HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-27, Page 4A. G. SMITH. Editor and Prop. iialf Holidays an the Far al (London Free Fress) TW Calvert -Springfield Farmers' Club did not propoEe a NVednesday half -holiday for its invnibers as a humorous proceeding It is now clear. The Free }Tress is as$llrecl by officers of this Middlesex organization 14 of farmers that they are putting the idea into practical operation, and that they find it a highly desirable proceeding, and one Nicely to spread over the forming districts. The movement for shorter Hours in the cities led to the suggestion of this rural half -holiday, It was contended that if the man in the shop could enforce a short (lay, and a half -holiday besides, that th6 farmers could do the same and with greater certainty of pleasure and profits to himself. The argument for shorter hours in the urban centers has been based very largely upon the desire of the Aorlcgrs to limit production. The purpose was to prevent as far as possible the creation of a surplus of supplies, with the consequent danger of unemployment. This movement has operated to the in- creasing of costs generally, in the Pay- mcht of which the farmers has had to join. It occurs to the farmers that if this plan is desirable in the cities and towns it should also be feasible on the farms. If there is danger that by working long hours the farmer will create a surplus of food -stuffs, and thereby for down the prices of his product, why not interduce 'the popular half holiday of the city and ..thereby limit the possibilities of lowered food prices? It is easy to see the difficult- ies which the general induction of this 'idea among the already limit- ed number ' of farmers are going to create, Despatches from Manitoba state that the areas being sown to wheat in that wheat -growing prdyince are smaller because the farmers are not showing their war time eagerness to produce. Why should they shoT the same eagerness, if it is not manifested also in the cities? DRUCLESS PHYSIMAN 1 411 111 d" I Z_ "T Iry CnIROPRACTIC Pradtice isconfined exclusively u Chlropx ticticlh.eonIy and originalSy s, Ae -o °; pin;IAdjustment, Effective 95 pa: nt.ofallcases "Chiropractic locates and Remove the Ckuse of'-Dla-ease: Nature Heals., 1) 0, Also fully: q4lified graduate in Osteo paths: Phone.,191. Hours 2 to 5, and tog P.'ra. 0WON THE WAY WITH 'A SMILE On the voyage of life, When troubles are, rife, And cares rise in fearsome array, When the storm rages loud, 4Lnd through the deep cloud, Them'sbi4es not one glimmering ray. ""Though the sun may have set, Oh,.nover forget That again it will rise, as erstwhile, All shadows depart, Then, dauntless of heart, Xeep right on your way with a smile. What though friends may be few, 'Still steer your canoe With firm; fearful courage no less. Pride and envy will frown Upon merit when down, And some maybap frown on success. % In f'alsehood's dar% eye Vile slander may, try To besmirch every action with guile, But heed none of these, Do just as you please, . And keep righi on your way with smile. Stand firmly aside -From the treacherous tide Oftpleasures the soul that defile. On the Pole Star,on high Set steadfast your eye, And keeY right on your way with smile. EVI.D E NOE Of Success of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy sect Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills Wffl. Rullarton, R. R. 1, Listowel: 'I dMtol%ed for eight yearlq for Storanch Trouble And Pains all through my Brady. gott, no relief -until I mea Hacking'* Heart and Nerve Remedy which fixed, Tee'up all right, .1 umd Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills along with thojt4nlnedy:" hire. H. Hinclicliffe, Winallani: til www oil the Dolutvf a complete 'Nervous Breakdovih, could not sleep. or plan ray household (ivtleg, atinee ed with my Evartu unitsunitsmy Nerves a114 dim-torz could do little for MID. After taking; the firgt box of lbek• inglis Heart tmd Norve Remedy I 'improved to much in health that I contimied 'With a 6 lbox tTeat-&ent atm VOU ablO to I Lftrn to MY work with renowed vigor." Nir. Richard ,tones, Dom, Ont.; "I bzve 110d pains undor my Heart for some time awl trletl all ootts of 11(nimdie% and Ravo Wn to four dif. fellent doaftra alid (*uld get 110 ro. lief. I took ono bov of Hackings Heart and Weve Rombdy awl felt vtry mucli'li(Ator. I took ai.-othorbox aW have been E:blo to work apill, 13(ofore I took yourftniefly I could liot W011 for wt' (1s at 0, time-, the Pain was so great." I Thcsty alt only a MW e trio maty they. er)ttc t(J 111s "Jun. verily and I am surotliat you to* will r1q, by-nell(W rftultx It 3 m will bul gie Ih,,,n * ftirtplal, Buy tbm, fro :n your d"lt%r. Irotlpt on HAek. Irtql- H*aking's Reffmoll*s are *Wd in Wintl1w, *y J. W, M*K1bV&n, _7777115-411 11 f -R ME __ .-MIM W q4 'Ql P v V19 Tr19 VVINGHAM A10ASCE ft AM.eb H01den Mccread Limited', The Lar'g st Manufacturers and Distributors of 'Boots and 'Shoes in Canada Dated July 1st, 1920. Due July Ist, 1940. Principal and. half-yeaAyinterest (July 1st and January Ist) payable in Gold at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Montreal,, Toronto, and at the agency oi the Bank of NoOa Scotia', New York City. Coupori Bonds. Principal may be registered. De - Redeemable as a whole or in part July 1st nominations-, $1.00, $500 and -$1,060. 1922, or on any interest date tbereafter on three month.q' notice at 105 and ac. crtled interest: Trustee. The Eastern Trust-.Pompany, Montreal. Subject to legal.00in.ion of S. J. LeHuray, Montreal, and of Sims" Bray & McIntosh, Kit- cbener, Oat, A I A t JIN' LIZA TION A - 0 41 Thowily, may aph Its 'Dividends will be culmative from the first of July 1920, at 8 per cent. on the amount paid up, and are payable quarterly on. the first days of January, April, July and October. The Preferred Shares are preferred as, to assets and divi- dends accrued. C Ex *1 t az a t io''n Profits. Authotized Issued The estimated not earnings of the "Ames Holden Tire Co Ltd. Z - First Mortgage 7 p. c. Bonds... .... $2,000,000 $1,000,000 For the year ending December 31st, 1920 ............ $170,0010 Preferred 'Stock ....... .. 800I000 800.000 For the year ending December 31st, 192.1 3001000. Cog-nrnon Stock ............... 2,200,000 2,200,000 For the year ending December 31st, 1922 .... ......... 150,00o DISTRIBUTION The entire product of the Ames Holden Tire Co,, Limited. for the next twenty years will be marketed by Ames Holden McCready Limited at current prices from time to time through 'their sales or ganization, which extends from coast to. coast and which is, organized to' distribute the product throughout the Dominion A M iap. I fTnIrIpm" Transfer Agents,,*. The Eastern Trust Co., Montreal,P.Q. Solicitors S. J. LeHuray, Montreal and 'Slims, Bray & McIntosh, Kitchener, Ont, §cnd to cithem of my offices for complete prospectus and subscription blan'k. Order,,; may be telegraphed or telephoned at my cxpease. 'R 1221 Mount Royal Ave. East, Montreal, or 521 King St. "WAVest, Kitchener, Ont. M 7 S 014— i 4 Authorized Issued McCready Limited will be allowed, as compensation for the distri' 1st Mort gage7 p. c. Bonds q-P 0009000 1,00®,O00 butiou 'and 'sale of the product of Ames Holden Tire Co.', Limited Preferred Stock 8009000 8009000 the usual commission or discount allowed distributors or jobbers or Common Stock• 2 2009000 212009000 purchases •of like quantities. I, kine. Holden McCready Limited, which guarapte" 5. The manufacturing profit to -the Ames Bolden Rubber payment of the Principal and interest of these bonds, has net assets (exclusive of goodwill) after provision for all of its own Boot Company Limited, by virtue of the contract with Ames holden n McCready, Limited, is conservatively estimated at up - H4ving sold a large part of the above issue, I off offer the unsold bonds and debentures applicable to the guarantee, of $3,314054- .35, (or over three times the amount of this issue). Included in- the above assets are 15,000 shares of Common stock of Ames ward of one dollar per pair of Rubber Boots and the Company' plans at the start to make one thousand pairs of Rubber Boots and Lumbermans day. The portion for subscription. Holden Tire Company, Limited, at a nominal valuation, The per plant will be located at Ring and Wilmot streets, Xitchener, and will be so designed that itq Company has also acquired the controlling interest in Ames Holden Felt Company, Lirpited, and hold 3,750 shares of its output can be increased to 10,000 Pirs per day with minimurn ext as its business grows. Price $100 per Share, carrying ing w25L per cent. bonus of common capital stock not included ' intte'above assets. The Company has guaranteed the principal and int -,rest of issues of boiids of G. . Sinking Fund commencing July Ist, 1922, provides stock. the Tire, and Pelt Companies. suffleitnt funds to retire whole issue by maturity. 2, Thi average net earnings of Ames 'holden Uc6pady Limited, from operations, after maintenance: tenewals, dgpre-, Payable as follows: 10 per cent, on application, 15 per cent. on ciation and interest on its Present* outstanding bonds, for the seven years ending April 30th, 1919,, amounted to ...... $172,000 Having sold a large part of the above issue, I offer the un- allotmenntand the balance in five equal installments of 15 per. cent. (or about 2,%x times the bond interest on this issue). aold portion for subscription. For three years ending April 30th, 1919 _.$983,2j9 (or 4 times the bond Intereet on this issue);' Price 100 and accrued interest, carrying a 25 per cent bonus each on the first days of each month following allotment. of common stock. Vor the year ending April 30th, 1910 .................. 023,821. (or over 4,1,4 times the bond inteteston this issue), Payable as follows : 10 per cent, on application, 15 per cent. on allotment, and the balance in five jristallments of 15 The right is reserved to allot a portion of the amount ap- V,or BIGHT months ending Dec. 31st, 1.919 4307140 (or over 6 times the bond interest on this Issue), percent, each on the Ist day of each month following allot - ment. plied for; in this event the- balance of the deposit will be applied 3. The estimated net earnings of the Afties Holden Ti ub- ber Boot Co., Limited, are.— The right is reserved to allot a portion only of the amount applied for; Ift'this event the balance of the deposit will be ap- -towards payment of amount due on allotment. for the ytarending Detember. 319t, 1921., plied towards payment of amount due oil 41lotintnt, Interest for the year ending December. Slat, 1022 ...... $200,000 for the year ending December, 31st, $250,000 will be adiusted on completion of payment. Common Stock Bonus wi ares *11 be adjusted to even shares by Interim Bond Certificates will be Issued by The Eastern 4. The marketing of the product will be handled by the Ames Holden McCready Trust Company ponding delivery of Definitive Bonds. purchase. or sale of a fractional share at the rate of $40.00 per sales organization, which Extends from Common Stock bonus will be adjusted to even shares by coast to zdast, and is organized to give the product distributionpurchase . or oale of a fractional share at the rate of $25.00 per throughout the Dominion. share. share. Transfer Agents,,*. The Eastern Trust Co., Montreal,P.Q. Solicitors S. J. LeHuray, Montreal and 'Slims, Bray & McIntosh, Kitchener, Ont, §cnd to cithem of my offices for complete prospectus and subscription blan'k. Order,,; may be telegraphed or telephoned at my cxpease. 'R 1221 Mount Royal Ave. East, Montreal, or 521 King St. "WAVest, Kitchener, Ont. M 7 S 014— i 4