HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-27, Page 2, - I 11, , 1- 11F,1.F r 4"
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-*,"*" It. Jongthau'l victory..
. I . . - III. lftul'� r4shuese. .
" I I 3s, .;r) 1. couuoottu 9vouts, in the 00100-
I � . . tion and O' 0iiation of Saul, 004 Was
� .1 . - giving the l)oovla their 4.esir%arid the
1 I kiUcceedgis nistory vraa tIlQ worldug
11 U0 � "I , a I I . I out ,of tile experiment. A standlui; '.
. , . a. new thing lu Israel, and
� array was , .
a humiliation for tho nation W110-140 �
I(J. INJay 34tu. 10.30. slory It had been, that tlicir Wag
joriathau and, Ills Arillor-Roarer, uo.40 no grai of flesh to protect him -
I . self r to defend them. in Ills jwovls�
I. Samuel 14'. 1.46. 1C,1-3. 1 o
101, Saul was only rallowing tile cusr
cour� tom. At_human monarchs mild the d0f,
commentAry.-I. J0114034"'$ ,
ggeous suggestion (N)$. 1-3). 1. jona- tates o? human %Nls,dom, Obedience
, their God
t4An__Thls son of S
,>aut incy, have been bad bcen their safety and
-e! giteen years or twenty years of ' their defence- God's first demand
I age, the Youlia man,1044t bowe hie 4r� was an unconditional obedience, equal-
ly bla4lng On soycreign. and subject.
1gQUr7_I.10- wag joilatbanle trusted at- �
� C both Of this Saul's Individual experience
tenclailt, who pr*ved himsel .
�, should have made him deeply-Lensible
i)tave and atrong on this Occasion- but somehow at the vor bekinning be
let U4 go, over to the Phillst:nos, gar- gets wrong. lie had beei. Commanded
rison-,.Vile 1,hillstines had come . to to remain at GiIg%I until Samuel's or-
. -
tile very ceritre of Israel's country rival to offer the sacrifices preced-
with m great army and were4enearaped
, Ing action agalwit tile Philistines,
,011 tile opposite s.da Of tile valley - Though the test of decimating Rol-
trom, IvIlere .Saul's erijall force was,'. lowers was. sovere. his awn confeBalon
otayIng. Jonathan's Suggestion to his ac".,towledged d4itrust to disobedience,
I -
attendant s was a cour4geoue one, told and very sure to be taken, 'Iftit Pa-
lidt )lie father -It was not In keeping tiently jor him." The punish -
I , �
v;itb. military tactlecs for such a move, nient may aupear extreme, but tile
I ment as thlb to be undertaken. Saul gravity of tile situation can not be
would not bi i likely to approve Or the o)restimated, It was ao7 open do -
6. P 0-4. v-- - 0- 114�y n? Johoynii
red-hot poker Into hie churn, when the
� xvfto I
evil spirit vanlaha;l In a brikut name.
yeftra ago an old Orono who wail
I - I , I ,
M ^, I
cross-gralned with the neighbors stood
a good ,chance iDf being tried (and
'Wo I
�..W"%44 V" .
�- _. ,
burnt) for witchcraft, and cases 4re
, ,
. � 4 omwk _4VXL^l[i 0".
even known Where animals wero
$104 UA!vk 1 $* ou **M" of *aw
solemnly brought Into court and tried
*W V"pWty * o *** ow pwA401WO
on a Edulflar charge.
, �
.#* ,
we 0"Olok I
A tough old cock fit Basle, In Switi-
WN"*WAW_ imm P*T000"
zerlaild, was uccusnd of laying eggg__
Ut $"Avbvw
a most Serious offence as such e
member of tile Rochester London carried nearly 14 14 mIllioni victed, and lie and his nilraculow eggs
prpjGoL 2. uttermost, Par � � �t, .. . I J I
I hall exbused, by SPEFED R11NIGZ OF SEA AND AIR AT MIAM11 FIORIDA.. of the best occentija comealonnoa oil . e Dos 4, n U
tioah-Saul, with h,s SIX hundred man aggravated rattler t s&7,na Of having been In France. ' sions, Wt aliumt !nvarlably falled to 01044 OW -1-1, W d I 4QY fter 00 -
. , Lbe varkety stage. t1lb Office In Mpodgrald 13locic.
I ' the high position of the offeilder � a t r, ,rbe op,timated expendituro of put In ,in appearance at court.
Anti Samuel and AblAh,,the priest, VaR ,A rarnzrkabla photo of 4 motor boat a lrp)2n* mice taking plact ver the i,t.-coi- ,I. 14% county In tile fliteenth century the peas- — Z, . .---. .-. - -_ ,
I if. Jonathan's Victory, Johathart: DrI.g. ad e-�Jargduu, , of Somerset this year exceeds
'Filtranched on one or, the many hills carne courre at Wanil, Ft%. Tile boat Is thd,Gar Jan., owned by Car 1<01til, who Served through thrre cam, for the first tinin Ono T"I'lion �Paunds, aht�, of a yiila.trz In the South OZ
or the oxtreme Dortherxt part of Gj_ now appears for the first t'.mo In the Wood, of, Now York, shown win nino �ho twenty -mile race for express t Cal service, tile totL being XI.029,129- GOTOrn- France took legal proceedings tagainst WVV 't 11. klawh1hy �
hidtory. lie appears to be a man of cruisers and Gatting a new world record for Its type, The sel I pa.gris lit the Ind,an Aledi
boah, ,Nallgran-Tho ,name MemuK Pre* ano has died at South r.ea, aged so, went grants durluc, tile same. per!0:. a plague of locust-, Which trespassn�t $1.40, moo.. C.M.,
v,.p%o. six lilmdrad man-Ris arrif physical courage' and humble plety. Is tile Aero Limited, No. 4, winn Ing' Its race for E. B. jhomae�' tri. Bishop Bury, Bishop at NOIrtit u1nd I are estimated to exceed limit a millIon. spolgAl qttontlon paid to 4130A*" *
that be had, had wastredliced to t1116 *'Lot as go over to tlie*P41liatirles." plane. Both plane and motor a on their fields and devourod their
small company. 3. Allia.li-A great ,,It may be that tile Lord Will -work for erty motgrs. boat are equipped with 400 h. p. LI I b. Central Rarope, has been ir(luct a to A message in r,,. sealed bottle, cast eropS. As the case -,vas still boing of Wamoxk cad Obildren, baying k
fx,raudson o a us:." So far as can be gathered from. - - the living or St. Anne Ana St. Miles, ovc.rboard by Mr. R� T. Cbapmall, of fought nearly half a century )atpr. tAuA p"iXmduato woft In ex1r. 11
* the record, 40,111 had remained Inue- — -_-_-1-__ _ " _. .' '_'.' _. . _., ___ Gresham stieet, London, rt. 0, l3caintree, Essex, off the Coast of tile modern' cartIciler can Sympathize xwy, SWertology, and W-44tillo I
I riest. wear;n an ephod-The-ephoa tive after theWiterview with Samuel. )Un- $cotiana -oil November 27, 1919, was with the 'Unlucky plaintiffs, but . would ?Aodiotste. I
,,ecinsisted of two parts, of, which one - - � - - � - - - 0.0 0.6 _4�."_,O+ � ------ � - Although it was mostly Open C� � �
. . coverird th her the All unbelped-for deliverance 'was at- � __ - 4_*++�� . 0.41#+ try 30 years ago, NV:Ilesdon is now As- washed ashore at Stavanger, Norway probably prefer the more imh; date ap. OtOw ix tho Karr roul4am"'.4. V". '
�o baolr, all dthe oth footed sby Ood's blessing upon Jon- ad at p,f,()00,0oU for houses and Mild has Just beeli rarely delivered to
, * sewo 01) of lime of mustard, twtft tbo Quesn's Hotel *.Std 1,_4 1
. front, that is, tile greast and upper athan's courageous, it ,,jomewhat ir- " the addressee, Captain Veraon, of St. r'llcilt, I
part of the body," ItA was Nvorn. by the of loss than Z.,,,000 for agricultural land. Another action Was brought against Dartlu murch OW02L
regular, attack upon the garrison lip, John Bovey, of ,Niagara, Tolid Albans, �1,warailng in the A)l t��avtgx VIV02 &�i4i A# -
11. t%le Philistines. Encouraged by the A co-operative soneme for dealing 4 Peat Of leecllcs
� lalgh priest of lera., Cupid Triumphs Bovoy & Co., shipbuildGni, has died at ponft and sLreams of � 710016T",cOlm- Flm,* 54. 11. 06 Z§Z 11111
� �r,.11, Two brave men difluely direct- ft-orable omen which they had. es- with the refuge c;! 1,011don is to be try illstrict In France. The judge is- _ I I
!.�ed (vs, 4-12). 4. between the pas- tablished as governing their action, . Cardiff, a, -QC 83. He was ItloYd's Considered by a specially mppoluted, , �
, F pin agent for over so yea.",a and their Old- Wed a aceree c,-ain,vt the lek,hes tres-
-g,F r�om ther drf cription * of the they were assured "that the Lord had Committee. I , . T1h -t. C. 11%ledmond
I IsagL I Veer eat I-epresentative. River Ripple, pmming farther on tho dlsput�4 ter- J.Fr. Rob
"'Place it is ovl,I,o)it there was a vallsy delfvered the enemy Into tile ban6 of 49 Diving 20 ft. into the . i a, but history is; Went Ms to M.R.0,3, Rq,-,420 t
I . tead;ng,down to till, main valley from Israel,, (v. 10). The victory, viewed . I OU th%.l i -urk Formerly a clergyman, Jau'013 7OX, at 11-reston, William .tjawson, I 0 r1torle. 40 LILO.P. (Uad.) I
whafe Saul was encamitied, and ont, with amazement by the Watchman of . of 'Alcooley, Birmingham, waa at Wi- tried to rescue Walter Rice, 7, but whothor the Injunction Was ObOYOd
- - - - - - - - � - I - � - - - - � n fined 10s. for being drunk mild failed owing to Rice's struggling. or Ignored, with resultant Da"11411111c"I MKYWOIAN AND SUROEM,w
leading up on the other aide to where Saul's camp, was a rallying signal for . 0 0. 0, 0 a i a � _#_#_#_*_6_#_*_�1 -6 I _4�0*-o'.0 0 0 6:0-0,� ga ' I
the Plill,st-ines were. Between these. the disheartened hosts of Israel to . incapable and lying on the toctPatU A new agreement b(,Vieen Orims- for Contempt, of court. (Dr. C1htzh4m'z old dt=4),
at No unpre4udiced observer Can help came. The young Armenian whose with his art ficial leg off, by fishermen and trawler owner$ as- Animals have.even been adnilted-as --------' . -----7- -
,at the valley, were tile steep rocks or - join In the pursuit.. It .was the fir thinking ii;w and then that Cupid wedding day had been interrupt6d by After 44 yop.rs, service, Mr. W- J� tablighes the prInetV*,Q of British witnesses In the courts. It used to be - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' -
hills mentioned, called Bozez Shining, war of Saul's .camp, was a rallying . . I I
and Seneh, thorn. 5. ove.- against signal for the disheartened hosts �Qf "'Ust have been to -some high-priced the Turks returned from fighting LucMs, the well-known ,naturalist and fisherman only for British Ships. considered no oflenco to kill _n burgar
1,11cama3li—one crag wm:etG the north Israel to join In tho' pursuit. It Wag oculist and had his.eyes cured, and and besought Near East relief Workers author, has retired from the post ot The death has - occurred of Miss trying to break Into a house. TheVe
. " N. R. L SIEWAR.
. in front of Gibeah. Mtolimash and the first war of Saul's completed even taken to wearing an monoplo, so ,it Aleppo to help him find the 9-0 senior aGslatant master at Tiffin BUYS' Jane Redknap, used 07, who was for arose the difficulty that Ofie 111RU ltv- .
,G:beah were on ,opposite, sides Of a kingship and was prosecuted success- that now he Can tell a "$" from the who had been torn from him. It Was School, XlngS�on-un-Thanle& §6 years a. beneficiary of the Royal Ing alone might ask another to his I �
- sity of Toronto.
, N P acuity I : l2contlato of the I
# "S" that stands for zentiment as Well a long search, for thousa - -or hicurabliS, housei,and then murder him, pretend Graduate
valley that ended nearly ems. and fully "against all his enemies on nds of Ar- Somp of tile materials used In mak Hospital and Home f .fO,M=
. miles north of every side." The spiritual application as tile next one can. Romance, grown nienian, women Iftud girls had been ing a drinking fountain, which has London. . ' ing- that he Was a -robber, To get Ontari.-) College of PMrslpians ' and �
west about = of the history suggests th . at every ,Sophisticated, reads the divorce pro- forced Into Turkish harbms, but 110 been erected at Great 11011ana7, -,Q, ssex, . Two girls and a boy havO been born over this it Nv:t s decided tI% at any dom- Surgeons, .
. �, Jerusalem, The fa,10 statel.4a verses I
In i� parenthetical to Christian should be a soldier acting cetdings and breach of promises n, sea, prodded the others to their task day as the village ivar memorial, have to Mrs. Ifurley, wife of an agricul- eStle allillial, such as a cat or a -dog, I OrnCo 8N1rRAt=,
I g-55 are thrown under direct or secondary divine dl- having given up all hope of figuring and night and,gava theill no rest. bees In tllc- parish for several hundred turist residing .at .,841yelly, near present at the time might bear wit- H.OF -
I give details as to the ,conditions under rection; and that is the imperative more Closely in the public prints. Per- A CLU1,3 AT LAST. years' . . Queenston. ,Shi�l lias received tile lies�g. If the animal on being questIO11- ZUR13RIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO,
� I which the assault about to be describ- , duty of the great army to be constant, haps ft Is because there are So many * King's bounty. � I ad radstea the court that his master
I ed was made, 6, these uncircumcised, 4 wilole camp modern conveniences nowadays that At last came & clue, which being in- A new rallivay, connecting South it is hoped to'� open the LmP0rI8A had ,acted In good faith the killing was OSEPHINE ST. PHONE 29
-Circumcis:on Was a rito by which ly aggressive agai,ist th. � vo,,tigated proved to. be the right one, Yorkshire areas at Doncast:er with War . Museum ,of which the Prince Of There are not j- I
ot evil. . - people naturally expect convenient i held to be jilstifled.
. The girl was there in that very city, Workshop, and affbrdli)g development N P many instences of acquittal. - - _ ___�______._
� the Israelites were set apart as God's ill. Saul's rash-liess. Saul's Whole love, and marriage also, comfortablo Vales vill be resident, in its tem- �
peuliar people' The Philistines were Aleppo, but as far removed from her to One of the x,'chest ilaineral and ag- porary home at the Crystal Palace I .. qo�o_ .- I -
conduct In conncetion with the les- steam-beatedi elevator affairs of the ' gland, hat I
desl*nated 6; uncircurnelsed, Since. son allows a man acting from jinpulse lover, nv,,;1. pcoplo would have thought, r1cultupQ d'stricts in FM , early In June. . _916000i@$000#0 I
, I 4 I HT";
I il. * heart, near the subway and "L." been opened 1 ",250 Old It6ribridgialis and I �, I fil. ,�� " 41 0,
i , f.11W were not the Lord's people.By and passion rather thin principle, But now here comes along the true as If She had been half a world gway. Nearly . A X I'. I
., "
I il ie tos expressed their, Such a collr�e must end in mischief case Of two lovers, appearing to con- For she had beoa ioredd to marry a Percy Whi'lock, tbe boy organist of 21 masters served in the war, and Ca�e of Small � I U 0 HE T
. abhorrence of the Philistium :t way proportioned to the responsibiliti"and tradict all the above philosophy, seem- Turk, and now had two little, Turkish Rochester, bas been elected lKent 39$ old boys and thre3 masters lost I 1. -,
� children. Scholar, Royal College of Music. Be- their lives. The honors awarded to
� be that the Lord wIll work for us- influence of the individual. Had tne Ing to argue that there,is still in the ,,Do you still wtsh to marry her?,, toro him last, were long enough to old boyis number 581J, � , I i 11GHT T HE 'RED
This expression did not Imply a doubt; . crgportunity been rightly used, 010 world love entirely forgetful of self, Plots of Cereals � I
. - it siqnlf�ed simply that the object he i p�wer of the Philistines might have impatient of all barriers, triumphant the young Armenian was asked. reach the pedals he was deputising at Viscount Borodale, the 15 -year-old . I
I I aimed at was not fr. his owa strength been entirely subdued. 'The victory over all difficulties. Does it or does it "Of course," lie said instantly. "Why Rochester 0.1thedral. son of Earl Beatty, was made a cadet (Experimental Farm's Note). I -
. . .mor his own merlt-J.. V. & D. to gave which Was the fruit of Jonathan's' not prove that love, the real tiling, is not*7 She is tile ,worian I love, Wh6t - Woolwich Nursery for Children of captain at the presentation of prizes,
by many or by few -The expression faith and courage could not be follow- as deep and as aetermined a -ad as has happened is not her fault or,mine. '4�iunitlon Workers, opened in 1917, has at the Royal Naval College, Osborne, -
. *-+-"+-"**-#-+ "-"- Bonar Law States Great
,-'wt. before this Indicates that Jorm- ad up because' of"SauI's rashiv enfore- patient In the twentieth contury' as in Why should I ,not inarry her?" been prouented by Lady Henry as a by Admiral Sir U4Vmrd Bradford. A grem,t de'al has, Leon said about I .
. I Accompanied by English authorities jr.eluorlal to her con, who fell in the Air. Edward Hustles, who served in Britain's Position.
. . than believed In God's ability. to give ed vow. The opportunity, lost, was the year on(%. and in real life as it Was I Chil- the Butts in tile Crimean War, the the purity of seed and the use of good #
atecess and that his power might be not regained during his- lifetime. There in tha� old romance? Anyway, here is and by the m6pilted police Near East ,war, to the 1. 0. C. for use as a I
exercised on this 0 arem and dreWo Roap'tal for minor operations. 'Indian Mutiny, and the China War . 11ow may thi-s be produced and -
I occaslon. �Ha ex. *as "war against the Philistines' all tile Story for What lb to Worth: 1. . relief workers Went to the h, . Geed.
1. pressed his faith clearly. He had a big days, W. H� 0, . . On and on droned the preacher's ,old the Armenian gIrI,who was now The Newrpaper World states tbat of 1980, has died, at an advanced age, Trade the Thing to End
. Lonviction that God Would give tile � I - . � voice, in the commoriplice, words that a Turkiiih wife, that they had come to more than 100 newspapers and other at Moy, County, Tyrone, lle -vvas to- kept pure? The Experimental FarmG
I victory that moved him to go forward . TWO� UW_ Ut USES. ' have �Itept tile world turning around release her from captivity, =4 that periodical rmblications have increased tally blind for the last I , 0 years of Ills ' dIstr-.*bUte arnall samplca of good seed z [ - Bolshevisrp,. I
. llf 1. . but, the grain arower is the man who
. I tmsting In him. 7. 1 am With tbea- . . I sa, lonr. . her lover awaited her. At first she their price this year, 18 more having At his own desire, tile late Regi- inuat maintain its purity. Tlie Gain- __.;! . , .
I 0onxthan's armor -bearer bad confl- ,01)o y-oiu. take this woulall . - - could think only of freedom and of done so during the present week. This mental Sergt,-Malor C. Cobbett, for . Experimental Farms dis- Lolidon, M*RY ..'. - T'ie Goveraillent
� . d4nes ;n'bls master and also In God, The Mto and the Gocoartut - or for worse . - - . t� her lover. Her one idea wao, to escape bring,3 the t7tal for the'preeent year 30 years in the Queen's West Surrey pies that the r
. Ile did not Absitafe to go with hilli, 1. r, better ,, before her Turkish husband returned, to 104, 1 Mcle�t to seed 1-20 of was forced to -ay into a lengthy
. P911M. have and to hold - . p Regiment, was interred ai Guildford t1lbutO are Gui '
1. �, I nor would he turn him from his puf- '. . I . iz Was 3ust the saine old wedding But at the gate she stopped. The death has occurped at big real- in big old scarlet tunic and with full art acre. it ia the care of this plot statement Ll the IIOur,a of Commons,
� � I I I . "I can't*" she said, "I can't go. I donee, Caor Rhun, Tal -y Cara, Canar- 0 --a
. . p0ae. We take so much for granted In our ,service, r - sp k .orld, vonshlre, of Mijor-General. Hugh SateJ in ding and the situsequent plot,i that I wish which to it 1' nature of -M defence ro�
8. we will discover ourselves unto .41thoagh Alle words 0 en, Allitary bonorsior G to emphasize. .
were Amerloap-with M'strolls Tolvas love him f ar more than all the 1v clergyman -6 years, Inclu . gardtag its Polish �-ttltudc. 11his came
daily lives that we rob our ft� &Iiia- They Gough, C. B., C..-%I.G,, at the as 50 -Years
, ,a, but I can't leave lily Children. a of 7Z
. I tbeni-.They would go to the garrison tion of many Interesting jo�rheyis. accent. Barring tile fact that the are so little, you see. I cannot liate His second Christian name commem- rector of Severn Stoke for The wed chould be aown In a plot after Sir Donald Bic Can had criti-
40f the PhIllstines and would make There Is no place that offers such bride and Wi4egroolil were Armenians and all honorary canon ot Worcester
. . them for bellig partly Turks, for I crated the first of,the two campaigns 1, the Rav� 11� about 3.3 fLet bY 66 feet in atrucasion clsed the actloil In, Se'. ---11119 wrtr wa.
I thOmeelves know -ii to them, of the auditsuce. Americans, Cathedral for 35 yearE� .
I D- It they an geographical ro- and plost " ducted by his W. Coventry, grandson
I thus unto us -Jonathan had no abundance of bo'llothJug at OL11 1111- aui their mother. I must stay." a'ainst tile Silch of the seventh on -tqe most productive Piece of land terials to PolZr-'2, all * had pleadea�
'my manw-as the realm of food. Little there seemed to old that she might bring ,;,,d-,,i,l,, Fields Con Nfiscount E arl Or Covcatry, has died aged 90,
. - bt prayed beforehand for guidance, &r6,mony at. first She wa% t -Marshal ksuitable for gralu) ,oil the farm. 'I"he that the Loa_pu(. of Na "
� dou ii ow do we realizo whan the date or the usual 'about tile the children With he-- It she wished. Gough, which added the Punjab to brl- Ai the village of Cliffs ilypard near - ' tit us be brouglit
.. I and fig Proposed a test by wthich. tile 111illions of mar- � bed *snould lv� at�j ricarty perf
It would be clearly Indicated what cocoanut appears upon our table that glance. yet Of 0,11 I Vellod In the Turkish fashion and with Ush ludla. Swindon; a Union Jack used b� Ad- see't P" into exlEterice at olicn.
I . they have come from climes -we proba, , r1ages since tile world began there gad tile two babies she appeared before the Ware Prory, Ilerts, has been given mirml Daynton, one of Lord Nelson's as tAG IU0Gt approved ille - Lq,rhdyRO1;)ert Cez.-u ii,d also deniftud-
. Course he altould, pursue In tile matter. sual one than me Of Nations had
I , 10, the Lord hath delivered them bly Will �never see, that their very never been a loss U . lover, Within a few steps of him her to the pilbhc by Mrs, R. it. Crott, the officers at the Battle of Trafalgar, LIVaLlull In tuf, a,Gtr,,ct will permit. ad IV the Leap,
I . � . ' 310' -411 called !'I to vert the ne
. �Ilto our. 'h'and-This statement shows presence means they have passed this. THE HAREM. courage failed. mother of General Page Craft. Was u,sed at the official ceremony of -:,ewiitg ut tnis PsuL siloula be done , 't . -a W.
1110W implicitly Jonathan depended through the hands of niany strange . , TIIE MARX Or' "Take me away," she urged tile The death has occurred at Fleet, tlio unveiling at a memorial tablet to as eariy. in tile �.prilig w it poo,givie, ,Russo-Polj-�h war,
I upon the -Lord's direction and aid. a peoples and that the'.r transportation The two W1110, Stood thcro With Near East relief Workers. "I OM111 liants, of the Rev. Axthur h. Much, those who fell In the War. witlial. reasull. '.tile seed. arul inu,st Andrew Bonar Law-, oil behalf of
. , .London Labor Party, ill a letter to Va tuorougwy clLan and tree trom ill-- GOVerIlment, declared Crremt Brit;
Sign unto U6-0& action will depend -has run a "untlet from the camel's �claspea hanau, being made man and lift up lily veil andlook In. Ills eyes. Who 1%,aj rector of FarilLorough for 0 giaind or uriwr varietlw. In seeding tin had .no d"Ire 0 inake r'ar on
upon -'the words received from the back to the electric tralu, wife, had -not SVell each other before Take me back cr anywhere. Only years, the Premier and others, says: "Labor ' -
� � I Philistines. They will n . q is tired of such bureaueratie bodies -t le as ANoa to leave a Ginall patti! SOV1z". Ruzs;a, Tile Government felt
. , be the un- The coccairat palin 1.9 a very versa- in more thei, four years, of 0 ' tbc take me away!" 'Through lack of public Interest MetrODOlit4li P011c0, Asylums ,tL)0%iL 1.2 to 14 incites hetween eachl -
I � ' 0 a?. I -ITS LOVE UNDIMINIFID. Duninow, 13'wex, has abanct-oned a war as '1110 at tile Soviet Government
. ,conscious bearers of a message from tile tree, for, from ItR b7-PrOduet9, bride's foreh=d Inst. d 4 bar- -,Ajeongly th
. . Goa. 11. the Hebrewg come forth-- ,iuch as the fruit, br4uc4es, trunk end riage veil there were tile tattoo memorial eellemp for a'town hall and Board and Water Board, caid Port of atrip or the drill. This nimy be done '%-fa:! wore likely to 1,r, strengthened
The I'dii'llstliles Understood the weak� sap, It Is possible for the nativeG ,09 mar1r,s tbat ,;hoNlred that She had But tile youna, Armenian stopped aoldlem' club. . London Authority, over whose work by allDwIn,, the wheel of th if I'. wore onabled to continue Ill a
� � 7aess of Israel at that time, mild be. the West Indies, Ceylon and India.to conio from a Mwacul h4pe'll. Two her, ! I witl not The price of the quartorn loaf has neither ratepayers not, electors have rutUra In rqo track made b,.v I "tatc. of war than in mily other way,
. ,li "You shall not go away on the Land a,reauy seeded. tind of govcrililiont which the
. Ile'ved they were hiding In the numor- absolutely Clothe,, house, feed and little children Of the hated Turkls been raleed In London fruia 9 1-2d. real influence." The'l
ciae cav6rns of the 1001lity'. They transport themselves, The ripened I - and the lot you!". lie sald� "In God'S eyes and t 1G. Experte atate that BrIti.sh bm- A memorial tablet of white marble During the growing period all nox- Soviet Professed was contrary to hu.
. . blood r,todd with. tile man in mine you are as you were on that 0 IOUs weeds that will be mail nature, and Could not last, he
could not have known for what Par- fruit is the only product,of this tree woman at the altar. con may become 4a. per lb. . to the late. Lord Lister, with a medal- . detrimental
pose Jonathan and his ar.nor-bearer � that most of us are familiar NVIth. The FoUy years before the bride and the day When our wedding feast was set. The now director of organization lion portrait in,rellef, and bearing an to the crop ahould be removed. The declared,
bad or,me. f6rth. .12, answerd---mThe fresh coboanut r.id Its milk Is a mar- bridegroom, had become- engaged to And I love you as I did then." r. Agricultural Organization 26ocjety, Is Inscription reecTaing the fact that -he path referred. to above ',a use(ul In The. way 1,o go'- rid of It and to
I t�Wo had not addreesed the Philistines. I - So they went, the whole falullyltO Mr. S. P. Karr, and Mr. F. W. Wright .Was a student and nouse surgeon at that It allows ready access to the plot create a reasonablo sit.l.ation In Rus -
I -velous delicacy and one that We can marry each other in the little Armen, . from with a minimum amount of dainagge.
Init their presence called for words delightful ,11,908 for. Ian village 11, ar Aleppo, where they the Noar,East Relief Orphanage, where ,ter of propaganda. University College Ilosp,tal. SIM was to allow the Rus-,lan peop
find so many a, 10 new direc , 1&�
from them. come lip to us—With t1311% ' titer, Their map- an American mlssSionarY, who -spoke Bandma4tat Hobart ueorge 1,1vans 1843 to 1'852, hao been pre�ented by Weeding ahould he done froni thrie to -in t1le first place, to v.,ork Out t Clio
I When We have enjoyed the, contents had grown UP toge h
a Invitation came'the knowledge of tiny Arinoillan badly, lilt Who understood I femor own salvatton, 1'. lw" by the open -
of the sbeil, wvL can uze the shell It- riage -was at hmild. -The last from tile H.U.J.k. is to Succeed Limit.- the Lister ) lal Fund to tile ties- Lima all through the oeason. Valcil
What Jonathan and hie armor -bearer. into the Col. J. Alacken�je-Rogan, AIX.0., as pital. I th�. piuL hcad.i oat "rogueIng" should ing, UP of tirade mu 11 more than by
self as a receptacle ter plants and It otio lit , girl's tile universal language of love, offered . 3
, sboul(I 4do and what theLord would do tell Ld be"n put hi.a. cervices. There they 61tood before VireCLor of Muo!c, Colastream Vuardcj, The Earl of Ath.0110 has forwarded start, Roalleing is the proces of eradl- armament that ,11c Bolshevist Gover �,
� for them. we 'will elieW you a thing is especially pleMsIna wlien used ,as a simple finery, the wadding feast Wa'3 to lang E d- cating the grain plants that are. Ott a
'Lilging basket.. . eighbors bidden flie, altar, tile two little Turkish chil- oil ,tile ;recommendation of L!eUt,. a chequo for P.93,042 15S. Illent could be ut down.
a may ,have be n �11, all prepared and the u Armenian$ C V. CrIppGs It has -ward VIT. llospital, 'Windsor, as part tYDo or Liloae of other varletlea; any-
, —These. wor! I The eocoanut, a4 we more Often find to come. lCissing each oth r the night dran and tile two Young OlOnol the Ilon, thing, in fact, that !a foreign to the Mr. Dollar Law, ro-lerring to; the
� 5n contempt or det-161011. It, Is all prepared for our use, Which 7 before the great day the two wlliq- who had Suffered so at the hands Of been decided to reconstitute the .Royal of the fund raised as & memorial to Plunitions' bar,-aln with Poland. JaFt
. I 511. Victory for Israel (ve. 13.23.) � atly faijiltatesany recipe in which Deredeouch little nothings a-, do lovers the Turks. I Bucks -liussara on their old footing as Windsor men who fell In the war. He plot shouia be removed, The plot r, zz
13. climbed up—Immedlately to the Sre al n for LIM' ge. 7d. to ,should be Carefully r0glied three or Oetobe aid: 111�Vhe sinall. qunnt7ty or
east,Qf the village of Michmash ex- WO need It. It gcn�rally takes -its everywhere that tiley were glad they It looked like a Commonplace wed- Yeomanry. of the 4oyal .Albert fear times before harveet ,aul hiore munitions v,hich we., g�.vo to- mi, Ally
. . ding, but it had an urisual ending, 1hir. W. 11, Peat, Financial Secretar� the oomtnittGe atea as a i , a.,uit of the -war, wa%
"sts a .111tural fortress, still called the place oil top or Stirred into P, delicious ,need Wait no longer, to the Ministry ot 11"bod since lW7, lisp Institute, Windsor, to be, devoted to especIrilly abould the plot be carefully (10
cake, or candies of so many kinds. It Tile .,Ved4W- day came and with anyho%w. Hardly had the t�vo been ibrary. L rOgued It Is to be cut, Intended to ddend thelpselves and
V ,fort of the peaeantry,' It Is a ridge W unusually delightful When combin- 'it the Turks "before thd hour not for pronounced infti� and Wif(l When there realgried! but he will romain cha!rman tile purchase of a reference I N mv.% I Lets at this time differences that )lave niake it loss likely that we Should
- ., .rising In the three rounded knolls -notion outside and in Of tile Agricultural CostliMls Colanlit- The 'United Association of ox- Ot shown before may be more readi- have to Intervene in their behalf Nvltl,A
above a VerpendlouLir crag, ending In ad with fruit and even Some vegctm' the ceremony, The villagers Were was a Coil" I . liltary civil Servants bag is. A
from their homes, tile rushed the Turkish husband, for Ali tee, and M t
a narrow tongue to tho, east with Cliffs ble salads. A bit of cocoanut discov herded away On Ifearing that the ketch Natty, sued a Memorandum "appealing on ly noticed. armed forces. WO Could not make
below.--Couder. An advance guard of ered -in combination with any food girl in 11or y. adding dross. rind tile InAn tile world like an Irate parent On the In W I ex -Naval an Purther ,operation,. should all be eonditions, but at tile pa, -,le thne .,Ve
U who had expected to marry her that trail .of elope hich was his Gon, was ,zeading up behalf of 20,000 d Atill-
the Philistines May have beld this per. gets, a stanip 01 &PPrOval .pon that r- Ile brandished all rockets, 111fet1ken for distrosa signals tary mail cmP110Yed in the Civil Ser- done by haul, where possible, unlosa havo been very !Ar :rom glrlli� tila
�, I it Gition and this crag mast have been food for a huge propnrtion of people. tLe others. The Turks order signed by the Turldsh Govqrn- Captain William Cook, of NeAv,quay vice that they way be allowed on tin- great Care '13 taken to see that all ma- Polish Government any encourage.
day- AWOng chinery Is Yaaltles(31y clean. Tile bill. inent, .n its policy,"
the ,O�a Jonathan and his armor -bear- In the past few years wo have had merely told them briefly that they ment requiring the Immediate return Cornwall, ,d!ed euddenly, The ofgnals at retirement from 010 Civil Service �
4r astanded. they fall before Sona- the cocoanut oils and butters Intro- wera to be deported, and punctuated Of Ills wife. 11 were merely for a pilot, , to add their former Navy or Army der may be uGed for cutting Ifall ad- Mr. Botar Law refer -ed to tk-L,lii.
Us and they are becoming , . - boring &traw and heads have been To-
- , than—Twenty men fall before J0114- ducea to their Sentences with bayonet prIcks. "I Paid 4:9 for her' he thundered. Bronze medals for gallantry In ,say- service for Ponsiolialilo ,purposes," tervivu between Premler Lloy(i Gejpga
, .0 "Give her back Mt once. What's. that? tion is that moved, but preferably cut by ]land.
� than and Ills arraor-4bearer in a space prime favorites. outside the ,villao tile older men Ing life during a fire in the steamt,sr The association's conten and tile Polish Minister here In ,7an.
'N q 0
,equal to .one aide of 9, iiquare contain- The date palm to So very Similar to were masaac�rad beforo the eyes of Havallit I other wives? What of that9 Th -to uary.' Ile said the Prenilep had tat d
Trevanion, or. St. Ivee, In, the Noilth Ave there should be no difference Letween a 0 0 Its should be covered to pre,
14, 15. ,Great fear fell method of ,their ,wouien, and tile. 7OUn9aT ones I have two, but this 1voman also Is lantia imat I)acomber, !lave been tile sallor, Soldier, postallin, w.1rder, vent the ravagea of birds and also that It Was not for Great BrIjain.to
Ing an ,more. tile cocoanut rmlm in Its to keep the grain from getting weath. advise Poland, but the Briti.gii Gov-�
Upon the Phillstilift because of this growth and in- its appearance., that It Were forded !nto the Turkish army. mine! Return her to me!" awardel to James S. Baetlan, Chlef rs)-.clso officer, Or any servant of the erel. It is absolutel caGential that crament rild not wish to give Poland
,successful attack and the terror was 1,.1 not Surprising to note that it to in- Th older ,wornen and the Itttle chil- , The British officials Who haft eolue officer, and Charles Flynn, able sea- Stt.te In gt,.1%Titln9 Pension$ I . I . threshing be <10 IV hand, Th�ia
,arth. dispensable to the natives 'Im, � dren Were murdered also. The youngel! ( to the wadftig ruled that fluders, were Man, I . . I a � a easiest method 8 to 1W.0 a flail; I,e ,at encol.ra�vmoz.t to pursue
increased by the quaking of the L of 1'er- 8 tll(! SlIghtt
1&2,al, Saul was within sight of tile - too, as a baver ill this inatrince, and that the a policy 02 ar,
� Arabia and 9 . orthern A!� lea, � ones were cold Into Moslem harenis to I On the grounds that they are undjer WITORCRAPT. sure that your 'barn floor is perfectly Turning to the qtlesqoil or -,Vlly
eamp of the Philistines and saw wh4t f tl4o vegotatio . of Tu'rVs. I II'D Ha"ington, I tile
useful part 04, 11, IA th'� � become (lie enforced wives order of the Turkish Government was the Marohlone%s of 12 clean. If the atooks are carried to the '
vrag being done there. He caused his a evonshire, large 9hoeta Of'L League of Natlon� hat, not been Cal.
o,miap to r' searched to determine Who date, as well m$ In, the case Of the The girl In the wadding dress was ! % shameful WAStO Of White P Per.' daughter GE the Duke ot 11 Many British Peoplo4till Drmd barn In . tarpaulins, led 1% , Mr. ronar Layl s. -A I(l it was ty,e,
be cocoanut, we are Dr.-Ileged 'tO know gold among the others, btit brougliC. "Then my ,C9111 pleaded the Turk. and the Marchioness of Oraliby, � purity cv!a be more readily Mallita!ncd ,
or fifs men. were mlasing. HIS little 6111yone form uf the (rUlt—thO sweet 'M higher price than any of the Others, ,� ,,It goes to the young couple.yonder daughter -Iii -law of tile Mko of Hilt- BVII Eye. and the threshing made more easy. vlow of the Governmont the Lcvqo�uck
Army Joined In the battle, Mild tholse date—WhiCh Is familiar to 'all 'Of us- nine pounds, or about eleven dollars. , to sot Up hougelceeping with," voted land, were struck off the voters' 1.4t When dealing with large plots. or in! should O'lly take action when ,,,%c,-.
who were hiding In E phrairil. came dat. , 1 tile British officials !.eartlbsslY. . sit Bakowell, J)erbyshlro Wo constantly bear it said that- ec e IIc'W Coal I
I In Its,fifitiVO clinlldg th9 date Is used ' Four years went by. Tile armistice I exceptional cases. the threshing ma -f tIOn wuld be art tly . (
Also to -help their brotbren. as a s),rup in 1114ki-pg palm or (1--te � ___._____.�_._.._____. -:1 Maril Rural Dis- "this Is the tWentlOth century, sup9r. chino may be used, but only when one! ,in* 0113 stlggcst tl.at ,ho Leaguo,. tould
. I . ,.-- ..--. __ ___ ,==-- in tile Romney
IV, Saul% unwise �' domani (vs. wifte, the young 10009 are t,00ked as 11 I L' � trict council elections '.Nfles Richard- gtition and all that sort of thing died Is perfectly "ptain that r,tra�j grains have hiterferid .succesarrIly jr, 1h 11I.Xt-
25-26). Saul was much moved by the .
'Victory' Which was being gained over Palm cabbage, dAtO 60 Is extracted 11. .. .11'..." - . '. 11 .1.1 __ .. - 1, - , , � — __- ... av n retuoved, and theft It is ad. t�,,r of this kind? lie aske . It IV .�
.- � I, . - - _____ ;.., . � %oil, of St. Mary's. wag a 8ftndHRt0 out long ago." Yet there to hardbr R h o bee d mq
4> , '' ,. -, . 1. � ..d'. - I 'de. I A
- � . �
, �. k�`.�:I;i;,��I�w.... ,�%.","il,'!"i 1.* 4-A..":.11 _", '-. ,�;�,� ; 1." .. , , , ;Z ;,. ..
I ", . . % , . . v ..., , . A
0 ,j .. 1: _ I. i� .,., ;� .. I ,, but was r,c. son In the coilatrY Without IIIS IV tl 0 110cl
and the stories many tInl!3 are ground .1 .� � .k ', 4"! % ., ,; I.. ... 1�: ;1.1%, �:� � . . C, 111-1 A .. #4 In four difforont, Darishog r vi,gable to thrash only when tile grain xittefiy impogsiblo thot u Al ,
the Philistines, and rashly decreed a "I'll , � - 1".. - ,
. . . . . "Wt;, ;4', ��,�".. � ."�'! ,'�!1,:`11"7`y1 i 4 . .;� -, ., '51 SP 1,� reated at eaell place. She polled no little belief—fliat misfOrt'allo follows .11 shruld lolt, 4nd tile Wllolo�
ter ante coffee. I- h" - ; t 1% tl.." from the plot !a of a different vlass Conn(
'M�. - �, 1'),� , 1, �e� .� , -, 4, " P, � ,� ng salt
that no man ahould taste todd that .1 �._ .. _�. 11'.,;,"!'.. ��,41�1,,Z! i", . " , .1 _', votes In i,%,o parichea, Ono voteln mn� stepping over a baby, or spillf of �raln froni that which has been thing be handed OVCk to tile League
� qw,�,--..�j.,., �'. � , . , , ','% -,- I, I—.
day, M did noPconsider that his men The date ft0emps in 010 toWections : �T., , ,,- ."4k%W- , � ,_,�. �_"-�.,% . 1. __
-^14 , , od luck,
I , . , , , I
.11 . ...'�'M , . I, -
1 '11 i "I other, and 18 votea in the fourth. or that a blMok cat brings go thTeollod in tile mill previously, tol- of I'lations,
ol, our table and in tbe filling for l "I ;�.A1;-T,1- _e. , N 1 - t _ J
" uould be better fl'tted to pursue thd '177��'A. __'.."..1�. .. �, wij 1. A inemorinl brass han been oree,ted —_
I. aliel cake$ and In many delightful dessert I I . . ,�
I 31%."- -� ,� _ 3 , � '.,. for example, says London, Lllng., An- lo�v wheat by Oats or barlc�*, Oatj by --4.4-16.—
% .�.. - J-;�4_.S,'-' .1. ... .
. pnemy it they should be strongth .� ,:: -;'�: , ,,, :" -� 1, `:-1. ." - ate-chapol tit Etoll�colloge to r.,wer, wheat .or barley; never thresh whc.,.at X282
...: ..-, - -,; - ��-, , In the a: .1. 110,4cof too, the universal prac,
to Lo I . 1.
. ��_�,4i''!�!, I;. � . . aSeliolaratMon, 'PHA KEMAL
L. by taking food, There waa woodland cOmbinatloas, The natural Sugar In J4�, 1, -1 �� the irmory of 116bert, '40alO AI011001 I tice of N%learing Inriscots "for luak.11 after wheat, or oqt-.4 after eats. on I I
, �� 1,
V..: tilft In that country and many wIld tile date .%btinftnt and,no DUrb, 11 ".1; �, t. :'_'� _,,(,y. lgag, and of - ,ed be alwolute. [if USTA
,- , I -
I , and wholesomd In IN fluallty that It , - I . , - ; , � '. " ,0 Thme, however, are tot very per When cleaning the sL �
, i W 't., - William V .014 0
bee#,. Honey was produced In large �_ I , W% . . Q Ilia life long friplid
V11 �Ih, " .1 I " ,,§�� �1, s � 1� , lou3 bellero, being merely personal ly suro that all foreign gralno 'Are re. I .
, V.1" i � I , ", - TJ ,c -(J�wer, also lCIn,,',",s -ft
AthgLn W" Ignorant Of conlynends itself, very strongly to our I I I . I 1 V40 .1 . 1� � A: -, �. '4 1 G.ebliatil evs-'aft I 11 n v
quantitles. Jon I 1.1 I � � f a eeop-rootcd wevei from the fanning 1111111, T Ito
% ,,Y 1- . . . �Io� - --i .. � - �. � I raptaln of ill() fads. SOP0114titi011, 0 14
� his tather'o deer nUed IISO 'Of the friend froin the I -7: �, I I , " � -,,�� ��- .. ,. , -4 %p i .40110IRr 'at R,t0h all� I mild more unpleastUit tYpe is still 001ly- out all the ul0vcs and Moan out Nor- I
.� r-alvay lane. i I.,�� .. " - -� :, .: I— , sphool. 11900'. both of whom lost their ougilly all the &avks and trevices that
. _____4_*_0P_ I *, . raon Ill t1le illare batk%r4iq rural
-_ i � .., 4 Z i .
00011than hlia done And Saul Was de- I , "I . I 'A ; . 1_4*11,1�1 , . live,-, on active service. are
�' boney. Tt wan learnod later what Im I I , ,_� , 0" Ill-ely to rotalln grain of' other U 016 F I E S ENTENTE
I I I , " �-. ..,�, .:1 I , ,�v Nveeks ,
.11 ., I ... r. 1. 1�kpllftnd. a well-known
11 have him Alain 111,11ecOM- %,X PGOD COST !_ I i ,\I L I are,
. al only & ft
,, however.
termlii6i to 13RITI, � 4P , --1 tain the machinery 1. I 41
"... �, ago an old danle In tile rnell County C-11111PIOA- Be cc%T �
� % antLs with his decrae, but the,000010 London cable. The toot of tood I +111. 11*' I 1. ��v 11 (lbeahlre official, awl borough tve,`114- conta!nerl titer tly
.. Al , �. I , . was boycotted by tho. whole coulitrY- ft"a gr4lu .
I . I I 0 .1
, " .�.11 , �, 0, '%ton fOr 20 Years, llft$ I = In Pari�;, May " — Nup'tapila. Iter"ar,
lnterfi�rpd ana l0wed SonatbAfl, up to �41ay 1, had arisen to 149 par X, � . "I 1.1 urAr of 'ZO1191, ago she had the reputation clean. fte grain should be
.." A - ,: I ,,, � I I 11 . c -A vide becal
.. Qutatiolfts.—What WAS the �,ondlt!on cent. sZove the pre-war level. and I . .1. .1.1"?.1.1 I , �� I.. . Mro, (1hrruthorn. of Taptrm. Cbmtor- of bollig 4 witch Mild of throwing, .clean bag% in a place free from the the. Turldsh Nationalist leader, bag
elfteq 1. I . 1 11 , �- . ,�. I I �,ej of ir.'re, et(!. addremied -N -lot,3 to tho POR(i.0- (oonfer.
0 tbo TArso . in their r41,11ation t6 tile!,, Is r. proopect of Its going still .�4 .. "..*.4.'-- " , �,;,�_..�,� ritock and eftv,%
� .
'. hiSh � , . s �. � , �.. .N ..,�.' ,, '44, . , .:' � I .". � arkh, ,,Tells over people'a elilldren,
". Wherd a I o. ., , � %� A - � , -.1. 4'. ;, , '. I I .1 . * � . f!elil, fornierly N,11s,1 IvIlolet NT, alli, I. t,
_1 the phill'ititle* at this firile? r eay4 Charles A. McCurdey, : . , I I .t " .:,.,.�.�,-%;�..O.-.'�."; 4 , _ . . - . ". - her Or All grain grovipra Am advised
;1 were the two armlos? Wbot did U1141- , � . -,. , ..,,%,i, -T'. 1". "', � 1: V 1. � "', - . . 11 the first woman J.P. In Dorbyahlre. crops. No one would go near to 01cV, deQlarlug thtXt hii-I Govornilient
I - 11 '-,. -0 "L' ,.* . , a
I -beeirfir tbt Minister of rood, !n Ila offitial stato , , .11 #-1 I ,,gir flan,ar C,r,c ,cd, nd She maintain m, ccoa plot. Tho method ort" Will not rorogill?t� oll,-ag,11�1ellis ,�Titer.
I - - kt I I I � , �. .. I . "� eenwp e ,av
. tho ncw I t Ilpr 1, o food or clothing, ;,�
0 4 �, , . ". , � . . , ft RIVV.�Or
+1 an ment, INAed to-nl'tht. , . . I Id AM
kl�� " lalri�l f^ ble, tLTV1101' itl(l JAn'ti. .4 1, .. " ,:�. 0�-;", ..": '. '. 11 4 , I 1. Wv; been starved to death. title OVO 111ftY lie U43ed Oil - f -d into betw , .
P . . , . I '. . . eel' thO Cow,tailtinoplo
'Am. shol do? What tfAt - , I , . � I (AhlrLf See'retary for Ircland ililtirly -
� � I � . 301lerP I - or,
& Mr. MW,urdoy, however, points out � * " " - 0,,t% ., " I ,0 , � 4, 1 he PrIvY The cold, legal fttn)O� , Of the beale for a rogular fsoed Dlot, ThIs Government and tile <h-.-cranients
1� 0- +*++4-++
1 1 1 i
�, An tretko to jegrn� what bo Aholild Ill . 1. appeinfeJ a niviliber of i I
.. '' it ihA tit., vtolory v,44vP4 'hv that the price of food Ill lClisland to I I (1,011ftell. d ba U16119111; unfavorablo Dlot whould be largo., enourth P,o that t 'her poyvpj�e, r1t,f,t)rdl1J- to tike,Toarzkai.,
. 4 00 rxieorl L Atill lower thiln In Frouics. Italy and .4 "Ul a considerable rlaftntitY of Arain, ,,f !1 �) .
TO*RPT AVAT. An mlyfaf,iftelt. What InT4- I 00 I f'ottrt' witcheraft, an(I yet a Ill';, 11")At,11, J11q PvLn! ,,
I awtd:eri, slid ftys it W itot mvich high- , JvLORF.Noe NIGHTINOALt f S HOMIt. ,.Q!.% hundr,id new-Itild PROA wltb to bellor lit I known purlly, 1,11.1v be prolurell for � , "*
I ) I �n.f (Ilitiu, ,;tanilard vrore bandol In nt' farillt%r by no nieo,nq an Ignorant man 911('- Mlv,talil r,ori." that flIN
!, � (*, talr# 0j, 0,wl -01*0 . , __ mabsetitiont crolm Thi vpi�ratA of ! 11% 1�01'11V,l ,I,,, a
a Norfolk xw, 1111 � 11,
�11' tr-tbati, ti the r1nited StAtO4. - beautiful Old Country building ncar RanisPy',, I�Mliftnd, if,, of uniquo TottlwrtA Ilirh.h ('1111rell, INTcrfolk". I I �..Iood up the otlier dv lit rck4�! lit flip t-arq,, tof 0io plist a�_& thi,r. f�4, Wt4nH11111110 4,M4.1,11, 11.
I I PRAMCAT, 51IRVrly. Tko TAbor (lagette e4tIM9tel thfit It'410 mco 14i (tgp llo.spital. court rind Informed thn boneh that. -.1'0.11P!';-1 all(I v,tro' (Inod part% ,nertI, '�il(',Nf'? t' aif for Turlts-y, whilo tho)
� I .
, 11CIRK, IniNlading food, ghtinp,ale (.,elebratt4l , gm a 1,
11 into -rest, In view of the Centenary tff J�Ilore 'Ift for 1;I11,,,,8 roll . 0
.", I TrM4,e.— ,Tbe valas of Inithttire In Lbe twit of 071 I A Iamb, with two . lall% f4mr ttar.,%i :�(Imponn h-ul bc,mitchM his oows. Ire af .4
r1c,thlaff, U04, ligtt *R1 Mia It noV I I May 12, To thift htxrale figure of The- Crlm(an N�sr belong -k the hortor , 1, 6�wentbl tn noNl faVm'n,r,,---l%. It' .� " Aiji.all:4. (lovernult'llf Ilaq 0"tainpA
, , � Ch,rivd,mi wm*. 'on. ono head, lins oured the evil sp#ll by thrU.M.Ing V, l' a n.andsile frota. the penple.
I , . 141 IW 90t. Q7W t1w Wftft tb's -Wt.r. 01 raim'sl nursing from dradgery,t 0 the rank of a prof*mA antl eight 10�n, Init only ('11 Vowan, 4�i lot,
I I t. 0"*`#dftlr orto1w
, _ 1, I ,
. I .. �. . 1. I 0�1 . . I 11,; � 1, , I I , .
I � ;� .. gi"Ji I . I . I
� I .1 . I " . � .,^ ,� �� , I .� , I � . � .
I ,
I � I , ,, � " � '" 11 . i Aikl&]"Wilrl.i�W4� I i%,' - I I � . �
I &LN!�-U�,.�, . I � I . . �. . :
i�1,1l� a __ 11 IL 11 � �, ., � ,�_,, " , , li,i��,_�� � A" i � - '. : L --.ft, '. 1 ��_ _k"Ayaffi,:.".�� - ""
. - - 1� �,,� I - .
�,L - __ � " & �t 669.1� ______L_4N& - - ___ . ., - �L � I_ P_ & -.L--- /__ __ � I&-Ak, - Ab, I — .,.L
4 I
''/1 , .1. �J
`�_ A
The Recorder, of Doncaster, Sit been born on Lee Hall F arm, Rug- Were w;ed only for mak,lng witch",*
ointment. The unhaPpr, bird
1"704tA f, a"$"$,
AO*Nvh ws"te% 00##
Francis Newbolt, X. C., has resigned, eleY, Staffe. Both the lamb and the Was
Claiming a 10a. advance, the Post mother have. however, since died. haled before the Justice, lanil one of
Office workers have, It to stated, been During the four da,.vo of the H'aster h d roof of gwit.'
Dudkey H01MOS ;
offered 5%. holiday the "Underground" systems thi U-20 Of Such OvidencO the rooSt.
.Mr. Thowas HedgeocIr, 07, has been ,01 tralue, omnibuses, Mild tramways In er'i' Ca" .e was hopeless. Ile wa% con'.
amt^Wrot. 40tJOWT0% Cm i
member of tile Rochester London carried nearly 14 14 mIllioni victed, and lie and his nilraculow eggs
QW0" 047W 11"06 ww4haft i
,;n . .of paeaerigers, Ma against 121 1-� mll� nolemnly burut at the .,ta,Uo in tile
. trial
'Aaw n6'y' ,1,1ld4lesGx county surveyor lion$ In 1919, ' tbwn square.
.-CI,800 , Lional St A anir and sIx Young 0gs were ac-
,t year) le W;r, A. Dry- Lidut.-Conimander auley
�. . I
0 VgMtoll(f i
Surroy( surveyor. , ormaby-Johritson, Vxq.,U�, V_N., ,,P.�.l cuserl of witichcraft towarda a 0014.
ltrae.at 2ra-th, a colliart 00,111tsmall, III Carl, Xilltary liodpital as tll(-,-=, and were brought, prDtPstln4- loi��I�,
0 the hullLlng before the llbeak," Am.'d great rmri-
.Own shaft of the Hattiefu suit or an uceldent In
A&VAW 0 W" " Z~ ft4"� i
Doncaster, a depth of 850 tla'"I, Aged .12, he wao the younger sation the sow was touna gulttv and
and wag R.3led. (ion or Major and Xrs. F. ,u. Urrusby- publIely executed,' but the ls6rlckr.�
At the funeral or Ulso Z, Bunker, a Johnson, of Weymouth. were acquitted oil the ground nf ,,%-
I �.
� ,iehool
A' letter whica NV4;% posted In Ituasis, trOulo youth. Aq late as 1740 a vow
t4p cars at Acton, I
for 10 Y lldcv;l"
Arthur I Irwin
�1, ,( .kr he,, papl,e Ill July, !914, addressed to tile %,,,Ito or wan v.oc.usoa of posr-epsing a
�V., se,,,,�ral g ,, -
.ner.%tijua (
.. tl,*,, Vicar of Wfler,11411 Staffs, has .aid after a long licm*.,Ing was Xfound
0.0.6., L.D.S.
wore present. Wo envelope, guilty, and Condemned to death, "Rav,a
MISS Edle Von.). the music hall ar- Just been doLlvered.
Dootor of pant6l k;urgery of tht Peha-
. which bore the stamp of t1le'German and mice and such Liliall dcwx" hwire
tir-.t, has died -in 1,01111,)11- She Was One 4) 1 -,i It -ptinua ftni bmd AlGo been summoned (in numerous oeea-
sylvania Collego an4 Licentiate OrDon-
t4l Sargery ,,f Ontarlo,
prpjGoL 2. uttermost, Par � � �t, .. . I J I
I hall exbused, by SPEFED R11NIGZ OF SEA AND AIR AT MIAM11 FIORIDA.. of the best occentija comealonnoa oil . e Dos 4, n U
tioah-Saul, with h,s SIX hundred man aggravated rattler t s&7,na Of having been In France. ' sions, Wt aliumt !nvarlably falled to 01044 OW -1-1, W d I 4QY fter 00 -
. , Lbe varkety stage. t1lb Office In Mpodgrald 13locic.
I ' the high position of the offeilder � a t r, ,rbe op,timated expendituro of put In ,in appearance at court.
Anti Samuel and AblAh,,the priest, VaR ,A rarnzrkabla photo of 4 motor boat a lrp)2n* mice taking plact ver the i,t.-coi- ,I. 14% county In tile fliteenth century the peas- — Z, . .---. .-. - -_ ,
I if. Jonathan's Victory, Johathart: DrI.g. ad e-�Jargduu, , of Somerset this year exceeds
'Filtranched on one or, the many hills carne courre at Wanil, Ft%. Tile boat Is thd,Gar Jan., owned by Car 1<01til, who Served through thrre cam, for the first tinin Ono T"I'lion �Paunds, aht�, of a yiila.trz In the South OZ
or the oxtreme Dortherxt part of Gj_ now appears for the first t'.mo In the Wood, of, Now York, shown win nino �ho twenty -mile race for express t Cal service, tile totL being XI.029,129- GOTOrn- France took legal proceedings tagainst WVV 't 11. klawh1hy �
hidtory. lie appears to be a man of cruisers and Gatting a new world record for Its type, The sel I pa.gris lit the Ind,an Aledi
boah, ,Nallgran-Tho ,name MemuK Pre* ano has died at South r.ea, aged so, went grants durluc, tile same. per!0:. a plague of locust-, Which trespassn�t $1.40, moo.. C.M.,
v,.p%o. six lilmdrad man-Ris arrif physical courage' and humble plety. Is tile Aero Limited, No. 4, winn Ing' Its race for E. B. jhomae�' tri. Bishop Bury, Bishop at NOIrtit u1nd I are estimated to exceed limit a millIon. spolgAl qttontlon paid to 4130A*" *
that be had, had wastredliced to t1116 *'Lot as go over to tlie*P41liatirles." plane. Both plane and motor a on their fields and devourod their
small company. 3. Allia.li-A great ,,It may be that tile Lord Will -work for erty motgrs. boat are equipped with 400 h. p. LI I b. Central Rarope, has been ir(luct a to A message in r,,. sealed bottle, cast eropS. As the case -,vas still boing of Wamoxk cad Obildren, baying k
fx,raudson o a us:." So far as can be gathered from. - - the living or St. Anne Ana St. Miles, ovc.rboard by Mr. R� T. Cbapmall, of fought nearly half a century )atpr. tAuA p"iXmduato woft In ex1r. 11
* the record, 40,111 had remained Inue- — -_-_-1-__ _ " _. .' '_'.' _. . _., ___ Gresham stieet, London, rt. 0, l3caintree, Essex, off the Coast of tile modern' cartIciler can Sympathize xwy, SWertology, and W-44tillo I
I riest. wear;n an ephod-The-ephoa tive after theWiterview with Samuel. )Un- $cotiana -oil November 27, 1919, was with the 'Unlucky plaintiffs, but . would ?Aodiotste. I
,,ecinsisted of two parts, of, which one - - � - - � - - - 0.0 0.6 _4�."_,O+ � ------ � - Although it was mostly Open C� � �
. . coverird th her the All unbelped-for deliverance 'was at- � __ - 4_*++�� . 0.41#+ try 30 years ago, NV:Ilesdon is now As- washed ashore at Stavanger, Norway probably prefer the more imh; date ap. OtOw ix tho Karr roul4am"'.4. V". '
�o baolr, all dthe oth footed sby Ood's blessing upon Jon- ad at p,f,()00,0oU for houses and Mild has Just beeli rarely delivered to
, * sewo 01) of lime of mustard, twtft tbo Quesn's Hotel *.Std 1,_4 1
. front, that is, tile greast and upper athan's courageous, it ,,jomewhat ir- " the addressee, Captain Veraon, of St. r'llcilt, I
part of the body," ItA was Nvorn. by the of loss than Z.,,,000 for agricultural land. Another action Was brought against Dartlu murch OW02L
regular, attack upon the garrison lip, John Bovey, of ,Niagara, Tolid Albans, �1,warailng in the A)l t��avtgx VIV02 &�i4i A# -
11. t%le Philistines. Encouraged by the A co-operative soneme for dealing 4 Peat Of leecllcs
� lalgh priest of lera., Cupid Triumphs Bovoy & Co., shipbuildGni, has died at ponft and sLreams of � 710016T",cOlm- Flm,* 54. 11. 06 Z§Z 11111
� �r,.11, Two brave men difluely direct- ft-orable omen which they had. es- with the refuge c;! 1,011don is to be try illstrict In France. The judge is- _ I I
!.�ed (vs, 4-12). 4. between the pas- tablished as governing their action, . Cardiff, a, -QC 83. He was ItloYd's Considered by a specially mppoluted, , �
, F pin agent for over so yea.",a and their Old- Wed a aceree c,-ain,vt the lek,hes tres-
-g,F r�om ther drf cription * of the they were assured "that the Lord had Committee. I , . T1h -t. C. 11%ledmond
I IsagL I Veer eat I-epresentative. River Ripple, pmming farther on tho dlsput�4 ter- J.Fr. Rob
"'Place it is ovl,I,o)it there was a vallsy delfvered the enemy Into tile ban6 of 49 Diving 20 ft. into the . i a, but history is; Went Ms to M.R.0,3, Rq,-,420 t
I . tead;ng,down to till, main valley from Israel,, (v. 10). The victory, viewed . I OU th%.l i -urk Formerly a clergyman, Jau'013 7OX, at 11-reston, William .tjawson, I 0 r1torle. 40 LILO.P. (Uad.) I
whafe Saul was encamitied, and ont, with amazement by the Watchman of . of 'Alcooley, Birmingham, waa at Wi- tried to rescue Walter Rice, 7, but whothor the Injunction Was ObOYOd
- - - - - - - - � - I - � - - - - � n fined 10s. for being drunk mild failed owing to Rice's struggling. or Ignored, with resultant Da"11411111c"I MKYWOIAN AND SUROEM,w
leading up on the other aide to where Saul's camp, was a rallying signal for . 0 0. 0, 0 a i a � _#_#_#_*_6_#_*_�1 -6 I _4�0*-o'.0 0 0 6:0-0,� ga ' I
the Plill,st-ines were. Between these. the disheartened hosts of Israel to . incapable and lying on the toctPatU A new agreement b(,Vieen Orims- for Contempt, of court. (Dr. C1htzh4m'z old dt=4),
at No unpre4udiced observer Can help came. The young Armenian whose with his art ficial leg off, by fishermen and trawler owner$ as- Animals have.even been adnilted-as --------' . -----7- -
,at the valley, were tile steep rocks or - join In the pursuit.. It .was the fir thinking ii;w and then that Cupid wedding day had been interrupt6d by After 44 yop.rs, service, Mr. W- J� tablighes the prInetV*,Q of British witnesses In the courts. It used to be - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' -
hills mentioned, called Bozez Shining, war of Saul's .camp, was a rallying . . I I
and Seneh, thorn. 5. ove.- against signal for the disheartened hosts �Qf "'Ust have been to -some high-priced the Turks returned from fighting LucMs, the well-known ,naturalist and fisherman only for British Ships. considered no oflenco to kill _n burgar
1,11cama3li—one crag wm:etG the north Israel to join In tho' pursuit. It Wag oculist and had his.eyes cured, and and besought Near East relief Workers author, has retired from the post ot The death has - occurred of Miss trying to break Into a house. TheVe
. " N. R. L SIEWAR.
. in front of Gibeah. Mtolimash and the first war of Saul's completed even taken to wearing an monoplo, so ,it Aleppo to help him find the 9-0 senior aGslatant master at Tiffin BUYS' Jane Redknap, used 07, who was for arose the difficulty that Ofie 111RU ltv- .
,G:beah were on ,opposite, sides Of a kingship and was prosecuted success- that now he Can tell a "$" from the who had been torn from him. It Was School, XlngS�on-un-Thanle& §6 years a. beneficiary of the Royal Ing alone might ask another to his I �
- sity of Toronto.
, N P acuity I : l2contlato of the I
# "S" that stands for zentiment as Well a long search, for thousa - -or hicurabliS, housei,and then murder him, pretend Graduate
valley that ended nearly ems. and fully "against all his enemies on nds of Ar- Somp of tile materials used In mak Hospital and Home f .fO,M=
. miles north of every side." The spiritual application as tile next one can. Romance, grown nienian, women Iftud girls had been ing a drinking fountain, which has London. . ' ing- that he Was a -robber, To get Ontari.-) College of PMrslpians ' and �
west about = of the history suggests th . at every ,Sophisticated, reads the divorce pro- forced Into Turkish harbms, but 110 been erected at Great 11011ana7, -,Q, ssex, . Two girls and a boy havO been born over this it Nv:t s decided tI% at any dom- Surgeons, .
. �, Jerusalem, The fa,10 statel.4a verses I
In i� parenthetical to Christian should be a soldier acting cetdings and breach of promises n, sea, prodded the others to their task day as the village ivar memorial, have to Mrs. Ifurley, wife of an agricul- eStle allillial, such as a cat or a -dog, I OrnCo 8N1rRAt=,
I g-55 are thrown under direct or secondary divine dl- having given up all hope of figuring and night and,gava theill no rest. bees In tllc- parish for several hundred turist residing .at .,841yelly, near present at the time might bear wit- H.OF -
I give details as to the ,conditions under rection; and that is the imperative more Closely in the public prints. Per- A CLU1,3 AT LAST. years' . . Queenston. ,Shi�l lias received tile lies�g. If the animal on being questIO11- ZUR13RIGGIS PHOTO STUDIO,
� I which the assault about to be describ- , duty of the great army to be constant, haps ft Is because there are So many * King's bounty. � I ad radstea the court that his master
I ed was made, 6, these uncircumcised, 4 wilole camp modern conveniences nowadays that At last came & clue, which being in- A new rallivay, connecting South it is hoped to'� open the LmP0rI8A had ,acted In good faith the killing was OSEPHINE ST. PHONE 29
-Circumcis:on Was a rito by which ly aggressive agai,ist th. � vo,,tigated proved to. be the right one, Yorkshire areas at Doncast:er with War . Museum ,of which the Prince Of There are not j- I
ot evil. . - people naturally expect convenient i held to be jilstifled.
. The girl was there in that very city, Workshop, and affbrdli)g development N P many instences of acquittal. - - _ ___�______._
� the Israelites were set apart as God's ill. Saul's rash-liess. Saul's Whole love, and marriage also, comfortablo Vales vill be resident, in its tem- �
peuliar people' The Philistines were Aleppo, but as far removed from her to One of the x,'chest ilaineral and ag- porary home at the Crystal Palace I .. qo�o_ .- I -
conduct In conncetion with the les- steam-beatedi elevator affairs of the ' gland, hat I
desl*nated 6; uncircurnelsed, Since. son allows a man acting from jinpulse lover, nv,,;1. pcoplo would have thought, r1cultupQ d'stricts in FM , early In June. . _916000i@$000#0 I
, I 4 I HT";
I il. * heart, near the subway and "L." been opened 1 ",250 Old It6ribridgialis and I �, I fil. ,�� " 41 0,
i , f.11W were not the Lord's people.By and passion rather thin principle, But now here comes along the true as If She had been half a world gway. Nearly . A X I'. I
., "
I il ie tos expressed their, Such a collr�e must end in mischief case Of two lovers, appearing to con- For she had beoa ioredd to marry a Percy Whi'lock, tbe boy organist of 21 masters served in the war, and Ca�e of Small � I U 0 HE T
. abhorrence of the Philistium :t way proportioned to the responsibiliti"and tradict all the above philosophy, seem- Turk, and now had two little, Turkish Rochester, bas been elected lKent 39$ old boys and thre3 masters lost I 1. -,
� children. Scholar, Royal College of Music. Be- their lives. The honors awarded to
� be that the Lord wIll work for us- influence of the individual. Had tne Ing to argue that there,is still in the ,,Do you still wtsh to marry her?,, toro him last, were long enough to old boyis number 581J, � , I i 11GHT T HE 'RED
This expression did not Imply a doubt; . crgportunity been rightly used, 010 world love entirely forgetful of self, Plots of Cereals � I
. - it siqnlf�ed simply that the object he i p�wer of the Philistines might have impatient of all barriers, triumphant the young Armenian was asked. reach the pedals he was deputising at Viscount Borodale, the 15 -year-old . I
I I aimed at was not fr. his owa strength been entirely subdued. 'The victory over all difficulties. Does it or does it "Of course," lie said instantly. "Why Rochester 0.1thedral. son of Earl Beatty, was made a cadet (Experimental Farm's Note). I -
. . .mor his own merlt-J.. V. & D. to gave which Was the fruit of Jonathan's' not prove that love, the real tiling, is not*7 She is tile ,worian I love, Wh6t - Woolwich Nursery for Children of captain at the presentation of prizes,
by many or by few -The expression faith and courage could not be follow- as deep and as aetermined a -ad as has happened is not her fault or,mine. '4�iunitlon Workers, opened in 1917, has at the Royal Naval College, Osborne, -
. *-+-"+-"**-#-+ "-"- Bonar Law States Great
,-'wt. before this Indicates that Jorm- ad up because' of"SauI's rashiv enfore- patient In the twentieth contury' as in Why should I ,not inarry her?" been prouented by Lady Henry as a by Admiral Sir U4Vmrd Bradford. A grem,t de'al has, Leon said about I .
. I Accompanied by English authorities jr.eluorlal to her con, who fell in the Air. Edward Hustles, who served in Britain's Position.
. . than believed In God's ability. to give ed vow. The opportunity, lost, was the year on(%. and in real life as it Was I Chil- the Butts in tile Crimean War, the the purity of seed and the use of good #
atecess and that his power might be not regained during his- lifetime. There in tha� old romance? Anyway, here is and by the m6pilted police Near East ,war, to the 1. 0. C. for use as a I
exercised on this 0 arem and dreWo Roap'tal for minor operations. 'Indian Mutiny, and the China War . 11ow may thi-s be produced and -
I occaslon. �Ha ex. *as "war against the Philistines' all tile Story for What lb to Worth: 1. . relief workers Went to the h, . Geed.
1. pressed his faith clearly. He had a big days, W. H� 0, . . On and on droned the preacher's ,old the Armenian gIrI,who was now The Newrpaper World states tbat of 1980, has died, at an advanced age, Trade the Thing to End
. Lonviction that God Would give tile � I - . � voice, in the commoriplice, words that a Turkiiih wife, that they had come to more than 100 newspapers and other at Moy, County, Tyrone, lle -vvas to- kept pure? The Experimental FarmG
I victory that moved him to go forward . TWO� UW_ Ut USES. ' have �Itept tile world turning around release her from captivity, =4 that periodical rmblications have increased tally blind for the last I , 0 years of Ills ' dIstr-.*bUte arnall samplca of good seed z [ - Bolshevisrp,. I
. llf 1. . but, the grain arower is the man who
. I tmsting In him. 7. 1 am With tbea- . . I sa, lonr. . her lover awaited her. At first she their price this year, 18 more having At his own desire, tile late Regi- inuat maintain its purity. Tlie Gain- __.;! . , .
I 0onxthan's armor -bearer bad confl- ,01)o y-oiu. take this woulall . - - could think only of freedom and of done so during the present week. This mental Sergt,-Malor C. Cobbett, for . Experimental Farms dis- Lolidon, M*RY ..'. - T'ie Goveraillent
� . d4nes ;n'bls master and also In God, The Mto and the Gocoartut - or for worse . - - . t� her lover. Her one idea wao, to escape bring,3 the t7tal for the'preeent year 30 years in the Queen's West Surrey pies that the r
. Ile did not Absitafe to go with hilli, 1. r, better ,, before her Turkish husband returned, to 104, 1 Mcle�t to seed 1-20 of was forced to -ay into a lengthy
. P911M. have and to hold - . p Regiment, was interred ai Guildford t1lbutO are Gui '
1. �, I nor would he turn him from his puf- '. . I . iz Was 3ust the saine old wedding But at the gate she stopped. The death has occurped at big real- in big old scarlet tunic and with full art acre. it ia the care of this plot statement Ll the IIOur,a of Commons,
� � I I I . "I can't*" she said, "I can't go. I donee, Caor Rhun, Tal -y Cara, Canar- 0 --a
. . p0ae. We take so much for granted In our ,service, r - sp k .orld, vonshlre, of Mijor-General. Hugh SateJ in ding and the situsequent plot,i that I wish which to it 1' nature of -M defence ro�
8. we will discover ourselves unto .41thoagh Alle words 0 en, Allitary bonorsior G to emphasize. .
were Amerloap-with M'strolls Tolvas love him f ar more than all the 1v clergyman -6 years, Inclu . gardtag its Polish �-ttltudc. 11his came
daily lives that we rob our ft� &Iiia- They Gough, C. B., C..-%I.G,, at the as 50 -Years
, ,a, but I can't leave lily Children. a of 7Z
. I tbeni-.They would go to the garrison tion of many Interesting jo�rheyis. accent. Barring tile fact that the are so little, you see. I cannot liate His second Christian name commem- rector of Severn Stoke for The wed chould be aown In a plot after Sir Donald Bic Can had criti-
40f the PhIllstines and would make There Is no place that offers such bride and Wi4egroolil were Armenians and all honorary canon ot Worcester
. . them for bellig partly Turks, for I crated the first of,the two campaigns 1, the Rav� 11� about 3.3 fLet bY 66 feet in atrucasion clsed the actloil In, Se'. ---11119 wrtr wa.
I thOmeelves know -ii to them, of the auditsuce. Americans, Cathedral for 35 yearE� .
I D- It they an geographical ro- and plost " ducted by his W. Coventry, grandson
I thus unto us -Jonathan had no abundance of bo'llothJug at OL11 1111- aui their mother. I must stay." a'ainst tile Silch of the seventh on -tqe most productive Piece of land terials to PolZr-'2, all * had pleadea�
'my manw-as the realm of food. Little there seemed to old that she might bring ,;,,d-,,i,l,, Fields Con Nfiscount E arl Or Covcatry, has died aged 90,
. - bt prayed beforehand for guidance, &r6,mony at. first She wa% t -Marshal ksuitable for gralu) ,oil the farm. 'I"he that the Loa_pu(. of Na "
� dou ii ow do we realizo whan the date or the usual 'about tile the children With he-- It she wished. Gough, which added the Punjab to brl- Ai the village of Cliffs ilypard near - ' tit us be brouglit
.. I and fig Proposed a test by wthich. tile 111illions of mar- � bed *snould lv� at�j ricarty perf
It would be clearly Indicated what cocoanut appears upon our table that glance. yet Of 0,11 I Vellod In the Turkish fashion and with Ush ludla. Swindon; a Union Jack used b� Ad- see't P" into exlEterice at olicn.
I . they have come from climes -we proba, , r1ages since tile world began there gad tile two babies she appeared before the Ware Prory, Ilerts, has been given mirml Daynton, one of Lord Nelson's as tAG IU0Gt approved ille - Lq,rhdyRO1;)ert Cez.-u ii,d also deniftud-
. Course he altould, pursue In tile matter. sual one than me Of Nations had
I , 10, the Lord hath delivered them bly Will �never see, that their very never been a loss U . lover, Within a few steps of him her to the pilbhc by Mrs, R. it. Crott, the officers at the Battle of Trafalgar, LIVaLlull In tuf, a,Gtr,,ct will permit. ad IV the Leap,
I . � . ' 310' -411 called !'I to vert the ne
. �Ilto our. 'h'and-This statement shows presence means they have passed this. THE HAREM. courage failed. mother of General Page Craft. Was u,sed at the official ceremony of -:,ewiitg ut tnis PsuL siloula be done , 't . -a W.
1110W implicitly Jonathan depended through the hands of niany strange . , TIIE MARX Or' "Take me away," she urged tile The death has occurred at Fleet, tlio unveiling at a memorial tablet to as eariy. in tile �.prilig w it poo,givie, ,Russo-Polj-�h war,
I upon the -Lord's direction and aid. a peoples and that the'.r transportation The two W1110, Stood thcro With Near East relief Workers. "I OM111 liants, of the Rev. Axthur h. Much, those who fell In the War. witlial. reasull. '.tile seed. arul inu,st Andrew Bonar Law-, oil behalf of
. , .London Labor Party, ill a letter to Va tuorougwy clLan and tree trom ill-- GOVerIlment, declared Crremt Brit;
Sign unto U6-0& action will depend -has run a "untlet from the camel's �claspea hanau, being made man and lift up lily veil andlook In. Ills eyes. Who 1%,aj rector of FarilLorough for 0 giaind or uriwr varietlw. In seeding tin had .no d"Ire 0 inake r'ar on
upon -'the words received from the back to the electric tralu, wife, had -not SVell each other before Take me back cr anywhere. Only years, the Premier and others, says: "Labor ' -
� � I Philistines. They will n . q is tired of such bureaueratie bodies -t le as ANoa to leave a Ginall patti! SOV1z". Ruzs;a, Tile Government felt
. , be the un- The coccairat palin 1.9 a very versa- in more thei, four years, of 0 ' tbc take me away!" 'Through lack of public Interest MetrODOlit4li P011c0, Asylums ,tL)0%iL 1.2 to 14 incites hetween eachl -
I � ' 0 a?. I -ITS LOVE UNDIMINIFID. Duninow, 13'wex, has abanct-oned a war as '1110 at tile Soviet Government
. ,conscious bearers of a message from tile tree, for, from ItR b7-PrOduet9, bride's foreh=d Inst. d 4 bar- -,Ajeongly th
. . Goa. 11. the Hebrewg come forth-- ,iuch as the fruit, br4uc4es, trunk end riage veil there were tile tattoo memorial eellemp for a'town hall and Board and Water Board, caid Port of atrip or the drill. This nimy be done '%-fa:! wore likely to 1,r, strengthened
The I'dii'llstliles Understood the weak� sap, It Is possible for the nativeG ,09 mar1r,s tbat ,;hoNlred that She had But tile youna, Armenian stopped aoldlem' club. . London Authority, over whose work by allDwIn,, the wheel of th if I'. wore onabled to continue Ill a
� � 7aess of Israel at that time, mild be. the West Indies, Ceylon and India.to conio from a Mwacul h4pe'll. Two her, ! I witl not The price of the quartorn loaf has neither ratepayers not, electors have rutUra In rqo track made b,.v I "tatc. of war than in mily other way,
. ,li "You shall not go away on the Land a,reauy seeded. tind of govcrililiont which the
. Ile'ved they were hiding In the numor- absolutely Clothe,, house, feed and little children Of the hated Turkls been raleed In London fruia 9 1-2d. real influence." The'l
ciae cav6rns of the 1001lity'. They transport themselves, The ripened I - and the lot you!". lie sald� "In God'S eyes and t 1G. Experte atate that BrIti.sh bm- A memorial tablet of white marble During the growing period all nox- Soviet Professed was contrary to hu.
. . blood r,todd with. tile man in mine you are as you were on that 0 IOUs weeds that will be mail nature, and Could not last, he
could not have known for what Par- fruit is the only product,of this tree woman at the altar. con may become 4a. per lb. . to the late. Lord Lister, with a medal- . detrimental
pose Jonathan and his ar.nor-bearer � that most of us are familiar NVIth. The FoUy years before the bride and the day When our wedding feast was set. The now director of organization lion portrait in,rellef, and bearing an to the crop ahould be removed. The declared,
bad or,me. f6rth. .12, answerd---mThe fresh coboanut r.id Its milk Is a mar- bridegroom, had become- engaged to And I love you as I did then." r. Agricultural Organization 26ocjety, Is Inscription reecTaing the fact that -he path referred. to above ',a use(ul In The. way 1,o go'- rid of It and to
I t�Wo had not addreesed the Philistines. I - So they went, the whole falullyltO Mr. S. P. Karr, and Mr. F. W. Wright .Was a student and nouse surgeon at that It allows ready access to the plot create a reasonablo sit.l.ation In Rus -
I -velous delicacy and one that We can marry each other in the little Armen, . from with a minimum amount of dainagge.
Init their presence called for words delightful ,11,908 for. Ian village 11, ar Aleppo, where they the Noar,East Relief Orphanage, where ,ter of propaganda. University College Ilosp,tal. SIM was to allow the Rus-,lan peop
find so many a, 10 new direc , 1&�
from them. come lip to us—With t1311% ' titer, Their map- an American mlssSionarY, who -spoke Bandma4tat Hobart ueorge 1,1vans 1843 to 1'852, hao been pre�ented by Weeding ahould he done froni thrie to -in t1le first place, to v.,ork Out t Clio
I When We have enjoyed the, contents had grown UP toge h
a Invitation came'the knowledge of tiny Arinoillan badly, lilt Who understood I femor own salvatton, 1'. lw" by the open -
of the sbeil, wvL can uze the shell It- riage -was at hmild. -The last from tile H.U.J.k. is to Succeed Limit.- the Lister ) lal Fund to tile ties- Lima all through the oeason. Valcil
What Jonathan and hie armor -bearer. into the Col. J. Alacken�je-Rogan, AIX.0., as pital. I th�. piuL hcad.i oat "rogueIng" should ing, UP of tirade mu 11 more than by
self as a receptacle ter plants and It otio lit , girl's tile universal language of love, offered . 3
, sboul(I 4do and what theLord would do tell Ld be"n put hi.a. cervices. There they 61tood before VireCLor of Muo!c, Colastream Vuardcj, The Earl of Ath.0110 has forwarded start, Roalleing is the proces of eradl- armament that ,11c Bolshevist Gover �,
� for them. we 'will elieW you a thing is especially pleMsIna wlien used ,as a simple finery, the wadding feast Wa'3 to lang E d- cating the grain plants that are. Ott a
'Lilging basket.. . eighbors bidden flie, altar, tile two little Turkish chil- oil ,tile ;recommendation of L!eUt,. a chequo for P.93,042 15S. Illent could be ut down.
a may ,have be n �11, all prepared and the u Armenian$ C V. CrIppGs It has -ward VIT. llospital, 'Windsor, as part tYDo or Liloae of other varletlea; any-
, —These. wor! I The eocoanut, a4 we more Often find to come. lCissing each oth r the night dran and tile two Young OlOnol the Ilon, thing, in fact, that !a foreign to the Mr. Dollar Law, ro-lerring to; the
� 5n contempt or det-161011. It, Is all prepared for our use, Which 7 before the great day the two wlliq- who had Suffered so at the hands Of been decided to reconstitute the .Royal of the fund raised as & memorial to Plunitions' bar,-aln with Poland. JaFt
. I 511. Victory for Israel (ve. 13.23.) � atly faijiltatesany recipe in which Deredeouch little nothings a-, do lovers the Turks. I Bucks -liussara on their old footing as Windsor men who fell In the war. He plot shouia be removed, The plot r, zz
13. climbed up—Immedlately to the Sre al n for LIM' ge. 7d. to ,should be Carefully r0glied three or Oetobe aid: 111�Vhe sinall. qunnt7ty or
east,Qf the village of Michmash ex- WO need It. It gcn�rally takes -its everywhere that tiley were glad they It looked like a Commonplace wed- Yeomanry. of the 4oyal .Albert fear times before harveet ,aul hiore munitions v,hich we., g�.vo to- mi, Ally
. . ding, but it had an urisual ending, 1hir. W. 11, Peat, Financial Secretar� the oomtnittGe atea as a i , a.,uit of the -war, wa%
"sts a .111tural fortress, still called the place oil top or Stirred into P, delicious ,need Wait no longer, to the Ministry ot 11"bod since lW7, lisp Institute, Windsor, to be, devoted to especIrilly abould the plot be carefully (10
cake, or candies of so many kinds. It Tile .,Ved4W- day came and with anyho%w. Hardly had the t�vo been ibrary. L rOgued It Is to be cut, Intended to ddend thelpselves and
V ,fort of the peaeantry,' It Is a ridge W unusually delightful When combin- 'it the Turks "before thd hour not for pronounced infti� and Wif(l When there realgried! but he will romain cha!rman tile purchase of a reference I N mv.% I Lets at this time differences that )lave niake it loss likely that we Should
- ., .rising In the three rounded knolls -notion outside and in Of tile Agricultural CostliMls Colanlit- The 'United Association of ox- Ot shown before may be more readi- have to Intervene in their behalf Nvltl,A
above a VerpendlouLir crag, ending In ad with fruit and even Some vegctm' the ceremony, The villagers Were was a Coil" I . liltary civil Servants bag is. A
from their homes, tile rushed the Turkish husband, for Ali tee, and M t
a narrow tongue to tho, east with Cliffs ble salads. A bit of cocoanut discov herded away On Ifearing that the ketch Natty, sued a Memorandum "appealing on ly noticed. armed forces. WO Could not make
below.--Couder. An advance guard of ered -in combination with any food girl in 11or y. adding dross. rind tile InAn tile world like an Irate parent On the In W I ex -Naval an Purther ,operation,. should all be eonditions, but at tile pa, -,le thne .,Ve
U who had expected to marry her that trail .of elope hich was his Gon, was ,zeading up behalf of 20,000 d Atill-
the Philistines May have beld this per. gets, a stanip 01 &PPrOval .pon that r- Ile brandished all rockets, 111fet1ken for distrosa signals tary mail cmP110Yed in the Civil Ser- done by haul, where possible, unlosa havo been very !Ar :rom glrlli� tila
�, I it Gition and this crag mast have been food for a huge propnrtion of people. tLe others. The Turks order signed by the Turldsh Govqrn- Captain William Cook, of NeAv,quay vice that they way be allowed on tin- great Care '13 taken to see that all ma- Polish Government any encourage.
day- AWOng chinery Is Yaaltles(31y clean. Tile bill. inent, .n its policy,"
the ,O�a Jonathan and his armor -bear- In the past few years wo have had merely told them briefly that they ment requiring the Immediate return Cornwall, ,d!ed euddenly, The ofgnals at retirement from 010 Civil Service �
4r astanded. they fall before Sona- the cocoanut oils and butters Intro- wera to be deported, and punctuated Of Ills wife. 11 were merely for a pilot, , to add their former Navy or Army der may be uGed for cutting Ifall ad- Mr. Botar Law refer -ed to tk-L,lii.
Us and they are becoming , . - boring &traw and heads have been To-
- , than—Twenty men fall before J0114- ducea to their Sentences with bayonet prIcks. "I Paid 4:9 for her' he thundered. Bronze medals for gallantry In ,say- service for Ponsiolialilo ,purposes," tervivu between Premler Lloy(i Gejpga
, .0 "Give her back Mt once. What's. that? tion is that moved, but preferably cut by ]land.
� than and Ills arraor-4bearer in a space prime favorites. outside the ,villao tile older men Ing life during a fire in the steamt,sr The association's conten and tile Polish Minister here In ,7an.
'N q 0
,equal to .one aide of 9, iiquare contain- The date palm to So very Similar to were masaac�rad beforo the eyes of Havallit I other wives? What of that9 Th -to uary.' Ile said the Prenilep had tat d
Trevanion, or. St. Ivee, In, the Noilth Ave there should be no difference Letween a 0 0 Its should be covered to pre,
14, 15. ,Great fear fell method of ,their ,wouien, and tile. 7OUn9aT ones I have two, but this 1voman also Is lantia imat I)acomber, !lave been tile sallor, Soldier, postallin, w.1rder, vent the ravagea of birds and also that It Was not for Great BrIjain.to
Ing an ,more. tile cocoanut rmlm in Its to keep the grain from getting weath. advise Poland, but the Briti.gii Gov-�
Upon the Phillstilift because of this growth and in- its appearance., that It Were forded !nto the Turkish army. mine! Return her to me!" awardel to James S. Baetlan, Chlef rs)-.clso officer, Or any servant of the erel. It is absolutel caGential that crament rild not wish to give Poland
,successful attack and the terror was 1,.1 not Surprising to note that it to in- Th older ,wornen and the Itttle chil- , The British officials Who haft eolue officer, and Charles Flynn, able sea- Stt.te In gt,.1%Titln9 Pension$ I . I . threshing be <10 IV hand, Th�ia
,arth. dispensable to the natives 'Im, � dren Were murdered also. The youngel! ( to the wadftig ruled that fluders, were Man, I . . I a � a easiest method 8 to 1W.0 a flail; I,e ,at encol.ra�vmoz.t to pursue
increased by the quaking of the L of 1'er- 8 tll(! SlIghtt
1&2,al, Saul was within sight of tile - too, as a baver ill this inatrince, and that the a policy 02 ar,
� Arabia and 9 . orthern A!� lea, � ones were cold Into Moslem harenis to I On the grounds that they are undjer WITORCRAPT. sure that your 'barn floor is perfectly Turning to the qtlesqoil or -,Vlly
eamp of the Philistines and saw wh4t f tl4o vegotatio . of Tu'rVs. I II'D Ha"ington, I tile
useful part 04, 11, IA th'� � become (lie enforced wives order of the Turkish Government was the Marohlone%s of 12 clean. If the atooks are carried to the '
vrag being done there. He caused his a evonshire, large 9hoeta Of'L League of Natlon� hat, not been Cal.
o,miap to r' searched to determine Who date, as well m$ In, the case Of the The girl In the wadding dress was ! % shameful WAStO Of White P Per.' daughter GE the Duke ot 11 Many British Peoplo4till Drmd barn In . tarpaulins, led 1% , Mr. ronar Layl s. -A I(l it was ty,e,
be cocoanut, we are Dr.-Ileged 'tO know gold among the others, btit brougliC. "Then my ,C9111 pleaded the Turk. and the Marchioness of Oraliby, � purity cv!a be more readily Mallita!ncd ,
or fifs men. were mlasing. HIS little 6111yone form uf the (rUlt—thO sweet 'M higher price than any of the Others, ,� ,,It goes to the young couple.yonder daughter -Iii -law of tile Mko of Hilt- BVII Eye. and the threshing made more easy. vlow of the Governmont the Lcvqo�uck
Army Joined In the battle, Mild tholse date—WhiCh Is familiar to 'all 'Of us- nine pounds, or about eleven dollars. , to sot Up hougelceeping with," voted land, were struck off the voters' 1.4t When dealing with large plots. or in! should O'lly take action when ,,,%c,-.
who were hiding In E phrairil. came dat. , 1 tile British officials !.eartlbsslY. . sit Bakowell, J)erbyshlro Wo constantly bear it said that- ec e IIc'W Coal I
I In Its,fifitiVO clinlldg th9 date Is used ' Four years went by. Tile armistice I exceptional cases. the threshing ma -f tIOn wuld be art tly . (
Also to -help their brotbren. as a s),rup in 1114ki-pg palm or (1--te � ___._____.�_._.._____. -:1 Maril Rural Dis- "this Is the tWentlOth century, sup9r. chino may be used, but only when one! ,in* 0113 stlggcst tl.at ,ho Leaguo,. tould
. I . ,.-- ..--. __ ___ ,==-- in tile Romney
IV, Saul% unwise �' domani (vs. wifte, the young 10009 are t,00ked as 11 I L' � trict council elections '.Nfles Richard- gtition and all that sort of thing died Is perfectly "ptain that r,tra�j grains have hiterferid .succesarrIly jr, 1h 11I.Xt-
25-26). Saul was much moved by the .
'Victory' Which was being gained over Palm cabbage, dAtO 60 Is extracted 11. .. .11'..." - . '. 11 .1.1 __ .. - 1, - , , � — __- ... av n retuoved, and theft It is ad. t�,,r of this kind? lie aske . It IV .�
.- � I, . - - _____ ;.., . � %oil, of St. Mary's. wag a 8ftndHRt0 out long ago." Yet there to hardbr R h o bee d mq
4> , '' ,. -, . 1. � ..d'. - I 'de. I A
- � . �
, �. k�`.�:I;i;,��I�w.... ,�%.","il,'!"i 1.* 4-A..":.11 _", '-. ,�;�,� ; 1." .. , , , ;Z ;,. ..
I ", . . % , . . v ..., , . A
0 ,j .. 1: _ I. i� .,., ;� .. I ,, but was r,c. son In the coilatrY Without IIIS IV tl 0 110cl
and the stories many tInl!3 are ground .1 .� � .k ', 4"! % ., ,; I.. ... 1�: ;1.1%, �:� � . . C, 111-1 A .. #4 In four difforont, Darishog r vi,gable to thrash only when tile grain xittefiy impogsiblo thot u Al ,
the Philistines, and rashly decreed a "I'll , � - 1".. - ,
. . . . . "Wt;, ;4', ��,�".. � ."�'! ,'�!1,:`11"7`y1 i 4 . .;� -, ., '51 SP 1,� reated at eaell place. She polled no little belief—fliat misfOrt'allo follows .11 shruld lolt, 4nd tile Wllolo�
ter ante coffee. I- h" - ; t 1% tl.." from the plot !a of a different vlass Conn(
'M�. - �, 1'),� , 1, �e� .� , -, 4, " P, � ,� ng salt
that no man ahould taste todd that .1 �._ .. _�. 11'.,;,"!'.. ��,41�1,,Z! i", . " , .1 _', votes In i,%,o parichea, Ono voteln mn� stepping over a baby, or spillf of �raln froni that which has been thing be handed OVCk to tile League
� qw,�,--..�j.,., �'. � , . , , ','% -,- I, I—.
day, M did noPconsider that his men The date ft0emps in 010 toWections : �T., , ,,- ."4k%W- , � ,_,�. �_"-�.,% . 1. __
-^14 , , od luck,
I , . , , , I
.11 . ...'�'M , . I, -
1 '11 i "I other, and 18 votea in the fourth. or that a blMok cat brings go thTeollod in tile mill previously, tol- of I'lations,
ol, our table and in tbe filling for l "I ;�.A1;-T,1- _e. , N 1 - t _ J
" uould be better fl'tted to pursue thd '177��'A. __'.."..1�. .. �, wij 1. A inemorinl brass han been oree,ted —_
I. aliel cake$ and In many delightful dessert I I . . ,�
I 31%."- -� ,� _ 3 , � '.,. for example, says London, Lllng., An- lo�v wheat by Oats or barlc�*, Oatj by --4.4-16.—
% .�.. - J-;�4_.S,'-' .1. ... .
. pnemy it they should be strongth .� ,:: -;'�: , ,,, :" -� 1, `:-1. ." - ate-chapol tit Etoll�colloge to r.,wer, wheat .or barley; never thresh whc.,.at X282
...: ..-, - -,; - ��-, , In the a: .1. 110,4cof too, the universal prac,
to Lo I . 1.
. ��_�,4i''!�!, I;. � . . aSeliolaratMon, 'PHA KEMAL
L. by taking food, There waa woodland cOmbinatloas, The natural Sugar In J4�, 1, -1 �� the irmory of 116bert, '40alO AI011001 I tice of N%learing Inriscots "for luak.11 after wheat, or oqt-.4 after eats. on I I
, �� 1,
V..: tilft In that country and many wIld tile date .%btinftnt and,no DUrb, 11 ".1; �, t. :'_'� _,,(,y. lgag, and of - ,ed be alwolute. [if USTA
,- , I -
I , and wholesomd In IN fluallty that It , - I . , - ; , � '. " ,0 Thme, however, are tot very per When cleaning the sL �
, i W 't., - William V .014 0
bee#,. Honey was produced In large �_ I , W% . . Q Ilia life long friplid
V11 �Ih, " .1 I " ,,§�� �1, s � 1� , lou3 bellero, being merely personal ly suro that all foreign gralno 'Are re. I .
, V.1" i � I , ", - TJ ,c -(J�wer, also lCIn,,',",s -ft
AthgLn W" Ignorant Of conlynends itself, very strongly to our I I I . I 1 V40 .1 . 1� � A: -, �. '4 1 G.ebliatil evs-'aft I 11 n v
quantitles. Jon I 1.1 I � � f a eeop-rootcd wevei from the fanning 1111111, T Ito
% ,,Y 1- . . . �Io� - --i .. � - �. � I raptaln of ill() fads. SOP0114titi011, 0 14
� his tather'o deer nUed IISO 'Of the friend froin the I -7: �, I I , " � -,,�� ��- .. ,. , -4 %p i .40110IRr 'at R,t0h all� I mild more unpleastUit tYpe is still 001ly- out all the ul0vcs and Moan out Nor- I
.� r-alvay lane. i I.,�� .. " - -� :, .: I— , sphool. 11900'. both of whom lost their ougilly all the &avks and trevices that
. _____4_*_0P_ I *, . raon Ill t1le illare batk%r4iq rural
-_ i � .., 4 Z i .
00011than hlia done And Saul Was de- I , "I . I 'A ; . 1_4*11,1�1 , . live,-, on active service. are
�' boney. Tt wan learnod later what Im I I , ,_� , 0" Ill-ely to rotalln grain of' other U 016 F I E S ENTENTE
I I I , " �-. ..,�, .:1 I , ,�v Nveeks ,
.11 ., I ... r. 1. 1�kpllftnd. a well-known
11 have him Alain 111,11ecOM- %,X PGOD COST !_ I i ,\I L I are,
. al only & ft
,, however.
termlii6i to 13RITI, � 4P , --1 tain the machinery 1. I 41
"... �, ago an old danle In tile rnell County C-11111PIOA- Be cc%T �
� % antLs with his decrae, but the,000010 London cable. The toot of tood I +111. 11*' I 1. ��v 11 (lbeahlre official, awl borough tve,`114- conta!nerl titer tly
.. Al , �. I , . was boycotted by tho. whole coulitrY- ft"a gr4lu .
I . I I 0 .1
, " .�.11 , �, 0, '%ton fOr 20 Years, llft$ I = In Pari�;, May " — Nup'tapila. Iter"ar,
lnterfi�rpd ana l0wed SonatbAfl, up to �41ay 1, had arisen to 149 par X, � . "I 1.1 urAr of 'ZO1191, ago she had the reputation clean. fte grain should be
.." A - ,: I ,,, � I I 11 . c -A vide becal
.. Qutatiolfts.—What WAS the �,ondlt!on cent. sZove the pre-war level. and I . .1. .1.1"?.1.1 I , �� I.. . Mro, (1hrruthorn. of Taptrm. Cbmtor- of bollig 4 witch Mild of throwing, .clean bag% in a place free from the the. Turldsh Nationalist leader, bag
elfteq 1. I . 1 11 , �- . ,�. I I �,ej of ir.'re, et(!. addremied -N -lot,3 to tho POR(i.0- (oonfer.
0 tbo TArso . in their r41,11ation t6 tile!,, Is r. proopect of Its going still .�4 .. "..*.4.'-- " , �,;,�_..�,� ritock and eftv,%
� .
'. hiSh � , . s �. � , �.. .N ..,�.' ,, '44, . , .:' � I .". � arkh, ,,Tells over people'a elilldren,
". Wherd a I o. ., , � %� A - � , -.1. 4'. ;, , '. I I .1 . * � . f!elil, fornierly N,11s,1 IvIlolet NT, alli, I. t,
_1 the phill'ititle* at this firile? r eay4 Charles A. McCurdey, : . , I I .t " .:,.,.�.�,-%;�..O.-.'�."; 4 , _ . . - . ". - her Or All grain grovipra Am advised
;1 were the two armlos? Wbot did U1141- , � . -,. , ..,,%,i, -T'. 1". "', � 1: V 1. � "', - . . 11 the first woman J.P. In Dorbyahlre. crops. No one would go near to 01cV, deQlarlug thtXt hii-I Govornilient
I - 11 '-,. -0 "L' ,.* . , a
I -beeirfir tbt Minister of rood, !n Ila offitial stato , , .11 #-1 I ,,gir flan,ar C,r,c ,cd, nd She maintain m, ccoa plot. Tho method ort" Will not rorogill?t� oll,-ag,11�1ellis ,�Titer.
I - - kt I I I � , �. .. I . "� eenwp e ,av
. tho ncw I t Ilpr 1, o food or clothing, ;,�
0 4 �, , . ". , � . . , ft RIVV.�Or
+1 an ment, INAed to-nl'tht. , . . I Id AM
kl�� " lalri�l f^ ble, tLTV1101' itl(l JAn'ti. .4 1, .. " ,:�. 0�-;", ..": '. '. 11 4 , I 1. Wv; been starved to death. title OVO 111ftY lie U43ed Oil - f -d into betw , .
P . . , . I '. . . eel' thO Cow,tailtinoplo
'Am. shol do? What tfAt - , I , . � I (AhlrLf See'retary for Ircland ililtirly -
� � I � . 301lerP I - or,
& Mr. MW,urdoy, however, points out � * " " - 0,,t% ., " I ,0 , � 4, 1 he PrIvY The cold, legal fttn)O� , Of the beale for a rogular fsoed Dlot, ThIs Government and tile <h-.-cranients
1� 0- +*++4-++
1 1 1 i
�, An tretko to jegrn� what bo Aholild Ill . 1. appeinfeJ a niviliber of i I
.. '' it ihA tit., vtolory v,44vP4 'hv that the price of food Ill lClisland to I I (1,011ftell. d ba U16119111; unfavorablo Dlot whould be largo., enourth P,o that t 'her poyvpj�e, r1t,f,t)rdl1J- to tike,Toarzkai.,
. 4 00 rxieorl L Atill lower thiln In Frouics. Italy and .4 "Ul a considerable rlaftntitY of Arain, ,,f !1 �) .
TO*RPT AVAT. An mlyfaf,iftelt. What InT4- I 00 I f'ottrt' witcheraft, an(I yet a Ill';, 11")At,11, J11q PvLn! ,,
I awtd:eri, slid ftys it W itot mvich high- , JvLORF.Noe NIGHTINOALt f S HOMIt. ,.Q!.% hundr,id new-Itild PROA wltb to bellor lit I known purlly, 1,11.1v be prolurell for � , "*
I ) I �n.f (Ilitiu, ,;tanilard vrore bandol In nt' farillt%r by no nieo,nq an Ignorant man 911('- Mlv,talil r,ori." that flIN
!, � (*, talr# 0j, 0,wl -01*0 . , __ mabsetitiont crolm Thi vpi�ratA of ! 11% 1�01'11V,l ,I,,, a
a Norfolk xw, 1111 � 11,
�11' tr-tbati, ti the r1nited StAtO4. - beautiful Old Country building ncar RanisPy',, I�Mliftnd, if,, of uniquo TottlwrtA Ilirh.h ('1111rell, INTcrfolk". I I �..Iood up the otlier dv lit rck4�! lit flip t-arq,, tof 0io plist a�_& thi,r. f�4, Wt4nH11111110 4,M4.1,11, 11.
I I PRAMCAT, 51IRVrly. Tko TAbor (lagette e4tIM9tel thfit It'410 mco 14i (tgp llo.spital. court rind Informed thn boneh that. -.1'0.11P!';-1 all(I v,tro' (Inod part% ,nertI, '�il(',Nf'? t' aif for Turlts-y, whilo tho)
� I .
, 11CIRK, IniNlading food, ghtinp,ale (.,elebratt4l , gm a 1,
11 into -rest, In view of the Centenary tff J�Ilore 'Ift for 1;I11,,,,8 roll . 0
.", I TrM4,e.— ,Tbe valas of Inithttire In Lbe twit of 071 I A Iamb, with two . lall% f4mr ttar.,%i :�(Imponn h-ul bc,mitchM his oows. Ire af .4
r1c,thlaff, U04, ligtt *R1 Mia It noV I I May 12, To thift htxrale figure of The- Crlm(an N�sr belong -k the hortor , 1, 6�wentbl tn noNl faVm'n,r,,---l%. It' .� " Aiji.all:4. (lovernult'llf Ilaq 0"tainpA
, , � Ch,rivd,mi wm*. 'on. ono head, lins oured the evil sp#ll by thrU.M.Ing V, l' a n.andsile frota. the penple.
I , . 141 IW 90t. Q7W t1w Wftft tb's -Wt.r. 01 raim'sl nursing from dradgery,t 0 the rank of a prof*mA antl eight 10�n, Init only ('11 Vowan, 4�i lot,
I I t. 0"*`#dftlr orto1w
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. I .. �. . 1. I 0�1 . . I 11,; � 1, , I I , .
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