HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-27, Page 5Thvidol May *Ahs 10W,
p a * Its 'a a R
Snappy A!it
-me- IV y lei JJ4
; IN
Ladies Riady? t
Wcap Garments
Out, Ready- to - Wear Ae-
partnle;nt is crowded with all
that's new in ladies' Salts,
spring" coats, ,.seperate skirts,
rain coats, " pretty styles in
silk crepe :;lied
d voile waists and
whitewear of the best quality
comprising g o w n s, Corset
covers, drawers, princess
slips, underskirts, top -skirts,
misses' and children's fancy
MA�2GA2,)V xiv ,S°viarA—s
Ladies' all vwuool,Serge Suits navy or black
snappy styles, well lined.
Our special price ... ....$30,00
RT -V Big choice of,
ins, silks and Panama
.............$6.50 .
rangy of Women's Sep.
els in serges, tweeds,
.. X20 to $25
here that you find sat
ince, pretty tweed ef-
• ... $15,00
'i:•r--Just received a fine
+resries, the pattern
9: bs 1..adle0'1%rbn�
• gazes 34, 30, 38, A0,
321nt'ttes huaC
� � � .
!4= .dal, "+ d 1 A+T1�if.WF+ !�M s �h6' ii 1 v*:' '� � •j ,y L P �.
11 F4
aliW s
w xx. XX,�j"X"xx=x, ®:x* -W
AYAY)1IeCn7wF Way 24P ly:j.y stk�p.,Fwhich
(lybecomivgsnallerlost another 4ition,�ominNewYork, Tolls.
W A N T, E D , rhino
member last west:, when Paul Reid cross- . Flow Chinese Prize Nowspopers � �• • ,
a ed the "'Great Divide",. He had resided � �
a Hear Lurknow for many years, oil his BY Rosalle Arnlistead l Liggins.
farm near South'Kinloss Church, and: was China, never throw rt newspaper away in
� r�
F a xtratlover of a rrood 'fosse. kIe sitffexccl Eg
, we think the are too valuable.
P. aparalyticstrobea few years ago, and and they are road and re -read, until they ,
�r Fri ia ,. Saturday,
he then sold his farm solid 'moved intoare tVoi'li put'", skid Rates 1VI., �'Yatila, � - ">•
# town, where ho a+as able to be up and young Chinese editor, who has been a
around until last winter; when tae was Eggs.'
visitor to New York the past few days, f
a afllictecl with a second stroke; from which t:ol route' to South Americ�lt. And while he never fully recovered although lie was lie was muck too polite to say so, Dor.able to get up nfain. Fit* was in ills 7Ftli I-lighcht'prices paled. WuW must•have marvelled at the 'news« ,Z Lad##
year cud is survived by lois agcQ partner W.
•palter waist in Alnerit;a.
and 9e1et11 sons and daughters. The yW . I ARMOURMY paper', lie said. "the Shun Pao
funeral was held on Saturday to Green- of Shanghai, for instance is 90 cents per � d
hill cemetery and was largely attended., C racey Old Stand, Phone 6$. month. And 90 soon as it»is published, it
The services were conducted by the goes to the fii's�..Qubscriber, who reads it , j
Rev. Mr. Irwin pastor of the Methodist as quiclaly as passible. He then returns 1*19
c . _ it to the newsdealer, who. sends it to the 1
next costomer, who pay a little less, and
An accident which; 'night, have had a Sq on it goes down the lisle, Thus, while � A l a l ` t �' t ' .
� 1Clt loot Ire' s clearance 'file .of Ladies' �lllf 1 -lost,. The 11 � tLill fish-
:fatal teiminatiou occurred last Tuesday the actual circulation is 30. 000, the Shan ioned scaliness double e �; is tops, , �
in Treleaven's flour mill when Vrauk ' "' s,. , tt e 11. el and to y with lisle le p.. li'latic, of extras fine gllality +
►�'�oI;Y�G�, Foo �s read by many thousands more �j
Freeman's coat sleeve caught on a' revol» ' silk, in fast colors, A, Slight -im effeatlon ill each pall' but most' ill the #-eel which
.. � throughput china, who are not on record . � p pair, y ,
ving shaft. Mr. Freeman quickly realiz• `' ` Disorders as subscribers", � ill many ape hardly detectable,
ed that he could not release it, and lac �♦
Mr, Wang a paper, wbicli will soon
braced himself for what might carne, reach the half century marls, is the oldest Y White."
6 r '
His arm was bad' bruised .and out, and There aro no r+emedles or med• Black,
t � �/I/ �� y �
Y and largest daily published in China, .L y V
ficliie3s so effective for the treatment
tt.ce sleeve of liis'`coat and slifrt were torn According to Mr, Wang, the, editor of the �
for the various` �S�tomaoh Disordeiv
alcor off at the shoulder, but he is thank. �•
' as Hacking's Heart and Nerve newspaper in his country is a great power This is a real bargain, See our window dis la
ful nothing more serious occurred. RpMedy and: Hackin=g's kidney and in the community, in fact such a power e o p �'
liver pills. Tbls we know, from the I
that it is the custom, five earsof news -At the annual melting of the ty'.14i, S. y •�
exi)eielenoe vre have had from these
of the Presbyterian Church, which was I paper work, to pall him to a Government
piepa;ratious and from the know- ( p X All -at on& Piece t� � . � e! per pair. �w
held .last week: in Xincardine, Mrs. J. A. however,
The, resent editor, ' L. Chen, sh
ledge we haus of the a+atiou and ii er
Glennie of town was elected Treas, of the medici'iral eikeo!t of ,hale different I' hgweVer, has'no political aspirations and �� +
Society. At the Presbytery meeting, chugs and herbs that go into th,e j has been with the paper over seventeen
Which was held the same day calls. were comPOSitdon of these two wonderful years.Bllist yOtti' SCttnmer stfi3pljr now and save mosey, a
presented from the London Presbytery remedies. In the 33 years since he opened his eyes
to Rev. C. A. Xk1colm of Wroxeter, and The Appetite lnay be either exag- to the light of`day in' Soo -Chow, Mr.
gerated, peNrented, diminished or en. Wang leas had �
from J)ungunnon to Rev. H, R. Camp- ti,rely , lost, these prep'ara.'ttoirs will a varied newspaper career, J
bell, We understand both calls were restore +it, The oondi'Gion may be serving an editor of the Ming. -bo News in ' t M I L L S
substained and.' accepted and inductions either Acute or Chronic or the 1009, and of the Great Republican in 1911= cAe ,
will follow, at as early a date as possible. Nerves supplying the Stomach may 6ive 12. He was lane associate professor. of . 1?i,odLlCe Wanted Ol' Trade. Seeds a specialty.
be defecfor there may be Cas on literature re at theNational Uaiversary of
Several changes have taken place the Stomach• titre to I'ermenGaition or Pelting and. occupied the. same position on
among basil: clerks, during the past � `ds* �� �sa.� mow er ay �� `�ca• �e� ws�ve� ast�rf�� +sq✓'�sa� �.a e.ai. a,� a
$ >a P . Ipee oinpasYti'on of roods; no matter the faculity of the Chinese Government������gj�(,��'�`®��j1�
week, Mr. Brown Mallough, who has 11ta,t the trouble may lbe this treat: College. In addition to his newspaer ,
accountant at the Bank of Hamilton has mesa will tome. up }the QMaus of: the
activities, Mr. Wang was for several years
been promoted: to manager and reports to
entire system, and bring 'lack tlie3 Iff OLD MARKET BASKET�
giorlous good health That so . attached to the Chinese Legation at
head office: in Hamilton on Tuesday
much desire. `Washington, and as result of • his imp ------ 1Simplicity and Gracefulness Combined
morning. His place here is being taken pain after Eating, Vomiung, Grad•pressions there, and in his travels in Apackers decoration that "the surest '
by Mr. Mervin Bridge of )?almerstott. nal Loss cf : Flesh and utrongtit, America, which have been extensive, he way back to the qId-fashioned price levels
Mr. Hendry of the Molson's Bank has Dyspepsia and -Anaemia are some of is the author of a book. "The United Is to shop in the old-fashioned market
been moved to Windsor, and his place the gymrtams of Sto march ]disorders States as seen by a Chinese". b sket" led W. W. Whitelock to -touch
here has been taken by Mr. Chamber- that gateltly dis�`zupear when y'ou use
lain of Kingsville, 142,. 112ac1VIi11ian Hark� „
in g 's. In order to effect a cure The book, which is written in his native 'off this parody to the tune of The Old
tongue fir
however, pattlencs is as essential as first appeared 'serially in the Shun 'oaken Bucket
accountant at the Molson s . Bank hasthe right resited and a i e Pap. When he came to the United
y 1,'yon who
,How„clear to my miiidare =the. price. x• ..1:•;t•,,. r�, s, ', l;
been promoted to manager at Merlin and has 'been all1mg for- aids length . of States, Mr. Wang was accompanied b ry ' , �>.' : �, ;. r {tt ': ''�• -�,
t?ip Y once ruling
his place here will be. taken bylYinMi ite. time. sholdd not expect 1x1 be cured his wife,. a young Chinese., girl, who -died
y g h gi , wh When I was a boy and eat all;+ Ivy fill.
The overall craztb has spent itself pretty In a few days: Buy 6 boxes, of Hack- in the United States duringthe enfluenzi r '� �`• �
much as most ale thought .ing's Heart and Nerve rtemed and When, famished, I came from .my•much _ r
pe ?' g , y epidemic.. To'her memory he has dedfc�• hated schooling
� � � .i ,, • � ,
It lasted longenou h for the matiufact 9 of rocking s Kidney and ' Liver ..g
gwhich'�• a
a ed h s book, r i :.
.� b do ar tat c
urea to et rid of the surplus stock which Pills ant ,nus them a and trial. Be8t And sat dawn to dinner, With l Iarry { • l ''i � ,,, a
g p anise +to got l-lackintp's, photograph of her, vvitll the line '; In lOv� and 13ii1,
may haveaocumulated, and gave,them a in memo of Mae"; t i .fi, tt
g' A:great plate of meat—duck or turkey in ,+ ` a
-good 'excuse to raise their. price, on t �'�
account of the increase demand. It wes c S it{;, y?•i i . 4? t
only a and alike , most fads it was
takers up by tho,we -who could afford to
throw it aside when, it began to grow
stale, and people cease to talk about it.
To our found it was a most foolish way to
reduce the high cost, of livi ng as well as
an amusing tgit g to see a ittka wearing
s�rZs's overalls with a silk shirt costing• ten or
t oarwm gplK .' twelve dollars U was,a poor cotnbin.
is err`'»" ' n , ation and sliowed g Ate plainly the foolish-
LtltS�}�c�'�! A c a,� ness of the campaign,
,Y. e�.t,G,.� -,k.. n'h..
11 would welcome an emerald.
She might like'It in a platinum.
, or gold ring or used in a lavallier.
We would like you to'exam ne our .prec-
ious and semi-precious Stokes and look
over some of the fine settings we have
received from the master -jeweler work-
shops of the w(wid..
When your glasses
We can c
save the fragments.
replace the
Jeweler and Optician Wirlghafn
+- -LS{,--•..- -bib,,.-uA'^�---�"k'�.-.,--'�.."�7. •./SJ-c-ncG=.....V !/'-- 0AN—ar ••, ,
Eureka El earls
I Vacuum CleAn---
Pirst aid to the work burdened wife. F
A necessity, not a luxury.
` A practical demonstration is t h e
best and cheapest Way to prove the
special merits of the Eureka Vacuum
/ Cleaners, We will gladly show you
one of these xnaehin s and let you tr
it yourself.
Eureka Cleaners remove all the Birt
even the invisible dirt etabedded in
the fabric which Brooms and brushes
cannot touch.
The Uureka is an air cleaner, and
air is the ideal cleaning agent.
It gets the dirt --not the carpat.
Price $57,5o, Attachments $9.5o, Com»
'pleto $66.00.
Victoria Day was very quiet in 7,uck-
now many taking advantage of the holt-
day to finish their garden. Some went
to Mitchell too see the horse races, and a
large number went fishing,
H. Aitchison, has accepted a~ position
as office assistant with W. G.' McMillan,.
manager of the branch of Silverwoods.
Miss Gladys Rivers of Wingham spent
the holiday at her home here.
as cIn a e
Corn, turnips, asparagus peaches,
With three or for pies—there was, no
..earthly reason
w = s� ♦r'
To stop except stomach% that wouldn't
: °f
4 fold more—
All came from the basket' the : brown
wicker basket,
The old market basket that : father
. a
once bore.
Dress 840Q Blouse.19 .210 cents Dress 8030 Dress 800$ ]7Ce Bina prem 8807
25 cents Skirt 8028-25 cents 35 cents 2G Conte =' ` 25 cents 86 cents
Eggs than costa trifle—each fresh as a
The Fashiion Book For SuliYri'ter;,.
Drovldes t• -he most inteteI "reading" smestlY dressed women can keoauro,
No hated cold storage -was known, by
' the way, t t
And everybody then would have thought',
ror June Now Ready
you! were crazy
At the
To ask for "ztut butter”, as people do
Twelve cents for a pound of good pork or
of grapple,
Highest Prices for Eggs Cash or Trade.-Wingllanl.
A little bit higher for chops at the store. •,
tep 'kl b M ruin nd �
'Tw 1 ' th
vi ag y a a
larnie Millsow of Hamilton, Wirt. w� ,_..,. � _....� _.:... ..::w� _..:..._ ..W . Chapple.
Moise of Coatsworth, Clare Agnew, of M And no one delivered thins then at the
Detroit, Davie MacDonald of Well•vocd, ������n �„,^� � S'R� LI �' rLD 7.872 g .1 � �
rC,� _ door— 4�„ `
Sandy MacDonald of Detroit, Blanche , .£`~ _- -
Jamieson of Win 'lain, Mar Connell of 'They came in. the basket, 'the brown .
g. Y »7 wicker basket, i
Toronto, Andy Huston of Kipper, Airs. � ! � , f��A �,* � The old market basket that father once » �+
Lucas of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. J. Clark
of Southampton visited at their respectivek , 1
.homes here. �� It E e'0 ilei' Olet' to e'0 );Tow oft in the presert when worried
ir! and hurried q
R2r, Geo,:Donyer, Mr. and Mrs. Rabt,' 5FRI Q� ll your business for
De ell and famil of Win ham' visited �t! 'ill T think with a sigh of those: days of
3' y g ( � � icy il! nothing, but expect a 1 eas�
at Joseph. l,nglaud's,, 0llable t'ofit a11d tiVill iVe delight,
! �Ti�
r � profit, g And picture the basket that father then "�••; ._.
motored prompt, courteous service carried
1VIr, and Mrs 7D. R.142cTntosh snot r�
to Southampton for the holiday, �'
Edgar Iiolyauan, spent Sundayy in � ♦l ~;: { s> - ---tile best poSS'i111e. And brought home filled up to the
Clinton. ttAt) ori 1ci R,. brim every. light. S
HAM ILT014 flow fresh were its contents, .as fragrantt ti���fRu t
r as honQy
The One Exception '� """"" "" " m -The prices, all told, made a laughable- ^i5ltt ��'N�,°;
..,_.._,._ score. ✓'\1 It,t` -;1.. .� •rt , , ,
"Say, pop, what is gravity?"91
• P
How eagerly, 'gladly T'd plunk down
„Gravity, Ivy, boy is a force which L�, HAM to ""J""
brings down everything in this world—ex- " my money,
Nat,, For three times their cost at that time,�itr
eept.prices.-New York?;Vening FosC. ViJ1NCsHAM BRANCH~C. P, Smith, Manager even four—
If Y°
fresh from the basket, the brown _
� _...__.___._._.. �. wicker basket,
111? Tk ---_ _-'
The old market basket that father once Aa bore.)ELECTRICAl� *P 1,!Tk ' ,.
A?`M i,
Turn° _ . ,
_. _
WHIT °I t rnt r�rl, riu pR s� r " ° i �5 T °� `'` ;
tVatura�s ltemody' is De ttlr and'Sefor �4, �r�,,',S ��jj.
7hso ftlothtl. Cleans out syster,l E.
- k """ TO 1)0 NICU S �::1f Xt ., I
Without arlphtg. stops sick AM1MIual ` i�xcu' 't''Stotif
N*Adacho. Gusrintood. IVlaktland Presbytery at its meeting at :
incardineonTuegday last, sustained a Many housewives prefer 01tekec;y iii .cdrwl:leg. irl f� ' f tl
Ylillous attacks, constipation, sick call from Dungannon to Dr. A. IT. Camp- t '
the tome., 'This is lh+kaldv,and mulary way. � � � ... _
llbadaahets, etc., are in the groat III GODERIGHto'DITROIT �, , n pet u po bell the induction to take Plast oil Tues• - '1'
Jority of oases due to digestive, trouble ` Chilies sent lout to 6 tw shed \are tni=d Nvith
and no reasonable person can- expeot day, June lat. A call was presented Cow.
to obtain real or lasing boneat, until x -�., , t eveYyl?Ody s, ?MA b, solve Aiii i; contvt with con• •+t r�
r fa•t al and NfcBrides, In,ondon Presbytery, :
C 1B 1C rre C . f r F-
thb ausFt. o
Nature's Rowed ft Tablets) is a r H:w � '''��:+ in favor of C. A. Malcolm, M. A. of taii»nated 1linen. .Also ='by� 6eping'.the washing , � ;"�`�
vt'gotable, Compound that acts bn the
s stomach, liver .bowels sand kidneys � . ''� � i � I Wroxeter. Mr. Malcolm accepted the y 6 p a . y �. � >x:
p in filo home ou can su ervia,. it close' and often d
the ptirptls ' fitting to bring tabouf.. .r�'.'.. ,' n at "
heattlty am ltartnnnloua action at an
`+ r _r i ¢011, and N. R. D. Sinclair of Belmore prevent ihegWm sof some Jelica to garment. Clothes t- ,g :. «
t, fhb or na of tAitsostion and btimina> c�;, ,,,,y ,,....,,=,.ate:..,., .. t - was appointed interim moderator Of
r tion, It alas promptly' and thnrouahly, ;�� kilt mutw l 0serlwhen washed in the home. `
i yet so mildly and..gently that there fir+
.-f 5e9Si011. ,
i3 never tris slightest brriptng or dis-
The Forwarded Movement committee
1 comfort.. �-.� � ��. _- .- ,u,_ -_ x.--;
t but that iK lion tits. lvatura'a x . ., . —^: ." __ "_ {`- _ _ ,
With a' "Time'MS,tvtyril"lectric� Washer you oaei, e,: ly get all the v,aah�lyl t
flamedy(Na�'ablots) ltavei- a, beneti• : ` � ^` repgrted that subscriptions for the peace
i -.
rialftitc upon the entire body. Ely = .. ,.. , �. - _.
t l recess n dt tystlan 1" ' �Y tbankofl'ering now totalling over 565.000 done lit your owls'ionic, l3 naves three whole fiatrs
Improv rig tits p f x u __ _ _� .
F , nil l to ho ouridhlnont iswith three or four places to heal from ariiwasll,. slay Wed matl_;e9 0w ;Jay an 6iv one..
t land nr s tato , t It uallt IS
a entlehe trortit food, the Mace' q Y � A�� R.' Rv{Y OND Th+e Presbytery's objective was $66.000.
enriched, vitality tit increased and flabL ivntit art{tl wringer ar�.d:iacn Fy cleclric power =
t Whole system strengthened, S'.C9.1JNCH SAFE, :il' ;tt±XYY, colbl%af:)iYTADix The W.M. S. Presbyterial, which was
Once yon flat your` bad in 'this • ' r, runhfo7, �u an hour. It - is i�,ts:l roll. az price. It t �
s tlplentlltl condltton, you netd ;sot take Will leave Goderich also ill• session heard interesting reports of
p medic:i16 evtry t9ay-dust takb on silt the year's progress. A, B. Armstrong pay`#1backpt5}cast 'in a year iu die atvsnt ttf iuunt y
nlutnness a"na rite tipat on; threatenis a a# Moo Ea To of the foreign office, addressed the meet.
t ;: fill's oar va ailer"cvollaan's• icu s. �va't 'lave a m�inna
"iiJSlr JJItMa
sand you Can always feet $,ouY' btibt., � � � w , ! ltJrs. gL:fl0111�e Uf ISincardine �va9 'rr in t� Stott"' foo' ti ri Ut us 'deiti.�a),Wta it ft your
lEtetnember keeping 'well lit e'l'ite'` sine'
Arriving lrt, #ureal ti li. in., Detroit 6 p. m. Returnitab, leaves Letrvit, Ing, , ,ro -
thea r than agettl a -Nall. y 'i'1hirstlay,111110 17th, roti P. in. Detroit tipw'. elect6d preAdent; Mrs. C. N. Mdi enzie r ;;-; i i Muni,, ['Wee or iW1. '
!r�:ers; sac box o Nature a i' M*,
tNR Ir tblets) aaad try it. it in noT . 0,7,00 '1�[)if�`,jt1'o "'Air yt 2.60 �i,1r1r, `4it✓'.e�;'Y of Rialoss, .first vice -present. and Ivin. >, ,
�. t llarantead end rsoomunen ed. by,... I y, lalcnnie of Luc�know; Treasurer. s
r rIM.t. V. rite only boat trill front Goderidi to Daruit this, sennun. Visit your }
fflendsatirl see bit,! wonderful 11r11.0it agaht. NOW more that, is tnitlloit
lmople. and }crow' ;rig ski fast in population arad riehes that it is ticstitied su,,nCopelandi{ MM
1: to btconuF the Melds largent. and ,grtatr.•t city„"'rhe Ileart of the V.`ti.A." C.►a No
• ,TVLr
,� Earle' i��loclltili l7l: olli elf (`,l)ds rlc, 11 Ni(>ticiaa Y,vetgJuneJune, e v14 ire, r)�r, IVIX
Oic:lt:ilers� ��1♦� �k��
tt 14th, S p.m., Orchestra for r)ancinlkl Sr:earn er'S _ 1301Artto3trnbile Inattrattt�a a 1'Specialtp � � ,.,., ' � ♦ �
Room-. 31 hours an hvautiful Cc Huron. -"Na. l' *I balm, o6ov"101 r•eprotnted at c
_. .. .. � � . ,: F •r, ti °i •,: „ •+ , ;'r . , " `'', .w `�" its ► ,.�