HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-27, Page 6�71_W "r ,111-'."*V.��,�,�'"'���,�'� �� I � - . ­ sell. :��11 i 11 � �11 I 1 OPJ960ft-%-�_ �_­­­ I I I I 1. 1. I . I � - 1. . I ­ I I I - � . r" I. . -i I IN . - i 0 _W_- A- ow" , , ��__, — -1 � +i , , *+ do ---.---- _.._____ I tion She Arvelt ]lad brought about. It - 11 � .� \ 4 * 0'.6's 6 4 0 0 0 -*++4,+*+* +-+++* Get'& Puket, and Realize .­ 14 scant comfort to realize thAt we our* I � selves are the cause of Our Own I I The "In -Law" 1 0 I trouble. Moya would have lutil'11017 . ._­ � . " 0. on of ReOl preferred,to blame someone else, Prob- ssxn­!—_."0$F what all infusi y - ably she did ,endeavor to blAme Barry. . J,i � ___ - . Row -Maker mm"W" He was such a very poor ban(I at 1� . 11 I I Acting, she told herself JudiparitlY. 1111 I . 1, 400,000+4-0* ------------ + 11 � Pure Fine Tea Tastes like He might surely throw himself Into ' - advertising ina4 looked apol- --ww"mee'"e" I -Q-1 I his part with a little more vigor. It I . 41 � . . . 0 . The . one understood a tWng at least one I o4c,tically tov�Qrd 14s wife. It (toes � might try to egrry it through, so I �; Ing up ancient buried � I thought m' obstinatel,.n . t( I . Seem like digg I I OYA eople acted very a1surd- I d . er- N Of course p 0 , .044,1, he said, "but yo,� must ex " I 1 1114 ly. I They need not loo:. surprised surely , I bi 1.� clso kindness toward We- I 4now the -�J . it she and Barry- chose to W414 in I- 11 101 11 - . �. bi I I , I � motUor-'n-Ia_W- Joke went Out with opposite directions. Being Q49aged W I I the coming of the Women's 44[fraV, , * - IL : 1 1414 not rob c e of al liberty of actlQu I . pp", � � It And the Creusa,dooker, As well us all � surely! I ' � A I . ­ . I � - B580 It aeomed as it Moya,eX joke and P, ,be now things that Made falt'lly 1"fe ' . , ti ­ t . . 0 plees, of good fun haa recoiled on t LIN00 . , was playing 4 joke,4at %Vft GILLE NY 0 Uumau. But I wasult really inc,3111119 ^ Never Sold in Bulk holr,5elf, Life .. 0140 y � hot, I ... 11.111111� I t � � . �he niother-hi-lAw at Ail o4lea I 4a.kI " V61aclk. Green or Mixed - 0000000 The Jaugh-If laup there was 0 OoCANAD 00 I 1 14 1 . that ,s �ry clay thing. (it wtis M -11 - - ---------- � ­ � - ­______ _Nvaa againot lier. - .A I baer __ . Even Mrs. tRaleigh provided uo � __ — f clover, you'll te to -admit, won't U . e of ,!!__..m..__________,=____ t � instead of idt a piquancy In the ebaP I You?) I was thlr�klng , "an or on. That Gosittort was " t � ln.Aaws� , . I She had beard some - 4, . ,"%-. I Suppose that when folks tl"nk Of ' I - FARM CONDITIONS � 4; - As family and divorce thing about Guy BerkeleY'R schemes IV I U01k a ijig thin,, � I M lot philanthropy, Her dream of � a C I at oace equally R,'s dhted i'@n TI" U hd Aim", "40" 11 tg' I h I wealthy marriage for her daughter, a 'l � I PP1- .* POGI, Much Atteiition to Early I devastAt:ag-!Y uglPea"60 for un a, I e life and' good social I lw�3a. ,�Ou t4luk,bf the Et,nnal Tr.wi- , � _. - faohioxiabl I ' � A tion, was faet vanishing. A P11i.laIx- Potato Pla,uting. I gle; r,f groun-eye� Jealotlsv; of D"Ink; , She saw Barry con:.o up the lane holiday, of course. He's been worki 9 . I � I , --== � . of Murder of al� t1je horrI4 tb'Jig�, that siow, with an udd-d sinking of her, too hard. Too hard for years, I think. ------,--,--- I _.. I ,� � go to 111.11ce ujrtb�xt usual four-aet play bwn spirit, vaguely apprehensive of One can see that jiist to elook at him, I - i . � I . Seen so often, on the 9tA,-ye Where a It knew not what. . ,aud then we don't want him to go yet 5._._1_W _ . Tile following Iss'a summa,TY. of re good c .etress is io �Ippear. -We I ce 11 Im ere " I � Ports made by Agricultural Repr6sdn. , g ,motional 4 t "Moya's gone down to the Shore," I I bay ig h h . . � . in other words, t�p third. act­tbe big she told him. . - She watched Barry as. she spoke. , � . I tatives to the Ontario Department. of act -of a domestij drama dopeuilp on "Has she?" he said, listlessly. He And she saw his face cloud. He laugh., 'M".. SINCE , � , 11 I . - Agriculture: 'evc , , . !' oatisea which -wo have come to "o" leaned his arms on the cottage gate, ed abruptly. . . , lie in the naturo:.of the husbun3,, the pot even turning III,; head in the "Yes, I know you like him," he i The latter part of Apr:1 was wet And Wife or Jile", 60cloXY. direction of, the shore. Of what good said. "You admire :ilm, don't you? !%"I I cold, ,and the condition of vegetation' I I . -ppst .1 - 'for the opoping ,,As a niattW of fact, tile WIr waf; It for Moys to pretend there was He's just the 6ort of man you would 9MV3.01DItops � was very backward - cause of farnily ,break-upz lk.n't the laothing wrong between her and her admire.#' . L. STQPSC 1UGHS of MAY tives putting the wife, nor the Social lover,'thovght ULa- High standards. "I do like 'him . husband, nor , . ,, of course. I think �:!�_ , Ing as about I,wo weeks grodp at al'.. W -1s, in my 011-11:0n- )Of romance or not, Moya and Barry we all admire hiraw, He (toes so much Progress of BOW , bold your brpath-tlia everlasting' soil- ;did not come uy to the Average, stand- good work, you see. One can't help throplat--one Who spent all his money. later, than usual. On Friday, how- ' , citude, .the eternal and interferhv� ar- ard of an engaged couple. but admire It." on others, who was content With an ever, vork on the land had been gen- I fection of their relaliveM The b'g- : "What are you doing this morning?" Again Barry laughed. ,"No, natural- insignificant life himself, far�,,,,from tJ10 � � orally resumed, Estimates Of gest cause for family d:f-ficultien Is went on Barry. "We seem at a loose lY " he said, "But it makes a fellow iaoti.ion. and the world of wealth-waG I In-laws. I I Ili ;1 I I& myself fe311 p-.-etty Small, Com- not her idea of a son-in-law, After ,acreages of spring grains In by the THE BIC,.G&qT CAUSY0. .! , parlsons are odious, I know:- But' I all, Barry Tre4mond, young as he first of May range d1l the way front A Whole901111e, Cle8uslilgo wish there need not be so much com- was, and with I'lo ),vay to ,gake, had 15 to 60 --per cent. by counties', a few , ,,you're loolt,ng at me -aghast But 6 Refreshing and U981181 parlsd)x between Berkeley , 'and my, some prospects. J,Jfe Was before. 14dividual farmers have finished, it,$, a fact. And'.�wllat'o more,,, i !,.Can - �. . ' I . Lafta-murine for P%ed' Self," . hi'W. "e was not bittere With Ahat --- . I prove.1t. RL13d the report of any or. VAR . I I niess, Sorenefis, anulA. I Ut . ia looked ..t him'. "Why should eccentric folly* that considered one's I — 'ly prob. I I � tion,ItchtngandBurning money was but a tr,pet ganization dealing with fam, I 6D for others. I I ,leins, and Y -find the causq for ! , I ther be?" she %sked simply enough. TEMPLETON'S ou'll' ,. of the E es or Eyelids Mrs. .RAIelgh's mind was changing in bubby leavin" wfi;, or for Little Pride. - �; or Goli -"Yilu're quit), dlfferent.'� theae days. And where Barry Tres- RHEUMATIC CAPSULES , 2 br�liil After the Movl% "'RZ t -,I, know that, too,'� answered Barry, � ;el 6*40 can't endu,,� the MM WM 3pw.. --- getting tp fe . - � I - aws. Nel- for Murine when your Eyes Neid- Oiif)- I Savagely.' 1�2_r@ the'difference is .to mond was concerned it Was- Open to For fifteen Yes I rs 60 Btsnftrd � Lovin.1Z �Husbaud Is their in inugine a" assued3r Coes Chicago my discredit, 6f-`(!ourse.'! , new Impressions. I " opefte for � I ther poverty, noW'drin1c,'nor"n-aylect. ; I . . "That's nonsense. We all have dif. , "For (Lear Ivirs; rilre6mond's sake, . Rheumatism, Neurltis, Gout -' � nor cruelty, nor *laziness, n �__ � �, or b:asted * uY,s is she had told MoYa, ,,Of course, Jor I - Splatica, Lumbago, Nouralote � hopes and ambitfons, ean compete I fereat work to do In lite. G � my part I had hoped you Would do Many doctors pre=cribe them. lie '!:�hty - end. No one went bathing before not yours at ,.)11," better, bloya. I had ambitions for Write to Tebghtonr, . 142 Icing St. W.. Toroato, for � with thiCt .oi , M Jittlor indru- breakfast. That picnic on the downs fro old 7by rellebl� dmg&tg MtYwh"4193! '. "I should expect you to call *list I - 41.0 4-plo. . 09 , *hjoh � was mooted fell through. I O'l N, ... ___ � merit of family., ljiterf�kence In the say nonsense," said Barry. ,"Yes, You you. I' wanted to see you a fashion . I home of.'Marrie(II follcs-�.- � : There's nothing doing at all to -day. always do think so, don't you? But, able leader of society. I should - I - — . I ) look over have died content to see you Well es- -_ 1*110-w loti!:It bel Let's Everybody seems sleepy and dull." . . ,Oatt lust _ I N*elre a 'pretty , all the same, a fellow can't lark about tablished in the great world." g_isown. � ., our owW * - ' ory., . "Then why don't you suggest some- with ca,p and bells all his life, There's d Aloya. had said nothing. Guy vhIle others had almost nothin C happy cc ple. IjUve a�­ nice home, ihing to liVeri us up,11 -Was Una's reply An Much attent'lou is being given tA It I I somethii1g else to do witli'llfe", ' Id he could die . I good children, torfiforta�ble family life; - �o that. , He turned away abruptl' h Berkeley had once aa mental early potato planting, a considerablo, . � I . y and went nstru nothing from,ou`(�Iao ",uses to d',7,turb ; - Barry's moody look did not change. � content if he had been I . acreage already having been Put In, - � � . I I . 1� ­, . t the - - a in wiping out just one ding s o In some cases before the land was . us. And,'. Yet .'WQ,tv* si"Ad �. our little 11*,r shopld be aure, to. sugges . ;.., � � a . '', . I spiltg, al�hOUgli:;Wo., . present a uniform- 1 wrong I thing," he muttered. "And alumland, And bringing sun and light really fit for 'the. crop, There Is- a � . ly eoi6iacerit an-Wmnited front to the Whan I fall 1a with other people's Sug- ' and healthy habitation to these dwell- Shortage of good seed in many locali- . rong, too. I'm too , %0 - -horielese poverty. She thought ties. ,r � vrorld;j�iii th 00, d"M I g6stions, th4t's w NJ a RiS E eS ere of - la'Al , , . . ­. . . - . of that as 6he heard 'her mother .11 %2;. . 1� L, � " . I" ready to fal):. in, too -natured a Fall wheat and clover look well, 41 " , r" or*,. good I - THE 71111.3111 . 01 .k * �hap. By the'w.,.y, when is th; speak, I spoke Mrs. Raleigh had speaking generally; but some repre . � flw�,'j'�was_th`6-14,�-dauo.e T most of I Berkeley golng.back to town? Lt , fellow, " But as she. a eentatives are of opinion that recent L ��. I -W " Of " 14SE a vision, too in hr mind. ' Not ei S � Omember the � Una looked,,"up. . So discoun .1, raw weather has given the former. thos pats V � Dq-ety,qu,,, Lected a A0V dream of 4�nnobled, beautiful -slums, tIffie1:,,W,6 x�erii. gol`49,441�AVO One ano- . 'question startled her. What had Guy Zam-Buk, because they hoye. provoil I ,but an Imagination of -Moya-a fash- ,crop a slight setback. .� I � I - . _ . . � Fodder Is Go Scant with sOm tlibr�'At least YOPOWer'd-A Juot about 1 Berkeley's departure got- to do with - � that it does what to clallned for it. e thai , I i -1. Ita � ioiiable womAn, & society leader With ;'Yo' "after We werk- arried? Oh, mjoyment of the bell- Miss E. L,oDoxey, graduate riurse; - ' a - 0 . ,the deliness Or e # apers, and live stock is being thrust On the grass � � i, : " portraite:in thel'soclety P . of c6ftr6e, it -was��sq,,'Id'xig ago! But ay? Then h�nd.'chly a new Idea dawn- of 3220 Xichigan Ave.i , Chicago taste before there is a really satisfying bite , 4 i fl I fashion articles eulogizing her " '4.0 �pr&5c,at" to I dd on or. H in, drees, Mrs. 'Raleigh had a dream _. . '.t.waj�pretfy mxi& ,!t h ad Guy Berkeley zome- sayst' "I have a patient who a 7. - us both at the �tlip§' gue atmo- , fe liles.' . Zam-)3uk .1,;-W- ,6i.had arranged I thing *to do with this va red"torribly wft2L* P y that� gave fier of,*what the future of her pretty Young I - to, hj4e every Woii�oikay evening out, I Ophere of unrest and dissatisfaction is the Only Temed I � � .daughter might have been. � . I sci4b`ctould meet Jfl�t,b,Wn. Y8u were I Which surrounded the engaged couple? relk. Slio -eighed. Jt was such a pity- I , . -�, I Was Barry, perchance, jealous of him? of 1, bave. used- Zam-Buk myselt' . . . I � to� have a Iday -off 4,�th no cookIn , --n a quarrel about for ,the same ailment. also �Ifor sores 'foiled by the -foolish eccentricity of 11.1 I A, I . . and tliiiatfe as:��,*�Ihj$rlude for the Had there even bc an impracticable reformer. For Mrs. . " I Raleigh did not doubt Guy was throw - week. Aijil one 40. Jj6iind I ,couldn't, - m? Now Una came to think of it, and. burns, and have the"greatest Const" ation Cure . . .f. i . . meet you- , I Avaj,,lieo,V"In Ithe of ice. I �M& and Guy were a great deal to- e0lffidence In W' . ink his. money away�rcioneY that IP � - I- . � 1, . You"WQai tO-.,bOQJI,:P`0IIA'S for'isup- I- gether. They had struck up a sudden, might be of some use in the world A druggist iisys:, "For nearly, ,per. you�, rilet ime'i'fijat evening very 1 friendship, at which Una had been � . lif'oull, she had the spending of if. thirty years I baye, commended . I . th,oughtfallyii, althowth'.'O.ver the tele- ; iather surprised -surprised .because . . .,- "A little mad," she had said indul- the Fxtract of Roots, known as � .. pho4q�,tallririg� �,q 4n.e.fl&?gtouh. sbmri ' auy was such 4 grave, deep -thinking I gently, "an amiable crank. Ile has Mothqr Seigel's Curative Syrup, for I phon& !�! Icing t'' In 'ypur voice war, man and M SO heedless r, girl. They I I studied so much, poor fellow, that he A 0 . e, oya � the rjulical cure of, constipation all sol:c.itude, and rglief that you collid * might have beer, expected to have 'L , lost grip of real life, and rune his and indigestion. It, is an Old I - 0 to see her. (,I �r6ujjlnit go to her . little or nothing, In common, thought - .. .1, - _� . I I � hobby to death. 9)9ing away with. reliable remedy thit never fails . with yon, so you'liad t�a first op'pdr- i Una. Moyamight have been expected I - - I � - I � I ,the alums, fGr000th' As if the poor to do the work." 30 droPs , . I , I tunity to,�go.thefi," a1660) ;'YOU,aSted ' to be bored by. Guy, and Guy to feel,,a . I themselves would like that, That thri ice daily. Got thO GWuin% I off, His last word had astonished kind of people are never happy away at dToggists. � we if I had* had, a - nib& time, find I , -superior contempt for Moya. Instead, Una with their savage earnestness., � 1 2 eakea what kind, ofA time did you � Una had �een them talking earnestly, . from their own surroundings -what - 1. , Whatever did he mean? And why was they've always been Accustomed to." I ' Work three : e he so an.-ry because she pr1alsed Gdy? Mrs. .Raleigh was great on "that I expect, -when I 'had to I AgrQssedly. Of�course it was only � . ,ehon�ns of social welfare. _= I tuours after dInn4y in th6 office? 'You' about Guy's �. That, at any rate, was, easy to an* kind of peoule." She gently set them - .-, 9a.*d nothing. Bat later you asked 1 He was an enthusiast about them, but swer. He felt the comparlson be" in quite another c�Ltegory to herself. for them. Grain especially Is scarce. casually,, Where had I 'dined. I told ' it was strange he made,,a confidant of tween himself and Guy; a seen lu"They -were divorse, entirely so. Bay- Concentrates -are almost impossibl) . I . . Yon I'd gone IntQ a' little restaurant 1 Maya, and stranger Still she took an MOYA's eyes. ., . Inir been used to the slums they high in valuei�. ' I . near the_ Y . W. EF A. . You said, ou, I 1� -_ — -_ , YV411at ,;,% rilty, what i Pity," V65iild, of course, misse and regret Moat of the live stock are still be. Yes, and your race fell." , . thought Una. So easily happiness them. She, did not follow, that line of Ing catried along on little better thar 1. I L ,DL MARTEL'$ PILLS could bo,wrecked and mistakes mide. thought to 'another conclusion -how a maintenance ration; Even some STp.AKQ9 P.A0Z IN. IRELAf iD. I . . '.I FOR WOMENS AILMENTS And then her loving unselfish thoughts Moya, *her had never been used to iwork-'rig horses are getting only E ' . . I 1, I -i_ , .. I an have testified In the last u ran on: "What can,J. do? - How, can I a fashionable life, might n,ot lie happy small -share of grain with their fodder.. I I Zmill Group Live Apart and of w9m, - - Qualities of B26 right I.matterg?" And Abe felt her own In it. No, "that kind of people" Fewer hogs are being fed, as a largc ; VR L PIL . Be ntifically � I - I ' � T helplessness keenly, V�e Aw unto � themselves. Mrs. number of brood sows were dispose( . rem V for de Yed an pallifull � 748 a I I I Eleot 7heir Own King. j on. only'in a rate�'ted Tin- "I dare not do anything but look I �_ of during th; last six or eight months ' I . I I - % I 0 " t your lit. or r "I've said so much loDtNF FrIces now range from �18 to $21 ' I . I elleocker vat ,,, on," she thougl.t. 0 Is PHOSPP L. . . , cwt Little pigs vary in value, rang. 1' There is a ,,trange' corner of Ire- & st or ate. Can to Moya already -much more_ than I the Great English Preparation. , I land to -day where f, strange group I .......- � I meant to say. I can do. no more. Oh, Tones and invigorates the whole Lpg from $12 to $2a w pair accordinj � I . — — I - I of, people li-,*e, it is called the Clad- =— Out happiness Is lost eo easily, and . netvous system. makes new Blood to localitY. 1, L dagY. A writer In Munsey's Maga- interest In sueb,schomes. It was not ,fooMhly. If they could only, see it," 4 in old Veins. Used for Nervoils . � - '_ Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Cloth From �aft 6f Tree. glile tells, ab-)ut the : lace and f4w peo- 4ke Tyloya, Una told herself, to discuss But she never thought that there Daiponden7p Lou of Ener , Palpitation bf . 4 1 ,I)le as follows.. . serrous problems of life at all --or not might b, things she herself did not Me Heart, hiline Memory. Price $1 per box, six The famous Itapa" cloth� of PolY ? - ;The Claddagh Is z straggling oet. like what she had Imagined Moya to see. F or love is a labytinth through far$5, Sold by ail druggists, or mailea-in plain . ,iJeWeat across the rivei Corrib from - be. She was asking herself 'now which even. the golden guiding thread .pkg.onrgceiptof1pr1ct. Newpamphleltm.il,'d nesia. is made from the inner bark,o the old seaport town of . e under- of unselfishness does not always lead . ,fW.TNE WOOD MEDICINE CO.*TQRONTD.ONT# the paper mulberry. When of.the fin 'a whether she had ever quit I �_ - �, est quality it is bleacheh ,to snow -Inhabitants are d'dark-�0airl'e'vAY�JI-q' 0 1 stood her sts,ter, or whether there was to the light. - ' d1kinned people who are popularly be- I a great deal . ia,g� .a td be developed, Meanwhile Moya, had turned from Raleigh pitted them, of course. But whiteness and fine as muslin. In trol ,11_eVed to be of Spanish blood. This that had never found expression be- the shore, up the cliff path and Away Dince the poor ye had. -always with feal Africa the inner bark of a lego ­ of, their 'drighl -Is supported tore? , across the d 3wns. . Her thoughts were you, such a state. of things must be minous tree is utilized in the Sam I Voi!.rhye historical fr.ct that Galway i " And the more Tina thought. the perhaps selfish enough just then. Cer- '�Vrtdured, she would have said, And way. Indeed, It is surprising)O lear , 4ong carried 6�k an "t!,.,e trade with itore troubled became he'*r thoughts. tAinly they had none ofthe sweetly- cetitainly she made no Attempt to how widely tree barks are employed a Sfain; but othnc'. )gists regard It as "I don't know when he's returning unselfish anxiety of Una. I alter them. I 0 1 materlal-for clothing the world 6ve ,hil' I alialrist the Post- She had a horror of enthuolasme- And: In the West Indies grows th Ore probable that they Are a rem. , to town," she said. "He needs a long Moya was ,fretting Theypartookof crankinea,s and eccen- "lace -bark tree," which grows a del ,Ugnt qf_the prehistoric Irish race of I ;I .1 tricities. They were not at all well- F,irbolgs, who were driven to r�eky , .. ­ � __ . bred. Moderation'In all things, she cate tissue so like lace that many ar � I, � - 'les of feminine adornment are ma� I isopalatwes and mountain fastriesses IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I.. _ would have said. For she was one I � I , invasalon of the- taller and . . � , of thosp people 'Who used iluotatione 'from It. I .1 Milesians..' -Their settlement i t ;;;;;;;;;;;—.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;��� illy6tte"i", - I , The Specialis without digging down to the root of , �)U the- Corrib seeias to,,have existed ' D R. ' WA 14 D ­_ their real meaning at all. .&ud she jince tho- dawn of _histof,v, and traces 79 NIAGARA 8QUAREe0UFFAL6,'NF_W Yofil(... . riever thought thattho, truest modera-' & their -primitive stoije dwellings � t tion. to that self-denial which lives I I ,lown. at tile water'i 434�ge ara to, be � I � for others. ONE WOMAN'S t 1geen to this day. -*, � Men, Are Yop In Doubt i8o she turned.to the thought, ,Of . 4 '. I ,1. �The present Clit'dCagh village,is a I �, 0 Barry Treamond with a feeling 'of . .V itiWille of tht.tched hotises With a � .1 � At to ,your trouble? Hove you 8. mo� skip . reliet., And -Ivloya Eeard her pro- 1. jj6pulation of about fifteen hundred, . . I �*� eruption that is stubborn, hag res.1sted, treat- nouildement, the seal of her approval EXPERIENCI , . Irl..3 1,Aen live by fishing - mackerel, . Ment t,- I a tl4era a nervous conditl � ah which on their engageMlent,_.,�. with corre- - griostly-ila their open boats, and the I I does not Improve in spite of rest, diet and oponding dismay. 1* . I . I I%Vomen carry tile. c4tch,to the mar-. 1, oing clown hill steadily? Suppose qhey found it difficult ' to Of Interest �to Childiess. �&,ot in A%t basketil, Which they poise medicine? Are you gc I e break off this tio whi h, -begun In . mi tWr heads, The Areas of the wo- ' ARPE YOU NERVOUS and despond 11t,' weak I Pretence, daily dootpelcied now In Women., I "I ,nied is extremely I pleturesquo., and and debilitated;# tired mornings; no ,Amblvon earnest? Xoya had a sensation 'of -1 its worn 1,titij gr4cefdl dignity - a -Ilfeldus; memory gone; easily fatigtitid; e* ' shackles fettering her liberty, -and far ' ' . ,jtIgJJt,,PettJCO96t ,%vovea at the loom citable and Irritable; lack of energy and confi. more than that, tightening each Mo- Toronto, Ontario. -III suffered for #.thd dyed N 'ft, m%)Jdor or Indigo, a . dence? Is there falling power, a deain on the went. � long time from a female weakness, h I ,olottlt"Worn. like the. -S04111811 mantilla, . system? Consult the old reliable specialists. ,Out on the free down land, the A a flammation, and a terrible 'bAckael "hiet dralleol � ' , breeze In her eare, she drew long ,kt-ftd a hood. or - kar., . � caused by that condition. One day or ifit.0%,nd the head. They lseldon� Inter- I I SYMPTOMS OF VARIOUS AILMENTS. ills"t1ofied breaths. It was all fair I enough about her. - -The corn was of your booklets was left at my door, af I itorrk with, strangers, but Of late the weak and relaxed Ittatir Of Ahe boty. v.prvousness, despoftathey, Door being out J,.1 the fields to the right. I read how other women with tr*614 =trawler that sweep the ,wider Memory, lack of will power, timid, Irritable dimpositlon, diminished Power of like mirib had been made well, 80 1 got Lir have callod away their apolleKtion, energy and concentration, fear of Impending danger & rnisfor- She could count the sheavea, tall and bottle of Lydia E. Pirikbam'sVegetab I adv4uturO outside Gal- tune, drovvslness and tendency to Aleep, unrestful Sleep, dark rings under . golden. Against the blue %3ky And 'Youiftg mithy,never return. , eyes, loss of weight, insomnia, Dr. Ward giveA you the benaflt of 29 yb%ral background of- that still more biu6 Com und and a pacl(agO Of Sallatil 1�'Iay ualylo'ran�ll continuous practice In the treatment of all chroule, nervous, blood and �,kln horizon of ,1�a, the harvest looked Wasg,o and it helped 'me wonderfull� : f , For A 1011gr time -they cho�le Weir diseases. The abovo symptoms, and many others not mentioned, show indescribably l6v(�IY And Peaceful, and I now have the finest little babyb( � ,Owl,, kilig, #nd 'even tO-day the oldek 1Y. that Something is wrong w Ith your PhYsical condition and that You that any mother could want. I want - r . Mdn expert attention, There was ecareely a sound to break � Itilert govern and 110 Old customs are I melt, wb,, suffee, longer? Let Mo make you 9, vigorous man. Let ma the ,#Ilence,�, for the harveatera wove recommend Lydia E. Pffiltham's Veg � I innhaod. Don't b6 0. Wee-ldift Aby hot table Compound to an woman who h . #* itusint&lned� Gold ornalnents of rare r"tore ' physical condition,to full n at Choir d -Inner, And under the ' ro. JOSEPH I � � tre part ot the, inheritance of nger. 7VI't'ke up y ur mittl ic, tonle to rne and I will givo the best treat- female troubleg. " - � : Ae l6a, t t nown to soloo emsful treatment bUed oft.tbt elv-01- sun all the WOrld seemed ro.fAing, 11 ent k nee --the one suce BELLA, 773 Shaw Street, Toronto, 0 i 'kh Ir dim Celtic past. � once of 29 years in treating men and their ailments. Suddenly M,oya heard the ,�ound of . , 0 .1 e _0____ -*W+_ � a she knew. She frowned. tArio, Canada. , I I . Dr. Ward's Methods Unrivalled, Thorough ,and Permaine-It. whlotle�* , I - 15o you realize that You IIIN6 only 0116 liftJ to Ili'"() You r"ll" theLt It waa narry's,she know well. :� Ile at The experienoe7'of Motherhood is . 08 Conmou Tongue you 9116 Imimsing most of that life by 11.1 hoalth ? JL Ilto worth living is any rate seemed earelims And content- trying one to most Women and mat' � 11"Thdre W0A one woril " wrote, 'an a b"Ithy 110b. . Neglect of tint'ishmith has I)ut many a filall in 11W ed enough, Ile was not vexed by distinctly an opoch in their fives- N , A11160611n Ued CfOSS tu;e 80"rvitig 'ft grave. problems, nor atung Irf iDIrlt by a 0110 WOYT,kan in a bundred i �epared is r 1, rr"Oh army hospital, that we I have boen telling men the'56 things for tnany years ,but Still theril Kra undefstands ho* to Propert Comb f. i 14 languages.' It ' thou,,iatids of vietitAs who, for Various roaxonis. have not had Ilia good Jake V111611 w.gA to have been such a herself, ,Every woman at this tit � quickly itartiod In fti fienae to coma And got W611. pi4eA Of goord, fun. B. Pinkhan was the word that Came most often Speciallat in the treat us oohdition.i, norvoiii oxhaus Wher6 waa lit%? ,Mo% wondered. should rely upon Lydia �ounded soldiers stomach and liver trouble, acne, t'o1n Vegetable Compound, a meat valual ak C to the lips of t1ok or '" beLekitcht, lumbago, rheurrittl8m, lle.4, fistula and blood cona 'Ould olle ilot have, � littlo llbortY (' Iffoying or,d6lirlum wrung ut- dian.804, catarrh, asthma, rectal tr6uble-% p and fro oolitude, evo*- 1%em? She tonic and invigorator of I the femi � W11611 at I - It 10 Mutter, ditlons, I sundAY01­10 A.M. "o I P.M, I rllo�lils and dOWIIA, Organism. 11 tolmuce roig tboni. d Th I brifICK HOURS: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. stlanced round. In many homes once ehildlod the 11 raero, In,0466r, luiwre all other." 0 , they A6emeci empty of life. Then mhe , ­464k*_� �VAKIZ O..)NSULTATION EXAMINATION, nloyM nearer the PlIff e06, YM, Are nowchildren b#eause of the is . I Inull WIMUTN I lgofore vegInnint treatment you reimst maki� one vinit t4 my eifficie for thorA hj� w", eAuntering itiolig at the' that Lydia- , Pinkham's Vegetil .�, ,. usb;and daft b,b!" a p,ersonal Physical exAmIn&tl0n. iWilroad fare will be cous',iltred as p%rt 11 Compound ii-kes women norram ,q V -at b efto of the, wavM. and this good 4 � gl Wh,Er& t canadian money accepted At full VAIUO. _ . alt e - - - , I I �� , I W& Vrovrm ­ hAve w I eKl h4r* vAymont of fee, . _ I TE �, ' I - I 11 "I , . I I (To be c,ontfnliett) healthy and strong, herb reni6dy I ( i , 10 -1 I &ILADA I I 10 0 J� 7, V.187 4n i 0 61LOL 7-__fl_,_1 IfflPINE. — 1% ' u R FR� S For ' Id ov, , , . . _ I t .,kmwBiik- 7.�' - ,MWWM- W 1i I D I in 'I - I V, , moot I 04,ak .. - 70 Niagam Squato, Suffalas N. Y. ,. ­­ 4 m ilk ___ fashfoiied root and . I ntr, .4K"Ifit AM Vr&M Y;;� to, r4tet h1mv ������� � I ­ --- -11111011111011111111" I . . . . . �� - . I 111-1 -­- Ask for Mloard's and takt " othaf. tAins to urcotlos or harmful drugs, 4" , . wtv I - - — - ________� __ � � I 114W Tolwd Urs. 13TOW111 jr;-I� - I 11� . 11 "I �, . I � , I , , % J* 666 .. � , - ___11 L � - . : I �!a,jjlijk% I- ." . I 1. I I , ( I ..% .1 . �&. I ... .1; � ... I 4 , A" Ah._,,;�A� . Aak��,,,�,_,.7. ...� , __ r�� _.,1hL__ ., �&�i2js_ :� 1'.46- — - I . L______2____ - � � , IMP . 400 I INCUBATION AND PROODING OF CHICKS , (Kxporlmenul Forms! Note.). , � milob to It to, be, hoax or lnouba- I? it less tAAn 100 Ohio i tiatched Iflo not tenerallyc=. I Advisable to buy an Incubator, it more than tMt ,number are ited It' Is almost a necessity to . Q�an lucuba'toLr., . It hens are used, wt only birds that appeAr to be do- mIned to set and are not clumsey nervous on the'rielit. Do not a,, . hon. . s, in thelamis pen with set- a, Be. sure that your hen Is per� fly tree from all 'vermin and see ,t she has a supply of fresh wa- , and some whole grain e ' very day. 9 artAfletal metho0s are used, A , 11 vefituatod eqUar with a fatrly in temperature. makes a suitable sition for the Incubator. Buy a 11 -made ,machine ot A Well tested .ke, , stu4y the general -directions it with each machlue and have it '.. 4A �rtod sevvral days before trusting � eggs' to it. e good batch d ___­ , rokyo_ 0"WRoat Qmpoua& .. .Js%�, rettable refMIating ,Mei ic n�. Sold in three de - Ke "of strength- o. 1, $1 10 ' %3; o. 3, $5 er box. Bola " , I rugglato' or seni P reacipt of rice I �a KON141 'P let. At ress I �,,�Tlllg COOK MEDICINE 00 _. t�. TQ101110.01ft. (FinceilyWisdaii.: I I , - hether under hens or In Incub&tOri to have eggs from healthY, vig, �oas bree�dlng stock. T'he freshei .e egg the better chance of a_900� vtch. Select only eggs of ii nor I al size, discarding all rough, un ren, thin shells Or any peculiar 0 )normal shape. Do not Allow th, ; ,gs to become chilled before beini it. Gdve the hens or incubators i �Ir chance with good ' hatchable 099, dd under most conditions they _wil I roduce good healthy ,ehtteks, � To be successful 'in the broodin ad � rearing of chicks requires con tant care and Attention to detidl� I chicks are hatched by liens,,let th en' remain quietly on the nest ur il the chicks got F.o lively that the I __ __ - _ � . I I - I 1�_ t* % ____. _ , , __ � __ __ I I A 0 T It yc� hayge I t,thrftsp don't Ims no t vot must $a* I wars sulTer unto dgtq,ery i , U., I Ind tot quick, sure I a ; is, irproateed 11% OV61a, Z110 1, Wo at cases by USIU6F I . VEMPLETON'$ : 100 RAZ*. M A H 11 I CAPSULES . � We sre so certAlm of rer I � 11 pulte we will send You a � � I I free soraPle Of these csP- . � oule confident that YOU wffitW thwral an we bars C106traeld" e Wom- 411 VetTi , � one, 442 , Ing W., , oroato, Sold by reliable drug ate : everywhera for $1.01 Qtlox, 03 , - ­­ -.---wmvw­..W-0-N.,"0.N"Wffl . I - —,---,------- __­�_- - I I � .4111---- #*4_*+4_++44_+ 0 ... The Use of -Nitro -Cultures I I (Experimental Farm's Nvto)-. I . - - , I - . I In the report of the oMmInlon, BOt- anist for the year ending March 31, 1915, ,Ile says:-I'During the last month of the, year,!' -viz., December, med advisable for this division to ,prepare nitro-cultureii of alfalfa, red clover and peas for � distribution ,to the branch farms." Such was the genesis of the present I system of free distribution of nitro - cultures to farmers, begun in the fol, � lowing season of 1916, and now eU- tering its fifth year. I . The branch farms, by ,their exam- . ple and reports, and the ocul'ar dem- . onstration to visitors given 4n the con-, . ditioii"Of their leguminous, crOPP', . stai-ted the demand of the.' farming � public for those cultures, which it is � our endeavor to stimulate, guide , , arlkht,.and, to the best of our ca.s � pacity, is-atisty. , i For the bonetit,of those farmers, I who have not yet studied �, this ques- tion, we propose to briefly explain ,, , the term "nitro -culture." . Since the time,of the Romans Itbas . been known that the introduction into e a crop rotation of �a leagume-that � ' is, -one of the plants belonging to 'the y %mily Leguinosae, -of which the -most I ENNERENNEW I 11 _- ­�� � ­ I Ir-; I . � ., . 'r '.. � ISSUX -NO. 21. 1090 &.,;;M0.,1pJ" III ,:, 1.111M., � ITARWV0140"� ______ ________,__­­ � . 'aft fsALZ-0.XX0, QV lHill JWT ritrmv i1x g*queslu; Town . * U �A co. V4�rticulKra U. Q, Q0,11t, ,% *1, on, ouelph. ont. ___�_ �A �5,59Q 110 A 0 U A 81A V A V A tt X4 V WN41P. acres uncl*r !ultivgtion, 0 4ci-as pAoturo, 10 Q,Or*0 mah- nlav Inarn. roillnin 60 aDD14,0 tr*04 ! =I P VAITMO , 4,11 ,, . - ----------- woo"1­111-1.1 I WANTED . � � [,' IRSTCLASS KNITTZR, Wct#ZR ienced on DUO10d 'Flat F*41149414111 Mitchine t Good wages Paid to c0abif man. 33e� Woricing conditions JA ftyllmlat MMercury Milla. I.Atdl# -Us= 0 nt. ". --i �44t)IES WANTED -TO DO P14:rS ,And light sewlnir at home, WkL*lo ot spare time; good pay; Work Sent any 05- , tance; charges paid, Send Lsta=P tot particulars. National Manufacturing company, Kontreal, Que, I , I .."'. = :1 != 7 BUSINESS OUANOX6 I .� - F OR SALE_-GENEJ�AL CA,= DIM- ness and meat market In connection; just the right distance from the mam. moth Steel plant now belnt,Stereot0d; splendld ,store and fixtures; be reatign for . Ill.ir - one or two ,e ; ,this is a snap tot � live men; will sell property. J., C. Whit- neyi Sandwich, Ont, � 11 4 � GOOD SECOND-14AND FURNrTUAJK , store and crockery for sale. Only one in town of this kind. Willing to. Sell cheap. Call or write, Phone 209. ,Meyer Sulman, Box 583, Thorold, Ont. . � __ -------- I I I Fbpo SALE . - 1­11_­.� F�OR SALF-30 x 31/,- GOODYEAR ALL' : iVeathev Nonskid Tires $19.75. while , � khey last, Bought at the old Price. selling at the old price, Model Tire Co,, 26 J)und-as W., Toronto. ,. - . — . A1)0-.N1INI0NT EXPRESS, MONEY 00- . der for five dollars costs threer. c 11 - _-L-Inh.12. I N — — - . . ., I kij& , 11W -11 , ., ._1 I I 'I � WHEM I th~ a li-V ftm&W Atmvt"w re­Uy,*1 do I i , .. 4. lik.. b.y 0.4.N. F � P, ., . �!r . I . ��, . I , , I M. 1-4 (­ . fl, Uf!�_ W1% It. r , . , TICALI M5T I _t U -1 L"' F ' ar ...� ,h. Jq,LAJAX . .X Th. -4- - a -Y. 4�!:141 1 Vi I b.k � IL � T D 0H ME". I . ,roMAC ,LVN� DISENSES - 4 1. WALKER HOUSE . T.,.,w 4 . W..t.d- i . 0. H. I I I ck th� it n lu" an�h to f- an the a— ,W1 I , I N1 - . -'S - , � , W.&I , , N. 6 L 00, 0 ' ID ENCE INV Ml 1. " _11.­gh t. "...11 IM-4�.—A - I , �,t4 V . . . aRRESPO ,ER E - SKI _dad ft, how tk.w.g., ,0 � I TV. t­11=kir(.:.= ., =Licsft Hou=1 , , ". H= I 'Am . ,��7�,%l . . .d h­hk. ."­_.. 1. G( ­ . 1. � 1� ,� - " on' . I f',.�� 1. r.d k 1. 0. .� thl.jr!. ­Yim r- h- " I - . I )t4 5ULTA-poN F RE , El -,A 10100% N ""' 1 70 V no TO - b., ­,..d, L � ' t . 70 Lombard Stree , � 5�1 , t, , , I = nt,d =A th'.. ft- th. U.1- fkp.t .". th- WWW __ em, . .d. .. b..,.. I I . - wks , on leaving It, tuta remove the, important -inembers from tile farining 'THE WALKER H6USE -_*-� ien:.with her brood to a coop' Peev- 'view point are clovers, peas, beans,, , I 0 TQAON � F"ou$ Hom -ZARADA [olisay' pi-epared for her. A11'd6oPs apil yetelles,--so-mewliat or. other, I �osoi,,r -­­-­..-­'­ C I - ihould be thoroughly dldnfe�tedJbe- greatly benefited other subsequent i It is -only within t1fe last, Core use eac-h season ow, 8lq6­:7b9- crops. few years that the explanation has to farmers on application to ,the IX- tween bioods. - ' 41 ' Central ExpeiLmon. A hen should lk� -given nd'. more been ,discovered. vision of Botany family jTf the ' chicks than she ca'A keep cqrAt6rt- .The Legumes, as a tal Farm, Otta��a, Ontario, on their ably warm. The . artificial method. vegetable kingdom, generally bear on sto:ting the crop for which cuiture:49 requires a brooder so'made that1t their rootlets small nodules or lumps, . required, and -the quantity ,of seedpro . - will -bo possilble to produce and hold of the size of pin hgad upwards. MIc- posed to be treated. Only three suelk heat enough to provide for the o6m- roscople. study has shown that these bottles in all, ,however, can be sup- � etas- * nodules contain numerous sma�ll or- plied to any one application, -R, I A, f4ort Of tkie iihicks'ln any. )veather, Ily-and well ventilatpil. The ehioks 2s known as bacteria, These lhgllsp B.A., Assistant Botan St. 1, .. g'a'i'l' should be left in the incubator until oigaiilsr�ls belong to a particular 000 I; I . be group with a number of definite Natiwal Cloth. . perfectly dry and'great care must jakeri to avoid P,11111 in clia,Aging them strains, each etraini apparently con- In tropical South America the Inner to the brooder, Tfhe brooder must be fdning itself strictly to a particular bark of A,species ,of tree yields.an-ex- Almost -CAe same temperature as what plant or group of plants._ A long cellent cloth, the fibers of which are they were accustomed to in LV�e InCU- series of Subsequent experimbntins I these bacteria con- interwoven much as it the fabric came . bator for a istart. Extremes �c.f h,cat. has proved that from a loom. All that is necessary I.% or cold are very disastrous. ve,rt the nItxOgen of the air'luto a to wash and beat out the cellular Stuff _-L-44-0— chemical form which the plant or from thi� interstices and, when dried,, . TffD4,,W-1MMIN! I group of plants can readilyaEsimilata it is light, flexible and altogethel' I "I wonder where my � liusb;and can be"' The ,association, In ,,short, of plant itable for making up Into garmenial said, Mrs. Brown. -111 haVe waited he�e and bacteria is decidedly beneficial . su, I for him since 6 o1cloqk." both to ,the leg�imes and the sell, The - "What time were You� to meet him?" net , xesult, at the end of the season, asked the friend. . "At 6 O'clock," reo�lied Mrs. Brown. is. a yaluable addition of nitrogen to . - the iarmer's field, ,At, practically, no - . expense. __ ­��__ Now "nitro -cultures" :are Simply 'Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.., ­ ; - . of these ,bacteria ready I I I collections � . acterIC are bear Sirs, -Your MINARD'S LINI- , bottled. Jhe -proper b TMEXT is our remedy for sore throat. I QUEEN'S isolated from all others, grown on at- colds and all ordinary ailments. -tificial soil, consisting of a jelly made - 'UNIVERSITY fron! an oriental seaweed mixed with It never falls to relieve promptly. 11 . I - ringston, - Ont. chemical salts, and then bottled for CELA-S. WHOOTEN. I 19 lit sending out, Port Mulgrave. , 1. . X .13 , , I I . ARTS � Tbe farmer, when. to TeCelves the 1 7" � � I - . Patt of t . he'Artscourte cultures, breal�s up the Jelly, shakes � I -, : '! I JI., n1ily be covIred by It up with some skim milk or Sugared ��. correspoucteuce . water, and wets his ,seeds with the � � SCHOOL OF C01MMERCE resultinr4,11quid. This -distributes ,the _ BANKING , bacteria over the.zee&, which When I MEDICINE EDUCATION dry, are sown; and, so, plantand bac- Worth Knowing. 't -- _. Mining, Chernical, Civil, 2 teria are brought into antimate con- W ffonier,, tact -from the very comiliencement of ,-)W Mechanical and Electrical growth. � dresser or sideboard stick, try lubri- * I ENGINEiRRING Nitro -cultures are prepared by the cating the parts with floor wax. JuMMEN SCHOOL 01AVIGA111011 ICHOOL Division of Botany for alfalfa and Use raw fruits as otfen as possible; July aud August December to April Sweet clover, red and alsike clovers, It Saves cooking. And fruit drinks, i � . ALICE 'KING.' Acting ROffilitfav and .ipeas, and are put up In bottles. mixed with water, are much less trou- . 00��l I I I ........... g"S,ufflelent bacteria for the ble to get than tem. I . . . I---- — treatment of about a bushel (60 lbs.) Have - one shelf in the cupboard of i___ . ofseed, ,Cultures are supplied free open rails, instead of solid board� A PAINTERS' PARADISE. ____====m—_ r Keep this for soap and candles. UPOni A . reeeipt of these, unpack, place caudlest . Uo,,,IS YOUR_ BLOOD ?,,,� across rails, cut soap Into convenient Capri's Quaint Inn, V*74ere Poor " pieces and place in rows, with space . I - _'6 Artists Can Get FreeBoard between pieces. Dry ,soap lasta long" Pimples and Eruptions er than new. As now supplies come, Capri, beautiful In itself, offers an � , ' ' n lace these at back of shelf, draw- Irrelsistible iulltatiVu to artists, since Mean Bad Blood - ing"'old,!.and dry forward. �'. It has an Inn where any one, by paint- We keep a glass jar full of waabed ing apicture on the wall, tan get free People who have Impure or impover. seedless raisins to add to our break - board. ished blood should be careful to take To the lovely Island of Capri, 'with fast cereals, either the cooked variety only a temperance remedy made of or- the commercial brands of flaked. Its perennial summer, Its blue grotto wild roots and barks, such as Doctor and its lemon groves, came Some -fifty foods, which we use for oar salads. Pierce's Golden Medical ,Discovery is puddings, apple and prune Sauce, � years ago a ruined artist. He opened and has been for nearly 60 years. broads, muffins, etc, They a116 a con - an inn and died rich. In his will, leav- Ingredients printed on wrapper. ing the inn to his'lieIrs, he mad� these ' centrated food which may be purchag- conditions: � The first day you start to take this ed at Small cost compared to their "The charge per day,.two bottles. of reliable medicine, impure germs and food vallie. in our household they are red Capri wine included, is never to accumulations begin to separate in the bought In quantities, washed through be more than 6 francs. blood and are then expelled, through several waters and spread on shallow ,,if ,any artist 14 -too Poor to pay he the eliminative organs. tIns to dry, They are then stor#,X shall paint a picture u1pon s,orfte wall In place of the impurities, the ar- away in a glass can and are ready- f6*r space, receiving all the accommoda- teries 4nd veins radually get fresh use At 9, minuteva notice. Try tift tion accardedA 'to tkoso, Paying the. vitalized blood ani the action of this plan once I and I am sure you Will ne- highest Price. � I good blood on the Skin means that ver be without raisins ready for In - ,,If any German Artist Shall 001110 to pimples, bolls, carbuncles, eczema, stant use. _ i I the inn he shall be accoinmodated and rash# none and many skirt blemishes ___4_4� - shall receive 'the alnotn't Of 111.4 fare will disappear. Then you Inuat re. nn, sJqxr,D TO HER V BET. � - ' - to Germany upon his promising never member thAt when the blood is right, (Boston Trangeript.) I I t^ return to Italy." the liver, atomach, bowels and kidneys *,lloe Clerk­"WhA,t sIZO W01A14 760 The Inn is conducted 0-daY On thesee become healthy, actiye and vigorous , llic,0 madarla?" &tomer--i'a like a No, 2, but th,%re's * conditions. Its Walls ate covered witil and you will nave no more trouble no use talkilig about that. Show hie & I pallItIngs. Now and then a German with indigestion, backache, headache. No. v- � � - artist gets 'big fare ,bome.-Cincintati. - 4 ,,,,l;"1#M= Got Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical pSyel-101�6GY AdAT-1;' TO TAZ Enquirer. . 0-06 , r � Discovery to -day at Any medicine deal. RESCUP11. Keep Minard'a Llnlm6nt In the housif- Ora, in tablet or 11%lid form, or send ' ,-Clothes do tot inak6 the pan,'� ro- . , -made -pbilosoijher. I — 10o' for trial pack �ge to Dr. Pierce's vArked the ready is liope for the beat," rfJolned Invalids' Hotelt Bnffalo, X. Y., or , '� Perhaps Some -of th* Lilies of the Field. �i,gotoayepne. btanch Laboratory, Widgeburg, Ont. society ]ads who are T)utting on ovefalls. The "Iffle-4 of the field," so often I '. Will be DAychologidally influenced tol,*. mefit,.orio in the Bible, are thought to BRLupTox, OxT. -"A few years A -go attempt ft regular fty's *ork.11, ,� . .$-- ,- I be the tied and purple, particularly the X wag In a, nervous and run-down condi- Mihard0s Liniment usod by Phytioloam red finemonea with, black centres, tion and felt greatly In ri&�a of A tonic. �, I These Anemones grow imong the V � Mi � I thom liggeg of the Put, which ac- A friend who Was being helped bY Dr. - XF,XT Pierces Golden Medical DIscovery ad- (eDtrolt News.) �counts for the saying "I'Meg -ttmo,ag To Itent-ROOrM 'Nitely furnisheil thornm." visadmetotrylt,t" Ith8lpedmefr6m room for two getitltmfn, Ate&TA heated", �,, " .0 . _111.#** - - thei ve surt And evotuilly roatiored ,The first two &PPIt0ants Aald they .i i M I pAMIg Llnitn6tkt Lutilbeftan's m6toporfedt health. Ifimlins,pooltion I didi,,li; know that they were. oxaotly,, ; rel6nd. to pralse the 'Goldft Modlictl Dlseov,try' I , but �IprofeflW warm hes.rt.4. I I .*.*.*�—_ I k . . - - is i 61 I very highly And tAke pleasure In rL,;om- When a girl -turns down ths light, A Tordmy---;Pop, - who.t Im is beetle toonding it to sll,thoso who uo at all It'a a pretty good sign t: -,.t ths'y*W*,, 4 I rluoh? Tommy's Pop --A hectle flush, girfaw, weak or ran .4own.11 - UUN. � Man who Is oburdar hot lau't 9014t 40 , . � my &on, may be holtrEs or dIAM011(m. BOOM PXA."00. be. ­ 4 But *ay, wher6 & You 96t thl,t btutf?. 'I � / ,.�L_,",_AW,____ .1.__ ____ ____­_ _.i�L_