The Wingham Advance, 1920-06-03, Page 5i+
6 -
ail�wmp 1,014,10*1111111 1 0
Trivia Uomorw Church,. Exeter go.. Don't try to deceive yourself- Per- i
R41yooRoomoat colors Of 161$t, haps, your pains are in the stomach, side' k�
or back perhaps you have biliousness or When, ConvAlpotion oomeo, wit it
The colors of the 161st Overseas Bat- Indigesti6n. All sure signs of gall stones I hmene? The Colons get obogse,4'
With wrests waterul, whlicli, If$ ex.
talion Q. B. were deposited with im- or developing appendix trouble, You can- tho, Iblood 0$rlovia-
prossive ceremony on Monday, May 2.1th, do the same as Mr. J. B. E tion comes In sualcloutly close, con.
in Trivitt Memorial church. Exeter, jeuu out. (lid. Ile tried•Marlatt'a peel_ ;t(Wt With the NVUSte to,talCi) III) these ILI 0
Major Dunlap and Copts. Hetherington, f . I .% U-sney aving Values
W, Resod what he says. Poloonob7 ubsor%lon and to diArlb M S
Sturdy and liund.e from Goderich, were Dear Siri, - utelhem throughout tho bqdy. The
in attendance, Gen. 1-1 A. Panet, G. 0. Ft many years I suft, red from stomach result 10--ee Liver becortiefi Slug.
trouble. I could not eat or sleep well. g1zh, you IbWorao dull and heavy,
C- of Milinery District No. 1; Mayor W. Nervousness, pain under my right should- lilliousness as I ii - 's ar'
T. Lawless, A. A. G,, of London; and 4erta itself, thou you
or blade, and oras unablo, to rest proper-, hava Headache, Kidney and .Bladder M (.* n W
Lt, -Col, H. B. Combe, Lt. -Col. H. T. ly at any time. I have used "Ma.ria. tt's Trouble, , Indigestion, Appendicitis,
Ranco, Lt. -Col, J. W. Sbaw, Major M, Specific" for Gall Stones & Appendicitis iand more evils besides,
1). McTaggart; Major W. J. Leaman
trouble and it has cured roe of all my,
troubles. I can eat well and feel like a i
and Rev. Capt. S. E, McKegneY, M- C-, young man. I am 57 years of age and Huking's
weigh 225 pound, thanks to Marlatt's Suits at Special Prices,
were all present. Specific. My family have also taken thel Kidney and Liver Pills
Capt., Hetherington, K C.) carried the are highly reeorpmended for
medicine with good results and we will .25 meyr�s pure woolWorsted and TweedSults! In form fitting And waist
colors, escorted by the bands of Exeter always recommend your preparation to. Constipation line *'tyles. Well tailored I and 'beak of trialmill I go Our re gular $5S values
and Crediton, combined. others who are suffering. •
Arriving at the�,hurch
door, the officer Gets
bottle to -day. See bow much alfa, its Evil Results X specially priced at $49.
commanding JLL-Co]. knocked better you feel after one doze. Marlatt's V1
Specific is for sale :at They are purely vegetable, do not t all druggists through- 18 Men's fine Tweed and English Worsted in a wide range of colors and
with his sword three.times on the door of it 6nada. Free booklet sent on re- Grlpe, Purge or Irritate, and bring 1*14 patterns, perfect in fit and extra quality, trimmings, Our regular and $50
ad by the 0' values specially priced at $44,75,
the church and was admitted gest to J. W. Ma relief by prodwolug a healthy condi- 4%
church Wardens, who following the ritual rlatt & Co., Toronto, tion. of the %tomaclx, Liver, Kidneys
Special Agent in. Wingham, Oat.,
provided for 'such ceremonios, asked, J. WIIMCKibboa, prog.gist. and Dowiels,
"Who comes there?" The officer corn. -No m0fter what medicine you a -re Summer Underwear
taking' f6T a laxative It mightThe just i!Lq
manding replied, "The officer command- ars well rt* change off to Hackings, 09A Men's two piece and combination unlerwear In balbrigian and nainsook.
ing the 161st Battalion seeking admission DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Ifte coWlituation. of. Cascara, Pep»
in order to present to the Bishop, and lat, Maya lyre and the other All styles at 75c to $100 -
the chore wardens of Trivitt Memorial
Vegetmble Umv 1cont-alne
d In these
"11 Produce results to be lin, W., 0A Pants $2,50 a pair
Church, wardens
the colors of the said pill's wx
Regiment for safekeeping in this Church", equalled by any others. They Oworlv Black deny and grey duck work pants, Extra heavy'niAterials. Well
Thechurch wardens then announced to beautiful In Digestive Disorders,,for made and full sizes, Specially priced at SZ.50
the Bishop, who stood at the chancel CHIROPKI" ACTIC Gas on the stomach, for spasmodic,-
. p PMns In the, -stomach and. Bowels, X,
steps, "Right Reverend Sir, the officer Straw Hats $3.00 to $5.00 Felt Hats -,$4.00 to $5.00
Practice is confined, exclusively to eind for oys�epsla and Indigestion. YJ
commanding and officers of the 131st Bat- Chiropractic, the only and original Sys- 3�u:y a few boxes from your dealer' 04 , 11
Caps.., . ........ $1,00 to $3.00 Ovc�alls' at $21Eto. 8'00
talion seek admission in order to. deposit tem of $pinal Adjustment. Effective in ta-dlW, but be absolutely sure you.,
- 95 pa; cent of all cases, get Hvicking's. Fine Shirts,..$1,75 to $3.00 Mork Shirts $1,50 to 2. 1
the colors of, their regiment for safeUeep I
ing in this church." And the. Bishop R
Chiropractic locates and Removes 7.
answered, "Admit them,". the Cause - of Dis-ease: Nature. Heals."
• The church wardens then escorted the GEO". I WRIGHT
officer coinmanding and the soldiers up- J. A. FOX, D, C.2 D. 0. ZAJV2)MAXrP-4R .
the chancel ste, the 46th Psalm being Also fully qualified graduate in Osteo- -Experienced Piano Tuner---
pathy. Phone 191. Hours 2 to 5, and 7
sung as they old so, God is our hope and to Teacher of Rudiments of Music1
0 P. M, . liar-,
strength, a very present help in mony, Counterpoint and Composition time of �wnxx
Leave ordero i�tTHE ADVANCE Office,
trouble". The presentation by the . O. C. C. R. Copeland All brass and reed instruments
and the acceptance by the Bishop follow- A ,• U-
14 IN 10. U 4.0 -At, &,I+n the 7 Ar vUltA ArCE an V Q ,.._--
e . 8 VLJ e11 W.
Lord's Table and reverently deposited
Fire, Accident Sickness
151st Wawanosh Council
the colors upon it, the first -verse of. the
Antomobile.Insurance a Specialty IN MEMORIAM
National Anthem being sung as he did so.
only the best companies represented -at 1. 1 1 1
The council met on May a6th, as r.
Then followed appropriate prayers and
...... Lowest Rates... in loving memory of our dear Grandpa;
CQurtof Revision on the Assesment roll,
the sermon, by the bishop.'
Mr. Robert, Jenkins, who departed'iliN
with -all the members present Having
Bishop Williams in his sermon referred
to the high ideals of the British Empire,
life: May 8th,1c920.
Say It W 1 t h Floweps, Dear Grandpa, sweet Grandpa, no t6ngu6•
each subscribed to the ,'d6claraubn re -
quired by statute, the only 'appeal to be
in entering the ,war. She 'stood. for. pre-
can express
-considered was that of Wisha Walker,
servatioriof truth, liberty and . justice,'r�s
raja T lie hours of sorrow and loneliness,.'.
eoUl. X2, who complain:ed of: being 'assess -1
and thought it b6tter t' die than break
We spend�now without thee, our gra ndpa
;ed too lal gh, Assessment oonfirmed.
berwdrdto smaller nations. , His. Lord -
so dear,
there being bo other business before the
ship spoke of the magnificent bravery of
Z Who ever was ready to comfort and cheer.
"court, it was moved by Mr. C6 altei
tire Canadian troops, especially those of
Do not ask us if we miss him,
by Mr. Straglian that theAssessment roll
the 161st who had taken part with. their
411 I Ob there's sucli a vacant plaqe
be adopted and the Revision
fellows in many battl6s of the war. He
Oft' we think we hear his foot steps
closed -Carried,
said that courage and perseverance,
Or we see his smiling face.
Counci resumed and general business
also necessary a� the present time to
fholr . hen
The home looks so lonely. so gloo my and
ec Utes -of last regular
c' ded with. Min
K0,11 . ecial meetin in were read an&� :con -I
CL US rigs a mt. P
such as' Bolshevism, both" 'missionary f Geo L. Sturdy and,
With- no Grandpa there to make our firmed. Petition o
ot"rs'askiug fox. the construction of a moving to town, had the misfortune to for a days* Astliit
and militant, and Pan -Germanism. which hearts glad. Now we do not vouch
b- it
had .+. W! Ui= =7 4�aiii on con 1 received for the trutlifulnefss of this ataxy
a manifestede When, days are dark, and friends are few, havehis'arm broken. by a.heavy plank
desire to obtain a larger st.anding a rmy. Flowers if wanted foriMothers' Day. L,, Oh, Grandpa how we long for you: Strfti�ghau-Gllleapie that, the petites
falling on it. was told us ip. TCincardiue last week. Of
There were two reasons. for depositing us now early to save 'disappointment, -he same
be granted and that a copy of t
of the colors in this church, His Lordship FUNERALS, WEDDINGS, ETC, With tearful eyes we watched you Grand-, be sent to the Engineer for, exambuttion Several carloads' from here, went to 'course there .are lots of fish, and fish
id. One was that the colors had origin- Poited Plants and Cut Flowers pa 9f tile described in said petition. Godericti last Friday and several. more to yarns also in kiticardine,
sa property
a Specialty Going on Your way
ally been presented b� thie Soldiers Aid, Messrs Proctor and Wightmati wereXincardine on 8at 'rday to see Cbas'. Durnin anason have the inachiu-
of Exeter, and the second was in iiew of Catalogues shown on request. Although we loved you grandpa present asking for a brant in aid'of school circus, and according to reports were ery all in place' in their Machine shop
the Anglican M�RS. WM. -V.IVP-A TH We could not make you stay.
the fine response made by be held in Beigrave this coming much disappointed. It was ever th now and are open for all kinds of
church in Canada during the war. Al- Phone 142, Wingham d 11
'B'ut, when we meet in that blest land Season, $20.00 Was vote for this purpose.It is reported that x3 young -men went 1 work.
.6 ',on Victoria. I
though but one-seventh of tild population, With joy our hearts shall swell, Tenders for the _05truction of the fishing on Black Horse Lake Mrs. C. F. Ricih�rdson-- W Teeswater)
To meet dear Grandpa and Grandma s Dayand succeeded in 4;at�hing about 6o'
one man in three enlisted was an 'Angli- Kechnie drain were received from Messrs
b . DR. (I H. RO�i,5 I visited her inothdr, IK;s. Douglas here.
can. , gone before
"rdllt�g a Graduate Royal College of Dental L I Logau and Snell. The tender of M pike, but much wants more incl loses
Z&O w Ce just before the recessional hymn Sur- No more to say farewell. Suell at $675.00 complete was accepted. all. They waited a little too long and, Mrs, MacLean and, son,. D.quald, of
Military Cross was presented to the par- The following accounts were, paid: the game warden appeared on the scene Winnipeg, are visiting W. Cr fohnstonels,
este of the late Lieut. Rowland Alliti Wal- Graduate Utill�ersity of Toronto Faculty We Grandchildren are sad The Advance ptg, office adv, $i.5o; The Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Button 4
Our hearts widi grief are riven, paid $100.00.1
of Dentistry with the result that each
Office over H. E, IEard's store. I tg� office, printing. and adv. 4.75; and costs. No one can sa . y these Young
ter of Colborne, killed in action at the
10 Z' 11!k, Times: p
e�& wo" son
i But oh, we think it is wrong to weep, C, Wightman, work on road with drag battle of Arras. Major Lawless read the 9 gentlemen are tight -wads when they� BbrntoIylr. and Mrs. Jas. Stanley a
citation, which was as follows., I When thou art safe in Heaven. XQ.-20; JaS. Notch, grading 66.00; J.
Walter, Wroxeter CO' lWil Grandchildren. paid one thousand three hundred dollars, son.
'S are to flowers what frames -,Lieut. Rowland Allin Wiglitma:u, grant for school fair 20.00;
are to beautiful pictures -they Batt., Can. Inf. Alberta Regiment, Regular I meeting of Wroxeter Council TIT, POR TAT C, 0. V. hall rent 30.00, Wm. Wightman, Amok.
-For conspicuous � gallantry -and devo- salary as Assessor 85.00; Wm. Wight- 11M MR
V enhance their bea�ty and their tion to duty during the operations east of was held at 8.30., Members present M. man, postage and equalizing Auburn
charm. A visit to this, jewelry store Arras from 26th. to 29th. Aug.* 1618, Howe, Geo. S. Lackie, Fred. Davey, A case that probably is without preced- •Police Village 10.00. V=
with Reeve Douglas in the chair. est in the annals of Canadian law courts,
will help you celebrated peace fluingly. When the company commander and - � council adjourned to meet again on
We will be glad to Show 0 second in command bad become casual- Minutes of former meeting read and has just been disposed of by Judge Suthef 'thursday, June 24th. at One O'clock -
ow you anything d- hand in the Division Court, R. J. Orr, a :
ties he took command of the company on.motion of Lackle and Howe were a At a special meeting of the council held
you -want to examine and will politely and handled his men with skill and jade- opted. farmer residing at Fairmount, about eight on May 3rd. tenders for the' building of
ask you to take your time as you wilt Following accounts ' were received: miles from Meaford. sued the Township
ment. When the company was held up the Ta brand Pother ill bridges con. 6 r4•
, 1
be under no obligations to buy. R. Black, waterpower and rent of Euphemia for the recovery of 71 cents
by the heavy machine-gun ire
and shell f for April...... I ......... $ 47 50 which he had claimed to have, overpaid and 7. were received from Messrs. Lawson
he personally reconnoitered the ground, of *Centralia, Mowbray and Vint of Wing -
Our optical department is equipped with the proper H. Pattersorij running plant to the township collector in the way of taxes.
appliances. We are properly equipped with being continually in the open in' doing so,. May 1920 ........... ........ 50 '00 1 The plaititiff in his testimony stated that ha= The tender of R. Vint at $4.1290.00
and by his energy, courage and initiative
the knowledge of optometry. placed his company in a position from 11- B. Elliott, Printing ............. i oo he bad been at a loss 6f $58.67 'in trying for. botU bridges complete was accepted
I So to have the alleged error rectified. In the
which they were able to continue and ad. W. J. Vinley, teaming ...
R. M. McKAY 1 0 1) P. Huffman, work on streets 15 x5 meantime Orr bad a petition circulated and
vance. TINSEL
'Joe Smith, work in cemetery.
2 75 1 alleged that the township treasurer was
Lieut. Walter was killed shortly after.
Jeweler and Optician wingkiam tion expenses, re -Hydro By- behind in his accouifts, and asked that his Silk stockings and a powder puff,
Wards by a shell as he was oil his Way to Elec•tion law. . xp -12 oo f books be audited by a chartered account- Pirhaps a looking glass,
the dressing station, being slightly wound- ng stick -
ed, while assisting a comrade, more sever- R. J. Raun, expenses,to Wing-, [ant, Thiswas done and the result was A rrian's top hat, a walki
ham ................... oo . that the books were found to. be correct, Tli'e properties of.farce.
ely wounded to a place of safety.
Histol and a villian rough
General Panet made the presentation with the exception of •a few cents. The.,A p
to Mrs. Walter, mother of the dead hero 8%32 go audit cost the township $800. The Judge in limelight's vivid rays, I ^
kip"'irt Y'
. the action with costs to, the :A hero and a heroine -
It was very fitting that this Ceremony
�SLroMotion by Davey, seconded by hackie dismisied
took plate on this occasion, as Lieut. that accounts be paid. Carried. plaintiff, It is said that the Township ,Props" of dramatic days. J
Meeting adjourned until Friday, Julie Council will bring an action against Orr :-Some sunshine and a storm or two,
Walter was the bearer of the Regimental,
XX1M1XXXMXXXX1X 18th. for the recovery -of the amount paid for Some joys, some sorrows, strife, that
V11 �, avold
X, colors. D. M. MAdTAvisn, Clerk. audit. LatiRlitir and smiles, sadness and tears -
Kipling's Recessional was they sung The 4properties" of life. ZeMfiy feefing.
X and the most impressive service was over.
The chdrch was crowded and a good a m
A Eureka Electric Lucknow
'X many were unable to gain' admission. The anniversary of South Kinloss Pres -
!ell The colors had been in the Court room in WHI-11"TE, STAR LINIE byterian church, was celebrated Sun- k of
Vacuu�e�.�qU1� the county buildings in 'Goderich since Animal EXcuPsion day -
Rev. Sao. Nichoison B. A., B.
the 161st left for overseas.
D. of Paris, was the speaker, Rev. Mr.
Virst qi(l, to the work burdened wita,. Nicholson is an old Kinloss bo and well
A necessity, not a luxury. Mount Purest svn here arid. consequentlylarge Con -
Meet At U
A practical demonstration is the! The Annual Meeting of the' Walkerton GODERICH to PETH IT and' return gregatious greeted him at both services WR" C1.5; F�L
Z best and cheapest way to prove the Amciation of Baptist Churches will be
merits of the U uieka Vacuum (many Irving unable to gain admittance
elf and he delivered
_aue held at Mount Forest, Tuesdar, Vednes at the evening service)
Vs. We will gladly show you x day and Thursday of next week. other b& dri've 10 to
X one 4)f these machines and let you. try two1fte sermons, The choir which by
it Yourself. ------ it'd
L 4 the,way sang without the assistituce of breath. appatlw,� Rjuvic
%/. t41 Uurela Cleauers remove organ, performed very creditably.
ill ttie dirt VALL SWEARINd"
Oven the invisible dirt embedded in *Aeinbera of too Salvation Army from
I That'S. a 900d j2 a I to
the fabric which brooms and brushes.
The Walkerton Vlestoi)e bad the f01- Wiligliani, value over on Tuesday even -
cannot touch,•
1�0 � - '.1, . I -
get for 5 centopi
itigiagt,,til(lhel(lanol)oii.,tir service oil
'4% lowing: "Somebody did tall sweating at cEi
The Ll'urcka is an air cleaner, acid
111olire Court here Satutday.and it will be main street, afier which a meeting
the air is the ideal cleaning agent,
some job for the Magistrate to decide held in the, town hall, These ser.
It 909 the dirt -not the carpet, who is telling the truth, Albert Scott, a . V
Price $37,50, Attachments $9,so, cbm. s were to inaugurate a campaign ill
R U 'vice
plate $66,00. x young farmer of Huron Tp,. who laid an STEAME G R E&Y WO ND
1111eknow, for the world-wide $elf-Denikl mht
sealed Tight-nt1,r5,4
assault charge against his neighbor, C STAUNCH, SAX -M, SPUM'DY, c&w owr,&BT.x weckj 4nduietwith success. M0
IN aign
L 13, -Thompson, got into the witness box and Will leave Goderich
Ackert is in charge of the camp.
gave si minute dwription of how, on the hetd.
IV TIASID^ UNE 5th 0 ♦30 a* M41 rt T,
7th of May he had words with his neigh I%Aes are being delivered oil the line.
bar, Thompgon, teross the fence, of how, Arriviiig Pt. Huron 2 p. In, , Detroit 6 p. Ill. Returning, leaves Detroit, betweell here aud Kineatdine and be- IN "UNR
Thompson finally climbed over the fence, Thumday, Juite 17th, x.00 p. m, Detroit time. tv�k,,cn thit place and Walkerton, pre-
scott dtalmad tbtt A vo r1ar $2.00 OJVZ WAY
and caiae at him. 0-1-00 Itot/W paratory to making a ttart Oil HOW and
. . . . . . number of Islam ywo stmek and then Visit ur
The only Wat trip froin Goderich to Dctroit. tlti:4 1,efasml. V d I it is alu". t certaill that Luck'Low will be
ThobaOort returned to bit own fleld. friends andsee big Nvotiderful Detroit again. Now ilitp, than rf 111filitill
supplie(i with vutrent this Pill.
Then the defendant, ThoM, 0% ttolVed t:.and growingso fa%t bt I-M)ulation and riches tkat it to dtstineel mxm
vine: the worlds larg"t tie, ptreate4t rity, "'The Heart of the U.S. A. I,tWk*0,W13 Baseball i'mm lost a vale, into the box acid declared 1* hadn't lien to bee 44e t�ernber wUn Gordon Irwin thij
iii w& NAA 1. .11 on 4.1mwi- Am of it � ft1V
4 A 1.4m n1d onnilght- im.0- of t1twierich Al()tJUPV Live it, utiv chw streftoted a miitinn in Listowal 6. 1
'00a tat )Oftl- I I a
. 4ft, 1! 4%gL!, 14tbF p,rh,,,0rc;h"tM,&Jr I)Rncing in Steamer's Ball *61toan of blast., rkw.
0 0 WMIT 1T41?ft5 to Pal,
K I N G B Ro 0 Is P. I& umn�. 60c. "'Mot
31 hom on btautiful L&W avor La