The Wingham Advance, 1920-06-03, Page 211 77 ;_ I .,- I .W , '17': 11 I �, 1_A1*1,;1%T_V -1 , �11 1� I 11 . . , TI I . 7., - ­ — , , '-- '1.1;1�. 4 00 I S .1�''..�...�,.��,�.--,--,----,---- I ­­ I I ­ I..","", 1__--_--.'__;_____ ­ . ­ 1-1 ___ . I .. Is another nian's POIROW' APP04r4 to bli bOdY- T41FA has, boon tormod tho Lord tell Samuel? Give the couvorm , true In tile came of dItterent 1xinde. o ,,r .. � . live stocle. It Is a fact that So f ,,Ile.b luethod.,, A pincil of, the poly.. I - I tiolt between Samuel And 8 141+1 - - � 0, 4. 4 4.0+ -*++4 -1 ��, . I which a are Slot me. plants der to placed oil tile 411,410. head, one � I I still. What � Poison 1191'se, 111311110144 - 1. . I I was to be the penalty for saullm full- ' ! kalllrl to cattle or BlIeDD, 411(l S01110 W111041 gallso) oil the breast, 0110 Oil either *,Iltgll uroll r- 1038 0.1110,116.1 Cattle unit 4400P Are not wattered on the undsviside of . . V � U i4 eaten by awJue and horses. In jiulletin and one t, 'TICAL dURV14Y " The VI-alue of � . .104 of t OC4011 wing When spread. PRAC I No. $9, seconol set 'he Bxporl. I WOXX the , I luentoll Varme, "Prinelpal roloonous powder w4er the folvaurg ag%,,a,j,. tL�e � .11 Topic -- Saul's 4180collence And Its , , J, I 1110trife 0,C Vallada" by 910A k,741th ji!ylpo. joWl's fleS � . ­ � . , . to 111. Sitall Thingo & . I . ake it Stick, � I consequence-.. I R� MA., obtainabla free upon applicatign, , . � to the Publications Branch. VUp%VtM(X)t, - 0 TIM DA'r oz.4n CITICK SUNDAY SCHOO14- I I. AmaleWs Sin alid, sentence. � - - � , - � _ . , - , I � ", of Aserloutture. ottoma, a list of P14I)t ' I � 11. Saul's disobedienco. ONO 0 0 0 0 , � _,+*�'­ _,�' 7 - , ­_ I.. I I I which do lm)ury to tkuv various clapeo'R G' '-I. Blumberg, I'[' NOW Y')rk �")Unl) Lesson X JurI6 6, 10M III. SAuVe rejection. � - � , �� � . I I I ax ""tm%L4 is giveil. The bulletin, whW44 The doinand this spriag for batq Saul's Failure. I Samuel 16; 1-30. 1. Anialelt's sin,,aild contonce The Tho little thluve are never to be 11 � .. is prepartol for ltve stock owners. [;Ivm chicUo to far Surpassing 1,he outprj*� at ' dcripjEcol, but --t _1,a "U men 4nd I luformiKtion r, rillng Poisonous P14ata 16'. 13-20, Penalty of sin Is never outliwed, NA_ 0 aiiii enabk,s- tr. curincit to dlatl4qulelv All the leading commercial j)atcb4_,rje$ � tional rsluo may b0na national rotrl. 110YO Under me In ray wo,"t, a major- . �� V- . 4�_ $11 1j 11 and nrie being pairl ­ hig',­ - I M%V1kfWV.MAT4"V_,r P. I . SMAT414 VAUXT F011 110Afra , GAUMM , covered, They will keep In this way Q IM .44. 13v,-,.. ", . . t, - w , rllQod 00 that he 1"ay be able to avoM w9turillp animle on Jafe,,04 arms un-, 1P .. over. 1lia leinaud Is not only from I " � his, mission (vs, 1.9). Samuel Stood be- bution long atter- the origin..1 tratifi. oresilbro have left the.w944. H istory " it.v are alwa.m looklue, wr tl, big, -ad torgetclux Ole l tt'. They things 4 I a. : -Ttoe)�well I By F, V . for several days. but tfiey should not. . to of course, be left until growth otar . , ril the danger lis pa4, The yearly loso ' duo W plact polsoulat to ionown. to be the bagluncr, but from practlex;ly every Poultry farm In the country. tween Jehovah and King Saul, the � - And revelatlin tmch th4t God deals with nations as such, -PLO Well AS, I)rltll . do not go alkwa a% faat 43 that win- orlt,y at , %ho lve close . I A-Uthor of "Arv..A the Year (a the Follow your planting directions on the IncreaBo but 1, e swount of the Uany sue".easful poultrymen, Are doub- Lord sending moss4jea ,through him. - Individuals, And tht,t in bo.th young people , g � lise-ti to tile 1,&t4o aetalls. . � 011rdela" Ar" "Making a Gurdea . � . , I carefully, Many piaixtm, In s , , �Ata of i all tha thq nurseryman Says, iefuso to" * 110 ascertainable becauslo n*4 n Y fatallUce are attributed to other calls" ling'thoir flo.;k, In order to reap some ,Whea of the derived train I Slaul bail reigned, ,about twout y- cases 'a V th ,in O`f One generation ,may bring I I We had a piece of mechanism in . " of Small Fruits," etc, it to 'Oeut bacle � ' Dlauto when setting through lack of li-nowleilgo !�f Poisonous, phtnti, I I proflt4 present U194 pi�icea being pald for egos and five years, tbii Lord sent .4amuol tu I penalty on another, Fou r hundred had; "laid our shops latit November that would � not work Oil *of Do; : Sur�rl. few peopla hAvV A con. them out, "Vry to pt away from the I . N-OTrai. . 1. ,tell tablo Mod. The outlook I . for lower . ,in, to go out agalh I at the Arnale. years P40se4 allies Amalolt Walt for him 'Israel) In the wa properly. Q y a our dov!404, a small ateel, a that pla �, CORUOU of the ania�wtit of fruit that "a uae�i idea that you .0eing 1*rt of the by following Planting In- .�_% a. rule oicep, �piuw�pg as consloored govk-Ablo under most condftion;* when prleVs for feed, to also very oclwur� , 19 ja n ulte , aud deDtroy th,614 utterly, . ia, and beast. It wau Included lit the , ,y, whel) 110 Came up from, Egypt." The , I brought this mechanism Into spion. . 1. . 044 be pr0cure4 fron! smalZ plantiagg, � , plant a stguct(on.%, Plants properly out b OR in done In tile lall or win t6r. $ubsolli I Y 1jCQp plOwIllf is RCI40;U 44YISKI)t or V041 , � aging. . While the prices being askeol for message that Amalek had laid wait mention of it in this conliectloo. sljo.wS that the judguieut. now ord exe, did worldra ahape. The thinking abolut that pill and making It, r"IQ' Oil . I Why, for LotAncet buy 0,ralfiberriee . iyhoik they urD 9a out wil.1, before. the , late In diosorLug, TherQ Is good reason We 11day-old. chick" is higher than us . , 11 for the Israelites on their way train .ered cutA Qri.-Inated in the ii.,-.tjokla� sin his salary ten doll4ra a mouth and . � I $It 20- cents a quart wheck the aiijouAt �. , end of the first 40"04%; 9vowth, be far ahead of thosq vrI140I are lett, Just for lllis� though Ito ru"o can be followed nooda considerable weathering to = ual , It 14 not by the limitations of their being Purchased and r4lood eoikl� -them JU19Ypt to Cuiluan. and lind opposed in their Jourlioy (Exod. 17; ti -14). committed so long ago, 41TIme has no marked, him ;w Ono of those who. carQ for -details. , � you. ,pay out for thiq 4 . ruit . ollc4ous f � ' , A* -A couple of We0ko; WOU14 Stipp - ly rot4 &O'll DR 111"19"ry. " 11 t "tab4e for the roots of Plante. 174was tile subooll is exposed long on. cuorotally Tar 06 profit, The fj.rst con. .Saul at once gathered an army ot twQ ; effect upon moral. Clattil 9 or Wor, . �tjou. At judgments." 'It is Also to be re. ,. ,A. humble workinwi devised the . . I Nvitla. pAuts enouga to set out i� J)e4 � r to two-ffitrA of the, Miles 0V1t1;01t1f Sticb, plants " ourrants. And I . . oxv13 (or U to become wallow awl 4,t- , 0;9 widat, tho force of rain, sun anji aldaration tar a buyer, however,, IS to Pura from a relia- hase chicks or eggs hundred and ton thousand men and, set out on Ills campaign against Ama� n4lbereil that 0o Ainuleklteo of the . OtYlographle pen wll)(,,h sbarles In dit- . tOreut i, * ,rs. ffl$ Invention broug'at ; that would not. only supply your table � during the Strawberry season, but give ies should blo. px0ged Off (it I . orgaAA0 lice. It b not i4koy, to be' ftettlo, Thie folculol bo rewernbereol to breaking ble, polo trymaj� bav4ui; a stilroty find � , � ong the lak The Renites dwelt Am present blatory were, -possessed of the oame sr4rit at b1areol toward Israel JilUi,a hundre-.1 thousand dollars in a � �- you fruit to preserve? To say nothing I planting. ,I,hQ ju-01cou oranobkee or off cleau brokeq toots ehould be cut , jano late in (bg Apring, � A wo'"n"tu'rod "ilmt wili 44"Y" healthy flock that have e6a developed b according to the type of bird he wishes Amalelcites and Saul notified them to go away froin among their neighbors .eir forefa,thers. " Ita Were . tU , , i" ma) I year a time and did (tot turn his head, He cQuI3 atafid prosperity, i , at giving you .4 ,second crop 14) the I � ethesnow I � fall morithe'up until the t1in I with a pair of Pru0no shears or a . � inlury, You sbow'a higher. Dee V"t. a dremwd ""Ot. Ulan a ywnl Immature animal. to iralse, be It either jor c%g type or for their safety, for they had assisted also W, Inferred that they bad recent- � . ly made luroaoln terri, into rISMaIttigh _ The man who discovered that a ' � 11 % figs. I . sharp knife below the I . , AlerIno Is tile woo, sheep, Obropahtr* 'and tablo fqw), A few dollars well spent the Israelites Ili their Journey to Can- tory. The pr,eenl; obameter at the newspaper Wrapper Could be gum- � . . Just as big a Saving cort be made can r6queo t the nurseryman, to do this un� tiae all-purpose Southdown the best m ton sheep. In the first stages will pay big returns aan (Exod, 18; 10-19; Num. IU; 29-32); nation merited the selitence,prolioulle- raed. Was e4rulng elgh It dollars it � � , on raspberries, blackberries and oinil., � Printing for you before shipping, less especially r equeeted, howe-fer, Cho 8L e who han successfully tried it says, cow be later on, Tile that I . the X- Saul gained the victory over Agag, its Ion- eA. in tho language -of 'JO6113 to his , 'k)(A,e week. lie made ri'*fortune tut of his discovery, Part of this fortune be y lar things. H4" you ever 64teu lo6i�- � � ganherr-Y jam -- the most itellelous, U1 be =.It §ust as they are Plants w ,. tilat a ckoked may relieved, by tyi4i.- a 6tick to her mi,4th to hold k� usideration next ca ,a para- mouilt Is. the kind at feed used and' . ajokites, but lie spared op allol'the beat at all the sheep and oxen. own generAtIon, al]6*ed the 4cods 69 your fathers," Vhatever the ineth. gave to the support of two schoqJs . � I � � I .spread on bread that ever came down, dug from the Itelols, beCAU30 111100t CUP- OOnvVtAjn it they receiv - Qpw for a while, Her eCtorts to dlslQd fr,, it will start the obstruction W t � the ',care girven the baby chick at the - 11, Saul rebuked (vs. 10-26). 10-11.), ,ad or,whoever the Instrumental cause 'Ood.ls for educating boys, aa bis gitt ran 04in using their wits and developin� I � the Pike? Possibly you do not. real, � Ize that Yoti can vow thl% deildoits . tomers wo-ald ,),an% already,etIt back, Tho Aver- ed � threat. Sbeap, vrW improve weedy pasturest but ,start. Nature has proviled the chick witif sufficient nourishment for tile . The Lord told,S%muel what Saul had done, and expressed his. displeasure at of national juilLmOnt, the first rs -a', ca- ,c.' The onaeuto, Of his will I uy their Characters," I - . - . � . berry 40 quantity ca lo'llt OVD PlAcO Age buyey, wanN to get us lnlsch� " 1414 Or her 111-3110f, . Iioor paottirea wal not improve th4 she unless the sbeep are tea, liberally froerPa flrot�24,to 48 hours, therefore 4o not In feeding, too his failure to obey his Commands, his , be conscious on y clearrvIng out their A boy of clgliteel;t years of age gave the first'shapo to what 'a now � Instead of buYing (ridt FroWt, 114 CAU- � farn ja And r 3,M) uklleo,�. The stble"for DO$ I it tile soil b3 dry Dut a quart or so � other sources. � , � .0 r p- . I malts a mistake soon or W feedivg a aloppy focZ, asi those , , hinting at Saul's removal from PQ- sitipri. as king. Samuel was grieved own devices while thei. -are unwit- tingly executing,ai higher 'purpose. Tie discovery the modern Un. c4u. = !. h Ike Inventor ,hIDped I , I I � .� h 4. -+'-It- a new fruit water J.o each hole N-rhen the moil __Ir and:similar inistakes tend to. Irritate , _i s, .... i.A mitn the Lord all night," In 11 , I T I 1,� '14 PM. �4 g47- .m. Work as an 11 I . 1 AJ%04w. V-A.r M." I �,beea about ImIf filled 10- T)o not I obtained by hybno!11449 blackberries . hAssh your planting and MOO POUr , - - and raspberries. it possesses the dark f till 1; , ' � �, I. red color, toxture and flavor of the � water on the S;4rf,P:ce, ' 3% usualy � I.. , raspberry and ,�e stze,of:the biggest done. I I � . . � I blackberry. And, speaking of raapber- - . I ries, are you aN�are'ot the fact 00 DISEASES OF TUE OINTIOM I - the now, variety known as St, Regis maype gj.iv because ot its strOnt; gmell- . I � . . . or Rainere, Is ever-bearinz and will Anyway, the,ro is awe magaetw attrac- . . - I I give y,D% fruit ate geason-trom plants t4oll ,%vtkich apparAmoy *r&Nw disease 0 � 4 set t this spring? - various IdndO and cow"Tioas Vs tile on- the , delicate ollgeottva organ", thus . . I � the morning Samuel learneil, .that . Z444 a -Ulaw .1 O"M v pr es- eilt history Permit$ ite to took 1pore ut tin "Leas iia. .48 21111plu a A k, - V ­ g as the veneer 'low put upon cauding ollarkhoea. Saul bad gone to Carmel and set up M deoply,into Saul's oh4rekater we, shoe�pegs (shoo -pegs without this A4, soon as the Active chick begins , manument for himself, and had. 90116 ,than have yet -done. Ow,�.40'xnaY disclose veneer splinterer) brought a mail at to jfk hungry natural Iusqnct causes on to Gilgal. 13. Samuel camei to Saul the quality of a whole character and 'the ,tweitty-Reyenj who thought, of it, It to start picking ayoutid, and a --:kle bad a most� important message gather fato itsialt, , processee of $200,000. I watoilliul eye swu pereelveo that it Is . to bring to him. Blessed be thou Of - years. Saul had. prosllmptirbuslY - __ ___ . `A certain Colonel Green was tak- time � to. begin feeding. Fresh water . ibe� Lord -This was Saul's salutation trans'cended Ills prerogatives on a for- Ing his troops across a dry plain. or, If convenient, milk of z--:ue -ource *,a t a - Samuel, and in, it lid recognized mer Occasion and received it severe re- They needed Water, Ile conceived Preforably sour in ' [ placed .Ilk, ahould . Slimuct's close relationship with Je- balre and Warning, The new -test at- the Idea of a '14rive" wall which before tbe chicks from the _time they hoVah I have performe4 the' COm- forded an. opportunity" of retrievipg w,o-ild brlrig water from beneath the Some folks have an idea thitt there Ion crop, Take. CQV l"Wtance, onion . . are patoned, annoy tue time they DO- . ate-, ,his former, errot., JjOd 8AjI not ac- Surface of the plain. Ilia scheme . I �' � I; to (7. A. Roberts, in London Free Press) gin lool(Ing foi, feed. coarse sand at- mandment of t�t Lord -Soul's St it cept a partial- obeConce-4o. any ,ot'lll$ worked and he sub ls something mysterious about the sm-at. It worics overtm" A* tryin ment was definite and positive, but sequently patent- , I I growing of I fruit And berrW_ As, a shets out tite yGuri seedliriod by flvnl- One of the I est safeguards In rear- flnety ground eciiiinerelal grit should falsehood. 1-10 w.as either seIf- 00111111andta It waa*h16' commendation ed it. and realized thr -e million dol- , . matter of fact, the same amount Of Ing i)rown'sh. blucf atonoated blister" ing young poultry Is to start them off be 4ccessible, otherwise the chick can- WAS V. ke Aneant. to deceive SeLm- of Caleb that, In the midst of almost lur& The man who Invented As still- wtjAch finally spu* the leAvee and ex- deceived or 1, - ed by most ,,� spore, not make use of the food which is, to universal defection, - he bath "fol- pie a thing as the spring window care and a�tentloa requtr puse, the powdery black maw 1 free front vermin. Nothing Is more uel, F rain what was said in the lowed me fully." Inclination or Con- shade Is drawing a hundred thOU- , vegetables -*Ili eX14�le one to be whbin the Auterior (W the blister. A quwrt6rs - be given. I of the conversation it is clear , � I berrtes# specine tun&us c"sag this union 01t_ destruletivo to succes - than A , bulky feed Is thri more preferable course venlence never fix the boundaries of sand dollars a year from his �,oyal- equally sueceestuf-, WAII straw the , that th6 Icing Was guilty of Intentional . . ; for rat feed or earter obealence. Amid his, eareer of vict ties. . rAppberries, Outun* grapes, eta, All -C'"t, the sPOfes N*vinterlog I'll wlilch are infested with lice and mites, tile fI , as it Is us- . grountl and again attacking. the young ,,, " 011. 14. What mean- . . I rtga should be grown on These �pesta are responsible for a u411y termed, as it Insures. a Consider- Misropi asentatt ating of the sheep- tory over tile surrounding heathen A miner, by name of John O'Toole, . I �� . I of these thil seedlings in (11(s =tItItile to the fundus able. distension, of the digestive tract, Oth then this ble Saul received a special -columiselon. to finding that the buttons upon the . I � � every place that has a home gardon. rMe orAo.n,ls � greater death rate "ud more Ioaseo I � go Saul execute the judgment tofti; -denounce ila-)s of his trousers' pockets would � I . amount of only while tri the YOUOR 4e6ling stage. . putting it in shape for ille work that '-sainuel did not directly char I d I TItey do not requ4re a large gaiats reacrt a UC-lght of three than disease, especially among farm it will soon be compelled t6 do. with falsehood, but he called for an againist Amftjelc� The failure to ex- not support the weight of all his I Aftet"tbe F . room. in fft6t, all tut the strawberries to foul, inched they becoms immune to - explanation of the solands be heard at e.cuto the command was. a direct de- heavy tools, substituted metal eye - 1 . can be utilize& as A, hedge, Or- as, in: further Lnf(1010M SMut sPrea4s sIowly flocks and backyard cnterp�lses, where , Wheat bralvbeing bulky and besides � . � alust the in the ao% but &a infested area in a uIrICA sanitary schedules are seldolu ,a ukild laxative Is a valuable Ingreoll-, sheep and oxen. Saul said, ,They V,ance of divine .authority. That it lots and hooks made bv lilmsblf for . � Ca4a of grapes, grown . ag ome lea -ger and . thern-Saul attempted to did not originate in Inotives of hu- buttons . 'He made ' Ills fortune I . hoijj�e, br, over .. an Arbor. Therefore.. field wiff giuftsllY bcc I ant In a chick artel It is also rich have brought ths tPar" moulty is evident, .He destroyed the through thinking of so simple a � I . I I * knore sever -41Y diseased each yOmy 00;' observed , I In mineral mutter an,! contains a large place the responsibility for little or n 6 of t1i g6und wh!Ch. Is ,Ono are grown on such an area,- The . � oil a, 'or vegetable gar- , farm Unplemonts., Special efforts must be made to .,amount; of phosphorous, this be -Ing Ing at these animals upon his RTrUY. people while sparing Agag to add change, , -for lawn. th � I spore I boinir used e f: are spread ah 0 a 0 es a Amalokites were do- solendor to his trJUMP1.1allt, Teiurn. A.,v6ry humble 1inglish shoemaker . the gTow- et of imen and animals. by surface' render setting hens from ver, -very Important for the formation I Am I kit -Th I . don need be taken up. for , ,water and to dust carried by t4a air. ' - I ts of Amalpk, a grandson of -the refuse of the spoil was destroyed, conceived the idea that children's . � . . I Ing �of fiftAt . Ag atritwbertles;. even purchasor-j ot 0414ou tieto - atiould use into. When the hatelies are started. 'the bona. . scendan forth to aecom- but tile beat sparei, professedly fOl' shoes should have cop,�er tips to pre - Rolled oats or oatmeal Is the finest ESAU. Saul *AS sent when: girown by the "liM MR11OV' CAU Caution that they de not contaminate the helis should be thoroughly dusted estiuction. Spaied the sacrifice, but more probably to on. vent the destruction of .the too. He � I I a close ad,'12 'tp. '19 inches the soil by plaliting scautted sets, I . - feeLd known to give young chicks. Plish this d ' I ., be planted 4 omptlohod In home, gar- Repeat . ,ulto tile - Lord -An rich h!mself and Ilia followers, has never wanted for bread *nd but � , . % I I Control is acc on of the with a good Insect nowder. Many 'will say they cannot afford to best..to sacrifice . aote td throw a . - III,- ,Saul's rejection. 1111SI-ea'] of 'ter since. Tho return ball, a ball fast: �� � each way, and as W0114rOwn Plailto done by cliang4nir tAIR tocatt the operation at the end of the first Day�Ahe high price for, rolled oats, attempt was here in I � from a p4nt:. to M Quart ooloei bed to 'vlaun soft, or by Vanting , ' prosecuting the cam0aigti, Saul re- ened on a niece - of elactic, and played � . *111 produce d. In jarge commer. and second week of Incubation. clailic-ot religion over this act of dis- ; -.cb 11, . turns by Carmel to I � a, berries- 6. 0 no -.gredt amount Of sewiRstead of see tates 4 � . but. it you consider ter a moment, you the �old Cami) at with by children, was thought of by ; 11 '.. , the faintly cts,l'onion districts of w6rthern rA Watch rop"4fiftes, and in case any ard will agree tho.t you can -vell afford c!�edlenae. . �� I : . .1, I I I iohee to required to AuPPIV formaidellyas soluoon is aviled in the 41scovored'move f.he hen and eggs to Stay --Samuel did not argue the 0-11gal. $,ainuel is commatioldol.to meet a illneteen-year-old 'boy, and' al - 1 � � as sinaWas,four to six '� in chec - One fluid aa�neot. .. , � to feed anything for the first fe* 16, him there to pronounce Judgment for thouga lie Is nov? ,it coll.,ge p I , tole. A bed furrow with fungus C"'Irt a Ole o, , . feet wide and 26 to, 60 feet long wM ounce of tiArty4vioa, to fott3r e" I If It'will Insure --ou a greater question, but he notified Saul that lie ollso.bedience. Tolated with victory and :of notp, his income from that Wea � � � forajaldebyao jo�ution ta used Alh eacti, MAY INJURUD CHICKS =r of ch!eks and lesson your mor4 had a me$shge from the Lord for Ived to brave out the voice of �goes st3arl . . give enough fruit to mak4 the plant- Ron of water,� thtds d1juted solution be� - rasa . lly on. � . , � .1 . X � . . ing *ery well Wakth while, %� applied 6t the!-rilte Of 0,00 gftftno per It Is unwise to 4-,:st the hen at - ,tallIty, I hii�i. 17. Little in thIn town sight consclence. Saul meets him with at- ' Simple d!scoverles �Lnd Invontions I � and the* , ihumbde at the time the Lord , 41 . I ' finer.-Quallty Man vero or ont walq6A',10 about W feet of hatching time, unless oas Is familiar I I To balance the rat'on, wheat mid-. Saul was fected pleasure ;Lnd seelce to antiel- usually bring greater reward than I bor4,W IYIII U Of- row, F"nem' -B01etln 1.00. recently be king over his People. � :, � 1 ,4 I-n-1he marliet, with the nature of the Insect powder dllng� and cornmeal ,agether, with a Obo'se him to and modestY Were �OVI- pate Inquiry by claiming �commenola- do the big discoveries. t.ireat ol'scov- . . . YOU.,4re -likely to g ,%an ,,thd the Uffited States Department . 1 1 1 i . fully issued by ders are of such small amount of boneineal, 'charcosLl 14's humility words in I Sam. 9, 21. : tica - for duty welt ,done. The ,fatal erles take so many years, and cost so � I . I j).e4lise 1hei 04U rWbA � of Agriouiture,',degorlbew In detail the because some pow I . �, Berries apparatus usea fnapnlylng Oita tungua, strength that they may Injure or hill and salt are required. for the beat re- dent from his sentence is pronounced, preceded bv a , 11 to portect, that often -Ictory : I L e being.,picked. I of the tribes of Is- 'Thou bast . .1 11 plants belor arkot have *to -b,6 destrucove seed protector. , A-4 a rule . newly - hatched chicks, Its, and you have A. starting food "made the head' fivin-, of repponsibill.ty. only com,,i long after the original . � �, . .. � to be shApped to ph most green*' It Costs aboui �5 an acro to Insure the all of is- C � , -very ftil", Ea ?aInst% firmit losses In this As ebox) as the chicks are a Week that-vnil make chic:cs gr,Qw rapidly. rael, in response to the demand rejecied." "The Lord hath reJected discoverer has pass'd beyoLd. But I . P1111 a I onlon crop. aF ,, IvSsed tha,t tile top$ Of .old it is safe to dust the, mother, and Tile feeding of inilk to� chicks pro- mal for 9. Icing." He was a man of thee.", In ,Saul's." eollfeE41011 .there Is for simple things that ease labor, � I statftal: never get the same delicious manner. It $6 do burned after harvest -a repeated vieok­ ducefi, wonderf diotinguised appearance a�d there !��ks no note of true repentance, . that save money in the home and the � I I . � flavor, as thosiI which, r0e,u whe're oltecased,otiloos be this dusting s"llould I ul zrowth. Extensive , __ I 1. ,I ,� in order to wevamt tko return of Lulea- ly until the chicks are weaned. it, TcArlmonts have shown that milk none Uke him, among all the POO' .1 - . W, 1.1 i 03. shop in a simple way, that help up- � * . . they are grown. , -d above tion onjon,rouaeao the so4l. Tte spread- to the Oke *%re pie,, (I Sam. 10: 23., 24). 18, The Lord — wards at small expense, the world _ � I None of the, frulW m0ntlo4c, Ing of waotp from ,onion Warehouses is despite Ithese effor chl I Is 4 quickly ,and easily digested food sent them on a journey. Jehovah en- CHANGING THEIR NA=, S. at Work to always looking. � . . is, over parlicular,aboUt soil. They a bad: I)Vactice� bothered .with head lice, Which Sal) and that It -Aas a most favorable In- . . � , where that onion m9aew or blight IS A-61nettme trusted to him an iuID6rtATlt*WOrU- I I that, a . . . ,wIII',grO* sattifactorily Any arlous 4o, the co(Aer and anore humid their vitality and Stunt their growth. fluence In promoting growth And In � — I The man who ollsolovered . � � , � I the ordinary ,regetabled -Will succeed, 81 only It is necessary to greane the heads of 'red�ct4g mortality from' all *causlls. He had ability Ili leadership he had a New Pad�Has Develo"d in En candle, it tapered at the end, would � � onioz� districts. The disease cotma ' thi pur, , OM ,� I - . In fact, they Are Otter tound'survIv-: starts Ln the Aq1d, In rapots qnd spreads the chicks,wlth lard or carbolated vas" VaV; -of the beneficial effect r,f the military force .sufficient fo, - , stick firmly into its soclw% patented � i fruit After to �ho wriou'ridingr aress, Ito develop- a, This will drive Aie lice &WAY wil%� comes from the tact tbdt it �U- pose and lie �hnd divine authority, Ind In Reent Yezrs. . the idea and afterward founded the - .1 . .Ing slid still bearing- some 'bolnf greatly - aided by mok%t elln therefore there was no reason for a. I I , glect. One should Always mftt t . laigest candle factory In the Nvorld. � oentralIzes Ito attack on -and tend to prevent othern from -cOm- I'ducea the chipg to consume years -of hei . I �e� failura 'n. accomPlIS111119 the MISSIO'll- I . woatberl I larb Might not any one have thought ot � reri In .Setting out mall o. leavm w.hick ttwn Yellow, become Ing, Tq antitles of mash Lh-an will chicks ' A aw-e to Englishmen,had so little � f', L I plan, bowel "" rr growck and event -u- I * fferently ou ,,, sa* ,� age when not given L milk, nors, thd Amale"kites-See note .this simple device? ,,"he origins'l um- . I'tAa� they,are given Just 'Covered '" . fur Mites inud be treated di The sin 11 fruit, to W t,lyatton as that aity conapse, The disease occurs where- ' 19. Wherefore didst thou in it that until the out'hUak offhO brella -weighed from three to eight ., I as good care and cut ever onions dru own extenqtvoty.� the from lice Ir,aamuch as their habits P at this reason, If for � otlhor,' a on vs. 1-9). ' . I I -getable aiLrded. furrY.masseO on 421�* atlec" I6ft91At)b0_ are different. Lice Ilya or. the towls, � 4V�ply of milk should be kept con. uot,obey. Samuel Ignores the declara- war a inan could CAII bimselt any- �ounds. It ,was made of gingham . . ", given the vc Id supply of,frults for the Ing branebes of the CuEffus, whl qar mitm live !n the crevices at boards, : stoutly before, them from the time t,On Of Saul thdt tte people spared thing he liked without consulting the I atitt whalebona. It was cumbersome I I i1ir ,a 90C � I � I., I L � UnOVATt - sV.0rQS, W&A-M weather . the beat of,�Pbe aafmale 'or the pur- ' and expensive, � . . am 19me, �place the following Plants ab too sk)ova germ4natiou and hence roosts, .,dropping boards, . nests and they are Dlaced in the broader. of malting a sacrifice to God. law. A privilego mhloh enabled him appeared, Took ,the umbrella ot his . I jjci6cit although it there romO . a ,V in I will be But P I t, favorable to, MO Wread (9 the dt- Other fixtures, where. they swarm by ,Sour milk or '.buttermilk Is the more pose . �, add III the ease. - . �, tI.e reason Dldst fly upon the ,spoll--Saul is di. to indulge his faucy'tor, a resounding day, substituted alpac.. for ginghn � .. I is room it may be Well )b lugs are. oigon fleld. , thousands and seldom go on the fowls , Preferable to be *sed for &in ugly Vatrony- then atilt for alpaca. He cut cut . I 1:11 As the sgores w4n,ter W me 1 until nightfall. it is only when mites. �that inuch of lie bacterip, found in rectly accused of greed, wh:ch wAa the name to get' rid of . � - . � ­ I I . I I-Ist, because all of these an efficleat robLtton 6 one own- bedleneb, Ile at- inle like Sugg, which It Is recorded the solid part *of tile *r1ba and put , 11 � 429'Dzd making rneadabu- juell ot control. the suop.te- are unable to obtain enough blood' at� 4the Inteatinal traip', cawDot graw and Cause Of his , 41160 � I I excellent for r.reser th. - -oper for in irooves. -He designed a patent R . 'ell'as f6#'Uss In season. mentary growlaq ot cabbages, VoMbmw night that they remain on tile fowl 'develop in the acid of sour milk or tempted to make an excuse for his -was exchanged by a saloon-- a 10glish trame, Ii hl In character, And lived � . 41 . jellies, As W eets with onions baing'Valn- I -hat he combination ' at tho G14 g � � . Stfawberries-M hidseason, late and ad) drainage also helps to dtiiriug the day. , butt rmllk. The acid In thit milk aids conduct, but Samuel told 'him t uaLL.es Norfolk-Ilaward, to as I to I , I � I , triy, Y abl ' 0 And - h Aention used universally, � . I 50 to IF% 12to-18 Inches red oligbL Wno* 4 decrftses � 33etore feeding they are a, Vale yel- ollgostion, kills . prevents the had done "ovil In the s:ght of the ever-boaring' ord." 2n. I have obeyed the voice of During the last four years alone the The e examples ouglit to be hicen- � : I L' . 2 feet aDart., moi.qurs in tho kav near the surface at low. coloi, which changes to a dark gro*h of bacteria slid Ila% an 4Dpe- L s boy who Is plar,aing to I I . fach way or In, rows I to, , Saul persists In his declara- following names have ocen abandon- tlyes to I i I . . . Raspberries T Re4 e'arly, red late, tha "� Good akc drainage or the field red after feeding, due to tho blood . tizing effect. It also touds to prevent the Lord, ad: Baggs, Buggy, Qqtpbed, Onions, some .iy enter the field of work to � . I - 12, a by 6 tea to alss MentW. sp "t excessive d4w '' . blacki yellow. to - &*a tog may ba avoided. rosin fish oiS which they have absorbocL . morlality trcai all causes, and If fed Gon that he bad fulfilled his divinely. Ontlaw, Pickles, Scragg prid Tort, pay close attention to details - not i . �. skiwt or trained a�;alxst fence. ej, Rudker, aakes ,�he use of Unlike Ilea, th,a young of mites are sown enollgY. and for a sufficiently appointed mission. He seems deter. When the w4r broke Out there, was to Ignore the little thIngb, They � -, - . , . lalackbe&rlt&�EarlY, I&te., 6 to 12, 5 Vo,a,%,eau, .,,,,,.,, eefective in coutros- AO,t hatched on the feathers of the long period, greatly reduces the death mined to carry his falso profession a rush Among people *Ila bore Gar- Qxo, after a*l Is sAld� the foundations : . . � . - 04ASO M14dow. Ite dtork- tbrough , to the end--j1have brought man nameEl to citange thein, but in upon -wlitell the big things rxo built . ; ,by I too Reatictlet-od &ntoft * sn odworin als- to�,,rls, but An th . Agag, the King of Amate1r," The � _t UVArt,or trained 014 trelltz% ling e hiding places of the rate caused- by bacillary wh !, �. . 11 Lagakij,Orricm 6 ta,11, 6 to 7 feet ease whAch dwats the above 91 parts parent caltea. Consequently to destroy hoevi. Lord's command was to destroy the 1914 the Defence of the, Realm Act up. It in a great city You look at � - iQ on trellis, of tha plants and reduces 21radize, of these poets the poultryman should sky-serapers, you see . Apart or tra Pbultiryttion ere very fortunate In stopped enemy Aliens trom doing so, the towering : to early,, black early, the burbs. ,jhe�dRwom, a n"ute nem- I r, 0, AMalekites utterly, and It was A vio. �he brick � l / , GtopeS­NYU , � confine his attack to their breeding nolv being r Ao to secure , t ady lation at that command to keep Agag but British Subject$ were still permit- a,,,!/ the Immensity of I : iod,.,goldon, J or 2 or 2 or atode, tivea kt tho soR and C&uses galls aces In tile building, and not on supply of sour milk, w1tich Iias now ted to, make a change, and stone and steel. But I' you -, III go t Y,)urple late, oil (tie onion roGts� Ure steam applied � pi alive. Saul's 'etatement that he had they have f tpart. under censiderabli) nrewure will'tree the the jowls. been on the markct severatyears, and ,, done so qYer Since, and continue, to down Into the sul)-basements, you J 6 to '8 feet I so Spraying or painting the house 'Walls Is bein, sold by � a numb,�r of feed , db so. Up to date over 2,000 changes will find tiny columns of - 4.1 Re I buying pla,ntS of infested it ot Letworme. in large areas utterly destroyed the Amalekites" I Concrete I . ember that It where steatnfog.-ts ilot Pa,rUcable, riem- ' � as mission �, j;.an Invest. � '. Incons:stent with his ad at enemy surnames havq taken place uphold�ng these. . M Cat lie spared Agag, I � thIff:)cjAd �Otj jjt6 upkin t68es'ean be reducej by a lmoper sys- perchos, ncat!s And other fittings. but dealers at a reasonable price, ' � . I N111 give'rAtUTILS fbV years tem of crop rotatkon, as the avoidance Of especially the wooC,work which come's B bint ' this sonli-solld butter. 21, To sacrifice , .. meat that I I .y com ng sitice the war broke out. t1wn thoni the big SuDers1ructure � , . where you can 6useePthlle evolls stoxvcs but (ke eOl- In way of tiny manuro, with a unto the Lord thy God, Saul speake � I to come, .Wtilt order 801u- milk with the feeds mentioned above, tile first foreign aurti(tine rha,liged rose, ! z"s,. However, Lo, aV6M. rootkno,t It of Jehovah as Samtrtil's God. This L ; . Ipost prices, but'where You WO tion of crude oil, ter-sul, carbolte acid wheat bran, rolled oatil, cornineal, after the war bralce Out %-as that of And the success of these tiny col- ; get tile chec )Igntis.. Responsiblel I.,j never advfsablt to plant onloits OIL a Liverpool man, who 07101190d his unfils of conercto does not re-- upon i fLan get- -the best I nd,knowu to be eetw(rin, In6sted. 0,1, one of the ebaltar or petroleum whQat middlings, bonomeal, charcoal, MAY have been out of deference to ! . I the plantg 'a ter onion colapi products Is the surest way to rI6 a And salt, all In the proper proportions, SAIlluel as the prophet of the Lord, Rosenlielin to Rose on August 11P the ai..ount of money they made for ! I concerns. will guarantee Necicrot, Alloft alut, may I I .. they '6611 You to be true- to name, tree be avoided -by providing proper Fantta- house of mites. .tnough of the liquid You have a chick starter which should and from 9, desire to gain his favor. la -14, and *by tile end of the 111011th 64 t' 5 contractor who put them In, but i. , '. delivered in good tion aud Protecting the crop from datiap 22. To obey better than sacrifice. This similgir names Were. changed. The his honesty of purpose in Construct - . jro�­4fsdma dnd weat,her after harvest.' Artificial Our- ahould be used to thoroughly satur, ,be feil for At least three weeks, that i I . condition, , stawborAw are Sold both 113'r by DapAug 4 current of heat air over ate the'surfact of the good and ,to acts as a tonle,-a. stimulitilt, and a con- 10 a great truth applicable to all time. sinking of the LusitaiII4 was followed Ing thcm. "Ilow We'l" he built I Vil.and potted plants; the the Onions. In shallow crates Until the run freely into all era -eke and 01)611� ditto -nor, promoting -tot only Plump, No amount of sacr.'fice can take the by an Increase In ebane;os tb lid and them, alll hot "at What DrO'lt" is � as tielot gra kest results. neeks arG � t,horoughly dry a4ea reduces I Placo'of obedience. Lovo and .obed-4 132 In ,Vtay and Julle, 19-16, After this what couxitt. $a wSth. all other con- � litter will give the (11010 losses. I in�e. vigorous bodies, and, b '-'eii is one of bearing VAVI- . - until January, - - Invontions-the m3rit � P61fted plants of ther ever Soft rOt is ca.,wefl by -a group of ,bae- VERMIN IN t, MPTY HOUSES the�,greateat protections against white ! ence are Inseparably Joined and are the figures dropped stractiona or F 6tjea, such as Stip,ath and Progre0siVe, teria whiph Moo d6nidge Cabbage, car- diarrhoea. �, the, ba -As and essence of true religion, - 1049. WhOtt the number roso. to 80, of the discovery Is what has brought i - rots, celery and many obher vegetable*. It Is a mistake to assume that be- ZIG mere forma of r,,11,jon will please which has been''the Average figure the material raward. If that merit � %t out LIVII properly cat- Cro rotat orb and sanitation should be eAuse a. Louse I" , idle for some time It Pod Ole chlekti sparingly four or five God. There must be ' � for this year. I ; SL 3 spiing and was lapking, so was the reward, i I crop this .6mp%yed �o suppress 4t, and preeaig. timea daily Lind Make then) 62'Mrclse- with them heart . . I t I _ ad 'for, will ,laid U, good . %16nary weasure:9 In harvesting, curing � will rid Itself -of vermin, believing that It 18 vety c4py to 'Overfeed thein, :10VOtion. 2.0. Rebellion. The throw. . ti, list Issued by the Dritish Empire 0 il$ I *,. , fail. Akjljg awt ekoring the crop should be follow- , the parasites- will starve Where'thero e !ng off of rl. . Union gives a number of the changes, 1junting the Caribou. I , I A yery important PoUlt in M d rellgloosly. Aft affected bulbs s4tould ,'are no fowls to feed upon, Ver thei fare thej should be kept always ghtful author;ty, is as tile I and It is not diftioult to trace the dlf- In hunting the caribou quietness is I these 'things c InIn 'Sin of witchcraft--'sor-cary, The Pro - re of sue, bo sorted out before storage op "))It). Let the ferent principles on which the essential. Never treak4 hvig R you all 'Cess with kill hungry for more, digestive -round ready for setting ment. Will live for months without fowls, it organ(, gradually work tip to their tence of securing Intorma,tion egard. is to get the g Ing the future, . General sanitary rndltsurea atel protee- necessary tot an entire NvInter, only to changes have been effected, In many can avold ' arrive. I during the first 9 Signs or .. it, for a erackin branch . � them out ,)state the Plants tion frow ruotettwe aftek harvest are ef- ra-apiDear as soon as a flock of Chick. max1mckill capo"tY by ;,Consulting spirl xasea,thore have been ditect 1'ansla- ulakres a noise which iarries. far and i Spade, or fort ttl) thOr6ilghly 'the fiNent ki controiling onion blark mold. . three weeks, utter V'"llich (111110 the. ts, Rejected- tions, such as Kant L � to,06 1_Ud Work The bulbs should be thoroughly dry bew Ons'la placed In the house. S 111's gelf-COACelt led to 9 Into Xing, Mul' 'rlay give Warning of your al)proacli l ground where they Ar( chicks made safely be fed all they will a . his dowll* ley into IvIllier, Schloss into Castle to the ypry stag you partioularly into it N'fell-rotted niatture and a good fare they are shipped, slti".e moisture .It- Is mighty poor policy to wait consunio. I rail, And Schlieldner Into 'TQ�ylor; 86bie- q . handful OUAWo to each favors tile rapid developmew. of the dls- until the mites appear, or multiply After thd chick Is four d III. S%ul'e rope * want, D,c,,Uall.vlraportantisl�toko(,Is &05109-4 " easo In teonait. uftlers in nortbarn cho;g old tailce, iralm.(VS, �1. thor translation haa been In- - in such numbers ,that they fairly Ob- 1, ee4 26 av times it slittil) look -out at ,,tit timos, esperl. . � ,jant--og ground bons Of t4likagO," markm receiving Urfeeted lots to be 1: aid . begin feedirig a commercial � f $I-nfied--ThIs eontes. dire -.t, suall as StOlutial Into Petrie, :bo tiot merely dig 9, 11016 Ift- the sod .any cailsiam-nvio letigth of time should StrUCt the building, The chances are cortaiiiiiig A_ variety of finely-groUnd. slon 18 In ohw I 0011trast to his do- through ",pctrtm," the Vneok wor&for ally wh(ai -entering a barren, -whare a , I I to get the VIhOt In and transfer thont to Mid stctAge to hold they Will exist long before you *see graino And, ,4aeds that are th,roujhly OlaratiOn In Va. 20, 21. Because I Stone, tLnd Lcraanweber into Webster, stag way be %leophig, for tinder such bit 0110u9t tile diselao In clieck. I feared the - conditions they are hard to ,,ee, to, got its good reWlts. as It thia Onion smudge, confl^,ul lxrgMy to the thein, slid the bons ,%V 11 know of them clean and wholesome. PeOPle-Saul admita big, which is the Scots tot weavot, I strip of grourid. Where the plant� white vto,ictsm, results In & stnudm � If you do not. I It the thIcks have beeft well hatchoa, guilt 411d confesses Ills Wealv.ess of . very popular form of Obango has Amoug thu, numerous .gray dead = chara,nter I - � stumps and moss -covered low trees Ara to to Is 411 dug up and fertilized. unsightly apootrante of th(i bulbs and - The poultry-keepOr might ad well the. comfort -->f the thicks shi' tile feed 'I givirg heed to the men been the Adoption of the Initial letter, . Ma uthneAv reduction W the market olu*- become reconciled to the f at first as g1ven thorn, are two of the main things of his army, 25, rardoi. my at thd color of t1je caribou to so lncon� i ­ somou-mea it, .U0,001it that the Whole lty of the .tr.p. As the disease td de� a - pecially Goa, Kay ahol Yayo, for un- opicuolis t1lat the villeealned o7c) will be dug UP , pendent lar 0 ereye'r fowld ned 91111 desires forgiveness &Site protioutic0a:1>10 polysyllables. Thus We . j&#ftjM cannot canVenteutly ,,rly n abundant moisture, last that wh are coaft which willonitan success or fallur(�j and 11 0 es _ I ikikol JA this Mae A evader of at least # -y in handling -'oil f thereforot shlou?.1 require, a poUlUT, Samuel for it. We MAY suppose that call understand that Ar. Gunzenhaus- fail to detect tile aftimal even at Oloso tre0al car to vocesew fit houses ther6t also will , Ind I ,e %ithito varieties. The crop should -lice and inites, unless oleftsuras tire lie seeks Sainu range. The first Intimation will be A I twa or three feet lit ollaftl6ter should waxi'm most car* .1 consideration, el's pardon for what Or may lit.ve been knoWnr by 111.5 be harvested Quicitly, avoiding any vx- . I .1� P., glance of a ollsappe'aring patelt at ,h plant, A -Ad' As po6urd to rain it wssible. Then It talten to Drevent them. It Is as natural I he has done against him and begs friends for years as Air. Goo, and Air. be Drepared for eao� for a hen. to -Attract lice no It Is tar a him to IntA-cede with.God In I white as tile ,,caribou vanishoo into i much Manure tW fertilizer used its It should be stacked In an open aW and Britons BUIld V9968b Plate, � h a be. xronenborger as Mr. KAY. lit othOr the Woods. the shtlt# OrAt. vmrb being Proparell., allowed to cure tboroughly. The white dog to have fleas. , The Tarrant Aircraft CoustrUotloh half. Turn again with me, that I inay ease$ tLo tirst Sylluble has been liege Mugs toyisidered, tha car - sets should be placed In thid laverd lir Flowers of sulphur whom applied worshID-Saul -feare4 the Outcome ot Adopted, Such us Hittbretlit Into 11111, All t The- plautg Aj,�ru!d bO set ort imlu'S- Alloillow cj.&tCq, company of ParnboroUgh, Illigl4nd, as q � �n recb!'Alig tfiGM train the BEST VILUXT POU C101A) CLUUITES. t1koroughly In dust form has beef% has Just finished building the biggest Ills gin slid earnegt%, desired samitel or it brLs been the last syllable, such as lbou of Ne,.V.oundlond 1% not - . lert 10110017 PC ,Ili 'Xil Tna n U 0 a as any other doer that I know at ani express company or tLO delivery Agent- The tollowlofs fmits are recommended to destroy all stages of Ilea, but not ttirplaile in the, world, It Is a, tri. to JOIlt with him lit acts Of war 1p 14, S 11 I t M nu, � y the fg1l,ara of blafits by the Minnesota State Horticultural so quickly 0.8 notne other Powders. x that the doom pronoun :!d Itpoll lid In tho pro,ets ot change a great to tberefaro more readily approache.l. very frequAntl tt that they Somosy for. told Nimates, withstanding Sodium fluarldf In powdered form, plane, the middlo Piano, Of wulell :8 .might not, be f,illtilled. go, I will liot many famous Teutonic names baye There Is, of course, Werit variation . "t -out is due to the fac severe winters without much pt-oteetloh: somevrhat of a now discovery, bets 131 feet wide. Above and below %his , rOtUrn with the& Samuel would not disappeared, notably those Of 13ach, Among them, Some poing extremely have beeg kept for gaverill ,days After ADp!eg: woolItlly, patten,s Greening, are two plailes, each 98 feet long. All (I difficult to stalk, �ihllo nth. . k being T#0011ved And allowed to dr,V Out', Duehem, 0kabena, AnIalm, 111bernal, beehL found to give excellent results, tile planes Ara 15 feet 2 Inehes dem Iii ,Any eegreo even ADPOar to Appro-0 Handel, 111ndenburg, Schultianp rald Alert all Crabs: Whitney Minnesota. Morende. aud Is highly recommended by Of thO coutsu tile king had taken, nor WagAgr. A Viumber of celebrated. era "a to absurdly tumo that they then the nurso"Wx is aeomed of thok" The body is 10 feet long (20 feet long. will alloW a vilan to walk right up to" , I'lunig: Wolf, %ant, De SOW, F'Orest foremast authorities. ' It kills . both i would lie. do anything that njight Show nrltish names bavp been utilized, gueb s6adfur Pdat ot0ki PlAnts Of thifs Oardon. iAult lice And tile young Which Wuerge er than the b sest blplano)e And the that 110 Was Out of syllipathy W`11 tile its turns, Gainsborough, Riieburil, witlith it fow YArds b0for,'i taking - - I 104 *", always 1*okoa and ahlopod olueratits. Voniotm. Notth Otar, Lon- train the egga pro -gent At the thild of bolght is 27 frt, The DROVA seat W9 Lord's will. 27-35, As Samuel turned SMtt, Sh011Yi Sberlotan And Wallace. fliglit, Curiosity Is often A noticeablo go that the roQO will be kept Moist 4" UAtk",' Nvhitf 0l'A0- out 12 toet bL�yand the line Of the , falling with them. whell often it Is I 00086berV1001 me cArrie b6st of till, treatment. to go AnIfty, Saul e1ught hold of blo, Among tile n0tAbI8 titlek Adopted wq in tft0*t. if, on acdour"t of olelarq, WhOo DoWnIng and VeAr) do ,fairly 10011- one application of soollum fluorld, plan68. Tim MO of the folkollifte re- gArinent, And It torp In token of .fit au.-nitmes Am those of Airlio. Mr6s- oLrottsed IIIVY Will 90 to ftlinost any ' 1. t1loy Uayd 1AW so 160N 10, tftnolt that 94MAWAeg. (VUA11*14% X rw ,Villtv., properly al)Dlied will complotely deo- SeMblea a whftle I'd length and girth, fact that God had Wacen the, kingdom fard, Burithard, Coventry, Itutland, Satisfy it. I do not, It 90w the older b4aekcapi% with a great blutit-anded ii(see, 136-. �eve`r!ba611V1IK the hunter to e Ow - 1 the rooto 111ave iltUd out, they should )31a*1eb$ftWA: 00-64W , The results ob. � L, - Ount too � Inuiiadh%WY to A Ofin Or . AtrhWbtrMW,. 'V?nn;;O% No. % S -Ma. troy all lice present. tween the Platioa sirG six Raper -tion at Israel AW4y from Saul, Saul ton. ,,,!afield And We'Atworva. 111,08- yinich on It,' -for the very thitig which . ue vlao#d I tar nmiav p! libe o%rly bmt-Inig sort# .1 tainea aro nothing short of romark- , engines, each devoloping W-hors6- tinued ws king as long as he lived, tl A yety eurfous R"�ftt of tbe i you Imalchle will tethfit thl'.1 tub of witer gild allowed to rientafft ng sorta. able. It cau be wed on the hoadn of but the kiligolom, would not Dms to Ills On Is In the fact that different ilqem. ('tutiosjty b o become jtWn thoro xnA Proar"ve of th6 ey6ribeari Power. VbUr of thent operAte tWO- I will frIghteti'thent Away. "Sometimes it antit they 4V Mk%rdy ftrubs: Bush honeyAuakle, chl4km It fm days old without Injiter, Damtority, bors of the same ramily, 11VIng some - I I bladed. trattor propliets; two of them � timon In the fiftrito U .Isa, have thang tbom vory - 111� I oughly wet. , If, for &by ; pleask Van Xouttc4, Hydranges vanla- : ,,pjNC,jt METUODII IS THM AV,SV loUr.151104 "PiAshot" ProPeIIM. #4 their nAt"es At OI or . - Atrango 3101AC 11111 ))'Alto . ft-potalblo- to W tkom out 11% the ukta ,krandiflors, ,syrinx,a, Illiken. *4r . Quostionq -- Who fero the Amalp. diff ent perioda iftoluji3itive, ond thoy 'wIII enTrie w1thh, : is jUperlultritm have ghown that dut,t- __ klteq? What ovil thingi had tho,y done . 1povilid Ililtnodutely, the WrAPPIA Ptrennlftl lmowors: X11go"IL r"68, t I - ­ . I during the Vat. fltill more curious a feW feet to find Vdt Vaht It IS. ThOn, ed Ullem, f4hapda. 404*A, German iria, d is the fft Throat? What ni�-isap did Uod I tbant the V00t# sh0tild he re'Moy p&OrAft, dilkilax and gladioli Will dol'hl"- Ing in th*-ordinfiry *Pns,e of the term To k..,ow how t* groW 01, , ill thp Cillingo of t%o sa M�6 ad,dre" In. .1 oemfilonally, a whitt hAtidkorehliot 4 th,6 pla-to 0hoolod Ill"-thltt K I it x1ven pmptr oars, 'Wall, In not P6 effeOlve with ti(Alum flidorld,, matter work of *%dent, had one. of I give to Samuel for F*ul? What res- to diff Grant nam!Ej. In ono tao t I wil , I have the satne offoet.­A. Und. ­ rko-d *s t,h,#,y *ro di*s,'o 60-Outh Ilk POMON0118 PLANTS Or PAMADA. a4upplyins the Powder with the tip% MO rn(At diffl(MIC OURPlArg In ths 9Mt Portme'did Saul makeO ItOw did ftul Mr. Melomanholm J�om%e MIL"ll and eliffe IMSmore In "The Romailep of � sy, , � 1� X" WK. w g* *& moo wi14 b* Tk# *W y4y,"s thtt .,opno rrAjn,x t&"% of thjk lippre to difforont p4rts of the af,t of livtAlr-­1AiAloI . pollorm Mo minim? WbAt did th# atiotbar Mom, I tUo NeVicandland Colrtbou.l . ,�, I woftoft *a" � VMM_ Tax 44- 1 Raw %0000 i " I Xb%004*4 low I I # 904 0"W% WORK om VA*- U*" 40 04 000% #0 *sow 04 we #&* or 0*K%*0 �Fza� , Noymm" .4 MW 0440000 .. - 0""ftw WOW$ � 00011004� Alma% Ws"40* 014 1 -WV.1P.*V".M""� .0. - D11 I_ Holm** dwy, I *AWAST414 0OUGOTOW VM � Oft" USIM 00*4 WU040% I . - Ra V40tono � i woonva Am """"4*4 1 *Now to Im 44 lop 066ft I . � W04"A14 - .r. .6 Arthur J. Irwin D.D.S., LOD.& . I Poctor of Dentitt Surzery of tba. Patin. a' Uate of Wa- tol", oo &ftervoon. OfO.Filn toA9406114 004R, A I W. R. Haiubky � NA146, MA., G -W I , , V"hd tidon Paid to dhUs" , � WWe 00 I �M =4744 "TWK I tak" v0stgroAttato Wiwi in Suri , @"r�, Izat4riology 4nd "eatitio j XoOotno. I I OtMe In the Karr resideiw% 1�,� I twunk tke Quoeu*n Aqtol SW th-s I aft9tilst 0hux", I AA WwWo,aly4a awoW a0entim Pboo " P. 0. 9" us � I . I 1. � � I mr, Robit C. Redmond UX0.3. (Ifts.) , L20.P. (lAnd.) I MMIGIAN AND SUrtOX" .1 . I W - 4mkbhb�nls old ataitd). I _ � . . - - ___ ____ DIR.. R. ffTEV"A"R�6:1h � Graduate of Tjulveraity of Vronto, Faculty of Al.e0cine: Licentiate of the Dn%flo Colleke of .Physicians and I - s0geous, . . 077ICH ENTRANCE" ' ' SPIGOND DOOR NORTH OF ZURBRIGGI$ PHOTO STU010, . , ) f JOSEPHINkff. PHONE 49 __.__j, __ ___ --- GERMAN OFFICER - nit% n 113 SHOT I . . Was Accused; -Wrongly, of X�-, Hiding Arms, . And Killed by, Unknown . Detachment. I I Be . rlln_;ATay '*'.-,By tpe -%moclated Press.) --rhe strange story at the shooting of Captain Hane Faascho, a former commander Of a mine layer. and the only son Qf the former Arice- President of tile Reichstag, 'I)r. Her- . mann S. Paasche, On hl%3 estate near Kreuz, Pomerania, is exciting great Interest, According to the Tageblatt's Xreuz ,correspondent, Captain Panache bad been denounced In Berlin for litoling: arms, and amuniCon. na his estate, whereupon a Roieheta.a detachment was sent to .Kreuz andt surrounded life bouse, Pawhe was found 'bathing Im the lalce, and subsequently Was shot while still wearing hie bathing quit. The stories arc) in conflict With re- gard to their Circumstances, Accord - Ing to one version, I'aa6che was ahot without warning, while according to another, he was trying to esdape at the time. No arms were found on the ,Premises, O-ccoilt, sporting. guns. The Indignatl6ra in*Xreuz, says the- Tagablatt, Is very great, its ,no search Warrant was prodaced. The *ffieerr, I v m nce It Is not: known what detachments vv�e In- volved In tile ehOoting. it is said that Captain Paasche r,,fts- I strongly Inallnei toward Communism . and Inclined to be a pacifist ,dreamer and on that account had became es -k, tranged .from his fal,',-=�. - .- - , PAUL DIMHANP.L. President of FrAnCe, Who In' ' ,ftaulotis- ly eacalied death wherl 1A'ftjj from a ftat-moving train. I # 1. ­_ I I 01-MESt jM10398. /. . 'Canadian Product Way), Sell ai Any Figure., _1---__% I Ottawa, 'May � .-The foll(Aving taj)16�, P,ram has bpen received froin tile 1�rjtf.3h XlnlatrY of Vood by the 'Atlnj�,tor of Agriculture. � . "Max-linurn, retail prices for I)rIvately- Imported chpose hAve noNV been With- drawn. Govornment ellet'Se atilt g'overn.. ed by maximunl TPUtil prjec� of 011(4 shilling and eightpence (f9rty cents) per pound.11 flTh's eMblOrram lin Intorproteil to jjj(� ,at ( _jyj , anadiall elleeso now �bpinp �rj- VatelY iMP01101d UMY bo sold at ally Price. 'L'110 GOV01111101t ,elivese referroil to N,q New rmllan(j tlhewp., an(I tjjk�, stock.4 Of (1101adjall 0h(,j,..qe Of tljt� ,qpa, �jojj X1001919 at"' 116111 �y till' AlInhArY ,of' d In Oonsidf,rablo quatitle.3, 0AK,*­­_ "NO Man (1,11m bo Faira of ,­jjnift�t , ;. Ulne." "I don't know ajjq�,ljt t1j,lt. (40 tAtO ftftY 'P011eA fOlirt n,,141 ytilly., aeo,plenty Sewing from to day$ 1Ip.0__ � i.. , I � .1 11 .. � -'t I I I . I I I . . . -.". , , I I . I . � - I � . ; le � d i""�a_1111 AL.�#;LKI&l I (ji 1 I 0 , �- I I I j&' I � , ....... . `-11- JJIW'6a , I ­ _' "I" d",�.,_��o � I � , - r�� A� - ­ _,A,�2, %L _�. 6,?.'� ­�_ � -Y. .-,L , - __ __ - __.. j� ., - - - .ajj 11 r'llixlt - *-,� iii.�_ _ .. _ ___i.,L "AA&- 'e. liliiiiililill&�dk�mbd&W�' - ___ -111 I f , 4, 1 1i I -M. ;"