,ind Is, perhaps, its . I . 11 'I', 6 S. Cultiv&I Interest in something It 3-ves. '. I .. - ­ " , 7: '� . . - U . ' '-�1-1110 cell" � . . I the-marture itself,.aild therefore tend United States Douartme"t. "' , 1400 . . ,wort. 1, , . -,�., 11,01antlAs. The kiu* ,wh!dh gave ex- -of, Coal- oil that Arew up. tile - credentials wom demanded, and oven- outside the 6�A ', po ul instance. The in- � . - - - - , - - - It collon "', . , Inary routine.' , Books � I � I t results in thk spritig may jive to keep up the oftanle 'matter con- I tually he was ruled to be out of order. sta � I gave above of the 4tifluenCe . 7- , 0, 0 0 0 0 s #-#-#-.#-�- -- , -I-)"- - -0 I I . morce figures to -day sbm�v_ltliat the �i , ,' treaty," declared Dr. Myers. are -written to .1�6 -read. Mau was ict " I - '�* I I . . I � - .. U'ruest Bovins, -of the Vock Workers " q .., 1� total -failure If' Ilk& 1lCfw,:. Remember tent at the soil, afterwards relcaslng�. I .. ",."God was absolutely Ignored la at good news upoir the physical st4ts� ' I , .., �� -_ , I � i -S MAC while mistgkc�'madO -'In P114ting- their own plant food1hrough low do-' trade balance In favbr, ot.,illil*. Unitco, ., , - Union, their endeayoreil'to bpeak, but created sOlOW- .67' the purpose .of mak- ! I � . hi. the . could ,be ' .�'. . . I . 'y:ii0t; ti blarne, "Fate". is &-.,simple exaniple'dt the reaction;t)f ! I . . .! , , spring rec States in the fiscal y ' It, and the hosts of holl re- tile conAMIon became so great that t4e Ing money. ..'Tf . . . . tIff6d �, by cay. I car ia'Adifig lit -, .,� - ,the' ody to mental Rimulus. The re- J Sow, T111101v ..." , I I . ?: �, . 1�, '.1 � , jIlleb, Pate has little _�b I , . - . �. . � second plauttilga, -, any . mliltAke .. idado Weeds are enemies. of plants. They 191i, one month before the,�vvm-ivas, Joiced, -If that peace treaty conference broke up, for things wKh' 7 - I 0 . t � " --- I � , fatal; , As �it'U the "leet " I ot concerm .. : Exerelse the .jOind as croo Is also - true, . And this brings , . . I I I . I I I ... now, will be I compete with the plants by taking, . . : , ' , - , Another rcsQIu1Ion declared that the dire . us baik-to our' original consideration r . . � �� chance", for most atI th!ngs"W'4 only 4470,000.000. Ln the 'YO'ar. ending 'I.' liad been successful, we might notonly ,well as the� b6d'y. It your,,, Ideals, : I ­Recmes .:­ . I I I I . 11 ,e 'Plant good and moisture . the �lant .1 . I peace treaty "grossly violates .L ­ U. . " - at dissatisfaction as'a devitallsor and I , 'i. I . I I .1 . . I put In. Rojnc�abor�fhat, queer thol4h needs and using for thorns and thbt- Jun 30, 1916, It was 0A 50%375, " ,� rightly question whathQr God . the object for which the Allies entered mental, mora.1,4)6d material, seem Ull �.­ I 0 F) . 4 -. . I .. I . �, � It may biseenI � � , �)..pfogro its consequent *moral: � If the cause ** , - 11 I., 1hould tkip - liteit plantlieg les. Weeds have advahtagea at plants Dd` ng the succeeding yvar'tha total., : ..,still held ,his sceptre.11 the war, but ,also tile terms upon which attainable an. � of t'hd dissatisfaction is known half. . +"-#-++4-#-*++*-+"++*4i�*#:#, . /1-4 ! . I 4 ' . .� �. ... - � � . � lin several re ch�df of -which are ri I . . I 'P.- the armistice was conduc�ed." disaPPOlUtillsi ta the battle Is won. It it I* not In our- ' VEAL �k LA JAIIII)INIBAZI � � if. the,..,darileft varletlos. spelcts,, ' ' ' . +-,,,,.* * , ,, I It demanded the immediate revision made rat ke stock of-, the offokt ! I � . By us thiI eXtra�early varlotl4s was -13,530,69,3,209, 1 ' I ' her.. fQp cut the ideal to s4it V . ower to remove it, then the effort , I . . it ,81 -their hardiness, and ,adaptations to ' ' ' ""';"' � .1 �� . rtoo , Meantime, the United States ,had:!, e. . _. � - ­ Ips of fat ,salt an* I :� ' PoAlble;.to.get a crop - 1:11*t endure 'drdtiI oxcegMve' rains and .- j., of the treaty, The resolution also the effort. '*:4� far as posifule MIO16 ,!�#oold" be turned In oth Lard ivttli sti 11 "I - I i , - : , I . � � . . wduld 'otheewI ..b9,:-,1rnp6saibio. -, at ' � . entered the stru gle and I a �-'Jfi a - Year,.� -, - "viewed with great concern" the eco Ike the _ , . or directions, sprinkic Avith pitpifta. Dredge 11018 floor, . ,:L 1� I 1. ., ­ other advc'rs1ti0k;. ' , . - . ending June 30, 1918—the . - at your hon1e-';,i%fh0,t you woul.d.-Ii - ,Kne.-faculty Of subiwiation, of 'Which and lay air the grating of W VGV1DV9II . .. - � - . , add ,enough boiling ,weter t4I ' (1810A year of, her partielpati . hour.", I IrrisoLtion. Is, vailibiliz-that also. .W. -Ill . I �� _. ­ -", , first full - KT nomic and social conditions In Central , re of the WO4. to be.,,;'-, ­ .� I roiI M . I wroto a, short 'while ago, :01kould � . I . � A�- the w4olp . 011�',06,', I cove d roast for.letu . . � I.:, � , /_ I % Uurope,- and, lit conclustilti, asked the 69, Do not neAcIet PrOVIOUiiary sym`P' come,into play .,and our desires turned yy every - 10 at- 15 . . ivalto a..great'- Ifforionoo e "141.1. - it barely, ,air :- � I I . ., . . I . i .111, . .. . . 6t?r.,b,�,t6�tri5iltd�',hY'I)Iaritine,tb . balance -was only $2.974.0ii,11,1$73; "At'. ..RES ENT ' INSU .11render to receive a deputation of the a$0 ,li in time int basting with tho r � . .. .;e:: � I .1 - Ic 00 ." I 1. I toms of dise, ,",',: �,.%,,stltr � g a . .. . . I ,, irarvwi; withI any,.dilay �us to. ty the next year cliding.last. fillinc. Mw,' - ' I a a more possible and rewarding minutes. Their tuiln air the o,�Iicr oldlo - , , � � . : . 4 � weather. . . �. -.1, . I , 1 562 :618. . ` i'. - . . R7. ,r par,y to discuss the subject. saves nine,, iir,4,jttoii� at .health no channel, � I 11 . and spread ever the roast W , phit of . � . � I � . .. .1 - V J - ULLY ; �, �. L The confere cc ,adopted the resolu- less than in ' 1. I .. Q` , � . 446 . . ' . . I - .. .::.,. Ai�! � , . . � I... CANN"'. howevei. it was $4,WW, , . , !�� .: M n otUors, ,., - Arius teeth lit I L tbrhatoos peeted and sliced, t4o -ouloub , . - - � %. : . , , CROPS V On AN I I I � During the first eleven l4outllN "4t.. I childhood modxv`i0fIht6,tT6ubIc lir ma- �. . I Chopped fine, -60 Poppers. ILPLO liflew , I �: 1411A�UT,o ' ' D.. VVM-Tbdh; , . ' . ' , � . U - 1V n I tion demanding recognition of the So- , . . . a 3� 1:..- ,. , , this fiscal year the balance. 1�Us -011,T, � Wei. Ail amendment, proposed by - fir . ,,z,iotnod- hour overy 19 inintiI *IV . � . . July-lallk* to :46; I � r . .tivated, . . 0 ificat is removed keep hot Virile 'you . �' - ot lwr,%0�1_ turity if negloO44'."�," 114filts. oul - , 115F � I I .1 � . � .. .� Bo'Ii6n . 0t f2y788,451,602, but exports �vvoro - - . Ernest Bevins, of the Dock Workers' - itte, c6ttrAe of ma� , inke tip the vegatables w1th &,split spoor!'. . I... . . . . � — I t. I'. � . .� . e.,' In 0 � FAT I . . I � and d 1� *. E ". - �. �. , �'. .1 - M in those eleven months 'thin lit ., au'Y", � , -fa*vored , %, - : I * I I . . W , . I , ` "00 ' , 1. 11 O'h t N "I N, JAC"' in childhood debidi' I VIIIII so. titralit the, ... : . . . . 'best tq�. s6W in. Juj� PEI' 'F.� I ,� ' ASIA. , At I . . . . , . I .t . . . Union, jilie creation of a por- .' 1; ..;�- , .r � A. .- . - I I I � I I light soil plant, �r,o v�eh or An Inc " * "d . I yeai fa the U t turity. " . , � . . . rowned floor, and . I h ail � t I i�. I . othbf- fiscal tJoru'S",*',')lIs­., �� -New YorW despatch'- A group Of manent labor Commission for an In- � Ody thfivO upo . . . . � I a . �., � . �;, , 41avy, thlokell with t) . I ' . J I'li, , , , put Into a beat. LaY the Ybotablv's, �' . . � A halt 'deep.! .L1-.-trolt ',Dark- Red - sI 110 10. Both mind,,alic ' . . .1.1 . . I � I � . .— tory; totalling $4,474,193"." .49, do 0 . omen 0 this ,vestigation of conditions on n �J ai�,cut the nicat ul3ona, inetal ori-firepro(ir . . � ­ � .,.�, , .� J a nearly 50 prominent w f the contln- Tho'NII, extittse f ever . .- . orts for ate . v y 'i : F000... 4 . I . . ., Crlme.on Globe are jecid. Is .T- �, the previous twelve montit, ariety. I - a , , 1� . _ w ,jje I . ,;,,,c . . Is record cit- �� ent. This also was adobted, . �V . , . cili, d this with browriedicrulnJ4.., e, Q I I � : .., I . . t , � : Ing. Extra -early soit,s,'may be ,plantAd LoiI Jufic 2a. -Stung by the at- "Its_; r'' bit to -day disclosed that they had I I I mental and P, 'al fj�pjty'- will 'do _. � 1.1 . . " . I ig 01 ' ­: I , $1,232,Z82.686 made durinTL'the last . F . I — I �, " . and do� it sof III butter. ,8ot upon - ­ : . I . I 11,- � 1� . - � .� . . . .. I L . . I ,later. � ,1 tacks from a section at the press that . . . w he'afty dian any . \ � . - - I ' ' ! cal year. I ­ : 1� wiltton, to Sir Adelcland Campbell more to keep A-1=411 the top grating or the oven fIVA' ininutoo , . � -i .� - *At the same time that the'Ame-r4cau'-..' G�fjdcs, `43uifl'�"Ilo ith and ,no ". -, Several persons to lyrown and bring to the tab � I � _ 4trussels spr6uts. T�ese are partj�- has been accusing him of plunging the British Ambaisadc other xoglmcn',`� Berlin, JL I dish. . !o tit, the ., ;' . � I I . , . . I � ��,, ularl7 ff4e for. late-, f4if aixd winter, 3,ks ,world into a new war. by sanctionin i , ex- chaerfuthess m4fit4lly"-� bega, � -9anc An- are reported tu have b,cen killed at . . i 4 �.- , � I ' �. 1. . I I ` .' i4ever - oitl� AjUpk6mtes tho , 9 export trade began to advance, I)V� 11on .1 I B R %O '�, ., ; � "'. . . It ifre6ilng r the Greek campaign, against Mustapha , pr�ssing indignation a1I the so I ITAIN TO I AM other." ­ ­,,'_,, ': � , ." .. I . . . I � . . POTATO ENSEMBLE i I . leaps and bounds, the impoit' trit I 1. .,. " " Ulm; Wuerttouiburg, In the course of . . .4 'SOW - � . .- .1 � . . rlualttY - In �,JI May, -or c Kemal's Turldsh Nationalist I ' k .1r.%h women sympathizers In burill SIQNS. � Mash and ,season well a q�,%"ntity of. � . . � I I R , forces- also showed ail, onprinous. 'Ili r.a. .,- , GENEXKL­JOON(31�1 * ; rlotq"us denionstra . � I 1. �. , !. � �,, Junk 6d, , handle 14..'the eame .,i s Premier Lloyd George made the fol- t(gallIng $2.017,88a,610 in Alle ' -.veitr-, tht'Britlsh color.-, before the Treasti .� i, . , , tIous against the - bolied i0ifte potatoes, and to evory quart. I . . . � . .. -era' , s,,,' f 0 V 0 14P , I `g ' FOR X"ESER . add the beaten yo4ks of tivo 6ggs aI �, ,�.� ­ .. -'.-', vabbikk '11butting'.a.utothe � lowing'statemlent to a gr 4P Of car- ending June 30, 1916, and 'ady " " *1 " � ' ­ ' I Z, t,'ry ' VISTS" Authorities ub.dft he4th ., Vom the. high- cost of food. Similar doluanstra. _. .:, . _. . I I - . . alle ag fil-.7Washington on June 2. Secretary �. . . . . ' - , LWQ tablespoons of ,thlok erear � . .. . I tha'lilitits,.after,th� .spiouts, have for- respondents -. - earliest, to th�!,j�6.st riiient, ii .9t1l. . � . 1. � late to-da�. . Are' agreed ' . . . � s(eadily each year to a new'-kii.0'ro- 'olbv - . tiono.aro ; . --ted as Occurring else. oy", tit* fire and foi-in Into & shapely; , , I I 0 OR , . of, $late Bainbridge V , has express Loudctp, June :" -The War office ,�, � . . � . 11 I wed' '-thr6ws'18ftbri*ih Into the'de,61 �`- 114urope I oloV,j Upon one thln�,,.i �gt the Iiiiinah being - VIII.- on it greased tin sheet, oe,:pack lit ,U4 to .Wh . I . 'A ,. I s -not gailig to be hustled cord,of $,&.6?5,741,747 durIng.the eifi"a formal apology to the British . orcInAvue ttoniburg. . . , � . - � . . Ipeut Ot the heads. 'BW�ith'and'Dip- or bU]Ifc& out of Asia by newspaper nrI of th6 present fiscal �vear. � Thp . ' Intends a+mpst Immediately to appeal Is so constittited4kat effort Is essert . _a ring mold that opens, brush Aver with' � I � .1 .1 9 Ith '.V'*rJotIe$;­ . 9dyernment, over the Incident, I for reseryists, according to the Daily to complete s0If,'t,6x0rossIO_h, and fheri�' . 11 voL I I . ,; ,r � .. ,'O.,� tallci �'t We shall.'Pur' . . .1 ­ .� of egg and bake In a slow oven -it., .. . . JR, Itp Ar9!.9p9d , '069 . envoy . I . " I . . . lie Our policy of Previous Ifth record was $3,091726,' - 4he letter to the ,British � �Wuld not bo brou-nod. To takq-,to ti%blo.." I . . , _ 0,7!. " i ' ' ' � I I , . � -who riever-wiVingly , - I I I . . 4 Cabbige-S frorn,�the Iist or. ATJy releasing the non-Tursksh Peoples from . . I Mail to -day. , The newspaper says It avoids every ii4.�� . . .. . la§t.,year. � � i .. wliB as follo,wi: � � .1 r 10, cal,oluily t3lip tho,p6tato ring onto, a lgxge � . � ... . I � .�vto the Ist,i I ding to tA,e the Turk sh sWay. ,, � ,. � anI will probably ask for discharged sot- makes an effdro-t eho e. so othil -olp It with -i&' . I I � ,,'Albst of the fiiorabio trade'. balifAco ­'�` e. the undersigned " . . � � � � , 0 it, Ar m round enLive plate; oncla . L I . , OW -11 Y1. , �. . row of potato warbles trolled til- � l ­ nine ', I . , .. . I . . . � %yMnon. desire to express our deep leAst one year during the war and coddles himself4'and , liTes*IiI is . .. 1. I. 1. I , . * . anxl hoop the contre with zwo, I ilk a � 1i Vallhead Is of-,. modluin . st , the'Allied and neutral coult, . eilt4 , G 1-1 Indignation - w a - , , 'I'l-'e' , . .., 1 14"t" '.'Yarl DiItnlo "Tho ablest soldler.4 ill Europe have (I and men who, served for fit that he has nq�;atbleveId before, h'' , ­ 16* season asiid, . NY . A I . .. I . of .101-,,--.'a,�cor oty. � of the United States has beieri ' "' t Americ Xg Qu � C�l a .1 . .. � 6 . . . . , ' ze, L of (�- assured me of our ability to establish I � . I PEN7111,10-yoroquattes. .. I .1 11 Collelat, quality .-,AXnC,-,6i­0 of thid Wt our authority in those regions." , . , Lit the wanton act c0ra-- have not sfiief, joined tire torritor- fore to woll.6' Ir " who L I � ..,. .1 .. I... . . . , keeper Some � 'O xtbe round,, haril- .. . . � , Ularooe"Many of'the SoUth,'A,ih olgg, he , "Zan . � . . � �-.",��. ! � 1. . I I � f", , I � . .. Is 'I"o _ and North cric". 'itrItted by that grolip. of women lals ,to enlls.t in the army reserve.M.11 not only stufftfyin.g his'f9clilties, but -f .-. S I � . I I - RIBUTTI. .. : ,.Z� I.. I I . 11 Amerloa4i enurdlo alid lelcots In Nashington on June 2, but has onj ', L I 4 ,411 it .1 . . .. ;:: early s6rti,�,,.�jwh as. Glory,.'Of . , theL P "The decision,' the Daily Y-Aimself 'Jot '%iilo'o When . . J1uL a pI of butter ,as laxgb a UX I � some of tkoso in F ar Edit -IiI `A: * %v - � - . I ying nan and W1110111,%Qlf".. , :. " I . : Enk4iilzep and.,VoII zin b . � r.A . I I ... � , hen they demonstrated by the pub- .Continues, "is due to the serl-ous vie,%v ill -health and dlssatlgt�ctioiiII6 8 .. ' , -1, Stat6j _��_ 'Ho burabig of the British flag In ' lice In half an onion. Whou (tis braW. - . I _ I .. Ay, a grow Jiiite, , � q -'season jht,n .. -I'm , 't - ITIONS ""I balance against the L . .. � , �JG� ;.. . . . I .1 in a';shdktdt ; . 'ONO 1� . - 4 6 . � .. .� d.. 1, 1: talcon by the military authorities Of him. Thc,bbd�As'not oijl�,, *daptidd take It out and throw into 3ibar sbiijj� . . � 1. ., . . ad N an - Tahiti, JVne . %-Earth. k6t,tI6. : . .. I . . late Notts Mid sin �t':*ra convoale#t '� � ", A I �. rfout of tile Treasury that they W the situation Ill the ear d Middle Palleete, Put Into 1hZ- butter Ili w11104 �_, . � , i � I . I size and -of - bettor t_*bli quality. " The _. ." . I " terest and welfare East -a situation which it considers to thrive ul)04' .congenial oolioltions; quakes, which havp ghaken the islands the, anions have tried --. I , , � , . 11P A _ . �. but has wIfI44tscit powortiil.�agcuU - olie oup'Of be lbo,', . . , * 0 Of 15,000 to W - until hte butter Is 3%lisorbod" . I i , , . - ii,114 ,th E. � I., I . �.. Savoyt�pois unex41164 for-flavor�- I I �. ., . � .. ��f, this 'country'. : I necessitates -an Incroas' of 'I Moores. and Meltot,,, with. en , .. I . -16 . � -11. ­ � I 1,; 7 � . 1, 1. k9po which " . .. . An Rains Have Much Im roved UAROLINA " � " : ' ' ' 1. which enaIo resist t ,add cite oup of tiny kind of co ; � ravors, 1 gpe,80I - 1)rQI ev. �� I P �111,I cannot forgot what that flag, 210,P0 Dinen In the strength of the I out more than a ,ive.)k or two Intervals . I I .: - - , . Ivitioll Inev , 11 . , -be careful �bt I . . I I . cirrIed on more tban twenty battle army reserve. Tho chief factors Ili would other 40, be r 9 .' ore since-. tl�t" autumii ­* 918,'still. ebii- little . happeo,td littv -� � Need Will. goilf1afnato 3'0 90.,Tla 111'�h`flo geatlY, Until, tile 1.14* I I I to so* t6b tMe'-Ir ­` , " , .�,'� All Cro,ps. 70 I rVonts of three continents througli- that situation are,the rapid this not so, ' * " a I '�b, i. coumb- tinut; and have Increased in frtq�eftey has .1aken up most or the soup, at! , . I I . " , !.­ : I spread of to' " 0 13 1. � Is one- thbn stir iii half a cup . .. - � . 7.. I.,_ - I . I I , ' 40- the war period, represents to the Turklsh Nation.alist movement and oil long agiI 't fi , I I. : ;lutf -strength. Of late there have 9' . � I '09ft6fi-I'VOID .*;,#bpx) Solis A go4d - ' MONGRf L - � It a ot qiIS r. ' from been ad . an average .at two or three a at* the earne quialitity or cold � torW)i ... ' , I . . I .. strato of -Dwivers Ilof: tiong 'is unst - The f0110I 19 $V'rUmmary at re- 1, . " I ., .61vilization. � , the dangerous attitude,of the troops rates which: ''' . -�, ' - *' I chopped fine. Vour on a hot platter �td . " . . ports by the -iculI representa . 1. � " hiq is now the hour a! of Xemal Pasba, the Turkish Nation., the beglunt if it iverd Possible, dq, usually Ili 66 barly hours before . III hrated choeso -witil i, � _ - " � _0 - . i r �:,.; IT . 1. I � . ,�% pp,tsod. . in 11.5hallaw.1611,4 sthafter tiAe -Agi - , . � .. - � I * , I - ""' rl , u ie child In A . 1, � , � . , tives to the .-Ontarld Department oil. London cable says, III , .1 � ". I . hiction. All natlow; tire striving f alist commag.der." for oxample;, ., I � dawn. i " . , Lei h . fIft, . I such " c):lante4al$�, will 'prove m6b '" ... I molin. De, 1 ' _____1`I- . . to Q*0 harm- 'This, it is hold, wbilld tend to con- � uc,os I,-,- Jrt'LLY. .. ... _"Ir " `� T ' ' to'.pt the Agriculture: ` � tor.- mutual undorstandinp.. and we I I surroundin96� � 1316w out a. nuinber or I ,,: viltisfitctoi7 ' A'alera. ohould be Placed, in:, the prlg-� , I * ' "' 1`11W 13M, V � I �0 fit, ,sure , I geria -we - I . ltultdi ifthd aft be firm. the. theory,. that the source a ,10, sit . - . ­ � -erbi dt '906d sIzo'.Xhose 4hotl1d $e Rath falls during the -past week oliers' dock. for, I (1, o"liNleve tho war ties of kinaliln and I .k. h -ward of 0,000 war, -.offered by ful 1 r, � ­AXV 11 t the Ing them for future use by ' fopping I �1. , � , befor Hi5iVoll..bo' (Is -M )'�'ffro food d(stdriiiince Is a submarine . detr 11K W -ptII have more or less covnred, the Pr Ing I�q�,don .y_.'.-'tlW ,tanie high alms, Instilring our I Gaetano hfu*mEo, -a New York piano ' breathed w6fq', - aYs outbreak of cold -,I 'Fiff, �. - I . it fooloff -. 6fr - . the clean empty isholls 11 sowlilo-voitliI -,,)Wdu9 duiitg'.T�Ac a. resvo,rislible for dolug , , , I seowvt6ly into our_ 1 .. , he ate cntiteiy,;�i�ftabla aird'60e from, somo�rhere to the south and west, In with *bite 6j;, , I . . � ',�',or early July. Varif-Varlel-tes -may-lio vinco.'and as a consequence all field Wlth fire blood of wall-me4tLiv ; . jortt; In the readiustment of world manufacturer, for the return of a tin t" ­ , � ;,% in short,�-he 'v�crd' that part of the Pacifit -whore surface colored blane inange. Whon thi& stiffenw., I � . r 'fairs will ov na; 1q "' ' . W :,-. ' 5"'--- � the j�jTI4 'risks i I I -' sown later. Thin ,0I oaxly whotOr crops have been much improved. said Thomas W. O',Sul)Jvafx;',1.Pr.0rddi ' �f or bind our two great I box containing $5,000, willich hft� four- containt ordcl, the shells, i ,,n 11-109 I . ., . .. The first c�itttngs*af iwoot clol,41, at a London moetingot thii li'Vir ! ��11,4--tt ,together." 'daughter, Antoinette. nove. 19to. I 1-1 Indications nould never be seen. and'inold them Ir Nv 11 I " IOU have a surplus Iii, the tabip or A*, +14 .Jrj, . . Ons, teen -year-old - 'erbirve 1!�� I , * , Mrrerl r lie Joltykl' I � 'Ir 0 - 1� '" `b V , ,e shook an old rug in and infWe;a0o0':AwbIQll. coo,stlolto aor� -_ iI , Or -eNo bivak up the Jelly and pt 44 iti-Qu4(u, ", as s0fall Ones W-111 )(6t, havii -;L ehaOo ,and Alfalfa hive b� 'A'InsLile in sovsral III Association to-uighf.,� - 'Tr gl�,!.%,­Tir ackrowledginu rpoeirt - of the lost when E', , � I 'r �, �4114 1%,OU - - . I I ;: to ­ < , h . , . I' mal. surroundin-' -�Sutl a le . ld, . th0 egg,i to,rei�eniblo a nest,, -using air ` - countics- and both crops as a, rule are era Is a Carolina mongr,a���lt,ai$'el,�n�,;�"-.�)ii)test. the enyov oxiivessed I,iF; which it was hidden out of the win- , , ,kg� vrsi � !04_1 � I . , q ii .t�rd 0 t 0 4 bolh the dll!iv , " I Ims S4,m, of candled Itinon pea L, stral soy,,% I - '-d !. �.'Rarmr -- at dow. He had hidden the b - . I . , . it 4.001) miles from cone ox and car- most probabl�;,',4i�iiiiumb tojht I . I 2!��10 �e_-, 1-1 ' ­ , . , ­ I., I J� . "; � .. giving satisfaction. bis nos -thp',' 4' If' . ,at appreciation the spirit . .. I p $o sarly:'all wfi. Ill be blondphed." . ,;,: 1 _1.,-I.i.� -' . . I t witliI -i4 1 CM:�AAXBD '0NJ0XA.*1_ " " . 11 god -clover Is ho i I ,��Ich i, pet under a, bath I scuttle it.. -,,7, AlI_hls.*d9!m3tXe . I Celail-Pianto fati .adingi and w - , .11 ���:. ,ettiated It." tub. ''. A 1. :.. - ­ t1A___ - _. I . — a . - ' anions, place them -in it, saucepan, cover, I I . . �! ter criop, lna� be act; 6�.t oolh% ThozotO r0ittly"for'outting. but, it is Sh .' ' , � I I powers wolLild',hk*"g�,bo,ou.stultified, and 'Spedes at Holue -t of medluin-siUd whlj�� ., I - 1, art In 1� ��-014_ � ?�� I I 1 , his resistance'�Wl, . �'�%Ilgn goixts roil, The in. ' I All 11col one, qual . alk -And '11thOU1,1l, nrww thickening .1.1 . I I' , �1'11 . . � I . .- . . ,r, adtl Dire ,"_-5pvoA4- - , �, $)IOU,* o4t I 't In"Itine or In Mr. 't . I ­­ . �- - .., �1, 11 . I i I — .A! ; .-6 . ­ . dered powtirlc4.'-�, -. 1itich an, - 16stance as . Lalftdi.* I %,t Ith , boiling - watc N r a, � 6rd. .I t I after the recent 96erous t4hawbra It . -1.11-1 wir�IIP o' *6,v . R, SI %W01."ImrnWb=.""____,__* _ 1. I �: ", Cul of sugar, boll till noki'ly (10 � . - -,,w. ."..., , I , ,. � , . 1'.. ...':11.`. .0 I �i'� 1. � ­ ­­� T7.71"" . , * . X: . .. , -, , vile. teaspoonful of valt, boll a o1v M14*_ . As We rows a e, go� 1, s, anco apwn, ,,, .a$ � it rI - � lie; 6.04, tI '%II be a �coiixparatl-.I light crop. - . . � ,,, " : . k, _ .... I ... i : : '. tills is not sid"004eteli� . ;�I';­­. '.' .� L.' .: ... ..; .". . seem. - -90L , . ... �1. .; k,. .1 . � , . . . . . . ;; I . A 9,004oWAnY Of us a, 13139 .As a group bats are of world-wide utt.o longer, their 1 1 . Izer or manuro. in4y be usede to . I .. ,�, ., ��� the fi.coldildt i . Alsike Is also described its naving a my � � &-11 _. " ta. at'. jucantinic inelt otrejounce ,or,,;% , , �, " .� ttdvah*gs In the 4011,,� This ohdotd I v. . '. kv,v , , g , ,S, i � �,,,v '� ...,`­ way towards *4I add one-half tableNpIcpliful 0� , , -It , '.K., . * 1� I I , - -1 . .,�, -*# . * 'S�., . ,� low'stand. . . lil� :V a _ U�niug OUr-d0f,3V1',1ve distribution, except ill the inboopf .4i5�":�'R t" C'. , � be Viked 'horduglity ,vith tho %, - 1, ..I .�7 .?M� rolsingthom. Th& blo. polar reglon.,,, they are - � `11I I " X", .1. 1M. .., 1I.S.,P�".­ 117 ­ . powers by n4 ,�,�ixel real main white poppor and u sprinkle _- ,--,, Y.. ., �k �, ,� .:�. . . , .,. 1 Nail *,Pl1ed-prefer#,'W.1 6ome time *bp- Zarly. potatoes gre in blossom. but �"­ , , _� , . , aOI I%pja to colds, L for ex_. .�. . � f" �,--,�'­­ , I laials and Dresent art eUritordinary tire on-lons Ill a hot dish and poor a..,,, the bug Is s*14 to be prevalent. and 0 SR.� .. � �.­_.V.l , person X . ­ fore �0* P1010' �Ato !I Soak t�o ... "., ��­.7,__..,,_ 1 040,1voo takes moit S( tile rAu". .. , .. � , trenoRbs thoroughly,:)oforo PI I the flot, bmtlb Is also doing Injury to Z IM, I ,�,-.­,�.-5.... m --W, ample, Is thwl -. vkriE(tion In §Izo, fr6�1 the'tiny little . — � . 1. 11 I 'k :( . .0 a trop. I . � I Called preead46.4!; against t1140- It creatures, allmost,as small And fragile CHARLOTTE RUSSrj, ­ f � :he weat th ;;. � q. ­;:, . 1. .. , � I * the 9I Is at all dt$. it 'I r .. i .4', MM"t ; . the SkIn is u6yo Id. to the hariI as butterflies, to tho'huge. V%it bats, 3tlx one plut of ,orettin and add,, to the: , . . ,..�. � " � 1I6XPos( ' , . Is hot aLnd brigl#- shide the plants wl. h SUFAr' betts aro doing well. With ' , " �,','Z� I, f cold air or cold � with a spread of w1ugs like that of a . , J I reecht Talfis all roots are doing bot- ;- : � , .:..,. I . A. "I'l �� oning influbtiI 0 1 remailling, portion one-litAlf I III of . I WK& 700arda folI days. 100' p- W . , I ter. I I I 11�y I I i� 71 ... : water,'It bogor#is unduly stisdeptible, wild goose. wdered augar, three triblespo ftfuls or I - . . , . I , "One -and one teaspricniful of vatil jx', Last- , .�,?�� . I . eultfiftted from thII ttlirt f 1-,�:,::W�P. -1 �.. . -cold to- ttra ,vt it, . "'. __ __ , _ , , _. .­� I and on tho,110t�expostlre a The heads at batd' are ' I t I... 1. I - laftted n%v F -,It who, - . � -.1, 0 ngOly W, put -in one-third of a box -of I vi,Lfaq , .. ;p.L pamips-4f t;.tso tire P, a( is heading �ut nicely, bat , ­ scullitural, some being ,,,me thiy con. ,�,iiakod previously for Italf art', hour lit ­ 1. .. I � they ,will be t f Utter t . the stittaw will --a shorter thAn, Usull, -,�:.j��. . ..­' N' .. -.1 I I 1. suits. Tho'mOftr Of all thli Is that a ... ��. , �� � able! 40allty ,.. m6dorate c%drb(A6:of till OUr't%ctulttcs toured and shaped like 1hoso of little' a little milk, Set -the whole liw'-A -bowl W I � than those pla*od, In ..a spring, 4s althougli recent ralt; :have Improved �', , 1....-_ . .. . , . tcud4 to keep-t0m. In.wor)(JA foxes-, others appear like minaturo %ughislito thicken, add the whltcq�.of two ! ., - , g order or Ice water und, when .tlickl� InIxturo " - bulldogs; and, still others have 0 i dvettrown rooW dil�otop unlesirable I the general piospczfs, of the crop. I with the roputti.,01ilt bdlance'ls main curl- caten titiff, their graugally 4118 J I PRI.Y.Cht0s. WU6n'tlJer0 are a t0v Spring graUia ha ,o also picked UP .. tairI find -10 . ronleted,., L ous cartilaginous nove-leaves upright whipped creani, . . . I I ;.,.. 't�,ItU " _ �.."' . 1 # rows more than you- Will- waut to take 'volt since tbLw ralltp. 1 ,�l some I, no, 4�ubt, look on the muzzle. Some bave the ofitiro . f J T� � ,, . . o , Orchards D,ronilse well.' 'While tile to tills colunj�;�14,�O . . rLIANUT AVAI"BUS 1, - � - 1 4 _ , k by wbalt, hoping face molded Into a I'dootis ma,sk -ro ' - llialf a col , 4, K butter Vp for MA(iir, ,liI "tilmn la , I I . . . . . grou'Ad for A.Pring xiou. , , =ual June 000 has been 90ifig on, 1 '��i.,.'.".�''Z........�-.,.-..�. Ileb%t1l,'that tits pulstve to look UpL, . ' s (!vearo together p I!.,;.!. ". to meet withJuAkthe 13 I � . I I � 1.-1;."14:1;;­..�­; d a cup, of Powder Isugap. *414 i1alf Pot*oeiI;-V1vItn 3i the niore nortl�i�- the quantity ..'pt fruit setting well on �� a .1. . . their own caas.lo��Tt is to thOW that I Their liI are equall varied to all -09 : #tdlolig (.j, in 1, I.. y a cup of ruilk. y droly, %cli two II �-far ,tinter 114c the trots, has been j-.�-ge tO Pared .. I . tly �� �. - _4, ess myself ��,a4ro Particularly to- meet special candid ad, Same are eup,3%of Dastry floor. z4fted, a) I ift �.,.,� .... �­, it . 1. i with roettit �IIII . Zatra*borry fields . ". I ., � � Zyr oatera of fruit alon- ot' cra food sol ` 0 1 � 0I W, p1mitod to 1*tis as the' fourt� . d . It I - wort,, � f(skied to Istato What, c. 00 life of vanilla. With it br , 'bl4ded . 11 . I - I I , I 11, ! if' mY 0011104,48 '140 chict cause Of 1� upon Insects, whilo, others bite knife spread the mixtury v4or,yV-,- In an �' ' of JTAIY, it soil cofiditIoUs Ard fAVOrI I have boon rolreghomad , I* the rains I . I Oth- bott0in of 4L dripping intil, V 11t . ,#Ith -the prObI that they Will And, will likifi yield go,d, olckin .. ..,:,. i tile. . I . 98, 1:. . I I general but UIP15III10100 IlPbOalth-by or inaminals, inclue .g man, for the and buttered. and inark lit lquot Y I I It. . as ftost. Live, stock, are 'now doing tvell,, on, -seltso ,Qf toot- purposo .or drifiking the; ozzlog blood, L ,; rhaki & good erdiii .'.It :t,. 1 this I Incaft, tmt lAoun sprinkle with ehappeo peft to 'Oftoro.* I . 11 , about fivol 11111111tes, at u)AII I I tc) I-AF,veli ,11 the skifto b0c not bocoi%% Pasture. Vool calves Art,bringing IG " i , � �� . ing bolow p , *ltbout 'Any symptoms litch they sub,,31st. All tho noc- t '! �. colored. Thb beat of tile ovt�f �'4 *ill , � - �, _� _1,'%l1'04Id attriliI It to upon"'Ir Vorr quickly ..,out tit" hem � Ott II will .-.nd 18 conts a 16, . �, _:i� I .. , ar htrileftil vhift dUS t Y I � .. �! j to fasten it . . , , ktI (ixeollfttly Iku will be pirtI00- The milk flow has about rtaehed, , . � �k L turnal, bUt 1101.10 RpPC - lo.to: In the be moderate. , .. - - �Jko the 00TIft9s afternoon, b4ore the non sots, Most "MfOrs ON,'% to"', upon ill 0 hot niiii *Ad , � - dissatisfactlatrI# I . . . roll In A tubulail ,simpo. Roll eltjj�# from larly 1I for seta'. for naxt 7tar's $'it- Its peAk. ', Induces, 41sa4hoftetl6a - r4'Wor a species, her, ever, wait ul tit t III litaos � � 11 , Is I h 0 Mle oldo %* earlier. ;� I � . � � Riforring. 'to farm labor tooditions ' .. i vague tertrI �10-',the'Reftse thit I Use I do - , I of night have covered the oarth. I I.. f. -L . p,limpkin,s-A ,fj* supr� pumpkJ4 the Wentworth riipx6sentativo says: it, it Includes -ftfinito disaPipolotment Throughout �.,e world, the majority ORA'Nor, i"AiTT.m.." . , . �' desire a% well as I *1y,1 &eceptkblis� for pits 4t "Mtkti)� f0I w110 Arovild' hire mar. . over Z part].041# . , - -4 and . 'payate � Ire 4 9 . of thio species of bat.S teed upon In 1"Od two otI 4 ,'ftiAo lij, . -c. I .. Thage*vins iiI during tho firit fled intn WI hoI vltloli are trapty �111 " those vaguo 4,0b'ditions of ,mlfad and sectur- but -there, aro wany frutt oat- tiow) carefully without lireattlog,jilit tbin . Dart 0 u:ator, 4ow tbem, - beeauao they. 011not 96t 1101p, althougl, ,. , 611" niwr oklit; dip x1all e6dtloli Ift"ji.,battel- . now In Prt I . �'- body which; pig,dUce dapresslofis M, ors. The teenliII ins"t., And, plant II by InIvIng '01W. -cupful vr, flout. . ... ' � I . ptrt f .q... .. i tal as well as,40yIIIileal. Thd -dlgaittlo,� )If(,% of tho tropics afford a II15ver-fall. 11 which one Irl'tl t , , r RIQ 1�1 L4 tills II, - tivet OW lea" rows. phdY thoty are oft#tltrig 24rgs tit,ies.11 . . ., ; fvwpolk lit ha - ----***--- ....1 ..... � . t )awilce- liki been .,,,f .. wilf Iftko A good stiIIIII and 100 V7bqU ,.:� . I thetiOn WAY , 041I Conscious Of� Ing food supplyt and the center of , Graiiving an enraged tow. by. the �� . � I . 1% e ,� .. I 1.� I . , , �, 1. I tit Wilt. tivo, b( Pit '#I " , ; the dotft Is cut off ther will hitvt fill) . ...f... - li " I ... .. I. ­ I . � unconsdous. ,,� - I ,!"A",X * .1 ::,-. ;. , .. . 1� I I � . ,�_ ­ . � 11 .,.. .,'�� I 1, 1%. " ' I sualuxt. 8 0 ,OM8, In, an ,orfort to ,jaya her bus. ­_ I- � ,� , : :::. 11 " I I : ., -.-.��:,,-,,'. abundanct of .ho;io.:anlmaIs Is found 0 uAlt, Fry lit hot al%&.,t� to #, 111I r . _.. PI tbo ),Ouhg plauta *. A, �i:�, .1 � .... , 1, .."'.:. � .. - ." . I I We kit Unow:,how 0astly, at timos, thl,pI In, some Iftplitles betIVton 20 brown 'MiLd jift. iiftdorod ;,u#ar oVtr � sit bI *d ­..... ..r.,I 1� ­ :!_ I I * 1*P1 " .; '... .1 � � .;:I..� 11�. I ,, "..,.:,,1 r, r - �'. - Tiddoll, , /T , . 1, . - . - ­ I - , , � sical ttii4)t0aet3 to - DI and 30.kl.ids of bids III I band from death, Alr,s. Ant.fromN .1 '! . � , ���,�� ., !� , W 010 f1I before mNII ': wofAK them IrOin V;Iua, I i- . ..... - ;�... , L: I � � . I ­ Our Phy, Ith 13%lell .1 I . I , ounell Jiluff '! .,A., . - , , - I li1W I aged 79, of' C j, low#, Ives , f : � . . 1� � I t... . . .. I . t t, � -_111 ..", 1. �...�'��.*�'..�� ;�- � . .­. I � 1 intntal stil"I" "' lostlgoccli Of thO ,tk tucumber boot. 4. herself attacked, and f;he . - . _ L - I,_ s . ,. .� ... - . � . :.: A�' '� . vast numbers of *adividukle that the I . __' W li;., I �V,�. ,� " I � ��!.:­- . . . .. ,�, �� __ThIs 14, Ono a thd in , : 1. ­ blind restored. t ��ojiiiht, .the dott to If t yf . ost ,I suffered to ... ,'. ,� J! �,:.��`_�,-,.,.-_ "'. ".. . . . I , I . : :.; .,��a.", pinj�kl) oil r1lu czk� I ... . , , , . " : ': � )I JUtl6s that reinited In her death 1, .1 .. , .. ,.,_4: : . i!�: ,'� ,.,: . " :,A _ �, '.. 1. 1..;� . I , ­;. � � , "..".4 bat Population far outnumbers,all oth- a.' . . -_ bfialqUg, iiiia tb 6W wKwaight . ,e for *ItI III Jill i. ,111 ----- ­ � . 4uvib to speech, as or kinds at TORMIA110 tomblinod. Soak & tanfill bowl of lit" � 1111I of ytvitAbl" "01#1 physicians Wit the husband'$ condl. ­ . ­ hi rrillk, In the morning nI h*$f & quil , 1'r .. lust . I � . I !, . , ,�Oe Ir aft t.tid a 1Od4 IM101), I o the result Ot % sudden, AAOI wort Aud Altis! it Is not true t1lit kats , of , . � L Th. Stuill, A' tiou Was fismus, . . I I 00I 404 li 4 141119 the ftt. ,$to 1"quitpe floor, WO whith Is Put On lind & z. *-41 Awt, W. doeri TO it dia of X! �f Wisiloopfula of baliabpr POWW'. with 'C'6': sI tms. ft WI tI`iII` YRTeM has SeAt I letter Of thsi#ks . . . I CLOUP BURST 0AII ORATH OR 40 PEO ftZ. ; Data liot 00,01"t 't the tort hall. . -I I -1-1-.1 r 1 loAisvIa' 4uitrt of inlik, tlir" 1 " . OIXI tQ) 00010" for tht T4601utl0ift I 2, fs a II Allen, a votistitblo ot tht U� � . _ A , it I t " 4NX�4 0 t � VoI the viowtor oftoo of 016 TiI 1 Pon WWI dty -Yak;71ag divild to iKnd a little wAlt, Sao t 0 brftd ItIffy pt"Ofto lost their Illows In the t own, of 44uth, Liniialfthitit 11I wh Ion tht town wos struck by , II by ', ftelt wit Of vi?� � 'VII this balitr until %, Y light � t 4 ""W, it is dm%lt to tow eivally Vlth AW114 the ItIsh Replib)ie Pali a flab 1 4 %ddor the (I. X T". ILL 11041na-.7 Vail foul - , I , V I the A.- V! of L. at Montraiw" Ilaussi by a o1sudburiN. Tft pl4turis thow$ the rsmtlns sf the fir a Matlon. - � and try a 40110CM4 111wn, 1,rh4 b4tt" . �.' 1, f17,01041 40AP14, ` of the lots, ft; A'd 14 & toot of 'Pstor. ,thould be thlak. 'I. 1� J ­ , '4 . I : 41 1 . I , 0 . I I I I � .. . I �1 , I , � � I I . k - . , I; � I .1 I I . ,. - . I . � I I � I %, , � � 1 1 I �,,;' . I 1 '14, �, �. I �,W� 4 / - , � � 7 � , I � 06 I . A, I . I � . �r, 0 . I I . � - , , I , � I , lelwl L,IiI 1 W ,�, - , , I . I k Ill . - � � 11 , � , I ? I " — �. , � , 01 �. 1'� v . � . I- I . L ". . I I I . . I . . I ,, � ��, 4, . - . I. A I � I &,I6 :11IIIIWihi�� � I r- .. . I g" � I I I I L- I ­ � I ­ ..#A" - - 1, ."�Ll* Ili . 1' I - "A — th, I M 2=9Affik=2fiW;==9==&_IZ am=X= = - - III NI , 404A I. I � . lk_�' A. I AU& L - -- - ' If ' AA- � - � 1. ­ 1, " .