HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-06-10, Page 74", . � No I* h # i j , 0 i h 1 , A ­ - -- , - - - - �i !!I:! === ".I .110 VEGETA" N , LA Ten Day.9 to Two Weelp Be- hind in Ontario, seed I'Ded is . Fine—jpall Wheat Average. The foll,owJaW, is a, summary 01: the May, Crop BuIletin prel*ared by 'the Vtatlotica and Publicationa Brane'l of Ittle Ontario Department of Agr.cul- lure, baurc4 upon 14tiforwation fi,xrnish- L ,e4 1by a vtW1 O.' alJout a thou.sand ' cQrrespoadeuts under date of AJiy 22; . � V,egotativit 'Is estlaiQLtud as, being , Oulu IVA ,tlxys to two weeks behind itho %Vernge. 11 Most of ,the 14ve stoloic were on the . groAs by. the 11.1ilrd weex of Allay but In x4on ,� Instanceo tbera wa4' not ' I y 4mou,gli pacture to satisfy, as zrjowtli 'I lilad been qlow an account, ,nf -the ra- .1ther cool spr.p-g. � I ftring sow:n& vus belm: rushed as, leoreespoxidents wrote. the weather. then 'jailis �rlght -and open. In 1 BQMQ favored loca.liltleo all spring . grains were in Ud cor;W and roots _� Vqro being planted, bult the _ ' 'ere ,not iso far on. Tlre sood bea, % I I lgou4rally,�Voakhig, was uev-erin bet - Or clonditio% Opinions are *greatly . d.'vlded ss,to, the likelihood off an in- crease In t1he lacreag.6 of sprIng crops. Lesis -spring wheat and more oats, corn gat sugar beets ,are reported by SOM4. A,�,Uumber 'of oorrespon'dents idtate that �rnoro land !will be postured . %had Tormerly. I Fall wheat. wbAch ,came through Me winter 'in excellent Xormo refoetv- eil sOmew-hat of a setiback lbY the raw spring weather, but ,is expected to I - . haii,o at least ,an 'Average yield. The aerew Is twbout ten per oeuC greater . than last year. * I . 0over has not done so weIV as . NVIAOT w'hoat. The mid -summer tlnout4 last year wha very ,trying -to �, , the kcrop, and It suffered In V,tacee ifrom'sp.rigg beaving. . Alf..'alia �.las done relatively better than 141over. Sweet iclover Is ra.pidly coming Into - 1a,vor, being In good domand'both ror 'ElAdO'Od Cor h* -ed. Fruit.-f'roes where well kept aro . b1cq.&o4iatng 'profusely as a rule. Some rasij,�errlos .and v,tipee- 'have "Peen . 3nove or los� put back by 'frost, 'uni sr6allltrutta generally,are expeeted to . i4e fpm.erous in yield U the weather ticntinqesmftv-orab1.e. . Pofl.der supplies have been grelat- . , ly qijtwit on, on aeoount of the cold - � . _r , 1* , f he latenese of spring pas - V, zulr�ill!�tis ararce, ind gili-tin r-carc- ' er;'irany farmers blad to buy north- western eats for feel. The good qualv'iy and ilarge supply 2f loorn en- . isllag� ,was the ivaln factor Iii taving, I (the, slivation. , Matv 4farnis"A have excb1,inqgd . "060e 'R'ud ,are u%in,;, improved ma- , irlhir;6V iss ltr!in'b9s ibeen eo hard to . . ,�l-.�,-�-..�-..:��,;�!!�:"-!�:,�!i����:--.!�'i�,-r==. "= lecompitshe(t titeir i=;,00c and 4Q. t �artwl. This wa4 the first daylight rtaid Iri lublin oil a Goverilillent building. The, Iloo'k lighthouse at tho eat.rance ,o Waterford harbcv waa raided Mou. I lay night by niaAW and armed men. ,, Viloy earried away thq. detonatora wid '001tots. 1EPUBLIVANS I10LIClf,,' N'LRICTION, Mullingwe, Ireland, JunQ ,--Mein- )ors of the Irish 11opublican army in I ;W4 vicinity Constituted themselves ruardians of the peace at the local ,iections, commandeered the county 'all "lit the name of the Irish Rejwts. to," and convert,ad it into a temporary )arrackti. Those guards asuilied po. lee duty and arrested a number of !Ioters and jailed theill Ili the guartt, , -ocill of the courity hall. ,'I IA . C %1? A"' N �E � 11 61 u 1,i'UNGART I London, Julie 4.--A mocting to de- cido whother a special workers' cou- vention will be called to consider the boycott on handling munitions for Ireland, ls� to oe held Julie 16 by the Parliamentary Committee of tile Brit - all Trades Union Congress. At the sallAe- time, It Is believed a policy res- pectlug the Rusno-Pollsh situation and a possl�lo boyco' ,t on All com- inerce with Hungary will be formu- ated, �_ 0, — . A ?I , \ CHINA PROTEST'S ME AN"GLO-JAV 6PUT I . -_ . Peking, June 5. --China has ,sent a message to Oreat Britain, Ili which protest is made agaftiRt'a renovial of the Anglo -Japanese alliance without China being consulted. A recent Tokio de.9pntch reported the decision of the Cabinet -to opell negotiations for renewal and revililou of tAe Anglo -Japanese alliance. *-#,O-- . - prc,�� , ilve. I "We do what we ,'can our- . HERBERT LOUIS SAMUEL. . . stilvWmid let thl.) rest go," le -a fro- This is the latest picture of Rt. Hon. 40ent e?�prosslbn nf those reporting. i" �, 9 t i � Herbert L, Samuel. s � I . . or,% . , " I LN M.`NEY - 0 1T -, 0 a- appointed High Commissiondr for i Palestine. ' i 0 9 __ 1� _ ...�' I I I %, � U ,,.-. I Er- I SHE 1h , FOR . "H1d%AG0 Mv .03 U 6 . � A... � i � . ? I I. I �'. ",ROWING RICH, ul . Briti�h Jur,lge Decides Deed . . Chicago despatch: Three hundred I ' , . . L ; is Invalid. N, whiske - tht-usand spurious ey presc�ip- . 1. . bon.� have been written in Chicago . . �., since proltibition went into effect, ac - London report: Justice Eve of the cording to -an estim, to inade to -day Cllq,a�o6fy Division of the High Court I ., * by Captain Hubert Howard, Federal prohibition d!rector for Illinois. Cap- t"-�X ,deelded that a deed signed by �tain Howard sRid that, as soon as the i�tj Baron Michelham. just bc,'Ore rules of procedure,were received from , Ills dp�tll in January, 1019, prWiding Washington, the hearings to be giv- ior AA incomo of JC20,000 annually to " en to twenty physicians suspected of evadin- the prohibition provisions � his 4aug"Ek-iu-la-w, t1w present Lady would 'be begar,. ",�, MJO-ftej�ana, I's Invalid. � - - - . I ,UQ6nce. given by the doctor and I nutoes ,atton-Alng tile iate peer yvas _ . &IN to the eifect tilat he was unconscious P*t�� # f, a P *� � at tUe, time tho deed was signed. %L i1c d"log promises to -be the oeginnrng oi what will be a celebrated cme over - FE"'HT 6b A U "ERM " No' as tate of the famom international a flaafiOcv. Just before Baron Michel - *N Ifam flied, his son became engaged to"& � Miss. Capel, who, according -..o testi- . monf'oiveit in court to -day by one of the, Auctors in Attendance on Baron Alldho,tham, said she Would not marry the 0'resent baron unless a in, rriq.ge st1ttIl0;i*rlt Was made on'llor. I Thq 4"tor testified altio that at the , reqllogt of Lady Allehalham, he went � . to- tUo 'baron's bedside and asked the . baron If he desired to sign "settlement papers." The baron replied In the at- firmat?ve, hnd then, according t4j. the dodtQr,,Lady Michelhain took her hus-L " 1�and',%'hand In her's and guided it as the� signature tq tht 11settlement!' $I WAs 164de. The doctor said he ,%,as not. prn)a.red to swear that the baron un- derst66d all the contents of the settlei I I raeut dotd, lJorbbrt SteTn, first Baron Michel- ha%,ot Hellingly, was raised to the . p6erago in 190.1. He wai born In Sep- leinlod�, 1851. * Harott Michellialn, v4a,4 well known as 0,,phllantl�roptst. For many years he wasln the banking business In Lon. 'don. In 1015 during the Zoppelln Mid,q . on Loodon he offered 4%0 each fdr . ,, ,. the Vrot ton dirigibles destroyed. � . I I .. . I t 0 6 : I I �.. . . . I I . I ' 11 � . . . SINN FEIN' SEIZE I � � . , MACHINE CUB I � Our is pri e Soldiers Guarding I Vablin Building. I 0011ti eable says: Twelve soldiers, domptising the guard of a public butl4lat here, wero surprised this � afternoon by o, party of armed nien, t Who took away their arm3 and ammu- nition and two machine gull.q. , The raiding party consisted of fifty met I sod, the building attacked wao 1b the afffee of the registry of deed$, a Govortiment department whith recordv� titles to lan4, -the ral4et# w6ft AtMo ed With rtVatireft. And first 0118106M W th# swill6ft, ot Saard, whom their 00M. POW to surrou. der their rffl#x ikae Oquipmomt, Nowy wag allawed tf I eive, the building until the raloors k1to " London, June 4- -Encounters be - f tween ,German and Ftench soldiers at Gle1witz. Silesia, which resulted In a number of persons oil both sides bo, Ing injured, are reported in a wirelees deapatch from Berlin, received bere to -night, which credited, the reportt3 to the German press. The ,deapateh Paid the Burgomaster at Gle1witz had appealed to the British, Ameripan and Italian Embassies in Berlin and to the Hbort Government to intervene. ANOTHEIR S?L� A M 0" N G C P1 I N E ap, F 4 � # � YPRES HO LDS LIVE STOCK FAIR AMONG W A.R RUINS. . . . Visitors from all parts of Belgium were present it the openino of the cat,itla show In the mnpkot place of Ypres on'May Oth. The show was organized by the Provincial Council o�l Weatern Flanders, In honor of the vi3it qt the p,uke of Portland an d members of the Allied Agricultur al Committee of Relief. There was . 2 fine exhibition of cattle pres ented by Great Britain for the destitute of the district. The picture , shows a general view of Lhe a �ow with the ruins of the Clotn Hall. - - ____ Pf f? � lff-& I 1 9 Reven M 0,11" -pl-ain 2,. CENTS "A""' A ' , for r Gle)-rina, n War 'eb " - 'E k" -,u t TOP" SNAR PRlu I _ - I ___ I Paris, Julle ­—Plaws by whiGh a fixed suln ivotild I . No Justification for More., or Germany',q payments ill reparation be decided upou J! , Sap Commerce Boaid. to th6 Allies will probably be abandoned, says the Echo I de Paris, which asserts the Supreme Allied Council will Murdock Raps the Speau. revert to the system of " ext cusible anilliffies, " by Which lators. Germany may cancel her War debt. This.plan was dis- I cussed at the meeting (A the Supreme Allied Collneil at Oltawa,Uzpatek- That there is ito I Justification for white sugar sellills San Remo. . for more than 22 cents a pr,und is the Postponenlent of the Alliea conference tit obluion of co .11, s 'on o, on or In 1 a era 'C a . ,derman )Nllicll is Scheduled for Julie 21, Snp a * is probable, the "d Altirdoek of tlio Ejoard of Cow. , I Werce, nwde public in a .r4atement lieWspapej; declared. . I Issued to -day, Air, w. r. o'couRor. i I . — I — Acting- Chairman, during the hearint . WOMEN BURN A W 0 Of the su-ar investigation to -d -ay. stated thZsugar at �O cents a pound . we$ - lint justUlable, ar,S �Iiat the P*t�� # f, a P *� � board NvotLId lake every jimalls of ' I N h Sii 6u, B IT11 'IS HEAT BOARD preventing thi s practice. ; I Air. O'Codnor practically predicted I , . a drop in the price of sugar when I In Front of U. S. Treas�try Winnipeg, Man,, despatch: ,kssert� he said lie did not belicve it in the in Washington. ing that the Canadian Wheat Board best tateret t -, of the consumers to fix . ,cannot exercise ,control over the the price cr� sugtr, as the consumers 1920 crop unless its authority is re- would nrobably benefit more by the May Be All International newed at the present session of Par. board allowinE thQ price. -,o fluctuatt- Incident. dament, the ExeeutivG Committee of The inquiry which the Board a .Ae Canadian Council of Agriculture Commerce Is conducting into th '. � to -night telegraphed the Dominion handling of a consignment of suga � � 'Washington despatch: Irish sympa- Government urging that the neces- which was sold to a returned %oldAw ' thizers to -day burned a British flag sarY steps be taken to, have Govern- ment control of the wheat crop con- in Ottawa at 36 cents per pound, whex . the refinery p. -Ice was 20 cents, wa in front of the United States Treasury tinued for at least another year. . adjourned thla. worning, after a for building. Led by Mias Mary Kemia, The resolution asserts that "there mal sitting, until June 7. when It Wit, ct New York, they soaked � Union is no Indication of the' )ifting of r;ov- be resumed in Montreal. Three mid JacIc In oil and set P. match to it. I'o ernmental control of 6UYlng. on the dlenlen between the refiner and tb� tho crowd that gathered, Miss Keana . part of .countries importing Cana- than -wheat so as to effect the mar. wholesaler, makingaix agencies in th transaction, handled the sugar, whici proclaimed: . . keting of the next crop.,' was sold In - Ottawa to J. Gale, a re "This is only another Beat= tea ----------- q_*.6__ - turned soldier at 36 cents per pound party to'rew._' -1 ille asLa�.sins not to . $1 §06 PROFIT , The.grocer afterward refunded 6 ceitt per �bund. . go too far." . I I F->. That $2,640, unfair profit was mad, NVbether the incident will take on an International significance w4fl do- 'Whito 4ft UPON HIS oil 660 bags of granUlat;(1 sugar, an more than $1,000 when the 40 bag ' Liend on t!ic attitude ef the $60 of brown sugar were Included. wa I Houie and State Depaxtilleni. stated by CointalssiLner Murdock a Not Iong ago the pickLting of the . the conclusion of this morntng's hear Ing into the alleged unfair profi. British Embassy was stoppea by virtue Hickman, Ky., report-, Roy Shaw, taken by speculatom on two care o of A statute under which this uovern- a well-known farmer living near Hick- sugar purchased by the Ottawa whole ment Is i�equired to protect ..,.11 ioreign mani took 200*potinds of wool to Hick- man the other day, which he sold sale firm of Provost & Allard fro e,nbassies and legatiorx from annoy- , for 30 cents a pound, or for 00. Then A. I-tobert Anderson, of Montreal, an through H, B. Marshall, an Ottavr I Ance. International lawyers say,' hOw- he purchasd-(l a suit of clothes for h is e. brok r evcr, that this statute ,.uoes not cover, son, and fount! that the money he,re- i ceived for the -wool was just enough "Speculators," ,,,aid Conimlzldo-no "I the except by very mastic Inference, the Murdock. go farther; I ctLI1 11 case of burning the flag of a nation to pay for the stilt. He says there parasites, and I think they ough I ­ by ludividrals, ever, near a Govern- are about four pounds of wool in a suit of clothes, and on that basis to be removed from the realin of bust It is an outrage to modern etv " ment building. � the wool he sold will make 50 suits, nesa. I IlIzatlon to have returned soldier it is undorstood that It the British which if cold at $60 it suit would bring I forced to come here and complaJ Fo,-cign Ctfice zhoula aemdu to ignore the. seller $3,000. A71owing one-half for labor and other ­aterlals 901119 illey have been charged unfair price I thousands of eas the alfair, this Uovernment may talte tile initiative and ",preau its regrets to 1 into the, sitit, r,omebody -will get a This is only one of I going on all the time." Britain. ' � profit of $1,50" ,n a W illLvestillent, ,' —..*--4b-- IUreat T11,4a Incident cr(rated it mild sensa- tion. Witli Mis.3 Xeana ,were Mrs. I he fleirres. _.�. .. Vrotw Beaver wid Stickler Lake-, to i Axel Neilson, a furmer near Cza Alberta, and his two hired. men, wer Thomas Corless, of New York, and four other picketers. A crowd gath� Eagle Lake ln,0.avcndi4l. Township, in , I struclz when driving their automobil cred while the 11ag was burning, but the north end" of Poterboro County, , aerom t1he tracks, Both of the hire there was lio interfere:1ce with the about twenty miles from Duckhorn, i ruen Nvere killed, Neilson was bi lic-rformance. After about throo-quar- tore of an hour ,of celebration by the A -lid In tt(- best door grounft of Peter- bOor hunt lovers, fierce f crest fires are I slightly Injured. I i Several thousand persons celebrate Nvomen, a car coiltarning detectives ar- t rived, but there ,was no one left to raging and threatz-a to destroy Ilia M,agle Lake Cari'q, Bottle Lake and , tile centenary of Lobo township � : Poplar 1,1111, near London, Ont., a m( " detcot." Storicy Creek Camp�,. . � ulpflal park bting dedicated. . . -_ - , _-_______.______________ I . __ . ..-- — Shanghai June 5. -(By tilp, Asso- -eintod PresO.-Ai., a meeting tot prorn' inent voutbort Obillese leaders, it w-%-, voted to leq�,ue ji nln.nifmto pr"lalm- Ing talo, r0teesion of the provinces of Yumian, )KwelelloW, 1-111,11all, �kh"l 0,1181, Sze-chwan aud -Hup,,.-",i. frr�lal the OaP. ton zdministratlott ,or th3 'Sijathera .Chinq3o, Gt,vernmollt. The inbaife&o allw pq!onlalius Jn- valid-tho ,acts Ofjho,(!antcrn Govern - 311011t. . --------- *�.___��__ : 0, HEESE AUCTION IPirst Co-operative Farmers' . ,Sale a Sucp,ess. '__­_'­ Alontrp T -at, Julie , -The fiiist eo. oporative auction valo of Ontario elleese under the allspiecs of th6 Unit- ed Dairymell's Co-operativo Associft- tion, 1,1mited, tll�,) reeently organizld I company of Ontario farniors, vmq he (I here yes0raay, practically all 00 large buyerg of Montreal being pres- ent, lit all, 1741 boxk,,q woro- sold, at prices bctween 2W4 and 2-91,� tents. I : A, Ruddoo'k. of Ottawn, l6d 01109 1, I)Ittl\r lastruotor Q. U. VU110W, Of It n y I ft't,46ton. botil tqpnx_� ttr "It" In i Ir of thok now tAysti%lal lot 157011A I theons, Anothor 441 Vill be h9ld 1104 � Itext, week, A GROU P OF THr- RtV0LUTI0NI1.!,'T!3 IN MF.XICO. Tile duSky rman with the X mort-.00 11 Pon hIS MAMY f6fM I$ tkb 100P Of this UPOUP Of mexitoifl$y though We 0414 Might not Indicats It H U r4jolc6s hi the titme QlnovoVo do I A C., and he: Is the our.c#ssor of the � pXt&. He boo been won *Vt.r to the "AW OoVarnt"Ont Of MOXIOU Otop balog III the fl#ld A# A . f0mous Zo of Ohr#gon ifito 'Moxiob upon the i ravalutlorlIM foil sight yqArs, Tht VICUIP6 \Vlk# tAlftfl OtOr V16 OMW flight of ClarrAn't". ,��;__77 , - .11 , , ,,`MWrJ`K, , , i I I ­�� " , � ''I � * !, ;,,i ,. 1 I . . , ". � � . - � . - . I _----.1 I! � I . . I , "­ �. I ".. 11 �� � .. 1, .,., ! SHORT ITEMS .1� 1. I.1 ,� .r',,, I I q '. - , -it ..'" ­4�* , ,?. � I'll , 0 F T aulcr % Wu I I b 1, I ,ill 1. I I , . ll� ficlik . I V, . . .. , NO* TN!#;� DXY . , , t � .. . 1;1 I I , � .. � I I I :; . ... 11 ... .. . Goodrich Tire Corporation li? .�..: ` I 1�-, �: to Build zoppelino on ­ .,� . ..', . . I I 4 I , . - -1 11 I Loge Scale., . ... I I 11 , I .;.. ­ I . 11 ... 1. .. , I , "r., 19V..m.., �.i... ". N . .. . . � .; _;_ �. .7., . 1. !:� �! ,�. . .. , � . � , . . � , , . ��.� .'. I ... �� ,, - 4 ­­'��'. . � ....., .". �.;. i;..'...��I�-; ;�:�!:: ....... i . I WOULD FLY PACIFIC I �.��-;�:,� " �­ .... ;1 I � ­ �.,::, "A _­':.m.-I��' ­ "; - - ; ­�,;....' i. ,__'.. �: I L".. � .,) \-,,­­­.��;'�:,.I�, _ I /: ,......­ ., __�, .. IS 1 1.111­11..� V�..�-......;�� I ,.. onar Uw's Dau J: . g, 11 ,ghter . `,� .1-,.,.M " ..... !"'I'.. '.i��'.`.,'-�'_�..� h - lq­:;�­-;,-F�, �.-.-.,,: .�11'1:�...,_ IL;.: -:­.., �;. Weds Britain's Air � - 8,0`....i '.* `x;S I I .. ,6. wzl,�'..;....�. � . .. .�; �,... A�!!.���,.:'�, .: , ,i,.... ..,._ .T I. .� " .., .... � ... j_'. 0.1.1.-.;�i �.. - .1 -V­1`1`.��',�;�'..�::� .1 I " , ", ..", �.!, 1 ... ... MAW, x :; -.;....`.,--.,-.,!�,.­e?­ I , ! . I .. - !�, , I ! .. �,",.: .i."� ..'� __.�. :.*.. A . � R,.;..; :..;,:! � I.. "I , - –_&'.�!,% �, r *, _ - : . I.."i, -:1 � ,, "I . .i., f�', , .: ,­...:...� , ,...."��g ..... .. , . � , . : . . . � .... 1; I, . , ;1"; ­, 1'.... -W.. . . i .I., , . _ I I , ... 0 TV -o 011ilue protectica t"N have ! ... 1,.*.!`1. .. . , . ..i W.". .. .. � .� �;, I .:.:!! ..... � , . .,�_�'.. . , ..' .. 4. '', . . . . . . . j.�. . reaoW Lak*,Srie. i �.,,.- �,_.. 1 ... . . I .­:�,:., . . . 'nr :" .­%�,� �2, ;_ . .:. . . . . . . , �1� .; . .", ., . ; 1. I . ...,:-­� .-.,i`4' , .,N.;�,:.:.:�.:".,�,.'�"::".,�.�;..... . � I .:�:�.:,,.-. ........��' .. . 1�:: -3 I 1, " � - .:�.:�.'4�.,,;�l,".'.'.*,�,'.,."'.� .- � '.*��. The Good r,oads eoAvesttloo closed "... - . �, �' b" , �... . . �_ ". *�� ., � I Ito sessi In at �Wiitnlpog. � � - --- . I Thomas Watson, of at, catutbrinea, OW D PANCHO VILLA LO,OKFD QN MAY 10TH, i � accidentally killed himself while olega. This is the first platuro of Genera I Pancho Villa made sinco the 061- I Inc a revolver. umbla raid. Villa poceO cop-.cla Ily for It on May 10, at 4as Dollolstg, . Phyllis Franci% sla years old. wag Mexico, on the occ2alon..of � an interview he granted to .Gerald Oran, . fatally hurtwhen rutk down by a . motor don, an American ,newspaper co rrespondent.. Vnee General Pershing � � car � In Broc.Uvijitt. went into Mexico to "Oet" Villa, -and didn't got him, the Mexican loon- , � Major G. N, Weekes., ot Loilaon, U.1t cral has, as Is observed by this pho toaraph, gained- conolderable walght, for Ottawa to, present the petition of .1ir to be exact, he hats gained forty pounds, He said so himself, - 11 117 persons for a Divorce Q1purt to be i .1. ; __ 1. =----I- - ; established fiDr Ontario. . . I I I 11P A recently adopted bill in the rreneh gress is In session at Calgary, several Srnato provka hundred attentdIng. . . . im I , es for zdae and it -hall 16 YEA"S FOR. billion francs gdditional taxation, Sums abatement of the destruction R. Dr. Manuel Gondra, PaTagu&7211 and damage from forest fires In the . Minister to the United States; Will Sue- Maritime Provinces is reported. rn ceed Joae Alontero as Presideot The mouldera employe4 In the foun- A HUN L00TLn. I . ­�: dry, of th(4 0olliAgwoodiv Shipbuilding , . . Paraguay. as a result of the recent . electiong., , Co., U.;.aed, went out on strike, . . On- thousand Royal Algirilles have Owen f3oui:4 Board of Education has left bavellpqrt f,or QUeenstown, Ire- lucreact,A tue salarle of the Collegiate Geneva cable: Sixteen yeam. in -a . . land, Institute tLachers by Ve,00 each, French prison was the sentence pre� . Rev, George A. Jewitt. ot Wyoming, Mouti-oal Tramways Commission has nOunced yesterday by a Frenctl milt. . . I was chosen pre5ld=t of the London accepted, it Is unders.tooia, the. prinelple tary judge at Ludivigshaveii. In the oc- I MetUodi.9t Conference. of arbitration In its rerje,at, difference cupied zone, upon (japtain lmhofi a 1. . . Fire practically destroyed Ole rest- with fts smployee�_, German officer accused of . looting I deuce of ki, B. 3/lacCartnoy, at the cor. Prince George, youngest .son of the I I ner of Fo*urtb street and Hugel avenue, King, will leave for a seven months' French chateux during the war, aq. I . Midland. 1� .. cruise on the battlestilp lri�nietialre, cording to a Basle .despatch to -clay. I Rcvortz that Poland had reattested LelpvAg, Saxon�', has decided to erect Captain Imhof, it is 4tateid, was arrest- I � British intervention In order to effect g6r use during Its famous annual fair ed by the French during their occu- . . . a Ituaso-Polish Qrmistic* we" deuled a th4rt.y-storey building, whIch will be pancy,of Frankfort... - Imhof's house , e . lit British offtelal circles. I 1. the first s1ty-scraper In Continental was, found to be full of furniture, ple- I . I , Trees for the prairies, forAlle pur- . Europe. I � tures and tapeatri6s -,stoleri trom, . pose of prot�ctfas the standing grala Diplomatic relations between Poland French chateaux during the German I crqn. is the latest Important stop and. Czecho-Slovakin Uve not been Occupation. In def�nce, Imhof pleafl- I .. I to be undertaken by the Canadian Mr- broken off,. as some reports recently od that thousands:. Of officers, from 1 . I estry Assceiition., - ., I had it, according to an official de- the former Crown Prince downward, I . . One-third oi, tl�e houses of Vera Cruz &Datch received in London from (lid the same as he. ,ThJS. French will be hurned because of the bubonic Prague, . I I Judge said lie regretted he was unable . 1. Plutte Infection, it has beiii' deelded Prince 14Cujo Nigashl, brother-in-law to treat the prisoner ,Its an ordinary . burglar and inflict a�hea�ler sentence, I by the citizens of that city, according ot the. Emperor of Japan, has arrived . to the Mgcelsior, of Mexico, .1 In Paris, according to newsp . apers, for !I6. , . .1 - ' i LCKS. � 11 The Irich, Seerctary, igir Hamar the purpose c taking a course of study Greenwood, speaking in the 13ritoi4h -at the War Academy. , PAIR OF 00 .1 I I House of CQ%ahmon!�, said be �Vould After 9, tong period of dry WO.M." ., . . consider sympathetically the suggeg. l9soex county irras deluged with copious tion of a meqal for tne Irish Cbustabu- rains and farraers estimate that crops lary. '! I of all kinds hale been benefited to tAe HAD THE DYS. A daring daylight robbery fts com- oxtent of mazy thousands of dollars. . .. mitted at the Grand Trunk atation at John T, Vick was ch . osen by the To- I - � Woodstock, when thieves entere(I the ronto street rallw9yi,emDolyces a,q their I ticket office and got away with �102, representative on the Board of con. Glenview, Ill., despatell', After get- . the contents of the till. ciliation. 1'� thig, thnir 11111s full of (Llcoh.)It,s -ia6l- Beaver Boa* rd Co., Llintted,. has tak- Six hundred veterans in Queett's , I . en. over the Foley-ftleger and the Davy Park, Toronto, passed a resolution ';),,lit 1,11101 I ad c0ledtod at the tot. . Pulp mills, Thorold. The pdlp pur4)ly calling for it Dominion election in six loin of t!.(. silo -ov the Bel m' firmy' . from these two mills will be used In months, near livre, two eucks abased . till ,ft.o . . . a the manutactUre of beaver board. James Hicliey, of Glenburnie, near olher fowl off the -farm, at;a0..,1l,,a . r Following. the knifing of Piltrolmau Kingston, was fatally injured when he numbe.- of G!ci vie.w tesident.1, ar,,V, . .1 Eason at Samia. tho Dolice arrested 2, I Ni: a 1,40ic- nutit oi, the thliA. Tl-ou,, . . fell trom a gate post at ]its home, 41aggerh-,; back it, the farm, thcy _ . o g out of the Mrs. Wm. 11, Easton, of Alerrichville, criw:etl linear a stove amA 112,a 0' 8 port and held them at police headguar- died iA a physician's office at Smith's ,,,,,I., (j,31 ,111111 Lrtamens. Thc*r �i � . ters, ptuding, an investigation. � " ' 7 Falls while waiting to consult him. var(l.i 1..v,, leen vori,tlto a elleplist *.'(Ir . . 'he Gloucester seiner Squanto put In. 'G.eo. Wardle, inventor of the Wardle evllm eatioll. . . at Halifax for supplies. When off tae bara and silo, dropped -dead while at . .0 --*.----4-` a N4va Scotia coast Wednesday Capt. ,,Work in Q Shop on #Js farm near � Matlock shok his seine and got fifty Tills,onburg. - . thousand mackerel, one of the. -largest I The U. S. Supreme Court has failed GREEug"i UNDER bauls that has been made In the wat., again to decide the validity of the . era this seaqon, - prohibition amendment, and portions Without a� d1%,"ntIng vote, the 'U.S. of the BInforcoment Act. .. House pasaed a bill reelas,sifying tile The United States Senato 'was heckled MARTIAL LAW d salarles-of all postal employthm The from the galleries by a dozen -women measure increases the total of salaries sympathizers with the cause of Irish paid by $34,375,087 4aring this fiscal freedom. I'll on Allonday aakcd permission of M10 t I year ID21-., '� . T1 F. 0. policy in respect to Federal Chamber of Deputie5 to restore mar- - MIss. Isabel Law, daughter of An- politics is being discussed tial law, &1laring this would be tue - a drew Bonar Law, Qoycznment spokes- portant gathering of the United Fatni� only way of avc7iding bloodshed, owing t man In the British'House of Commons, er executive In Toronto. . ­ I to the tactics of the Opposition, says I was married to Alajor�General Sir I a despatch to the Loadon. Times from a Frederick SykM Controller -General of U. S. anthracite miners and operat' I Athens, Martial law"'thus will, come � I Civil Aviation, at St. ColombWWs oft formally announced acceptance into force agalit Tuesday. 1. d Church, London, Thnrsday� of President Wilson's'oder for the ap- --------- 060, — , , r orp-jvt�tlou haz pointment of a commissibn W. aecide . r purchased tho secret processes, patests, their wage controversy. . - . A materials and plant of the Ze9polin Burgomaster Perboom, who during PROFITEERSa, ARE" t Company, according to the London the former- German crown prince's - Evening 'News. The corporation will resiatince at Wicringen became friend- I . begin the construction of Zeppelllas ty with him mid accompanied him on I FINED $550000 ou 4 large scale. 1. Neveral trips to Amerongen and Doorn, I I I n Advices to the U.S. State Department 'has b�"n appointed private eecretitry I _1 — . a. said Francit,co Vilia, the ilc:ilcan to the former emperor. I Syracus6l rT. Y,, despatch: The John �s rebel leader. was r6ported to have at- - A slashing slump In Governor Low- A. Itoberts Corporation, Utica, dealer . tackcd T%trral, and to have been re- den's boom and a marked increase in pulsed by jt)le garrison with some sentiment In favor of Senator Johnson in wearing apparel, was to -day fined low-cs. were the outstanding developinclitc; of $65,000 by Federal Judge Harland B. r, Probably r,olling in a by-election Wednesday in pro-owivention gossip Ilowe, following its conviction of pro - a among the Republican Im, ders. tittoring on eleven Counts. e has nev(m taken piace under sadder ally Mail. declares that ­�."'W_. . surroundings than at Louth, England,. The London D d ThUrsday. The recent disaster to tne the treaty of ttillanro between GI -eat r, I el . t little lAncolinshire town, due to tna Britain and Japan has been extended . i T I C,E rising of the River Lud, caused botlx for 6ne year, pending negotiations for A it A R M'5 � . 4 candidates to Abandon turther elec. revision along lies deemed acsirable t tioneenIng, by both nations, P . John' Gallender, vaudeville actor, As no otrker town between Toronto Ao TO C11ICIA - . conv%led of cruel treatment to .*Ila and Kingston has adopted daylight . . da ,bliter, Allnute, at -New Yot'."Was savlug, Cobourg, has decid�d to revert . otntenced to the penitentiary for three to standard Unie -on June 7. 1 inonOq to three -years. The g: -.,l t"ti. ri-ollowing g fifteen intilute,41 battlo London eable: Turkish National, fled (bat tie had On one oem-lon Of C111114, the Detroit 'police broke Into 1. ma .11 forep.q A,l. the suppr;or com nd "branded" tier, and Oil another had 208 Fort otreet em,t, believe -I to be the of Fren-.11 troops occupYing Cilledis, , f a bs.nd of blackfiand- Asia 11hiar, have concluded a 20.day ltl;ck ping Into her, 1. headquarters o 'd . b . ' t Its expiration nlay A deficit og 2,440,0a,n I)eq 4V I , ,03 (k peso "rA, and rmo,aod a 15-Year-oj 1r, cal)- Armistice, hich - is about 50 cents) elksts ill tlii� Xcxi- Ll", I be renewed, according to a uonstAntinix can treasury, aecording t6 the Mexican RepresentAtIV08 of Great Brtaln ople do%patell to the Evehange Telo- newspa!neril They quota General Sai- Stigium, I)onmarlc, Spain, iloiiand, grmph Company. -1 N- -' r Alvatado, Alinlater of Finallce, lVorway, Sweden and Switzerland will ­______.*_e-� in the Cabinet of PresIdetit do I,& niett in eonferenee in Faris on June Tguer, ,,-a.q atithoritV tot the stat6naent, 10 for I'm purpose of establishing a I La . kn��._Ian of action tor the protec- U . Lient. J,1()rr,jrl. the Italian aviator, 00111trIc who several days ago finished an air- tion of jt�relgn creditoille of Russia, plane flight to Toklo from ,L. xe, said Forty-five DOrsOns IvOrtl killed ,bY . that the machWe In which lit arrived automobiles, fivo yjy trolleys and three wgs the same in which lid started by wagons In the streets of Nlew York I SAFEGUARDED from the Italian capital. He added City during MaY, according to A, report London cable: In reply to it ques- . t4n.t it he was able to procure a flow Of ihe National Protective Society. In tion In the Houso of 0011iftions to -day plane, he would be glad to attempt a the santo period 41 persowt were killed regarding 10018hovil', aktIVItY It Pot - Rig, , aeross the Pacific ncieau. by alltomol)1109 lit New York State out- z1a, C,qoll r�.11.,Irmstvorth,l',Ind"-Sbere- Th6 comtaitteA DY tn6mbers of the sldt'Now 'Vork city. tary for Vorcign Affairs, shid the Per- 1.,ogJqJfttlJr40 named to investigate tile .__­'j,��__- la.0 'Minister Ili London lip' teen In working of tho Ontario Temperance COUP AT POTSDAM. 'e'ouqtant tonell with the l3ritilh Por- . Art. the insater of Hydro rates __ eign Office, anti n a comf4atin Ulider- fIlrolighout thotprovince, and propor- 'standing lind bee reached that both . tiolvAl representatioll, wilt not s1t Until Prominent Leftists Abolat Persian and british lateresti wo,atd bo ,after the pumnicit mutha. Next fall safeguarded. I they will rdttri on their Investigations, I ti) Be Arrested. I and rtvart to tile next stsslon of the Berlin �, _)Ie: The Tagleblatt Dub- IT'S DWINDLIX0. tfou;6. , liahes unjor Tesorve stilsat'onal re- ::eiv York, June .---,6ix tidafted Charglug that Peiftaft! Al. Aafuch, ports of tho colleentratioll of Bavarian .1liousand p former ollairgian of the War hidustritg troops In the notghborlloo� o4' Pots- ,allons of alcoholic liquoit . 18oard. and his associate.,4 had "gtolckn Augult Wilholld. have been removed from bonded vr&re- dam and that Prince . 11c),tses in Now York .qincA- January 1, two hundred willipit dollars in Copper of prqqsis, son of the former lo,'inper- charloa 11. O'Connor, State ProhlbitloR I alolle", Iteprefint1tiVe WillIAM MaS611, or, Is playing & 0on8P1CUOu,qL part in Director, eatimated to -day. Tkero . 8 . of Illinois, Ill a letter to AJr. Baruelh,, tht movellient It R140 publislit.1 A wero about $00,000 9411011A It, Wllft- stated IthAt hi would Molts tor a civil '4w,ur alat tkis authorities 111tell(l Oil bousoa on January 1. find tho amount I or or1raineil suit g9alast thO lattft SuAday to arreit all Paelf".18 aud 0, "After Watch, 4. lot"* numbir of r,"witient Lvftls'�,4. Texiloved lists been roplltte,d, be- MA _­­'*.*.*.-__ but partiftIlY by Rbil)W611ts fftlt 4ftl* The report ot this Milii-),r NiiiniflMift tilimon. Th(k rapid tuterokep, hk the 0A ftvvt to ready for ore4entfttloti %uggins-Thin Is eertZIMY an 490 Of The yimm,fefi% off�ie@ K%vpita o irttlattd V011154, 1%0;gIAN-"rh1%t'% right, 11 ,,,,, avAlldblo for MWMI 06, he. ' %binfit - lavd. W3 rmlRad vivitsures to tostriot I Autborky. " �qgrjV 0, $10 bet % bAW ft h tlg�cfttt . Itq U00 even b-# verlult kol4s"� . The second anquxt WaNtrial COA. #!&=*Al1. 4 1-1i, I I - I % 11 � . I . . . , I I , # I ,� ,� , . _.Mwdi� __ 11 ,� 11 ! ".I *,,. �­ �, I., v I I I ..... 1! I - L . ik�_ - � '_� *.&- �. I __ dkbfikaju�d� AL- :,��U_',-&,J�L4_11 ,.A& �,! - ­ , L - . ­ - _ " _ , ­­­ -1.1 - - Akffi� ­­4�­ _.h."UkAl � 1_ , -1 - ­ I—. I _2,_1:&k.L­_. - ��____.L­ . . � . —_ � - _ I -&_&0A_ -