HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1920-05-27, Page 1I
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Single Copies - Two Cent � . � WINQUAM, ONT.; TtIURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1920 Subscriptions: $1.50 per year
, � 1.1 I I'l --.-. 111111,11'''mil" 111111:1'1� 11,1111'' 111''11,1111y'' itl� 111#
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COMING � ""Le"Ona's '
i I There passed away in -Turnberry, on L%~-�N-11'f--~-O--4-��
FRIDAY9 M AV 28th Tuesd , May 25th. Anna Gra, Mrs. L Kennedy is visiting in Toronto.
, ay , , y, beloved I
wife of Mr. Thomas Jenkins in her 80th. Mrs. Thos. Drummond is visiting ia
, I
year. The old lady was very highly rcs- Toronto. . G
Eye Specialist pected and was in poor health for some .Mr. A. K. Copeland, motored to Tor- IN
, I I time, Interment will take place in Blue- onto over. the holiday. I I
� 1Z. Flo Horlltitll, PhIll B. vale cemeteo on Thursday afternoon.. Mr. Arthur No4man of Hamilton, c
I Rev. Mr. Armstrong, pastor of WinghAm
Graduate Optician, will he -tit Methodist church, will ;onduct the ser- spent a few days with his brother, Fred. (
vices. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Jeftrays, Toronto, (
McKibbon's Drug 9-- are visiting with Reeve and Mrs. Tipling. �
8 a. M. io 8 P. in. ELIZABUTH PEARSON Mr. and Mrs. A. 'A. Fleming and -son, (
lo-"N.O*-"N"*-ft.40-0�4p--4.0,W^",S.Ior�O L C .
While visiting with Mrs. , atherine Walker, spent the holiday with relatives (
I = =" I i
_______.__.__ ___ � - - -- Young, Minnie St., for a few days, Miss in town, IC
Elizabeth Pearson, passed suddenly away. Miss Imlay was called to Detroit on (
LYCEUM THEATRE Deceased has resided in town for the past Tuesday, on account of the serious !lines f
"The Diatreat Littlo Sh*%V" fifteen years and was hold in 'high esteem. of her aunt. .
__ -
.___________.__-;7--__ _.. Shemadeherhome withhor sister, Mrs. Mr.,Jobn McC,reight of Atwood, re- �
:PWOGIRAM. Andrew Mitchell for theppst couple Of newed acquaintances in this vicinity over (
years. Interment took place in the the week,end. .
, SAT, Wingbarn cemetery on Friday afternoon ,1 I
I This week Rev. Dr. Pertie,conducted the services, Miss Agnes Walker of Toronto, spent E
- the holiday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Walker.
TOMM, O' 0 R E Smos VAN NowstAx Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ba�d of Guelph, 4
in One by one the old settlers are crossing are visiting with.the latter's parents, Mr.
the Great Divide. On Sunday one of the and Mrs. Sam, Young, I
I'Just Fop To -Night I V most sturdy of the pioneers passed awaY Mr. Alvin, Groves and' Miss Edna i
in the person of Simon Van Norman. Smith of Kitchener, spent the 24th. at -
and Deceased was born in Albion, Oat., over their respective homes. i
Neill Burns and Marie 85 years ago and moved to Morris when a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howers and family I
Eline, in lad of 17 and settled on the 4th conces- of Gait, spent the week -end with Mr I
sion, where be endured all the hardships and Mrs. L. H. Bosman. 1
C4 Two Dollars Please" of pioneer life. At the age of 23 years he Miss Eva Linklatpr, Toronto, spent the I '
A Cap;tol Comedy, I was married to Elizabeth Anderson, who holiday at the home of her parents, Mr. I
predeceased him eleven yearq ago, To (
15c and 20c. them were born ten children, nine of and Mr, W. S. Linklater. !
I - whom survive, viz.: V. R. and Robert of Mr. and M r s. Wesley Walker a n d I
I M . on., Tues. and Wed. Wlngh�m, John of Brandon, F. A. of family of Goderich, spent. the 24th with :
Webbwood, Ont,, and C. S. of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Walker.
I May 31 and June 1 and 2. 1
1 Mrs. R. Do Vanalstyne of Hamlota, Man., Mr. and Mrs, M. E. turbrigg of Wing. I
. I �
I . Soecial H Morris, Mrs, Hanna, ham spent Sunday with Mr, and'Mrs. ,
. Samuel Goldwyn and Kansas city, and Mrs. Ashton, Winnipeg. Adam Wenzel-Listowql Banner. I
, The funeral was h;;ld on Wednesday Mrs Hibblethwaite, and three children i
Rex Beach I afteraoon from the residence of Mr. John and Mrs. Sterling visited with the former's :
. present Hopper, 3rd line of Morris, to Brandon brother, Mi. I. 1. - Wright, Turaberry.
I I n I I cemetery. Services were conducted b y Mr. and - Mrs. , A. G. Smith and two '
I.y Rev. Mr. Boyle, pastq of the Presby. children motored to Toronto and Hamil-
terian church, Belgrave. - . � ton, and spent the week -end with rela- '
UP Of FU' � __ I tives. � I
. .
by . �
Dominion Day at Wingham Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Young, and Mr.
Rupert 'Hughes Preparations ,are about completed for and Mrs. Robt. H. . King are on a motor
one of the best Dominion Day celebra- trip to Hamilton, Toronto and Niagara I I
An eminent author's production tions ever held in Western Ontario, Full Falls, I *
I . 15c and 25c. I announcement and bills will soon be Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Hinscliffe of G t to
- published. I spent a few. days at the home of e
' � . former'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hins-
. NOTI�--The Saturday Matinees Horne Palterus . cliffii, Shuter St. I
will be discontinued during t he .
summer months and children will H. E. - IsA*aD & Co, have discontinued Miss Ada," butte'ry of London, and Mr,
be admitted f o r loc on 'Friday handling , New 1�ea patterns and Albert Butter I yof Hamilton, spent the
. nights starting this week. have improved their pattern department holidays with their parents, Mr. phd,Mrs.
The M-nagement by putting in a four hundred dollar stoct A. Buttery, Scott St ,
. .
Lyceum Theatre. of the Celebraited House Pattern. These I L
L-- 4 Mr. E. Reynolds of Hamilton, will be
� patterns are ;Df the best and combine the neiv Bell Telephone rianager succeed -
style, comfort and economy. Subscribers .
.111111111 of the Ladi , es' Home Journal c I 111g Mr. L.. F, Binkley. The transfer ,
F ,__�___l mn get takes place June Ist. , I
b4% any pattern a dvertised in the journal at
%J unk is our pattern counter, See .our large Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher are now
Counter Catalogue,of the simplest and settled in their home on Diagonal Road,
* most accurat e patterns xnade. and will be "At -Home" on the second
We received a case at a I Friday of each month.
I = _ __.___=�_ I I
former price and will give . Dr. Goo, Musgrove and son, Wendell,
you the benefit. I . Bluevale and daughter, Helen, motored up from
Miss Bes S' Ni, hol and Mr. and'mrs. Niagara Falls, and spent the week -end
� _X_ Ic . h Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Musgrove, -
. . Thos. Nict io�cf Toronto,. spent the -holi- wit
I .P -
Come in and look them byer. days�at thi P home of Jas. Nichol, . Mr. Ray Martin and wife, Mrs. Harry
� Mr. Jas. HcHardy, Brussels, soent the Martin and son, also Mrs. Ruben Martin
' week end with relatiyes bqre. motored to Wingharn from Wallaceburg,
Large office Desk for sale. � and spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. PL. McAllister and family of Wing- . . .
I I ham, sp(wt -the 24tb. with Mrs. GeO.Mow- C. B. Armitage.
bray. Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson, Detroit,
GEO. MASON & SO N' Mrs. Brovks and Miss Vclma,,. Hullet, spent a week.with the latter's paronts,
speat a few days with friends here this Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman, Bluevale
Stationery, Patent Medicines, Road. They left for their new home in
I Books, School Supplies, Wall Paper, I week. Vancouver on Monday. i
L!, Fancy Goods Toys, etc. I�W Masters has resumed his duty Mrs. J Swarts has returned from I
�, �%^,j after. he-ing a n the sick liqtt the past three Buffalo, �here she was called owing to the �
_-, -, , = weeks. .
EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . . serious illness of her son-in-law, Mr. A.
. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Davidson spent a few j . Bush. .His many Wingbarn friends
BABY CARRIAGE FOR S&LE-Applyat dayswith ldi.e latter's parents, Mr. and I
Tnn ADVAWCE. will be pleased to learn that he is recover -
Mrs. L. H. Beaman and lait on Tuesday ing. I I
FOR SALE -Red brick house and quarter acre morning f6r- 33ritish Columbia. I
of,garden.. bath, furnace, electric Nghts Mr. .and mrs. F. J� Libby of Owen
unda, nioderneonvenience8. Apply at . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMichael and
Tim ADVAX0.9. Sound, and.Mr. 0. F. Libby of Clinton,
SALE-Rhade island I EggA for setting. Robt. Mc,,kiiahael of Kitchener, motored motored through town on Saturday.
FORApply to MIts, JOHN RoGnIts up and sp,ent the week -end Mr. Libby's many Wingham, friends will
ri OR 8ALE-Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. My Mrs. Wirt. McMichael Sr. . congratulate him on his recent marriage
entire stock is offered for sale at ii, very Mr. Tiq)p, Mr. and Mrs, IN1. Masters and to Miss Pearl Glazier.
lowprice. Worth wbile calltulgo Inspect.. I
Gno. ,. V111pi-EN Miss Olive Masters motored up and spent Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and baby
. , - - -
ri OR SALE-Pord Roads I Ler I I n - goo . d - r � nnning week-eiza with relatives here. went to Grand Bend on Thursday, where
condition. Apply to. *
.Ax.rinniv TATLOtt. Stav�. Hall has gone to Stratkordo where Mr. Miller will conduct a restaurant dur.
�, --.-----.--.-. .. lie bag secured a. position. .
FOR SALE -Manure spreader, McCormick, ing the summer. Waldo's many friends will
second hand, tilso two mowers, one doering Hnrvay Messer, Toronto, home for the be pleased to learn that his arm is healing
and one massey, oheap for quick,sale. I
Phone 285. LiVINGSTONE & SON. 110110ays. I rapidly and he will be able to use the
YOU SALE -15 acres of land, brick cottage Xldoa McKinvey, is relieving thd-oper- thumb on. his left hand. .
andstable. Also stack of about four tons .
ofTimotlrrhay,ono good work horse, one atiar at Owen Sound. _.___,.,._ .
good milking cow, second hand buggy in goofl, *
condition, second hand outter, two cook stoovc�j Herb. Powell of Brantford, was here for Com,ug May 27th
andoneehurn. APPI to. I ' the holiday. I Fast Lynne played
WN. Anx EDWAUD JrXICINS., given in the by the Belgrave
GIRL, WANTED -For general house VO A rea:l live lecture will be Dramatic club in the Wingharn town hall
Apply to XIRLsr, rk Blueval,e Methodist church On Friday under the auspices of the 'Victory Mission,
. Was. J611S eVeUjt1R,, May 28. Rev, R. V. Irwin of �
Patrick St. � Circle. Plan at McKibbon's Drug, Store
160 . � . -- Lucklio; 1w, will deliver his famous lecture Reserved,seats 35 cents 25. cents,
WAINT.01 D -For Me In orobto, onl Irelau d aad the Irish". The reverend .
two persons. Good HOMO, easy hours, $20. Meeting Of Huron County Council
monittly, must be good coo1c. Apply te, gentlev aen will touch on Home Rule and
0. C. SCOTT., other tuteresting subject, Admission,25 The Council of the Corporation of th
7 Shannon St., Toronto. cents. P�verybody come. . County of Huron will meet in the Counci
HOUSE FOR SAL111-Apply for 1petioular to thi
DAvis.11 .Mr. atid Mrs. Xagters of Toronto, ar� Chamber, Godericb, at 3 O'clock io
LADY OLLRIC WANTED-b"xperionced pre. visid,9 g with their son, James. afternoon of Tuesday, the lat. day o
ferred. Apply to. 13r.. 1�jusgrove and son Wendell of June, 1020. All accounts against the
- _ J. A. Xmm Niagpt -a Falls and Ddr, and Mrs, A. 9. County Must be in the bands of the Clerl
'MAID WANTED-Vorootteral. iicaseW�rk- Mug,gr. Ove of wingham, and Mrs. $tinder- not later than Monday preceding thi
Apply to ults. Gummu, son of Toronto, spent SuildaY At the meeting of Council. I
John 6L. h ' o Me ,of Mr., and Mrs. Robt,'Musgrove. Goderich, May 14th. 1020.
TsNDPRIS-Wholloor Fepqate tenders will !_.__.,n�._tt_,� - , I . GRO. W., HOLIMAN,
be received by Rev, J. Flahaven, Teeowat- i - .1
� cr mil the 4th. tims, of .Tune for alteratiow Wroxeter Citizens Band Reo-organized
Q'Iddiflons to the Church of the Sacred
Heart. Plans and specifications may b6 seen Rey, Mr. Malcolmleft Monday after. The Wingbarn Citizens Band held tile!
at the 1)arhjh house, 'keeswater. al3ot at the
oftleft of the arehitect A. W, Ilopins, 11) Bloor I ,loon f4 ir his mew charge near X40114011. annual election of officere on Friday even
bt., Toronto. Lowo9t or any tender not ucco�;- 1-1i.,� mally friends 'Wishbita 8fACCt39. ing which resulted as follows'
sm6rily ateepted.
I -,--- � ------ IXY, and Afro. Ad. 1111jewooa of Trail, . President -13, Mundy.
10 RVINT--l1ouge md garden. Apply for
further particulars to Mtsq D2,4wVO.,Ai,,;. 11, c.. .�,tre visitiltig with the fortutt"O Plir- Vice Pres. -F. F�ller-
. victotift'st. or at tile Adveluce, eftb) h4we. Secy. � Richard Stone, Box 320, WiN
fo-W S,Hl,-P-O-,P-TU-RN-OI-ER-R-Y--�- I criff, White Of Guelphovc'at the,week, ham. .
, :,eu(l at his kome here. Treal.-Iloyd Ilingston.
ctouWdfi;,�1400 -K . Committee -F. Johnsto
. --...--- 1: ,.&4� John Ilendersou, left monday Managing
TAXENOTICE ,that tht t'Ourt, Of Re,441mi
trip rho Town of WhAghain ,All ,41I, at, ,the af ttr1w on Sor a few ditys vimit with friends and R. Stent.
'J'awhohIp Hall an MolidAy, 31"t, day of ktrk prowty c4mmittee-1-1. WAtK0, U
190JO. at 14 o'clock to. M., for ths '"i"" (�. at 'Blytb - y Friact, end W. Roid� .w
06ppftl0R "galtilt the A"""" Mott Roll for the' J, Theti StntY-f0urtU pawed oil quietl , I
Irder Im. 1,btlo, im tj%mber -being Oat WE t0M. Ba*d=*ft-G*O- J. Wftbt.
J'Aut, Pow*&L, Cltrk. I .
V ". � f "I
"I 0. f
- I 1- �: V�;,
11 1, �,�� ,I. "i �.. , -, 1, "IA"aft, IUAMALI�"
-, -
I I I ('� A,RLMN11
Given To The Young Litila 1) '400cal 11, ;Cvnz� . WINell-me'V ;4io4a2h
) 1^1e. _J A very pretty event was solemnized
In Lgiver Wingh.kyn . %,�~___.��11_1_~
Hear Krug's Orchestra at the Armour- Wednesday afternoon, at 5, o'clock at the
The council chamber was the wene' of. lea. Friday evening. I borne of Mr. and Mrs. David McFarlane, .
n interesting case on Tuesday afternoon. The latest in correspondence cards, . Shakespeare, willp their daughter, Irene, � I
rben the young )ads from. Lower Wing- either initialed or plain, with envelopes was wedded to Mr. Leslie S. Winch, eon
am, appeared before their worships ' of Mr. and Mrs. Stephpa Winch, of Pais—
layor Gurney and Reeve Tipling on, to match at Tits, Ai)vxNall-1. . 'ley, Ont. Tho nuptial knot was tied
harges of tbeft. Crown Attorney Seager, Cottage Prayer meeting will be held at under an arch of apple blomoms and
hildren's Aid Officer G. M. Hillott and the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ilinscliffe, evergreens by the Rev. 1-1. 1-1. Turner of EYE
'onstable Pellow were in the court room. , Shuter St., an Friday evening, Tavistock, in the presence of Only the
, table was well covered with rings and I The Turnberry Agricultural Society immediate relatives of the bride and
tber articles secured from the parties by' will meet in the Secretary's office at 8.30 groom, Tlie bride who was unattended
01c�r Pbippen. The young lads were on Saturday afternw% May 29th. was givibn away by her fAtber. She look- , ,
iven a severe talking to but let go on, Mr. Dudley I,. Holmes, -son of Dudley ed very pretty, attired in dress of ivory . I
aspended sentence and must report to - IQmes, passed his 2nd year in Law E x-, crepe de chine, we'aring a veil trimmed
)ffic�r Phippen, every Saturday morning . �,aminatlon with honors, after having his with orange blossoms and carrying roses. �
)r six months, � studies interrupted while being overseas, The wedding march was played by Mr.
The Crown Attorney gave the parents A horse belonging to J. A, Currie, sun% Emit Pequegnat, After the ceremony the . .
severe lecturing and it is only because in the bog. behind Mr. R. Vsnstone's on company sat down to a daintily servelld
f n roe at,t-nrl nlfl mother and other %,r A A . :4.1, A.M i"14 Irt. luncheon, the tables being decorated with
Ak 7,
I � � t 1
I &Or6r $0,W- - "R
, ,
�%" I
� %
12�_ ,-. A
I I Mi
C Q` *`M I N G I . I
,r"*& I : 1,
X_ .
iernbers of the family that their names
V44 ay at, " wa� W � y a ,X sweet,peas and car4ations. The happy
several hours' work that the animal was. couple left for a short honeymoon to Lon-
'Ic T
re witheld from publication.
. 7
1 .
don, Detroit and other points west, after
, I
�, *�_:"
The dol)ar, .remarks the Cleveland which they will takL**up their residence in
8 A, K to 6 P. M, I
I �
;ojaiag June 3rd,
Plaiudealer. buys only about forty-five Paisley.. .
cents worth now but when saved and In- Mr. Winch has many friends in this
We hdve arranged to have F. F. HOMUTH, Phm.B., CONSULTING
The Murless Players will present the
vested it draws interest on one hundred vicinity he having taught school at Blue-
op,rOMETRIST at our store on above date. I
bree-a.ct drama "The Misleading Lady."
cents the same as of old. , . vale a few years ago before enlisting for
,a the Winghant town ball, on Thursdavol
une 3rd. under the auspices of the Wing-
, In a sense cheap newspaper6 are of the overseas service. I .
iarn Bowling Club. The Stratford
past, remarks The Collingwood Bulletin
. . . .... 1: _.�._ __ ---
.� I
lerald . has the following to say of this en-
in announcing an increase of subscription
to $2.,00 after July Ist, but for the money (lasolitie'and Matches.
. You make a mistake to miss this opportunity as it will be several
ertainment: The c rowd that greeted the
they cost they are the greatest value re- The fire alarm sounded on Saturday
months before Mr. Hornuth is here again.
Aurless Players. at the Opera House,
'uesday evening, was the largest seen
ceiyed. night and the firemen hurried through
. . 1.
I. __
tere for many a day, -when the comedy '
[rama "The Misleading Lady" was pren
Merkley's garage,
Rainbow dance in the Wingham Arm- the crowded street to A
ouries on Fri#y evening, May 28tb. but luckily the blaze was extinguished be-
fore they A was
iI`5 -
ented, this was one of the best and most
Dancing to commence at 8.30 sharp. arrived. young man
Pardon motored front Glamis and spe.tit
-dated nroductions ever staged here.
Do you know that you can secure the getting gasoline and foolishly struck a
W � �
Che rising curtain brought forth rounds most up -to date two or three color print- match to,see how much was in the tank Drugs and Stationery . I I
of a plause. The performance was fol- iog with the best and newest type faces and thus the blaze, - I . Edison Phonggraphs Phone 53 C. P.R. Tickets I . 1. .:!: 11 '';
-P 11 I . � I.. .� I, -
owed with keen interest and there was at THF, AI)VANOV. No blurred work on U. p, 0, Me g I � . . ..:..
. elln . . I . . ... %. . .
, . .
iot a weak charater in the whole caste, Old stock, but bright clean printing at . . . � , _ . . .
I . .
. . . .
'A series of meetings will be held in the � . V"'.RX, --, �"-4�91511 - . . 1.11-1,
. . ,:.
- ` I .. � .. ..
. me �
, r I . .. .��...
- � reasonable prices. . 2"R e 11�1 � - � I- I" �(Z . - . .
. .
Chis was the second f -LA nV 0 -' ,-' , .. ligEok' ... ,.. ,_... .." .
I .
, __
ime that the com, g,-j�n.,l i � - I " � t RiMffy - I 5 7., 11 .
interests of the United Farmers of N. Eqn-WAM _!.P,,,�. , �� ..
)any has appeared here and they never The Field CroD Competitions in Barley I , I _ .. .11, ; % , ...
. , ..
, . . . . ...
I .
. . . . . ,.
Huron at, . - _,"'..", :1 . I..,
ail to draw a cro,�ded house. and Oats in connection with the Turn- . I ___,_____ ..__ _.______ ___ ; - ;: . ��, �. ..
I Monday, May $1. Benwiller, ;after- -_ - . I , . , I
berry Agricultural Society must be filled ' : ,G=F.Iafk--.iZ,�tk%loagouD�Zoota.lwr.-Mmos . : .�,.�
. I ,
lidmitted To The Bgr noon 2 P. m.; Goderich, evening 8 p. m. Junior Lacrosse Schedule . . ;
.. . %
. '.. I _�
. out in the very near future, Unless sev- Tuesday, June 1, Dungannon, after- I I 1`1 I .. .. _% .1 I .
account is clipped from eral more farmers wish to enter thecom- June 16 -Hanover at Wingba;o. 1 9 1 .. , . . .
. . . 4
The following Ch RIST Ei 5, . . .... �
noon 2 p. m.; Lucknow, evening 8 p. M. I I . . . .. I....
he Regina Leader and refers to a nephew pensation will fall flat this, year. . June 29-Wingharn at. Hanover. . � .. � .. � . .. :11.
, . . . Wednesday, June 2. Blvtb,. afternoon i . ... .. .. �� :,, � ��.
)f Mr. and, Mrs. T. - J. McLean of' �V'ng' ' Saleof summer millinery at reduced 2 p ra - Wingham, evening 8 p. m. July 27-Wingbam at Hanover. .1 I PHONE, ,59 , .....: .�_J_
. I , . I . . I. ...
I . Aug. 4 -Hanover at Wingham. . . ,; . . ,
iam.. prices. Cheaper to buy a new hat than Kr*s,day June 3. Moleswo.rtb, after- i 7:"--,�l-=--.--�.--��,:�".-.------I I I.. I .. .1
"Another name wae1nacribed on the have your old one made over. -MRS. noon 2 p. m.; Fordwicb, evening 8 p. m. Returning From Owev, Sound I I *I- -1111, 1-__-__`_____,__1 I � � .... , �_. . .:,�) ��
- .
. I' . . � _ , !_�
-olls of duly qualified barristers in the R. A1T('HXsoN Lucknow. Saturday, June 6. Etheli afternoon 2 The Owen Sun -Times has tbe following I . . . . ..
novince of Alberta, on Monday afternoon � I .1 . I ; , :. I ,
I , . � `
ivhen Tennyson Glanville, a well known We noticed in the list of those who p. -m.; Brussels, evening 8 p. m. to say of a presentation in honor of Mr. i d% I . .., . I :1,
. . .-
areentitled to test eyes andfit glasses Speakers from the Central office will be and Mrs. W. I. Pickell on the eve of their i 0 M d .1 . . .� '.1
I - I
I I . .. .
, � , i :
Idmonton law student, was duly sworn 11 youlm Fo U d . . .: ..
under the new, "Optometry Law" J: assisted by local speakers, departure from that, city for their farm in � . .
n before Mr. justice Simmonds and ad- , - I . . .. :1-
I . '. ..
. Sivaltori,McXibbon and Allan P. Knechtel Culross township. I I . . . .1 ...
nitted to the bar of the province. All of the Rexall Store, also F. F. Homutb, Friday Band Concert . . "The teachers and officers of the 1. .. *`� - ... __ ---.-..-.-= . : .7.. :. ,
. . � ,.rvl.
. . . . .. . I
. . . I . ... I
;he �ustomary formalities were present at . . - I ... . . . .
Phm B. of the Harriston Rexall Store. The Wingharn Citizens Band will play Baptist Sunday Schoolmet At the home � I . 71 - � � .. . ..
:he ceremoay, Frank Ford, K. C., intro� A Rainbow Dance will be given in the the following programme, at the park. on of Mr. H. S. Showell, 4th Street A. East Is- of more importance to you. . . . . . . ... :. ,. . ...�
�ucirig the lawyer on behalf of the beuch- thantriost other things you buy. . . . �� ... LLL
, . �. .
.ra, and George Bremmer, Clerk, reading.. Win ham Armouries on Friday evening, Friday, May. 2Sth, at 8 p. m., tinder the on Monday evening, May I 70, Mr. W. - .. I I . .
� . . 19 . Wright. Why. not give it first place in -your. . . ... � ,.; .1
. . .
I . 'May 28tb. Xtug's Orchestra of Kitch- direction of Bandmaster, Geo. J. L Pickell and his wife, who areleaving for I bills of expendlidre? This we b'e'- I . - , � ��i.l
� : ,
1e oath. ' ener will provide the music. The vublic March. Fearless .......... � ......... Mass Wingham. During the evening, Rev. ' I , I . 1. `-
The new acquisition. to the legal talent lieve is sound policy, which in. t a - '... .
I � '...
A the province has bad a long and excel- are inviteo to attend this dance as the Overture, Arbitration ............. Barnard Mr. McDonald, the pastor, in, a short ad- 1 . .. . .. . ,� �. . 1 . I .
with the Canadian proceeds are in aid of the G. W. V. A. Serenade, The Victory Angelus .... Myers dress, expressed his appreciation of the I .. , . . . . . . :
lentrecord overseas , Waltzes, The Seraph ............ Lafferty end will pay you, well. h . I . I ,1 -
forces. He enlisted in May 1915, witk the The Ladies. Aid of St. Andrews Pres- church and Sunday School to Mr. Pickell I . . 1.�: .�_11,
ty on March, The 16th Rigt ........ Roi-enkrans for his faithful service and Mrs. S. P. eries' . I... I.. . ...; I
. . �
Second University company, which was terlan church will hold a garden par I I . ; . . "..;
. .
. .
. Oveture, Royal Pageant ......... Barnard Day presented him with a handsome I , I . .. .. ��. ��
specialty recruited for the Ptincess Pat- the church lawn on Tuesday evenings t5 :. �,,
. Waltzes, Fritti Wake ............. Myers clock. Mr, Pickell responded suitably i At Christie's 1. : ',
ricia7s Canadian Light Infantry. After June 8th. A good program is being pre. Sacred selection, Joy to the World . ..... and then refreshments were served, the . .� . 1. . . . I I �
serving two years with the famous unit pared. Citizens i Brass Band in attend- I Barnhouse - gathering singing "Bleat Be the Tie That I - _ ___ ___..______,_ -, - I I ., , I � ;11
the lure of the Royal Flying Corps ap- ance. Refreshments will be served in the March, National Emblem .......... Begley Binds" before breaking up." . I �11 ..� ��
pealed to him and he took 'out his com. churchand on the lawn. I I The Tea and -Coffee Hous'e .1 �e ,: ''I ;
God save the King. � .-
mission as a 11birdman,'i serving two Don't forget the Rainbow Dance at the flarriston Pactory Burned V, I I v I ... :,
I � ,.
' 1_._____.1___1 �xwl -M�xjrx " Mae . . . . . .
years with this unit, before returning.to Aratouries, Friday evening� Proceeds in . As a result of eleciricial storm, which -- ` -,""* t2w or . MERMEMMM01 . � A..,._'..
. . .
. . . I
. I
Canada for his discharge last year. aid of the Great War Veterans Associa- . I passed over Harriston on'Thursday night, - ,----,---, - -------'- .. : ... 1._ :,
. DISTRICT NEWS I . i. :-.�,Ir_�,
. .
Mr. Glanville was formerly articled to tion. the furniture factory lies in ruins, it bav- be. I . . '... o
�� 11
. 11 .. ..
the Hon. A. G. McKay, K. C He is at The services in Wingbarn Methodist Mr. T. L. Hamilton has been apointed ing been struck by lightning and destroy� , The Harriston fire department, assisted 11. . 11
. 1.11
present with the legal firm 9f MacDonald, church next Sunday will be as follows.' ed. by the Palmerston Brigade, who respond� � , � I . ""'.
MacKenzie and Speers. He graduated , 1 1 a. m. Pdblic Worship, "The Name Police Magistrate for Listowel. Thi � s factory, which only rece I ntly came ed to the call'for assistance, did excellent . I.:. I 11 , I I � I
. . . I
in arts from the University of Alberta in that Save$;" 2.30 p. m. Sunday School; On her way up Lake Huron without , confined the flames to the fact- I ...�, I'll ..
. I . under the management of the'Zingler Bros. work-, and I .. I .. .
1914. � I � 7 p, m. subject I The Man who stands, up cargo the steel steamdr B. F. Berry went was enjoying a good trade, and this sum- � cry only, and saved the several residences I ..
. ..� .
- � .� I 4� to,his Task." You will find a cordial ashore at False Presque. Her forward mer the firm contemplated many improv- in the immediate vicinity. . � I -1.
. __ - . 1-1 welcome. Come and bring your friends, tank No. 1, is reported leaking. The ed alterations to the plant, but just now, At present a staff of 50 mechanics are . .,. � 31
Whitechurch wrecker Favorite. of the Great Lakes Tow- with a loss of about 875,000 only partical- I out of employment as the result of the I . :
Eye Spiciallst at MeXibbon's Drug ing Company, left St. Ignace tnAay to.go . a few days the intentiom . I
Harold Sparling of Georgetown, is Store, Friday, May 28tb, Eyesight test- to her assistance. . I ly covered by insurance, the firm is un-. fire, but within . . �
' ed and glasses fitted. Prices moderate. decided as to just what the outcome will of the firm as to rebuilding will,be known. . . �
spending the holiday at his home here. , i I I
L! A lur 117 Next week's attraction at the Lyceum Last Friday night when a dance was in ---"--,--------.----,--....----".,."---..��.- __ . . I z
. JKeV. anu furs, Sco e ao rs. on.
will be Goldwyn's motion picture version progress in IvindmaY, eak 1,hieves gOL
. Barbour attended the convention of the
of.Rupert Hughes' great American story, busy among the cars parked around tile
Women's Missionary society tn Kinear-
I 'The Cup of Fury." It is a vivid, en- .ball. Severalrobes and rugs have been
dine, on Tuesday last, ,
tbralling photoplay glowing with tile
reported stolen, and it i� said that a
, Our teacher, Me, Gowans wits called to
spirit of true Americanism as embodied in
couple of tubes and other eq ipments
Wingliam, owing to the demb of Miss
the pomplexpersortality�of Mamise, run,
were also carried off. I
Pier.son at his hoinet . .
away, music hall actress, and social but-
The skeleton of a baby wrapped in a
Ftiends of Mrs. MacTavish, Ripley..
terfly, who casts aside a life of luxury and
copy of The Ottawa,,Frec Press of Dec -
will be pleased to learn that sbti is
pleasureto help alleviate the sufferings of
ember 1010 was foutid in the attic of a
doing nicely after her recent operation
house on the outshirts of Hull on Satur-
A load of friends of Mr. and Mrs Win.
The dance-bf the Season on Friday
day evening. New tenants had moved
Pardon motored front Glamis and spe.tit
evening. Everybody welcome.
into the house and in the course of a gen-
Sunday here.
A meeting of Huron County Medical
eral housa.cl6ning, the gruesome discov-
Remember the Presbyterian Anniver-
Association was held in Clinton on F ri.
ery wall made. -
sary to be held on Sunday, June Oth. and
day, May 14th. at which a good attend-
The steering gear of Jas. Anderson's car
& tea -meeting, on Monday evening. Mr.
ance of physicians was present from all
went wrong while lie was driving at a
Atn*os will take the services on Sunday.
parts of the county. The leading feature
lively rate in Brussels, and the machine
Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Casemore of 2od.
Of the meeting was an address by Dr.
Perie of Toronto, spe6ialist in diseases of
collided with a telephone pole. The car
was badly damaged and the pole split.
Can. of Kitiloss moved 14st week to their
dew home in Turnberry, leaving, Oscar, on
I children. It was decided that owing to
Sylvester Fox, who was riding in the auto
the farm here. What's doing, Oscar?
the high cost of living a. moderate in-
mobile, was severely cut about the face
when his head went through the wind-
Rev. arid -Mrs, Scobic* nd Misses Alba
crease in fees is absolutelv necessary.
and Lettia Fo . x, spent the 21th. in Gode-
Fresh Huron Trout every Thursday
afternoon at the Central Butcher sbopr-
Thos. Bradnock, Ist Con. of East Waw
Olver & Benninger.
anosh, met with a very 'serk us financial
Roy sure was on for comfort when lie
A man of ninety yeara of age inherited
loss on Tuesday afternoon, when h�a barns
I , boughtthatnew coupe. .
a million -dollars recently and died without
with some implements were destroyed by
, : Mr. Harry McClenaghan, of r4elgrave,
spending a cent of the money. On hear-
fire. Origin of fire is unknown as there
1 Mr. and ,Mrs. R. Dobite of Winghati), arid
ing of his fortune be is reported to have
was no one about the barns, when it
� Miss Ella Dobio of Toronto, and Mr. Jim
said: 41The money will not make the
Occurred. There wa� a small insurance
Dobie of Acton, nictored out and spent
lilac bush at my window any more frag-
not nearly sufficipnt. to canipensa ' te, ror
Sunday with Mrs. J. tvicClentigban here.
rant or cau se one star to shine the bright-
the loss. 13radnock is an energetic, hard
i A rtbur Newman of 14.1tuilton, is spend-
er. 1, The Wise Man in the Bibl� says t5ome.
working man and it iq regrQtable that he
. ing thtt week-ead with his brother, Fred,
thing, about the time when "desire shall
should meet with thissios�.
I Den Nayl
-it the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Or-
fail." One million dollars wouldn't buy
The Owen Sound -Adv�!rLiixr is I
calling .
Mr. and Mrs. Autos Cornelius visited in
no. much happiness for a man of ninet� as
for a suitable name for the new,eity-to-be, I
Godericit week and Mr, .and Mrs
one dollar would for a lad of -nine, So
and already 1�as, announced Q.Lverdl names I
Prank Vanner of Wingohani, spent Sunday
after all, why ig money comidered so nec.
,that have beEn put forth ---the Vialley
. at tile foriueFs 1101110.
City, 11arbor City, Georg�ian Day City,
Liverpool of the North, etc., to which the
� �!111t!n�' _!!!!�!!�
- . I . -
the Durnam Chroniclo aptly replies,, With
. East waWano-guaX
July 12tb. At Whigham
a record of one boat a week during, the
--- " .
A report has been circulated that Wing-
qe2lson of navigation, thia latter title
I Wlany people had au eujoyable day on
ham will not celebrate th.i Battle of the
seems filie a joke. Why not then, call it
the 24th,
Boyne on July l2th. The county master
Joke'tity? Other names that might aug-
I We ay. Sorry to learlt tile Mr. Heavy
wishes this statement Contradicted as the
Xe%t themselves ate:--tbe rass-the-Bucic
Ixacon hail a stroke on Sunday eveallig.
county Committee are meeting in Wing-.,
City, the "ge-the-lssue City, or agai
I He had a previous stroke last 1)eeetnber.
ham on Frkky evening of next week to
u* might, name it the Boundless Seashore I
City, be shortened down to �
We ho�)pe tu.we him aroun(I in the near
Complete arrangements a rao�,ster
i celftatlon to be held here,
the P. & City. I �
� � . . � I �11 .. 1,�i I I .
_ I . I ,,,.� ��, '. .. I
I I I � * . , . W I �',,,' I
-1 . � , '. I ... . 1 , - 4:,
. - Wr I I .� , .-1 .1 jc� � I., -- 'k i!, , ', � . ,qr
I , . ,1111 _111�1. . � I 11 I - . ( _�� ,, �', � .��', L ' ..... mmllki,&' A , .- ,� . I .. 5Li
I.. , I 1, I I , �. - , �O� %A." .............. U, .71, 1 i-- '�' &�;r' 1 ,.,�, A- � , ` ,J�'O. ��
, . � -.,r ... % ii�� �. I � . �;&, "�
Mothers! When Buying Shoes
Think of Quality, Not of Price
Because it is the length of life of a shoe that deter-
mines its real cost to YOU. You may save a few
cents, in the original purchase, but have cheaper
shoes that wear out in half the time.
Hurlbutsi are without doubt the highest quality .
of ebildreres shoes made today. --the fact that thoY
cost more ppr pair is entirely offset; by the far
% longer time they last and keep their shAP6, and by
the comfort and perfect fit they give.
. �
. sm, - A%&* - 11 Jow ,ft
I 110ro
nov,afirCh... n *
SPECIAL 20'pairs of Ladies' Punlills in
, NOW Patent and Kid athers.
IM -8- Le,
11- --..-.-- - ------ - ., ''. __ - -1.
Regular price `$5.00, ,sale price $3.419. __
wo.b j�d� 0 L� - ..
W k V
W V : to I ,,, %43" 1 r e e r,
" . F;W�4 . , '. � . - 1.111.1---11 �