HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-06-10, Page 5a
tku"Y," �Uus lurch, 11101
The secret of our success
with the Bachelor Suit is found
in the turnover. We are con-
tent with a very small margin
of profit in order to be aisle
to soil the
Dead -Broke
ar -4*10
sobletlilll' 10,0iit V0111• 1n()iltri�" lt:! Mi.i't vVis`!$ a`,,il%ital'fl dt',1.V tit ilii' hr)lt4 "
i+ 1X 1'.
ndildRd tiatvau•(i fila(' t)I(1 s:"=tililn, "1«9111 who tv;ts lt.u�ialst for New C)PiEtlrit 1:6. . =0- _
wsie it• --,gnu 1001 a t•'tailve to fix her night." ` x
up with a 114,111(• In this old town- • 11'lie girl struggled with her urea,
Wasn't that the Idea.?'' bling voice, 1►14 41 �r
110b, that," the tall girt loughed "Not rpot--^koaattht," altovatil 11uSlt,y. ''•
mirthlessly with it pretense of earelesc• "Alai Well, It was 11 a11i,t:il:)•, thole,
nese. "That was, just a pipe dream w rm sorry. You see, I h.ava a-• t•r- 11
mine. You know—my married sister's distant relative Ilvittf; la#'re it very old '
living In ~sloes Orleans. They've a lit. lady. I've been wantlim her to liavo a
tie place .out of town—truck farm, I visit to a daughter in New t)alr:tn,, but
reckon, she is so in#Irm---deaf and aliuo, t blind � Money S v���"lyse" if I cotiltl sera atlae faxc7 to- -t t siae (~aunot I it Q thtr o11ru(�r'
(Coti3'risht.) p ne J
Metiler, mother couldn't maize the trip,:. alone. n s Wear "She's going' down to tine bunch of without sonic ono along. "I had: thought of ard.111-:, you to tape � a
vacant lots that all reputable ciitizpens "Sho couldnt he trusted alone, charge of her.." M
tall Cit Park," reinarked Welsh IdI , ,t g, e a tt —t, r. girl
City Y t]i( a,,lt it,(I la(+ a grand, place for her I wish I could --P b(i„m the tial
as he leaned a corpul(ml. figure ligalnst to be.” indistinctly.
tine gas -pinta railing In front of Slmon's "I know!" Delano'svoico was "It's too bats," went on n^lino in �. +
plane. wearily Impatient. Now, look hero. an absent, dlsapolated monologue. "I Suits ��Special PricesDelano, letting the semen door slap I;ow soon can you 'get her ready to 1VI1411 I could get Sento one. I'd be only
behind him, stood on the toil step, travel ---clothes and all that?" too willing to pay all trayelInf; ex- /
Tall, well-groomed and charming of '$She's trot a trunkful of clothes," penses, and a reasonable amouut in ad- � 25 Men's pure Wool Worsted and Tweed gaits in form fittivi and waist
manner, his liltndcome youth face just she said finally, "good, enough arid;, all dition,"
now expromed great contentment• she'll"aver need." 110-0-011-11 the chile eyes were all line styles. Well tailored and best of trimmings Our regular . $55 values
lie looked iii ilia prosperous broker. "fThere's a party going clown that at once wistfully eager. "I'd love tc
The fact that, leo happened to be an- vtiay," he said slowly, "tonight•• -•-I thiol+ undertake the care of the lady, specially priced at $49. �s
othersort of gambler worried him not —a Youngwoman. I've no doubt she'd Mr.-11� �' \ 18 Mien's fine Tweed and English Worsted in a wide range of colors and at all as he sent out it cloud of fra- takcare of your mother --we could "Delano. I have no card with ane' ' ^� patterns. Perfect In fit and extra quality trimmings L?ttr regular 152 and' $50
tttant blue smoky into the quiet air, arrange it�-•if yau'I1 line everything up "Mr. Delano, i am Miss• Martelle � - values specially priced at X44.75.
Delano Imported his Cigars. right away. The young lady will un, You see--" she Stumbled, and thee'
"What now?"' lie Inquired. "Who dersstand that it's it friend of mine. went on frankly:
are you P ,,,:;,ading by making her the see?" "I came out here to take a position Summer Underwear
subject of your vulgar remarks?" "It's almighty good of you," she mut- that—that didn't ninterlal.ize---an")
Welsh rvfused to he. Insulted. tered. "I wish there was Some way I there doesn't seem to be. . ything`'els: (m- Meas two piece and combination underwear In balbriggan and nainscok, �
„PNore I ansuver" Ile murmured, '"I � All shies at 7Sa t0 $3,Q0.
could get back, but I knew well enough for me. It lvoukt mean loots for Ill( t(•.IM
must be sure that riTi4w Lonore Stacybe," g a , hat way, �"
there never will get back to New 011ea z t � ��,�� an �� �� � ��
would not object to your having the ""Olt, the deuce I" negatived Delano. riiy home is not rel lar from tiiei e :" "
tnfortuattion, Far be It from me to be ""As far as that's concerned, I'm un. "Nosy," remarlwil the ilstwwr, "'thit
the start of a fuollsh flirtation." der obligati ns to you, If you only is surely w\ Black decry and grey duck work pants. Extra heavy materials, Well ,
"" }� 10 Y y providential fell yeti lyltat made and full sizes„ Specially priced at $2."�0
"I've 101(1 yotn forty iliacs, cried his know it" I'll do. I'll pay all tho travntiim ex•
friend ferociously, "that Lenore's tip Fifteen minutes later he was speak- pensee and give 1,011 ""`200 for ,your �C � - � �Q �Elt ��fitS ti�.�U ZO �;i�,Q� `0
In Deadwood for month. I told you ing to a startled girl who sat huddled trouble. Will that be satis,aetoty?' �✓� Straw flats ", 3.00 to $ . a,
that she cant Slie'd ccretini, ind tile, and "" ' 9 ''" of Q(i
on an uncomfortable lean b(nch Under- "But it wouldn't be worth that Caps.............4;,1r,OQ to `:53.00 Overalls at x•,12.7.5 to 3 .
everything else, if she didn't get away neath a frowsy cottonwood. Delano much, Mr, Delano!" she Ilo!ltatcd on a / 5 lliris � 1.50 to 2.50
from here fora while,. Fine Shirts_ $31.7, to $3.OQ Wor l;
saw her shrink when he stopped by estly. a
"I told Tier •than I didn't blame her,. her. "It's worth it to me --to send the ottl
as anybody would 'lilke for I higher „ , :
g m sure I don't know vibe Is re- lady with some I can be ctti•e c)f-- ,
ground and away frown this . painful sponsible for the rumor," he said, po• Solite one Who. will take dire or her, �r
prairie that could. You know as well litely, "but some one told hie that One thingmore.
as anything that,i've been tap the line "I'll bring your ward to you at the � X
Myself for. two weeps. Are you going 1 depot, The train leaves at eight- � 4
to tell me Ytbout---" COIRtf iplull UU11 iami twenty, It's settled then:'
,_ - -- "The d(�hd-broke girl?" "fes—yes--of course." ®d
w, Welsh used the Slightly bored tone,ot
Poisons "I roust bid you ;;Doti seftetnnun t1n1v. a' `�� �� ""��' °as' °� `�i°'� s� °s° � �,� �� �nd�� ��{���a��4���� �� ���etA �dB�►
tt+atEd�►`'��it�tad'��t�ie$��,u �Gta�taa>' w, "
one who handles a somewhat thread. Have a business engagemAmt:' ., n,... M-_..,.- =�ti-.--•- ,_ .4�.
bare theme.
<, Oh, I forgot. You say you've been
When Constipation' comes, what:
hapipens.1 The Colons +get ebogg$d
I d like you ' to know—" The *garl
," " great
came close, T m under very gr 1, fill-
The band then played another selection'
p Y ing'1he Assembl, and Conference Of their
bour s,
away. for a week. lyhy--that s a
with waste material, Which is eV
ligations, and some time I'm gobv,
and the crowds dispursed• with three respective churches, A reprosen atfv
Mr. Alvin Cameron is home from
young lady named lklartelle•-Ilelene
tremely pois xious, the Iblood eircula
cheers ttnd. a tiger. the Lord's Day A'lit-1 > spoke in the
T,rout„ Uiti r.ity La -,t wo,•k be at-
Martelle.. i
tion Comes in sufficiently close con-
"Not at all,,� Interrupted Delaila c'as-
At the last .e ular meetingof the Proshvit-i v,11 (:hu•rlf ,,, Ow 111-•11 n,. ai,tlt
t,•t;,t..t ,t , an t 4,+,.•11:11 C',burg x, ,. tlrlr,
"She's a 'right pretty little thing -a
tYact with the waste to take 4,p These
ually. "I am the one who should be
Liiekuow Branch of the Women's Insti- the Methodists had rto st rv,ct+, In the
gato ,rum the Doutai College, and this.
bit me rn t1.10 tI t sue me
t u f i of ug; n t
Poisons by absorption and to dlsitrib�
grateful. til tonight, ' ihtin;"
gra$ fu Un
"Huh!" the
tote the following officers were elected eaeoiog the Lord's Day Alliance man
week leaves for Godt�rich is assistant to
but,, under circumstances, you
ute,them throughout the body. The
grunted Simola as ala-`
for the year. President, Mrs R T. spoke in the Mothotli+r Church and Rev.
Dr. �t tvi't''•
couldn't blame her for that., She halls
result is—the Liver becomes Slug-
sentee came behind the roulette -wheel
Phillips; est Vice Pres. Mrs, Juo. Button; itiir, Janu•�eu) 4,f tit• k1t Inns in chi• I rc+1:� -
e ,
from your good old sunny South—Ala-
gish, yon become dull and heavy,
to relieve him, o' worthless pup•
and `Vice Pres., Tennant; Sucy., 'Let -taxi churt;h .tad .Dr G. .i. Ne:wu„a
vlr ,ties rig+. ill, lip i4, ryrt, t of ,vatrat»
bama. Seems she was a simple bo-
Biliousness asserts itself,. then you
I of around liere. Loaf abput nut-
12e;v- hie. Copeland pulpit at
ford areas spending t f.w, da v h oro•
P' �;1•
liel'er and got roped An by an em-
have Headache Kidneyand Bladder
side all day. Reckon I'M elite to briar
Mrs: D. C, McNZorati; District Directors, � occupied
Messrs. Emmerson Irwin and Bob,'
}ployioent agency that vias a bait actor.
Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis,
you say, about now, that you're going
Mrs. K. A. Gollan; Directors, Mrs, D. i Zion.
Reid, -motored to, Hayfield and Seaforth
"They tool; a •largo, robust whack at
and more evils
to take a run down iionie--down•
Geddes, Mrs. X. A. Gollan, Mrs. ~hos,
Alar a ithe;rin of t'riends and neigh -
g g` g
to spend a few days with frlends.
what money she had, then let her use
lyhere the yellow fever blooms
.Aitchison, Mrs D Huston, Mrs. Geo,
hours took place last Week at the home
the balance journeyin' clear out here ,;
”"Not me P' sa]d nelson calmly. "lJot
Greer; Organist, Mrs. J. `.E, Agnew; Mrs. Jas. Struthers, and
Miss .Hattie 1�,1xon at Ashfield has
beyond the sand hills and the setting
Kidney and nivel' Pills
me—I'ni.going to send a pro -Y.
of and
Journal Sec}!., Mrs. bVm: Davidson;
Mr. Stewart Robertson with a
accepted a position as clerk at Tom
sun, where there was no job I And
so, we've °beezx call]nt;,her the (lead-
are highly recommended for
He sent the Marble gninzl]ng alon„ presented,
"'Olower Com.,'Mrs. R. McCharies; 'Aad-
the groove with at 1 :11v:Ivt d baud, in,] I 'gold watcb'and fob. Mr. Robeirtson has
Smith's grocer .
broke girl.
then raise(~ 1114 clear vai:ep'above the'
itors, Mrs_ Rivers, Mrs. 13eeeleston. g
been a life Ion resident of near Pars.-
;~lies Pearl McCorvie of London was in
b "See, she's heading oft Main, street
and its Evil Results
raucous ,grindtn^: fort'� to benefit of the '
:The Council has hada gang of meii , at mount. and a beautiful worded address
town for a.few days.
—eeery day she . oes over to our state-
crowd airotind th:.a a :,.,bred table.
work on the streets radia and rakiai
grading ` g g was read to him expressing the regret of
Mr. Geo. Wilson of Toronto, is visiting
ly park, I can't make out, why."
They are purely vegetable, do not
"Come on In, boys• -the rratter'r
stones off and they now have a °nice'
, his old neighbours at his removal,
his cousin, Jno. Joynt, M. P P.
Delano turned his dark blue eyes
Gri a Fumge or Irritate bled
warm l"
smooth surface and are in'good shape.
w in the direction indicated, and watched relief ' by vMduetng aa. healthy oalidi- The country is also having some work i The stork has been very busy m these Nir. D. McKenzie and family of Chicago,
the slowly reapding, figure at the far- tion of the S�tlom,aich, Liver, Xidne'ys ""Flu" E;tirndo. arts lately, last weep he. tuft a baby boy is visiting his brothers, William, D. G,,
ther end of the raw thorortghfare. and Dom>ela. ) "Give him air! Maud ix"l-' enin on the boundary west le town wed- p Y•
ening the road to z2 ft, and cleaning up the ;it Mr. and. Mrs, Jas. ; Ra,nmalge's of St, and Neit of *own
-> "Stopping at tate hotel, eh?" here- No matte¢• what medicine you are back!" Uelens .and at Mr.. and Mrs, W. R. vies. Pickett of Galt visited Mrs, Wm.
G 9 ' iq.Amd. takim!g for a lax'a!tdve it m'iaht lie just "Kerebew i" svvattlp grading and paattdn a surface of "
&h,,�/ girl with s na Con. l�inloss, and` a little Murnie for a few days,
a 1 "Yep. Guess die's about to #lie end well ito change off to Hackings. The ergvvd scattered. ;. crustedstonean, Thestone-crusherarriv-. .
� of her welgpme, though; you know The comtbina'tion of Cas'Catra, 1''ep- "Thank you, my felend," c::id t", i. ' ed i4, town. last week and was put into . girl with NIr and hies. 'R!c hard Webster Mlss Etta Johnston is visiting in Sea
0 �.i �sC� ,T r: Pop Grier. Ise -*wouldn't let the angel pw.mint, Moyaplvlre and the other burly policeman to the nlan who ha*1 , the large gravel pit ou Rose St. where it of town. forth.
`,"'"^, a77. �;• 7 Mike sit on the veranda of that' old Vegetable Drugs !oonta'lned in these xneezed. "'Now we enn „:'t at this poor is in operation, Mrs, Jno. Barber and two ctliidren of Mr. and Mrs �Wm, Douglas and daugh-
lUcce$C�s�>) la boarded ruin unless lie bought pills ^cvi'11 produce results to be un• r *, g•
ta]i.o1v on the genii,:.] �5 y Rev. Mr. NicCalluhi, Rev. NIr. Irvin near Saskatoon, Rev. and Mrs. watts of ter, Isabel, of Clinton, spent Sunday with
-��'` some of those Frown Beauty cigars. equalled by any Dithers. They work i ;1111 Age -Herald. , ,
` a ° 1 beautiful in Di estive Disorders for and Rev. Mr, Copeland are away attend-, Allendale are visiting at Mr. Archie liar- lir. Douglas' m,ither here. l
It7 1_610 i d d17� "Say, it must Have been- a nasty, g "
�� ;� Cheap bunch of grafters. I feel a lot Gas on the Stomach, for,Spasmodic
lie �(�� 1 / '* ^. like a philanthropist, with my high Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Grey
3' l" stool and m era game, when I think amid for Dyspepsia and indigestion, "•
�`1���-f146 come � f / � y p Buy a feew boxes from youm dealer Mr. and Mrs. lr'tilvert Sellers of Morris
,,i ,, about the raw ploys they make bacit y ' cl9+� P�',;i; l �!j . l ! "We salesmen who make our calls regardless of roads or weather,
1, to diaY, but .be absolutely sure o4, and daughter, Vera, visited at Maxwell I �� _ ,
�� �®��� �1.�� in 'those burgs. , , g ,, jlft,.: ---== 1, realize fully the importance of good fuel and ,food lubricants-.
"Cheap l Think of sending the poor get Hacking s, Abramson Sunday last �r It J'Zi and we know that we can get Imperial Polarine and imperial
kid this fax out of the way jest to cop Hacking's Remedies are sold in Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Holienbeck, also Premier Gasoline everywhere and that if we use these products:
Wingham by J. W.,McKibbon. Ben and Myrtle visited with Fred and C exclusively we may forget more than half the
ACES are to. flowers what £carnes.
out her few dollars." usual motor troubles."
"Nothing wrong with the world," ire- Mrs, Hollenbeck, Stratford. �,..
are to beautiful pictures—they „
joined the croupier boldly. The 1o1v- Mr. and Mrs. Westman and. daughter.V. � „r
• , enhance their beauty and their down population is what raises the o Lorraine, of fu3]lverton; visited. at NM. 4,1111 �,�,...- �; � ��
charm. A Visit to this jewelry store deuce all the time." �A JIFDY!1.gP..STER Kranter's oil ,Sunday. �• ( J'! 0. ���
,.Hear! I•Iearl" applauded S1'elsh,"'=`'
will help you celebrated -peace fittingly. --Experienced Piano Tenet Leonald It ranter and Margaret Steven- n �, - • ,�� ��,
P Y P g Y ..
o But to resume out narrative. Teacher of Rudiments of Music, Har" sin who are attending collage at Strat sn? ��.. �. �; r•: �. y..l�;_ - f
We Will be ;lad to show you anything "'The little girl has aciinired a per- mon ,Counter Dint anti Composition
g - y Pford, spent the weekend under the par-
ent habit, all in three days, of „q
you want to examine and Will politely also a , Leave or at THE ADVANCE Office ental roofs.' �, .+r.F»7 , •,,, i . ,•> ;• 1 . ,3,� °+
P ]t in' under the
Ing down yonder and t q r�
ask o4, to take our iliac as Ott will All brass and reed instruments Rub Atkins of Stratford visited. at :- r �%'' dist 'y'�3 ` •� 1? .. ,. .. iii
Y y Y one sizable tree. and violin. y
a be under no obligations to buy. ""We couldn't both get in the cool at W. C. Stevenson's over Sunday.
the same time. If she movants to be55
Our optical department asequipped with the ro proper truly miserable that beauty �,..u,.t now
p ly1' p really, y DRUGLESS PH��C1A l�
appliances. We are properly equipped with sot is certainly the Place to go. She'll ,r ,v „. �Jfi ,' i6 �• . w- ..-" . + ,f : , r
p" .�: ! 4: <� . .e r^ ." .�"�-r"sem ., t
the ltnowledge of optometry. v never commit suicide by dtownin ,any- Lucknow, June 7th, X920, v N;- r`.-' '
nes - g .; :• lit , ,. ?a 'last''''
�j Tl �,7 Once again and for the time the'"�vw,..-af
t Pshawl Hore comes John Weick- bells ringing at an unusual hour on f, r
er. I reckon ;as to how he'll. be Want- Tuesday last proclaimed to the citizen's
Jeweler and Optician Wingham Ing to roll the bones, I must go in � j� (� f� �' of Lucknow, that a soldier was returning
and get behind the table. IIo-hum ! CHIROPRACTIC 1®.41' AC home, and called upon them to turn out
Such a work -&-day --- P c
Practice is confined exclusively to and welcome pini, and right nobly did •'� 6, 5" Days a eat® Service
r _ ""'Mist did the girl expect to do Ghiropriictic, the only and original Sys• they respond, Although every soldier aJ� a•v
0 0 - 4 e when she came? into Delano tens of .fpinal Adjustment. Effective in who returned Here, during the long "
° . incuriously, 95 pa cent of all cases.
''IIuh�t Ohl why, old Grier said period of demobilization was met by a LL motorists, especially those Nvlto use their cars for business
"Chiropractic locates and Removes
that lie understood she came out with the Cause of Dis-eases Nature Heals."" crowd of citizens, Tuesday eight eytcedl•• � purposes, must have steady service. They soon learn that correct
- the idea u her bd s that she was to ed aril previous welcomes, and this was lubrication is ,vitally• important to uninterrupted service and that
r� ,/ aao•e® ��ee+�br�p► ��Aq `� '���►li���y'p�/ ppP�®��/1 �a ''ee act as companion td a Lich lady." J. A. FOX, D. C., D. O. • as it should be for Pte. Robt, harbour Ymperial Polarine gives adequate thorough lubrication.
14, ? XX r��aglC�e® r s�'larriN to\l�s\���m� "'Oil, Simon l" Delano turned and Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo has sacrificed more than any soldier to
spoke through the sereen toward the pathy. Phone 191. hours 2 to 5, and 7 return here, having lost the sight of both Imperial Polarine keeps the engine running smoothly and quietly by
cool, darkened intortor. to 8 p. M. eyes. Only one hour before fighting establishing and maintaining a perfect piston -to -cylinder seal, which
,,�Eureka X His •employtsr was halt dozing over - ceased Pte. Barbonr, who served nearly holds all the power of the fuel Charge behind the piston.
^. .� a newspaper at the desk In the railed- C. R. Copeland five years and twice wounded, received
Xoaf corner, but Delano got an irritated IJV' VU. RA.NCE the blow that deprived him of his sight Imperial Polarine thoroughly lubricates and cushions every rubbing
MY grunt by way of response. and he has since then been in hospital's surface with a wear -resisting oil 'film. When used; exclusively break-
leave I wont to go down rho street an Fire, Accident Sickness
„ « f and St, Dunstan's school far fire blind; downs are infrequent, depreciation is loin, fuel costs reduced.
hour or so, fie announced. Automobile Insurance a Specialty
"",rind I suppose you expect hie• tp tuft Onl the best companies represented at where he iearfied typewriting, knitting
First aid to the work burdened wife. rs the confounded wheel," came Sitoon's Y s p and poultry farming. About a month ' One of the three grads described below is specially suited to your
A necessity, nota luxury, �1 , . , ... Lowest Rates..... , jnotor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations
Placid growl. Well, give me one of ago he was married try a nursle, whom he p
' A practical demonstration is the thein tour -bit smokers. Otherwise you In when he first went over, and she where you buy your oil and learn which grade to use,
best and cheapest way to prove the can't go" S8 It W i t h FioWePS
Say accompanied 111111 ~~nine. When the
special inerits of the Eureka Vacuum Delano wer)t leisurely strolling along _ Imperial Polarine is sold in one and four -gallon sealed cans, steel YL -
gleaners. We will gladly :show you f "" t, train (crew in, it had to come Ehe hist
the board i"ildewalk. � �.- . ,,...,�.,, =ter~ alien kegs,teel half -barrels and barrels, by dealers everywhere.
rine of these machines and letyou try a,•„v,. "� few rods quiett slowly on account of the g
.,, To the left, at.the end.ot the dreary
it yourself. .t « great number �sf people who lined the
road, $sty the struggling Park of .,:. platform, The band played several Q t.2
.� Eureka Crlea" rs remove ail the dirt tV•elsh's reviling. �' r
; �. even the invisible dirt embedded i4, go looked !n that dii`ectidn frit a -_ t � patriotic airs, and theft � the procession i ���� �
the fabric which brooms and brushes f �� started for Pte. harbours home, and it
minute. 'then lie turned sharply and „� r �
►, �'' cannot touch. ar v i;'il� was an inspiring sight 'to see the long
t/b j •I t The eureka is au air cicauor, and followed the Cross street In the oppb� r y
1 "jr ' site direction, �►' string. of autos' (snore than fiftybehig �
i t air is the ideal cleaning agent. Ifore rvtlre two grows of one -atony, �, 1, y .. >. in lino) at the house the band played a a
t It gets the dirt -not the carpet, a +rr t, c , few afore airs and Reeve Johnston woe- 0
1 Price $57.50, Attachments $g.5o, Cotn- quftre•tronted shanties. ,� ; '- ,
A little fitrther on, Delano stepped, ,P
jtlete $66.tso, ns,,".�. '� ;?.. " m coined the soldier ligfne, Miss Rena, o Irl •
1• � b(lfOre one of the doors, and rang. , ,:
Y 1 Gordon then read a nicel worded
e ine.
A tall, gaunt Young wOriiian washold- 1
��` •P - �w� ,� address, and Miss Annie Boyd presente(1
Ing it 'Cnida lead looking at hien. 'Iter C : -__ �a ;p _1�,�;>� � Pte. harbour with a purser of money Doll -
e4 hollow'e1t(telsal flared with *1V'Id color"'-- t<1 NL1 RALS, "WRDbtNGS, VTC. taining in the neighborhood of nearly IMPERIAL POLARiNE IMPERIAL POLARINP HERY IMPERIAL POICAR1Nl A
that might l a*o beers rouge---bUt was Ported plants and Cut ]t• louvers $Soo.00 on b0ialf of the citizens of Luck -
not. ,, a spechkIty now. Me. harbour thanked those Present (Light ifte'ditpit body) (Medium licltry bsdy) (l f Ira henry b;,dy}
Why, hhl&1t bite rcrick, isi4001xlug A O'RAD9 SPECIALLY $017',F,b 7O YOUR MOTOR
tM d- lobe visltrrr. +"Como i r, br#aitla.r► Catalogues shown on request. and there was scatcoly a dry eye iii the ,
,1�1'ltX. '1 IV. +:S',)i Z A x".111` truwd when the blind hero finished R. � ,1
. "ilallq, Maxyl,, _
"lir Wheaal- lit t►ntered acid wet Phone 142,. Winghani 1). Camerou' and T. S lteia followed y-
elo-----__...____. .. _ ...._.. .--•--.. withwordsof sympathy, welcome sand '"
clown. . The glut'~ ited 'the dow. � , '� A
That young fltra sat doWh ara:'the DR. tole H. R -5 thankfultim for sr;rrices iVltleh i'ts,
Band of ,& ole riot of hlu Sat g Barbour lead rendet*d. Mrs, (Ptlt.) Rtr-
" Cr^aduate Royal Gaily .e of �iittil
K N G B R 0 S £ chitsrriti110okltfg
11*hi� ittg* fano brat datsta# lxmr, who is a bfigh
trtpAelin purl and Ott wrria `irrslVacat illivtsx by her '
p TJ1patttt Utaiv al TtyrrC2Y�o irfnl'Wt .
t d� Y! 9r' i mild u'tlw tidliyNMI irutit tt l6# 9d `
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