The Wingham Advance, 1920-06-24, Page 6- --p- - " - ------..---.—
:0 I Z 7",W 1 �!� , , ,;� , , , � - MW' 17,771,7* � - ` - `71'
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A10144 0 � � __ 1V"W""M0ft""WN_'.___ __ _
r____ .— — ___. ..... -------- . , __ � � I 1-11.11 _ I— I 1-1 - . .1 I .___-__1__- - __ _
w 00h, don't lovs talk about Qu7,14 I
I'"-,", AV -0.% . . testsd 'Una.
� , _=_ . �� -e
, Chats with ' 1. Vy I 11 , , pl�'Tbout What theit?" asked BarM.
I& '_ 4.:About those ,Old Maids 'Who, oncs
-stmi lived here?"
the Doctoof I _V1W You See Them I that it was more P444 than Joy' As
..--. A two strong arms lifted her up from
. 11 I the breakwater whero her head rested
It Is arke, at tilt chanw,terletles Of I I 0 Everywhere sobblosly. �
"p, 0 00! "My poor silly little 04111 Guy,.* �
the hullian nli-d to V11st .11 ideals. , 0�1 - - - - - - . . I .,O�w I vote 4
It Is cona�Antly ItIl, I 11 I � -I-$ ,:-e � e wAs tender, there was no note
. preoccup:ed NY R - , iv . � I of laughter Ill It. But Moya, caught -
OT04 it It does not . lw,4ys t,eeU eon. I , her breath on a soll that turned to A. � j
8c1OU$lY to Attain, perfection, In this � -.0100100000110'- � , laugh. k � -1 � 11, 9
- -111,111,
Or that direction. The C ��l - � W � "Yes, t1laVs what I am," she wbis. , I � . - 1;
have moral pe-tectlon waire may . � 1.11 I IWO--.000", r Pored. "So oilly-you, can't 2ove me
� its Ito object, I any more when you know what I am. I I
I ,
it batter standard of material contll- , I F, , 0 1 Not, the least like the girl you thought ill I . "I'll, .. I t
tioas, the, attainment o . t ,success In 1� . .1 I . _. Is � I . me. And yet,, oh, I did4not, want to I I . I .1 I � . I I
business or In pleasure, or the culti.:.. C lose your lovel" 0 . _____ 11 . f
. � � - � � - -i - � - - _. - o+*+++444N . I t
VO -tion of qualities d1splayed by some I "And so this was all It was' And , , , � I
I , ir I , . , , I I
, t:1 � 4P
116170 or lerolue met with in a book, � ir I you would haTe let me $a away, Maya, ... �, IMV
T�o opsentlat factor in all Iderls W grieving for you, because I could see � , A
, .
that of Improvel-nont, upon existing N the country, as in the city, Fleet Foot . your engagement was not happy. Ali, . SIEL ., ir JEEDER I i �
I 1P
coaditionse, All C, us, at $onto tl,-.,,e I is the popular foQtwea,r this Summer. I could have borne everything If I bad P.,0011TY World ,
4 ,
or Other, Uaye been concemed Nvith Whether at work or play, Fleet Foot slioes Unown you two were happy. And yet FOR '. SWINE -i I
'what Is called The Perfect Lite. It are ideal for warm, weather, because of You would have let me go away griev. . �, E_ D
Is usually Tather a vague Idea, and their superior case and comfort -their , at- ing. I 1ZXpep1MenUJ4.F&rrWs1(N0t6-) , k, I=E WATM � BWr WG PREISUn-
to as, a rult) moot resolutely pursued tractive styles -and their sound economy "I did not think of that," she owned, - , I TAITIVU, I
In youth. Then wo do not question 'Ats com ared with leather shoes , "but I could not bear your going 6s4408,400$ The followinW,extracts from a circular
possibility though I P - away, blaming yourself. Guy, I could by Dr. F. T. Shutt, Dominion Chemist
enough as to its details. There are Fleet Foot colored shoes for Work; I One ofteo. hears the atatement4hat at the Experimenta,I Farm, advocate t
I not bear that. I could bear better Jos- It does not pay to .Verh'p6 9'76 Pigs the use of lime water for the pro3orva-
IS IT POSSMIAE? , and white ones for rest and pleasure, Ask Ing 'Your love." more than ithe most ordinary attlen" tion of eggs. - Dr. Shutt says.-,
As we grow older and our cnneep. your I dealer to show you some of the Fleet "Do you think anything 7OU could tion I and the faTmer can loodreely be Bxperlmonts In egg preservation Wer�
tion of Its detalls begins to clarify yoot Shoes for men, women and childrea. do would cause that?" he asked grav*0' blamed. In' this respect 4t his hired begun at the Mperimental Farm Ot-
either as the result of dissatisfaction tawa. In 10, and have been continued
With the existing condil- ons e�r * do . - I 2Y. And she heard the conquering help is Inexperieneed and 3"t Lao to every gesson ,since that date. In the
11 . '. love In his voice: I 69I'm b6 pald,ae 32,19h a wage 08 a�mal ,good courae *t.theso experiments, trials have
more definite understanding of - our I Fleet Foot Shoes are � "I deserve It," she 'protested. experienced man. 'been made with more than twenty-five
I different fluldfs and prepamtions that
own limitations, Nye begin to lose faith i r . .1 . not the girl you loved," me-keppiag of a few p1ge';60practi, have been pr,o
0 geed or sold as egg pre -
In its tpossibility ai.d. become olls. ( Dominion Rubber�Systern Products But then Guy �aughed. "You must cally always c6 Vaying proposition servattv". 0 work of these fifteen ,
heartened In our attemiAs to F 0MIM0 I leave me to judge about that," he Said, � e auperlority
.1 but, to make it more so, mleaW muot years h4s shown tb
It, Those of us wlio are religously- 1 RUBBER 4$An ater over all other prese"ative:"W"hMill,
minded are-forazd to took for the per- �ftv -row. The Best Shoe Stores SellFfeet d you were afraid to tell me? I've be resorted to whereby the-ldbor can w lime-
, Foot 'been an pgre all along; I see that. A we have tested. Closely following
. 0 be reduced to a minimum, patriticular- water Is the so-called "Water -glass" oi-
feet life beyond ..eath, those of us ,I l I bogey Before you saw me -when. you ly as the 'pigs are apt to mcieive the a9dIUM 3111cate. Both, according to our
whose faith is more materialist - ____ I . � I . L . I . . had to get yourself engaged at double� ,soantiest. of attention, in any mse. To. results, have proven effective preserv-
terpret It In soclolo,:cal terms and I I L I atives, but It may be remarked that it
� � Vick speed for fear of �findlng your- wards -this end,-therd,ore, '.trjoeems is useless to expect that either can en.
those -wore individual �tic In make . k3elf engaged to me, And a bigger only natural to try to find t j t tirely arrest that "stale" flavor comm n"
up -narrow Its conception to the more 0 0 ly found in all but strictly fresh I'aid
bogey still when you did see me." 'how well pigs will ,thrive i4o",ullowu'a'a eggs.
Immediate Unilts of persow, * success '"1611 e "I #on't know now. ho*ever I could to teed 'themselves. By feedimg them- The ,solubility of lime at ordinary
in business or material standing. One ha've been so foolish," 'Sighed Moya. temperatures is
f . eature of the perfect life, so. called, I ,selves is mean,t -the adoption of a . one part in 700 parts of
i "And I thought It such a ' water. Such a solution Would be term -
RI'* dh ,ed I in T1111 good Joke 2?t "zolf-feeding" wi,,et,hod willareby the ed saturated Itmewater. Translated In -
that Is common, to us all is. that which . � I . . the time." .
concerns health. None lips, perhans, ' pigs are allowed access 0mited to pounds and gallons, this means one
so clear a vis,ou of health ns the . I She looked up at lilintimidly. Ile supp,ly of dry feed whenevtr hey feel pound of lime Is sufficient to saturate
. - I 70 gallons of water. However, owing to
chronic invalid. This hail been very And a sudden little sob swelled her the purpow of mar-.ying her as a lso Anel'iled, This aystem, I of value Impurities In commercial lime, it is well
strikingly exempliflisd by varlaut 11ro- throat,': If she could only do thatl sort of reparation for her.lost fortune. to the breeder Who goes in &or -swine- to use more than is called for in thIs
bust" writers 'in the past Who have Thep her heart beat quick -Ar. Why not? She knew Mrs. Raleigh was bent on , -raising on. a aarge scale and also to statement. It may not, however, be
_ n0cessa burnt quick.
. I,ine On If goQd, freshly
been either crippled or liermanently & caught her breath. Why not? making such a match. And she OFINTEREST the small farmer who has otber count- 0 ob t ned, to employ as much
lavallded ar' w,iose themes have been I "Becaus� I haven't the courage, I thought the only way out of it was ., I Jess duties to ,perform fbut�Mnds the as was at fir c ely, I
almost exclusively of vigorous adven- 1 suppose?" said Moya, on that sob. to become engaged at once, to foil - teeding of pigs ,the worst ohiare of all. two to three pounds to five gallons of
ture and the joys of t -3 open aii. ' "Because telling the truth would mean all plans, and prevent all gossip. In I , The latter ,might find klie ",self -feeder" -7-- .
Robert Louis Stevenson -and NV. E, I losing his respect and love. Because a foolish, reckless mom6nt I agreed , .� ', Of great value ,particularly Jan r6due- .
now he thinks me true and Worthy, '� �%,� TO WOMEN
Henley are two outstanding bxamples. to her plan. And have been sorry �. 1W, Ing expenses. �
1, - - . I
In their case, as In that of other '.,.i- and then he would know me as I am. enough for it since. So has she, I 111i 118' � i Short "W'th "a v'lew to galnlngkome� de- &CF. � 1870
vallds, the force'of contrast made the � Yes, that is what it all Is, the begin- suspect, She even told me the other Letter, But It 'innite Information on thef use of, the
picture clearer; the ideal to be more ning and end of It. I haven't the day she hated me. And we were . . ,,,selt-fee,derl' for swine, jeiPeTimewts . I I .
desparatel3r desired. V.1 ,n most of us, couragz" . good enbugh friends before, Friends! Proves the Reliability of illave been c-axried on atithe Expert- I
. . �
less definitely moved than these, coii� Because she had not the courage No more than friends. And I soon Lydia E. Pinkhaln!sVege- mental Farm, Agasslz, 13� -'C. for sev- . I
template the p,e;, the ideal we she had run away 1!.,e this that she f6und I wanted something more than joral seasons. Comparlsons hav,d I I I 0116PSCOMT2
cherish Is of neceszity less poIgnantly might not have to say ,,,Ood-bye to a friend. So at last I learned th * a table-tornpound. . been made lin the u-sek-of the'llself- ,STOP$ %J"
comprehensive. -'So far as its health � - ------ . truth. It was pretty hard on me, I 1� Ifeeder" as againot the tmugh-feeding
goen, at an); ra.,_ we see it as an ,,.b- � �think, bound as I was to Moya. And bnothod . As far* as cost ,of feed Is water. With such lime as L9 here re-
sence of paia, -maybe, or devoid of DIL VARTEL'S PILLS I — , I've felt fairly desperate at times, for Bothwell, Ont. -"I was w6ak and '!concerned, tresults go to showf,very ferred to onb could rest assured that
tho, weakness, and little.,,passing ub- - I was losing the little that I could mn down, )I petite and was ner- little differetice one way or the tother one pound to five gallons (50 pounds)
I . would be ample, that the resulting Hine- _
e with I ' F but when Me labor queation fs,00n- water would be thoroughly staturated-
�4aslonally interfer . _j
sets wnich oL .OR WOMENS AILMENTS at least call my own -your society vous. The nurse who
our full *enjoyment c:,th!ngs. Thoomda of women have testified in the last 25 and your companionship Una, Is that I I took care of me tdld! eitilered the value of Ithe,"selt-feeder" The method of preparation is simply
NO COMMON VrANDARD . warding the heally dualitiom of DT6 all I can, claim as mine?" . I I V�e to try LydiA E. It wi
I RAMMM PSMALIS PIL: . A Sciartificall � ,umnot the Ignored, Tli.1sicompad-son to alake the me th a smallmi, nt-
It follows from this, that no two of I Pared remedy MF delayed and paing She had listened, doubtfully, half- I Pinkham's Vege- 'of -the "self -feeder" with'the troqgh Ity of water and then stir the of
ustruzOwn. Sr*'ouly in a Patented Tin. steeling herself against it. She.turn- � table Compound, lime so formed Into Vve gallons Of
us would agree in,,IRGry particular, as I get- feeding mettiod Is bAing continued water. After L,.e mixture h
� co, B * At our Druggist or 4121sat i and now I air ,well stirred for a few hours, it is ai-
fe, m* Coft tingfistrong. Ire -
to, What constitutep th Terfect li i "'14'r,"A'r, V�i gaT;Zerbocker R"' ed now, and the color stole up her com- until -a-baolulte and dePluite results nr4%
though each ml,m,)i* have his own cOn- ftV41 St. East T9 ozlto* can" cheek. I lowed ,to settle, The supernatant IlQuid,
A. . icine obtained, but up to date, howevrc, the wlitch
. .,F . I mend your med is now "saturated" lime-watFir
ception of It. Th* cripple, the d i - - __ ____� - -1 . And all at once she ceased to w ,est to my,,friends, and advantages% of 'the "self -feeder"PhS.Ve is drawn off and poured over the eggs,
peptic, the c6usiiiupti�e, each wX11sci I her hands from from'his grasp. He you may Use my been strikingly evident. previously placed in a.crock or water-
platare it v,s c0niisang alltiost entirely ' kim. Mingled pride and shame still drew her nearer, nearer. , testimonfal."�-Mro. vice ,can be used to advan1a.gei while tight barrel. �
for mastery. Pride that he, ; h.5 exposure to the air. tends to pre -
in the free use of �is linf)s, white "lie, fought "You don't love me surely?" he i I W. J. Brady, R. R. ?, i -t also inay be made nee of 'ta the 1pitate the lime (as carbonate) and
dyspeptic and the g ; I � Bothwell, Unt. Aeding of young- qaws up to breeding c
4ontumptive wo(ild 1 loved her, pain that she was not the said In a low, awed whisper. "'Una. I thus to 'weaken the solution, the vessel
in, all probabilit.�,',46 whole wor*s i least worthy of �$uieli deep love, she I know I'm not good enough, and ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . , containing the eggs should be kept
� , ........ . ,�M The reason why -ige. With mature breeding stock, Zvered. The air may ,be excluded by
apart In their cbnblusions. I shq7fild 1, so frivolous, who 'had played with love yet--dearest!-MY own hearCs da -,I- ty�d% E. Pinkham's Vegetable'Com- bowever, It ds wise,to avoid theluse of ta covering of sweet Oil, or by seeking.
ext.ect the dysp61,tIc-whose troubles � as with some game. Ing—)) Pou n -d is so successfW in overcoming ,the "Self -feeder." . upon which a paste of lime is spread.
Might, pithologitally speaking, be of "'But he doesn't know that," said , 11f after a time there Is any noticeable
. There was silence for a moment as wii*ian's ills is because it contains the The "self-feedeT" for owine has )precipitation ofthe lime, the linte-water
the slightest--7td� ':)e much more ' ex -i MOYa to herself. "Better that he his lips found hers. "Of course, I tonii� strengthening properties of good Imany feiatures ,to commend 'It, one oI should be drawn or siphoned off and
n his - should think anything but that."
, pli,eit than the, coll.3111tiptive I . . love you," said Una then with a rip- old-fahioned roots ano herbs, which st'lle most dmportant being the fadt ,replaced with a further Quantity of now -
1 - . men ly prepared.
definition, altlioll.t,14 thd latter might I But, then, looking up, her sad eyes
For Guy himself pie of the softest, sweetest laughter net on the female organism. WO that, of all farm , anlinals, none ,
point. !if view be. a � suddenly widdlied. with the from all parts of the country are eon. .adapt themselves ,so profitably to this It is essential that attention be paid
from a medical �, . was coming along the sands. He came running through It, in tune , testifying to its strengthe 1 Ito the following points:
hopeless case.' It Is � uch- facts as, this rippling river that ran at their feet. tinually n ng, method aedo swAne. Where only two 1. That perfectly fresh eggs only be
9 , slowly and quietly, and the. calm in Ins no I us ed.
that Ina! superlative terms so mi,- "of course I do, you blind, stupid curative influence, and as it contal br -three pigs are kept, the use of a
his bearing quieted the agitated beat- � narcotim or harmful drugs it is a ,., 2, That the eggs, throughout the whole
leading. Such a word as perfection is boy..# safe "'self -feeder" eran blardly be recom- period of preservation should be com-
obviously ca: able ot Infinite meanings. , Ing of Moya!s. heart. that medichie for women. .' ' Imended, but. with more than ten pigs ipletely immersed.
I That which would eonrtitute perfec- ,,I've come to say good-bye," he I wonder how it came about ce write
tion for one would appear very iniper- I known it for some time now. That there was such tenderness in those - b special advi , Although not necessar�-, to the pre -
If you want Co. (eon. itbe hol,pptAon w)f a "self -feeder" Is well .0ervation of the eggs in a sound eon.
' you've come right into my life, and I last teasing, words, that it satisfied Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 1worth a trial. Finally, as a. means dition. a temperature of 4D deg, F. to 45
feet to another. � are the spring and centre of it." Barry more than any mere pratse fideritial), Lynn, Maas. Your lettet itoVards, the reduction of the r deg. F. Will no doubt materially aazl$t
THE MORAL TO BE DRAWN - 11 be opened, read, and answered '03 -expense, the "self -feeder" has a olls. toward retaining that "Stale" flavor so
I .'Ok," cried Una. faintly. She Put 00111cl have done! But so it was. HO' Wi
Those of my readers 'who are fam- I I ug if for sup- - I , ww�en only. . .- --I- tinet qdvautaga over -hand-feeding often characteristic of packed eggs.
Mat, wit th ii-�y point of View ,,ill not I -out her hafid gropingly I said grudgingly: Respecting the addition of Salt, it
anyL 1. 1, I
suspect me ,of �deaig-a or intention I port and shrank away as he caught ,,But you havn't forgiven me ..yet." - . ku6thods,-K. MqcBean!, A.ssdstant' to must be stated that our experiments -
I It. "Oh, how can you? When there ' "No" smiled Una. ,,I shan't for- all. ZILperintendent, Experimental ftrin, conducted now throughout 15 seasons-
$ all did not seem so very angry after do not show any benefit to be derived
to oe.little Weals. Tliey are as essen- give you for a long time. I have,
tial to life a3 1). system W to gov,ern- is Moya! " "You'll have to teach ine so much," Ik0a's(31z, B. C- therefrom: indeed, salt frequently im-
ment. Noz do I tlll,-j that in heal�h i "Moyal All that was unreal, A pretence, and all deception. You ,, she said softly. "Perhaps you'll ,get �---- - . 11 -_
of know th . Besides—" 11
matters at any -ate, �hey can be pli'u- pretence:
Una tried to shake off hit hand.
That on e last word concealed such
tired of t ' eachirrs me. '
I "Perhaps I shall," agre�ed Guy with
I _____1
-1. DA " I
Blus'Nnss Pon $A-1'r�GAOP' 1
ed too high. I do,, howover, wish to I
suggest that they sbould be intelli. . � I
pain and st-.uggle ever since Moya
had announced her,' engagement, and
4 smile. "But then it's just quite I pos-
town, this 13 worth looking Into,, V404 �
for Apply Box,,074. OW
gently upheld. 1%Ia,1 of Its are so I
more ever since' Una had guessed
Bible you have something to teach me,
Liolteard. =!=w �
vague in our habits (., thought that we MV8 QUO Root COMPOUIA
I 11
and grieved over the fact that they
too." ;
She laughed at that. But his smile
an.*cely know ..t w% %+ we am aiming. I . A 8ale, reliable repulati
. I 'M
� *
were not happy tog ether in their en-
was grave. "Happiness," he said, "and
ines stone Road, 2V2 miles from Nlaxara-
Is applies no lenq ,o health than to 9nedicind. Sold in three d.
. any otlier asp.3ct oi lite. It would be . I groom of 5trength-No. 1, $1,
No. 2. S3; No. 3, $5 Per box.
"And Guy')" demanded ]Ela,rry jell-
lov'e' I never learned either of those
cottage and frame stable. Sevon�acroz
peach orchard cizh; years old. - F(vo
interesting In this connection 'f eao-h . 8bld by,all druipists, or sent
I I .
.. I
before I saw you. Moya, why do you
.1 —1, A 1,+* 19 T -p 11--f Von
$1,500.00 cash.
of wy rea& a would get clearly in I a on recely. 0 rAce. I .. - . . , �
Kellp-� pamplildt. AdcrIess: "Guyv, echoed Una absently. She 'know we Ieaxn best ftoni mistakes?"
inind his own particular Veit of what . " T119 COOK 09DICINE CO, seemed to I have forgotten all about � ',Do you think we do?" she ,asked. �
Would for him constitute- "perfect" TORONTO, ONT. (Famirly Wisdur.) Gljy. Of cour,se Guy was a very" -
.health, and then by 'COMDaring that . splendid sort of manp but he was lier voice was tremulous. "But we .7he Bulbs Went Astray. parts a limey flavor to the eggs, prob-
I - I -0 fluids within and without the egg. Our
Ideal ,;�lth reality seek' o lessen the . .. . 'older than Barry, grey-haired, wo.n lose so much, loo." I 0, I ably by inducing an interchange of the
gulf between them, Fortunately for ; "I will not listen., Oh, Baxry at least with life. And Barry was radiant "And gain," he finished. "Lose per- The growth of bulbs Is an Impor. advice is, do not add salt to the lime.
most of us the means of bridging th . e He haps what we are beat without, a -ad ,
I thought you honorable. And now with strength and young life. tant industry., to Holland, as from Water. . I
1�o, , to �, , inillit- w,d ready to 'hand. you -you— I had the making of a man in him. gain what,we need most of all. MOYA, Haarlem the markets of the world F BEDING DUCYJANGS. ily
Vk.1()r1-; ,11i act ,)Tie. of them; that Is the "Tell you the iiuth,11 he finished. rather than the accomplishment. And let us think of the future, not the obtain their ,supply. Ord,inartly duck)h1gs are more eas
Mised than chickens. If properly fed
IAJ-.gj� ,.)�, Nvor.,-y t1vit merely laments .,What you would have7 known long Una -thrilled to the thought of that past. Do you know you . will marry I It Is told of Said Pasha, who had and cared for they can be put on the
wl"hwit ,akinp �,t-llq to rt�nlove tae ago It I had had my way. Well, I making, to the future. She was not but a poor man?" - #a great love for flowers, that he mark,dt at about 10 weeks of age weigh.
eivi�,��, The law,i tql,h lire sin- call keep silence no longer. Not even like Moya, who needed, and knew Thera was teasin� in his smile now. i placed an order In Holland for a Ing from five to seven pounds each. If,
plo, go ,,,,1;11ple., !)Ie,00d, t1hat only C�71- 'eded, assort Q I not forced they will get much of their
, A Tor Moya's sake. Our engagement was she ne strength to loan upon. 13he met- it hesitatingly, as she thought ,(�,Lolce ment of th §e bulbs, for feed from grass and other succuiftt
st%nt reits�raltiou prevents them from pretence from the first. She asked RatheT. 'Una -had strength to give, and of her mother's Ambitious. which he paid $5,000. When the bulbs plants. I I
beIng either forgoten )r i.nmored , Lot to bd§tow on this "Yes, poor," said Guy. "You will arrived his "seeretary yior,', Ducklings do not need feed. until about
galn,,, fr( ih air' slin- me In fact, to help her -to save her tenderness in plenty , - shall wh6 recelyed them, not knowl 36 liourn after hatching after,whieh they
m , pride, she called it. She thought Guy .her "blind, stupid. boy" who..had so do well to think -of that. We ng of MUY be fed five dmes daily on a moist
a,,d A� ed them t mash oX equal parts, by measu,e,,,t,.,
I)M food, rea�;-vta!21t- v,or(Ise , I Berkeley was coming down here or nearly missed love. .1 �. I I have the spending of much moneY,'It the bulb order, sidetra k 0
. rle'awittlosm ('1 mind and lNoc[Y. �. P * I Is true. And there is joy In thAt the kitchen. Soon after their arrival rolled obts and broad crumbs, r the
___.4�_-- . =X�= . - I.spending, I know. Yes, the ,purest the pasha was to give an important about three per cent grit. Afte
Odd and Interesting. I . I . .� ______ � , �JJI)Y. Xevetth41,ej&- I call myself Q, banquet, and his chief cook, wishing first week change to three parts, by
* �, . , . . weip,ht, of bran, one part green feed,
� . . s, . -, 1, I
' . -.,, ;�ppoor man. � ;"� -1 to serve an especial treat, grilled the one -halt part meatsomps and about
l s from right The Specialist' ,�. I" ;"And I thffik�'j,ou are the richest new variety of onions and served them three per cent, grit. After the duck -
to left, " As � lings aria a week old the grit or sand
ow in D R. WARD I - - I � ,man I know.'.-phje',�Wd softly. hot. Evidently as an article of food may be fed In mash or in a hopper,
Sixteen varieties of palms gr - ; "Thdre are i0ekal Ways Of looking they did not prove a success since but the common practice Is to teed grit
Ceylon from which sugar can be eX- . 79 NIAGARA SQUARE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. at that," he smlMd- "Yet at this mo- the only comment the recorder of the In all duck ratlon,q. Aleatsevap, Is not
trabted. � ment I'm inclined to believe 'in what inaMent made of the xesult was that usually fed until the duckt-Ings are a
- ek old when about five per cent. is
Damage by hailstones to crops . Men, Are You In Doubt you say, Well, thln� It OVer, MOYa- pasha's Interest in gardening received wad(ded to the ration and gradually In -
throughout the world amounts to Spending one's all for otheM. living a severe body blow.-$atlonal Geo- creased to 15 per cent. Gradually In-
$,.00,00o,000a. year, .... As to your' trouble? Have you some skip poorly that others may not b6 poor, graphic Maga#ne, � crease the propol-tion of cornmeal and
: . # decrease the bran until the ration be-
,.; rlcbes-�' I comes the
-1. - If you call that i fattening ration given below,
The light of the north star Is cati. . . eruption that Is stubborn, has restated treat .� (jously. Minard's Liniment Lumberman s for those ducks which are to -be market-
mat6d to be 190 times stronger than ment ? I a there a nervous condition which , She looked up at hftn� in) -ed.
� . :,Why do -you ask me this?" she tried. Friend. Those to be saved for breeders
that of the sun. I does hot Improve in spite of rest, diet and 'Do you think I should fall in such a I - . ed the first mash mixture.
AA Arab keeps his head wrapped up . I They should be given a good range
I I �, Neat Blamey, . where ,gra6s and running Water are
Vr�ird, evcu in stiml3ier, while his feet I medicine? Are you goinil down hill steadily? ' test?" I � i I available, If 4onfined to yards, eon-
11�oiuc,Omes go naked in winter, . ARE �W U NERVOUS and despondent) weak "No, a, thousand times, no'" he an- � * 44.Why ' does your horse go so slow?" sloerable green feed and tvegotablea
and debilitated, tired mornings; no ambition swered. "It Is because of what I do ,,� ' .
ked 0 tourist one day in the Glen of should be fed.
Sovie of the leading Japanese news- -lifeless; memory gone; easily fatigued; ax. think about you, Moya, that r have the Downs, L,4and, of his driver. "It The ducklings for market should be
paj,)ers liftlVe as many' as two or thrqe I . citable ah d Ireltable; lack of energy and confl- the courage to call You to such -a life, is out of rispict to the baytitiful san fattened for two weeks before selling
buudlmd 1wrifers 6n their staff. I ' on a ration Of three parts by weight,
. dence? Is there failing power, a drain on the and know you will come." X I Ye to see it of cornmes,l, two parts mfddlh1$.9, one
Tht*� v:11agm in Turkish Armenia to, OYstern? Consult the old reliable speolalists. To call her, Yes, she thrilled to all. And thin he's an Intilligent blkste, Vart bran, one part Tneatcorap, tlieee per
!'01111)11' �)' (!�-"Ietioal of largo, ant -hill$, that call Y, Because it mealit that he good company, and cent. grit and about one part green
. and ,appreciates feed. .If milk 18 available with which
and in viinter are almost buried in I I . -, . . SYMPTOMS OF VARIOUS AILMENTS. trust6d �e that he thought her wor" ' wants to kape the like ol ye In oUld to mix the mash, out the tneatscraps to
llftolvl I I I Wiak and related state of the booiy, %ervousness, despon&anty. poor thy in spile, of all. And to that call Ireland as long as he can." one-half part. -Tho Ohio .Parmer.
.k rortain flower growing In China is memory, JcOk of will vowar, timid, irritable diApositlon, diminished power dc rose all tho best In Moya, all that had - 0. *+ , - PURn 331 -t -M POULTRY STOCX PAYS,
yvhlfte at night or In the shade, but IL0011catfon. energy and concentration, fear of impending d,%ng6r ,or mlafor. been hiddeh In her heart, waiting for ,& man's bark is generally Worse The pure br ' ed fowl possesses many
disl)la�n a birght red color In the sun- lixtho, drowsiness and t6hdsney to sleep, unrmtfui sleep, dark rings under the voice to rouse It Into life. -,than his bite when he complains that adviLntages over cross-breds a4d men-
l"ght. eyes, lone of weight, insomnia. Dr.' Ward gives you the benefit of 20 yeare The ,dall of love, It came and clafnla he leads a dog's life. grele, Thera is more reftbility In their
continuous practice in the ,treatment of all chronic, nervous, blood and �..kln " ree, Ing. 0xperience has shown that
A rich Chinaman's servants receive disbamts. The abov6 mytriptoms, $Lnd many others imot mentioned, show ed her. And Moya answered the call ====== Dare brid fbirdg will convert every par-
, I title of food and energy toward pro-
- - I,
no �!;Aary, but their perquisites ainount Ili nI that xoviething is wrong w Ith Your physlesa condition aud that, you in the fullest trust and �Joy, - I- . _____ The meat is of Improved'qual-
to ��:lt,4i -,�iore than the salaries paid to pert attention. duction.
; I-r6n. why buffer longer? Lot me make you a vigorous man. Let =a I TIM, . V X D. � . ) . I I . I � Ity and the flock is superior In every
, r tore yo 1) yalcal condition to full tuAnbood. Don't be %. weakling any 4W y
in le�,t, uwalthy households. wa�hfor table poultry. The uniformit
Tho rainbow ttout of Australia grow lopter. a o up your Ynlnl (e corne to M6 and r will give the best treat- KeeP Minard'i Linll;ent F1 the house. 1, . , of e grade is more even and gives
t(,� w,ilell 1,irgp, site, opeelally In New ant h I r! to xclence-the one xtiecessful treatment based On the exrnrl- _*� ) better hi,arkot returns. Thd eggs are
iouth '�kilc.-i, that it Is illegal to tal;o i tnee of 29 yearx in trc�atlnw men and their alftents. tussian AdverUsing, r mare even In sizo and color. The fowIl
.. gla as . prosebt & much more attractive appear -
11 "i".11 -Ji,jA.dP1' ton Inches in lengtill L Dr. Ward's Methods Unrivalled, Thoebugh and Permanent. � They are not so slow in Russia as 11 . a ance, being uniform In size and color.
rt,t�aa:ihmr itc�i,, N Iser cent. of tho Do you realize that you have only lone life to Ilve-do you reillza that T,1,11y ol us Imagine. A travelpr re. , i. The egga and oitocic for brooding pur,
by III health T A life worth living lil . pos" are worth much more thon for
13014!1a"�311 �,A cliiaa is Confined to Ono- , 340tt are miminc w6st of that lite ; that while 'in Moscow before 11 . . f
!% it healthy life. Neglect of one'shealth has put many a man in him lates . I iairket alone, The revenue rom thiA
hlml of !1.w .,.,�a of the eoly.1try, with I WV6. the war he one day saw It Crowd gath. source In a go6d Vock lit not- a small
.1 d'?��,cv f,." f'k,r'o li�jiidred to &he -squaro � I have been teliffi ee s for ma,ny Years but still th6fa stfs owed around a little fellow who was WHIM I thm" A fl -V �A-d a X�s. 0-wo. -I & Itelyt. Tho preferred bf06d Inay hIso be
.A 40 km I b.y 1MW.9 AWN% Plk ke 0* - r t
for various reasons, have zot h&d the grond ; �. W.w ft. =�.", ow — W* W. W... selected tot, the ,particular purpose o
11111(�. thousAnds of vlotlhu who, bawling at the top of his lungs. Many .,"a , 0 k - I T1. -*ft " W." V.. "
menee to 66me and g6t lkall, which thd farmor of potlltr�y-mtn wiiihes
Covenhagen nits a mark,lt Specialist In the trea,trAontL or il6rvouN conditions, ,nervb"s exhaustion, asked him what the trouble wau, but WALON HOUSE . V A 0i It Lh WAUV$ft t W"18 t6 00tallse. UPOTI.-Nav& Scotla Dept. of
w*ir-rf, n1l the fish, except Ule ve'4 I bitelcathe, Iumbtgo, rheumatisin, stomach and liver tfoub`16, acne, skin he kept on crying, ttud the O,rowd In. =11:� .110=1=11.""MAM =:1=00 bwA . Agriculture . . - -
I.v ;e.- V";,-;v1"',�, flri'! Iviot tkltvt,, In to,(. d1a catarrh, &$thing, rectal troublefs, 'piles, fistula and blood dot- creased; then all of a sudden lie � Ill 4 9 A.tdW 00 6W tW4AL1g* J .
" � : d I I 1%6.1 aid in a clear, loud voice, - T*U.*1kt"4.&*.#.WMK#. TMwakiltmoustow Mirlard�* Llnln-Ant u -sed by Phystolskna
.�o ,.v,:1l "'v,ii,., �Mtil with r1nning , Oppleg "6U116: 0 &.tn. to 5 p.m. bundays.-Jo a.m. .6 1 p.m. stopped and si I Ifow of PL*0 pr� ft.k�" it ta�*s %M.06dem "Was I � .-0.6.0—
-i. i t, r. 01119 C,.)N8VLTA#rI0N KXAMiNkrioN. q am lost. Will somebody please 00(6, 4 &k*0 VW hs -4k* 4ppoftv".0 . CMSE OUSnRVATION.
rJo1:ii,!; t)f varlt,us sortA, with wheels, mjb harne to Ivan Tobitisky, the 0iaa-', � VWd1�.%�64"*m,hs&u00'""*"I
t,,;��, ,ykq!,,'.q1H, were lit use as -ton& w& I Before b4_KlAnlhjV treatment Y6U MUSt Vh&k6 606 Visit to M�P OftIC6 for pion clothlew of Moscow, who hafl 9, 1 , UW&..-. Aft* 6,* Im V.W D.W 4" a " WKW ,,xr. and Mrs. A14tum seem to be an
I � A" 144ki d6uplo. Last ni-lit I row'.6d how
A It p4rednal phyloloal sixaminatl6n, PAilroad fare will be etnalda*d 04 J*tt � full supply of autunin ovemoats, suits, .
e,�l4ht or nint hunder,4 ye0s, axe, but ! I*yment at felL Canadian money aftepted at full value. I thoir thoughts alWkys dolnelded."
� 11 ,, shirts, hats and umbroll" I HE WALKER HOUS -rot."
it w" 11t1t until some tive, hul,idrad necktIoA lrooww� N~ MOM ,ut did you observo also that
10 Nftitr* 44uarb, Nuffalo, N. Y. I whieh he will g(k.11 cheaper than at,$. ) 4 .VA""t4A1.t11011ffl.. 0 It A," tho la4y who thought
YeArA 111011 Oat penlillillill eloclog were I I 11 1. I 111.1 -11 -111- .1111.1 � L I 1''.. --1-1-1 .1. _ - .. - 40110 -NPO 7 I NeAsANA
iutruduced. - - . _1____-_-__-____1_. .__ at$ " In the Olty." - I �, . - , 1-.. . LW .. .__ - __ , - � __.. .
This exftllent orlug tonto =47 be
list 40 healthful served otowed *A
rat course for 'oreakfast, but it bao
MAT tuty possIbIlItt" for other
la,vos ft- the daily mellu. ,Half a
ozen, d6helous, desserts tan be made
roin, It, without causing the f%mIlV
0 130,Y, "What. rhubarb againt"
For a company dinner try -this way"
of Preparing your rhubarb pie; Make
t fairly thick under crust and bru,sil,
t over with w4ttO Of ,egg to keep it
from getting loo, soggy. Fill with
partly stowed And sweetened,rhubgrb
n which an . egg has been whipped,
lalf a teaspoonful of butter added and
x few drops Of lemon Juice., Put the
0 -.+ ,� I I f4f -A
NO. sat
1. aw *14mo,
.- .
� - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 60 0 , '000-0 . - WAA0014110 0. 001
=MrRm . -
V lemll�o rk2hfdo iriat ��
V11 Ire- � �
till done, Then make a meringue of
the white of one egg, slightly aw,e'et.
ened, Put a dab of the meringue in
I _____1
-1. DA " I
Blus'Nnss Pon $A-1'r�GAOP' 1
each open square between the strips
and fruit; corner store and, best
Atock in town;, -ood turnover; goo.4
of -crust, brown foF'a few minutes in
town, this 13 worth looking Into,, V404 �
for Apply Box,,074. OW
the oven,'and you*h4ve a pie fit for a
reasons selling, I
ng, I .
Liolteard. =!=w �
Skin and cut a pound of rhubarb In
small pieces, cook with a cupful --f
all ,gAr until soft, but i�.ot broken. Soak
_ . -0 .
N ,sale_45,000, Ott Niagara, S _Cathar-
two tablespoonfuls of gelatin in half
ines stone Road, 2V2 miles from Nlaxara-
a cupful of cold wateraintil soft, then
on -the -Lake; 15 acres, good. four roompd
strain into the hot rhubarb with two
cottage and frame stable. Sevon�acroz
peach orchard cizh; years old. - F(vo
tablespoon7fuls of lemon juice. Pour
'minutes walk from radial car. Terma
In a mold and chill. Serve with whip-
$1,500.00 cash.
ped cream and sweet crackoirs.
Line a bowl with a good short pie
Niagartt-on-tho.-Lako 64
acres; stone house, cellar and seven,
4eru8t. Fill with sweetened leftover
rooms, large frame barn. Land all level
rhubarb to which a third the quanti-
ayid cultivated; 4 acres of apple orchard
tY of raisins has -been added Put a
. '
eight years old. Remarkable value for
land alone In this district. Terms $2,500.00
pastry cover -Ing on the pudding, PI)IC11-
cash. Apply .
Ing t)ie edges t6gether well to keep
M, T. MORGAN,, ,,
bowl In a pud-
14 King St. East , 1,
ding cloth and plungc ill boiling water
Tordnto. , J
to cover. Boil for about two hours.
L the pudding out carefully and
caster, 80 acres, choice, day loam,
serve with hard sauce or cream.
medium size farm house and barn. A
-Most desirable location, and offered at
.a -bargain. J. D, Biggar, 20 Clyde Block,
One cupful of finely chopped rhub-
Hamilton, Ont. (Regent 934).
arb, one cupful of sugar, two table '
)-. I I
spgonfulg of butter, one tablespoonful
acres, fully stocked: 4180 -modern
of baking powder, one-quarter Of a
ten -roomed dwelling on same; no agents.
cupful of milk, two eggs, flour Buffl-
Write W, Holmes, General 'Delivery,
arnilton, . . .
cient to make a thick batter. Cream
PH i
the butter and sugar ;,nd the well-
beaten eggs, the milk, flour, rhubarb
.x 120. 2 storey frame house, 9 roonu,
and baking powder, Half fill greased
good decorations,, verandah, istone found,
cups and steam for half an hour.
.tt.n, good cellar barn 20 x SO;, planted
with numerous assorted fruit tr0s, $3,200.
Serve with cream, hard sauce or plain
.Y* D. Biggar, 2V5 -Clyde, ,Block. Ham -
lemon sauce.
ilton, ont. (Regent 934), 1, , - , .
IMTT===== =
_...... .1 �
Stew a quart of rhubarb with a
cupful of sugar until tende.,. Add to
--- . � �.
it half an ounce of c:elatln dissolved
In cold water and a ct*_)wul of rich
tints by Dominion Express 11oney
ordecros. rive dollars costs three cents.
sweet cream, Stir well while on the
--- - - -
stove, but do not boil. Trun Into a
- I
mold. Serve cold with a thin custard
1/ Wholesome, cleausing,
_o91NE Apeiresilai and Healinj
. Latlen-Murine far Red-
7-- F-1 ness Soreness, Gramila-
10PAIN�k-ti t,Itchingandflurnirg
Y01JR Ey6olfonthe Eggs or Eyelids;
412 Drove,* After the Movie OtOrInxibor Golf
win wiij your corindence. %k Your' rugs*
for Musine, when your Eye3?4eed care. I
t4twi= XWO 2110MOdY CO-* ChIC4390
� . I -_
. I A Giant Sun.
Ca;nopu-9, the giant af the -solar 6 -Y6 -
tem, Is, a,ccurdtug to a recent talcu-
lation, 49,000 itimes 'a -s 'bright as the
.at A-' —� I 19A +4-.. *1'. + I
.U". s .. 9 .
of 4)he sun; it I,% 18,000 tinles. larger
dn volum-4. The di!Aance of ft from
us, according ro this calculation, Is
489 light years.
"Suppose," 6ays another authority,
"tha,t Instead of .being at this ,enor-
mous d'stance, It were placed in 41he
centre �f the solar sysVem, iii7 lieu of
the eun? It would then occupy 85
,of the ,space lying wdithth ,tlhe or�lt
of Vdnus, and as seen from the cartb.
Wouild oulbitend an a:ngle of about 70
degrees of are. Thus, when its lower
11m1b was -on our hidleon, Its -upper
Would be within 20 degree3 of (the
zenIt'll. Needless to -say, no life,tould
ex'.st o.n earth with such a neighbor.
0 � 0
ftthering Life's Gold.
Tho gold of life does not lie hidden
,in minea; it sparkles in tiny sands
all along the common path of every.
. day* He only who gathers it bit by,
,bit from daily duties and plOitsures
and opportunities and frieyxdah!p,i will
'find himself the pcefie6sor of fhe real
treasure at last.
,Women o Canada
. Testify
. Daore,-Oat.�-"l am more than pleseed
,with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I
� . was run-down and
so nervous that, I
- could not even stay
� in the house alone
�� in the day -time and
. tried every kind of
I 4AJ medicine I heard of
"XIM, but got no result.
W Ono of my friends
�- 0, advised me to take
� -
.... 'Favorite Presorip-
. tion,l said that it
._ would ouro=o, and
I it did. AftAr taking
- fo& bottles I felt
like a new womat2
and it is also the very best medicine fot,a
woman bringing uT
jt�afa!nfly. I will recom-
mend 'Favorite 6ription' to any one
suffeming like I did." -MRS. JOSEPH
BEAUDRY, R. A, 2. '
Tillsonburg, Ont. -"I found Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription an excollont medicine
for *'he aiim6nts of women. I had become
vety wftk and nervous. I was just miser.
able when I began taking the Tavorits
lip 'on' and it proved most neficial.
it wo It y rtetor6d me to health that
I haye haver had any return of We ailmoid.
I do a"m the use of'Pavorite Prescription'
by Women *hd auger With womanly troub.
ie."-Uns. GEO, WALICEUk P. 0. Box
Dt. PJsro6'fi FSV61it4d rrejeriVU66' is
made of lady's slipper mot, bl"k o6hoah
rbot,,unfcorn root, blue c6both mot aud
wben he fint wids Ws gtanditrd wedloine,
tbat whiskey and morbWao woo Injurious,
and to he 994 always k6pt theih out of I&
imitedia. Woman who tAis this Atudug
remedy ko&w thAt in Dr. Pierce,# ravotile
Presoription, they are Letting a sato womm's,
tonlo so MW that drottlito wra"hW* W
% 14 11Wd Of fAb1*1 &M I
I .
"Lliceuge me," said the detective as h;
presented himself at the 'door of the
music academy, "but I hope 9oq'Il give
me what information you* have, and
not make any fuss."
"What do you mean?" was the indig-
nant inquiry. V I
. �Why, that little affair, you know."
P don't understand."
'.NVhy, you see, we got a tipt from the
house next door that somq.�ody was
murdering Wagner, and ,the chief sent
me down here to work oa'.the'zate."
I � .
. ,
,,, .. �
" � -1 1.
77te Great English Pre rattaiL
0 T,onel and jnvig0ates jiv. ,whold
.,. pervous system. make4, ilew Blood
in old Veins. Used' for )Mrpous
Debility, Nental'and Bt ain IV6"
Jksponden7. Loss qf Ener
, 'ri; Palpitation
thefleart,. qi1i4gMemory. �rioz-P*boz,ill
for $5. .
Sold by all druggists, or �onilM in plain
.pkg. on receipt of pngc. New pqmphl "tailed
� I
_., � '' � .... .. . .
, .
. Sleep Tslkers. �'. . .
I ,
"It, Is much more u3ual for. ps-1ple
to swear than to sing hymns in their
sleep," says Dr. E. Coplans 'Ift a. let�
tor to the British Medical' Journal,
Dr. Uoplans bas been a patl�nt In Q,
military hospital. ,"The p�'rcentage
of talkers is astonishing; 60 per cent"
of the men In my ward Indulged 1;
It. The maximum period Is:froin I
to 2 a.m. Often a sentcnce,lo" bLsg,ig
clearly, but trails off in it blur. One
patient, a by no means pious,SCotell.
mail startled me by singing in a
stentorian --)Ice, 'Abide With, Ale.,
The melody and words were I .Perfect.
k start another going
In an adjacent bed. Your stoep talk.
estion, and 'th,Nre
is no doubt that people give qLWay,
secrets." � I .
---.#-*-*— , �
A Dog and An Egg.
A farmer Ili a western statd �Oszelq_
ed two dogs, a big one call6d Atle6
and 2, small one that was ilamo Billy.
Alice, greedy artaturo, wag fohd of
fr-�sh eggs, When sho beaffl' a lieu
cackle she always rai) to loo5k for
We nest. One day ahe found. one Un-
der the slied, She went away and
soon returned 'with Biltv, 'bvieging �
Juno �u�t before the holp.
Billy was stupid an -1 did � not un-
derstand. Alice put her hi ,td In anti
then her paws without belug� 4ble to
tL-aeh tRe tggS. Billy 14111011 to 1111-
derstand what was WafttA. ,110 wont.
under the shed, brought 6AWthe OIKS
and put It bf,,fore Alivii-, urlin, ate It,
with great satisfaction, an.1 th(m both
dogs LreAlzo df tog.-thr,r.,
. �...., 4 � 0
Ask for Minard's avid take no othat.
"Now htre't something �Ito tor
your party. A girl peels 4h 6.0016,
turning Out Me long Peellng, 'Or in
I orange will do." '.I 800,0, "'a 6 throw*
t1w, peeling ov4t her shoulder %ud It
fcrn,.t1, tho initial oi the one *&h4 A to
.vee,,s, Vopallngg, eh? Wtt ,ar,%YbrY
ric-lit you ILnow.11 #'What of Itr' Will
diamond neeklatte knower just as
%6�1r,--Loulivillp cou_rlet4tatlw�,
. . I , 1. -
, . I \ , ;I
,; I - I L I I I . ? � .
.. 11w, , . . . . . � ,� f� . . - A& 11 . . &�... I jr1.__,__ I � I . I � —1--_.. .. � 'L. ,�
!, ,,.id�.i.aL_-_h__ __Ajt,. ,*.L., �� z,&&)W,_._&0%-_ "I&A --Al!- — --I- sajg�L- -61�,I� - W"&Vd6k 1111111-- - - — , - I.- __ � _.N&W.WM_4h�� 1
-*, I