HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-06-10, Page 3+ I It La '-#I, -h " * t ����____.1111_ , AM;;RQ015Ri0Pii__ - I 1 7,1�___ - _ 1�_ v - - -1.11,111111111111111illi�..�,���, ! , ,� _;� I , WTI � , ", , rn '" 11 4 , , ':' - ) " , I " T 41' � �7, , ,%, r '. ,� .... � I VWr7T r . 1-1 ­ , -,-,Nw 1 7 :1111111 V"'. I '�,k " - I T7 I �_ I ... I , � , : "., I I I , , ` , I . I ""�_'. !" - - �il. I � 4 ..' I . " , s, -"7TWMR"�7R',7,,-,' , � I'll 1 M711 � I ,� " �,:� 117-771 I. '171117,1�10 ; * I . . .. , r - r. . . 1'. W, '': - 1, . , i I.. �Ao.:�_ "i, I I . �, I I I " ­ . I . ., I � , , ; I � , 4 . . . : ", I I I - ,� 1 ".4r... 1 I . I . . - � __ .. - - .I-.--- _. - ­.. - ----------- . =!1:`.11 111; � �� 1� I - ""% . ", � I, 1. . . � � ---..---,. =11:1111 I :!1011 !,:1:1%�Iipift 11 i I I 0 1 1 9 11 , . 1, - �� __ . ., � � , `ik. � , - I - P, 911i in am" ,011001:1:11 : III 11111:1P11"I 1 '! F '' - I I . �� �.., "W do" I I I I I I 111 11 Iloilo ,:11..01ill I . . I OP. to I - _ - " ..�. . - _. -.1 --__-_-1__ 01.10 11 III: I I 111111,111,10111 i4l., I 111IM1.411111-.0-p" ,op I � " I � P � : , � � 'I , ", ­� I., - ­­ � - . _!=211.111�"1110 1�� �. .=" .::,:,!I, I'll, , ­­�= , I . - ­ + -�, +-Q + -t 1,10, + 01 * +++*-e++++ . I I 11, . ., , __., , , " ___.__ I papers aria cotistantlY 90%od to help- I - . ­ 11-1 ROYAL ZY-MOSS. HOLY 6EE9 MY HEAD ,� "I �":, .... � ����� ............ "I'll I �� � 7.116 � 1-11''. . . ­ ­ . I ­. --%.--111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... .���������������.11,111,111,111I ­����� ���� . . . . . . . . . . � 11 . I Every nowspaper publiober k4O'ws - :.::. � * I L,l . ., �.. Mat there Is ,Aoltbor circulation nor HAVE YOU 1. 1%* in or&er to .-ave heavy tre.vollins IFULS GOOD TO-DAY1 I I I �II!, . expenses, the King a---ang,o4 that dur. I t The Value of 11 ,�t , I 11 . fluancIA - 11'�% � .1 ga'n in such 0, policy, Yet : I - they all do It, . Ilia , ' ' ,;, _711".. his stav in Scotland three only %.'� - AGENTS WANTED ASTHMA? of his Privy Councillors should come PAIIN OVER KYES, IS GONE, . I " . So, the newspaper gives more of Its Smxll Things , Do ou endure the misery , I royal tradesmen, 444 all were paid A 11 '"', . At All pol_nts in Ontario, For tlAQ services free than almost 4UY other In- of Istlame, WIVII $100 eisix . cut -2 IJACHF, CURED, CATARRH i stitutiop, that Is not an endowed Char- night$, 01MOU11P. breatt'law, E veryone IEuOWs JUX the L'tut . : 11 .1, ;; RELIFEVEDI i �� A I dowaltis privato ,'Xpeuseo during this : *4 t,+� ....... #-#-*-+,#-*+++++++++++ . i Ity, while At the same time It volan- vef it /1, . . � I " � NO-KNO CKS GAS SAVER tar3y, for what It ideeme to be the 0, 0 ,a your ca, - war, how the royal household %to wAr I . ; ,kL10 'k;3 '- - 1� . "': I 1 vof I rel 0 guara too broad, and Adhered most strictly to 1; I Llk� 1. W-1. , 4' C l- � v - - 4 k 0'.., ilt I a public. good, refuses to accept profit- 00 This Is the Common Experience of . : -.".­­ 9,1- .. .... '-q ...... 4.... . 1. �. . 11 ATqD CAR130r4 REMOVIER ratlons, hov,r every pound. that could . .. "'. � - wo la IuY worig, a wikovr 11 i able advertising. Who can estimate, TEMPLETON'S to the .Those Who laroathe the Vapor of I .1 I aoya uxidoi 1� - therefore, the sum total of fluch a be Saved was given , . war cbAr- , . I I . ,�, L.y. tl,.�,3 �,.%v�4yu looking for 0 "itig' , " saves its price many times each RAZ -MAH .. I I � . fle"Qu. policy, day In and day out, adhered Ities. 1 , ... 11 ,itings rzid forgetting the little. They to by our newspapers? , CAPS1,11495 - But King C.orge and Queen MarY Catarrhozone I ­,. .. 6 Thousands of satisfied customers , �s - ,b;sgan their carecr of 1000110my long 1, ... �:: ao not go aut.aa ,w; fut ax that mill- . , 0io Till goparAtionlathere "I �;.. � ". ority of Young People W110 91YO'Ciove I testify to its great merit, including; sulto I earsofe oriment- bet -ore the war. Their ho Remember this, Catarrh can never I I I I �. I- Iness firms. ing aai(AtUd V, ., '­:: ­ ­ .4- ......' .".4"..... .1 I the most prominent bum World's Biggest Wireless Mation 'd. 40usands House was Always a ])a cured or evert reiteved. by a cou3b. :. ,;vl.: I . ,have clerive the frqAteeb at Marlborough W , v� o haLl a lnct-e of 14jechitu1*14% � I Liberal commission to students And pattern. in tills direction. All bills syrup, a spray, or tablet treatment. __,,W;: '. I *.. , _." , 11 . benefit through tause- il;;��.._�r . _ ar shops la;5t November Mat svolt .4 , canvassing agents, selling direct to I Write for free sample TO. had to. be presented ragnthly by the, Trouble Is these remedies slip quickly ,ig.,*�i.;&,i-i;:, - : I I auto owners, . Templetonq, 1*2 King at- , ,, , 1, � . I wt warx pmdjorly. One of our boYa . royal tradesmen# And ,al were paid over the sore Irritated, mombranes, �.,. .." I , . . , (I..v::jva a imall steel pla that . AP411 13 to 'hnve the greatest wire. I W., Toronto, F ­.,-, -- . , - less station In the world, according to Sold by In a weelt of presentation. No drop into the 'stomach and do little ,-,,.,,.-��,.-,-.: �..--..,-., � ::, -, , � : SAVERS - reliable drug sts wit � 011.1 ,.:�4 . , I ,rUU641L 1,41A;� &-.A,1C41a;..­A4 1"I'v .,. .... , �, . a report to the Japan Advertiser. It here tot $1.04: Nox. 04 1 dt000unta were WteC, for or accepted else but harm digestioit. It's diffef- ..,.­­ I . � . CII11ryw . . ... 12" : . ,.d ivul"i'.,; Owl.e, P41he thialang TAMITU, D will be built In Fukushlmk� prefecture, � .... . ...... ....y". u offered, but, on tile other hand, any ant witla "Caiarrhozone'l-you Inhale ��;' ': ' 'u.-Ut thaL pin alid, makiTiV __ . ;��.`::!-,�:��':. " 1i _ It, rai�- -c I � 102 West,Rlohmond .St., Toronto says tho department of eommunica, ______ Attempt at profiteering met With It, Uvory breath, sends healing bal- :,6,;-;:*�:;�.�::., , 'stl I 03 ta'ary L,�.a 110ilaim a woliw aw� . I tions, and will cost 800,000 Yen (430,- short shift. V.10 Offender was Sim- sams to the Inflaeled tissues. Tight- !'�-`,'�,`-',i*-":��:" . ' ." Lialhe I him .w Ono t'.1 tImse ,�WW C.�.d , , ' , � , ------- ___ ,��-!."i:��*��:i".i� I 000). The dl.spateb. station will be at ply removed from the list. ness, soreness and Inflammation are :j,.%..,.�,��-.,ii, 1. � ... 1)r iletallo. ' - � .. I 11 I I I I Hibarlgahara, near Haria cured by healing ` - � _..".,f cil t11LJ ­­­� -� �,Viachl and The King -the prince, as lie then pine �essences, ,--a-ie- - .& 1111,:16,P. workmaii dovlu ; 11 . - hiinself went through &I :; I � . - the receiving station will be At Uoso- was , I ,�, c' The cough died away, throa.t to � Aylographic 1,tn whtah zhades III (I 4- . SH counts for perzon.t.1 necessities, such � :, .4 .11 ...,.: �erent , rs. .. 111s Invention broug,it 44410 � 04s* good for seed purPoses, because the ya-cho. Survey work has been start- a, cigars strengthened, buskinesg is cured. _1 ; ,, And all these !� .. softness is not inherltQd, ed, by engineers of the departmout, Nothing Is so simple, so, convenient, so :�:i :�, ilin a himared tbounnd doll4ra in 4 . .. , . . � Not very much Is yet known as to - The direct distance between the new private bills bad to be initialved lj�,-. certain to cure as Catarrhozone. The i, �-;�:%`:1!::$,.ji �: ,:'. v%ir'f, tliae and dia itot turix his, head. * I the best WAY to overcome the tenden- him ber,Qre payment, i ..: � - 'lo coul 1 f;tava prosper:v, I _' dollar outfit ­�, j , ' cc soft wheat. ��_:, , Soft or � office and San Francisco Is 4.600 miles,, BRNO CARNADA a"lot"Os"book: Includes the inhaler, costs � . � .. ' ' ;, I ". : �:1 The man who .discovered that .� � , cy of any soil to produ while that between the Funabashi of- � � When K!ng Edward came to the and Is guaranteed to cure. Small : . .1. .1 , .-' To a certain extent this ir doubtless � throne Ile Instituted economies which '�1'00' `.*..'� , . ­ .1 - �, . . . . . .�� newspaper %yrarner Could ty- 0:111-, - ficeAnd Honolulu Is 3,250 miles, Ser- . size 50 cents, trial size '25 cents, all L � �4�, � , ; Piebald Wheat a prob- � il list down by tons of .1 ". 1, InOd, wai earning eight dollars a I beyonif control, but it Appear vice VI1 not be opened for two years dealers, of The Catarhozone Co., King- . .� ." . .. P' I- . �, . . r.nd especially : Except'in X. Alberta and N. 'cut the 'IV pounds. Old� servitors . I., 1: * , week. 'tie made a fortune 'ut of bid unicate ill thousands. of ,� .11 � , , ;,. . (Experimental Farms Note). able that cultivation The now 0111ce will Comm Out, I . , ts ston I 11 . i I I this ,ploughing under of sod -will, In reot With San Francisco Without relay -were pensioned off and useless pos. - - - - I � %:. ". discovery. Part of this funu'Ae 11-3 I � I - time, tend to bring about such a con- . 0askatchewaiin. ,,, *�boliahod, King George went fur - -------- 4+0 - . , - , ;.� ,;,6-,ZJ',1 A. :, . " O to the support of two uchOU4.4 - in Hawe'll. - __ __ Ivnte household - . � ;1 I- . �av his gift ran, .- - � ------ t 4 0 * ++-+-#-" dition. of 0011 as will produce harder - _ . ther still, and his pr -, I . . �i 11 , for educating buys, as I I wheat. This could be expected parti- . I I'A : J "'In using thcIr 'wits and deVeIO#111��- . It is well known that, when grown ,were Prospects for Other Crops Is at present an example to al I., : . '. � . - cularly It the land under tillage NEURALGIA AND SCIATIGA . subjects, in the matter of ­Aministra- Ful"' RK E S"In A L L � I ... thLir characters", I on certain soils and especially in cor formerly covered with trees. - C. E. \_ Excellent. .,%,., - , tlon,,which is caref,.! ,without being " :1 A boy of eighteen years of ago I � - � . �.. 's no , w I . I tain seasons, wheat instead � n Cerealist. , . - - in the least parsimouim-.s. , i gave of being ..,.*',�'.f,�fj;r.", tile first shape to what . t_ Saunders, DominiO . . ,� � I - - 14, . I ... 11 .I :!! ... the modern tin can. 'AIR discay6r.tr dark and translucent, is pale or ape *_*.�__ Nerves Due to It might be mentioned that waste U Caused By Starved . IS' M"I'MS :� - If Ne Ottawa, May ­7Present conditions of any kind is abhorrent to the King TIE I "', �a­'g , ga - him '..'ke Work as, an Inv' -4, �* ' I ,Wgpo,persl Not Charitable ' - , :�'. I . 1§ I : ted with patches of light color Weak, Watery Blood- . I . If"! . � ;q','N x little this condition Is very marked, the Institlitions. 1, indicate a short hay, crop throoghout or queen. %% e waste in Queen VIC. � �_*,_ - I � � tILM . of tin i,tenslus. As simple a upoll . q wheat Is called I'm6ft," and if It is think of ifteu I A candle .� f I . . people generally ra ' Canada, excepting in ,Northern Alber. torla's time Wds frtg�atful. ;.I'- I n%:.-1::-;:':;:;.;;:,- 0 ,. . g ag the veneer no% pm I I I NOW that the time for laying awq -:r _,, , ,.4� .y " , ,'4.::,.�O. . IV - less, evident the term "Piebald" Is Discussing the question Of newspap- I n in tile hdad or gae,O. once lighted, -a bottle of wine once �Irl . �.. , . ,;hce-pegs Oboe -Pegs without th;, i gla as. a Pat ta and Northern SaaRatchewan. In- furs has come, what are you doing pg,r.;- :�'S`;!: "M;' f. .:`V�.��i�l,�',. 1 Rx- . these . I 4.,:;. -?. '-, - ­.;! I c1larity the Philadelphia COm affect any nerve pened, a game pie once cut - . :,:; . 1,061I.; I - � I.; ;.. �- 1. veneer splinterer) brought a man. of .� ,* t? �:�;... � , i�:��-�,�:I.:":; often )used. . In Xans',:3 and some er )but 'neuralgia may 'er, from re 0 ,about -1 I . I .1.1.1 a.;-', twenty-seven, who thought Of At . I . other states the phrase "yellow berry" ames Are formation received, howey 1 . or up as follows" - became perquisites of the servants, h the air ;­' ­ ��.... :! .. - " is employed to designate the same Onange sums the matt ,at ,the body. Different n sentatives of the Live .Stock Nothixig of that sort occurs to -day. Simply hanging t e furs in i . � -Ijto(l. I Were Philadelphia to pay a,t Con'" for a day or so an 1, .1 icoxk . dittion. There is considerable mis- ee advertle- VlVeu .to At when it at feats �- certain Pre _______*­P� - d then placing them F. X., A certain Colonel Green was tak- . 11 ..��, ;; � . meroial rates for all the tr neuralgic, of the set- Branch and officials Of the VfPiOus in a dark closet will never keep the I 1�. .1 I I ng hk t-L-oops across o, dry plain. . dpipr9b,efision. in regard to softnessin Ing Which th , e newsPRPers now coutri- atic nerve is calle . d sciatie i but the Provincial Departments of Agriculture Moths away. It they atay away it will I . . .: " ,ded water� He conceived Wheat. Some varlet'les, such as Pre- bute grat:s, the annual outlay for that iWaxaeter of the . Pain and �the nature indicates that unleas an unusually U hd entirely a matter of k(.>od luck. and , " ,�, 1. , 1. �'. They nec . . ' ..'' , .1. 11,j idea at a "i'drivo" well W111011 lude for instance, are extra hard in et Ot I poor growing season Is experienced 1�7p"n'x, -17 '. 4'. I ;,.�......4". . ase, Is th-6 same. The not Of good management, � - , :. - �t '. �.� :: . � . ,. �: ­ld brIr.g w I W,., - I . � . , � , - 'i. ater from beneath tb�� , their nature! and very seldom produce item would exceed the Whole cc tot , the dise with lack of moisture in the eastern . " End Yo r O'C' .U."'.4 ­ ­ , �_ I . , �, .9., . �No . such as the police department. * teause is * ne, and the. remedy It your fur Is very worn, why n ==- surfaca of the Plain. Ills scheme soft kernels while others the saa provinces and a lack of heat in the it yourself and thus take out .., , , . I ; ' There is never a single COPY Of any t,o be effective, must be the same. renovate worked and he subsequently Patent- . White Russia'n, are essentially softer. of these papers printed on any day of . neur. � western provInces there should be auf 0 Your fur In the fall all ready to wear? KING VISIT3 RACES. �d it ,and realized thx o million dol- � But most of the popular sorts, though ?'rhe pain algia, whether it ficloUt supply of. summer feed an JMqV First set t6 work with a fine tooth- ' - I - - usually hard In character,. become Of the year which does not contain !.lakes the i )rm of eel-Stic%, or WITLOth- pastureage'to meet grazing revire� Rhv'umabsm . c I o . mb and .comb N'ie fur carefully, Here is tlqe latest. ananshot of His ,ars. 'rho man who ilivcnted an sim� I I ns of $oil from one to twenty �tems, either; GO- fects ill� face and , head, is ments, and a reasonable amount of ,Ae ,,t *tbingr as the spring window soft undoi pectal conditio torial, that is a gra- ler it at Then brush it with a brush which has Majesty King George taken when Even the tra, h called news or edl L The ' ' s'...de is drawing' .1 * hun4red thou- I a . r es . , I and climate. ard caused ,by starved nerVel come.,grains and roughage for next I been dampened Just the alightest bit. he attended the ad reocr.Aly at . and dollars a year from hZI ,Oyal'- Ill, such as WHY handed ,out for the common , - a. Like I Did Mine "-Says Allow It to dry and then put a sheet Epsom ", . . Wheats of the Durum,clasl I bliciod, which i normally (PIrries nour winter's.,stook feeding operation: . .. I Goose, sometimes show, son- welfare and grom which the paper di- ' ,.�e.i. . I Wild ictly never expect a lighgnent to, the nerves, .f,Qr some rea- To offset the anticipated sh9rt hay ---*.&,P-.., .. *ndire l and the excru- Pastor Reed; Wife Also or clean brown paper over the furry . 11 rilner, b-1 name et John O'Toole.. ness. rectly aild . ig but build ison, no longer does -so crop there will be considerably more ,aide and Iron it With an Iron which . 'pain y Found Reflef'Ohefl finding that the buttons upon the , . Soft kernels of wheat contain a shipyarcl to do anythir done plat.ng -ou tee.1-15'th(i cry of, corn sown In Ontario this spring, un- Rid of Neuritis is not hot, merely warm. 'Shake it, out a -s of his trousers' pockets Would lower proportion of gluten and high- ships. A locomotive plant has ithe .starve.d nerves I �for food. T'A 0 � less in the near future r lins are ex, I and Your fur will look almost as it A not support the . weight of all his I . er proportion o: starch. The interior Its duty when it constructs rallway en- Zxeavon Why the blood fails to proi- perienced. to help hay and pasture Suffered Tortures ror Years -NOW, had been llreglazed." Doctors Had failed [I eye I and translu- gines. A hat factory, f lour mill cloth- s . lands. In the Maritime Provinces and. Whether your fur, needs touching up .. heavy tools, substituted metal -or 1* 1. of a hard kernel Is horny ,.3erly nourish the nerves Is usua.j� Tel=g Good News To Others. re, trolley road , . . f,jr,+L . . cry, bank, $to ,1 in Western Canada a g(,od deal of at- I lets and hooks made, bv himself f cent, while the interior of a soft ker- Ing fact oecaus�_4 the ,blobd itself to weak an ' or not, do be sure to comb It, for In . buttons . lie made lits un') . , . e. As bran and telephone its not reckoned upon to ithin. , . . I tention will. under any :Arcumistances, I 11 I :Jilt that way , you will get out any moth MANITOBA WO.,;VAN RFAI0,ES I through thlnl(ing of so simple a nel Is whitish and opaqu for the growing of soiling; 40 '... .. cocoons or eggs which may be it,, the Fit LLS_ I also - is translucent, the soft kernels give its time,'serv.ce or capital When, you build-Ap the thin blood be given to �� . DODD'S Kir,,NF-Y . ohange. I are paler than the hard ones. The boosting any enterprise excepting its Itains' iPiulr Pills, You crops and crops for ensilaging. It Is . fur. ­ � . , ivith Dr. Wil ' ca' estimated that the Province of New ,� : , -low- A vory luimble Run0sh slInilMake" I however, does not change Own. f re- are , -attacking mew4a.lgm, sCiatt . .. ... I I Sunshine Is good for -the A-ur: I - I .11 -neelved the Idea that children's. . - brazi Itself, has dozens 0 ot. Bruns.*ick will have double the num- 11 1..tit hang your fur out for color when the wheat bee me . and ' kin�dred diseases at the ro I lq ever. do Mrs. .Murmylo Says-'io All Who Suf- ,,,,,()(,, - �- 0 a soft, But a newspaper 3rint or to urge, 11 � I i ; You are thus merely, in- , . . should have copper tips to pro ! . I quests every day -to I Oth se pills. bar of SIIOS which are In the province several daT6 "Try 111, .1 I - -_ . to commend or damn, to beg or proe Qks PrOof of ,the value -of e at present. . % , ill vit'ng the moths to come and make fer From B12ddor Trouble: vcnt the destruction of thp toe. - I iin cases of ithis kind - we , give the � of DoddIskidney Pills.' I bas never waLted.for bread and but . .. . . motesomething out of which thd Own- I'astures are at least two weeks be- t �4 1111 their winter home in your neckplece. a Box . . f- "Irr,e. Th� retlirri brill, a b%ll fast- . . I . ! , a derive no financial etatement.ot Mrs. Thomas Mli,,Gultib, 'hind throughout the Dominion. In 1.1 � I r In the sunshine is long ' ` Rlpec- ened on a 1plece, of elactle, aril nis-4 � . . O� McPherson, er of the.paper M ICY Ws North -Malden, Ont., whtol*ys: "I Ontario soiling crops will be more ex- I .1-11 10 Brokenhead, Man.i.-May 31st, (,E I . I Vurniture Dealer, Undertaker, benefit. He to expected to emP sufferer from el6ugrand In that time the moth is , Armstrong, B.C., June 11th, 1919. capital In that way for the cOmmon have been a severe tensively grown to help out l � .1 I hardly likely to establish its Winter ial)--L-Strong in ber�.pralses of Dodd's ,ich by childrex L it -was thought of by . - sciatica, . which attacked the soistI6 the season. The western provinces 11 home, Kidney Pil: - is Mr3._�-Iary Murmylo, a I T1in(1t^en-vear-i5l_rl bov, 'nd- P'�. I Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., welfare. At 'times the d resident of thaug'a he ,a now a coil:-ge *nr,ife-.,�,, I I Tarmout A newspaper as but two Possible aierve in the left.19g. will have a heavy acreage of oats and . -Conserves attract moths. There- well known and esteonio , . ' , h, N.S. b the ,pain W..as most ,exleruclatiug and ,)as barley, nd the production of Crops of noco, hig inenmetrom. thal, Wv� 0. one is from i�,' fore, if you have been in the habit of this place. And Mj�.. '.Nlurmylo gives Dear Sirs -Since th a sources of incOm other from ,a, xesul't of i0he trouble there Was a for soleng 16 being supported by- the hang!ng winter coats in ,� closet which her reasonc. . � . ,Ice% s"'rvIlly om ,� we have been hindered with sale ,,of the paper and the lapt.not shrivelling of ithe leg. I provincial authorl,ties and individual I 11 Is near your conserve -tqosot, diecon- "Two years ftgo'l suffercd from Simple d scoveries aud Inventions I . ba" Aea"I'es', sprained ankles, etc., but - -1 .lore music rtising space. . I , - - � I � started using Xin- Ot at-. ,,could only 'hobble about by using a� farmers. It is encouraging that the I tinue this practice. bladder trouble," sho��"SaYs. "I tried'all usually bring gr6fLik reward tha, I our troubles ended. Whatever in a paper does n , provinces -have I I - �, , .1., ard's Liniment .ne, and if I 6ttempted to -walk to ,soils of the western . I es. gn(I tN,o doctors do the big dl,coveries. txreat dIscOv­ . I Ev6ry baseball player shoul(I keep a tract readers to buy is not a profitable ics elde I would. have to sit d11OWn the heaviest melature content in some - Y � � I Now, If you have a roomy closet to kinds of medlein cries take k.o many Years, and cost'so r liniment handy. ner finaACIA117'- ithe R . , I spare, your coats, etc., will be perfect- in Winnipeg, All . the doctors and bottle of You I thing for tile ow . er takes UP Space ,every little while bD .ease Ithe agony 'Years, and with the provision _ F__ I I ly safe In them, providing you entire- medicines failed to hol . p me. 'i to per,'ect, that often , letory . � ; . Tours truly, . I . Whatever in a Pa,P . I ,was under'medical trelat- . warmer Weather the prospect for crops ,'WoWt Believe what Old Numbuir ly cover them, The best way to do - "I turned to Dodd's'Kidney Pills and mily, cim,_ long after the orfghiai . I -. I JSON. Where an advorttsement might be -1 felt. nt, The Ideal About 'Uric Acid' Baing tho cauge 2 n has passcd beyoi.d. ' But W. E. XOPHIDP - iment, but ;as there was no improve- o fall kinds Is'excelle and found discoverer .,, printed 10'a 'direct and immediate loss conditions which have pre- ' of allonmatio'n-It'r �,.-Tot an Igo this is to use bage. Old sheets, pillow used eight boxes df tit I ory praise ror simple thInges that ease labor, ' .* sheretary Armstrong High. School, hat is called "civic ,ment,shown, I was getting very des- seeding minion dur- EmphaticallY asserting that thousands cases, or flour bags make excellent them satisfactory, f -give ov ve money In the home and tho I Very little Of W !pond,ent, as., the . trouble was affect- valled throughout the Do cover -bags. Scam them up in skirt to "Dodd's Kidney Pills, and to any that sa Baseball Team. ipa,per ast two weeks augur well for of unfortunate sufferers have been led -other at person suffering frain bladder trouble ,shop in a simple Way, that help up- � -, __ boosting" ever brings to a nowE u 'O . - � Certainly no begging -ing iny general heal�tlh- F inally a, Ing the p I a single reader. try 'Wil , and a plenitude into takinr wronq treatl*aents ndor the fashion and draw them to ifrIend advised me to Dr. - the cropping season old and false bLl,ef that ­Urle Acld� top. . I say, 'Try a box �0't Dodd's Kidney wards at small expense, the world � 1. � . - proposittpin does. of coarse grains is anticipated. causes rheumatism, vastor U. W. Ree Remember to sun and air thia closet , of work is ,always looking I a�d the t6rm "yellow berry" is quite "relief," aiampl Pink Pills and I decided to do , Pills., 11 I I Armenians always require As & result of the backward eondl- sa,ysl at least once a month. Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly . on Th,. man who discovered that a mialbading. A soft sample *of a so- so itseems,Agd. the paerps are expect- 13D. I took the pills faithfully . for tion of pastures it is expected that -A; do so&O.Of our highest medical Whc tor andle, it tap3red ML the end, 'would . I - Is really a But laeverlal months, -finding a gradual authorities. I now know that 'Uric m laying away your why the kidneys. By putting them in con- c called red wheat (which to print COWIMIS of appeals. the run of grass finished cattle will Acid' never did and nevw, will cause quilts. they will be quite safe PTOvid- dition to do their ftill work they re- .gtick firmly into -its sOL"--e' latented. reddish -brown, rather than red, In ed d ever think of buying land Increasing Improvemen,t in my not Come out until about a month la- t took me manyl years Ing they are entirely CO lieve bladder troubleg and send pure ad I tho � no person woul lot rheumattsm! But i vered with the ldca and afterwayd found, coloi) is not Yellowish but pale red- a newspaper Just to read an article ;case, until finally every vedtige ter,than usual. (;attle are going on to find out this trutb. I learned bow newepapers. In orde� to nake sure blood and good dealth coursIng to CLII !arge,,,t candle factory in 1heL world. . . . -ld o,f my rheumatlsm and re- 3 ny one have thought ,of I dish -brown. The popular Idea Ithat asking him to contribute money. to lithe trouble , had gone, and I was to the grass in very thin condition to get 1 that they are covered, do not simply parts of the body. � Might not a . Red Fife wheat turns Into White Fife again enjoying the blessing of good and pastures are short and lack hot- cover my health and strength, through lay a quilt In the box or chobt in f Dodd's Kid- this simple device? Tho original um- -er- Some one 6,000 miles away- reading 'The inner Alysterie-9 of,Rheum Ask Your neighbors I . when it becomes soft to entirely, An account of 9. prize r-ghtt baseball healtbi *and -freedom -from pain. tom. tugm., a work written by art authority which you lay your covers, and then ney Pills do not relieve kidney ills brellth Nveighed from three to eight . I een these ent in iWftat Dr. Williamsl Pink Pills did on is generally hopeful. aEi� has scientifically studied the causo quilt from Pound",- It wits made of- gingliam , roneous; the difference betw game, murder, election, elOpem The situati of treatment of rheumatisf for, over a nowspaper, etc. Wrap each nd those diseases Ahat spring nd whalebon3. it was cla m-bersom., the color of D, bat- tZor me seems talmoot 9. miracle and separately !n a newspaper and tie it I . �- . I a . I I two, varieties lies only in high social circles, a horse race. ,1 especially considering the precautions it was indeed a verltEbbie , sick kidneys. � I - the bran. White Fife is .Just as hard would 111-bope that my experience 333AY ben- that are being taken to preclude a TO- twLnty years' carefully with cord. I and expensive. Trien Samuel FOX gh of a dif. tleor a hot debate in Congress, of ,foeders' experiences In the . revelation. r It you are one of the houeekeepef-el I - - appeared, 1coh the umbrella of hiv, I . a wheat as Red Fife thou Readers -would buy to see jefit some tother sufferer." � currence 111 had ouffered agony dir3orders, met under the stairs for Aviator's, Hea'rt- Enlarged. . I ferent color, y9llowish rather than sell papers. If you are suffering ifrom. any ail- way of feed 6hortageland consequent rheumatism and associated 'who uses a cl< 1'-'� day, substituted alpaca for gingham . reddish. I that sort of 'thing. give Imimt. due to weak blood avaU youn- high feed cost. The Departments of and 2virs. 1 -teed w6s, tortured with the putting away the winter things, then I an. then silk for alpaca. He C'ut pr-. Yet the Philadelphia Papers . 3, botb, Federal and Provin- demon neuritis almost beyond endurance. Doctors Etienne and Lamy of N the solid rart of tno ribs and put Softness is the outcome of peculiar' white tself -at toace of the splendid home Agricultun . We had read and talked so muoh about Proceed in the following Way to make cy, France, have conducted a series of in regard to daily many columns of space On s seemed In grooves. Ila de,iigned a patent . soil 'conditions, especially Itreatment, ,which Dr. WilliamaP Fink clal, appreciate the efforts that are 'Uric Acid' that our mind It moth proof.. X-ray examinations'of the hearts of .A - qu"tity of )aper that costs them dearly to the Mysteries of in character, and live soil structure and the . I 1PIlle so easily afford, and you will being made to provide for the produe. poisoned. But the 'Inner . First, wash the closet with water to aviators and have found evidence of framo, light I from WhIob boosting or begging or promoting pro- . s I I e It all clear to us and. which a to wdropG Of carbolic acid * ent. This heart to sp his invention used universall"v. . 3nolsture present. Land positions. And lot Ph'ladelphlans re- be amo�g .those Who TeJOJCG In re. tion of feedeg to supplement summer Rheumatl m n ad . Lo Suffer- considerable eni-argain These pxftMPlCs ought to be incen- . cleared is re and winter roughage. and the now we are both free from tb trees have recently been is not tho� case gained health. These pills are sold Pastu Ing and misery 1we endured so many have been alded, On the floor seatte- enlargement sets in � arl-.- ln the flying ! member that such policy whibb. is unquestionably being vears. I believe I wM4 the hardest man a bunch of tobacco trimmings which 0 � boy who 19 plw' 'Inn to p.articuilarly liable io iproduce soft t 1by )all dalers in 3hed',chie, ,or may Vor me to dis- man's career, belnl� noticeable ,after tiv0s t I wheat. It is also well e�tabllshqd everywhere. followed In the country, of utilizing in the world to convert! may be obtained at any c'gar factory. - .y enter the field of work to I - I hich for a century and The had by -mall at 50 cents a box ,or card the old 'Uric Aeld, theory, and five months of &r6lence In the .-.1r. "')me The journal w and conserving all sources of supply. -what I now know to be ab%olutely false, If you have not already a rack' in pay close attention to detalIR - not that.in countries where the summer Is six boxes for $2.50 'by writitnig The . a rude one The degree of enlargement Is rotighly . - a quarter nas been regarded in all Next to reading, m.editation and thl,3 closet, why not have to ignore the. little thingt�, Thcy I . Co,, Brock. ' the temperd eatest 0r. Williams' Medicine �1, for the new, scientific understanding of proportioned to tile lielght, at which , -; . as the gr 0 ac- , w t LA great conven- r rather long and where ' the causes at . ,r-., after a I is nid, the foundation �, inoderate, -the wheat,is us- parts of the world Prayer, there Is nothing that 6 id cure of rheumatism built in? They are tures are on nrille, Ont. - i 1. chahge my religioug the axiator is accustomed to fly, so I . ually softer than In districts where newspaper published Is the LODA . . Cuses our hearts from foolish Pas- life asking me to iences. After you have waahed the .ray i1pon which the big things tr.re built ,veat Times. But 80 far as boom'.ng any- 4 ioo I along, nothing tha beliefs! But I did change, and It was simple examinatidn of the X up. If '11 a great city You look at the s1fromer Is short and where E t so Preserves so fortunate day for me and mine when rack w1th caTbolle water Xnd allowed that es to determine a, man's A I . A thing in London goes, the Times "FI-071ft HiM That Hath Not.-' 0 holy and wise a framo of mind as a did so," it to dry, place a hot stove -lid upon plate suffic the towering sky -scrapers, you seo extremes of temperatures occur. 11 be printed in Tokio. It . some useful. humble employment of I NOTB: "The rnner Mysteries of it. Upon the atove4ld scatter a table- branch of flying service, whother he o. -I.1, flio immensity- of U13 bricIr , full explanation of the causes Of soft- might as we ; ferrect to above by Pa,S- spoonful of powdered sulphur. which, is doing chasing and bombing Work at Z, devotes but little of its resources and (Toronto Star.) . ourselves,�Law. � Rheumatisro. re tiarit, and atep.l. Put I' you , ill P0 nose has not yt ' ', Can arrIved at. sort of thing. . The worst enemies of tor need V" rheum&- b h o w is much better than the high altitudes, etc., .at comparatively . Your dyinr. I& a bare faqts about �nwu int,) the sub -basements, ydtv. It is ge The -pastor of A, church is supposed that Will. dome to mock you, win tism and Its associated diSol'der-1; over- ay' that It is a bed, id scientists for een- s y ' ur ( -es, . nerally believed that soft capital to that ulph mudle, Then %hut the door low altitud will find tiny Columns of emeret ) It may be contended to dress himself and his family do- looked by doctors nr t should very quicigv y ant do not ------ 4:i.�*_ uph,)1ding, these, . vheat Is interior in quality to hard s a work tha . -11tl newspaper's log'timate bus 4% about be. the dreams of your y It L and ti, I -wheat for bread making; this 18 US- iness, to cently. or whispe, "slovenli- . turtes past. n or wo- Opel, g daV. 'When HOW TO POP CORN 111)on them the big supers ruttare urge and beg said boost. But It is no boyhood or girlhood. should they be be in -the hands of every nia It antil tile followin mily true, provided the s9raples com- ore the function of a newspaper than ness" begin to circulate in hie eongre- unfulfilled. But it you Can only In man who has the all *htest symptoms of you open the door you can feel entire- . to the same variety. ra gation. . ur;itts' lumbago Or gout. of & magazine, and magazines 'thrive In your life they rheumatism, Ile ]v assured That there lq neler a live It is done In different ways, but r 0 st'. vardd b9long (He must keel) his library up to date. part realize them. .Om Anyone who .9enda 'name and address to � ' � However, some soft vatlettes are su- 'shing only such articles as or folk allege he is a back number. will be angel a H, p, Clearwater, 555 -ii Street, 11111- mobli In the T)Iacc. Then fold all the most approved method is to pop -And the succers of these t.ny Cal- I Parlor to some hard onesi For mil- by pubU v. W. G. Emslle, � lowell, 'malne, will', receive it. by mail. bldnketes, portiem, Pte.. Wrap In Your corns ,%vith Piftnain's Corn Ex- umns of conerl-te does not re- LLjou I I .d their editcres believe the public wishes He must sVe that his children get tort ybu,Re . stage paid and absolutely free. Selld rack tractor--co-us pop out for fair, and the a.-ount of money they made for lltg purpos6s hard wheat Is preferre . . . to if nowenaper, Isv upnn the Ahelf or , a& It Is easier to handle and it usu.- to read, a fair education, or he 'is setting a v, lest 7ou forg&t the address! lid stay out, too, when removed by "Put- C i contractor who put them In, but The magazine tries and does secure bad example to other people.:. ,&"_11.� noN a sufferer, out out this explanation and then tightly cIvAe the door qT Try this, painless remedy his honesty o! purpose In cor.struet- . isily gives better satisfaction to bakerq not e afflicted. f rl end, leave It clo,sed until .the following fall. nA in's " Who desire to make extremely light circulation by interesting its rea.ders. E�18 home must be maintained In .and hand It to 80m yours;lf ,25c, at all dealers, Ing th.m. "1IOW WC1.11 he 'Laht � - *-*-*.- I L .__� them, an't not "at what pro'it" Is bread4 It publishes no Belgian, no Polish, good repair, or. the Ladies' Aid will MOST EVERYONE Gun&wder. I lie is a poor house- � I . IFAIS DE111XITIO-N, what count'. So with all other con - from soft wheat Is better I -lard Wheat nor Armenian appeals, never urges Say that Ilia W . 0 Original gun- (Boston Transorlpt.) , ,.i better street paving and cleaning; keeper. . USES. THEM Black powder Is. th ' '�vlverized WHEN BABY IS SICK .,pa, w aVa it mean about 1t111;-�eIn1j stractio. or Inventions -the InVritr I � being more In demand usually brings people to contribute for, He must give liberally to all j;aod � it consists - of � h �,f the discovery Is what has 1)rought a high,3r price than soft wheat. As a does not coax FOR THE STOMACH P 11tpetre mixed better to Live than to recelvoVl the material i%iward. it that merit . rule, therefore, farmers whose wheat the support of hospitals and, Colleges; causes, or be denounced as a hypocrite . I C=I, sulphur and si and charcoal , When the baby is sick -when he is ,-it mcans, my Pon, t1lat Your mother lit soft suffer A financial loss on that makes no demonstration for sav!ng who does not practice what he together. Both sulphur finds more pleasure in lecturing me than was lacking, so was the reVard. I babies f ly or any 0 preaches, . . ig� cross and peevish; cries a great deal I (He must assist, 'out of his own They A*t'Qulokly, and Make are jinflammable, and It they are I do In listening to her.." I 4 !;0 - - account. Such wheat, : owever (if of swatting the is a constant worry to the mother " t is perfectly those �publlo things which daily news, . YOU Feel Lively As a Kid - nitecl they will bum as fast as A;r can and lets. The VnIZITAULY Hunting the CaribOti. : 8, Usually hard variety) � Pocket. those needy cases whic] be'suppited to complete the combus- -he needs Baby's Own Tab In hunting the caribou quietness tj - I , =-- quire help, but dread publicity. Other. I . When saitpetre, to heated. it Tablets are an Ideal medicine for little Bob: sackson's a friond In noeQ, tr. ,entiol. N ver break a twl- It o i----*- - . � tton. David: It seeins qO" 110's alwaYs v. esk, 0 y u .e wise. his ovu Conscience Will accuse Ith ones. They�, are a genuine but thor- '61my old it. for a cracklihg` branch I I � W ­ I gives roff oxygen. 33Y mixing V Ing to borrow sonic , . call 1IV _XG" �, Vp oe V . him. . I A crowning Curative triumph In me- axa I ich re alate the bow - _`11, IF - " V � - He must house alld feed all th . di6ine Is 11oW given to the world and charcoal and sulphur enough saltpetre ough I tiVe W 1 9 makes a noiso which carries far awl '.%. 6 via y ,the necessary oxygen for ols, sweeten tile stomach, banish con- LIX= T11A.T. niny glic Avarning of your approach '01 ,, all who have been sufferers from std. to suPPI I up . I I I . - �� Iting speakers who are not billste(t complete combustion, We obtain, a stipation and indigestion, break She. ,,Don,t you tionu our minister to the vvry stag you partk.alarly _. . elsewhere In his congregation, or the Mach ailments, Indigestion and hem& mixture that can -burn W-IthOut tWo AM colds and simple fevers and make ,polislied serwons?" want. Equally Important Is It to kewi a vl;�,�kf!,:'k'os, I must ifay I liko the finish - I 6tigina, of being Inhospitable Will at- ache Can be cured by a purely vege- . teething easy Concerning them Mrs. I (I sliarp look-Orit -it all time?,, fwvcj�l- , I " a- I tach to his church. table rennedy. - ' of air. s adfficlent heat Is 'aP- Philippe Payon, St. Flavion, Que't to them." __1 --- 101� 11113, N%*i1cn unterinr i, barren, ,kvbpre a I - w out exciep- C4�lnel, salts and such like are no As 'soon ,a 0 plied, the saltpetre, gives off oxygen writes- "Baby's Own Tablets have Attacked by Asthmn, The first qw-, nmv be slexipin,�,, for undor sucT( % 1\� . 3 tion, 11talto delegates" when there Is. longer necessary. Ta-sy are harsh ulphOr and been a wonderful hell) to me In the. tion is 02 RuftOeatlOni rnrlilltlofig they are bArd tri 4�eo, I % i I , I - U - 9, COnVentiolU Or his deacono will say and disagreeable. Science has d$VIS. which burns the adjacent a t, which ease �ot my baby and I can strongly Te- which hour by hour becomes more Among Ilia numerous gray dowl I - " - charcoal, fo"ming more h0a , ..::::�� ­- that he lacks Interest In the VO. -u Of ed something far superior, anti you 'the surrounding salt- -commend them to other Inothers." The desperate and holmless. To suel "t,A1u%1):1 rtn(l moas-�overaO, low trees � ..;::::::�� the denomination. cap go to -day viifirMo -to any druggist decomposes a case the relief afforded D. thet color (A the caribou is so Inco- - ! i , r. He must. if his Congregation Is seat. , ipotro, thus continuing the process. Tablets are sold by medicine dealer by Dr. f a . q t�� ', LLL .- do anabuy a box,of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, As the combustion does not have to or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Kellogg's AsIhma , Remedy B90MO ­,­iwrim ihe,t the iintralued or) -�111 I � \11, - �- tored, keel) either a horse oil a car, whle,h are considered the very quick- t for air to ibe'supDlied, it spreads or. Williams, Medicine Cc,, Brookville, nothing less than miraculous. ItFi fall to t1otect the animal even ,%ttloto . . 1� lest he be accused Of forgetting the aelt, W&I , a range. lrll(-. -- � ,4 est and safest cure for the stop- help Is quickly ar,parent and soon tb . first intimattoft will ),O �% I � ,� 0, AV � tass with practically In- One. dTeo.dful attack ii illasterea. Tito -1, sappearing Patch of -_ -,,�t. 0, V ��. . sick and neglecting pastorAl calls. . through the n: I I - I = I , %,% -O..% 'D to . Omon Who Stfu1taneous apoed. 1. � ,.� m, -,, �t �11 � bowels, liver slid kidueys. I 11 .6 o ��.110 - 61d Conflidt asthmatic who hal found Out g an(!o t;f a d1i .,.��Vgj I 1� . tLo 0. He must. of course, , have a tele- Italf sick men and w . - 4 ;f the do. white rts tile caribou vanisho3 Into I . M 'Oongregationg he Coop Bear Traices � I 0 - 0 � . I., OL. phone, gild In some CArcely know what Ails them, Will pendability Of th'13'st(II-11119 remedy the wmida. , I I * , 13 , . '-%It . . .., to el oe FAT SIOCK SHOW fli:xv, tensider,ed, th,% eavi, ,:Z�M. __� , 'tod to supply a typewriter. If be given a how lease of life, with Dr. TORONTO will never be witilin It. It IS 0014 All fljj,�zp t1l, I .� M P � I.:. q _. . he AIntainji a Machine, for turning HamiltoiVs Pills, Depressed spirits only 20 miles from Phoenix, Aft everywhere. ., iba,u tit Ntm�foundlan(l 1-4 110t as ,tivft � ... I out the church's circular letters, there di8a,ppear, headaighea are forgotten, The 11th. Annual Mit stock Show Arizona mtn, Joseph Yberri;t In ex. --------#.*, 0 ..0 as -Illy ritiler, door that I know of anj . ____mmmmmmwwww000 Are many willing to lorget that It will be lielil on Thursday : Do - . lmmmmciammlm;x- appetite increases, blood Is purified iand Friday, December 9 and 10, 192 ploring h c THOSI-11 PLIAR 01111T.S. I,; tl:!�rt-for5! more readily al)l rorobio4. Coats him money. ' . of an old Ida -It's no 81,411 b0e,'Me 11m, engaged -mild enriched, patils at the baso of , at the 'Union Stock Yards, West TO- 9111ch, came upon the traceq A. - e.,t t -trii-tin- T 01r - Above ail, he must be prompt to pay ause and date are to a may' t1lat I'll' 901111'. to marry,1111 I 114To is, of course, pr gnd gcoUmulAte to debts, ;he spins, are Cured, the nerves are tLdge__oh, no; lie maF badi: out. amonq 00111. fic'me 11(dw" extrome"t I ro. lest he t . The entries for this, the conflict, Whose e I toned up, ambition to work 'is Inereas- ,1fOl1tO un. still a Inysterr to the community. Ob- M - --*-.A.- - I alort, itatl diffloult tO nitalk, N%hiln #,T.b- i to ohould, be scorned As "bad PAY," reaso ed, and day by day the old-time he4lth -ilth Annual ShOW, promises to be serving that one of th-3 eaves was A DOWS L114,14. (A He must iiiever aalit f0t ail Ina usually large. . .pi ,-.rp ,.,o aligurtJ15- tume tbu ih,,v I Of galoLty. It he does, bi§ to Ift the And vigor ,return- 14_b-� Droteet.ed by a breast -corks of Stolle "A husband lead'a a dug'A life," 8414 vvill allow a nian tO Walk right lin In FO rove -, , , and timber, lie iotitired and discovered AIr. Gal)b. ministry for money. Or 96, at any A trial only Is necessary to P. Ills " Lo Itti) TRAT WAY. &MO11g setLttered a -dies, spurs and "Thavo right", avreed Ntra. G10b. 411te %t*:t11l*.1 it Com- yarft befor., t - 0 -In � The Farm rato, Will say h benefletal Dr. 11amIIt6n!8 P ra the .prisoner going to plead In4 v an( onoreq all uight.#. fii,!b, t,u1,!rp,itv Iq oft,(�11 9. noll tl.abli some at thopeoDle. OW )wla all ilal L. � ,rvous# thin# asked a judge, cartridge shells, olght ekel3tons. Sev. 9r, ----------- 014. - ­_ , " villy Ow"All When 0110C. it Ij A I are to ill who are weaky no sanity as bis defel)ce?" - enteen more wer4o found In thp other I a lin'.." tboang tile Sa.tie attractive styles -61C game 09Y COMfOft-the - ' - dep,roosed Or in failing health� - ,,ividging from his seleotton of coun Spara the el1jIjlrv,.1 irom surf,irIng arn'tiqP(l thev NAll go to almo­t any I same sound economy -that Fleet Foot means in thel city. A PHI that Provo$ It* valuc- .�­+4.6io- ge , ,,willspo.red a WIM110tor Who had fAll- clew to show from worin,.3 by using Miller'6 NO" ,hi-fy it, T do uot. 110w. od� , to get the brief, "I should Oay 116 eaves, but there Was .'O .m. lei,,-,Jl (ti , I ., airs of Fleet F oot -4rown ones for wdrk about Tihose, Of weak atota&011 will find how those men had por!shed. A sAtk te Have two or three p. I PATIllyna UOUrlixT. 1811 powderg, the most effective V(�Tlnt- over. -01V`190 1110 111'IntOr tO count rA,riength IrL pgrinelee's Vegetable ._*---*-64b-- ---- of tobacco was there, And e1nPtY flour fuge that can bo - t With Which to 1,awh vil it, for the VQry ihilt- W114oft the farin-white ones when work is over and pleasuto begins. h bore 110 " . I *9 of r � Out for th Pills, bemuse.they gerve to Maintain , ,,I)id ighe may she would be i,burs?" An 1011 Withtut A160hol.-SOme 011.9 bags, coffecitettPs and -Palls Witte -bat these InAd!ous fol!.% of the %ou inill"'!ne AvIll tointit,thiq mil" &V You tan L-A" several pat �Iimt r a Pelee of Otte per It com, i of leather shocs. the healthful action of the stomach ,.I don't know What she meant. She .i,adn,anyniedicinesliavealcOhOt as S labels 111diCating that they were 0 young and helPlem. There is woth- ,%.i.11 fri­htun flic-m ftway. flowthum A I., kud the liver, irregul-AtIttes fit whieb, r,Mrt§Iy said, 'Glub-glub'." PAo thtta 1903. . -, - I . �� I heavens! Were you choking prominent Irgrediout. A JudielOud, the rukrket to loftgel' Ing tli,%t excels tya!q preparadon As �,1!r111pr1%'11(1h.0 will Trialto thk,ut ­fwy I - �rV ' ill E ' 0 R I. - I ""'""I I J I I so =470 I 19450 bad I I iVZR f )a each ,tom,ra �'Judiug I firms. 'at. and irocit to I ,a for men, women, I are Most distrio4sing. I)YOPeOtICA Ming A a worit, de�otroyvr. ftliti When, it,3 qual- 1n,11.lgJt1%,1. i.-nd thcy N%Ill vorit, vJOIN There are styles and slzL ,,Good . ling of six (�,sjjentlal oils COM- A Mi6xitan herb, ruch as the Papago � - her 11 . I . I I and children --for week -day and Sunday- are well Acquainted with theM and o;,N* 1 tproposed right In the mIddI* po.an tilo,fainous Dr. Thomas' rtln- Indiana carry, was found. Ities becomo kn".1va In a llo=ChOld no .,�, ToNt fmt to find oit %aht It '­. `�) �'tr, for work and holiday time. %lue them at their proper 'Worth. & pathetic rAovia and discovered she tv,(, othor will be li�,, 4. The niedleino V V It f 1, I I , oil, and th(Ire is no alcohol In it, �.*.*,*__ " , (1(qqq,i1111-1IIy, ., .4,10 hmulk -f- I I . I I Thisy haye afforded# rollml! when other , is 4 40 __ so that ttl VffPctl ptr(� lasting. Thera When HoII0WAY!9 Corn (!tire Is .IVP- %_ � N1 hsv#1 -failed, anA have ef. I _ WIS(3 mothers who kn,,,..W thA V' -T- plied to st corn or wart it kills the Ptetfj by itsolf, rul."hing, no Purg will have illo ,ume orf"t,­�. *h-.111. Ask -yoUr dealer for F lect r,00t primmm,tions teltial 011 loompou I thoroUttly ii�lljrjv 1,1,1:!1u(xo in "The Hernnn,ii, of .1 I Mtt I as ff.cte.,d eur" In Atlmo*s of loft I tues of Moothor OravO,A' Worn' N'tter- Is 110 ftl(',d its 'PAIRT.I.M. roo" 11,44 th6 calkwIty comes out tiva to 0,911ist it, aull ro standing W*hare **,Or medl4laed Wgrat I minator alwfty8 h,avo it at hv,u,d, be- esn ,equal tUA oil in vithout Injulty to tko flinh. . that u0thine more Is dealre4i, I tilt.4 N*.,.%v!euit4l&ud Carlboa.,* I - -J fozad wavwiu. I 4AVX* A proveo ko vtlua, *nd 'hotling "t1r. ., &*_-110� . 4 . . "I " iilh-lfig,,.61� . I . L 4 I f � :, a � . � 1 7, . i . I �� � . � . I A . ** V. I � .. . . . � .1 I . � � �� ­ * Ab"AA" I I, " , , ;, It � ­ I . I I 1, t"", � ac :: , I I � . , ...... � ,� " 64A_.._-1U0J�j..A - Ak. -, ,,_,.­ufiVA.L`i..,.��., L ',.�,, � , � � . ,"� . 11111111111111111 ..... 9 � _ufiV.L,..,,.� - 6 _w Ad 0 loom ,I wdiillliiiiiiiiiii�_ I ��