The Wingham Advance, 1920-06-17, Page 3-f-,
� 1%, . I N #
, to-
culacura h AD You
fleled For "Your Skin
liathe with Cuticura Soap to cleanse
%P4 pw* the pores. If signs of pimples,
Wn000 or roughness are present smear
emitlywithCuticurs. Ointmeotbeforepath,
WX to soothe and heel. Forevery purpose
19 the toilet. bath A04 nursery Cqticura
Sosp and Ointment are ideal,
*am 20q, Ointment 2$ nod Isoe. Sold
throughoatheDominion. CanadignDepot;
", m1ted, ft Paul St" Montreal
VW4Z%tioura Snap shwres without mu�
two at buttesx; COOK Until It b4gino
, to bubble, add grs4usaly halt a oup of
I Lhot otoek and halt a cup at milk.
. '_.on the sauce bolls set Into a dish
of hot water and stir In the beaten
yolks ot two eggs, heat - cup of 000jc-
ed asparagus tips, a teaspoon of sAW
a dash of Myenne and a tetbleepoon
of lemon juice. In place of Litock, the
water In whIA the asparagus was
cooked'may be used. Ths sauce s ex-
cellent served with broiled outlets or
with warmed-over meats. In this case
add An extra 'halt cup, of asparagus
tips. ______"01 -#-
Worth Knowing. � '
I - "I,
CaRes seem baund to stick to some
pans; it you grease the pans thorough-
ly, then dust them lightly with flour,
the difficulty will .be overcome. If you
do not feet quite sure at success, stand
. the pans on a cold, wet cloth for five
minutes befq�re trying to remove the
cake. t V �_
Sour milk, soda and cream of tartar
are allowable In any cake# where
. sweet milk and baking powder are
called for, The rule Is, halt a tea-
spoonful of bicarbonate and one tea-
spoonful of cream of tartar to each
half-pint cupful of sour milk, and it a
fluffy extra light cake io desired, put
. lialf a teaspoonful ,of baking powder to
"==4 _In-, � . I . each cupful of flour also.
.4 - - - - - # _- 0 _- 40 0 6 "*++" #.+-+-*-",p
� S, UGHS1
, .
g ,'
� �
I— I
0, 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 4-+*-*+*-+4+4*4*4-" QUICKLY CURED
I Asparagus should be out of equal
langt�s, �Lnd.bojled, standing *nds, This Tells of a Method That
" Cures Without Using
)i�wlard, I" a deep saucepan. Nearly
,,t*o inches of the heads should be oat Drugs
.put of the water, the steam sufficing.
1. to coplt them, as they form the ten- Elderly reople take cold easily, Un-
derest part of the plant, whilat the. "like young folks, they recover Slowly.
'fiiird,,-s talky part Is rendered soft and That is why so many people past mid-
' "
�oflcculeijt by the longer boiling which die life die of pneumonia.
thio.,$lan permits. Instead of ghe or- Cough Syrups seldom do much good
thodox 20 mimites allotted t(Y aveiage because they upset digestion. Any
Asparagus by cooking horizontally., doctor knows that a much more ef-
-which halt cooks the stalks, and over. f6ctive treatment i's 11CATARRHO-
,cooks,the heads, diminishing its flavor ZONE," which heals and soothes the
and consistence, a period of So to '40 irritated surfaces of the throat.
ralnuteg on the plan recommended will in using Catarrhozone you do -not
render fully one-third more of the, take medicine into the ztomach-you
stalk delicious, whilst the head will -be simply breathe into the throat, nose
f Properly cooked by steam alone. and lungs rich, piney, balsamic vapor,
It'.1the tips are to be used, cut the so full of healing power that colds,
tend& ponts to piece one-mourth of an catftrrh and bronchitis disappear al -
i , n0h,lDng. The harder portions may most instantly.
be uped for soups find sauces. Wash The germ -killing balsamic vapor
ca,reftllly, drain, drop into rapidly boll- � mixes with the breath, descends
igg saltbd water, and cook ten min- through tile throat, down the bronchial
, utes� drain. It to be served hot, have tubes, and finally reaches the deepest
the shuce In readiness and serve at air cells in the lungs, All parts are
once. If d' .- asparagus Is wanted cold, a , oothed with AS, pure mediclnmi es -
drain at once and place on lee, Never Bences, *hereas with a syrup the af-
allow it to stand in the waterin which fected parts could not be reached and
it,was cooked, as this will destroy its harm would result. t1irough benumbing
flavor and color, - . th6 stomach with drugs.
� ICkb TIPS WITH LETTUCE! . , A Catarrhozone Inhaler in your �
LEA'VES pockk or purse'enables you to stop a
cold with the first sneeze, Large size
VVIcures ask no better salad than costs $1.00 and supplies treatment for
tbe,,e tips iced and served on lettuce two months; small'size, 500, trial size,
lea,4jes with a FrencU dressing. For a 25c: all storekeepers and druggists, or
luncheon *alad mayonnaise may be The Catarrhozone Co., Xingston, Can-
ui�d� and a pretty effect is obtained
? ada.
by. ,serving the salad in green pepper
cases, wIC. a mayonnaise made a,
dinty 'pink with the addition of a few
spoonfuls of stewed 'chilled tomato
or a�cream mayonnaise.
Cook twelve stalks of asparagus in RI,�ASON El NOUGH.
. .
one quart of water, add two sprays of "Why did you strike the telegra
ps;rsle , three leaves of mint and two operator?" asked the -magistra.t. of tf�.
. I y man who was summoned tor assault.
small green onions. When the aspar- "Well, air, I gives him a telegram to
agus, is tender, rub through a sieve, send to my gal, an' he starts readin' It.
washing and rubbing through as much So, of course, I ups and gives him one."
as pbssible. Return to the fire, add a '14 - -0 4 1P - I �
teaspoon of celery salt, a teaspoon of 1�ro WONDER.
papr1ka, one pint of hot milk and a Dorls-Y6, she ,%;as furious about the
tiny grating of nutmeg. When It way in which the newspapers rc.ported
,� .Aes to a boll draw to back of stove her marriage.
Helen -Did It allude to her ago?
gnd, add the yolks of two eggs beaten Doris -indirectly. It stated that Mls!k,
with half a cup of cream. Have a Olde and Mr. Yale were married, the
tablespoon of. finely choplied parsley in latter being a 'well-knowh collector of
O.'. poup tureen, pour over the hot i 0 1 - I
spilpt wid serve a'. once. A tablespoon �
of flour*ru�oed smooth in a tablespoon- CONSTIPATED CHILDREN
,, of .butter ay be substituted for the �
0,;gs, and T
ream ,ri this case allo*
the 0 to r
J,m�ner ten minutes after , Children who sirfifer from conetipa-
V�It a rich creamy ition, Undigestion or ,any of the other
. �
the flour. 'Iments ,due to a clogged condition
combine Is wanted, have half a cup ,a.
of whipped cream in the tureen, pour iqf the bowels will �ftlnd PTomV`t welle-t
ft tt�e hot soup, give one 'stir and (1:1 -rough the use �dt Baby's Own Tab-
WV0. tle!ts. The 'Pablets ,are a mild *,)ut
,.?ARAGUS TIPS IN CROUSTADES i'horonSlh lax,�!tiv,e ,%Ib:ieh z!in always
I T . heso are nieb served with broiled r*),e depended upon to regulate the
chicken or chops, or as a neparate, bowels and swefl�en the stomach,
course following the nicat, The cous- RheY are P-bsolutely slafe, and are sold
tadeg, can be,prepared in advance and lander -a guarantea to be entirely 1free
when wanted. JProra opi4te.3 or other injurious -rugs, �
d two inches t:)Ick 1:�oncernlng them AIrs. Thov.�as A.
free'. from crusts, Cut into F;quares I'Soultot, Dake Y.9,her, N. B., vrr4tes "I I
three, or four Inches in size. With a 111n, 'Pleased to- state th0, Baby's Own
poinfed knife take from the Centre as ITablets were of great help to me I
much ciumb as possible, leaving a 1khen my baby -was Eulfering &ro�m
I small square box. Fry a golden lionstipation." The Tablets are sold
brown In a kettle of hot'fat, drain. hy- med.;cIne 'dealers or by Msae.l at 25
Vill' �entres with asparagus tips In any V'Onts a 'box from The Dr. Will1*1m,g
soo(t sauce, or ,a well -made cream Medicine,Co,, Brockville, Ont,
sauce. - ------- q -6 -11D. -
'Alix tw6 t lespoons of flour and ,TAWS AS WEAPONS.
. 4 Ab
I / I . Chief Mans of Defence Among
, , What Prominent
I All OLd World Apes.
. .., I S Amour all oid world apes the teeth
I are' the chief weapons f,%r defeice,
i0*tario Women ay against natural foes and for c-mbats
I I , I . " burg, Ont. -.---"I found Dr. Pierces for mates or tribal supremacy. The
I I . .t� ription very beneficial during canines are in most case,- enormously
� �
I - expectancy, I felt developed, Insomuch that Ill iulormed
�.* quite poorly, was natur.t.lists kave suggested that a near
I nauseated and sick, relations). must exist betz-een the
. could not eat any- prl�aates and tile carnivora. As a )net -
I thing and I was
; extre:mjee �. nervous ter ,of fact, these formidable teeth have
I and I took nethaig to do with allmentation, but
I 'Favorite Prescrip. are as purely weapons of war as are
$ 1 CY,
i � .. ". I don! and it soon the bayonet and the maxim gun.
V . low I stopped the nausea, In
1 " I practically every emergency demand-
� - my appetite return. Ing unusual energy, obstinacy ana
ed, alsor my
t � strength and I was into play. 1.
. soon feeling fine In every cozifliq with the world, the
� V.- . and strong. My flesh and the devR-as such ihings are
. . baby was stront u&derstood In p1thecold society -the
i and healt . temporal an 1 masseter muscles are the
I 011myo . con er avo 4 chief arbiters of war. To become a
prefoription, a t help to the tant
Imosm and ant *d to reco it.,#- great and powerful anthropoid it is ab -
$W. AMOS M LL49, B" 238. solutely and brutally necessary to
A HAMILTONWIMM 11v, , 11 1 and strong jaw, to ,give
I them attachment to the teeth and good
I leverage to the muscles. That for an
I ltasolltob* Ont..- -`A low months 490 Immense 6poch Our prdliuman anOff-
I *" stricken down abd was confined to bed tors ac, I
ti eved success In life in like
i sUouttendays. MystrengthallIeftme. It manner is -s clear as the print of
(was mv Mitt illnewt since a child. I lost Ave 11:%gall to those who have learned to
poum% And felt awfully *oak aft,br*ard. I read nature's handwriting,
I toulA h"r do mY work. I was advised to Since those days of true Areadlan
Iley I>r. Puxde�d Iravorito Pre6eriotion in simplicity our life has become b�wlld-
Ublet form. I tried a couple of bottles and eringly complex and our methods for
16(bre I knew it, I was well and -strong and settling social difficulties, have Chang -
ted generally for the better, *But here,
h" tOoed 9% pounds, I eon recommend as in to many other Instances, ths,
IDr- PWOO!d ItAvOtitO PftWiPtift to build hab.ts of a past age have left aft In,
6tis up,11-MItS. X MARTIN, "I delible Impress on the nervous sys-
I P04646" at, tem'-Blackw ad's Magazine.
Attar soffering ptb�; feeling norv6ut, - -
dlio� *ftk abd dmued down by wes.k- MillkWa Wm,m Powders aro com.
plete� In th,nuselVos. They not only
*10 i � - of htt'"i-,"ith eyes sunken. bli,ek drive worms from. the system, but re-
aotlee and Vale chook*-suth a. woman is ' pair the damage, that wortno cs,UO
4ploW mtored to bulth by &4 Pavorito and so Invig4)r1te, the constituf
Pt"Obtlat ot Dr. Pierft. Chw;ftd, WO, that It spoedily recover$ frtm tho
' 1k 166* to 01tor taidat Dt. Pierbes: Favor- dlsordolrm of the digo8tion thAt are
1 As 1waaft" the skin. b000rovos clou, the MO result of the work of thoa-e %Ara-
i *w bdAW, ju 4tsoW plump. it is altio, $ntruders. They do tbedr work
I Owe* V4066W *ft*AtAs A*. "U*L I th0VWJh1Y and 00tr6t4th 9%id 0OU44-
* I I 116" MOW th6ir U11411 f
"I see the ne%r congress of Bossaralble,
has started off In orthodox fashion,"
"They began how?"
"By taking a recess." , I
17 , ; _', � - , 'altlo
130 sliF'ROQURNE sircost
N*V&.V^*MQr* rRis, %,
- `11tQqAC$$F1o%VCNCV I
-0- L ,
1__ 1KNITC0
"It must be horrid to be a food con-
troller! "-funny how we bumble of�
ficials got this lordly title-eald a
Pompous old lady, who amblk Into
my office the other day. "It must be
so dry and monotonous,"
Dry, foreooth!
Our collection of unrehearsed com-
edies and mysterious h , appeninge to
daily growing in ,bulk, ,Tvirs. Harris
Wants to know If she can ... ave sum
more sugar, 'eoo this I erQ loger of
mine 'as gotten atch a appeylite," Re-
fused. with complAments.
A little girl peeps suspiciously into
the office, "Please can mother have
oks, because she's
burnt hil ours?" She Ira asked to take
=,on" of our magnificent array of
fthe choicest selection outsido
London -and If she will bring it back
properly filled In Possibly new boolts
Will be Issued. The end of another
abortive attempt to Pull our leg,
Neither the mother, the step -mother,
the mother-in-law. nor the girl adorn
our offices again, %
Poselbly the'lost books have been
recovered from the ashes. Possibly-
and.I,cannot help leaning to this view
-it 'was not worth the trouble of fill -
Ing in all the forms to have fourteen
ration books instead of seven,
The other day a quaint lookin�g
character tumbled In, coatless, hatlees.
not quite shirtless, but nearly boot-
less, Re thought he ought to -bav4
14 one of them books as they tear bits i
Of Paper out of." Waturally we asked �
him why had be not had one before'P
"Well" -and a, mouth that Gmeii 1
more of Eau -de -Burton than of Eau- I
dejCologne approached ray ear -"he'd i
Pinched out of, the asylum that morn- I
Ing. and didn't .want to be copped! i
again." I I
A few mln-�tes In, the waiting room
was the treatment I prescribed for i
him iv,hile the police were communi-
cated with. i
A pathetic plea came from the'
father of sixteen. who also kept two
lodgers -they do these things In the
less exclusive neighborhoode, Could
he have more sugar to make Jam.
and, could he have it cheaD'� HO
though he had ftne,hia duty to the
country by helping to maintain the
Population, and he was -also easing
the hoilsing problem. .
Two very laudable ploas�. but how
do they affect food? . Juet as well ask
the coal controller (to give you a'ton
of c,oals because you have an allot,
ment alid keep Pigs.
More sugar certainly is obtainable.'
but only on Production ,of a doctor%
certificate, which Is also requited for
0 . , You can prover
a I , a Z througl,i your sta
0 -) it when you begi
Colt, It Is Nlyonde
, . matter how �oolts
permission to exceed the butter ra-
Among the applications for the new
ratloii. cards from a email family came
one for Bob Brown. A member of my
staff who knew the family persisted
that there was so Bob amongst them.
§p one of our seeret-service agents
Was deputed to call on the head of the
house. Bob was duly brought forth -
a, magnificent Newfound -land dog. Pro-
testations were In vain. Pitiful talei
did we hear that Bob 'was better than
tiny son, and. he did so enjoy a good
bit of beer. Nothing doing. Women
and children first In our line of busl�
ness, Carry on without the dog, mad,:
am. and Consider yourself lucky not
to be in prison. .
'We haven't finished ch-a6ding y44
over the puzzled parents -who emine In
a week ago to ask If it was true -be,
cause the minister had told her so --
that triplets eounted as Only One for
ration books. \ -
I should like ,to meet that Parson.
He would be a valuabli� acquisition to
Guilty'af Assassination
A man, razor In hand, was caught
by his wife assassinating not an
enemy, bct a corn -what ,be needed
was Putnam's Corn Extractor, *it!s
sate, paInless and cure. Try "Pat-
nam's'l-,cures so fast, 25c,a,t all. deal-
ers. I
-17 � - � 1=
-, � V-,-- .-1 � --t!
- I � I *4+44 *to+
P, I R 4
. \11�� &"q0.S 11,
� Altl%.11:4
, r
) 00is so$# At$ 0.0*4 *..040
There Is nothing that adds to tho �
"Just-right-neco",of a,nico juicy roast
than the proper sauce as, every good
cook knows. Amd there are some
sauces that -seem. to belong to one kind
of ineat and no tother. IV%o would
ever think -of sen,ing ir&nt sauce, for
example, w1th anlything elm'but roast
lamb? It coulWgo with boiled mut-
ton, but oh, how much bettorthis dish
if; accompa'aied with capex-sauce. Ta
make this cream two taWespocmfuls of
flour with halt a cuptW of' butter and
;kdd to it a�pint of botlinavwAer. Cook
until thick, stirring coustairtly. Season
well with salt and pepper;'vadd a table-
spoonful of lemon Juice) and three
tablespoontuls; of capers, iand serve.
Tomato sauce is usuallyfaerved with I
breaded veal cutlets. At very simple
sauce is made by cooking a slice of 4
__ Q__
- . -
Liniment asked for at my store and the
only I one we keep for Bale.
All the people use It, A IV. . 1� 4 I :'.'
I I... - _, I I 11 HARLIN r, T�LTOX. "' OtrL: A,�
- ,
onion in halt a can of tomatoes till
soft, stmining and thickening with
flour and butter creamed together. For
a more elaborate one, brown a slice
of carrot, another of onion, atiny bay
leaf and a sprig of parsley in a qi1ar-
ter of a cupful of butter. Strain and
add a fourth of a cupful of flour. When
.well blended add a cupful of cooked
and strained tomatoes and a cupful of.
st6ok. Season well. '
The English like bread sauce w-l'h
their roast chicken. Cook two cup-
fuls of milk in a double boiler With an
onion Vut fine till the milk is well sea-
soned. * Strain and add a tablespoon-
ful of butter, salt and a -dash of cay-
enne pepper, Add half a cupful of
fine bread crumbs and stir until
smooth. Cook half an hour. Now put.
a tablespoonful of butter in a small
pan and add half a cupful of coarse
bread crumbs. Brown well. It the
bird is small pour the sauce - over it
and sprinkle with the crisp brown
crumbs. It not, pass In two separate
t this loathsome disease from running
- bler and cure all -the colts suffering -with
.i the tre�tment- No young,
IPJDR tOmPOUND is safe to use on any
rful thow it prevents all distempera, no
or horses at any age are "exposed.11
) ICAL CO., GOSHEN-, I nd.p U. S, A.
'rou ta,lk of your breed of cattle.
And plan for a higher strain,
'You double the food of your pasture
You heap up the measure of grain;
you draw on the wits of the natiolk,
To better the barn and the pen;
But what are you doing, my brothers,
To better the breed of mcult �
You of your Morgans and Here-
- fords, I
Of the worth of a calf or colt,
And scoff at the scrub.and the mon-
grel, �, . �
As worthy a fool or a dolt;
You mention the. point of yourroadster
With many a "wherefore" and "When *1
But, ah, are you cott-ting, my brothei;%
The worth of the Children of men
you talic of your roan -colored filly
Your heifer so shapely and sleek
No placeahall be filled In your stimok.
. Ion I
13� stock that's unworthy or weak
But what of the stock of -your house-
Have they wandered beyond your ken?
()h, what is revealed In the round -up
That brands the daughters of men,
And what �of Your boy? Have you
Ills needs for growihg yea,ra?
Does your mark aa his alre, In bis
Mean less than Your brand on a steer?
Throughbred-that is our *atchword
For stable and pasturer and iDen;
- - I But what is your word for the klome.
, Gtead?
Linen Notes, Answer. You breeders of meal ,
'Handkerchief linen Is 'very popular, . . -n- Trumbull.
Both for dresses and for lingerie. No Rest With Aethma.--�Althma
Predictions for the future are usually attacks at might, the one
That there will be a more plentiful title when rest Is needed most. Hence
supply of linen In the maiket. the loss of strength, the nervous de-
� 01 a 4 6 l bility, the loss of fresh and other
NO BOTAFIR NOW. evils which must be expected unless
(Buffalo Express.) relleif Is secured. 'Fortunately re -
"How's the elevator service in your liet Is possible. Dr. J. D. Ogg's
rtment house " X01.1
atuit, doesn't bother, us any more. The Asthma Remedy has proved Rz mer -
landlord has rented the ,olevator for an it through years of service, A trial
apartment." I - will surely convince you, .
- I I - � -
i , , 1� I I - I I I I
. ��_
You oalwag;,, 14now &e #Ohl joad v&,
# if
APIKETONS -_ ���. -
J I -if Q__.- M-1
1.4 � �� - - -
I Vh6rever there are roads, I 11 I . L . � I
these4now guides will unOrring- 0 a 14 0,
� -
ly show you every mile of tho Y!NAD GUID 1.
way. It Is Impossible to make f
a wrong turn, because unlike
other anaps, TV,14Y SHOW -
DVDRY ROAD; with till main .
010toting Llos,d$ Indicated In I
color. . :
Every railway. electric line, olty, - ., - --- .
I town, villagp. lake and river is
accurately iftdidat6d. Each guide _. _ I
� Includos through route maps of , �
: all prinolpal cities. license regul&-
flons, International regulations
and 06 Complete index.
The Guides are published In four . , .. .
selmrate volwyies, olib lot- each -1 _ 'A I ...
I -�- ."
, .y. including -1.1.1"=4 "
. AeCt4on of tile couriti _ .,V.. ..
� tfiroo for Ontario Arid 0116 for �� ". , " :;"N,
Quob"�. L*aeh Aeotion eover.q all ". 11 - I , Ill I
&rC*- of over 40,OW squaro milts, .1. .1 * ,
.%- -t . I
� I
- �� CiEkirs pita c000v�,, ,, , --- . ,-.---- _ I
6 --11'..".
1� 1111 L I. I I 1. , � I � � � I - . I I 161 11 I I J
W'.. IKI ! I
S1191111-1 0 4 -IF# I 3( I .
- TNTARWIYU111400 _017ffl�ffliro]"
6--s- __ ---1-1 ._______,____.____
- -
r; 4 .
Taotylwayo of c0okilig onions should
be studied UP by the careful caterer,
realizes that these vegetables. Are ex.
tremoly valuable dtir,'ng the spring
a4d early summer season, both ,so a
food -supply and a modiclual.ageat as
well, �
Following will be found some novel
ways of preparing and serving them,
to the best advantage,
Peel and parboil the desired Aum-
ber of large white onions. Remove
centres from the root end with a fork.
Soak stale bread In cold water and
press to remove excess of water, Sea.
son with melted butter, papriks,
chopped parsley, p, bit of flnely-mino.
t1d ham and the' removed portions of
the onions finely chopped. Trill the
onions with this stuffing, lay In a
baking Pan, place a small piece of
,butter -on top of each and bake in a
.hot oven until browned,
Procure tender Young onlops or scul.
lions as fresh as possible. Cut off the
t0ps, leaving about one Inch of the
green, Remove tile outside ,skin of
the onions and out off the root ends,
Cut Into half-inch lengths, cook and
serve tho same as asparagus In cream,
Usp mild white onions An ma%lug
tbit; 'Alsh. Peel and shce the desired
number of onions In half-l-acii s1ICc4;.
Throw them into plenty of cold, salta&
water, bring quickly to the boiling
point, skin and let them cook for 20
mlnutef4. Drain them carefully, put
Into a buttered baking dish, add salt
and -paprika and dot over with two
tablespoonfqla'of butter cut .'nto bits,
Cover the diph, put Into a hot oven
for 20 minutes, Shen I uncover and
sprinkle ithicklY With grated cheese,
Cook uncovered for 10 minutes longer,
and serve ImmeCately in the baking
dish. I
I ,6wxo,N SALAD,
Arrange an each Individual salad
plate three crisp lettuce leaves and
sprinkle with chopped Bermuda onion.
Over this place two thin slices of iced
cucumber astd dust with chopped wa-t-
OrerePs- Pour over French L dressaig
ind garnish wIth strips of canned pi -
Monte. s
ChOP'scullions finely and crisp In
- - ---
. .
Templeton's RAZ -MAH Cap.
uulos are glaafanteed to relieve
1) ASTHMA. Donitsuzer=.
other day.
I Wr�teTemplotons, 142 Kiny, St I
W., Toronto, for freessinp e.
nellable drugglats aell them at
01-04 a box.
A. . 70 I
- -----
salted fee water. Between buttered
slices of graham- bread spread a layer
of cottage o cheese, over this sprinkle
the scullions that have been s,1-asoned
with a bit of French mustard and top
with crisp lettuce, d1pped In mayon-
naise dressing. Finish the sandwiches
With addit'lonal slices of buttered
broad. " d
- I -
- -
Udft�. "You say Tafr. Godley deceived
Maudll�dreadfully about his age?"
(�ladys: "Yes, poor girl! After Uey
were aparried he ,confessed that he was
oniy sixtv 'instead of seventy-five,11
� . 11 to
,She Says She Can '
Now Do Her Work
I . P11LL$.
-Her Back Achea and She Was Always
Tired, But She States She Found
the Relief She Loaged. For in
Mdd's Kidney Pills. I
St. Lifia, Alta., June 7-(Speclal).�-
"Tha4s to Dodd's Kidney Pills, I�
can now do my work." Sa'says 31rs.
M. AlagrLant, a Well known and highly
respected resident of this place, Mrs.
Magnant was a sufferer from that ter-
rible weariness so many women know.
"My back ached," she says, "and I
felt so tired all the time," But she
used Dodd's Kidney Pills, She perse-�
vered with them, taking sixteen boxes
4n all, with the result given in the
glad words of the opening paragraph,
Other we -en in all -rfs of Canada
A perfect shave ,in
3 rainutes
iS. WutoSt.rop Razor ser-
vice. Stropping and
cleaning without taking
anything apart, without
even removing the
blade from the frame is
an exclusive AutoStrop
feature. � .
And tho qualRy of �ha
&havq is the kind you are ,
r,raving fort
Your dealer will aemott.
strate the AutoStrop Razor -
to you. He will guarantee
to refund your money, if
the razor does not prove
,to y6ur entire satisfac.tion.
'. Aut4trop,Razor 1
$"Pa; iadf
'Qnly $5.06 - cbffipleitei
with strop and twelve
blade$ in an attractive as.
eortment of cases.
Auto&trop Safety Razor Co., Llinit�d
AutoStrov Buildlux. TorQnto. Canada
I E11111111 __
_____ -_ -
I - . I
The Old -Time gatter Has Given
Way to the Factory.
Among the old domestic trades that
the great factory has made unprofit-
ablo is that of the hatter. The old-
, time hatter usually made wool hats,
but occasionally he mad� a beaver to
order. With an equipment that cost
very -little, he could turn the raw
wool or fur Into a hat that looked
fagly Well -and that "lasted forever."
The tools of his trade were two
open kettles, a shrinking board and a
rolling pin, a chopping knife and a
;ur trimmer. balances, hat blocks and
a hatter's bow.
After he had washed and weighed
the wool, a half1pound to a hat, he
chopped it ver., fine, and "cut" it
again -and again with the bowstring.
The bow was a light. round piece of
wood two ine'aes thick with pieces
fastened 'at the ends. to whtch the
catgut string was attached, so that
it crudely resembled a huge fiddle
bow. A rope was tied to the balanc.
Ing point of the bow and �assed tip
over a joist, so that the bow swung
over the cutting table '�Ike the sword
of Damocles.
When the chopped wool lay ready
on the tablo under the bow, the bat-
ter would grasp the bow as if he
were about to discharge an arrow,-'rnd
give It a rocking motion. Then. with
a wooden pin much like those our
grandmothers u�:ed'to turn their spin-
ning wheels, he twang -d the 4cat9ut
string loudly and at the same time
let it ztrike the pile of wool. The pro.
oess, several times repeated made the
wcmi as Eght and Iluffy as down.
Next he took enough wool to make
one hat, and Civided and shaped it
into two triangular massos. whi'elh
were called patterits. ,These patterns
he Placed carefulY one over the oth-
er, heated them steaming -hot, and
by deft manipulatic-i worked the
edges together into a seamless weld,
That hat was then alternately div�ed
in warm water and rolled to shrink
it, almost exactly as a -Woman rolls
dough. That pro,ess made it a fin-
Ished "bonnet," and the hatter set it
o,ut to dry, it looked very much like
a minature tent! When the bonnets
were dry, the workman fitted them
on the blocks for shaping and dyeing.
The hats were boiled se-'eral. hours
in a,dye of log-%vood and suinac, dress-
ed with Pumice, and ca-efullY trolled.
Then they were ready for sale. A
good hatter could'make 12 hats In a
week. - ,
V - - .41. -
make the same statement. They were AN EXCE)PTIOX.
weighed down with weariness, weak- . C,rhe Home Sector.)
ness and p9in, and found the r3lief It was a modelprison, .and the warden
they longed for in Dodd�a Kidney Pills. W&S t&lking -with his latest "guest."
For sick kidneys are the cause of the -Now, ray man " he said, kindly,
great majority of the Ws from which "have Y11 I traxe, or are you skilled
Women suffer. To treat them the Ifid- in. any line?" . lied.
"Why -yes," the man rep
neys, must be strengthened so 10.1eY "Good�! We always Put met' to work
will strain all the Impurities out of the at,theIr Specialty- I'll do so with YOU."
. I I am afraid you ,won't, tir," the man
blood. I retfully. ,, 'i, ,
Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Aid- r?,11,V Y1,1Z we will, What are you.
ney Pills do not help sick kidneys, 11,xviator, I air." 6 0 6
The young man with the uncut hair
and hungry look had submitted a poem
for editorial Consideration,
"WtIl.11 sald the man behind the blue GIRLS! WOMEN!
pencil. after & hurried srlanee at It "how
does thirty ahillinp strike You?"
11why-er-reany,,, stamweredr the
thymifter."Ithat ds more then 1-er-11 00 YOUR LOOKS
"Well. that's the beat I can do," in.
torrupted the -bus7 editor. "I douldriq
em like btat for
leffall, ,.� 0 SATISFY YOU?
Vuhtta on the hatAs Is a disfigure- Z I
went that ir�u_blos many ladies. Hol-
lfway4s Corn Cureo, will remove the
blemishes without pain.
is your ,00lortresh tand Tosy?
Dms the -glow 4A lielalth-sliftle out
It Your cheek,A?
Do your *yes gl�sten with health,or
#,"At In the height of bA,Ppinosa?,,
boused the philosophical girl.
,are they dull, dark,alroled and tiried?
Alat-yotir 'bloodless W'3,ce ,indiewtvs
-well, in my oavt,ll laughed the prot.
1trouOile, Your waXery blood menaces
ty brideb "he Is About five feet ten.,,
0 M I
your healith. -%Vat you need Its .the
I -
toning, icloomsing ae3lstance of Dr.
Hamilton'a Pills. They will ebeau out
Peomletoi-What did YOU discharge
,the overplus -of bile, th,;X nAikes your
that reporter for?"
Witor-F* lying. I sent hfth up, to In-
�s,An M murky-Ahey will Put new lite
dnto, the stomach, bmee up 4*�gciotfon
terview ms� m*ther_In_l&w, a,nd he came
back snd said she wouldn't talk.
and make you eat ,suffilclent tood to
1 _---..--.___141.0-#P-_
A Cure for Rheum4timil.-A. pain-
got!& .blood supply Ahmud.
G6od blood nbNhys means more
Int and perslAteft form of rheumat-
Imn la caused by Impurld" In the
atrft91th and vigor -that's why Dr.
blood, the result of def(�cti,V(§ action
gamllltion�'A Pills are to sucoemsful in
building tip *ftko tbIn lolks.
ot the 'tiver find kidneys. TM blood
becomes tAinted by the Introduetlofi
You'll feel b0tter efonet, your looks
of uric ac -id, Whkh eausts witoch pain
will h0prover tand vbat li aX detL<l, lazy
-Teeting mill) depart, because Dr, TTAm.
In thu tissue% and In the Joints.
Parmelee's VegetlaUle Pills are
,11ton'd Pills enl,v,a,n vand ;fort,?.Ify every
known to have efltl�eted many re-
-athing organ In fthe body,
warktt-ble cures, and their use to
Ask y6ur ,friends, your neighbors -
strongly rnornmended. A trial ot
MoSt Ah70*0 Con t6ll ypu of,the atior.
the -m will 4onvIAc* anyone at their ,
1,0UA $004 done by Dr. Xamlltoalo
IN114, blat b*Wao
Vuluo, I f,
of aliy iuW
, Ituts,
" . /�
,��Li. _ 24 " �L_ I _t- __ __ -
- - __ __ I __ ____
- -
+_ .- __
Pmdto Xisown 04 cow ,,,.,I
No# Me.
11 , `i* �' �, '"' � .
AL � I I I 1,
I I � � ''I
Z j�,!::,
,� I
- 11
, I
I -11,11,1111, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:
I "I ,
, "It may seem atranse that A pAxg.
site should attack the stems and leaves
+***+*+aV. �. - �
. I , .
"While Nisipm VAIN WW 404ftvo 1, I I..
of the cedars and produce thm t= ,
to hold their own as A mAw ko, t
or -like srowtbo, ,but this is only 949.
lioneynlooners And other tr4youm. , I � ,",
halt at the story," says Fran4k D. Xern,
they mu,it henceforth submit io wm.
writing at the Parasite known 44 Cod,
parloon with another Atitural wOndw, �� '�,
;%r Apples, In Boys, Life. "T'le Other
halt 10 the climax of stmngeueos, The
the yietorlA ralls of -the Zambesi, *0 . , I
PRraolte leads a double lite, in its
. ,
Africa becomes frequonted by tou*- + �.,
other gtage it lives on the ,apple tree,
ists," may8a bulletin from the Nationoil
chiefly ,Affecting the leaves, but some. i
GcogmVhic Society. 11
times the fruit. Wild crabapples and
I t
"Front being 'A' place of mystery, so I I
cultivated apples are both affected,
The apple grower speaks of It as or.
feared that Livingot _), who discovered' ".
chard rust, And on tho apple It pro�
the falls In :1$56, had ,great ditMulty I 1.11
. ., :
duces an entirely different effect,
in ,persuading ,his followers to acoom- .. I
, I
From its appeaarnee one would never
a now visible , I
1)aily him, the .falls re '.
Suspect Its relation to the cedar apple
from a roll,way that crosses the river 11�,
UPPOar on the apple leaves. On the
halt a mile below. them, and they lie . :. I
upper side of these spots small dots
under the imoposed route of the Cape .
(10V010P and later become blackish. On
to Calro aerial service whIch Is to be .
the underside of the leaves delicate
",tabliolied this Auto=."
C Louir, 14tvinlroton Seaman, In %
N0110)!Y Projections develop,- 14 the
tall, winter -and spring, ,,4e parasite
communication to the Society, do. .
, . Isit
lives on the cedar. it goes back and
scribes a i to Victoria Falls And
contracts thew with Niagara, as fol- 1
forth by means of tiny gorms known
lows. . �
. I �
as spore$, which 4re carried by the
"Our approach was madg by rail i
wind, The history of the parasite
from the Indian Ocean At Beira, 'near' I
suggests that it wo4ld find conditions
the mouth of tile Zambesi (that botbed �
best where cedars and apples grow to-
of micro-organisin, described by J4mem
gether, and such is the case. On the
B17ce as tho, �or-t deadly In Africa) ,
apple this season is a serious disease
and across the narrow be , It of swamp.
In some localities, The best method
and Jungle forming the coast; thence � � , .-, , .,'/ , I..Iq
of prevention is tho destruction of the
. ��
/ "
tip, the gradual,sloVe to the vqlcauic4f. �
cedars in the vicinity, It is not like-
pinteau that f=4'.tbe real coutfueat" e
ly that the wind will'carry the spore
of A4rica, I ' ,,�
for more than a few miles, The State
"By morning i4 altitude of nearly ' ,
of West Virginia, has a law rezarding
G,000 feet was reached and a transition , . . �
the destruction of cedars near apple
from the excessive -heat and moisture
orchards. The parasite does not
of the lowlands� was experienced that
sprearl from apple to apple nor ftom
was most t,raedful aiid exhIllratIng.
cedar to cedar. Some varities of ap-
1#This section still abounds with
ples resist the attacks better than otli.-
antelope, elephants, lions and other �
ers. I have seen Stayman Wluesaos
large game, whith''fInd excellent cover.
practically untouched when Grimas
in the tall elephant grass or the dense
Golden, in the same orchard, were
fornsth and jui�gles, while in the river , I
badly if-I'L-cted," "'
hippos still ga iiibol and nounder In
!Ingainly hordi, *anild the floating
islands of rank vegetation of Nile
"What do you think of a man who
reeds and papyrus. , '
constantly deceives his wife?"
"'Think of him! I think he's a won.
. I
"With the alt , itude, however, came
,%�othcr and less gratbful The
forests wer) I.Ro longer in evidence,
but In their stead were vast arid, blr& - .
� "Theirs was a Painful Courtship."'
less plains, with pambed and hungry .
"He is a dentist, and met her first aa
vegetation whose anacmic and stunted
a Patient.,,
growth bears�vltuess to the scarcity ;
10 �* ,
of moisture that so severely affects
Rhodesia and the greht stretches of J
voldt far away to the Transvaal, 11
"Early In the morning of the third :
day we were sudde�'j awakened b:y
the guard and treated I o a , scene of
beauty never to J)o forgotten. Some ' -
teu miles �Istant five enormous col-
HeIP You to Resist Disease -Aid
milas of vapor were ,shooting their
These With a Tonic to Keep
roseate -tinted shafts horidreds of feet - I
heavenward, while the faint roar of
, the Blood Pure.
the falls told us the Mosica-Tungo-,-
the smoke that sounds---4as no longer
The Power of your bodk to resist
disease and to fight it
a mystery. � I I
"Each moment increased the beauty-, ,
after disease
gets a foothold, is one of the most !
and vividness of ,.he scene. With the ,I
first rays of the rising sun came 46 �' $
precious Possessions you have. You i
picture of co1c., of wondrous loveli- 1)
06aken this power when you let your I
noos.. Delicate,tints of violet, crimson . I
general health run downp your bl6od I
and -beryl played though, tfie moun-
get.3 thin and Your nerves unsteady.
. 11
tain spray as it shot ''higher and ' �l,
You weaken It when you worry,
higher, ultimately dIs4p*pearIng' as I ��I*j I
1� 11
when You over -work, when you do not
virgin clouds In heaven, while the , �!,
get sufficient sleep, and when yoiL,are
ever-increasing thundcra of the waters - P
under -nourished, either because you
lent an'added solemnity to the view.' . .
do not eat the right kind of food ol,
" Hardly could we , nit to reach our I
because your digestion is out o der.
, or(
destination, so great was ,our outhus-, �
You Preserre your power to resist
iasm. But our hopes were doomed tp,
dhziases.wben you keep good hours
monetary disappointment, only to. b� '
and eat proper food at regular Inter-
more than realized after a study of .
vals. You further increase and
the environment, for, notwithstand-
strellgthen resistance to disease when
Ing their magnitude, thle"first 'View of -
you build up your blood and nerves by
Victoria Falls ia decidedly dlsapp6lnt�
the occasional use of a tonic lixe Dr.
Ing. .
Williams' Pink Pills, which are free
"Although nearly a mile in wldt�
froin opiates and harmful drugs of any
kind. The I
and 400 feet In height, the grandeur I
of their proportions is eclipsed by the .
value of these pills as a
health builder Is fully shown by the
sudden disappearance of the river, aq ,
of ITIrs, E. C. Taylor, Han-
It pliniges Into a, narrow, rocky flssur�
over, Out., who says- "At various I
extending across its entire width. Only_ '
times since I was a girl of fifteen I
at a single I-Ontral point is there a
breach in this fissure through whicti
have proved the value of Dr. Williams' i
Pink Pills, and after taking about a i
the falls can L,e seen and appreciated .
half,dozen boxes I was restored to ,
in their full proportions, where th� ,
(:onvorging -waters ru;h madly to tho
normal health. Again after my mar� I
riage, and before my boy was barn, I
zigzag canyon below. So restricted Is
this view that there is an entire ab- '
felt miserable again, took Dr. Wil-
se.1co of that awo-hispirlAi and almost
'liams' Pink Pills. I had not been tak
Ing them long before I could tell tha,t I
paralyzing effect which strikes the
they, *ere helping me. Day by day I :
'returning, I
visitor dumb with wonder and amaze,
lylc,nt whan Niagara b _'rsts on.his neaf
could feel my strength and
vision. On first sight of the Victoria,
w -as soon enjoying good, health ,once
more. in view of my� experience I I
Falls one involuntarily exclaims, '0111
is 1
how heauOful!' but, they lack tile
think I can safely say there nothing
In the way of medicine better than I
maicsty of our grind Niagara, .
"No single visit can adequately re -
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by ,
vcal the fullness of their charuis�. but.'�
all medicine dealers or by mail at 50
repeated excursions' must be made to
their islands and precipices, their
cents a -box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
9r0ttM and palra gardens, their raiii
Brockville, Ont. ;
4 * *,
forests -Ind projecting crags, thoW
rnhibow's and (atamets and many -
Snake From Horse Hair. I
sided Niew8 of their exqu!site setting
�" i
in the enierald franiework of trople
John Burroughs lit on., of his Notes
forerts, before their Indeficribable *
on Nature stated in .ubstance that a
beality call 1,,e appreciated. The fasel",
hair from a horse's tall Placed in
nation of discoverilig new and hidde.q
water would not turn to a snake. and
charins from different points of view. I .
that If a snake appeared in the water
growh on the visitor . ad becomes Will ,
It had not developed frcin the horse's
of the greatest attractions. .
hair. :
Ill -lad tho falls been In Amerled, thi
Evidently Mr. Bur:oughs, when he
Indians )vnuld stirely have name4.
was young, missed one of the common i
them Mixinchalia, Laughing Watersi
and Interesting experinie t f
n s 0 cOun' i
for like a coy maiden are their faar,
try boys. It's worth tr. .'ng.
cinations, half concealing, half,betray,
A white china washbowl Is des -'r4
Ing their beauties, and requiring muclif
.able to make the test with, as +he
woolpr before rovealing all their love-
bla-,k hair will show 13lainly against '
linesff of hidden treasures and charnl.'� �
the white backgroluid, '
--------- *---*- o
Have the one who takes care of
a black -tailed horse pull or cut a hair I
-ho word "aw!" occurs in tile Bible
from the tall. Fill the bewl
with '
dl.'6,277 timCs.
water, Rainwater it seems, we were
jy�ur l,.m. is said to be the rainiest
I told to use, but water from the city �
hour ol the Whole 24.
pipes may produce the same result.
1 tained, is *
Memory, it has been ascer
Place the bowl in Ln unoccupied
stronger in summor than In wiw,Vr.-
room. Put the horse h9dr in 'he
In Spain the baby's face Is swept
water. In F few days the hair ,will
with a pine bough to bring it gooq,
wiggle around quitt :!ke a snake, but
luck. :
will not increase In cize.
L11,_A 1,citug1l.,.,,j(,, say no man can be .
What causes the hair to ,niov,e was
a` gocd bnoband V113 docs not eat a
a, PlIZ710 that was not solved. As the
the experiment
good brcakfast.
h.1'r setnitd lifelike,
It ha�4 beCil c,,ticit'ated that the cost
wa.t considered a auccess. ,and was not
of 0, l-ailly day In Now York City It
Prolonged, which was well, as the
something 13,1(c $1,00,000. �
final result probably would have been
The Turks �vero the first people to
disappointing, I
bury tht-ir dead in cemeteries adorned
' - - -
with orimmetital headstones. .�
The Oil of 136wer.-It Is not claim-
The idea of numbering,houses orlg-;
red for Dr. Thomas' n4cleCtrlic Oil that
inated lit Paris some 400 years ago,
it will cure every ill, but Its uses,drd
tboilgh it w,ls not until 1789 that the
so v.tirioas that It may be looked upon
,y�tem boealue general.' 1� .
as a general pain killer. It has
Th- ordinary folding fan wAs in- I I
achieved that greatness for itself and
vo.nted in .1alim) in eoventh cen-
all attempts to surpass It have, failed,
ir�, liv ,,%. tiltive iirtbst, who derived
I its excellence is known to All w110
the idea from the way in which fhb
I have tested its virtues and learat by
,,,,, olosc� n. wings.
Tbe *a%,-,4,�,.,-% in G ,orminit-, follorltog
I ____.#_#_*_� I
11) * war has resilltPd lit the diieDfithi-
Valic(i, of & thne lionored custom of the
,VhAt is tile (iWeronce betwoon a
Derlin fire department. This wag the I
rule, wliieh required the membe 4 of
lu Xury and a nccel,�Itylll
"Thorc, Is 110 difference at all, iftowa-
,v� fhe, brigt0c, before starting to a
f4l-e, to fi,t,ll in line in military fashion
and mdute thtir ,captain.
V11"ItIr 'Atticlt SO.
'Pile Japantre aro. great admirers of
you a mal,rVing 1113,10" w6A aAk-
at a
vplgrarias ind apt phrases. Their love
o' n, aomiwo,lookmg goitleman
(if ouch things I,; carried 46 far that
ropont rocoption.
,,yeq, ,;w,,, was the j)rompt rooly* tolont
wht,ii, a guest says stimethfug unusual -
a elorgyman",
ly brilliant tho host or hostfts will
, - __-,__-4._ 6. �.�
bog Win to writo down his teMark
A astfe and sure M611101n$ for k
in large orilaftiontal Yitript. The son.
14tbild troubled with worms Is Uq*ot I
toilet is thel, mounted and hung oft
OrtlVas' War= Z-4t0fti"W, � , , I
I .
tij� tv�4LJJ aG a permanglit *,4dition to I
Its 01MAMMM,
11 1. 11
- � i,4.�,. JkA