HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-06-10, Page 6111.1-, I I.. 11 -_11___- -11". I - — � " _ - I ­ I All. .:I ssllll���� VVI 0 tth - t CMU aw KM of its costwwww I t", � mo - 4 "Yeairee," gald the old campaigner, i - . � 1W . f. In Answer to A que.",tion about the un, I "'� * i � i V destrabies he baa encountered In Arl. .. . . zOng- 4114 Mexico U11110 Ill the Qeroii� .1 I � - 11� 1 - A L ,I. -D. I 11110 canapaign Or %.�,,O, -lots of-eal; - I :1 4. two kinds of rattle3u4ko% black and . Yellow, scorpions. ceatIvedun, vinegar., __ 11 r0s, turgutllla4 and Gila wolistera, to ­ Smow. - - I .oay nothing of red and blaelc anl,s, , A484 I i either kind Of which will sure malie Black, Qree�, Sealed Packets Only. . . yott hurap it you make callip oil tot) or Or mixed a is o 0 Never $old In Bulk, One of their nests. But barring the ), I . tiMe that ,Jake Stoller Jay down on A , — I � I . rattlesnake oil route froin the *ol I P' ' I rM 00 ' Iter In Tucson to Port Lolvytel],( t"aii'15 0 11 I � I I I '* dhted in ime . Jake having a inescal, jag at , 11, , 1, in 10. ' I never knew of any one being bother. , Q much by the variMuN. Ri "JaIX01! Oil! we found him near the I - ILI)X Way House deaderit' a door naft � . 11 and the rattler asleep near by. I He atooped and caught her hands, no more. went out -iii the fall Of ,85 and I - Honor will not lot me ael MY and as quickly freed. them, turning for any, more." I troop was in the field, so with a party away, He waited for a moment, and then of rookies we JoIn6d our outfits vla�. 11011, why (lid you say this?" be as she did not speak, he said mor( Wa."un route froill Fort Iluachuca, MY groaned. "Why did you not let me ,gently. "You are right. Perhaipe I I troop was tile furthest away from .110 go .without saying a- word, as I was halve not even the right to ask foi Fort and cal-tilibcl in Guadaloupo Can- In honor 'bound to go? Ain I such a that, I called myselt your friend. on about 150 miles cast. G Troop, cad that I ,-can't control my looks It I have failed in any way I "k to' across the creek, Was living In Sibley and words? Oh, why do you tell me forgiveness. And I think you will I tents, but My outfit had built ,I lot Of Your life is aimless, empty, when I forgive me Ili time-whou you know dilgouts holding four men. 1 Was have tried to think it happy, full. And all that love meane-anct can under - booked up to an 010 timer named forced myself, even against my better stand.11 ' Brown, nicknamed "Brocky." judgment, to believe it Ao. Don't you She (lid not hear his footsteps away "I had read a lot about tile. pOlson- I know how I have felt from the first across the grass but she knew he Gus insects and slialws of Arizona and moment we me�- that we two Nvere was gone, as she sat there with bent a rustling !a the roof at night made for each other? Anot I could head. crazy for three lifghts. I got soi kept me have taught you what life could be, I When you know all that love . I i�e sleep could �have satisfied You, and filled mean? Did sho--already? She � lit the open in the .day timo, but the your , life. And now You wish I had knew at least what it meant to Guy fourth night I had reached my limit, t o. What do I wish, do you Berkeley ---,something noble, fine, self- , In tile no com . The rustling started' again think?" d,gilying, and yet, in some strange I shack, I commenced to twitch and � She gazed at him, her eyea wide, Why, eelf-completiag. But what did � Lquirm, while shivers and chills pained, and fearful. "Oh, I did not it mean to Moya herself? chased each other Ail over me, The — ,She shrank mi�.erably into the gar - three others In the shack were sleep. ' I den chair, hiding her face. Ing as though nothing. ever could hap- W 0 Is PHOSPHODINE, "I played at love," she sobbed. "I pen to thein, a . nd I was determined to I S The Great English &Varatinn. deserved It. I deserved nothing else. D" do the same�or else keep them awalte, 0 Tones and invigorates the whole Least Of all do I deserve Guy. Ch. so I stuck my elbow in the ribi of my I . . I . nervous system, makes new Blood I always knew he was above me and bunkle. , in old Veins, Used for lVers,ous beyond me. What would lie say if ftDobility, Mental and B?ain Ivor " 'What ails You, kid?" he yelled. I Desponden?, Loss of Energ, Palpitation o' he know the truth about me, know 'Turaiitulas, hear lain in the -roof'?' I 9)IeHeart, ailinghlemory. rice4lperbo ,slic how paltry I wae, what a thing of - . . i forS5. Sold by all druggists, ar,mailed in lain pretence? answered. Brocky reached up in.the ' ,pk' g.on receipt of prico. X4wpampWtm it He loved her- There was triumph straw and dirt that madp the roof, firee-THE WOOD MEDICINIA CO.,XTQFRMWQNT 6 I .scratched about a bit. pulled his hand In the thought. But close behind the down, told me to light a match and ­_ I triumph came shame. She had sent nhowed me efleld mouse, The roof � know," she whispered. I I thought him away unhappy, because he lot Pe dugout Was built of poles on -thought that It it was anyone it tho�ght he had falls& in honor, he , was Una." Who was the seal of honor. )vhic'h was Piled,buffAlo grass and dirt "Una!" he cried, and laughed. She had brought pain to him, and to a thickness of,abatit two feet, so the "She Is so much better and deeper- she had not the courage to tell bint little stab-tatled�-.niice foregathered, thinking than I. I am so frivolous, the truth. He waG so much above built nests and raised families right in empty-headed. And then I thought her -he thought her so much better ,the roof, � ell I thought your life was' given en- than she was, or he wdind never have , 'Pour winters and summers I slept tirky to your work, and if there was given her his love. And she felt , 'wher ver troop orders took me - on, such a thing as love in your life it she could not lose his love. To , e the ground, in ,the barracks or on was In the past." . . , . homemade bunki; in tent and dugout, "Doret," he ,said abruptly. "This 4 - . but never 'again,a sleepless night for has been beyond us -we ought to have MT, --- " -_ - *A Wholesome, Cleansing, . I any reason, . . known ourselves better than to let It " XNERefreshlog and Heeling "I've seen men bitten and stung, but come to this. I at least, who 'am Lollon-Murine for Red. this talk about Gila. monsters and tur- older and stronger. I shall go out �_ - R . ness, Sorenes% Grsmila- " Fo 2m_�_a antula bites being fatal, to say noth- of your Iffoi, and you will (forget me. , . tionAchingandBurning .Ing of centipedes; is nonsense. We It's only a few weeks -easily 'wiped 1* I _� IR ry Sof the Eyes or Eyelids; liad a fellow named Mooney bitten by away." *'2 Drops" After the Movice. Notoring_or Golf A voice was crying in Moya'G heart: vrill win your confide ei Ask Your luntamst .a tarantula while he was asleep; found ,, for Murine when your Ryles Need Care 1; tue dead spider smashed between hi But I don't want to forget-wbat is Nuirlue S" kgosuga.y G9.§;bh1C" I 1 s, th I . a .kin; it made him sick and voice came to ber lips. I obirt and s ,p 'beat part of my life.' But no I there were two little, holes where he "I ought to have known -and I did . I had been bitten. I got stung by -1 not know," said Guy ,sternly. "I that eho.clung, desperately. Strangely scorpion once; some sting, about like cheated myself with the thought that enough she felt obe ,would. rather ten hornets landing on you at the youewebutachild-and I was much lose happiness. same time on the same spot. older than you. Heaven knows I did To this end had led that labyrinth I . "I'll take my hat off to a scorpion not want to make you dlssatiefied-� which she halt so carelessly ventured I I any time for the champion stinger of anything but that. I wanted to show on -the d,ay when she suggested to I Uie world, and the yell I let out after You, certainly, something of the mye- Barry th,at pretence and mockery he registered broughk the In- . _� � i which was to have been su6h a good , '. than scouts up to meri and it takes piece of 'fun. From ject to earnest, 11 I , i , -_ ' .some,nolse to excite their curiosity, I . )IL MARTEL'S PILLS'- ­ it had been led on through mieun- "The ugliest bite I evcr� witnersed derstandin.-, doubt and pain, to It was the deal ,handed out to a car'a- I ' FOR WOMENS AILMENTS this! Thousands of women have teLtIfled in the last 26 I dore of a pack train, who is next in ra regarding the healing qualities of Dr. She had won the love of the best " command to th$ boss packer. One day VA"ItTELS F.RNALI: PmLs. A S.w.tifically man she had ever met. And yet she I the pargadore started taking the sad- vropsr@4 ramed3r- for delayed and painful Was powerless to take that love. Life . Luenstrustion, Se.1d only in a Patented Tin - dies off in order to find one o rtwo to Cover Bor with Guy Berkeley's I ni ,.W.At rour Druggist. or direct inspirations, . c resttiff; lie had � barely be. -un whea a b 'Zil,price SO. . Hoc rbackor Roiixedy Co. witli his guidance, what might It not I I IT9.1111 OL Hall Toraut . Canada. � big centipede ran straight &,cross the I - 11t have meant? Moya had been frivol- back,ot his hand. He smacked the . — — ''' 1 . i ous and foolish, but she knew the best and highest 4on she saw it. A,wide, centipede with the other iiand but not tory and wonder of life, the beauty splendid life had opened for her to before the 'two jaws and, every claw even in Its pain and suffering, th enter -the life she had always un - had been sank. � The wounds were nobility even of its poverty -the consciously longW for, the life that eauterized, Were a long While in heal- poetry and romance In vne heart f alone could satisfy every ideal. ing and left the ugliest sci-r a man ever the poor. Yes, I wanted to ehoow � carried. Re wa t s mighty sick for a You that, But this-dir4atisfied! No, CHAPTER VI. � time, too. , , , ;. NoYa. that would be too hard a� pun- BARRY AND UNA. . 111, have seen rookies climb trees to Ishment on me. Don't let me gS The tea at the old country inn came sleep in. The rattlesnakes were so tway thinking that." I up to Barry's expectation. Perhaps . thick and we had to fire and beat the I She gave him no'an6wer. He went It exceeded it. Or else cream, and gr6und before we could make down for. on urgently. "Let me think of you -fruit, and Jam, home-made and lus- night. I have killed them by the happy. That wili make me happy, cious, taste much more appetising in hundreds, and have seen Indians walk- too. Satisfied -that will b13 ouffi-, an old-world room -which legend lag through the grass and scrub day Ilient satisfaction for me, Moya, only peopled with ghosts. after day with no toot covering, ex- tell me that before I go. 1. ask for "The ghosts did not join us at tea. , cept sandals, but I never saw c: h " I I eard , � ­­'" . of day one being .bitten by a snake I - only ,Take Stone. 11 I I , "As for Gila monsters, no one was , ever hurt by them, and I'm strong for . I - believing that no wild thing, on this — I I -- ,go I � � continent at least, Will bother man if - ___ - � - . . ! lot alone. But don't run: away with ) tz:D) - 4 - the'Iden, that a Gila monster is the . , . slowest thing on earth by looking at : them in captivity. I have n � � � I Jump four feet at a tormentor and be � I about as quick as chain lightning at I @ . � . I ; it, too." 1� i - -_ _ . I . " � & . I I � � I i ___�T . Z I - T, - - I ; i Worth Xnowing. � I I L � -1 I I . Plain boiled rice cooked tender and I I Well salted becomes a dish of cnrlge� ; �� quence if i�erved with a choeso tre,',in I . I . I � fsance, A*nch white sauce 1i ulade — 1J � I I �� and gra�nd 'Parmesan cheese sUrred ni � t thickly watle the sauce Is very l.lot, I,- I I - � � 0'erve, with this course, oblongs of dry . I "I'll, ! toast, I I Paint the bath as follows: Firnt, J , give a coat of white paint, let this dry; 411W 1 . . )1 I thealla coat of enamel, let thl' dry !or � I 0 I 1, two days, and When perfeetlys dry, fill 11 � , . � t � the bath with cold Water and leavo all . A. 'i night. If painted in this way the eu. I al,)P) will not come off when tbo hi,t I I %�.ater Is poured in, soalh, cill ffief1cwor, , s I ! Orange Or IAMOU Peel grated over a , � li I i cake before the Icing is put ,,.I will I hi P - --stals in all the natural flavors of fresh I r AftP,1 nt I'Atowax fJavor the cake all through. Your Proserves. The sato and sanitary way to � The lime settling or deposit from preserve fruits, jants, picldes or vegetables, Saves time, labor C I water In tho, tea kettle can be gotten t � r;d of increly by polling vinegar in The Parowax way fa the easy way. . ust j)our the melted wam I t serves and it solidifies into a clean, aitotight I the tza kettle. The lime can be re. over your,cooled Prc, 1. inoved without diftio.ulty. seal--�-dust,proof and moisture.proof. I Sliced apple pie colored atit applo- . s blosiom-pink with cranberrie.3 and . - '�, � .� 0 baked with only a top crust is a 11thing %WP11R% - , . , of beauty and a joy" as long as it A tl� lasts. .. -�, Poyw"" Z � -6, 0 --A pure refined white w4x, odorless, tjstcl�gq, Colorless, glisoo V NirirAT COUNTS. lut* ftr&07-no chenucals or acids, � c . .. (Yalp no,cord.) Placed In yout wash-boilcr, Imper,tal PardWax loosens the dirt, I IV -q%e tLmount of money a fellmwllsf bkheh( !a thu clothes afta removes tho greasy spets that dtherw , 1( father has doemi't livetu to Out'Much � * rubbing. Rubbed over your iron andmix"Ite, 0 t'lu'" 'ire m't"c"' rigure here," w h _vo,t *t� h, It gives thrit finished lustre to jrAing that is -No, It's the a father's 110 muc t mount of the f1ther'a des,rt4. .. rnoney the son hivi." I Ifnperitil Parowax,4 honschold necessity, I I ,% For sate by gw� &4kr4 l"Al"". . A-�;O.Vann I'Anon Pliteony'r."Nt. *� . wife-voUld you spare tin old stilt of "MAIDIZ IN CANADA" '.I -, h ,; ol*th" for the poor man whos making 11. ­­ I-— -1 -1111-11.1-1-1- -11, I 'the Kardon? __._______­ I— ­ ... 1, ­ ,-LL . -- 11 ­ 11 "I nutoby (wildly)--Oreat eat.-il Wornalt, _­­­ . - I'll I � 1. 1. L.- I 1-1 ­_­ - J � I , I 'A bill amount to that much wo � 11 A may? — - q 6 0 -- i I ��; V , n't an wbo (an vn)-:�,t . LL �, I a sucwx� but fstllvr4� Isn't rven atked 11 , � ,I* respoud to in sucaro, ",",", - ............ ­�� , -, . .­­­ - A ..... 6 ". ­­­ - - 4 1 -1 0 4 ­_­_­ . . )time," said the Prosaic Barry. llft-, hap$ It Ju " Well t44t they .did not, becuuOe it We had treated them, mpme, One would have had to 90 sUort. Au4 I should have been sorry to be that 0110,J) 110 Was Ili high spirits, and tile llic Of the party. Una, waB stirred out Qf,,hOl* usual Quietude to a4swer him, in Did you ever hear of ghosts, ea� 9 cream and fruity,, Barry shock his head, , "SOMO of these old legends are very creepy. I could believe Anything at- , ter the stories told us this . afternoon.$$ "Or nothing," laughed Una. 'They Would badly have so many material, guests it ghosts really peopled these old rooms. And they say Ono cannot get acOmmodation here during the summer months before." She and Barry had wandered out inl?Q the garden. It sloped, winding, and thick with straggling, uncut bush And tree, down to the river that stele so quietly along in the sunshine. . "Are there any ghosts in the gar. . den, I wonder?" said Barry. "I could imagine them far more readily than in the house, This garden would look ghostly by moonlight�urrkempt 4and unewred for, as it is, with the White, pale gleam of the river beyond undo', the rays of the moon," I "I like the garden," said Una. "It Would be horrid if the bushes were trained and made artificial, Oh, there's a charm about it now." . "I wonder who the old maids were?" mused Barry His brief fit of high spirits had fallen from him like - -- I Where Servic is not Sacriftc2 "toll S bW-q%"_-"&7wd-1h111o. " rw& 16 —t 'Q 6.* ,..;RtL , no wg= "01)SE � �.d ..� . NO .1 1. hq $ft 6— a A.ld " ME HOUSE Or PLENTY " ._=71 ... ­- n.'k-u..�o"a-v f= I I.- ,�. _-- ,h t"T - , , , 'T %111 lil�l..-*L"",�..�,—�.vlll��-1"I 16 14"11��ow'"�'I,w,.�=,,*_","&, 9'. 44 .1 .a,Vd .1 �. Z . "oft -%d -W .­ � = .1 T A,r ww4alker) W q4;ii84%) 4) -1 14�1 0 1. ". _-, - — i a cloak, His very voice was softened and lowered. And the faint lap -lap- ping of the river against the reeds ard. 13Y cOmraon* consent .he and Una turned and walked to. ,wards it. I "Yes, I wonder," slIe said, "They did not ell us that legend, did they? Alerhaps there was no story at all about them. I can fancy the'all do you know, Very quiet, sweet, gentle old people. Who had never really lived in life at all- For nothing ever hap- poned to them, Thei-.a was really a ghostly existence- , a shadow and phantom of life, Perhaps it was the only ghost that ever haunted there, ' ,f hey had no - story, You see. They lived here -and died here. They had their garden, and their needlework And perhaps a dog or a eat, No chila or young life that 'would have made ,them alive, whether they 'would or .no I daresay children avoided them, ;And so they bad no sto-.Yl- You see. ,They never loved -or -or had love ..brought to them. No, I think theirs Is the real ghost -story here. And it is the story of many lives." I She spoke in a dreamy undertone. and Barry, who always laughed,away "I : 1. __ . MkIi, Quon Root Quip= lit " I A a(Ve, reliab7a regulating 1-1- owdicinc. Sold in three de. � 'es of strength -No. 1,-si: "I 9fo. 2. S3; No. 3, So per be. , - Sold b 11 drugRists, or sen; ._j prepav A receipt 04 i ,I 19 11 ::* - , , - � 1'rea . pamphlet. Ad=: , A THE COOK MEDIcIplE CO , I .. .. " P Irollogro, 011T. (Fansedy W11143tr.) I __ 11 sentiment, said as quietly: III-Jow ido YOU know that?" I � "How?" said Una, "Because it ,my'own. story, I supp6se. 1, too, shal 1� ,be an old maid, you know. I expect .1 shall have just such a life. No, but ,just like that. F or there will be ,plenty of children in it, I hope., I phall have all my nieces and nephews ,to love. But all the same, I can un- derstand what those old maids felt - more than many a woman could do." I "You!" exclaimed Barry then. ,�An old.mald! You, to have no story, no love in your life -you'll never expect me to believe that!" They had paused by the bank of the river. It shone in the sunshine, slanting from the west. Very fair was it, deeply green and limpid un- der the drooping trees, and bright in the unshaded centre where a little fish or. two Juniped up every now and then as If to catch the sunbeams, and sank amid a widening circle of sun - Jewelled ripples. The old-world gar- den, the gables of the ancient inn, �alf-hldden by trees, JAY behind them. A.bout them was a summer peace of day fading into eventide. 'Una laughed softly. "You,�must be- deve It! Thero's nothing else to be -t i [love about me," Then Barry laughed too; but his augh was not soft as Iters. It chat- enged. "Isn't there? I think there Is. I hink the principal' thing to b0lisvo ,bout you Is Guy Borkeley." Una tu­.nod quickly. She had been vateb,ing those sail-riliploo on the Ivor. A peaceful mood had been on Ler, In ,unity with the peace of this ummer day dying Into even. But :entle as she was, she flushed now a sudden pride. "What do you mean?" she demand - d, "What right halve you to SAY hat?" "Oh, no right at all," agreed Barry Itterly. Only one can't help, see, ,ig-and Lawing ones own nori,0111­ tons-aud—" "Wrong conclusions then." flashed at Una. 499ow dared 7oa think such tbing-and still less speak of It to le?" The peace of the old-world gArde'd ras gone as far as they were con� 6rIfted. The calm And seclusion ,hich seemed to have nothing In ommon with modern, restless �00 nly Made now the contraot to these wo, who faced each other in a roused rids, (-to be continued.) - 4 � 0 1 1 naf,d** Linirn6nt Lumbermah'a letiond. . . , (O&y City Times Tribute.) When Wees spem Inclined to h round the peft3c, tm*t them with A11119 3ntwAvt to a" if t.holt won't 40me owu� I , There iv more energy in a. pound of good brea.4 mz.dc in the home with Royal Yeaot Cakes than in a. pound of meat. Broad making is a, simple operation 'Und requires no pre. vious experience. Fall instructions in ILoyal Yeast Bake Book, mailed free on request. EoW.G1LLETTC0.LTD. b�: TORONTO ,A ­ - .. v _` � SETTLERS' LETTERS .__ Winners of the Government I Awards,' '4 . ­�_ , Ottawa, A -fay ,-�%-Last . November 1 11011. J. A. Calder, Minister of Immi- gration and ,Colonization, authorized a I competition in which settlers In Can- ada were invited to tell their expert, drices in the form of a letter to the Director of Publicity of the Depart- ment. The conditions of the compe- tition emphasized that neither llterar� style nor correct spelling Were essen- tial to winning a Prize, but that letters should be written with a view to inter- esting now settlers who decide to lo- cate in Canada. Three cash prizes were offered for each province, the first prize being $7$, the second $50, and the third $25, The competicion closed in February last and brought 1,�76 entries, After - - 4 a 4 �­_ — ­__­­�"""" YOUR FOOD, IN - SPRINGTIME , . tlighter Diet Beat for Warmer Days, 0?lenty Of "aabbit Food" ,, _ t., 1.1-! . and Fruit. � , I '... _,­� ! �, I(, 64 Salads In spring 811ould be the or� er of the day. Plenty of 'rabbit food,' fresh fruit and vegotab.iefl-not too many root vegetablesi,, Was the concise Answer of a London hospital doctor when asked to say What were the best s(A,ts of food for Average People to eat In the spring of the Year, On the theory that wbttt is good for the food COnsiamer lit Londo Would be all right for the food conal sumers In Hamilton, the Times quotes � 48 follows from the London Daily . News. It Is dangerous to dogmatize on diets, but certainly people ought to exercise care and co;isideration con. cerning ,What they eat in the spring, "Spring troubles" bav(9 become more I � or less a byword; most folk get Olsort I of rurt down" during the early months of the year, and many people regard spring visits to their medical Anan as indispensable, Eat fresh fruit for breakfastosala I ds �,_ - � I I . I I . - A". � ONCE - t870 I. NZ I 0. I .. . .? . . F n I � I I .� iL0 I I H IY30 DIRZ,01PS ST DJ . STOPSCOUGHS � � Z:� for lunch, tea and supper, Eliminate very laxgely root vegetables, bread and starchy foods kgenerally-too much or heavy foods is bad in springtime. Stewed rhubarb, prunes and other fruits with fresh milk or custard make a much better spring sweet than such puddings, stiff milk puddings and other substantial dishes Which are ad- - - - — � .- , , � , , X! I . . " 1''4 ;1 , .N , L� .'r. . , � "o' � '� ; f�,�;., , I . 11 " ." � 11 74 141 1 1 .1 � 1, F r, _ACE" DISF GURM WITH D1 PL6 ItchedWiBurned. Scarce- IjSlept, CutiouraReak, , 4141nmpleis affectod MY fam Tbey Were I"90 and Alwayo festered, and they were scatte=4 all over IDmy face. They afterwards 1-11 turned into ocales, antli IP %P when they foll off they 'A, I'll , "I ks until my face W.gi d,mlarfigured. They I Itched and burned so thst ., I scarcely slept at an. 11 had Won bothered for nearly two montbo Wore I started ualn I "In Cuticura, ond after I had used th'.9 boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the cuticura Soap I was completely healed." (Signed) Misa L. 1$urns, St. Bazile, Que., June 6,1918. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes. $qap ;Be. oigment, 25 -And 500. Sold t � - --- __ WEENOW I SPAGHETTI FOR ONE-PIECE MEALS � . roundation for Many Simple Dishes That S'ave Time for House-, . wives. . . � — ' There are many dishes using spa- ghetti as a foundation that can be used for the ono-plecG meals that are SO POPUIaT with the busy housewife, Thqso,can be made in the morning, I put into the ice box and warmed up in the oven in a very short time. With a sal -1 and a simpie dessert they form a perfect meal, And can be made on ,shopping or club day, and it won't J matter how late the cook gets home I The Italians give us this receipt: Yake a saLce of three tablespoonfuls of butter c: butter substitute, three of flour and a cu.nful -.ad a halt Of to- matoes Juice ;5tratned out of a can of tomatoes, The wilole tomatoes can be used t' e next day for a, salad or baked tomatoes. Season well with salt -and r,eplier. Acid six tablespoon- fuls of ch- ,' 1, --- --- - --- . - % PP. am, six mushrooms if you have them, and three 'cupfuls nearly three months' careful study of infrable for winter, wten. heat-produe- of cooked s1paghotti. Put in a baking the contributions the Judges have an- Ing foods are needed. I M __ ?=_ nounced the following as prize win- 'cheques Not very much meat is wanted by __ ners, to Whom for the amounts of their prizes have been the average person, aAd*what Is eaten. should be "on the lean slde,Al Poultry , M . . HAS NU and fish are really better than meat, . �mailed: I British Columbia -Donald Graham, Armstrong; J, A, Edgecombe, Peach- and there is not so much difference In prices nowadays to debar people froin . % 1110 W PAR N land; W. J. L. Hamilton, Deaver Point. choosing. Soup's should be struck off . Alberta -W.' Spindler, Berryinoor; th; cenia. Uggodishes are good in '� Mrs. William A. Sargeant, �Banft, moderation - savory onielettes and ' Joseph H. B. Smith, Westholme, Wolfe such like. The dra,v'vback in recom- What Lvdia E. Pinkharn's - Creek, Saskatchewan�Mary V. Rowland, mending eggs is that peeple so often run away with the idea that it means op Vegetable Compound Did Hoosier; Ernest Booth, University Of Saskatchewan, Saskiitoon; Mrs, P. E. a never-ending chain of egg dishes- N for Mrs. Peasey Shepherd, Senate, then they wonder why their food Is the reverse of tonic in effect. ti ggs ' I of London. , " ' Manitoba -W. W. Moloney, Kalefda; can, of course, be used largely In sal- , Sylvester T. Holdeu,,Delcraine; John P. Hamelik, Hodgson. ads -and the iinportatice of salads In London, Ont. -"I suffered witltper- , ' Ontario -James Grant, R. R. No: 5, spring Is so great that there is no need to apologize for repetition, loolic pains, ,was weak and run down Bellwood; ,Tohn B. Beaton, Brigden; Bruce M. Jones, Denfield. To sum upt The main Items of could not eat and had headaches. The' worst symptoms were dragging down I Quebec -Mrs. Amy Kirby, Cook- spring diet should be fresh vegetables of the uon-starchy order and fruit, pains so bad I sometimes thought I ,,Would crazy and I seemed to be shire; Dame Louis Touzin, St. Germain de Grantham; Louis "Blais, St. Pierre fish (not shell fish), egs, dairy pro- ,go sirlothering. I was in this condition for duco a's it can be obtained, poultry, two or three years and could not seem de Bronghton. I New BrimBwiclk-James T. Clinton, a d ke proper exercise. - I I to Y�ork. I tried L-11 kinds of remedies and haol been treated by physicians, but Millstream; George H. Lucas, Sussex; Minard's Liniment used by Physicians received no benefit I found one of your James Dukes, Hoyt Station. -A,---*-*.*.-- booklets and felt Inclined to try Lydia Nova Scotia -Joseph Milligan, Roy's Soseph K. Owen, � King Gets Vnexpected Gift, E: Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I Island, King's Head; received the best results from it, and Hardwood Hill; William MacOdrum, King George has, _�-' is said, recent. no*1 keep house and go out to work Mineral Rock. I Prince EdWard island - David ly received a most welcome gift from ,,in unknown dcaor, It Is a complete and am like a new woman. I have rec- onimended your Vegetable Compound t Brooks, Abney; Fercy 0. Fredericl;, Robert Rhynes, Char- -jet of wkr s�amps Issued in the odeu, to iny friends, and if these facts will a help some poor woman use them As you West Devon; pied parts ol France and Bel-lum by lottetown. I the German�, and r 'so a sei' of the lease." -Mrs. J. F, Prmsay, 200 Roo = . stAmps issued by the Bolshevik Gov. Street, London Ont '­ \ The reason women wri�e such letters - "M ernment. . . to the Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine Co. I I TEMPLETONIS Stamp collecting has always been one of His Majesty's favorite hob- , and tell their friends how they are I helped is that Lydia E. Pinkham t sVege- RHEUMATIC CAPSULES. � bies, and his sets, artistically mount- table Compound has brought health and Vor afteen years the standai,1! ed by himself, ar, probably the fin. happiness into their lives, Freed from t opecillo for I Rhournatism, Neuritts, Gout est in the -,Xox-:d. !Is Possesses the "Baden Powell" � their illness they want to pass the good ' - Sciatica, Lumbago, Nourainla , , celebrated stamp, is. sued during the defeilce of Xafeking, news along to other suffering. Tomen that they also may be.7elieved., M=y doctors pre:cribe them. . a ­ -- TIta to Teinplotont, 14U' ginr St� W., Tormto, for This was give_ to tile King when he - If there are any complications you do d Yieaawplv, 80,Abyrtiiab�iodm,-Giut%overywhororor .` I 09 was Duke of York by Queen Victoria not unSerstand write to Lydia E. Pink. U-01.pIrl". ---. ____ __* __ _ _ (who received it from Baden-Powell)- hain Med'Wine Co., Lynn, Mass. I ___ _--ompanled by the SLIff roelaor,%u- __ - _.____-__;�__; s Muggins-Who started that insane dum.: "'Even th) circumstances 0 siege is no way Justified the sub8fl- disli, cover with gratea cheese and theory that two could live as cheaply tuttug of ',its he: I for ours." , bread crumbs, Bake until the crumbs R,s one? Buggins-I suppose it was , Are brown, I the same fellow Who first said it was 61`� WITH SAUSAGu, 41heaper to move than to pay rent, Ask for Minard's and t.1ke no other. Bu�, a half pound dt chapped beei t'v - — - and a halt pound of sausage. Put - I NE1121313131=1 -111111010111111111111111 I . I i through the meat chopper, with a I - small onion. Have three cupfuls of The Sinecialist PC) R. WARD cooked spaghetti ready and put it In . a baking d.zh w4th the meat, In lay - ers, Pour over it a v,upful of tomato I - 79 NIAGARA SQUARE, SUFFALO, NEW YORK. juice and 0.)ver with buttered crumbs, '. I!, I This Is very good with the sauene Men, Are You In Doubt INN 0040, omitting tte -4eef. . OYSTERS ARE 0001), ... " �� . As to your trouble? Have you sorno skin .,.;� I Oysters are very good baked with ,�....: eruption that 13 stubborn, has resisted treat- spaghetti, Coolt one-quarter of a box ri-milit ? I a there a heevous condition which pf apaglietti. Buy P,55 oysters and scald in their liquor, does not I mprove In spite of root, diet and own Butter a baking d'sh "I'd put in P, layel, of the spaghet- madicina? Are you goln,9 down hill steadily? ti and oile ot the oy�ters until they I �� AkF. YOU NERVOUS and deepondent, weak and debIlitated; tired mornings; no ambition are ail used, Thicken two cupfuls ot inilk 'with two tablespoonfuls of -11felats; memory gone; easily fatigued; o* cornstarch and Add a tablespoonful of butter, Pour over the oysters, cover I 1. citable And Irritable; lack of ehorgy and confl- - --- dance? Is therefailling power, a drain on the � with buttered breadcrumbs and brown ------ ___ ____ tam? Consult the ,DTd reliable speclallats. In a hot oven. Spaghetti and cheese ig a very good IS .1 .� VMPTOMS OF VARIOUS AILMF.NT$. supper , w Mall. Put a layer of the a cooked spaghetti into a dish, cover A Wcftk and rolaxea rtato of this booy, * %ervousnesil, despotidettay. tioor with grated cheese And another layer w memory, Idak of will powor, tbnlO, frrItAble dispamition, dimintalied power of CLI)PUCatl0n, energy ar,d coheentration, fear of Impending d*ng6r,or Intaf(Jr. of �Irll the spaghetti, And so,con till the gh 18 full. Pour over It enough ttin,*, dr6welno.,is and tendency to sloop, unreatfuL sleep, dark rings under eyes. loss of weight, Insomnia. Dr. Ward gives you the benefit of 20 ears, continuous it, the treatindnt t1lin bread wbito sauce to cover, eover With he crumbs and bake, It will add practice of ail chronic, nervous, blood &nX ��,klnt dbleasas. The abuve symptoms, 11thd memy others not mentioned, sboW greatly tirt to tho zest of the dish It a I)i plainly that somothing is wrong With ,your physical condition and that you halt teaspoonful of powdered mustard in need expert attention. Men, WhY s-0fet, longerl rAt me make you a, vigorous man. Let ma is added to the white sauce, yo rostor6 your physical condition to full manho.d. Don't be a weakling aer longer. Make 1115 Tour rnin:l to coM6 to me and I will gIV6 the boat truat. � 0 4 so' � - 6111, CA191T 11A'V11 110TIt. of Ment known to sclene6--the ono suer-Alsfal, tesatmoint based oil the "�*rlw en06 of 2) years In troating men stnd their 11111gher wo. es, and shorter hours" aro pe and legitlinato allmenttl. natural benefits sought p,h Dr. Ward's Methods Unrivalled, Thorough and Parthpnent. by organized labor. It tho world's wok can bo apno In , go M You reallre that you hava, only 6ne'llfe to live -do you roali*6 that by 11.1 bealth clAt hours there 14 no reaso als 11 why the you Ate missing most of that lit* 7 A lito worth livint it . A heo.1thy life. 316.9160t; of on6la health Win put many a man In his tollor twelve. ahould bo ialne(l to his job for 9to el I gtalMave, bo,sn telling rpen theme things for mkny ypars bot still there *t`6 0-0 Dut shorter hours aila a deere"ea out- Th put per hour will not Speed tile day Wh,�ft sto thOUSAlids Of vlatima who, for various rdabonto, have, uot had the good qvbrybo4y can enjoy a Abort working lat "'n" to com" "A" ' " 8 6�11� ,,st "Un I'll, t "'t'o�rit "' ""us dandiflotiff, "Orrowt ethluottoft, 44y. �.4.6.*__ 16D lAckle"Ne - I M %' �eitn;"tj � 6M. stotrAch and lt,*or troublk lkoho, Akin 3311us, �ro dil.t.0 . th re�t,t trouble#, Piles. flattil& and 'blood 404n* ,,t,,,,., O-UrTA bl A 6orrespoudont of an EngllRh ))a. � OF11010P. 140UM9, 9 i.m. to 6 P1111- Silndayao-ld mtn. ,o I p.r& Ott Der VemntlY Indulged In tlits bull: 0 FREE CONSCLU'rION 1EXAMINATION. I "Lest * whliippr of the hidden hand b) I 2�efom bexinning treatm6nt You must ntike ano visit to rhy 6fflee r6r � 116 hftrd--" WAS It An nngllih elorgy- lit ISSU13 No. 23, 19" ; =10011IM-1. gi"".=.-,�.�-"'I.�,�.,�'Ill,il'o,ol-loi , � rum 1104 $AIM-----, so -V~4 -,,�, �A o �j ­ - - - --- , - - - - - - 0- F4R 0AL10--0NZ OTP THW­ 'o farn4il in ff Towntibit"r. , , ton Co. r tit"V11111441 Q. Cook um & Son, Guelpr on! . - I ''I'lo" ',I'll 1111N, " mrr WASM , , ________________ ------- -04411 1. ­ ,- - ­­­­ , WANTED F;XRSTCLA,SS. KNITTEXt, SDXPZR. %�,�Inc on Pablod Flat raslitoMug .O!d Qood wages paid to capablo 11144. Beat workinK conditions in daylight in,,,. Morcury Mills, ,J,td,, ijamlitoji, ont. ,_ . I I t L ADIES WANTED -TO DQ P � 1!1d light 'gewing at home;' whowle"I sp%ro time; good pay; work ,sent Any dis- t4nck); charges paw, Send atatup for partloiuia,ra, National Alanufacturlo$ ��Q�manyl Montreal, Que, - ____ , , I :1! 1111 BUSINESS OH"CMS F OR SAT,F--GU- N.TDRAT,' _6 ness and meat market in Just the rIght distntice from � 2*00th steel plant now beh I splendid store and fixtures; fp_� selling; �hls is a snap for - $'OR SAIS ......... ]FOR SALF-30 x 311,Le GOOD __�:K___ Weather Nonskid Tires $19,75, while they last, Bought at the old price, selling at the old price. Model Tire Co., 26 Dundas W.., Toronto. - _ __ I I __ - - � - - MISCELLANE OUS . I "Z_ I MxImOx F,xP-REss mONEY 6 - ders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. - ­­ - I I . . . QUEEWS - , UNIVERSITY 'A' mugston, - onto I I ;0 I.. ill "'.- . ARTS 1; , !! . Part of the Arts course . ? N .;, may be covered by I .. I correspondence , SCHOOL OF CONIMERCE � BANKING I MIRDICINE EDUCATION 1. Mining, Chemical, Civil, , I . Mechanical and Electrical I ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL HAVIGA710H $C111001, July and August December -to -Apen ALICE KING; Acting Registrar - 1. __ — , OOEAN ISLAND. - . - I Richest Tract of Land Unftr Bri- I tish Flag. I Ocean Island, a tiny spot In the Pacific ocean, only five miles in eir- 16urnference is the -richest tract . of land for its size tinder the Britisli f lag. This Island, which is ilothing, more than a vast deposit of excellent- ly rich phosphate of I'me, Was discov- ered in a curious manner. A New ZealGnd concern, with an office on a back street in Sydney, N. S. W., had a buff -colored, irregular shaped piece of rock to keep the door open. A man interested in guano ,put the stone In, 4is pocket one day and subjected it to many tests at home. 1-10 returned and tried to trAce its history, but all he could, learn waa that a tritolor from Ocean. Island had left It there. He took the next steamer to the island and discovered that the place wai3 literally covered with the phosphate, a small pinch of which would enable any plant on any soil ,o , doubt Its tertility. He offered somet. Austral,.'an capitalists the chance 10� form a -company to work the fiel4s. but they passed It up, and a group Dt London financiers accepted the proposal and have established a Plant there. The total native popula- tion of the island is 500 and they 'are the wealthiest natives in the wb,rld. Vluch of the land still helongs to them ind the company has to Pay them a royalty of sixpence a ton for dvery- on of phosphate sh:pped. This roy- Ity is used by the British govern- nent to benefit the Island natives. 11 - - __ ,4#i ; � AIN D IT DID, .--,I ,�r. q (Dallas News.) ]3ax-11T hear your friend, tht . natura- tat, has met With an accident. what was It?" Cox—"Soineone gave him a tiger cub, nd said it ,was so tam�, It would eat. off his hand, and It did.', THE LINE NVAS BUSY , A Tmrg. Bones: I callcd up on the phone to - ay and just Eor fun 1,naid, ,,:Rello, ,lentral, Give Ale Reaven. I interlocutort What happened? BoneO: Well, that's not exactly what he gave me. � *­4� 11 B ASILY� I I (13rockville Recorder.) It takes twenty years for a znot?rer to nake a man of her son, but a pret rey, of him 9. wenty minutes. I I __ For Colds, Catarrh or Influenu Do you feel weak q8a uneilvq to. thtr ork ahead of you?, UO You still cough little, or does .Vt1ir noso bother yon? re yon pale? Is your blood thin ,%pd atery? Better put your body Inlio ' ftPe. Build strong I I An Old, reliable blood - tiattkor /xit, rbal tonic inade from wild r000 aftd rks, Is Dr. Pioree's Golden Ved1call scovery. This "nature rcrn"d�,oi.comcsi tablet orliquid, form. XLW411611dup ur bo4y and prol,oet you front dis. sOgOl'-w-91vhlo,)Iltirkt)vei-l.whero, Ono the active ltlgrcdlent,� of this tpm- rance ft1tAXAttvG find. tonic is Wll& , erry bark with stilliMia, which is " od for the lung$ Und for couglit - ' 0 Oregon grAlie root, blood 1.00C. � no root, Qubenla root, -all skilfully f rabined In th6 Medj%l Dlaeovary. ego root$ h,%v6 a oirtet action on the o Mach, Iniprov'Ing dlgeatkia .%nd astloil. ton, TheSe herbal *extracts in thf, f9covery" Aid In blwd-making ana bblitforserofuln. tylitiprovir,gthe , od they fortify the body against aa� . aek Of grip preolds. * attirth Ahould be U*jted, grlit� odd11.m*,8iNwtththlAj,lM,,,M.. 01!2c .- . It PtrAO"I MySical exatill-101011- Utilr(Ad ftrO Will be eehaid4r6d. &s powt Min W116 said to his congr(%Ation, delly with 1) ­ -.---.,. ­a,wcwuoq� � r-8A904C4t4rr,h1bft*d1. " ' %Ayment i0f fft Cotnadlsi.n money iteceptid at full ,ftlue, 7, ;1111%thr*n, this r4uddy pool of polities Send 1W for trill Pkg, at modlea 0*6, 5 7# Nis"ra $4u&r*,, guftalo, N. y� � vr" the rock oft which I spit"? toverr Tl;ibloo Or CMAVTh Tablft 1* Dt,*. . I _­ ___ " _­ I _'_,___­ N , ___ _­ _­­ , - , - - , , , ­ ­_­ 1.11 1-1.1 -I - , Zu"'W'=t la the hotm. plefteis TAbot*,tom ftd"Uutj�OAL 11, I K"p m1n;W's ­ 1. - * I I _41e I '. 11 . .+ Is